September 2022 Better Together Newsletter Update

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uP comiNG e veN ts Sheboygan County Chamber Deidre Martinez 09.28.22 Workforce Development Symposium 09.22.22 @ Envoy Mortgage 09.13.22 vibe@5 RCS Empowers Inc. vibe@5 IN THIS ISSUE As we look forward to cooler months, our end of the year events are heating up! Check out the fun and exciting things in queue for the remainder of the year! ROUNDTABLE MEETINGS: 09.14.22 WORKSITE WELLNESS 09.29.22 MANUFACTURING 10.03.22 SALES & MARKETING PROFESSIONALS 10.05.22 NON-PROFIT 10.06.22 SAFETY

From the Desk oF the e xecutive Director

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” ~ Saint Augustine I am currently out of the office cruising along the Danube River with 25 other chamber guests, returning to the office on September 19th. I cannot wait to share photos and stories from our trip as we explore the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, and Hungary. If you missed out on this adventure, we would love to see you in 2023 on one of our two chamber travel experiences for the year, cruising the Seine River (French Riviera) or exploring India. Keep an eye out for additional information coming soon!

september 2022

Our 2023 Golf Outing was a huge success, and we are so thankful for all who participated. Sponsors, golfers, 19th hole participants and of course our many volunteers who help make this special event happen. We could not do it without you! Are your Young Professionals connected to the community? Would you be interested in a chamber representative coming to speak with your YP’s onsite and connecting them with other YP’s in the area? We would be happy to share more details about Young Professional programming available and could schedule time to meet with your team onsite to share information and answer questions. Please reach out to to learn more and schedule some time today. We continue to develop and implement opportunities to retain talent in Sheboygan County and we need your help. Our best way to connect with your YP’s and ensure they are connected and engaged is for you to share the information with them. Our website has a lot of information available, but we also send out updates via email and text when appropriate. Help us get to know your YP’s by connecting them to the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce and sharing our Young Professional text club information. Text SHEBCOYP to 57838 and never miss another YP update again!

ATHENA nominations are open, and we are looking forward to celebrating many Sheboygan County leaders in November. Please Click Here to nominate someone today we do not want to miss anyone. Registration for Workforce Development Symposium is open, and we have a wonderful line-up of speakers. Invite your colleagues, this will be a great morning for learning and connecting. To learn more or to register please Click Here! We want you to Think BIG (betterment, improvement growth), Influence Local! The Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce is committed to providing expertise for fostering dynamic organizations throughout Sheboygan County. We are truly Better Together!

Parkside Family Restaurant Facebook Page STEMfest is right around the corner so don’t forget to volunteer and check out more information HERE on how you can participate. October 13 is the date, and I could use your help so please call me today!

Some other things to think about as we move into September: Deep Dive opportunities are a great way to meet new Chamber members and their respective businesses and gain referrals in the process. Every member is from a different business sector, so no two members are alike in any one group!

Who do you want to do business with? People you know and trust of course. Join a Deep Dive today! Check out a short video at to learn more about Deep Dives. Roundtables are a terrific way to meet others within your business sector. Whether it’s Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Not for Profit, and others, you’re sure to learn something from your peers. These peer-to-peer networking groups can help any one of your employees, or yourself, accelerate your learning curve, and minimize potential setbacks within your organization. Our own John Rogers does an outstanding job keeping each group on task, and always shares his own wealth of knowledge. Contact and join a Roundtable today!

Scott Kuehn

Welcome to September! It certainly has been a beautiful summer and hopefully the Fall will not disappoint, and football is right around the corner!

Our Young Professionals network goal is to attract, engage and retain young, diverse talent to Sheboygan County by providing opportunities for young professionals to design their social culture, serve as civic innovators and community stewards, and develop into the next generation of leaders for Sheboygan County. If you are interested in joining the YP network, please contact Kierra Brooks at Check out the chamber calendar at and make sure you mark your calendars for all events for the rest of this year, it is sure to be an exciting and rewarding finish!


Don’t forget, you can post events, introduce new employees, and many other topics via member news. Member news is part of your membership, so at no additional cost you may post every day, every week, etc., whatever makes sense for your business and staff. Please reach out to me if you’ve never posted before and we can walk through this process, or you can send me what you’d like to post. It’s quick, easy and it’s a great way to let everyone in Sheboygan County know who you are, what your business does or if you’ve got an event coming up!

For the month of August we welcome the following new members:

Jenniffer Zillmer – Therapeutic Plus Located at 4027 S. Business Drive Sheboygan, WI 53081 Therapeutic Plus Facebook Page Sam Abazi - Parkside Family Restaurant Located at 6727 South Business Dr Sheboygan, WI 53081

Elissa Lux – Express Employment Professionals

Located at 2625 Calumet Drive Sheboygan, WI 53083

Ne Ws From the Director oF memBershiP & Work F orce DeveL oPmeN t


I am still getting to know everyone and learn what all Coastal Young Professionals can be. It was a well-known and popular group to be involved in before Covid hit. One of our goals is to get it back to that. In doing so, we would like to host a networking event sometime after Oktoberfeast to welcome newcomers, long-time residents, those that regularly attend (or as they can), old friends and new ones in hopes of attracting more and new young professionals.

*Join our Coastal Young Professionals text club to stay up to date on current events and information. Simply text SHEBCOYP to 57838 to join! Brooks

The Coastal Young Professionals are preparing for our biggest event and fundraiser of the year, Oktoberfeast! It will be held October 13th, from 5:30-8pm, at Nourish Farms in Sheboygan Falls. The nonprofit, Nourish Farms has a beautiful space for us. They are known for and serve as the good food resource, teaching people through experiences to grow, source, cook and eat good food to improve our health. This event helps support the Young Professionals throughout the year to explore, network, and grow as/into leaders not only in their places of work but also in the community in which we live. Oktoberfeast is a place to mix, mingle, and indulge your tastebuds with samples of sweet and savory dishes from various restaurants around Sheboygan County. So, if you have not yet, get your tickets HERE and come have a great time mingling and tasting some of the top dishes in the County. There will also be a live band for your entertainment, Tonic Roots. They have been at previous Oktoberfeasts and are always a hit. Companies are encouraged to buy bulk tickets for their employees. We are offering a deal for bundles of 10’s; if interested please contact and I will be sure to get those orders in for you. Feel free to browse for more upcoming and exciting events!


k Brooks - sPecia L eveN ts coorDiN ator

If you work with someone or know someone between the ages of 21-40, at your workplace or in your community, feel free to give them my contact information or send them my way! As they say, “The more the merrier!!”

Hello Everyone I want to re-introduce myself. My name is Kierra Brooks, and I am fairly new to the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce. I started off as an intern over the summer, which I enjoyed so much that I became a full-time employee! My new role as a Special Events Coordinator involves being on the committee for Coastal Young Professionals. I am excited to see and experience all I can do in this role and grow with the Chamber at the same Here’stime.what’s to come!


Well, that is all I have for you today. Remember to stay connected! Until next time Sheboygan!

*Sign up to receive event notices and news @

Joining this roundtable is a great way to meet like-minded business owners as well as useful take-aways! If you need to know more about any of the Chamber’s 8 different peer-group roundtables, send an email to

4. christy jacoB s - Director oF eveN ts

John Rogers

johN roGers - BusiNess rouND ta BL e FaciLitator

Christy Jacobs

Business Owner Success Strategy Roundtable:

Mimicry is a way to learn from others, particularly when there is success. From nature, monarch butterflies apparently do not taste good, and the viceroy butterfly mimics the monarch to avoid becoming a bird’s dinner. Sometimes you read about success to mimic in a book or watch a Ted Talk.

I can honestly say the last month has flown by as I start to get familiar with my new role at the Chamber. I am looking forward to the events that are in the planning stages for 2022. We have Workforce Development Symposium at the end of September, Oktoberfeast and STEMfest on the same day in October as well as an Executive Series planned at the end of October with guest speaker Steve Harrison from Old Wisconsin discussing Company Culture. November will be the host of the ATHENA awards where we acknowledge those who actively assist women in realizing their full leadership potential, contribute time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in our community, and have achieved the highest level of professional excellence. We will be looking for nominations for this award soon. So please, think of those individuals that fit this description and nominate them. Take the time, it is so worth it to recognize these amazing individuals!

Another way is to attend a Chamber peer group roundtable and either learn how to overcome your current challenge or learn why another business owner is successful. The Business Owner Success Strategy roundtable occurs so you can learn from other business owners to get ideas that may help you be more profitable or deal with an employee challenge or develop a more robust sales and marketing strategy. For example, who do you turn to when there is no one else in your shoes? Maybe you have a partner as co-owner, but if you are flying solo, who do you ask when you want to fire a key employee? That is one reason why the Chamber has a peer-to-peer roundtable designed specifically for you, the Business Owner.

Are you looking for an opportunity to connect with Sheboygan County area youth?

The Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce, UW Green Bay - Sheboygan Campus, Lakeland University, and Lakeshore Technical College (LTC) are hosting the 2022 STEMFEST on October 13, 2022 at the UW Green Bay - Sheboygan Campus!

Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce INSPIRE Sheboygan County


More than 1300 4th or 5th grade students from schools across Sheboygan County are invited to participate. This is a great opportunity to highlight the wonderful things you are doing. Share the science and engineering that are essential to the work you do! Help kids to see how what they learn in school is used in their own community. Chamber members are invited to participate by setting up a table with a STEM-related demo or hands-on activities for students. This gives you an opportunity to highlight STEM content related to your industry and/or your STEM careers working for your organization. If your team is interested but not sure where to go with your activity, we have teams from the Einstein Project, Elementastics, and Millipore Sigma’s Curiosity Cube willing to help plan activities. Please register HERE. Thank you in advance and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us, Regards, Julie Frausto Scott Kuehn Julie Frausto Director of Membership & Workforce Development Director of Business & Education Partnerships

6. auGust iN revie W First Friday Forum with Eric Sandvig Friday, Aug 5 Ribbon Cutting Lakeland University Halls Re-dedication Thursday, Aug 25 2022 Annual Chamber Golf Outing Wednesday, Aug 31 vibe@5 Van Horn Automotive Group Wednesday, Aug 17 Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening: Purple Octopus Playground Saturday, Aug 27 Ribbon Cutting/Open House Bell Bank Wednesday,MortgageAug10AroundTheTown US Cellular Connect Cell - Sheboygan Thursday, Aug 25


s tay uP to Date!

8. Sheboygan County Chamber Newsletter sponsorship opportunities now available! Please contact Scott Kuehn at 920-918-1315 or for more information.

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