She Magazine—Feb'13

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director’s chair

Talking on the phone, about life and relationships, with my baby sis the other day she said to me, “On a scale of one to ten of how traditional I am, I’m about as Bohemian as it gets.” She’s right. The truth is that we were raised in a laid-back, weed-smoking, be who you are without apology kind of atmosphere. You’re gay? No problem. You’re bisexual? No problem. You want to have 14 of your friends sleeping on the living room floor every weekend? No problem. You want to pursue your dreams rather than settle for 9-5 life? No problem. You want to wear shorts on your head instead of a hat? No problem. It’s just how we were raised. Unfortunately, we both wound up falling in love with people who weren’t raised in the same Marvin Gaye world that we were. They were both raised in task-oriented, pantyhosewearing, dinner together around the table every night worlds. We both tried to be 9-5 people. It didn’t work. It seems that having our dream jobs just wasn’t able to happen between those hours. We both wanted to make a name for ourselves in our industries. She wanted to travel the world with the stars and I wanted to bring the stars to you. Fourteen years later, she’s traveled from one end of this planet to the other with about as many stars as I have been able to bring to you in these pages. We have those dream jobs, but most of the time it means being on opposite schedules than the ones we love. If it was just up to me, we’d travel and play and live this amazing life we’ve been given every single day, with a little work mixed it to pay for it all. If t was just up to my beloved, we’d wake up at the same time every morning, make a to-do list and conquer that list every single day. It’s made me realize that when it comes to life, love and relationships, one of the most important things you need to have is the ability to compromise. Thankfully, my baby sis and I are both just Bohemian enough to have that. As you read through the pages of this, our fourteenth anniversary issue, know that this is the longest and greatest relationship of my life—my relationship with you. In honor of that, we’ve put together an issue filled with a little bit of work and a little bit of fun, including our third annual couples’ album. Special thanks to all the couples who sent in their photos to be a part of this feature. Seeing those pictures and details of how long these women have been together shows that no matter how traditional or Bohemian you are, when you have love and that ability to compromise you can make it through anything. See you next month.

Tina Sordellini Managing Executive Editor

MANAGING EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tina Sordellini PUBLICITY SHE ESPAÑOL EXECUTIVE EDITOR Maria Espinal ASSOCIATE EDITORS Marissa Cohen • Tara Farquhar Shawn Nicholson • Christina Radish Denise Warner • Donna Woessner CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Marissa Cohen • Verónica Espinal Christina Radish • The Village Sage Nadine Smith • Tina Sordellini Denise Warner • Donna Woessner CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Verónica Espinal • Yadira Claralt Laura Volk • Angie Sowers Juan Saco Mironoff • Boi-Photography SALES ASSOCIATES Maria Espinal • Diana Price Laura Volk • Donna Woessner DISTRIBUTION JR Davis • Randy Justice SUBSCRIPTIONS EDITORIAL OFFICE 6511 Nova Drive, #173 • Davie, FL 33317 954.354.9751 office • SHE: WOMEN OWNED, WOMEN OPERATED, WOMEN EMPOWERED! The ideas and opinions expressed in She Magazine do not necessarily reflect opinions of Shemag, L.L.C., She Magazine, or of editors or staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization should not be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of that person or organization. All advertising subject to approval by She Magazine. She Magazine/Shemag, L.L.C. is not responsible for unauthorized use or copyright infringement as present in camera ready, client provided ads, nor is it liable for any loss or suit arising from submitted advertisement, copy, photography, or artwork. Reproduction of She Magazine, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Shemag, L.L.C.

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february 2013 / VOLUME 15 / ISSUE 1



20 features

16 HER WINTER PARTY All you need to know for this year’s events.


Interview with moderator and international leader of Metropolitan Community Churches.


We recently spoke with True Blood’s start as she gets ready to host Her Winter Party


Quick Q&A with Leisha & Camila

26 THE LESBIAN COUPLES Celebrating the rainbow love this Valentine’s.


she espaÑol 30 NOTICIAS Entérate lo que sucede en nuestros paises.

31 YO SOY MUJER “...sigue adelante y atrévete a vivir tu presente. No te arrepientas de lo que hiciste, sino más bien de lo que dejaste por hacer”.


follow she

Start packing, this year’s Dinah is expected to be the biggest one yet as it celebrates its 23rd year, The Dinah Shore Weekend. or search: She Mag (2 pages) Like Us: She Magazine


06 10 14 22


Meet Dru Marie

32 ARCHIVES She Magazine 3rd Anniversary Party, 2002



apps on your Android Search: shemagazine / Free application iPad,iPhone & iPod compatible



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with tina sordellini

Dance/pop powerhouse Kristine W celebrates her past and looks ahead to her future on her latest release, New & Number Ones, a collection of some of her 16 chart-topping dance hits, as well as new original songs, remixed hits, and covers of two of her music idols’ songs. The collection includes 15 songs for the CD version and 17 total for the digital edition. There is a good reason why Kristine W is one of the top rated dance divas on Billboard. Grab this new collection and hear it for yourself.

Movie 43, is the outrageous new ensemble comedy starring some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Movie 43 is not for the easily-offended and contains jaw-dropping, sometimes shockingly disturbing, but always entertaining intertwined storylines you’ll have to see to believe. Stars Chloe Moretz, Emma Stone, Elizabeth Banks, Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Bell, Richard Gere, Naomi Watts, Halle Berry, Uma Thurman and more. In theaters now.

The newest release from Writer/Director Nicole Conn and Wolfe Video is the glossy, sexy and fun, romantic drama, A Perfect Ending. Rebecca Westridge is elegant, wealthy and proper. An upstanding wife and mother, Rebecca confesses her dissatisfaction with her husband and joyless love life to her friends. They set her up with an exceptionally talented, high-class call girl named Paris. Their lives are changed forever. A Perfect Ending—it’s not always what you expect. Stars Barbara Niven and Jessica Clark.

If you like a little Broadway flair in your TV, pick up a copy of Bombshell: The New Marilyn Musical from Smash. The soundtrack features stars Katherine McPhee, Megan Hilty, Bernadette Peters, Debra Messing and other cast members performing 22 of the original songs created for both seasons of the show’s musical-within-a-musical by Tony and Grammy award-winning duo Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman.

In theaters on February 15 is the fantasy drama Beautiful Creatures, based on the four book series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, starring Alice Englert, Viola Davis, Emma Thompson and Alden Ehrenreich. Ethan longs to escape his small Southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena. Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their history and their town.

In case you haven’t heard it yet, check out the single, “God, I Know You Love Me,” from the new album, United States of God Des and She. The always outspoken artists have been meticulously crafting the album over the last two years. Many of the beats were produced by God Des herself, along with DJ Pain 1. This follow up to their 2009, critically acclaimed Three features guest appearances by San Jose’s Persia and Cuba’s Las Krudas. God Des and She’s 4th album United States of God Des and She is out now.

DON’T MISS IT: Zero Hour, premiering on February 14 at 10pm on ABC, a DaVinci Code-esque, mystery-conspiracy drama in set at a magazine. Stars Anthony Edwards, Addison Timlin, Jacinda Barrett and Carmen Ejogo.

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full house at pandora events’ out for laughs, starring one of our favorite comedians, dana goldberg at the manor in wilton manors, fl. photos by angie sowers / view more photos at

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in the news CDC releases data on interpersonal & sexual violence by sexual orientation The first set of national prevalence data on intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence (SV), and stalking victimization by sexual orientation was released at the end of January by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The study found that lesbians and gay men reported IPV and SV over their lifetimes at levels equal to or higher than those of heterosexuals; with sexual orientation based on respondents’ identification at the time of the survey. The survey also found that bisexual women (61.1 percent) report a higher prevalence of rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner compared to both lesbian (43.8 percent) and heterosexual women (35 percent). Of the bisexual women who experienced IPV, approximately 90 percent reported having only male perpetrators, while two -thirds of lesbians reported having only female perpetrators of IPV. The data presented in this report do not indicate whether violence occurs more often in same-sex or opposite sex couples. Rather, the data show the prevalence of lifetime victimization of intimate partner violence, sexual violence and stalking of respondents who self-identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual at the time of the survey and describe violence experienced with both same-sex and opposite-sex partners. “We know that violence affects everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. This report suggests that lesbians, gay men and bisexuals in this country suffer a heavy toll of sexual violence and stalking committed by an intimate partner.” said CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden. The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) is designed to better describe and understand the level of IPV, SV, and stalking victimization in the United States. Using 2010 data from NISVS, this report is the first to provide national data that examines IPV, SV and stalking by sexual orientation. Further research is needed in order to fully understand the experience of interpersonal violence that impact LGB individuals and their communities. CDC will work to create resources to bring attention to these issues within lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States, based on a survey conducted in 2010. Other key findings include: 1- The majority of women who reported experiencing sexual violence, regardless of their sexual orientation, reported that they were victimized by male perpetrators. 2- Nearly half of female bisexual victims (48.2 percent) and more than one-quarter of female heterosexual victims (28.3 percent) experienced their first rape between the ages of 11 and 17 years. For full study, visit

pinellas county passed countywide domestic partnership registry Pinellas County commissioners voted on January 15th to create a countywide domestic partnership registry, giving unmarried couples including same-sex partners some of the rights legal rights enjoyed by married couples. In about 90 days, couples who pay the $50 registration fee will be able to make healthcare and funeral decisions for each other, visit each other in the hospital and take part in the education of each other’s children through parent-teacher conferences and in other ways. The move drew support from gay couples who thanked the commission for taking what they described as a “small step” toward equality. Residents who spoke against creating a registry said there were already legal solutions for unmarried couples to take care of one another, including power of attorney agreements and medical surrogacy. Some accused the county of advancing a gay-marriage agenda. Several commissioners said that though the ordinance was a small step, and will only protect couples in parts of Florida that recognize domestic partnerships, it would build on the registries’ surge in popularity. Currently, Broward, Miami-Dade, Orange, Palm Beach and Volusia counties offer domestic registries. Commissioner Norm Roche, the lone dissenting vote, said the registry was too exclusive and did nothing to help other residents such as siblings who want to take care of one another.

what he said about... “...We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths –- that all of us are created equal –- is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth. It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began. For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law -- for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity - until bright young students and engineers are enlisted in our workforce rather than expelled from our country. Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia, to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm...”

—Inaugural Address by President Barack Obama July 21, 2013 in Washington, D.C.

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pridefest turns 36! come celebrate once again at Holiday Park/War Memorial Auditorium in fort lauderdale

With the theme, “The Future is Ours,” the 36th anniversary of Pridefest is scheduled for Saturday, and Sunday March 9th -10th, 2013 once again at the very popular Holiday Park/War Memorial Auditorium. Pridefest is a celebration and tribute to the LGBT community and its unique culture. The weekend-long event features over 200 vendors, music, food, and nonstop entertainment. The hours are Noon – 6 p.m. both days, giving our local gay clubs the opportunity to continue celebrating Pride well into the night. On Saturday the headliner is American Idol and The Voice Alumni Frenchie Davis, who is so excited to perform at Pride she promised a show like never before! For the first time in Pride South Florida’s history Pride has been expanded to feature over a week’s worth of events. Latrice Royale of RuPaul’s Drag Race and All Stars will be bringing back the popular “Miss Pride South Florida Pageant” on Monday, February 25th at Boom Nightclub. Pridefest weekend starts early on Thursday, March 7th with the inaugural “Taste of Pride” at the War Memorial Auditorium at 7pm starring Robyn Almodovar from Fox’s Hell’s Kitchen. The night will feature local businesses showcasing food, wine and will also feature special presentations on Boutique Wines, Cocktail Mixing and Food with special guest presenters. On Friday, Pridefest will feature another new event: “Pride Comedy Night,” co-promoted with The Broward Center for the Performing Arts at the Parker Playhouse. The show will star Jason Stuart and Jessica Kirson and start at 8pm. On Sunday, March 10th at 10:30am, Pride South Florida brings back the “Pride Parade” inside Holiday Park. So, ladies and gents, get your rainbow boas, socks, shoes and other outfits to celebrate with us. On both days, make sure to come by She Magazine’s booth to say hello! Pride South Florida is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization run by unpaid volunteers. Pride South Florida benefits South Florida GLBT community organizations: 100% of the Proceeds from Pridefest are distributed through a grant program. For new information on Pridefest events, visit


Aqua Ally Awards Feb 7 • 6 - 9pm 2701 LeJune Road / Coral Gables, FL GLBT Travel Expo Feb 7 • 4 - 8pm Pride Center 2040 N. Dixie Hwy., / Wilton Manors • Free Andrea Bocelli Feb 8 • 8pm BB&T Center 1 Panther Parkway/ Sunrise, FL Florida Renaissance Festival Feb 9 - Mar 10 • 10am - Sunset Quiet Waters Park • 10am – Sunset 401 S. Powerline Rd / Deerfield Beach, FL GLBT Travel Expo Feb 10 • 12 - 5pm Art Deco Welcome Center 1001 Ocean Drive / Miami Beach • Free cris williamson Feb 15 • 7:30pm Pride Center in Wilton Manors, FL Feb 16 • 7:30pm Compass in Lake Worth, FL Equality Florida tampa Gala Feb 23 • 8pm The Italian Club 1731 East 7th Ave. / Tampa, FL • Family BBQ Feb 24 • 12 - 4pm 17530 W. Dixie Hwy. / N. Miami Beach P!nk Feb 25 • 8pm BB&T Center One Panther Parkway / Sunrise, FL Feb 27 • 7pm / Tampa Bay Times Forum on the front lines of feminism Feb 27 • 7pm • Free The Pride Center in Wilton Manors, FL Her Winter Party Mar 6 - 11 Various locations / Miami Beach

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feature The 20th Edition of Winter Party Festival, March 6-11, promises an array of events and activities as diverse as LGBT community itself, including an exciting lineup of exclusive events for women. One of the world’s largest and most anticipated events of the year, Winter Party Festival is expected to draw 10,000 revelers from around the world. Beyond the parties, Winter Party Festival features art and culture, shopping and cocktail receptions, all dedicated to fundraising for local and national LGBT equality efforts. Produced by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Winter Party Festival raises funds to build power, take action and create change for the LGBT community. The majority of the net proceeds generated from Winter Party Festival go to work locally through grants administered by the Miami Foundation. For the 20th Edition of Winter Party, the festival has a new Host Hotel—the Shelborne South Beach! So many exciting things are happening this year, as well. The founders of Winter Party will be honored at a VIP Cocktail Reception at the Gale South Beach and Regent Hotel, the 20th Edition Beach Party on the sand featuring DJs Brett Henrichsen and Joe Gauthreaux, followed by WE Party: Formula - Boiling Pointat Mansion Nightclub. DJ Alyson Calagna will once again come to Winter Party for Flare at Grand Central! HerWinterParty is excited to have Jessica Clark— True Blood’s Litlih and one of the starts of A Perfect Ending (to be released shortly by Wolfe Video) making a special appearance at a number of the women’s events. Check out the website and see where you can meet her! You so will not want to miss that sizzling opportunity. Enter on the website for a chance to win one of the A Perfect Ending prize packages—a copy of the DVD, a photo signed by the cast and a copy of Jessica’s hot 2013 calendar! Tickets to Winter Party Festival 2013 are available individually or as part of discounted, multi-event passes, including a Women’s Pass for all four women’s events. Purchasing a Women’s Pass also entitles the guest to a special discounted rate for the Beach Party. WELCOME CENTER Shelborne South Beach, 1801 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach. In addition to picking up tickets and passes, the Welcome Center offers displays, information and swag from WPF’13 partners and LGBT-friendly businesses. Hours: Wednesday, March 6 • 6P- 10P Thursday, March 7& Friday, March 8 • Noon-10P Saturday, March 9 • 11A-6:30P Sunday, March 1 0- tickets and passes can be picked up at the Beach Party entrance from Noon-4P

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OFFICIAL W EVENTS >> Thursday, March 7 ArtScape
• 7P-11P
Location TBA $25 advance/$30 day of event
 Don’t miss the opening event of HerWinterParty! Location details are being finalized at an amazing space! Entry includes sponsored cocktails, light hors d’oeuvres and music. Get ready to see an exciting and diverse group of artists—something for everyone. Be ready to take home a selection at the Silent Auction. >> Friday, March 8

Pa’ella: The Official Women’s Winter Party Latin Dance Event
• 10P-4AM • Location TBA $12 advance/$15 day of event
 Feel the heat at Pa’ella, the signature Latin event co-produced by Icandee Events. The rhythm is sure to keep you on the dance floor all night enjoying plenty of caliente eye candy. >> Saturday, March 9

Industry: The Official Women’s Winter Party Signature Event
• 10P-4AM • Location TBA
 $15 advance/$20 day of event
 Produced by Pandora Events, the dancing continues at this annual Industry party. Check your inhibitions at the door and come play with hundreds of women. Feel the energy as the music pumps and go-go dancers keep you moving all night. >> Sunday, March 10 Women’s Sunday Brunch
• 11A-2P Terrazza at SHORE CLUB • 1901 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach $45 advance/$50 day of event
 Terrazza at one of South Beach’s most chic hotels, Shore Club, serves up the final event of Her Winter Party, the Women’s Jazz Brunch. The menu includes a beautiful setting, amazing food, hot women and soulful sounds—a not-to-be-missed event. Brunch includes a bloody mary or mimosa, exactly what you need to get geared up for the 20th Edition Beach Party. Space is limited so buy your ticket now! For more information, to purchase tickets and passes or to check out the complete schedule of events, visit • Follow them at @HerWinterParty and

Embracing her recent MS diagnosis, Lauren designed The Positivity Bracelet • $85 15% of proceeds benefit National MS Society >>


“I hope to turn my personal fight into public awarenes to educate people about the warning signs...” Reality TV Star, Lauren Bedford Russell of The Real L Word 3 recently revealed her battle with Multiple Sclerosis. Diagnosed last July, Lauren was frightened and shocked to receive such diagnosis at age 31. The timing was as well quite ironic as the young reality TV star was at her prime in both her professional and personal life with a successful show, airing to record breaking ratings. Lauren is headstrong on being positive about her new health situation, despite the occasional (human) “what if” moments. Lauren’s first MS “episode” manifested with loss of vision in one eye known as optic neuritis. She has now regained her vision back for the most part. For treatment she has been on a daily injection since August called Copaxone and has not had an “episode” since. While Lauren is receiving the proper medical attention and care to deal with her disease, she refuses to play the victim and is committed to fight and make a difference by speaking out on behalf of those 2.5 million people worldwide (including 400000 Americans) affected with Multiple Sclerosis.

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1/31/2013 6:05:21 PM

by tina sordellini


The Reverend Dr. Nancy Wilson on the Inauguration, the State of Our Unions and Involvement

were the participants in the Inaugural Prayer Service. One of the gifts I bring to the table is the diversity of MCC itself. Our members come from a wide range of Christian traditions—Catholic, Pentecostal, Methodist, Baptist and so many others. We have learned to love our differences and share a common table. We have learned to live together with respect. That is a gift the whole world needs. And, that makes it very natural for us to work in coalitions with those of different faiths. It has been an honor to serve the President with such amazing people. You and your wife have been together for over 35 years. What were your thoughts and feelings when you heard the portion of President Obama’s inauguration speech that addressed same-sex marriage?

Loving couples who are two women or two men are finally gaining the respect and legal standing that we all deserve. My wife and I have lived through difficult times and good times, and it is thrilling to see the changes happening today—not just for LGBT people but for all groups that have faced discrimination. President Obama supports the rights of all people. The line that will go down in history from President Obama’s speech is, “We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths—that all of us are created equal—is the star that guides us still, just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls and Selma and Stonewall.” In that one phrase, “through Seneca Falls and Selma and Stonewall,” our President created a crossroads of issues that we have been living. I really loved the moment on CNN where Anderson Cooper was explaining to David Gergen what “Stonewall” was! The President’s speech was a model of dealing with inclusion from an intersectional perspective, really connecting all the dots! What would you like to see for LGBT rights in the coming four years of this administration, and what part, if any, do you hope to play in helping it happen?

White House staff had announced that the Interfaith Prayer Service at the National Cathedral, held Tuesday morning, January 22, would include the Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson, moderator and international leader of the Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), a denomination founded 45 years ago as a church open to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson is the moderator of the Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), which has ministries in over 40 countries. Dr. Wilson was part of the first LGBT delegation to meet with a sitting president in 1979. She is currently a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. We recently spoke to Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson about what it meant for her to be a part of the Presidential Inauguration representing her church and the LGBT community. Considering the time you have spent with President Obama on the his Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, how did you feel while you were participating in that service for his second inauguration?

When I received the invitation to be part of the Inaugural Prayer Service, I paused to think about the historical import of such an invitation. The path leading up to this Inaugural Prayer Service is a path that many have blazed. The President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships is an exciting and diverse group—as

President Obama learned in the first two years that compromise must come from a position of power. It was in the last two years that our President used the power available to him through executive orders and public pressure to move critical social issues forward. We need to keep the pressure on. I have heard President Obama and his staff repeatedly ask for strong voices and coalitions in the community to ask and to demand action on their concerns. He is asking for pressure to do the right thing. He counts on a groundswell of support to move justice forward. I urge every person to get involved. Don’t waste this opportunity of having such historic support in the White House. One disturbing statistic is that less than 5% of LGBT people actually contribute financially to the movement. That needs to change. That is the easiest way to participate—but don’t stop there. Get involved. This country can be great again, but we have to change the emotional climate from fear and judgment to hope and tolerance. I know tolerance seems like a low bar, but if we can achieve that, we will be well on our way to a country that really does have liberty and justice for all. I also think LGBT people have to make our voices heard on the variety of issues that affect us and all people—gun violence, the need for jobs, good education and attention to climate change. Part of our hope in taking our place in the body politic is to let our full humanity show—we are LGBT, and we are also parents, families, teachers, immigrants, health-care providers, first responders and people who want to see a healthy and just country and world.

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by denise warner / photos by marina rice bader

from the cover

Sexy vampires are all the rage, you know that, but could Jessica Clark be the sexiest of all now that she’s also starring in A Perfect Ending? Jessica Clark, 28, is a British actress of Indian and Nigerian descent and also a proud, open lesbian sharing her life with her spouse, celebrity trainer Lacey Stone. We caught up with the True Blood (HBO) star as she gets ready to visit Miami Beach, FL to host the women’s event for The 20th Annual Winter Party Festival this coming March. Is there something specific you look for in a script or when deciding on going out for a role?

Ideally, I’m looking for female characters, women, who are as complex and amazing, as flawed and as inspiring as we all know they are in real life. Our stories, what we’re capable of and of overcoming—our strengths and our vulnerabilities fascinate me. So, whether she’s a Vampire God, a high-class escort or a single mom—they’re the elements I seek out and strive to do justice. As an actress it takes a fearless person to be naked as much as you are in True Blood. Does the attention and focus on that get tiresome?

I’m extremely comfortable with nudity and think of my body as intrinsically linked with every other element I incorporate into a performance. Nude or not, how you hold yourself as the character, how you walk, move—all these things nonverbally communicate to the viewer about who this character is. I’m also appreciative of the fact that the vast majority of people have been super respectful about that part of Lilith. Although, I’d like to take a moment and go on the record, stating that it is a merkin. If you want to know more, then Google is your friend. [Laughs] No more questions! You were a fan before being cast as Lilith, correct? Did that help with jumping into the show?

I have been a fan of True Blood since the first episode of the first season! Yes, I think it has to have been helpful in the sense that I was already immersed in the tremendously rich and intricate world that the writers have created over five and now going into six seasons.

You’ve absorbed the tone, the nuances of the characters. For example, the majority of my scenes involved Bill, and because I know his character, I was immediately aware of what an evolution he was going through and how confusing and conflicting the appearances of Lilith must have been to him. It just enables you to incorporate so many more layers, hopefully, to the work that you do. What do you think you’ve learned the most from the True Blood experience, being relatively new to acting when you joined the cast?

They’re just such a phenomenally talented cast. But it’s more than that; the level of professionalism, of dedication, of excitement about each and every episode is just such an inspiration. They’re truly working to create the best show every week for the fans, and then, on top of that, they are all so incredibly welcoming and gracious to us newbies. They’re amazing, and I’m being completely authentic when I say this. Do feel an urge to try comedy after playing such heavy roles right out of the gate?

Actually, one of the first roles I booked when I moved to Los Angeles was a guest star role on a sitcom, and I loved the experience and learned so much! My urges as an actor are to grow and to push myself and to be stretched and challenged by the roles I’m lucky enough to be cast in. Comedy would definitely be included in that definition. But, equally, I love working in drama. I’m drawn to the complexity and darkness you find in those shows, and, to date, I don’t feel the need to escape that at all. I love it, and, if anything, I’d love more of it. What appealed to you about your character in A Perfect Ending?

Paris is just so complex. She doesn’t fulfill any of the stereotypes that I was expecting when I first started reading the script. She basically speaks to all the elements I described earlier— strength, vulnerabilities. She is flawed. She’s also inspirational. Paris isn’t the hooker with the heart of gold. She’s also not in her profession out of financial desperation. For her, it is a legitimate and carefully thought-out choice

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extremely comfortable with nudity and think of my body as intrinsically linked with every other element I incorporate into a performance.”

that has a greater meaning for her, and I think that’s a sector of sex workers who are rarely represented on the screen. Do you feel like agents are leery about their clients playing LGBT roles for fear of type casting or the rumor mill going crazy?

I can’t speak for any agents or for other actors. I can say that, given how out I am, I think it’s highly unlikely my presence in an LGBTQ film would start any rumors about my sexuality! I think typecasting is a relatively legitimate concern for actors across the film/TV genres. If I played five police detectives in a row, there would also be concerns raised in meetings. So, to that extent, I’m aware of the possibility. But I also didn’t choose this life because I wanted predictability. I chose it and continue

photo by angelo kritikos


to choose it for the challenge to live in another person’s skin and see the world through their eyes. That will continue to be what drives me. Equally, I see my sexuality as an intrinsic part of who I am and one that I am completely proud of and comfortable with. Nonetheless, it doesn’t define me, and, so, I would hope that I’m lucky enough to be given the opportunity to explore different parts of myself with different experiences in my work. If you could choose your next role in any existing show on TV right now, what would you choose?

Wow—there are so many amazing shows on TV right now! Homeland, I think, is phenomenal. Sons of Anarchy—I can’t wait to see what Banshee is like—Game of Thrones, Dexter. I literally can’t even name them all!

We are looking forward to welcoming you to South Florida for Winter Party. Is this your first visit to Florida? What are your expectations while here?

I have been to Florida before. I visited Miami numerous times. I ran a half marathon in Fort Lauderdale and have also visited Tampa. It’s been a few years though, and I’m very excited to be visiting again, especially for such a wonderful event as the Winter Party and the Artscape event that I’ll be hosting. What am I looking for? Well, it’s Miami. So, that would be the sunshine and beautiful women, of course. What’s next for you?

Well, I can tell you that you definitely haven’t seen the last of Lilith.

SHE - 21 - 02/13

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1/31/2013 6:06:16 PM


See all photos online at / by My occupation: Artist and Entertainer Dream Girl: Jennifer Lawrence Dream Job: TV host My pets: Cannoli Federline, my long-haired, teacup Chihuahua. My mother thinks I: Am awesome. Turn-ons: Tattoos, intelligence, a sense of humor, curves and

fashion sense. Turn-offs: Laziness, egotistical, rude, hairy, short and food-

smacking. Sensitive Body Part: My lower torso My Best Quality: My personality Secret Fetish: Shoes I have a weakness for: Chicks with tattoos I like to wear: A smile If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?: Flying, because traffic in L.A. is horrid. Your house is on fire, besides a loved one, what is the inanimate object you’d grab?: My Mac What breakfast cereal best describes you?: Fruit Loops. If you could change your name, what would you pick?: Something more, Fransisco. The last book I read was: Relationships for Dummies. The last thing I out on my ipod was: Runaway - Kanye

West and Pusha T. If my life were made into a movie, my part will be played by: Anna Ferris. My greatest accomplishment: Moving forward in my art

career. Celebrity’s butt I would most like to squeeze: Sofia

Vergara. That woman is amazing. The cartoon character I am most like: I am so Sid from Ice Age. My mom is the one who told me this, sadly. The strangest place I’ve ever been naked: A sand pit on Hilton Head Island. When you go night-streaking, watch for predug holes. The weirdest thing I ever ate was: Squid jerky in Taiwan. My favorite flower: Gardenias. I just won a million dollars. The first thing I am going to buy is: Lots and lots of shoes. My favorite TV show: Modern Family. French Fries, French Vanilla, French Toast or French Manicure?: I love French Vanilla anything! If I could have one wish granted, I would wish: For

happiness... (and bigger boobs). the last movie i went to see was: Zero Dark Thirty My coming out was: Long overdue! I feel like I didn’t understand what “being gay” was until I was 20. It was so obvious! i think our community needs: Education. We, as a community, need to understand equality in all forms. my favorite quote:

“If you don’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love somebody else?” —Ru Paul SHE - 22 - 02/13

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1/31/2013 6:06:59 PM

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1/31/2013 6:07:14 PM

by denise warner


A Little


with uh huh her

Uh HuhHer has gone through some major ups and downs over the last few years. Leisha Hailey and Camila Grey both had successful careers before coming together and forming the band. Then an amazing reception and huge fan base spawned after the first release, building momentum with the second album, but a sudden split from their label meant starting over from scratch on their own for the newest release,Nocturnes. We recently spoke to Leisha and Camila as the duo gets ready to perform this coming April at this year’s Girl Skirts The Dinah Shore Weekend in Palm Springs, CA. What kind of affect do those highs and lows have on your creative energy?

Leisha: All a part of the ebb and flow of life. If everything was great all the time, nothing would be learned without those struggles. Being so recognizable from The L Word–was that a built-in bonus or did it create more pressure to do well?

I was actually shocked at the attention the band got right away. I was surprised people cared as much about my off-screen life as they did my character on screen. Camila, were you a fan of The L Word?

I watched a couple of seasons, yes. Now you could say I’m a fan–of Leisha. Did you have any concerns about working with Leisha?

Just that she was an actress and that it would be nearly impossible to be in a band with a working actress. Makes it slightly more difficult making records and touring, you know? You’ve never been shy about your music influences, including David Bowie, Velvet Revolver and Iggy Pop. How hard is it to create a sound that’s all your own?

Leisha: We’ve never heard Velvet Revolver actually. It’s not hard creating something unique when you stick to listening to your own voice and not the current state of the music industry. Sometimes it’s much harder to compete that way;however, I love that we don’t compromise our sound for the sake of being commercial or doing what’s current. Does it bother either of you to be compared to other bands?

Only when people compare us only to gay bands even when we don’t sound alike.Yes–for obvious reasons.

SHE - 24 - 02/13

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1/31/2013 6:07:35 PM

Compatibility seems so important in a working relationship. Are there areas where you completely butt heads?

Directions while driving [Laughs]. What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned since the first album?

Record labels are complicated but helpful. People don’t buy records anymore, and if you don’t use Twitter or Facebook, you don’t exist. Now that you’ve mentioned it, social mediahas allowed artists to really connect with their fans, but, at the same time, it does leave you wide open to in-your-face criticism. How do you each feel about it?

Camila: It’s a complicated new world. The Twitterverse allows for so much in terms of communication on a global level instantaneously, yet, at the same time, doesn’t allow for culpability with freedom of speech. It’s very easy to say anything you want behind a digital veil, so to speak, without regard for your fellow human beings and no real consequences. I feel that if people knew who other people and their identities were out in the open, such harsh criticisms would be greatly diminished. It’s a double-edged sword I guess. Leisha, acting seemed to be secondary to music. If the right role came along, would you consider acting again?

Being a musician was my first big job with the Murmurs. I started acting professionally after that. I always love to do both things and will continue to act if the role is inspiring enough. What goes through your head when you’re up on stage, in front of thousands of fans, about to start the first song?

Leisha: “I wish I had more energy to wear something better tonight, don’t fall off my heels, What’s Cam thinking?, and I want to make these people dance.” what’s in store for Uh Huh Her in 2013?

We are about to start working on our third record. It’s going in the direction of dance. We’re very excited. This year will be your third time performing at The Dinah. What does the event represent for you?

It represents freedom of expression and a place where women can come together safely and have a good time. Do you have a special “Dinah moment” you remember?

Watching Katy Perry when she first started and Cam tugging on her hair backstage and asking her if it was a wig.[Laughs]

SHE - 25 - 02/13

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1/31/2013 6:07:40 PM







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1-Tara & Sunshine, Fort Lauderdale, FL/12 Years • 2- Christine and Alexis, Ocala, fl • 3- Dawn & Jennifer, Denver, CO/3 years • 4- Shenna & Cheryl, North Carolina/12 years • 5- Jayne & Lindsay/10 months • 6- Jane & Trish, Ft. Lauderdale, FL/38 years • 7- Tangela & Debbie, Plantation, FL/9 ½ years • 8- Dani and Gina, Virginia/1 year • 9- Jackie & Sonia, Bridgeport, CT/4 years • 10- Laura and Ali • 11- Eveleena & Sokhara, Orlando, FL/2 years • 12- Meredith & Kyra, Brooklyn, NY • 13- Melodie & Jesika, Miami/6 months • 14- Rachel & Jessi, Davie, FL/2 years • 15- Jeana & Sandy, Michigan/3 years • 16- Kaylee & Rachel, Hollywood, FL/4 years • 17- Shawnie & Jenn, Coconut Grove, FL/1 year • 18- Valeria & Syrenia, Miramar, FL/3 years • 19- Cheryll & Dianne, Boston, MA/8 years • 20- Kimberly & Mallory • 21- Andie & Nicole, West Palm Beach, FL/9 months • 22- Amanda & Laura, Orlando, FL/3 years • 23- Kristine & Andrea, Boston, MA/11 years • 24- Diana & Criselda, Dallas, TX/13 years • 25- Sasha & Lou, Miami, FL • 26- Addie & Liz, 1 year • 27- Alby & Denise, Pompano Beach, FL/16 years • 28- Cynthia & Sayli, Miami, FL/8 years • 29- Aubrey & Stefanie, New Smyrna, FL /11 months • 30- ToniAnn & Rebecca, NY-CT/1 year • 31- Carolyn & Rosa, Hollywood, FL • 32- Annia & Meghan, Toronto, ON/6 months • 33- Cassie & Amie, Attleboro, MA • 34- Nelly & Tam, Plantation, FL/6 years • 35- Robyn & Erica, Niagara Falls, NY/5 years • 36- Crystal & Michelle, Fort Walton Beach, FL • 37- Ann Marie & Lia, Delray Beach, FL • 38- Julie & Iris, Miami, FL • see all our couples at • happy valentine’s day!


SHE - 27 - 02/13

1/31/2013 6:08:35 PM


Still considered taboo in many countries and among many cultures, homosexuality remains a mystery for those on the outside looking in, keeping displaced judgment at the forefront. And even though the LGBT community has worked tirelessly to make tremendous strides in the ongoing fight for equality, especially with the recent wins in Maryland, Maine and Washington, there are still a majority of gay women who live in secret. But once a year this dream does become reality because of the legendary Club Skirts Dinah Shore Weekend in Palm Springs—the original Dinah Shore Weekend, taking place April 3-7, 2013 in Palm Springs, CA. “It’s all about celebrating our formidable community and the wonderful experiences as well as exceptional accomplishments we have created and shared together with our Dinah family members over these past 23 years,” says Mariah Hanson, founder and producer of The Dinah Shore Weekend. The largest and biggest lesbian event in the world, The Dinah Shore Weekend is a fiveday one-stop destination and international world-class event packed with non-stop activities, a series of phenomenal pool parties, spectacular night entertainment, live concerts by Top Ten Billboard recording artists, comedy shows, games, social networking opportunities and philanthropic activism.

With some 20,000 (and counting) women from all over the world making the pilgrimage each year for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, The Dinah Shore Weekend is a one-of-a-kind vacation spot where women of all ages, interests, ability, relationship status, cultural background and profession come together for a long weekend getaway to meet and connect with other women, make new friends, reunite with old ones, and, yes, find their dream girl! Yet none of this universal unity, love and solidarity would have been possible if it wasn’t for the host city of The Dinah Shore Weekend, namely the City of Palm Springs, the #1 LGBT travel destination. There is something truly special about Palm Springs beyond its beautiful oasis and setting in the arid Southern California desert. The city, dubbed “The New Gay Mecca” boasts more gay and gay-friendly restaurants, nightclubs, hotels, retailers and other businesses than any other one gay destination in the world. The Dinah has certifiably come to represent an ever-growing movement that has crossed over to the mainstream, bringing more and more visibility to the lesbian community. It’s no surprise it also served as the main location for Season One and Three of Showtime’s hugely popular hit reality TV show The Real L Word, as well as The L Word.

Now in its 23rd year, The Dinah has not only become one of the hottest celebrity hotspots but also a trendsetting event that entertainment industry insiders watch and jockey to book their artists’ performances. Artists who have performed at The Dinah include: Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Chaka Khan, The Pussycat Dolls, India Arie, Indigo Girls, Chely Wright and Lady Gaga, to name a few. Get ready for this year’s entertainment lineup: Headlining The Dinah is Karmin, the pop sensation duo and Rolling Stone Magazine’s “Women who Rock” winner, known for their infectious summer hit “Broken Hearted.” The talent lineup also includes: Havana Brown, Diana King, Uh Huh Her, Anjulie, Kat Graham, K. Rose and Katy Tiz plus comics Fortune Feimster, Jackie Loeb and Suzanne Westenhoefer. In addition, Club Skirts Dinah Shore Weekend will be hosting for the first time ever world-class Celebrity Poker Tournament on Saturday night (April 6) with all proceeds going to HRC. At presstime, the two main host hotels (The Hilton & Zoso) were already sold out, so you can expect amazing events. New sanctiones hotels have been added with rates $139-$199 a night. See you in Palm Springs!

SHE - 28 - 02/13

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DINAH EVENTS Wednesday, April 3

The Official Dinah Pre-Party • 8-11 PM Hilton Hotel Poolside / 400 East Tahquitz Canyon Way After-Party • Time TBA Hunters Nightclub / 302 East Arenas Road Thursday, April 4

The Dinah Comedy Show • 7:30 PM Featuring Suzanne Westenhoefer, Jackie Loeb, Fortune Feimster / Hilton Hotel The Official Dinah Kick-Off Party • 9 PM Featuring a performance by K. Rose Zeldaz Nightclub / 611 South Palm Canyon Drive Friday, April 5

TGIDF Dinah Pool Party • 12 PM – 5 PM Featuring a performance by Anjulie / Hilton Main Pool The Dinah White Party • 8 PM Red Carpet Arrivals • 10:30 PM Featuring a performance by Havana Brown / Zoso Hotel 150 South Indian Canyon Drive Saturday, April 6

The Cabana Girl Pool Party • 9 AM Featuring a performance by Kat Graham and appearances by The Real L Word’s Kiyomi McClosky and Lauren Bedford Russell and other special celebrity guests Hilton Hotel Main Pool The 4th Annual Celebrity Dodge Ball Match • 1 PM / Hilton Hotel Main Pool 4th Annual Battle of The Web Series • 5 PM Hosted by Doria Biddle. Fortune Feimster and Suzanne Westenhoefer / Hilton Hotel Main Pool stage Dinah Chill Pool Party • 11 AM Featuring a performance by Life Down Under / Zoso Hotel Indie Sitcom Premiere, Second Shot • 7 PM Hosted by Jill Bennett and Cathy DeBuono The Dinah Goes To Monte Carlo • 8 PM Featuring a full concert with Karmin Celebrity Poker with some of your favorite celesbians Palm Springs Convention Center Sunday April 7

The Annual Sunday Tea Dance • 9AM – 5PM Featuring a performance by Diana King and appearances by Kiyomi McCloskey, Lauren Bedford Russell , Leisha Hailey, Camila Gray, Josh Kane, Katy Tiz and other special celebrity guests / Hilton Hotel Dinah Chill Pool Party • 11 AM Featuring a performance by Playboy School / Zoso Hotel Concert with Uh Huh Her • 8 PM / Zoso Hotel Dinah Closing Party • 9 PM Featuring a performance by Katy Tiz / Zeldaz Nightclub SHE - 29 - 02/13

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1/31/2013 6:09:41 PM

noticias inmigrantes gays piden ser incluidos en reforma migratoria Los grupos que defienden a los inmigrantes de la comunidad lesbiana, gay, bisexual y transgénero (LGBT) aplaudieron los esfuerzos “bipartidistas” sobre la reforma migratoria en el país, aunque exigieron “no dejar fuera a los más vulnerables”. “Necesitamos una mayor claridad y los detalles son importantes, ya que todavía no sabemos si las provisiones de un posible proyecto de legalización de indocumentados incluirá a los miembros de nuestra comunidad”, afirmó a EFE Felipe Sousa Rodríguez, portavoz de GetEQUAL, organización nacional de derechos civiles. El activista homosexual, quien llegó a los 14 años a Miami (EE.UU.), afirmó que la lucha “será difícil”, pero se mostró “optimista”. En la actualidad, la ley de Defensa del Matrimonio (DOMA), promulgada en 1996 por el presidente Bill Clinton, define el matrimonio como la unión legal entre un hombre y una mujer para fines de reconocimiento de beneficios federales de las parejas en Estados Unidos. Esta legislación imposibilita a los ciudadanos estadounidenses de la comunidad LGBT solicitar amparos migratorios para sus compañeros. De aprobarse el Acta de Unificación Americana para Familias (UAFA), que actualmente se encuentra en comités de discusión en el Senado y el Congreso, las parejas del mismo sexo obtendrían el mismo derecho que los heterosexuales de tramitar una residencia para sus cónyuges. “Hemos avanzado mucho en el tema de la igualdad y en 2012 otros cuatro estados aprobaron el matrimonio de las parejas

del mismo sexo, y el apoyo sigue creciendo, la pregunta es si Washington podrá pasar la página y dejar de pensar como hace más de 20 años”, apuntó el activista de origen brasileño. El año pasado, el Caucus Hispano del Congreso divulgó sus principios de la reforma migratoria y solicitó la “protección de la unidad familiar”, incluyendo a las familias de las lesbianas, gais, bisexuales y transgéneros”. Hasta enero de 2013, sólo nueve estados: Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Nueva York, Vermont, Washington y el Distrito de Columbia, reconocían el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Sousa Rodríguez, quien se casó con su pareja el pasado mes de mayo en Massachusetts y goza del beneficio de la acción diferida, estima que más de 700.000 inmigrantes LGBT podrían amparase con la legalización y 40.000 parejas por el matrimonio. Para la abogada de inmigración en Los Ángeles, Margarita Manduley, quien ha litigado casos de asilo político de personas transgénero, las “condiciones” están dadas para que se incluya en el proyecto de legalización a los LGBT. “Los signos que ha enviado principalmente la Administración del presidente Barack Obama con respecto a esta comunidad son muy favorables”, afirmó la abogada. Los líderes de la comunidad LGBT esperan que lo expuesto por Obama sea satisfactorio para los miembros de su comunidad.

Rhode Island aprueba medida para permitir el matrimonio igualitario La Cámara de Representantes de la legislatura estatal de Rhode Island aprobó un proyecto de ley para permitir el matrimonio igualitario que ahora debe ser votado en el Senado, donde se espera una dura batalla entre los defensores y los opositores a la medida. El proyecto fue aprobado con 51 votos a favor y 19 en contra, y ahora debe pasar al Senado estatal, cuya presidenta, Teresa Paiva Weed, figura entre los que rechazan que las personas del mismo sexo puedan casarse. El gobernador de Rhode Island, Lincoln Chafee, es un declarado defensor de los matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo y lleva tiempo instando a los legisladores estatales a aprobar un proyecto de ley al respecto. Una encuesta de septiembre pasado mostró que un 56,3 % de los votantes registrados en Rhode Island apoyaba legalizar el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en el estado, mientras que un 36 % estaba en contra.

Guadalajara, la segunda ciudad gay más importante de México Un nuevo estudio, dado a conocer el 29 de Enero, revela que Guadalajara es el hogar de uno de los mercados de consumo LGBT (lésbico, gay, bisexual y transgénero) más significativos a nivel mundial. Estos resultados son parte de la investigación de mercados LGBT más extensa del mundo—el Estudio LGBT2020 con datos recabados en 2012 en México. Este proyecto contempla una muestra de cientos de miles de miembros de la comunidad LGBT de diferentes países del mundo durante un periodo de 10 años. Los resultados muestran que más de 192,000 personas en la zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara son LGBT y que representaron un ingreso de más de $2.9 billones de dólares en 2012. La información del LGBT2020 también muestra que la comunidad LGBT de Guadalajara representa 74 nuevas compras de automóviles cada semana—y que además gasta $354 millones de dólares anuales en viajes.

Según Rubén Sandoval, CEO de LGBT Confex, la fuerza de la comunidad LGBT local es una de las razones por las que su compañía ha decidido traer la “3a Annual International LGBT Business Expo” a Guadalajara en Septiembre, 2013. Los estimados de población y gasto de la zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara se basan en los siguientes cálculos: 1. Población mayor a 16 años al 2010: 3.2 millones. 2. 6% de esta población mayor a 16 años que son LGBT: 192,000. 3. El ingreso promedio de las personas LGBT en México en 2012 – según el estudio LGBT2020 de Out Now Global – es el que se observa también en Guadalajara. 4. El nivel de gasto y la intención de compra de las personas LGBT en México en 2012 según el estudio LGBT2020 de Out Now Global – son los que se observan en Guadalajara.

SHE - 30 - 02/13

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1/31/2013 6:10:05 PM

yo soy mujer

por veronica espinal



Aunque nunca me he regido por ellos, en ocasiones son lo primero que busco cuando tomo una revista o un periódico. Hace días leí mi horóscopo, el mismo que su traducción decía: “‘No todo lo que brilla es oro’ puede ser una idea inteligente que tener en mente si es que conoces a una persona con prospecto amoroso. Podrías estar enamorada del amor y eso no te deja ver a los demás por lo que realmente son”. Estas palabras, que en cualquier otro momento no significarían nada, se quedaron grabadas en mi mente por varios días. Pensaba en todas y en ninguna. Aunque no era necesario, buscaba leer entre líneas el mensaje “escondido” que parecía estar más claro que el agua. Estas palabras, en este momento, parecían encajar con esa parte romántica y emocional que vivo intensamente. Esas palabras impresas en un papel periódico me llegaron fuerte y me costó unos 4-5 días mandarlas al diablo y ponerlas de lado. Dentro de mi claridad, me invadieron de mucha confusión. Que yo recuerde, nunca antes había sentido tanta ansiedad ni tanta incoherencia de pensamiento. Sí…que c*rajo, lo confieso, lo acepto y lo afronto: me enamoré otra vez. Sí, me enamoré otra vez de una linda mujer. Es una situación un tanto incomoda y de la que no daré detalles, pero la decidimos vivir y no me arrepiento. Claro que el amor es lindo, el amor y toda la ristra de emociones que este trae consigo, buenas y malas. Las preguntas no tardaron en llegar. ¿Cómo es posible que esté enamorada del amor y no de su mirada? ¿Cómo es posible que esté enamorada del amor y no de su sonrisa? ¿Enamorada del amor? ¡Por Dios! ¿Y qué del calor y la seguridad de su abrazo? ¿Y que de la paz de su sueño, ese mismo que cuando estamos juntas cuido? ¿Y qué de la corriente que llega a cada nervio de mi cuerpo cuando siento su mano en mi espalda y en ocasiones en una nalga? Yo me enamoré de su amor, de sus contrastes, de su pasión, de sus roces, de su sexo, de su fuerza y su debilidad. Entonces, ¿bajo que clasificación debo empaquetar las noches de estrellas compartidas, las puestas y salidas de sol, las cursilerías, la ternura, los besos y calenturas? Me parece que si estuviese “enamorada del amor” me afectarían igual las acciones de amor de otras personas, ¿o no? Pero claro que estoy enamorada del amor, pero del que Ella lleva dentro y del que me hace sentir a diario y que se refleja, ya sea en una lágrima, en una sonrisa, en unos mimos o en una canción. Hoy, pongo mis confusiones de lado y decido seguir en la complicidad de vivir el presente sin tenerle miedo al mañana que es solamente incierto. En el amor no se puede ser cobarde y no puedo permitirme dejar de sentir por temor a fracasar. Sólo tengo el día de hoy para querer, entregarme y recibirla en mi ser. Para mi, cuando se trata de vivir el amor de pareja todo riesgo es válido. Así es que amiga, si te encuentras ante el lumbral del amor, con sus inseguridades o sin ellas, sigue adelante y atrévete a vivir tu presente. No te arrepientas de lo que hiciste, sino más bien de lo que dejaste por hacer.

SHE - 31 - 02/13

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1/31/2013 6:10:20 PM

on the shelves

with donna woessner

Best Lesbian Erotica 2013 Edited by Kathleen Warnock This collection of lesbian erotica will test your boundaries and take you over the edge into a world where fantasies become reality. Even the list of contributing authors will tickle your fancy and entice your lusty mind. Fiona Zedde’s Crave will take you from a discovered youthful innocence to a grown up passionate encounter after 12 years of separation. Flavored with the sights, sounds and smells of Jamaica you feel like a voyeur who can’t look away. Whether you’re looking for short stories to stimulate your mind and body, or to share with others, this compilation of tales will make this Valentine’s Day a gift that lingers longer.

She Magazine’s 3rd Anniversary Party • Jan. 2002

The Big Book of Bondage: Sexy Tales of Erotic Restraint Edited by Alison Tyler This compilation of steamy stories delves into what bondage means to different couples. In “’Golf’ Spelled Backwards” we eaves drop on a special “lesson” a new golfer receives from the demanding female pro at the club. Author Andrea Dale is quick to direct the reader as to who is really in charge on the links. The sensual tales that Alison Tyler has assembled delve into the dynamics of relationships with unrestrained passion, revealing a world of beautiful contradictions that will thrill, titillate and inspire you. And who knows? You may even learn a new trick or two. Thank you, Ma’am, for this deliciously devilish collection of twisted tales.

To Love a Woman or Butterflies … Butterflies … Butterflies… By Fire De Ville Everyone gets butterflies in their stomach when they encounter that someone special. It’s a universal truth. But when those butterflies connect, the result can be a force of nature. Written by an exciting new voice in female erotic literature, this sultry story takes readers on an amazing -- and steamy -- journey. In this book, readers are introduced to Victoria who becomes enchanted when she meets the vivacious Natalie, who is in a marriage of convenience. However, their butterfly connection leads to a love so overpowering that the women overturn their lives, knowing they can stop at nothing to pursue a life together. SHE - 32 - 02/13

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1/31/2013 6:10:39 PM

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1/31/2013 6:11:16 PM

she classifieds accommodations

community groups/organizations

Key West’s Distinctive Resort

Pearl’s is an all-welcome historic inn offering guesthouse ambiance and resort amenities. With Key West’s One Human Family atmosphere, Pearl’s offers full breakfast, 2 clothingoptional (but bottoms up) pools, 2 hot tubs, gym, and poolside bar and grill. 800-749-6696.


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community groups/organizations

SHE - 34 - 02/13

shep34_35class.indd 2

1/31/2013 6:11:34 PM

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She Girls: Send us a color photo with contact information. Email us at: SELL SOMETHING YOU LOVE Sales representatives wanted. Unlimited earning potential and some of the highest commissions in the industry! Sales experience, professionalism and a love for She a MUST! Send resumes to SHE - 35 - 02/13

shep34_35class.indd 3

1/31/2013 6:11:35 PM

with the village sage

scopes AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

leo July 23 - aug 22

You have the opportunity to use all of your creative energy to revitalize yourself, your career and your finances. It’s not just about making more money; it’s also about enjoying what you do that is earning you the money. Don’t allow emotional, impulsive decisions to prompt unwise actions that will unsettle your security base. Use your resources wisely, conserve what you already have.

You’re more inclined to team up with like-minded others than going it alone. Your history proves that cooperation and compromise get more of your needs met. Try to be objective and look to win-win scenarios. Make sure you choose your team wisely. Don’t allow unrealistic desires and passions to let unworthy people into your sphere of influence. Use your head as well as your heart.

pisces feb 20 - mar 20 The planets are empowering you to be more confident and assertive in moving your agenda forward. You’ll be able to push past self-imposed boundaries to explore uncharted territory in the search for a better quality life. Use your famed intuition, along with your logical mind, to overcome challenges to your forward progress. Learn from past conflicts and disappointments.

virgo aug 23 - sept 23

aries mar 21 - apr 20

libra sept 24 - oct 23

Your usual unstoppable energy is in serious need of recharging. You have opportunities to network yourself and your great ideas while having fun with old and new friends. You’ll be able to do it all; take more alone, restful time than you’re used to. If you’re confused about your many options, leave them open until you’re more clear.

You’ll be out and about enjoying old friends and meeting new ones. Expect the unexpected and you won’t be disappointed. Keep in mind that all that glitters is not necessarily gold. Not all opportunities are right for you. Have absolute faith in the abundance of the Universe and claim your fair share. Don’t become impatient; just go with the flow.

taurus apr 21 - may 21

scorpio oct 24 - nov 22

You have the opportunity to take your wildest hopes, dreams and fantasies and turn some of them into reality. Use your connections to create networking events to further your agenda. Enlarge your sphere of influence. Try to lay the groundwork before the Mercury Retrograde and make sure you do your due diligence before making plans and commitments.

You’ll need to focus on finishing what you’ve started. Whether it’s a home improvement project or a business deal, ‘focus and finish’ needs to be your new mantra. Let your imagination create new goals, as well as new strategies for reaching them. Do your homework before acting on them. Make sure you take the time to recharge your batteries before you start out.

gemini may 22 - june 21

sagittarius nov 23 - dec 21

You are usually able to use your considerable charm and verbal skills to get others to follow where you think you want to go. However, your recent track record hasn’t lived up to your own hype. Unless you have a practical plan and budget you may have trouble convincing others to cooperate and go along with your agenda. You’ll have to work harder smarter, so just do it.

Engage the ‘edit’ feature in your brain that will filter the words that come out of your mouth. As you well know they often come out all wrong. You’ll be more emotional than usual and you’ll be feeling more vulnerable. Focus on what really matters to you. Choose your battles wisely. Stay positive and cheerful. Don’t make unsettling changes now.

cancer June 22 - july 22

capricorn dec 22 - jan 20

Dare to dream the dream. Make sure it has an equal amount of reality packed into the plan before trying to implement it. The planets are empowering you to be even more focused, organized and determined. Conserve what you already have while planting the seeds for future success. Remember - you can’t force your way into financial stability, however you can steadily work towards your goals.

Your usual sense of purpose and straight-to-the goal style is diverted by a planetary swirl of confusion. You’re not sure if what you believed is true, actually is. It’s a good idea to re-think, re-visit and re-vamp where necessary. Looking to the past will serve you better than rushing into the future. Make sure you’re honest with yourself about yourself.

Your usual cool, calculating thought process falls into confusion as your confidence in yourself, and the significant others in your life, is shaken by circumstances. Look to your own reactions and interactions before pointing at others responses. Remember, the only thing we really have any control over is our own reaction. Make peace instead of starting another war.

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