Timber Windows Complete Guide

Page 43


Yo u r g u i d e t o t h e U K ’ s o r i g i n a l e n g i n e e re d ,

T I M B E R W I N D O W & D O O R C O M P A N Y

T mber W ndows has developed the country’s f nest network of specia ist, local showrooms dedica ed to the supply and nstallation of beautiful t mber windows and doors


Attent on to detail is a hallmark we are proud of Our collect on has been careful y and sens tive y tailored to complement the English homewhether you ive in a period vi la, a barn conversion or a more modern property in need of contemporary f air Un ike timber windows of old, our products wi l not twist, wil not rot and require very ittle ma ntenance H gh evels of nsulat on and security ensure there is no need to sacrifice beauty for comfort

The T mber W ndows ser vice is de ivered with care by knowledgeable local special sts whose reputation is bu lt on provid ng an attent ve ser vice from initia enqu ry to the comp etion of your pro ect Our local showrooms prov de the per fect environment to browse the many opt ons ava lable, with expert guidance on hand o help you make an informed decision

Installing well-made wel -spec fied timber w ndows and doors can rea ly enhance the value and beauty of your home We look for ward to working w th you on your excit ng project!

E N H A N C E T H E V A L U E & B E A U T Y O F Y O U R H O M E 5 E N H A N C E T H E V A L U E & B E A U T Y O F Y O U R home
www imber w ndows com 4
C O N T E N T S 7 www t mber windows com 6 A W A R D W I N N I N G H A N D - M A D E T I M B E R W I N D O W S & D O O R S C O
1 8/49 Ef for tless CASEMENT WINDOWS 17 10 REASONS TO CHOOSE TIMBER WINDOWS 8 THE REASSURANCE OF A local SPECIALIST 4 E N H A N C E T H E V A L U E & B E A U T Y O F Y O U R home 50 Maximising K E R B A P P E A L 1 2 T H E T I M B E R W I N D O W S S T O R Y 14 T H E T I M B E R W I N D O W S Philosophy 84 S I G H T L I N E S Providing balance & visual impact 116 T R A D I T I O N A L & C O N T E M P O R A R Y Styles 172/179 T I M B E R W I N D O W S listed 86 A QUESTION of COLOUR Decisions, decisions...! 52/83 Glorious S A S H W I N D O W S 88/11 5 Make an E N T R A N C E 11 8/145 Elegant F R E N C H D O O R S 146/177 Versatile BI FOLD & PATIO DOORS 1 80 H E L P I N G Y O U T A K E T H E next steps...


The T mber W ndows ser v ce s del vered w th care by knowledgeable loca spec a ist who e repu at on s bu l on prov d ng an atten ive ser vice from in tial enqu ry to the comp e ion o your pro ect


Our loca showrooms provide the per fect environmen o browse the many op ions ava lable, w th exper gu dance on hand to he p you make an n ormed dec sion

S h o w r o o m s 1 Amersham

2 Bou nemou h 3 B and ord 4 Ca e ham 5 Card f 6 Carma then 7 Channe s ands 8 Chel enham 9 C ences er 10 C f on Br s o ) 11 Co ches er 12 Denb gh 13 Du w ch 14 Esher

15 Fo nham Bu y S Edmunds)

16 Gui d ord

17 Ha borne, Bi m ngham

18 Ha roga e

19 Har ey W n ney 20 Heath ield

21 Hen ey on Thames 22 He e ord 23 H ghga e 24 Hon on 25 Ho ndean 26 Horsham 27 Inga es one 28 Knu s ord 29 Leaming on Spa 30 inco n 31 Ma ds one 32 Mo e on- n-Marsh 33 No ngham 34 O ney

Ox ord

R p ey 37 Sa f on Wa den

Sal sbur y 39 She ield 40 Sh ewsbur y

T H E R E A S S U R A N C E O F A local S P E C I A L I S T A S P E C A S T 9 8 www t mber windows com L o n d o n L o n d o n 7 2 5 3 6 9 10 12 17 36 22 24 28 30 32 18 39 44 8 1 15 19 20 27 25 34 35 42 48 16 46 23 14 47 4 13 26
29 49 38 11 21 33 31 37 40 41 43 45
41 S am ord 42 S A bans 43 Sunn ngda e 44 Tavis ock 45 Tedd ng on
Tunb idge We ls
W mb edon
Winches er
Woodb idge

ever yone in the showroom was really helpful. I did not know exactly what I wanted and really appreciated their patience in showing me dif ferent options and helping me choose”

T H E R E A S S U R A N C E O F A L O C A S P E C A S T 11 10 www t mber windows com T H E per fect E N V I R O N M E N T T O B R O W S E . . . . . . W I T H expert G U I D A N C E O N H A N D!


The original engineered timber windows & doors – incredible innovation

At the start of the new century the founders of Timber Windows were confronted by a problem. They knew that discerning homeowners preferred timber windows & doors to cheaper plastic or aluminium alternatives, yet there were no timber products capable of delivering lasting performance.

Finding the answer took Timber Windows on a journey that turned the timber window & door industry on its head. Combining Scandinavian techniques with German engineering, the company introduced high quality products manufactured in engineered timber, a material never seen before in the UK.

This revolutionary approach enabled the development of an incredibly innovative range of timber windows & doors and shaped the ongoing success of Timber Windows as a business. With beginnings in just a single high street shop, the network now spans more than forty beautiful showrooms, dedicated to transforming the homes of discerning owners across the country.

12 www.timberwindows.com


P H I L O S O P H Y .

We feel there s a good chance tha you ’ re reading our brochure, you ’ re a ready some way into your thought process about timber being the material of choice for your home’s new windows and doors however not all timber is equal, and we nvite you to discover wha makes Timber Windows stand out from the crowd

From our found ng moment to the presen day and beyond, Timber Windows strives to make the best qual ty products poss b e To do this, they must have a high degree o excellence n terms of des gn, technica functionality respons bi ty, durab lity and per formance

One of the strongest fee ings that owners o character ful homes have, is the desire to do the right thing by their properties; we too recogn se the mportance of doing what s right and of historica consideration with an equal evel of passion As part of the arch tecture of a structure he sign ficance of correct aes hetics and the appropr ate des gn of windows and doors, cannot be overstated

We take a dua -angled approach to our product range, letting both design and functionality carr y equa weighting with each influencing the other to achieve a super or finished range Our core products have been per fected over t me, a l with mproved engineer ng and security in mind S mply put, our range now provides the basis for products that can be easily ta ored to any type of home or style are historically correct as wel as being technically advanced

Responsibil ty is the over-arching princ ple by which we operate, bo h in terms of the environment, he people we work w th and the peop e we ser ve.

Through the crea on of a high-quality product, with both longevity and durabi ity, we are play ng our part in ensuring that less resources are required to carr y out the same purpose over time, and in turn pay respect to both the environment and our customers

At its ver y core, as a natura product, t mber has repa rability as a ma or benef accidents w ll always happen so it’s reassur ng to know that a timber product can be patched up and look as good as new w th no need for replacement this is in contrast to the disposab e nature of many man-made materia s

Extending the life of a product, reduces the need to buy more –buy better, buy less.

As further proof of th s our guarantees are ndustr y eading – we stand by what we make now and, in the future during their l fe

The way we v ew our customers and the way we think they v ew themselves is not as consumers of our products rather as owners There’s a distinct d fference – a consumer takes uses disposes and repeats while an owner is empowered to take responsib lity or our windows and doors with a sense of pr de.

B buy g hes w nd ws and doo ou he p t ke a e o he wo d o e t

While t may not appear to be sound business sense we wan to make it as easy as possib e for a customer to keep our products in their home for as long as possible

Turning our attent on to the sourc ng of timber, our favoured option, and the one chosen by 80% of our customers is Redwood derived from susta nab y managed plantat ons in Northern Europe backed by Forest Stewardship Counci ® (FSC®) certif cation (FSC - C124392) and other con ro led sources European Redwood is he timber used by Bri ish jo ners of yester year it has proven longevity is knot-free and stable and with our eng neered processes even stronger han ever

T H E T M B E R W N D O W S P H O S O P H Y 15 14 www t mber windows com
continued overleaf

By the nature of a sustainable plantation, when trees are felled, new ones are always planted to replace those harvested. The cold climates in which they are nurtured, results in a slow growth that in turn means stronger, knot free timber with low moisture content. In fact, European forests are now growing by around 5,000 sq. km each year – these forests are crucial for the environment, removing Co2 from the atmosphere and locking it away.

We are also able to offer options of Meranti Hardwood and European Oak from sustainable sources.

The sourcing of our raw material and the processes through which it passes are of

great importance to another of our measures of high quality; low maintenance. We all know that maintenance is a chore no matter the nature of it, therefore routine cleaning and lubrication of certain

elements will stand you in good stead, and again our guarantees attest to the fact that we stand by our products.

As we’ve set out, our focus is on quality, while other factors that are important to us and our customers, include delivery in a timely manner and provision at a reasonable cost. Our price point and production lead time are reflective of our bespoke products, as well as the attention to detail that goes into everything we do. The materials used, the research, development and sourcing that happens in the background all contribute to delivering high quality products, with guaranteed longevity, which we ensure will exceed your expectations in every area.


Traditional wood is both beautiful and tactile. For many centuries it has been the material of choice for windows and doors throughout Britain and Europe. But traditional wood has innate problems - a natural tendency to expand and contract, and when wet, to warp in the direction of the grain resulting in windows and doors that twist and stick, causing frustration for homeowners.

Engineered, or multilayer timber, is an innovative solution that counteracts these issues. It is created by layering wood sections, with the grain of one section of wood layered in the opposing direction to the grain of its neighbour.

As wet wood has a tendency to warp in the direction of the grain, layering the wood in this way ensures that any movement caused by the absorption of moisture is evened out.


1 Factory applied micro-porous coatings providing maximum protection but minimal maintenance

All of our windows and doors are factory painted prior to assembly, providing complete protection from moisture absorption and maximising longevity. Every product receives a base coat of timber preservative, then a primer coat, followed by two coats of micro-porous paint. You should expect our coatings to last from five to eight years without the need for re-treatment. Should you wish to change the colour of your windows then redecoration is a very simple task as there is no sanding down required. An average window should take about thirty minutes to re-decorate.


Glazing units almost twice as effective as ordinary double glazing

All of our windows and doors incorporate double-glazed units with enhanced thermally insulating glass, providing an extremely low U-value. We further improve the efficiency of the unit by filling the cavity with argon gas and using low conductivity spacer bars to minimise edge losses. The result is a 1.1 W/m2K centre pane U-value. This means an 80% increase in energy savings compared to single glazing, and a 45% increase in energy savings compared to ordinary double-glazing.

2 Internal beads for security

Glass is fitted from room side to prohibit would-be intruders from gaining entry by removing the glass.


optical clarity

Advanced glass technology not only provides enhanced thermal performance but also much improved clarity, particularly compared to traditional hard coated low e glasses. High light transmittance (77%) maximises the entry of natural light into the home.

3 Neat, coloured silicone seals

So engineered timber is stronger, longer lasting and resistant to the issues that affect traditional wood. Windows and doors made with engineered timber retain their strength and structure, ensuring that they remain a perfect fit, just as they did on the day they were installed.

rubbing, no matter how damp the prevailing atmospheric conditions. This makes it the perfect choice for every area of the UK - no matter how exposed the location.

Engineered timber is also far easier to work with. It can be used to meet the design specifications of complex windows and doors much more efficiently than solid wood, yet retaining all of its natural appeal. And whilst state of the art computer controlled machinery inevitably plays its part, all of our engineered timber windows and doors are hand finished before being subjected to rigorous quality control, with every aspect of the construction and glazing fully checked and re-checked.

Purpose-made grooves on the inside and outside of the window receive the silicone necessary to protect against water ingress. Appropriate coloured or clear silicone is factory applied, guaranteeing a perfect, unobtrusive seal.

4 Ventilation channels help prevent double-glazing from misting

Ventilation channels protect against the failure of double glazed units. In standard systems misting can occur when glazing units are allowed to sit in water trapped within the frame.

5 Multi-layer timber sections with opposing grains, balances warping and combats twisting

Using engineered timber ensures that there is no warping or twisting, sticking or

So put us to the test visit one of our Timber Windows showrooms and see for yourself how timber has changed.

The use of multi-layer timber for windows and doors is long established in Scandinavia and Northern Europe, but very rare in Britain. The multi-layer structure used as standard throughout our range is particularly effective in resisting warping and twisting, as the opposing grains even out natural moisture movement. It is the twisting of timber during wet weather, more than the swelling itself, which causes standard wooden windows and doors to stick.

8 Warm edge spacer bars

Low conductivity spacer bars help to minimise heat loss and combat condensation levels on the inner pane.


Rebated glazing beads eliminate unsightly gaps between the frame and bead

In standard timber systems, paint is prone to cracking at the point where the bead meets the window frame. By rebating the glazing bead over the sash we conceal the joint, which eliminates the problem.

10 Security

All Timber Windows are fitted with advanced security locks that wrap around the openers on our Flush Casements and engage bolts in multiple points on our Lipped Casements. Doors are fitted with multi-point locking mechanisms, featuring hook-bolts and deadlock.

18 www t mber windows com C A S E M E N T W I N D O W S E f f o r t l e s s C A S E M E N T W I N D O W S Of -Wh te lush casemen s w th 18mm ast agal bars 19

E f f o r t l e s s

Smooth to open and beautifu to the touch the Timber Windows range of Casement Windows provide an appearance that can only be achieved with genuine timber

Wi h a wide range o designs ava lab e, we are confident that you wi l find the per fect Casement Windows for your home - whether you are after a trad tional look or something sharper and more contemporary

Warm, qu et and secure, with timber guaranteed for decades, our Casement Windows incorporate a host of technical nnovat ons for abso ute peace of m nd

The following pages feature a wide variety of home sty es to inspire you, all featuring our Casement Windows - with everyth ng from country cottages o more grand res dences

E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S 21 20 www t mber windows com
C A S E M E N T W I N D O W S Ox de Go d L s ed f ush cas ment w th 22mm true bars
23 22 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S Wh te lush casemen s Wh t and B ack Deco u h casem nts Por elain f ush cas ment wi h 18mm as raga bars Of -Wh te cot age f ush casement w th 36mm as raga ba s
E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S 25 24 www t mber windows com The mages before you show a d verse range of Casement W ndows installed by oca Timber Windows showrooms around the country, nclud ng homes in Devon, War wicksh re Yorkshire and Birmingham By working close y w th the homeowners we have ensured that these designs su t the character age and construct on of the r homes - tailoring proportions sightl nes and pa nt co our to suit T H E V E R Y L AT E S T W I N D O W T E C H N O L O G I E S C O M B I N E D W I T H time-honoured simplicity See more case studies n our inspirations magaz ne French Gr y cot age f ush cas ment U P P E R L E F T Blue Gr y lush cas m n s U P P E R R G H T Wh e L s ed lush cas m n O W E R L E F T O f-Wh e lush cas m n O W E R R G H T Ligh vor y co age f ush cas m n B O T T O M R I G H T Por e ain f ush a emen s

War m, quiet & secure, with timber guaranteed for D E C A D E S

27 26 www t mber windows com
Of -Wh te f ush ca emen s
29 28 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S Of f-Whi e f ush cas ment Fr nch gr y lush casemen Wh te f ush ca emen s O f-Whi e co tage lush casemen O f-Whi e Deco ush casement O -Wh t co tage f ush cas ment O f-Whi e lu h casem nt Cream co tage lush casemen



we have ensured that these designs suit the character, age &constr uction of their homes

31 30 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S
F ush casem nts and Chadl ngton door in a colour comp emen ar y to Far row & Bal “Fawn”
32 www t mber windows com hi e f ush cas ment O f-Whi e arch d asemen w ndow O f-Whi e w th Dark Lead Fr nch Grey ipped ca ement Whi e f ush casements Cot age casemen n a o our compl mentar y to Far ow & Ba l “Old Wh te” “
The windows are lovely. The craftsmanship and quality are excellent; the fitting was also car ried out exceptionally well.
35 34 www t mber windows com
B E R Cr am co tag lush casemen s French doors and Bardwe en ranc door
An appearance that can only be achieved with G
37 36 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S Urbane Grey lu h asemen w th 18mm ast agal bars French Grey Co tage cas ments O f-Whi e L pped cas ment wi h 18mm as raga bars Wh t arched lu h asemen
39 38 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S Whi e Deco casemen O f-Whi e f ush casement w th Standard ead F ush cas ment n Straw F ush casem nt in S raw w th 27mm astragal bars Of f-Whi e Co tage cas ment wi h 18mm as raga ba s Co tage casement w th 18mm as raga ba s n a co ou comp emen ar y o Far row & Bal “Far row ’ s Cream”

it was ver y hard to keep the house warm in winter due to all of the draughts Heat retention is so much better now that I even have the windows open on occasion to allow a flow of air

41 40 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S Wh te cot age lu h casem nt w th 18mm ast agal bars Cream cot age lu h casem nt w th 18mm ast agal bars Wh te cot age ush casement w th Dark Lead Urbane Grey f ush casemen wi h 18mm as raga bars


43 42 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S Ten Grey co tag lush casemen s w th 27mm ast agal bars Of -Wh te arched cas ment wi h 18mm as raga g az ng bars O -Wh t co tage f ush ca ement wi h 18mm as raga bars O f-Whi e f ush cas ments Whit lu h asem nt w th 18mm as raga bars B ue Grey f ush cas ment wi h 18mm as raga bars “
to detail was impor tant; ver y careful consideration was given to such things as sightlines and hardware”

Ever y stage with Timber Windows has been fantastic. The initial visits, sur veys and installation all went per fectly, and the end result is superb!

45 44 www t mber windows com Ligh vor y co tage f ush ca emen s



With a casement that s ightly overlaps he face of the frame when closed this design may of er additional protect on against the e ements in areas of extreme exposure and are the most wide y used w ndow design in England


Specia ly des gned sections are added to the front face of the window wh ch allow the opening sashes to appear recessed with n the frame An important detail common to the inter-war period of the 1930’s the stepping back of the sashes provides a degree of modell ng to the façade o urban homes


C osing nto the frame and giv ng a flush fin sh across the face of the window this simp e yet elegant design can be found n most mediaeva bui dings cottages and houses of all per ods


Through the use of s immer sections and design ng out the need for vert cal mullions, the Cottage flush casement a ows approximate y ten percent more light into the bu ld ng, ideal y su ted o traditional cottages and the replacement of their smal er, finely constructed origina w ndows

47 46 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S
St aw
London Grey
Ca m Grey Fren h Grey
Ten Grey Urbane G ey
Tent Gr y Fr
Wh te
French Grey French G ey
Oak s ain
n h Grey
Smoke C eam Whi e Wh te Wh te

Our ovely casement w ndows are available hand-fin shed in hundreds of traditiona shades and timber stains and may be fitted with a choice of tradi ional ronmongery or the de ightful fit ings from our Samue Heath range

49 48 www t mber windows com E F F O R T E S S C A S E M E N T W N D O W S
V E N T I L AT I O N G R O O V E S & G L A Z I N G U N I T S W H I C H L O S E A P P R O X I M AT E LY H A L F T H E H E AT O F O R D I N A R Y D O U B L E G L A Z I N G are just some of the innovations that are
in discreetly & unobtr usively C H O O S E Y O U R F I N I S H I N G T O U C H E S … U P P E R L E F T Ant qu Pewt r Monk y a pegs ay on L ght Oak f u h a emen U P P E R R G H T Ar h d 27mm a raga bar n F ench G ey L O W E R L E F T 18mm as raga bar int rna y n Of -Whi O W E R R G H T Po shed Ni ke Samu Hea h Con our hand e on a f n h c lour ma ched o Li e Gr ene Whi Lead 74 w h 18mm a raga bar B O T T O M L E F T Whi L s ed f ush cas ment wi h 22mm t u ba s n a co ou complementa y to Far row & Ba l Hardw ck Whi e


Some say that ooks are ever ything

Certa nly when t comes to property t s outward appearance - or kerb appeal


tha helps sea the deal

When buying a home it apparently takes no more than eight seconds for potentia buyers to decide whether or not they like a particular house - that’s about the time qu ck readers have spent on th s page!

But f there s one thing hat we have earned over he years about Timber Windows customers it s that whilst they really care about how their homes look they are just as concerned about how they are made

It s not difficult to find properties, even in your own street, where the rep acement windows and doors rea ly do not su the original ook of the house This s often exacerbated by he choice of man-made mater als, as much as their design

stunning of their own - perhaps by pairing beautifu sash windows with a contemporar y front door or by opening up a l ving room to garden with bi-fo d or french doors

Whichever route you choose, Timber Windows will provide des gns and layouts that enhance the facade of your home, give you a host of co our and fin shes to choose from, all comb ned with exceptional leve s of timber per formance

Choos ng we l should be at the heart of any decision to replace windows and doors

Many of our customers ask us to fa thfu ly copy the design of the or g nal timber w ndows and doors, even providing archive photographs as source materia Other customers sense the opportun ty to use our portfo io o products to crea e something

M A X M S N G K E R B A P P E A 51 50 www t mber windows com
i n g
M a x i m i s
G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S 53 52 www t mber windows com Glorious S A S H W I N D O W S S A S H W I N D O W S Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars

Sash windows grace some of the most beautifu homes in the countryand replac ng these origina s when the time comes, s a Timber Windows special ty

Our unique co lection of sash windows faithfu ly replicate these t me ess designs down to the finest detai s and includes the slimmest trad tional box sash available in the UK as well as more spec alised solut ons for isted bu ld ngs and conser vation areas.

Glor ous to beho d, easy to sl de and constructed to del ver the highest standards of insulation security and longevity, our Sash W ndows are ava lable w th trad tional chains, cords or a hidden spring mechanism

Browse the fo lowing pages to see how sensit vely replaced Sash W ndows can add real character to a property

55 54 www t mber windows com
F O R M A N Y H O M E O W N E R S restoring the
G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S S A S H W I N D O W S G l o r i o u s O f-Whi e w th 27mm ast agal bars
the original str
is paramount
57 56 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars F ench Gr y wi h 18mm as raga bars Cream w th 18mm as raga bar
Whi e w th 18mm astragal bars


www t mber windows com 59 58 G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S
Installed by local Timber Windows showrooms around the countr y the Sash W ndows shown here nclude our hidden spring, tradit onal and slim box sashes
together w th homeowners we have ensured that the history of their properties is respected and the overall appearance enhanced
See more case studies n our inspirations magaz ne U P P E R L E F T Ten Gr y w th 18mm as raga a U P P E R R G H T Wh t wi h 18mm as ragal bar L O W E R L E F T Wh t wi h 18mm as ragal bar L O W E R R G H T O -Wh t wi h 27mm as ragal bar B O T T O M R G H T C eam w h 18mm a raga bar and B brough on doo Colour comp emen ar y to Far row & Bal “Wh te Tie” w th 18mm ast agal bars
Triple draught strips stop rattles, & extremely high insulation glazing units minimise heat loss!
The house has become a wonder ful war m retreat ”
Sash windows can add real C H A R A C T E R TO A P R O P E R T Y 61 60 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S O f-Whi e w th 27mm astragal bars along wi h a Cha font door in a co our comp emen ar y o Far row & Bal “Dix B ue ”
63 62 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S Colour comp emen ar y to Far row & Bal “Wh te Tie” w th 18mm ast agal bars Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars Of Wh te w th 18mm as raga bar Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars
65 64 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S Wh te wi h 18mm as raga ba s C eam w th 18mm as raga ba s and ma ch ng B lbroughton door Co our comp em nta y to Fa ow & Ba l ‘Ha dwick Wh te w th 36mm ast agal bars O f Whi e wi h 18mm as raga ba s Wh t wi h 22mm rue ba s Wh t wi h 27mm as raga bars Wh t wi h 18mm as raga bars Cream wi h 18mm as raga ba

Our sliding sashes are hung on chains or pre-tensioned sash cords, retaining the LO N G P R O V E N R E L I A B I L I T Y of simple counterbalance weights

www t mber windows com 67 66 G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S
Co our comp em nta y to Far row & Bal Ringwo d Ground w th 18mm ast aga bar
69 68 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars French Grey w th 18mm ast agal bars C eam w th 18mm as raga bar Wh t wi h 18mm as raga bars
71 70 www.t mber windows.com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S Straw w th 18mm ast agal bars

Passers-by and neighbours have been asking where the windows came from They are now using Timber Windows as well!

73 72 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars Of -Wh te Colour comp emen ar y to Far row & Ba l “S ippe Sat n ” wi h 18mm as raga bar Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars “
75 74 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S S raw wi h 18mm a tragal bars Calm G ey wi h 27mm as raga bars Colour comp emen ar y o Far row & Ba “New Wh t ” w th 18mm ast aga bar Wh te wi h 18mm as raga bars Wh t wi h 18mm a traga bars Whi e wi h 18mm a tragal bars

“the new windows had an instant impact; we live next to a fairly busy road and the noise was reduced significantly. Insulation was considerably improved too; ours is an old house and we noticed this straight away

77 76 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S Of -Wh te Straw w th 18mm ast agal bars
Porce a n wi h 18mm a traga bar Wh t wi h 18mm a traga bars
79 78 www t mber windows com G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S London G ey wi h 18mm a tragal bar Wh te wi h 18mm as raga bar Of -Wh te Ca m Grey w th 18mm ast
bar Po
O f-Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars
ce ain with 18mm as raga ba
www t mber windows com 81 80 G O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S Smoke Cream wi h 18mm ast aga bar

The Timber Windows range of sash windows s amongst the most comprehensive avai able in the UK. We are a special st n the sensitive replacement of sash windows, with experience n restor ng properties from a l of the key historica periods

www t mber windows com 83 82 G L O R O U S S A S H W N D O W S
U P P E R L E F T H dd n Sp ing sash w ndow m chan sm U P P E R R G H T Deco at ve sa h horns ava ab n hr e rad ona y es can b added to upp r and ow r a h s L O W E R L E F T Trad t ona we ght and ha ns me hani m L O W E R R G H T Trad t ona co d and w igh s sa h me han m B O T T O M R G H T Trad t ona we ght and ha ns me hani m T O P Chains and we ght sash m chan sm M D D L E R G H T Of -Whi w h 18mm a raga bar M D D L E L E F T Wh t wi h 18mm as raga ba s ras ha n and w igh s O W E R R G H T Mo t d Ant qu Bras sash Hook Fas ener O W E R L E F T Wh t wi h 18mm Tomb one t l gla ing ba s A LO N G W I T H T R A D I T I O N A L C H A I N S & P R E - T E N S I O N E D C O R D S . . . ...We of fer an innovative, completely concealed Hidden Spring™ system. A R A N G E O F T R A D I T I O N A L H A R D WA R E , options & finishes can be selected.


P r o v i d i n g b a l a n c e & v i s u a l i m p a c t

Wel -thought out sight ines can make all the difference to the v sual impact of your home Wherever possible, the horizonta ines formed by w ndow bars should match up across the windows and doors of the property The annotated il ustra ion above shows this design ‘trick’ more clearly.

Th s works part cularly well for doublefronted houses with central front doors but can also smarten semi-detached and terraced homes considerably bringing balance and e egance We can also ensure that any non-opening (or dummy) sashes are in- ine with those that do open

Whilst grand bui dings - espec ally from the Georgian per od - conjure this design feature effortlessly, the good news s that your ocal Timber Windows showroom w ll include this as part of your project, advising on how best to bring balance to the look of your home’s new w ndows and doors

S G H T L N E S S G H T N E S 85 84 www t mber windows com
F ench Gr y Bardw l door and lush casemen s
Well-thought out sightlines can make all the dif ference to the visual impact of your home


Looking through this brochure you cannot help but not ce the sheer number of di ferent colours that our customers have chosen for the r new mber w ndows and doors including a differentiat on between them Colour choices for windows tend to stick to a fairly safe neutral palette, whereas w th doors you have free rein and much w der scope for crea vity Reassuringly whites o al shades remain ever popular and continue to be one of our mos ordered colours

So how do you dec de on the co ours or the timber w ndows and doors of your home? As they wi l be a asting feature o your property t is often recommended no to be too “on-trend” Inevitably tastes change over the years - and whi st our w ndows and doors can be repa nted in a different colour

windows and doors can be repainted in a different colour t makes sense to choose a colour scheme you are confident w ll stand the test of time

Location geography and the surrounding property s yles all have an nfluence on the colours our customers choose The mater als used in the cons ruction of your home is generally a good starting point. Whether br ck, stone, slate, tile or render

home is general y a good start ng po nt all offer visual clues as to which colours might work To this end we o fer a standard co our pa ette that includes many popular tradit onal shades across a w de spectrumwh lst we can a so match to any standard RAL co our

Being ab e to offer a range of colours that complement those from we l-known paint brands such as the Farrow & Bal and Fired Earth ranges has broadened the options available - but to shades that our customers trust to add the v sual impact they are look ng for

As you can see in these pages the colours chosen are not espec ally strong or br ght Bright colours can look even brighter in daylight especial y when sunlight boosts

n day ight, espec ally when sunlight boosts the contrast with the surround ng co our o the property

Turning to doors for a moment, we ver y often receive orders where the front door s a d fferent colour from the window frames w th many often choosing to blend the two together Whi st some enjoy the simple contrast hat such a choice brings

for others t simp y helps to signpost the main entrance to the property - particularly where this would not be immediately obvious

Our colour ser vice opens up a world of possib ities and a lows the careful coord nation of windows and doors to the wider interior colour scheme It s worth keep ng in mind tha dual colour s also

poss b e – with the opt on for both w ndows and doors to be fin shed in different shades interna ly and externally

Ul imately t me spent discuss ng he co our options w th your local Timber Windows spec al st wi l he p your th nking - w th pa n samples and showroom d splays helping to add focus See pa n colour & f nishes n our CHOICES brochure

A Q U E S T O N O F C O L O U R A Q U E S T O N O F C O L O U R 87 86 www t mber windows com
D e c i s i o n s , d e c i s i o n s . . . !


By ook ng at front door designs around the country we built a collection suitab e for every kind of home On the following pages you wil see Entrance Doors with glazed panels, those suitab e for conser va on areas, smart panelled doors, practical s ab e doors and sharper, more contemporar y styles

A se ec on of decorat ve glass opt ons, based on authentic Victorian stained g ass mot fs has been un que y comm ssioned for the range These may be se ected from a var ety of colour pa ettes to complement the door colour or finish

Our architect des gned Contemporar y En rance Doors are ava lab e in fifteen styles to complement modern properties, or add individual ty to a period home The doors feature clean, understated lines, finished with crisp modern ronmonger y An etched glass effect may be chosen to prov de privacy, includ ng an option to have your house number reversed out

Whichever style you choose ever y door s hung on robust, fu ly adjustable h nges colour co-ordinated to the door thresho d Security is assured with robust multi-poin ocking mechanisms featuring hook bo ts and dead ock

Your local Timber W ndows showroom w ll also advise you on the layout of your Entrance Door, ncluding the positioning of ronmonger y - we have an extensive range which includes elegant per od handles, traditional letter p ates and knockers, ncluding our beautiful Samuel Heath collect on

Our Entrance Doors are also available as a Town House door w th no external handle, an escutcheon plate at eye evel which repl cates the ook of a tradit onal mortice lock and a centre pu l knob

Ever y style of Entrance Door s ava able hand-f nished in hundreds of traditional shades and timber stains, including RAL colours and those complementary to those from the Farrow & Ba l and Fired Earth pa nt ranges We a so offer the option to vary the colour on the inside o the door, so that it can match your internal decor

Al of our doors use multi- ayered warp and twist resistant t mber throughou their construction, with high specificat on glazing f tted as standard Factory app ied pa nt fin shes ensure a long life with ver y low maintenance

M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 89 88 www t mber windows com
M a k e a n
E N T R A N C E D O O R S Cus om shap Chal on doo n T nt Gr y
B lbroughton door n B ue Grey
M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 91 90 www t mber windows com
93 92
“We are ver y pleased with our lovely new door and we feel much safer”


94 www t mber windows com M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 95


96 www t mber windows com M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 97
The front door is my new pride and joy”
98 www t mber windows com
M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 99
We’ve always wanted a stable door”


100 www t mber windows com M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 101


102 www t mber windows com
M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 103

a grand design

105 104

s a F e & s e C U r e

106 www t mber windows com M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 107
M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 109 www t mber windows com 108
“The new door is fantastic and I believe we now have the best looking house on the street ”

Reassuringly Solid”

110 www t mber windows com M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 111 “
112 www t mber windows com M A K E A N E N T R A N C E 113
We feel much safer”




Pew r Shake pear knock r and Br ght S a gla s

M D D L E Sandb as ed g a s w th e ch d hou e num er and Po shed Chrome Samu l Heath R ng kno ke


An ique B a s Un acque ed M dium i ed Samu Hea h e e p at


Po shed Ch ome Re ded hand e


Sandb as ed g a s w th e ch d hou e num er w h 316 Coas al G ade

S ain e s St e cont mpo a y Guardsman hand

R E A S S U R I N G LY solid

W E R L E F T Samue H a h Ex end d Cont ur door v r n Po shed Ni ke

L O W E R R G H T Que n Anne eaded des gn ea u ing c ear and sandb as ed gla s


Frenchay do r in B a k wi h Wh e rame

B O T T O M R G H T Chrome P a ed Samu Hea h Do to s kn cke and Sandb as ed G a s w th c ea b rde

An extensive range of ironmonger y may be added, inc ud ng e egant period handles, traditional etter plates and knockers from our Samuel Heath collect on

5 114 www t mber windows com
and secure U
Ant qu Bras Un acqu r d Samue H a h R ng kn cke and Et h d S a gla s U P P E R R G H T As ragal d amond opl ght de gn in 36mm bar i e
Ever y door is hung on



The T mber Windows range nc udes a hos of w ndow & door options to improve your home For most of our customers the sty e of their property will inform the design cho ces they make, so whether you l ve n a period home or someth ng more contemporary we can he p enhance both

appearance and per formance When it comes to conser vation areas we have proven experience in he ping to restore the original character of a property through carefu ly selected windows & doors always w th an eye to any planning considerations

We can a so prov de adv ce on the fine

deta ls of glaz ng, hardware and colour, he ping you to make your property au hentic to the area In ocations with more design freedom then we can help bring your ideas to ife, ba ancing design and practical ty to enhance your home, wh lst sti l maintain ng trad tional looks

Timber has proven to be the per fec mater a for contemporar y style w ndows and doors, characterised by c ean prof les and lines Styl sh stain ess steel hardware choices and an extens ve colour palette echo ng today’s pre erences enable you to achieve the ooks you want combined with

except ona timber per formance Etched and patterned g ass for front door pane s even ncorporating your house number or name, can help add personality And in locat ons where there is more lati ude for creativity Timber Windows can help to combine elements of both our trad tional

and contemporar y ranges in a single un que look - perhaps by pa ring beautiful sash windows with a contemporar y front door Whatever your insp ration or aspirat on your oca Timber Windows showroom w ll work with you, guid ng and advising you through the opt ons

T R A D T O N A & C O N T E M P O R A R Y S T Y E S 117 116 www t mber windows com
E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S 119 118 www t mber windows com Elegant F R E N C H D O O R S F R E N C H D O O R S S raw w th 27mm ast agal bars

Practical yet beautiful the Timber Windows range of French Doors can enhance both your home and ifestyle providing easy access to outdoor spaces

Authent cal y styled with both conventional and contemporary designs these doors offer the flexibil ty of opening inwards or outwards, with either door designed to open first Leaded lights or glaz ng bars may be added wh lst you can also choose a different colour nternally to suit your decor

Construc ed to the same exacting standards as our windows w th timber guaranteed for decades, our French Doors ncorporate a host of technical innovations for absolute peace of m nd

The ol ow ng pages show how our French Doors have added flexib lity and e egance to a variety of homes

121 120 www t mber windows com
S E l
t Dorse Cream wi h 27mm as raga ba s Cream w th 18mm as raga bar E L E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S
e g a n
“We stopped our search after visiting the showroom, we were both set on Timber Windows and were so impressed with what we saw ”

Per formance is thoroughly modern with warp and twist resistant t mber, ocks wh ch engage in mu tip e po nts around the perimeter of ever y opener, ventilation grooves and glazing units which lose approximately half he heat of ord nary doub e glaz ng

Glazing is f tted as standard whilst actor y applied pa nt finishes ensure a long l fe and very ow ma ntenance

E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S 123 122 Fr nch Gr y w th 18mm as raga a s
F ench G e
magazine O -Wh t wi h 18mm as ragal bar
See our ca e tudies n our inspirations
www t mber windows com Ca m Grey w th 18mm ast agal bars
The master door is fitted with high security multi-point locking mechanisms, featuring hook bolts & deadlock
A L L F R E N C H D O O R S A R E I N T E R N A L LY B E A D E D to prohibit would be intr uders from gaining entr y by removing the glass 125 124 www t mber windows com E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S London Grey
127 126 E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S French G ey wi h 18mm ast agal bars Fr nch Grey Cream O Wh t wi h 18mm as raga bars
M U LT I P L E C O LO U R S M AY B E A P P L I E D TO O N E D O O R S E T , enabling you to finish the doors with a dif ferent shade inter nally to complement interior decor 129 128 www t mber windows com E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S French Grey w th 18mm ast agal bars
131 130 www t mber windows com E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S Wh te wi h 18mm bespoke as raga bar de ign Co ou complem nta y to Fa row & Ba l Corn or h Whi e ’ wi h 18mm as raga bars French G ey French Gr y wi h 18mm ast agal bars Co our comp em nta y to Far row & Bal “Wh te Tie” w th 18mm as raga bar Wh t wi h 27mm as raga bars Wh t wi h 18mm as raga bar Wh te

Authentically styled, with both T


133 132 www t mber windows com E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S
O f-Whi e
R A D I T I O N A L & C O N T
135 134 E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S Porc lain w th 27mm arch d ast aga bar Of -Wh te w th 18mm as raga bar Porce a n w th 18mm astragal bars Cream wi h 18mm a tragal bars
E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S 137 136 Of -Wh te wi h 18mm as raga bars
139 138 E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S Co ou complementar y to Far row & Ba l “Far row s C eam ” w th 18mm ast agal bars Whi e w th 18mm astragal bars Whi e Ten Grey w th 27mm ast agal bars French G ey w th 18mm astragal bars Whi e w th 18mm ast agel bars and ove head op ight d sign
E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S 141 140 Whi e w th 18mm ast agal bars
“We’re really pleased with how the house looks, now it’s done. This is our forever home, so we ’ re delighted to have the long product guarantees
143 142 www t mber windows com E E G A N T F R E N C H D O O R S Ca m Grey w th 18mm ast agal bars French Grey Co ou complem nta y to Fa ow & Ba l “Wh t Ti ” with 18mm as raga ba s S raw O f-Whi e wi h 18mm as raga bars Smoke Cream wi h 27mm ast agal bars
V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 145 144 www t mber windows com Versatile B I F O L D & PA T I O D O O R S B I F O L D & P A T I O D O O R S Fren h Grey

Ve r s a t i l e

B I F O L D & PA T I O D O O R S

Opening up your iv ng spaces and bringing the outdoors closer the Timber Windows range of Bi-Folding Doors are a oy to use

Folding sliding and stacking away with ease they are per fect for en oying warmer weather or when enterta ning The option of a flush floor track can also he p create unobstructed wa kways

With energy-sav ng glass, robust mechanisms and high security our B -Fo ding Doors are a l produced in genuine timber and fin shed in a wide range of colours and stains

The following pages show our B -Fo ding doors in a variety of settings, al adding flexibil ty and usab lity

V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 147 146 www t mber windows com
Cream C eam
V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 149 148 www t mber windows com
V E R S AT I L I T Y & control over
home Ligh Oak s a n
Enjoy the

We knew it would make an improvement but were actually surprised by quite how much of a dif ference it has made to the look and feel of our house

V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 151 150 www t mber windows com Our Bi-Fo ding doors are equal y a home in new home extens ons and can provide an elegant add tion to t mber orangeries
are cons ructed using rigid and long- ast ng eng neered timber, coupled w th top per forming double-glazing Break down the bar riers between home and garden W I T H D O O R S T H AT F O L D , S L I D E & S TA C K T O T H E S I D E O F T H E A P E RT U R E , C O M P L E T E LY O P E N I N G Y O U R L I V I N G S PA C E U P I N T O T H E G A R D E N See more case studies n our inspirations magaz ne Cream Cr am Whi e Wh e


for enjoying a summers day, or when enter taining.

153 152 www t mber windows com
Fr nch Grey
V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 155 154 www t mber windows com Ca m Grey w th 18mm ast agal bars
V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 157 156 www t mber windows com Opening up your living spaces and bringing the O U T D O O R S C LO S E R ! French Grey
159 158 V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S
French G ey
French Gr y Black
V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 161 160 www imber windows com French Grey wi h 18mm as raga bars

Sleek, e fortless and contemporary, the Timber Windows range of Pat o Doors provide a fee ing of space and enab e easy access to the outdoors

W th pane options of two, three four or s x it is possible o achieve spans of up to 18 metres al except onally smooth n their operat on

High per formance double glazed units save energy and keep temperatures regulated wh lst security is assured with anti- ift out devices and multi-poin locking mechanisms

V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 163 162 www t mber windows com
Available hand-finished in hundreds of traditional shades & T I M B E R S TA I N S , O U R PAT I O D O O R S W I L L M AT C H Y O U R H O M E & G A R D E N P E R F E C T LY
French Gr y L ght Oak stain Wh e Whi
Urbane G ey

Security is assured with anti-lift out devices and

V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 165 164 www t mber windows com
M U LT I - P O I N T LO C K I N G M E C H A N I S M S . Porce ain
167 V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S Porc lain 166
169 168 www t mber windows com V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S L ght Oak S ain Of -Wh te

From the beginning of the project through to aftercare, the ser vice I have received has been ver y impressive”

These stunning doors are available

H A N D - F I N I S H E D in hundreds of traditional shades & timber stains.

V E R S A T L E B F O D & P A T O D O O R S 171 170 www t mber windows com Whi e

Timber Windows Listed - a collection of specially designed windows and doors that have gained positive feedback and approval from planning authorities across the UK.

We have assisted homeowners with buildings from a host of historical periods to meet the planning, conservation and preservation rules for their particular area with authentically designed timber windows and doors.

Knowing and understanding these rules should always be your first step. The authorities assess on a case by case basis, considering the significance and circumstances of the changes that you wish to make. So for this reason it is always best to make an initial approach to your local planning authority.

Our aim is to provide timber windows and doors that not only satisfy these rules but also enhance your homeimproving insulation, sound proofing and day-to-day operation whilst maintaining an authentic appearance for many, many years to come.

MODERN STANDARDS Historical preservation with

Choosing the most appropriate windows and doors is one of the most important decisions you will make for your home. This is never more poignant than when dealing with properties of conservation and listed status.

Windows and doors are among the most obvious components contributing to a building’s style and appearance, so ensuring that these are correct, both from the perspective of aesthetics and regulatory compliance, is vital.

Timber Windows Listed marries preservation of style with exacting methods of construction to produce levels of comfort and convenience that our forebears would envy. The use of engineered timber eliminates twisting, warping and draughts, whilst modern glazing, even in single glazed units, is both warmer and quieter than original glass.

With traditional hand processes and rigorous quality checking, every window and door passes through the hands of experienced, time-served craftsmen. Comprehensive guarantees on every window and door provide lasting peace of mind.




A l of our w ndows and doors incorporate the very best glazing t mber and coating techno ogies to enhance the enjoyment of your period home a l year round The u e of engineered t mber ensures hat al of our w ndows and doors w l no warp or twis , st ck or rub

175 174 www t mber windows com T M B E R W N D O W S S T E D
T i m e h o n o u r e d s k i l l s
A meeting of m nds – our factory combines state-of-the-art compu er controlled machinery with good, old fash oned craft ski ls – each as important as the o her to the overal finish
W th many decades of experience to draw on, he creation of historically authentic windows and doors s the special ty of our highly skil ed team
“With many decades of experience to draw on, the creation of historically authentic windows and doors is the speciality of our highly skilled team.
5 yea s o 14mm doub e g azed un s + No app cab e o pu ty n shed p oducts

14mm ul a s m un wi h kr yp on gas


24mm w h argon ga /18mm w th kr yp on gas high per o man e uni

(D agram how 24mm un t

Of crucial mpor ance o he acceptab l ty o new y cra ted window and doors in h storic se tings s the spec f cation of glazing

Re erenc ng exist ng bui dings and ocal style of fenestration the key to closely repl cating window and door design

Through bars and putty glazing are bespoke elements that se our L sted range apart

The range carr es a number o g azing options to u t ever yone s requiremen s from a con er va ion and a l fes yle s and point n erms of spec f cation g v ng the requ red aes hetics whi e regu at ng heat ef ec ive y and vastly improv ng sound nsulation

The 4mm sing e glazed pane and he u tra s m doub e glazed 14mm unit fi led w th kr ypton ga are hand inished w th a trad tiona style putty and are ava lab e with a 22mm w de glaz ng bar a l eatures des gned or the mo t s ringent plann ng areas

Our high per formance 24mm or 18mm double g azed units f l ed w th argon gas and kryp on gas respect ve y have the op ion of ei her an 18mm or 27mm wide glaz ng bar, ideal where regu ator y restr ct ons are less r gorous

177 176 www t mber windows com T M B E R W N D O W S S T E D
G l a z i n g o p t i o n s
“Of crucial importance to the acceptability of newly crafted windows and doors in historic settings, is the specif ication of glazing”
4mm s ng e g azed

Traditional sash window with 4mm single glazing

14mm ultra slim double glazed casement window

Op on o Cord & We ght or Cha n & W igh s

Can be x d, op or s de hinged

Au hent c h ough ba s

T ad t ona s y put y g a ed f n h

Au hent c h ough ba s

T ad t ona s y put y g a ed f n h

Engine r d mu i- ay r imbe r s s s warp ng o wi t ng and mp oves s r ng h and du ab t

Engine r d mu i- ay r imbe r s s s warp ng o wi t ng and mp oves s r ng h and du ab t

179 178 www t mber windows com T M B E R W N D O W S S T E D


N E X T S T E P S 181 H E L P I N G Y O U T A K E T H E next steps www imber windows com/showroom Visit one of our beautiful showrooms & talk to the exper ts... www t mber windows com 180 Timber W ndows C H O I C E S provides you with ins ght nto the options ava lable to help you achieve the per fect windows and doors for your home inc uding: A colour chart with printed samples of our most popular shades & timber stain options Decorat ve glazing options, inc uding authent c V ctorian stained glass motifs
& etched glass, pr vacy glass and reversed out house number opt ons
and shaped windows, nclud ng gabled and tr angu ar frames
and fittings for sash windows, casement w ndows and front doors inc uding our exc usive Samuel Heath range
of our most popular Entrance Door s yles, including conser vat on and contemporary



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