5 minute read
Venita Freeman
Repeat these steps 3 to 5 times, or as often as you like.
• ICE: Inhale, Count to 5, Exhale
• Roses & Candles: Pretend to smell roses and blow out candles (3-5 repetitions)
• 1 Minute Jog & a Stretch: Set a 1-minute timer and jog in place. Then stretch: head up, head down, ear on your shoulder, ear on your other shoulder, flamingoes, toe touch, side lunge to the left and right
• Selfie Hug: Arms out, cross them, palms together, grip your fingers, tuck it under, and squeeze
By Venita Freeman
If you have questions for Venita, please send them to mysarahmagazine@gmail.com and we will post them and the answers in the next issue of Sarah magazine.
By Jacqueline Hopkins Morgan
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No More Procrastination. Let’s Do This!
I wrote this article many years ago and it is also a chapter in one of my books.
What does it mean to have a handicap?
I looked it up and this is what it means:
Handicap-A condition so imposed, or to hinder or impede.
Impede- to stop the progress of, to hinder to obstruct.
Have you ever watched a handicapped person?
We might see someone with one leg or no legs. One arm or no arms. Blind in one eye or no sight at all. Just to name a few. Have you ever noticed that no matter what the handicap, they learn how to work with what they do have?
They are not hindered by what society calls a handicap. When you think about it, they’re not handicapped at all. Now let’s look at our lives; we have all the activities of our limbs working. Yet we let circumstances hinder us. Whether it’s physical or material things, We tend to allow these things to hinder us. I am using my life experiences to get the message out to someone who might be going through something right now. I am reminded of a time when it seemed like everything I touched was falling apart in every area of my life. I became so discouraged to the point of giving up. I began to pray my pity party prayers. God began to show me in the spirit a handicapped person. He made me see that when that handicap person has one leg, they make the other leg do the work of two legs. If they have no legs, they use their arms. You get the picture.
I looked at my circumstances and felt I didn’t have the right resources to do what I needed to do. God showed me no matter what the circumstances, use what you have!
How many times in your life have you let things hinder you to the point of feeling like you are handicapped? Are we more handicapped than that person whom society calls handicapped?
In 2 kings 4: 1-7 the widowed woman felt that she had nothing and her two sons were going to be sold as slaves to pay her debts. She cried to the prophet Elisha for help. Elisha asked what did she have in her house. She explained to him that she only had a jar of oil. He told her to go and borrow vessels from neighbors and shut the door behind her and fill them. She did what he said. Once the vessels were full, he instructed her to take the oil and sell it to pay her debts and use the rest to live on. The widow woman could have let this handicap stop her from moving forward. But The prophet Elisha showed her that what she might have thought was not enough or not good enough, was of great value.
Read about blind Bartimaeus, His handicap did not hinder him from getting what he needed from Jesus. (Mark 10:46-52).
We focus so much on what we don’t have and we overlook what we do have.
A handicapped person is just the opposite of us, they will take what they have and work it.
In this day, I am going to take what I have and use it! I encourage you my sisters and brothers to do the same.
DON’T GIVE UP! Take what you think is a handicap and use it! Don’t let the attacks of this world hinder you.
Don’t be hindered! What you think is a handicap is going to take you to the level. Take time out to watch a person with no legs, one arm or blind, watch how they maneuver and get things done as if they have no handicap at all.
Here we are with no handicap, so to speak, and we still let minor circumstances hinder us. Don’t let your situation make you think that you can’t move forward. That is the trick of the enemy! Talk to me friends, are you in a situation now, or have you been there? What’s in your house?
Work with what you have! I pray that this has encouraged you to not give up. If that person whom society calls handicap can do it…so can you! there is still time to reach those goals.
This is what Sarah Magazine is all about. Create what you don’t have, work with what you do have, and always remember it doesn’t matter how old or how young you are
From my book, Messages From My Heart (Mini Bites For Your Soul) 2017 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1978419252
By Minister Sheree Carradine
Thank you for viewing the Rebirth of Sarah Magazine. I hope you enjoyed all the great stories, fashion, beauty, health and so much more. I pray that something in this magazine encouraged and inspired you to move forward.
I know it’s going to be people viewing to find mistakes, but that’s ok. God gave me this ministry, and if your only purpose is to look for mistakes, then you missed the ministry and maybe even your blessing!
This is my first issue in over 5 years, Bear with us . We are a work in progress…we get better with time.
Once again a big shout out to all my staff, contributors, and those who prayed for me during this time of Rebirthing Sarah The devil tried to stop me in so many ways…but God moved the obstacles and Sarah was birthed once again.
We are always interviwing people to be our next cover story.
Send us a few paragraphs of your story, my staff and I read them and decide whos going to be next on the cover of Sarah.
Give us your feedback. We’d like to hear from you.
We will see you in the next issue.
Just a reminder: We are a Christian based magazine but not limited to only Christians. BUT… we will not publish anything that is contrary to our beliefs, such as profanity or promotion of your sexual preferences.
mysarahmagazine@gmail.com www.personalizeitsc2.com