Future studies & trendwatching scenario sherelynn reijnen

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Future Studies & Trendwatching Sherelynn Reijnen 2181644 Future Studies & Trendswatching Scenario - Strategic Advice Maaike Rijnders Toetscode: 2259YA CO4-AC-D

contents Scenario 2 5 World 2030 7 Universal studios 13 Strategic Advice & Concept 15 The life of an Art-director in 2030


Conclusion 20 Bibliography 21




Scenario 2 Celebration World – Repel Digitalization Our research Celebration world is the opposite of celebration nation. So brands use elements of the world in their products. Countries can learn about each others symbols, lifestyles and traditions, maybe even adopt them. The whole world becomes one big nation, in which every country has access to each others products. This trend is about letting the commitment to their own country go and opening up to other cultures and feel commitment to them as well. An example is that everyone is watching MTV and more and more people start celebrating Halloween.. Besides that, people are shedding of digitalization. They are refusing to live with the technological changes. Technology and our living environment are melting into each other. A lot of people think this is going too fast. The gap between the people that can follow these changes and the ones that can not or will not seems to be bigger and bigger. We do not notice anymore that technology is developing itself and takes in a place in our lives. Dig normalisation physical aspects of our lives are going digital. How will people in 2030, that refuse to use new technology remain socially hooked?



World in 2030 In 2030 the world is one big nation. Boarders have fade, cultures will be (re)united or want to be united. And the people of a every country around the world will or want to have knowledge of all other countries. Countries will adapt each others products and ideas and habbits but not with the use of new technologies. Because many people around the world are refusing to go with the trends of digitalization. Simply because they think it is bad, they can not or they think it is all going too fast. World in 2030 (Including left upper quadrant of our matrix) Conditions that will happen in the area of celebration world and shedding digitalization Jobs Technological devices are taking over employment. Robots, automation and software can replace people. According to Brynjolfsson and McAfree technological change has been destroying jobs faster than it is creating them, contributing to the stagnation of median income and the growth of inequality in the US. Of course technology boosts productivity and makes our societies wealthier, but technological progress is eliminating the need for many types of jobs, which will cost even more unemployment in this world than we already have. Computers are changing the types of jobs. (Rotman, 2013). 47% of the current jobs will be automated. Cashiers, soldiers, pharmacists, journalists, lawyers, farmers and secretaries are good examples. (Frey & Osborne, 2013) (Physical) Communication People nowadays not always like technology. If it is about communication with persons, objects or services. Communicating by using technology is not as personal as meeting someone in real life, look into someone’s eyes and notice certain emotions by looking at a person and be able to touch them, without the use of any digital screen, hologram or hearing device. People

still want to feel the warmth and energy of someone’s presence. That makes the whole experience as realistic and precious as possible. Everybody nowadays also still owns a personal technology device but, that will not be the case anymore. We will be able to pick up any device and passively log in with biometric authentication and have access to all your stuff. And all the technology we need to make this vision a reality is already here. You do not need to pack your laptop or phone because you knew there would be connected interfaces on the road. A system where you do not buy physical deviced but instead subscribe to a service that provides access to interfaces ailored to each environment, everywhere you go. (Wilson, 2013). But also think about objects. There is a reason why printed books will never die for example. ‘There is just something about holding a book in your hand and the visceral act of physically turning a page that, for me at least, can not be matched with pixels on screen.’’ (Catone, 2013). Printed books also offer special editions or are signed by an author. There are just some qualities digital books will never process. Covers is one of them. I will not say that electronic books can not have beautiful covers but designers have not yet fully realized their potential in this area. For paper books we are already there. The book cover can be seen as a communication/marketing tool. It grabs your attention from its place on the shelf. Therefore the most beautiful designed covers were true art pieces. We are looking for real metrics, not images, not artificial marketing signifiers. ‘’Any electronic book that boasts beautiful design, does so only ethereally. (Mod, 2012) ‘’Printed books offer a more robust experience to the reader. It is about the paper stock, the way the book is typeset, the selection of fonts that adds their own subtle flavours to the experience of that story’’. (Cheng, 2012).


Consumer Power But also with customer services things are changing, while maybe the people do not want that at all. More companies are using technology to handle customer services. Think about ordering your food online or in a restaurant with a digital device, shopping online or with apps and virtual avatars that help you instead of real human beings. Customer service enhances or degrades customer loyalty to your brand and your business. Customers have more alternatives than ever, so you have to stand out. (INC, 2014) Standing out can be done with experience economy, People want experiences on demand, at any moment of they when they want it. More virtual experiences will develop (Lun, 2015), but the real life experience stays valuable to people. Transport Another change will take place in the area of transportation. Fully automated vehicles where people can ‘’punch in’’ or ‘’speak’’ the place they want to go to are the future. The vehicles will automatically take them there. We see commercialization of the first friction-free no-moving-parts flying vehicles and original mechanics and aerodynamics will be replaces with a new physics governing vehicular movement. (Frey, 2015) But in a world full of technology and electricity, people long for the times by taking the bike, which was healthy for people. Religion Religious enthusiasm seems to be growing. Because our population is growing people want to hold on to something. Will old religions be replaced by newer movements? Cognitive sciences and economics suggest that the religious impulse is unlikely to change, but in the coming centuries the social forms in which it finds

expression could look quite different. (Bohr, n.d.) Instead of decreasing, religions will be increasing. Especially the muslim population has increased significantly by 2030. They will reach 26,4% of the global population, because of more children per woman, a larger share is entering prime reproductive years and health and economic gains in muslim-majority coutnries have resulted in greater declines in child mortality rates. (Fox, 2015). We are dealing with worldreligions then. World Curiosity People will get to know different cultures in their own country, because their country will adopt foreign elements. The world becomes one and people share everything with each other. Now 76% of the people in America look at the label/stamp ‘’Made in the USA’’, they do not want only china and prefer their homeland stamp. But what if it says ‘’Made in the Netherlands’’, ‘’Made in Africa’’’ or ‘’Made in New Zealand’’. Then it becomes interesting and people will get curious. They know China and they know their own country but that is it. ‘’Curiosity is a value in today’s world.’’ Curiosity creates an interest in learning and helps break down barriers between cultures and their differences. It is an essential stepping stone toward building awareness, appreciation and understanding of other cultures. People can gain new perspectives, unparalleled learning and growth and a chance for interesting conversation and reflection at every interaction.’’ (Berardo, 2007) So we are trying to arouse curiosity with people by communicating the country of origin. A country is not there to show the world all the profits of their own. They want to share their profits with the world and also look at the profits from other countries that they can use.




Consumer Power But also with customer services things are changing, while maybe the people do not want that at all. More companies are using technology to handle customer services. Think about ordering your food online or in a restaurant with a digital device, shopping online or with apps and virtual avatars that help you instead of real human beings. Customer service enhances or degrades customer loyalty to your brand and your business. Customers have more alternatives than ever, so you have to stand out. (INC, 2014) Standing out can be done with experience economy, People want experiences on demand, at any moment of they when they want it. More virtual experiences will develop (Lun, 2015), but the real life experience stays valuable to people. Transport Another change will take place in the area of transportation. Fully automated vehicles where people can ‘’punch in’’ or ‘’speak’’ the place they want to go to are the future. The vehicles will automatically take them there. We see commercialization of the first friction-free no-moving-parts flying vehicles and original mechanics and aerodynamics will be replaces with a new physics governing vehicular movement. (Frey, 2015) But in a world full of technology and electricity, people long for the times by taking the bike, which was healthy for people. Religion Religious enthusiasm seems to be growing. Because our population is growing people want to hold on to something. Will old religions be replaced by newer movements? Cognitive sciences and economics suggest that the religious impulse is unlikely to change, but in the coming centuries the social forms in which it finds expression could look quite different. (Bohr, n.d.) Instead of decreasing, religions will be increasing. Especially the muslim population has increased significantly by 2030. They will reach 26,4% of the global population, because of more children per woman, a larger share is entering prime reproductive years an Cybercrime As the technology is growing more and more. . Technology is sometimes used in a wrong way, that is why mostly the negative sides of technology came up and people are refusing to use technology as an oxygen element because simply too many bad things happen. Cybercrime is the biggest area of crime. Because of the speed, convenience and anonymity of the internet, many criminals will have no physical or virtual borders. These crimes can be

divided into three broad areas. 1. Attacks against computer hardware and software 2. Financial crimes, such as online fraud, penetration of online financial services and phishing. 3. Abuse, especially of young people, in the form of grooming or sexploitation. Cybercrime costs the global economy billions of dollars. And another dangerous thing is: ‘’anyone can do it.’’. In the past it were individuals or small groups, but because technolog/digitalization is accessible for everyone at this point it can be done by complete organizations, with cybercrime professionals. (Interpol, 2014). Health In a world where technology becomes part of our lives, it is not imaginable that this is healthy. We swim in a sea of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) every day, produced by electrical appliances, power lines, wiring in buildings and a slew of other technologies that are part of this modern life. From the television, microwave oven in the kitchen to your smartphone you hold to your ear, sometimes for hours each day. Exposure to EMR is still growing and is becoming a serious health threat. And by the still growing technology, this will only increase. Studies has shown that radiation can be linked to development of brain tumors, genetic damage and other exposure related conditions. However the media misleads unwary public about the dangers. (Kovach, 2007). It seems to be a habit of people to think they have Wi-Fi in many places. But the wireless internet routers or Wi-Fi modems also use dangerous electromagnetic radiation to send signals all your digital devices through walls. Blue Tooth, Netgear, Linksys and other wireless network devices contribute to this problem. ‘’We are living in a dangerous soup of radiation.’’ (Safespace, 2013) Singularity scares people Smart robots, who we can not distinguish from real human beings. This is scary to a lot of people. Singularity occurs when humanity creates an artificial intelligence that is more intelligent than all human intelligences combined. People are afraid of immortality and robots taking over our bodies eventually. People are also questioning why hyperintelligent machines be friendly to humans? Of course the necessary future films contributed in this opinion, like iRobot. But they are expecting hyperintelligent machines will take steps to either eliminate or enslave the human race. Machines can be turned off but every brain has the goal to survive and is willing to fight for it. So why would hyperintelligent machines think about this differently? (Koltko-Rivera, 2011)



Universal studios In 2030 Universal Studios will be fully immersed in a world full of technology. And of course they can not stay behind. But when a large group of people repel digitalization instead of embracing it, Universal Studios must anticipate to this problem. However people are still curious about the world and its cultures. Film producing will be different and the world population does not want to see only blockbuster Hollywood films or films from their own country. They want to see cultured movies from all over the world. So can these two blend without using technology? Out of my world describing of 2030 my advice would be to respond on the physical communication, experience economy (customer service) and the world curiosity. By responding on the desire of the basics from the past you will automatically stand out in a world where technology is like oxygen. Physical communication, objects, services and real life experience is where people are longing for. And if you also please the public with world discovery, engagement can be a huge aspect. Because in fact you are pleasing the wishes, values and desires of the audience, which is customer service. And the customer likes to have the power.

that will make a cool and modern movie like they did it in the old days. With real actors, real film sets and maybe even real special effects. Movies about different cultures, which are also filmed in the land of origin. Communicate the announcement of this idea to the world and keep the audience up to date during the process. In a world full of ‘’the same’’ (by that I mean technology) everywhere, change is good. Change will get noticed. And Universal Studios will be a unique market leader. The goal is to live up to the wishes and desires of the audience, but it is also a good education for a younger generation and it offers new jobs. Universal Studios is not selling only movies to cinemas but actually a whole experience, where the producing, marketing and experience part comes to its right. It is touchable.

In the area of producing films Universal Studios has to make several adjustments when the world is full of technology. Let them be the one



Strategic Advice & concept ‘’Touch the world’’ A Culture themed film experiences for you! History Universal Studios saw that more and more people want to learn something about the world, but also a large group of people wants to get away from a world full of technology for a while. Universal Studios thought: ‘’Why not combine those two?’’. We will satisfy the wishes and desires of a large group of people. What is ‘’Touch the World’’? As cultures are blending and countries want to know more about each other, movies about different cultures are presented all over the world. People are curious about different cultures. By watching these movies they will get to know a certain culture better and they can even adopt aspects from these cultures. In every country around the world there will be several cinemas who are also adapting to the desire of physical experience economy among a large group of people. These cinemas will have empty rooms with only a cinema screen and they are going to play these movies about different cultures. To fulfil the wishes and desires of this large group of people that is in need of physical experiences in a world full of technology, these cinema rooms will be completely designed in the style of the culture in the movie. Think about themed seats, typical traditions, decoration and catering.

Experience The moment the people walk into the cinema room, from the beginning until the end, the people will have the feeling they are in the country of the movie. Everything around them is inspired by the country of origin where the movie takes place. The meaning of this is that people will meet each other again in public and face to face, where they asked for and to get that physical experience like they used to have in the past. But now it is even a bigger experience with the use of theming. Universal Studios is eventually the one that delivers the ultimate experiences to the cinemas. People will pay not only for a movie but also for a whole experience around the movie itself. But also the marketing will change. Circumvention of technological marketing tools is difficult. But we always have Guerrilla Marketing that contributes to a real life experience, attention and often operates on a mass scale. Promote a movie in public areas with for example themed happenings like a Chinese parade or an Indian Wedding where everybody in that area will become a part of.



Types of innovation I chose for an operational level of advice. It is a product and service innovation that will change the current ways films are presented. A new product and service based on the traditions in the past, but then much bigger. But also process innovation and commercial/marketing innovations are a part of this concept. The process of making films will be changed. Universal studios will make high tech films for the technology lovers and cultured experience films for the large group of people that repel technology. When the process of the production changes, the commercial/marketing innovations will automatically come with. Instead of indirect marketing via technology, direct marketing and new sales will be inserted. It is a disruptive innovation because Universal Studios is doing something totally different from one day to another. It offers a new performance trajectory that is so different compared to other market leaders, that Universal Studios will become markedly superior. It is a medium risk because on the one hand we know for sure that there is a group of people, who is asking for this innovation but on the other hand how can we make sure, they will actually appreciate the responding on their wishes and desires and that they are going to make use of the new product and service.


The life of an art-director in 2030 Jack wakes up in LA from the light of his electronic sunlight lamp. Slowly he gets out of bed and selects on a screen in his closet which outfit he wants to wear today. The closet automatically searches the outfit and presents it on an image of Jack’s body. While he gets ready for a busy working day, his house robot Linsey is cooking breakfast and makes sure that when Jack sits down at the table, she tells him the important news topics of the day. Jack lives in a life full of technology. He makes good use of the technology around him and is also using it with pleasure. It is easy and you can not hide from it. But Jack can also empathize with the large group of people nowdays that yearn back to times of physical communication and touch but also still want to learn things about the world without the use of technology. As a business man, he sees an opportunity to make money by anticipating to these desires. Today Jack is travelling to Istanbul to gather objects for another cultured cinema project. Universal studios is producing an Indian, Italian and African movie at the moment, using the old production ways. More countries/cultures will follow. Jacks task is not only to decorate film sets but also the whole watching experience. It is up to him that people will experience a movie as if they are in the country of origin. This will be done with sounds, decoration, senses and catering.

traditional markets, old shops and typical Turkish buildings. He buys a lot of decoration, food, drinks and asks a few Turkish people to work for him for a while. In the meanwhile he utilized ‘’Airmale’’ to store all the products, that he bought in Istanbul, in a small warehouse that is transferred to America by air traffic. These small warehouses can fly by their own, if its destination is filled in. In the end of the afternoon he flies back and takes a visit to the empty cinema room in LA (this can also be another cinema in another city of the world), which will be decorated in Turkisch style with Turkish food and Turkish hosts. He is not visiting the cinema physically but he sends a hologram of himself. The small warehouse has arrived and now he can direct the employees of the cinema how to furnish the room. Bright coloured mattresses will be the seats, typical Turkish atmosphere lamps will be on the side, at every seat there is a water pipe and everything around the seats is decorated with typical Turkish objects. There is even a little food stall where people can get Turkish food and drinks. Jack sended the hologram while he already was at home. The moment he was ready with working, dinner was served by Linsey and she placed the television screen near the table and programmed his favourite shows. Tomorrow is another day for culture visits and decorating new cultured cinema rooms

As he is travelling to Istanbul with the fastest plane that exists, windowless and uses videomapping/projections on the inside of the plane as if the people are floating in the air, he arrives at the airport of Istanbul after 1 hour. Being able to decorate an entire cinema room in the style of a certain culture, inspiration is needed. He visits


A moodboard of how a culture themed cinema room would look like in a Turkish Style.


Conclusion In 2030 the world becomes one big nation. Cultures will blend and every country knows or wants to learn aspects from other countries. The world is full of technology but a large group of people repel against it. Universal Studios can anticipate to these two changes with the use of physical communication and customer service. By making cultural movies around the world and add a culture themed experience with it in special cinema rooms, the wishes and desires of these people will be fulfilled. Universal Studios is now selling not only a movie but a whole experience to cinemas.


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