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Prologue Monday evening 8 of September we gathered in an empty classroom. We just heard the assignment from our client NU&STRAKS. The big question now is how to start? normally you have a project group of 8 people maximum, now we have a group of 22 people. A lot of people means lots of different opinions, but then again we have many different kind of persons with all of them have a expertise of their own. There time which is set for this project is short but the challenge we have is perfect for a eager group like us. Everyone wants to prove him/herself and is committed to this project. From day 1 people started to collaborate and came with a wide variety of concepts. Those concepts where the result of a solid analysis. Not only we had a lot of ideas we as well had the urge to realize some of them. So we not only have a plan but we have some sample products as well. The strength of this group is working together and know when to stop discussing about ideas and start working on the best ones. This report is a result of some fine collaboration between different kind of people, these people with different backgrounds listened to each other and tried to learn how a problem could be handled.


Chance Message 27


Conclusion 58


Concept 29


AppenDIX 60


Intern Analysis 5


Strategy 48


Extern Analysis 12


TimeTable 50


target Group 23


Budget 55


Introduction This strategic marketing plan includes all the steps that are made to achieve a concept that fits into the character of festival NU&STRAKS. It starts with a clear internal analysis, including the overall objectives of the festival, the target audience, the value strategy, the final state and the vision. Next is the external analysis, which is based on the macro and meso-environment. The macro analysis is performed by using the DESTEP model. The next step is about the SWOT and the confrontation model. All this information leads to a goal. Afterwards the target group is described. With a, at first, wide target group, it was successful to make the target clearer and easier to achieve. From the analysis in the first part there as challenge has risen which is translated into a concept. The concept is based on a clear message and all the information can be found in this strategic marketing plan. But it was also needed to radiate the character of the festival NU&STRAKS in the concept. Subsequently, the concept is worked out by creating a strategy and a time schedule. Also the communication means, products and themes are mentioned in these parts and a budget plan was created for the NU&STRAKS festival. This part is concluded by a fitting conclusion and recommendation.


Internal Analysis


With this internal analysis, more insight information on the entire business of NU&STRAKS will be obtained. NU&STRAKS The festival NU&STRAKS covers four days, from the 1st until the 4th of November, and is organised in the city of Tilburg. The theme of the festival is “Quality of life” and how one can improve quality of life. There are seven themes that are used to interpret the programme: • Health • Food & Drinks • Leisure • Work • Sport & Exercise • Appearance & Identity • Living & Environment

" everybody has the right to be happy"

Research has shown that these seven themes come forward when it comes to creating a better quality of life. Ruut Veenhoven (Veenhoven, 2000) and the model of Felce & Perry (Rohde, 2013) were used to create a matrix for happiness. These themes are filled with interactive workshops, a diversity of shows and presentations, inspiring master classes, theme movies, music and theatre, theme dialogs, sports initiatives and food experience. Because of the theme “Quality of life”, NU&STRAKS speaks to a wide range of target audience. To make a distinction in the target audience, the organization focus the first two days of the festival on the civilians of Tilburg. The last two days of the festival, the festival is more fo-

cussed on companies and their employees that will visit NU&STRAKS. NU&STRAKS is an assignment of the International Lifestyle Studies, which is a study at the Fontys Academy of Creative Industries. Buro Plankgas and Smeck designed the assignment. These two companies are sharing an office, called the Energiekfabriek. Two employees and four interns work on the concept of the festival NU&STRAKS. Next to these six people working on NU&STRAKS, there are a couple of partners connected to the organisation of the festival. These people contribute to the festival, for example by sharing their network with the organisation and someone else will deliver the decorations. Next to these people, almost 200 volunteers will work during the festival. Objectives The overall objectives of NU&STRAKS: • Within the four days that NU&STRAKS takes place; they want to get 5.000 visitors. • Of these 5.000 visitors, NU&STRAKS wants 600 paying visitors coming to the Monday and the Tuesday. • NU&STRAKS offers an accessible, highly qualitative program, suitable for youngsters to adults. • NU&STRAKS wants to create fans that will return to the edition of 2015. • The visitors have to be amazed and be touched when they visit the festival. • NU&STRAKS has to gain more awareness. The slogan of NU&STRAKS is ‘Iedereen heeft recht op geluk’ (everybody has the right to be happy). This is shown in the business operations. Of course, the program is adjusted to this. Also, the interaction with the employees and the volunteers reflects on that. A co-operation with RIBW is a good example of this. RIBW is an organization that helps people with a psychiatric background to find their way back in to society. These people also have the right to be happy and NU&STRAKS wants to offer them work experience so they can reintegrate into society quicker. The values are also integrated in the policy of NU&STRAKS. An example of this, are the four interns that work there. They are stimulated to take initiative and to think about further improvement of the festival.


Business Scope

quality possible).

The business scope of NU&STRAKS is based on the model of Abell. This model defines the technologies that the festival uses, the needs of the consumers and the consumers that are being reached as a target audience. The needs are being met by the 7 themes that the urban festival provides for their visitors. Of course, the first need is luck or happiness, which can be provided by all the technologies that NU&STRAKS presents their themes in. The target audience can be expanded in the upcoming years when looked at the model of Abell. When NU&STRAKS can go abroad (and maybe even globally), there will be a wider range of visitors available. The business definition of NU&STRAKS is that the festival provides the citizens of Tilburg and its surroundings, from the age of 25 – 45, the right to be happy by offering workshops, seminars, master classes, music, culinary actions and theme dialogues; by offering themes like health, work, spare time, food & drinks, sports & exercise, living & surroundings and looks & identity.

Value Strategy

The model of Treacy and Wiersema (Nieuwenhuis, 2010) will define the value strategy of urban festival NU&STRAKS. This model explains that an organization first has to have a threshold of all the core values, which are Product Differentiation, Operational Competence and Customer Responsive. After creating a threshold for each of these core values, an organization can choose which way they want to go. They can either choose Product Leadership (creating innovation, have a flexible production), Customer Intimacy (focus on the individual client) or Operational Excellence (create a product or service with the lowest price as possible but also with the highest

NU&STRAKS is a free, urban festival that focuses on the quality and happiness in life. This comes down to the part of Operational Excellence. They provide the lowest price possible (simply because the first two days are free) but they do try to create the highest quality possible, since they try to improve the quality of ones life. When NU&STRAKS will have 600 paying visitors, this will provide a revenue stream of â‚Ź13.800. Most of the budget is spend on the locations in the Spoorzone, but will also be spend on lights, sounds, the organisation and of course the marketing-communication. One of the major sponsors for NU&STRAKS is Kwartiermaken, an organisation that provides people with a psychiatric background more social interaction that they would normally have in this world. This focuses on the happiness and luck of people, which really suits the core values of NU&STRAKS. Core Values The organisation of NU&STRAKS stated a very clear mission and vision for the urban festival. This will help all of the people that work on NU&STRAKS to go the same way and know what the festival stands for. The mission and vision help to build the experience as good as possible and are based on the core values. These core values are do, exploring and energetic. (NU&STRAKS, NU&STRAKS, 2014)


Target Audience

As said before, NU&STRAKS has a wide range of target audience. De civilians, the educational institutions, government and the organisations in Tilburg are within the target audience of NU&STRAKS. The first two days the festival is targeting at the civilians of Tilburg. NU&STRAKS uses simple communication and doesn’t charge an entrance fee. The last two days NU&STRAKS is targeting on education, government and organisations in Tilburg. NU&STRAKS focuses on the women and men around the age of 25 till 45 that live in and around Tilburg. The surrounding cities are Berkel-Enschot, Udenhout, Oisterwijk, Dongen, Rijen, Gilze, Loon op Zand and Goirle. All these cities combined will provide a large area for the target group. A lot of people between the age of 25 and 45 are settled in life and might even have children. This is a big aspect of the target group. A lot of people between the age of 25 and 45 can be found on social media. (Oosterveer, 2012) From the age of 25, a lot of people are getting married. (Milieu, 2014)

Financial state

NU&STRAKS is an urban festival that really has to rely on external sponsoring contracts and subsidies (Heesbeen, Finances NU&STRAKS, 2014). The budget for NU&STRAKS exists of €10.000 of subsidies from Gemeente Tilburg. The rest of the budget is formed by external sponsors and will add up to around €151.250. Of course, visitors can buy a passe-partout ticket that costs €24, from which NU&STRAKS will keep almost €23 per ticket.


The mission of NU&STRAKS helps to get all the noses into the same direction. This helps all the people to know where the organisation stands for. The mission of NU&STRAKS is as followed: “NU&STRAKS is the pioneer of quality of life in Tilburg and surroundings. People and companies get inspired and stimulated to improve their quality of life.” (NU&STRAKS, NU&STRAKS, 2014)

The target group will be described more thoroughly later on in this plan.

The most important pillars that are used in this mission are social innovation, creating both regional and international awareness and using Tilburg as an urban décor on a physical and mental level at the same time.



As said earlier, NU&STRAKS is a festival that is organized by Fontys ACI. The festival has been outsourced to the event company ‘ Buro Plankgas’. Fontys ACI is the biggest money supplier for the festival. In the next couple of years, the financing by Fontys ACI will decrease a bit. The organization wants to gain more revenue out of partnerships, sponsors and co-creation. NU&STRAKS will hopefully have national awareness the next year. One of the main goals in the future is to develop some sub-festivals, based on the concept of NU&STRAKS, in other cities. However, the core of the festival shall always take place in the city of Tilburg. Currently, NU&STRAKS is very busy with all the aspects of the festival. They have to take care of everything, from licences to venues and from marketing to programmes. NU&STRAKS shall be more facilitating in the future. Co-creations and partners should mostly complete the content of the festival. (Heesbeen, Future of Nu&Straks, 2014)

The vision of NU&STRAKS makes sure that everybody knows where the festival wants to go to in the future. ‘Happiness and wellbeing are becoming more important parts in our lives. Tilburg is busy to improve their quality of life, both private as in business life. NU&STRAKS wants to exploit their knowledge and experience about quality of life and they have the need for practical and refreshing news around this subject.’ (NU&STRAKS, NU&STRAKS, 2014)

Mix of Marketing Elements

The mix of marketing elements consists of product, price, place and promotion. This will discuss the different products that NU&STRAKS offers, but also how this festival is promoted to the visitors. The locations, which are available for the festival, and the price of the tickets are also being analysed.


Product NU&STRAKS creates an urban festival for the citizens of Tilburg and its surroundings to improve their quality of life. This is provided by 7 important themes, which are:

This location is created by Fontys Academy for Creative Industries. The location provides workspaces for study assignments and to inspire other entrepreneurs in the Spoorzone of Tilburg. (Industries, 2014)

• • • • • • •

Gebouw 88 Gebouw 88 is a location for social innovation. This hall has an industrial feeling and can be used as an event location, for example for conferences, diners, presentations and other meetings. (Spoorzone, 2014)

Health Food & Drinks Leisure Work Sport & Exercise Appearance & Identity Living & Environment

These themes are being displayed by several interactions, such as workshops, inspirational master classes, music, theme dialogues, sport initiatives and culinary actions. Price The first two days of NU&STRAKS are free of entrance for all visitors. These are the Saturday (November 1st) and Sunday (November 2nd). The other two days need a passe-partout ticket. These tickets costs €24 and let people in for the entire two days. Place NU&STRAKS is an urban festival, which means that it is being held on different locations throughout the city of Tilburg. One of the locations is Padua, a nursing home The biggest part of the festival is held around the Spoorzone, which provides several locations: • • • • • •

BOEMEL76 Bleyemakerij House of Creative Concepts Gebouw 88 Hall of Fame Duvelhok Club Smederij

For the theme “Food & Drinks”, NU&STRAKS has 4 lovely locations available: • Tuinhuis Culinair • Beans & Bites • Burgerij • Restaurant Lucebert Boemel 76 Bleyemakerij This is a low-budget theatre with a whole new concept. This community centre has the drive to attract people with fun, creative ideas. (Website, 2014) House of Creative Concepts

Hall of Fame This location is found by adolescents in Tilburg, with the goal to bring different subcultures together. This will help the young people to stimulate each other. The Hall of Fame consists of a skate park, practice rooms and a hall with a podium. (013, Spoorzone 013, 2013) Duvelhok Duvelhok is a location that will be used as a hatchery with space for culture, society and science. (Veemarktkwartier, 2014) Club Smederij This location, which was formerly used to test diesel engines, can now be rented for several functions. Club Smederij consists of a lot of starting entrepreneurs, a yoga school and a restaurant (Perron 88). There are a lot of working spaces available for everyone. (013, Spoorzone 013, 2013) Tuinhuis Culinair This culinary location, located at Westermarkt, just outside the city of Tilburg, is a simple restaurant where people can enjoy a nice lunch or lovely dinner. (Culinair, 2008) Beans & Bites Beans & Bites is a coffee bar in the style of New York with a take away option. High quality, good prices and enthusiasm are key for this bar located just 100 metres away from the Central Station of Tilburg. (Bites) Burgerij In the heart of Tilburg, a unique meeting place with a French, Burgundic touch can be found. The Burgerij is a little restaurant that also has a deli attached to it. (Burgerij) Restaurant Lucebert This newly styled restaurant is located next


to the theatre of Tilburg. The restaurant has an exciting new face, an open character and a cosmopolitan way of presenting itself. (Tilburg T. )


NU&STRAKS makes use of a website that is neatly designed and visually attractive. Nevertheless, the website is only available in Dutch, but that does fit with the values to attract the citizens of Tilburg and its surroundings. The website is easy and consumer friendly. Besides the website, NU&STRAKS is also to be found on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. Facebook It is possible to buy tickets via Facebook and the actual website can be found easily. The Facebook-page has around 500 likers. NU&STRAKS posts things about the locations, people that have an importance to the festival and other local activities. (NU&STRAKS, Facebook)

Google+ There are photos and videos available on the Google+-page of NU&STRAKS. The posts are about healthy living and cover most of the 7 themes of the urban festival. There are not a lot of followers on this page, but there are still a lot of people that don’t use Google+ yet. Despite this, the page does have been viewed over 2.500 times. (NU&STRAKS, Google+)

Instagram The Instagram-page of NU&STRAKS consists of many nice pictures that really give the urban festival an appearance. The green caravan, the logo of NU&STRAKS, comes back in many of the photos. The page of Instagram also has only a few followers, especially in comparison to Facebook. (NU&STRAKS, Instagram)

LinkedIn NU&STRAKS can also be found on LinkedIn. This page really explains the path that the organization has walked in the past time. They involve the visitors into this process. (NU&STRAKS, LinkedIn)


Twitter The Twitter-page of NU&STRAKS really shows the visitor some nice locations of the urban festival, some important articles that evolve around the themes and let people talk that can really make a difference in this world. (NU&STRAKS, Twitter)



External Analysis The external powers, which could influence the NU&STRAKS festival, will be analysed in this chapter. These external forces will be evolved in the meso- and macro-environment. That is the reason why these two environments are split up.


Porter Five Forces Analysis

This meso-analysis shall be performed based on the Porter five forces analysis. This model distinguishes five different competitive forces, in which organizations can analyse the different environmental factors within the competition.

Bargaining power of suppliers

The suppliers of festival NU&STRAKS have a very strong power in the organization of the festival. Without these suppliers, the festival would not be able to exist. The biggest supplier of NU&STRAKS is Fontys ACI. This organisation provides money, knowledge and students to NU&STRAKS. Fontys ACI has a big influence upon the quality of the festival. NU&STRAKS has to trust on the quality that Fontys ACI will deliver, so that the festival can be successful. Another big sponsor of the festival is the congregation of Tilburg. They provide the festival with subsidies. The festival depends on these big sponsors, so there can be concluded that the power of this congregation is very high as well. Besides the sponsors, NU&STRAKS festival is very dependent on the suppliers on the festival itself. The speakers, locations, supervisors and volunteers have to believe in the concept to create the experience that is wanted by NU&STRAKS. All by all, it is concluded that the bargaining power of suppliers is the biggest power of the model of Porter. NU&STRAKS is a new festival, which has no equity and customer base. They depend on their sponsors and partnerships to build a strong festival. The risk of this business model is very high. NU&STRAKS tries to minimalize this risk by having contracts with these suppliers.

Bargaining power of buyers

As said earlier, festival NU&STRAKS does not have a customer base. NU&STRAKS is a new festival, which will attract new visitors. The power of the visitors is very low (especially the first two days). This low power is set because the festival is free of entrance. The festival does not depend on the entrance fees, so we can say that the bargaining power of these visitors is very low. At the last two days of the festival, the visitors have to buy a ticket. The bargaining power of these visitors is higher, because they will relate the quality of the festival to the ticket price. NU&STRAKS festival is new, it has never been organized before. The success of the festival is not only depended on the quality, but also on the customer satisfaction and the amount of visitors. It is concluded that the bargaining

power of buyers is very low. However, the visitors have to be satisfied after visiting this festival, to make a second edition possible.

Threat of new entrants

Based on the first two days, the major benefit of this festival is the fact that it is free. This makes it hard for new entrants to organize a similar festival, especially with the current economy. Organizing a big, free festival is very hard and the organization is depending on other sponsors and partners. It can be concluded that the threat of new entrants similar to NU&STRAKS is very low. The last two days of the festival can only be visited by having tickets. These tickets are prices at 24 euros. There are many other festivals, which ask an entrance fee. When other organizations are interested in the concept of NU&STRAKS, the threat of new entrants will be much higher. Especially the business market can be reached by these kinds of festivals.

Threat of substitute products or services

NU&STRAKS festival is a varied festival, which offers several products and services to their visitors. As said earlier, the first two days are for free as well. The festival is especially based on quality, which lead to their motto: ‘Quality of life’. Other products or services cannot substitute the festival. The festival is unique, and NU&STRAKS is the only way to experience this festival feeling. The festival is based on seven themes, which work together perfectly during the event. Every theme has organized its own little events. These themes can experience a threat of substitute products. The major themes that have to deal with these threats are food, appearance and identity, health. For example, during the festival it is possible to eat at several restaurants, which will teach the visitors about food waste. This item is very easy to substitute by eating at other restaurants or by eating at home. Also within the theme appearance and identity, a fashion show is given. People can substitute this by reading fashion magazines or watching other fashion show online. It can be concluded that every theme has its own threat of substitution. The combination of all themes however, is unique. This combination is only experien-


ced at the NU&STRAKS festival. When visitors really want to invest in their future, by learning and getting inspired in the themes of happiness, they will go to NU&STRAKS. But there will also be a group of visitors, which will visit NU&STRAKS just to have a day out and enjoy the environment of Tilburg for free. For this last group of visitors, the threat of substitute products of services is big. There are many other ways to go on a daytrip in the environment of Tilburg without paying for it. For example, people can visit the park, have a nice city walk or cycle route.


Intensity of competitive rivalry

75,5% of all residents of Tilburg have a Dutch background. The city of Tilburg expects to develop itself in the future. The city expects 210.350 residents in 2014, up to 222.750 residents in 2030. (Statistiek, 2014)

NU&STRAKS takes place between the 1st and the 4th of November. In this same period of time, there are 140 other events in county Noord-Brabant. Only 62 of these events are related with the themes of NU&STRAKS festival (Agenda Uit in Brabant), but not one of them combines the themes and offers them for free. In the city of Tilburg there are no other events that would be comparable with the NU&STRAKS festival. Because of the fact the target audience is based on the citizens of Tilburg, this is a major benefit. It can be concluded that the NU&STRAKS festival does not have a major intensity of competitive rivalry. This mainly has to do with the date of the festival and with the unique combination of several themes. Also, the innovative vision stands for the exceptional experience that this festival should offer to their visitors.


The macro-analysis will be performed by using the DESTEP model. The DESTEP model indicates several environmental factors which can influence the NU&STRAKS festival. The environmental influences, which will be analysed, will consist out of demographical, economical, social-cultural, technological, ecological and political factors. Demographical At this moment (22nd of September 2014) there are 16 863 980 citizens in the Netherlands. This population is getting older and older, as we are able to see in the last few years. This is due to technological and medical advances and also because the ‘Baby Boom’-generation is getting an older age. The elderly will gain more influence in society and this has to be respected. These senior citizens will stand up for their selves, want to enjoy life and won’t worry about their age. (CBS). Tilburg is the sixth city of the country. The counter of the residents of the city Tilburg is 210.290. (May 2014). The residents of this city can be divided into several age

Age Category 0-14 15-29 30-44 45-54 55-64 65-79 80+

Number of residents 33.290 48.368 42.860 29.613 24.249 24.373 7.537

Percentage 15,8 23,0 20,4 14,1 11,5 11,6 3,6

The residents of Tilburg are divided over several districts. The number of residents is divided as following (1-12014); (Tilburg G. , Tilburg, 2014) District Number of residents Centre 6.640 Oud-Zuid 40.257 Oud-Noord 33.399 West 30.091 Noord 22.820 Oost 776 Zuid 14.587 Berkel-Enschot 10.864 Reeshof 42.705 Udenhout 8.151

Percentage 3,2 19,1 15,9 14,3 10,9 0,4 6,9 5,2 20,3 3,9

The numbers of the households of the city Tilburg in 2012 comes up to 100.535. 30% of this number are the households with children, 44% of this number are one-person-households and 26% are households with now children. Economical There has been an economical crisis in Europe over the last couple of years. This is decreased with 0,5% and now, experts would be expecting a growth of 1%. The Netherlands has a crimp of 1,25% and is behind the rest of Europe. They would be expecting a small growth of 0,5% in 2014. This is because the average of the purchasing power will fall, since the effects of the inflation will remain.The purchasing power


will fall, since the effects of the inflation will remain. The purchasing power will be falling for the firth time in a row. The beneficiaries and the retirees will especially be the victims of this.

On Budget Day, the third Tuesday of September, the government made notice of the cuts that will be held throughout the next year. It appears that support families with two children have a shortage of 50 euros every month. Families with three children are always short of 150 euros every month. With this, extra expenses are not even calculated. For extra expenses, think of presents, sports subscriptions and a day out. NIBUD has painted the picture around the expenses of these families, which they do every year. This creates an image of the spending options that some families might have. This is based on numbers of Het Voedingscentrum, CBS and Unions of Insurers. (Planbureau, 2014) At the end of 2013, there were 410.000 people that were living off support. Of these 410.000 people, 9% of them have children. In the graph below, the budget counters of support families with two children are graphically shown. (NIBUD, 2014)

The difference between congregations is shown on the maps below. You can actually see that as well as in the north as in the south there are low charges on income. The richer incomes are mostly found in the west and in the middle of the Netherlands. Sometimes, there are exceptions. These are mostly cities that already had a traditional rich background. These are the cities Groningen, Arnhem, Eindhoven and Tilburg. Roosendaal is the congregation with the highest share of high incomes. (CBS, 2010)

The working opportunities in Tilburg are not as good as before. This makes sense, because of the decreasing working opportunities on a national level. The working opportunity development is shown by the graph below:


Social-cultural Self-development is a big thing for people nowadays. There is more focus on individualisation than there is on groups. They want to develop the best moments that they can have in their lifetime. (Wijland, 2006) Individualism stands for living and holding on to ones own life. A life does not belong to the group, a community, society or the state. Individuality basically comes down to the idea that an individual’s life really belongs to him or her. The individual is sovereign and has a normal, moral concern when it comes to life. Individualism has already been a big part of lives of Americans, where the rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness are being recognized but also protected. On the other site, you have collectivism, where a life is merely a part of a bigger group, and where someone doesn’t really have a say in anything that is actually happening in his or her life. (Biddle).

generation X (1956-1985) due to the economic crisis and the insecurities of the job market. The chance of losing two jobs at once is much smaller than when people only got one job. It provides a certain safety. Moreover, an increasing amount of people is looking for a job that actually makes them happy. These jobs do not always provide enough money, so it is almost inevitable to combine them with another job in order to make ends meet. It is possible that this has something to do with personal branding. Due to the variety of occupations people become unique, because they can apply different competences to their work. (Kortmulder, 2012) E-communication is a form of communication that can be seen more and more nowadays. This is the transfer of communication via electronic signals. This concludes telephony and Internet. As shown from research of Tww. com (2013), it appears that the Dutch are the most dependant on their phones. 34% of the Dutch respondents can’t image him or her without a phone. 3% of those respondents say that they can’t imagine a life without his or her phone. E-communication focuses on combining numerous data, like text, music and graphics, into a single message. Through this, people can send more meaningful communication to other persons. E-communication is also very interactive. It engages the audience (so the receiver of the message) to really think about the received message. Via e-communication, it is also possible to work on the same documents at work or hold meetings on different locations. (KnowledgeWay)

The pyramid of Maslow (Morisson) is representing this self-development as well. In the current society the citizens of the Netherlands are experiencing great wealth, in which the first four steps of the pyramid are realized. The final step, self-actualization is the next logical step in this society. That is the main reason why self-development is a trending topic right now. This trend is not only expressed within the needs of the consumer, but also in the wanted products (co-creation). More and more people have the urge to freedom and self-development. The Slash-worker phenomenon is involved in this. For generation y (1982-2001), which is invading the job market at this moment, the fact that they do not just have one solid job, but multiple combined jobs occurs more often every day. Self-development and freedom is important to generation Y and

Consumerism is a different trend that is showing more and more in the social-cultural zone. This mostly concludes that there is an increasing consumption of goods economically desirable for the consumer. This trend actually started a lot earlier, just after the industrial revolution. That revolution made it easier to manufacture products at lower prices and in bigger quantities. The advantages are that the consumer chooses for him or her, which goods are necessary and which goods can be seen as luxurious; the opportunity for the consumer to enjoy the world in various quantities; and the motivation to improve ones social standing by working hard. (Becker, 2013)


Technology Technology is developing strongly nowadays. There can’t be thought of a world without digitization in the current society. For example, the use of smartphones is very popular among all citizens of the Netherlands. The use of smartphones opens a world with new possibilities for the consumers and producers. A research in 2012 has shown that 7 out of 10 Dutch citizens use social media. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are the most popular networks within the use of social media. The use of social media keeps increasing every year. In 2012, 100% of the 12 – 18 year olds were active on the Internet. 93% of this group has indicated to use social media as well. Also the 18-25 year olds were 100% active on the Internet. This group has been even more active on social media, with a percentage of 98.

The difference in gender among the social media users is minimal. Only LinkedIn shows a small difference, in which men are in the majority. The use of social media in the Netherlands is shown in the graph above.

laptop. The use of social media starts to decrease among the older ones (55+). Among all social media users, the difference in education does not have an influence on the use of social media. In the graph found above, the daily use of the Internet for participation in social media is shown in age categories. The category of 18-25 year olds scores the highest. (CBS, Bevolkingstrends 2013, 2013) Another trend within the festival industry is RFID. RFID stands for Radio-Frequency Identification and is a kind of chip that can be placed into festival bracelets for example. RFID is the reason why queues can be a lot smaller and why ticket fraud can be prevented. It can be concluded that the technology has a major power upon the festival industry. Because of new developments, which have an effect on the consumer behaviour, there are new possibilities for the organization in this market. (Remling, 2012) Ecology The people are getting aware of the importance of ecology nowadays. For example, the biological food industry is increasing strongly. A lot of people choose this kind of food over the regular (or fast-)food nowadays. (Wilson, 2014) Not only within the food-, but also in the event industry, ecology is becoming more and more important. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an important understanding in the current society. Even when the economy is decreasing, the use of Corporate Social Responsibility keeps increasing. The increase of CSR is possible because of the major benefits this understanding brings to the consumers. First of all, CSR contributes to the loyalty of stakeholders, strategic partners and customers. Secondly, the consumer is asking for more transparency and communication from the companies and organizations. Corporate Social Responsibility is a way for companies to communicate transparently with their consumers. A third benefit from CSR is the fact that this phenomenon can motivate the employees in a way that a ‘regular’ company can’t. This has a bigger influence on the productivity of these employees. At last, it can be said that CSR provides lots of positive reactions and publicity. Besides that, it can reduce costs, which is very interesting for several companies.

94% of all social media users have indicated that they use the Internet on a daily base. Within this percentage, 69% uses mobile Internet and 29% uses Internet via tablet or


Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming a very important value in the event industry. Events are getting organized slim, in which they are climate neutral. This is healthy for the environment and collaborates on a positive image of an event. The most important spearheads to organize a slim (climate neutral) event are mobility management, energy management, waste processing and fair trade. (Nederland) Mobility management: The purpose of this topic is to handle the transport and roads as efficient as possible. The CO2 emissions should be as low as possible. A way to achieve this goal is to decrease the number of cars of the visitors with the maximum. For example, this decrease could be arranged by providing public transport or special shuttle busses. These solutions should be communicated very well to the visitor. Besides the CO2 benefit, it will also decrease the noise nuisance. Energy management: It is preferred to connect an event to a green energy provider. If this is not possible, there should be one aggregate with biofuel in it available. The use of ground- and driving plates shall decrease the damage of the event site as well. (Eindhoven, 2008) Waste processing: An event with a minimal amount of waste is very nice for the organization, the location and the visitors. Besides the nice experience, it will save a lot of costs as well. Waste processing can be implemented at the event by using recyclable cups, ecologic packaging and so on. Fair trade: The use of products and suppliers from around the region is very popular nowadays, especially when these products have an honest character. Visitors don’t mind to pay an extra amount of money for these ‘fair products’. Political Before an organization is able to organize a festival or event, it has to be approved by the local congregation. This approval starts by an event licence application form. Within this form, the organization has to be able to deliver the expected numbers, a safety plan, the alcohol policy and any noise nuisance. Within this licence, the congregation has a big influence upon the event or festival. Based on the vision, mission, budget and other events, it will depend whether the application will be approved or not. On a national scale it can be said that the government has a big power as well. Every year there are more rules, laws and regulations in several industries stated. For example, the minimum age of alcohol usage is increased to 18 years. Another example is the several VAT percentages upon tickets in the cultural industry.

The government is constantly working on changing or strengthening the rules. This makes the festival or event industry a kind of unstable. It is not always consistent, in which several events should adjust their concepts to the new rules. (Tilburg G. , 2014) In Amsterdam, and soon throughout all of the Netherlands, the festival organization must provide free refillable opportunities for visitors to fill their bottle of water again. It is legally bound to place at least one point to get free water from on 150 visitors. These kinds of changes are developing constantly, which will make sure that this industry will always have new challenges for the organizations. (Info, 2014)

Trends Food A good, healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more important for a lot of people. It is even important for people to know which kind of E-numbers are found in which products. If there were a possibility to choose, people would rather live a healthy life without putting too much effort in it. For this, more initiatives pop up where one can put together his or her own meal. For example, look at the supermarket Bilder & de Clercq. (Clercq, 2012) This is a supermarket that provides 14 recipes everyday, with all of the ingredients and the right amounts. Everyone can quickly grab their groceries and the only thing that there’s left to do, is cooking. Another initiative is Hellofresh. Hellofresh provides a service were one can choose their own healthy, biologically produced products for 3 entrees. These products will be delivered on the doorstep. (Hellofresh) Unknown grains and seeds According to Juglen Zwaan, eating bread is unhealthy. This can be found in more and more researches nowadays. Every day of the year, people eat bread and apparently, now it’s bad for a person. Research shows that there are indeed foul ingredients used in bread. These are namely the processed grains and gluten that are processed into the bread. (Zwaan, 2014) The trend regarding healthy grains comes down to spelt bread. Spelt bread contains unprocessed grains and is available in regular supermarkets nowadays. At a local deli shop, their was always the


choice between brown and white bread, but now, spelt bread is also a possibility. Superfoods A term that is known for 1, almost 2 years now, is called super- or powerfood. Super food is really healthy and consists of products that have unprecedented amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibres and proteins. All those products are naturally based and unprocessed. Super foods are, for example; chia seeds, linseed, hempseed, quinoa, cranberries, dried fruits, goji berries, raw cocoa and coconut oil. But why are these products so good for one? According to, there are a number of reasons for this: “By eating these super foods, strength and energy will increase insanely. They improve the general health, strengthen the immune system, increase the serotonin production, enhance sex life, cleanse, provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and are also very delicious. By eating these products, concentration will be better, there will be more energy and there may be a more positive look towards life. Also, eating super foods will help to not be as drawn to unhealthy food anymore.” (Eerlijker Eten, 2014) Shared dining A whole new concept has flown in from Asia. Years ago, they already had a whole table filled with food, food for sharing together. This concept has now gained popularity in the rest of the world. (NRC, 2014) Restaurants choose to devote their menu to “shared dining”. Shared dining can be compared to sushi or tapas. A table filled with food, small dishes that can be shared with an entire table. This provides more interaction than regular dining or eating at home. It gives an extra dimension to the experience of going out to diner. Creating a total experience is becoming more and more important, namely to experience the taste together and share this experience. “Normal” dishes are transformed to small dishes that can be ordered in rounds. People crave for experiences in life and can now find this in food. (Review, 1998) Mobile meals Eating-on-the-go options used to run the gamut from McDonald’s to Burger King. But in big cities, at least, a new wave of gourmet food trucks is serving up a dizzying array of treats, from free-range lamb burgers and Korean tacos to Belgian waffles and artisanal ice cream. With the trend now crowned by a Food Network show, The Great

Food Truck Race, it’s only a matter of time before the vanguard hits smaller towns and suburbs across the country. (Epicurious, 2014) Health A new trend in the sports industry is that one can find more and more sports parties. For example, at a neighbourhood party or children’s party, more running or soccer tournaments will be held. This trend only grows gradually and carefully, but it will certainly continue to grow. Because of social media, it is easier to organise such parties with family and friends. (Wijngaarden, 2014) Leisure The main idea of leisure is that it’s being used as a domain for the quality of life. Lives are changing and becoming easier, people become more active and social. An active lifestyle is not only being touted as a way to improve one’s health and mental state, it also became an outlet for personal accomplishments, social engagements, and fashion statements. Fusion time For the first time in life, the amount of spare time that a human has seems not to decrease, but to remain stable. People are combining work and other commitments with leisure. The Internet is an essential factor nowadays (think of tablets and smartphones), since they can create experiences. The world is changing. More indoor playgrounds and attractions can be found, people are following live streams of their favourite bands, and the amount of cruises is increasing. People love to combine travel, stay and entertainment together. Travel agencies set up dynamic packages that can be customized by the consumer. Share-connected People are using more social media. Everyone wants to continue to share things with others in 2014. It has become more important to share and stay connected at all times. A new way of share-connected is Air B&B and Housetrip. com. These offer low budget places, and since people want to go on a holiday more often with three generations or are organizing days or weekends for friends. People are sharing more moments together like “father-and-son” and “mother-and-daughter” when they are enjoying their time.


Pure Nature It is indicated that people want to go back into nature. People want to love real food, the original and pure sustainable experiences, which are the new needs of humans. Even our own nature and our own country are still popular. The nature and landscape are becoming more accessible by establishing so-called “Nature Gates”. People like to go out hiking or biking or cook authentic and artisan products from the local area. Health and lifestyle still remain important till this day. Work A trend in the work industry is that there are new jobs available in the experience economy. Immaterial products gain more awareness and this all has to do with the needs of the consumer. The consumer doesn’t only want a product, but they expect more of an experience. The production of goods is more often automatized, which results in less need of people that produce material goods. These material goods make way for immaterial products and services. Professionals and amateurs help each other (or they don’t mind who is what). Take for example, bloggers, which started at their own little room in their spare time. Nowadays, some of these bloggers have become trendsetters. (Bakas, 2013) Sport / Experience Sporting goes beyond just being healthy and moving. Finding a right balance between those two is very important. Personal coaching is becoming more important, but also enjoying life, spirituality and innovation of facilities are more valuable today. Sporting becomes gaming. A sportsman doesn’t only wants to play sports, but also likes to experience and relax. (Sportkoepel, 2014) Living & Environment Anti-food wasting is an important trend that will continue to grow over the upcoming years. Through this, the understanding “food-sharing” became bigger. (Foodsharing) There is more awareness towards the fact that wasting food is bad for the environment. People don’t buy groceries for the entire week as often anymore, but go shopping daily. This helps with measuring the portions. The website is a platform for when a household has bought too much groceries. When one’s bought a bell pepper, but didn’t need it, it can be placed on the website, and someone can come get this bell pepper. (Foodsharing)

Appearance & Identity Co-creation is a trend that has been around for a while, but is growing more and more nowadays. The consumer has more influence on the product that he or she wants to buy. The consumer can show his or her own identity with this product. The idea is, that the consumer has a basic product and is able to personalize this product to his or her desires. An important platform for this is Nike ID. It is important to know that consumers don’t want to make a choice, but they do want to get a quick fix for their problems. MyKea is a website where one can design own duvet covers from IKEA. This is one of the many examples of co-creation. (Damveld, 2013) Brand Awareness Consumers are becoming more and more aware of the brands that are available in this world. Brand awareness is a trend that really started around 2004/2005 and has fluctuated its way through time ever since. Several researches has shown that when a brand as created high awareness with its customers, these customers are more likely to come back to their brand.

The graph above shows the trend for “brand awareness” on Google Trends. The dotted line at the end sets the prognosis for the oncoming years. Brand awareness is the most effective success factor of the company. This was shown in the research of 1st Line Outsoaring. Every company and organization, whether it’s big or small, should be promoted and endorsed. When one thinks of a fine branding strategy, this company or organization can create immense awareness and even attract new customers. (Outsourc-


ing, 2014) Another very important research shows that brand identity and brand recall are positively related to the purchase intentions of a customer. Customers are more likely to buy a product they already know and are familiar with. The higher the brand awareness, the higher the purchase intention will be. This study also reveals that action loyalty and affective loyalty are related in a positive way to purchase intention. This research was based on hypotheses, which were captured in a structure shown below. (Chi, Yeh, & Yang, 2009)

"Customers are more likely to buy a product they already know and are familiar with. "

intention to buy a product/service in the (near) future (Dictionary L. )

SWOT analysis

H1: Brand awareness will be positively affected to perceived quality. H2: Brand awareness will be positively affected to brand loyalty. H3: Perceived quality will be positively affected to brand loyalty. H4: Brand awareness will be positively affected to purchase intention. H5: Perceived quality will be positively affected to purchase intention. H6: Brand loyalty will be positively affected to purchase intention. H7: Perceived quality will mediate between brand awareness and purchase intention. H8: Brand loyalty will mediate between brand awareness and purchase intention. Definitions Brand awareness: When a brand is recognized by (potential) customers (Dictionary B. ) Brand loyalty: When consumers became committed to your brand and will make repeated purchases (Investopedia) Perceived quality: The customer’s perception of the overall quality of a product/service (Studymarketing) Purchase intention: The plan in which a person has the

Based on the internal and external analysis, several strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats can be formed. This SWOT analysis should put in context all internal and external attention points, which could be useful for the NU&STRAKS festival. Strenghts 1. Free for consumers The target group can visit the festival at the first or second of November for free. 2. Innovative and unique The festival creates a unique experience for their target group. They offer a certain amount of activities that are innovative and are of high quality. 3. Wide target group NU&STRAKS is targeting upon all citizens of Tilburg and surroundings. They do not differentiate their target group based on gender, race or age. Weaknesses 1. No awareness Festival NU&STRAKS is a new festival. They do not have created any awareness amongst their target group yet. 2. Minimum budget for marketing NU&STRAKS is very much dependent on their organization and several suppliers. They have spent their


money on all topics necessary, but they do not have any money left for the marketing. 3. Few people working in the organization There are only six people working in the organization of NU&STRAKS. Four of these employees are interns.

their opportunities and threats. The scale indicates how the variables affect each other.

Opportunities 1. Trend of self-development Self-development is very popular among the people nowadays. The festival NU&STRAKS is related to this trend, because it’s about the quality of life. 2. Technology There are many technologic trends nowadays. The people in the Netherlands are still very involved in technology. They can’t imagine a world without their phone, and so there are a lot of possibilities for companies. 3.Economic crisis. The economical crisis is an opportunity for this festival, because the festival is offered for free.

S1 S2 S3 W1 W2 W3 O1 ++ + ++ 0 0 0 O2 + ++ + ++ -- 0 O3 ++ 0 + 0 -- T1 0 0 0 0 -- -T2 0 + + - -- -T3 ++ ++ + -- -- --

Threats 1. Political regulations The political regulations can have a negative influence upon the festival. The government can set up other rules or laws, followed by adjustment of the festival. 2. High power of suppliers NU&STRAKS is very much dependent on their suppliers. They cannot control the quality and loyalty of the supplier, which makes this a high risk. 3. Competition on requirement level The festival has a lot of competition on a requirement level. They should stand out to attract potentials.

Confrontation Matrix

In the confrontation matrix below, the strengths and weaknesses from NU&STRAKS are deposited against

Very negative Negative NeutraL Positive Very pOsitive -- - 0 + ++

Several conclusions could be drawn based on the confrontation matrix. The most important conclusions are the following: 1. The free entrance for the consumer has a very positive effect upon the opportunities and threats. Also the choice of the wide target group responds very positive upon the opportunities and threats. These two strengths should be strengthened to establish these positive effects. 2. The high power of the suppliers has many negative effects on several opportunities and threats. This power is that high, that the festival is not able to use several opportunities or avoid several threats. 3. The minimum budget has a very negative effect upon the chances and challenges that are ahead of NU&STRAKS. The central question could be defined by the following: “In what way can the festival NU&STRAKS create a sufficient awareness to their wide target group, in which they lower the forces of competition and suppliers, despite of their low marketing budget and the few people working in the organization?”





Objectives Objectives We want people to be slightly happier than they were before they went to the festival. There are many types of happiness, but on the festival we have seven subjects where you can find yours. The main goal is to attract more people to the festival. Health With this subject we want to raise more consciousness about organizing their life in a more healthy way, for example the program ‘Leef jezelf gezond’. We’ll try to bring people together and stimulate each other in a positive way. Food & Drinks With this theme we want to raise more consciousness about food, drinks and the waste of it. This theme will be about recycling, cooking healthy and tasty. The motto is ‘Eten & Drinken tegen verspilling’. In cooperation with Elizabeth Ziekenhuis for example, we’re working against obesity and give people more information about how to live healthy. Leisure Nowadays it is a trend to combine leisure and work, because we have a 24-hour economy, which leaves little spare time after work. This theme will provoke creative thinking about how to organize leisure and work in your life.

Work This theme is about the importance of people in and around organisations. How can deploying employees reach ultimate results? A central subject is to help people find their own capacities and skills and learn them how and when they can use it. Sport & Movement With this theme, we’re trying to incite people to reach their goals with each other, for example happiness. We’re trying to actively involve people, by for example ‘Loop voor geluk’, where people can meet and stimulate each other in a run through the city of Tilburg. Appearance & Identity The Netherlands is a country with a lot of nationalities and identities. We are trying to develop a better environment where people can live and accept each other. It is an interactive theme where people meet each other and can discuss their identity and touchy subjects. Living & Environment With this subject, there will be interaction to raise consciousness about the environment and living area. How can you use products in your environment and living area to get a happier life? By using the right colors and products people can live happier.


Target group As said before, NU&STRAKS has a broad target audience. The citizens, the educational institutions, local authorities and the organisations in Tilburg are within the target audience of NU&STRAKS. The first two days the festival is targeting the citizens of Tilburg. NU&STRAKS uses simple communication and does not charge an entrance fee. The last two days NU&STRAKS is targeting education, local authorities and organisations in Tilburg. The focus is on women and men between 25 and 45 years old that live in the surroundings of Tilburg. The surrounding cities are Berkel-Enschot, Udenhout, Oisterwijk, Dongen, Rijen, Gilze, Loon op Zand and Goirle. All these cities combined will provide a large target group area. A lot of people between the age of 25 and 45 are settled in life and might even have children. This is a big aspect of the target group.

"uis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec"

Despite the fact that the focus is on people between the age of 25 and 45 the accent is not based on demographic features. Based on the seven main topics of the NU&STRAKS festival the target audience will be segmented. Below is a description of the personalities for every topic. Movement People between the age of 25 and 45 who like to do sports in order to stay or get healthy, in addition to just having fun by doing this. Most of these people are not professional athletes, but do this in their own spare time. They are “recreational athletes”.

Health According to Wouters, (E. Wouters, 2007) obesity has a big influence on the quality of life. Obesity is an illness with a complex cause and treatment. Next to reduction of weight, improvement of quality of life is an important goal of interventions. That’s why we focus on people with obesity. People with this illness go the dietitian, so that’s why we focus on dietitian practices. Living The trend in living at the moment is reuse and recycling. People between the age of 25 and 45 are usually more aware of their environment and respond to the trend above. In this group of age, houses are most likely to be bought. 
People in the categorie of 25-50 show that they’re conscious of environmental behaviour (Boelhouwer, n.d. ) Leisure In the Netherlands there are quite a few options for leisure. People are spending their leisure on holidays, recreation, sport, culture and religion. Holiday There are 12.773.000 people who went on a holiday in 2013. That year there were 35.583.000 holidays in total. There are a lot of people who want to spend their holiday in foreign countries. The number of people who spent their time abroad is 18.093.000. (CBS, 2014) Recreation In the Netherlands is a lot of space to ride a bike. People are using their bikes during leisure. There have been 214.269.000 bike trips in 2006/2007. Of course there are a lot of options to spend your leisure, for example swimming, picnicking and day camping. These recreations are very popular in the Netherlands. In 2006/2007 people between 25 and 45 years old have been on 237.725.000 day trips in 2006/2007. (CBS, 2014) Sport Dutch people like to be active; therefore sports are a big part of their lives for most people. The total amount of days spent on sports in the


total amount of days spent on sports in the Netherlands in 2006/2007 is 250.796.000. Culture The total amount of visitors who went to a theatre, music, dance, music theatre, comedy or other performance in 2012 is 17.064.000. (CBS, 2014) Religion There are 8,5 million Christians in the Netherlands and almost 7 million people do not have a religion. Furthermore, there are 1 million Muslims and 30,000 Jews. 180.000 people in the Netherlands have an alternative religion. (RD Redactie, 2012) Only 10% of the Roman-Catholics are going to church once a week and 40% never or seldom. 18% of the Dutch reformed are going once a week and 38% never or seldom. (Toorn, n.d.) Food and drinks Important to understand is that people who have interest in food not necessarily need or want to lose weight. People who are interested in food are also interested in the background: the history, production, science, and industry of food. They love food and are interested in exploring a wide range of tastes, flavors, and textures. They like to try different food combinations and are looking for ‘authentic’ taste. Many people with an interest in food have a favorite personality in the food industry, such as food writers and notable chefs. It is likely that people travel to

try different kinds of local food. These people will look for personal growth, social awareness and favoring natural simplicity. They value a healthy lifestyle and believe that good food in the key for a good life. (Exams Tutor, n.d.) Appearance At the age of 25 to 45, quality of life gets more important. Most of these people are not as energetic as they were in their younger ages. They are getting older, have a job, kids and a full schedule. So it is important for them to take time for themselves so they can relax, shop or get their hair done. Beauty is an upcoming trend as you can see below. People are paying more money and time to their appearance. Work In 2014, people between 25 and 45 years old are the least unemployed persons (Bie, 2013). Employers give only a few employees permanent contracts at the moment and choose to use freelancers and temporary workers (CBS, 2014). That is why the number of flexible employees increase. Number of flexible employees have increased because of temporary contracts
à freelancers and temporary workers in stead of permanent contracts. In 2014, people between 25 and 45 years old are the least unemployed persons. (CBS, 2014)






The NU&STRAKS Festival offers its visitors the possibility to evolve themselves by getting them involved in activities. It is a transformational event, meaning the visitors have been through some kind of metamorphosis (in a positive way) when the festival reaches its end. They walk away from the festival as changed people. The Maslow the-

" The target group has to think about what makes them happy and the quality of their lives"

ory works bottom to top. This means that if you want to reach the highest stadium (self development), you will have to go through the other four stages. People are seeking for someone to provide them guidelines to reach the fifth stage, the NU&STRAKS Festival.


Nu & Straks is a festival about the quality of life. Its focus is on the citizens of Tilburg and its surroundings. They want to spread the message that everybody has the right to be happy. By doing workshops, giving master classes, music, theme dialogues, sporting initiatives and culinary actions they want to inspire the visitors. Because happiness and being well are the most important parts of life, Nu & Straks has organised many activities to improve the business life as well as the private lives of the citizens of Tilburg and its surroundings. By spreading knowledge and experiences, the activities will give the visitors information about the 7 subjects: health, work, movement, food & drinks, living & environment, leisure and appearance & identity. The festival asked for a strategic marketing communication plan to attract more visitors. A concept has been made to emphasize the message of the festival. The target group has to think about what makes them happy and the quality of their lives. By visiting the Nu & Straks festival they will be challenged to improve their happiness and quality of live even more. The festival want to inspire them with interesting workshops and master classes they can visit which for to their daily lives. They need to think they really have to visit the festival. The campaign should make them question their happiness and quality of live; is this all I can achieve? The answer to the question is the Nu & Straks festival. By visiting or getting in touch with the campaign, the people of Tilburg should be pulled towards the festival to improve their quality of life. We want to introduce them to the 7 subjects and show them what the festival offers.





OP ZOEK NAAR HET ULTIEME GELUK Pursuit of happiness is one of the motives that guide people throughout their lives. Unfortunately, caught up in their daily routine people often forget that their happiness depends much on the quality of life and their attitude to it. The festival “Nu&Straks” is created as an ambitious attempt to help people to improve their quality of life by giving a chance to plunge into another world, where everyone has the right for their own happiness.

divided into seven main topics: health, work, leisure time, food & drinks, sport &movement, living & environment, appearance & identity. All of these topics are aimed to reach a particular target group with congruent interests. Though our target audience is people of 25-45 years old, it doesn’t matter how old visitors are or what is their social status, everyone can benefit from taking part in the festival, because everyone has a right to their own happiness.

Our vision: there are many types of happiness, and we will help you to find yours. Our mission: to attract people to the festival so that they can find their own happiness. Our goal: to increase unique visitors of pages in social media by 100% before November 1st


The concept of the festival is called “Gelukzoekers”, which means that all the people are seekers of happiness and the festival’s program is going to help them in their searches. Various workshops and master classes, expositions and sport events are supposed to educate visitors in topics that are relevant for self-development and improving the quality of life. The festival is a great opportunity for everyone to learn more about the ways of creating a healthy and productive lifestyle or simply have fun and relax from a daily routine. The idea behind the concept is that everyone has their own happiness that depends on their interests and priorities. Taking this into account the festival’s program is

Pauline (22) was out for a drink with three of her best friends at their favorite bar and they wanted to have a good time. They were in the third year of their bachelor study and it had been a while that they went out all together. Pauline had only been single for a couple of months and she was not looking for anything serious. But than, her eyes caught a very attractive and tanned man at the bar. She felt something that she had not felt for a long time, but she tried to ignore it. Yip (27) was out with his best buddies from university and they had not seen each other for a while. After his graduation, he had been backpacking for six months and now he was looking for a


nice apartment and a job as an accountant. During his university years and while he was backpacking, he had enough attention of girls. But it never let to something serious and he was not planning on changing that. When he saw Pauline for the first time, his heart seemed to skip a beat. She looked confident, but also a bit shy and gentle. She was with her friends, but he never noticed her looking towards him. Suddenly she stood next to him, she was ordering drinks but also looked right at him. It was love at first sight. Although they both felt like they fell in love for the first time, they both didn’t take their relationship too serious for the first few months.

with a glass of wine with friends, nights in the pub without having to worry about the next morning or all the time she used to spend with Yip. During a normal week, the Sunday is sacred and they try to spend as many time as possible together. Normally, they would do something active outside during the day and then had a relaxing evening. They enjoyed eating in a restaurant, since it gave them time to talk and connect. Also going to the cinema or having a movie night at home were one of the things they enjoyed doing together. They would lid some candles, make cocktails and share a bag of crisps: just like they did when they just met. Strangely, it was these nights that they often think about: Should there not be more to life than this? Pauline and Yip are still in love, they are both self-confident people, have many friends and they enjoy their jobs. But they wonder what the future will bring them. Do they want to do this job until they are 65? Do they want to get married? Do they want kids?

Yip notices a poster of the NU&STRAKS festival in a bus stop and later on its way to home as he stops to do the groceries. At the car park is a funny looking caravan, when he walks towards it he notices a sign: “Pursuit of happiness. Are you a happiness seeker?” After Pauline’s graduation, they went backpacking together for three months in Australia. Pauline (27) and Yip (32) have had a relationship for five years and decided one year ago to move in together. The first few months had been exciting; just like the first months of their relationship. But both their lives are hectic and some weeks they seem to see each other less than when they were not living together. Besides work, Yip goes to the gym once a week, plays in the local soccer team and often drinks a beer with his teammates or colleagues. When he is behind his desk from 9 to 6, he misses his freedom and looks back with desire to the days of when he was backpacking. In addition, he did not like the fact Pauline and Yip had almost spent no time together. Pauline works irregular work hours and lately she is been feeling like that she is neglecting her social life and her own health. She enjoyed her work; kindergarten teacher was everything she always wanted to be. It was exciting, stressful, and rewarding. Still, she missed her afternoons

Two girls walk up to him and give him a flyer: “There are many types of happiness, and we will help you to find yours.” At the back, he reads about a challenge; they are looking for a couple who want to spent one week in the caravan to find happiness. All expenses are paid and the only thing they have to do is keep a blog about their search for happiness. If the event meets its goal, a minimum of 3000 visitors, the couple wins a holiday to the sun. At home, he looks at the website and the different themes of the event. Yip decides to cook a nice dinner for Pauline and discuss the idea with her. He feels like he needs to change something in his life and he is up for the challenge to make his current life even better. Luckily, Pauline is very enthusiastic about the idea and they sign up. A week later they enrol into the program. On Sunday night, they leave their comfortable house and


and take time off from work to settle in the caravan. There was no need for an alarm; they wake up at 10.30 the next morning. They make coffee in the old fashioned way and bake croissants in the little oven. The only thing they need to do is seek for happiness in an interactive way with citizens of Tilburg. To give them a start, the organization prepared “Luck on the Wall”. This is a big wall in the middle of the city, together with many paint buckets. A big question is painted in colourful letters; “What makes you happy?” Pauline is hesitating and is not sure what they expect from her this week, but Yip immediately grabs a bucket of paint and writes: “Travelling.” Pauline smiles and remembers the holidays they went on together, she grabs a bucket of paint and joins Yip. She writes down “Love.” Yip is pointing to bystanders and it only takes a few seconds before one of them decides to join, writing “Friends.” This is the start for many other people and they are all grabbing buckets. Just a few minutes later, there are lots of words written on the wall and everyone walks away with a big smile on their faces. Hand in hand, Pauline and Yip walk back to the caravan. The questions and reasons why they enrolled, hits again: “What is the future going to look like?” They drive to a health centre that focuses on inner health combined with yoga. They are surprised to find a professor giving a presentation. They decide to join. The professor asks the group difficult questions; “When did you feel happy?”, “Are you happy right now?”, “How can you remain this moment of happiness?”. When they leave the presentation, the questions are running trough their minds and before they go back to the caravan, they drink coffee in a bar. Back at the caravan, they write their first blog and in the evening they enjoy a private barbeque. The next morning, they wake up and still feel a bit awkward. They can’t come up with a answer and they decide to ask people in the city what happiness means for them and what makes them happy. At the same time they explain a bit about the festival NU&STRAKS. After many divers answers, they go back to their caravan and take the time to make a three-course meal. Obviously, they need to improvise in the small space, but they find it very funny. While eating, Pauline looks at the Facebook-page. The page has 548 likes and Pauline wonders who is actually interested in the festival. Are those people like them? She chooses one woman and looks at their personal profile on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn site. She

decides to send her a message and to buy a personal gift for this person. She will give it to her when she comes to the festival. In the afternoon, they decide to go jogging. Yip decided to stay at the caravan and read a book while Pauline goes shopping for the person she only knows by her digital profile. In the night, they have a very romantic night and the next morning they wake up early and are again deeply in love. They decide to design a few posters and signs, drive the caravan around in Tilburg and ask people to take place in their Happiness Caravan. They ask people to give a personal message to a special person. Late in the evening, they drive back to the campsite. Just before Yip wants to go the bed, he checks the Facebook page. There are many messages of people who send compliments and thank you’s to the couple. The caravan must have raised awareness, because the likes have increased massively. Pauline can’t believe it, but when she reads all the responses, some tears of happiness appear in her eyes. Totally satisfied and with a big smile, they fall a sleep. The next morning they feel relaxed and energized; but they also feel a little bit bored: they are busy, social and ambitious people. Could it be that work and hectic makes them happy? They talk a bit about work and about the people they work closely with. They decide to drive the caravan to their work and surprise their colleagues with a compliment; they are all surprised but also deeply touched. Pauline and Yip have a great idea; potential visitors of NU&STRAKS clearly want to improve their quality of life; but they will probably go with existing friends. Could they create an online community that connects people with the same interests and give people an opportunity to meet new people in real life at the festival? They drive the caravan to the park and in the relaxing atmosphere of nature, they decide to work out the idea. In the evening, they go out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant; coincidences do exists. With their dessert, they get a fortune cookie: “Change is coming.” and “The current year will bring you much happiness.” Tomorrow, they will give people a bite of happiness by giving them fortune cookies. The next morning, they read an article about McDonalds; people don’t longer want fast food but they want slow food. They wonder if that could be true. Pauline and Yip surely don’t always find the


OP ZOEK NAAR HET ULTIEME GELUK time to cook. With the caravan, they visit a few restaurants and ask them what they think of the next trends in food and drinks. In the meanwhile, everyone they meet receives a fortune cookie. In the evening, they try slow cooking in the caravan and have to admit that it is a different experience. Saturday morning, they drive pass the wall and notice people are still writing on the wall. Some people made really nice paintings. Pauline used to draw at lot when she was younger and remembers it made her feel relaxed and happy. Why did she stop? A little bit later, they place several easels in the city and ask people to draw whatever they want. At first, people are reluctant to join, but after a while, many people are painting and chatting throughout the city. When the

evening comes, Pauline and Yip have dinner with a big part of the participants. They discuss happiness and questions they have concerning the future. One of the topics is the different phases in life; from being a student to moving in together and becoming a parent. They talk about how difficult it was to decide on the furniture, how much pleasure it was to buy baby products, but that their kids are also outgrowing it so quickly. Yip suggests that it would be great if there were a sharing environment in Tilburg; where people can share and exchange products they don’t longer need with products they do need. They start executing this plan on Sunday. Late in the evening, they return the caravan to the festival. When they drive back to their house, they feel they experienced and greatly developed, which they will definitely use for the rest of their lives.



Tour through Tilburg With the caravan, Pauline and Yip are going to make a tour through Tilburg with several stops at places that are connected to the seven themes of the NU&STRAKS festival. Within one week all themes will be covered at one particular day. This planning is made well, keeping the target group in mind. Monday In many gyms, Monday is the busiest night of the week.

"This planning is made well, keeping the target group in mind."

Not because the die-hard fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders are out there, but because all weekend sinners expect to get their body in top condition in one day for the rest of the week (Burgt, 2012). Besides this, the best way to get started with some kind of sport is at a Monday according to lots of people. This is why Monday is linked to ‘Sports & Movement’. Tuesday To continue the healthy lifestyle that started at the beginning of the week, the Tuesday is most likely a healthy day too (We could not find any resources to substantiate this, it is an opinion). The beginning of the week starts well for most people. Later on in the week, towards and in the weekend, it gets harder to stay focused on their health. For this reason Tuesday is associated to ‘Health’. Wednesday The only day that did not have a particular reason to connect a theme to, was Wednesday. Only ‘Appearance’ was left for Wednesday.

Thursday It has been seen that most traffic jams are at Thursdays (Hoofdwegennet, 2010). From this can be concluded that Thursday is a day that most people travel back and forth to work or school. This is the main reason why Thursday is used for the ‘Work’ theme. Another reason is that the shops are open till late on Thursdays because it is shopping night. Friday This is the first day of the weekend. People who work during the week will have time for Friday afternoon drinks, quality time with friends or family and late night parties because most of them do not need to work on Saturdays. Therefor, Friday is connected to ‘Food & Drinks’. Thursday until Friday are the days that most people dine in restaurants or cafes. (ANW) (CBS, 2011) Saturday Because all of the soccer matches, especially the ones of Willem 2, are on Saturday, this day is saved for the theme ‘Leisure’. The target group is not only going to soccer matches on Saturday of course; there a lots of leisure possibilities to do at a Saturday. (Samenleving, 2014) Sunday Sunday is the day that all home furnishings boulevard are open. (, 2014) There are also a lot of actions and activities at those shops for the whole family. This is why Sunday is linked to the theme ‘Living’. and activities at those shops for the whole family. This is why Sunday is linked to the theme ‘Living’. Monday Sports/Movement Tuesday Health Wednesday Appearance Thursday Work Friday Food & Drinks Saturday Leisure Sunday Living Sports/Movement According to the local authorities of Tilburg, the city of Tilburg has 86 indoor sports accommodations, while it has 85 outdoor sports accom-


odations. The city of Tilburg tries to stimulate sports and movement in order to have healthy citizens. The motto for this is: “Sportstimulering motiveert de Tilburger tot sports & bewegen en gezond leven”, Sport stimulation motivates the citizens of Tilburg to get involved with sports and movement and a healthy life. (, 2014)

ties had a big influence on the quality of life. Obesities is an illness in which the cause and treatment are complex. Next to reduction on weight, improvement of quality of life is an important goal by interventions of obesities. People with this illness go the dietitian, so that’s why we focus on dietitian practices.

Recreational sports that involve competition (football, hockey, tennis etc.) are often performed in the weekends during day time, this is because most people do not have to work during weekend. Practice for these sports are often in the evening during the week. Fitness and other sports you do on your own are most often performed in the evening during the weeks, though Monday is by far the busiest day, this is due to people wanting to start the week fresh and healthy. This is according to the book “Fitness for Dummies”. (Books, 2014)

Possible locations Switch Tilburg Switch is for everyone who wants to know more of nutrition, who wants to gain or lose weight, who is a vegetarian, who is already healthy or who is pregnant. In other words: Switch Tilburg is for everybody who wants to switch to a healthy weight. (Tilburg S. )

Possible locations Ireen Wust Ijsbaan This ice skating center organizes a lot of workshops and classes for adults on Monday evening. (Tilburg, 2014) Open Monday 20.00-22.30 Puur Fitness An example for a gym where our target group is coming is Puur Fitness in Tilburg. (Fitness, 2014) Open Monday 08.00-22.30. Tilburg University Sports Center Students who study at the University of Tilburg start normally at the age of eighteen. However there are also students who start a education later on or do a second study. For those that are older than 25 years old, there is the Sports center. (University, 2014) Open Monday 08.30-00.00 Zwembad Stappegoor At swimming pool Stappegoor you can find our target group while they are there for sports or recreation. (Tilburg S. i., 2014) Open Monday 14.00-21.30.

De Cock voeding en diet The personal wishes of the clients are central. De Cock tries to respond to the wishes of the client to come up with as many positive results on the health and quality of life. (Dieet) Naomi Dieetist There may be periods when the balance has been lost through because of changes in diet. As a dietitian, she supports and guides clients on a professional and personal way in the recovery of this balance. (Dieetist)   Appearance Description of the target group: In the age of 25-45, quality of life gets more important. Most of these people aren’t as energetic as they were in their younger ages. They are getting older, have a job, kids and a full schedule. So it is important for them to take time for themselves when they can relax, shop or get their hair done. Beauty is an upcoming trend like one can see below. People are paying more money and time to their appearance. Possible locations Ken & Jerry’s (hairdresser)

Health Tuesday is all about health. With the campaign that will be used at Tuesday, the target group consists of people that are interested in health, working on their health or that want to spend more time working on their health. Because festival NU&STRAKS has a special obesity program covered in their program, this group of people will get extra attention. According to Wouter et al. (2007), obesi-


Ken & Jerry’s is a modern, but also pricy hairdresser. 2545 olds are willing to pay more for quality than, for example, a student. Ken and Jerry’s are focusing their selves on the image of the costumer and they mix it with the latest hair trends. (Jerry’s, 2014) WE The WE always tries to create an atmosphere which feels like home, not like you are walking in a store. In the shops you find different decoration which can prove this. Like there stands a big ‘dining table’ in the middle of the shop. WE stands for pure, no-nonsense, simplicity and clear. But also personal, inspiriting, unexpected and a little bit daring. (Our organization, 2014) Beauty Point Tilburg Because quality is very important to the target group, you want the best people who helps you. At Beauty Point you get the best diplomat people and the building is placed in the center of Tilburg. (Tilburg B. P., 2014) Zonnestudio Zondag The target group wants the best of the best and it is important to give them the best and newest technologies in the field of beauty. Zonnestudio Zondag is a good place to go to. Secondly, you can walk in without making an appointment. This is nice for the 25-45 olds who has a busy life and who doesn’t always know when they will be available. (Zondag, 2013) Work In the congregation of Tilburg there are 26754 companies (2013). However, unemployment has decreased significantly in the past year.

"The target group wants the best of the best"

Fontys teachers (aci-lifestyle) The teachers of Fontys Academy for Creative Industries educate people who create beautiful, exciting, moving concepts that improve the quality of life. For this reason, we would like to approach the teachers that teach at Fontys ACI. (ACI) Spoorzone The Spoorzone is a creative environment where lots of people come together for different purposes like work, school and fun. This is a place where our target group is present and it is also the place where the most activities of Nu & Straks will take place. (013)

Possible locations Flex place downtown Tilburg Inspiring places where freelancers and flexible workers can rent a room to work are very hip and trendy among our target group. Downtown Tilburg is a flex place that is close to central station and the place to be for hiring a workplace or meeting space. (Tilburg D. ) Offices at hart van Brabant laan/ spoorlaan
(for example Xerox) Xerox is an example of a company where our target group is operative. This company is located at the stationsstraat in Tilburg and they offer plenty of room for development and initiative from their employees. (Xerox)

(The numbers are found on a national level)


Ken & Jerry’s is a modern, but also pricy hairdresser. 2545 olds are willing to pay more for quality than, for example, a student. Ken and Jerry’s are focusing their selves on the image of the costumer and they mix it with the latest hair trends. (Jerry’s, 2014) WE The WE always tries to create an atmosphere which feels like home, not like you are walking in a store. In the shops you find different decoration which can prove this. Like there stands a big ‘dining table’ in the middle of the shop. WE stands for pure, no-nonsense, simplicity and clear. But also personal, inspiriting, unexpected and a little bit daring. (Our organization, 2014) Beauty Point Tilburg Because quality is very important to the target group, you want the best people who helps you. At Beauty Point you get the best diplomat people and the building is placed in the center of Tilburg. (Tilburg B. P., 2014) Zonnestudio Zondag The target group wants the best of the best and it is important to give them the best and newest technologies in the field of beauty. Zonnestudio Zondag is a good place to go to. Secondly, you can walk in without making an appointment. This is nice for the 25-45 olds who has a busy life and who doesn’t always know when they will be available. (Zondag, 2013) Work In the congregation of Tilburg there are 26754 companies (2013). However, unemployment has decreased significantly in the past year. Possible locations Flex place downtown Tilburg Inspiring places where freelancers and flexible workers can rent a room to work are very hip and trendy among our target group. Downtown Tilburg is a flex place that is close to central station and the place to be for hiring a workplace or meeting space. (Tilburg D. ) Offices at hart van Brabant laan/ spoorlaan
(for example Xerox) Xerox is an example of a company where our target group is operative. This company is located at the stationsstraat in Tilburg and they offer plenty of room for development and initiative from their employees. (Xerox)

Fontys teachers (aci-lifestyle) The teachers of Fontys Academie for Creative Industries educate people who create beautiful, exciting, moving concepts that improve the quality of life. For this reason, we would like to approach the teachers that teach at Fontys ACI. (ACI) Spoorzone The Spoorzone is a creative environment where lots of people come together for different purposes like work, school and fun. This is a place where our target group is present and it is also the place where the most activities of Nu & Straks will take place. (013) Number of flexible employees have decreased → because of temporary contracts → freelancers and temporary workers in stead of permanent contracts (CBS, 2013) In 2014 is in category 25-45 the least unemployment (CBS, CBS, 2014) Food & drinks The theme food & drink will be the main focus on Friday. Friday morning everybody starts counting down for the start of the weekend. And when the weekend starts not all the people want to stay at home and watch some TV. Those people want to do something to celebrate the start of the weekend, and not stay at home to eat the standard agv’tje (a standard meal with potatoes, vegetables and a piece of meat.) Those people want to start the weekend with a good quality meal and after that they want to drink a special beer at the local pub or they visit a fancy cocktail bar. Possible locations Creatief Koffiecafé Buutvrij This is a popular and creative work environment to kickstart your day. The busiest time of the day is around the morning and during mid day (Buutvrij, 2014). Brasserie de Groene vlinder (scores the best score on (9,3)) This is a nice place for the lunch and it has some amazing reviews. This is the place for meeting you’re business partners or simply just to eat with


some friends and or colleagues. During lunch hours, this place is packed. (, 2014) Happy Italy This is a restaurant where it is busy every evening of the week. Cheap and fast food are core values here. The restaurant is well-known throughout Tilburg. (Happy Italy, 2014). Taste! (shared first place IENS, scores 8,7) Restaurant Taste! is a somewhat posh restaurant. Mostly, people that have a higher income visit this restaurant. People are often found here until late in the evening, so it’s not just dine and go home. (IENS, 2014) Beercafé Kandinsky This is the cafe to in Tilburg when it comes to beer. A lot of people hang out outside or inside to enjoy one of the 200 special beers. (Kandinsky, 2014). Piusplein This is the busiest street when it comes to going out in Tilburg. Until the late hours of the night, it is crowded. (Gemeente Tilburg, 2014). Leisure Saturday usually is the first day off for most people. The need of doing something fun after a long week of work is high. A perfect day for leisure, going to the zoo or do some activities at De Voltage with the family during daytime. Putting your dancing shoes for a night at 013 or going to the movies at the Euroscoop in the evening. In short, it’s a perfect day to go out. Possible locations Emma Passage Be surprised and feel at home at Emma! The Emma Passage in the center of Tilburg is trendy, contemporary, personal and cozy all day long! Animal park de Oliemeulen Of course going to the zoo is a typical family trip. Citizens of Tilburg do not have to go far away from home for that. Animal Park de Oliemeulen is well known for their peculiar animal species and is situated in the west of Tilburg. It’s a nice place to meet the visitors. (Oliemeulen, 2014) De Pont In “Oud Noord” in the north of Tilburg, one can find contemporary art museum De Pont. With almost 90.000 visitors every year all visitors, no matter if they are young

or old, are inspired on a daily basis. NU&STRAKS wants to offer her audience the same inspiration and there really is no better place than De Pont to find this. (Tilburg G. , 2014) De Voltage In the South of Tilburg people can find the biggest indoor entertainment center in the Netherlands, something De Voltage is very proud of. On Saturday this is where you will find the best entertainment for families, friends and company trips. (Voltage) Euroscoop With 744.000 visitors every year the Euroscoop is thé cinema of Tilburg. The cinema, situated in Stappegoor, aims for all citizens of Tilburg with their special theme nights. This is why this is a perfect location to attract visitors for the NU&STRAKS festival. 013 Live concerts, dance- and clubnights, non-pop programming and activities for starting musicians: 013, in the heart of Tilburg, is thé venue for the pop- and danceculture. With over 200.000 visitors every year 013 is the most popular music venue in the center of Tilburg. (Recreatiecijfers, 2014) Willem II When one asks someone what they think about when the word “Tilburg” is said, quite a few of them would say: Willem II, the professional football club of Tilburg. For many citizens of Tilburg it has been a tradition to go to a Willem II game on Saturday night, followed by going out in the center of Tilburg. A tradition that makes people happy, a tradition NU&STRAKS should participate in. (Maps) Living The trend in living at the moment is reuse and recycling. People can always discard anything. We all want to contribute to a better environment. With a modern word that is called Ecodesign or vintage. In short, it’s about reusing home accessories. Possible locations Woonboulevard Leijpark This woonboulevard includes fifteen stores within a small


area. For our target group this could be the living Valhalla of Tilburg. (Woonboulevard, 2014) Sissy-boy Homeland This is an example of a non extraordinair living store. The broad product portfolio includes fashion, grooming and interior decoration and food & drink. The warm and positive nature of the brand and the surprising composition of the product make Sissy-Boy the coziest mini department store in the Netherlands. (Boy, 2014) Thriftshop La Poubelle La Poubelle is an inspiring company with social objectives. (Poubelle, 2014) Textielmuseum The exhibition BUILDING WITH TEXTILES in the Textile Museum presents works by internationally renowned architects and interior projects with fabric starring. Sustainable / reuse / recycling = trend in living (Dressing) (Herinneringshout) People in the categorie of 25-50 show a environmentally conscious behaviour (CBS, Milieu van later, wiens zorg van nu?) Living inspiration in ‘het textiel museum’ (Stijlidee)

Other networks Gemeente Tilburg: They give the festival a license to let the festival take place. Tilburg and Breda are the two cities in Brabant with the least appearance. That is the outcome of an investigation that is published in a magazine called ‘het Binnenlands Bestuur’. (Binnenlands Bestuur, 2010) Therefor it is important for Gemeente Tilburg to let the city live and a festival like NU&STRAKS can make this happen. Fontys: the client. The students of Fontys International Lifestyle Studies are the original owners of the festival. So the NU&STRAKS festival is the ‘pride’ of Fontys because they want to provide a platform for students to show their talent. Omroep Tilburg: NU&STRAKS is innovative. It is a leader of the festivals that contribute to the quality of life. For Omroep Tilburg this is a chance to present them selves on another level, because NU&STRAKS is something new in compare to other festivals. Omroep Tilburg can bring the festival closer to the audience.

The seven themes are divided in seven days and every theme has its own campaign. The campaigns are connected to the theme of the day. The caravan and the tree will be used to emphasize the experience of the activity. Monday

Een kijkje in de toekomst This day is all about the future. Will the future bring happiness? By taking a look into the crystal ball, the person gets answers about his movement in the future. The future is the time that comes after the present moment. The opposite of this is the past. But people live in the now! According to some views, the future is already determined. Yet, some influence on future events can be exerted. Although the future does not exist, useful statements about the future can be said. Is someone happy in the year 2016, what should one do to become or remain happy again? A look into the crystal ball gives them the answer.



Everyone likes to get compliments. Doesn’t matter from whom. Next to the caravan, there’s a tree where passengers can hang random compliments. In exchange they can choose another compliment out of the tree to take this home. The activity will also be able on the festival. The whole day people can get into the caravan and write positives notes for others.

To anticipate on the ‘Health’ theme, this campaign is called ‘de geluksdokter’. NU&STRAKS attempts to contact people who like the Facebook page and they will announce the fans that there is a surprise waiting for them.


De geluksdokter NU&STRAKS is active on social media via Twitter and Facebook. With this small campaign NU&STRAKS can get even more visitors to the festival by responding to the needs of the target group. This campaign is all about social networking and provides a nice surprise.

The next step follows: the surprise team takes action with a nice piece of detective work. Through a fast and intensive search along LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook they will search for as many information as possible about this persons to provide them a surprising and a personal gift. This will ensure a surprised person and the additional responses online. For this campaign, a little budget is needed to provide the gifts.


All you need is love The caravan will be available throughout the whole Wednesday and it appears in various locations in the city. People have the opportunity to leave a video message in the caravan. This message can be general or focused on a specific person. It is possible to send this personal message in public by tagging on the NU&STRAKS Facebook page. Besides, there is the possibility to deliver this message to that special person only. This campaign especially focusses on presenting ones’ self towards others, which is connected to the theme of Wednesday: appearance.


Complimentendag Sharing compliments and making people happy. This activity will fulfil skills and character. People deserve a compliment after a long day at work, but also while they are working. Thursday is all about the work theme. The main goal is to create happiness and new relations. NU&STRAKS gives employees the opportunity to meet new people and learn to give compliments to others that they haven’t met before.

Gelukskoekje Friday is in the spirit of food and drinks. Responding to this theme, the following campaign is about Gelukskoekjes - or Fortune cookies - who does not know them? It are small, crispy cookies with a message inside. Fortune Cookies are typically served in Chinese restaurants after dinner. Most people find Fortune Cookies fun and a little bit exciting. “What is wisdom, find happiness.” NU&STRAKS hands them out.


Geluk op het doek Everyone has a different definition of happiness. It is possible to find and experience happiness out of little things. For example: a precious ritual, a beautiful view or everyday moments. Because Saturday is all about leisure, the activity of that day is anticipated on that theme. There will be different artists at several locations who guide the audience to express their moments of happiness. The artists and the participants all have diverse backgrounds so each drawing will be unique. By creating happiness on a canvas, the public is able to retrieve that little and special moment.


Deel voor geluk One of the newest trends is ‘Sharing = caring’. This trend is used at festival NU&STRAKS. The activity takes place on Sunday and it is a part of the living theme. The campaign will be an interactive way for sharing and caring. The visitors will bring their products to the festival and they will find the caravan where they can exchange products. The goal is to stimulate visitors to exchange products that they don’t use.

The whole week

Geluk op de muur The wall will be able every day of the festival and it’s located at the Spoorzone. The visitors are free to share their messages and creativity on this wall.


the front of the restaurant. These aren’t actually for parking car, but for trucks, taxies or short parking. There will be a permit needed to park the caravan at these spots. There are possibilities to get electricity. It is easily accessible. Live Piano Bar (korte) Heuvel 43 5038 CS Tilburg It is not possible to park the caravan at the Korte Heuvel. There are no parking spots and the road is too narrow to park it at the front of the bar. The closest place to park the caravan will be De Heuvel. This is not far from Live Piano Bar. There are possibilities to get electricity. It is difficult to access, but it is possible.

Physical Environment

The following locations are important for the campaigns. They fit in the seven themes and these locations are hotspots for the target group. The full description of the locations is written in the chapter of the themes. Creatief Koffiecafé Buutvrij Stationsstraat 49 5038 EC Tilburg Across the street of Buutvrij is a parking spot with enough space to park the caravan. It is accessible, but there is no electricity available. A parking fee needs to be paid to park the caravan in the Stationsstraat. Brasserie de Groene Vlinder Heyhoefpromenade 27 5043 RA Tilburg It is not allowed to drive a car through the Heyhoefpromenade, but inside the Heyhoef there is a square. If NU&STRAKS wants to park the caravan at the Heyhoef, they probably could park it at the square, but they would need a permit. They will need a dispensation. This will cost €17,80. There are no possibilities to get any electricity. Taste! Heuvelpoort 300 5038 DT Tilburg It is possible to park the caravan at the parking sports at

De Emma Passage Paleisring 27-29 5038 WD Tilburg It is not possible to park the caravan in the Emma Passage, but it can be parked outside. There is enough space at the Stadhuisplein. This is a very easy accessible place with electricity available. De Oliemeulen Reitse Hoevenstraat 30 5042 EH Tilburg De Oliemeulen is easy to access because it has a lot of parking spots in front of the entrance. It is not possible to get any electricity at this spot. De Pont Wilhelminapark 1 5041 EA Tilburg The museum has a big parking lot in front of the entrance. It has enough space to park the caravan. There are no possibilities to get any electricity. De Voltage Groenstraat 139 – 391 5021 LL Tilburg De Voltage also has a big parking lot in front of the entrance with enough


space to park the caravan. It is possible to get electricity here.

De Euroscoop Olympiaplein 2 5022 DW Tilburg It is not possible to park the caravan in front of the Euroscoop without a permit. The square in front of the Euroscoop belongs to the local authorities. A bit further away, at the parking lot of the swimming pool Stappegoor, there is enough space to park the caravan. NU&STRAKS will have to pay € 1,- to park. There are no possibilities to get any electricity. Willem II Stadion Goirlese Weg 34 5026 PC Tilburg The stadium has 2 big parking lots in front of it and parking spots on the road next to it. The parking lot is very easy to access and there are possibilities to get electricity. 013 Veemarkt 44 5038 CV Tilburg

Naomi Diëtist Groeseindstraat 59-03 5014 LV Tilburg It is possible to park the caravan in front of the building, but there is not much traffic in this street. A bit further is a square with more parking spots and more traffic. There are no possibilities to get any electricity.

The 013 is not very easy to access. In front of it, there is a lot of space, but it is not sure if it is enough to park a caravan and still leave enough space open so fire trucks could possibly pass. There are possibilities to get electricity. If it is not possible to park the caravan in front of the 013, it is not possible to park it anywhere near to it.

Ken & Jerry’s Transvaalplein 32 5021 TD Tilburg

Switch Tilburg Hornstraat 11 5045 BA Tilburg

WE Heuvelstraat 34 5038 AE Tilburg

Switch is in the middle of a district in Tilburg. It is not easy to access because of the small streets. It has a lot of parking spots around it so we can put the caravan over there. It is not possible to get any electricity.

The caravan can not be parked in the Heuvelstraat. The nearest places are De Heuvel or Stadhuisplein. Both have possibilities to get electricity.

There are many parking spots around Ken & Jerry’s. There are no possibilities to get any electricity.

De Cock voeding en dieet Hoefstraat 217 5014 NL Tilburg

Beauty Point Tilburg J. van Vollenhovenstraat 327 5012 AC Tilburg

At the front of De Cock voeding en dieet are no parking spots, but the caravan could be parked a little bit further. In front of address Hoefstraat 201 are several parking spots. There are no possibilities to get any electricity.

This location is very easy to access but does not have any


parking spots and no possibilities to get electricity. Zonnestudio Zondag Voltstraat 18-1 5021 SE Tilburg In front of the building there are many parking spots in which the caravan could park. It is easy to access. There are no possibilities to get any electricity. Ireen Wust ijsbaan Curlingerstraat 15 5022 DZ Tilburg Zwembad Stappegoor Stappegoorweg 1 5022 DA Tilburg Both locations share the same parking lot. It is very big and open so they have enough space to park the caravan. It also is easy to access. There has to be paid a parking fee, â‚Ź 1,- a day. There is electricity available. Puur fitness Artemisstraat 6 5042 XA Tilburg

Fontys teachers (ACI-Lifestyle) Prof. Goossenslaan 1-04 5022 DM Tilburg The Fontys has a big campus with a lot of space. They have parking lots and a big square in the middle. This is enough space to park the caravan. It also has electricity facilities. The festival should have a permit of Fontys to park the caravan at their property. Spoorzone The Spoorzone has a lot of space to park the caravan. They also have facilities to electricity. Woonboulevard Leijpark This area has a lot of space to park the caravan. It has many parking spots and electricity availabilities. Sissy Boy Homeland Pieter Vreedeplein 50 5038 BW Tilburg

The location is easy to access and has enough parking spots to park the caravan. There is no electricity available.

This store is at a big square in the center of Tilburg. The square is easy to access and has the facilities to use electricity. If NU&STRAKS wants to use the square they should have a permit to park there. This will cost â‚Ź 17,10.

Tilburg University Sports Center Academielaan 5 5037 ET Tilburg

Thriftshop La Poubelle Havendijk 20 5017 AM Tilburg

This location is easy to assess but does not have electricity facilities. The sports center has parking spots in front where the caravan can be parked.

La Poubelle is very easy to access. They have a parking lot at their property at which the caravan could be parked. There are a lot of parking spaces on the street as well on which the caravan could park. At the parking lot, the caravan will have access to electricity.

Flexplek Downtown Tilburg Stationsstraat 20 5038 ED Tilburg This street has a couple of parking spots but these are not for free. The caravan has to pay a parking fee. It is easy to access but has no electricity facilities. Offices at Hart van Brabantlaan / Spoorlaan The Hart van Brabantlaan is easy to access. It has many places to park the caravan. The Spoorlaan is more difficult because it is very narrow and it has not got many parking spaces. Both will not have any electricity facilities.

Textielmuseum Goirkestraat 96 5046 GN Tilburg The museum has space in front of the museum and at the street. They have access to electricity.



There will be a number of 21 employees needed to realize these campaigns for NU&STRAKS. The employees are indexed as followed: Responsibility People Floor manager NU&STRAKS 1 Driver 1 Poster distributor 2 Actors 2 Soundman 1 Cameraman 1 Builders 3 ‘Geluk op het doek’ artists 2 ‘De geluksdokter’ surprise team 3 ‘De geluksdokter’ doctor 1 ‘Gelukskoekjes’ bakery 1 ‘Complimentjesdag’ workshop employees 2 ‘Kijkje in de toekomst’ fortuneteller 1 Total 21 On a daily basis, the campaign needs a floor manager that takes part in the organization of NU&STRAKS to coordinate everything. The campaign also needs a driver to drive the car and caravan, a sound- and cameraman to film everything, 3 builders to build up all the decors and 2 actors who will play Pauline and Yip. Before the campaign starts, two people will be needed to distribute posters throughout Tilburg. The actors who play Pauline and Yip play an important part during the campaign. They will be found at the caravan for 7 days and participate in all activities. They guide all activities and activate people to participate. They have an important part in motivating people to join, for example, ‘complimentjesdag’ and make them write compliments. Besides this, the campaign needs artists, a surprise team, a doctor, a bakery, workshop employees and a fortuneteller. They will participate at the campaign for one day, and will only work on that activity. NU&STRAKS will work with volunteers. The campaign offers them the freedom to promote themselves.

"The actors who play Pauline and Yip play an important part during the campaign."

Communication Webpage The main channel NU&STRAKS Festival uses to communicate is their webpage. All information about the event is there. Visitors of the page can find the program, tickets, a weblog, news and contact information. Besides that, all seven subjects are displayed and their logos with the distinctive colors of each subject are displayed on the background. Also links to their social media sites are displayed when the visitor scrolls down. (Nu & Straks, 2014) To gain more traffic for the site by the Internet, search engine optimization can be used. Adapting technology, content and link strategy will make a site easier to find. It is very important that optimization of structure, technology and content on the site, link building (generating links from another page) and keyword analysis is done properly. (Google, 2010) (Google, 2014) The other means will also generate more traffic to the website. Posters, flyers, TV and guerilla actions will make people talking about it. By displaying the website on all other means, people might get interested and check out what NU&SRAKS Festival is about. TV (Omroep Tilburg or Omroep Brabant) The various subjects of the festival will be broadcasted on TV. A short trailer and a documentary


about the caravan tour, which will discuss the seven subjects, will be made. The caravan will again be an important element in this documentary and will add a little ‘feel good’ content. The documentary can be broadcasted by Omroep Tilburg or Omroep Brabant, but both the documentary as the trailer can be posted on social media and the website. Omroep Brabant has a daily reach of 200.000 listeners on the radio, 158.000 viewers on TV and 480.000 visitors on their site. This makes Omroep Brabant the third largest regional TV station of the Nether-

lands. (ORN, n.d.) There are no statistics about Omroep Tilburg, but we could do a small calculation, based on the statistics known about regional TV. In the Netherlands, 1,7 percent of the people watch provincial TV. (Kabelraden, 2014) Tilburg has 207.580 inhabitants. (Stadindex, 2014) Taken in consideration that also 1.7 percent watches Omroep Tilburg, meaning 3528 people that watch Omroep Tilburg. The target group is 25 to 45 year olds, which in Tilburg is 29 percent of the inhabitants. (Stadindex, 2014) If 29 percent of all viewers of Omroep Tilburg are between 25 and 45, Nu & Straks Festival could reach 1023 people in the target group. The trailer will be broadcasted from 13 to 19 October. The documentary will be broadcasted one week before the festival starts. Every day of this week will discuss one theme. A link to the trailer will follow as soon as possible. Caravan One of the means of communication, according to the concept, is the caravan. As long as the caravan is a catchy symbol of the festival, it is a perfect tool to attract

attention of the audience. It can be used as a place, where potential visitors find out more information about the festival and get in touch with the atmosphere of festival’s happiness at the same time. Inside the caravan there will be a couple in love, who are supposed to live in it and drive around the city 7 days, from 13 to 19 october, each day discussing a theme of the festival. They should make several important stops per day: • The city center as the most crowded place in the city with people of different ages • Other small stops to reach directly a particular target group (Nu & Straks, 2014) (a fitness studio to involve people who are interested in sport and movement, a bank for workers, a cinema for those who may be interested in leisure time topic, a restaurant to draw attention of gourmets, etc. ) People at these stops are invited by the couple to enter the caravan. The interior is designed in order to show that there lives a couple, in love, who are happy together and are ready to share their happiness with other people. As potential visitors of the festival enter the caravan they see a huge screen, on which a promo video is showed. After that they receive a flyer and a fruit as a sweet and healthy treat. Flyers A flyer is a quick and cheap way to inform people of Tilburg about the festival. According to GfK survey “POS measures in the hypermarket” flyers is one of the most effective forms of advertising, since they influence 7 out of 10 consumers. (GFK, n.d.) Maybe it would be a unique way to hand out these flyers, by not making them flyers but more like voucher that has something written on it like: ‘Waardebon voor geluk’. This voucher can be handed for a small goodie at the festival itself, or perhaps at the caravan. As mentioned before, flyers will be given hand to hand to those who enter the caravan. However, this is not enough, because more awareness about the festival needs to be raised and make it a kind of a buzzword among city events. Besides hand to hand distribution we are going to use a local selection, which will immediately reach the target groups with particular interests. (Link communication, 2014) It includes placing flyers in the buildings that a particular target audience visits. The places to be chosen are those that are connected with the seven topics of the festival (examples are listed in


the “caravan” part). Posters The posters are Vinyl and they have a size of A3 paper. Nu & Straks will use neighborhood posters, because people in Tilburg and surroundings are in the target group. The easiest way to reach the target group is to use CBSoutdoor. (Exterion Media, 2014) CBSoutdoor is a company, which has the most useful way to reach the customer. They have billboards and posters surround the city, city center and train/bus stations. The target group has work or are studying and using the public transport or the ways surround the city. CBSoutdoor promises their customers to reach 70% habitants of the Netherlands. With CBSoutdoor we will choice the most common poster packet. There are mass, target group, point of sale, NS, billboard, interactive and spectaculars packet. The posters will be available at the festival too. Posters are informative and are useful to attract information. The posters will also used at the guerilla actions to attract attention. On the caravan there will be posters too to attract the target group. The posters will have the distinctive colors and angular shapes of the seven themes. The caravan will also be an important element of the posters, since it’s the logo the festival is associated with. The social media and website also has to be somewhere on the poster. This way cross media is used for getting more traffic to the site and social media webpages. First people will see the poster and then go to the social media. It’s also possible to use a QR code that links them directly to the site. An example of the poster can be found at the appendix. Social media Nowadays social media is an indispensable at the world and in the Netherlands too. For the campaign social media is needed to communicate with our target group. Social Media is very useful for receiving feedback from the customers. This way the company can give their customers reactions and let them know that you care about them. In the Netherlands are few media very popular and for our campaign we will use the most usual ones. The habitants of the Netherlands are using Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin the most. (Oosterveer, 2013) Facebook The most used platform is Facebook. The American social network has 1,23 billion monthly active users. There are 9 million registered Facebook accounts in the Nether-

lands. The last quarter of 2013 Facebook reached 9,8 million visitors. Most users are between the 25-34 years old of which are 940.000 man and 980.000 women. In an average day are all Facebook users sharing 6 billion likes and uploading 350 million pictures and sending 10 million Facebook messages. The like- and share buttons are daily more than 22 billion times shown on 7,5 million

"The analysis shows that the most active users are between the 25 and 34 years old. "

webpages. The most active social media network that is used is Facebook, because it’s the most popular network in the Netherlands. The analysis shows that the most active users are between the 25-34 years old. The focus will be on this network and start before the festival and after the festival for receiving feedback. Before the festival starts there will posters posted on the page for attracting more attention. (Marketing Facts, n.d.) During the festival there will a program announced and trying to attract more attention for the pursuits. During and after the festival the company will receive feedback from customers. At the timeline customers can put their own pictures online and share it with their friends. Besides that, the weblog of the website is posted on the page. Twitter There are 923 million registered Twitter accounts at the world and 241 million are monthly active. 60% of the users are sending tweets and 40% of them are reading them. Mobile using of Twitter


is rising and there are 184 million people active today. There are 5 million registered Twitter accounts, of which 1,3 million are monthly active tweeting. The use of Twitter is very stable. The webpage is visited monthly 3,9 million by Dutch visitors. At the end of 2013 there were 25% business accounts. There are private users and 54% from them are women. In the Netherlands are 60,8% teens who are using Twitter, 12,7% 20-ers, 15,2% 30ers, 10,1% 40-ers. Twitter is a good opportunity for communication between businesses and customers. Posting tweets will attract attention from the media and customers. Using twitter 6 months before the festival is the most useful way, because people will share it and will get more attention. Twitter is a smart mean to use, because people are giving feedback and sharing it. The company can reach with this way all friends, family and colleagues. Businesses will give the company more attention and there will be a chance to creating a relationship with businesses. To let people get familiar with the festival unique hashtags are used. For example instead of the popular but negative hashtag ‘F My Life’ or ‘fml’, people have to use ‘Love My Life’ or ‘lml’ or other positive hashtags. The Love My Life hashtag will then become associated with Nu & Straks. Linkedin The past 2 years Linkedin worked on their platform. The timeline is increased and the opportunities for recruiters, business page’s and advertisements. The activities ensured 4,6 million Dutch visitors per month. Worldwide the platform is used for 187 million people, which 38% from a mobile phone. Linkedin has 277 million users, which are 4,5 million from the Netherlands. Finally, there are 3 million business page’s and 2,1 million Linkedin groups. After the festival and attention of businesses there will be a lot of businesses who will work with the company. They will add Nu & Straks at their friend-list and share information with each other. When they have a relation they can work with each other in a simple way.

Instagram Instagram is part of Facebook. Is exists since 2011 in the Netherlands and has grown to 1.4 million users as of 2014. (Jaap, 2014) Instagram is mostly used to reach generation Y, which consists of people born between 1980 and the early 1990’s. (Business Dictionary, n.d.) These people are used to a high amount of marketing noise and because of that and their desire to be unique they demand extraordinary branding on Instagram. The content should be creative and it should contribute to knowledge. It should be personal and it should be a one way communication. (Ulrika Johansson, 2014) Blog A blog is a great communication tool when you need to keep audience informed of the up-to-date events such as what is going to happen or happened during the festival. If the review of the event is written in the right way it can attract new visitors who would like to have an amazing experience as well as make those who visited the festival return. Moreover, the survey conducted by HubSpot regarding “Marketing Benchmarks from 7000+ Businesses”1 tells that companies who have from 51 to 100 pages of content on their web-sites generate 48% more traffic than those who have less pages. Therefore, blogging is an effective tool of increasing traffic on the website in order to raise awareness of the festival. Before the beginning of the festival the blog will feature posts that are relevant for its main topics. Thoughts on the actual problems, advices, books reviews – there will be everything that can absorb a potential visitor in the festival’s theme and make them want to learn more. During the festival posts will tell audience about what happened at the festival. These reviews should be an implicit advertising of the festival so that once people read it they must be interested in experiencing the same emotions. Links to every post will be placed on a Facebook page of the festival in order to reach the maximum potential of the blog. (Dani, n.d.)





think about their own happiness and how to improve that. The answer to this question is NU&STRAKS.

STRATEGy: tell the story

The campaign will be used to address the target group. The target group is not segmented by the traditional way but the target group is segmented on base of the seven themes of NU&STRAKS (sport/movement, health, appearance, work, food/drinks, leisure, living). In this way a very wide target group can be addressed in a specific way. The message that will be sent to the target audience is to

During the whole campaign a personal, interactive approach will be used. In this way the target audience will have a better understanding, resulting in a better reach of the target audience. The caravan is the characteristic image and the guideline throughout the whole campaign and strategy. The caravan is the mean for interaction between the residents and the guests. The couple living in the caravan can directly approach passersby and passersby can approach the couple. This way the possible visitors of the festival are approached individually. Also links to social media and the documentary will be used during the campaign to advertise for the festival. The caravan is a way to gain word of mouth advertising. The announcement of the caravan tour will be made through social media and television. Also the blog will start a view days before the tour. People will know where the caravan will be on which day. During the tour there will be a blog presented on the website every day. A Facebook and Twitter link to the blog will be posted each day as well. A picture will be made that is posted on Instagram. Furthermore, the whole tour will be filmed. This will be edited into a documentary that is going to be broadcasted on television. LinkedIn will be used to keep the followers up-to-date work related.









9.17.2014 9.18.2014



De Geluksdokter

All you need is love



Geluk op het doek

Deel voor geluk



Een kijkje in de toekomst


Social Media 9.13.2014


Flyers and Posters




Geluk op de muur


Documentary Omroep Tilburg

BEGINNING 9.12.2014













































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Dag 7

Dag 6

Dag 5

Dag 4

Dag 3

Dag 2

Dag 1


9.17.2014 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00 22:00

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9.19.2014 12:30 14:00 15:30 17:00

9.19.2014 11:00 12:30 14:00 15:30


9.18.2014 10:30 12:00 13:30 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:30

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9.14.2014 12:30 15:00 17:30

9.14.2014 10:00 12:30 15:00


9.13.2014 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00

9.13.2014 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00



9.13.2014 !


Locations of the Tour by Theme

Tour Caravan

Communication means







For the budget, it is important to depend on the company NU&STRAKS. The organization has no budget, so they will work with sponsors, volunteers and companies that are willing to work with them. The main idea is to create ‘good will’ and work with other companies to attract more attention towards the target group. Co-creating Co-creation is a new trend nowadays. NU&STRAKS has no budget, so it’s very smart to work with another company. When two companies will work and stimulate each other they will create ‘good will’ by customers. The customers want to see that companies are working together and that will attract them to come to the festival. Sponsoring It’s important for the festival to make use of sponsors, because NU&STRAKS are only working with volunteers and has a low budget. Sponsors are creating ‘good will’ as well. When a company works with a sponsor, it will at-

"uis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec"

tract the target group, because they are working together in order to entertain the target group. It means that an organization is putting effort into designing an experience for their target group. Communication means The caravan that will be used is in possession of NU&STRAKS, so that doesn’t require a budget. It is a recognizable object that can easily be associated with NU&STRAKS festival.

The two people who will work in the caravan will be volunteers. Volunteers of NU&STRAKS will actively make use the social media webpages and blogs. NU&STRAKS is trying to reach a maximum result with a minimal budget. The only communication mean that affects the budget are the posters, because CBSoutdoor will print it. If CBSoutdoor isn’t available, another company can be used for printing. Sponsors will have to be found that will create ‘good will’ for the posters and flyers. Volunteers that work for Omroep Tilburg will design the television program and the trailer. Omroep Tilburg is a regional broadcaster and will have all the technical means available. Flyers When NU&STRAKS can’t find sponsors that are able to print the flyers, the website offers a sale where 1.000 flyers can be printed for € 30,40. The flyer will be of A5 format, full color printed on both size and it will be 135 grams paper. ( Posters If there’s no budget and NU&STRAKS isn’t able to work with CBSoutdoor, the organization can print their posters at At the festival and at the caravan, surrounding the city center, posters will be placed. 100 posters will be needed, which will cost € 31,20 in total. A poster will be of A3 format, 135 grams paper and full color printed. (, Posters A3) Caravan costs The caravan will be parked at many different locations. At some locations, the caravan has to pay a parking fee. However, some spots are for free and even others need a permit, which needs to be requested at the local authorities. The following locations need a permit: - Brasserie de Groene Vlinder - Taste! - Live Music Bar - De Emma Passage - Euroscoop - WE - Sissy Boy Homeland A permit costs € 17,80 per location. The campaign needs 7 permits in total, so the total costs for permits will be €124,60.


At these locations, a parking fee has to be paid: - Creatief Koffiecafé Buutvrij - Happy Italy - Kadinsky - Ireen Wüst IJsbaan en Stappegoor - Flexplek Downtown Tilburg - Hart van Brabantlaan - Spoorlaan We assume each parking spot will be used for 2 hours. The average costs for a parking spot per hour are € 2,20. When we visit all these spots for 2 hours, the total costs will be €30,80. The costs of gasoline are calculated as followed: Assuming the caravan will drive an average of 15 kilometers a day, the caravan will drive 105 kilometers in total. Assuming the caravan drives 10 kilometers with 1 liter of gasoline, 11 liters will be needed. The national average gasoline price at the 24th of September 2014 was 1.805 per liter according to This will be € 19.85. (Consumers) The total approximate costs for the caravan will be: Permits: €124,60 Parking fees: € 30,80 Gasoline: € 19,85 Total: €175.25


Geluk op doek “Geluk op doek” is a campaign where people can ask a painter in the city center to paint their happiness. The painter is a volunteer and will bring his own materials, like canvas and paint. This way, the painter can promote his own work for free, but the painter could ask a fee for his products and efforts. Geluksdokter ‘Geluksdokter’ is a social media campaign, where people are being surprised by NU&STRAKS. People can receive a small gift (Ice tea, can opener, noodles, etc.), which is based on their likes on social media. These gifts can be received by liking the Facebook-page of NU&STRAKS. These products will be sponsored by companies in the city center that are willing co-operate with NU&STRAKS. The package will have the name of the company on it, so it’s a form of free publicity for the company as well.

sor the camera. In the caravan the logo of Omroep Tilburg will be displayed by various means. Kijkje in de toekomst A volunteer will execute this campaign. The fortuneteller can get free publicity and name awareness. They can bring their own supplies. Gelukskoekje In cooperation with a local bakery, the fortune cookies will be made. The message and the package will include a small logo of the bakery. This also will be free publicity for the bakery and sponsoring for NU&STRAKS. The bakery will make 300 cookies. Complimentendag This is a campaign where memo pads and ballpoints will be used. Two pieces of memo pads will be used; each pad will include 700 sheets (€ 1,99). There will 50 ballpoints used; each package has 10 ballpoints for € 0,99. The costs will be € 8.93 in total. (Action) Geluk op de muur For ‘Geluk op de muur’ a large banner is needed, about 2 by 5 meters. At a banner costs € 7,95 per square meter, so 10 square meters will add up to € 79,50. But when it’s a possibility, NU&STRAKS would like to use a sponsored banner. In return, the logo of the company will be displayed on various means. (Inpromoshop) Deel voor geluk ‘Deel voor geluk’ is a costless concept where visitors can exchange objects they don’t like anymore with other visitors of the festival. This is completely done by the visitors themselves and will need no budget. The idea for ‘deel voor geluk’ will be posted on social media, so people are aware of the campaign. Means Costs Flyers A5 (1.000) Posters A3 (100) Caravan costs Memo pads and ballpoints Empty banner ‘Geluk op de muur’ Total costs

€ 30,20 € 31,20 € 175,25 € 8,95 € 79,50 € 325,08

All you need is love This is a free campaign where people can leave a message on camera at the caravan. Omroep Tilburg will spon-





Festival NU&STRAKS is a new initiative that is being organised via Fontys Academy for Creative Industries. The festival’s goal is to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Tilburg and its surroundings. By organising a four-day festival that takes place around several locations in Tilburg, this is being done. NU&STRAKS focuses on seven themes that contribute to the quality of life. The assignment is as followed: The citizens of Tilburg and its surroundings, aged 25 till 45, have to be drawn to the festival NU&STRAKS. For this, the organization of NU&STRAKS needs a strategic marketing-communication plan with a concluding advice in the form of a concept. There is no budget available. To draw more visitors to the festival, research has shown that more awareness has to be created amongst the target group. This is why this objective has been formed:

“Create an increase of unique visitors of pages in social media by 100% before November 1st. In order to pass this objective, there has been a strategy worked out. From this strategy, the concept has been designed. The strategy segments the target group via the seven themes that NU&STRAKS hold on to. The whole campaign has a personal and interactive approach. Several locations will be used in Tilburg, via which the target group will be fully notified about the festival. Via this way, the target group will be reached and is able to visit the festival. As an advice for NU&STRAKS, there has been written a plan in which the entire campaign will be described. Next to this, it seemed wise to design a children’s day-care during the festival, since research has shown that the target group are most likely to have children.


Appendix 1. Poster 2. Sources




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