13 - 28 May / Mai
january - may 2016 IONAWR - MAI 2016
029 2064 6900
029 2064 6900
what’s inside y tu mewn
icon guide / canllaw arwyddion
01 Welcome / croeso
Content Guidance Canllawiau Gynnwys
Email Ebost
Website link Cyswllt wefan
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama / Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru
22 Jem and Ella Run Ragged & Creu Cymru
04 IPHIGENIA In Splott Sherman Cymru
23 Mrs Reynolds a’r Cena bach Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru
06 Home / گهر/ Cartref
Sherman Cymru & Waulah Cymru
24 Sid 5Pound5
08 Mark Thomas: Trespass
25 Crash
09 Taith
Traverse Theatre Company
Sherman Cymru
26 Bird
The Devil Inside
Sherman Cymru & Royal Exchange Theatre
Music Theatre Wales & Scottish Opera
28 Before I leave
11 Folk
National Theatre Wales
National Dance Company Wales / Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru
30 Schools Dance Association
12 Citizenship
Sherman Youth Theatre
20 New: 2016
02 Associate artists / Artistiaid Cyswllt
Age Recommendation Canllaw Oedran
Musicality Mashup Studio One Dance
Connections 500
32 Sherman 5
National Theatre Connections Festival
34 Volunteering / Gwirfoddoli
14 A PLay, A Pie and a Pint: Mr. and Mrs. Laughton
35 Get Involved / Cymryd Rhan
Òran Mór & Sherman Cymru
16 Mark Watson: I’m Not Here
36 Big Lottery Projects
17 Simon Callow on Orson Welles: One Man Band
38 Cafe Bar / Bar Caffi
Stiles and Drewe’s Anything Can Happen! Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama / Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru
Scamp Theatre & Watford Palace Theatre
41 How to find us / sut i ddod o hyd i ni 42 Calon
Tiddler and other terrific tales
Design / Dyluniad
40 Ticket Information / Gwybodaeth Tocynnau
43 Hynt 44 Diary / Dyddiadur
Cover / Clawr Deanna Halsall
029 2064 6900
Photo / Llun: Kristen McTernan
Welcome / Croeso Firstly, thank you for your continued support of the Sherman. We are proud to be making and supporting brave, high quality work for the citizens of Cardiff and beyond, and showcasing the best of Welsh talent throughout the UK.
Yn gyntaf, diolch ichi am eich cefnogaeth barhaus i’r Sherman. Rydym yn falch ein bod yn gwneud ac yn cefnogi gwaith dewr, o safon uchel ar gyfer dinasyddion Caerdydd a thu hwnt, ac yn arddangos y dalent Cymreig gorau ledled y DU.
This season Iphigenia in Splott, by our Associate Artist Gary Owen, transfers to the National Theatre in London. We are the first Welsh producing theatre to achieve this major success. The production will then go on tour to venues such as the Traverse in Scotland, the Everyman in Liverpool and Bristol Old Vic, taking new work from Wales across the UK.
Y tymor hwn mae Iphigenia in Splott, gan ein Hartist Cyswllt, Gary Owen, yn trosglwyddo i’r National Theatre yn Llundain. Ni yw’r theatr Gymreig cyntaf i gael y gydnabyddiaeth hon. Yna, bydd y gynhyrchiad yn mynd ar daith i leoliadau fel y Traverse yn yr Alban, y Everyman yn Lerpwl a’r Bristol Old Vic, gan gymryd gwaith newydd o Gymru ar draws y DU.
This spring season will see us co-produce with RWCMD, to present a new play by Dafydd James, as well as with Òran Mór for the return of A Play, A Pie and A Pint.
Yn ystod tymor y gwanwyn byddwn yn cydgynhyrchu gyda CBCDC, i gyflwyno drama newydd gan Dafydd James, yn ogystal ag Òran Mór ar gyfer dychwelyd A Play, A Pie and A Pint.
Later in the season we co-produce Bird, a stunning new piece by our Playwright in Residence Katherine Chandler, with the Royal Exchange Theatre. This marks another new artistic partnership for the Sherman and another great success for Welsh talent.
Yn ddiweddarach yn y tymor, byddwn yn cydgynhyrchu Bird, drama newydd drawiadol gan ein Dramodydd Preswyl Katherine Chandler, gyda Royal Exchange Theatre. Mae hyn yn nodi partneriaeth artistig newydd arall i’r Sherman a llwyddiant mawr arall i dalent Gymreig.
We are delighted to be hosting and supporting the work of major Welsh companies; Music Theatre Wales, National Dance Company of Wales, National Theatre Wales and Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru.
Rydym yn hynod falch o gyflwyno a chefnogi gwaith cwmnïau Cymreig pwysig; Music Theatre Wales, Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru, National Theatre Wales a Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru.
HOME; is a new community work based on the story of two brothers from Waulah, Pakistan who came to Cardiff in 1958 to find work and went on to create the Waulah Cymru community of today.
HOME; yw waith cymunedol newydd sy’n seiliedig ar stori dau frawd o Waulah, Pacistan a ddaeth i Gaerdydd yn 1958 i chwilio am waith ac, yn sgil hynny, sefydlodd y gymuned Waulah Cymru sy’n bodoli heddiw.
We are here for you - the Sherman is your theatre. Come and see what we have made for you.
Rydym yma i chi – eich theatr chi yw hon. Dewch i weld beth rydym wedi’i wneud i chi.
Rachel O’Riordan Artistic Director / Cyfarwyddwr Artistig
029 2064 6900
Associate artists Artistiaid Cyswllt
kenny miller Associate Artist / Artist Cyswllt: Designer / Dylunydd
gary owen Associate Artist / Artist Cyswllt: Writer / Awdur
John Williams Associate Artist / Artist Cyswllt: Producer / Cynhyrchydd
Kenny Miller is a freelance designer and director who has worked extensively in theatres around the world. He designed Romeo & Juliet and A Doll’s House for Sherman Cymru and this season he will design Bird.
Mae Kenny Miller yn ddylunydd a chyfarwyddwr llawrydd sydd wedi gweithio’n helaeth mewn theatrau ledled y byd. Dyluniodd Romeo & Juliet ac A Doll’s House ar gyfer Sherman Cymru a’r tymor hwn bydd yn dylunio Bird.
He has won three Critics’ Awards for Theatre in Scotland for: Scrooge (Best Production); Smoking with Lulu (Best Technical); A Little Bit of Ruff (Best Ensemble).
Mae wedi ennill tair Critics’ Awards for Theatre in Scotland ar gyfer: Scrooge (Cynhyrchiad Gorau); Smoking with Lulu (Sioe Dechnegol Orau); A Little Bit of Ruff (Ensemble Gorau).
Gary Owen is the winner of the Best New Play at the UK Theatre Awards 2015, for Iphigenia in Splott, touring to The National Theatre’s Temporary Theatre, the Sherman and across the UK. He received the George Devine, Meyer Whitworth and Pearson Awards.
Gary Owen yw enillydd y Ddrama Newydd Orau yn the UK Theatre Awards 2015, ar gyfer Iphigenia yn Splott, sy’n teithio i The National Theatre’s Temporary Theatre, y Sherman a ledled y DU. Derbyniodd y Gwobrau George Devine, Meyer Whitworth a Pearson.
A Welsh translation of Gary’s play Mrs Reynolds and The Ruffian will be presented by Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru, here at the Sherman in April. Recent work includes work for Royal Court and Watford Palace Theatre.
Bydd cyfieithiad Cymraeg o ddrama Gary Mrs Reynolds a’r Cena Bach wedi’i gyflwyno gan Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru, yma yn y Sherman ym mis Ebrill. Mae gwaith diweddar yn cynnwys gwaith ar gyfer Royal Court a Watford Palace Theatre.
John graduated from Merton College, Oxford in Jurisprudence and started his career in arts management at Clwyd Theatr Cymru in Mold. He has been Theatr Iolo’s Producer since May 2011 and has produced tours across the UK and internationally.
Graddiodd John o Merton College, Rhydychen mewn Cyfreitheg a dechreuodd ei yrfa mewn rheoli celfyddydau ar gyfer Clwyd Theatr Cymru yn y Wyddgrug. Bu’n Gynhyrchydd i Theatr Iolo ers mis Mai 2011, ac mae wedi cynhyrchu teithiau ledled y DU ac yn rhyngwladol.
John lectures in Arts Management for Cardiff Metropolitan University and guest lectures at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.
029 2064 6900
Mae John yn darlithio ar Reoli’r Celfyddydau ar gyfer Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd ac mae’n ddarlithydd gwadd i Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru.
Katherine Chandler Playwright in Residence / Dramodydd Preswyl
Cwmni Pluen Company in Residence / Cwmni Preswyl
Katherine is a Welsh playwright who works with BBC Drama, Bristol Old Vic, Clean Break, Dirty Protest, National Theatre Wales, Pentabus Theatre, Sherman Cymru, Theatr Iolo and Theatr na nÓg.
Mae Katherine yn ddramodydd Cymreig sy’n gweithio gydag adran BBC Drama, Bristol Old Vic, Clean Break, Dirty Protest, National Theatre Wales, Pentabus Theatre, Sherman Cymru, Theatr Iolo a Theatr na nÓg.
She adapted both The Princess and the Pea / Y Dywysgoes a’r Bysen Fechan Fach and last year’s Christmas show The Ugly Duckling /Yr Hwyaden Fach Hyll. Katherine’s Bruntwood Prize winning play Bird will be produced by the Royal Exchange Theatre and Sherman Cymru, in May of this season.
Addasodd The Princess and the Pea / Y Dywysoges a’r Bysen Fechan Fach a sioe Nadolig y llynedd The Ugly Duckling / Yr Hwyaden Fach Hyll. Bydd drama Katherine, Bird, a enillodd Bruntwood Prize, yn cael ei chynhyrchu gan Royal Exchange Theatre a Sherman Cymru, ym mis Mai y tymor hwn.
Cwmni Pluen creates original, challenging and unconventional devised theatre.
Mae Cwmni Pluen yn creu theatr wreiddiol, heriol ac anghonfensiynol.
Pluen performs and operates bilingually as Sherman Theatre’s first Company in Residence and is carving a reputation for making exciting and physical theatre, on the back of previous productions such as Ti.Me and Llais/Voice. Looking ahead they will continue to develop their creative practice and produce new work with a mix of collaborators and creative influences for audiences in Wales and beyond. “We are extremely pleased that we’ve accomplished so much within our first year as company in residence; met and collaborated with artists; created Ti.Me and received overwhelming responses; and explored new ideas. We’ll continue to work on a number of projects which we are very excited to share with our audiences in the near future.” Elgan Rhys, Cwmni Pluen Co-founder.
029 2064 6900
Mae Pluen yn perfformio ac yn gweithredu’n ddwyieithog fel cwmni preswyl cyntaf Theatr y Sherman ac mae’n meithrin enw da am wneud theatr gyffrous a chorfforol, yn sgil cynyrchiadau blaenorol fel Ti.Me a Llais/Voice. Gan edrych i’r dyfodol, bydd yn parhau i ddatblygu ei waith creadigol a chynhyrchu gwaith newydd gyda chymysgedd o gydweithwyr a dylanwadau creadigol ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd yng Nghymru a thu hwnt. “Rydym yn falch iawn ein bod wedi cyflawni cymaint o fewn ein blwyddyn gyntaf fel cwmni preswyl; wedi cwrdd â chydweithio ag artistiaid; wedi creu Ti.Me ac wedi cael ymateb ysgubol; ac wedi archwilio syniadau newydd. Byddwn yn parhau i weithio ar nifer o brosiectau yr ydym yn gyffro i gyd ynghylch eu rhannu â’n cynulleidfaoedd yn y dyfodol agos.” Elgan Rhys, Cyd-sefydlydd Cwmni Pluen.
“By any measure going, this is perfect theatre: intelligent, moving, and horribly, horribly relevant.” The Guardian
“What gets me through is knowing I took this pain, and saved all of you from suffering the same.” Sherman Cymru
Iphigenia In Splott tour by / gan Gary Owen Director / Cyfarwyddwr Rachel O’Riordan
National Theatre
27 January / Ionawr 20 February / Chwefror
Sherman Theatre / Theatr y Sherman
£15 & £20
29 February / Chwefror 1 March / Mawrth
7.30pm 2.00pm
Touring UK from / Ar daith o gwmpas y DU
24 February / Chwefror - 16 April / Ebrill
£16 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
Running time / Hyd y perfformiad 1 hour / awr 15m (no interval / dim egwyl)
029 2064 6900
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Contains strong language and themes of an adult nature / Yn cynnwys iaith gref a golygfeydd sydd ond yn addas i oedolion.
“Rachel O’Riordan’s production does not put a foot wrong ... This is a furious piece of theatre-making; it is an accusation, an assault, a call to action – essential.”
Photo / Llun:
The Stage
UK Theatre Award for Best New Play 2015, Iphigenia in Splott, heads to London at the National Theatre’s Temporary Theatre, before touring across the UK.
Mae Iphigenia in Splott, a enillodd y UK Theatre Award for Best New Play 2015, yn mynd i Lundain i gael ei berfformio yn National Theatre’s Temporary Theatre, cyn teithio ledled y DU.
Stumbling down Clifton Street at 11:30am drunk, Effie is the kind of girl you’d avoid eye contact with, silently passing judgement. We think we know her, but we don’t know the half of it.
Wrth faglu i lawr Stryd Clifton am 11:30am wedi meddwi, mae Effie y math o ferch y byddech yn osgoi dal ei llygad, gan ei beirniadu’n ddistaw. Rydym yn meddwl ein bod yn ei nabod, ond dydyn ni ddim yn gwybod ei hanner hi.
Effie’s life spirals through a mess of drink, drugs and drama every night, and a hangover worse than death the next day - till one night gives her the chance to be something more. Effie will break your heart.
Mae bywyd Effie’n troelli drwy lanastr o ddiod, cyffuriau a drama bob nos, a phen mawr gwaeth na marwolaeth drannoeth – nes i un noson roi cyfle iddi fod yn rhywbeth arall. Bydd Effie yn torri eich calon.
Inspired by the enduring Greek myth, Iphigenia in Splott drives home the high price people pay for society’s shortcomings.
Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan y chwedl Groegaidd, mae Iphigenia in Splott yn cyfleu’n rymus y pris uchel mae pobl yn ei dalu am fethiannau cymdeithas.
Designer / Cynllunydd Hayley Grindle
Sound Designer / Cynllunydd Sain Sam Jones
Sophie Melville Effie
Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Goleuo Rachel Mortimer @ShermanCymru #IphigeniaInSplott
Casting Director / Cyfarwyddwr Castio Kay Magson
For full tour details go to / Am fanylion y daith, ewch i 029 2064 6900
Design / Dyluniad:
‘Me and you are the luckiest to end up here. It could’ve been anywhere…’
Sherman Cymru & Waulah Cymru
Home / گهر/ Cartref Created By / Crewyd Gan Waulah Cymru, Andrew Sterry, Rhiannon White and Charlotte Lewis Director / Cyfarwyddwr Andrew Sterry Assistant director / Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol Charlotte Lewis Suitable for everyone aged 7+ / Addas ar gyfer oedrannau 7+ 22 & 23 January / Ionawr
Tickets / Tocynnau £5 Post-show curry / Cyri wedi-sioe £5
Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe
22 January / Ionawr
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Leaving, arriving, surviving, succeeding, growing… In the late 1950s two young brothers left Waulah, a small village in Pakistan, with nothing more than a suitcase of clothes and five pounds in their pockets. They rented a house on Christina Street in the docks, where they welcomed, lodged and helped find work for many more newcomers from Waulah. Today three generations of men, women and children live across Cardiff; their stories all stem from the journeys made by those who left Waulah. Performed by members of this Cardiff community; Sherman Cymru and Waulah Cymru celebrate and share many rich and varied real life stories. Stories of the hope, ambition and perseverance of people that made Cardiff home.
انیس سو پچاس کے آخر میں دونوجوان بهایوں نے ایک کپڑے کا اٹیچی اور جیب کے،میں ذیاده سے ذیاده پانچ پونڈ ساته وعولہ جو پاکستان میں ایک چهوٹا سا گاوں هے اسے خیرآباد کہ دیآ میں ایک گهر، ڈاکس،انهوں نے کرسٹینا روڈ کراے پر هاسل کیا جہاں پر انہوں نے وعولہ سے اور آنے والوں کا خیرمقدم کیا انهیں .لنگرانداز هونے اور کام تالش کرنے میں مد د اور بچوں کی تین نسلیں، عورتوں،آج مردوں اور ان سب کی.کارڈف میں رهتی هیں کهانیاں اس سفر سے جڑی هیں جو ان لوگوں .نے وعولہ چهوڑ کر کارڈف آنے کے لیے کیا رشمن کهمری اور وعولہ کهمری کی طرف سے ایک شاندار کارکردگی کا مظهائرا کیا ، جس میں کارڈف کمیونٹی کے میمربان.جایگا ،وعوله کے لوگوں کی ذاتی زندگی پر مبنی اور حوصله، ثابت قدمی،انکی امید جو،مندی کی کہانی بیان کریں گے آج کارڈف کو اپنا گهر مانتے هیں
‘I feel I’m lucky to be brought up in our community, or even to have a community.’ Designer / Cynllunydd Charlotte Neville
Sound Designer / Cynllunydd Sain Sam Jones
Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Golau Ceri James 029 2064 6900
Ar ddiwedd y 1950au, gadawodd dau frawd ifanc Waulah, pentref bach ym Mhacistan, gyda dim ond ces o ddillad a phum punt yn eu pocedi. Gwnaethant rentu tŷ ar Stryd Christina yn y dociau, lle y gwnaethant groesawu nifer mwy o newyddddyfodiaid o Waulah, a rhoi llety a chymorth iddynt. Heddiw, mae tair cenhedlaeth o ddynion, menywod a phlant yn byw ledled Caerdydd; mae eu storïau oll yn deillio o’r daith a wnaed gan y rheiny a adawodd Waulah. Caiff y ddrama ei pherfformio gan aelodau o’r gymuned hon yng Nghaerdydd, ac mae Sherman Cymru a Waulah Cymru yn dathlu ac yn rhannu nifer o hanesion gwir cyfoethog ac amrywiol. Maent yn storiau am obaith, uchelgais a dyfalbarhad y bobl sydd bellach yn galw Caerdydd yn gartref iddynt.
@ShermanCymru #Home
Llun / Photo: Steve Ullathorne
Mark Thomas: Trespass
Trespass carries on from where Mark’s previous show 100 Acts of Minor Dissent, which came to the Sherman in 2014, left off. It is his usual odd mix of theatre, stand up, activism, a dash of journalism and a dollop of mayhem. If the ramblers of the 1930s were here now, what would they do to open up the cities? How do we turn the skyscrapers and corporate squares into our playgrounds? Mark sets out to try and carve a small space in the urban world where mischief and random chance can lurk.
2 February / Chwefror
£18 Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
No one knows where this show is going to end up... Mae Trespass yn parhau o’r pwynt lle daeth sioe flaenorol Mark, 100 Acts of Minor Dissent, a ddaeth i’r Sherman yn 2014, i ben. Mae’n cynnwys ei gymysgedd rhyfedd arferol o theatr, comedi, ychydig o newyddiaduraeth a llond lle o anrhefn. Pe bai crwydwyr y 1930au yma nawr, beth fydden nhw’n ei wneud i wneud y dinasoedd yn fwy hygyrch? Sut allwn ni droi nendyrau a sgwariau corfforaethol yn fannau chwarae? Mae Mark yn ceisio cerfio man bychan yn y byd dinesig lle gall helynt a phethau ddigwydd ar hap a damwain. Does neb yn gwybod sut y bydd y sioe yn gorffen...
“Thomas’s powerful, persuasive storytelling shines through... a galvanising hour.” METRO @markthomasinfo
029 2064 6900
Llun / Photo: Sherman Theatre
Sherman Cymru
TAITH is our new writing initiative that is dedicated to developing and celebrating new work submitted by Welsh or Wales-based writers. These new, challenging, bold and vibrant pieces have been rigorously developed with the directors as well as an intensive development period with Nina Steiger, from the Soho Theatre in London.
4 February / Chwefror
The evening consists of three short play readings followed by a discussion inspired by the work.
TAITH offers audiences an inspiring trip to the theatre to hear the best of the passionate, emerging, creative voices of Wales.
Studio / Stiwdio
English and Welsh / Cymraeg a Saesneg
Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe
TAITH yw ein menter ysgrifennu newydd sy’n ymrwymedig i ddatblygu a dathlu gwaith newydd a gyflwynir gan awduron Cymreig neu awduron sy’n byw yng Nghymru. Mae’r darnau newydd, heriol, mentrus a bywiog hyn o waith wedi’u datblygu’n drwyadl gyda chyfarwyddwyr, yn ogystal â wedi bod drwy gyfnod o ddatblygu dwys gyda Nina Steiger, o Soho Theatre, Llundain. Mae’r noson yn cynnwys darlleniadau o dair drama fer, gyda thrafodaeth i ddilyn wedi’i hysbrydoli gan y gwaith. Mae TAITH yn cynnwys taith ysbrydoledig i gynulleidfaoedd i’r theatr i glywed y gorau o’r lleisiau angerddol, newydd, creadigol o Gymru.
“TAITH @ShermanCymru last night was excellent - three wonderful plays, a brilliant post-show discussion and just enough wine in my system.” Audience member / Aelod o’r gynulleidfa
029 2064 6900
Llun / Photo: Marcus Ginns
Music Theatre Wales & Scottish Opera
The Devil Inside
By / gan Stuart MacRae and Louise Welsh Composer / Cyfansoddwr Stuart Macrae
A new opera by Stuart MacRae and Louise Welsh. The Devil Inside is a gritty, glittery, Faustian fairytale, set firmly in the twenty-first century. Inspired by The Bottle Imp, a short story by Robert Louis Stevenson, this brand new opera contains many elements of Stevenson‘s famous shocker, The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The Devil Inside follows the outstanding success of composer Stuart MacRae and novelist Louise Welsh’s previous opera for Music Theatre Wales, Ghost Patrol; winner of the South Bank Sky Arts Award, and nominated for an Olivier. Music Theatre Wales is the company that brought you The Trial, Greek, The Killing Flower and so much more.
£15 - £25 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe
Opera newydd gan Stuart MacRae a Louise Welsh. Mae The Devil Inside yn stori dylwyth teg ddewr, disglair, Faustiaidd, wedi’i gosod yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Wedi’i hysbrydoli gan The Bottle Imp, stori fer gan Robert Louis Stevenson, mae’r opera newydd sbon hon yn cynnwys nifer o elfennau o stori arswyd enwog Stevenson, The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Mae The Devil Inside yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol opera flaenorol y cyfansoddwr Stuart MacRae a’r nofelydd Louise Welsh ar gyfer Music Theatre Wales, Ghost Patrol; a enillodd South Bank Sky Arts Award, ac a enwebwyd am wobr Olivier. Music Theatre Wales yw’r cwmni a gyflwynodd The Trial, Greek, The Killing Flower a llawer mwy.
9 February / Chwefror
029 2064 6900
“It does everything modern opera is supposed to do: it asks questions, stirs the imagination, challenges complacency, grabs the heart. Oh, and it renews the art form, too. You come out feeling different – about love, life and death.” The Financial Times A co-commission and co-production with Scottish Opera. Co-presented by Sherman Cymru and Wales Millennium Centre / Cyd-gomisiwn a chydgynhyrchiad gyda Scottish Opera. Cyd-gyflwynwyd gan Sherman Cymru a Chanolfan y Mileniwm Cymru. @MTW_tweets
Llun / Photo: Rhys Cozens
National Dance Company Wales / Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru
National Dance Company Wales returns with three thrilling pieces including the world premiere of Folk, a quirky and highly engaging piece by new Artistic Director, Caroline Finn. The evening also features Alexander Ekman’s witty and high octane, Tuplet, and Johan Inger’s Walking Mad; full of wit and an edge of madness and set to the driving, rousing sounds of Ravel’s Boléro and music by Arvo Pärt. Family Interactive Matinees are a fun, engaging and creative way to introduce your family to dance. You and your family have the chance to dance on stage with the dancers (not obligatory!), ask questions and learn excerpts of the company’s show, Tuplet. Mae Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru’n dychwelyd gyda thri darn cyffrous sy’n cynnwys perfformiad cyntaf o Folk, darn hynod a dymunol iawn gan y Cyfarwyddwr Artistig newydd, Caroline Finn. Mae’r noson yn cynnwys y darn Tuplet gan Alexander Ekman, sy’n ddoniol ac egnïol iawn, a Walking Mad gan Johan Inger, sy’n llawn ffraethineb ac elfen o wallgofrwydd ac sydd wedi’i osod i synau nerthol a chyffrous Boléro Ravel a cherddoriaeth gan Arvo Pärt. Mae Perfformiadau Matinee Rhyngweithiol i’r Teulu yn ffordd greadigol atyniadol a hwyliog o gyflwyno eich teulu i fyd y ddawns. Gallwch chi a’ch teulu ddawnsio ar lwyfan gyda’r dawnswyr (ddim yn orfodol!), gofyn cwestiynau a dysgu darnau o sioe’r cwmni, Tuplet.
18 & 19 February / Chwefror
£15 - £22 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe 18 February / Chwefror Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Watch Dance Class / Dosbarth Gwylio Dawns 18 February / Chwefror 12.45pm Free to ticket holders for the evening performances / Am ddim i’r rheiny sydd â thocynnau ar gyfer perfformiadau gyda’r nos. Family Interactive Matinee / Perfformiad Matinee Rhyngweithiol i’r Teulu 19 February / Chwefror 1.30pm
Ideal for ages 7-12 / Delfrydol ar gyfer oedrannau 7-12 Running time / Hyd y perfformiad 90m
029 2064 6900
Citizenship By / gan Mark Ravenhill Director/ Cyfarwyddwr Jac Ifan Moore
Tom dreams of being kissed, but he’s not sure whether by a man or by a woman, and he feels he should choose pretty quickly. His friends’ homophobic teasing and interrogations about what he did with his friend Amy the other night leave Tom no space to make up his mind, and he’s got no one to ask for advice, except maybe people on the internet. Citizenship is performed by Sherman Youth Theatre and they will go on to perform it at the National Theatre Connections 500 Festival at the Sherman in April.
Llun / Photo: Sherman Theatre
Sherman Youth Theatre
24 – 27 February / Chwefror
£8 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe
Mae Tom yn breuddwydio am gael ei gusanu, ond nid yw’n siŵr a yw hyn gyda dyn neu fenyw, ac mae’n teimlo y dylai wneud y penderfyniad yn eithaf cyflym. Mae pryfocio homoffobig a chwestiynau ei ffrindiau ynghylch beth a wnaeth gyda’i ffrind Amy y noson o’r blaen yn golygu nad yw Tom yn gallu gwneud penderfyniad, ac nid oes neb y gall ofyn am gyngor ganddynt, ar wahân i bobl ar y rhyngwyd o bosibl. Caiff Citizenship ei berfformio gan Theatr Ieuenctid y Sherman a byddant yn ei berfformio yn yr Ŵyl National Theatre Connections 500 yn y Sherman ym mis Ebrill.
25 February / Chwefror Studio / Stiwdio
Jac Ifan Moore, is part of the JMK directors group at the Sherman and was Assistant Director on A Doll’s House and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe / Mae Jac Ifan Moore yn rhan o’r grŵp gyfarwyddwyr JMK yn y Sherman a bu’n Gyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol ar A Doll’s House a The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
029 2064 6900
English / Saesneg
Connections 500
Llun / Photo: Sorted & National Theatre Graphic Design Studio
National Theatre Connections Festival
The National Theatre’s Connections Festival is 21 and this year it involves more young people than ever in making theatre. 500 youth theatres and schools from across the UK stage 11 fantastic plays. This year Sherman Youth Theatre present Mark Ravenhill’s Citizenship, along with ten other productions from local schools, youth groups and drama groups. Connections inspires 13 - 19 year olds with high quality new playwriting, encourages young people to get involved in all aspects of theatremaking and celebrates young people’s talent.
Mae Gŵyl Connections y National Theatre yn 21 oed ac eleni mae mwy o bobl ifanc nag erioed yn cymryd rhan mewn cynhyrchu gwaith ar gyfer y theatr. Bydd 500 o theatrau ieuenctid ac ysgolion o bob rhan o’r DU yn llwyfannu 11 o ddramâu gwych. Eleni, bydd Theatr Ieuenctid y Sherman yn cyflwyno Citizenship gan Mark Ravenhill, yn ogystal â deg o gynyrchiadau eraill gan ysgolion, grwpiau ieuenctid a grwpiau drama lleol.
14 – 17 April / Ebrill Full schedule and prices to be released end of January / Rhestr lawn a phrisiau i’w chyflwyno ddiwedd mis Ionawr. For details please visit / Am fanylion ewch i Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Connections is supported by Arts Council England, Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation and Jacqueline and Richard Worswick. With thanks for additional contributions from NT supporters and Trusts and Foundations / Cefnogwyd Connections gan Arts Council England, Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation a Jacqueline a Richard Worswick. Gyda diolch am gyfraniadau ychwanegol gan gefnogwyr NT ac Ymddiriedolaethau a Sefydliadau.
Mae Connections yn ysbrydoli pobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed gyda dramâu newydd o safon uchel, yn annog pobl ifanc i gymryd rhan ym mhob agwedd ar greu gwaith ar gyfer y theatr ac yn dathlu talent pobl ifanc.
@ShermanCreate #Connections500
029 2064 6900
Òran Mór & Sherman Cymru
A Play, A Pie and A Pint Mr. and Mrs. Laughton By / Gan Michael-Alan Read Director / Cyfarwyddwr Gethin Evans
8 – 12 March / Mawrth
£12.50 (includes a pie and a pint / yn cynnwys pei a pheint)
Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe
10 March / Mawrth
Studio / Stiwdio
Continuing the success of Sherman Cymru and Òran Mór’s partnership, we welcome back the highly popular series A Play, A Pie and A Pint, with a new script by MichaelAlan Read; Mr. and Mrs. Laughton.
Yn parhau efo llwyddiant partneriaeth Sherman Cymru a Òran Mór, rydym yn croesawu yn ôl y gyfres hynod boblogaidd A Play, A Pie and A Pint, gyda sgript newydd gan MichaelAlan Read; Mr. and Mrs. Laughton.
As ever we combine top quality theatre with excellent food. You get both a pie and pint as part of your ticket deal as well as a brilliant evening of entertainment. Following last year’s success of Leviathan and Happy Hour, don’t miss out on the fun, food, drink and drama.
Rydym yn cyfuno theatr o’r safon uchaf gyda bwyd ardderchog. Byddwch yn derbyn pei a pheint fel rhan o’ch tocyn yn ogystal â noson wych o adloniant. Yn dilyn llwyddiant Leviathan a Happy Hour llynedd, peidiwch golli allan ar yr hwyl, bwyd, diod a drama.
“Arguably the best-value cultural event in the country” Sunday Times on PPP
“The perfect post-work pick me up” Western Mail on PPP
English / Saesneg
The Times on Happy Hour @ShermanCymru
029 2064 6900
Llun / Photo: Kirstie Young
Mark Watson: I’m Not Here
A minor problem at an airport is the starting point for a spiralling examination of identity in the digital age and search for meaning in our lives. An evening with an enormous number of jokes, Watson’s customary flailing, chaotic audience interactions and all sorts of other fun. In short: if you like comedy, but you don’t come and see this, you’re acting very oddly. Mark Watson is the star of TV shows including Dave’s Road to Rio, BBC Live At The Apollo, Mock The Week and Have I Got News For You, and his own cult Radio 4 series Mark Watson Makes The World Substantially Better. He returns to the Sherman with the follow-up show to his celebrated Flaws.
12 March / Mawrth
£18 Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Mae problem fach mewn maes awyr yn arwain at archwiliad o hunaniaeth yn yr oes ddigidol a’r broses o chwilio am ystyr i’n bywydau. Gyda nifer fawr o jôcs, mae Watson yn rhyngweithio â’r gynulleidfa yn ei ffordd arferol, chwyrlïol, anhrefnus, a cheir pob math o hwyl arall. Yn fyr: os ydych yn hoffi comedi, ond nid ydych yn dod i weld y sioe hon, rydych yn ymddwyn yn od iawn. Mae Mark Watson yn seren sioeau teledu fel Dave’s Road to Rio, BBC Live at The Apollo, Mock The Week a Have I Got News For You, a’i gyfres Radio 4 boblogaidd, Mark Watson Makes The World Substantially Better. Mae’n dychwelyd i’r Sherman gyda’r sioe sy’n dilyn ei sioe Flaws enwog.
“Terrifyingly funny” The Times
“Belly laugh brilliant... the audience was weeping with laughter” Time Out
“Mark Watson is a Prodigy” The Guardian @watsoncomedian
029 2064 6900
Simon Callow on Orson Welles: One Man Band
Hear from Simon Callow’s acclaimed biography of Orson Welles, One Man Band; the third volume in his epic survey of Orson Welles’ life and work. Simon Callow probes in comprehensive and penetrating detail into one of the most complex artists of the twentieth century, looking closely at the triumphs and failures of an ambitious one-man assault on one medium after another - theatre, radio, film, television even ballet - in each of which his radical and original approach opened up new directions and hitherto unglimpsed possibilities. Following the performance Simon Callow will be in the foyer to sign copies of the book.
18 March / Mawrth
£17.50 Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Post-show book signing / Sesiwn llofnodi llyfr wedi-sioe
Dewch i glywed darlleniad o cofiant clodwiw Simon Callow am Orson Welles, One Man Band; dyma arolwg epig o fywyd a gwaith Orson Welles. Mae Simon Callow yn ymchwilio mewn manylder trylwyr a threiddgar i un o artistiaid mwyaf cymhleth yr ugeinfed ganrif, gan edrych yn fanwl ar lwyddiannau a methiannau dyn a ymosododd mewn modd uchelgeisiol ar un cyfrwng ar ôl y llall - theatr, radio, ffilm, teledu - a bale hyd yn oed - a chyda phob un ohonynt arweiniodd ei ddulliau radical a gwreiddiol at gyfeiriadau newydd a phosibiliadau nas ystyriwyd cyn hynny. Ar ôl y perfformiad, bydd Simon Callow yn y cyntedd yn llofnodi copïau o’r llyfr.
“The more vulnerable Welles becomes, the more vivid Callow’s writing” David Hare
029 2064 6900
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama’s Richard Burton Company / Cwmni Richard Burton Coleg brenhinol cerdd a drama cymru
STILES & DREWE’S ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! By / gan George Stiles Lyrics Anthony Drewe Director/ Cyfarwyddwr Simon Greiff A brand new musical revue that celebrates the Olivier Award-winning British writing team of George Stiles and Anthony Drewe. Featuring songs that deal with growing up, unrequited love, relationships, parenthood, hopes and dreaming big. With selected songs from their acclaimed musicals including Just So, Honk, Peter Pan, Betty Blue Eyes, and Soho Cinders. Rifiw cerddorol newydd sbon sy’n dathlu’r tîm ysgrifennu Prydeinig, George Stiles ac Anthony Drewe, sydd wedi ennill Gwobr Olivier. Mae’n cynnwys caneuon sy’n ymdrin â thyfu i fyny, cariad digydnabod, perthnasau, bod yn rhiant, gobeithion a chael breuddwydion mawr. Gyda chaneuon wedi’u dewis o’u sioeau cerdd nodedig, gan gynnwys Just So, Honk, Peter Pan, Betty Blue Eyes, a Soho Cinders.
22 – 24 March / Mawrth Matinee 24 March / Mawrth £12 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
This performance is sponsored by the Connect Fund. Postgraduate Musical Theatre scholarships are supported by The Richard Carne Trust and the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, The Mackintosh Foundation and The Leverhulme Trust / Noddir y perfformiad hwn gan Connect Fund. Cefnogir ysgoloriaethau Ôlraddedig Musical Theatre gan The Richard Carne Trust ac Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, The Mackintosh Foundation ac The Leverhulme Trust. @RoyalWelshMAMTs
029 2064 6900
7.30pm 2.00pm
Tiddler and Other Terrific Tales
Llun / Photo: Steve Ullathorne
Scamp Theatre & Watford Palace Theatre
By / gan Julia Donaldson & Axel scheffler Director/ Cyfarwyddwr Sally Cookson These terrific tales are woven together with live music, puppetry and a whole host of colourful characters from Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s best-loved titles: Tiddler, Monkey Puzzle, The Smartest Giant in Town and A Squash and a Squeeze. Funky moves, toe tapping tunes and giggles are guaranteed! Is Tiddler telling the truth? Will Monkey find his Mummy? Will George The Giant make lots of friends? Can the old lady really squash and squeeze all those animals in? The perfect treat for children aged 3+ - and their families and friends! Mae’r straeon gwych wedi’u plethu gyda cherddoriaeth fyw, pypedau a llu o gymeriadau lliwgar o’r straeon poblogaidd Julia Donaldson ac Axel Scheffler; Monkey Puzzle, The Smartest Giant in Town and A Squash and a Squeeze. Mae dawnsio ffynci, alawon bachog a chwerthin yn sicr! A yw Tiddler yn dweud y gwir? A fydd Monkey yn dod o hyd i’w Mam? A fydd George The Giant yn gwneud llawer o ffrindiau? A all yr hen wraig gwasgu’r holl anifeiliaid i mewn? Gwledd berffaith ar gyfer plant 3+ - a’u teuluoedd a’u ffrindiau!
7 April / Ebrill 8 April / Ebrill
2.00pm & 4.30pm 11.00am
£9 Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Includes / Yn cynnwys Tiddler; The Monkey Puzzle; The Smartest Giant in Town; A Squash and a Squeeze.
“Packed with gleeful ditties and jolly good fun” The Guardian
“A children’s treat that adults too can guiltlessly enjoy.” A Younger Theatre Designer / Cynllunydd Katie Sykes Composer / Cyfansoddwr Benji Bower @scamptheatre
029 2064 6900
Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Golau Elanor Higgins #Tiddler
Photo / Llun: Warren Orchard
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama’s New Writing Festival / Coleg Brenhinol cerdd a drama cymru gwyl ysgrifennu newydd v
NEW: 2016 22 - 25 March / Mawrth
Various Times / Gwahanol Amseroedd
We are delighted to be working with Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama to present a new play by Dafydd James, directed by our Artistic Director Rachel O’Riordan, as part of the Richard Burton Company’s weeklong celebration of new writing. NEW: 2016 returns for a third exciting year with another four world premieres at home in Cardiff before transferring once again to London’s Gate Theatre, a venue known to springboard the most exceptional new talent. Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama also continue their collaboration with The Royal Court Theatre and Paines Plough presenting three new plays by some of the UK’s exciting new writing talent; Elinor Cook, Ali Taylor and Joe Ward Munrow. NEW: 2016 will be presented as part of A Nation’s Theatre, a festival shining a light on exciting and diverse theatre being made outside London, across the UK.
£8 Concessions / Gostyngiadau
£2 off / i ffwrdd
Rydym yn hynod falch o fod yn gweithio gyda Choleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru i gyflwyno drama newydd gan Dafydd James, wedi’i chyfarwyddo gan ein Cyfarwyddwr Artistig, Rachel O’Riordan, fel rhan o ddathliad wythnos o waith newydd Cwmni Richard Burton. Mae NEW: 2016 yn dychwelyd am drydedd flwyddyn gyffrous gyda phedair sioe sy’n cael eu perfformio am y tro cyntaf yng Nghaerdydd cyn trosglwyddo unwaith eto i Gate Theatre, Llundain, lleoliad sy’n adnabyddus fel sbardun ar gyfer y dalent newydd fwyaf eithriadol. Mae Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru hefyd yn parhau â’i waith ar y cyd â The Royal Court Theatre ac Paines Plough i gyflwyno tair drama newydd gan rai o awduron newydd mwyaf talentog a chyffrous y DU; Elinor Cook, Ali Taylor a Joe Ward Munrow. Bydd NEW: 2016 yn cael ei gyflwyno fel rhan o A Nation’s Theatre, gŵyl sy’n amlygu’r gwaith theatr cyffrous ac amrywiol sy’n cael ei wneud y tu allan i Lundain, ledled y DU.
The NEW: 2016 season in London is supported by The Garfield Weston Foundation. NEW: 2016 commissions are supported by The Fenton Arts Trust, The Spielman Charitable Trust and The Richard Carne Trust.
Mae tymor NEW: 2016 yn Llundain yn cael ei gefnogi gan Garfield Weston Foundation. Cefnogir comisiynau NEW: 2016 gan The Fenton Arts Trust, The Speilman Charitable Trust ac The Richard Carne Trust.
The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama / Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama, Cardiff / Caerdydd 22-25 March / Mawrth 2016
A full schedule of NEW: 2016 performance times will be available on / Bydd rhestr iawn o amseroedd y perfformiad ar gael ar
The Gate Theatre, Notting Hill, London / Llundain 29 March / Mawrth – 2 April / Ebrill 2016
029 2064 6900
Jem and Ella By / gan Jem Treays and Ella Treays Director/ Cyfarwyddwr Paula Crutchlow Performed by / Perfformwyd gan Jem Treays and Ella Treays
Llun / Photo: Roy Cambell-Moore
Run Ragged & Creu Cymru
Jem is 50 next year. Ella is becoming a teenager. They are father and daughter. Ella is ballet mad. Jem is a professional contemporary dancer and doesn’t approve. They have always danced together on the kitchen rug, and now, together they have created this show that explores their changing relationship through dance, conversation and film. Shortlisted for the Best Dance Production Award at the Wales Theatre Awards 2015. All performances accessible for deaf and blind audiences through an access App. Bydd Jem yn 50 oed y flwyddyn nesaf. Bydd Ella yn cyrraedd ei harddegau. Maent yn dad a merch. Mae Ella wrth ei bodd â bale. Mae Jem yn ddawnsiwr cyfoes proffesiynol ac nid yw’n rhoi sêl bendith iddi. Maent wastad wedi dawnsio gyda’i gilydd ar garped y gegin, a nawr, maent wedi creu’r sioe hon gyda’i gilydd sy’n ymchwilio i’r newidiadau yn eu perthynas drwy gyfrwng dawns, sgwrs a ffilm. Roedd y sioe ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer y Best Dance Production Award yn y Wales Theatre Awards 2015. Mae pob perfformiad yn hygyrch i gynulleidfaoedd byddar a dall drwy Ap mynediad.
029 2064 6900
8 & 9 April / Ebrill
9 April / Ebril
£15 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Hanner pris
Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
Development and original production supported by Arts Council Wales, National Theatre Wales and Theatr Iolo / Mae datblygiad a chynhyrchiad gwreiddiol y sioe wedi’i gefnogi gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, National Theatre Wales a Theatr Iolo. Designer / Cynllunydd Saz Moir
Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Golau Jane Lalljee
Original Video Designer / Cynllunydd Fideo Gwreiddiol Chris Young
Video Designer / Cynllunydd Fideo Nic Finch
Choreography Advisor / Ymgynghorydd Coreograffi Deborah Light
Sound Designer / Cynllunydd Sain Chris Young
mewn partneriaeth â / in partnership with Chwmni’r Frân Wen & Galeri Caernarfon
Mrs Reynolds a’r Cena Bach
Llun / Photo: Jonathon Cherry
Theatr Genedlaethol cymru
gan / By Gary Owen Cyfieithydd / Translator Meic Povey Cyfarwyddwr / Director Ffion Haf
Pan mae gardd hyfryd Mrs Reynolds yn cael ei difrodi, caiff y fandal ifanc, Jay, ei yrru nôl yno gan yr awdurdodau i helpu’r hen wraig i’w thrwsio. Dwy genedlaeth ar faes y gad; gwerthoedd traddodiadol yn erbyn byd heriol, anghynnes y llanc ifanc. Wrth iddyn nhw ddod i ddeall ei gilydd, datgelir rhywbeth sy’n dipyn o fraw i’r ddau. Mae’r ddrama gyfoes hon gan yr awdur gwobrwyol Gary Owen – ac un o’n hawduron Cymreig mwyaf beiddgar – yn edrych ar natur ddynol a chyfeillgarwch, ochr yn ochr â’r hinsawdd gymdeithasol y Gymru fodern, gan roi cipolwg cynnes, doniol a chraff i mewn i’r ffordd yr ydym yn byw heddiw.
19 & 20 Ebrill / April
£15 - £22 Gostyngiadau / Concessions Dan 25 / Under 25s
£2 i ffwrdd / off Hanner pris / Half price
Y Brif Theatr / Main House
Cymraeg / Welsh
Trafodaeth wedi-sioe / Post-show talk
When Mrs Reynolds’ lovingly tended garden is vandalised, Jay, the guilty and troubled youth, is sent back by the authorities to help her fix it. Two generations locked in battle; traditional values vs. the textbook hoodie. Just as they think they have the measure of each other, something is revealed and they are both shocked by what they find out. This contemporary play by one of Wales’ most audacious playwrights - the awardwinning Gary Owen - explores human nature and friendship alongside the social climate of modern Wales, giving a warm, funny and insightful glimpse into the way we live now.
19 Ebrill / April
Manteisiwch ar Sibrwd — app ar gyfer ffonau clyfar, sy’n arwain y di-gymraeg a dysgwyr drwy’r perfformiad. Lawrlwythwch o App Store a Google Play. Take advantage of Sibrwd — a smartphone app guiding non-Welsh speakers and Welshlearners through the performance. Download from App Store and Google Play. @theatrgencymru
029 2064 6900
By / gan Leon Fleming Director/ Cyfarwyddwr Scott Le Crass Performed by / Perfformwyd gan Dario Coates
Llun / Photo: Ashley Carter
HERO WORSHIP AND REALITY COLLIDE IN A PUNK ROCK CRASH! He’s not having a good day. People don’t understand him, his musical tastes are derided, his best mate is a punkrocker who died in the seventies. And his girlfriend thinks he’s lost the plot! Life shouldn’t be this hard, but for Craig nothing seems easy. He’s a loose cannon. A man alone. Almost alone. He’s got a mate. He’s got Sid Vicious. In this new 50 minute one-man play by Leon Fleming we explore the true nature of hero worship and what it means to be punk.
21 & 22 April / Ebrill
£15 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
! Contains strong language / Yn cynnwys iaith gref Running time / Hyd y perfformiad 50m
ARWRADDOLIAETH A REALAETH YN CYD-DARO MEWN GWRTHDRAWIAD CERDDORIAETH PYNC-ROC! Nid yw’n cael diwrnod da. Nid yw pobl yn ei ddeall, mae pobl yn gwneud hwyl am ben ei dast gerddorol , ei ffrind gorau yw pyncrociwr a fu farw yn y saithdegau. Ac mae ei gariad yn meddwl ei fod wedi colli ei farblis! Dylai bywyd ddim bod mor galed â hyn, ond does dim yn hawdd i Craig. Does dim dal arno. Mae’n ddyn ar ei ben ei hun. Neu bron ar ei ben ei hun. Mae ganddo ffrind. Mae ganddo Sid Vicious. Yn y ddrama un dyn 50 munud newydd hon gan Leon Fleming, rydym yn archwilio gwir natur arwraddoliaeth a beth mae bod yn bync-rociwr yn ei olygu.
029 2064 6900
Llun / Photo: Emma Quinn
Traverse Theatre Company
By / gan Andy Duffy Director/ Cyfarwyddwr Emma Callander
“Everything that happens is created by you.” Confidence is everything in the world of high finance. Confidence in yourself, confidence in the market. Lose that and you lose everything. Crash is the story of an enigmatic trader attempting to rebuild his life following a tragic event. As he takes the first tentative steps back into the brutal landscape of trading stocks, he feels the pressure begin to build. In the continuing wake of the financial crisis, Scottish writer Andy Duffy creates a rare and poetic insight into the psychology of a banker’s world. Hyder yw pob dim ym myd cyllid. Hyder yn eich hunan, hyder yn y farchnad. Os ydych yn colli hynny, rydych yn colli bob dim.
6 & 7 May / Mai
7 May / Mai
£15 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
Mae Crash yn olrhain hanes masnachwr enigmatig sy’n ceisio atgyfodi ei fywyd ar ôl digwyddiad trasig. Wrth iddo gymryd ei gamau cyntaf petrus yn ôl i dirwedd greulon masnachu stociau, mae’n teimlo’r pwysau’n dechrau cynyddu. Yn dilyn yr argyfwng ariannol, y mae ei effeithiau’n parhau, mae’r awdur Andy Duffy, o’r Alban, yn rhoi cipolwg prin a barddonol ar seicoleg byd y bancwr.
“You may find yourself trying to take deep-breaths…” Exeunt Magazine The Traverse Theatre is supported by Creative Scotland and the City of Edinburgh Council / Cefnogir Traverse Theatre gan Creative Scotland a City of Edinburgh Council. @traversetheatre
029 2064 6900
Katherine Chandler, Playwright
Design / Dyluniad: Deanna Halsall
“I’m fascinated by how people cope with the challenges and changes in life without the basic foundations of love and family. Bird explores the absence of those two things and the impact they might have on us. But it’s essentially a story about friendship and love, found against the odds.”
Sherman Cymru & Royal Exchange Theatre Co-production / Cyd-gynhyrchiad world premiere / perfformiad cyntaf erioed
By / Gan Katherine Chandler Director / Cyfarwyddwr Rachel O’Riordan
13 - 28 May / Mai
17 May / Mai
Previews / Rhagddangosiad Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£14 £2 off / i ffwrdd Half Price / Hanner Pris
Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
Previews / Rhagddangosiad
13 - 16 May / Mai Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe
19 & 24 May / Mai
“You know what Ava means? Bird. That’s what you are. You’re a little bird.” Winner of a Judges Award in the 2013 Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting, this is the World Premiere of BIRD a stunningly poetic new play by Welsh playwright Katherine Chandler. Directed by Sherman Cymru’s Artistic Director, Rachel O’Riordan, this is a story of unstoppable friendship. Ava and Tash are up on a cliff. Looking out at the flocking birds. And at their future. On the cusp of adulthood and leaving the care home they’ve always known, the friends test their freedoms and practise living in the world. Ava confronts the mother she left behind. Tash looks for a home. And both girls live dangerously with the men who surround them. Raw, delicate and bold. This is a story about growing up outside a family but inside the fiercest of friendships.
Designer / Cynllunydd Kenny Miller
Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Golau Kevin Treacy
Dyma’r perfformiad cyntaf byd-eang o BIRD, drama newydd farddonol drawiadol gan yr awdur Cymreig, Katherine Chandler, a enillodd y Judges Award yn y Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting yn 2013. Y cyfarwyddwr yw Cyfarwyddwr Artistic Sherman Cymru, Rachel O’Riordan, ac mae’n stori o gyfeillgarwch nad oes modd ei atal. Mae Ava a Tash ar ben clogwyn. Yn edrych ar yr adar yn heidio. Ac ar eu dyfodol. Wrth iddynt agosáu at fod yn oedolion a gadael y cartref gofal a fu’n adnabyddus iddynt cyhyd, mae’r ffrindiau’n profi eu rhyddid ac yn ymarfer byw yn y byd. Mae Ava yn wynebu’r fam a adawodd ar ôl. Mae Tash yn edrych am gartref. Ac mae’r ddwy’n byw’n beryglus gyda’r dynion sydd o’u hamgylch. Cignoeth, tyner a mentrus. Dyma stori am dyfu i fyny y tu allan i deulu ond o fewn cyfeillgarwch angerddol.
Composer and Sound Designer / Cyfansoddwr a Cynllunydd Sain Simon Slater 029 2064 6900
@ShermanCymru @rxtheatre #bird 27
National Theatre Wales with Wales Millennium Centre / Gyda Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru world premiere / Perfformiad Cyntaf Erioed
Before I leave By / Gan Patrick Jones Director / Cyfarwyddwr Matthew Dunster
27 May / Mai - 11 June / Mehefin
31 May / Mai
Previews / Rhagddangosiad
£15 - £25 Previews / Rhagddangosiad Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£12 - £20 £2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
27 - 30 May / Mai Matinee Captioned and Audio Described Performance /
Contains strong language / Yn cynnwys iaith gref
Perfformiad gyda Disgrifiad Sain a Capsiynau
11 June / Mehefin
Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe
2 & 8 June / Mehefin
A big, brand new, musical and memorable play by Tredegar-born poet and playwright Patrick Jones. Collective memory battles with personal struggles as a choir of men and women living with dementia clash and bond over some of south Wales’ defining stories - including the 1984 miners’ strike. Can the choir provide hope, meaning and solidarity in a society facing food banks, social welfare cuts and inequality? A funny, moving and ultimately uplifting production featuring covers of well-known songs by artists ranging from Tom Jones to the Sex Pistols. With new music by Nicky Wire and James Dean Bradfield of Manic Street Preachers.
Drama a sioe fawr, newydd a chofiadwy gyda cherddoriaeth, wedi’i ysgrifennu gan y bardd a’r dramodydd o Dredegar, Patrick Jones. Atgofion torfol yn brwydro ag ymdrechion personol wrth i gôr o ddynion a menywod sy’n byw gyda dementia wrthdaro ac agosáu dros rai o straeon pwysicaf de Cymru – yn cynnwys streic y glowyr yn 1984. A all y côr gynnig gobaith, ystyr ac undod mewn cymdeithas sy’n wynebu banciau bwyd, toriadau mewn lles cymdeithasol ac anghydraddoldeb? Cynhyrchiad doniol, teimladwy a chalonogol newydd yn cynnwys fersiynau o ganeuon adnabyddus gan Tom Jones a’r Sex Pistols. Gyda cherddoriaeth newydd gan Nicky Wire a James Dean Bradfield o’r Manic Street Preachers.
Before I Leave is part of Festival of Voice, a new international festival in Cardiff in June 2016. Created by Wales Millennium Centre and supported by Arts Council of Wales, Colwinston Charitable Trust and Cardiff Council. / Mae Before I Leave yn rhan o Ŵyl y Llais, gŵyl ryngwladol newydd yng Nghaerdydd ym Mehefin 2016. Crëwyd gan Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru gyda chefnogaeth Cyngor Celfyddydol Cymru, Colwinston Charitable Trust a Chyngor Caerdydd.
029 2064 6900
Schools Dance Association
The Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Schools’ Dance Association is looking forward to their 30th Schools’ Dance Festival in March 2016. This year’s theme is “Legacy” - and the Dance Association has provided a legacy of high quality dance in schools across the region. As one of the most inclusive events of the year, the stage will be filled with groups from the youngest reception pupils to A-level dance students, from every type of school. Mae Cymdeithas Ddawns Ysgolion Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg yn edrych ymlaen at ei Gŵyl Dawns i Ysgolion ym mis Mawrth 2016, sy’n cael ei chynnal am y 30ain flwyddyn. Thema eleni yw “Etifeddiaeth” – ac mae’r Gymdeithas Ddawns wedi creu etifeddiaeth o ddawns safon uchel mewn ysgolion ledled y rhanbarth. Fel un o ddigwyddiadau mwyaf cynhwysol y flwyddyn, bydd y llwyfan yn cael ei lenwi gyda grwpiau yn cynnwys disgyblion ifancaf y dosbarth derbyn hyd at fyfyrwyr dawns Safon Uwch, o bob math o ysgolion.
2 - 4 March / Mawrth
6.30pm & 7.45pm
1 Half / Hanner 2 Halves / Hanner
£5 £8
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
029 2064 6900
Photo / Llun: Carl Robertson
Studio One Dance
Cardiff based Studio One Dance Company presents an uplifting evening of dance and song taking you through over 100 musical theatre tunes. Presenting talented performers from age 2 ½ years to adults in this dancing and singing extravaganza. Vibrant costumes and enthusiastic performers will take you on a whistle stop tour from the heart of London’s theatre land to the glitz of Broadway featuring songs made famous by Billy Elliot, Chicago, Grease, Hairspray, Memphis, Lion King, Matilda, Shrek, Wicked and many more.
30 April / Ebrill
1 May / Mai
Main Stage / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
This wonderful show is not to be missed. Mae Cwmni Studio One Dance o Gaerdydd yn cyflwyno noson ysbrydoledig o ddawns a cherddoriaeth sy’n mynd â chi drwy dros 100 o ganeuon theatr gerddorol. Bydd perfformwyr talentog yn amrywio o blant 2½ oed i oedolion yn cael eu cyflwyno yn y sioe anhygoel hon o ddawnsio a chanu. Bydd gwisgoedd lliwgar a pherfformwyr brwdfrydig yn eich arwain ar daith chwim o galon byd theatr Llundain i swyn Broadway ac yn cynnwys caneuon a wnaed yn enwog gan Billy Elliot, Chicago, Grease, Hairspray, Memphis, Lion King, Matilda, Shrek, Wicked a llawer mwy. Peidiwch â methu’r sioe arbennig hon.
029 2064 6900
Sherman 5 is a membership designed to give people who have never attended a performance at the Sherman Theatre the chance to do so.
Cynllun aelodaeth yw Sherman 5 a luniwyd i roi’r cyfle i bobl nad ydynt wedi gweld perfformiad yn Theatr y Sherman o’r blaen i wneud hynny.
Sherman 5 is open to all residents and members of organisations in Communities First areas across Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan, Rhondda-Cynon-Taf, Bridgend and Newport.
Mae Sherman 5 yn agored i breswylwyr ac aelodau o sefydliadau o Ardaloedd Cymunedau’n Gyntaf ledled Caerdydd, Bro Morgannwg, Rhondda-Cynon-Taf a Chasnewydd.
When you join Sherman 5 your first visit to the theatre on one of our special Sherman 5 nights is FREE.
Pan fyddwch yn ymuno â Sherman 5, bydd eich ymweliad cyntaf â’r theatr ar un o’n nosweithiau Sherman 5 arbennig AM DDIM. Mae Sherman 5 yn cynnig yr hyn a ganlyn i aelodau:
Sherman 5 offers members: • FREE first visit to a Sherman 5 night • Reduced ticket costs for subsequent visits for Sherman 5 nights: £5 (£2.50 for under 25s)
• Costau tocynnau is ar gyfer ymweliadau dilynol i nosweithiau Sherman 5: £5 (£2.50 ar gyfer y rheiny o dan 25 oed) • Trafnidiaeth AM DDIM o ardaloedd Cymunedau’n Gyntaf ar nosweithiau Sherman 5
• FREE transport from Communities First areas on Sherman 5 nights • Up to 75% discount at Sherman’s Café Bar • Exclusive FREE Sherman 5 activities and events • The opportunity to join as a Sherman 5 Rep to experience working in a theatre and earn Time Credits
• Ymweliad cyntaf AM DDIM i noson Sherman 5
029 2064 6900
• Gostyngiad o hyd at 75% yng Nghaffi Bar y Sherman • Gweithgareddau a digwyddiadau Sherman 5 neilltuedig AM DDIM • Y cyfle i ymuno fel Cynrychiolydd Sherman 5 i gael y profiad o weithio mewn theatr ac ennill Credydau Amser
To book Sherman 5 Tickets
I archebu tocynnau Sherman 5
You can book Sherman 5 nights online, via telephone or in person quoting Sherman 5 or Time Credits. All tickets will need to be collected from box office with either your membership card or Time Credits. Look for the Sherman 5 logo on selected performances.
Gallwch archebu ar gyfer nosweithiau Sherman 5 ar-lein, dros y ffôn neu wyneb yn wyneb gan ddyfynnu Sherman 5 neu Time Credits. Bydd angen casglu pob tocyn o’r swyddfa docynnau gyda’ch cerdyn aelodaeth neu Time Credits. Edrychwch am logo Sherman 5 ar berfformiadau a bennir.
To find out more or sign up online visit
I gael gwybod mwy neu i ymaelodi ar-lein, ewch i
Time Credits Sherman 5 supports Time Credits spend on Sherman 5 performances. All performances are to the value of two time credits.
How Does It Work?
For every one hour of time that an individual gives to a community focused project, group or activity that is a part of the Time Credits network, they will receive one Time Credit (worth one hour) which can be used to access a variety of different services or activities within the local community.
Mae Time Credits yn ffordd o ennill tamaid drwy wirfoddoli eich amser. Am bob awr o amser y mae unigolyn yn ei roi i brosiect, grŵp neu weithgaredd cymunedol sy’n rhan o’r rhwydwaith Time Credits, bydd yn cael un Time Credits (sy’n werth un awr) y gellir ei ddefnyddio i gael mynediad at amrywiaeth o wahanol wasanaethau neu weithgareddau o fewn y gymuned leol. I gael gwybod mwy am Time Credits, ewch i
To find out more about Time Credits, visit
“We had a great time tonight. Still can’t believe the value! Great to have a chance of an affordable family night out. Look forward to many more”
Bhunesh Napal,
Lisa Higson, The Lion,
A Doll’s House
The Witch and The Wardrobe
If you would like to find out more or are interested in registering a community group please contact: / Os hoffech gael gwybod mwy neu os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cofrestru grŵp cymunedol, cysylltwch â: Guy O’Donnell Sherman 5 Coordinator / Cydlynnydd Sherman 5
Mae Sherman 5 yn cefnogi gwario Time Credits ar berfformiadau Sherman 5. Mae pob perfformiad yn werth dau Time Credits.
Sut Mae’n Gweithio?
Time Credits are a way of earning through volunteering your time.
“A Doll’s House was brilliant theatre, fantastic acting, a great night much enjoyed by all.”
Time Credits
“It makes it easy to get here. Without the help of Sherman 5 we wouldn’t be able to access the theatre because of transport and cost. It was awesome-I laughed all the way through. ” Sherman Families Feedback
Sherman 5, generously supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. / Sherman 5, a gefnogir yn hael gan Sefydliad Paul Hamlyn.
029 2064 6976 07703 729 079
029 2064 6900
volunteering Gwirfoddoli Our team of volunteer ushers are a brilliant group of individuals who are all passionate about supporting the Sherman and the work we do.
Mae ein tîm o stiwardiaid gwirfoddol yn grŵp gwych o unigolion sy’n angerddol am gefnogi’r Sherman a’r gwaith yr ydym yn ei wneud.
Volunteering is not just about helping the Sherman thrive. When you join our team you also receive all of these perks:
Mae gwirfoddoli yn golygu mwy na helpu’r Sherman ffynnu. Pan fyddwch yn ymuno â’n tîm byddwch hefyd yn derbyn y holl fanteision hyn:
• Get great ticket offers
• Cynigion gwych ar docynnau
• An invitation to Press Nights
• Gwahoddiadau i Nosweithiau i’r Wasg
• Gain Skills and Experience
• Meithrin Sgiliau a Phrofiad
• Boost your CV in the arts
• Rhowch hwb i’ch CV yn y celfyddydau
• Develop and practise Welsh Language skills
• Datblygu ac ymarfer eich sgiliau Cymraeg
• Develop and practise BSL skills
• Datblygu ac ymarfer sgiliau BSL
• Meet like minded individuals
• Cwrdd ag unigolion o’r un anian
The Sherman Theatre is one of Wales’ most important arts organisations and one of its leading producing houses.
Theatr y Sherman yw’r prif dŷ cynhyrchu yn y brifddinas, ac mae’n un o’r sefydliadau celfyddydol pwysicaf yng Nghymru.
To achieve our commitment to creating an artistic programme that is ambitious, inventive and memorable, and giving our audiences a great experience, we need to continue to grow our team of volunteer ushers.
I gyflawni ein hymrwymiad i greu rhaglen artistig sy’n uchelgeisiol, dyfeisgar a chofiadwy, ac i roi profiad gwych i’n cynulleidfaoedd, mae angen inni barhau i ehangu ein tîm o hebryngwyr gwirfoddol.
Whatever your age or background, if you want to get involved, we’d be delighted to meet you.
Beth bynnag fo’ch oed neu’ch cefndir, os ydych am gymryd rhan, byddem yn hynod falch o gyfarfod â chi.
029 2064 6900
get involved / Cymryd rhan 4-9
sherman sherbets Sierbets Sherman Saturday morning drama workshops for children developing key performance skills, imagination and confidence. It’s a chance for them to express themselves creatively, have fun and make friends.
sherman youth theatre Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman
Gweithdy drama i blant ar fore Sadwrn i ddatblygu sgiliau perfformiad allweddol, dychymyg a hyder. Mae’n gyfle iddynt fynegi eu hunain yn greadigol, i gael hwyl ac i wneud ffrindiau newydd.
An exciting opportunity for young people to develop their personal and performance skills with support and guidance from trained and experienced practitioners. Cyfle cyffrous i bobl ifanc ddatblygu eu sgiliau personol a’u sgiliau perfformio gyda chymorth ac arweiniad gan ymarferwyr hyfforddedig a phrofiadol.
inc youth theatre Theatr Ieuenctid INC A theatre group for young people with and without learning disabilities / difficulties who meet on a Monday evening. Grŵp theatr i bobl ifanc gydag anableddau / anawsterau dysgu a heb anableddau / anawsterau dysgu ar nos Lun.
sherman players A community theatre company open to ages 18+. You can be a part of a dynamic drama group where you will have fun learning and developing new skills with support and guidance from professional practitioners. Once a year you will have the opportunity to be a part of a full production with a professional director. Grŵp theatr gymunedol sydd yn agored i ynrhyw oedran dros 18. Mae’n gyfle i fod yn aelod o grŵp llawn hwyl a brwdfrydedd wrth ddysgu a datblygu sgiliau newydd o dan arweiniad ymarferwyr proffesiynol. Unwaith y flwyddyn bydd cyfle i fod yn rhan o gynhyrchiad llawn gyda chyfarwyddwr profiadol.
Get in touch / Cysylltu
029 2064 6900
big lottery projects
There is so much more to Sherman Theatre than the work on our stages. Our Creative Learning (BIG Lottery) team runs a range of projects for everyone.
Mae cymaint mwy i Theatr y Sherman na’r gwaith ar ein llwyfannau. Mae ein tîm Dysgu Creadigol (y Loteri FAWR) yn cynnal amrywiaeth o brosiectau i bawb.
Behind the scenes Y tu ôl i’r llenni Suitable for all / Addas i bawb
Fresh Ink Key Stages 1-5 / Cyfnodau Allweddol 1-5 Fresh Ink is a hugely popular creative writing course designed for primary and secondary schools. Our six week creative playwriting course is run by professional writers and culminates in a script in hand interactive performance day with professional directors and actors.
Mae Fresh Ink yn gwrs ysgrifennu creadigol hynod boblogaidd wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd. Caiff ein cwrs ysgrifennu drama creadigol o chwe wythnos ei gynnal gan awduron proffesiynol a daw i ben gyda diwrnod o berfformiadau integredig gyda sgript mewn llaw o dan arweiniad cyfarwyddwyr ac actorion.
Have you ever wondered how a theatre set is built? Or how a show is rehearsed? Bring your group for a tour of the theatre and a chat with our creative learning team to gain an insight into what goes on behind the scenes here at the Sherman Theatre. Ydych chi erioed wedi ystyried sut y caiff set theatr ei hadeiladu? Neu sut mae ymarfer ar gyfer sioe? Os hoffech i’ch grŵp ddod ar daith o amgylch y theatr a chael sgwrs gyda’n tîm dysgu creadigol i gael cipolwg ar yr hyn sy’n digwydd y tu ôl i’r llenni yma yn Theatre y Sherman.
Education workshops Gweithdai addysg Suitable for all / Addas i bawb Run by highly experienced facilitators who will lead practical skills based sessions designed to enable you to gain new skills in theatre-making. Eu cynnal gan hwyluswyr profiadol iawn a fydd yn arwain sesiynau ar sgiliau ymarferol a fydd yn eich galluogi i feithrin sgiliau newydd ym maes theatr.
“There are not enough superlatives to describe the general feeling of the Fresh Ink Project and its impact on the students at Cardiff High” Head of Drama / Pennaeth Drama, Cardiff High
029 2064 6900
Sherman Choir Suitable for all / Addas i bawb
sherman plays We are inviting older audiences to join us for a play reading, tea and cake, and conversation. We explore a wide range of plays read by professional actors in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Sherman Plays are staged on the last Thursday of the month from 11.00am – 1.00pm. £2.50 (includes tea and cake)
Rydym yn gwahodd cynulleidfaoedd hŷn i ymuno â ni ar gyfer darlleniad ddrama, te a chacen, a sgwrs. Rydym yn edrych ar amrywiaeth eang o ddramâu a ddarllenwyd gan actorion proffesiynol mewn awyrgylch hamddenol a gyfeillgar.
A mixed choir venture that is open to anyone, of any age and ability. No previous experience is needed just come along, sing and have fun!
Côr cymunedol y Sherman, sy’n agored i unrhyw un o unrhyw oedran a gallu. Nid oes angen unrhyw brofiad blaenorol - dewch draw i ganu a chael hwyl!
Sherman Community Choir sings every Thursday, 6.00pm - 8.00pm at the Sherman Theatre.
Mae Côr Cymunedol y Sherman yn canu bob dydd Iau rhwng 6.00pm ac 8.00pm yn Theatr y Sherman.
£1.50 per session
£1.50 y sesiwn
Cynhelir Sherman Plays ar y dydd Iau olaf y mis o 11.00am – 1.00pm. £2.50 (gan gynnwys te a chacen)
“It was a privilege to see such an interesting production and even more enjoyable to be given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the performance… Excellent and thought provoking”
“Making such a good sound together really makes you feel good - puts a spring in your step and helps you stand tall!” Choir participant / Aelod o’r Côr
Sherman Plays participant / Cyfranogwr Sherman Plays
Get in touch / Cysylltu
029 2064 6900
cafe bar / bar caffi Foxy’s Kitchen @ Sherman provides a daily menu of tasty treats for breakfast, brunch, lunch and pre-show meals.
Mae Foxy’s Kitchen @ Sherman yn gynnig bwydlen llawn danteithion blasus ar gyfer brecwast, brecinio, cinio a phrydau cyn sioe.
foyer sessions / sesiynau’r foyer Experience live music in a relaxed atmosphere, with a well-stocked bar and free entry. Discover the best artists and bands from Cardiff and further afield performing in our Foyer Sessions. This is a great platform for emerging artists to perform and if you would like to play or to find out more information, we would love to hear from you.
Profwch gerddoriaeth fyw mewn awyrgylch hamddenol, gyda bar wedi’i stocio’n dda a mynediad am ddim. Dewch i ganfod yr artistiaid a’r bandiau gorau o Gaerdydd a thu hwnt sy’n perfformio yn ein Sesiynau yn y Cyntedd. Mae hwn yn blatfform gwych i artistiaid sy’n dod i’r amlwg berfformio ac os hoffech chwarae neu gael rhagor o wybodaeth, hoffem glywed gennych.
029 2064 6900
Your Sherman / Eich sherman chi A Great Venue for your Event / Lleoliad gwych ar gyfer eich digwyddiad
“The Sherman Foyer proved to be a perfect venue for the BAFTA Cymru nominees party - the space and facilities were excellent. The Sherman team were professional and approachable with no request too big or small” Rebecca Hardy, BAFTA Cymru Awards Manager The Sherman Theatre offers a modern unique building with a wide range of spaces to suit your event.
Mae Theatr y Sherman yn adeilad unigryw, modern gydag amrywiaeth eang o fannau i weddu i’ch digwyddiad.
At the heart of the Sherman is our main theatre with a capacity of 452. We also have a range of smaller rooms to accommodate smaller meetings and rehearsals. Our unique and modern foyer is ideal for a registration area, exhibition space, drinks receptions and buffet lunches. Recent events have included the Welsh Music Prize and the BAFTA Cymru nominee’s party.
Wrth galon y Sherman mae ein prif theatr sy’n dal 452 o bobl. Mae gennym hefyd amrywiaeth o ystafelloedd llai ar gyfer cyfarfodydd neu ymarferiadau llai. Mae ein cyntedd unigryw a modern yn ddelfrydol fel man cofrestru, man arddangos, derbyniadau â diod a chiniawau buffet. Ymysg y digwyddiadau diweddar mae Gwobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig a pharti i enwebedigion BAFTA Cymru.
Our main theatre offers first class technical support and a beautiful seated auditorium. The space has hosted a range of events from Graduation ceremonies to televised political debates during the 2015 election coverage. Our Studio theatre is multi-functional and can be set up to offer fully raked seating, table seating, or a clear space for trade stands.
Mae ein prif theatr yn cynnig cymorth technegol o’r radd flaenaf a neuadd hyfryd â seddi. Mae amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau wedi’u cynnal yn y lleoliad hwn, o seremonïau Graddio i ddadleuon gwleidyddol ar y teledu yn ystod yr ymgyrch ar gyfer etholiad 2015.
The Sherman Theatre is easily accessible, just a two minute walk from Cathays train station or a short walk from the City Centre.
Mae ein theatr stiwdio yn addas ar gyfer nifer o swyddogaethau a gellir ei osod gyda seddi ar ogwydd neu seddi o gwmpas byrddau, neu fel man agored ar gyfer stondinau masnachu. Mae Theatr y Sherman yn hygyrch iawn, ac nid yw ond yn cymryd dwy funud ar droed o orsaf drenau Cathays neu dro byr o ganol y ddinas i’w gyrraedd.
“RSAW will be returning to Sherman Cymru for the third time in 2015. It’s the ideal venue for our annual conference of 120 or so architects - better equipped than any hotel and with a dedicated and professional staff team who really worked their socks off to make every detail of our event a success.” Mary Wrenn, Director, Royal Society of Architects in Wales
029 2064 6900
Ticket information gwybodaeth Tocynnau
Ticket Office Swyddfa Docynnau 029 2064 6900
The Sherman Theatre has a flexible approach to pricing so that we can always offer tickets at a wide range of prices. The exact price of each seat in the theatre will vary for each performance but there will always be at least 40 tickets available at the lowest price and we offer a wide range of discounts.
Mae gan Theatr y Sherman agwedd hyblyg at brisiau, fel ein bod ni’n gallu cynnig tocynnau ar amrywiaeth eang o brisiau bob tro. Fe fydd union bris pob sedd yn y theatr yn amrywio ar gyfer pob perfformiad, ond fe fydd o leiaf 40 tocyn ar gael ar y pris isaf bob tro, ac rydyn ni’n cynnig amrywiaeth eang o ostyngiadau.
Cadw Tocynnau
We can reserve your tickets for up to 3 days until we receive your payment. If you book less than 3 days before the event, we’ll need you to pay straight away. We are not able to offer reservations for all of our events.
Fe allwn ni gadw tocynnau i chi am hyd at 3 diwrnod hyd nes i ni dderbyn eich taliad. Os ydych yn archebu lai na 3 diwrnod cyn y digwyddiad, fe fydd angen i chi dalu ar unwaith. Nid ydym yn gallu cadw tocynnau ar gyfer pob un o’n digwyddiadau.
Students in full time education, seniors, registered disabled, claimants and Equity & Writers Guild members are all entitled to tickets at the concession rate.
Mae myfyrwyr mewn addysg llawn amser, yr henoed, y rheiny sydd wedi eu cofrestru’n anabl, y rheiny sy’n hawlio budddaliadau ac aelodau Equity & Writers Guild yn cael gostyngiad ar bris tocynnau.
Under 25s
Dan 25
Young people under 25 are entitled to half price tickets for most, but not all, performances.
Mae pobl ifanc dan 25 yn cael prynu tocynnau am hanner y pris ar gyfer mwyafrif perfformiadau, ond nid pob un.
Companion Seats Persons with a disability who require someone to accompany them are entitled to a free ticket for their companion.
Sêt Cydymaith
Group bookings
Archebu ar gyfer grwp
10% discount when booking 8 or more.
Gostyngiad 10% pan fyddwch chi’n archebu 8 tocyn neu fwy.
Tickets are non-refundable unless the performance is cancelled or rescheduled or where there is a material change to the programme of the event.
Nid ellir cael ad-daliadau ar docynnau oni bai fod y perfformiad yn cael ei ganslo neu ei ail-drefnu neu lle mae newid deunydd i raglen y digwyddiad.
Full terms and conditions of booking are available on our website:
Mae’r amodau a thelerau llawn ar gyfer archebu tocynnau ar gael ar ein gwefan:
029 2064 6900
Mae pobl anabl sydd angen rhywun i’w hebrwng yn gallu cael tocyn am ddim ar gyfer eu gofalwr.
how to find us sut i ddod o hyd i ni Sherman Theatre, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff CF24 4YE
Theatr y Sherman, Ffordd Senghennydd, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4YE
We like to encourage people, wherever possible, to walk, cycle and use public transport when visiting the Sherman Theatre. By providing you with travel information and support we can contribute towards helping to improve the environment, public health and quality of life.
Rydym yn hoffi annog pobl, lle bo hynny’n bosibl, i gerdded, beicio neu ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wrth ymweld â Theatr y Sherman. Drwy roi gwybodaeth am deithio a chefnogaeth ichi, gallwn gyfrannu at helpu i wella ein hamgylchedd, iechyd cyhoeddus ac ansawdd bywyd.
By Foot, Bike & Public Transport
Ar Droed, Beic a Thrafnidiaeth Gyhoeddus
The Sherman Theatre is easily accessible on foot or bicycle – a 10 minute walk from the New Theatre, and 15 minutes from the city centre, Queen Street shopping area. There are a number of pink cycle-hoops along Senghennydd Road to securely park your bicycle. Cathays Train Station is only a two minute walk away and the No. 35 bus stops directly outside the building.
Mae’n hawdd cyrraedd Theatr y Sherman ar droed neu feic – taith 10 munud ar droed o’r Theatr Newydd, a 15 munud o ganol y ddinas, ac ardal siopa Stryd y Frenhines. Mae nifer o gylchoedd beicio pinc ar hyd Ffordd Senghennydd lle y gallwch barcio eich beic yn ddiogel. Dim ond dau funud i ffwrdd ar droed yw Gorsaf Drenau Cathays ac mae bws rhif 35 yn aros y tu allan i’r adeilad.
By Car
Mewn Car
From M4 East (Junction 29 A48) or M4 West (Junction 32) follow signs to the City Centre on the A470 (North Road). Pass Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and turn left onto Boulevard de Nantes. Turn first left onto Park Place and the first right onto St Andrew’s Place. Senghennydd Road is the first sharp turning on the left immediately after going under the bridge on St. Andrew’s Place.
O Ddwyrain yr M4 (Cyffordd 29 A48) neu Orllewin yr M4 (Cyffordd 32), dilynwch yr arwyddion ar gyfer Canol y Ddinas ar yr A470 (Ffordd y Gogledd). Ewch heibio i Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru a throwch i’r chwith i fynd ar hyd Boulevard de Nantes. Cymerwch y troad cyntaf i’r chwith i fynd ar hyd Plas y Parc, a’r troad cyntaf i’r dde i fynd ar hyd Plas Sant Andreas. Ffordd Senghennydd yw’r troad cyntaf i’r chwith yn syth ar ôl mynd o dan y bont ar Blas Sant Andreas.
Parking There are blue badge holder parking spaces located in front of the building. There is a dropoff point with a dropped kerb leading to the main entrance. On-street parking in this area is free after 6.00pm. Between 8.00am and 6.00pm MondaySaturday Pay and Display parking meters are in operation. Same charges apply 10.00am – 5.00pm on Sunday. Senghennydd Road has short and long stay parking. These are clearly signposted.
029 2064 6900
Ceir mannau parcio i’r rhai sydd â bathodyn glas y tu allan i’r adeilad. Ceir man gollwng gydag ymyl palmant isel ger y brif fynedfa. Mae parcio ar y stryd yn yr ardal hon am ddim ar ôl 6.00pm. Rhwng 8.00am a 6pm dydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn, mae peiriannau parcio Talu ac Arddangos yn weithredol. Mae’r un taliadau’n weithredol rhwng 10.00am a 5.00pm ar ddydd Sul. Mae mannau parcio arhosiad byr a hir ar Ffordd Senghennydd. Ceir arwyddion clir yn dynodi’r rhain. 41
Play a part in Sherman’s Future Chaware rhan yn ddyfodol y Sherman
As the Sherman enters a new and exciting chapter, we are asking you to support us in the work we do. Do you come to the theatre regularly?
Would you like to play your part in the work that we create and the impact we have on our communities? If so, then you could save money on your tickets and enjoy other benefits by taking out a Calon membership and support the theatre at the same time. Calon is the Sherman Cymru Membership which costs £35 (£60 couples) and £17.50 for Under 25s. Calon offers members a number of benefits including discounted ticket prices.
Calon Membership Benefits • 10% off at the bar • Special Calon price on all shows
• Invites to special events including backstage tours and open rehearsals
• Invitation to Calon Night
• Discounted tickets • First look at season brochure and notification of new events on sale
If you’d like to become a member please pick up a leaflet or visit our website for further information.
Wrth i’r Sherman ddechrau ar bennod newydd a chyffrous yn ei hanes, gofynnwn ichi gefnogi ein gwaith. Ydych chi’n dod i’r theatr yn rheolaidd? Hoffech chi chwarae eich rhan yn y gwaith yr ydym yn ei chreu a’r effaith positif gawn ar ein cymunedau? Os felly, yna gallech arbed arian ar eich tocynnau a mwynhau manteision eraill drwy ymaelodi â chynllun Calon a chefnogi’r theatr ar yr un pryd. Cynllun Aelodaeth Sherman Cymru yw Calon sy’n costio £35 (£60 i gyplau) ac £17.50 i’r rhai Dan 25. Mae Calon yn cynnig nifer o fanteision gan gynnwys gostyngiadau ar brisiau tocynnau.
Manteision Aelodaeth Cynllun Calon • Gostyngiad o 10% wrth y bar • Pris Calon arbennig ar gyfer pob sioe • Gwahoddiad i Noson Calon
• Gwahoddiadau i ddigwyddiadau arbennig gan gynnwys teithiau cefn llwyfan ac ymarferion agored
• Gostyngiadau ar docynnau • Y cyntaf i gael gweld rhaglen y tymor ac i gael eich hysbysu am ddigwyddiadau newydd
Os hoffech ddod yn aelod casglwch daflen neu ewch i’n gwefan i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.
029 2064 6900
Art and culture is for everyone. But if you have an impairment or a specific access requirement, often enjoying a visit to a theatre or an arts centre can be more complicated than just booking tickets and choosing what to wear.
Mae celf a diwylliant i bawb. Ond os oes gennych nam neu ofyniad mynediad penodol, yn aml, gall mwynhau ymweliad i theatr neu ganolfan gelf fod yn fwy cymhleth na dim ond archebu tocynnau a dewis beth i’w wisgo.
Hynt is a national scheme that works with theatres and arts centres across Wales to make things clear and consistent. It’s also a resource for anyone who needs specific access information to plan a trip to the theatre. We are part of the Hynt scheme as we believe it offers our customers the very best practice in fair ticketing policy and accessibility.
Mae Hynt yn gynllun cenedlaethol sy’n gweithio gyda theatrau a chanolfannau celf ar draws Cymru i wneud pethau’n glir ac yn gyson. Mae hefyd yn adnodd i unrhyw un sydd angen gwybodaeth benodol am fynediad i gynllunio ymweliad â theatr. Rydym yn rhan o’r cynllun Hynt am ein bod yn credu ei fod yn cynnig yr arfer gorau oll i’n cwsmeriaid o ran polisi tocynnau a mynediad teg.
Hynt is a Membership Card Hynt cardholders are entitled to a ticket free of charge for a personal assistant or carer at all the theatres and arts centres participating in the scheme.
Cerdyn Aelodaeth yw Hynt Mae gan rai â cherdyn Hynt hawl i gael tocyn yn rhad am ddim i gynorthwyydd personol neu ofalydd ym mhob theatr a chanolfan gelf sy’n rhan o’r cynllun.
Hynt is a Resource
Adnodd yw Hynt provides a range of useful information and guidance on the scheme and how it works. It’s also a resource for anyone interested in information or news around access and the arts. The site features listings of all accessible performances as well as providing up to date venue information to help you plan your visit.
Mae www.hynt.cym yn cynnwys gwybodaeth ac arweiniad defnyddiol am y cynllun a sut mae’n gweithio. Mae hefyd yn adnodd i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn gwybodaeth neu newyddion am fynediad a’r celfyddydau. Mae’r wefan yn cynnwys rhestrau o bob perfformiad hygyrch yn ogystal â’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am leoliadau i’ch helpu i gynllunio eich ymweliad.
We will be happy to talk you through the scheme and our part in it. If you would like to speak to a member of the Sherman Theatre’s team, please contact 029 2064 6900.
Byddwn yn hapus i esbonio’r cynllun yn llawn a’n rhan ni ynddo. Os hoffech siarad ag aelod tîm Theatr y Sherman, cysylltwch â 029 2064 6900.
029 2064 6900
diary dyddiadur Date Dyddiad
Time Amser
Performance Perfformiad
Information Gwybodaeth
Theatre Theatr
Page Tudalen
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
January / Ionawr Fri / Gwe 22 Sat / Sad 23
Home / گهر/ Cartref
Home / گهر/ Cartref
February / Chwefror Tue / Maw 2
Mark Thomas: Trespass
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Thu / Iau 4
Studio / Stiwdio
Tue / Maw 9
The Devil Inside
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Thu / Iau 18
Folk (Watch Dance Class / Dosbarth Gwylio Dawns)
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Folk (Family Interactive Matinee / Perfformiad Matinee Rhyngweithiol i’r Teulu)
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 19
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 24
Studio / Stiwdio
Thu / Iau 25
Studio / Stiwdio
Fri / Gwe 26
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 27
Studio / Stiwdio
Mon / Llun 29
Iphigenia in Splott
Studio / Stiwdio
March / Mawrth Tue / Maw 1
Iphigenia in Splott
Studio / Stiwdio
Wed / Mer 2
Schools Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tue / Maw 8
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Mr. & Mrs. Laughton
Studio / Stiwdio
Wed / Mer 9
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Mr. & Mrs. Laughton
Studio / Stiwdio
Thu / Iau 10
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Mr. & Mrs. Laughton
Studio / Stiwdio
Fri / Gwe 11
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Mr. & Mrs. Laughton
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 12
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Mr. & Mrs. Laughton
Studio / Stiwdio
Mark Watson: I’m Not Here
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Simon Callow on Orson Welles: One Man Band
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Thu / Iau 3
Fri / Gwe 4
Fri / Gwe 18
029 2064 6900
Date Dyddiad
Time Amser
Performance Perfformiad
Information Gwybodaeth
Theatre Theatr
Page Tudalen
March / Mawrth Tue / Maw 22
Stiles & Drewe’s Anything Can Happen
Studio / Stiwdio
NEW: 2016
Richard Burton Theatre & Bute Theatre, RWCMD
Stiles & Drewe’s Anything Can Happen
Studio / Stiwdio
NEW: 2016
Richard Burton Theatre & Bute Theatre, RWCMD
Stiles & Drewe's Anything Can Happen
Studio / Stiwdio
Stiles & Drewe's Anything Can Happen
Studio / Stiwdio
NEW: 2016
Richard Burton Theatre & Bute Theatre, RWCMD
NEW: 2016
Richard Burton Theatre & Bute Theatre, RWCMD
Tiddler and Other Terrific Tales
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tiddler and Other Terrific Tales
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tiddler and Other Terrific Tales
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Jem and Ella
Studio / Stiwdio
Jem and Ella
Studio / Stiwdio
Jem and Ella
Studio / Stiwdio
Thu / Iau 14
National Theatre Connections 500
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 15
National Theatre Connections 500
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sat / Sad 16
National Theatre Connections 500
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sun / Sul 17
National Theatre Connections 500
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tue / Maw 19
Mrs Reynolds a'r Cena Bach
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 20
Mrs Reynolds a'r Cena Bach
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Thu / Iau 21
Studio / Stiwdio
Fri / Gwe 22
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 30
Musicality Mashup
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sun / Sul 1
Musicality Mashup
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 6
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 7
Studio / Stiwdio
Wed / Mer 23
Thu / Iau 24
Fri / Gwe 25
April / Ebrill Thu / Iau 7
Fri / Gwe 8
Sat / Sad 9
! !
May / Mai
Studio / Stiwdio
Fri / Gwe 13
Bird (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 14
Bird (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Studio / Stiwdio
Mon / Llun 16
Bird (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Studio / Stiwdio
Tue / Maw 17
Studio / Stiwdio
Wed / Mer 18
Studio / Stiwdio
029 2064 6900
Date Dyddiad
Time Amser
Performance Perfformiad
Information Gwybodaeth
Theatre Theatr
Page Tudalen
Studio / Stiwdio
May / Mai Thu / Iau 19 Fri / Gwe 20
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 21
Studio / Stiwdio
Mon / Llun 23
Tue / Maw 24
Studio / Stiwdio
Studio / Stiwdio
Wed / Mer 25
Studio / Stiwdio
Thu / Iau 26
Studio / Stiwdio
Fri / Gwe 27
Studio / Stiwdio
Before I Leave (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sat / Sad 28
Studio / Stiwdio
Before I Leave (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Mon / Llun 30
Before I Leave (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tue / Maw 31
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
June / Mehefin Wed / Mer 1
Before I Leave
Thu / Iau 2
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 3
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sat / Sad 4
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Mon / Llun 6
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tue / Maw 7
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 8
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Thu / Iau 9
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 10
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sat / Sad 11
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Before I Leave
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Information Key / Allwedd Gwybodaeth Sherman 5
Captioned / Capsiynau
Post-show Talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe Audio Described Performance / Perfformiad gyda Disgrifiad Sain
029 2064 6900
Content Guidance / Canllawiau Gynnwys
Bilingual App Guide / Canllaw App Dwyieithog
029 2064 6900
access information gwybodaeth am fynediad
Keep up to date by signing up to our emails / Cofrestrwch i dderbyn ein ebyst am y newyddion diweddaraf
Sherman Cymru welcomes everyone and we have a range of services to make your visit more enjoyable.
Mae Sherman Cymru yn croesawu pawb, ac mae gennym wasanaethau amrywiol i sicrhau y bydd eich ymweliad mor bleserus â phosib.
Please visit or talk to one of our Ticketing and Reception Assistants on 029 2064 6900 for more information.
Ewch i neu siaradwch gydag un o Gynorthwywyr y Dderbynfa a’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 029 2064 6900, am fwy o wybodaeth.
This brochure is available in large print, Braille and audio formats. You can request your preferred format by contacting the Ticket Office on: 029 2064 6900
Mae’r llyfryn tymor hwn ar gael mewn print bras, Braille neu ar lafar. Gallwch ofyn am y fformat sydd orau gennych chi drwy gysylltu â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar: 029 2064 6900
main house y Brif Theatr
Sherman Cymru acknowledges the public investment of the Arts Council of Wales / Mae Sherman Cymru yn cydnabod buddsoddiad cyhoeddus gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Registered Charity Number / Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig 1118364
029 2064 6900
january - may 2016 / IONAWR - MAI 2016 Home 22 & 23 January / Ionawr
Mark Thomas: Trespass 2 February / Chwefror
A Play, A Pie And A Pint Mr. And Mrs. Laughton 8 - 12 March / Mawrth
Mark Watson: I’m not here 12 March / Mawrth
Taith 4 February / Chwefror
The Devil Inside 9 February / Chwefror
Folk 18 & 19 February / Chwefror
Citizenship 24 - 27 February / Chwefror
Iphigenia In Splott 29 February / Chwefror & 1 March / Mawrth
Simon Callow on Orson Welles: One Man Band 18 March / Mawrth
Stiles & Drewe’s Anything Can Happen! 22 - 24 March / Mawrth
New: 2016 22 - 25 March / Mawrth
Tiddler and other terrific tales 7 & 8 April / Ebrill
Jem and Ella 8 & 9 April / Ebrill
Connections 500 14 - 17 April / Ebrill A Sherman Cymru Production / Cynhyrchiad Sherman Cymru
The Borrowers
Mrs Reynolds A’r Cena Bach 19 & 20 Ebrill / April
Sid 21 & 22 April / Ebrill
Crash 6 & 7 May / Mai
Bird 13 - 28 May / Mai
Before I Leave 27 May / Mai - 11 June / Mehefin
Christmas / Nadolig 2016
Senghennydd Road / Ffordd Senghennydd, Cardiff / Caerdydd, CF24 4YE
029 2064 6900 shermancymru @ShermanCymru