8 - 16 May / Mai
029 2064 6900 shermancymru.co.uk
january - may 2015 IONAWR - MAI 2015
what’s inside y tu mewn 01 Welcome / croeso 02 New Writing / Ysgrifennu newydd 03 Pick N MIXX
Double Dipp
04 Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
National Theatre Wales, Out of Joint & Arcola Theatre with / gyda Sherman Cymru
icon guide / canllaw arwyddion
Age Recommendation Canllaw Oedran
Content Guidance Canllawiau Gynnwys
Opening Times Oriau Agor
Website link Cyswllt wefan
Scamp Theatre
17 G4 18 Iphigenia in splott
Sherman Cymru
20 Mermaid
Shared Experience / Nottingham Playhouse
06 What the Body Does Not Remember
21 Pan Oedd Y Byd Yn Fach
Dance Touring Partnership presents / yn cyflwyno Ultima Vez
07 Come To Where I’m From
Paines Plough in association with / mewn cydweithrediad â Sherman Cymru
Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru
22 Wot? No Fish!!
Theatr Iolo presents / yn cyflwyno bread&circuses
23 Ruby Wax: Sane NEW WORLD
08 Hood
24 Christmas 2015 / Nadolig 2015
26 Creative learning / dysgu creadigol
Sherman Youth Theatre / Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman
27 Sherman 5
10 Grav
28 Love, Cardiff
Torch Theatre Company / Theatr Cwmni y Torch
11 Y Fenyw Ddaeth O’r Môr / the lady from the sea
Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru
12 a Play, a Pie and a Pint: Leviathan
Òran Mór & Sherman Cymru
14 Schools’ Dance Association 15 Easter Holiday Activity Week / Wythnos Weithgaredd Ŵyl y Pasg
Design & Cover / Dyluniad a Clawr
30 Cafe Bar / Bar Caffi 32 Volunteers / Gwirfoddolwyr 33 Staff List / Rhestr Staff 34 Visitor Information / gwybodaeth i ymwelwyr 35 How To Find Us / Sut i ddod o hyd i ni 36 Diary / dyddiadur
Welcome to the Sherman Theatre’s spring season. I am delighted to share a vibrant and exciting programme with you, our audience. This season is all about the new: we are generating, producing and presenting varied, fresh new work for the citizens of Cardiff and beyond.
Croeso i dymor y gwanwyn yn Theatr y Sherman. Mae’n bleser gennyf rannu’r rhaglen fywiog a chyffrous hon gyda chi, ein cynulleidfa. Popeth sy’n newydd yw thema’r tymor hwn: rydym yn creu, yn cynhyrchu ac yn cyflwyno gwaith amrywiol, ffres, newydd i ddinasyddion Caerdydd a thu hwnt.
I am proud to say that at the centre of our season are the world premieres of two Sherman productions by two of Wales’ finest writers; Matthew Trevannion’s Leviathan (in co-production with Òran Mór’s legendary A Play, A Pie and A Pint) and Gary Owen’s Iphigenia in Splott. These moving plays look at modern Welsh women; they explore the fallout of social deprivation, and speak in an authentic- and funny- voice.
Rwy’n falch o ddweud mai y canolbwynt y tymor yw perfformiadau cyntaf erioed o ddwy ddrama newydd gan ddau o awduron gorau Cymru; Leviathan gan Matthew Trevannion (mewn cydgynhyrchiad â Òran Mór â’r enwog A Play, A Pie and A Pint) ac Iphigenia in Splott gan Gary Owen. Mae’r dramâu gwefreiddiol hyn yn edrych ar fenywod cyfoes Cymreig; maent yn ymchwilio i ganlyniadau amddifadedd cymdeithasol, ac yn siarad â llais dilys, a doniol.
Our playwright-in-residence, Katherine Chandler, has written a new play, Hood, as part of the National Theatre Connections Festival which we are delighted to present here at the Sherman.
Mae Katherine Chandler, ein dramodydd preswyl, wedi ysgrifennu drama newydd hefyd, sef Hood, fel rhan o Ŵyl Connections y National Theatre a fydd yn cael ei chyflwyno yma yn y Sherman.
We are also supporting major new work from Welsh companies; National Theatre Wales’ Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage; Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru’s Y Fenyw Ddaeth o’r Môr and Pan Oedd Y Byd Yn Fach; Torch Theatre’s new play Grav; and emerging Swansea-based comedy sketch company, Double Dipp.
Rydym hefyd yn cefnogi gwaith newydd pwysig gan gwmnïau Cymreig: Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage gan National Theatre Wales; Y Fenyw Ddaeth o’r Môr a Pan Oedd Y Byd Yn Fach gan Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru; Grav, drama newydd Theatr y Torch; a chwmni sgetsys comedi newydd o Abertawe, sef Double Dipp.
This spring, we also welcome the Sherman’s first resident company, Pluen. A bi-lingual emerging company, run by Cardiff-based artists Elgan Rhys and Gethin Evans.
Y gwanwyn hwn, rydym hefyd yn croesawu cwmni preswyl cyntaf y Sherman, sef Pluen. Cwmni dwyieithog newydd sydd yn cael ei redeg gan Elgan Rhys a Gethin Evans.
So; spring is here. Try something fresh, new and exciting at the Sherman.
Felly; daeth y gwanwyn. Rhowch gynnig ar rywbeth ffres, newydd a chyffrous yn y Sherman.
Rachel O’Riordan Artistic Director / Cyfarwyddwr Artistig
029 2064 6900
New Writing Ysgrifennu Newydd We are delighted to present new work from the following Welsh and Wales-based writers in this season of new writing.
Yn ystod y tymor hwn o ysgrifennu newydd, mae’n bleser gennym gyflwyno gwaith newydd gan yr awduron canlynol sy’n dod o Gymru neu sy’n byw yng Nghymru.
Katherine Chandler Menna Elfyn Geraint Jones Gary Owen Siân Summers Owen Thomas Matthew Trevannion
New Company in Residence: pluen Cwmni Preswyl Newydd: pluen
Image / Delwedd: Kirsten McTernan
“We’re honoured and extremely excited to begin developing our devised work here at the Sherman. This support is invaluable to us, as a new theatre company in Wales.” Pluen
“Mae’n fraint ac yn gyffrous i ddechrau datblygu ein gwaith dyfeisiedig yma yn y Sherman. Mae’r gefnogaeth yn amhrisiadwy i ni fel cwmni theatr newydd yng Nghymru.” Pluen
029 2064 6900
pick n mixx By / Gan Geraint Jones
Photo / Llun: Steve Griffiths
double dipp
What do you call a night where you keep fit, speak to spirits, win prizes, spot celebrities and buy toys that would make your Nana blush?... Double Dipp’s Pick N Mixx! This cabaret of comedy characters, one actress, loads of wigs and total mayhem, promises to lift the January blues. Beth yw’r enw ar noson o gadw’n heini, siarad ag ysbrydion, ennill gwobrau, gweld sêr a phrynu teganau fyddai’n gwneud i’ch Mamgu gochi?... Pick N Mixx gan Double Dipp! Dyma gabare o gymeriadau comig, un actores, degau o wigiau, llanast llwyr i godi eich ysbryd y mis Ionawr hon.
28 January / Ionawr
£8 Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
Running time / Hyd y perfformiad 60m Contains strong language and themes of an adult nature / Yn cynnwys iaith gref a golygfeydd sydd ond yn addas i oedolion
“Monstrously funny” Young Critics
“Brilliant” Little Wolf Parade
Performed by / Perfformiwyd gan Louisa Lorey shermancymru.co.uk
029 2064 6900
Photo / Llun: Dan Wilton
National Theatre Wales, Out of Joint & Arcola Theatre with / gyda Sherman Cymru Present the World Premiere of / Yn cyflwyno’r perfformiad cyntaf erioed o
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
by / gan Robin Soans Director / Cyfarwyddwr Max Stafford-Clark 19 February / Chwefror – 7 March / Mawrth
£15 - £25
Matinee 4 March / Mawrth
Previews / Rhagddangosiadau & Matinee
Previews / Rhagddangosiadau
19 – 21 February / Chwefror Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Contains strong language / Yn cynnwys iaith gref Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe 26 February / Chwefror & 5 March / Mawrth
Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£12 - £20
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Audio-Described Performance / Perfformiad gyda Disgrifiad Sain 4 March / Mawrth
Captioned Performance / Perfformiad gyda Capsiynau 6 March / Mawrth
“I was doing something nobody had done before, and if you’re the first to do something, you have to be prepared to take the sh*t for it.” On the eve of one of the most important games of his career, Welsh rugby legend Gareth Thomas received a warning: The Sun newspaper was going to “out” him as gay.
Ar noswyl un o gemau pwysicaf ei yrfa, derbyniodd arwr rygbi Cymru Gareth Thomas rybudd: roedd y papur newydd The Sun yn mynd i ddatgelu ei fod yn hoyw.
This is the story of two Welsh names bruised, but not beaten, by media speculation; Gareth “Alfie” Thomas, 100 caps for Wales, once its captain, now the world’s most prominent gay sportsman; and his hometown, Bridgend.
Dyma stori dau enw Cymreig gafodd eu lambastio, ond nid eu trechu, gan sylw yn y wasg; Gareth “Alfie” Thomas, 100 cap i Gymru, unwaith yn gapten ar ei wlad, a nawr yn chwaraewr hoyw amlycaf y byd; a thref ei febyd, Pen-y-Bont ar Ogwr.
Working with Alfie himself, and young people in Bridgend, two of the UK’s most exciting theatre companies - National Theatre Wales and Out of Joint - have teamed up to tell a great Welsh story about sport, politics, secrets, life, and learning to be yourself.
Gan weithio gydag Alfie ei hun, a phobl ifanc ym Mhen-y-Bont ar Ogwr, mae dau o gwmnïau theatr mwyaf cyffrous DU - National Theatre Wales ac Out of Joint – wedi dod at ei gilydd i adrodd stori Gymreig arbennig am chwaraeon, gwleidyddiaeth, cyfrinachau, bywyd a dysgu i fod yn chi eich hun.
Cast Patrick Brennan, Katie Elin-Salt, Daniel Hawksford, Lauren Roberts, Rhys ap William, Bethan Witcomb shermancymru.co.uk
@NTWtweets #NTWAlfie 029 2064 6900
Paines Plough in association with / mewn cydweithrediad â Sherman Cymru
Come To Where I’m From
A playwrights’ guide to the United Kingdom / canllaw dramodwyr i’r Deyrnas Unedig Come To Where I’m From, the culmination of a five year project, lands at the Sherman Theatre following a successful launch event at London’s Southbank Centre. Discover candid, hilarious and insightful podcasts dotted along an interactive map of the UK. Choose a location, pop on some headphones, sit back and listen to short plays by the nation’s top playwrights about the place they call home. Pull up a pew and hear James Graham’s paean to the lost mining industry in his native Mansfield, wander into Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti’s garrulous family home in Watford or let Tim Price share tales of Cardiff while you roam around the Sherman Foyer.
18 February / Chwefror - 12 March / Mawrth Free / Am ddim In foyer during theatre opening hours / Yn y cyntedd yn ystod oriau agor
English / Saesneg
Come To Where I’m From yw penllanw prosiect pum mlynedd ac mae’n cyrraedd Sherman Cymru yn dilyn lansiad llwyddiannus yng Southbank Centre, Llundain. Dewch i wylio podlediadau didwyll, doniol a deallus wedi’u gwasgaru hwnt ac yma ar fap rhyngweithiol o’r DU. Dewiswch leoliad, gwisgwch glustffonau, eisteddwch yn ôl a gwrandewch ar ddramâu byrion gan brif ddramodwyr y DU am y lle maent yn ei alw’n gartref. Dewch yn nes, a gwrandewch ar fawlgan James Graham i ddiwydiant glo coll Mansfield ei febyd, crwydrwch drwy gartref teuluol Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti yn llawn cleber yn Watford neu gadewch i Tim Price rannu chwedlau am Gaerdydd tra byddwch yn crwydro cyntedd y Sherman.
A mobile app is also available to download, so you can listen to tales of home from wherever you are / Mae ap symudol ar gael i’w lwytho hefyd, er mwyn i chi allu gwrando ar storïau am gartref ble bynnag y boch.
029 2064 6900
What the Body Does Not Remember
The amazing debut of Wim Vandekeybus and Ultima Vez in 1987 stunned the world of dance at the time, in this ‘brutal confrontation of dance and music: the dangerous, combative landscape of What the Body Does Not Remember.’ 28 years later and with a new cast, the show still stands as one of the most exciting pieces of dance ever made.
Photo / Llun: Danny Willems
Dance Touring Partnership presents Ultima Vez
20 & 21 February / Chwefror
Vandekeybus’ first piece of choreography balances on the razor edge of attraction and repulsion. Dancers are driven to act and react at high speed and with split second timing, to each other, and the music. Moments of humour thread through explosions of aggression, fear and danger in this adrenaline-fuelled distinctly physical performance.
£15 - £25
Pan ddawnsiodd Wim Vandekeybus ac Ultima Vez am y tro cyntaf ym 1987, cafodd byd y ddawns ei gyfareddu yn y ‘brutal confrontation of dance and music: the dangerous, combative landscape of What the Body Does Not Remember.’ Nawr, 28 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, gyda chast newydd, mae’r sioe yn parhau i fod yn un o’r darnau mwyaf cyffrous o ddawns a grëwyd erioed.
Post-show talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe 20 February / Chwefror
Mae darn cyntaf o goreograffi Vandekeybus yn cadw cydbwysedd ar y ffin denau rhwng y deniadol a’r ffiaidd. Caiff y dawnswyr eu cymell i weithredu ac ymateb yn gyflym gan amseru o fewn chwinciad i’w gilydd ac i’r gerddoriaeth. Mae eiliadau o hiwmor yn gwau drwy ffrwydradau o ryfelgarwch, ofn a pherygl yn y perfformiad hollol gorfforol hwn sy’n llawn adrenalin.
Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
These performances will take place at The Dance House, WMC / Bydd y perfformiadau yn cael eu cynnal yn Tŷ Dawns, CMC
“Tough, brutal, playful, ironic and terrific. Adjectives seem unduly passive in describing What the Body Does Not Remember, an extraordinarily innovative dance piece.” The New York Times @dancetp The UK tour is funded by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and the Arts Council of Wales. Co-produced by KVS. Co-producers of the original performance Centro di Produzione Inteatro Polverigi, Festival de Saint-Denis, Festival d’Eté de Seine-Maritime, Toneelschuur Produkties Haarlem. / Caiff y daith o amgylch y DU ei hariannu gan y Loteri Genedlaethol drwy Arts Council England a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Mae wedi’i gydgynhyrchu gan KVS, Cyd-gynhyrchwyr y perfformiad gwreiddiol, Centro di Produzione Inteatro Polverigi, Festival de Saint-Denis, Festival d’Eté de Seine-Maritime, Toneelschuur Produkties Haarlem.
029 2064 6900
Sherman Youth Theatre / Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Presents the welsh Premiere of / Yn cyflwyno’r perfformiad cyntaf ERIOED YNG NGHYMRU o
By / Gan Katherine Chandler Director / Cyfarwyddwr phillip mackenzie
Hood’s Mam has run off with a bacon-licking vegetarian and her Dad spends his days and nights lost in his armchair. There’s no money left, there’s five struggling kids to feed and our modern-day heroine Hood, is determined to keep her family together, whatever it takes… A contemporary staging of this new play about young people struggling with the consequences of irresponsible adult behaviour.
25 - 28 February / Chwefror
The Welsh premiere of Hood will be the first performance by our newly restructured Youth Theatre, with two casts from Group 3 performing on alternate nights.
Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
Mae mam Hood wedi rhedeg i ffwrdd gyda llysieuwr sy’n llyfu bacwn ac mae ei Thad yn treulio’i ddyddiau a’i nosweithiau ar goll yn ei gadair. ‘Does dim arian ar ôl, mae pump o blant anystywallt i’w bwydo ond mae Hood, ein harwres fodern, yn benderfynol o gadw’i theulu gyda’i gilydd, beth bynnag a ddaw...
Post-show talk after each performance / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe ar ôl bob perfformiad
Cynhyrchiad cyfoes o ddrama newydd am bobl ifanc yn delio gyda chanlyniadau ymddygiad anghyfrifol oedolion. Dyma berfformiad cyntaf yng Nghymru o Hood a chynhyrchiad cyntaf gan ein Theatr Ieuenctid sydd newydd ei ailstrwythuro, gyda dwy gast o Grŵp 3 yn perfformio ar nosweithiau yn ail.
029 2064 6900
5000 young people 260 companies 27 theatres across the UK 10 writers Each year the National Theatre invites ten writers to create new plays for young people to perform. This spring 260 youth theatre companies will present the premieres of these plays in venues from Inverness to Cornwall and Belfast to Norfolk. Ten companies will go on to perform at the National Theatre. Connections celebrates great new writing for the stage – and the energy, commitment and talent of young theatre-makers.
5000 o bobl ifanc 260 o gwmnïau 27 o theatrau ar draws y DU 10 o awduron
11 & 12 April / Ebrill
See website for full schedule / Gweler y wefan am amserlen lawn
£5 per performance / bob perfformiad Saturday Day Pass / Tocyn Diwrnod Dydd Sadwrn: £15 Sunday Day Pass / Tocyn Diwrnod Dydd Sul: £10 Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Post-show talk after each performance / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe ar ôl bob perfformiad
Bob blwyddyn, mae’r National Theatre yn gwahodd 10 o awduron i greu dramâu newydd i bobl ifanc eu perfformio. Y gwanwyn hwn, bydd 260 o gwmnïau ieuenctid yn cyflwyno’r gweithiau hyn am y tro cyntaf mewn lleoliadau o Inverness i Gernyw ac o Belfast i Norfolk. Bydd 10 cwmni yn mynd yn eu blaenau i berfformio yn y National Theatre. Mae Connections yn ddathliad o ysgrifennu newydd gwych ar gyfer y llwyfan – ac egni, ymrwymiad a thalent pobl ifanc ym myd y theatr. @NTConnections
029 2064 6900
Torch Theatre Company / Cwmni Theatr y Torch
by / gan Owen Thomas Director / Cyfarwyddwr Peter Doran
Known to millions for his legendary exploits on the rugby field, Grav was and is so much more than that. An actor, a cultural icon, a father, a husband, a man with a life packed full of stories that deserve to be heard once more. With the blessing of Mari, Ray’s widow, and contributions from his Welsh and British Lions team mates, this one man show will explore the life of a man who was as fascinating away from the rugby field as he was on it. Grav will remind the world once more of a unique life well lived and of a man who did so much more than eat soft centres. Yn adnabyddus i filiynau am ei gampau cofiadwy ar y cae rygbi roedd Grav, ac mae e nawr hyd yn oed, yn llawer mwy na hynny. Yn actor, yn eicon diwylliannol, tad, gwr, a dyn gyda bywyd llawn storiâu sydd yn haeddu cael eu clywed unwaith yn rhagor.
9 - 11 March / Mawrth
£15 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
Post-show Talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe 10 March / Mawrth
Gyda bendith Mari, gweddw Ray, a chyfraniadau aelodau o dimoedd Cymru a’r Llewod Prydeinig, mae’r sioe un dyn yma yn ymchwilio i fywyd dyn a oedd yn hudol oddi ar y cae rygbi ag yr oedd arno. Bydd Grav yn atgoffa’r byd unwaith eto am ei fywyd unigryw wedi ei fyw’n dda.
@torchtheatre Cast Gareth Bale 10
029 2064 6900
Y Fenyw Ddaeth o’r Môr / The Lady from the Sea
Delwedd / Image: Michael Sinclair
Theatr GenEdlaethol Cymru
Gan / By Henrick Ibsen Trosiad / Translation Menna Elfyn Cyfarwyddwr / Director Arwel Gruffydd “Wy’n teimlo’r dynfa hunllefus... y dynfa am y môr...” Yn ferch i geidwad goleudy, mae Elida’n ysu am ryddid y môr. Er mor garedig yw ei gŵr, mae ei phriodas fel cawell amdani, y mynyddoedd yn cau o’i chwmpas, a hithau’n arnofio ym merddwr ei bywyd braf. Mae ymweliad rhyw ddieithryn yn corddi’r dyfroedd. Ond ai dieithryn yw ef mewn gwirionedd? Wrth iddi ddod wyneb yn wyneb â’i gorffennol cythryblus, yn sydyn rhaid gwneud y penderfyniad anoddaf un...aros neu ffoi? Dyma stori garu fwyaf cyffrous Henrik Ibsen wedi ei chyfieithu i’r Gymraeg am y tro cyntaf erioed gan Menna Elfyn. Elida, the daughter of a lighthouse keeper, yearns for the freedom of the sea. Far from her childhood island home, she now swims in the stagnant waters of a perfect life… trapped by the picturesque Norwegian landscape, caged by a loving marriage. But then a stranger from the past pays an unexpected visit and she’s forced to confront her darkest fears. Suddenly she needs to make the most difficult decision imaginable…to leave or to stay? Henrik Ibsen’s most captivating and mysterious love story, The Lady From the Sea, is translated into Welsh for the first time by Menna Elfyn.
12 & 13 Mawrth / March
£15 - £22 Gostyngiadau / Concessions Dan 25 / Under 25s
£2 i ffwrdd / off Hanner pris / Half price
Y Brif Theatr / Main House
Cymraeg / Welsh
Trafodaeth cyn-sioe / Pre-show Talk 13 Mawrth / March
(Am ddim ond archebwch eich tocynnau o flaen llaw os gwelwch yn dda / Free but tickets must be booked in advance)
Sibrwd - take advantage of Sibrwd - a smartphone translation app that whispers in your ear and helps guide non-Welsh speakers through the performance.
Cyd-Gynllunwyr / Co-Designers Max Jones a Ruth Hall
Cynllunydd Goleuo/ Lighting Designer Ceri James
Download the free app, pop in your headphones and Sibrwd will whisper short snippets to you in English, helping you to be part of the action. You can download Sibrwd from the AppStore for iphone and Google Play for Android.
Cynllunydd Sain / Sound Designer Matt Jones
Cyfansoddwr / Composer Dan Lawrence
029 2064 6900
Òran Mór’s groundbreaking lunchtime theatre programme, A Play, A Pie and A Pint (PPP), began in 2004 and now commissions and produces 38 new plays a year.
Rhaglen theatr amser cinio arloesol Òran Mór yw A Play, A Pie and A Pint (PPP), ac a ddechreuodd yn 2004. Bellach mae’n comisiynu ac yn cynhyrchu 38 o ddramâu newydd bob blwyddyn.
Plays from PPP have been seen at the Edinburgh Festival, the Belfast Festival, the Brighton Festival, the Adelaide Festival, the Island Festival in Tasmania, the Golden Mask Festival in Moscow and the Last Frontier Theatre Festival in Alaska.
Mae dramâu PPP wedi ymddangos ar lwyfannau Gŵyl Caeredin, Gŵyl Belfast, Gŵyl Brighton, Gŵyl Adelaide, Gŵyl Ynys Tasmania, Gŵyl y Mwgwd Aur yn Moscow a Gŵyl Theatr y Terfyn Olaf yn Alaska.
Plays from Òran Mór have also been performed in Newcastle, Manchester, Coventry, Bristol, London, Seoul, Beirut, Milan, Amsterdam, Dublin, Bermuda and New York. The Tiny Dynamite Theatre in Philadelphia has done several seasons of A Play, A Pie and A Pint and recently Òran Mór were invited by the British Council in Brazil to help them set up PPP in Sao Paolo. Where Glasgow leads, the rest of the world follows and now Cardiff is getting in on the action.
Perfformiwyd dramâu Òran Mór hefyd yn Newcastle, Manceinion, Cofentri, Bryste, Llundain, Seoul, Milan, Amsterdam, Dulyn, Bermuda ac Efrog Newydd. Mae’r Tiny Dynamite Theatre yn Philadelphia wedi cynnal sawl tymor o A Play, A Pie and A Pint a chafwyd Òran Mór wahoddiad gan y Cyngor Prydeinig yn Brazil yn ddiweddar i’w helpu i sefydlu PPP yn Sao Paolo. Lle mae Glasgow yn arwain, mae gweddill y byd yn dilyn, yn cynnwys Caerdydd!
Òran Mór & Sherman Cymru
Present the World Premiere of / Yn cyflwyno’r perfformiad cyntaf erioed o
a Play, a Pie and a Pint: Leviathan By / gan matthew trevannion director / Cyfarwyddwr rachel o’riordan 24 – 28 March / Mawrth Studio / Stiwdio
6.30pm English / Saesneg
£12.50 (includes a pie and a pint / yn cynnwys pei a pheint)
Post-show Talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe 26 March / Mawrth
“Will you look at the day? Beautiful, ah? Summer throws you one of these just before it all goes west.” As three generations of the same family soak up the last of the sun’s rays in their back garden, beers in hand, the underlying tensions between the three are brought to boiling point thanks to revelations long buried, whilst also trying to stop the cat from murdering more defenceless birds.
Wrth i dair cenhedlaeth o’r un teulu fwynhau pelydrau olaf yr haul yn eu gardd gefn, gan lymeitian cwrw, daw’r tensiwn rhwng y tri i’r wyneb yn sgil datgeliadau a oedd wedi eu hen gladdu, ac wrth geisio atal y gath rhag lladd mwy o adar diamddiffyn.
In this tale of familial ties, Matthew Trevannion casts a darkly humorous eye over the changing fortunes of people trying to unmoor themselves from their past.
Yn y stori hon o gysylltiadau teuluol, mae Matthew Trevannion yn bwrw golwg doniol a thywyll dros hynt a helynt pobl sy’n ceisio datgysylltu eu hunain oddi wrth eu gorffennol.
“Arguably the best-value cultural event in the country.” Sunday Times on PPP
“One of the most magical theatre initiatives of the last decade.” The Scotsman on PPP
“Since it was launched in September 2004, A Play, A Pie And A Pint has become a legend in Glasgow’s lunchtime.” The Evening Times on PPP
029 2064 6900
Schools’ Dance Association
For over 25 years the Schools’ Dance Association has brought together schools from all over Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan for an annual Dance Festival at the Sherman Theatre. The creativity, imagination, ideas and energy which stem from a common theme each year, with a wide variety of dance genres, provide a wonderful opportunity for the pupils to perform in a live theatre, with all the excitement and enhancement that brings. It also gives teachers and dance-club leaders the opportunity to showcase the excellent practice in dance which exists in our schools.
16 – 19 March / Mawrth
6.30pm & 7.45pm
1 Half / 1 Hanner £5 2 Halves / 2 Hanner £8 Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Ers dros 25 mlynedd, mae Schools’ Dance Association wedi dod ag ysgolion o bob cwr o Gaerdydd a Bro Morgannwg at ei gilydd ar gyfer Gŵyl Ddawns flynyddol yn Theatr y Sherman. Mae’r ŵyl yn agored i bob ysgol ac mae disgyblion pedair i ddeunaw oed yn gallu cymryd rhan! Mae’r creadigrwydd, y dychymyg, y syniadau a’r egni sy’n deillio o thema gyffredin bob blwyddyn, gydag amrywiaeth eang o genres dawns, yn gyfle gwych i’r disgyblion berfformio mewn theatr fyw, gyda holl gyffro a chyfoeth y profiad hwnnw. Mae hefyd yn rhoi cyfle i athrawon ac arweinwyr clybiau dawns i arddangos yr arfer rhagorol ym maes dawns sy’n bodoli o fewn ein hysgolion.
029 2064 6900
Photo / Llun: Kirsten McTernan
Easter Holiday activity week / wythnos weithgaredd Ŵyl y Pasg Tailored to keep young people of all ages occupied over the Easter holiday while also offering a retreat for parents, the Sherman Theatre opens its doors once again. Each day we will offer a different activity which may be craft workshops, dance workshops, film making classes, drama workshops or photography lessons, the possibilities are endless! And for the tired legs of mums and dads we have comfy chairs, an excellently stocked café bar and free wifi.
30 March / Mawrth - 2 April / Ebrill
10am - 3pm
£30 per day / y diwrnod Includes packed lunch / Yn cynnwys pecyn bwyd
Wedi’i theilwra i ddifyrru pobl ifanc o bob oed dros Ŵyl y Pasg a chynnig encil i rieni hefyd, mae Theatr y Sherman unwaith eto yn agor ei drysau. Bob dydd byddwn yn cynnig gweithgaredd gwahanol, gan gynnwys gweithdai crefftau, ysgrifennwch ddrama mewn diwrnod, gweithdai dawns, dosbarthiadau gwneud ffilm a gwersi ffotograffiaeth - mae’r posibiliadau’n ddi-ddiwedd! Ac i’r mamau a’r tadau blinedig, mae gennym gadeiriau esmwyth, caffi bar ag arlwy rhagorol a wifi am ddim.
For full information please visit our website or speak to our friendly ticketing team. / Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i’n gwefan neu siarad â’n tîm tocynnau cyfeillgar.
029 2064 6900
Scamp Theatre
Stick Man By / Gan julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler (creators of / crewyr the gruffalo)
3+ A fantastick show for all branches of the family tree! Scamp Theatre’s delightful adaptation of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s hugely popular children’s book Stick Man is coming to the Sherman Theatre! Touching, funny and utterly original, this award-winning production features a trio of top actors and is packed full of puppetry, songs, live music and funky moves. Stick Man lives happily in the family tree, but goes outside and soon realises the world is a dangerous place. A dog wants to play fetch with him, a swan builds a nest with him and he even ends up on a fire! How will Stick Man ever get back to the family tree? Sioe ardderchog i bob cangen o’r goeden deulu! Mae Stick Man gan Scamp Theatre ar y ffordd i’r Sherman. Dyma addasiad Julia Donaldson ac Axel Scheffler o’r llyfr plant poblogaidd o’r un enw. Mae’r cynhyrchiad teimladwy, doniol a hollol wreiddiol hwn yn cynnwys triawd o’r actorion gorau ac mae’n llawn pypedau, caneuon, cerddoriaeth fyw a symudiadau ffynci. Ond mae’r byd y tu allan i’r goeden deulu yn un peryglus i Stick Man. Mae ci am redeg ar ei ôl, mae alarch yn ei ddefnyddio i adeiladu nyth ac mae hyd yn oed yn cael ei roi ar dân!
14 April / Ebrill 15 April / Ebrill
4.30pm 10.30am & 1.30pm
£8 Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Running time / Hyd y perfformiad 55m
“Scamp Theatre send shivers down my spine. They are so lively and innovative. I love their production of Stick Man and so do the audiences” Julia Donaldson, author and former Children’s Laureate
“Wonderfully exuberant and imaginative! Our 3 year old was engrossed from start to finish” Time Out Critics’ Choice
Sut yn y byd y bydd y Stick Man yn cyrraedd yn ôl at y goeden deulu? @scamptheatre
029 2064 6900
G4 set an exciting trend by bringing classical music to British reality TV screens for the first time in 2004 with their performance of Nessun Dorma. However, it was their cover of Bohemian Rhapsody that became their signature tune, storming the charts in 2005. Experience G4’s trademark sound: expect to hear the tunes that helped make them famous, such as My Way, Nessun Dorma and Bohemian Rhapsody, alongside some fresh takes on music of more recent years. It’s sure to be an evening to live long in the memory: not to be missed! Cyflwynodd G4 gyda’ perfformiad gyffrous iawn i’r byd cerddoriaeth o gerddoriaeth glasurol ar sgriniau teledu Prydain am y tro cyntaf yn 2004, gyda’i perfformiad o Nessun Dorma. Ond ei perfformiad o Bohemian Rhapsody, fodd bynnag, a’u gwnaeth yn adnabyddus, gan garlamu i fyny’r siartiau yn 2005.
17 April / Ebrill
£32.50 VIP £75 (including Meet & Greet / gan gynnwys Cwrdd a Chyfarch) Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Dewch i brofi arwyddnodau G4: disgwyliwch glywed y caneuon a’u gwnaeth yn adnabyddus, fel My Way, Nessun Dorma a Bohemian Rhapsody, yn ogystal ar gerddoriaeth fwy diweddar. Mae’n siŵr o fod yn noswaith a fydd yn fyw yn y cof am hir: peidiwch â cholli!
029 2064 6900
Photo / Llun: Burning Red
Sherman Cymru
Presents the World Premiere of / Yn cyflwyno’r perfformiad cyntaf erioed o
IPHIGENIA In Splott By / gan Gary Owen director / Cyfarwyddwr rachel o’riordan
8 – 16 May / Mai
Previews / Rhagddangosiadau
8 – 11 May / Mai Studio / Stiwdio
7.30pm English / Saesneg
£15 Previews / Rhagddangosiadau Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£13 £2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Post-show Talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe 12 & 14 May / Mai
“What gets me through is knowing I took this pain, and saved all of you from suffering the same.” Stumbling down Clifton Street at 11:30am drunk, Effie is the kind of girl you’d avoid eye contact with, silently passing judgement. We think we know her, but we don’t know the half of it. Effie’s life spirals through a mess of drink, drugs and drama every night, and a hangover worse than death the next day - till one night gives her the chance to be something more. This powerful new adaptation of the enduring Greek myth drives home the high price people pay for society’s shortcomings.
Wrth straffaglu i lawr Stryd Clifton am 11:30am yn feddw, mae Effie yn ferch y byddech yn osgoi dal ei llygaid, gan ffurfio barn yn dawel. Rydym yn meddwl ein bod yn ei hadnabod, ond dydyn ni ddim yn gwybod ei hanner hi. Mae bywyd Effie yn un llanastr mawr o yfed, cyffuriau a drama bob nos, a phen mawr o uffern y diwrnod canlynol – tan un noson pan gaiff gyfle i fod yn rhywbeth mwy. Mae’r addasiad pwerus newydd hon o’r chwedl Roegaidd yn amlygu’r pris uchel y mae pobl yn ei dalu am ffaeleddau cymdeithas.
029 2064 6900
Shared Experience & Nottingham Playhouse
written and Directed by / Ysgrifennwyd a Chyfarwyddwyd gan Polly Teale
A bold reimagining of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of love, loss and desire. On her sixteenth birthday, a mermaid rises up to the surface, leaving her childhood behind forever when she falls in love with a mortal prince. Plundering Hans Christian Andersen’s haunting tale for its dark, erotic, mythic power, writer and director Polly Teale (Brontë, Jane Eyre, Speechless) transports the story to a contemporary setting in this spell-binding new production. Using a chorus of local young women to create an unearthly musical landscape Shared Experience conjures the magical world of the Mermaids. Delwedd fentrus newydd i chwedl Hans Christian Andersen sy’n ymdrin â chariad a cholled a chwant. Ar ei phen-blwydd yn 16 oed, mae morforwyn yn codi i wyneb y dŵr gan adael ei phlentyndod ar ôl am byth pan mae’n syrthio mewn cariad â thywysog meidrol. Mae’r awdur a’r cyfarwyddwr, Polly Teale (Brontë, Jane Eyre, Speechless) yn anrheithio chwedl hudolus Hans Christian Andersen i ganfod ei phŵer tywyll, erotig, mytholegol a’i throsglwyddo i leoliad cyfoes yn y cynhyrchiad newydd cyfareddol hwn. Gan ddefnyddio corws o fenywod ifanc lleol i greu tirlun cerddorol annaearol, mae Shared Experience yn cymell byd hudol y morforwynion.
029 2064 6900
21 – 25 April / Ebrill Matinee 25 April / Ebrill
7.30pm 2pm
£15 - £25 Matinee £12 - £20 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Post-show Talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe 22 April / Ebrill
“pushing the boat of theatricality way beyond its usual moorings.” The Guardian on Shared Experience
“Theatre doesn’t come more exciting than this…” Daily Telegraph on Shared Experience
Pan Oedd Y Byd Yn Fach
Delwedd / Image: REX
Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru
Gan / by Siân Summers Cyfarwyddwr / Director Aled Pedrick
Gaeaf 1984, ac mae Streic y Glowyr yn ei hanterth. Mae’r esgid yn gwasgu a thensiynau’n uchel wrth i rai ddychwelyd i’r pwll. Mewn llecyn tawel ymhell o gythrwfl y llinell biced, daw criw o fechgyn ynghyd yn gynnar un bore i ddangos eu cefnogaeth. Ond nid pawb sy’n cael croeso yno y bore hwn, ac mae un weithred dreisgar, ysgytwol yn newid eu bywydau am byth.
19 – 21 Mai / May
Drama newydd gan Siân Summers am frad, brawdgarwch a thyfu’n ddyn.
£15 - £22 Gostyngiadau / Concessions Dan 25 / Under 25s
£2 i ffwrdd / off Hanner pris / Half price
Winter 1984, and the Miners’ Strike is raging. Money is tight and tensions are high.
Y Brif Theatr / Main House
Cymraeg / Welsh
In a quiet spot far from the fury of the picket line, a group of boys get together early one morning to show their support. But not everyone is welcome, and one violent and shocking act is about to change their lives forever.
Trafodaeth cyn-sioe / Pre-show Talk 20 Mai / May
(Am ddim ond archebwch eich tocynnau o flaen llaw os gwelwch yn dda / Free but tickets must be booked in advance)
A new play by Siân Summers about betrayal, loyalty and becoming a man.
Sibrwd - take advantage of Sibrwd - a smartphone translation app that whispers in your ear and helps guide non-Welsh speakers through the performance. Download the free app, pop in your headphones and Sibrwd will whisper short snippets to you in English, helping you to be part of the action. You can download Sibrwd from the AppStore for iphone and Google Play for Android.
029 2064 6900
Theatr Iolo presents a bread&circuses production
written and Directed by / Ysgrifennwyd a Chyfarwyddwyd gan Danny Braverman director / Cyfarwyddwr Nick Philippou
A true story of love, art, history and fish balls. Wot? No Fish!! tells the true story of a Jewish family living in 20th century London. From falling in love to quarrels about fish balls, audiences are taken on a funny and moving journey against the backdrop of a changing city. In 1926 shoemaker, Ab Solomons, drew on the wage packet he gave to his new wife Celie. Throughout their marriage and into the 80s, Ab drew or painted on his wage packet every week for her. Years later Danny Braverman discovered the lost art of his Great-uncle Ab on over 2000 wage packets. Now bread&circuses bring his story to life on stage in this captivating performance which has enthralled audiences across the world. Stori wir am gariad, celf, hanes a pheli pysgod. Mae Wot? No Fish!! yn cyfleu stori wir am deulu Iddewig sy’n byw yn Llundain yn yr ugeinfed ganrif. O syrthio mewn cariad i gweryla am beli pysgod, caiff y gynulleidfa ei thywys ar daith ddoniol a theimladwy yn erbyn cefndir dinas sy’n newid. Crydd oedd Ab Solomons, a’r flwyddyn oedd 1926. Wrth roi ei becyn cyflog i’w wraig newydd Celie, gwnaeth lun arno. Drwy gydol eu priodas tan yr wythdegau, gwnaeth Ab lun neu fe baentiodd ar ei becyn cyflog iddi bob wythnos. Blynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach, daeth Danny Braverman ar draws celf angof ei Or-ewythr Ab ar dros 2,000 o becynnau cyflog. A nawr, mae bread&circuses yn rhoi bywyd i’w stori yn y perfformiad llwyfan cyfareddol hwn.
029 2064 6900
27, 29 & 30 May / Mai Matinee 28 & 30 May / Mai
7.30pm 2.30pm
£14 Concessions / Gostyngiadau Under 25s / Dan 25
£2 off / i ffwrdd Half price / Hanner pris
Studio / Stiwdio
English / Saesneg
Post-show Talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe 29 May / Mai
“This is a show about love that has been made with love.” The Guardian
The Times
Broadway Baby
A Younger Theatre
A collaboration between / Cydweithrediad rhwng Danny Braverman & Nick Philippou shermancymru.co.uk
Ruby Wax: Sane New World
Following her hugely popular appearance at the Sherman last October, Ruby Wax returns with her one woman show based on her critically acclaimed book Sane New World, helping us to understand why we sabotage our sanity with our own thinking. Sane New World shows us how to rewire our thinking to find calm in a frenetic world and how to become the master, not the slave, of our own minds. This show is your passport to saner living. She might not be sane herself but she does a pretty good imitation. Yn dilyn ei pherfformiad hynod boblogaidd olaf yn y Sherman, dychwelyd Ruby Wax yn ôl gyda’i sioe yn seiliedig ar ei llyfr Sane New World - llyfr a gafodd ganmoliaeth fawr - sy’n ein helpu i ddeall pam rydym yn gadael i’n meddyliau ein hunain danseilio ein pwyll. Mae Sane New World yn dangos i ni sut i feddwl yn wahanol er mwyn dod i hyd i dawelwch mewn byd gorffwyll a sut i fod yn feistr ar ein meddwl ein hunain, yn hytrach nag yn was iddo.
28 May / Mai
£20 Main House / Y Brif Theatr
English / Saesneg
Running time / Hyd y perfformiad 90m with interval / gydag egwyl
“I for one am glad that this particular funny girl is on a quest to illuminate our mutual darkness. Wax makes you laugh out loud throughout” The Telegraph on Sane New World the book
Y sioe hon yw eich pasbort i fyw bywyd yn eich iawn bwyll. Efallai nad yw yn ei hiawn bwyll ei hun, ond mae’n gallu ffugio hynny’n eithaf da.
029 2064 6900
get involved Cymryd rhan behind the scenes / Y tu ôl i’r llenni
Our full day workshop is run by a professional designer who will lead a practical workshop on creating a design concept and model box for a Sherman Cymru production.
fresh ink Our 6 week playwriting course, run by professional writers, culminates in a script-in-hand performance with professional directors and actors in our Studio space. Caiff ein cwrs 6 wythnos ar ysgrifennu dramâu ei gynnal gan ddramodwyr proffesiynol a ddiweddaru gyda diwrnod perfformiad sgript mewn llaw, yng nghwmni cyfarwyddwyr ac actorion proffesiynol yn ein gofod Stiwdio.
Get in touch / Cysylltu 24
029 2046 6900
Mae ein tîm Dysgu Creadigol yn cynnal amrywiaeth o brosiectau i bawb.
design detectives
Bring your school or community group for a tour of the theatre and a chat with our Creative Learning team about our work and what we do. Dewch â’ch ysgol neu eich grŵp cymunedol am daith o amgylch y theatr a chael sgwrs gyda’n tîm Dysgu Creadigol i glywed am ein gwaith.
Our Creative Learning team runs a range of projects for everyone.
029 2064 6900
Caiff ein gweithdy diwrnod llawn ei gynnal gan gynllunydd proffesiynol a fydd yn arwain gweithdy ymarferol ar greu cysyniad cynllunio a blwch model ar gyfer un o gynyrchiadau Sherman Cymru.
workshops Gweithdai Our workshops are run by highly experienced facilitators who will lead practical skills based sessions designed to enable you to gain new skills in theatre-making. Caiff ein gweithdai eu cynnal gan hwyluswyr profiadol iawn a fydd yn arwain sesiynau sgiliau ymarferol ac a gaiff eu cynllunio i alluogi chi i feithrin sgiliau newydd ym maes theatr.
sherman sherbets Sierbets Sherman
Saturday morning drama workshops for children developing key performance skills, imagination and confidence. Gweithdy drama i blant ar fore Sadwrn i ddatblygu sgiliau perfformiad allweddol, dychymyg a hyder.
sherman youth theatre Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman An exciting opportunity for young people to develop their personal and performance skills with support and guidance from trained and experienced practitioners.
sherman players Sherman Theatre’s weekly drama group which is open to anyone interested in theatre, acting or wanting to do something as a hobby. Open to all ages and with no experience necessary. You will have the opportunity to be a part of a full production. Grŵp drama wythnosol Theatr y Sherman sydd ar agor i unrhyw un a chanddo ddiddordeb mewn theatr, actio neu sy’n awyddus i wneud rhywbeth fel hobi. Mae ar agor i bobl o bob oed ac nid oes angen profiad arnoch. Cewch gyfle i fod yn rhan o’r cynhyrchiad llawn.
Cyfle cyffrous i bobl ifanc ddatblygu eu sgiliau personol a’u sgiliau perfformio gyda chymorth ac arweiniad gan ymarferwyr hyfforddedig a phrofiadol.
Get in touch / Cysylltu shermancymru.co.uk
inc youth theatre Theatr Ieuenctid INC A theatre group for young people with and without learning disabilities / difficulties who meet on a Monday evening. Grŵp theatr i bobl ifanc gydag anableddau / anawsterau dysgu a heb anableddau / anawsterau dysgu ar nos Lun.
029 2064 6900
the lion, the witch and the wardrobe
christmas / nadolig 2015
Sherman 5, generously supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, is designed to give people who have never attended a performance at the Sherman Theatre the chance to do so.
Nod Sherman 5, a noddir yn hael gan Sefydliad Paul Hamlyn, yw rhoi cyfle i’r rhai nad ydynt erioed wedi gweld perfformiad yn Theatr y Sherman o’r blaen.
Special Sherman 5 nights across the range of our artistic programme allow firsttime audiences to experience a whole new world of the arts right here in Cardiff!
Bydd nosweithiau arbennig Sherman 5 ar draws ein rhaglenni artistig yn caniatáu i gynulleidfaoedd newydd brofi byd newydd o gelfyddydau yma yng Nghaerdydd!
We believe that the arts have a place in everyone’s life and will be using the award from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to ensure that the Sherman Theatre is accessible for all people and communities.
Rydym yn credu bod lle i’r celfyddydau ym mywyd pawb a byddwn yn defnyddio’r arian gan Sefydliad Paul Hamlyn i sicrhau bod Theatr y Sherman yn hygyrch i bawb o bob cymuned.
To find out more please get in touch with / I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â
Guy O’Donnell Sherman 5 Coordinator/ Cydlynydd Sherman 5 029 2064 6976 guy.odonnell@shermancymru.co.uk
“Absolutely brilliant, my son’s first experience of live theatre and I can’t wait to bring him again!”
“I enjoyed everything about my visit, my 5 year old was happy and that made me happy!”
“The performance captured me from beginning to end, I will definitely come again”
Not Now, Bernard
Rock Pool
Maudie’s Rooms
“sherman 5 is a great introduction to theatre, breaking down barriers by being welcoming and accessible”
“We loved the whole night, the atmosphere was amazing, the place was buzzing it was really good place to be”
Romeo and Juliet
The Five and The Prophecy of Prana
029 2064 6900
tell us your story 28
Tell Us Your Story
Dywedwch eich hanesion
We’re writing a play and we need your stories. Love, Cardiff will celebrate the real heart of the city; its people. Share stories with us and contribute to a play created by, and for, you!
Rydym yn ysgrifennu drama ac mae angen eich hanesion arnom. Bydd Love, Cardiff yn dathlu calon y ddinas; ei phobl. Rhannwch hanesion gyda ni a chyfrannwch at ddrama sydd wedi ei chreu gennych chi ac ar eich cyfer chi!
We want to hear stories about everything and anything.
Rydym eisiau clywed storïau am bopeth ac unrhyw beth.
Our Love, Cardiff team, Kevin Dyer and James Williams, will be out and about in Cardiff over the coming months to hear your tales. Alternatively, you can send your stories to us at: lovecardiff@shermancymru.co.uk
Bydd ein tîm Love, Cardiff, Kevin Dyer a James Williams, yn mynd o amgylch Caerdydd yn ystod y misoedd nesaf i wrando ar eich hanesion. Fel arall, gallwch anfon eich storïau atom at: lovecardiff@shermancymru.co.uk
Keep an eye on our website for the latest updates on this exciting project.
Cadwch lygaid ar ein gwefan am ddiweddariadau ar y prosiect cyffrous hwn.
029 2064 6900
cafe bar / bar caffi Foxy’s Kitchen has taken up residence at the Sherman Theatre providing a daily menu of tasty treats for breakfast, brunch, lunch and pre-show meals.
Rydym wrth ein bodd bod Foxy’s Kitchen wedi ymgartrefu yn Theatr y Sherman, gan gynnig bwydlen llawn danteithion blasus ar gyfer brecwast, brecinio, cinio a phrydau cyn sioe.
pre-orders / Ap archebu ymlaen llaw Skip the queues at the bar with our preorder app! This easy to use app allows you to order and pay for your drinks via your mobile device in advance and avoid the pre-show rush and any interval queues. Download the free My Order App from your app store and use the venue code SHER to get started.
029 2064 6900
Yr Hydref hwn mae’n bleser gennym lansio ein ap archebu ymlaen llaw! Mae hwn yn hawdd ei ddefnyddio ac mae’n eich galluogi i archebu eich diodydd a thalu amdanynt ymlaen llaw er mwyn osgoi’r rhuthr cyn y sioe a’r ciwiau yn ystod yr egwyl. Lawrlwythwch ein app rhad ac am ddim ‘My Order App’ yn eich ‘app store’ a defnyddiwch y côd SHER i ddechrau.
OCTA 4 April / Ebrill We are incredibly excited to announce the return of OCTA our multi-stage music event featuring the best music you’ve never heard from Cardiff and further afield. Rydym yn hapus iawn i gyhoeddi bod OCTA yn ôl, ein digwyddiad cerddorol, aml-lwyfan ble bydd y gerddoriaeth orau chi erioed wedi’u glywed, o Gaerdydd a thu hwnt.
foyer sessions sesiynau’r foyer On a regular basis we invite the best artists and bands from Cardiff and further afield to perform at our Foyer Sessions performances. With a relaxed atmosphere, a well-stocked bar and most importantly free entry, these nights are hugely popular and a great way to enjoy live music.
Rydym yn gwahodd yr artistiaid a’r bandiau gorau o Gaerdydd a thu hwnt i berfformio yn ein Sesiynau’r Cyntedd hamddenol yn rheolaidd. Gydag awyrgylch hamddenol, bar â digonedd o ddewis a mynediad am ddim, mae’r nosweithiau hyn yn boblogaidd iawn ac yn ffordd wych i fwynhau cerddoriaeth fyw.
We endeavour to offer a platform for local, emerging talent within Wales and if you would like to play a future date we’d love to hear from you!
Rydym yn anelu at gynnig llwyfan i ddoniau newydd lleol yng Nghymru ac os hoffech chwarae yn y dyfodol, byddem yn falch iawn o glywed gennych.
If you would like to use the foyer or any of our spaces please contact Philip Persoglio / Os hoffech ddefnyddio’r cyntedd neu unrhyw ofod sydd gennym, cysylltwch â Philip Persoglio
029 2064 6956 Philip.Persoglio@shermancymru.co.uk shermancymru.co.uk
029 2064 6900
Join Us! Ymunwch â ni! A passion for theatre? Ydych chi’n angerddol dros theatr?
In the first of our exciting volunteering opportunities, we are looking to recruit an enthusiastic team of volunteer ushers to help to deliver excellent customer service at the Sherman.
I gychwyn ein cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli cyffrous, rydym yn edrych i recriwtio tîm brwdfrydig o wirfoddolwyr i helpu darparu gwasanaeth rhagorol yn y Sherman ar gyfer ein cwsmeriaid.
We will be holding a series of open events for you to come along and find out more about what’s involved and what you can expect from volunteering at the Sherman. The first event is on Friday 12 December, 4pm – 7pm and there will be more dates announced on our website soon.
Byddwn yn cynnal cyfres o ddigwyddiadau agored er mwyn i chi ddod draw i gael gwybod mwy am yr hyn sy’n digwydd yn ogystal â’r hyn bydd i’w ddod wrth wirfoddoli yn y Sherman. Bydd y digwyddiad cyntaf ar Ddydd Gwener 12 Rhagfyr, 4pm-7pm a bydd mwy o ddyddiadau i’w gyhoeddi ar ein gwefan cyn bo hir.
For further information or to register for one of the open events, please contact / Am ragor o wybodaeth ac i gofrestru cysylltwch â 32
Dan Biscombe, Volunteer and Visitor Experience Manager daniel.biscombe@shermancymru.co.uk
029 2064 6900
Artistic Director / Cyfarwyddwr Artistig
Margaret Jones
Executive Director / Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol
Nick Allsop
Head of Production & Planning / Pennaeth Cynhyrchu a Chynllunio
Philip Persoglio
Head of Events & Operations / Pennaeth Digwyddiadau a Gweithrediadau
Julia Barry
Head of Marketing and Customer Relations / Pennaeth Marchnata a Chysylltiadau Cwsmeriaid
Sally Shepherd
Head of Finance / Pennaeth Cyllid
Kelly Barr
Creative Learning Assistant (BIG Lottery) / Cynorthwyydd Dysgu Creadigol (Y Loteri FAWR)
Mari Elen Jones
Ticketing and Reception Assistant / Derbynnydd a Chynorthwy-ydd Tocynnau
David Lydiard
Daniel Biscombe
Volunteer and Visitor Experience Manager / Rheolwr Gwirfoddolwyr a Phrofiad Ymwelwyr
Creative Learning Assistant / Cynorthwyydd Dysgu Creadigol
Phillip Mackenzie
Creative Learning Associate / Swyddog Cyswllt Dysgu Creadigol
Amy Morgan
Fundraising Manager / Rheolwr Codi Arian
Rachel Mortimer
Senior Electrician / Prif Drydanwr
Guy O’Donnell
Sherman 5 Coordinator / Cydlynnydd Sherman 5
Elin Partridge
Elin Partridge Administrator / Gweinyddwr
Andrew Sterry
Creative Learning Associate (BIG Lottery) / Swyddog Cyswllt Dysgu Creadigol (Y Loteri FAWR)
Mathew Thomas
Carpenter / Pensaer
Deryn Tudor
Wardrobe Manager / Rheolwr Gwisgoedd
Ceri-ann Williams
Ticketing Manager / Rheolwr Gwerthu Tocynnau
Stephen Blendell
Technical Stage Manager / Rheolwr Llwyfan Technegol
Holly Carpenter
Ticketing and Reception Assistant / Derbynnydd a Chynorthwy-ydd Tocynnau
Suzanne Carter
Marketing Manager/ Rheolwr Marchnata
Owen Ephraim
Ticketing and Reception Assistant / Derbynnydd a Chynorthwy-ydd Tocynnau
Elan Evans
Ticketing and Reception Assistant / Derbynnydd a Chynorthwy-ydd Tocynnau
Osian Ifans
Ticketing and Reception Assistant / Derbynnydd a Chynorthwy-ydd Tocynnau
Adam Jones
Marketing Officer / Swyddog Marchnata
029 2064 6900
visitor information gwybodaeth i ymwelwyr
Ticket Office Swyddfa Docynnau 029 2064 6900 shermancymru.co.uk tickets@shermancymru.co.uk
The Sherman Theatre has a flexible approach to pricing so that we can always offer tickets at a wide range of prices. The exact price of each seat in the theatre will vary for each performance but there will always be at least 40 tickets available at the lowest price and we offer a wide range of discounts.
Mae gan Theatr y Sherman agwedd hyblyg at brisiau, fel ein bod ni’n gallu cynnig tocynnau ar amrywiaeth eang o brisiau bob tro. Fe fydd union bris pob sedd yn y theatr yn amrywio ar gyfer pob perfformiad, ond fe fydd o leiaf 40 tocyn ar gael ar y pris isaf bob tro, ac rydyn ni’n cynnig amrywiaeth eang o ostyngiadau.
Cadw Tocynnau
We can reserve your tickets for up to 3 days until we receive your payment. If you book less than 3 days before the event, we’ll need you to pay straight away. We are not able to offer reservations for all of our events.
Fe allwn ni gadw tocynnau i chi am hyd at 3 diwrnod hyd nes i ni dderbyn eich taliad. Os ydych yn archebu lai na 3 diwrnod cyn y digwyddiad, fe fydd angen i chi dalu ar unwaith. Nid ydym yn gallu cadw tocynnau ar gyfer pob un o’n digwyddiadau.
Students in full time education, seniors, registered disabled, claimants and Equity & Writers Guild members are all entitled to tickets at the concession rate.
Mae myfyrwyr mewn addysg llawn amser, yr henoed, y rheiny sydd wedi eu cofrestru’n anabl, y rheiny sy’n hawlio budddaliadau ac aelodau Equity yn cael gostyngiad ar bris tocynnau.
Under 25s
Dan 25
Young people under 25 are entitled to half price tickets for most, but not all, performances.
Mae pobl ifanc dan 25 yn cael prynu tocynnau am hanner y pris ar gyfer mwyafrif perfformiadau Sherman Cymru, ond nid pob un.
Companion Seats Persons with a disability who require someone to accompany them are entitled to a free ticket for their companion.
Sêt Cydymaith
Group bookings
Archebu ar gyfer grwp
10% discount when booking 8 or more.
Gostyngiad 10% pan fyddwch chi’n archebu 8 tocyn neu fwy.
Tickets are non-refundable unless the performance is cancelled or rescheduled or where there is a material change to the programme of the event.
Nid ellir cael ad-daliadau ar docynnau oni bai fod y perfformiad yn cael ei ganslo neu ei ail-drefnu neu lle mae newid deunydd i raglen y digwyddiad.
Full terms and conditions of booking are available on our website: shermancymru.co.uk
Mae’r amodau a thelerau llawn ar gyfer archebu tocynnau ar gael ar ein gwefan: shermancymru.co.uk
029 2064 6900
Mae pobl anabl sydd angen rhywun i’w hebrwng yn gallu cael tocyn am ddim ar gyfer eu gofalwr.
how to find us sut i ddod o hyd i ni We like to encourage more people, wherever possible, to walk, cycle and use public transport when visiting the Sherman Theatre. We can help by providing you with as much travel information and support as possible. It’s our small contribution towards helping to improve our environment, public health and quality of life.
Rydyn ni’n hoffi annog mwy o bobl, ble’n bosib, i gerdded, beicio a defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wrth ymweld â Theatr y Sherman. Fe allwn ni eich helpu trwy ddarparu cymaint o gymorth a gwybodaeth ar deithio â phosib, ar eich cyfer. Dyma’n cyfraniad bach ni tuag at helpu gwella ein hamgylchedd, iechyd y cyhoedd ac ansawdd bywyd.
By Foot, Bike & Public Transport
Ar Droed, Beic a Cludiant Cyhoeddus
The Sherman Theatre is easily accessible on foot or bicycle – a 10 minute walk from the New Theatre, and 15 minutes from the Queen Street shopping area. There are a number of pink cycle-hoops along Senghennydd Road to securely park your bicycle. Cathays Train Station is only a 2 minute walk away and the No. 35 bus stops directly outside the building.
Mae Theatr y Sherman yn hygyrch iawn ar droed neu ar feic - 10 munud y mae’n ei gymryd ar droed o’r New Theatre, a 15 munud o ardal siopa Heol y Frenhines. Mae yna nifer o gylchoedd beicio pinc ar hyd Ffordd Senghennydd er mwyn i chi barcio’ch beic yn ddiogel. Mae Gorsaf Drenau Cathays 2 munud i ffwrdd ar droed ac mae bws Rhif 35 yn stopio tu allan i’r adeilad.
By Car
O’r M4 o gyfeiriad y Dwyrain (Cyffordd 29 A48) neu o’r M4 o gyfeiriad y Gorllewin (Cyffordd 32) dilynwch yr arwyddion at Ganol y Ddinas ar yr A470 (Ffordd y Gogledd). Ewch heibio i Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru a throwch i’r chwith i Boulevard de Nantes. Trowch i’r chwith i Park Place a chymerwch y troad cyntaf ar y dde i St Andrew’s Place. Ffordd Senghennydd yw’r troad llym cyntaf ar y chwith yn union wedi i chi fynd o dan y bont yn St. Andrew’s Place.
From M4 East (Junction 29 A48) or M4 West (Junction 32) follow signs to the City Centre on the A470 (North Road). Pass Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and turn left onto Boulevard de Nantes. Turn first left onto Park Place and the first right onto St Andrew’s Place. Senghennydd Road is the first sharp turning on the left immediately after going under the bridge on St. Andrew’s Place.
Mewn Car
There are spaces available for blue badge holders located in front of the building. There is a dropoff point with a dropped kerb leading to the main entrance. On-street parking in this area is free after 6pm. Between 8am and 6pm MondaySaturday Pay and Display parking meters are in operation. Same charges apply 10am – 5pm on Sunday. Senghennydd Road has short and long stay parking. These are clearly signposted.
029 2064 6900
Mae yna barcio mynediad i ddeiliaid bathodynnau glas o flaen yr adeilad. Mae yna fan gollwng gyda phalmant isel sy’n arwain at y brif fynedfa. Mae parcio ar y stryd yn yr ardal hon yn rhad ac am ddim ar ôl 6yh. Rhwng 8yb a 6yh o ddydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn, mae mesuryddion parcio Talu ac Arddangos ar waith. Mae’r un taliadau’n berthnasol o 10yb - 5yp ar ddydd Sul. Mae yna barcio cyfnod byr a chyfnod hir ar Ffordd Senghennydd. Mae yna arwyddion clir at y rhain.
diary dyddiadur Date Dyddiad
Time Amser
Performance Perfformiad
Information Gwybodaeth
Theatre Theatr
Page Tudalen
Pick N Mixx
Studio / Stiwdio
January / Ionawr Wed / Mer 28
February / CHWEFROR Thu / Iau 19
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 20
What The Body Does Not Remember
Dance House, WMC
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
What The Body Does Not Remember
Dance House, WMC
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Mon / Llu 23
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tue / Maw 24
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 25
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Studio / Stiwdio
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Studio / Stiwdio
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Studio / Stiwdio
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 21
Thu / Iau 26
Fri / Gwe 27
Sat / Sad 28
March / Mawrth Mon / Llu 2
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tue / Maw 3
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 4
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Thu / Iau 5
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 6
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sat / Sad 7
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
029 2064 6900
Date Dyddiad
Time Amser
Performance Perfformiad
Information Gwybodaeth
Theatre Theatr
Page Tudalen
March / Mawrth Mon / Liu 9
Studio / Stiwdio
Tue / Maw 10
Studio / Stiwdio
Wed / Mer 11
Studio / Stiwdio
Thu / Iau 12
Y Fenyw Ddaeth o'r Môr
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 13
Y Fenyw Ddaeth o’r Môr
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Mon / Llu 16
Schools’ Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools’ Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools’ Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools’ Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools’ Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools’ Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools’ Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Schools’ Dance Association
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tue / Maw 24
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Leviathan
Studio / Stiwdio
Wed / Mer 25
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Leviathan
Studio / Stiwdio
Thu / Iau 26
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Leviathan
Studio / Stiwdio
Fri / Gwe 27
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Leviathan
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 28
A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Leviathan
Studio / Stiwdio
Mon / Llu 30
10am - 3pm
Easter Holiday Activity Week / Wythnos Weithgaredd Ŵyl y Pasg
Tue / Maw 31
10am - 3pm
Easter Holiday Activity Week / Wythnos Weithgaredd Ŵyl y Pasg
Tue / Maw 17
Wed / Mer 18
Thu / Iau 19
April / Ebrill Wed / Mer 1
10am - 3pm
Easter Holiday Activity Week / Wythnos Weithgaredd Ŵyl y Pasg
Thu / Iau 2
10am - 3pm
Easter Holiday Activity Week / Wythnos Weithgaredd Ŵyl y Pasg
Sat / Sad 4 Sat / Sad 11
All day / Trwy'r dydd
National Theatre Connections Festival
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sun / Sul 12
All day / Trwy'r dydd
National Theatre Connections Festival
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Tue / Maw 14
Stick Man
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 15
Stick Man
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Stick Man
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 17
029 2064 6900
Date Dyddiad
Time Amser
Performance Perfformiad
Information Gwybodaeth
Theatre Theatr
Page Tudalen
April / Ebrill Tue / Maw 21
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 22
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Thu / Iau 23
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 24
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Sat / Sad 25
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 8
Iphigenia in Splott (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 9
Iphigenia in Splott (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Studio / Stiwdio
Mon / Llu 11
Iphigenia in Splott (Preview / Rhagddangosiad)
Studio / Stiwdio
Tue / Maw 12
Iphigenia in Splott
Studio / Stiwdio
Wed / Mer 13
Iphigenia in Splott
Studio / Stiwdio
Thu / Iau 14
Iphigenia in Splott
Studio / Stiwdio
Fri / Gwe 15
Iphigenia in Splott
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 16
Iphigenia in Splott
Studio / Stiwdio
Tue / Maw 19
Pan Oedd Y Byd Yn Fach
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 20
Pan Oedd Y Byd Yn Fach
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Thu / Iau 21
Pan Oedd Y Byd Yn Fach
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Wed / Mer 27
Wot? No Fish!!
Studio / Stiwdio
Thu / Iau 28
Wot? No Fish!!
Studio / Stiwdio
Ruby Wax: Sane New World
Main House / Y Brif Theatr
Fri / Gwe 29
Wot? No Fish!!
Studio / Stiwdio
Sat / Sad 30
Wot? No Fish!!
Studio / Stiwdio
Wot? No Fish!!
Studio / Stiwdio
May / Mai
Information Key / Allwedd Gwybodaeth Sherman 5
Captioned / Capsiynau
029 2064 6900
Post-show Talk / Trafodaeth wedi-sioe Audio Described Performance / Perfformiad gyda Disgrifiad Sain
029 2064 6900 shermancymru.co.uk
facebook.com/ shermancymru
access information gwybodaeth am fynediad
Keep up to date by signing up to our emails / Cofrestrwch i dderbyn ein ebyst am y newyddion diweddaraf shermancymru.co.uk facebook.com /shermancymru
Sherman Cymru welcomes everyone and we have range of services to make your visit more enjoyable.
Mae Sherman Cymru yn croesawu pawb, ac mae gennym wasanaethau amrywiol i sicrhau y bydd eich ymweliad mor bleserus â phosib.
Please visit shermancymru.co.uk or talk to one of our Ticketing and Reception Assistants on 029 2064 6900 for more information.
Ewch i shermancymru.co.uk neu siaradwch gydag un o Gynorthwywyr y Dderbynfa a’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar 029 2064 6900, am fwy o wybodaeth.
This brochure is available in large print, Braille and audio formats. You can request your preferred format by contacting the Ticket Office on: 029 2064 6900
Mae’r llyfryn tymor hwn ar gael mewn print bras, Braille neu ar lafar. Gallwch ofyn am y fformat sydd orau gennych chi drwy gysylltu â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar: 029 2064 6900
main house y Brif Theatr
Sherman Cymru acknowledges the public investment of the Arts Council of Wales / Mae Sherman Cymru yn cydnabod buddsoddiad cyhoeddus gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. A Registered Charity / Elusen Gofrestredig
january may 2015 IONAWR MAI 2015
Pick N Mixx 28 January / Ionawr
Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage 19 February / Chwefror - 7 March / Mawrth
What The Body Does Not Remember 20 & 21 February / Chwefror
hood 25 - 28 February / Chwefror
Grav 9 - 11 March / Mawrth
Y Fenyw Ddaeth o’r Môr / the lady from the sea 12 & 13 March / Mawrth
A Play, a Pie and a Pint: Leviathan 24 - 28 March / Mawrth
Easter Holiday activity week / wythnos weithgaredd Ŵyl y Pasg 30 March / Mawrth - 2 April / Ebrill
OCTA 4 April / Ebrill
National Theatre Connections festival 11 & 12 April / Ebrill
Stick Man 14 & 15 April / Ebrill
G4 17 April / Ebrill
Mermaid 21 - 25 April / Ebrill
Iphigenia in Splott 029 2064 6900 shermancymru.co.uk
8 - 16 May / Mai
Senghennydd Road / Ffordd Senghennydd Cardiff / Caerdydd CF24 4YE
19 - 21 May / Mai
facebook.com/shermancymru @ShermanCymru
Pan Oedd Y Byd Yn Fach Wot? No Fish!! 27 - 30 May / Mai