Within a few days, I was seen by a nephrologist. First, Dr. Patel would do a full blood workup and then an ultrasound of the kidney, followed by a biopsy if necessary. I was admitted to a hospital to expedite the outpatient procedures. Because of Covid, the hospital was crowded. I was placed on the Covid floor because, unbeknownst to me, I had tested positive when admitted. The medical professionals had on PPE gear, and I was quickly whisked to a room and floor with red tape and signs in caps that said “COVID FLOOR - NO VISITORS.” After a couple of days and a few tests, I was sent home.
A week and a half later, I was on a
I came home and decided not to
flight to Sedona with my
feel sorry for myself. Since I got
girlfriends. As we drove from
my diagnosis, I have been telling
Phoenix to Sedona, a wave of
my story, walking in my purpose,
anxiety filled my chest. At any
and aligning myself with God’s
moment, my doctor would
vision for my life. Exactly nine
contact me with the results of my
months from that day to this one,
biopsy. As we entered our lavish
I’ve gained a new lease on life. I
AirBnB home, the sun was
still need a kidney, and with
shining, and there was a pop of a
prayer and God, I’m preparing
champagne bottle, and suddenly
myself for a miracle. I’ve tripled
my phone began to ring. It was
my revenue in my business; I’m
my doctor. She told me that I had
writing more and creating new
IgA-nephropathy, kidney disease,
opportunities for myself as an
and would eventually need
entrepreneur and published
dialysis. My heart sank. She said a
writer. I am fearlessly and boldly
bunch of other things, followed
walking in my purpose. I share my
by, “or you could get a living
gifts effortlessly. I truly
donor kidney from one of your
understand how valuable my life
loved ones.” I was distraught. A
is. No matter what you’re going
Her Story
KIDNEY? Me? Why? If it weren’t for through, always remember to my girls, I would have fallen and
trust God and know that he can
collapsed to my knees. But I
use anyone for his purpose. He
didn’t. My girls held me up.
gives us the privilege of being
Physically. Emotionally. And
used by Him. I believe he led me
mentally. Although not how I
to Spiritual Sedona, for a moment
envisioned it, the rest of the trip
only He knew I’d experience. I also
was just what I needed. I prayed
experienced his presence like
and spoke to God the entire trip.
never before. He will finish the work he started in you, from glory to glory, and He will make it perfect.
Website: Woodysuiteco.com Instagram: @woodysuiteco @inez.woody Twitter @woodysuiteco