She ROCKS It and S.H.E. Inc. receives National Recognition on the 2nd Sunday in March each year
Celebrating Women Who ROCKS Awards Gala Sunday May 21, 2023
Contributing writers share empowering words during Women's History Month.
Women owned restaurants and women own companies you should know. 04 05
Some of the most empowering and exciting events happening in the Chicagoland area.
MarchisthemostexcitingtimeoftheyearforSheROCKSItandS.H.E. Inc.,itisWomen'sHistoryMonth. It'sthemonthwherewepauseto celebratealltheaccomplishmentsSHEhasmade. 2023isveryspecialto ourorganization,wehavebeengivenaNationalDay. Every2ndSunday inMarchwillberecognizedasNationalIAMDAYontheNationalDay ofCalendar. IbelievewhateverfollowsyourIAMisyourtruth.
Iambeyondexcited,Iamgrateful,Iamblessed,andIamtrulythankful thatIhavebeengivenanorganizationthatempowersall.
In January 2023, National Day Calendar formed a collaboration with S.H.E Inc 501c3 Sisters Helping EachOther and the She ROCKS It organization to create National I AM Day. This new celebration encourages everyone to set daily positive affirmations for themselves as a way to practice self-care.
SundayMay21, 2:00pm-6:00pm
Honorherforallthatherhands havedone,andletherworksbring herpraiseatthecitygate.
Intelligent, Brave, Beautiful, Bold, Spiritual, and Nurturing are just a few of our God given characteristics. Our intelligence enlightens, bravery frees, beauty memorizes, boldness challenges, spirit calms, and nurturing embraces. We have a way of turning a negative situation into a positive outcome. How do we do it you ask? We were born for this!
Womanhood doesn’t come with a playbook. There are no instructions or specialty courses. Most times it’s on the job training. Life trains us in the courses of marriage, motherhood, employees, community volunteers, spiritual leaders, and game changers. Within each of these roles are many additional roles and responsibilities that accompany them. For example is you are a mother, you are also the housekeeper, chef, chauffeur, teacher, personal shopper, wardrobe designer, advocate etc. This one role has full time responsibilities yet we manage to carry out these tasks and those associated with our additional roles.
We are capable of being submissive and influential, a help meet and entrepreneur, dreamer and creator, a protector and protestor, and the list goes on Everyday we are faced with determining which roles me must play to carry out the task before us. Sometimes it’s challenging, but we manage to get through it.
Women have a way of bringing families and communities together through love, support, and resources. History has shown us that it only takes one woman to bring change to the world. We not only have visions but plans to make them a reality. Women will collaborate, barter, and sacrifice to fulfill their purpose.
Some people view us as aggressive but what the world really sees is passion. We are passionate about what we believe. Women live by internal convictions that causes us to use our voices to speak for those who have been silenced. We pursue excellence in everything our hands touch. We don’t look for personal recognition, we just want the world to be a better place for our children
We have learned that in order for that to happen we must use our education, skills, finances, vote, businesses, connections, and voice.
God has given us ALL we need to carry out the plans He has for us. So don’t get weary in your well doing You were built for this! The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future ”
When you feel like giving up, remember the strength that lies within. As of today, you have a 100% success rate related to overcoming challenges. The fact that you are still here means there is more work for you to do. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and before you know it, you would have achieved your goals and inspired others along the way! You got this and your sisters are cheering you on.
Tawana Trammell Founder of TLK Empowerment Services, LLC Licensed Clinical Social Worker Author SpeakerMonicaAbernathyisaprofessionalnailcarestylistandownerofAPolishedWorkNail SpaLoungeontheSouthsideofChicago Shehasalwayshadherhandsinallthings creative Monicathrivesonorchestratingtransformations And,ultimately,her passionhasbeenthedrivingforcebehindhercareer
SheisagraduateofTheUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-ChampaignandDudley BeautyCollegeChicago. Monicaisalicensednailtechnician&educator,careerconsultant,andbeauty industryadvocate Herexpertiseinmentorshipandprofessionaldevelopmentledto thecreationofEntrepreNAILeur
EntrepreNAILeurisacreativedigitalplatformfornailprofessionals Itisacommunity focusedonresourcestoenhanceskillsets,increaseproductivity,andprofits Whetheryouareastudent,newtotheindustry,orestablishednailprofessionalthe support,tools&resourceswillhelpadvanceyourcareer.
Erin Mitchell Consulting, LLC (EMC) is an Operations Management
Consulting Firm that specializes in Organizational Operations and Business Process Management. EMC is dedicated to transforming businesses and nonprofits into flourishing enterprises and helping to take your organization to the next level by designing strategies for success, optimizing your organizational structure, and refining business processes – all with one goal: increasing revenue while enhancing efficiencies
Social media handles and website: Facebook and IG @consultwitherin Website: www consultwitherin com
Contact info: E: info@consultwitherin com Ph: 872-222-5894
My name is Dr Calenthia Miller I have worked in the healthcare industry for over thirty years. Therefore, I considered myself to be in actual good health However, my life as I once knew it changed on Jan 20th, 2022. My day was no different from any other day that week. I had just finished chatting with the family members on the team and asking what everyone’s plan was for the upcoming weekend. I finished my rounds and headed to my office.
Shortly afterward, one of the family members entered my office and asked if I was all right. She had noticed I had not been my outgoing, bubbly self for a while As a leader, we are responsible for ensuring that everyone is good and everything is running smoothly, never taking the time to think of ourselves.
I continued my day as usual, and then suddenly, I became sick and had a headache that I could not shake. I rested my head on my desk, and the next thing I remembered was that I was in the Neurological ICU. I had suffered a stroke while at work. The next few days were a blur, and many of the detail from those days before my admission to the hospital and while inpatient was conveyed to me by my children and co-workers. As a result of the stroke, I lost my ability to talk, walk and care for myself independently.
I underwent extensive rehabilitative therapy for six months, including speech, physical and occupational therapy. The thought of losing my independence was overwhelming and caused me to fall into a deep depression. My ability to let go and allow others to care for me was a new process.I still have cognitive delays; I may forget specific conversation details with colleagues or team members
So often, we operate under stress, which, in my case, had become my routine. During my sabbatical away from work, I have learned that nothing is more important than the opportunity to live Understanding the importance of family and leaning on my faith to see me through those darkest days is what allowed me to be victorious It also allowed me to return to a place that gave me peace and serenity, which was writing. Writing has allowed me to share my life with the world. But, also, it has gifted me with a platform of A’Lure Publishing, LLC, for others to share their talents. This platform would not have been possible without my Sister in authorship, S.H.E. Publishing, LLC.
Lifeistooshort; enjoyeachdayasif itwasyourlast,for ourFatherdidnot createustolivein fear,chaos, confusion,orstress. Sostaytunedasmy newchapterbegins.
Our goal in this inaugural ListenUp SHEro's: Masterclass of Girl Bosses-Unshakeable Drive to Succeed is to uplift women entrepreneurs by showcasing their resilience, perseverance, and impact on society in honor of Women’s HERstory Month
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 6 -7:15 pm Central Time (CT)
Attendees will walk away with a glimpse into the lived experiences, inspirational challenges, and success stories of powerful women entrepreneurs
Kristina Wynne, The Wynners Club
Dr. Veirdre Jackson is a woman pursuing her purpose, passion, and life’s priority to share her belief that all children deserve the best education available. She is an award-winning author, educator, and entrepreneur who is recognized as a leading educational trainer in trauma informed practices and DEIB. She is a veteran educator with over 20 years of experience supporting non-profit and executive leadership.
Through her experiences with systems based approaches to Trauma Awareness and Equity Literacy, the Resiliency Approach, and Positive Behavior and Intervention Strategies, she has harnessed her passion for building organizational resilience and personal strength on behalf of youth, families, and educational professionals. She provides training, consulting and supports for parents, educators, administrators, clinicians and youth development staff who desire to impact children from the inside out.
Dr. Jackson is the CEO/Founder of Living Strong Consulting LLC She also serves on the executive board for Quest Trauma Healing Centers. She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and consultant, working with organizations like Lakeside Global Institute as a mentor trainer; Penn State Extension as an online course developer; Pennsylvania Early Head Start as a classroom and home visiting coach; Zero to Three as a Certified trainer in Infant Toddler Competencies and the Growing Brain; and various K-12 public and charter school districts as an Equity and Justice Consultant and Relational Coach Her commitment to leaders and organizational development is elevated through her John Maxwell Team Certification which allows her to support leaders in sustaining growth and maintaining mission through trainings, mastermind sessions, lunch & learns, and coaching in such topics as Today Matters, Leadership Gold, How to Be a REAL Success, Becoming A Person of Influence, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, and more.
Her internet radio show and podcast on Voice America’s Empowerment Station, Spotify and iHeart Radio entitled Living Strong: The Flip Side of Adversity reaches listeners with inspirational, authentic and practical stories from lived experiences by her guest cohosts on how to manage bad experiences to leverage lessons and create gains in the areas of relationships, time management, health, mental wellness and mindset, finances, leadership, and faith.
Her first book – 16 Principles for Abundant Living - is a foundational guide for women’s empowerment, and her 2019 book and video series Fearless Conversations with a Limitless God provides insight on addressing the challenges to breaking the cycle of toxic thoughts that keep women in “hiding places”.
Dr. Jackson has been recognized for her expertise in professional development by Pennsylvania’s Keystone Stars’ Southeast Regional Key as a Professional Development Champion; is a featured presenter for the newly released 4 Part Trauma and Child Development Series by Penn State’s Better Kid Care; has been a contributor to Women’s Entrepreneur Magazine; is a reoccurring keynote and breakout session speaker for conferences nationally and the guest speaker on several podcasts, and was recognized by the Philadelphia Business Journal as one of 40 Leaders Under 40. Dr. Jackson holds a Bachelor’s degree from Drexel University; a Master’s degree in Elementary Education from Temple University; and a Doctoral Degree from Wilmington University in Leadership and Innovation. She is a wife and mother of two girls, and GiGi to her grandsons, Max and Jaxon and granddaughter, Ceres.
1 pound sausage like Aidell’s chicken-apple sausage or Aidell’s Andouille – sliced
1 1/2 T olive oil or avocado oil
4 cloves garlic – minced
1 red bell pepper – deseeded and chopped (about 1 1/2 cups)
1 green bell pepper – deseeded and chopped (about 1 1/2 cups)
1 stick celery – thinly sliced
1/2 of one onion – chopped
1 1/2-2 T Cajun seasoning
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2-1 1/2 teaspoons salt (use 1/2 teaspoon if your Cajun seasoning contains salt, up to 1 1/2 teaspoons if it doesn’t)
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper –optional
1 14.5 ounce can fire-roasted tomatoes
1 cup chicken broth
4 cups frozen cauliflower rice
1 pound medium raw shrimp –peeled
green onions – sliced for garnish
fresh parsley – chopped for garnish
Louisiana Hot Sauce – to serve, optional
In a large heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven, heat ½ tablespoon olive or avocado oil over medium heat. Add sliced sausage and cook until browned on both sides, stirring occasionally. Transfer sausage to a plate. Add 1 tablespoon oil. Add garlic, onion, bell pepper, and celery; sauté until softened, about 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Add Cajun seasoning, starting with 1 ½ tablespoons, black pepper, salt, and optional cayenne pepper to pot; stir. Add tomatoes, chicken broth, and sausage to pot, and stir to mix.
Bring mixture to a boil then reduce heat to low; simmer for 25-35 minutes or until thickened and liquid is reduced.
Stir in shrimp and cauliflower rice. Cook on low, stirring regularly until rice is heated through and shrimp turn pink and no longer translucent. Don’t overcook the shrimp. Ladle into bowls and top with sliced green onions and parsley. Serve with housemade sweet & hot glaze.
is a Charlottesville, Virginia native and mental abuse survivor Coleman took pen to paper to ease years of abuse, years of lies and secrets Her book “is this me? Am I her?” reflects on years of abuse at the hands of her mother. Coleman’s father, grandmother and brother protected her as she grew up. During middle school, Coleman began to drink She thought that this was ok because her mother did it
With her book she hopes to help others who have gone through similar events Coleman is an award winner of an Impact Award, for her support and encouragement of others. Along with the Book Tour Award, she has traveled to several states, and met some amazing people and made lifelong connections
When she is not writing, she’s very passionate about men’s mental health, along with running her online life coaching business Finding your path. This is where she applies her life coaching skills and life lessons to help others. During the Christmas Holiday’s her website spoke to over 26 people free of charge Coleman understands what it is like to spend the holidays alone, sad and depressed with nowhere to turn She makes sure that no one will be turned away because of cost
Coleman’s cheerleaders are her sons Eric and Evan Coleman and grandson Maverick. Coleman works full-time, with high school students that come in from another country, to bridge the gap between the students and teachers To ensure the students have an easy transition, and the best education available
PamelaJ.ColemanSelf-love is healing. It’s a pathway for us to ease into health and wellness In the face of adversity, hardship, and trauma, black women have become accustomed to suppressing their own emotional experience. The doctrine of “praying it away”, “pushing through”, or suffering in silence, persists at the destruction of their overall well-being. Walking wounded while balancing the crown can be exhausting. Let us normalize not being okay, giving ourselves grace, and being vulnerable as we challenge the traditions that do not serve us
The black woman’s burden is deep. Existing in a world that struggles to understand our experience presents challenges that often go unnoticed. Rising to the occasion has been reflective in our history, and is evidenced by how we thrive in the world today. The representation of black women in education, and business have increased despite concentrated efforts keep those doors shut. Our journey has never been pretty, but it is through it we can learn to embrace our scars. You are not only beautiful despite them, you are stunning because of them.
There is great strength in vulnerability. You can only truly begin to know yourself when you fully embrace your emotions. You do not have to be emotionless to be strong.
“Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.”
You can make the choice to loosen the armor to tap into the strength that lies beneath it. Your fears, failures, and setbacks do not make you weak. On the contrary, your experiences are the source of a strength that none can challenge Release yourself from the shackles of self-criticism, shame, and unhealthy behaviors. Invest in forming healthy relationships, engage in self-affirming wellness practices, and promote inner peace through mindfulness practices like meditation.
You will not compare yourself to others during this journey, or look for external validation.
The most powerful aspect of going inward is in the cultivation of a deeper understanding of oneself. By doing this, you will foster healing that will encourage the paradigm shift integral to personal growth.
As a black woman and psychotherapist, I seek to create a safe place for black girls and women. A place that acknowledges the macro and microaggressions they encounter daily. A therapeutic environment for black women to process black trauma, while encouraging selfempowerment. The benefits of which can have a positive impact that can be seen for generations to come. The RESILIENT Black Woman is the HEALED Black Woman. Be unapologetic, unashamed, and proud
NAJAMAH DAVIS,-SMITH, MSW, LCSW, CCTS is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 10 years of experience in the mental health field She is the proud owner of a private practice providing therapeutic services to children and adults Najamah is also certified in Violence Against Women & Children, School Social Work, and is a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist
The Entrepreneurs’ Toolkit for Success offers support, knowledge, and community in these 15 chapters written by seasoned, entrepreneurs, each offering advice and actionable tips to new entrepreneurs and others who need more support, training, resources, tools and networking Learn for your peers, each with a different business focus, personal story, and key tips they used to find success often despite adversity. In this book you’ll find inspiration, comradery and practical, take-away knowledge plus the expert resources of these authors you can leverage
You can access the book via this linkhttps://tinyurl com/2023JenBook
You can hear Jennifer McClain’s author interview via this linkhttps://tinyurl.com/Jenauthorinterview
The recent pandemic took the world by storm leaving a wrath of not only emotional grief, but also financial instability for most. Sure, the Government pushed out those Economic Impact Relief Payments totaling $814 billion of financial relief to qualifying households; however, here we are nearly one year later, paying close to ten dollars for a dozen eggs. Needless to say, America, we have a problem. Out of the many issues the pandemic created, one profound lesson it should have taught us is to have our finances in order. It is time to take control of our financial health, work on your financial wealth, and get good with money.
Striking a balance between saving and spending can be challenging. However, abiding by both beliefs may prove to be rewarding. It all comes down to choices, decisions, and discipline. Two acronyms that we hear in today’s climate are YOLO (You Only Live Once) and in terms of finances, FIRE (Financially Independent, Retire Ealy). YOLO encourages you to live life to the fullest at every moment, which can be risky. Whereas FIRE encourages you to live within your means and have enough money saved to cover your living expenses without having to work.
Becoming FIRE takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and time The fruits of your labor are usually greater-later here. If you weren’t born into financial wealth, or had a windfall of money fall upon you, chances are, achieving a FIRE lifestyle is a reality that you will most likely benefit from in your later years Both of these phenomena’s have pros and cons. Just remember, too much of a anything can quickly become bad.
So, how does one strike a balance without feeling like they’re sacrificing too much today, to save for tomorrow? There are several strategies available for guidance on financial balance and stability. For the sake of this article, we will touch a tiny tip of the iceberg and talk about a few basic principles It comes down to having a healthy mindset towards money; being honest about your desires; being courageous; and having discipline.
As the adage goes, to know where you’re heading, you need to know where you come from. One of the first steps in forming good money habits is to determine your current attitude towards money and where those attitudes derived from Here are four unhealthy attitudes toward money.
Money Avoider: Believing money is bad and that you do not deserve it. Money can induce fear, anxiety, or disgust. This attitude is more likely carried by people of lower-income, younger and single people.
Money Worshiper: This is the most common money attitude in America. Believing an increase in income or a windfall of money will solve all of your problems. Money worshippers usually carry revolving debt.
Money Status Person: Tying your self-worth to your net worth. People who believe that money is a status symbol are likely to be less educated, young, single, and less wealthy.
Money Vigilante: Individuals who are secretive about their finances and overly cautious about spending money. People with this attitude are often financially secure but may not allow themselves to enjoy the advantages of having money. Extreme cases can lead to money hoarding. These people are better known as, ‘The Miser.’
As a Portfolio Entrepreneur, Talva has an array of talents that allow her to dance in many professional arenas. She is a Businesswoman, Author, and Ghostwriter with books available for children and adults in her authoring portfolio.
Talva was inspired to create; Writing Checks Your A$$ Can't Cash to empower people with the tools needed to eliminate debt, save more money, and become financially solvent.
Having come from humble beginnings, she learned early in life how to live a frugal lifestyle and remain diligent about being financially stable. Learn the tips and use the tricks.
Talva has been featured in several media outlets. The National Black Book Festival, The Steven Parker Radio Show, The Writer's Block Podcast, Audio Sorceress Productions, BookMad Digital Magazine, and as a columnist, has articles in 'She Rocks It Magazine,' to name a few.
Website: https://www.ttalva.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/talvasbook IG: https://www.instagram.com/talvaauthor/
Desire is the equalizer, so despite the pandemic, your financial situation, or your current attitude towards money, you can turn things around. Give yourself some grace, stay loyal to your financial goals, and remain disciplined. ACT now! (Attitude Changes Things) Your future self will thank you!
According to Webster’s dictionary the word relationship is defined as the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
Let’s unpack your connection and relationship with your personal style. Your style is always speaking, but is it saying what you want it to say?
Every single time you are getting dressed you are preparing to connect not only with yourself but with others! Let’s make sure those connections are intentional and purposeful!
Here’s 4 tips to being in control of your style story and having a strong relationship with your personal style:
Your body is your first accessory!
I want you to start thinking of your body as your first accessory! Start shopping for the CURRENT body that you have and not the body you want. Most people start with clothes first then bodies 2nd. I want people to start to put your body first and think of your body first. Get a vision in your mind of how you would like to present your body then find clothes that match that vision
Make sure your closet has balance.
Make sure your closet has a balance of trendy and classic items to select from.
Foundations set the tone for the look
Proper undergarments are the key to pulling a look off. Some brands I love are Miracle suit for shapewear and Elomi for bras
Timeless Essentials that every woman should have:
A basic fitted t-shirt (Black & White)
A great pump (Leopard, Black, and Metallic)
At least 4 good pairs of jeans (Classic, Ripped, Light Denim, Dark Denim)
Leather Jacket
Pencil Skirts
Updated Power Suit (2023 is the year of the modern suit!)
Bold colored blazers & sweaters
Quality and fashionable flats
Here’s a little homework for you as you embrace total fashion freedom:
What would you like your style to say? Write down 3-5 pieces of clothing that you love. Be sure that it is a mix of trendy and classic items.
What conversation is your style starting?
Remember to fight the urge to look perfect and stay in control of your style story!
Let’s stay connected! I can be found on social media @totallytot3!
As a Creative Life Stylist, Tatiana “Tot” Jones loves helping people by identifying their strengths, motivating them to move past their fears, and walking them through their own unique creative processes. Tot has channeled her genuine love for people into a lifestyle of helping others help themselves Tot brings her joy and wisdom into any situation she encounters As an Influencer, Wardrobe Stylist, Author, and Social Media strategist, Tot understands that image and presentation matter
Booking Info:
Email: HeyTot@TotallyTot com
www TotallyTot com
Go on a personal journey to Self Love and journal as you go. When you journal for self-love you’re really journaling to discover more about yourself, to reflect on yourself, thoughts and actions. In the process of learning to love yourself, you go through periods of acceptance, forgiveness and learn to grow your confidence and worthiness too. True Self Loves
Dates : ........................................ NOTES
Whatever follows your I AM is your TRUTH! jdawkins
Master Coach Shelonda Hassell- Adegbaye is a serial entrepreneur who began a non-for-profit organization name The S.H.A. Experience. The S.H.A. Experience was started because she is a two-time Domestic Violence survivor who focuses on pulling other women and children out of darkness so that they can experience the light of God’s love and protection. With a determination to see others healed and made whole, she is intentional about celebrating life and building Kingdom relationships along the way.
As the wife of a minister, she strives to represent the sincerity of God’s grace to all. Under the umbrella of The S.H.A. Experience there is three organizations, The Chicago Black Mom’s That Rock
(This organization focuses on mom’s who live in the Chicago areas bringing wisdom, outlets, entrepreneur impacts through, special events, community outreach & so much more) Like Her for Brown Girls (Girls & Teens mentoring program which helps brown girls learn who they are, life skills, business skills, integrity and so much more)
The Who Is She Ministry (This Ministry is global & it focuses on the woman learning who God has called her to be, as well as teaching her to find her passion & purpose in life all while keeping God first. There are opportunities to tell Her story, special events, online boot camps, classes, & retreats for all brown women globally)
Social media platforms: Facebook & Instagram:
The SHA Experience NFP Organization or @shelondahassell.adegbaye
Business Contact Information:Phone Number: (773) 494-5437
Emails: Thesha experience@yahoo com
chicagoblckmomsthatroc@gmail com
This Women's History Month and beyond, let's be intentional. and commit to spending our dollars where it matters.
Let's rally around these Chicagoland black women-owned restaurants for our next Date Night, Family Outing, Girls Meet Up, or business meeting.
List curated by: Shanetta Davis The Davis Connect #Connected2BLK
Can't Believe It's Not Meat
24 Orland Sq. Drive, Orland Park, IL 1143 N Wells, Chicago, IL
1368 E 53rd St , Chicago, IL
www cantbelieveitsnotmeat com
IG: @cantbelieveitsnotmeatinc
Cleo's Southern Cuisine
4248 S Cottage Grove, Chicago, IL
190 North Wells, Chicago, IL
www eatcleos com
IG: cleos southerncuisine
Edible Passport
13000 S. Western Ave., Blue Island, IL www.ediblepassport.com
IG: @ediblepassport
Flippin Flavors
1848 W 95th St , Chicago, IL
www flippinflavors com
IG: @flippinflavors
Jordyn's Soul Cafe
1160 W Grand, Chicago, IL
IG: @jordynsoulcafe
Lexington Betty Smokehouse
756 E. 111th St., Chicago, IL
www lexingtonbettysmokehouse com
IG: @lexingtonbettysmokehouse
Outside The Box
$400 $350 $300 $250
$150 $100 $50
1734 W. 35th St., Chicago, IL www otbcarryout com
IG: @otbchicago
Passion Eats
8824 S Cicero Ave , Chicago, IL
www passioneatscatering com
IG: @passioneatscatering
Two Fish Crab
641 E 47th St , Chicago, IL
www twofishcrabshack co
m IG: @twofishcrab
Wrap Shack 162
954 E 162nd St , South Holland, IL
18300 S. Halsted, Glenwood, IL
www wrapshack162 com
IG: @wrapshack162