Outreach International July Magazine

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OUR APPROACH Since 1979, we've worked in 15 impoverished countries around the world, reaching hundreds of thousands with our mission to create lasting


change. We believe giving a gift without educating a community to use it, repair it or cultivate it, is no gift at all; it's merely a quick fix to a problem that will continually resurface. We






world poverty issues—we want to create


a sustainable solution that will end them for good. By giving impoverished communities the tools they need to maintain and continue their own successes, we change their lives for generations to come.



Kevin Prine Andy Betts Josh Shipley Sarah Boyd

Outreach International is a 501(c)(3) regulated charity. All photographs and text copyright © 2014 by Outreach International. All rights reserved. All photography is taken in Outreach communities by Outreach staff and partners.




I've been blessed with two beautiful children. I've also been cursed by old man time because I am now watching these two young people become self-sufficient adults who no longer need me. Wasn't it only yesterday that I carried them on my shoulders and pitched to them on their baseball teams? Cue Fiddler's "Sunrise, Sunset." As I travel to our many communities to encourage and verify our work, two ideas continue to be reinforced for me. First, it is amazing how similar we are to each other.

We enjoy competitive games (take a look at the baseball story in this issue). We want good health and educational opportunities for our children. We strongly desire competency, honesty, and transparency from our elected and appointed leaders. You will see elements of all of these things we hold in common in the following pages. Second, it is amazing how different we are from each other when it comes to the details. The games are different; the construction materials of our schools are dissimilar; the food we eat varies significantly across cultures. While this creates new learning opportunities and the possibility for broadening our collective wisdom, it also reinforces the importance of incorporating locals in both the problem identification and solution implementation. If all politics is

local, then to an even greater extent, all poverty solutions are local as well. As you read this magazine and look at the beautiful pictures of the people with whom we work, you'll see the pride that emerges because of these local solutions. Together, we are building communities of kind, self-sufficiency. Through their accomplishments, individuals mature to the point that they no longer need us. And, it is in that moment that they become our friends.


Dr. Kevin W. Prine President & CEO






Above: John benefiting from quick results with the treadle pumps.

that just five months after families in Luano, Zambia, gained access to treadle pumps, their incomes increased by 41 percent? Currently in Zambia, 20 percent of children under 5 years old are underweight and 45 percent are experiencing stunted growth due to malnourishment. Treadle pumps could be the answer. Did you know they can deliver up to 5,000 liters of water per hour? These incredible manually-powered irrigation systems are making a big splash in Zambia, increasing Outreach crops by 37 percent. Being sold at a fairly inexpensive rate, they're becoming increasingly popular. In fact, more than 2 million treadle pumps have been distributed worldwide. Not only are communities raising more crops, they're also able to grow a greater variety of vegetables. Families in Zambia are now growing bananas, corn, eggplant and okra as well as cabbage. "Outreach International has made all the difference. I have been able to pull myself and my family out of poverty. We enjoy three nutritious meals every day, and our children are less vulnerable to illness. They are much healthier now," said John, a man


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whose family was directly affected by the success of the treadle pumps. It used to take families two entire days to water crops. But now, with the help of the treadle pumps, they have expanded their harvests and are done watering in only two hours.

HOW IT WORKS THE TREADLE PUMP is made up of a suction, foot pedals and a water hose.

A community member uses the FOOT PEDALS to move water up the suction.

THE SUCTION is placed in a well or other water source.

To find out more about hunger projects, check out outreach-international.org/hunger


The water is moved through THE HOSE and out into the fields.



Today, David and his family are celebrating the fact that, for the rest of their lives, they will be free from the many water-borne diseases they once suffered from. Now, nearly 1,500 people in Naviundu, DR Congo, have clean water to drink, bathe in and cook with. For years, David's family drank contaminated water from the local creek in their community. He and his neighbors had no other options, unless they wanted to pay a large fee for water outside the village—a luxury few could afford. But the health of his wife and eight children was at stake. After scrimping and saving, he was finally able to pay the fee for outside water a few times; but as a school teacher, he could not continue to support his family financially and pay for water. He also could not afford to continue paying for the medical attention his kids needed the many times they got sick from contaminated water. Every month, about half the children attending Naviundu schools had to stay home sick with dysentery, typhoid fever, stomach pain or skin diseases. For a while, as a precautionary measure, David had his wife boil all of their water before using it. But even that proved to be unsustainable. He was spending 40 percent of his daily salary just on fuel to boil water. So he began trying to persuade the people of his village to take action. But time and time again, he was unable to convince them that they could make a change in their own lives. 6


Finally, David reached a breaking point. He was tired of seeing his children sick. And for that matter, he was tired of seeing the whole community sick. So when an Outreach International field staff member came to his village, he was one of the first to greet him. From that point forward, there was a new energy in Naviundu. People began working together as a team to gather resources. They regained something in the community that had been missing for years: hope. And with a new sense of self-reliance, they installed a faucet. Later, the community tapped into their first water line to create a second faucet—just outside of David's home. "My dream has become a reality," David said. "We have a water faucet in my neighborhood."

"My dream has become a reality. We have a water faucet in my neighborhood." -David

In DR Congo, 75% of the population lacks access to safe water. Thanks to your support, two in every three families in Naviundu have clean water. For more about our work in DR Congo, go to outreach-international.org/ dr-congo


This year, Kuljing, India, celebrated its 13th dairy buffalo calf birth. Thanks to your support of the dairy buffalo project, families in India are digging themselves out of the poverty they once found themselves in. "Now that I have a dairy buffalo, I'm earning money every month for food and clothes for my children, and they are able to drink milk for their

health," said Sundru, a resident of Kuljing. Since the dairy buffalo project began in Kuljing, the average income has nearly tripled. And the more calves are birthed, the more families profit by selling milk and growing their businesses. To find out more about small business projects, go to outreach-international.org/small-business. outreachshop.org


This year, in Nicaragua alone, we worked with communities to build 116 smokeless stoves and have plans to build 60 more. To learn more about health projects in our communities, go to outreach-international.org/ health



Today, nearly 3 billion people around the world are using open fires to cook their food and heat their homes. These same open flames are responsible for 4 million deaths each year, and cause respiratory and eye diseases in mothers and children. Preparing food for her family every day, Julia has always used an open fire. She and the other wives and mothers in her community in Nicaragua had no choice but to subject themselves and their children to burns, as well as long-term damaging effects. Cooking with an open fire requires roughly 15 pieces of firewood, at a price of $1.25 per day. For Julia, and other families living below the poverty line, $1.25 is nearly 40 percent of their daily income. Raising awareness of the health and financial concerns associated with this natively-traditional stove, Outreach International encouraged community meetings to help families find a solution. Creating strong gender equity, Julia voiced her concerns for the future of their children and their community. As a result, Outreach trained six village members to build smokeless stoves—which use 60 percent less firewood and reduce the amount of smoke by 90 to 100 percent. "I now use less than half the wood I did for our traditional stove. I no longer burn my hands, and there's no smoke. Before, there was so much smoke that no one would come around while I was cooking. Now, we eat right next to the stove with no problem," Julia said with excitement. This year, in Nicaragua alone, we worked with communities to build 116 smokeless stoves and have plans to build 60 more. Thanks to your support and the collaboration of our communities, these stoves have

reduced smoke in homes by 90 to 100 percent and reduced respiratory and eye diseases by 60 to 70 percent. To learn more about health projects in our communities, go to www.outreach-international.org/ health.





kids in the United States and Nicaragua have one thing in common: they love baseball. That's right, America's pastime is also the official national sport of Nicaragua. And what's not to love? When baseball season rolls around each year, it brings warm weather, fresh air, exercise and camaraderie with it. Even as a 10


spectator, it's hard to complain about the perks of hotdogs and peanuts at the ballpark. In Nicaragua, it's common to see kids playing baseball with sticks and rocks. (When you don't have enough money for equipment, you have to be creative with your resources.) It's no surprise that kids hurling rocks at one another is a dangerous hobby;

but for the love of the game, they keep playing. Despite the lack of funding, children as young as 15 have been playing baseball in El Llanito, Nicaragua, for decades. But it wasn't cheap, and conditions for the players were less than desirable. When El Llanito and surrounding communities first began playing, there were two sole leaders of the 14-team group. The two men in charge had complete control, leaving little room for opinions and input from the players. And on top of that, pricey annual fees kept many people in the community from participating. Naturally, the players became frustrated with the conditions with which they were confined to play in. Restricted to play within the regulations of the two leaders, the players' frustrations turned into aggression. It became common for fights to break out between teams in the community. These new brawls escalated quickly, sometimes involving the police. And it didn't stop with players. Eventually, it brought tension to the entire region, and family and friends were afraid to attend games. Carlos, a local resident, had been playing baseball on the El Llanito team for years. He endured what became incessant violence from the other players and he struggled financially to maintain his membership. So when a member of the Outreach International field staff came to El Llanito, Carlos observed something he thought might just bring the league out of the depths of turmoil. Families in the El Llanito community began opening up and

strategizing new ways to improve their living conditions together. Taking the lead as invested members of El Llanito, they began overcoming long-time obstacles. They were seeking out ways

"Having confidence in ourselves became the solution. We all became involved, with one mindset." -Carlos to fix their roads, find clean water and feed their malnourished children. And as they continued to work together, they became self-reliant. They were working hard and looking to one another for support. Having seen Outreach's involvement in the community, Carlos was confident that if they could just incorporate the same approach into the baseball league, they might have a solution. And so the journey began. After talking with other players of the team, they agreed to start

their own fundraisers for league fees. Strategizing as a team, they decided to create community raffles and sell food to raise money. After much time and teamwork, they began to see results. And the more they worked together, the better results they saw. Living in a close-knit region, other teams quickly caught on to this approach and it spread like wildfire. Soon, several other teams began working together to fundraise. The community and its camaraderie became more important than the sport, and the tension slowly faded. "Having confidence in ourselves became the solution. We all became involved, with one mindset," said Carlos. Today, the gang-like fighting has come to an end. The teams are getting along so well that they are even able to intermix players from teams all over the region. "I am proud of this team," said Carlos. "Thanks to our efforts, we've achieved success, and we'll continue to share this approach with future generations."

Carlos warms up in practice with the El Llanito team.



Outreach International Newsletter Tributes January 1, 2014 – May 31, 2014

31, 2014 Russell Burkey Scottsbluff-­‐Gering, NE Community Donna Foster of Christ Doris Kuhnert Cadman Charles Graham Bob Cadman Ethel L. Graham Marlene Carnahan Harry Hammond Ernest and Rose Letterman John and Mitzi Seifert East Alton Youth August J. Hentz Larry and Dorcas Wilkinson Doug and Tara McConnell Alan Johnstone Jim and Venessa Godfrey Wayne and Barbara Johnstone Florence Welch January 1 – July Kathey 31, 2013 Youel Knutson Gregory Mary E. Campbell John and Susan Gregory Jennie Decker Robert Lohmann Bob Hawley Rodney E. Rieke Lillian Lohmann Scottsbluff-­‐Gering, NE Community Paula Rieke James L. M axwell of Christ Reta Mae Vandel John Maxwell Rosemary Hosey Bryan and Marilyn Schempf Ronald and Lynda Starnes Leo McCurdy Howard J. Wayland Penny McCurdy Kyle Humphrey Delories Steele Bill McFadden Barbara Grechus Earlene M cFadden Curtis A. Johnson John (Sam) Mellick Remembrances Rose Johnson Christmas Marian L. Ruth Griffith Los Fresnos, TX Youth & Young Sharrar Adults Barry Murphey Charlotte G. Smiddy Los Fresnos, TX Community of Jeanne M urphey Christ Roy Puckett Father's Day Gifts Ida Mason Rita Puckett All Fathers Bob and Ruth Beldin Lee Roy RParis, iley TN Community of Christ Ron and DBill ebra Riley Brad and Karen Mercer Bruch Albert E. Julie Steinkirchner Amanda Edsall Bruch Ethel Steinkirchner Mothers and Children Sano Sosuke Thomas W . Thatcher, Jr. Sam and Barbara Hostetler Rod Gall Wallace aMary nd Darlene Pohl Judy Philbrook E. Maxwell Charles WDoug hipple Chester and Marjorie Fryer Gregory Connie Cartee Mike and Chauntel Ranney & Dan Gregory Tom Willis Family Eric Hamm Alberta WKeith illis Hamm Del and Kathy Ranney Dutch Reichard Carl Mesle Honorary Gifts and Sharon Morain Allen and Brenda Connely William Hector and Carole Riva Amy Austin Ron Price Ruth Horn Brinks and N ancy A ustin Mark and Debbie Price Essence Roark Jennifer VJim argas Prine Jeremy Roark and Isabella Lin-­‐ Willa Michelle arker Kevin B Prine Roark Evelyn WTerry ebb Read Outreach International Newsletter Olivia Roark Iris Boswell Andrea Read Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Jeremy Roark and Isabella Lin-­‐ Larry and Matt Beth RReadout ichardson 31, 2014 Roark Angela Bradford Mary E. Maxwell Melvin Rueppel Keith and Steve Charlotte Bradford Tolbert Becky Rueppel Karl Bradford Mary E. Maxwell Outreach ICnternational Newsletter David and Rosie Sellers Page 4 of 25 Keith and Keith harlotte Bradford Townsend Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Kristin Bradford Kris and JoAnn Townsend Colorado Springs, CO Community 31, 2014 of Christ Keith and Kyle Charlotte Bradford Van Zee Reita Brooks Juanita Short Mary E. Maxwell Clinton and Mary Jane Bailey Dick and Shyree Kirkpatrick Whit and Carol Brooks Page 3 of 25 Mendy Sites Father's Day Memorials Earl and Judy Gander Chris and Heather Price Leroy A. Beckham Russell Burkey Lynnette Stotts and Family Glenda McClain Scottsbluff-­‐Gering, NE Community Gailyn Nevill and Evelyn Webb Steve Church of Christ Wayne and Donna Church Tamara, Elliette, & Sawyer Doris Kuhnert Cadman Ron and Marne Benedict Elmer Crosser Bob Cadman Kathy Trillingham David and Carla Crosser Harrington Marlene Carnahan Gerry Watkins Duane Harrington Ernest and Rose Letterman Fred Wenzel David and Carla Crosser Harrington East Alton Youth Anna Belle Reed Alby Hudson Doug and Tara McConnell Hope White Carol Ryan Jim and Venessa Godfrey Dick and Shyree Kirkpatrick Florence Welch John J. Abreo Kathey Gregory Page 1 of H1arris 1 Pattie John and Susan Gregory Harold Ammerman Bob Hawley Jan Ammerman Scottsbluff-­‐Gering, NE Community of Christ Memorials



Outreach International Newsletter Tributes The Beach Family Bill and Lois Russell Anniversary Gifts Merwyn and Kathy Nash Jerry and Vivian Nash Whit and Carol Brooks Judy and Earl Gander Dahryl and Joyce McClain Father's Day Gifts Pamela R. Barton Lyle Davis Ron and Judy Price Doug and Ione Stowell Mark and Debbie Price Bob Flowers Addie Bozeman Rod Gall Birthday Gifts Mary E. Maxwell Erma Beaty Clenton Nims Katherine I. Gregory Alice B. Nims Chris Beck Bill Poore Stephanie Knighton Shirlee Poore Jon Coleman Matt Readout Sue Coleman Mary E. Maxwell Rebecca Coleman Vince Stowell Sue Coleman Doug and Ione Stowell Irene Cox Steve Tolbert Sarah Gustafson Mary E. Maxwell Jeanne Dotson Kyle Van Zee Jim and Dinah Jones Mary E. Maxwell Kirsten Farmer Newell Yates Bryan and Marilyn Schempf Bonnie Cash Ric Farmer Bryan and Marilyn Schempf Margery Godfrey Father's Day Memorials Jim and Venessa Godfrey George Anderson Nathan Harris Gilbert and Bonnie Fox Sue Coleman Isaac Ayers Hilda Horsley Lowell and Sylvia Ayers Dave and Joan Brown Hunter "Ray" Brock Michael Oiler Audrey R. Neiwerth Joe and Mary Rae Bayless Jack D. Caldwell Margaret Phifer Roberta E. Caldwell Kathy Wingard Robert E. Campbell Ron Price Fred and Karen Provost Mark and Debbie Price Harold S. Cash, Jr. Melodie Sherer Cindy Frerking Jerry and Judy Dempsey Bernard Crozier Eugene, OR Community of Christ Emily Crozier James and Janelle Hetherington James L. Eason Outreach International Newsletter Vivian and Jerry Nash Nina Eason Tributes Bill Sherer Huw Evans January 1, 2014 – May 31, 2014 Floyd Wayland Al and Rena Whittington Delories Steele Edsel Foster Donna Foster Louise Wayland Charles Graham Delories Steele Page 2 of 25 Outreach nternational Newsletter Ethel L. Graham Durwood IW hite Tributes anuary 1, 2014 – May Harry Hammond Jeremy C. W Jhite 31, John and Mitzi Seifert 2014 Birthday Memorials August J. Hentz Harold Decker Larry and Dorcas Wilkinson Alan Johnstone Wayne and Barbara Johnstone Christmas Gifts Youel Knutson The Beach Family Mary E. Campbell Bill and Lois Russell Robert Lohmann Merwyn and Kathy Nash outreach-international.org Lillian Lohmann Jerry and Vivian Nash James L. Maxwell

Lynnette Stotts and Family Dixie M. Stouder Ken and Carol Anderson Dick and Carol Braby Gailyn Nevill and Evelyn Webb Paul and Kathy Swick Barry Dangerfield Ed Marlowe Tamara, Elliette, & Sawyer Frances H. Booth Jerry and Leslie McMorrough Bruce D. Gardner Ron and Marne Benedict Doris Breeze Mike and Jo Sterling Bill and Shirlee Poore Kathy Trillingham Lee Brown Stella Sterling Roger Garr The Tribute received – and Evelyn Bell Gerry below Watkins listing represents Dick and Carol and Braby Memorial Gifts Morris Danielson between 1/1/14 James Fred Wenzel Louise (Lea) Brown Shirley V. Remmenga Council of Presidents of Seventy 5/31/14. We make every effort to accurately acknowledge our donors' contributions. Anna Belle Reed Fred and Shirley Finger Viola E. Davis Jimmie and Norma Cross Corrections may be e-mailed to Sour atJudy info@outreachmail.org. Hope White Rex and Boswell James cott BDonor rowne II Services Team Peggy Eslinger Dick and Shyree Kirkpatrick Mesa, AZ Community of Christ Mark and Ruth Hampton Lou Phelps John J. Abreo Olivia DeGrase Joy Browne Bruce and Sharon Reed Pattie Harris Heather Heath-­‐Frank Patricia Heady Winholtz Bob Glenn Harold Ammerman Beldon Denman R. Edwin Browne Imogene Lance Phelps Jan Ammerman Patricia Heady Winholtz Donna Sutton Bill and Shirlee Poore R. Edwin Browne Carol Elaine (Johnson) Dodds Bud Gorton Patricia Heady Winholtz Charles W. Dodds Rose Lake, MI Community of Christ Memorials Nile Juanita Bryant Wesley Dodds Frank M. Grano, Sr. Anonymous Darrell and Parealee Bolt James and Norma Mercurio Louise Morden Clairemont, CA Community of Terry Burkett Carl D. Dunagan Robert E. Gray Christ Kevin and Shelli Pierce Sharon Dunagan Russ and Kathy Godfrey Sybil Anderson Robert E. Campbell Shirley Dyer Jeanne Graybill Ray and Darlene Sills Dennis and Linda Herbert Jay DeHardt Shirley V. Remmenga Roy Ash Mildred E. Canning Dan and Alice Waite Chester "Chet" Gregory Joe Condon and Sharon McClain Jim and Marlene Cable Marjorie Early John and Susan Gregory Betty Axelsen Don and Kay Ewing Corpus Christi, TX Community of Norman Gunsolley Shirley V. Remmenga Bud and Florine Sheehy Christ Glenn C. Johnson Outreach International Newsletter Evelyn Barritt Ruth S. Carson San Antonio, TX -­‐ Shenandoah Bob Hacker January 1, 2014 – May Tributes Dick and Carol Braby Anonymous Community of Christ Norma Hacker 31, 2014 Sara Basler Milton Chang Gerry Easterhouse Darrell Hagaman James and Norma Mercurio Outreach International Newsletter Bill and Lorraine Austin Frank and Shirley Kelley The Reneau Family Elbert Bayne Page 8 of 25 Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Bill Webb Thelma Chang Toby Edwards Ed Marlowe 31, Frank and Shirley Kelley Ron 2a014 nd Carol Gillilan Al Hamilton Stanley H. Beatty Jim Elledge Jean Chapman Jesse and Karie Pryor Paul and Vicki Vogel Ray and Darlene Sills Ethel Steinkirchner Francis (Pat) Hansen Dottie Beck Page 7 of 25 Jim and Jan Andersen Outreach International Newsletter Carmelita Espina John Chapman Ruth Barrett Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Antoinette Terrana Ethel Steinkirchner Chuck and Sally Baldwin Dave and Voni Simons Ruth Anne Eubanks 31, 2014 Chase Kenneth Tom and Kathy Bennett James and Mary Turner Paulette Baker Pattie Harris Kent and Sue Bradford Maxine Beckham Irven Fisher Harley G. Chatburn Norma Byrn Glenda McClain Page 6 of 25 Mesa, AZ Community of Christ Jim and Marlene Cable Eudora Blanchard Outreach International Newsletter Dennis and Sharon Wood Jennie Ford Paul and Suna Cimei Anonymous Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Letha H. Chatburn Colorado Springs, CO Community Ron and Diane Clark Dennis and Sharon Wood Carolyn 31, 2014 A. Biggs-­‐Summit of Christ Wally Cheasebro Byron Constance and Jane Taylor Lynn and Karen Brown Mary Foulkes Shirley V. Remmenga Ralph and Cheryl Couey Melodee Conces James and Norma Mercurio Loretta Craven Bill and Kheila Cote Page 5 of 25 Phyllis Christenson Dale W. V. Francisco Tom and Kathryn Lysinger Gary and Patti Dolle Violet Coyle Miss Lee K. Roberts Hannah Diane Cook Karen Earnest Gary and Denna DeMond Cecil Furness John and Pamala Dodson Jim and Ardis Everett Tom and Linda Fritz Albuquerque, NM (Juan Tabo) Mike Cooper Stephen and Sherry Fase Genevieve Graham Community of Christ Dick and Carol Braby Carl and Linda Fenn Larry and Sandra Guenin Cecil Furness Thomas Cooper Lee and Betty Francis Todd Hazelett and Beckey Dawn Anaheim, CA Community of Christ Geneva Matthews Ray and Alice Gunn Terry and Colleen Meloan Clara Galloway Glenn C. Johnson Larrene Hagaman Conan and Darlene Myers Loretta Craven Bill Cullen Wilma Handlen Norman and Mary Nichols Ava Gardner Mesa, AZ Community of Christ John and Mildred Harder Orrin and Jeanette Russell Dick and Carol Braby Marge Damitz Geoff and Pat Henshaw Fred and Diane Steury Ed Marlowe Ken and Carol Anderson Matt and Anne Himmell Dixie M. Stouder Bruce D. Gardner Barry Dangerfield Steve and Susie Himmell Paul and Kathy Swick Bill and Shirlee Poore Jerry and Leslie McMorrough Ruth Horn Frances H. Booth Roger Garr Mike and Jo Sterling Gene and Jeannine Hummel Doris Breeze James and Evelyn Bell Stella Sterling Janice Jamriska Lee Brown Council of Presidents of Seventy Morris Danielson David and Karen Jewell Dick and Carol Braby Jimmie and Norma Cross Shirley V. Remmenga Zola Johnstone Louise (Lea) Brown Peggy Eslinger Viola E. Davis Frank and Shirley Kelley Fred and Shirley Finger Lou Phelps Rex and Judy Boswell Kirkwood, MO Community of James Scott Browne II Bruce and Sharon Reed Mesa, AZ Community of Christ Christ Mark and Ruth Hampton Bob Glenn Olivia DeGrase Bob and Diane Kyser Joy Browne Imogene Lance Phelps Heather Heath-­‐Frank Lisa Lepp Patricia Heady Winholtz Bill and Shirlee Poore Beldon Denman Vernon and Virginia Martin R. Edwin Browne Bud Gorton Donna Sutton Mary E. Maxwell Patricia Heady Winholtz outreachshop.org 13 Rose Lake, MI Community of Christ Ray McClaran Carol Elaine (Johnson) Dodds R. Edwin Browne Frank M. Grano, Sr. Charles W. Dodds Larry and Sharon Norris Patricia Heady Winholtz

Janice Jamriska David and Karen Jewell Zola Johnstone Frank and Shirley Kelley Kirkwood, MO Community of Christ Bob and Diane Kyser Lisa Lepp Vernon and Virginia Martin Mary E. Maxwell Ray McClaran Larry and Sharon Norris Ruth Potter Diane Riffie Scott and Carol Roberson Bud and Florine Sheehy David and IYnternational vonne Simons Outreach Newsletter Ken and Betty Simpson Tributes January 1, 2014 – May SkillPath 31, 2014 Seminars / CompuMaster Virginia Spiers Leonard and Lisa Stobbe Page 9 of 25 Marjorie Stowell

Bob and Fay Beers John Hickey Don and Arlene Winslow Alberta Hitch Wallace and Anne Smith Bill Horn Anonymous Outreach Newsletter Peter and ILnternational inda Anderberg Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Chuck and S ally Baldwin 31, 2014 Fran Brinser Nancy E. Browne Charles and Gertrude Buckhalt Page 10 of 25 Francis and Velma Cain Ron and Diane Clark Dean and Gladys Cox Jim and Ardis Everett Carl and Linda Fenn Dawna Gilbert Larrene Hagaman Maureen Hannoun & Family Pattie Harris Edward and Chris Horn The Paul Horn Kids Norman and Darleen Swails Ric and Cathie Johnson Jim and Jean Tabor Shirley A. Johnson Kathe Vagt Zola Johnstone Dan and Alice Waite David and Henrietta Kaleikau Dale and Jeannine Ward Bob and Diane Kyser Jerry and Patti Warnock Laurel Club, Community of Christ Lysle and Carolyn Weeks Auditorium Patricia Wente Mary E. Maxwell Dan and Beth Whittemore Ray McClaran Rich and Julie Willey Keith and Bev Melenyzer Kay Harrington Frank and Nancy Mendenhall Norma Byrn Jay and Sharon Parrino Larry and Janice Crozier Cheryl L. Reynolds Earl and Elaine Davis Ted Scott & David and Ronda Scott Lane and Ruth Harold Bud and Florine Sheehy Roland and Donna Hughes The Ann Arbor Group : Mike, Doug and Betty Hughes Monica & Lori Virgil and Eileen Leibold Alan and Karen Short Rosemary Lentell Dorothy J. Short Jim and Cathy Lysinger Dave and Voni Simons Christina Nagel Sarah L. Sinex David and Joyce Oshel Doris F. Spesak Jo Parent Marjorie Stowell Ed and Georgia Towers Jim and Jean Tabor Gerald Wahrenbrook Frank and Debbie Vasquez Jane Wight Dan and Alice Waite Gary and Debbie Woods Jerry and Patti Warnock David Harris Lysle and Carolyn Weeks Larrie and Judy Bates Whispering Meadows Barbara Harris Roberts Homeowners Association Roland and Maxine Jenson Hilda Horsley Golda Hatfield Les Canning Maxine Ward Ruth Horn Leroy Hatfield Alex and Sharon Kahtava Maxine Ward Vernon and Virginia Martin Lillian Henderson Outreach International Newsletter Thomas and Nancy Mills Bob and Fay Beers Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Tom and Cheryll Peterman Mel Henderson 31, Ken 2a014 nd Beverly Spring Bob and Fay Beers Ken and Betty Stobaugh John Hickey Dr. Oliver Clifton Houston, Jr. Don and Arlene Winslow Dean and Gladys Cox Page 11 of 25 Alberta Hitch Marjorie Stowell Wallace and Anne Smith Ray Huggett Bill Horn Ruth Horn Anonymous Mary Ellen Scott Peter and Linda Anderberg Virginia Spiers Chuck and Sally Baldwin Lynda Yarrington Fran Brinser Bill Hughes outreach-international.org Nancy E. Browne Fayette City, PA Community of



31, 2014 Zane and Gladys Geis Harold S. Lance Dr. Oliver Clifton Houston, Jr. Imogene Lance Phelps While space does not allow us to list all donors, please know Dean and Gladys Cox Ledsworth that we are grateful to Ernest every friend of Outreach International. Marjorie Stowell Sharon Burnett Ray Huggett Louise Legg Ruth Horn Robert and Joyce Caudle Mary Ellen Scott Ivan and Bonnie Holler Virginia Spiers Norma Holman Lynda Yarrington Betty Marshel Bill Hughes Gene and Marlene McIntosh Fayette City, PA Community of Dale and Erma Warren Christ Loved Ones Dorothy Coffey Hughes Judi Bembenek Jim and Glenda White Betty Loving Jill Hummel Shirley A. Johnson Eleanor St. Clair Marjorie Stowell Ina Johnson Jim and Jean Tabor Dave and Sheran Long Matthew Lowry Meurial Stearns Jones Anaheim, CA Community of Christ Laurel Club, Community of Christ Mary Lou Ash Auditorium Jack and Kristie De Selms Roger and Betty Parrish Glenn C. Johnson Bud and Florine Sheehy Roy Luce Sharon McCormick Kelley Pekin, IL Community of Christ Gailyn Nevill and Evelyn Webb Arnold Lydell Paul and Marilyn Schilling John and Ginny McFarland Bud and Florine Sheehy Gerald Mahoney Val Ketchum Dave and Sheran Long Bobby and Mary Kesterson Ernestine Majeski Clarence Kimball Mary E. Campbell Douglas and Tillie Merchant Laxmidhar Mallick Dwretta Kimball Community of Christ -­‐ World Douglas and Tillie Merchant Headquarters Thomas Kimura Eulis Manning Setsuko Kimura Bill and Shirlee Poore Ruth L. Koch Shirley Marlowe Buhl, ID Community of Christ Ed Marlowe Ralph and Mitzie Crown Andrew McAdams Bill and Tammy Davis Tom and Gail Sundell Danny and Diane Easterday Katie McClaran Outreach International Newsletter June Easterday Pattie Harris Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Keith and Janice Easterday Gene C. McCracken 31, 2014 Tim and Stacy Easterday Ruth Anderson Troy and Eileen Easterday Gil and Linda Martell Page Carolyn Houser Finlay Angus McDermid, Jr. 13 of 25 Karla Icenhower & Family Jim and Dinah Jones Frank and Carolyn Koch Musco Sports Lighting, LLC Lial Kofoed and Pam Grauer The Sheridans Ron and NIorma Kofoed Newsletter Ellen McGuire Outreach nternational Pauline Tributes Parker January 1, 2014 – May Eugene and La Donna Adams Chris Reese 31, 2014 Stella Braddock Betty Rettig Ila June Brunner Karen Rettig Anna Cooper Page 12 of 25 Roland and Christena Fox Kevin Rettig Kurt Rettig Lonny and Tereza Hunt Kim Schmid & Family Stanley and Ruthann Hunt Grace Zagata Mary and Daniel Johnson Robert and Geraldine Zagata Malissa Kaiser Dorothy Lambert John and Ginny McFarland Zane and Gladys Geis Beau McGuire Harold S. Lance Terry and Darrella McGuire Imogene Lance Phelps Marshall McGuire Ernest Ledsworth Chuck and Polly Petz Sharon Burnett Don and Geneva Richards Louise Legg Lindsay Satmary Robert and Joyce Caudle Sierra Pacific Mission Center Ivan and Bonnie Holler Kara Stephens Norma Holman Warren and Sharon Stephens Betty Marshel Edward and Deloris White Gene and Marlene McIntosh Elsie Nagel McGuire Dale and Erma Warren Kathy McGuire

Where there's a will There's a way Must the end of life mark the end of our impact? Isn't there a way for our values to live on? Yes, there is a way for us to keep making our mark—to create a legacy that lives on. And that is through the thoughtfully-constructed provisions of our estate plans. Outreach International invites you to join our Legacy Circle. When you join, you ensure that far into the future, beyond your own life, you will be helping those who live in deep poverty. You will continue to foster comprehensive, sustainable community development. And yes, you will continue to transform lives, especially among the world's children. There is no nobler legacy than that—no more meaningful expression to those who will follow.

LEGACY CIRCLE Contact us. Make a difference. 888.833.1235, ext. 316.

Beau McGuire Terry and Darrella McGuire Marshall McGuire Chuck and Polly Petz Don and Geneva Richards Lindsay Satmary Sierra Pacific Mission Center Kara Stephens Warren and Sharon Stephens Edward and Deloris White Elsie Nagel McGuire Kathy McGuire Thera McLain Charles E. McLain Elizabeth Muir McLane Mary June Garn David McVicker New Hope Community of Christ Marian Methner Carl and Patti Leis Albert Millard Ron Millard Velma J. Millard Ron Millard John and Eloise Snider Bill Mills Anonymous Darrell Mink Chris and Linda Beck Ron and Diane Clark Outreach International James (J.P.) Mobley, Jr. Newsletter Tributes Ray Crowell January 1, 2014 – May 31, 014 AR Community of Christ El D2orado, Patty Gould Julie, Travis, Logan, Lacey, and Laura Harder Page 14 of 25 Don and Sonja Hawkins The Hynsons Michael and Irma McCall Glenda McClain Charlotte Richter Orval and Shirley Sanders O.J. and Corine Smith Les and Dawn Snyder Jimmy and Myrle White Bruce Moore David Harrington and Carla Crosser-­‐Harrington Betty Morlan Linda Beck & Family Ellis Murdock Matie Jorgensen John M. Neff Janette Boehm Jim Clark Ronald and Molly Jean Clemons Pam Crawford Gibson Russ and Kathy Godfrey Paul Heck Eric and Fran Hershey Roger and Nancy Hershey Richard and Barbara Howard David and Karen Jewell Yvonne Kramer Susan Coil Marquardt David J. Rumbellow Guy Schreck Alan Shinn Chris Sincox SW Utah Community Health outreach-international.org Center Barbara and Frank Yocum

Outreach International Newsletter Tributes January 1, 2014 – May 31, 2014 Julie, Travis, Logan, Lacey, and Laura Harder Don and Sonja Hawkins The Hynsons Michael and Irma McCall Glenda McClain Charlotte Richter Orval and Shirley Sanders O.J. and Corine Smith Les and Dawn Snyder Jimmy and Myrle White Bruce Moore David Harrington and Carla Crosser-­‐Harrington Betty Morlan Linda Beck & Family Ellis Murdock Matie Jorgensen John M. Neff Janette Boehm Jim Clark Ronald and Molly Jean Clemons Pam Crawford Gibson Russ and Kathy Godfrey Paul Heck Eric and Fran Hershey Roger and Nancy Hershey Richard and Barbara Howard David and Karen Jewell Yvonne Kramer Susan Coil Marquardt David J. Rumbellow Guy Schreck Alan Shinn Chris Sincox SW Utah Community Health Center Barbara and Frank Yocum Carol Nelson Ed Marlowe Velda L. Nevill Gailyn Nevill and Evelyn Webb Martha K. Newcom Charlie and Pen Curry Kevin and Becky Giles Jay and Karen Hill Ivan and Bonnie Holler Elaine Martens Gary and Lynn McLean Paula Rieke Terry and Chris Scott

Herb and Becky Ertle Roger and Nancy Hershey Lonald E. Patchin, Jr. Richard and Barbara Howard Friends and Neighbors David and Karen Jewell While space does not allow us to list all donors, please know Ted and Carrie Morris International. Yvonne Kramer that we are grateful to every friend of Outreach Russell W. Pearson Susan Coil Marquardt Betty J. Bush David J. Rumbellow Tom Peele Guy Schreck Bill and Shirlee Poore Alan Shinn Henry Perritt Chris Sincox Kalihi, HI Community of Christ SW Utah Community Health Barbara C. Pilkins Center Richard and Shirley Cozart Barbara and Frank Yocum A. Daniel Radliff Carol Nelson Jimmie Radliff Ed Marlowe Mack S. Reninger Velda L. Nevill Tom and Susan Webber Gailyn Nevill and Evelyn Webb Selma "Sally" Reninger Martha K. Newcom Tom and Susan Webber Charlie and Pen Curry Helen Ress Kevin and Becky Giles Addie Bozeman Jay and Karen Hill Paul and Vicki Vogel Ivan and Bonnie Holler Outreach International Newsletter Marge Roach Elaine Martens Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Jerry and Chris Nola Gary and Lynn McLean Bill Roach 31, 2014 Paula Rieke Ken and Carol Anderson Terry and Chris Scott St. Paul, MN Community of Christ Jerry and Chris Nola Page 15 of 25 Fern Sliger Clarice Young Barbara Harris Roberts Maria Olivas Chuck and Lois Harris Shirley V. Remmenga Velva J. Hinderks Richard Outhouse Kay McArthur Herb and Becky Ertle Lonald E. Patchin, Jr. Bill Rockett Friends and Neighbors Bill and Shirlee Poore Ted and Carrie Morris Jerry Sartwell Russell W. Pearson Ramona Seeley Betty J. Bush Ken Savage Tom Peele Cliff and Elizabeth Carpenter Bill and Shirlee Poore Community of Christ World Henry Perritt Headquarters, Human Kalihi, HI Community of Christ Resources Barbara C. Pilkins The Harney Family Richard and Shirley Cozart Scammon, KS Community of Christ A. Daniel Radliff Walter Scheibner Jimmie Radliff Rob and Cindy Chabot Mack S. Reninger Ron and Ruthellen McCurley Tom and Susan Webber Orrin and Jeanette Russell Selma "Sally" Reninger Page 16 of 25 Tom and Susan Webber Helen Ress Addie Bozeman Paul and Vicki Vogel Marge Roach Jerry and Chris Nola Bill Roach Ken and Carol Anderson Jerry and Chris Nola Page 15 of 25 Fern Sliger Barbara Harris Roberts Chuck and Lois Harris Velva J. Hinderks Kay McArthur Bill Rockett Bill and Shirlee Poore Jerry Sartwell Ramona Seeley Ken Savage Cliff and Elizabeth Carpenter Community of Christ World Headquarters, Human Resources The Harney Family Scammon, KS Community of Christ



Max and Marilyn Matthews Sherry L. Southland Glenn C. Johnson Carolyn Sutton Spain Glen and Jeanne Dotson Karen Sparks Stan and Chris Nelson Dennis Stanke Albert and Joy Lott Myrtle Stephenson Ethel Steinkirchner Mark Swenson David and Lucy Johnson Doug Symes Don and Arlene Winslow Rosella Tabor Mission Road (KS) Community of Christ Noble Tower Fred and Shirley Finger Lois Twitchell Gil and Linda Martell Beatrice Van den Bosch Glenn C. Johnson Rochelle Wamble Earlene Russell Jack Wang Eddy and Arlene Ang Frederick "Fritz" Wenzel, Sr. Kenneth and Shirley Christian Jack and Carol Ergo Mary Kay Metzger Outreach International Randy and Kay Miller Newsletter Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Jerry and Sandra Mogg 31, The 2F014 amily of Juanita Mogg Alice West Georgia Anderson Page 17 of 25 Reta Wharton Thomas and Cynthia Glover Bruce and Shirley Phelps Max and Lorraine Pierce Frances Sibert Wilford Winholtz Patricia Heady Winholtz Lilah Woodrum Craig Reed and Lisa King-­‐Reed Doris Woodstock Community of Christ World Headquarters, Human Resources Zola Johnstone Scott and Carol Roberson Bud and Florine Sheehy Doug and Ione Stowell Vince Stowell Robert M. Worden Charles and Jean Gibo Ann Yerrington San Antonio, TX -­‐ Shenandoah Community of Christ J. D. Young Clarice Young Mary Louise Zimmerman Anonymous John and Susan Clemmans Janice Cory Bob and Bea Darmon Page 17 of 25 Teresa J. Dobbins Barbara J. Dyke Russ and Kathy Godfrey Donald and Nancy Hedden The Holmes Family: John, Maurine,

Bill Rockett Bill and Shirlee Poore Jerry Sartwell Bold type indicates recipient. Ramona Seeley Plain type indicates gift donor. Ken Savage Cliff and Elizabeth Carpenter Community of Christ World Headquarters, Human Resources The Harney Family Scammon, KS Community of Christ Outreach International Newsletter Walter Scheibner Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Rob and Cindy Chabot 31, Ron 2a014 nd Ruthellen McCurley Orrin and Jeanette Russell Alfred Scheibner & Family Page 16 of 25 Bruce and Elma Witsaman Donna Scranton Herb and Shirley Smith David Shakespeare Wayne and Thelma Shakespeare Jessie Shaw Meredith and Brenda Mitchell Ron Short Australia Mission Center Irene A. Smith Pamela R. Barton John W. Smith Pamela R. Barton Bob Smith Max and Marilyn Matthews Sherry L. Southland Glenn C. Johnson Carolyn Sutton Spain Glen and Jeanne Dotson Karen Sparks Stan and Chris Nelson Dennis Stanke Albert and Joy Lott Myrtle Stephenson Ethel Steinkirchner Mark Swenson David and Lucy Johnson Doug Symes Don and Arlene Winslow Rosella Tabor Mission Road (KS) Community of Christ Noble Tower Fred and Shirley Finger Lois Twitchell Gil and Linda Martell Beatrice Van den Bosch Glenn C. Johnson Rochelle Wamble Earlene Russell Jack Wang Eddy and Arlene Ang Frederick "Fritz" Wenzel, Sr. Kenneth and Shirley Christian Jack and Carol Ergo Mary Kay Metzger Randy and Kay Miller Jerry and Sandra Mogg The Family of Juanita Mogg Alice West

J. D. Young Clarice Young Outreach International Newsletter Mary Louise Zimmerman Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Anonymous John and Susan Clemmans 31, 2014 Janice Cory Bob and Bea Darmon Georgia Anderson Teresa J. Dobbins Reta Wharton Barbara J. Dyke Thomas and Cynthia Glover Russ and Kathy Godfrey Bruce and Shirley Phelps Donald and Nancy Hedden Max and Lorraine Pierce The Holmes Family: John, Maurine, Frances Sibert Wilford Winholtz Ken, and Mary Jo Patricia Heady Winholtz Independence, MO -­‐ East Alton Lilah Woodrum Community of Christ Craig Reed and Lisa King-­‐Reed Roland and Maxine Jenson Doris Woodstock Jenny, Ben, and Sawyer Jewell Community of Christ World Bill and Judy Kramer Headquarters, Human James and Dorothy Kuhn Resources Gloria Parsons Outreach International Zola Johnstone Primrose H omeowners N Aewsletter ssociation Tributes January Jim and Joan Reneau 1, 2014 – May Scott and Carol Roberson 31, 2014 and Sherri Richey Brandon Bud and Florine Sheehy Charles Shakespeare Doug and Ione Stowell Phyllis ittle Shakespeare Vince Stowell Wayne Raoss nd Thelma Jim and WJinola anArtsdalen Robert M. Worden Lloyd and oan SVlaght Vaughn Charles and Jean Gibo Deborah HSudnall toner VFW Post 6603 John and Betty Weller Ann Yerrington Page 18 of 25 Beth Wikoff San Antonio, TX -­‐ Shenandoah Carroll Wilkerson Community of Christ Dorothy Zimmerman J. D. Young Frances Zimmerman Clarice Young Keith Zimmerman Mary Louise Zimmerman Anonymous John and Susan Clemmans Mother's Day Gifts Janice Cory All Mothers Bob and Bea Darmon Clairemont, CA Community of Teresa J. Dobbins Christ Barbara J. Dyke Ellis and Delores Gardner Russ and Kathy Godfrey Paris, TN Community of Christ Donald and Nancy Hedden Vera Billings The Holmes Family: John, Maurine, Donald and Evelyn Richardson Ken, and Mary Jo Norma Brown Independence, MO -­‐ East Alton Roger and Sarah Gustafson Community of Christ Doris Kuhnert Cadman Roland and Maxine Jenson Bob Cadman Jenny, Ben, and Sawyer Jewell Mary Gunderson Cash Bill and Judy Kramer David and Susan Cash James and Dorothy Kuhn Jean Diebold Coffman Gloria Parsons Del and Becky Starr Primrose Homeowners Association Karla Comstock Jim and Joan Reneau Steve and Linda Comstock Brandon and Sherri Richey Gladys Cox Charles Shakespeare Eric and Carla Cox Wayne and Thelma Shakespeare Muriel Crownover Lloyd and Joan Slaght Angelo and Vicky Flores Deborah Stoner Judith Menne Mabel Hyde Curry Page 18 of 25 Penelope Curry DeLora Davis Doug and Ione Stowell Amanda Diamond Linda Moon Bettye Flowers Addie Bozeman Dawn Gall Mary E. Maxwell Ann K. Gould Jim and Dinah Jones Kathey Gregory outreachshop.org 17 John and Susan Gregory Esther Griffin

January 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014

Joan Brown Larry and Dorcas Wilkinson David Brown Barbara Higdon Pat and Judi Spillman While space does not Terry and Linda ead please know allow us to list allRdonors, Francis Miller Bruch that we are gratefulOra V. Hfriend ilt of Outreach International. to every Dave and Dona Tiffany Emma Bays Helen Burchfield Zava Hromek Jon and Carolyn Burchfield Greg and Jean Arceo Phyllis Butler Amelia Knost Kelly and Pamela Gregory Bill and Marilyn Hamilton Lillian Frances Parish Cadman Josie Knutson Mother's Day Gifts Bob and Doris Cadman Mary E. Campbell All Mothers E. Marion Canning Edith Kon Clairemont, CA Community of D. Lester Canning Rick and Dawn Garlock Christ Mildred E. Canning Noni Kon-­‐Miller Ellis and Delores Gardner Les Canning Rick and Dawn Garlock Paris, TN Community of Christ Joan Cash Ruth Krueger Vera Billings Cindy Frerking John and Marlene Krueger Donald and Evelyn Richardson Lois Church Bettye Fredrick Kuhnert Norma Brown Wayne and Donna Church Bob and Doris Cadman Roger and Sarah Gustafson Ina Chvala Outreach International Newsletter Jimmie Lee Long Doris Kuhnert Cadman Tony and Charmaine Chvala-­‐Smith Tributes anuary J1ohnson , 2014 – May James and K Jathleen Bob Cadman Rachel Collins 31, 2014 Thompson Mack Christine Mary Gunderson Cash Marvin and Thelma Sword Doug and Susan Mack David and Susan Cash Lillie E. Cooper Nora Mann Jean Diebold Coffman Page 22 of 25 Charles and Mary Kellogg Wayne and Donna Church Del and Becky Starr Edith Couey Ruth C. Mann Karla Comstock Geoff and Pat Henshaw Lee and Mary Floyd Steve and Linda Comstock Alice Swift Crowell Leah Jane May Gladys Cox Outreach Newsletter Larry and Kathy May Audrey C. ICnternational arter Eric and Carla Cox Tributes 1, 2014 – May Marguerite McCanless Verna Harp EJanuary llis Muriel Crownover 31, 2a014 Dick nd Nancy Ellis Ron D. McCanless Angelo and Vicky Flores Sally Kate Scott-­‐Erlandson Emily McCurdy Judith Menne Joseph and Janice Erlandson Penny McCurdy Mabel Hyde Curry Page 21 of 25 Helen L. McDonald Billie Fishwild Penelope Curry Dale C. Fishwild Charles McDonald DeLora Davis Vallie Fitzgerald Beryl McGuire Doug and Ione Stowell Mother's Day Memorials Beverley Cullen Marvin and Charlotte McGuire Amanda Diamond Muriel Alderson Elsie Nagel McGuire Outreach nternational Linda Moon Don and BIetty Nelson Newsletter Rose Fortner Kathy McGuire Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Kelly and Pamela Gregory Bettye Flowers Rose Anderson Bertie Lee Foster Mildred McGuire 31, 2014 Addie Bozeman Gilbert and Bonnie Fox Donna Foster Marvin and Thelma Sword Norma Ayers Dawn Gall Gladys Gabriel Juanita McIntosh Lowell and Sylvia Ayers Mary E. Maxwell Gene and Marlene McIntosh Madeline Ballantyne Page 20 of 25 Bill and Marilyn Hamilton Ann K. Gould Bonnie Glandon Sylvia McKeage Keith and Betty Ballantyne Jim and Dinah Jones Larry and Barbara Lough LeRoy and Donna McKeage Jewell Barnes Kathey Gregory Grandma Bee Bertha Meadows Keith Zimmerman John and Susan Gregory David and Barbara McHuron Wayne and Brenda Pickett Outreach International Newsletter Carrie Bartlett Esther Griffin Grandma Lewis Betty Ann Miller Tributes Beth Drown January 1, 2014 – May Elaine Gregg Daryl and Debra Weilage John and Marlene Krueger 31, Fern W. Barton Zola 2J014 ohnstone Imogene Harl Lucille Miller Wayne and Barbara Johnstone Pamela R. Barton Billy C. Harl, Sr. Larry and Cherry Miller Donna M. Leach Betty Baughman Page 19 of 25 Kevin and Debby Chadwick Freda Hatten Velda L. Nevill Ken and Tracy Freeman Barry and Kathy Watts Gailyn Nevill Eileen Leibold Dottie Beck Ruth Hays Mildred M. Nii Kevin Prine & Family Gil and Linda Martell Jack and Dorothy Donnelly Thomas and Rosemary Kawamoto Yvonne McClain Norma D. Beckett Thais Heaviland Sarah Noble Joe Condon and Sharon McClain Tim and Sue Reichard David and Susan Cash John and Mary Lou Noble Patricia L. Mead Lois E. Braby Lilly Henshaw Mattie Ott Stazie Church Jack R. Braby Geoff and Pat Henshaw Joe and Katherine McLeister Kathy Millner Ruth Bradley Cecelia Hentz Opal Page Matt and Melissa Millner Dick and Marjorie Troeh Larry and Dorcas Wilkinson Charles and Mary Kellogg Lu Mountenay Joan Brown Barbara Higdon Velma Patience Brett, Joy, Tori and Addy Simpson David Brown Terry and Linda Read Jon and Carolyn Burchfield Jennifer Munson Pat and Judi Spillman Ora V. Hilt Winnifred Pierpergerdes Matt, Jen, and Ruby Munson Francis Miller Bruch Emma Bays Bob and Lori Piepergerdes Janice Neidig Dave and Dona Tiffany Zava Hromek Margaret Pile Edward and Shirley Anderson Helen Burchfield Greg and Jean Arceo Darwin and Barbara Hoffman Helen E. Newman Jon and Carolyn Burchfield Amelia Knost Neva Poort Harold and Irma Hough Phyllis Butler Bill and Marilyn Hamilton Royce and Pearl Bradley Margaret Phifer Kelly and Pamela Gregory Josie Knutson Phyllis Powers Kathy Wingard Lillian Frances Parish Cadman outreach-international.org Mary E. Campbell Pamela Bauer Ruthanne Phillips Bob and Doris Cadman Edith Kon Arlie M. Puckett Steve and Alice Phillips E. Marion Canning Jim and Winola VanArtsdalen Vaughn Hudnall VFW Post 6603 John and Betty Weller Beth Wikoff Carroll Wilkerson Dorothy Zimmerman Frances Zimmerman Keith Zimmerman

Lu Mountenay Brett, Joy, Tori and Addy Simpson Jennifer Munson Matt, Jen, and Ruby Munson Janice Neidig Edward and Shirley Anderson Helen E. Newman Harold and Irma Hough Margaret Phifer Kathy Wingard Ruthanne Phillips Steve and Alice Phillips Jean E. Porter Mark and Dee Malcuit Christy Readout Mary E. Maxwell Alyce Reichard Tim and Sue Reichard Ruth Shaffer Bob and Lori Piepergerdes Gwen Simpson Brett, Joy, Tori and Addy Simpson Carolyn Tacy Lyle and Lindra Banks Jan Tice James Tice Gail Tolbert Mary E. Maxwell Lindsay Van Zee Mary E. Maxwell Sarah Waugh Rich and Therese Waugh Lois Yates Bonnie Cash



Charles and Mary Kellogg Velma Patience Jon and Carolyn Burchfield Bold type indicates recipient. Winnifred Pierpergerdes Plain type indicates gift donor. Bob and Lori Piepergerdes Margaret Pile Darwin and Barbara Hoffman Neva Poort Royce and Pearl Bradley Phyllis Powers Outreach International Newsletter Pamela Bauer Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Arlie M. Puckett 31, Rita 2P014 uckett Elsie Robinson Jack and Donna Seilheimer Norma Lee Rockett Page 23 of 25 Harold and Linda Smith Ethel May Routledge Joyce Wilcox Nonie Sacry Dennis and Cara Sacry Fay Sanders Emma Sanders Pearl Seltenreich Frank and Paula Swinnea Irene A. Smith Pamela R. Barton Jayne Squires Charles and Melinda Senters Joyce E. Stowell Doug and Ione Stowell Minnie Voyles Sutton Lucille Nye Phyllis Hoffman Tiffany Dave and Dona Tiffany Dianne Tingle Mildred Stiles Alexander Elsie D. Townsend Wendall Townsend Marie Troeh Dick and Marjorie Troeh Carol L. Van Eaton Jack Van Eaton Gladys Van Trump Marilyn Van Trump Reta Mae Vandel Bryan and Marilyn Schempf Christena Turner Warner Charliene Turner Mae Wayland Delories Steele Helen Weaver John and Mary Lou Noble Golda Webb Norma Martin Ruth Welsh Robert and Carole Michaels Vesta Wessner Norman and Harvene Hockett Viola Whipple Connie Cartee Margaret Wong Jeanette Wong Naomi Woodrow Gene and Marlene McIntosh

Joyce Wilcox Nonie Sacry Dennis and Cara Sacry Fay Sanders Emma Sanders Pearl Seltenreich Frank and Paula Swinnea Irene A. Smith Pamela R. Barton Jayne Squires Charles and Melinda Senters Joyce E. Stowell Doug and Ione Stowell Minnie Voyles Sutton Lucille Nye Phyllis Hoffman Tiffany Dave and Dona Tiffany Dianne Tingle Mildred Stiles Alexander Elsie D. Townsend Wendall Townsend Marie Troeh Dick and Marjorie Troeh Carol L. Van Eaton Jack Van Eaton Gladys Van Trump Marilyn Van Trump Reta Mae Vandel Bryan and Marilyn Schempf Christena Turner Warner Charliene Turner Mae Wayland Delories Steele Helen Weaver John and Mary Lou Noble Golda Webb Norma Martin Ruth Welsh Robert and Carole Michaels Vesta Wessner Norman and Harvene Hockett Viola Whipple Connie Cartee Margaret Wong Jeanette Wong Naomi Woodrow Gene and Marlene McIntosh

Mildred Stiles Alexander Elsie D. Townsend Wendall Townsend Marie Troeh Dick and Marjorie Troeh Carol L. Van Eaton Jack Van Eaton Gladys Van Trump Marilyn Van Trump Reta Mae Vandel Bryan and Marilyn Schempf Christena Turner Warner Charliene Turner Mae Wayland Delories Steele Helen Weaver John and Mary Lou Noble Golda Webb Norma Martin Ruth Welsh Robert and Carole Michaels Vesta Wessner Norman and Harvene Hockett Viola Whipple Connie Cartee Margaret Wong Jeanette Wong Naomi Woodrow Gene and Marlene McIntosh

Norma Martin Ruth Welsh Robert and Carole Michaels Vesta Wessner Norman and Harvene Hockett Viola Whipple Connie Cartee Margaret IW ong Outreach nternational Newsletter Jeanette Wong Tributes January 1, 2014 – May Naomi Woodrow 31, 2014 Gene and Marlene McIntosh Eleanor Young 24 of 25 Darwin and Barbara HPage offman Vivian Young Darwin and Barbara Hoffman Violet Zimmerman Keith Zimmerman

January 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014

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