Coach ken
Ken Goodfellow Goodfellow Coaching & Consulting
Popular Keynotes and Workshops & Consulting F o r A g e n t s & Te a m s
Popular Keynotes and Workshops
Tra ns fo rming Yo ur Team From Good To Gre a t What it took you to become good is not what will make you GREAT! Transformation of everything you believe and do may be the answer. Coach Ken recognizes that the majority of teams, although good, make little profit and struggle to go beyond where they currently stand. With the right guidance and structure you can be GREAT!
To p 10 Thing s I ’v e L earne d W hile Coa ching “Billion Dolla r Agen t s” No two people are the same, but over the years of coaching very high-performing agents, Coach Ken has seen and learned what common traits and characteristics drive these top performers. What do they all have in common? How do they get results? What mistakes do they make? How do they stay mentally “in the game” every day?
Mov e Yo ur I nco me F ro m 6 To 7 Figure s Many agents work tirelessly to get their business to a six-figure commission income, but struggle unsuccessfully to get it to the elusive seven-figure they so deeply desire. Coach Ken has worked with hundreds of serious, committed agents who have accomplished their goals with his help. Coach Ken will review what he sees as the top-10 things you must be doing to start earning a seven-figure income.
B ui l d Yo ur “L ux ur y “ B usine ss Into A Profita ble Pow e rhouse Most luxury sales associates are struggling to make profits when listing and marketing high-end properties. After working with hundreds of top luxury agents across North America, Coach Ken will illustrate how to successfully run a profitable luxury enterprise.
S TO P – Unders tand F ir s t W ha t It Ta ke s To Build A Profita ble Team If you are thinking of building a team or have already started one, there are key strategies and tactics that, when implemented, ensure great growth and profitability. Coach Ken will provide a step-by-step guide and top tips on how to build your team from the ground up.
Good fellow Co ach i n g & C o ns ul t i ng
1.866.248.0008 | |
Popular Keynotes and Workshops
S t a r t ing a Team – H ow to A v o id F ailure
My Te a m is Killing Me !
Sales associates are great at selling, but when it comes to establishing and growing a high-performing team, many struggle. Team members come and go, the team lead is still working 24/7, and there’s little to no money left at the end of the year. If any if this sounds familiar, this session will help you to avoid or fix these issues and to begin enjoying the team you’ve built.
H ow To I ncreas e Yo ur Tea m’s P er f o r mance
My Te a m is La zy!
If you are a team leader, you will likely have struggled with team members not pulling their weight. This can be a huge problem and it not only affects the individual but impacts the entire team and the moral and culture you’ve worked hard to cultivate. Coach Ken knows all about this and works with top teams across North America to fix these kind of issues.
Kn ow ing M y Number s - A G ame Changer
My Te a m Is Ma k ing ALL the Money!
Having a strong grasp of your numbers is essential to growth and profitability. Setting up your chart of accounts should not be that difficult, but many find it a barrier to success. Coach Ken knows numbers better that any real estate coach and he will share with you the metrics necessary for maximum profitability including how to compensate your team.
Good fellow Co ach i n g & C o ns ul t i ng
1.866.248.0008 | |
Popular Keynotes and Workshops
E v er y B us ines s S ho uld B e S OL D !
Its T im e I Got Out of He re .
There are few business as demanding as real estate. It can be easy to get into, but how do you exit gracefully and receive compensation for your years of effort. Coach Ken believes that every business should be built to be sold. Here’s what you have to do to maximize your value and to walk away with what you deserve. Ken will also cover team mergers and acquisitions, as well as roll-ins as options. It’s never too early to start planning!
Tra n s fo r ming Yo ur Team F ro m G o o d To G reat – B ec o ming E xceptio nal!
Is Good Re a lly Good Enough?
Some sales associates are happy with the status quo, while others are driven to greatness and beyond. Even if the drive is there, how do you move toward excellence? What it took you to become great is not what will make your team exceptional. Transformation of everything you believe and do may be the answer. Coach Ken recognizes that the majority of teams, although good, make little profit and struggle to go beyond where they are. With the right guidance and structure you can be GREAT Exceptional!
To p 10 Thing s I ’v e L ea r n ed While Co aching “ B i l l i o n D o llar A g ents ”
An Inside Look At W hy T h e Be st Are T he Be st – And How YOU Ca n Be , Too!
No two people are the same, but over the years of coaching high-performing agents, Coach Ken has seen and learned what common traits and characteristics drive these top performers. What do they all have in common? How do they get results? What mistakes do they make? How do they stay mentally “in the game” every day? This is a deep dive into the real lives of ultra-successful agents.
Good fellow Co ach i n g & C o ns ul t i ng
1.866.248.0008 | |
Popular Keynotes and Workshops
M ov e Yo ur I nco me F ro m 6 To 7 F ig ures
I’m Stuck a nd Ca n’ t Bre a k $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
Many agents work tirelessly to get their business to a six-figure commission income, but struggle unsuccessfully to get it to the elusive seven-figure they so deeply desire. Coach Ken has worked with hundreds of serious, committed agents who have accomplished their goals with his help. Coach Ken will review what he sees as the top-10 things you must be doing to start earning a seven-figure income.
B ui l d Yo ur “L ux ur y “ B us i n es s I nto A P ro f i t able P owerho us e.
My Luxury Listings Are Dra ining My Ba nk Account!
Coach Ken coaches many of the top luxury sales associates in North America. This is an insider look at how to build a successful and profitable luxury business. Many decide to enter this elite sales category, only to see profitability decline and listings linger in the market. Learn the secrets to luxury success with the top luxury coach in North America.
S TO P – Unders tand F ir s t Wha t I t Takes To B uild A P ro f i t able Team.
W ha t Wa s I T hink ing Sta rting A Te a m ?
We’ve all seen teams fail or flail. You want to build a team that will enhance your life, instead, it ends up consuming you. You may already have a team that causes you to have nightmares. There are key strategies and tactics that, when implemented, ensure sustainable growth and profitability. Coach Ken will provide a step-by-step guide and top tips on how to build your team from the ground up.
Good fellow Co ach i n g & C o ns ul t i ng
1.866.248.0008 | |
Our Mission
We are innovative business coaches partnering with elite real estate agents and teams to solve problems through strategic solutions that are customized to our clients’ needs. Passionate and results driven, we specialize in team and brokerage operations for the top 1% of REALTORS in North America. If you want an engaging, informative speaker, who doesn’t rely on theory, and has extensive real estate and brokerage experience, Coach Ken is your perfect choice! | 1.866.248.0008
Good fellow Co ach i n g & C o ns ul t i ng
1.866.248.0008 | |