Coach Ken Keynotes for Real Estate Broker Owners & Managers

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Coach ken

Ken Goodfellow Goodfellow Coaching & Consulting

Broker Owner & Manager Programs

Broker Owner/Manager Programs Note: All programs can be tailored to keynotes, workshops, or in-office groups

Lea d e r s hip Redef ined This is one of our most popular programs. Leadership can drive huge success in any organization. Moreover, the lack of leadership can stifle growth, profitability, and produce unrest and disengagement. This program looks at: • • • •

Understanding situational leadership What makes a great leader What would I do if money wasn’t involved What I’ve learned from exceptional leaders in the industry

C o a c hing F o r Hig h P er f o rm a nce – Coa ch T he Coa ch It’s a well-known fact that people want to be held accountable to their carefully-defined goals, and that broker owners have a captive, eager audience waiting to engage. This “Coach The Coach” session will help develop crucial skillsets that help build confidence and strengthen performance, profitability, while enhancing retention.

S t ra t e g ic D ev elo pment And Im ple m e nta tion Designing a comprehensive development plan that addresses all aspects of your brokerage is really no longer just an option. It’s absolutely essential to your growth and to your bottom line. Too many stop at the design and struggle with the implementation. Coach Ken will provide solid, actionable steps to help implement a well-thought-out plan.

Tra i ning Yo ur M anag ers Ask any broker what keeps them up at night. It will invariably work back to “why don’t they do what they are supposed to do?“ Often it’s not a motivational issue; it’s a proficiency issue. Coach Ken will provide sound tactics and strategies to help managers reach their goals and enrich performance.

Good fellow Co ach i n g & C o ns ul t i ng

1.866.248.0008 | |

Our Mission

We are innovative business coaches partnering with elite real estate agents and teams to solve problems through strategic solutions that are customized to our clients’ needs. Passionate and results driven, we specialize in team and brokerage operations for the top 1% of REALTORS in North America. If you want an engaging, informative speaker, who doesn’t rely on theory, and has extensive real estate and brokerage experience, Coach Ken is your perfect choice! | 1.866.248.0008

Good fellow Co ach i n g & C o ns ul t i ng

1.866.248.0008 | |

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