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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Shirley Tan Min Huey (784063) Chelle Yang + Studio 01

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

The three types of fabrication techniques are subtractive fabrication, formative fabrication and additive fabrication. Subtractive fabrication is defined by the removal of volume from the solid, while additive fabrication works by incremental forming, meaning adding materials in layer by layer to form the solid. In formative fabrication, the material is deformed or reshaped into the desired shape through heat, steam, stress or bending. With Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication, we are able to test out complex geometries and see if they are constructable, which acts as the link between the concept and the real or practicality. Also, with CNC the ability to produce in masses is there.


Week Three

Surface Creation

surface scripting

surface iteration 1

surface iteration 3

surface iteration 2

surface iteration 4

In order to create the surface through grasshopper, a bounding box of 150 by 150 had to be built by creating a rectangle, then extruding it. After this step, the cube is deconstructed into its edges and these edges listed and divided into points that are listed as well. The shape of the surface is iterated through the manipulation of selection of these listed points and edges. Once the points and edges selected produces a desired outcome, a line is drawn through the points and then lofted to produce the surfaces. I tested out different surfaces, baked them, then duplicated them and rotated them so they interact in interesting ways. However as i changed the orientation this way, my structure would exceed the bounding box.


Week Four Panels & Waffle

I experimented with the different shapes for the panels and used two of the ideas here in my panels. For one of the shapes, i applied weaverbird’s picture frame in grasshopper in order to produce a result as can be seen in my panels. I’ve also incorporated a variety of 2D panel shapes to create a gradient effect ( holes opening up). I experimented with curve attractors and point attractors and decided to use 2 point attractors for the transformation of my panels.

The waffle has a cantileving structure, where the cantileving surface structure sits on one point. I decided to use 2 very different orientations of the same surface to produce unusual and interesting structure for my waffle. I got to test out the stability of the structure that I thought was not possible. The structure curves beautifully however, there is a weight imbalance on the cantileving structure that causes instability, therefore the structure is not able to stand. Therefore, I started analysing ways to improve this and things i could have done to make the structure stand, for example, by repositioning my surface more towards the right so it directly aligns with the surface.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

After joining surfaces and testing the feasbility of more than one panel unrolled together , I unrolled the surfaces as one or two panels maximum. Once unrolled, i use the dupedge command in rhino to duplicate the edges or outline. Then, I applied tabs using the pttabs command, arrange the unrolled surfaces on my nest and sort the curves according to its specific layers to cut or etch. As some tabs overlap or are inverted, i have to manually draw them in and fix them, which consumed a great amount of time. However, this is totally different for the waffle as the cut surfaces are already generated by grasshopper and are easily corrected or updated according to the input.


Week Five

boolean iteration 1

boolean iteration 3

boolean iteration 2

boolean iteration 4

boolean script

For this task, we first constructed a box of 150 by 150 and deconstructed it into faces. One face is selected and surface domain number is used to get the grid points, these grid points are then duplicated and moved 3 times by 50 each time along the unit X to form the original and collective panelling grid which was then manipulated using point, curve or random attractors. The grids are then cellulated and its centroid for each cell obtained. A shape, which in my case was the icosahedron is applied and its size is manipulated according to a separated point attractor. I used rotate3D and played with the remap scale factor to further transform and vary the shapes and sizes. After that, the geometry is baked out along with the box and boolean difference is applied to them to create these iterations which will then be sectioned.


Week Five


For my sectioned boolean model i was looking to create one that is open, where edges corners, and the way the surfaces form can be seen. It has a very organic shape that is quite abstract. I chose the iteration with the most interesting and diverse openings in them and picked the part of the iteration with the most openings to section off. I ran the thickness analysis to decide on which iteration and how to section it off as well. The original section model had too many areas with a thickness of 1mm or less, therefore i decided to boolean that part off to create my final model. My model is extremely permeable and quite porous, with a few holes of varying sizes in it.


Week Six Task 01



{-40, 3035, -367}





{0,0,0} {226, 1162, -290}

{226, 1312, -290} {-14, 59,-81}

{55, 1860, -289}

{118, 2926, -362}

Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points

{205, 1935, -289} {55, 2010, -289}

{166, 49, -81}

{226, 1312, -440} {89, 30429, -502}

{86, 109, -231}

{376, 1312, -440}

{56, -57, -231} {205, 2010, -439}

{87, 2977, -528}

Paneling Grid & Attractor Point

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}





{50, 114,-63}




{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Curve Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Curve Location}






Task 01 Matrix For task 1 I imagined what the waffle structure would look like by analysing the space in between the surfaces, and picked the one i thought fit what i wanted, different with interesting curves and twists as i wanted to experiment cool waffle structures. I picked the point+point attractor as it created the most varied grids for both surfaces. I wanted to create panels that would change according to the way the surface curves and therefore used a combination of 2d and 3d and picture frame models at a greater offset to do so that is seen in version 3.4.


Week Six Task 02

Grid manipulation






{0,0,0} {-35,50,153}


Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points



{80,159,98} {130,164,78} {153,89,48} {146,136,24}

Sphere Distribution

{Point Attractor}

{Point Attractor}

{Curve Attractor}

{Curve Attractor}




2.4 {-0,867,15}







{152,119,27} {113,182,0}

Sphere Transformation

{Random Attraction}

{Point Attraction}

{Curve + Point Attraction}

{Curve + Curve Attraction}





{-6.265908,86.318326,109.249667} {88,78,107}



{Point Attractor Icosahedron}

{ Icosahedron deformation}

{Spheres point attractor}

{ Icosahedron rotation}

Task 02 Matrix For task 2 i chose version 2.4 to develop as i found that it produces an interesting grid distribution, with a more obvious effect. For the geometry i was explored using spheres but decided to try icosahedron because it created an edgier and latticelike structure that i wanted and had in my mind. Through this i tried out different attractor point positions , rotations of the geometry and different scale values, baked and boolean to test out the structures and decided upon version 3.2


Week Six

Final Isometric Views




1) Used the grasshopper definition to try out different iterations

2) Baked out all the different surface iterations and chose one that i would use

3) Experimented with different orientations and interactions of surfaces by mirroring and rotating them

4) Used grasshopper to create the 3d and 2d panelling for the surfaces i have selected.

5) Once the panels have been created, they are baked out and joined for unrolling of the surfaces. Tabs are then added to the unrolled surfaces and some customised due to some overlapping. The curves are then arranged on the laser cut board and sent for laser cutting.

6) Using the grasshopper definition, the waffle and its cut surfaces are produced along with the slits already on them for putting the waffle together after the laser cut.


Appendix Process

7) They were then baked out in rhino

8) Dupedge was used to obtain the outline curves that will be used in the laser cut file. This was then sent for laser cutting

9) The 150 by 150 box was produced in grasshopper

10) The box was deconstructed and only one face is selected

10) The grid points were obtained from the face

12) The face was then repeated along the x axis and cellulated




13) The grid was manipulated along with the centroid ( distribution) of the geometry using point attractors or curve attractors.

14) Attractor point was used to transform the shape and size of the geometry according to the position of the point

15) Once the geomtry is finalised, it was baked out with the box that was created at the start.

16) The geometry was subtracted from the box using Boolean Difference.

17) The boolean iteration was then sectioned and thickness analysis used to assess the sturdiness of the model

18) The model was prepared and send for 3D printing using the makerbot software and Next Lab website.


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