Karma Magazine 45. Published by Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar-Dr Commander Selvam-Shiva Vishnu Temple

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Karma 1


Cover Page


Seetha Devi Phoor -PA and Lamoo Spirituality Achis Corner Vedic Astrology Wonderful Siddhars Kid’s Corner Sports Page Sani Peyarchi Palangal Vedic View of the Planet satorn Humorous story for Children Business problems and Spiritual Solutions

Zodiac Sign

4 8 10 14 16 19 21 23 27 35 38 40


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The Holy Scripture Bhagavad-Gita is one of the most important Hindu scriptures. It is revered as a sacred scripture of Hinduism and considered as one of the most important philosophical classics of the world. The Bhagavad-Gita comprises 700 verses and is a part of Mahabharata. The teacher of the Bhagavad-Gita is Lord Krishna who is revered by Hindus as a manifestation of the Lord himself and is referred to within Bhagawanthe Divine one. The content of the Gita is the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna taking place on the battlefield before the start of the Kurukshetra war. Responding to Arjuna’s confusion and moral dilemma, Krishna explains to Arjuna his duties as a warrior and price and elaborates on different Yogic and Vedantic philosophies with examples and analogies. The Holy Scripture contains 18 chapters and these chapters are divided into Yoga. Among these yogas, Karma Yoga is essentially acting or doing one’s duties in life as per his/her dharma, or duty, without concern of results – a sort of constant sacrifice of action to the Supreme. It is action done without thought of gain. In a more modern interpretation, it can be viewed as duty bound deeds done without letting the nature of the result affecting one’s actions. This wonderful magazine Karma is brought to the readers without expecting anything. As Lord Krishna answers Arjuna and clarifies all the doubts Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar answers to the devotees and clarifies all the doubts of the devotees. Read Karma and find spiritual salvations for the problems through Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar.

fifty thousand rupees. If you would spend it properly, you would no longer be a poor man. But be careful this time”. Again, the poor man went out. He felt thirsty on his way to the village. He was careful this time. So he kept the gold in his shirt’s pocket. But as he bent over the pond to drink water, all the gold fell into the water.


nce a woman had two sons. They were called Fortune and Intelligence. They met a poor man called Kencha who used to fetch fire wood from the forest daily and sell them in the bazaar. He had to work every day, else he would lose his daily bread. Intelligence said to his brother Fortune, “I rule over the world. If I want I can help Kencha and he would never have to cut wood for a living?” Fortune replied, “Brother, without me even you cannot bring about desirable changes in this man’s life”. It was finally decided that Intelligence should try to help him first. Intelligence gave him a gold pendant which was worth thirty thousand rupees. He told Kencha, “Build a house for a ten thousand rupees. Spend another ten thousand for your marriage. With the remaining ten thousand rupees you could buy all the things you need for your house. Stop selling firewood from to day. Fortune was watching all this and smiling quietly to himself. Kencha took the pendant and left for the village. He felt thirsty. He kept the pendant on a slab of stone near a pond and drank water. As the pendant was glittering in the sun, an eagle, taking it for a shinning cobra, swooped down picked it up and flew away.

“How can I do this to myself” he said to himself. He had lost the day’s wages also. He went begging at a couple of houses and ate a handful of food. The next day he returned to the forest to cut fire wood. This time Intelligence gave him a pot full of money. The poor man ran straight to his house without stopping any where. But as he was very hungry and thirsty he fell down unconscious near his door step. An old woman, who was passing by, stole the pot. The brothers were surprised to find Kencha again cutting fire wood and following day. Fortune told Intelligence, “You gave him riches thrice. But he could not keep it. Let me help him. Just follow me”. Again they approached him. They asked the price of each bundle of fire wood. He demanded twelve rupees and Fortune paid him the money. Kencha made a calculation for those twelve rupees. Four rupees for the food grains, salt and chillies for another four rupees. Buy vegetables with the remaining four rupees”. The poor man spent only ten rupees on provisions. As he was returning home, he saw an old woman selling fish. He bought a big fish with the remaining two rupees. As he had made a very good bargain, he felt very happy. He wanted to cook the fish first. As he had no firewood in the house, he went out to get some. There was a huge tree right in front of his house. As he was cutting a few branches, he saw an eagle’s nest on the tree. Some thing glittered there in the sun. He climbed up to the nest and saw that it was the gold pendant he had lost. He was very happy. He took it and shouted, “At last, I have got you”. The old woman who had stolen his pot of money was living in a hut just on the other side of the tree. She returned the pot of money to him, saying “I have not touched even a coin in the pot”. The poor man Kencha lived happily after that. Intelligence realized that without Fortune he could not get very far.

Kencha felt very sad. He resumed his occupation of cutting and selling fire wood. Intelligence observed all that was happening and muttered to himself, “He is very careless. He lost what I had given him as a gift”. Therefore, Intelligence gave Kencha some more gold. He told him, “This would fetch Karma 3

MahaVishnu. Her face was radiant with divine brightness. Once Ravana was on a Military campaign and while he was moving in his chariot, he happened to come to the place where she was in penance and attracted by her exquisite beauty and his heart was filled with greed for lust. He told her about his desire but Vedavathi refused to yield. “Who is this Mahavishnu? He can never be equal to me in courage, strength, power of austerity and wealth,” he spoke proudly. “Except you, none else speaks so low of MahaVishnu, a paragon among gods. Every one makes obeisance to him”, said Vedavati. The wicked Ravana was not ready to listen to her.


ong ago, there was a king by name Vini. He was very famous in three worlds as a result of his just rule and the performance of appropriate religious rituals. He was very righteous and brave. He had a son by name Mithi. Mithi built the city of Mithila. The twenty-second king in this line, Hrastaroma, was a great person who knew all shastras. He had two sons by name Seeradhwaja and Sankashya.The King Hrastaroma went to the forest as custom required. Seeradhwaja ruled over the land very efficiently and justly. Seeradhwaja’s other name was Janaka. Janaka was a rajarishi. Once he decided to perform a yagna. As he was ploughing the land on which he was to perform the yagna as the custom demanded, the sharp end of the plough was struck to a box. The funow made by the plough while ploughing is called “Seetha” in Sanskrit Language. As the child was found while ploughing, she was named Seetha Devi. The divine preceptor Brihaspathi had a son by name Kushadhwaja. He was a Brahmarishi and brilliant as his father. He used to study the Vedas every day. His daughter was Vedavati. He desired that Maha Vishnu, one among the holy trinity of Hinduism, should become his son – in – law. In order to fulfill her father’s desire, she matted her hair like a sage, put on deerskin and began to perform tapas to please Karma 4

He took her by her hair. She was very angry, used her hand as a sword, cut off her hair and freed herself away from Ravana. She was burning with anger and looked at him as she was going to reduce him to ashes. She made a fire and said; “Lo you wicked, as you have touched my body, I do not wish to live any more. I am going to jump into this burning fire. Iam going to be born as a woman, just to destroy you. If I have done anything good in this life, let me not be born of the woman of any being. I will be the daughter of a righteous man and live a pure and perfect life”. So saying, she jumped into the fire. The devas rained flowers on her from heaven. This Vedavathi was found in a box while King Janka and queen Sunayana were ploughing the land for the yagna. She grew up in the company of her sister Urmila and Kushaladhwaja’s daughter Mandari and Shruthakirti. Seetha Devi was born of the earth. She was very beautiful and excellently behaved. As a marriageable younglady, she was exquisitely attractive and, in fact, more attractive than an apsaras (apsaras - a heavenly lymph). A number of princes from different

parts of the earth came as her suitors. Janaka desired that the young man who wanted to marry Seetha Devi must be courageous and unmatched in the skills of war. He should be able to lift and string the divine bow, which his ancestors received from Lord Shiva. Long ago, king Daksha performed a yagna. Lord Shiva was angry and he stringed that bow and got ready to kill the devas. They fell at his feet and pleased him with prayers. Lord Shiva was pleased with their prayers and gave the bow to them as a gift. The devas deposited that best bows with Devanatha, one of the ancestors of king Janaka. King Janaka announced that the young man, who lifts the divine bow, strung it and shot an arrow from it would marry his blessed daughter Seetha Devi. Ayodhya was the capital of Kosala. Ikshwaku was the first king of that kingdom. Great kings such as Raghu, Aja and Dasharatha were the others who ruled over Kosala. Dasharatha did not have children for a long time. After obtaining blessings from the royal priest Vasishta, he performed a sacrifice called “Puthrakameshti”, under the leader ship of Maharshi Rishyashringa. As soon as the Poornahuti was over, an extremely radiant divine figure appeared out of the blazing flames of the yagnakunda, holding a vessel full of payasam (a kind of sweet), gave it to king Dasharatha and asked him to give it to his queens. He told him that he would get sons. Dasharatha distributed the payasam among his queens. Twelve months later, the queens gave birth to the sons. Kausalya’s son was named Sri Rama, Sumithra’s sons were named Lakshman and Shathrughna and Kaikeyi’s son came to be called Bharatha. The children grew up and they mastered all the shastras and Vedas.

Then Sri Rama and Lakshmana along with the great sage Viswamithra left for Mithila to attend a great yagna, king Janaka was performing. On the way, Sri Rama broke the spell of a curse pronounced on Ahalya by her husband, sage Gowthama. Then they reached Mithila. They were accorded a fitting welcome at Mithila by king Janka. Viswamithra introduced Sri Rama and Lakshmana to the king. The king told them about the divine bow Shivadhanus and he told about Seetha Devi. He ordered the great bow, which was placed on a cart on eight wheels, drawn by 5000 strong men, to be brought to the court. Sri Rama took permission from Viswamithra, lifted the bow in his left hand and tried to bend it to string it. To every one’s surprise, the bow broke into two. The terrific sound made every one in the court, except Janaka, Viswamithra, Rama and Lakshmana, swoon. Janaka was very happy. He sent his ministers to Dasharatha with the happy tiding that Seetha Devi has been won by Rama, the son of Dasharatha and will bring fame to his clan’. Preparation for the marriage were made in Mithila. When Dasathratha received the news of Rama breaking the divine bow, he was delighted. He came to Mithila with a huge royal court age. He was received with grand pomp and grandeur. The city of Mithila was decorated in a wonderful manner befitting the occasion. Every where there was an air of great festivity. The front of every house was decorated with Rangavalli designs. Every house echoed auspicious music. The citizens were elated when they heard that their beloved princess was going to marry Sri Ramachandra.

Once Brahmarishi Viswamithra visited Dasharatha’s palace. He asked Dasharatha to send Sri Rama and Lakshmana with him for protecting the yagna he desired to perform. Though unwilling, the King agreed to send the princes with Viswamithra on the advice of the royal preceptor Vasishta. Rama and Lakshmana followed Viswamitra torwards his hermitage, on the way, Sri Rama killed the wicked demoness Tataka and her son Subahu. Her other son Maricha was thrown away far off into the midst of the ocean. He helped Viswamithra to complete the yagna. Karma 5

heart in the process. In the mean time, emperor Dasharatha decided to crown Sri Ramachandra and retreat at the forest. Sri Ramachandra and Seetha Devi began to observe certain vrathas as part of the crowning ceremony. Manthara, one of Kaikeyi’s maid servants, came to know about it. She went to Kaikeyi and with her sweet and attractive words made Kaikeyi to demand two boons from the king Dasharatha, namely – her son Bharatha should be crowned king and Rama should be sent to the forest for fourteen years.

At the sacred moment of Uttaraphalguni, to the sacred music chanting of Vedic hymns, Janaka addressed to Sri. Ramachandra as, “Iyam Seetha mama sutaa sahadharma charithava. Pratheechathainaam badhranthe paaninm gruhneeshva paaninaam. Pathivrathaa mahabaaga chaayena anugatha saha”. Meaning: “My daughter Seetha Devi is going to become your lawful wife. Hold her hands in your hand. Please accept her as your wife and she will follow you as a shadow follows a man”. So saying he placed Seetha Devi’s handsome hand in Sri Ramachandra’s hand and poured holy water on her’s. All the sages gathered at the marriage hall, all the Brahmins, ministers, royal guests and the people were happy to see Seetha Devi who was exquisitely dressed in a Silk saree and made up with expensive and shining ornaments appeared very, charming, wed Sri Ramachandra who was grand, handsomely attractive and good Nature. At that auspicious occasion, Urmila was married to Lakshmana; Mandari was married to Barartha and Shruthakirti to Shathrughna. The next day king Janaka gave a large number of precious gifts to his sons- in – law before he took leave of them. On the way back to Ayodhya, Parashurma who was on a destory – Kshatriya compaign, met Sri Ramachandra. In the duel that followed, Parashurma was beaten and that followed the end of his pride. When the royal outrage reached Ayodhya, they were given a grand welcome. The queen welcomed Seetha Devi, Urmilla, Mandari, and Shuruthakirti according to the royal traditions and took them to the gynecenum. They warmed the holy lamp and then the daughter’s –in-law worshipped the family deity. They took bleesings from the elders. Seetha Devi and Ramachandra was an ideal couple in the best tradition at this holy land of Bharatha. It appeared as though they had one soul though same alike. They loved each other’s heart. They served the elders and loved the young ones with great Love and affection. They won every one’s Karma 6

When Sri Ramachandra heard it, he went to his mother, took her blessings and told her about Kaikeyi’s demands. Then he went to Seetha. She did not know about the sad development. Therefore she had worshipped the devas. When she looked at Sri Rama, She was shocked. He was dull and sad. She came near him and said: “My lord, why do you look sad? What is the cause for it? Why haven’t you tied the sacred wristband?” Sri Rama told her about his going to the forest and the crowning of Bharatha. He said; “My dear Seetha, be faithful to the new king Bharatha; serve my parents with devotion. Take care. Fourteen years will fly like fourteen days”. Seetha was sad when she heard it. She pretended anger and said; “My Lord Ramabhadra, your words do not fit for a great prince like you. Neither they are fit to be heard by me. We have our duties to perform. We get the furits of our labor. In the case of a wife, she shares with her husband his joys and sorrows. He is everything to her. I will come to the forest with you to make your way easier” She continued; “My parents have taught me how to be a good wife. As I am happy in your company in the palace, I will be happy with you in the forest. I will eat roots and fruits, which you eat. I will drive happiness by looking at trees, rivers, animals, birds, hills and mountains. I do not wish to have Kamadhenu, Kalpavriksha and even heaven when you are not with me”. “You are a princess. A forest is a fearful place. There are demons and wild animals. You cannot with stand the rustic life of the forest – a life of renunciation, sleeping on a bed made of grass, sitting on deerskin, dressing oneself in a dress made of fibres from barks of trees. Please think again, “Said Sri Rama.“My Lord, all that you have said so far are to my advantage. Once, when I was in my father’s house, learned Brahmins told me that I was destined to live in a forest for sometime. Help me to make it true. To a faithful wife, her husband is god, sill if you go to the forest without talking me, I will die here”. From this story of Sri. Rama and Seetha Devi, we can easily understand, how the understanding between a couple should be.

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here four days from to day”. However, she did not listen him. Feeling helpless, he walked towards his home along with the she – demon. Near the village, he said to her, “you just wait here. I will go home and make arrangements to perform our marriage. I know, you will be happy only then”. She was very pleased. The man went home, cooked the meals, fed the two children, tucked them inside huge pot along with enough food for the next few days and said, “You must never come out side. If you do, you will be in great trouble. Your step mother will eat you up”. Then he left the two children and went back to fetch the she – demon. He married her without any pomp and show and no one in the village knew anything about the wedding. One day she boiled some water for his bath and said, “You better have a wash on this platform outside. I shall pour the water on your body”. The man did not utter a word. He changed clothes and sat down for a wash. Phoor -Pa and Lamoo, who were hiding in a pot on the upper floor, felt like having a look at their stepmother. So they lifted the lid of the pot to have a look around. As soon as they raised the lid, their stepmother saw reflections in the water. It made her mouth water. She immediately complained that her stomach was paining and went to bed. The man knew that she was up to some tricks. Doctors saw her but could not cure her of the stomach pain. The man sentfor a priest. ThePriest came and checked the she-deman.

There lived in a village a man and his wife with their daughter named Lamoo and son Phoor- Pa. One day, the wife fell ill and she died after some days. As she was dying, she said to her husband, “You should bring up the two children and try to keep them happy”. Ever since his wife died, he began to worry about feeding the two children. One day, while he was seated on a stone in front of his house, a man from the same village came in and said, “What are you doing! Come, let us go and shoot deer. They say that a lot of footmarks of deer can be seen near the hill over there”. The man reluctantly agreed to go. His companion made him sit in an open space where the deer would come in his direction. He kept his bow and arrows ready, but was greatly surprised when he saw the deer. An animal with two very tall horns, in a woman’s dress, and with the face covered with dark, long hair coming towards him. It was beyond doubt, that it was a she- demon. He began to tremble with fear. The bow and arrow dropped from his hands. Seeing the bow and the arrows lying on the ground, the she – demon looked up. As soon as she saw the man, she changed in to a beautiful girl, walked up to the tree and asked the man to come down. When he came down, she asked, “Tell me, are you going to marry me or not? If you don’t marry me, I will kill you”. The man replied, “I am ready to marry you. But I am not young like you. Besides, you won’t be happy with me. My wife is a terribly hot – tempered person and she may harm you”. The she – demon replied, “Non sense your wife is already dead. Her body was cremated only the other day. I saw it with my own eyes”. He said” I shall find a handsome young man for you. You will see me right Karma 8

The priest said, “You have got two children at home You should offer the lungs of one of them to your wife to eat. You will see her stomach pain vanish in a day or two”. He lost all hopes and left for home. “You should act quickly, otherwise I shall die” his wife complained. He took the two children to the riverside. He made them sit down on a stone and took out a sharp knife. He fainted when he thought of killing them. Phoor – Pa and Lamoo both began to cry. This touched the heart of the river goddess. She appeared before them in their mother’s form and gave them two huge fishes. Then she said, “Tell your father that he should take out the lungs of these two fishes and feed them to your step mother. You two better run away to a far off place”. After saying this she disappeared. A little while later when the man recovered from his faint, the two children told him how their, mother had appeared with the two fishes and what she told them. The man was both happy and sad. Happy because the children would not have to die. Sad, because they would have to leave him and go away. He affectionately kissed them and said, “God will protect you. I shall try to kill your stepmother. You should not be afraid. You should keep faith in God. He will give you food and clothes”. A drop of tear, full of fatherly love, rolled down the man’s cheeks with each word of advice that he gave. Phoor – Pa wiped those tears with his clothes. At last, he cried out, “Father” and fainted Lamoo sprinkled water on his head he recovered. Phoor – Pa and Lamoo took leave of their father. The man stood still. He kept looking as they disappeared from his sight. Then he heaved a long sigh of pain and headed home. Seeing that her husband was still not back, the she demon became wild with anger and kept pacing up and down in the house. When she saw her husband coming, she went to lie down

on the bed. Her husband gave the lungs of the two fishes which he had brought wrapped up in leaves. She ate the lungs greedily and sat up after a moment saying, “What the priest said was correct. I am now all right”.

the trader carried it on the back of a horse. As they were crossing a bridge, the trunk dropped into the water. Since it was tightly closed it did not sink. It went on floating and entered another country.

After they had said good-bye to their father, Phoor- Pa and Lamoo went to a very old village. There were houses and gardens in that village, but not a single human being anywhere. A very old woman was living near the village she had eaten the people of the village. Finding no one in the village, the brother and sister went to the old woman. Phoor – Pa was very thirsty. He asked Lamoo to ask the old woman for water. The old woman said that there was not any water in the house, and giving Lamoo a sieve, she sent her to fetch water in it.

There was no king in that country. The people were looking for a man to make him their king. When they saw the box drifting by, while they were fishing, they pulled it up to the bank. On opening it they saw a healthy, strong and handsome boy in it. Deciding that he was fit to be made a king they led Phoor – Pa into the palace. They put him on the throne and made him their king.

In the meantime, the old woman put Phoor- Pa in a wooden trunk and sold it to a trader. As you must know, a sieve has holes in it and if you put water in a sieve, that water will immediately run out through its holes. So, getting tired of collecting water in the sieve again and again, Lamoo wet her clothes, and went back to quench her brother’s thirst. When she did not find Phoor- Pa, she felt very sad. The old woman said, “He left soon after you left. Perhaps he lost his way and went in another direction. Go, find him and bring him back at once”. The girl, who had lived with a she- demon, immediately guessed that this old woman too was a she – demon. She thought, “I now have no friends in the world”. She gave up all hopes of seeing her brother again and walked off. As she walked she picked up every bit of bone which she found lying on her way, thinking that it could be her brother’s. She hide them in her clothes. Hungry and thirsty she kept going on through sun and rain, day and night, in search of happiness. Mean while, after he had bought the trunk from the she – demon,

One day, after several years had passed, Lamoo happened to come to that palace. As soon as he saw Lamoo, Phoor – Pa fainted. The guards scolded Lamoo and drove her out. Lamoo cried out “Oh God” and left the palace. When he came back to his senses Phoor – Pa asked about Lamoo. The guards told him what had happened. The king ordered them to bring her back at once. Again Phoor-Pa fainted. When he came to his senses for the second time, he gave strict orders to bring back that girl again. One of the guards found her sitting on the riverbank. When he said that the king had sent for her, she cried out loudly with folded arms. “Oh God how much longer are you going to punish me? Please spare me; I have no one except you in this world. Although my father is alive, yet I am without a father, I had only one brother. I sacrificed Him also to a she – demon. Save me Lord. I beg for my life as I wish to live”. She fell on her knees as soon as she had finished her prayer. The guard picked her up and marched her to the king. The king walked down from throne and threw his arms around her crying, “My sister”. She could not recognize Phoor – Pa. She had to think over a good deal. She was puzzled. At last, she asked, “Your Majesty, why are you behaving like this”? The king replied, “You have not recognized me. I am your brother Phoor – Pa”. Then he told her all that had happened. Lamoo also told him briefly about her own life. Both the brother and sister were happy. The king had a powerful magic stick. With the help of that magic stick, he traced out his father and the she – demon. This time the she – demon put a different condition that she would marry the king who came to rescue his father. The king made up a “Plan” and asked the she demon that he will build a marriage hall where air cannot enter it by any means. It must not have even one hole wide enough for a needle to pass through. The she – demon was happy. After a couple of days the marriage hall was built. When the she – demon went inside and watched that there was no outlet for her escape. By that time Phoor – Pa set fire to the four corners of the house. As the marriage – hall or house got fire the she – demon was burnt in to ashes. After this the king with all powerful magic stick turned his father into a middle aged man. They, Phoor- Pa, Lamoo and their father lived happily ever after.

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uring the past issues, I had the blessed opportunity of sharing my thoughts on the spirituality taught by various scholars. In this issue, I wish to discuss about “Karma”. Lot of people started asking Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar as what is the reason for selecting the name “Karma” for the magazine. With his auspicious permission and blessings, I wish to share some of my thoughts on the word Karma and usage of the word in various religions. Karma is a Sanskrit word, which has the meanings “act, action,

performance”, in Indian religions is the concept of “action” or “deed”, understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect originating in ancient India and treated in the philosophies of all the religions. ‘Karma’ is an Eastern religious concept in contradistinction to ‘faith’ espoused by Abrahamic religions, which view all human dramas as the will of God as opposed to present and past life actions. In theistic schools of Hinduism, humans have free will to choose good or evil and suffer the consequences, which require the will of God to implement karma’s consequences. In Eastern beliefs, the karmic effects of all deeds are viewed as actively shaping past, present, and future experiences. The results or ‘fruits’ of actions are called karma-phala. Some traditions (i.e., the Vedanta), believe that a Supreme Being plays some kind of role, for example, as the dispenser of the ‘fruits’ of karma or as exercising the option to change one’s karma in rare instances. Another view holds that a Sadguru, acting on a god’s behalf, can mitigate or work out some of the karma of the disciple. One of the first and most dramatic illustrations of karma is found in the Bhagavad-Gita. In this great literature, Arjuna the protagonist is preparing for battle when he realizes that the enemy consists of members of his own family and decides not to fight. His charioteer, Lord Krishna (an avatar of Lord Mahavishnu), explains to Arjuna the concept of dharma (duty) among other things and makes him see that it is his duty to fight. The whole of the Bhagavad-Gita is a dialogue between these two on aspects of life including morality and a host of other philosophical themes. Several other movements within the religion, most notably Vedanta, and Thantra, later enhanced the original Hindu concept of karma. Karma means “deed” or “act” and more broadly names the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction that governs all life. According to Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar, we produce Karma in four ways: 1. through thoughts, 2. Through words, 3. Through actions that we perform ourselves,

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4. Through actions others do under our instructions. Everything that we have ever thought, spoken, done or caused is Karma; as is also that which we think, speak or do this very moment. After death we lose Kriya Shakti (ability to act) and do karma. Actions performed consciously are weighted more heavily than those done unconsciously are. However, just as poison affects us if taken unknowingly, suffering caused unintentionally will also give appropriate karmic effect. We are in position to do something about our destiny by doing the right thing at the right time. Through positive actions, pure thoughts, prayer, mantra and meditation, we can resolve the influence of the karma in present life and turn the destiny for the better. That’s why Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar often says “the karma/destiny cannot be changed. However, we can alter the karma/destiny according to our living conditions through the prayers and rituals to the Atharva Veda Yaksha/ Yakshini Devathas. A spiritual master knowing the sequence in which our Karma will bear fruit, can help us. As humans, we have the opportunity to speed up our spiritual progress with practice of good Karma. We produce negative karma because we lack knowledge and clarity. Hindu scriptures divide karma into three kinds. They are Sanchita, Prarabdha, and Kriyamana. Sanchita is the accumulated karma. It would be impossible to experience and endure all Karmas in one life. From this stock of sanchita karma, a handful is taken out to serve one lifetime and this handful of actions, which has begun to bear fruit and which will be exhausted only on their fruit being experienced. Hence, it is the sum of one’s past karmas, all actions (good and bad) that follow through from one’s past life to the next.

is expressed by the following: “God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does He make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives you exactly what you deserve.” Only based on the theory a great Indian scholar has quoted as “You get you deserve but not you desire”. Karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an extended expression or consequence of natural acts. The effects experienced are also able to be mitigated by actions and are not necessarily fated. That is to say, a particular action now is not binding to some particular, pre-determined future experience or reaction; it is not a simple, one-to-one correspondence of reward or punishment. Karma is not fate, for humans act with free will creating their own destiny. According to the Vedas, if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future. The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate response. According to another theory of Hinduism, all living beings are described as being under the influence of Maya’s three qualities namely Rajas (mode of passion), Tamas (mode of ignorance), and Satva (mode of goodness). Always present together in varying mix and degrees, these three qualities of Maya bind the soul to the body and to the earth plane. Above these three qualities is the eternal time. Due to the influence

Prarabdha, the Fruit-bearing karma is the portion of accumulated karma that has “ripened” and appears as a particular problem in the present life. Kriyamana is everything that we produce in current life. All kriyamana karmas flow in to sanchita karma and consequently shape our future. In this way, so long as the stock of sanchita karma lasts, a part of it continues to be taken out as prarabdha karma for being experienced in one lifetime, leading to the cycle of birth and death. A Jiva cannot attain moksha until the accumulated sanchita karmas are completely exhausted. Karma is also considered a spiritually originated law. Many Hindus see God’s direct involvement in this process, while others consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of karma. Followers of Vedanta consider Ishvara, a personal supreme God, as playing a role in the delivery of karma. Theistic schools of Hinduism such as Vedanta thus disagree with the Buddhist and Jain views and other Hindu views that karma is merely a law of cause and effect but rather is also dependent on the will of a personal supreme God. Examples of a personal supreme God include Shiva in Shaivism or Vishnu in Vaishnavism. A good summary of this theistic view of karma Karma11

the outer material and periodical form of the Spiritual Entity) can be held with any degree of justice responsible for the consequences of his birth. He does not ask to be born, nor can he choose the parents that will give him life. In every respect, he is a victim to his environment, the child of circumstances over which he has no control; and if each of his transgressions were impartially investigated, there would be found nine out of every ten cases when he was the one sinned against, rather than the sinner. Life is at best a heartless play, a stormy sea to cross, and a heavy burden often too difficult to bear. The greatest philosophers have tried and have all failed except those who had the key to it.

of three modes of Maya’s nature, jivas (individual beings) perform activities under the control and purview of the eternal time. These activities are called Karma. The underlying principle is that karma is the law that brings back the results of actions to the person performing them. This life is likened to a field in which our Karma is the seed. We harvest exactly what we sow. No less, no more. This infallible law of Karma holds everyone responsible for what the person is or going to be. Based on the total sum of past Karma, some feel close to the Pure Being in this life, and others feel separated. Karma by definition is universal law of cause and effect, operating on all planes, mental, moral, and physical, with inexorable precision. One might as well try to escape it as to escape space itself. The defined nature of it leaves only two alternatives: denial of its existence; or acceptance of it as both universal and just. To take any intermediate position is to replace the classic definition in both Theosophy and all the traditional religions and philosophies using the term, with some definition peculiarly that of the dissident individual. It is not intellectually honest to use a word whose meaning has been established for thousands of years, in some other sense. We would be interested to know, for instance, what sort of picture of law or of the universe. The literal meaning of the words is “Justice, Just and Unjust.” Karma can never be understood as a law governing each individual as a case all by himself. Humankind is one and karma is one. All actions are interactions, and our own part can never make sense if dissected out from the entire network. The notion, in its crudely simplified form, that what I do to you, you or someone else does to me in another life, is only a primitive approach to the real problem. In part, I made you, and you made me; and what we do to one another is a function of what we have made of one another. The spiritual child cannot be blamed for not yet having become a man; he can be blamed, and mightily will be blamed by karma itself, for any deliberate renunciation of man’s estate in favor of retaining infancy. If from one point of view, karma is never unjust, being immutable Law; from another point of view, it is never quite just. “Whatever the sin and dire results of the original Karmic transgression of the now incarnated Egos no man (or Karma 12

It is the worst foolishness on the part of a human being to blame the Karma for the bad or worst results for the wrongful decisions and actions by him. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is a very practical man. He is not a usual Swamiji. All the other Swamijis will say as “it is your karma. You are enjoying the fruit of it. As a Swamiji, I can change your karma’. But, Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar says as “karma or destiny cannot be changed. However, we can alter the Karma according to our living conditions by the rituals”. We all can alter the karma and make our life very easy going and spiritual by following the path of spiritual leaders and act according the words of those great spiritual souls. I thank the Almighty and Swamiji for giving me a chance to discuss my thoughts on Spirituality. I pray the Almighty to make us meet in the next issue also.

Karma 13

Achi’s Corner. Kathirikkai Murungakkai (Brinjal Drumstick Masala)


Ingredients Drum stick -5 Brinjal-3 Small onion-20(big onion-10) Tomato-1 Garlic-10 Sambar powder-1 tablespoon Turmeric powder- ½ teaspoon Procedure Keep the kadai in the stove. In 2 teaspoons of cooking oil, season the masal with a teaspoon of mustard and fennel seeds. Saute the minced onion, garlic and tomato pieces one after the other. Add the lengthwise cut brinjal pieces and saute well. Now add the drumstick pieces. Add 2 cups of water along with the turmeric powder. Close the kadai and cook for 10 minutes in medium fire until the drumstick pieces are cooked soft. Now add the sambar powder and the salt needed along with little water if there is no water left in the kadai. Cook until everything is mixed well (at least 5 minutes).Don’t make it very dry. Garnish with coriander leaves. Brinjal, drumstick and coriander smell will make the dish altogether taste delicious. Thatta Payaru Mavathal Kuzhambu (Cow peas mango gravy) Ingredients Thatta payar (cow peas) -1 cup Mangai vathal-6 to 7 pieces (soaked for 20 minutes in hot water) or fresh mango pieces-6 Small onion-10 or big onion chopped-1 Tomato-1 Karma 14

Sambar powder-2 teaspoon Garlic smashed-6 Tamarind- very little (1/4 teaspoon) (depend on the sourness of the mango used) Mustard-1 teaspoon

Pottukadalai-1 tablespoon Ingredients for the gravy Big onion (chopped)-1 Tomato (nicely chopped)-1 Garlic-5 pods Coriander powder-1 tablespoon

Fennel seeds-1 teaspoon

Sambar powder-1 tablespoon To season Cinamon-3 pieces Clove-2 Cardamom-2 Fennel seeds-1 teaspoon Curry leaf-little

Procedure In a kadai dry roast the thatta payar (cowpeas) in slow fire for 3 minutes .Pour 3 cups of water and pressure cook for 5 minutes or cook in the kadai itself until the peas are cooked well. Once the peas are cooked, add the mango pieces, onion, tomatoes and sambar powder. Cook for five more minutes. Now add the tamarind extract and the salt needed and cook for further 5 minutes. Make sure that the curry is little watery. The curry should be extra salty and hot, then only it will be good with rice and the peas will be tasty. When everything is cooked, add the smashed garlic pieces before switching off the stove. Fry the mustard and fennel seeds in a separate kadai and pour into the gravy. Pakkoda Kuzhambu or Pakkoda Kuruma Ingredients for the pakkoda Channa dhal (kadalai paruppu) -1/4 cup or 5 to 6 table spoons (Only small amount of pakkoda can be used for the gravy) Red chilli-3 Fennel seed-1 teaspoon Salt-very little Soak the above items for 20 minutes and coarsely grind it in the mixie with little water. Items to grind Cocunut-2 tablespoons Kas kas-1 teaspoon Cashews-5

Procedure Keep the grinded pakkoda mix ready. Keep little oil in the kadai for frying the pakkoda. Once the oil is moderately hot just drop the mix shapeless into the oil and fry. No need to make round ones. Fry all the mix and set aside. Now we have to make the gravy to add the pakkoda. This gravy will always be spicy .So spices should be added while seasoning Keep the kadai in the stove. In one tablespoon of oil, season the gravy with the items in ‘to season’. Saute the onion, tomato and garlic pieces. Add the sambar powder and coriander powder. Sauté this too nicely. Now add 4 to 5 cups of water. Add little turmeric powder and the salt needed. Close the kadai and cook for 5 minutes. Now add the grinded coconut mix into the gravy and cook for five more minutes. Remember that the gravy should be watery while adding the pakkoda. Pakkodas will drink the gravy as times goes by and no gravy will be left at the end. So be sure the gravy is enough watery. Add the pakkodas in such a way that all the pieces are inside the gravy. Do not stir the gravy with a spoon after adding the pakkodas until they get soaked. After adding, all the pakkodas allow the gravy to boil once and switch off the stove. Garnish with coriander leaves while serving.

Karma 15

Vedic Astrology

Swmiji Sri Selvam Siddhar

As an Atharva Vedic scholar and Swamiji, I have written number of articles on Vedic Astrology and solving the problems spiritually with the help of Atharva Vedic Astrology. Anybody can reach me @ USA toll free – 1-888-808-1418 or 1-888-8081428 and anybody can email me to avtemple@aol.com . In this issue, I am going to write about Vedic Astrology as an analysis and forecasting system, based on astronomical data and using the calculations of Atharva Veda. The oldest and most important scriptures in the world are called the Vedas, a Sanskrit word meaning “knowledge. The Vedas are beyond the realm of man and time. According to the tenets of Vedic philosophy, the Vedas were not authored but documented by seers or ancient wise men, called “rishis”. Vedic Astrology comes from this ancient work. Jyotisha or Jyotish is the actual Sanskrit name for Vedic Astrology and means the “eye or light of nature”. It describes the ability of an astrologer to view the mechanics of people’s behavior as well as the projected cycles and outcomes of time and events. According to the saints and rishis, who documented the Vedas, Astrology is only a tool to analyze the problem, but it is not a spiritual remedy for the problems. There are many calculations in deciding the power of the planets in a horoscope. Among all those calculations Vedic Astrological calculations are the most accurate. Brahma, the creator, instituted the fundamentals of Vedic Astrology. This knowledge was then passed down to various Rishis and to man. Maharishi Parashara wrote Vedic Astrology, in its current form, several thousand years ago and passed it to Maharishi Agasthya. Maharishi Agasthya was a great scholar and an expert of Vedic Astrology. He added his ideas to his Guru’s writings and he gave a new dimension to Vedic Astrology. Karma 16

The purpose of Vedic Astrology is to avoid problems before they arise. The aphorism, “Pull weeds early” describes a major purpose of astrology. Another quote from India states, “If you want to get rid of a snake, get rid of it when it is really small”. A good astrologer uses the tools of Vedic Astrology to forecast the times to promote events in one’s life or to pull back, recognizing the indications point to some obvious serious risk. In the traditional Hindu culture, there is a high reverence for Gurus, or enlightened Masters. The trust is so high that the word of the Guru and ancient scriptural tradition is accepted. It is also important to know that Vedic astrologers are not fatalistic, but point to useful and actionable indications or probabilities that certain behaviors might emerge or that specific events could take place over time. In spite of the debate about whether we have free will or not, it is important to know that the effects seen in an astrological chart are not required to happen as they stand. A motivated, sincere person, under the competent guidance of an experienced Vedic astrologer or a Swamiji can make effective changes in their lives. According to the Vedic theories, the Karma or destiny cannot be changed but can be altered according to the living conditions of an individual. The karma of one’s previous births reflects in the horoscope. Vedic astrology is linked to other Vedic systems, such as Ayurveda for health, Vastu for dwellings, Thantric Rituals for the spiritual salvation of the problems and other philosophies. The Vedic Astrology system is kind in that not only is a person told what might happen, but also they are presented a list of potential remedies or corrective actions to offset the quantity and quality of karmas that are returning to them, as seen in the birth chart. After all, it is held that the natal chart is a list of the karmas or previous actions that we have brought into this life. The chart, called a Janma Kundali represents our starting point in this life and where our pluses and minuses lie throughout our lives. These fortifying practices, which should only be accepted from very qualified Vedic astrologers, include such measures as mantras and balancing rituals called yagnas, used to propitiate or soothe the impact associated with unfavorable planetary positions. The Vedic astrology is known for the quantity and quality of its analytical and forecasting tools. Most beginners are amazed to find not only the basic natal chart called the “rasi”, but also a chart system employing 27 signs of the Moon, called the “nakshatras”. There is an additional set of birth charts, which give the practitioner of Vedic Astrology 15 extra charts to examine. The most famous of these is the “Navamsa”, which is analyzed carefully to uncover more subtle aspects of a person’s nature. The most widely recognized Vedic forecasting tool is called the “Vimshottari Dasa” system, which can track the karmic influences promised by planet in a chart out to a span of 120 years, with each planet ruling a specific period of a person’s life. There are many other techniques also. There will be twelve boxes in an astrological chart. Each box is called as house. These houses are called under various names. The first

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Speech and oratorical skills, 5th is for intelligence, 8th is for insight, worldly communication and the 11th is for mind and self-expressions. The next is Cadent. Cadent. 3, 6,9,12 give sensitivity, adaptability, high intelligence but unstable and uncertain mental or nervous problems. All these houses are good for spiritual development. The next set in this cadre is 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th. 6th and 12th houses are for difficulty in health and happiness. 9th and 12th are for more attachment to spirituality. Some scholars have mentioned as 3rd and 6th house give more conflict and striving. The next is Upachaya. Upachaya. The houses 3, 6 10, 11 are increasing houses. Planets in them give more over time. Mars and Saturn do well here and give more power to overcome obstacles. Malefic do well in the 11th. The next is Apachaya. Apachaya. The houses 1, 2,4,7,8 are the houses of decrease. They lose their strength through time. Malefic do not do well in them, particularly in the 8th house. The next is Dusthana.

is called as Kendra. The houses 1, 4,7,10 are Kendras and known as Lakshmi Houses. These are the most important houses. They are strong and active to accomplish their potential, sharp energetic, power for achievement and strong will. Tenth is the strongest of these four. Tenth house will even overpower the ascendant. Malefic and Benefics are exalted (1) Body (4) Home (7) Marriage, relief and remedy from the problems, (10) Career and in some aspects same modality as the ascendant. The next is “Trine”. In the Indian language, these houses are called as “Trikona”. Trine 1, 5, 9. These houses are widely known as “Houses of dharma” (1) personal (5) creative (9) ore collective. They give as well as take. Not as strong as angles but they boost the chart and strengthen signs 5 and 9. These are called houses of Vishnu. Jupiter and the moon are good in trines. One trine aspects all others. They are in the same element as the ascendant. These houses are more important to decide about one’s spirituality. The next is “Succedent”. Succedent - 2, 5,8,11. These houses are widely known as “Accumulation of resources and maintaining what we have”. All these houses are called as “Income houses’. Among the houses the 2nd is fro personal works and earnings, the 5th is for speculation, 8th is for inheritance and the 11th is for profit through income. In another terms the 2nd house represents Karma 18

Dusthana. These are the most difficult houses. In the houses, 6, 8, 12 the benefic planets are weakened especially under malefic influence. In these houses especially the Moon in the 6th house, even though the planet is malefic, good for power but can cause disease. Benefic planets in these houses are good for intelligence, but they will cause diseases. Raaghu in any of these houses is good for spirituality. 8th house Mars can cause death or harm. Saturn in the 8th house gives long life spans and good prosperity. 12th house benefic planets are good for rebirth. Venus in the 12th house is for prosperity. Kethu in the 12th house is for spiritual capacity. Raaghu in the 12th house will cause disorders in nervous system. Planets near the mid heaven in houses 9,10 and 11 represent how we affect the world in terms of our values through the actions and goals. Opposite planets in houses 3, 4 and 5 are for the vital energy, emotional state, and intelligence. Planets high in the chart tend to dominate those low in the chart. The entire previously mentioned are only general hints. The powers will vary according to the individual’s chart and the dasa bhukthi of the planets. More than these things the Punya (the result of the good things), Papa 9curse or sins) and the Karma (destiny) will decide the power of the planets. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the planets’ power of the individual’s horoscope. In the next issue, I will meet you all with some more ideas of Vedic Astrology. I pray Lord Shiva and Vanadurga to shower their entire blessings on all of us to have a comfortable living. Om Shanthi, Om Shanthi, Om Shanti.

Wonderful Siddhars


wish to quote about a few of ancient Siddhars. There were eighteen Siddhars. They all have written many books about spirituality and about the benefits of leading a spiritual life. Even though they are said to be Hindus, they adopted no religions. The verses recited by them are of highly spiritual. They are the most heart rending ones to the readers. They attained all their powers through continuous meditation and vast readings of their ancestors. They taught everybody to attain the best in their life. In English, they are called as “Mystics”. They are beyond all the religions. They taught many yoga practices also. They attained all kinds of powers and they had their longevity of their life for more than thousands of years. They had a pure heart and mind. By that pure heart and mind, they are considered as purest souls. They had a very good control over their living style. They adopted purity in all aspects of life. They never entered deep into gossips, egos and politics. In fact and as a Siddha purusha, our Swamiji Sri Siddhar is preparing to build a temple, where there are no gossips, egos and politics. That is why many people follow them. Since they had the purest thoughts in their mind, they lived for a longer period. Today, as according to our Swamiji, some of us are unhappy because others are happy. We have to avoid that unhappiness. By avoiding that unhappiness, we all can lead a happy life. I wish to quote the short life history of a great mystic Sivavakkiyar. He is mostly intended into a

spiritual path of life. However, he was a strong devotee of Lord Shiva. He loved Lord Shiva more than his life. According to Hindu beliefs, the words that come from his mouth are considered as if it comes from the mouth of Lord Shiva. That is why he is named as Sivavaakkiyar. Even though he is a strong follower of Lord Shiva, He stood in opposition of image worship. He tells a lot about spirituality and calm life of a human being. His verses are divided into various portions. Among those, The Gnana (knowledge/wisdom) and Yoga plays a vital role in explaining the spirituality. In the verses describing “Gnana” he says, “There is nothing to say as me or you. What is there between you and me? Who is the king and who is the teacher? What is construction and what is destruction? Everything is done only by the super human power. This is the only thing which unites all of us.” In the first verse of explaining the Yoga, he says, “At the end of our life the knowledge we gained will never help us when we have hurdles in our life. Only the super human power will come and help us. One should not have unnecessary sexual hunger. One needs sex as a food. It is to be taken to the limit. If it exceeds the limit, it will result in dangerous position of the Aathma inside us. It will also spoil the spiritual life. He further says that there is no use in simply worshipping the images without adopting the humanitarian needs and requirements. In another verse, he says that there is no place called as Temple. There is no place called as Holy River. All theses are found inside the human being, who adopts a spiritual life. There is no caste, creed or religion. There is only one religion, which is called as humanity. We should adopt only that religion. All the things are common to all the human being. The blood is red color in all the bodies. Only the color of the skin varies. Other than that, all are one. Therefore, there is no variation between the human being. Then one question arises here. Why we separate ourselves into various religions, caste and creed? It is only because of the misunderstanding of the teachings of our ancestors. They taught us only to adopt good humanitarian understandings between us. However, due to the work of some evil natured persons we have lost all the humanitarian understandings between us. That is why we face many problems in our life. We can lead a life of higher quality only if we feel happy when others are happy and if we were sad when others are sad. According to our Siddhar Swamiji, if we lead a humanitarian life, even though we do not lead a luxurious life we will lead a comfortable life.

Karma 19

Karma 20

How Many Crows in the Kingdom? One day Akbar was strolling in his palace gardens with his dear minister Birbal. Many crows were flying around. The King enjoyed their flying. Just then, he thought that how many crows could be in his kingdom and immediately posed this question to Birbal. Birbal thought a moment, then said, “They are ninety-five thousand, four hundred and sixty three (95, 463) crows in your kingdom, Huzoor.” “How do you know that for sure?” the King asked. “You can get them counted, Huzoor.” Birbal said. The king again said, “If there will be less than that, then?” Birbal replied immediately, “That means that the rest of them have gone on vacation to some neighboring kingdoms.” “Or if there were more than that, then?” “Then it means that other crows are visiting your kingdom, Huzoor.” Akbar was very pleased with this answer of his question. I am Your Servant, Huzoor. Once Akbar and Birbal passed through some farms while riding on their horses. They happened to pass through a cabbage patch. Looking at the patch, Akbar said to Birbal, “What a delightful vegetable the cabbage is. I like it very much.” Birbal said, “Huzoor, cabbage is the king of the vegetables.” Akbar did not reply to this, and they went on. Another day, they were riding past the same cabbage patches again. This time Akbar made a face, and said, “This cabbage is such a tasteless vegetable. How people tolerate it.” Birbal replied, “Yes Huzoor, really it is difficult to even look at such a tasteless vegetable.” Akbar again listened to this and they went on. After a while, the king remembered something. He said to Birbal, “Birbal, I don’t understand you. Last time when we passed through this patch, you told that the cabbage was the king of vegetable, and today you said, “It is even difficult to look at such a tasteless vegetable. What do you mean by that?” Birbal said bowing, “Huzoor, I am your servant, not of cabbage.”

Birbal Solves the Problem Several courtiers were vying to be the Royal Advisor of Emperor Akbar. Therefore, one day, when they came to the court, they said to the Emperor, “We want to be your Royal Advisor.” Akbar said, “No problem, but you will have to pass the test before you could be my Royal Advisor. And whoever would pass the test will be appointed my Advisor.” They agreed. The King unfastened his waistcloth and lay down on the floor, and asked the candidates to cover him with that cloth from head to toe. Now everybody tried to cover him, but in vain. If one wanted to cover the head, then feet remained uncovered, or if the feet were covered, then his head remained open. Just then Birbal entered the court, the king asked Birbal also, if he could cover him with that cloth from head to toe. Birbal paused a moment, then asked the Emperor politely, “Huzoor, Could you pull up your knees a little bit?” The King did so, and Birbal could cover him from head to toe with that cloth.

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Akbar understood that he had fallen in the hands of his witty minister once again. Birbal’s Sweet Reply Akbar used to ask many odd questions from his courtiers and amused himself. One day he entered the Royal Court, settled in his Royal chair, and asked his courtiers: “What punishment should be given to a person who pulls my mustache?” One said, “He should be beheaded.” Another said, “He should be flogged.” Yet another said, “He should be hanged.” “What do you think, Birbal?” the Emperor asked Birbal. Birbal kept quiet for a moment, and then said, “Jahaanpanaah, he should be given sweets.” “What, Birbal? Have you gone crazy? Do you know what are you saying?” Birbal replied politely, “I am not crazy, Jahaanpanaah. And I know what I am saying.” “Then how can you talk like this?” the King asked in anger. Birbal again replied politely, “Because, Jahaanpanaah, the only person can dare to do this is your grandson.” So pleased was the King with this answer, that he gave his ring to Birbal as a reward.

Realizing that they failed the test, the courtiers left the court quietly and then they never thought about being the King’s Advisor. Flowers for Akbar One day Akbar was taking a walk in his Royal gardens with several courtiers. Many flowers were flowering at that time of season. A poet pointed out towards a beautiful flower and said, “Look Jahaanpanaah, how beautiful flowers that is? No man can produce such a beautiful thing as this.” Birbal was also there. He said, “I don’t agree with this, sometimes man can make more beautiful things than this.” Akbar said, “Oh no Birbal, you are talking nonsense. This flower is really very beautiful.” After a few days, Birbal presented Akbar a very skilled artisan from Agra. He presented a beautiful carved marble bouquet of flowers. The Emperor was very happy to see it, and gave him one thousand gold coins. Just then, a boy came and presented the Emperor a beautiful bouquet of real flowers. The Emperor was very happy to see it too, so he gave a silver coin to the boy. Birbal said, “So the carving was more beautiful than the real thing.” Karma 22

Birbal Identifies the Guest A rich man invited once Birbal for dinner. When Birbal reached there, he found himself in a large crowd. The host greeted him warmly and took him inside. Birbal said, “I did not know that there will be so many guests in this gathering.” The host replied politely, “They are not guests, Sir. They are my employees except one who is the only other guest here besides you. Could you tell who that other one guest here is?” “Maybe, I could. Tell them a joke, and I will observe them.” The rich man told the joke and everybody laughed uproariously. Perhaps this was the worst joke Birbal had ever heard in his life. Now the rich man asked Birbal, “I have told the joke, now you tell me who the other guest here is?” Birbal pointed out towards a man and said, “He is that other guest.” The rich man was very surprised hearing this that how could he recognize the other guest. He said to him, “You are right Birbal, but how did you recognize him?” Birbal said, “Because only employees can laugh on such a joke. He was the only person who did not even smile on your joke, so I immediately recognized him as the other guest.”

Sports Page.

member. Each time a player is out the opposing team earns a point. A team scores a bonus of two points, called a lona, if the entire opposing team is declared out. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins. Matches are staged on age and weight. Six officials supervise a match: one referee, two umpires, a scorer and two assistant scorers. The name, sometimes chanted during a game, derives from a Hindi word meaning “holding of breath”, which is a part of the game.

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In this issue, we will discuss about an interesting game. It is Khabbadi. Kabbadi i is a team sport originally from the Indian subcontinent. Two teams occupy opposite halves of a field and take turns sending a “raider” into the other half, in order to win points by tagging or wrestling members of the opposing team; the raider then tries to return to his own half, holding his breath during the whole raid. Kabaddi is popular throughout South Asia, and has spread to Southeast Asia, Japan and Iran. It is the national game of Bangladesh where it is known as Hadudu. It is the state game of Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra in India. It is played by the British Army for fun, to keep fit and as an enticement to recruit soldiers from the British Asian community. In the team, or transnational, style of kabaddi, two teams of seven members each occupy opposite halves of a field of 12.5m × 10m (roughly half the size of a basketball court). Each has five supplementary players held in reserve. The game is in 20minute halves, with a five-minute half-time break during which the teams switch sides. Teams take turns sending a “raider” to the opposite team’s half, where the goal is to tag, wrestle, or confine members of the opposite team before returning to the home half. Tagged members are “out” and sent off the field. Meanwhile, defenders must form a chain, for example by linking hands; if the chain is broken, a member of the defending team is sent off. The goal of the defenders is to stop the raider returning to the home side before taking a breath. If the raider takes a breath before returning, the raider is sent off the field. A player can also get out by going over a boundary line or part of the body touches the ground outside the boundary, except during a struggle with an opposing team

History and development of the game. The sport has a history dating to pre-historic times. It was probably invented to ward off group attacks. The game was popular in southern Asia in different forms under different names. A dramatized version of the Mahabharata has made an analogy of the game to a tight situation faced by Abhimanyu, heir of the Pandava kings, when surrounded by the enemy. Buddhist literature speaks of the Gautam Buddha playing Kabaddi. History reveals that princes played to display their strength and win their brides! The game, known as Hu-Tu-Tu in Western India, Ha-Do-Do in Eastern India and Bangladesh, Chedugudu in Southern India and Kaunbada in Northern India, has changed through the ages. Modem Kabaddi is a synthesis of the game played in various forms under different names. Kabaddi received international exposure during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, demonstrated by an ancient sports team of Maharashtra in India. The game was introduced in the Indian Olympic Games at Calcutta in 1938. In 1950 the All India Kabaddi Federation came into existence and compiled standard rules. The Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India (AKFI) was founded in 1973. After formation of the Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India, the first men’s nationals were held in Madras (re-named Chennai), while the women’s were in Calcutta in 1955.The AKFI has given new shape to the rules and has the right to modify them. Kabaddi was introduced and popularized in Japan in 1979. The Asian Amateur Kabaddi Federation sent a great sportsman of India to tour Japan for two months to introduce the game. In 1979, a return test between Bangladesh and India was held at different places of India including Mumbai, Hyderabad, and

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form of Kabaddi is the closest to the present game. In this form of Kabaddi, players are put out and revived and the game lasts 40 minutes with a 5-minute break in between. There are nine players on each side. The team that puts out all the players on the opponent’s side scores four extra points for a ‘Iona’. The winning team is the one that scores most points after 40 minutes. The field is bigger in this form of Kabaddi and the ‘cant’ different in various regions. Modem Kabaddi resembles this form of Kabaddi especially with regard to ‘out & revival system’ and ‘Iona’. The present form of Kabaddi is a synthesis of all these forms with changes in the rules.

Punjab. The Asian Kabaddi Championship was arranged in 1980 and India emerged as champion and Bangladesh runnerup. Bangladesh became runner-up again in 1985 in the Asian Kabaddi Championship held in Jaipur, India. The other teams in the tournament were Nepal, Malaysia and Japan. The game was included for the first time in the Asian Games in Beijing in 1990. India, China, Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh took part. India won the gold medal and has won gold at the following three Asian Games in Hiroshima in 1994, Bangkok in 1998 and Bussan in 2002. India won the gold medal in the 2006 Asian Games at Doha. Attempts to popularize kabaddi in Great Britain saw British TV network Channel 4 commission a programme dedicated to the sport. The show, Kabaddi, on Channel 4 in the early 1990s, failed to capture viewers despite fixtures such as West Bengal Police versus the Punjab. Kabaddi was axed in 1992, but not before its presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy suffered a collapsed lung while participating in the sport. In the 1998, Asian games the Indian Kabaddi team defeated Pakistan in a thrilling final match at Bangkok (Thailand). The first World Kabaddi Championship was in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, when 14,000 at the Copps Coliseum watched top players from India, Pakistan, Canada, England and the United States. The next edition was in Surrey, British Columbia, which hosts the first all-kabaddi stadium. India has remained world champion since it was included in Asian Games and South Asian Federation games. In 2008, a great man mooted a professional world kabbadi league with sponsorship to attract the best players; this league will be based in India with tournaments in Canada as well. The current Kabaddi Championship team consists of several local Indian players. Kabaddi is now a very popular game and is a regular sport in Asian Games, Asian Indoor Games and Asian Beach Games apart from SAF Games. Kabaddi will be a demonstration sport during Commonwealth Games 2010 at New Delhi. There are two major forms followed in this game. They are Surjeevani and Gaminee. Now we will discuss a little bit about both of these forms. In Surjeevani Kabaddi, one player is revived against one player of the opposite team who is out, one out, one in. The duration, the number of players, the Kabaddi Federation of India has fixed dimensions of the court, etc. This Karma 24

Gaminee form of kabbadi is played with nine players on either side, in a field of no specific measurements. The characteristic is that a player put out has to remain out until all his team members are out. The team that is successful in putting out all the players of the opponent’s side secures a point. This is akin to the present system of ‘Iona’. After all the players are put out, the team is revived and the game continues. The game continues until five or seven ‘Iona’ are secured. The game has no fixed time. The main disadvantage of this form of Kabaddi is that the player is not in position to give his best performance since he is likely to remain out for the better part of the match until an Iona is scored. The following skills are required for a kabbadi player. By generating these skills one can become a great player. This can be achieved easily by continuous practice. Holding breath, raid, dodging, movement of hand and foot, formation, safe raid, holding, kick, side kick, front kick, round kick, sitting kick, offensive skills, starting a raid, body position during raid, movements during raid, penetration, touching with the hand, vertical and horizontal swing of arms, defensive skills, wrist catch or lock, crocodile hold, over the shoulder catch, ankle catch and lock. This is a wonderful team game. One can enjoy a great team spirit in this game. Even though this is one of the most ancient games, it has taken a modern shape to fit today’s world. In the next issue, we will meet with some other different game.

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Commander’s Commandments. Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. Everyday is a gift, that’s why they call it the present. The future depends on what we do in the present.

Knowledge talks, wisdom listens. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! Criticizing is easy, art is difficult.

Violence won’t solve a thing. It makes it more The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the challenging to solve, though. attribute of the strong. A winner listens; a loser just waits until it is their It is better to light a candle than curse the turn to talk. darkness. He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself You only live once, but if you work it right, once is is enlightened. enough. If you are not part of the cure, then you are part of The first step to getting the things you want out of the problem. life is this: Decide what you want. A goal properly set is halfway reached. Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit. Go as far as you can see, and when you get there you will see farther. Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you. An archer cannot hit the bull’s-eye if he doesn’t know where the target is. Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time. Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars. Individual glory is insignificant when compared to achieving victory as a team. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent to people or things. man overlooks an insult. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

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Solutions /Pariharam and Worship: It varies on the position of grahas/planets in your Jathakam/ Janmakshar/ Kundli - Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately, to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law ,bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, job, loosing money, and much more. . Dangerous Period: January 14 -2010 to May 30 - 2010 and January 27-2011 to June 13- 2011 (Sani Vakram Period – Retrogression Period) Fine Period: May 31 - 2010 to January 26 - 2011, and June 13-2011 to November 27-2011.

The Effects of Saturn Transit in your life Mesham (Aries) : - (Aswini, Bahraini, and 1st quarter of Karthigai) The planet for this Rasi is Sevvai (Mars).Saturn is in the 6th place of this Rasi. Generally, Sani in 6th place will be the reason for every success. He will help to run the life happily. Health condition will be good and the prolonged illness will go. Joy & happiness will be there. Some may get benefit from wife. All pending litigations will end in your favor. No pressure for improvement activities. You may involve in any competition and you will get success. Chances are there for the purchase of new properties like house, vehicle, ornaments etc. If there is any business, or if you start any business, you will get success. Own business will give you more success. You may start a new business. Joint ventures may also give you success. Educated will get good employment. Some may go to foreign countries also. Sani Bhagavan is ready to give you fruit kept in his hand. Regular prayer will please Saneeswarar and in turn, he will please you.

Rishabam (Taurus): - (Karthikai II, III, IV, Rohini and 1st quarter of Mirugaseerisham) As per the ensuing ‘Sani Peyarchi’, Sani will move to the 5th place of your Rasi. It is not good. It will create confusion, mental problems, thinking about health condition, family problems, fear about the profession / business, hurdles in future planning etc., If as per your horoscope if there is good ‘Dasa Bukthis’, you can get some benefit or protection from the bad impacts. There may be hurdles in your profession / business; joint ventured business will create more problems. Problems may be expected from unknown persons or from Government. There may be a likely hood of accidents in the like chemicals, etc. You are advised not to start new business. There may arise new litigations in your profession. Your enemies/competitors will be in high hand. Do not avail any loans from private persons, Govt side unnecessary expenditures are unavoidable. Even your workers will tension against you. Loss of property by theft, missing are expected. Difficulties will prevail in your own business. Do not belief any luck. Profit will be normal. However, changes are taken for foreign trips / employment opportunities/ hurdles are expected in all matters. Do not believe any one. Act involving “Time passing” will give you more Karma 27

problem. Well planned ideas and prayers will alone give you some profit. Solutions /Pariharam and Worship: It varies depends on the grahas in your Jathakam / Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law,bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more Good period: From January 15 - 2010 to May 5 - 2010: January 27-2011 To June 12-2011 Cautious period: From September 26 - 2009 To January 13 -2010 and from May 31 -2010 To January 26 - 2011 Mithunam(Gemini) :- (Miruhaseersham 3rd and 4th quarters, Thiruvathirai and Punarpoosam 1st,2nd and 3rd quarters) You may be a person with discipline and good character; patience will be with you. You may be having religious faith. You will be a person with affection and love. As per Gocharam, ‘Sani’ will move to the 4th place. We cannot say that it will give good things to you; as it is called “Ardhashtama Sani”. However, as per your ‘Dhasabukthis’ good things may happen. Generally, Sani in 4th place will not stop incomings, but there will be more expenditure than income. Therefore, if you cut short your expenditures, problems will be lesser, and benefit will be there. Improvement/development in Profession/business will be affected. If there is any joint venture, there may be breakings. Some litigation/problems are expected. Enemies/competitors will be there. Hard words/ arguments may land you in trouble. Hence, control your words. As 4th place is for vehicles, properties etc., accidents may happen. So, please take care. Tour will create tension, and loans will arise. Profession/business will not be good. However, manual profession will not be affected. Cottage industry/Small scale industry etc, will give you profit. Praying God with full faith will reduce your problems and give you more benefit. Solutions / Pariharam and Worship: It varies depends on the grahas in your Jathakam / Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems Karma 28

caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law ,bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more . Cautious period: From September 26-2009 To January 14-2010, May 312010 To January 26-2011 Better Period:- January 14 - 2010 To May 30 - 2010 Very Fine Period: January 27- 2011 To June 13 - 2011 Kadagam (Cancer):- (Punarpoosam 4th quarter, Poosam and Ayilyam) You may be a hard worker with courage and want to come out a successful now. You may think always about your important in life. You may be a good friend to all. You may be an influential person in this society. You may be educated, scientist and having the capacity to analyze everything. You may not like love affairs. Others may not cheat you easily. Now during this ‘Sani Peyarchi’ Sani comes to 3rd place. You are relieved from the clutches of 7 ½ Sani. This is indeed a very good period. Particularly to those who’s Dasabukthi as per Horoscope is good, very fine future is there in your life. Oscillation in your mind is over and you will come to a good place in your life. Health condition will improve. Prolonged illness will come under control. Affection and love will exist in your family. Separated couples may join. To those who are not married so far may get married. You can see improvement in your profession and business, and bank balance. Loan facilities from banks will be available to you. You may involve joint ventures in your business and can see improvement. All financial problems will be solved. Litigation will came to end in your favor your may expect addition/improvement in house/property/ vehicle etc., Unemployed persons will get employment opportunities. Foreign trips are also anticipated. If you are a young youth, in some way, you may have friendship with young women, and it will end in success. Cautious Periods:- From January 14-2010 To May 312010 and From January 27-2011 To June 12-2011. Very Firm Periods: - From May 31-2010 To January 262011 and From June13-2011 To November 27-2011

trust any body in money transaction. Youngsters may have to face problems in their love affairs. Unnecessary fear will prevail in your mind. Do not believe any body. From 2010onwards, you can expect the happenings of good things. Do not involve in women affairs. Do not involve in share business. Cautious Days:- From January 14-2010 To May 30 -2010 and From January 27 – 2011 to June 12 - 2011 Very good period: From September 26 -2009 To January 13 – 2010 and From May 13-2010 To January 26-2011 and From June 13-2011 To January 13-2011

Solutions / Pariharam and Worship: It varies depends on the grahas in your Jathakam / Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free1-888 808 1418 or 1-888 808 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law, bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more . . Simham (LEO) :- ( Magam, Pooram and 1st quarter of Uthiram) You may be a person having hard working nature. You will be a good person for friendship. You maybe short tempered person. Now, ‘Sani’ will be in the second place. This is the last period (Going period) of 7 ½ Sani. This is called as “Vakku Sani” or “Pada Sani”. You may be so far facing problems after problems and you may be frustrated in life. So far you may be having dullness in your health, mind etc., This position may continue, provided if your ‘Dasabuktis and planets’ position of your horoscope are in good place. You may loose something because of your Anger, tension etc. Some Dullness may prevail in business and professions. Some persons are likely to close their business/Industry etc., If it is a joint venture, separation is unavoidable. Family problems may arise. Problem may arise in partition. You may lose ancestral property to close the pending loan. Please do not start new business during this period. You have to wait for good period. Unemployed, educated person may get employment opportunities. No foreign or Govt job chances are available during the period. Do not

Solutions / Pariharam and Worship: It varies depends on the grahas in your Jathakam / Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law,bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more. . Kanya (VIRGO) (Uthiram 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters, Hastham 1st and 2nd quarters of Chithirai) You may be a calm person with sweet-talking. You may control your tension. /Anger etc and defeat your enemies. You may be having faith in Sastras and your religion. You may be having more friends. Patience will always with you. Now, as per Sanipeyarchi, Sani will move in first place, generally, “Janma Sani” is like a life in prison. Now 7 ½ Sani is with you. More problems are expected. Expenditure will be higher than the income and because of which you may land in loans. Life is a hidden life from the persons from whom you have availed loan. Faiths/Fear/poverty/ illness/prison may affect you. If your Dasabuktis in your horoscope are not good, you may face these problems. Uncontrolled illness is expected, particularly by whose who crossed 40 years. As per your Horoscope if any of the houses 2,7,6,8 12 is occupied by malefic planets and the Dasabhukthi is not good the illness will be more. Youngsters may land in problem in their love affairs. Married Persons are likely to face problem such as litigations, Separation, Court activities, Divorce etc with your life. Karma 29

No improvement in business/profession is expected up to 2010, there will be hard works with meager income. Genuine business with genuine person will give profit. Do not involve in acts prohibited by law. Judicious, God fearing, law-obeying activities will solve your problems. Very good period:- From May 31-2010 To January 262011 and from June 13-2011 To November 27-2011. Cautious Period: January 14 - 2010 To May 30 – 2010 and from January 27-01-2011 To June 12-2011. Solutions / Pariharam and Worship: It varies depends on the grahas in your Jathakam / Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law, bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems ,Job, loosing money, and much more. Thulam: (LIBRA) (Chitrai 3rd, 4th quarters, Swathi and Visakam 1st, 2nd 3rd quarters) You may be person with judicious activities. You love your family, with affection and affinity. You will be having the capacity of getting appreciation from others. Ladies will like you more. You may be having friends and opponents. Now, Sani has come to your 12th place. It is the beginning movement of 7 ½ Sani. It will be checking period. Problems may come. However, happening on the Dasabhuktis of your Horoscope, it will change. Health condition will be affective. To those who have crossed 40 years may be affected in their health. Youngsters should be careful. Vehicle accident may occur litigations may come. Family problems will also be there. Wife may enter into illness involving medical expenditure. Unnecessary expenditure and loans will be crushing you. So, if you are very careful in your activities from the beginning itself, the impact of problems will be less. Problems in your profession are expected. There may be separation in joint ventures. Do not get loan from individual. Control lavish expenditure. However conducting the required pariharm will solve the problems to the maximum extent. Unemployed will get job opportunities in Private concern. Foreign chances are also available. Do not trust any; one. Some may likely to get Government job. Generally Sanis’ bad effects will not be their for ‘Thula’ Rasi. However, basing on ‘Dasabhukthis Karma 30

of your horoscope good things may happen. However, generally, there may be hurdles in your improvement, but no bad thing will happen. Patience, carefulness will avoid the problems. Very Good Period: May 31-2010 To January 26-2011 and from June 13-2011 to November 27-2011 Cautious Period: January 14-2010 To May 30-2010 and from January 27-2011 to June 12-2011. Solutions/Pariharam and Worship: It changes according to your grahas in your Jathakam/ Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law,bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more. . Viuchigam (Scorpio) (4th quarter of Visagam, Anusham and Kettai) You may be looking hard, but your mind will always soft in nature. Some may be having breathing problems or slight heart problems. For this if they have to worship “Hrudayaleeswarar’ in Thiruninravoor Village (Chennai Central Station; - Thirunallor train – Route), such problems will come to the control. Now, Sani moves in 11th place (profit Place). Therefore, you can expect good things to happen. You can also expect very good change in your life. All your action will end in Success. As per the Dasabhukthis of your Horoscope, Success and happiness may come. The problems so far expected by you in wealth, health etc., will go. Health condition will be good. There will be affinity. Some cases will come to end. Loans will be settled. You will be brisk in your activities. You can expect improvement in your profession. This period will continue up to 2011 and there after 7 ½ Sani will touch you. So take steps to save money, property etc. Hard working will give you success. Unemployed will get job opportunities. Chances are there for Government job. Some may get foreign chances. You can expect improvement in your profession. Those who are in business line can expect development in their business with more profit. Some may start new business. Joint venture will also be success. The youths should not involve in love matters. Success in examination and chances for higher studies will

be available. Generally, it is a very fine period to all. Cautious Period: January 14 - 2010 to May 30 - 2010 and from 27-01-2011 to 12-06-2011 Very good Period: 26-09-2009 to 13-01-2010 and from 31-05-2010 to 26-01-2011 Solutions / Pariharam and Worship: It changes according to your grahas in your Jathakam/ Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law,bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more. Dhanus (SAGITTARIUS) (Moolam, Pooradam and 1st quarter of Uthiradam) You will have attractive physique. Good habit, good heart, Good thinking etc., are always born with you. You will be educated. You may be having deep knowledge in religious matters. You may not run after anything. Now Sani come to 10th place of your Rasi. Generally, it is said that this movement may affect your profession. However, basing on the Dasabhuktis of your horoscope, it will be changed. As per your Rasi, health will not be affected. However, problems in family may arise. Wife’s health condition may be affected. Medical expenditure will be high. Journeys will not be happy, and result in problem. Financial crisis is expected. Expenditure will be more than the income; and you may get loan. Mental confusion may prevail. Family problems created by Raaghu –Kethu will stand. Some may be involved in court litigations. Avoid tension and anger. Raaghu, Kethu, Sani, and Guru are not in your favor. Hurdles may intervene in your Profession/Business. It is some what are hard period. Deep argument may prevail in joint ventures; and some may break away from the joint venture; with a result of loss, litigation etc., You may loose your property. Those who crossed 40 years may have illness. However, by God’s grace you will be saved from all these bad happenings. For youths: - Physical labor will give you profit. Educated may get good job even in distance place. Beware of love matters as otherwise it will land you in trouble. But depending on the DasaBhuktis of your Horoscope bad things will go.

Very Good Period: - From September 26-2009 To January 13-2010 and from May 31-2010 To January 26-2011. From June13-2011 To November 27-2011. Cautious Period: - January14-2010 to May 30-2010 and from January 27-2011 to June 12-2011. Solutions /Pariharam and Worship: It changes according to your grahas in your Jathakam/ Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law ,bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more. Magaram:-(2nd, 3rd, 4th quarters of Uthiradam, Thiruvonam,1st and 2nd quarters of Avittam) You are an intelligent person with good character and calmness may prevail in your activities. However, you will be very active with strong faith in God, Religion etc. You will utilize the chances available and attract others. You will love family members and they will reciprocate. ‘Ashtama Sani’ goes away. There will not be any health problem so far existed between couples. You may get calmness in your mind. Pressure prevailed in ancestral property will go. Your family members would have suffered so far more than you would and all such things will go away. During this Peyarchi, you can get benefit from Guru and Kethu. Those who are separated so far will join to-gather now. Unmarried can get married. You can get improvement in your business /profession. Income will be higher than previous period. Some may start new profession/Business. Those who have estimated you in low cadre will be nowhere now. You may start new business, solely or jointly. Educated will get good job; and if they try, there are chances for Government job. It is a good period for you. Cautious Period: From January 14-2010 To May 30-2010 and January 27-2011 to June 13-2011. Very Good Period: From September 26-2009 To January 13-2010 and from May 31-2010 To January 20-2011 and From June 13-2011 To November 27-2011. Solutions /Pariharam and Worship: It changes according to your grahas in your Jathakam/ Karma 31

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Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law ,bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more. Kumbam:-(AQUARIUS) (3rd, 4th quarters Avittam, Sadhayam, Poorattadhi 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters) You may create surprises in your life, crack jokes etc. You may be in better position in Education, job, Government postings etc. During this period, Sani comes; to the 8th place of your Rasi. It is ‘Ashtamasani’. Moreover, Guru is not in your favor you may have to face some problems, troubles; Wife’s health condition will be affected. Medical expenditure will be higher. Be careful. Those who crossed 40 years may be affected by their health condition with more medical expenditure. Unnecessary expenditure is unavoidable. Some may go to foreign countries, and it may be a pilgrimage. Loan dues will increase due to building construction, property purchasing etc, so postpone all such activities for 2 years. Be careful with your friend. Untrust persons may create problems. Loss may be expected. Further investment in business may be necessary. Problems from individuals, Government side are expected. Do not trust any one and hand over business. Educated can get job opportunities. Some may likely go to Foreign Countries. Do not involve in love matters; as otherwise, it will end in criminal and civil cases. However, based on the Dasabhukthis in your Horoscope, this impact of bad things will be lesser and good things will happen. Cautious Period: - From September 26-2009 to January 13-2010 and from May 31-2010 to January 26-2011. Very Good Period:- From January 14 - 2010 To May 30 - 2010 and January 27-2011 To June 12-2011. Solutions /Pariharam and Worship: It changes according to your grahas in your Jathakam/ Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA TToll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law, bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more. Karma 34

Meenam:- (PIECES) (Poorattathi 4th quarter, Uthirattathi and Revathi) You will be a person with simplicity. You may be having faith in God, Religion, Sastras etc., you will fear about bad acting. Now, during the Sani Peyarchi, Sani comes to the 7th place of your Rasi. This place denotes Joint activities, Wife, family etc. Therefore, it will create problems in these cases. However, basing on your Dasabhukthis such problems will go. Some may have health problem. Couple’s health may be affected one after another. Be careful while traveling to avoid accidents. Discard new friends, do not trust any one and do not stand on surety for others. There will be vast difference in income and expenditure. Do not involve in any competition or preside over in any matter. There may be dullness in your profession. You are likely to create problems with customers. Financial position may be decreased. You may run from pillar to post to avail loans. Do not indulge in high handed /unplanned matters. Educated will get job. They may also try to go to foreign countries. For job, you can expect problems from women side. Ego problem may exist between couples. Unmarried may involve in love affairs and run hither and thither. Cautious Period: From September 26-2009 To January 13-2010 and from May 31-2010 To January 26-2011. From June 13-2011 To November 27-2011. Very Fine Period: From January 14 - 2010 To May 30 2010 and January 27-2010 To June 12-2011. Solutions /Pariharam and Worship: It changes according to your grahas in your Jathakam/ Janmakshar/ Kundli. Call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar immediately at USA Toll Free 1-888- 808 -1418 or 1-888 -808- 1428 immediately to come out of your problems caused by Saturn with Money, education, marriage, court cases, relationship, divorce, love affairs, business, immigration, black magic, health problems, problems caused by mother in law, father in law, brother in law, sister in law, bad dreams, depression, cancer, sexual problems, Job, loosing money, and much more Please make sure you DO NOT call some so-called Pundits or Jyotish to mesh up your life again. Please understand that Saturn is a dangerous graham if it comes to a wrong position in your life. For more help & to understand your problems and before your problems goes again very worst/bigger call the ONLY Atharva Vedic Swamiji in the Nation ‘Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar” @ Toll Free 1-888 808 -1418. (e-mail: svtemple@aol.com)

The Scientific and Vedic view of the planet Saturn.

By His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar.


n Vedic astrology the planet Saturn is called Shanaiswara. In Sanskrit Shaniswara comes from SANISCHARA, which means, “slow mover”. From Shanaiswara we get the word “shun”, which means to ignore, or lose awareness of something. Thus, Saturn represents a loss of awareness, or ignorance. This loss of awareness can also mean the diminishing awareness of the material world of manifestation. The planet Saturn indicates the ascetic, rich with inner spirituality, and lost to this material plane of existence. Saturn is a malefic graham. He rules over the two sidereal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius (Makaram and Kumbam). He is exalted in Libra (Thulam), and fallen in the opposite sign of Aries (Mesham). Saturn is a karaka or indicator, of longevity, misery, sorrow, old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibility, delays, ambition, leadership and authority, humility, integrity and wisdom born of experience. Saturn also indicates asceticism, denial, non-attachment, spirituality, hard work, organization, reality and time itself.

2 1/2 years) etc. He is the Lord of Makaram and Kumbam. He is the slowest moving planet taking 2 1/2 years in each Rasi, completing one cycle every 30 years. A prayer to this Devatha, especially on Saturdays, is said to mitigate the hardships one will have to face during these periods. Sanischara bestows all benefits to the devotees who pray sincerely to him. He resides in each Rasi for a period of 2 1/2 years. When Shaniswara resides in the 12th, 1st and 2nd house, it is 7 1/2 Naatu Sani ; when in the 4th house, it is Arthashtama Sani; when in the 8th house, it is Ashtama Sani. During these periods, he troubles the native. The problems from Govt., peers, wife, children, slowdown in business, loss of property and leprosy are caused by transit of Sani. In a person’s life, 7 1/2 Naatu Sani aspects thrice, the first called Mangu Sani, the second called Pongu Sani and the third called Marana Sani. Shaniswara is reputed to be both, a giver and destroyer. A person who prays to Shaniswara will be blessed with not only riddance from the problems and worries faced, but a life that one desires. Sani graham moves from ‘Simma Rasi’ to ‘Kanya Rasi’ (Leo to Virgo) on September 26, 2009 Saturday. He will be there for 2 ½ years. During the period,the planet Jupiter/Guru will be in Magara Rasi (Capricorn, up to December 25, 2009) and then in Kumba Rasi (Aquarius), and the planets Raaghu and Kethu will move in Magara(Capricorn), Kataka(Cancer), Dhanusu(Sagittarius) and Mithuna (Gemini) Rasis. The great poet Mahakavi Kalidasan says that though Astrologers predict everything busy on the movement of planets, which may be

Saturn’s most powerful place in the chart is in the 7th House and the Kendras or Angles. He is a particularly beneficial planet for Taurus(Rishabam) and Libra(Thulam) Ascendants. Saturn’s nature is Vata, or Airy. His gem is Blue Sapphire, all black stones and his metal is Lead and Iron. Saturn’s direction is west and his day is Saturday. He reaches full maturity at the age of 36 years. In Vedic Philosophy, Saturn is the son of the Sun, born to his shadow wife, Chaya. Saturn is lame because one of the Sun’s first wife Sanjana’s children became angered with him and struck him in the foot. Thus Saturn walks with a limp, which accounts why he is the slowest of the Grahas. The graham, Sanischara (Saturn), also known as Manda, is generally known to affect one adversely on occasions when he occupies certain positions in one’s horoscope like Saade Sati (7 1/2 years) Ashtama Shaniswara (Saturn in 8th house Karma 35

Vedic Astrological view

From the Vedic point of view, the planet Saturn is only a representation of Sani Dev / Shanaischaran (Saturn God). By the movement of the planet Saturn, we understand the intention of Saturn God (Sani) about us. Saturn God is the natural ruler of karma, and to understand our karma, we must first understand Sani. Sani is one of the three children of the Sun God and his wife Chaya Devi. From the Vedic texts, we can learn a lot about Sani. Many times the power of his gaze has been mentioned in the classics. We learn that right after Sani was born, his gaze caused Sun’s charioteer to fall down and break his thigh; Sun’s horses to get blind; and Sun himself caught vitiligo for Sani’s powerful gaze on him. They were healed only when Sani moved his gaze away and looked at somewhere else. This clarifies the power, which Sani has in his gaze.

true to happen; final happenings are only in the hands of ‘Brahma’. Hence, the “Sani Peyarchi” predictions are based on “Gotcharam” happenings, it may change from individual to another individual of the same Rasi, based on the grahas / planets in their horoscope. We need not fear about ‘Lord Saneeswarar’ ‘Sani’ becomes the most powerful (Ucham) in Tula Rasi (Libra-Symbol “Balance”) so he will act judiciously. He will give good future and benefits to those whose activities are in the path of Good Dharma, and to those who don’t think on act ill to others. But for those who are in bad thinking, ‘Adharma’ activity, Sani Bhagavan will show his power by creating some problems in their life. As per Horoscope and “Gotcharam”, if Sani resides and moves in 3, 6,11th place will give more benefit and fortune. 7 ½ Sani, Ashtamathu Sani, Ardhashtama Sani etc., while moves in 4,7 and 10th place will give some hurdles, problems etc., Worshiping Saneeswarar, Ganapathi, Anjaneya and the specified God for each Rasi will reduce the friction created by the impact of Saneesawarar’s movement. Astronomical facts Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and is also the second largest planet, with a radius of 37,366 miles. It is said to have a small core of rock and iron, then a layer of ice and lastly topped by a deep layer of liquid hydrogen. Saturn is different from other known planets for the rings it has. No planet in this solar system has rings like Saturn does. The rings consist of small pieces of ice and rock, are 62,000 kilometers wide but just 100 meters thick. The rings are actually made of thousands of closely spaced ringlets, looking like a gramophone record disk. Saturn has 22 known natural satellites, more than any other planet does. Karma 36

In Jyotish or Vedic Astrology, Sani is considered a very malefic planet. The nine planets are the incarnation of Lord to bestow us the result of our karma, which are the lessons we need to learn and most of the times, the toughest lessons are taught by Sani. In our school, we always have different teachers for different subjects like Math, Physics, and Language etc. Just like that, different planets teach us different kind of lessons, and most of the times the teacher Sani teaches us very painful lessons. This is not something to doubt when we learn that Sani is the natural giver of grief. In general, Sani is considered the most malefic planet, and the most problematic, painful yogas involve Sani most of the times. When Sani maleficly affect something, he slows the matter down, and causes obstructions and delays in its fruitfulness. Sani also rules separation, he hurts us by taking things away from us. When we face a painful separation from our parents, spouse, friends or anyone we care for, Sani is always a possibility for that. Kethu also causes separation as he rules non-attachment, but separations and delays are among the main significations of Sani. His association with Venus / 7th lord causes separation from spouse most of the times. Though the final comment should be made seeing Sani’s strength, placement and lordship, as for Taurus and Libra natives Sani is a functional benefic being a Yoga karaka. But even then Sani will not forget to remind his nature sometimes. That is my personal view on this. Sani is a planet of Tamasic quality. He is a planet of extreme nature. When he favors someone, he gives very favorable effects. Oppositely, when anyone receives his curse, indescribable pain and miseries he or she faces in life. Sani purifies a person by giving immense sorrow and pain, as fire purifies the gold. Favorable effects of Sani on one’s nature include in-depth knowledge, sensibility, wisdom, justice, broadness of mind, honesty, patience, ability to work hard etc. In life, he may give wealth, fortune, long life etc. when auspicious and well placed. On the other hand, when badly afflicting a person’s nature, Sani can make one sadistic, greedy, lazy, dishonest, fearful, irresponsible and even addicted to

Sani was lamed by another son of the Sun, named Yama (God of death) when he hit Sani in his leg. So Sani is always very slow in his movement. One name of Sani, as I already mentioned, is ‘Shanaischaran’ which means the slow mover. He takes around 2.5 years to pass through a sign, thus he takes around 30 years to complete the travel over the whole zodiac. So he rules slowness and delays; and he teaches us how to tolerate slowness and delays, by patience. He is generally pleased with people having patience. The great phase (Maha Dasha) of Sani lasts for 19 years. Even than the Maha Dasha, Sani gets the strong hold of a person by his transit over the 12th, 1st and 2nd signs from his or her natal Moon. This is called ‘Sade Sati’ since it lasts for about 71/2 years. His natural friends are Mercury, Venus and Raaghu, while enemies are Sun, Moon, Mars and Kethu. He has neutral relationship with Deva Guru Jupiter. He is the ruler of the three nakshatras named Pushya (8), Anuradha (17) and Uttara Bhadra (26). He rules 8 in the numbers, Saturday in the weekdays, and aqua, blue and black in colors. His favorite gemstone is blue sapphire wearing which strengthens Sani’s effect on a person. The following prayer is to be recited daily as directed by a Guru or Swamiji like me.

drugs. Sani causes obstruction, delay, grief, poverty, short life etc. He makes a person totally lonely, helpless and can make one suffer from enmity, theft, lawsuits etc. Sani can also give imprisonment since he rules obstruction, loneliness and grief. When causing diseases, Sani generally gives chronic diseases as the person suffers for a long time. By this he again shows his nature of slowness and delays. When badly effecting one’s profession, Sani makes one work very hard but does not give the proper reward he deserves. That is why social servants and people who earn their living by physical labor are ruled by Sani. For the same reason Sani rules the Sudras (4th caste) and abodes in filthy places. For the power of his gaze, Sani has a tremendous afflicting ability by his mere aspects, which he casts on 3rd, 7th and 10th houses from his own position. Among other planets of Vedic Astrology, Saturn is the last one counted from Sun’s position. That is why Sani Dev rules ‘The last’ or ‘The end’ of anything. He is the ‘Last Answer’ in anything. In our material world, death is the end of everything, and that is why, Sani rules death and longevity issues. He is the natural significator of 8th house in astrology. We know that the 8th house deals with longevity of life, sorrows, shock, pains, depressions and also occult. That is why Sani also deals with Magic, Thantra, Jyotish etc.

Namaste kona samsthaaya pingalaaya namoastu te. Namaste babhruruupaaya krushhNaaya cha namoastu te. Namaste raudradehaaya namaste chaantakaaya cha. Namaste yamasamjnaaya namaste sauraye vibho. Namaste mandasamjnaaya shanaishchara namo.astu te. Prasaadam kuru devesa deenasya pranatasya cha|| The gist of this mantra is “I bow to God Sani who is the son of Surya, who is black in complexion, whose planetary motion is unhurried. Please shower your grace upon the devotees who are saluting you”. Saneeswarar Temple in USA: The only Atharva Vedic “Saneeswarar Temple” in USA is with Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar to help the entire human race to come out of the various problems. For more help with Sani / Saturn related pujas and Rituals call Swamiji in USA @ 408 829 7780 directly. PROPER ATHARVA VEDIC RITUALS and analyzing your Jathakam/ Janmakshar, kundli in an Atharva Vedic way (not by a usual jyotish or a pundit in USA) with an Atharva Vedic Scholar/Swamiji and performing the rituals as per their directions will reduce the problems and pressures. If required, Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will arrange to perform pariharams / homam / Abishekam, Pooja etc., on behalf of you on the specific day in the respective temples required.

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Humorous story for children:

A group of boys wanted to improve the lot of orphaned children. They planned to collect donations and help the school authorities to arrange education for such children. They wanted to approach well to do people for donations. The first man they approached was an elderly person relaxing on an easy chair. As they saw him through the grill gate, he was rebuking a small boy for burning away matchsticks. He was very angry and warned him not to waste. The boys watching were disappointed for his miserly behavior. When they were going away, the man saw them and called them in. They were in two minds whether to go or not. However, on persuasion by an elderly boy they all went in. The man smiled and put them at ease with a sweet smile. They were puzzled. They did not know how to begin. They looked at one another when the man asked the purpose of their visit. He was sure that they wanted some help and they must have seen him rebuking the boy for wasting matchsticks and concluded that he was a great miser. The boys gathered courage and explained to him the purpose of their visit. When they made him aware of the need to organize funds for the orphaned children, he asked them to wait. As they were waiting, hot snacks were served to them. The man returned and said: Two brothers were competing each other in miserliness. They never ate food properly in order to save without knowing why. When they ate bread, they had butter kept in jar hung at a distance. They Karma 38

ate bread pretending to dip bread in the jar. The children were really enjoying the story and they were giggling. One occasion there was some sad news from the village. The elder brother went to console the bereaved family. It was evening and the elder brother cautioned the younger not to spend much for the lamp. He advised him to eat in the darkness and if scared to eat in the street under the lamppost. The younger brother said that he need not worry as he had already eaten away under the lamp of the person who brought the news from the village. Each wanted to excel the other in miserliness. The elder brother went off warning him to put off the lights as soon as possible. The younger brother asked him not to eat anything on the way. He advised him to drink water from the well on the way if he was hungry. He nodded and proceeded. On the way after covering half of the distance, he had a doubt whether his brother had put the lamp off. He returned all the way. He knocked at the door ad when his brother opened, he wanted to check he lamps. He told him that he did it the moment he had left the house. He was foolish to have come all the way and much of the leather must have been worn out. The elder one said� I am not that foolish. To avoid the wear and tear, I have carried the shoes in my armpit.

to be continued in next issue

Atharva Vedic Spiritual solution for recession


oday, the greatest problem amongst the job going people is recession. Why the recession happens only to particular persons? Somebody get good jobs even though they are not qualified much and somebody sticks on to that particular job permanently. Whereas, some highly qualified people suffer much due to the recession. What is the reason for all these things? Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar replies in one sentence. That is Dharma and Ishta Devathas Pooja. By properly adopting the dharma and knowing the Ishata Devathas through the Atharva Vedic astrology and performing proper Pooja to the proper deities give wonderful Atharva Vedic spiritual salvation from this worst problem. This is the period of recession when everyone is having problems of different dimensions. Therefore it is better to know the divine future so that a person is able to know himself better from dharmic angle. Why should we take this Dharma and Ishta devathas report? What relevance it has for the present day situation? Dharma is the cornerstone of the Vedic tradition and it encompasses all aspects of human life. Thus a righteous way of life is not just for spiritual progress but also for leading a meaningful life in the world. The oft-quoted dictum is that Dharma protects one who upholds it. It is the only armor that protects man and not worldly power and your position which can easily fall away. In Ramayana, when Lord Rama went to the forest for 14 years, Kausalya gives advice to Rama which provides insight into the nuances of Dharma. She blessed Rama: “May that Dharma protect you on all sides.” Was this an expression of a mother’s anxiety about her son’s welfare? It was more. This is a pointer to the fact that in the present day turmoil, if one worships the dharma devatha and Ishta devatha, and has unshakeable faith in its working, he/she will be surely protected from all the problems of present day life. Rama’s life proved that even animals favored the righteous while Ravana is a pointer to the truth that even one’s sibling would desert the unrighteous. Through your Dharma and Ishta devatha report you will have an inspiration to broaden your horizons, and through prayers to your Dharma devatha and Ishta devatha. Our consultation will contain the following: 1. Who is your Dharma devatha? 2. Who is your Ishta devatha? 3. How do you offer prayers to the dharma devatha and Ishta devatha who can give you deliverance in these hard times? According to Hindu philosophy, there are four Vedas. Among all the four Vedas, Atharva Veda is the only Veda that describes the usage of the super human power to solve the problems faced by the human beings. The diagnostic part of the Atharva Veda is the Atharva Vedic Astrology. Vedic astrology is as old as the Vedas. That too The Vedas, which are the sacred Hindu scriptures, embody eternal knowledge. To the uninitiated, the Vedas might

appear as nothing more than ritualistic oblations to air, water and thunder, etc. In order to decipher what lies concealed in the Vedas, a study of certain subjects is considered a prerequisite. These subjects are called the ‘Vedangas’ or the body organs of the Vedas. There are six such Vedangas. They are: Shiksha, Chhanda, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Kalpa and Jyotisha. Now let us see the brief description of all these things. Shiksha:-, which deals with an understanding of the Vedic ‘Varnas’, ‘Swaras’ and ‘Matras’, and thus with the technique of correct pronunciation. Chhanda:-, dealing with the appropriate lyrical utterance of the Vedic ‘Suktas’. Vyakarana:-, expounding the grammatical aspects of the language. Nirukta:-, which explains the difficult words, ‘padas’ and ‘mantras’. Kalpa:-, dealing with the understanding of Sutras and the use of Mantras, hence concerned with the ritualistic aspect of the Vedas Jyotisha or Vedic astrology: The Vedic way of analyzing the positions of planets. So to say this is the base for the modern astronomy based astrology. Of the body called the Vedas, astrology represents the ‘eyes’, with its capacity to ‘see’ the past, the present and the future. Vedic Astrology is considered as the most important of the above Vedangas. Vedic Astrology is an analysis and forecasting system, based on astronomical data, which allows its practitioners to carefully assess and understand behavior, to measure the effects of the past, the influence of the present and the tendency of events to unfold in the future. Vedic Astrology appeared in Sanskrit. Later day authors came up with the name – “Vedic Astrology”. The word “Vedic” means “pertaining to Vedas.” Vedas are the sacred scriptures of, what is known today as Hinduism and they are supposed to contain knowledge of all subjects. Moreover, astrology in particular is supposed to be a “Vedaanga” (which means a limb of Vedas). Vedic Astrology is becoming popular these days. Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar’s role is very notable in popularizing Vedic Astrology in western countries. He has great research knowledge of Atharva Veda and Vedic Astrology. There is a vast difference in scrutinizing a horoscope as a “Jyothish” and Atharva Vedic scholar. With the Atharva Vedic astrology one can easily find what the “Ishata Devatha” is and perform the proper rituals to that Ishata devatha and get rid of the problems faced today. To know more and more about individual horoscope and to solve your problems contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or 1-888-808-1428 or email to avtemple@ aol.com Karma 39

Business Problems and spiritual solutions. A business is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers. One who owns a business is called as businessman. Each and every one who starts a business does not shine as a successful businessman. It is not that they are not capable of running a business. The horoscope and planet position in the horoscope make a n individual as a successful businessman. The 2nd, 10th, and the 11th houses, the owner of those houses and the planets occupying those houses decide the factor of a businessman. Atharva Veda explains a lot more about the business. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar has done a vast research in Atharva Vedic astrology and he has written a lot of articles on this subject. The planetary positions cannot be changed. It is called as “Destiny’ or “Karma”. None can change it. But by proper Atharva Vedic Yaksha devathas rituals one can make this karma or destiny in a smooth way. The evilness of the planets can be removed and the same evil planets will be made as the best, by the Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas. The worship of Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini devathas is called as ritual. There is a great difference between the regular prayer and rituals. Physically one may show many reasons for the loss in the business or closure of a business. But the fundamental base is only one. That fundamental base is astrology. If the planets and their positions are good, everything will go smooth and well. But if the planets and their positions are not well the entire things will be spoiled. There are many examples for the best businessmen, who have become the worst businessmen and lost everything they earned. All are not planned but when the planets’ positions change everything gets changed. What is the remedy for this? Atharva Veda is the only remedy and solution for this. The horoscope of the person is to be scrutinized by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). After scrutinizing the horoscopes he will prefer some Atharva Vedic Thantric rituals. Atharva Veda has wonderful mantras and rituals to bring up the down trodden business and it can make the worst businessman as a successful businessman. The rituals for the following Yaksha devathas are to be performed be at least seven learned scholars. The rituals should be performed only in a divine and auspicious place. The rituals are to be done as per the directions of Siddhar Swamiji. By adopting these one can become a successful businessman. The following Atharva Veda Yakshini Devathas are to be worshipped with the utmost dedication and devotion. The first Yakshini Devatha is Shodashi Devi. She is called Shodashi because she possesses all the sixteen Supernatural powers. Goddess Shodashi is the most enchanting beauty of all the ten great learning. Shodashi, who has the mantra consisting of sixteen letters, has organs glowing like a rising sun. She has four hands and three eyes. She is seated on the lotus, which is placed on the body of Shiva who is lying in a peaceful posture. Karma 40

She has a noose, a hook, a bow and an arrow in each of her hands. Eveready to shower blessings on her devotees, her appearance is completely cheerful and gentle. Her heart is full of compassion. A devotee who takes her refuge achieves great divinity like the deities. In fact her splendors are indescribable. Even the Vedas are incapable of describing her greatness. Being pleased with her devotee she gives more than he demands. The next Atharva Veda Yakshini Devatha is Siddhidatri. She is capable of giving all sorts of occult powers. According to Atharva Veda there are eight types of these powers - Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Isitwa and Vasitwa. The number eight is given special consideration in Atharva Veda. The mother Siddhidatri is competent enough to give all Siddhis to the strivers and her devotees. According to Devi Purana the Lord Shiva acquired these powers only by the grace of this goddess alone. Only due to her grace the Lord Siva became Ardhanariswara. The mother Siddhidatri is fourarmed. Her vehicle is lion. She is seated on a lotus flower. She holds a Chakra in her right lower hand and a mace in the upper. In the left lower hand there is a conch and in her upper left hand a lotus flower. By performing the rituals in a manner prescribed Swamiji Sri Siddhar and with his full faith the Sadhaka acquires all Siddhis. There remains nothing unattainable in the universe. He develops competency to conquer the whole universe. It is the duty of every person to always try to propitiate mother Siddhidatri and earn her favor. By her grace only a devotee crosses the ocean of miseries and remaining quite untainted, enjoying all worldly pleasures. By adopting the rituals prescribed by Swamiji Siddhar through the learned pundits in a holy place, even the dull most businessmen can become the best businessmen. To know more and more about your personal horoscope from Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar and to solve your business related problems contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or 1-888-808-1428.

Dreams and the meanings of dreams (Swapna saasthram) By Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar

The Atharva Vedic astrology has a lot of sub clauses in it. One of those clauses is dealing with the dreams. In Sanskrit it is called as “Swapna Saastram”. The dreams have many meanings. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) explains a lot about dreams on the basis of Atharva Veda. Let us read about this wonderful science through the words of Sri.Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam).

sleep. The second one happens at the mid night or called as rendaam jaamam. The 3 rd one occurs in the early morning. The 4 the one occurs in the afternoon or evening times. . We need not worry about any kinds of dreams come to us after the sun light and before the sun set. . The Dreams occur in the night always are related to our past life or to the last incarnation. The mid night dreams have got connection with our present life. The early morning dreams, lot of time related to our present life and lot of times, could be the warning for the forthcoming issues. Rishi Sri Kabala Muni has divided the dreams in to 74 parts, and even to my experience with my followers, devotees, all of their different kinds of Dreams are falling within the 74 segments. I would be able to give only crispy ideas here. Temple related dreams; If we see, a large temple, implies that, we are going to get miracles or excellent Gods’ grace very soon. If we see the closed temple, or no body in the temple and we are the only people, implies that, we would be getting lot of hurdles and bad luck in our different issues, and the same could be settled by proper advice and rituals through an Atharva Veda scholar. If we are getting a dream like opening the Pooja room or the door of any spiritual place, implies that, we are going to get in to some new business or job. If we see lot of temple ceremony crowds, implies a business/ job opportunity and if we see that we are standing in the crowds implies that, somebody is going to come to us to give great help. Bell sound and bells related dreams. If we hear a big bell sound either from the temple or from any sources imply that, all of our problems and stress in the life is going to be settled very soon, and also it implies that, again we should not get in to the problems or causing stress to somebody. Green trees or Tree Avenues; seeing some kinds of Avenues with lot of Trees or Green leaves implies that, we are going to have excellent new baby in our life. Chances to get some huge money from the unexpected channels, winning lotto, getting money from the Politicians are the possibilities.

The “Maha Rishi Kabala Muni”, one of the authors of Atharva Veda is one of the main disciples of the great sage Sri.Agasthiyar. He has written a wonderful Saastra/ theme about the dreams and their meanings, and the same is still in the old palm scripts and not yet published anywhere in the world. The palm scripts came to me from my “Maha guru Sri Chinnappa Siddhar” and being the Guru Parampara and the next successor of the Ashram, I had an opportunity to read and utilize the same for the benefits of the mankind. I like to give some important features about the Dreams exclusively for the readers, which I hope, are the most useful for all human beings. The dreams are so much connected to our future, or some times, it would be a warning for the expected problems. The dreams are divided in to 4 different segments of Dreams. One is at the time, which happens, immediately, as soon as we Karma 41

Seeing in the dreams about Raja, (government people) Elephant, Horse, Cow, Bull, Gold would give Dhana laabam (excellent immediate wealth), lucky children, traveling to the holy places. Dreams like you are riding or happened to climb bull, elephant, mountains, tree and dreaming like garbage or split of other person fall on our body and seeing blood, dead body, and prostitute would yield a special benefit or quick luck, betterment of the health, or would absorb new cloths. Seeing a very low cadre people ( in India we call them as scheduled caste people) or the cleaning persons come with dangerous instruments to fight with us, - soon we would get lot of health related problems. . Feeling like, we clean the home with cow dung and praying, would yield unnecessary feeling about robbers and bad peoples. .Happened to see a pundit comes to the home that is not married; chances are to get fire problems or accidents. Climbing on a tree with lot of flowers and fruits gives siddhidefinite success in our endeavors. Snake climbing on the right shoulder is the symbol for definite success to get gold/ money, or getting new children. Eating on the walls or crossing the border of sea in any means of transportation, gives an unexpected promotion or the increment in the job. Seeing snake or cancer means getting money or success. Seeing like eating the sweet on the Lotus Leaf, the person is going to be a Millionaire soon. Seeing like catching the birds, would

yield to enjoyment with a new girl or lady and all the material blessings. Seeing like drinking or making Liquor and seeing or getting or giving Blood would yield Excellent Education or wealth. Seeing dheepam (dhiya), Bird, Umbrella, Chaamaram and Prostitute will bring definite success in the action or job. Seeing like having the intestine of a human being around us means the concerned person will become the leader for the place, town, country, or Nation. Seeing like traveling in the carts having Donkey, Camel, or Buffalo means death is soon. Seeing Thaamboolam, (Marriage Plate), Sandal or Sandal Paste, Curd (Yogurt), Pearls, Flowers will bring excellent growth of wealth. Fruit tress/ forest Dreams; if we happened to see trees or fruits, which we are using in our day to day life reflects that, we are going to have sudden “Kubera Sampatthu� (great wealth) and all kinds of material wealth very soon. Seeing an Accountant or a writing person; these kinds of dreams reflects that, any kind of Court cases are going to be ended to our favor. The persons with some kinds of Arts back ground would be getting awards and lot of money too. Police station/ police/ legal buildings; If we happened to see a police station, police, court buildings, lawyer office, reflects that, soon we are going to get in to some kinds of court cases, or litigations. We should be very careful in all kinds of financial transactions, property related, and Business related deals. Otherwise, we would be put in to lot of hard ships. Flowers; if we happened to see flowers, means, lot of happiness is going to be started. If we happened to see that, a small girl is presenting Flowers, means, love success, seeing a girl putting flowers on other girls/ ladies on their head, reflects happy understanding between the couples is going to happen. Beautiful girl; seeing a beautiful girl in the Dreams reflects the Happiness in the Life. If we happened to see a girl entering our home with good / subha products on her hands reflects that, some kinds of happy ceremony in the house is going to happen very soon. Marriage, age attainment for the girls, getting a property is the possibilities. Girl with lot of Jewelleries; if we happened to see a girl entering our home with lot of jewellery reveals that, we are going to get huge assets from some of our relatives or from the ancestors. It also reflects some kinds of will deeds too. Beggar; if we happened to see that we are doing begging on the roads, reflects that, chances to get in to Bankruptcy, or somebody could cheat us. For the Business people it reflects that loosing our business and for the Job people loosing our job or de promotion etc., For an Industrialist, chances to get either labor strike or big labor court cases. Dreams related to Spirits, Evils, fights, death, and Gods. House birds; If we have a dream related to the usual House pets/ birds, means, that, we are just wasting our excellent smartness and some times the Husband always controls us by the Wife or. Aggressive Birds. Seeing some kind of Aggressive Birds like Eagle etc. Reflects that, soon we are going to get into heavy troubles by our own surroundings or by the close circle of friends. It also reflects that, we will not be in a position to

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understand who is initiating, the concerned negative ness or Black Magic around us. Hunting the birds; having a dream like Hunting or Shooting Birds or Animals reflects that, we are unnecessarily disturbing somebody and bothering somebody, and the same should be avoided. Birds/ Animals escape; if we see like some kinds of birds or Animals are escaped from our Possession reflects that, we are going to have lot of relief from the long-standing issues and problems. Sandal Paste; if we happened to see that, we are pasting a good Sandal wood powder on our Body reflects that, we are going to get excellent name and fame very soon in our carrier and lot of chances to get the prizes from the Government or from the Employer. If we Dream like, we are putting Sandal paste on Somebody’s body, means, we are going to get into the clutches of the opposite Sex and the opposite person is going to use us for all sexual pleasures. Umbrella; if we happened to see an Umbrella related Dreams reflects that, we are going to get a permanent stable life very immediately or we are going to have a permanent job, or chances to get back our loans, which are uncollected for a long time. Chances to get away from financial burdens too. Meeting a Stranger; this dream elects that, we are going to get an excellent Status in our life very soon. Even our enemies are going to be very thick friends soon. Chances to get somebody to help our life struggle too. Injury related Dreams. If we dream like we had some kinds of hurt in the body and the injury is only inside, reflects that, we sooner or latter, is going to have lot of problems from the secret enemies. Lot of chances to get in to highest mental stress. In the business to get in to Bankruptcy or to get in to legal litigations etc., if we happened to see an accident for us or lot of blood from our Body reflects that, we are going to have excellent name and income from some source. Money would flow like waterfalls. Seeing a dream like getting a bandage for the injury reflects that, we are going to get cheated by somebody very soon. Carpet’; Seeing a Carpet reflects that some one who is very close to us, is going to die and at the same time, the same person is going to give some kinds of good wealth to us. It is something like somebody is getting huge funds from somebody, and the person who gave loan die suddenly without informing to his people that, the concerned loan or some kinds of payments made to us. These are just hints to tell about the Swapna Saastram or dream science. The bad effects of the bad dreams can be converted as good effects and the having of bad dreams are also eradicated by the Atharva Veda Thantric rituals. To know more and more about dreams and the results of the dreams, contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or 1-888-808-1428 or email to avtemple@aol.com

The secrets of Shakti Peetams By “Swamiji Selvam Siddhar” It is an ancient story. Sri Daksha did not invite his son in law, Lord Shiva for the great Yagna. But Lord Shiva’s wife, Sati Devi wanted to go to her father’s house. Lord shiva tried to stop her but she refused to stop the journey to her father’s house. On seeing SatiDevi, Daksha started talking ill of Lord Shiva. On hearing the ill talking of Daksha, Satidevi, sacrificed her life in that place itself. On hearing this sad news Lord Shiva got angry and rushed to the place of Daksha. He killed Daksha. It as an in out sati had left her body into yagna and decided to be a wife of Lord Shiva by taking rebirth as a daughter of Himalaya. Knowing this, Lord Shiva was annoyed and also fascinated. He had destroyed the yagna of Daksha and started dancing holding the dead body of Sati. In order to calm down Lord Shiva and for the welfare of Sadhakas, Lords Brahma and Mahavishnu cut the body of Sati and threw her different organs of body at different places. They became the 51- Shakti Peetam. As per the Atharva Vedic scriptures, the places where the organs of the upper body were fell, vaidic Dakshin Marga’s worship are to be done while the places where lower organs were fell, the Vammarg’s worship are to be done. The various Shakti Peetams are described as follows 1. Kamrup Peetam: - The place where Vulva of Sati fell is known as ‘Kamrup Peetam’. It is a root place of letter ‘A’, means Sri Vidya is placed here as the Principal divinity As per Atharva Veda, the Siddhis (powers) like ‘Anima’ are accomplished here. There are two sub-Peetams named ‘Vansha’ created by Loma, were established. The power of Mantras can be achieved here. 2. Kashika Peetam: - The place where breasts fell is known as Kashika Peetam, from where ‘Aa’ was created. One can get salvation after death at this place two steams came out from her breasts, which converted into rivers viz ‘Asi’ and ‘Varna’. There are two sub Peetams as one named ‘Dakshin Sarnath’ on the bank of ‘Asi’ and second named ‘Uttar Sarnath’ on the North of ‘Varana’. One achieves the power of Mantras of Dakshin and North ways. 3. Organ of Generation: - The place where this organ fell is known as ‘Nepal Peetam’ from where ‘I’ was created. It is an origin of ‘Vam-Vad’. There are 56 lakhs- Bhairav-Bhairavi, 2 Thousands Shaktis, three hundred Peetams and 14-grave yards. There are four Peetams of ‘Dakshin Marg’ which are fruitful of them; Vaidic Mantras can be accomplished here. In the east of Nepal, excretion fell and it became the abode of Kiratas. There is a residence of thirty thousands of ‘Devayoni’. 4. Raudra-Parvat: - Here the left eye fell. The vowel long ‘Ii’ was created. One can have darshan of Devathas here by the accomplishment of Mantras. Karma 43

13. Kailas Peetam: - The fingers fell here. The fingers were established in the form of ‘Ling’ Here the recitation of hymns by counting beads will give immediate achievement. 14. Brigu Peetam: - The Teeth fell here. The Mantras of Vedas are accomplished at this place. 15. Kedar Peetam: - The right palm fell here. One ‘Sub-Peetam’ named ‘Agastayasrham’ was established on its south where the bangle fell and other ‘Sub Peetam’ named ‘Indrakshi’ was established in its west where ring fell. 16. Chandrapur Peetam: - Left cheek fell. All the Mantras are accomplished.

5. Kashmir Peetam: - The left ear fell here. The vowel ‘U’ was created from. One can achieve all the Mantras here. Many wonderful ‘Tirthas’ (holy water) exit here. But they were demolished by Non-Hindus during this Kaliyuga. 6. Kanyakubja Peetam: - Right ear fell here and vowel ‘Long U’ was created. Brahma, etc. Gods had constructed their Tirthas in this holy place named ‘Antarvedi’ situated between Ganga and Yamuna. Vaidic mantras are accomplished here. The place where the dirt of the ear fell the sub-Peetam named Indraprastha was established on the bank of Yamuna. Under its miraculous power, Brahma regained the knowledge of Vedas which he had forgotten. 7. Purnagiri Peetam :- The nose fell here. The vowel ‘Ru’ was created. Yogsiddhi is achieved here. The devotee can get the Darshan of the Mantra’s principal deity. 8. Arbudachal Peetam - The left cheek fell at this place, where ‘Ru’ was created Shakti named ‘Ambika’ is enshrined here and ‘Vam-Theory’ can be achieved here. 9. Amrat Keshvar Peetam:- The right cheek fell here. It is an abode of Yakshini Devathas. 10. Ekamra Peetam: - The Nails fell here. This Peetam gives knowledge. 11. Trishot Peetam: - Three folds of skin above naval were fell and ‘E’ was created. Three pieces of her cloth fell at its east, west and south portion where three sub-Peetams were established. A Brahmin accomplishes the power of the Mantra. 12. Kamkoti Peetam: - Navel fell at this place. All the Kammantras can be accomplished here. There are four sub-Peetams around its four directions, where ‘Apsaras’ reside.

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17. Shiva Peetam: - Where her head was fallen. The sinners can’t reach here. The earrings fallen on its East side and ‘Sub Peetam’ was established. Brahmi Shakti resides here. One half ear ornaments was fallen in South-East corner of the Peetam and other sub-Peetam was established. Maheshvari Shakti resides there. In south third sub Peetam was established where her (patra valli) adornment on forehead was fallen. Kaumari Shakti is enshrined in this Peetam. Fourth sub Peetam was established on South-West of the place where Necklaces were fallen. Vaishnavi Shakti having Indrajal-Vidya is enshrined here. Fifth sub Peetam of Varahi Shakti was established in the west where the pearl of Nose was fallen. In the North West direction the head ornament was fallen where sixth sub Peetam of ‘Chamunda Shakti’ was established. In the North East corner Seventh sub Peetam of Mahalakshmi was established where the ornament of hairs was fallen. 18. Narmada Peetam:- One more Peetam was established where the ‘Kanchuki’ (bodice) was fallen. Devi Jyotishmati was been established here. This Peetam is enshrined by Narmada. The great saints get salvation by their penance. 19. Jwalamukhi Peetam:- One Peetam was established where the chest was fallen. The fire god Agni did penance here and got divinity and enshrined in this sub Peetam as “Jwalamukhi’. 20. Malav Peetam: - The Peetam was established in the place where the left arm fell. The divine singers Gandharvas got achievements about the knowledge of Musical Ragas by doing penance. 21. Kulantalk Peetam:-The Peetam was established in the place where the right arm pit fell. Vidveshan, Uchchatan, Maran etc experiments are succeeded here. 22. Kottak Peetam: - The left arm pit was fallen here. Demons get achievements here. 23. Gokarna Peetam:- The stomach was fallen here and this is very powerful in curing the black magic. 24. Matureshvar Peetam: - There were three folds of skin above novel and the first fold fell here. The ‘Matureshvar Peetam’ was

established. ‘Shaiva Mantra’ is accomplished here immediately. 25. Attahas Peetam: - At the place where the second fold fell, ‘Attahas Peetam’ was established. Here Ganesh Mantra is being accomplished. 26. Viraj Peetam: - The Peetam was established where third fold fell. This Peetam is granting all the super natural success for Vishnu-Mantras. 27. Rajgrih Peetam: - The Peetam was established where the pelvis was fallen. The devotee can get instant knowledge of Vedas. 28. Mahapath Peetam: - The Peetam was stabled where the breasts were fallen. One can get success in the love affairs by worshipping the Goddess Parasakthi here. 29. Kaulgiri Peetam: - The Peetam was established where the buttocks were fallen. The Mantra powers of forest Gods are achieved speedily. 30. Elapur Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where thigh was fallen. One can get a great mental and physical strength by worshipping here. 31. Mahakaleshvar Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where left thigh was fallen. The Mantras like ‘Mrityunjay Mantra’, increasing the life span are accomplished here. 32. Jayanti Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where right thigh was fallen. The knowledge of ‘Dhanurved’ (Archery) is achieved here.

fed here at different places, where many ‘Sub Peetam’ were established ‘Bagala Upa Peetam’ in East of Ganga, ‘Chamunda Upa Peetam’ in North, Raja Rajeswari in the midst of Ganga Yamuna, and Bhuvaneshi on the Southern bank of Yamuna was established. Therefore Prayag is called as ‘Thirtharaj’ and ‘Peeta Raj’. 39. Bashtish Peetam: The Peetam is the place where right feet fell. The power of Paduka Mantra is achieved here. 40. Mayapur Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where left feet fell. The achievement of all the ‘Mayas’ is made at this place. 41. Malay Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where blood was fallen. The power of Buddha’s Mantras can be achieved here. 42. Sri Shaila Peetam:- The Peetam is the place where the bile (Pitta) was fallen. By worshipping in this Peetam one can get wonderful spiritual salvation for the stomach related problems. 43. Meru Peetam: - The Peetam was established on Himalayas where marrow was fallen. Here one succeeds in achieving the power of ‘Svarnakarshan Bhairava Mantra’. 44. Giri Peetam: - This is the place where the front part of the tongue was fallen. One gets the achievement of speech by (Japa) recitation. 45. Mahendra Peetam:- The Peetam is the place where the nerves were fallen. By reciting Shakta Mantras here, one gets achievement.

33. Ujjayini Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where left thigh was fallen. One can achieve the power of ‘Kuch-Mantra’ for protection. 34. Yogini Peetam: - This Peetam is the place where right thigh was fallen. The power of Kapalik Mantras can be achieved here. 35. Kshirika Peetam: - This Peetam is the place where left thigh was fallen. The power of Vaitalik means Shabar Mantra can be achieved here. 36. Hastinapur Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where right ankle was fallen. Further a sub Peetam ‘Nupuraranav’ was established where her anklet fell. The power of Surya mantras are achieved here. 37. Uddish Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where left ankle fell. The power of the wonderful Uddishastra Maha mantra can be achieved here. This mantra is very powerful to destroy the enemies. 38. Prayag Peetam: - The Peetam is the place where ‘Deh Ras’ was fallen. The clay of the land appears white. Many bones were Karma 45

46. Vaman Peetam: - The Peetam was established where right thumb fell. One can get the leadership qualities by worshipping here. 47. Hiranyapur Peetam: - The Peetam was established where left thumb was fallen ‘Sh’ was produced here. One gets ‘Siddhi Labh’ by following Vam-Marg. 48. Mahalakshmi Peetam: - The Peetam was established where decorations were fallen. All the achievements are fulfilled here and the devotee can get a good wealth. 49. Atri Peetam: - The Peetam was established where ‘artery’ was fallen. One can easily wash out all the sins here by the gracious blessings of the Goddess Parasakthi. 50. Chhaya Peetam: - The Peetam was established where the ‘Shadow’ was appeared. All kinds of evil spirits are destroyed here. 51. Kshatra Peetam: - The Peetam was established were hairs were fallen. All the achievements are available immediately from here. Even though the Goddess Sri. Parasakthi seems to be separated in various shapes, she is the one and only power to bless the entire human race with all kinds of things needed by them. To know the particular mantras to be chanted and to solve your problems in a spiritual way, contact Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar @ USA Toll Free 1-888-808-1418 or 1-888808-1428 or email to avtemple@aol.com

Important rituals for spiritual salvations.


Atharva Veda Pithru Bhakthi Rituals. This ritual is specially meant for the betterment of adamant kids. This Pooja is also beneficial for Self-control, mental peace, destroy the evil forces, respect to the scholars and the elders. According to the epics, Lord Sri.Rama is known as the seventh incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu. Rama, the perfect avatar of the Supreme Protector Lord Mahavishnu, has always been popular among the Hindu deities. Rama is the symbol of courtesy and virtue, a man of values and morals. Lord Rama is the perfect man. Lord Rama is considered to have taken birth on the earth to destroy the evil forces of the age. Sri Rama was a paragon of virtues. Sri Rama was not only kind and affectionate but also generous and considerate of feelings for all around him. Sri Rama had a marvelous physique and captivating manners. Sri Rama had a magnanimous personality. He was extremely noble, generous, chivalrous and fearless. He was very simple and free from flamboyance. Sri Rama is Karma 46

considered as a son unequalled in the world, and resembled Dasaratha in every aspect of good qualities. He never spoke a lie throughout his life. He always offered respect to the scholars and the elders. People loved him and he adored the people. His body was transcendental and outstanding. He was eloquent, attractive and adjustable to circumstances. He knew the heart of every human being on the earth (being omniscient). He had all the conceivable qualities of a king’s son and was dear to the people as their own hearts. Sri Rama was endowed with incredible transcendental qualities. The earth personified and adored him, as a possessor of such virtues, as an indomitable, as brave, and as the unequalled Lord of all. To put succinctly, Sri Rama’s life was a life of holy compliance, of stainless purity, of matchless simplicity, praiseworthy contentment, commendable self-sacrifice and remarkable renunciation. That

procedure is very effective although very simple. This ritual is also to get spiritual healings for all kinds of sickness. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/ Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-8081418 or email to avtemple@aol.com

is why Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar prefers Sri Rama rituals for Self-control, mental peace, destroy the evil forces and to show respect to the scholars and the elders. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-808-1418 or email to avtemple@aol.com Atharva Veda ukata Roga Nivarana Ritual. This ritual is beneficial for the spiritual healings of all kind of sickness, improve immune systems. According to Atharva Vedic scriptures, the ailments to this physical body are caused by three major elements. The first is called as Aadhi Aathmikam, the second is Aadhi Bowdhikam and the third is Aadhi Deivikam. Aadhi Aathmikam means the ailments caused due to the evil and deadly spirits. Aadhi Deivikam means the ailments caused by the divine powers. Aadhi Bowdhikam means the physical elements like fire, water, earth and wind. All these ailments are to be treated in two ways. The first way is medical and the second way is spiritual. The spiritual way will not work properly without the medical. The medicines nourish the physical body and destroy the fundamental reasons for the ailment. The rituals spiritually nourish the medicines and the physical body. These two work together and give the perfect remedy for the quickest healing. The devotee should worship god Dhanvantari in Roga Nivarana Pooja as per the divine instructions and initiations of Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar. When there is a long term sickness, this ritual is to be done along with the medical procedures. This ritual procedure helps to increase the immunity power. This ritual done by Thantric

Atharva Veda Mahamritunjaya Ritual When somebody is constantly feeling ill, facing depression, accidents, enemies harming, there is just one option to get spiritual salvation for those. That is Atharva Veda Mahamritrunjaya Ritual. This Mahamitrunjaya Ritual is to be done by Thantric procedure as mentioned in the Shiva Rudra Thantra of Atharva Veda. This special ritual is to be performed as per the divine instructions and initiations of Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar. Maha Mritunjaya ritual is dedicated to Lord Shiva to avoid premature death and get rid of diseases. Mritunjaya is made out of two words i.e. Mrityu and jaya, Mrityu means Death and jaya means victory. The Mritunjaya ritual is performed to achieve Jaya or Victory over Mrityu or death. The object of worship for this ritual is Lord Shiva. One of the synonyms of Lord Shiva is Mrityunjaya. Mrityunjaya means death of the death or the destroyer of death. During this ritual, the pundits will chants 125,000 mantras for the betterment of the devotee. The prominent offerings in this ritual are durva grass and an herb called amrita. The former is famous for purifying blood and the latter is used as a medicine for incurable diseases. Since these are used as offerings in this ritual, it is believed that this ritual bestows longevity on the performer. The hymns are devoted to Mrityu, the God of death, praying for long life. These hymns are used in the purnahuti or the final offering in the famous Soma sacrifice. This ritual also alleviates Mrityu Dosha or sudden death. Learned expert pundits will do the japas and the ritual will continue for the stipulated period as per the divine instructions and initiations of Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-808-1418 or email to avtemple@ aol.com Atharva Veda Lord Kamdeva Ritual This wonderful Thantric ritual is the most beneficial for giving spiritual healing for impotency, relationship, attraction power and all kind of sexual problems. According to Atharva Veda thantras, Lord Kamdeva is the only deity to solve all sexual problems and fulfill the desires of the devotee. Kamdeva Ritual is the only spiritual remedy for those who have sexual problems. Lord Kamdeva Ritual is very powerful to attract someone. Lord Kamdeva is known as the lord of love and attraction. This wonderful ritual is to be performed as per the divine instructions and initiations of Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-808-1418 or email to avtemple@aol.com Karma 47

Merchant of Venice (A Wonderful drama by William Shakespeare.)

Bassanio, a young Venetian, of noble rank but having squandered his estate, wishes to travel to Belmont to woo the beautiful and wealthy heir Portia. He approaches his friend Antonio, a wealthy and generous merchant, who has previously and repeatedly bailed him out, for three thousand ducats needed to subsidize his traveling expenditures as a suitor for three months. Antonio agrees, but he is cash-poor; his ships and merchandise are busy at sea. He promises to cover a bond if Bassanio can find a lender, so Bassanio turns to the Jewish moneylender Shylock and names Antonio as the loan’s guarantor. Shylock hates Antonio, both because he is a Christian and because he insulted and spat on Shylock for being a Jew. In addition, Antonio undermines Shylock’s money lending business by lending money at zero interest. Shylock proposes a condition for the loan: if Antonio is unable to repay it at the specified date, he may take a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Bassanio does not want Antonio to accept such a risky condition; Antonio is surprised by what he sees as the moneylender’s generosity (no “usance” interest is asked for), and he signs the contract. With money at hand, Bassanio leaves for Belmont with his friend Gratiano, who has asked to accompany him. Gratiano is a likeable young man, but is often flippant, overly talkative, and tactless. Bassanio warns his companion to exercise self-control, and the two leave for Belmont and Portia. Meanwhile in Belmont, Portia is awash with suitors. Her father has left a will stipulating each of her suitors must choose correctly from one of three caskets – one each of gold, silver, and lead before he could win Portia’s hand. In order to be granted an opportunity to marry Portia, each suitor must agree in advance to live out his life as a bachelor if he loses the contest. The suitor who correctly looks past the outward appearance of the caskets will find Portia’s portrait inside and win her hand. The first suitor, the luxury and money-obsessed Prince Of Morocco, reasons to choose the gold casket, because lead proclaims “Choose me and risk everything you’ve got”, and he has no wish to risk everything for lead, and the silver’s. “Choose me and get what you deserve” sounds like an invitation to be tortured, but “Choose me and get what all men desire” all but spells it out that he that chooses gold will get Portia, as what all men desire is Portia. Inside the casket Karma 48

are a few gold coins and a skull with a scroll containing the famous verse, “All that glisters is not gold / Often have you heard that told / Many a man his life hath sold But my outside to behold / Gilded tombs do worms enfold / Had you been as wise as bold, Young in limbs, in judgment old / Your answer had not been inscrolled: /Fare you well; your suit is cold’. His judgment captured by outward appearances, he is an unfit suitor for Portia and his bachelor life begins. The second suitor is the conceited Prince of Aragon. He decides not to choose lead, because it is so common, and will not choose gold because he will then get what many men desire and wants to be distinguished from the barbarous multitudes. He decides to choose silver, because the silver casket proclaims “Choose Me and Get What You Deserve”, which he imagines must be something great, because he egotistically imagines himself as great. Inside the casket, however, is the picture of a court jester’s head on a baton and remarks “What? A grinning idiot? Did deserve no more than this?” The scroll reads: “Some there be that shadows kiss/Some have but a shadow’s Bliss/Take what wife you will to bed/I will ever be your Head---meaning that he was foolish to imagine that a pompous man like him could ever be a fit husband for Portia, and that he was always a fool, he always will be a fool, and the fact that he chose the silver casket is mere proof that he is a fool”.

The last suitor is Bassanio. He realizes that the line about “Choose me and risk everything you’ve got.” could be a reference to the fact that marriage is a tremendous gamble and could mean a drastic turning point in one’s life, and chooses lead. He gets it right. At Venice, Antonio’s ships are reported lost at sea. This leaves him unable to satisfy the bond (in financial language, insolvent). Shylock is even more determined to exact revenge from Christians after his daughter Jessica flees his home to convert to Christianity and elope with Lorenzo, taking a substantial amount of Shylock’s wealth with her, as well as a turquoise ring, which was a gift to Shylock from his late wife, Leah. Shylock has Antonio arrested and brought before court. At Belmont, Portia and Bassanio have just been married, as have Gratiano and Portia’s handmaid Nerissa. Bassanio receives a letter telling him that Antonio has defaulted on his loan from Shylock. Shocked, Bassanio and Gratiano leave for Venice immediately, with money from Portia, to save Antonio’s life by offering the money to Shylock. Unknown to Bassanio and Gratiano, Portia has sent her servant, Balthazar, to seek the counsel of Portia’s cousin, Bellario, a lawyer, at Padua. The climax of the play comes in the court of the Duke of Venice. Shylock refuses Bassanio’s offer of 6,000 ducats, twice the amount of the loan. He demands his pound of flesh from Antonio. The Duke, wishing to save Antonio but unwilling to set a dangerous legal precedent of nullifying a contract, refers the case to a visitor who introduces himself as Balthazar, a young male “doctor of the law”, bearing a letter of recommendation to the Duke from the learned lawyer Bellario. The “doctor” is actually Portia in disguise, and the “law clerk” who accompanies her is actually Nerissa in disguise. Portia, as “Balthazar”, asks Shylock to show mercy in a famous speech but Shylock refuses. Thus, the court must allow Shylock to extract the pound of flesh. Shylock tells Antonio to “prepare”. At that very moment, Portia points out a flaw in the contract: the bond only allows Shylock to remove the flesh, not the “blood”, of Antonio. Thus, if Shylock were to shed any drop of Antonio’s blood, his “lands and goods” would be forfeited under Venetian laws.

state’s half of forfeiture, but in return, Shylock is forced to convert to Christianity and to make a will (or “deed of gift”) bequeathing his entire estate to Lorenzo and Jessica. Bassanio does not recognize his disguised wife, but offers to give a present to the supposed lawyer. First she declines, but after he insists, Portia requests his ring and his gloves. He parts with his gloves without a second thought, but gives the ring only after much persuasion from Antonio, as earlier in the play he promised his wife never to lose, sell or give it. Nerissa, as the lawyer’s clerk, also succeeds in likewise retrieving her ring from Gratiano, who does not see through her disguise. At Belmont, Portia and Nerissa taunt and pretend to accuse their husbands before revealing they were really the lawyer and his clerk in disguise (V). After all the other characters make amends, all ends happily (except for Shylock) as Antonio learns from Portia that three of his ships were not stranded and have returned safely after all.

Defeated, Shylock concedes to accepting Bassanio’s offer of money for the defaulted bond, but Portia prevents him from taking the money on the ground that he has already refused it. She then cites a law under which Shylock, as a Jew and therefore an “alien”, having attempted to take the life of a citizen, has forfeited his property, half to the government and half to Antonio, leaving his life at the mercy of the Duke. The Duke immediately pardons Shylock’s life. Antonio asks for his share “in use” (that is, reserving the principal amount while taking only the income) until Shylock’s death, when the principal will be given to Lorenzo and Jessica. At Antonio’s request, the Duke grants remission of the Karma 49

letters to

Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar 2. Bhavini Patel and Sudhansh Patel, Knoxville, TN

Thank and Namaskars Swamiji for blessing us with a very good business. We were struggling very hard to get well in the business. Due to the planets’ position in the horoscope, we were not able to do so. My husband contacted you, you performed wonderful Atharva Vedic Thantric rituals, and by your blessings and the power of the rituals, we are doing very well now. Thanks once again Swamiji.

3. Selvi Suganthini Ontario, Canada.

Swamiji, I am a Srilankan Tamilian woman living in Canada for the past several years. I came to know about you only through the website and your wonderful magazine Karma. I approached you through phone to clear the black magic on my father’s family. You performed a great mantra and Thantric and removed the black magic. Now my parents are very happy. Nanriyudan Vanakkangal Ayya. Please come and bless our home.

4. Balwant Singh, Fresno, CA

Siddharji, I got the magazine “Karma” from a restaurant at CA. You are the one and only person to rescue people from their sufferings. I recommend all the suffering people to come to you for solving the problems. I am a practical example for your powers. Thanks and Namaskars Siddhar Swamiji for bringing such a wonderful magazine.

1. Suman PA

Dear Sri Selvam Siddhar Swamiji, We have been reading your wonderful Karma magazine. We had the pleasure of hearing your Satsangs on you tube. The topics Vedic astrology, Atharva Veda, Karma, Gayatri Ma & Santoshi Ma all are so meaningful & good to know. Thank you for sharing your wonderful knowledge & showering your blessings on us. We are fortunate to have met you. We believe that with your blessings & the rituals performed by the punditjis bring happiness, health, success & goodness in our lives. I’m hoping to get rid of my anxiety, anger, fear etc with your blessings. Please shower your blessings on all of the entire humanity & us. We will continue to support your wonderful cause & your temple. Our regards & Namaskarams to you.

Karma 50

5. Murali Lal, Edison, NJ

Siddharji, I am a native of Trinidad and I am living in New Jersey now. I got the magazine Karma from the Temple here. I requested you to remove the black magic on me and my family. You removed the evilness of black magic and blessed us with a wonderful life. We dedicate our lifetime for your divine services. Pranams and Thanks Swamiji.

6. Ayyappa Das Sekaran Nair, Gainesville, GA.

Swamiji Maharaj I am a native of Kerala, the land of Atharva Veda and Thantric Rituals. I came to you to get your blessings for my son’s educations. He was very dull in his studies before coming to you. After your darshan and blessings, he is doing

very well in his studies. Once again, thank you very much Maharaj.

7. Xavier Antony Calera, AL.

Revered Siddhar, I have no words to explain the power of your mantras. You have saved me and my family from suicide. We had an idea to commit suicide because the debts. You showed me the best ways to come out of the debts. I Thanks once again Swamiji.

8. Shiva Priya Tadani, Holbrook, AZ

Siddharji, after reading the wonderful magazine Karma, I called you to solve my family problems. You found that the problems are due to the evilness of planets and you removed the evilness of the planets in my horoscope and blessed me with a wonderful life. I dedicate my lifetime for your divine services. Pranams and Namaskars.

9. Shankar K.Swamy, Davidson, NC

Swamiji, I came to this country along with my wife. We both had jobs but in different cities. Even though we were married, we had to live as bachelors. We had much confusion in our life. We approached your good self to fix these problems. You fixed the problems in a wonderful way with your Atharva Veda Thantric rituals. Now we are leading a peaceful and wonderful life. Thank you very much and namaskarams.

10. Rakesh Sivam, Farmerville, LA

Swamiji, I am an Insurance agent. Even though I work very hard, I was not able to make good money. I approached you for remedy. You performed excellent rituals and gave me some mantras to chant. I am working more hours now than I worked earlier. My financial position is also getting better. My life is indebted to your lotus feet.

11. Iyengar R, Saratoga, CA

Swamiji, Namaste. I contacted you to solve the problems of my son. He got involved in some affairs and he was imprisoned. Even after the arguments of many attorneys, he was not let free. I approached you to solve this problem. You performed wonderful Thantric rituals. Now he has come out of the case. My entire family is surrendered to your lotus feet.

12. Ramkishan, Painsville, OH

Swamiji, I am a young man. Even though I study hard, I was not able to do well in my examinations. I was unable to get a good job also. I consulted you and requested you to solve my problems. You did wonderful rituals and by your gracious and auspicious blessings, I am doing well in my studies. I have a job also. Thanks and Namaskars.

13. Harry Goel, Augusta, KS

14. Jaya Madapalli, Milwaukee, WI

Siddhar Swamiji, I came to you for solving the marriage problems of my only daughter. You performed some wonderful rituals and solved the problems very easily. By your gracious blessings, she is leading a very good family life now. Namaskars and Thanks Swamiji.

15. Akshaya Rani, Silver spring, MD

Swamiji Namaskars for making my life very happy. I had many troubles in my family life. You cleared every thing by your wonderful mantra power. Only because of your blessings, I am having a peaceful and happy family life. Please always keep your holy vision on my family and me. I wish to do any kind of Volunteer services to the magazine Karma and to the wonderful temple.

16. Kaul Pillai: Buford, GA

I approached you to correct the mental problem of my husband. Even after the consultations from many astrologers and several prayers, his mental strength never improved. You performed some Thantric rituals and now his mental strength is getting better. Thanks and Namaskars.

17. Lakshmanan Sachit: Orlando, FL

Even though I am a Hindu, I had no faith in gods and astrology. Accidentally I read your article on Vedic Astrology in the magazine Karma. It is very informative and educative. I understand what astrology is. Thank you very much for this. I will be your devotee until the end of my life.

18. Ravikumar Poduval, Portland OR

Respected Siddhar Swamiji, I approached you to solve the problems in my job and career. You preferred some Thantric rituals and you performed those rituals. By the power of the mantras and rituals, now I am in a good job. Thank you very much for making my life a wonderful one.

19.Arun K Shah, Novi, MI

Swamiji, even though I am old, I had an unsatisfactory life with my wife. I had financial and health problems also. I requested you to solve these problems. By the power of your mantras, the problems are going down gradually and I am on my path of success and peaceful life. Thank you very much Swamiji for making my disastrous life a wonderful one.

20. K.S. Patel, Somerville, MA

Swamiji, my wife was affected by some kind of evil spirits and black magic twenty years back. After a prolonged suffering, I consulted you for the remedy. You prescribed some kind of Thantric rituals and started performing those rituals. By the result of those rituals and your mantra power, my wife is getting her position back. Thanks for making my family and me happy.

Wonderful Swamiji, Pranams, Pranams and more Pranams. You brought out my son from his mental stress. He is very well now. Thanks and Pranams Swamiji. Please keep your merciful vision on me and my family. Karma 51

Naveena Prasnoththara Maalika . (The questions asked by the devotees to Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar and the answers given by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar. Thanks for the pure souls, who helped in compiling the articles of the Satsang)

Answer: There are many ways of doing this, all equivalent of course. One way would be to say transformation is a process that makes us pure. Another way would be to say transformation is a process of overcoming our Spiritual ignorance, and so on. I personally think that perhaps the most useful definition would be to state that transformation is a process whereby we give up body-consciousness, or Dehaabhimaanam as Swami refers to it, and acquire in its place, Atmaabhimaanam, or the awareness that far from being the body or the ego-self, we are in fact the Atma. In short, transformation means giving up the feeling ‘I am the body’, and acquiring instead the feeling ‘I am the Atma’. I hope you can remember that. Question 4. How do I figure out what is my life’s purpose? Answer: Look into your life and find your aim in life. Do not make a choice based on your current emotion, but on the sum total of the inclinations in your life. Arrive at a conclusion. Try to project yourself to the end of your life and in the last minute of your life, what would you like to feel about yourself? Aim all your choice and actions on that basis. If after you have made a thorough search, you have not found the answer and feel the need for spiritual guidance, then come to me and ask. Question 5. Why am I so indecisive? Why do I not have will power?

Question 1: Why did God Create Living Beings? Answer: God first created the Universe as a stage, and on this stage, He put living beings so that by loving each other, they could transform love from an abstract concept to something that is meaningful and is manifest. God is Love, Pure Love in fact. When there is no Creation, there is only God and that too in the formless aspect. Embedded in this is Love but it remains in abstraction. Let us say there is a rose plant. I am sure you will agree that it is when the rose flower actually blooms that one appreciates how wonderful that plant is, giving us as it does the pleasure that the rose offers not only via its beauty, but also via its fragrance. In the same way, God created the Universe to serve as a platform for Love to manifest in a practical form. Question 2: During Pralaya (total annihilation), if everything gets destroyed, where would God be? Would He also be destroyed? Answer: Frankly, I am a bit surprised by this question. The first and the most important thing we must remember is that God is Eternal, which means that He always is; He has no beginning or end. Therefore, there is no question of God ceasing to be, even when the Universe is dissolved. The word Pralaya refers to the dissolution of the Universe; from what I have just said, it should be clear that God continues to exist even after Pralaya or dissolution of the Universe. Question 3. Are there any stages in the process of transformation? Karma 52

Answer: When one is indecisive or when one lacks will power, one has an emotional need, which is not yet fulfilled. Examine that and discover the need which is not fulfilled and one will stop being indecisive. Question 6. How do I reconcile spiritual life and family/ worldly life? I want to spend my time meditating and giving service. However, there are family and work demands. How do I create a balance? Answer: Love and service begin at home. If you have not learned to serve the people in your immediate circle unselfishly, any service given outside that circle also will be polluted by the elements of ego. There is no sadhana greater than that of a householder. The art of life consists of resilience, which one has to learn to practice in family life. The family becomes your crucible and your touchstone. I always test people’s spiritual progress by observing the state of their relationships. If their relationships have become sweeter, more unselfish, resilient, less demanding, then I conclude that one is making progress in meditation. Otherwise, there is something missing both in meditation and in service. Then there is another dimension. Common people use only a fraction of the surface of their minds for all their activities, which is like the waves in the shallows at the beach. At greater depths, the meditator discovers layers of the mind ocean, which are ever in silence. One who has learned the art of karma yoga, the practice of yoga while performing actions, remains in touch with the silent depths while still acting in the world. However, close association with an advanced teacher whose formula for life is can only learn this art.

Question 7. How do I reconcile spiritual life and family/worldly life? I want to spend my time meditating and giving service. However, there are family and work demands. How do I create a balance? Answer: Love and service begin at home. If you have not learned to serve the people in your immediate circle unselfishly, any service given outside that circle also will be polluted by the elements of ego. There is no sadhana greater than that of a householder. The art of life consists of resilience, which one has to learn to practice in family life. The family becomes your crucible and your touchstone. I always test people’s spiritual progress by observing the state of their relationships. If their relationships have become sweeter, more unselfish, resilient, less demanding, then I conclude that one is making progress in meditation. Otherwise, there is something missing both in meditation and in service. Then there is another dimension. Common people use only a fraction of the surface of their minds for all their activities, which is like the waves in the shallows at the beach. At greater depths, the meditator discovers layers of the mind ocean, which are ever in silence. One who has learned the art of karma yoga, the practice of yoga while performing actions, remains in touch with the silent depths while still acting in the world. However, this is an art that can only be learned by close association with an advanced teacher. Question 8.What is the Law of Karma and rebirth? Answer: This again is something I have dealt with before and I shall give a brief summary of what I said earlier. The Law of Karma is nothing but what my Guruji often refers to as Reflection, Reaction and Resound. That is to say, we are accountable for every action we perform and we have to face the consequences, depending upon the nature our past actions. If we have done something good, we earn what is called merit or punyam, because of which good things happen later. If, on the other hand, we have a bad record of accomplishment, we earn what is called papam, which is negative points, implying of course some sort of retribution. That is to say, we are accountable for every action we perform and we have to face the consequences, depending upon the nature our past actions.

Question 10 Why does God come down, when everything has to happen according to Karma? This question also has been answered in part when I dealt with some of the earlier questions. In any case, I shall, for the sake of emphasis, deal with the present question, and try to answer comprehensively, though briefly. Firstly, as I told you earlier, God does not come down to deal with the Karma of individuals or anything like that. What has been ordained would, largely, proceed according to schedule, shall I say. The question then arises, “Does the incarnation of God have any implication at all with respect to karma, either of individuals or even collective karma?” This is a valid question. If we look at the life of Krishna and for that matter even the present Avatar, then we find the following. The Avatar does not interfere with individual karmas; those account settlements are allowed to operate as ordained. That said, the Avatar does help people to bear their karma or fate, call it what you will, with courage. You see this clearly in the case of the Pandavas. The Pandavas suffered a lot; I do not know if it was all due to karma; perhaps it was. However, it is a fact that Krishna was with the Pandavas all the way, helping them to bear the suffering. In fact, there is a famous remark made once to Krishna by Kunthi, the mother of the elder Pandavas. She said, “Krishna, please keep on sending us a lot of trouble, for that would ensure that I would always be thinking of you.” n short, God’s coming is not for canceling karma, though He does do that in a few cases. God comes as an Avatar mainly for teaching us all an important Spiritual lesson and one part of that lesson is how to avoid karma.

Question 9. Why does God incarnate instead of sending His Messengers? Answer: I personally find it a very interesting one. Actually, God likes sending Messengers; in fact, He keeps sending a host of them and they show up all over the place. Every saint and a holy person is a Messenger of God, and if you look at it that way, you would find there are Messengers belonging to all faiths. What I mean is that there are Christian saints and holy men, Muslim saints, mostly Sufis, most venerable Buddhist monks, and so on. Usually, they have a relatively small reach out, but they certainly do their job all right. When the observance of Dharma touches an all-time low or approaches such a state, then God probably says, “Maybe sending Messengers alone is not enough, and it is time for me to put in a direct appearance.” Karma 53


Na janami Punyam, Najanami theertham, Na janami mukthim, layam vaa kadechit, Na janami bhakthim, Vrutham vaapi maatha, Gathisthwam, Gathisthwam Thwam ekaa Bhavani. Know me not how to be righteous. Know me not the way to the places scared. Know me not methods of salvation. Know me not how to merge my mind with God. Know me not the art of devotion. Know me not how to practice austerities. Oh, mother Bhavani, therefore, you are my refuge and my only refuge. Kukarmi, Kusangi, Kubudhi, Kudhasa, Kulachara heena, Kadhachara leena, Kudrushti, Kuvakya Prabandha, Sadaham, Gathisthwam, Gathisthwam Thwam ekaa Bhavani. Perform I bad actions. Keep I company of bad ones. Think me bad and sinful thoughts. Serve my bad masters. I belong to a bad family and immersed in sinful acts. See me with bad intentions and write me collection of bad words always and always. Therefore, mother Bhavani you are my refuge and my only refuge,

(This great Sthothra by Aadhi Shankara would move any one who reads it to tears. If a great soul like Him, had to describe himself, thus, imagine the state of an ignoramus like any one of us)

Pranjesam Ramesam, Mahesam, Suresam, Dhinesam, Nisidheswaram vaa Kadachit, Na janami chanyath Sadaham saranye, Gathisthwam, Gathisthwam Thwam ekaa Bhavani.

Na thatho, Na matha, Na bandhu, Na datha, Na Puthro, Na Puthri, Na chruthya, Na Bartha, Na jaayaa Na Vidhya, Na Vruthis mamaiva, Gathisthwam, Gathisthwam Thwam ekaa Bhavani.

Neither Do I know the creator Brahma nor the protector Lord Mahavishnu who is the Lord of Lakshmi. Neither do I know the Lord of all nor do I know the Lord of devas. Neither do I know the God, who makes the day nor the God who rules at night. Neither do I know any other Gods. Oh, Goddess only to you I bow always. Therefore, you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.

Neither the mother nor the father, neither the relation nor the friend, neither the servant nor the husband, neither the son nor the daughter, neither the wife nor the knowledge, and neither my sole occupation are my refuges that I can depend. Oh, Bhavani, you are my refuge and my only refuge. Bhavabdhawa pare, Maha dhukha Bheeru, Papaatha Prakami, Pralobhi Pranatha, Kam samsara pasa Prabadha sadaham, Gathisthwam, Gathisthwam Thwam ekaa Bhavani. I am in this ocean of birth and death. I am a coward, who dare not face sorrow. I am filled with lust and sin. I am filled with greed and desire and tied Iam, by the useless life that I lead. Therefore, you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhawini. Na Janaami Dhanam, No cha dhyona yogam, Na janami thathram, Na cha sthothra Manthram, Na janami Poojaam, Na cha nyasa yogam Gathisthwam, Gathisthwam Thwam ekaa Bhavani. Neither do I know how to give, nor do I know how to meditate. Neither do I know Thanthra, nor do I know stanzas of prayer. Neither do I know to worship nor do I know the art of yoga. Therefore, you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani. Karma 54

Vivadhe, Vishadhe, Pramadhe, Pravase, Jalecha Anale Parvathe Shatru Madhye, Aranye, Saranye Sada maam Prapadhi. Ganthisthwam, Gathisthwam Thwam ekaa Bhavani. Either while I am in an intense argument or while I am immersed in sorrow. Either while I am suffering an accident or while I am traveling far off. Either while I am in water or on fire. Either while I am on the top of a mountain or while enemies and even while surround me, I am in a deep forest, Oh Goddess, I always bow before thee. Therefore, you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani. Anadho, Dharidro, Jararoga yuktho, Maha Ksheena dheena, Sadajoadya Vakthra, Vipathou Pravishta, Pranashata Sadhaham, Gathisthwam, Gathisthwam Thwam ekaa Bhavani. Either while being an orphan or while being extremely poor. Either while affected by disease of old age or while I am terribly tired. Both while I am in a pitiable state or while I am being swallowed by Problems and even while I suffer serious dangers, I always bow before thee. Therefore, you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani.

Zodiac Connection Rasi Reding, By Sri Selvam “Siddhar�

Kind Attention: Zodiac Connection is based upon Moon signs and not upon Sun signs


Mesham: 2010 and the natives of Mesham will be benefited by Lord Jupiter who supports all the persons of Mesham for a good boom and uplift. The litigations depts and conflicts will be in a controlled position. Sure the terms will be settling for a amicable result.

Women and children at home: They will feel some kind of restrictions. The finance matters will not be sufficient for them. Students: Will be facing some sort of disturbance in their lessons. They have to take much care for their progress. Professionals and business people: Are advised to precede all the matters with slow and steady process. They are going to face inconvenience in their ventures.

The women and children at Home: Will be happy and their time will be very convincingly spent.

Lovers: Will be facing ubnormal delays in decision. The matters will be passing with a dead slow progress.

The students and their education: Will be in a satisfactory trend. They will get a notable progress.

Married people and spouses: Are in need of good programs. To execute the programs their skill will not be supporting. The measure of economy is a dvised. This year Lord Jupiter will help them to manage the financial matters, the assets matters He will take care of their health also. For some of their litigations, he will guide with solutions.

Business people and Professionals: Will be expanding their trade and suitable profit will reach them. The way is clear for strong footing of good future. They will also be getting schemes of promotion and they can earn good name. The extra load of work will be there. But it will give suitable reward. Lovers: Will be observing fine opportunities. There will be notable complications will rise. It is good when you get the acceptance from both sides of parents. Only for some persons who’s planetary and the present Ruler, incase powerless, they have to wait for some more time for their success. Married Persons and spouses: Will be facing ubnormal tension and burdens. The family matters are the first category to complete. They are going to accept the challenge and execute their duties properly.

Taurus Rishabam: This year 2010 will give you certain changes. In the sign Kumbam, Lord Jupiter will give some alert in profession. Every minute will be challenging your activities you have to plan properly and do the commitments in order.

Gemini Mithunam: Your sign is supported by Lord Jupiter who takes care of your health, status, and dignity. Your profession will be getting proper improvements. Peace and happiness will be there for the whole year. Women and children at home: Will be doing well. Their needs will be fulfilled. The mood and the trend in the family will be nice. Students: Are likely to gain good knowledge. They can get success in their attempts. The moths January and February will not be good. After that all the matters are going good. Business people and professionals: Will be engaged with tight jobs. The profits and developments will give them satisfaction in this year. Karma 55

Lovers: Are facing the mounting disturbances. To answer somebody or to go against the will of parents will be there in their recent times. They have to manage every thing smoothly. Married persons and spouses: Are with problems and Burdens. Whatever the plan they do, will be controversies to their expectation. Lord Kethu, will not permit a peaceful atmosphere at home. They have to face it with intelligence. They have to manage a lot. This year they are gaining 60 percent of Benefits.

Cancer Katagam: This year Lord Jupiter governs finance and properties matters. This will give them a satisfaction and the pending affairs will set completed. Your thoughts and plans will have certain modifications. Women at home and children: Will be happy to see their demands are getting the completions at early times. Students: Will be shaped to a perfect position and they are expected to do well this year. Business people and the professionals: Will be getting sudden uplift and gains. All that happens for the welfare and prosperity. Lovers: Are getting complications and confusions. The first three months of the year will not be satisfactory. Then the time will change for a good turn. Married people and spouses: Will be happy with their engagements. Traveling and tours are possible. The children will also be happy and very close with the elders to give a satisfactory mood. This year will be proving to be good and give them the best results for 75%. Their sleeps and dreams are with mixed trend of good and bad. They have to cultivate the habit to go to bed in time. Better have less food in the night time.

Leo Simmam: Lord Jupiter is favoring a lot this year. Your status and prestige will be kept well. Your health and mood will also be good. In the matter of finance you will see a dull trend leading for insufficiency. Karma 56

Women and children: Will be feeling an atmosphere of many wants. Their needs will be fulfilled in short times. The elders of the family will show grace upon them and they will be very happy to enjoy this year. Students: Will be puzzled to see their times are getting vasted. Friends will join and spoil their times. They have to show much attention to reading. Business people and professionals: The months January, February and March will be with tension and confusion. It will gradually vanish during the following months. Lovers: Will be engaged in critical scenes. There will be lot of questions. No answers will be in proper way to satisfy. They have plan for a diplomatic way of handling. Then only they can see the better time. Married persons and spouses: Will be facing difficulties. There will be some sort of disturbance in every way. However, Lord Jupiter will help them to get a clearance in smooth way. This year gives them 65 percent, good result.

Virgo Kanya: Lord Saturn occupys your sign and begin to teach you hard lessons. Some times, you will feel your impossibilities. You are busy and complicated. Some how your job and profession will be helpful to you. Your financial needs are governed by Lord Jupiter. That is good. Women and children at home: Are partially happy. Their needs are more. Acute shortage in purse will give you worry. On an unforeseen times the money will flow in. They will manage. Students: Will be doing well. Some times they will be disturbed by new friends. They have to work hard to gain good marks. Professionals and Business people: Are getting good opportunities. Some times the old affairs will speak for a progressive time. Lovers: Will be facing ubnormal delays. Continued waiting will cause them disappointments. It is better to plan well and meet their lover in limited times. Married persons and spouses: Will be much worried to fulfill the household needs. Finance will also be short to spend. Any how Lord Jupiter sends the same astonishingly. This year their calculations will work out 50 percent.

Libra Thulam: Since the Lord Saturn is occupying the sign Virgo (Kanya) your ventures and attempts are being suppressed and blocked. Your future is tested and challenged. All are for good and you will get a proper lesson and guidance for a good living. Women and children at home: Are busy and doing hard work. They will be trained with experiences. They could not find any thing easy. With more efforts they can achieve their aims. Students: Are taking much care in their lessons. Some times the time will not be sufficient to cover the lesson. Some how they will fulfill the job with hard work. Business people and professionals: Are spending their times with great labour. Yet the expected gains are not reaching. This year by the support of Lord Jupiter, they can get success. About 65% will be the waves of better times. Lovers: Are lucky enough to get good support from their counter part. The wind of prosperity is likely to reach shortly. Married persons and spouses: Are guided properly by Lord Jupiter. The jobs they found hard will be completed by the help of Lord Jupiter. This year will give them the property by their sincere attempts.

Scorpio Viruchigam: Lord Saturn is sitting in the 11th house and takes his process of check upon you. You will find the situations always with hurdles. January, February and March will pass with difficulties and then the good tidings and hopes will lead for success. Women and children at home: Will be executing the Jobs to their consciousness. They can not find a happy mood. Even the satisfaction will be far away. They have to worship Lord Sanishwara on Saturdays. The times will change for better conditions. Students: Should give much more attention in studies. Otherwise, there is a trouble to look a down fall. This year will be a challenging year for them. Business people and professionals: Will be given good support by Lord Jupiter who supports for good development

in their jobs. Life at Home will be with little inconvenience. They have to adjust that. Lovers: Are free and their views are comming closer to success. Yet Lord Saturn will put a blockade. Do the things smartly and diplomatically. Married people and spouses: Will find time to be tough till March. The income and finance will be satisfactory. New problems in family and relations will give Them worries. They have to handle it softly. Up to 55 percent benefits will reach them this year.

Sagittarius Dhanur: This year will give you certain successes as well as failures. You have to plan it properly and where you find a doubt there you can utilize deep program and continue. The trade and Job will be good. Women and children at home: Will be doing their works properly and enthusiastically. Month January, February and March will be with strain. There they can find easy moments. Students: Are with full of plans and programs. They can prepare well and keep their studies in a successful way. Business people and professionals: Will be doing the hard jobs with good profits. Certain cases the money will be blocked. They have to be very vigilant. Lovers: Are with intermittent restrictions. Some times, the worries will exceed beyond the limit. The months, January, February and March will not be up to the satisfaction. The other months will be good. Married people and spouses: Their health as well as their partner, this year will be have differently. They have to use more green vegetables and fruits since Lords Raaghu and Kethu begin to give disturbance. The privacy will not be satisfactory. This year 65 percent of matters will be favourable to them.

Capricorn Magaram: This year has begin with fortune and luck. In your hard attempts, the success will waiting. Your profession is governed by Lord Jupiter and Mars favourably. The beginning of this year will be with good results. Karma 57

Women and children at home: Are working hardly. The domestic matter in the family will be with little dissatisfaction. They have to move it with smooth way. The other matters of needs and execution of things will be to their satisfaction. This year will give them 70 percent good result. Students: Will feel with difficulties and disturbance in their studies. They have to care more and show attention to secure good marks. Business people and professional: Will feel easy trend with good gains. Only in the family, some dissatisfactory trend will prevail. They have to adjust and make matters to a convining way. Lovers: Will be facing difference of opinion in January. The conversations and contacts will be limitted in the month January February and March. Altogether, peace will not be there in their mind. They will manage the situations. Married persons and spouses: Since the Lord Venus is combined with Lords Sun, Mercury and Ragu the year commences with many more problems. A tough year to be managed. Peace is most necessary. Money flow will be there. On Friday you have to worship Lord Venus (Sukkra) and get a good life.

Aquarius Kumbam: Your sign Lord is in the 9th House and your 10th House Lord is in 6th House. This atmosphere is little weaker and profit making and savings will be very little. This trend will be there for first 3 months and the growth in development of jobs will commence gradually and lead for progress. This year the benefits will be for 65%. Women and children: Will be doing well. They will be busy. They have to attend every thing with caution. Otherwise, minor accident and injury will affect them. Students: Will be suffering a set back. They are unable to understand the lessons totally. They have to take more care. Business people and professionals: Will find a dull trading and job. From April on wards the progress will reach. They can establish good lead and make much profit. Lovers: Will free to make decisions Lord Venus is in associations of Lord Sun and Ragu. This will not be favourable till February. Time will charge after words for good trend. Married persons and spouses: Are likely to engage more time for family affairs. Their privacy will be disturbed till February. They can bring the family for a progressive status by April. Karma 58

This year their major expectations will be fulfilled.

Pisces Meenam: Your Lord of the sign Jupiter is hidden in 12th House. Lord Saturn is prominently sitting in 7th House. There will be lot of problem for you to solve. Lord of finance Mars is powerlessly sitting in the 5th House. The year beginning gives them so much of Burden. Women and children: Will be in want of many things. The members of the family will give further loads. The first 3 months of this year will be the difficult months. Then the trend will turn for favourable tides. Students: Will work hard even though they spend good times in classes, they will be feeling a sense of incompleteness. With hard labour they will score the marks and get through. Business persons and professionals: Will be getting lot of pressure in their jobs. Some people will get difficulties in executions of jobs. After March, the time will change to good. Lovers: Will be feeling controversial opinions on their partners. There will be a slow moment with out interest. This year the same trend will continue but a good decision will be sought. Married persons and spouses: Are busy in family maintenance and they have lot of things to buy for their home. Their privacy will be rare. The properties will secured and good progress will reach. This year 50% of matters will be succeeded.

Poems by an old Poet

The author of these poems is Mr.Dhiraj Shah. He is more than eighty years old. Do It Now Do not ask, What Shall I do ? Do not ask, How shall I do ? Do not ask, When shall I do ? Do it now ? And do it well, With all your strength The work you love, The work you wish. Do it now And do it well, With all your ability The work of the state, The work of the nation. Do it now And do it well With all your efforts The work of the Lord, The work of the God ; For God has created us On this beautiful earth, To fulfill His will And to do His Work.

We melt in each other like sugar in milk, And we emerge as one, to make our Wedded life healthy, wealthy and sweet ; That’s why, we are happy. And the last, we trust in God, GOD the Omnipotent, We begin the day with God, GOD the Omnipresent, We close the day with God, GOD the Omniscient ; That’s why, we are happy. AN OLD MAN He is an old Man * Walking with a staff But not far. No doubt He is physically old But not mentally. He does not drive, He does not get ride ; He needs help. A wise young man ! Will you please help him ? To take him to a hospital Or doctor’s office, To carry him to a temple Or grocery store, To drive him to a mall Or Senior Citizen’s hall. •He is in everybody’s neighbor hood, seek and help him

Why We Are Happy ?

Walk With Me

We love each other and we love others, We trust each other and we trust others, We help each other and we help others, We honor each other and we honor others, We care for us and we care for others, We work for us and we work for others, We pray for us and we pray for others; That’s why, we are happy.

God, Don’t walk ahead of me, I cannot reach you ; God, don’t walk behind me, I cannot see you ; God, always walk with me, Side by side As my fried.

We mix in each other like fire in fire, We merge in each other like water in water, Karma 59


(A traditional Bullfight of Tamil Nadu) allikattu is a bull taming sport played in Tamil Nadu as a part of Pongal celebration. This is one of the oldest living ancient sports seen in the modern era. Although it sounds similar to the Spanish running of the bulls, it is quite different. In Jallikattu, the bull is not killed and the ‘matadors’ are not supposed to use any weapon. It is held in the villages of Tamil Nadu as a part of the village festival. The festivals are held from January to July, every year. The one held in Alanganallur, near Madurai, is one of the more popular events. This sport is also known as “Manju Virattu”, meaning, “chasing the bull”. Jallikattu is based on the simple concept of “flight or fight”. Cattle being herd and prey animals in general tend to run away from unwanted situations. However, there are quite noteworthy exceptions. Cape buffalos are famous for standing up against lions and killing them. The Indian Gaur bull is known for standing its ground against predators and tigers think twice about attacking a full-grown Gaur bull. Jallikattu bulls belong to a few specific breeds of cattle that descended from the Kangayam breed of cattle and these cattle are very pugnacious by nature. These cattle are reared in huge herds numbering in hundreds with a few cowherds tending to them. These cattle are for all practical comparisons, wild and only the cowherds can mingle with them without any fear of being attacked. It is from these herds that calve with good characteristics and body conformation are selected and reared to become jallikattu bulls. These bulls attack not because they are irritated, agitated, or frightened, but because that is their basic nature. There are three versions of jallikattu. 1. Vadi manju virattu, 2. Vaeli virattu and 3. Vadam manjuvirattu. Now let us see the difference between these three types. 1. Vadi manju virattu - this version takes place mostly in the districts of Madurai, Pudukottai, Theni, Tanjore and Salem. The version that has been popularized by television and movies involves the bull being released from an enclosure with an opening. As the bull comes out of the enclosure, one person clings to the hump of the bull. The bull in its attempt to shake him off will bolt (as in most cases), but some will hook the person with their horns and throw him off. The rules specify that the person have to hold on to the running bull for a predetermined distance to win the prize. In this version, only one person is supposed to attempt catching the bull. but this rule being strictly enforced depends on the village where the event is conducted and more importantly, the bull himself. some bulls acquire a reputation and that alone is enough for them to be given a unhindered passage out of the enclosure and arena.. 2. Vaeli virattu - this version is more popular in the districts of Sivagangai, Manamadurai and Madurai. The bull is released in an open ground. This version is the most natural as the bulls are not restricted in any way (no rope or determined path). The bulls Karma 60

once released just run away from the field in any direction that they prefer. Most of these bulls do not even come close to any human. However, a few bulls do not run but stand their ground and attack anyone who tries to come near them. These bulls will “play” for some time (from a few minutes to a couple of hours) providing a spectacle for viewers, players and owners alike. The magnificence of such bulls cannot be described. They must be seen first hand to really understand the basic psyche behind the sport of jallikattu. 3. Vadam manjuvirattu - “vadam” means rope in Tamil. The bull is tied to a 50 ft long rope and is free to move within this space. A team of seven or nine members must attempt to subdue the bull within 30 minutes. This version is very safe for spectators as the bull is tied and the spectators are shielded by barricades. Training of jallikattu bulls: The calves that are chosen to become jallikattu bulls are fed a nutritious diet so that they develop into strong, sturdy beasts. The bulls are made to swim for exercise. The calves, once they reach adolescence are taken to small jallikattu events to familiarize them with the atmosphere. Specific training is given to vadam manju virattu bulls to understand the restraints of the rope. Apart from this, no other training is provided to jallikattu bulls. Once the bulls are released, then instinct takes over. Jallikattu, which is bull baiting or bull fighting, is an ancient Tamilian tradition, popular amongst warriors during the Tamil classical period. According to legend, in olden days women to choose their husbands used the game. Successful “matadors” were chosen as grooms. The term Jallikattu comes from the term “Salli” kassu (coins) and “Kattu” (meaning a package) tied to the horns of the bulls as the prize money. Later days during the colonial period this term were changed to Jallikattu, which is the term currently used. Usually the majestic Kangeyam bull is involved in this game, as they are naturally more ferocious and muscular than any other of its species. Unlike in bullfighting, the matador does not kill the bull. There are rarely any casualties suffered by the bulls. Several animal activists object to this dangerous game every year, but so far, these objections have been in vain. In fact, Jallikattu is loaded against the matadors, unlike in European bullfighting. For instance, the bull’s horns are sharpened and the matador cannot use any weapons. This is a one of the oldest and most famous games of Tamil Nadu. It is a traditional one also. This game is played in connection with the Pongal festival. This small article is compiled to mark the Pongal Festival.

Happy Pongal

marking the end of the old Thai and the emergence of the new Thai. The second day, Pongal, is the main day, falling on the first day of the Tamil month Thai (January 14 -15). It is celebrated by boiling rice with fresh milk and jaggery in new pots, which are later topped with brown sugar, cashew nuts and raisins early in the morning and allowing it to boil over the vessel. This tradition gives Pongal its name. The moment the rice boils over and bubbles out of the vessel, the tradition is to shout of “Pongalo Pongal!” and blowing the sangu (a conch), a custom practiced during the festival to announce it was going to be a year blessed with good tidings. For Tamils, it is considered a good sign to watch it boil over, since it means that good luck and prosperity is forthcoming. Then the boiled sweet rice is offered to the sun god during sunrise, a gesture that symbolizes thanks to the sun and nature for providing prosperity. It is later served to the people present in the house for the ceremony. People also prepare savories and sweets such as vadai, murukku, payasam and visit each other and exchange greetings.

Thai Pongal is one of the most important festivals of India. This is a harvest festival event celebrated by Tamils across the world. Pongal coincides with the festival Makara Sankranthi celebrated in various parts of India. Pongal in Tamil means, “boiling over or spill over.” The act of boiling over of milk in the clay pot is considered to denote future wishes for the family. Makara Sankranti/Thai Pongal celebrates the resumption of the Sun’s journey northwards where the days get longer. Tamil The celebration of Makara Sankranti/Pongal is not confined to the Tamils. It is a pan-Indic event described in the Mahabharata. Bhishma chose to leave his mortal coils when the sun turned direction northwards, which is also known as the Uttarayana. Makara Sankranti is referred to in the Surya Siddhanta. Traditionally celebrated at harvest time, it’s a celebration of the prosperity associated with the harvest by thanking the sun god, rain and the farm animals that have helped in the harvest. In villages, new clothes are worn and people owning cows find this festival important. The people of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu as well as Tamils worldwide celebrate Pongal in a grand manner. The festival is one of the oldest festivals of India. Tamils refer to Pongal as “Tamizhar Thirunal” (meaning “the festival of Tamils”). This festival originated in Tamil Nadu. The saying “Thai Pirandhal Vazhi Pirakkum” meaning “the birth of the month of Thai will pave the way for new opportunities” is often quoted. Usually, the festival takes place in between the dates January 12th and 15th. The festival is celebrated four days from the last day of the Tamil month Maargazhi (DecemberJanuary) to the third day of Thai (January- February). The first day, Bhogi, is celebrated by throwing away and destroying old clothes and materials, by setting them on fire,

The third day, Maattu Pongal, is for offering thanks to cattle, as they help farmer in different ways for agriculture. On this day, the cattle are decorated with paint, flowers and bells. They are allowed to roam free and fed sweet rice and sugar cane. Some people decorate the horns with gold or other metallic covers. In some places, Jallikattu, or taming the wild bull contest, is the main event of this day and this is mostly seen in the villages. During the final day, Kaanum Pongal (the word kaanum means “to view”) people visit their relatives and friends to enjoy the festive season, but in the cities this day is synonymous with people flocking to beaches and theme parks to have a day out with their families. They also chew sugar cane and decorate their houses with kolam. This day is a day to thank relatives and friends for their support in the harvest. Although it started as a farmer’s festival, today it has become a common festival for all Tamils irrespective of their origins, caste or even religion. It is as popular in urban areas as is in rural areas. Pongal is the one of the biggest festival in Tamilnadu. Mattu Pongal is a Hindu religious festival celebrated on the day following the Pongal festival (festival of first harvests) or the Makar Sankranti festival. Though the name of the festival is specific to Tamil Nadu, in India, it is also celebrated in other southern states such as Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Makar Sankranti is a festival that marks the start of northern declination (called Uttarayana in Sanskrit) of the Sun from the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius (Sanskrit name: Dhanus) to Capricorn (Sanskrit: Makara), which according to Hindu calendar usually falls in between 13th to 15th of January. Mattu Pongal is for celebration of the cattle, particularly cows and bulls that play a vital role by working hard to help the farmers to raise crops on their fields, falls on the following day. The festival day is also a special occasion when the property owner and the peasant, Rich and poor, old and young all dine together in a spirit of bonhomie without any restraint of caste and Karma 61

of the new year starting with Magha month according to the Hindu Tamil calendar. Makara Sankranti event is celebrated among the Hindus for three days, with Mattu Pongal (feast of cattle) held the day after Sun entering Capricorn. (There is a slight variation in dates followed for the festival as per Hindu calendar varying from year to year but the essence of observing Makara Sankranti is the same among Hindus). On each of the four days festival, Kolam or threshold drawings are drawn with colored rice powder or chalk powder, in the front yard of the houses, after due washing of the yard. On the first day images of rice are drawn, on the second day good luck signs of Sun are drawn and the Mattu Pongal day Kolam depicts bulls, cows and calves.

creed. The festival is thus an occasion when the fresh harvests from the fields are shared in the form of food and sweets not only with the community but also with animals and birds. It also represents the change of season. An important village sport, called the Jallikattu or ‘Manji Virattu’’, an integral part of the Mattu Pongal festival is observed with enthusiasm and expectations in the villages of Tamil Nadu. This sport is held generally in the evening of the Mattu Pongal day. In the past, it was the day when fierce bulls were chased by young youths of the village to retrieve the money that was tied to the horns of the bulls. In some villages, it was held one day after the Mattu Pongal day, on the Kannum Pongal day. However, now it is held as a regular bullfight sports in demarcated rings in villages where the bull owners and the young men fighting the bulls for the prizes. This sport is much bloodier than the traditional Jallikattu observed 500 years ago. Mattu Pongal is made up of two words; ‘Mattu’ in Tamil means “cow”. Pongal, also in Tamil Language, literally means “boiled rice” (a rice and lentil dish) but metaphorically means prosperity. The Pongal festival also represents celebration of “fertility and renewal” and is observed for either three days or four days, after the end of the monsoon season and rice (paddy) crop is harvested. According to a legend linked to Mattu Pongal, Lord Shiva sent his bull Nandi (mount and gate keeper of Lord Shiva) from heaven to the earth to give his message to people that they should have an oil bath every day and eat once a month. Instead, Nandi wrongly advised people to take an oil bath once a month and eat every day. Lord Shiva was annoyed with this advice related to food and in fit of rage, banished Nandi to permanently live on earth and help the farmers to produce the extra food crops needed for people to eat every day. The winter solstice is the date of Sun entering Capricorn in both the traditions that coincides with Makara Sankranti (called Uttarayana meaning the return of the luminary to the northern region), the first day Karma 62

On all four days, Shiva’s consort Parvati and their son Ganesha are worshipped and the Pongal, the sweet rice preparation is offered to them in the Pooja and thereafter to the cattle. The neck of the pot in which Pongal rice is prepared is tied with fresh turmeric leaves and pieces of sugarcane. Ingredients cooked in the pot consist of rice, green gram and milk. While cooking, the overflow of milk is particularly observed as it has significance to the householder. If the milk over flows on the right side of the pot, it is considered an auspicious augury. Sometimes, an image of Ganesha is crafted with cow-dung. This crafted Ganesha is then bedecked with arugampul (kind of grass, thumbai (white flowers) and avaram (yellow flowers). The pongal cooked in mud pots are placed on the floor where a Kolam is drawn and skirted with red sand. Then, pongal-rice along with turmeric, ginger, sugar cane, yellow garlands and a stick that is used to drive the bulls are also placed as offering to Ganesha. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar wishes all his devotees, followers and disciples a very happy Pongal and a prosperous future.

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