Issue 27 Tony Michael: Braving The Odds

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Drip Pressure Hometown: Athens, Ga

Have you had a chance to check out our brand? What do you think about it? Drip Pressure: Yea and I think the brand yall created is dope. When did you start your career? Drip Pressure: After coming home from a 7 year bid back in 2015. Can you compare your style to anyone in the game right now? Drip Pressure: Nah, I came in the game with my own wave. I don’t use auto tunes or try to sound like nobody else. What would you consider to be your recognizable track? Drip Pressure: Never Lackin and I actually dropped it personally before my distribution company did. I have two versions of it. What steps did you take in getting to the point your at now? Drip Pressure: I went and got a bag first before anything so I was able to network and push

my career the best way I see fit. Why do you think it’s hard for emerging artists to break into the industry? Drip Pressure: It’s hard to get recognition when you have thousands of other hot artists that have been popping before you so my advice to anybody that’s tryna build a fan base would be to just go hard and believe in your craft promotion is the key to success in the music industry. Who would be your ideal artist to work with? Drip Pressure: Future What is your ultimate career goal? Drip Pressure: Going Platinum and taking grind smart entertainment to a higher level..... For more info on me or my music visit: 4

IG@official__drippressure Fb@Drip Steppa Sc@Official Drip Lüm@drippressure

Flizzy Hometown: Kenner, La

Have you had a chance to check even when I felt like giving up out our brand? What do you or feeling like I’m still stuck think about it? in the same spot. I just grind harder. Flizzy: Yes, I think yall brand is what every up and coming artist Why do you think it’s hard for needs..It gives them the chance emerging artists to break into to really get that industry feel. the industry? When did you start your career? Flizzy: I dont think it’s hard, I Flizzy: I started my career 4yrs just think people support who ago. they wanna support. They only support you if you are already Can you compare your style to established. anyone in the game right now? Who would be your ideal artist Flizzy: I can’t really compare my to work with? style to anybody because I have so many an to just pinpoint my Flizzy: My ideal artist to work style to just one person would with I would have to say Yo be an understatement. Gotti. He put his whole city in a position to win, he didn’t look What would you consider to be at other cities for artists he your recognizable track? went back to the city he was from and signed artists. Flizzy: My most recognizable track would be a song called What is your ultimate career “Give Me Time” goal? What steps did you take in getting to the point your at now? Flizzy: I just stayed consistent

Flizzy: My ultimate career goals is to put my family and friends to in position to have generational wealth. 5

For more info on me or my music visit: You can follow me on Instagram @sf flizzy and you can find my music on all platforms Apple music, Spotify, Youtube, Tidal @Sf fliz


Tips For Handling Heated Customers

1. “Say what you mean, mean what you say, and don’t be mean when you say it.” Let this rule guide your conversations with all customers and you will always be confident, cool, and in control AND you’ll always be professional.

a break. You can tell the customer you need to put him on hold while you review a file, or whatever excuse sounds good at the time. The point is to get away from the customer for a few seconds so you can re-group. 5. Use positive self-talk. Instead of saying to yourself, “I don’t get paid enough to put up with this ____.” Say something more positive like “This guy really needs my help.” Thinking more positively helps you respond more positively and professionally. Negative thoughts lead to negative words, and it spirals into a very negative situation.

2. Speak more slowly. You’ll be amazed at how much more clearly you can think and how much control and confidence you experience when you consciously slow down your rate of speech. Speak slowly and methodically when your emotional triggers are launched and you’ll maintain poise during difficult conversations. 3. Wait 1-2 seconds before responding. Responding immediately to difficult or tactical customers could result in you saying something you’ll later regret. Before you respond, take a deep breath, wait at least 2 seconds, and think about the best response and the best approach.

6. Show your power before you use it. Say, “I want to help you, but when you yell and cut me off, you make it difficult for me to work with you.” This statement demonstrates your power and your message most definitely gets across. These incredibly simple tips will position you to keep your cool when customers get hot!

4. Take a time-out. When you sense that your buttons have been pushed, take 6

Find Drip Pressure Music On Pandora, Tidal, Spotify, Apple Music, Audiomack, Spinrilla, Amazon, YouTube And more.. Black Goat Album Comming Soon This Summer.


TaylorMade Age: 26 Hometown: New Orleans

Have you had a chance to check out our brand? What do you think about it? I wanted to know how it can advance my career as an artist. What are the benefits? So far I love it ! Shive Magazine really helps up and coming artists like myself to thrive in their career. Shive is getting to know “us”, artists, singers , rappers , clothing brands etc. I don’t see much of that where I’m from. Many of us get overlooked if we don’t have the “right image” or “Popularity.“ It feels like it’s not about art anymore, but how you look and who you know .. I guess. But speaking for myself, Shive boosts my confidence in my work. It made me want to go harder, they’re giving me that chance I always wanted. To get recognition for my art work and to show how great I am as a person and an artist. I’ve been an underdog for too long. So I’m grateful for this opportunity. I encourage anyone that feels what I’m saying and want to advance their careers here’s the place to start.


When did you start your career? It started off with me drawing at the age of 5, that’s as far as I could remember at least. I remember I had these Scooby Doo bed sheets, and some-

thing told me “try to draw that’’. I never knew how to look at things and draw it but it was crazy, I really drew what I saw and I was so proud of myself. As I got older, I had to live in a group home for a while. I was alone, but I found comfort in art. In middle school, I didn’t really have friends so I’d draw to myself in class. After a while, classmates took notice of me and would say how good my art was. I remember I would draw on my arm, the other kids would be like “ouuu draw on me !”. That’s when I first heard “you should do tattoos’’. I started tattooing I think in the 11th grade so 2013. 2019 is when I decided to take it seriously and make a career out of it.

stick poke method. I went on Amazon and found the cheapest tattoo machine, I started on myself then a few friends. After awhile I started to get clients, and no the tattoos weren’t good but they weren’t bad either. After about a year or so, I wasn’t sure what to do, I loved art and doing tattoos but I wasn’t sure where to go with it. I didn’t want to go to college, and on top of that, I didn’t have much support with my art to really keep going. I had to work different jobs I hated, just to buy things I needed to do tattoos, draw , and paint. I didn’t have any money and I was extremely depressed. I started popping pills, I hated that the people around me was changing. After awhile working at a restaurant, I met my now current girlfriend. She said I could stay with her but I wasn’t sure about that but she made me feel like I could trust her, then we got an apartment together. It was like God sent me an angel, I had my own lil set up and I was finally comfortable. I could do tattoos how I want. Later on got fired from my job, so shit kinda got hard. I felt like I was letting her down, we struggled for awhile but she believed in me even when I felt like giving up. During COVID-19, we went to stay in California for the summer. Kloe was telling me her friends from high school wanted to get tatted, and from there my name spread like wildfire. I was doing tattoos in her moms garage everyday and made over 15000 dollars in the course of 2 months. I made flyers, started doing videos of me tattin, just really promoting myself. I told myself no more 9 to 5, this is where we’re at, so take it seriously. Now people from all over want me to tat them, some even come from different states to get tatted by me. It’s so many people to keep up with sometimes. I’m not even in a shop that’s the crazy part. I appreciate every part of my journey, good and bad. I always knew where I wanted to be, I’m farther then I’ve ever been or thought to

Can you compare your style to anyone in the game right now? Honestly, no. Not to sound cocky, but I only compare myself with myself. So what I’m saying is, I compare my old work to my new work and I pick out what I need to do better. Like what’s the best equipment, inks , and needles to use, this all plays apart to make me a better artist. Then when I look at my new work it’s like how can I beat that ? Lol , I fight with myself sometimes like I really talk to myself, lol I be like “ I’m better than you watch next month or next year my work gone be better that” omg, I hope that doesn’t sound crazy. But I feel there’s no better competition than yourself vs yourself. And real talk I don’t feel I really have a particular style, I kinda just go with the flow. Everyone has had those conversations with themselves so you don’t sound crazy at all. What steps did you take in getting to the point your at? I practiced on myself and my best friend, Trin, with Indian ink and a sewing needle, its called 9

you gotta looking at the negatives as positives. If by chance you know you “blow up” it won’t last long it dies quick, now you a “use to be.” I’m no knocking wanting support I’m just saying you have to be your own biggest supporter in order to get to where you want to be. put the time and the work into yourself rather than looking for help. it’ll come, stay hungry! Who would be your ideal artist to work with? Off top, Skoobi because she’s a female tattoo artist like me. Women don’t really get taken seriously in this industry , and she motivates me like whenever I feel like I want to give up, she be like “aye, pick yourself up and get back in there.” So she kinda keeps me grounded when things get hard for me. And she’s just an amazing artist, her style is like nothing ever seen before even with her paintings. She carries herself like a Goddess. I’d love to collaborate with her.

be and I can’t wait to see what’s coming next. Why do you think it’s hard for emerging artists to break into the industry? I feel sometimes artist focus more on having supporters rather than buyers , you know ? Like people who’s going to actually LIKE your work, bugging you bout when the next gone drop , feel me? For example I see new artists post one or two projects on social media then expect for it to blow up that one time, then get mad and their like “oh no one is supporting me “ watch we I get big I’m do such and such”. It’s like they want it to be over night thing. But they gotta understand no one who’s successful started from the top. I mean unless you was born in money I guess. But It takes years of practice and 10

What is your ultimate career goal? Well I thought about having a shop of my own, just something to have my name on. But I really want to travel and tat for celebrities and rich people. I want to be big and show the world who I am. I’m not like a regular tattoo artist, I’m an all around artist. I can draw, paint, tattoo and design clothes. I’m a creative. Where can our listeners connect with you online? Instagram: @115_Taylor Snapchat: iktaylorg Twitter: @TaylorMadeX



Tips Using Testimonials To Sell Your Product

Testimonials assure quality Aside from confirming the existence of a business and lessening doubts, testimonials provide assurance to potential customers and clients of the quality of People nowadays, will only the product or service. The fact purchase products or available that they took time out to be services which have been reable to write testimonials about ferred to them by people whom the product reflect their levthey know. But most of the els of satisfaction towards the times, this is not an option so product/service. on to the next best thing, which is to get testimonials from past Testimonials give advantage clients. Credible testimonials provide a competitive advantage for There are a lot of scammers the product/service. There are and con artists nowadays, and many products and services out this has turned the market into there and one of the ways to a fearsome one. Credible tesstand out from the rest is the timonials provide security to use of credible testimonials. the people who are eyeing at a certain product or service. The There are many types of tesprovision of testimonials gives timonials. Testimonials are people a much more relaxed usually categorized according attitude towards a product or to the source. Here are a few service. examples: There are many ways to market a product or a service and providing the potential clients and customers with testimonials is one of the best ways to market.


a) Testimonials from satisfied customers This is probably the most effective type of testimonial. Nothing beats a testimonial from a satisfied customer because it is a picture of what the product/service is all about. b) Testimonials from experts Experts can be credible sources of testimonials. If a renowned dermatologist writes a testimonial for a beauty soap, it will surely help in boosting its sales, wouldn’t it? c) Testimonials from celebrities In a world that is run by mass media, celebrities have become powerful sources of testimonials. Today, even infomercials are infested by testimonials from celebrities.

People may think that getting testimonials from celebrities will cost a lot, but if it’s a real testimonial, celebrities may even waive their talent fees. There is much more to making a testimonial an effective tool for marketing than gathering them. Good testimonials are the ones which can be compressed into a few catchy words. “I lost 20 pounds in two weeks time!” is an example of an eye-catching testimonial. However, one must never rephrase or edit what the client had said. How to get the right kinds of testimonials will be discussed later. Credible testimonials should also contain the complete attributes of the people who gave them. Their titles, location and age should be included whenever possible. Visual appeal will also be a great help in using testimonials. If the clients are willing, one must insist in taking photographs or videos for their testimonials.

So how does a business owner get started with the whole testimonial thing? Here are some steps on how to archive testimonials. 1. Before anything else, only products/ services with outstanding quality deserve testimonials, so one must make sure that his product/service possesses exceptional quality. 2. Ask the help of your customers. One must be able to communicate to his customers his need of getting their testimonials. If they are really satisfied with the product/service, they would be more than willing to participate.

view but the testimonial is still up for their approval. You might want to make the wordings catchy and let them approve the testimonials. 5. Ask them if you could record the testimonial using a tape recorder or video cam. A video testimonial is better, but of course, many people are camera-shy and this can be a limited option for most. 6. Choose the best testimonials. Use the best ones so as to maximize the benefits that your product can get from the testimonials.

Testimonials are very powerful and this is the reason why every business should have 3. Interview your customers. them. They provide assurance Ask them about what they and security and reflect the like about your product/ real essence of a product or a service, why they chose service. your product and other questions like these. 4. Ask them if they are willing to make a written testimonial. You can offer to make the testimonial yourself based on their responses during the inter-


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U.S. companies lose half of adjust your offering to conpression. Good first imprestheir customers every five tinue servicing them. sions tend to generate loyal years. Excellent customer sercustomers, and you get only vice is pretty much the only way • Know your customer’s top one chance to make a pospriority. Maybe it’s reliabilyou can turn visitors into cusitive first impression. Apity or speed or cost. Your tomers. It’s a fact, new custompearance is important. The company should know your ers will help your business grow exterior and interior of your clientele’s No. 1 priority and but your current customers are business should be neat and consistently deliver it. Rethe lifeline of your business. So clean. member, customers’ desires keeping them happy should be change frequently, so ask • Listen to the customer. your highest priority. yourself this question every Employees should listen six months. actively to customers. ReFollow these tips to make sure assure your customers that your customers keep coming • Acknowledge the lifetime you genuinely want to help back. value of customers. The them. Customers will judge lifetime value of your cusyour business based on the • Understand lost customtomers is the income you politeness, empathy, effort ers. Many business owners would gain if a customer and honesty of your staff. mistakenly believe that cusstayed with you as long as tomers choose to patronize they could possibly buy your • Address and resolve comother companies solely beproduct or service. plaints quickly and effeccause of better prices. While tively. Inevitably, your pricing can be a concern, • For example, the lifetime employees will encounter customers often head to value of a customer employunsatisfied customers. the competition when they ing a financial adviser could Whether they’re returning don’t feel valued. be several decades and could an item or changing a serspan several generations. vice, customers expect a fair • A change of lifestyle may Treat the parents well and policy. If you cannot offer a have also created a situation you could win the children’s resolution immediately, let where customers no lonbusiness. the customer know when he ger need your product. By or she can expect an answer. staying in touch with their • Create a positive first imneeds, you might be able to 15



ony Michael Barton Jr. (Born September 19, 1995) is an American singer-songwriter from New Orleans, Louisiana. He is a talented RnB singer who has worked with several known artists in the RnB sector of the music industry, such as Boosie BadAzz and Rich Homie Quan. He is currently signed to BadAzz Music Syndicate. A list of his songs and collaborations includes 40 Years, Beautiful, Way too Much, and On Chill Remix.

vice system moving from one shelter to another and from one foster home to the other. In all this instability, Tony did not lose focus or waver in his determination to make good music. He has faced several other tests since, and he continues to demonstrate what can be achieved with determination and purpose.

Tony Michael is currently working on a 10-song album featuring Boosie Bad Azz, Jagged Edge, and others with a debut titled Best of Both Worlds. He also has an album to be released later this year titled After Midnight. While Tony Michael is a successful musician, he has faced several challenges. Tony Michael was born to a large family by a drug-addicted mother and a father that abandoned his family when young Tony was only nine months old. Tony Michael was taken in and raised by his Grandmother, Jean Ann Martin. It was here that Tony fell in love with RnB music. He would lose his beloved grandmother when he was 11years old. Tony Michael got thrown into the social ser17

Shive: Can you tell us what growing up was like in New Orleans? What did you like most about growing up here? And what would you consider as the greatest challenges? Tony: Growing up in New Orleans was hard. I saw a lot of crazy things. But through all of it, I still manage to focus on my career. The food and culture is

what I like most about my city. My greatest challenges would have to be overcoming group houses. Shive: You had a tough childhood – facing abandonment, a drug-addicted mother, the death of a primary caregiver, and other trying conditions. How has it helped to make you who you are?

ing up and what influence did family, especially your grandmother, have on your music? Tony: I love all of my family. They mean the world to me. What influence did family, especially your grandmother, have on your music? Just hearing my grandmother tell me how much she loves my voice. Shive: What would you say are your biggest motivations?

Tony: I don’t want to get too deep into my family but it made me a stronger man today. Tony: Making sure my family is straight and never going back Shive: How important is family to being broke. to you now and while grow18

Shive: Who are your biggest influences on music? Tony: Justin Bieber and jagged edge What is the source of your unique style of music? It’s a mixture of new and old school Shive: What attracted you to begin a career as a musician? Tony: Just having a love for R&B music. It is something I’ve always wanted to do. Have you ever considered pursuing a career in another industry other than the music industry?

I’ve had a passion for acting, but my main focus has been on music. Shive: Now that you are making waves in the industry, which musician would you say has been your greatest motivation? Tony: As you know I love Justin Bieber but newer artists like Brent Fiyas have been a part of my motivation. Shive: Who has served as the role model you look up to in the industry? Tony: I look up to two of my favorite writers of all time Tre Ace, and Atozzio. Shive: What projects are you working on now? Tony: After midnight and a collaboration album featuring Boosie titled, “Best Of Both Worlds”. Since signing, name a few producers you’ve been working with? Tony: Baller on the beat, Mykel on the track, and others When can we expect an album?

Tony: Soon Shive: Whenever you are not writing or recording, what do you do for leisure? Tony: I love playing basketball, drawing, traveling and spending alot of time around water.. Shive: What advice would you give to children and youths from troubled homes, orphanages, or foster care that may look up to you as a role model? Tony: Never give up on your dreams, anything is possible if I 19

can do it they can too. Shive: What advice would you also give to upcoming artists trying to break into the music industry, especially the RnB section? Tony: To learn as much as you can about the business before jumping head first. Shive: Where can our viewers find your music? Tony: On all streaming platforms


Marketing your blog online can get complicated and confusing if you are working on your first one. However, for a blog marketing guru, it really is not that complicated. Anyone that is familiar with blog marketing online knows that it takes dedication, hard work and consistency. For someone just starting out with their marketing campaign, it may seem like a lot of work with little or no pay off to be seen right afterwards. However, just know that marketing is something that you have to build. You have to work on it and continue to market your blog.

There are many things that you can do to market your blog and get it out there to be seen by the world. One of the most important things is to visit other blogs that are relevant to yours and leave comments. Doing so gets your blog out there to readers of other’s blogs. And in return can get you some new visitors as well as readers. While all of this might seem confusing at first, after a while you will get the hang of it and it will make sense and fall in place. Posting on your blog on a regular basis is another way to get new readers. Who wants to read a blog that is never even updated? Would you? Of course not! So give your readers what they want with new content and give it to

them often. Post daily, weekly or bi weekly and be consistent about it. This way your readers and visitors will know how often to check your blog for a new post.

Know where your traffic is coming from. Know which search engines are directing people to your blog and which are not. Find out what keywords are bringing people to your blog as well. If you know all of this all ready, use it to your advantage. Write more content on the keywords that are working for you and monitor where you fall on the search engine pages that are sending visitors. If someone leaves a comment on your blog, be sure to acknowledge it. No one wants to have a conversation with themselves, and it will only take a brief moment to reply and let them know you appreciate them. Otherwise if you have a section full of comments and you have not replied, chances are that you will not be getting many more. The readers may even drop you off of their list of blogs to visit frequently as well. Using your head and treating others as you would want to be treated is a big part of marketing. Make friends with other bloggers. Network with them and find out how they get so many visitors to their blog and what they do to


keep them interested. Exchanging ideas with other bloggers that are successful is a great idea and a good way to make friends. If you want, you can even become friends with other bloggers offline as well. Use this to your advantage and do not just take from the conversation though, be sure that you share all of your blog marketing techniques as well with your new found blogging friends. If you happen to be quoting an article from another source or blog, always be sure to provide a link back to the original. Other wise this is known as plagiarism and something that is looked down on in the world of marketing. Stealing someone else’s content is not a good idea and not something that you will get away with. You will get caught if you try to say someone else’s work is your own of it is not. This is not a good way to start off in the blog marketing world as well. Blog marketing is a great way to make extra income and get your blog out there and known. Use these techniques above to get your blog more traffic and readers and you will eventually reap the rewards. Copied with permission from:

Subscribe to 21

Jasmine Daggs “Jazzemaxx” Hometown: New Orleans

Have you had a chance to check out our brand? What do you think about it? Yes, Shive Magazine &Studio is coming with some next level collaboration. What do you do? Salon owner, retired hairstylist and Entrepreneur of Jazzemaxx Collection Hair Brand How did you get into doing this? I’ve been doing hair since 9th grade, went to Rabouin career high school for hair and started my career straight out of high school. I just took it to the next level and added an extension line to the business. What is unique about your brand? My Brand for sure is Jazzy, classy & a brand for woman to join in to style and make income too. I have a Brand Ambassador program for our babes to join and trend and make money with me. My brand I work hands on with most of the customers to style them and help them get the look they want or try something NEW. 22

How is your company different from other companies providing the same Service? My company is different from other companies because we trend diverse bossbabes. All women feel comfortable to come to me and buy hair because I have 18years experience with all textures and hair types to give them that look without it looking like a weave. I have a heavy reference type of business from personal experience. What is the best thing about doing what you do? The best thing about doing what I do is introducing different levels of extensions to all woman and showing guys the road map to enhance their lady beauty but with a personal touch from Jazzemaxx. What is the worst thing about doing what you do? The worst thing about what I’m doing is I can’t reach everyone all the time but I thank God he allows me to be apart of so many lives privately Where can our listeners connect with you online? Follow me on ig, my personal page @jazzemaxx and business page @ jazzemaxxcollection also like and subscribe to my YouTube channel “Jazzemaxx Tribe” 23




Pharrisagency Hometown: New Orleans

Have you had a chance to check out our brand? What do you think about it? Pharrisagency: Yes, it’s nice. What do you do? Pharrisagency: A marketing and branding consultant for personal & business clientele, using events, social media, & brand alignment in the greater New Orleans area and beyond. How did you get into doing this? Pharrisagency: In 2011 I started an awards show call Paris Soul Cafe and it just grew from there.

community from jobs to business opportunities. What is the worst thing about doing what you do? Pharrisagency: The worst thing about what I do is not being able to help everyone. What are the benefits of working with you? Pharrisagency: The benefit of working with the P Harris

How is your company different from other companies providing the same Service? Pharrisagency: We are affordable and we are very hands on with our clients, it’s more like a family. What is the best thing about doing what you do? Pharrisagency:The best thing about what I do is providing resources to the people in the


Agency is working with people who will handle your business like their business. We believe in taking great care of our clients. Where can our listeners connect with you online? or IG: @pharrisagency Call: 800-856-5933


Tameshia Goldston New Orleans, La

Have you had a chance to check out our brand? What do you think about it? Yes, I love your brand and the opportunity it creates for local artist, and entrepreneurs to showcase their brand.

What is the best thing about doing what you do? The best part about owning a financial company is helping others obtain financial freedom. What is the worst thing about doing what you do? The worst part about being in my career field is realizing you do not have the capacity to help everyone.

What do you do? I own and operate TNT Tax and Financial Services, LLC. Where we specialize in Tax Preparation, Business Legalization, Personal Credit Restoration, and Building What are the benefits of workBusiness Credit. ing with you? The best benefits of working How did you get into doing this? I always had a passion for restoring credit. Tax Preparation was started as another source of income at first. I then realized how many business owners were afraid to file their business taxes so I stepped in and made it my duty to not only prepare their taxes, but educate them on certain tax laws. Obtaining Business credit started off as a need for my own business, shortly after the request to help other entrepreneurs became a major demand. 27

with me is that I will always push and motivate you to strive for greatness. I love to see everyone WIN!!! So educating and empowering others around me is extremely important. Where can our listeners connect with you online? Viewers can connect me and my company on IG @tntservicesllc , Facebook: TNT Tax & Financial Services, LLC or by visiting our website www.tntservices504. com.

Tameshia Goldston-Owner 3700 Lapalco Blvd. Suite L1 Harvey ,La 70056 504-338-4900 28


With all the conversations going on about branding, do you really know what is your brand and how do you use it to help you reach more people and market your products or services?

place. When you’re creating your brand you are creating a memorable marketing message that will inspire people to take action and choose you over your competitors.

Your brand is the core of your marketing, the central theme around your products and services.

Here are five useful tips to help you find your brand:

Your Brand Tip 1 Your brand is the core of what Your brand is not your Logo or you do. What feelings or emoyour Company Name, unless of tions does your business inspire course you are Microsoft or the in you and in your customers? Yellow Pages online directory. Did you know that peoples’ decision to buy is based on emotions, For people to come and hire you, not facts? or buy from you in droves, your brand needs to be crystal clear, Your Brand Tip 2 attractive, exciting and powerful. Think about how you present In fact your brand needs to be yourself, not just on your website powerful enough to rouse your but when people see you, talk to customers into action, and at the you on the phone, or read your same time it needs to actively email. Is your marketing consisexpress you, what you’re about tently saying what you want it and your uniqueness. to? Are people getting confusing messages from you, or is it clear Once you’re sure of your brand from them you also gain a tangible and easy way of talking to people about Your Brand Tip 3 what you do. It makes it so much Think like your potential customeasier to do your marketing when er, try to get inside their head you have it clear in your mind and see your products or services what it is you’re selling in the first from their point of view. How 29

do they experience what you do, and how does it make them feel? Your Brand Tip 4 What is it you do that makes you stand out from the crowd? If you don’t think you do, then you need to think of a way that you can, because your brand should be somehow different from everyone else’s, its not enough to be just the same as others but better. Your Brand Tip 5 What are your best abilities, do you know your greatest strengths? Choose an unbiased person, who knows you well, to help you decide what your top attributes are; your brand should be based around your unique strengths and abilities. Ultimately, creating a strong, memorable, compelling and meaningful brand is essential for successful marketing, and something you can do with a bit of thought, and may be a bit of help from your (unbiased) friends. Copied with permission from:



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