Shive Magazine Issue 25

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What is the name of your company? Nola Nation, we do everything from artist management & development to marketing and promotion, and literally anything else that will keep our Culture thriving & on top. So please, check out my show, “Nola Nation Live” on 102.3 FM, every Friday morning from 6am - 8am.

talented artist & meanwhile Q93 plays Saweetie 319 times a day. So I wanted to create a platform for us, for our culture. A show dedicated to New Orleans artist, entrepreneurs and our local businesses.

Who do you typically look to feature? I’m looking for people on the grind, putting in the work and the ones who are invested in Why did you create your show? our Culture. Anybody who is No disrespect, but I gotta keep making New Orleans a better it all the way funky & these place. I’m looking for genuine other Radio stations are SUpeople who really embrace PER SLEEP! Nobody was the City and represent us the holding it down for us. We have right way. Those conducting an entire city full of extremely good business, bringing positive 5

energy and attention to our Community. Hard working men & women who stand for something. Our guests range from entrepreneurs, authors, up & coming artist starting to make a name for themselves, to some of our super producers and actual Grammy award winners. How can one become a feature on your show? You can email the show anytime at: NolaNationLive@ or you can contact me directly by DM on Instagram @Nola_Nation504 What are the benefits of ap-

pearing on your show? Aside from the initial exposure & experience that comes with being on the show, we like to make the most out of everything that we do. So while we’re live on air we also film each interview. By doing this we create, even more content & content is product. Not to mention the fact that we build great relationships with all of our guests, which then gives us a chance to bring everyone together and network. So it’s more than just an appearance, it’s a business opportunity. How is your show different from other media outlets? Nola Nation is for the Culture, period. Not to sound condescending, but I’m a boss & one hell of a business man. I get my own money. I don’t have anyone in my pocket or behind the scenes that I have to answer to. I built “Nola Nation” from the ground up & funded absolutely everything out of my own pockets. Now I say that because ownership is key. It allows me to do what I want to do and in this business that is extremely important, it’s a sense of freedom. It means I can collaborate & work with whoever I want. Nobody tells

me what I can or can’t play, yourself & in your craft. Build a post or promote. Nola Nation budget & link up with someone is only obligated to the Culture. to help you create a marketing strategy. Marketing & promoWhere can our listeners contion are 2 different things, but nect with you online? they’re both equally essential You can FOLLOW my main in this business. You have to page on Instagram @nola_nabrand yourself, branding is mation504 , If you’re a fan of the jor. Make sure you build a great Streetwear & Sneaker Culture team with great people who all please FOLLOW my new page share that common goal. Condedicated to Fashion @drippy. duct great business. You can heights . If you wanted to con- get ready for long hours, late tact me directly, wanted to be a nights and early mornings. If guest on the show or if you just you want to be successful then wanna get your music heard on you have to put in the work. the radio, PLEASE email me Last but not least have fun, directly: NolaNationLive@ enjoy yourself and make great music. What advice would you give up and coming and indie artists? In the words of the late great Soulja Slim, “First thing be original. When you get your own style people feel you more.” It may sound cliche, but you gotta be yourself. Also be about your business, make sure all of your paperwork is legit & on point. You have to learn this business inside and out. So, do your homework. Network properly, reach out to others, find & use all of the platforms in your area to your advantage. But most importantly, you have to invest in 6

I want to Salute the whole team at Shive Magazine. We appreciate everything you guys do, expecially the countless hours that y’all put in behind the scenes. REMEMBER YOU CAN CATCH ME... Moe’diddy, Captain of the Crescent City Every Friday morning from 6am -8am “Nola Nation Live” only on 102.3 FM or on Instagram @nola_nation504


When did you start your career? In 2006, In Atlanta Can you compare your style to anyone in the game right now? Dej Loaf, Charlie Baltimore, Lisa “Left Eye” Lopez, Eve What would you consider to be your recognizable track? S.n.d.g. produced by Bartholomew Boyz.

What steps did you take in getting to the point your at now? I studied music business, learning from other artist mistakes, helping artist and soaking up as much knowledge as possible. Lastly, being hands on with everything entertainment wise. Who would be your ideal artist to work with? Tpain, Ester Dean, Teyana Tay7

lor, Neyo What is your ultimate career goal? To secure a solid place in the music game behind the scenes as a music mogul. For more info on me or my music visit: All Major Platforms. All of them. Check out my Pandora station!



Name of media platform Myhellofalife Media Empire which consist of Myhellofalife. Com and MyhellofalifeTV Why did you create your platform? I knew I always wanted to do something in media probably since the age of 16, or 17 and at first, I was writing articles for Sports stories. I attended Dillard University and there I was working with the school newspaper and worked my way up to Sports Editor I began to interview coaches and players etc. I liked it but after graduating I felt like I had more interest than just sports. Many of my peers went into radio and tv stations and they would tell me they did not like how their voices was drowned out. They felt like basically you had to follow the script whatever the top boss said to talk about no creativity chances so; I decided to create my own platform to blog on about topics I liked and the was the birth of Myhellofalife. Com online magazine. Who do you typically look to feature? Anyone who has a interesting

story to tell, black business owners, black entrepreneurs, musical artist, people who paint, draw etc., also people in culinary arts and actors pretty much I cover a wide variety on Myhellofalife website. On the Youtube channel MyhellofalifeTV its mostly music featured but I do speak to a lot of fashion designers and other entrepreneurs on there as well. How can one become a feature on your platform? Private message me on social media, or email me at or and I send over media package services. What are the benefits of appearing on your platform? The Youtube channel MyhellofalifeTV is still on its come up I been growing for like a year so that’s something got a lot of my focus to build that up but its catching some music industry people eyes so there’s that. The website is been online for over 6+ years its all over goggle I have had over 20,000 articles published and over 8+ million views worldwide. To say I am a New Orleans based 9

website my viewership is vastly popular other places like New York, Texas, California, Canada, London and Paris. New Orleans actually ranks like 3rd on the list of my top readership. How is your outlet different from other media platforms? It’s different because a lot of my personality is injected into my platform and I always feel like everyone is an individual and no one can uniquely be me lol. Where can our listeners connect with you online? Myhellofalife.Com Facebook: Myhellofalife.Com Instagram: @YoeyMartin_Myhellofalife and @Myhellofalife Twitter: Mario_MHOL What advice would you give up and coming and indie artists? Never give up, and invest in yaself and holler at Shive magazine and myhellofalifetv!

Name of media platform: The Joce Why did you create your platform? The Joce was created to serve as the premier media outlet for entrepreneurs around the region (mainly

metropolitan New Orleans) bring highlight to their constant hard and great work along with entertainment for listeners at the same time. Who do you typically look to feature? We feature any entrepreneur


who works consistently and needs light in the form of media shed upon them. How can one become a feature on your platform? Typically for the podcast, we hand pick our guest using a special process by our staff.

However, in order to book and interview you can email us or contact us via Instagram or Twitter; we also write articles. What are the benefits of appearing on your platform? Our core following is the metropolitan of New Orleans with a steady inclement rise around the region. If you choose to partner up with us and do business your follow-up interview rate with other media platforms is 86%; one of the highest rates in local media. Our following typically include some of the most people entrepreneurs all around the city along with a support circle unheard of in recent memory for New Orleans. How is your outlet different from other media platforms? Our show differs from other media outlets tremendously! We do research on every guest we feature and we look for new, upcoming talent as opposed to the people who have a following or a legit platform already. We entertained and inform all while


putting a spin on media the only way The Joce™� knows how. Where can our listeners connect with you online? You can connect with us via Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or anywhere you stream podcast. To send in music and/or topics feel free to email us at You can also reach out to each member of our lovely staff, we have a family vibe at all time and each one is very approachable. What advice would you give up and coming and indie artists? Advice to any upcoming indie artists is to remain consistent through the good and bad. Hard work is the only way and you have to go through something to get somewhere!

COUCH TALK NOLA Name of media outlet: Couch Talk Nola Why did you create your show? Our show was created to

give artists, entertainers & entrepreneurs a platform to unwind and be themselves and feel at home while discussing various topics or promoting their brands etc. 12

Who do you typically look to feature? We feature artists,entertainers,entrepreneurs/business owners etc.

How can one become a feature on your show? Reach out to email address or Instagram Dm with info about yourself and upcoming or available products,music etc. What are the benefits of appearing on your show? We’ve gradually gained a reputation over time of creating an unforgettable experience for our guests, the benefits of being on our show is that the guests will always have us in their corner. How is your show different from other media outlets? Everything we do on our show is real and unscripted, we speak from the heart, we love music, we love entertainment and we are business oriented so we can relate to our guests very well Where can our listeners connect with you online? You can connect with us on YouTube as Couch Talk Nola and Instagram @couchtalknola. What advice would you give up and coming and indie artists? Keep pushing and follow your heart, be original and stay focused 13



What would you consider your most recognizable track? I would say the songs that got the most attention right away When did you start your career? were “No Flockin” and now my I’ve always played around with newest single “Like a Dawg”. music, but I started to take my craft seriously in 2019 when I At this point, what’s going on started Good Living Ent. with you? any deals? I take pride in being an indeCan you compare your style to pendent artist. And as for what’s anyone in the game right now? new, my single “Like a Dawg” is I don’t know that I can compare out on all platforms and the vidmy music style to any one artist. eo is out and blazin the net. Also My current playlist feature we just dropped some new Good artists like Fredo Bang, Money Living mask in red and grey! Man, and Sada Baby. Lastly my new project 7even 14

First, thank you for the opportunity to be featured in your magazine!

drops November 1st! What steps did you take in getting to the point you’re at now? Honestly, I just grind. The late great producer Niyo took me under his wing and we created a great chemistry and unique sound. For a while I thought I had lost that sound until I met Paulus from Light House Studios. He picked me up and helped me rebuilt a new sound but stayed true to me .I can’t forget Mind of Art nola for affording me one of the most consistent networking opportunities. Who would be your ideal artist to work with? I’m not sure that I could pick just one artist to collaborate with I admire several different artist and support everybody grinding but one feature with spitta would definitely be in my bucket list What is your ultimate career goal? My ultimate career goal would be to make Good Living a household brand, that has lasting relevance and consistency. I’d also like to be come an example of financial stability and do my part to push the culture forward. For more info on me or my music visit YouTube, Apple Music, Tidal, or Spotify and just search.

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The benefits of being on our show is helping change the culture and narrative in New Orleans media. To promote the entertainer, business owner, fashion designer and etc. To reach other individuals that might want to work with them.

Name of media outlet: 2 Original Podcast Why did you create your show? We created this show to shed light on our local business owners, artists, entertainers and entrepreneurs all over the country. Who do you typically look to feature? No one in particular, we are open to sit down an talk to whomever have something going on such as

an event, mixtape, album, book release, store opening, videos, movies, merchandise, press run and ect. How can one become a feature on your show? All you would have to do is contact us via e-mail @bookingyaco9 & What are the benefits of appearing on your show?


How is your show different from other media outlets? To be totally honest, there is no show like ours in the City. We have access to alot of resources and we use each of them daily... I think we are the only podcast in New Orleans with a staff and multiple sponsors. Where can our listeners connect with you online? On YouTube under 2 Original Podcast & 3c_tv On the Stitcher Podcast app under 2 Original Podcast On soundcloud under chevyearnhard3 On Spotify and iTunes on 2 Original Podcast

What do you do? I am an Actor and Fashion designer




How did you come up with the What attracted you to concept? begin a career as an actor? Well, as a child I had a lot See I was watching televi- of doubters and naysaysion as a child and someers towards my goals and thing in my spirit told me ambitions. Subconsciousthat entertainment was ly, I would tell myself they my destiny will Remember My Name. This is not only for me but How do you prepare for a it’s for those who have role? been doubted and talked I pray for insight about the about. role in which I will be portraying. Also, I shut down What would you say is the everything around me that hardest part about going is going to distract me after your career? from preparation. I would say, staying focus. You have to have a Have you ever been cast good measure of sincerity in a movie? towards your passions in Yes I have. I am currently life. In a field the work you working on a film now for have choose in life, you amazon prime. must be willing to work the field. The Bible says Your also a fashion dein 1 Timothy 5:18, “Do signer, right? not muzzle the ox while it Yes I am. The name of it is plowing the field.” This is Remember My Name simply means if you are clothing. working hard enough you will eat from the works of What have you design? your hand. If you have the I have clothing, which in- right intentions. cludes shirts, hats, masks


What steps did you take in getting to the point you’re at now? First of all, God and Jesus Christ. My mother (Connie Anderson) was a key factor in keeping me positively motivated in reference to reaching my goals. When I had auditions she made sure, I got there on time. If that was catching the bus or calling the cab. I keep her words close to my heart. Ain’t nothing like a mother’s prayers. If you had to choose between your careers, which would you decide to stick with for the rest of your life? I would say acting. Acting gives me the opportunity to escape my life and transforms into another person. I love hearing from people “I didn’t recognize you “wow Gary I love your energy.” What is your ultimate career goal? Being the best Person I could be. Knowing that I was called and I did the will of the MOST HIGH. Knowing that when the fire came I went through it like a soldier. For more info on me, visit Instagram: Geeatrical_Experience Facebook: Gary Anderson Twitter: Geezygary


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In recent times, artists, especially those in the music industry, have taken their ingenuity a step further. They have taken bold steps out of their studios into Wall Street to make names for themselves. The likes of Jay Z, Tyler Perry, JK Rowling, Kanye West, Rihanna, and other A-list stars are making names for themselves among the money-minting entrepreneurs. This should not come as a shock. After all, artists are entrepreneurs.

coverage to sell their ideas. As Malcolm X rightly observed, “The media is by far the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the mind of the masses.”

As soon as an idea conquers a section of the media users, many customers are converted, and profit is recorded. Come to think of it; consumers worldwide spend an average of 7.5 hours per Not all entrepreneurs are day on the media. Media artists, but all artists are here includes blog posts, RSS entrepreneurs. Artists, like feeds, and audio and video every entrepreneur, have an contents where brand, prodidea or a product to sell to ucts, or services are discussed their fans. Both entrepreneurs or shown. The media serves as and artists have services/ both the bridge and the vancommodities to get into the tage point between the artist/ marketplace. Artists often entrepreneurs and audience/ aim at selling ideas of cultural customers. However, media representation to fans while coverage or press coverage is entrepreneurs seek to satisfy not an advertisement. There is the demands of their custom- a control of when and where ers. Nonetheless, the bottom the target audience can get line is that they are both going an advertisement, but you to make a profit. have less control over where or whom your media coverage Artists and entrepreneurs reaches. alike want to steal the attention of their customers. That Media coverage is indisputis, they want to gain media ably advantageous to artists 21

and entrepreneurs. And the reasons are not far-fetched. Some of these advantages can easily be identified in the roles press coverage play. For instance, it helps to create awareness for a business. As said, media coverage is powerful – even for emerging artists and businesses. No matter what media outlet the business features in, the artist or entrepreneur is featuring in front of new audiences. That is very powerful because there is a chance that the audience is in their thousands, if not millions. The chance is not just mere speculation because 49% of the 7.8 billion human population uses a form of media or the other. That is an estimated 3,822,000,000 people. And all these audiences are potential customers depending on the coverage of the media. One of the more convincing benefits of media coverage is that it is better than advertising. For emerging artists and businesses, marketing and advertisement cannot be ruled out. But press coverage offers more incentives than advertising. Media coverage is more credible than the

advertisement. Suppose a business is mentioned in a respected media outlet. In that case, it has a greater impact on the business than an advertisement. Media outlets are seen as an independent third party. And there is nothing more credible than an independent third party. Journalists do the most work in media coverage. They check out the artist or entrepreneur. After doing so, they endorse the artist/entrepreneur by sharing their idea or product through their media outlet. Another important incentive is that press coverage is cheaper

than an advertisement. No less than 8% of an average business’s budget goes into marketing and advertising. For some businesses, the percentage can rise as high as 40%. But in media coverage, direct payment is not needed to get media attention. Payment in media coverage is often in the form of good works done or buoyant connections. Another payment for media coverage is selling the business well through a proficient pitch. All these payment forms cost little to nothing compared to the 8% a business has to pay for advertisement.


If you have ever thought media coverage has nothing to offer artists or entrepreneurs, I am sure you must have had a rethink already. It is important to know that all the audience an emerging artist or business seeks already has a relationship with the media outlets. Therefore, with just a few phone call chats with media outlets, an entrepreneur or artist’s business can get featured by the media outlet with a robust return of fans and customers. New Orleans has a number of media outlets and we are highlighting them in this issue

Name of media platform: Nola Media 504

Becoming featured is simple just ask lol or email us

to post things about African American history.

Why did you create your platform? I’m a fan of people like Saycheesetv and Zacktv I felt like our city needed people like them.

What are the benefits of appearing on your platform? I believe being featured on our platform is everything for the simple fact we post who the other blogs don’t from the new comers to OGs this year alone we’ve made sum ppl household names in Nola.

Where can our listeners connect with you online? We are on Instagram Youtube Facebook & Twitter

Who do you typically look to feature? It’s mainly for New Orleans artists but I try feature surrounding areas like Kenner to Marrero. How can one become a feature on your platform?

How is your outlet different from other media platforms? Were different because we don’t post fighting gun violence or anything sexual if fact we are the first blog i see in Nola


What advice would you give up and coming and indie artists? The best advice i can give is if you truly ha e talent and believe in yourself you must invest the investment alone puts you in another category than other artists take your business and career as serious as you do your life.

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Why did you create your show? Puff and Podcast was created so artists, creatives and visionaries of ALL cultures could have a platform to be themselves, promote their brands and businesses while we talk raw topics without any judgments. It’s a platform where artists don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars just to be themselves. Who do you typically look to feature? All creative minds and bodies! How can one become a feature on your show? Contact us! Tap in! Simple. You can email us at “” or you can contact via Instagram @ puffandpodcast What are the benefits of appearing on your show? The benefits of being on Puff and Podcast is that you can show your followers who you are, and what you stand for. You can gain followers and fans from different cultures and ways of life.

PUFF AND PODCAST How is your show different from other media outlets? We are different because we are “PUFF AND PODCAST” there’s nothing else like us. Period! Where can our listeners connect with you online? You can find us on all podcast platforms as well as on our Instagram page @puffandpodcast .You can also follow the hosts @yo_the_artist and @1stladykasper 25

What advice would you give up and coming and indie artists? Believe in yourself and your gifts. Always put yourself in the best possible position to win. Build you strength thru pain and never allow anyone to lower your vibrations along the way. Most importantly POSITIVE VIBES ONLY! -@Yo_The_Artist and Lady Kasper IG: @yo_the_artist @1stLadykasper Website:

HOW TO INCREASE WEBSITE TRAFFIC Anyone who owns a website knows the importance of website traffic. You may have a terrific idea for a website with an excellent product or service, superb design, content and functionality but if you do not use the right tactics, your site may not attract the all-important highly targeted website traffic. Getting a lot of traffic into a site has very little to do with the site itself but with how the webmaster or site owner advertises it. With hundreds of competing sites, you must employ the most effective internet marketing techniques that will truly deliver results. There are different internet marketing techniques that you can use. All these techniques and methods aim at increasing your website traffic. You must find a way for web surfers to find your site. To do this, you must put yourself in the shoes of your prospective visitors and future clients and see the internet through their eyes. Where do they usually go whenever they are looking up something on the web? The answer is the search engine; in fact, the two most popular websites on the web today are both search engines and portals. Thus, you should focus your internet marketing efforts on the search engine.

People will usually search for something using a search engine and click on the top results that these engines give. Therefore, you must use the right internet marketing techniques to get a high search engine ranking. To gain a high ranking in search results, you can use several internet-marketing techniques. Search engine optimization is a set of methods that are aimed at improving the visibility of your site in search engine results. Since a search engine indexes sites by looking at its keyword density, your site’s content must have favorable keyword density that is search engine friendly. Content is one of the most important internet marketing technique itself. If you have excellent content that is geared towards achieving a high search engine ranking as well as provide information then you can expect a high search engine ranking. However, this is not as easy as it sounds. Countless other sites may be using the same internet marketing technique as you do. Thus, you must continuously find new ways of attracting more website traffic. Aside from the traditional marketing techniques such as print ads, billboards, brochures, testimonials, flyers etc. you must use other more effective internet marketing techniques to gain


more website traffic. One of the most popular internet marketing technique today is submitting articles. Writing and submitting articles is an extremely powerful method for promoting your websites, products, and services. By writing short articles on the topic related to your website, you can offer these articles for other website owners or newsletter publishers to use by submitting them to an article directory. These directories get spidered by the search engines on a regular basis because of the high value of the content they provide. If you have not yet been picked up by the search engines this is the easiest way to get them to find you. You also get exposure to those who look for articles in the directories for use on their sites. When they make use of your articles on their websites or in their newsletters, you will get the credit as the author along with a link to your website. Not only will you gain visitors, but you will benefit from the hyperlinks that are created. Thousands of site owners are now using this internet marketing technique. It is also gaining popularity because of its relatively high success rate in attracting high website traffic.


Name: Restyl What do you do? I’m a New Orleans indie artist promoter...Ceo of Bless the mic Artist showcase. Mixtape publishers. Host of Shinetv/Host of get plugged artist music reviews & interviews. Artist management..Street A&R..artist consultant.. actress etc..Jack-of-alltrades in the music industry... How could someone work

with you? Contact me at What are the benefits of working with you? Exposure and connections with majors in the music industry. I’m a major plug in New Orleans.... Where can our listeners connect with you online? Ig-Restyl504_ceo Facebook-kayonnaRestylMuse 27

YouTube-Restyl Media & Promotions Twitter-Restyl 504 Sc-Restyl38 What advice would you give up and coming and indie artists? Stay brand your media outlets...invest in yourself & don’t be discouraged..Stay focused...if u want it u gotta go get it by any means


When did you first start your career? I started my career in 1999, immediately after my release from prison... Can you compare your style to anyone in the game? Personally, I would say Juvenile...(based on the New Orleans truth) that’s why I am naming my upcoming ep “Guerrilla Gospel”...gospel usually is based on truth and it always has a way of touching a person’s

was my daddy’s idea after hear- it placed me under the gun to ing me say the term in a conver- knock it out of the park in terms sation..... to help me and my family financially and emotionally. What would you consider your most recognizable track? What steps did you take to get I would say “Dog House”. Sim- to where you are now? ply because of the spiritual zone Honestly, all I did was kneel I was in after receiving a big and and pray and take it in stride. harsh dose of reality. I lost 4 I had two friends to hear me family members and a childhood rap over the phone while I was friend in a span of 5 months.... in prison (Perry Becnel and Al It was heart felt because I lost Caliph Akmin).They were the my baby brother and my step first to plant a seed into my dad during this crucial time.... career. I guess you can say that


they were the first people to sense value in what God gave me. I always respected their sense of value since I was a teenager. Once word hit the street about my gift, I recognized the “dollar signs” but I also “recognized “signs from God”...C4 the hussle man was also a person that sensed value....I never let my head get bigger than my thinking cap...I thank God for everyone who has been a part of this journey....I just kept practicing my craft and studying other artists....competition would bring out the best in cousins Eric Clark and Lcigga were a big influence on me during my childhood in reference to perfecting my music craft. Who would be your ideal artist to work with?

all I would expect is glory as a result of working with these artists... What is your ultimate career goal? My ultimate career goal is to lead people to God as a “hip trend”....a lot of listeners don’t realize rappers really worship God....Soulja Slim said “Been enticed by the devil but I love Jesus Christ”, Juvenile asked the question “Do you believe in God” on the soulja rag song, Scarface said “if you ain’t at peace with God you need to patch it up”, Tupac had a song named “Lord knows”, Master P said in a song “Mama pray for your baby”.....I never understood how people always got bucked up of these dudes songs to act stupid....they heard the parts when they talked gangsta but ignored the parts when they spoke about God.....guess it’s just in me to realize the truth of the game they spit on the mic...

Juvenile most definitely..... Mac and C-Murder as well.....the Holy Bible says “hardship is for your glory”.... (Second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 10)...All of the above Where can we find your ‘ artists have suffered some of music? the same hardships as me....


You can look up a few videos on YouTube under the name “Sir John”...the few videos I have are “Here we are”, “Always real” and “Different Fly”. My Facebook name is Scharjonn “Sir John” Kelley...My Instagram name is the same as my Facebook..


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NEW ORLEANS When did you start your career? I started rapping just playing freestyling with my potnaz, when we was too young to recall, but I started takin it serious when I came home from jail. Can you compare your style to anyone in the game right now? Not off hand but people say I sound like my favorite rapper Young Chris What would you consider your recognizable track? PTSD n Switch It Up my fav singles so far What steps did you take in getting to the point you’re at now? Hard work n not quitting

Why do you think it’s hard for new artists especially in the city to break into the music industry? Support️ people down here don’t support u until u make it, versus rockin witchu on da come up. Who would be your ideal artist to work with? Wayne n Hov What is your ultimate career goal? To be successful enough to create generational wealth How can we connect with you socially? For more info on my music or me visit:



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