Shive Magazine Issue 29: Seaux & Seaux, The Curvy Boutique

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The Importance Of Email And Product Development Do you have your website up and running for your online business? How did you create your website? Your website should be a basic webpage that is free of busy flash features and a myriad of options. The appearance of your website is just the beginning. Next, you need to work on your email database development.

how can you work around the spam filters? You can try direct-to-desktop technology to avoid these complications. Direct-to-desktop technology will send every single email by skipping the email system. In addition, Blogs are another method you can use as direct-to-desktop technology because it is not filtered.

Online businesses revolve around their customer email lists. You send emails to promote your products and services. Perhaps you send articles related to your product and service. You may send offers for free e-courses via email. These tools are advantageous if your emails are delivered to your intended customer.

Avoid sending email in HTML format because the spam filters will stop your email flat. Use plain text instead. Or, an even better option is direct-to-desktop technology. Direct-to-desktop technology actually shows up as a blinking message in your desktop message tray. The message says that you have a “message waiting”. Once you click on this icon a box pops up on your computer. This type of system bypasses the email system.

Unfortunately it is much more difficult to get emails to your customers due to spammers. Spam filters have improved their filters making it much more difficult to deliver emails that may have been delivered successfully in the past. So

Direct-to-desktop technology is beneficial because you can send HTML messages, videos, audio files, etc. Basically, any-


thing you can put on a webpage can be placed in these messages. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the spam filters. The next step after email database development is to focus on product development. The content you create can be distributed in a plethora of formats. For example, your content can be distributed by CD, DVD, eBook, web cast, pamphlet, teleseminar, e-course, etc. This will allow you to sell content in different formats. The various formats are profitable because some users prefer to read a hard copy pamphlet while others like to listen to the content on CD. As you can see, building a valuable website is just the first step. You need to engage in email database and product development as well. Completing these three tasks will enable you to have a website that is not only appealing to the customers, but sells as well.


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Seaux & Seaux The Curvy Boutique 6


hailyn Croom is a multi-talented business owner. Born and bred in New Orleans, Shailyn was fully immersed in the culture of fashion and aesthetics in her environment. This would lay a strong foundation for her foray into the business world. Shailyn’s greatest role model was her grandmother. She keenly observed how the latter enjoyed working from the comfort of her room while also caring for the family. From this experience, Shailyn was able to make meaning of


the phrase: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” And this perspective has shaped her career path today. Of course, Shailyn is well-read. Her growing passion for knowledge led her to bag a degree in Business Management from the Loyola University of New Orleans. Currently, Shailyn owns multiple businesses, including Left Clique Consulting LLC, Seaux & Seaux The Curvy Boutique, and Geaux Girl Parties & Events LLC. Indeed, all these businesses relate to top industries like fashion, event coordination, digital design, and marketing. When the idea of Seaux & Seaux The Curvy Boutique was conceived, there was only one objective – to promote body positivity. The shop offers hard-to-find pieces for curvy women from sizes XL to 4X. The Curvy Boutique used to be an e-commerce store. But Ms. Croom recently set up the physical store in late 2021. It is quickly becoming the go to for many plus size women and a household brand at the same time. Shailyn, a gifted public speaker, hopes to inspire and empower black female entrepreneurs across the globe. As if that is not enough, Shailyn is also passionate about helping many blackowned small businesses to grow. She consistently preaches and imbibes the philosophy that: “If you don’t feel like there is a place you fit into in this world, you develop one from your own.” 8



Getting Started With Video Blogging And Get Traffic Fast


ideo Blogging is the next generation of posting ideas and products over the internet. Everybody knows about text blogging. Now they use videos for a better way of expression. This form of communication may entail a lot of resources, but it is all worth it. If pictures say a thousand words, video blogging exceeds that by far.

lot of benefits. Think of it as a powerful tool in showing your prospective customers your line of products or your services. It’s just like showing a commercial all for free. And if you video blog through RSS, then most probably you are getting your target market.

moving. If you post something that is mobile, it would most likely catch attention. Now imagine your product parading in all it’s royalty through a video blog. You’ll get phone call orders in no time.

If your business is just starting up, you can create a People like to see what they video blog right at your own are going to buy. Some home. All you need is your would like to see proof and web camera, microphone, be sure that they are getting video software, and lights. A video blog requires larger their money’s worth before For as long as you know how disk spaces on websites, a shelving their dimes on it. All to use your camera, then faster server, and a whole of us know the influence of you can create a video blog. new set of programs to a thirty second commercial. support it. Videoblogs can be The effect of videoblogging Invest in a good web camera. fed through RSS. This is the is similar to that. You show The higher its resolution is technology of syndicating your product, people watch the better the output. And your website to other RSS it. If they like it, they buy it. you like to present your aggregators. If you present it well enough, goods in the optimum way they’ll buy the product even so get the best one possible. Video Blogging works with if they don’t need it. Make a short story, or just people on the internet excapture your goods in one pressing themselves. Now Now on the web, things are go. Just make sure you are if you put this on a business pretty much static, unlike getting the best profile for perspective, you are up to a in television in which all are each. Get those creative 11

juices flowing.

Your video editing software can be any program. You need Lights are important in a this to finalize your work. You production. Make sure you can add sounds, delete some illuminate entirely the area bad angles, or insert some still you are going to use to create pictures in there too. Some a video blog. The brighter the programs are user-friendly area, the crispier the images and can be used even with will be. You can also use light- zero knowledge on video eding effects for added appeal iting. Even simple video edto the presentation. iting programs should do the trick. Select your background Should you require sounds carefully too. The light affects for your video blog, you need the presentation so make sure a microphone. Record your that the background and the voice as a voice over for pro- light complements each other. moting the product and its benefit to consumers. Sounds Video Blogging is a great tool are as important as videos on but it also has its downside. It a video blog. It is advisable to may slow down the computer make your sound effects as so others may steer clear of enticing as the video. it. Download time may also be time consuming especially


if the customer is still on a dial- up connection. But don’t let those stop you. Let videoblogging be an alternative for you, though it is best to still keep the text and pictures present in your presentation to accommodate all possible viewers of your site. Nowadays, the more creative you are in presenting your product to the market, the more you are likely to succeed. Video Blogging offers an interactive way of selling. You involve the customers. You instill in them the advantage of your goods. And at times, those are enough to make a sale.

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Introducing Author Lisa Ward and her book Empowered By Disadvantages


ello viewers, it’s a pleasure and a privilege to introduce to you Ms. Lisa Ward and her book “Empowered By Disadvantages”. This book gives you a better understanding on not letting your disadvantage be a deciding factor on your life. We all have some kind of disadvantage whether it’s personal or business. This amazing book serves as an encouragement to rise above whatever low point you’re going through Ms. Lisa Ward who is no stranger to life’s obstacles, is also a person that is overcoming dyslexia. While battling Dyslexia is a huge disadvantage in itself, it serves as one of her many battles. Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it difficult to read, write, and spell in spite of normal intelligence. It does not mean that someone is lazy, or not trying hard, or not intelli-

gent. It just means that they need to be taught in a different way. Ms. Ward turned her obstacles into vehicles through her life’s journey as a mother, grandmother, 14

exceptional person, successful business woman, motivational speaker, CEO and now Author. Ms.Lisa Ward, tell the audi-

ence a little about yourself.

we expect more books from you in the future?

my magazine. So reading bios, articles, and interviewing people who actually went through No, I’m nowhere near done. I’m the things that are discussed in just beginning. I have a book the book was part of my recalled, ”My voice my truth” search. Life, the internet and along with others I would love reading many books were also to release in my lifetime. I also a big part of my research. The like to do soundtracks to some book took a year and half to of my books write.

Well I love music and fashion. I’ve been blessed to have great parents who taught me about the music business since the age of 13. I have a Christian spiritual background with a love for the arts. I’m overcoming dyslexia little by little. God has opened many doors for me that I never thought was possible. What was your inspiration behind writing this particular book “EmYou decided to take a chance powered by Disadvantages?” at writing, tell us is Empowered By Disadvantages your first My inspiration truly was God. book? I knew that people needed a new way to think, analyze and Yes, it’s my first book. reflect on the bad things that Throughout my life, I have happen in their life and not get been asked to publish my writ- stuck there. Try to realize and ings. I started my education in remember with everything bad special ed. I picked up writing that happens there’s something because my teacher in middle good or a lesson in it. We need school believed in me. At that to go deeper and find a light in moment, I realized I was a good every situation. We can grow as writer. I love storytelling but individuals and get stuck in one I still wasn’t 100% sure of my place and that’s the inspiration writing ability, until I got to col- for this book. lege. Although I’ve written for Broadway, I was still self-conIn reading the book, it seems scious due to my dyslexia. At like each chapter has a personthis point, I’m no longer afraid al connection with you. What to write. I’m more afraid of not kind of research did you do, writing. When it’s your time, and how long did you spend it’s your time. I just didn’t know researching before writing? it then but I know it now. Some of my research came Are you one and done or can from interviewing people for 15

What was the most difficult thing about writing this book? With losing my mom and my best friend and my dyslexia at times, the last chapter and Motherless was the hardest. My best friend is the reason this book exists. Although it was very difficult to write this book after her passing, with the faith I had within myself I got it done.. What was the most surprising thing you’ve learned in creating this book? That one is an easy question. When God gave me this book, I thought it was the experiences that I had already encountered but when my best friend was told she had cancer, it changed our life so fast. I didn’t write for a month or two and I wasn’t even going to do this book. But when she made me promise to

complete it, once she passed I went back to writing like I promised. At that moment, I realized that this book was not only for others but also for me. God knows what will happen to you before you even experience it. In chapter 7, Terrance gave advice on coping with emotional and physical pain. Do you follow that advice when it comes to dealing with the loss of your mother and best friend? Yes, I do. I use that fire and sadness to accomplish my goals and be the best mentor, author and speaker. Those two women showed me and pushed me to never give up. With all the pain they endured they fought until the end. Just like Terrance.

selves. You can also pick up a copy of my book, “Empowered by Disadvantages.”

I want people to walk away with a better understanding, enlightenment and a drive to succeed. I want people to know Please feel free to contact me that just because you have a anytime for help or guidance, disability doesn’t mean that you I’ll be happy to point you in can’t be whatever you want to the right direction. Never let be. You just have to work hardanyone tell you, you can’t do er than others and get the help anything and never accept a no. and the tools needed to be able Keep fighting for your dreams. to reach your dreams. Are you Have faith in your destiny and going to keep going or let your yourself. God wouldn’t give you disadvantage stop you. an assignment if he didn’t feel like you wouldn’t complete it or Where could we get a copy of live up to it. your book? What do you want readers to learn from your book?

What advice would you give to anyone caring for someone suffering from dyslexia or any kind of disadvantage? For any type of learning or mental disability, talk to your PCP, they can write your referral to get tested. You can also reach out to your child’s school and get your child to be tested. If seeing a therapist they also can give you a referral or do the educational evaluation them16 Or Barnes & Noble

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Auto Responders

he AutoResponder is fantastic and effective for increasing traffic to your website. It helps you save valuable time with its automated response function: emails concerning frequently-asked questions about a service/product or sending a greetings and welcome letter to new subscribers to your program/service. It helps to track the effectiveness of each and every one of your promotions.

use AutoResponders. Were you to use your AutoResponder to contact these companies, their AutoResponders will reply to yours, then yours to theirs, and so on and so on. This situation would create a cycle of auto responses that would flood your respective email boxes!

The Autoresponder, in short, is an invaluable tool in your business. As one of the most popular marketing tools available on the Internet today, it is used a lot by different types of businesses and websites. However, this great tool is not always used in a proper manner. Below are some rules and regulations to observe:

As Ezines send updates and new information regularly to subscribers, your Autoresponder would respond with a message each and every time. In a Discussion Forum, each person in that Forum will receive our auto response. This can cause a lot of irritation all round, and most of the time you will be unsubscribed. It is often very difficult for the Forum/Ezine administrators to determine who is using the autoresponse.

1. Avoid Flooding: Do not use an AutoResponder Address when submitting to Search Engines

2. Common Courtesy: Do not use an AutoResponder to subscribe to Ezines or Discussion Forums

3. Do not use an Autoresponder to Take Advantage Of UnSearch Engines like Google and suspecting Individuals Yahoo!, directories, classified, and free-for-all sites commonly Some unethical companies 18

make use of AutoResponders to respond to automated messages; when this happens, the email address in the ‘from’ field is automatically subscribed to their mailing list. The unsuspecting individuals start getting unasked-for mail and many are fed-up of this as this happens very regularly. Companies that do this, rather than promoting their business properly, create for themselves a very negative image. Remember, bad publicity spreads faster than good. The Internet is a fantastic arena in which to do business, local, national and international and AutoResponders are simply a great way to save valuable time doing repetitive tasks. However, when used in an unprofessional way, and without regard for your chosen victim-recipients, it will only cause much aggravation and frustration in un-requested-for barrages of emails. You and your company will only stand to lose goodwill and business. Appropriate use can lead to massive amounts of business. Misuse it, and you get…the opposite.





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