Editor's Letter
Changing of the guard
s we roll on past mid-year, it’s all change at SHOP-SA. After 10 years’ of dedicated service on the Association board, Chairman Has Servas is tidying up his desk and hanging up his hat. Enjoy his remarkable career retrospective on page 04. SHOP-SA has also undergone a rebrand, with a new colour scheme and logo chosen to represent the Association. Our new chief operating officer, Hanlie Delport, and the team at My Office have driven these changes, which include the return of this very magazine. If you’re anything like me, you will feel that this year has rushed by in a blur. The chaos and continuing challenges brought about by loadshedding require another level of organisation, both at home and in the workplace. For this reason we are featuring key organisational tools in this month’s issue. Labels play an integral role in helping to keep things neat and tidy. Our feature on page 08 looks at the different types of
my office magazine
labels and labelling machines, as well as filing options and storage containers to help keep everything in one place. Our stationery feature this month covers punches, staplers and staple removers. These items are important office organisation tools and deserve to be highlighted. Have a look at page 12 for more. If you’re looking for a distraction during the long hours of loadshedding, you’ll enjoy the origami feature on page 25. And finally, after seven years as editor of the SHOPSA / My Office publications, I will be retiring my red pen. Here’s wishing my successor, Bronwen Jones, and the team all the best as they carry the Association into the future.
Until next time
July 2022