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Contents the Southern African Association for Stationery,
In every issue
home and Office Products (shop-sa). It was first
published in 1916. The stationery and office supply
My Office magazine is the official magazine of
industry is a fast-changing environment. We aim to write and select articles that will both inform and benefit readers, keeping them abreast of current and future market trends. The magazine is read by over 25 000 buyers and sellers of stationery and office products each
05 IS YOUR WEB SITE POPI COMPLIANT? Dr Peter Tobin 06 TOUGH TIMES? INVEST! Montblanc is investing in SA
26 ARTS AND CRAFTS Learn to batik 33
Leigh Richter - leigh@shop-sa.co.za
34 CRIME ALERT Data breaches cost companies money
Wendy Dancer - wendy@shop-sa.co.za
ECO NEWS A green news update
NATIONAL OFFICE Design and Layout: Vanessa Bentley New Membership: Wendy Dancer
Features 10
Johannesburg Office PO Box 3226, Parklands, 2121
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Website: www.myofficemagazine.co.za CONTRIBUTIONS Letters and editorial contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to the editor at editor@ shop-sa.co.za. Publication cannot be guaranteed
PRINTER CONSUMABLES Everything you need to get printing
24 THERMAL PAPER Guest article by Rotunda 28
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Get pests under control
30 PEOPLE MANAGEMENT Retain top talent for less
38 PAPER BY DESIGN Do graphic designers still care about paper?
and is subject to space and the editor’s
IT FOCUS A look at travel 2.0
12 THE PERFECT PRINTER Choose the perfect printer with this simple guide
6 Edward Street, Kensington B, Randburg, 2194
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Rob Matthews - robm@icon.co.za
Vol 100 | October 2016
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editor’s letter
Times, they are a-changin’
he last month has seen a lot of movement in both the local and global office products space, with companies selling, merging and offloading sectors in the industry.
One of the biggest surprises was Belgian car dealer, D’leteren NV, buying a 41% stake in luxury notebook maker Moleskine for €506-million (R7,7-billion). Many have questioned what a wheel-making plant founded in 1805 wants with the maker of $45 (R615) notebooks. Arrigo Berni, CEO of Moleskine, believes that D’Ieteren’s history of growing businesses with a clear vision will make them an excellent partner for Moleskine. While not a surprise to anyone who has been keeping abreast of the news, it emerged in September that Office Depot will sell its European business to the Aurelius Group. This comes after the failed merger with Staples, as the company makes a move to sharpen its focus on the North American market. On the local front, Bain Capital’s shock decision to walk away from Edcon Holdings leaves South Africa’s largest clothing retailer struggling to claw back market share in a hostile economy. The owner of the Edgars, Jet and CNA chains
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will struggle to make up the ground ceded to other locally-based favourites H&M, Woolworths and Zara. With all this upheaval in the marketplace, the way forward for businesses seems unclear. Should they stick to the tried-and-true methods, or branch out into something new? Montblanc has decided to take an aggressive approach to the economic downturn by investing in South Africa. See the story on page 6. In our Stationery article on page 12, we focus on an old favourite: printers. Discover the technologies, both new and old, in use every day. Our How to Sell on page 18 looks at the ways to using printing consumables to improve your bottom line. Our IT Focus piece (page 10) looks at the way travel has changed in the modern world, and uncovers the different ways to keep yourself and your possessions safe while abroad. In trying economic times, the best way to stay ahead is to look after the staff you have without spending a fortune. Read the article on affordable staff retention on page 30. The question is: how will you survive these tough economic times? Until next time
Lei g h
Vol 100 - October 2016
customer care
ost of you reading this will probably know at least one man who grew a moustache in November. In fact, many men reading this may have actually done so yourself. It’s a trend that has millions all over the globe doing the same each year, and if you ask them why they do it, most will tell you it’s about creating awareness of prostate and testicular cancer amongst men. It’s the male equivalent of the pink ribbon we use to display solidarity with women who get breast cancer.
The movement has raised over $200-million worldwide since 2007. It’s fun – albeit terribly unfashionable and totally ridiculous in many cases – and all for a good cause, and even the biggest male egos participate publically to help fight this terrible disease. What you may not know is that it all started in Australia in 2003, when a group of beer-drinking friends started chatting about how the magnificent moustaches of the 1970s and 1980s had disappeared. With too much beer and too much testosterone, one of the mates suddenly challenged the group to a contest to see who could grow the best moustache. Soon a couple of dozen acquaintances also took up the challenge, and the whole group grew fanciful moustaches until judgement day on 30 November. Everyone had a good giggle, and they decided to repeat the whole thing the next year – but this time they would do it for a better reason than just a big chuckle. Someone mentioned that breast cancer awareness was top-ofmind, so they would choose uniquely male cancer as their cause. www.myofficemagazine.co.za
in November Someone else – more creative – chose “Movember” (Moustache November) as the name for the movement, and they invented a really clever slogan: “Changing the face of men’s health.” That second year it attracted a few hundred men, the following year it was a few thousand. The word soon spread internationally, (including to South Africa) and now, the organisers claim, almost 5-million men participate all over the world. Why would I share this example with you in a column about customer care? Mainly because my aim in these columns is to create awareness in businesses that taking care of customers has a number of useful benefits and rewards, not least of which is the power of word of mouth and referrals. Use the checklist to ask yourself if your own business successfully achieves any of the criteria that the Movember movement achieves to grow so spectacularly: • The system is simple and so are the rules. Begin November clean shaven. Then grow a fancy, large and obvious moustache for the next month. And finally, pledge some money and raise awareness. • It is unique and different. It may be silly but it cannot be ignored. There are stories built into the whole campaign. • People want to talk about it; not only the participants, but also the people who surround them. • It is emotional. People care about it, and it is very relevant in today’s stressful world. • It makes people feel good because they are doing something good. • It has a link to a real “trigger”: the month of November. There’s another example of the power of word of mouth marketing that we are all familiar with. We all have a friend like my mate George, who sends links to the most amazing content. One day a few years ago
he sent a YouTube link with a note that said, “Just watch this.” Curious, I clicked on the links, and saw my very first view of what has become one of the most popular YouTube videos ever. It is set on a stage set of yet another TV talent show, and there is a plump, nervous, unattractive, unfashionablydressed woman twice the age of the other young, glamorous and sexy contestants walking on. One of the judges asks contemptuously, “What’s the dream?” She says that she’s trying to be a professional singer. The disbelief in the room is palpable. And then she started singing. And time almost stopped, because her voice was so astounding. It was stunning, exquisite, humbling and awe-inspiring. As I watched it, I couldn’t suppress a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat. I literally felt goose-bumps all over my body as I watched that first time, and had an experience so rare that I couldn’t remember the previous time I had been so awed. I was speechless – and immediately sent the link to almost everyone I know, friends, clients, social media, everyone. The Internet videos of Susan Boyle have been watched more than a billion times. The sales of her albums and concert tickets are worth hundreds of millions in all currencies. I have watched clips of Susan Boyle hundreds of times with my seminar delegates. The emotions that drive all of this? Yes, the voice is truly angelic, but her courage and her strength gave us hope in a world of cynicism, powerlessness, pessimism and economic crises. It’s these emotions that drive word of mouth. The question is: what emotions drive your customer experiences? n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AKI KALLIATAKIS
my office magazine
labour law
Disciplinary hearings: preparation is key
here are many reasons that parties lose dismissal cases at the CCMA. These include the employer taking disciplinary action for personal reasons; insufficient evidence against the accused to merit the outcome; or sufficient evidence that the employer failed to present at the hearing or present the evidence in a proper manner.
The basic reason for poor presentation of evidence is the failure of the employer or employee to prepare properly for the disciplinary or arbitration hearing. The reasons for this failure include: • The employer or employee does not want to spend the time necessary to carry out proper preparations for the hearing; and • The parties do not know how to prepare properly for a disciplinary and/or arbitration hearing. However, where the manager responsible for bringing the case on behalf of the employer fails to do so properly the likelihood is that the CCMA arbitrator’s decision will go against the employer. This is because the employer has the full onus of proving that the
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employee was guilty and that the misconduct merited dismissal as opposed to less drastic and more corrective disciplinary step. For this reason it is vital that all managers and other staff responsible for discipline acquire a full understanding of how to prepare for and how to present a case at a disciplinary or arbitration hearing. The steps for preparing a case include: • Assessing the allegations to establish whether they have been brought in good faith or whether the accuser has a hidden agenda; • Investigating the circumstances of the alleged incident(s); • Assessing the circumstances leading up to and surrounding the alleged incidents of misconduct; • Evaluating the evidence gathered in the investigation to establish whether it constitutes proof or not; • Formulating the charges to be brought against the accused at the disciplinary hearing; • Establishing who will present the evidence at the disciplinary or arbitration hearing; • Deciding which witnesses and other evidence will be used; • Preparing questions to be used in order to cross-examine the evidence brought by the accused; and • Preparing a draft closing statement.
In the case of NUM and others versus RSA Geological Services, a division of De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited (2004 1 BALR 1), the employer dismissed all the employees of its laboratory because a large quantity of kimberlite sample was found hidden on the premises. It was believed that the employees did this in order to falsely enhance their sorting rate and thus qualify for a performance bonus. While the employer was able to prove that three of the employees had been involved in the scam, there was insufficient evidence presented to merit the dismissal of several others. The employer relied on evidence that the latter employees had refused to undergo a polygraph test, but no direct evidence of their guilt was brought against them. The employees were therefore re-instated by the arbitrator. Had the employer prepared properly for the hearing and had it brought sufficient evidence that all employees had been involved in the deception, it would have been unlikely to have had to re-instate the dismissed employees. This indicates the crucial need for expert preparation for, and presentation of, evidence at a disciplinary hearing. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DR IVAN ISRAELSTAM
Vol 100 - October 2016
POPI act
Is your Web site POPI compliant?
n today’s increasingly digital world, potential customers will be looking for your digital front door long before they coming looking for your physical front door. The POPI Act has widespread implications for the content of most organisations’ Web sites, and this article will explore some of the key considerations to make that first touch point a positive experience.
When visitors knock on your digital front door how do you answer? Across the European Union member states the treatment of cookies has been legislated for several years. The need to explain what personal information is captured and what it is used for has seen the need to obtain consent from Web site visitors become a legal requirement. Local adoption of a “pop-up cookie notice” is mixed, with two of the four big banks in South Africa having implemented it. Although there are some who would claim such pop-ups provide a negative user experience (I am not one of them), the demonstration of good governance and proactive respect for privacy is a strong argument is favour of such a measure. Where is all that legal stuff? Depending on the functionality offered by your Web site, you are likely to have a lot to tell your visitors. Typical topics include a formal copyright notice, explanation of terms and conditions, and formal legal statements about BBBEE compliance. With the advent of the POPI Act, even www.myofficemagazine.co.za
if there’s no legal requirement (that is, you are exempt) many organisations are choosing to implement (or update) a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) manual which is included in the legal stuff people come looking for. Whilst many Web sites in SA have had privacy notices in the past, the need for these and what they say has become clearer with the POPI Act. We always recommend a two-tier approach to such notices, where the simple high-level facts can be dealt with in a positive, user-friendly way, while a further click will produce the full privacy notice should it be required. So, grouping all this together and making it easy to find via key word indexing, help text and FAQs makes a lot of sense. What’s different about POPI? The POPI Act lays specific emphasis on eight conditions for legal processing of personal information. These conditions include consent, purpose, notification, quality and security. Whereas in the past your Web site may have addressed some or none of these, it now makes sense to do so explicitly. Where and when this happens depends on the functionality of your Web site. You essentially need to actively review every opportunity you give visitors to provide their personal information: subscriptions, contact forms, shopping carts, help requests. Remember also that the POPI philosophy is to “opt-in” and the design of tick boxes and consent buttons should take this into account. What about security? The number of hacks via Web sites in South Africa and around the world has
grown exponentially over the last few years. Web site security is a specialist area, but even the relative beginner can appreciate the importance of topics such as security certificates (typically seen as an “https” rather than an “http” page address), in addition to a wide range of measures that can be implemented. There’s even an ISO standard (ISO27018) which organisations such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services already promote to their clients. Craig Noyle, director at Inovocom, an independent marketing dealer group well known to many readers of My Office, has been reviewing the design of Inovocom’s Web site with POPI in mind. “We have taken into account not only the advice we have had as a client of IACT-Africa, but are aware of some of the broader requirements coming out of Europe, such as those found on EuroPrise’s Web Site for Privacy Certification,” says Noyle. “It is disturbing how vulnerable many well-known brand name Web sites are in SA at present, and our research has taught us some valuable lessons.” Chris Stevens is a director at WebSkill, a company who specialise in delivering digital content for customers. “POPI is going to make a lot of our clients rethink their approach to privacy on their Web sites. The good news is that POPI will give a kick-start to a more internationally relevant look and feel, and help our community as a whole to become more attractive trading partners as a result.” n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DR PETER TOBIN @SAPOPITALK
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industry insights
Tough economic climate? Montblanc is investing in SA despite the current economic outlook
lthough South Africa’s faltering economy has eroded both consumer spending and confidence, the luxury goods market has been bolstered with the opening of the revamped 119m² Montblanc boutique in Sandton City Mall’s Diamond Walk in Johannesburg.
Owned by South African billionaire Johann Rupert’s Richemont, Montblanc is one of the world’s leading brands of luxury writing instruments, watches, jewellery, leather goods, fragrances and eyewear – items made mostly in Germany and Switzerland. President for Montblanc’s Middle East, Africa and India region, Eric Vergnes, says the sluggish economy was an opportunity for Montblanc to re-invest in the brand and extend its reach in South Africa. “When times are tough you either cave in, wait and do nothing, or you invest and gain market share. We are focused on the latter,” says Vergnes. Vergnes noted how Montblanc was growing in South Africa where it was a highly recognised brand with four stores. “We are growing because our range is wide. We have entry level items that are affordable and we have high-end items,” says Vergnes. The new space was designed by French designer Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance. It is Montblanc’s first neo-concept store in the region; a design that it says allows
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dedicated areas within the space for the three core categories in its portfolio: writing instruments; watches and jewellery; and leather goods. Vergnes says the boutique will be the blueprint for other stores still to be refurbished or opened in the region. SA had been chosen to pilot the design as the country is an important market for the brand with strong growth potential. “Local economic conditions are challenging right now and the luxury goods market is struggling, but in these difficult times it is the best time to accelerate.” Unlike other luxury-goods makers Montblanc gained market share during downturns in the economy due to its diverse portfolio. “Our portfolio is large. Even when times are hard, consumers still have moments of indulgence. This store is to respect those customers who come to us. It will make their shopping experience more pleasant and bring the boutique on par with global standards,” Vergnes says. At the rear of the boutique, calf-hide leathers priced at about R15 000 line a well-lit shelf where sales consultant Jean-Pierre Fernandes says there was something for everyone. “It all depends on what the customer is looking for. But ultimately at Montblanc we do functional and beautiful. Montblanc isn’t flashy. It is simple and elegant,” he says. Vergnes maintains the new store concept makes better use of its space and displays. According to the Bloomberg Intelligence Africa Luxury report, there are only 50 directly operated single-brand luxury
stores in Africa. LVMH (owner of Louis Vuitton) and Richemont account for a combined 60%. About 80% of those are in Morocco and SA. In the Diamond Walk, Montblanc shares the space with brands such as Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton and Cartier. Customers at the revamped store are likely to be the wealthy individuals, but discretionary spending all over the world has fallen, while preferences are changing from goods to experiences. The South Africa 2016 Wealth Report by New World Wealth, released in August, indicated that there were 38 500 high-net-worth individuals in the country with a combined wealth of $159-billion (R2,16-trillion) at the end of last year. But the number of high-net-worth individuals has declined by 10% during the period between 2007 and 2015 as some wealthy individuals left the country. Vergnes says that “the idea is to be a luxury store but being less intimidating and more welcoming”. “We are delighted to open the region’s first neo-concept boutique in Sandton, an important shopping district and the historical location of Montblanc’s first boutique in South Africa. “The sophisticated and contemporary boutique invites existing connoisseurs and new generations of customers to discover our rich heritage and enjoy the wide selection of products showcased,” Vergnes says. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WWW.IOL.CO.ZA; WWW.BDLIVE.CO.ZA
Vol 100 - October 2016
industry insights
Lessons from Edcon
ain, a private equity fund, has thrown in the towel on its involvement with Edcon and its leading retail brands, including Edgars, CNA and Jet.
When it took over Edcon in 2007, Bain immediately converted the equity stake it had acquired from the Edcon shareholders for about R25-billion into additional Edcon debt of some R24-billion. It has now reversed this transaction, converting the outstanding debt of Edcon back into equity. The 2008 balance sheet reported total Edcon assets of R38,1-billion, up from only R9,5-billion the year before. Much of these extra assets were created by writing up the more expensive intangible assets, including goodwill, that Bain had paid for and raised Edcon debt against. The cash flow statement for 2008 reports “investments to expand operations: R24,4-billion”. This was not so. The cash raised was used to reconstruct the balance sheet, not to expand operations. Moreover, it failed to persuade the South African Revenue Service (SARS) that the extra borrowing was undertaken to produce extra income. Edcon continued to have to use cash from operations to pay significant amounts of tax as well as a growing euro www.myofficemagazine.co.za
interest bill. Despite large accounting losses, it delivered cash to SARS at the rate of more than R100-million a year. Had Bain registered a new company to buy out the Edcon assets from its shareholders and this company had then funded the purchase with debt, the interest expense would presumably have been allowed as incurred in the production of income. And the consequent losses could have been carried forward to offset future income and to raise the current value of the company. With the agreement of its creditors with all the shares in Edcon, and with new debt raised of approximately R6-billion, Edcon can avoid the expensive horrors of business rescue and continue to operate normally, much to the relief of its managers, workers and landlords. Given that Edcon continues to realise significant trading profit, it makes every sense for it to stay in business in the hope of delivering value for its new shareholders while other stakeholders are protected. The case for private over public equity is not based on a highly leveraged, risky financial structure that promises high returns as compensation for high-default risks. While the conversion from public to private may only be affected with significant dollops of debt, the case for private is that its few shareholders, with much to gain or lose, will be able to contribute meaningfully to the success of the venture.
This is unlike inactive public shareholders with highly diversified portfolios, who can easily walk away from an underperforming investment. It is thus no accident that the number of companies listed on all the US stock exchanges has declined drastically in recent years – by between 40% and 60% in the past quarter century, according to different estimates. The competitive threat to public companies from private equity, funded with public money, should therefore be encouraged and not discouraged (including by SARS) in the interest of better returns on capital and a stronger economy. For their errors of commission (too much of the wrong kind of debt) and omission (managing its assets poorly), Bain and the Edcon managers were unable to improve its operating performance enough to meet the obligations to debt-holders – despite their well-aligned interests. The debt-holders and Bain, appropriately so, have had to suffer for their mistakes. How much the Edcon equity is now worth to compensate the debt-holders will be determined when their Edcon shares are relisted on the JSE. The sooner the new shareholders get to know their value and how well the company is performing under new management, the better. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BRIAN KANTOR, WWW.BDLIVE.CO.ZA
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IT focus
Travel 2.0 Technology has become an important part of safety when travelling
hatever you’re looking for from your travels – whether it’s sunshine and relaxation, a business deal or a fact-finding mission – having an experience that is hassle free, secure and enjoyable is high on anyone’s priority list.
Here are a few simple safe spending habits to follow to protect yourself against fraud and theft while travelling, both locally and abroad.
Your money Make sure you protect your money by using available technology, such as credit cards and Internet banking, to your advantage. Before you go Make a record of your passport and credit card information, including the contact number to reach your credit card issuing bank in case of emergency. Keep this record in a safe and secure place away from your passport and credit cards (that is, not in your wallet or purse). Also, leave a copy of this information and your itinerary at home with a family member or close friend.
my office magazine
Be sure to notify your bank of your travels. This will avoid triggering a fraud alert. A sudden increase in transactions in a foreign city could raise suspicion with your bank. Carrying large amounts of cash while venturing into unknown territory can also be dangerous. Use debit and credit cards to shop safely without any hassles. There’s nothing fun about lost luggage or missed flights, and nothing beats fast and generous compensation to help you through a tight spot. Check to see if your card offers protection that re-imburses you for replacing essential items in your baggage. Clean out your wallet, taking out everything but the essentials. The more items and pieces of information a thief gets, the more damage they can do. Use a forex service such as MasterCard Cash Passport, a prepaid foreign currency that allows you to prepurchase travel money ahead of your trip, so that you have access to local currency from ATMs and retail stores anywhere that MasterCard is accepted. While you’re there Make sure to use an EMV-enabled card with embedded chip in it when you travel. These cards are used across the globe. Given their enhanced technology, chip cards protect your account information from fraud and are more secure than
cash or a regular card. Ensure you set up a PIN before travelling, as many retailers require a PIN. Use a credit card for purchases because it’s the safest and most reliable way to spend while you travel. Ensure your bank or credit card service offers some kind of protection from unauthorised transactions in case of a lost or stolen card. Keep your card with you at all times, and never leave it in your hotel room. Upon your return Keep receipts for your credit card purchases in a safe place, throughout your travels. When you get home cross-check your saved receipts against your e-statement. Notify your card issuer immediately if you see any unusual or unexpected items.
Your possessions If you’re going to travel with technology, there are a few basic rules to staying safe. Think twice about using public WiFi Security experts recommend using a VPN (virtual private network), which will encrypt traffic between your device and the VPN server. There are plenty of VPN options around and you can research them before you go. If you do decide to use public WiFi, turn off file-sharing options on your computer first and do not conduct sensitive Vol 100 - October 2016
IT focus transactions like banking. An alternative is buying a local SIM and using mobile data. Protect your cards from scanning Carry your passport and credit cards in a holder or wallet with a RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) blocking holder so you don’t have to worry about people electronically picking your pockets. A RFID pocket is now a common feature in carry-on luggage, but you can also look for something specifically for your documents. Map it out before you go It’s common for travellers to get lost in a foreign city but it’s something you can now avoid, even if you don’t want to use mobile data on your smartphone overseas. Google Maps now lets you download a map while you’re on WiFi to use later when you’re not connected to the network. Even when your phone is in airplane mode, you can still use Google Maps with your phone’s GPS to help you navigate your way back to your hotel.
Take charge Keep a charger for your phone in your carry-on luggage. Apart from being able to charge mid-flight, it will also mean you’re not cut off if your check-in luggage is delayed or goes missing en-route. It might sound obsessive, but it is worth taking a photo of your gear as you put it into your suitcase – it will make an insurance claim easier if your luggage never turns up.
In the bag When you’re travelling with tech gear, think about the bag you are carrying. A camera bag that doesn’t look like a camera bag is less likely to attract attention. It is also a good idea to use a bag that has some kind of lock. n
There’s an app for that There are a number of apps on the market which allow solo travellers to connect with family, friends or public safety departments, so they can be tracked on their trip. These apps send out alerts if the traveller runs into trouble. It’s part of a growing category of apps that promise to keep you safer when you’re travelling.
Take note You will want to have a document with all of your important details, from your frequentflyer number to your passport number, plus your itinerary with your hotel addresses (something you may need to keep handy when filling out customs forms). You should encrypt these on your smartphone, so even if your phone goes missing you can have the comfort of knowing your personal details are safe. Keep a photocopy of your passport with you. You could also save a scan of it in a secure cloud account. Look before you swipe The rise of Pokémon Go has shown the problems of walking around staring at your screen. If you do need to check your phone while you’re out in a foreign city, don’t try to walk at the same time and step out of the main thoroughfare first. Track it down If you do lose your phone, tablet or laptop while you are travelling, use applications such as the Android Device Manager or Find my iPhone to find, lock or erase the device remotely. Bank on it Have a list of numbers you might need to call on your phone, including your bank. If your credit card is stolen overseas, you don’t want to spend frantic minutes trying to find the number. This is why you should inform your bank of your itinerary. www.myofficemagazine.co.za
my office magazine
Get the perfect print every time by choosing the right printer for the job
my office magazine
Vol 100 - October 2016
Multi-function printers Multi-function printers (MFPs) typically provide print, copy, scan and fax capabilities from a single device. Also known as all-in-ones (AIOs), multifunction copiers (MFCs) and multifunction devices (MFDs), they are available in both laser and inkjet models. MFPs are usually categorised according to their intended use. For home use, inkjets are considered better because they print longer-lasting photographs, while for office use a laser-class printer is more effective due to the volumes and types of material being printed. MFPs for the office need to be able to fax and e-mail, and should include an automatic document feeder (ADF) that allows users to scan, copy, fax and e-mail multi-page documents. However, these basic functions are not always straightforward. Some MFPs can only scan documents over a USB connection, while others need a computer to be on for the printer to make copies. This is problematic if you plan to connect over a network, or use the machine as a stand-alone copier. Not all MFPs include a fax-to-PC function, which allows you to fax documents directly from your PC without having to print them first. E-mail features also come in two forms: direct e-mail scans and sends an e-mail directly to your Internet service provider (ISP) or an in-house email server on your network; while other MFPs require you to open an e-mail message on a PC and add the scanned document as an attachment. Most MFPs include a flatbed suitable for scanning photos or single-sheet documents. An ADF allows for the easy scanning of multi-page documents in duplex (that is both sides of the page). Connecting to an MFP can be done via a USB port, Ethernet connection or WiFi connection. Some printers now include WiFi Direct, which allows compatible devices to connect with them without needing a wireless access point. A few of the newer models offer near-field
communication (NFC), which allows you to initiate printing from a compatible mobile device simply by tapping the printer with the phone or tablet. The space-saving design of an MFP can benefit small offices, negating the need for multiple cumbersome devices and masses of cables. This can save companies money in the long run. The main disadvantage of an MFP is that if a printing problem occurs, other functionalities of the device, such as the copier or fax machine, become inaccessible. Continuous ink system printers Continuous ink system printers, also known as ink tank printers, are printers that deliver large volumes of liquid ink to a comparatively small inkjet print-head, negating the need for ink cartridges. The ink source in a printer that uses a continuous flow system is placed outside the printing device. A set of printing bottles is attached via plastic tubes to the machine’s print-head. This helps businesses to increase printing capacity at a lower price point. Continuous ink system printers have a number of advantages: • Low-cost – this printing system is budget friendly, making printing available to a range of users from students to professionals. • Economical – it is efficient and affordable for businesses who want to print high volumes of documents. • Good value – documents are printed efficiently and ink supply is not wasted unnecessarily. • Easy to refill – users just need to connect the ink bottles to the ink containers outside the printer in order to refill the ink tanks. However, it is important to note that using inferior quality ink will clog up the sensitive print-head, and possibly void the manufacturer’s warranty. These types of printers offer the same connectivity options as other modern printers.
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Wireless printers Wireless printers are classified as any printers in the work environment which are connected to a network rather than being connected to workers’ computers with cables. Most often, the printer is connected to a large area network (LAN) via WiFi, but some models can also connect via Bluetooth. Staff computers are also connected to the network, and messages are passed from the computers to the printer in this way. Almost all types of printers come in wireless varieties, including thermal printers, laser printers, inkjet printers and even modern impact (dot matrix) printers. There are a number of advantages to wireless printing – the most obvious being that there are no wires. Wireless printers eliminate the need for inconvenient (and sometimes dangerous) cabling. No time, effort or money need to be spent on connecting computers to printers, or the subsequent cable management thereof. Another advantage of wireless printing is that the machine can serve more than one staff member at a time. Print jobs can be easily queued and printed quickly, rather than each staff member needing to physically plug their computer into the communal printer. Wireless printers can save businesses money. Apart from the fact that they negate the need for sharing a printer via a cable, they also negate the need for each person (or group of people) to have access to an individual printer. They also
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feed into managed print services (MPS), helping businesses keep track of what is printed, when, where and how often. This further promotes cost savings. Mobile printing is considered to be the process of sending data to a printer wirelessly from a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. Wireless printers mean office workers can easily print on-thego – from any networked device, and any place that has sight of the network. This boosts productivity, ensuring that employees can print things quickly and move on with their tasks, rather than standing around waiting for their turn at the printer. There are, however, disadvantages associated with networked printers. They can reduce the speed of your wireless network, resulting in slow communication times, especially if the office is large and there are many devices tethered to one network. They can have problems seeing the network, and intermittently disconnect themselves from it. This means a wireless printer needs rebooting more often than a traditional, wired printer does. Consumers also report that wireless printers jam more often than traditional ones, and that they often experience compatibility problems when using multiple platforms (such as Windows and Mac OS). Mobile printers Mobile or portable printers are small, lightweight printers that are used by
field workers and people on the move. They cover a range of printers, including photo printers, receipt printers and label printers. In the case of field work, mobile printers are rugged and durable, resistant to dust, moisture, temperature extremes and drops. They can be worn on the body by means of a strap or a belt clip. Portable printers are used to great effect in the retail, warehousing, hospitality and medical environments. Mobile printers have a number of advantages: they increase productivity; reduce operating costs; improve cash flow and revenues; and enhance customer retention in a competitive market. This is due in large part to the fact that portable printers eliminate the need for handwritten forms, so more accurate, legible documents are produced. Customers can review charges before the field worker leaves the premises, resolving potential billing disputes. Administrative costs are reduced, and cash flow is improved. Route maps and driving directions can be printed for workers on the road. Customers can be provided with updated receipts and future orders can be logged. Inventory and tracking is improved, while processing time and errors are minimised. Mobile printers use cabled or wireless connectivity to receive print jobs from a mobile computer or other device. Mobile printers are quickly becoming wireless, although the type of connectivity they offer differs. Vol 100 - October 2016
3D printers 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is the process of making three-dimensional, solid objects from a digital design file. Additive manufacturing occurs when successive layers of material are laid down in a particular pattern, in order to create an object. 3D printing is used for a range of applications, from fashion and medicine to toys and food. The process of 3D printing begins with a computeraided design (CAD) file, containing the original concept of the object, modelled digitally. This creates a virtual blueprint of the object to be printed. 3D printing software divides the object into digital cross-sections which act as a guide so that the printer is able to build it layer by layer. After the finished design file is sent to the 3D printer, you can choose the material to print in. The types of material you can choose will be determined by the kind of 3D printer you have. Some can print in rubber, plastic, paper and even food (such as chocolate). Your chosen material is sprayed or squeezed from the printer onto a platform. The 3D printer makes passes (much like an inkjet printer) over the platform, depositing layer upon layer of material to create the object in the design file. Depending on the size and complexity of the object, this can take several hours or even days. The different layers are automatically fused together to create a single three-dimensional object in a dots per inch (DPI) resolution. Although the possibilities of 3D printing seem endless, there have been a number of controversies surrounding the technology. One such example occurred in 2013, when a pro-arms group published the design files for a fullyfunctioning gun that could be printed on a 3D printer. n
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Vol 100 - October 2016
how to sell
Print perfect
Ensure your customers get the perfect print every time by recommending these printing consumables
Paper When selling paper to your customers, remember that the type of paper a printer uses will impact the cost of ownership. Try and ascertain what the primary function of the printer is – such as printing black and white text, printing photos or colour printing – to determine which paper will be most suitable, and will cut costs for your customer in the long term. Continuous form paper Impact printers use continuous form paper. Continuous paper is usually perforated at regular intervals and is joined together like an accordion. It can be single ply or multi-ply, with carbon paper between the layers. The highest grade of continuous paper is similar to typing paper, with a fine perforation. The most common sizes are 241mm x 279mm and 381mm x 279mm. Cut sheet paper Inkjet and laser printers use cut sheet paper, ranging in size from A5 (148mm x 210mm) up to A0 (841mm x 1 189mm) in speciality printers. Variations are offered in thickness, smoothness or a combination thereof. Choosing the correct paper will prevent premature wear and tear of the finished product. Paper is often supplied by the manufacturer to ensure the best colour reproductions. Photograph paper Photo printers use photographic paper, which is coated with specially developed chemicals for a glossy finish. The chemicals also ensure there is no bleeding or smearing of ink. The paper itself can be thin sheets of plain paper or thick, multi-layered paper. Different types of photo paper have different thicknesses and textures. Some photo papers have the grain and weight of watercolour paper or art canvas. Thermal paper Thermal paper is a fine paper coated with a chemical that changes colour when exposed to heat. The paper, which comes in rolls, has a protective top-coating to prevent fading. Despite this, the paper is light sensitive Check our guest article on and fades easily. thermal paper on page 24.
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Which paper is suitable for the job? Paper is weighed in two main ways: in the US, paper is measured in pounds. Elsewhere in the world, the metric system is used so paper is graded in grams per square metre (gsm). The weight of paper your client is very important, as it has an impact on the type of printer that can be used, as well as the final product. Here are the most standard paper weights: • 10-35 gsm – tissue-like paper • 35-70 gsm – very light paper, just slightly lighter than some printer/copier paper • 70-100 gsm – average paper weight bracket for the paper you’ll find in a copier/printer • 100-120 gsm – heavier, quality paper or light cardstock. Lighter than average greeting card weight and heavier than everyday printer paper. It is suitable for many, but not all, home printers • 120-150 gsm – average cardstock and comparable to a greeting card in weight. Suitable for fewer home printers • 150-200 gsm – heavier cardstock. Suitable for covers for presentations, business cards, invitation backing and professional jobs, but generally not suitable for home printers • 200 gsm – approximately as thick as the card that makes up a cereal box. It won’t go through most home printers but would be suitable for other home craft projects – such as creating invites and gift cards by hand, with rubber stamps or small hand-emboss devices.
Vol 100 - October 2016
how to sell
Ink Possibly one of the most important selling points of a printer is the ink it will consume. Your customers will always look to keep expenses down, and inks make up a large percentage of the long-term running costs of a printer. Determine the kind of printer your customers have in order to recommend the best ink cartridge for the job. Inkjet cartridges Inkjet cartridges contain liquid ink, and an inkjet printer uses CMYK cartridges. An electronic device inside the printer boils the ink, causing it to expand and shoot out onto a page in the form of a microscopic mist. In this way, ink is transferred directly onto the page via the printheads. Some inkjet printers have integrated printheads, with the ink cartridges merely act as reservoirs. Others feature printheads that are attached to the ink cartridges, and the printheads are replaced every time the cartridges are replaced. Toner cartridges Most laser printers use toner, which is a dry powder made of plastic and some metal. The printer’s laser writes a picture onto a drum. The toner is attracted to wherever the laser has written, and is then transferred to the paper and melted into it, forming a bond. Toner cartridges are generally more expensive than inkjet cartridges; however, they need to be replaced less frequently. www.myofficemagazine.co.za
Single and combined cartridges Cartridges are usually available as either single or combined units. In some cases, black is a single unit and the colours are available in a combined unit. This comes in handy if your customer prints a lot of black and white text, rather than colour printing. The black cartridge can be replaced separately as needed. With separate ink tank technology, each of the four colours can be replaced individually. While high-end printers can use up to eight different colours, most household and office printers use black, magenta, yellow, and cyan to produce the required colours. Photo printers can have up to 11 ink tanks, which include a range of colours such as red, yellow, cyan, magenta, photo cyan, photo magenta, matte black, photo black, light grey, grey and dark grey. Starter and high-capacity cartridges It is important to determine whether the printer will take full-size ink or toner cartridges, or lower-capacity, starter-size supplies, as this impacts total cost of ownership as well as cost per page. Printers usually come with starter cartridges. These are smaller than normal and are merely intended to get users started with their new printers. Highcapacity ink cartridges contain more ink and are more expensive, but work out cheaper in the long run. Not all printers are able to accommodate high-capacity cartridges, and it is important to double check your customer’s model before selling them this solution.
OEM, third-party and refurbished cartridges Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) ink cartridges are manufactured by the company that made the printer. They are usually of superior quality and are guaranteed to fit the model of printer for which they were designed. They yield the highest print quality with the lowest failure rate. However, OEM cartridges tend to be expensive. These cartridges are to be recommended to your customers who value lasting, precision results. Compatible ink cartridges are made by third parties instead of OEMs, and are brand new when sold. They are often cheaper than OEM cartridges and are designed to fit a range of printers. Ask your customer which model of printer they have, as some OEMs cartridges are patented and third party cartridges will not fit as well. Print quality is not as high with third-party cartridges. If you customer is worried about price point and volumes, rather than crisp quality, print accuracy and durability, third-party cartridges are an ideal solution. Remanufactured or refurbished cartridges are old ink cartridges that have been reconditioned and refilled. Any discarded or empty cartridges are taken to the OEM or a third party, who open them and replace any defective or broken parts before refilling them. As a rule, refurbished cartridges are less expensive than OEM models. However, the quality may vary, and the cartridges may be messy. my office magazine
how to sell
Why you should care about consumables It’s been common knowledge for decades that the cost of a printer isn’t the biggest consideration when buying one. That accolade belongs to the cost of consumables that factor heavily in the total running cost of the device over given write-down periods. In fact, that cost can be up to double the original cost of the device. “Some people, particularly those who buy entry-level printers and multifunction printers through retail, see that replacement cartridges cost more than the original printer which comes with cartridges,” says Cliff Hartzenberg, product marketing manager at Ricoh SA. “Some think they beat the system by buying a new printer every time the cartridges run out of ink. But they don’t realise that the vast majority of printers ship with what are called starter cartridges that contain much less ink or toner than replacement units. That makes the cost of replacement units and the number of prints they can produce a key factor in the total cost of ownership over the lifespan of the device.” So how come very few people have, until recently, taken note of the fact that consumables can cost so much more than the original device? Particularly when you consider that in medium to large organisations the cost of unmanaged printing can be as much as 1% to 3% of the annual turnover.
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“Most people don’t care about how many sheets a minute a printer can produce, they just want a device that works every time they click print or scan or copy, without jamming or constantly running out of ink, toner and paper,” says Hartzenberg. It’s also interesting to note then that consumables are the number one reason devices often can’t be used. “They run out of paper, ink and toner, or they become jammed and people don’t know how to clear them,” says Hartzenberg. “Clearly, if you can take care of those issues you can keep people working without even noticing the devices, which is ultimately what they’re after.” Hartzenberg points out that the branch of a medical business operating in a coastal town ran out of colour toner on a Saturday morning. The branch was trying to send urgently needed medical supplies from George to Jo’burg with attached test results that had to be printed in colour. Desperate to make a plan, an office employee called every computer supplies outlet in the town – nobody had the right toners. The regular supplier was closed because it only operated from 08:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday. “The supplies and test results were so crucial the company’s branch manager approved budget to buy a new printer from a local retailer just to get that one job done,” says Hartzenberg. “All
because the business ran out of colour toner on a Saturday morning. With a little proactive support that situation could have been averted – it’s not like they were printing thousands of colour documents the previous day when the regular supplier was open for business.” He says that managing consumables may be a mundane office job but in many cases not doing so can cause unnecessary frustration and loss of productivity as well as income. “Even in our country where our bandwidth is reportedly among the most expensive in the world, we can remotely monitor these devices and check how much toner they have and even how much paper is in the tray so they never run out of either,” he says. “It’s a simple, automated job to alert a technician that a customer’s running low and get new consumables to them. In a lot of cases you can alert someone in the customer’s office who has new toners in the cupboard that can be replaced at a convenient time.” The automated, connected system is also cost-effective since it limits human intervention until it is absolutely required, so it is accessible to even small businesses. And it’s a key factor in elevating suppliers from commodity, price-based services to much more valuable business services for which many people have already demonstrated they’re willing to pay. n
Vol 100 - October 2016
how to sell
Ribbons Dot matrix printers use ink ribbons. The ribbon does not dry out easily, and when the ribbon is running out of ink, the print gradually fades rather than stopping abruptly. A key selling point for customers is that they are not only costeffective but also useful in demanding, rugged environments with excess heat, moisture or dirt. Another kind of printer that uses a ribbon is a thermal printer. These ribbons are heat sensitive and should be protected from light and moisture. Most thermal inks are black, but new developments have resulted in coloured thermal inks.
Cables It important to note that, while printers are sold with power cables, they are not often sold with printer cables. It is imperative that you, as a reseller,
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ensure that that your customer is aware of this and sell them the best cable for their needs. USB cables The kind of USB cable that your customer will need largely depends on what kind of device needs to be connected. A standard USB (such as the kind found as port on a laptop) is called a USB-A. USB-A to USB-A will allow your customers to connect two devices with standard USB ports, such as connecting a printer to a notebook. A mini USB-B is the small USB port usually associated with external hard drives, and was once the standard for portable devices. A USB-A to mini USB-B cable is a way to connect standard ports to small ports. The micro USB-B is the newest and smallest USB connector type. Nearly every new cell phone now uses this type
of connector, making it ideal to print pictures directly from a phone. USB-A to USB-B cables are common for printers and other large peripheral devices. They’re also used by computer programmers when programming electronics. USB cables are intended to be used near a computer, and therefore don’t usually come in lengths longer than a metre. It is possible to connect USBs in an end-to-end manner, but this should be avoided. Ethernet cables Ethernet cables are used to connect computers to networks, modems, or routers via a wired connection. The cables transmit data through twisted pairs of copper wire or solid core wires in RJ-45 connectors. There are different types of Ethernet cables, such as Cat 3 and Cat 6. n
Vol 100 - October 2016
In need of specialised thermal paper solutions, printed or plain?
Contact Rotunda for a wide range of thermal paper solutions. Cape Town – Head Office E-mail: sales@rotundasa.co.za Tel: 021 799 5770 Fax: 021 761 5601 Web: www.rotundasa.co.za
advertorial – thermal paper
The use of thermal paper Uses and benefits Thermal paper allows for printing without ink. A specialised coating applied to the paper allows print images to be created when passed through a thermal printer. This efficient print process results in a sharp, clear and high-definition image. Thermal printing is used in many applications such as point of sales solutions for the printing of till slip invoices, ATM and credit card slips, lottery and parking tickets, labels as well as print solutions for specialised applications, for example in healthcare (ECGs), ultrasound and prescriptions. Thermal print offers a quiet, efficient, high speed and low maintenance option for many print requirements with low print costs and long image life with the correct selection of paper.
Selecting the right paper It is vital that thermal paper must be matched to suit both the printer and the final application.
Thermal Imaging Process
Thermal Paper Structure
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Images supplied
Sensitivity Two types of sensitivities typical to thermal paper will determine which paper to use: Dynamic sensitivity refers to the correlation between the paper and the speed at which the printer operates. A high speed printer requires paper with a high dynamic sensitivity. The paper is only exposed to the thermal print head for a short amount of time in a high speed print environment. A paper with a low dynamic Vol 100 - October 2016
advertorial – thermal paper sensitivity when used on a high speed printer will not result in good quality print and the image life will be compromised. Static sensitivity refers to the temperature at which the thermal paper begins to turn black. This is important when the printer and final application of the paper is being used in high ambient temperatures such as parking or events tickets. Paper quality There is a wide selection of thermal paper available in South Africa. For extended print head life and optimal image reproduction, it is important to ensure that the thermal paper chosen will meet the specifications that are appropriate for the application. Some papers available are not suitable to the warm African climate causing images to fade prematurely and many of the cheaper papers on offer have an abrasive thermal coating that may damage the thermal printer head which is very costly to replace.
Units of measure and standards There are no set standards for the production and sale of thermal rolls in South Africa and product is sold in various units of measure that can be confusing. Thermal rolls have a width determined by the equipment but may be sold by, outside
Paper check Consider the following regarding your choice of thermal paper: 1. What are the dynamic and the static sensitivities of the paper and does it suit the application? Ask your supplier to assist with the selection of an appropriate grade of paper. 2. Is the paper Epson or original equipment manufacturer (OEM) approved to retain the warranty on the printer? 3. Cheaper is very seldom better when it comes to the purchase of your thermal paper. The quality and specification of the paper is critical for printer head life, image retention and quality of the print. Check with your supplier before placing your next order.
diameter or length. Grammage, paper thickness and core size have a bearing on diameter and length of paper on a roll. It is important to understand these units and to ensure that you receive what you order. For example, if you are ordering by the length of paper on a roll, it may be a good idea to do spot checks from
time to time. Similarly if you are ordering rolls by outside diameter, check the inside core diameter of the roll and establish the grammage or thickness of the paper, you may find less paper on the roll than you bargained for. Pre-printing on thermal paper Thermal paper will accept print. It is, however, advisable that marketing messages or terms and conditions of trade, should be printed on the uncoated or back of thermal rolls. Printing on the front or coated side of thermal rolls, may leave a residue on the thermal head which could result in damage to thermal print heads. Reputable suppliers will ensure that inks are correctly selected to avoid damage to printers. Disposing and recycling of thermal papers Recycling of paper is important for many reasons, keeping paper out of landfills and providing fibers for recycled paper to name but two. Thermal paper is no exception to this rule. Independent studies by the European Thermal Paper Association have confirmed that the recycling of thermal paper, because of the relatively small component in the recycling mix, has no negative impact on the environment. n
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arts and crafts
atik is a traditional Indonesian method for creating designs on fabric using wax and dye. The wax prevents the dye from seeping into the parts of the fabric it’s placed on, creating two-toned (or more) custom patterns on pillows, clothes and other fabric items.
And the designs can be as intricate as you can imagine, from tribal-inspired patterns to starry constellations. You will need: • White, untreated fabric • A large frame or embroidery hoop • Beeswax and paraffin wax (or premixed batik wax) • Fabric dye • Salt (for dye mixture) • Soda ash • Scissors • Rubber gloves • Pencil • Thermometer • Tjanting tool or thin paintbrush • Large bucket to mix dye • Masking tape Wash your fabric to remove any oils and pre-shrink it. Cut your washed fabric so that it’s a few inches bigger than your frame or hoop. Then, stretch your fabric over the frame or hoop so that it is taut and higher than your work surface. Use painter’s tape to secure your fabric tightly over the frame. Draw your design on the fabric using a
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You can use more beeswax if you want defined lines; use more paraffin for an imperfect, crackled look. soft pencil. Next, prepare a wax mixture using two parts beeswax to one part paraffin wax. You can also use pre-mixed batik wax if it is available. Melt your wax in a double boiler. Use a thermometer to keep track of the temperature of your wax. It should stay between 104ºC and 115ºC. It is important that you keep the wax at this temperature: If it is too hot, it could start a fire; if it’s too cool, it won’t work properly. Apply the wax with your Tjanting tool. To use the Tjanting tool, either dip it into the wax to fill the tool or spoon the wax in, then immediately apply to your fabric. Work quickly to prevent the wax from hardening in your tool. Or you can use a thin paint brush or stamping tools. Once you have completed your wax design, mix your dye by following the packaging instructions. Place fabric into the dye for no longer
than 30 minutes. At the 20 minute mark, add a small amount of soda ash to your dye to fix the colour. Once you have achieved your desired colour, carefully hand-wash the excess dye from fabric with cold water (so you don’t melt the wax). Allow the piece to air dry. To remove the wax, fill a pot with water, bring it to a boil and add your fabric. Use a spoon to mix the fabric around and keep it submerged. Once you think all of the wax has melted off, let the water cool and skim the wax off the surface. Let your piece dry, and iron it if necessary. If you are going to iron it, you may want to sandwich the fabric between two pieces of newsprint, just in case there is any leftover wax. Remember, batik is an imperfect art, so embrace any imperfections or mistakes. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ELLA NIMMO FOR WWW.BRIT.CO/ CONSTELLATION-WALL-ART-DIY
Vol 100 - October 2016
arts and crafts
Did you know? Tjanting tools are traditional tools used to draw and apply hot wax to fabric in the art of batik. They usually have a wooden handle and a metal spout for holding hot wax. The spouts range in size. To fill it with wax, you either want to dip your tool in the wax, or spoon it in. The wax shouldn’t run out the other end wildly, nor should it be a chore to funnel through the tool (that’s why it’s important to keep it at that temperature sweet spot). You’ll want to work closely to your pot – like stove-side – and keep a paper towel on hand as you move the tool from the wax to the fabric. As you apply the wax, the most important thing is that it completely penetrates the fabric, all the way through to the other side.
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facilities management
Get pests under control
acility managers are often considered jacks of all trades, as they are responsible for maintaining the quality of a building and ensuring the safety of employees, patrons and other occupants on a daily basis – all while adhering to budgetary restraints.
This often results in pest control efforts being placed toward the bottom of the to-do list, done on a shoestring budget, or forgotten altogether. However, given the considerable consequences of an infestation, facility managers must be prepared to take action at the first sign of a pest problem. Once inside, pests pose serious health and safety threats with the potential to contaminate food, spread dangerous diseases and cause extensive structural damage to a building. In an office environment, for instance, there may be a large number of people in the building for extended periods of time, which compromises facility access. When developing a pest management programme, the schedules or office hours of occupants need to be taken into consideration. Even when offices are closed, there may be sensitive areas or areas with limited or no access which
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can impact the type and success of pest services provided. It is important that these areas are identified and assessed to determine what risks exist if they are not serviced. Retail establishments often have similar concerns in terms of operating hours and access. As retail products may be delivered and transported from a variety of locations, the originating location for all products should be noted as it can factor into the types of pests that may threaten retail facilities. Foot traffic is also a huge concern – mainly for the transfer of hitchhiking pests, such as bed bugs. In fact, in the last few years, major retailers have experienced bed bug infestations, driving them into the national and social media spotlight, while also forcing them to close their doors temporarily to treat these problems.
Problematic pests Oftentimes, the prevalence of pests in facilities will depend on various factors, including the location and condition of the building. There are, however, a handful of pests known for being frequent trespassers: • Ants – they often enter buildings in search of shelter or food sources, especially sweets and protein. They are considered social insects, meaning that they live in large colonies of thousands or more.
Unfortunately, if one ant is spotted in a facility, there are likely many more within close proximity, which makes this structural pest one of the most difficult to control. It is important to pay attention to general sanitation, as dirty food preparation areas and undisposed garbage can attract ants. Cockroaches – if one cockroach is found in a facility there are likely more nearby. These pests are good travellers and often find their way into commercial structures via shipments containing cardboard boxes. Not only are cockroaches considered a nuisance, but they are also a health and safety concern for facility managers. In fact, cockroaches are capable of spreading nearly 33 different kinds of bacteria, such as Salmonella and E. coli, by picking up the germs on the spines of their legs and bodies and transporting them onto food or work surfaces. They are also known to cause allergic reactions and trigger exacerbated asthma symptoms through the allergens introduced in their saliva, droppings and decomposing bodies. The best advice for cockroach control is practicing good sanitation indoors by vacuuming and keeping food preparation areas clean. Bed bugs – typically thought to be a household pests, they can hitchhike to commercial facilities on clothes Vol 100 - October 2016
facilities management
and personal items. There are various steps that facility managers can, and should, take to prevent bringing bed bugs into their buildings – from eliminating clutter in storage areas to inspecting new inventory while unpacking it. It’s also crucial to have a policy in place for employees who may suspect a bed bug infestation at home. A licensed pest management professional can help formulate a policy that fits the specific needs of the facility and its employees. Flies – these insects buzz around facilities, spreading germs wherever they land – including desks or food preparation areas like countertops. They are responsible for contaminating food and transferring more than 100 pathogens, including Salmonella and tuberculosis. Fly control is challenging as their larval development site must be located and eliminated. In addition to working with a pest management professional, facility managers should ensure trash is removed frequently and food areas, such as breakrooms and cafeterias, are free of food debris. Rodents – pests such as mice and rats are capable of entering buildings through openings the size of a 50c coin, depending on the species. Once inside, they can destroy materials and cause structural damage by gnawing through wallboards, wood, plaster and electrical wiring. Additionally, rodents defecate frequently, and their droppings are a common cause of allergic reactions in humans. Facility managers should regularly inspect buildings for rodent droppings, paying attention to undisturbed areas such as cafeteria pantries and storage closets.
Points of entry It is also important to recognise and identify the various points of entry that provide pests access to buildings throughout the year. Consider the following pest hot spots around a facility: Doorways While doorways may be considered obvious entry points, these are an essential aspect of pest management. Not only are doorways used as the main entry for buildings, but they might also be propped open during deliveries, periods of heavy traffic, to increase airflow inside the www.myofficemagazine.co.za
structure, or to accommodate employee smoke breaks. To assist in the prevention of pests using doorways as an entry point, air curtains can be installed above doors to deter flying pests, and door sweeps can be used to limit the gap between the floor and the bottom of a door. Facility managers should also consider working with a pest management professional to seal any cracks or crevices on the outside of the facility that can serve as entry points. Pipework Plumbing, ductwork and electrical chases are possible entry points for pests because they require holes or openings in order to function properly. These open areas can provide a pathway for pests not only to travel indoors, but also to move from one area of the building to another. This means that it may be necessary to investigate the areas above and below infestations to determine the entry point and spread. In developing a pest management programme, facility managers of larger high-rise buildings may want to obtain building plans that show the installation of pipework in the walls. Additionally, water and sewer lines, as well as floor drains, can be attractive to pests that need moisture for survival, like cockroaches and flies. This can occur in a small retail establishment with one bathroom or a high-rise office building with multiple restrooms. It is important to identify areas with a higher risk. Ceilings Drop ceilings, while not considered to be an entry point, can be considered a pest hot spot as they provide unlimited movement for pests through the overhead area. Depending on the specific pest concern, these areas may need to be monitored and addressed. In addition to the space provided by drop ceilings, void spaces overall can provide significant harbourage or overwintering opportunities for pests. Interior plants Individual plants and plantscapes like those found in larger retail malls can serve as ideal harbourage sites for pests. In larger plantscape settings, which can include extensive beds and potential water features, there are a multitude of attractive conditions for pests to thrive. Additionally, if mall visitors dispose of food or drink in these spaces, those areas instantly become even more attractive to pests. A common concern for smaller
potted plants or large plantscapes is small flying insects, like gnats, as the soil provides the ideal breeding grounds in both office and retail environments. Personal space Individuals can be a cause of many pest infestations and personal desks or offices may contain items that are also found in a residential home, including food, clothing and medicine. These personal environments also create conditions that are attractive to pests. Likewise, if there is a pest infestation in the home of an individual employee, the possibility exists for these pests to be transported into the workplace. Two common hitchhikers known to move from one location to another are German cockroaches and bed bugs. Food service areas Where there is food, moisture and harbourage, there is high potential for insect and rodent activity. Food service areas vary greatly, ranging from full commercial kitchens to small spaces with a refrigerator and microwave. In these areas, general sanitation and excess storage can be a concern as employees often leave behind items that can attract or harbour pests. Public areas Facility spaces such as entryways, public restrooms, elevators and water fountains serve as hot spots that attract pests. Some of these areas require drainage, which may draw flies and cockroaches to the area due to excess moisture. Grounds The outdoor areas of buildings that contain standing water, such as ponds or a birdbath in a garden, may be a nice aesthetic, but these can also serve as unwanted potential breeding sites for pests. Other areas to consider addressing include storm and sewer grates, as well as trash collection areas. While spotting a cockroach under the bathroom sink in a retail store or rodent droppings in the corner of an office may seem like minuscule issues, a full blown infestation can develop in the blink of an eye. By not having a proper pest management plan in place to address problems such as these, facility managers put their organisations and occupants at risk. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT JIM FREDERICKS, PH.D. AND CINDY MANNES FOR WWW.FACILITYEXECUTIVE.COM
my office magazine
people management
Retain top talent for less
cross the spectrum, businesses know that investment in the training and development of employees has a high impact on overall organisational success. Yet, for most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) the high costs of formal, structured training programmes and interventions can present a significant barrier to this vital aspect of talent management.
In the view of Richard Rayne, CEO of iLearn, the reality is that technology has made great strides in breaking down that barrier and enabling SMEs to access a wide range of quality, accredited, accessible training for their employees. “The costs of employees attending in-person training is not just about the tuition fees, which can in themselves be
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prohibitive to smaller businesses,” says Rayne. “There are also other, more hidden costs associated with the employee being absent from work because they are at courses. In the case of an SME, with a small workforce where just about every role is mission-critical, absenteeism due to training is more likely to negatively impact on the day-to-day delivery of goods and services to their customers.” However, the major benefits of providing employees with on-going training and development certainly override the potential drawbacks. These are benefits that Rayne believes that South African SMEs really need to share in, in order to build and grow their enterprises. Organisations with a culture of on-going learning and development offer these important advantages: Addressing skills deficits A business is highly dependent on a skilled and knowledgeable workforce to be successful. But matching people to
roles is not an exact science, and the reality is that many employees have skills deficits which impact on their ability to perform as needed. Skills shortages within the enterprise do not only hamper the operations of the business and service delivery; they are also demoralising for the employee who struggles to succeed. Discouraged employees will naturally be less than engaged with their employer, leading to a downward spiral. In contrast, a business with an engaged and skilled workforce is inherently empowered to grow, develop and take up a leadership position in its industry. Developing personal capabilities Sometimes it is not so much the lack of job skills that trips an employee up, but a lack of personal capacities that impact on their ability to work well with others and to be effective in their role. Learning and improving on skills relating to communications, leadership, relationships, interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution, and time Vol 100 - October 2016
people management
and information management are all important development opportunities for employees that can enhance performance and productivity. Improving performance Providing staff with continuous training and supporting their on-going learning so that they are confident and competent in doing their jobs, and able to develop in their careers, improves the performance of individuals and the productivity of the business as a whole. High levels of competency and knowledge within the organisation are a significant competitive edge that can open up opportunities as the business develops its reputation and standing in the marketplace, and responds astutely to industry fluctuations. Attracting and retaining talent A commitment, and a track record in training and developing its employees, helps to position a business as an employer of choice. The shortage of skills in South Africa creates a strong competition for talent. Businesses need www.myofficemagazine.co.za
to fully engage the talent they are able to attract in order to retain it, as failed employer/employee relationships are costly in more ways than one and need to be avoided. Today’s workforce is increasingly focused on work that not just earns them a living, but also provides attractive opportunities for their own personal growth and development. They are, in essence, open to being engaged in their work, and having opportunities to learn and grow is a positive impact on their job satisfaction. So, how do SMEs reap these benefits of training and developing staff in an affordable and accessible way? Rayne believes a solution lies in quality online learning. “While large corporations can more easily access in-person training interventions, there are now fantastic accredited learning opportunities online that would particularly suit the SME employer so that they too can grow their people, increase productivity and develop their businesses.” Rayne founded iLearn 15 years ago
to provide innovative, memorable and internationally-benchmarked learning experiences, and today they offer a range of internationally benchmarked online training courses to broaden a variety of business skills and capabilities. “From your PA to your project manager, from your sales person or purchasing officer to your finance person, you can find relevant, up-to-date training for them that is highly flexible and cost-effective,” he adds. “With online learning, there is less time out of the office. Employees can schedule and manage their own learning in their own time and at their own pace. There are no geographical limits to accessing the modular training. The courses are available anywhere in the world, and are accessible for up to a year so that learners can repeat a course multiple times if they need or want to.” All iLearn online courses are accredited at the highest level of recognition, and include business skills, interpersonal and leadership skills, and IT and computer skills. n my office magazine
Diarise this
A list of industry-specific events and exhibitions to mark on your calendar 17 October
05 – 22 October
This is a day for employees to thank their bosses for their kindness and fairness throughout the year. This day was created for the purpose of strengthening the bond between employer and employee.
18 – 19 October
DIGITAL EDUCATION SHOW AFRICA SANDTON CONVENTION CENTRE, JOHANNESBURG This two-day event showcases products and services relating to the digital education and training environment, such as tablets and handsets; servers and hardware; assessment platforms and consulting; wireless and m-learning platforms; devices; PCs and laptops; administration; finance; and IT.
my office magazine
This event showcases products like arts, crafts, gifts, sampling of arts, decorative items, hand-crafted items, paintings, wall hangings and much more in the gifts and handicrafts industry.
17 – 19 Oct 2016 BOARD SECRETARIES AFRICA AFRICAN PRIDE 15 ON ORANGE HOTEL, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA The Board Secretaries Africa conference will cover areas like strengthening the process of resolving corporate governance issues while promoting high levels of transparency; gearing board secretaries with vital legal and compliance knowledge in various stages of organisational growth; revamping your leadership style for planning, delegating and decision making; forecasting new legislation and regulation that can impact the board’s liability exposure; and discussing factors contributing to electronic boardroom adoption and how it impacts the efficiency of the board.
27 – 30 October
PHOTO AND FILM EXPO TICKETPRO DOME, JOHANNESBURG This four-day event caters to photographers and filmmakers, and has been referred to as one of the world’s leading photographic events. Visitors can expect exciting free workshops; incredible new releases; over R1-million worth of giveaways, prizes and special deals; the widest range of photographic gadgets and activities available.
04 – 05 November
WORKING MOTHERS EXPO SANDTON CONVENTION CENTRE, JOHANNESBURG This two-day event showcases products and services designed to make the lives of working mothers easier, while creating an experience that they will never forget. Vol 100 - October 2016
industry news New logistics manager for D.O.S.
Bain Capital walks away from Edcon Bain Capital Partners has made the decision to walk away from Edcon Holdings. This leaves South Africa’s largest clothing retailer to claw back market share amid weak consumer confidence and a market recently populated by international heavyweights like Hennes & Mauritz AB. The owner of the Edgars, Jet and CNA chains needs to make up ground ceded while struggling under a debt burden caused by Bain’s R25-billion ($1,8-billion) purchase in 2007. Competitors, including H&M, Cape Town-based Woolworths Holdings and Inditex SA-owned Zara, have all increased market share in South Africa while Edcon has struggled to find funds for basic needs such as the maintenance of store elevators. Source: The Star
Maheer Burrows joins Denton Office Solutions with years of corporate experience to offer the team. He is a focused individual that works well with structure. In the logistics department this is a crucial part of getting things done. He is currently implementing new structures to improve customer delivery times. He works well with the team and finds the challenges exciting and refreshing. Burrows’ aim, both at home and at work, is to use his time to the best of his ability.
Take note! Upcoming shop-sa events include: The shop-sa AGM, which will be held on 13 October.
The shop-sa golf day, which will be held in November.
Waltons opens new concept store Bidvest Waltons has opened a new concept store in Woodmead Retail Park. The original store closed in June, and the shop changed premises within the park and underwent a complete overhaul. The new concept store caters for all your stationery and office supply needs.
New branch for PNA PNA has opened a new branch in Rynfield, Benoni.
my office magazine
crime alert
SA firms lose R28,6m to data breaches
BM and the Ponemon Institute have recently released a landmark study, including a first time benchmark, on the cost of data breach incidents specifically for companies in SA.
The Ponemon Institute conducted its first cost of data breach study in the US 11 years ago. This year’s study examines the costs incurred by 19 South African organisations from nine different industry sectors, following the loss or theft of protected personal data and the notification of breach victims as required by various laws. South Africa is still to announce a commencement date for the Protection of Personal Information Act, almost three years after it was signed into law. The Act has stringent provisions regarding how consumers’ data must be protected,
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accessed and stored. Under the new law, companies face a fine of up to R10-million – or a decade in jail – if they breach its provisions, and could also encounter civil class-action lawsuits. However, the most damaging penalty will be reputational damage, because organisations will have to inform people if their data has been breached. Actual incidents IBM says it is important to note the costs presented in its research are not hypothetical but are from actual dataloss incidents. The costs are based upon estimates provided by the individuals interviewed over a 10-month period in the companies represented in this research. Lost business is the biggest component of per capita and total organisational cost. According to the benchmark findings, data breaches cost the companies represented in this study an average of R1 548 per compromised record. The highest component pertains to lost business at R552, followed by detection
and escalation costs at R540. Detection and escalation costs typically include forensic and investigative activities, assessment and audit services, crisis team management and communications to executive management and boards of directors. The total organisational average cost of data breach for the 19 companies represented in this research was R28,6million. The largest cost component was lost business at an average of R10,55million. The smallest cost component was notification at R560 000 on average. IBM says globally, cyber security incidents continue to grow in both volume and sophistication, with 64% more security incidents reported in 2015 than in 2014. As these threats grow in number and complexity, it notes, the cost to companies continues to rise. In fact, the study found companies lose $158 (R2128) per compromised record. According to the latest edition of the Global Information Technology Report’s Networked Readiness Index published Vol 100 - October 2016
crime alert by the World Economic Forum, SA has performed well, jumping 10 places to 65th position overall worldwide. “While this is fantastic news in terms of the strides the country is making with technology adoption, increased technology use can also increase the risk of data breaches,” says Kevin McKerr, security sales leader at IBM SA. According to IBM, South African companies by comparison experience a higher cost to lost business per breach than the global average. With the average number of breached records at 18 255 per incident, the cost of breach is around R1 548 per lost or stolen data record. Importantly, 37% of data breaches involved malicious or criminal attacks, it notes. Risk factor In SA, IBM says customer churn was identified as a key risk factor in data
A recent report by Rapport has shown that the Hawks are investigating the possibility that a syndicate gained access to Absa clients’ online banking details, and are busy stealing millions from these accounts. According to the report, numerous Absa clients’ bank accounts were emptied by criminals who gained access to their account details. In all these cases Absa said the victims were to blame, because they fell for phishing attacks which exposed their online banking details. However, many of the Absa online banking fraud victims dispute falling for phishing scams. In one case, where R2-million was stolen, the Rapport investigation showed
breaches. In fact, the more churn, the higher the cost of data breach. If companies lost less than 1% of their existing customers, the average cost of a breach could be R26,83-million, below the average of R28,6-million. But when companies had a churn rate of greater than 4%, the average cost could be R35,95-million – well above the average. Certain factors reduced the cost of a data breach, says IBM. Incident response teams and plans, extensive use of encryption, participation in threat sharing and employee training programmes decreased the per capita cost, it adds. Data breaches due to third-party involvement, extensive migration to the cloud, or lost or stolen devices increased the cost. According to the study, leveraging an incident response team was the single biggest factor associated with reducing the cost of a data breach. n
that the theft may have taken place from an IP address located at the Absa head office. Absa denied responsibility, and only refunded the client 50% as a goodwill gesture. She is now suing the bank for the rest of the money which was stolen. How do criminals steal money from your bank account? While the methods used to steal a person’s banking details may differ, the process followed by fraudsters to steal money from online banking users in South Africa is nearly always the same: • Get the person’s Internet banking details, typically through a phishing attack.
Global study at a glance • 383 companies in 12 countries were surveyed; • $4-million (R53,9million) is the average total cost of data breach; • 29% increase in total cost of data breach since 2013; • $158 (R2128) is the average cost per lost or stolen record; and • 15% increase in per capita cost since 2013.
Get a banking account/s to which money can be transferred to and withdrawn from; • Clone the SIM card used by the person; • Create beneficiaries (using the list of banking accounts) and transfer money to these beneficiaries; and • Withdraw the money from these accounts. In each of these steps the criminals can exploit different weaknesses in the system to achieve their goal. Beware of scams. If you are not sure whether an SMS or e-mail is legitimate, or if you have any queries about transactions on your account, contact your bank directly.
Keeping shop-sa members abreast of criminal and fraudulent activity in the stationery and office products industry. To sponsor the Crime Alert page contact (011) 781 0088. REPORT CRIME TO wendy@shop-sa.co.za Renew your Crime Alert sponsorship today! Call Wendy Dancer on (011) 781 0088 to book your logo placement on the Crime Alert page as an industry leader in transparency, information sharing and anti-crime business ethics. www.myofficemagazine.co.za
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eco news
World Habitat Day 2016
orld Habitat Day is celebrated every year throughout the world on the first Monday of October month. This year’s World Habitat Day falls on Monday 3 October.
World Habitat Day was first declared by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1985. Following that, the United Nations General Assembly declared the first Monday of the month of October as World Habitat Day. World Habitat Day is celebrated every year around the globe. Supporters of
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the notion of affordable habitat and housing for all work hard to ensure everyone has access to adequate shelter. The UN conducts special activities and events highlighting the requirement of safe, civilised and inexpensive shelters for all. Some of the key focus points are to understand and improve the circumstances of the homeless; to address the issue of rapid urbanisation; and to acknowledge the impact of migration on the environment and the degree of poverty of people. The day is acknowledged in an effort to plan alteration to the current systems of housing. A number of nations around the world observe World Habitat Day, including Pakistan, Germany, Hungary, the USA, Brazil, Belgium, Japan, Italy, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, China, Kenya, Jamaica, U.A.E., Angola, the Netherlands and Senegal.
There is currently a global housing crisis. Approximately 1,6-billion people worldwide are living in sub-standard housing, and almost 100-million people are homeless. As the numbers of homeless and slumdwellers continue to increase, it is apparent that very serious action needs to be taken to draw attention to the plight of the poor and their lack of housing. World Habitat Day aims to draw attention to the following issues: The need for better shelter all over the world; To share the priority of affordable and adequate housing everywhere; To bring about positive changes in the systems of policymaking and housing; To reflect on the basic human right for adequate shelter; and To increase the awareness worldwide of the joint responsibility for the habit of future generations. n Vol 100 - October 2016
eco news
The big smoke: 90% of the world breathes polluted air
ine out of 10 people globally are breathing poor quality air, calling for dramatic action against pollution that is blamed for more than six million deaths a year.
This is according to a new World Health Organisation report. New data in a report from the UN’s global health body “is enough to make all of us extremely concerned,” Maria Neira, the head of the WHO’s department of public health and environment, told reporters. The problem is most acute in cities, but air in rural areas is worse than many think, WHO experts said. Poorer countries have much dirtier air than the developed world, according to the report, but pollution “affects practically all countries in the world and all parts of society.” “It is a public health emergency,” she says. “Fast action to tackle air pollution can’t come soon enough.” She urges governments to cut the number of vehicles on the road, improve www.myofficemagazine.co.za
waste management and promote clean cooking fuel. The report was based on data collected from more than 3 000 sites across the globe. It found that “92% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality levels exceed WHO limits”. The data focuses on dangerous particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometres, or PM2.5. PM2.5 includes toxins like sulphate and black carbon, which can penetrate deep into the lungs or cardiovascular system. Air with more than 10 micrograms per cubic metre of PM2.5 on an annual average basis is considered substandard. In some regions satellite data has been complemented by ground-level PM2.5 measurements, but in much of the developing world ground readings remain unavailable, forcing the WHO to rely on cruder estimates. Despite these data gaps, Neira says the UN agency now had more information than ever about pollutants in the planet’s air. Using both satellite and ground measurements “is a big step forward towards even more confident estimates of the huge global burden” of dirty air. The WHO has estimated that more than 6-million deaths per year are linked to exposure to outdoor and indoor air pollution.
Data is more solid for outdoor pollution, which is blamed for more than 3-million fatalities annually. But indoor pollution can be equally harmful, especially in poorer developing world homes where cooking often involves burning charcoal. Nearly 90% of air pollution-related deaths occur in low and middle-income countries, according to the WHO. Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific region – including China, Malaysia and Vietnam – are the hardest hit, the data showed. Carlos Dora, co-ordinator at the WHO’s public health and environment department, says that some of the strategies adopted to safeguard against polluted air have limited effectiveness. For example, daily air quality warnings – like those sometimes issued in Beijing – likely do little to help the average person, since the real threat is exposure to subpar air over extended periods. Staying indoors on a day when the air is particularly bad accomplishes little, Dora says. And the WHO has seen no conclusive evidence that face masks do much to filter dirty air. Using a different data set, the WHO reported in May that 80% of the world’s city dwellers breathe poor quality air, a figure that rose to 98% in poorer countries. n Source: News24 my office magazine
industry insights
Paper by design Antalis commissioned a project called Book of 12 to find out how graphic designers feel about paper in the digital age
welve contemporary graphic designers from 12 different countries and cultures were interviewed by respected industry writer, Véronique Vienne, for a project commissioned by Antalis. All 12 designers considered paper to be an integral part of the creative process. In the project they not only share their beliefs and concerns regarding the role of paper in the digital age, but also provide an example of their work in a collection of 12 notebooks which together create The Book of 12. The project was inspired by simple questions: for modern designers, is the choice of paper still a creative act? Does it contribute to the impact of a message, an idea or a concept?
Reza Abedini / Iran, designs posters, book covers and announcements to promote events: “When an idea starts to form in my mind, its paper manifests itself at the same time … I consider the type of paper, its colour, its weight and its texture a main part of Catherine Zask / France, each project – not just the surface on which graphic artist, poster designer and the design is printed.” writer: “The pleasurable sensation that you experience when handling paper becomes associated with the message printed on it. I do not have a favourite paper – the ultimate choice depends on the design, the client’s Leonardo Sonnoli / Italy, visual personality and the message.” identity creator: “It’s easier to feel that you can own a message when it is printed on paper. The quality of the paper is almost always as important as the quality of the design.”
Kaija Korpijaakko / Finland, artist: “Better, heavier and glossier paper was the ultimate reward. Paper is here to stay – it will just be perceived differently. Instead of being a surface on which to print text and images, it will be ‘recast’ as a creative medium – as an exciting material for artists and designers.”
Eike König / Germany, visual identity specialist: “Deciding on a paper is as important as choosing a typeface or a colour. While working in front of computers fosters isolation, working with paper invites experimentation, participation and socialisation.”
Flavia Cocchi / Switzerland, typographer: “I am in heaven when paper representatives come in to show me their latest designs.” She always begins a project with the choice of paper. “It’s what triggers my creativity.”
Michal Batory / Poland, surrealist poster designer: “If you pick the wrong paper there is no magic … I am aware of how different the results can be, depending on the nature of the surface on which they are printed.”
Elaine Ramos / Brazil, graphic designer and art director at Cosac Naify: “I think of the texture of the paper as an essential piece of information to share a message, an idea, a concept or an impression with readers. The paper will determine the flexibility of a book – it’s a critical choice.”
Milton Glaser / USA, renowned graphic designer in the United States: “When it comes to paper, people associate authenticity with tactility.” He regrets the fact that many designers no longer draw their ideas on paper but seek ready-made images. “For me, it is the most extraordinary encounter: a rough surface – paper – that accepts the trace of a writing tool. For a designer, it is the fundamental engagement.”
Park Kum-jun / South Korea, design agency founder: “Paper instils emotions into content and form, so I select the paper in the pre-planning stage. Sometimes, an entire plan or idea starts and grows from a specific type of paper. Hans Wolbers / The Netherlands, My work on paper gives away its art director and founder of one of Holland’s mystery gradually, one discovery leading design agencies: “This is how I choose at a time.” paper: as part of the initial concept. The people who use the most paper in our company are the Web designers … they need paper to think. It is so much faster than digital ACKNOWLEDGEMENT tools.”
Daniel Eatock/ England, artist: “Paper has six sides: a front, a back and four edges … a blank piece of paper has infinite potential – you can do so many things with it: you can write on it, draw on it, paint on it, fold it, cut it and so on.”
my office magazine
Vol 100 - October 2016
product showcase
LEITZ IMPRESSBIND 140 Newest Binding system available. Using no power your now able to create hard cover books perfect for Photo Books or professional presentations. The ImpressBind covers come in different sizes from as small as 3.5mm up to 28mm. For larger books and heavy duty use there is the lager unit the ImrpessBind 280. Don’t get left behind when it comes to binding. • Max Binding 140 pages • Compact design • Manual machine • Measuring guide • Easy to use • 1 Year Warranty • Durable Machine
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KOBRA 240.1 C4 CLASSIC RANGE Modern Italian design but the same robust mechanics inside. Improved safety features reduce the risk for operator error. The classic range comes with the Energy Smart system making Kobra the only shredders to use no power in standby/sleep mode. Made in Italy • • • • •
Sheet Capacity: 12 - 14 Bin capacity: 40 lt Security level: 4 Carbon harden blades Super Potential Power Unit – Steel gears
• • • •
Safety Stop – if door is open Energy smart system Continues duty motor – no duty cycle 24 hour run time 1 Year Warranty
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COLOR COPY The Professional paper for Digital Colour Laser printing. Perfect choice for high quality Presentations, Proofing or Premium Stationery. Highest Print Quality – super sharp prints, brilliant colour reproduction, exceptional toner distribution and running properties, gentle on machinery and made using sustainable resources. In short the leading colour laser paper for all occasions. Available in 90, 100, 120, 160, 200, 250 and 300 in A4, A3 and SRA3. Trouble-free runnability FSC® certified FSC® C015522 EcoLabel certified Color Copy is approved by leading manufacturers – Xerox, Canon, Konica Minolta, Océ, Xeikon, Toshiba, Kodak, Kyocera, Sharp, Ricoh and Oki.
Tel: 011 688 6000 E-mail: marketing.office@antalis.co.za Web: www.antalis.co.za
MY OFFICE PRODUCT SHOWCASE To showcase your products here, call Wendy Dancer on 011 781 0088 for pricing and availability.
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my office magazine
ADHESIVES, GLUES AND SPRAYS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd. - Correction Fluid, Glue sticks & Super Glue Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave
ART, CRAFT, GRAPHIC AND DRAWING MATERIALS CTP Stationery - A4 coloured poster boards Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Oil pastels and watercolour paint
B BAGS AND CASES D.O.S - iStay Flip File - Business cases. Kolok - Kenton, Port Topmark - School Bags, Laptop Bags, Pencil Cases, Sports Bags, Luggage BATTERIES Kolok - Duracell Nikki Distributors - Duracell Batteries Nikki Distributors - Energizer Batteries BIN RANGE Krost Office Products BINDING ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - Plastic Comb, Wire, Thermal & Covers CTP Donau - Donau files and slide binders, A4 poster board Kolok - Geha binding combs and covers Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Press Products - wire, combs, coil, covers Rexel Office Products - Rexel and GBC
BINDING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Neorel D.O.S - Prima, DSB, Leitz Kolok - Geha binding machines Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Press Products - Bindquip Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges
BOARDS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Velleda School Whiteboards CTP Stationery - Flip Chart Pads Hortors Stationery - Legal Notices i.e. Basic Conditions & OSH Act and Leave and Absence Chart Kolok - Geha interactive boards Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Parrot Products - Full range of boards and accessories. Custom boards printed to your specification Rexel Office Products - NOBO whiteboards, pinboards, easels and accessories. Quartet magnetic white/cork boards BOOK COVERS CTP Stationery - Poly Prop Donau heavy duty covers Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Palm Stationery Manufacturers - brown paper rolls, poly rolls, gift-wrap RBE - Papersmart BOOKS AND PADS BSC Stationery - Treeline CTP Stationery - Impala and premier books and pads Hortors Stationery - Legal registers Palm Stationery Manufacturers
Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - NCR Business Books Rexel Office Products - Colourhide notebooks BOXES AND CARTONS CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Rexel Office Products Specialised Filing Systems - Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Acid free archiving products
C CALCULATORS Kolok - HP Nikki Distributors - Truly calculators Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - IBICO CALENDARS CTP Stationery - Diaries assorted sizes CANTEEN Kolok - Tea, Coffee, milk etc, Sunbeam (appliances) CARBON PAPER AND FILMS RBE - NCR Business Books CARTRIDGES Dis Cartridges - Stockists of generic/original cartridges CD’S, DVD’S AND DISKETTES Kolok - Verbatim, Kenton CLIP BOARDS CTP Stationery - DONAU brand Parrot Products - Masonite and whiteboard CLIPS, FASTENERS AND PINS Grip Binders - Essentials, Stephens, Penguin Tidy Files - Filing solution
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See page 46 for contact details
COLOURING BOOKS Empire Toy & Stationery - Empire books Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave
refills and T-card kits, Quartet Monthly/ Weekly planner South African Diaries - For all your diary needs
COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Kolok - Verbatim, Kenton, Port Krost Office Products Pyrotec - Tower Inkjet-laser labels, business cards and photo paper
DICTATION - TRANSCRIPTION Olympus Audio S.A - Digital Voice Recorders, Transcription Kits and Accessories.
COMPUTER CLEANING Kolok - ComputerCare, Multipro Pyrotec - Tower computer cleaning range COMPUTER CONSUMABLES CTP Stationery - Full range of DONAU files KMP - for computer consumables Kolok - Penguin (Ribbons, Toners, Inkjets), Till and fax rolls Redfern Print Services - Redfern inkjet/laser/ copier labels and a full range of stationery labels COMPUTER HARDWARE Kolok - Blazer UPS systems, Geha (Interactive white boards) CORPORATE STATIONERY & GIFTING Star Stationers and Printers CRAYONS AND CHALKS Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Chalks and Crayons Power Stationery - Powerstar
D DESK SETS AND ACCESSORIES BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Desk Set Solo Delux Krost Office Products Rexel Office Products - Rexel Eco Range DIARIES, PLANNERS AND ORGANISERS CTP Stationery - CTP Brand Hortors Stationery - Legal diaries Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners,
Powerhouse Dictation for Philips Dictation, transcription, meeting recording, mini-tapes, foot pedals, accessories DRAUGHTING AND DRAWING OFFICE SUPPLIES CTP Stationery - A4 Poster Boards
E EMBOSSERS AND ENGRAVING Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Ideal & Trodat Embossers (pocket, desk and electronic), Trotec
F FAX ROLL MANUFACTURERS Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. FILES AND FILING African Filing Systems - Top retrieval filing and arching products BSC Stationery - Treeline, Mobifile CTP Stationery - Full range of quality DONAU brand Flip File - Executive display files, expanding files, Document folders, dividers Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Lever arch, Ringbinder files, Manilla flat folders Grafton/Star Kolok - Geha (Binding machines) Palm Stationery Manufacturers - leaver arch, ring binder files, manilla flat folders. Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Display book Vivid, document file, clip file and presentation file Rexel Office Products - Prima and Rexel ranges Specialised Filing Systems - Top Retrieval, Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Filing solutions
ENVELOPES AND MAILING BSC Stationery - Leo Envelopes CTP Stationery - Commercial envelopes Global Envelopes - CelloWrapped, peel+seal, Self-Seal, FullGum and Printed Grafton/Star KZN Envelopes - Manufactures of Printed and Plain Envelopes Merpak Envelopes - Complete range of quality envelopes RBE - Papersmart
FOLDERS CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand Palm Stationery Manufacturers - View files, polypropylene & board folders Tidy Files - Specialised
ERASERS & ERASING / CORRECTION FLUIDS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Tippex tape, bottle and Pen Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Tape/ Erasers Pentel S.A (PTY) LTD - Hi-Polymer and Ain eraser, correction tape and pens Power Stationery - Powerstar
FURNITURE - OFFICE & SCHOLASTIC Krost Office Products - accessories New Era Office cc - Specialising in all office furniture desks, chairs, credenzas, boardroom tables, etc Reboni Furniture Group - Manufacturing and distribution of educational and office furniture
FORMS - LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Hortors Stationery - complete range of custom, company, miscellaneous, magisterial, etc.
Working for you
CombBind C250 Pro
WireBind W20
MultiBind 230 Comb & Wire
ThermaBind T400
SOURCE PRODUCTS HERE Specialised Filing Systems - Cabinets, Shelving and Hi-Density
G GUILLOTINES AND TRIMMERS AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors Press Products - BindQuip Rexel Office Products - SmartCut and ClassicCut
I 42
INDEX TABBING AND DIVIDERS CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand board and P.P Flip File - Index Tabs, Flip tabs Grip Binders Palm Stationery Manufacturers Rexel Office Products - Rexel, Mylar and Prima board
INKS KMP - for computer consumables. Rexel Office Products - Numbering machine ink Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, Noris fastdry, security, numbering, franking. Laundry.
L LABELS Pyrotec - Tower stationery, inkjet-laser labels Redfern Print Services - Redfern Inkjet/ laser/copier labels and a full range of stationery labels Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. Specialised Filing Systems - Filing Tidy Files - Filing solutions LABELLING MACHINES Kemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of Brother P-Touch Labelling System LAMINATING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Speedlam, Lamiace D.O.S - Tofo, DSB, Leitz Kolok - GEHA and Galaxy Parrot Products - Parrot A4 and A3 Laminators Press Products - GMP Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges LAMINATING POUCHES AND MATERIALS AZ Trading - A0 to ID card size Kolok - GEHA, Penguin laminating pouches and rolls Parrot Products Press Products - GMP Rexel Office Products - GBC LEGAL STATIONERY Hortors Stationery - All legal registers, forms, diaries etc LETTER TRAYS Krost Office Products
J JANITORIAL Kolok - Goldenmarc (Cleaning products), Brooms, Mops and equipment.
MARKERS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Permanent Markers, Highlighters, whiteboard Interstat Agencies - Edding Parrot Products - White board, permanent and OHP markers. Wide range of highlighters Penflex - White board, flipchart, permanent markers, highlighters Pentel (Pty) Ltd. - Maxiflo, white board marker and paint marker Power Stationery - Powerstar MATHEMATICAL GEOMETRY SETS & ACCESSORIES Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar MINUTE AND GUARD BOOKS Hortors Stationery - Company registers, minute books and other legal registers
N NUMBERING MACHINES Rexel Office Products Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Reiner Dater/Numberer (manual/electronic), Trodat
O OFFICE ERGONOMICS Rexel Office Products - Kensington copyholders, risers, footrests, Rexel range of electric staplers and punches which reduces chances of RSI (repetitive strain injury) OVERHEAD PROJECTION AND ACCESSORIES Kolok - Penguin Transparencies Parrot Products - Data Projectors, OHPs, screens and rear projection film Penflex - Penflex Overhead projector pens Rexel Office Products - NOBO
Excellence Accelerated Get it right first time, in less time. Fusion 1000L
Fusion 1100L
Fusion 3000L
buyers’ guide
See page 46 for contact details
PENCIL SHARPENERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar
PACKAGING Merpak Envelopes - Postsafe packaging range
PAPER AND BOARD CTP Stationery - DONAU A4 poster boards Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Grafton/Star Kolok - Geha (paper media), EPSON, HP, CANON, Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Cubes and board Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - Papersmart Rexel Office Products - Prima Paper & Board
PAPER FOLDING MACHINES Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors
PENCILS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Evolution Graphite, BIC Matic Clutch ,Velocity Clutch, Atlantis Clutch, BU4 Clutch Palm Stationery Manufacturers Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Hotshot, Mechanical Pencil, Techniclick Pencil. Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel HB & Derwent Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Tradition, Wopex, Technical, Clutch Pencils and lead
PENCIL LEADS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Criterium 0.5mm leads Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Ain lead, standard lead - various grades
PENS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Clic, Crystal, Orange and Prismo Palm Stationery Manufacturers Penflex - Penflex ballpoints and rollerballs Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Superb Ballpoint, Energel Pen Power Stationery - Powerstar Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Ball point, Fineliner, Gel and Pigment liner pens
PEN CARBON BOOKS Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - NCR Business Books
PERSONAL STATIONERY CTP Stationery - Home office and personal filing system, diaries Grafton/Star
PLANNING BOARDS AND ACCESSORIES Parrot Products - Range of year planners, term planners, maps and in/out boards. custom printed boards designed to specification. Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners
PRINTER CONSUMABLES KMP - For computer consumables. Kolok - Epson (inkjet, large format etc), Lexmark, HP, Brother (Toners and Inks), Oki (Toners, inks and Ribbons), Tally Genicom (Ribbons), Seikosha (Ribbons), Panasonic (Toners and Ribbons), Kyocera (Toners), Printronix (Ribbons), IBM (Ribbons), Ricoh (Toners), Fujitsu (Ribbons), Pantum (Toners) Royce Imaging Industries Remanufacturers and suppliers of inkjet and laser cartridges Technical Systems Engineering Suppliers of quality compatible cartridges and bulk inks for Epson, Canon, Lexmark, HP and Samsung PUNCHES AND PERFORATORS Krost Office Products Parrot Products - Parrot range of punches Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel
R RUBBER STAMPS Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co. - Trodat RUBBER STAMP MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - AZ Liquid polymer, TROTEC laser engraver, flash system
PRINTING Kolok - Epson, Lexmark (Hardware), HP Printers, Oki (Hardware) Pantum, Samsung Olivetti Imports - Distributors of Multifunctional Printers / Copiers
RULERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar Penflex - PENFLEX rulers
Star Stationers and Printers Unicopy & Stationers CC - for all your printing & stationery requirements
Working for you
Fusion 3100L
Fusion 5000L
Fusion 5100L
SLATES Parrot Products - Whiteboard and chalk board
SCHOLASTIC SUPPLIES BSC Stationery Sales - Treeline CTP Stationery Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly Flip File - Flip File display books A5, A4, A2, A3 Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Palm Stationery Manufacturers Parrot Products - chalk boards/slates Power Stationery - Powerstar Pyrotec - Tower Adhesive Book Cover 45cm x 2m
STAMPS, STAMP PADS AND INKS Kemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of Brother Stampcreator PRO Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, pre-inked stamps, stamp and fingerprint pads STAPLING MACHINES AND STAPLES Interstat Agencies - Genmes Krost Office Products Parrot Products - Parrot range of staplers Rexel Office Products - Rexel range
SCISSORS AND CUTTERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products SCRAPBOOKING Rexel Office Products - Trimmers and guillotines Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Making memories, Clearsnap, Marvy, Ranger, Bazzill, Carl SHREDDERS AND ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra, Roto, Repairs to all makes D.O.S - Kobra Kolok - GEHA entry level and high-end shredders Nikki Distributors - Nikki shredders Parrot Products - Parrot range of value shredders Rexel Office Products - Rexel range Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors
STATIONERY SUNDRIES - SCHOLASTIC CTP Stationery - DONAU Scissors and cutting knives Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery - Powerstar
STORAGE SYSTEMS CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Suspension Files Kolok - Verbatim (hard drives, USB sticks etc), HP, Sandisk Rexel Office Products - Storage boxes Specialised Filing Systems - Filing Tidy Files - Filing solutions
THERMAL ROLLS Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. TONERS AND CARTRIDGES KMP - Computer consumables Kolok - Penguin (Inkjets and Laser toners), Epson, Lexmark, HP, Canon, Pantum (toners), OKI, Samsung TOP RETRIEVAL FILING Optiplan a div of Waltons - Paper based top retrieval filing systems Specialised Filing Systems - Total Solution and more Tidy Files - Complete onsite and offsite filing solutions TOYS, HOBBIES AND GAMES Pyrotec - Toby Tower Stickers and Activities TRANSFER LETTERING AND SIGNS Parrot Products - Vinyl lettering TRANSPARENCIES Kolok - Penguin transparencies for inkjet and laser OEM, Penguin and HP Transparencies Rexel Office Products - NOBO range
T TAPES Palm Stationery Manufacturers TELECOMMUNICATIONS Nikki Distributors - Siemens office phones TELEX ROLLS AND TELETEX PAPER Rotunda (Pty) Ltd.
Spend 98% less time shredding*
AUTOFEED *Max saving when using an Auto+ 500X compared to a traditional feed shredder in a similar price level.
Auto+ 60X
Auto+ 80X
Auto+ 100X | 100M
buyers’ guide
See page 46 for contact details
DID YOU KNOW? • The Buyers’ Guide is an affordable way to highlight your brands while simultaneously introducing up-and-coming stockists to the trade. • The Buyers’ Guide is a valuable sourcing tool to market your business and the brands that you carry. • To book space, contact Wendy on wendy@shop-sa.co.za or (011) 781 0088.
Working for you
Auto+ 200X
Auto+ 300X | 300M
Auto+ 500X | 500M
Auto+ 750X | 750M
CONTACT DETAILS HERE African Filing Systems
Redfern Print Services - Johannesburg
Kolok - Port Elizabeth
011 614 9445
086 540 6892
AZ Trading (
086 111 4407
011 792 9732
BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd (
011 474 0181
PO BOX 43144, Industria, 2042
011 474 6068
16 Maraisburg Road, Industria, 2042
BSC Stationery Sales (
011 086 2900
Box 278, Brakpan, 1540
011 420 3322
CTP Stationery (
011 226 5600
Box 43501, Industria, 2042
011 474 9242
Dis Cartridges (
011 609 3437/9
PO Box 75881, Gardenview 2047
011 609 3448
D.O.S (Denton Office Solutions) (
086 000 7468
086 237 4614
Empire Toy & Stationery (
011 614 2243
Box 261524, Excom, 2023
011 614 3075
Flip File (
021 638 3105
Box 2190, Clareinch, 7740
021 633 6942
011 837 4119
Box 1445, Crown Mines, 2025
041 406 9900
Box 3163, North End, 6056
011 837 8917
041 406 9920
Rexel Office Products
Kolok - Namibia (
00264 (61)370500
Box 40797, Ausspannplatz, Namibia
00264 (61)370525
Kolok - Nelspruit
031 465 5544
031 465 5634
Gordon’s Productions
013 758 2233
Box 4338, White River, 1240
013 758 2235
Kolok - Bloemfontein (
051 433 1876
PvtBag X01, Brandhof, Bloemfontein
051 433 2451
Kolok - Botswana (
00267 393 2669
PvtBag B0226, Bontleng, Gaborone
00267 317 0762
Krost Office Products (
011 626 2067
Box 75401, Gardenview, 2047
011 626 2912
031 465 3992
P O Box 41259, Rossburgh, 4072
031 465 1669
Maynards - Olympus Audio S.A / Olivetti Distributors
( 7
031 705 8713 031 705 8714
0860 00 1922
011 837 2781
Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. (
021 799 5770
021 761 5601 011 792 9530
011 792 9480
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Head Office (
011 262 1400
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
011 262 1414
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Cape Town (
021 448 7008
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
021 448 7014
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Durban (
083 377 4109
031 266 1082 021 442 2340
Box 4862, Cape Town, 8000
021 442 2341
Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd (
011 579 1600
011 608 3497
Specialised Filing Systems (
011 477 0640
011 477 3528
Star Stationers and Printers
031 569 1061
031 569 1094
Merpak Envelopes
011 719 7700
Technical Systems Engineering
011 885 3174
011 708 2304
Box 1532, Northriding, 2162
011 708 1799
Box 550, Bergvlei, 2012
Nikki - Cape Town
011 262 0780
0860 006731
Tidy Files
0800 204868
Hortors Stationery
011 943 4210
011 620 4800
Box 1020, Johannesburg, 2000
Nikki - Durban
086 612 4663
0860 006731
011 837 8045
0800 204868
011 837 7442
Ink Spot Suppliers 011 852 3013
011 262 0777
011 854 3013
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
South African Diaries
15 Hillstar Avenue, Wetton, 7780
Suite 69, PvtBag X4, Kloof, 3640
Grafton/Star Paper Products
Nikki - Johannesburg info@inkspotsuppliers.co.za
Interstat Agencies - Durban
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Cape Town
0860 006731
021 787 9600
0800 204868
021 787 9791
PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948
031 569 6550
Box 201707, Durban North, 4016
Nikki - Pretoria
031 569 6559
0860 006731
011 611 1820
59 Lepus Rd, Crown Mines, 2025
0800 204868
011 611 1834
Interstat Agencies - Cape Town
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Johannesburg
021 551 9555
Box 36696, Chempet, 7442
Optiplan a division of Waltons
021 557 5456
011 620 4000
Pencil Park, Croxley Close, Herriotdale
031 701 0192
Box 594, Pinetown, 3600
086 681 8256
031 701 1285
Interstat Agencies - Port Elizabeth
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) Durban
041 453 2558
Box 27693, Greenacres, 6057
Palm Stationery
041 453 8504
031 507 7051
031 201 8415
122 Che Guevara Road, Glenwood, 4001
031 507 7053
031 201 8672
Kemtek Imaging Systems
Unicopy & Stationers CC
011 624 8000
Box 86173, City Deep, 2049
Parrot Products
0866 101 185
011 607 7600
011 226 5600
Box 43501, Industria, 2042
011 615 2502
011 474 9242
Kemtek Imaging Systems - Cape ( 7
021 521 9600 021 551 5032
Box 181, Cape Town, 8000
021 521 2400
Box 36964, Chempet, 7442
021 521 2402/3
Kemtek Imaging Systems - KZN (
031 700 9363
Box 15685, Westmead, 3608
Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd
031 700 9369
011 474 1427/8
Box 202, Crown Mines, 2025
011 474 5563
Kemtek Imaging Systems - PE (
041 582 5222
Box 15685, Westmead, 3608
Powerhouse Dictation
041 582 5224
011 887 1056
086 555 3833
Kemtek Imaging Systems - PTA (
012 804 1410
PO Box 816, Silverton, 0127
Power Stationery
012 804 4286
032 533 4003
Box 1305, Verulam, 4340
032 533 3254
021 709 0190
Box 183, Steenberg, 7947
Press Products
021 709 0199
011 493 6332
011 499 1019
Kolok - Head Office
011 248 0300
Box 4151, Johannesburg, 2000
011 248 0381
Kolok - Cape Town (
021 597 2700
Box 6385, Roggebaai, 8012
021 297 2799
Kolok - Durban (
031 570 4900
Box 4206, Riverhorse Valley East, 4017
031 569 6880
Kolok Polokwane
011 226 3300
Royce Imaging Industries
Global Envelopes (
021 787 9600
PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948
021 787 9791
RBE Stationery Manufacturers (Pty) Limited (
011 793 7321
011 793 7348
Reboni Furniture Group (
086 173 2664
086 627 7737
Redfern Print Services - Cape Town (
021 552 9680
Box 403, Milnerton, 7435
021 552 9681
Redfern Print Services - Durban
015 298 8795
Box 862, Ladanna, 0704
015 298 8315
my office magazine
031 205 9598
031 205 7092
Vol 100 - October 2016
win this
Win this! WIN A LABELWORKS LW-300 WITH EPSON AND ROTUNDA! Answer the question and stand a chance to win an Epson labelling machine from Rotunda. Send your contact details to competitions@shop-sa.co.za with Rotunda in the subject line.
See artic our Pag le on e 24 Answer this easy question and you could stand a chance to win a versatile, easy-to-use electronic labelling system with built-in keyboard and a range of labels to suit most office labelling requirements.
Name two different types of sensitivity that determine which thermal paper to use? Organise your office space with professional labels. The Epson LabelWorks LW-300 is a compact electronic label printing system that takes care of all your office labelling requirements, including filing and storage. Key features include: • • • • •
Dedicated buttons for cutting and printing Flexible formatting providing a choice of fonts, styles and borders Support for 6mm, 9mm and 12mm label tapes Minimal margins means more labels per tape 9-metre tape makes for economical refills
my office magazine
Caption this!
Send us your funniest caption for the photograph below and you stand a chance to win a Rexel Joy A4 Laminator valued at R2 000. Send your Punchline and contact details to competitions@shop-sa. co.za with Punchline in the subject line
Be Brighter with JOY! Brighten up your laminating with this simple colourful modern laminator. Ideal for occasional use in the office or home environment. Featured with hot and cold settings, it has been designed for use with A4 size pouches up to 2x125 microns. With a compact, slimline design it’s easy to store.
• • • • • •
Max Micron pouch 250 Hot and cold settings Occasional office/home use Jam release Colours: Pretty Pink and Blissful Blue Compact slimline design for easy storage
WINNING CAPTION SEPTEMBER ISSUE Winning Caption: “Blinded by numbers!” – Sean Reid
For the BRIGHT T at heart!
Rexel PUNCHLine Working for you
Matching staplers available
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For just R25.00 ex VAT, add your company logo to your contact details in the Buyers’ Guide and we’ll put your logo on our Web site for FREE. Take advantage of the new advertising slots in My Office magazine! 92mm
How to book your space
2. note this offer is only available *Please on a 3- or 6-month contract.
For just R3 000 ex VAT per month*, we will run your quarter-page advert in the back of the magazine.
To book advertising or advertorial space around any of the above features, please contact Wendy Dancer on wendy@shop-sa.co.za or call 011 781 0088.