DECEMBER 2016 R50. inc
Back to school revisited 100 My Office Magazine
The team at My Office magazine and shop-sa would like to wish you and your family a
wonderful and safe festive season. Thank you for your support in 2016. We look forward to seeing you all next year!
Vol 100 | December 2016 |
the Southern African Association for Stationery,
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industry is a fast-changing environment. We aim to write and select articles that will both inform and benefit readers, keeping them abreast of current and future market trends. The magazine is read by over 25 000 buyers and sellers of stationery and office products each
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Features 08
NATIONAL OFFICE Design and Layout: Vanessa Bentley New Membership: Wendy Dancer Johannesburg Office PO Box 3226, Parklands, 2121 6 Edward Street, Kensington B, Randburg, 2194 Tel: + 27 11 781 0088 / 89 Fax: + 27 11 781 2828 Email: Website: CONTRIBUTIONS Letters and editorial contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to the editor at editor@ Publication cannot be guaranteed and is subject to space and the editor’s discretion. THE LEGAL BIT Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy the publisher and editor cannot accept responsibility for supplied material. The opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of shop-sa. Copyright is strictly reserved and no part of this magazine
IT FOCUS How will poor old paper survive in the overwhelming shadow of technology?
12 THE STATIONERY INDUSTRY: ICE AGE OR GOLDEN AGE? The first in a two-part article exploring the future of the stationery industry 14
A STICKY SITUATION A guide to glues and adhesives
Win this! winner Helen Motsepe has won the flip in a plane.
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editor’s letter
Looking back at 2016 his year has been tough for the industry as a whole. The volatile rand has impacted importing and pricing. The economic downturn has seen both small businesses and large corporates cutting costs, downsizing and struggling to survive. The failed merger between Office Depot and Staples, and the subsequent closure of a number of Staples stores, is just one example of the difficulties of 2016.
But this is not the first time the space has been under pressure. A recent guest article by industry expert Tom Schinkel, in honour of Office Product International’s (OPI’s) 25th birthday, charted the major growth points and failures of the industry. According to Schinkel, the late 1980s saw the services economy move full speed ahead. Then came the superstore, a warehouse-like self-service store dropping the street price for everything office products to below 50% of where it had been prior. Industry insiders knew for a fact that this was an unsustainable fad that would sink of its own volition. By the early 1990s, the superstore began to dominate practically all aspects of industrial and reseller communication. Led by Staples and Office Depot, at one point there were 15 or more contenders in the office supplies superstore space. The battleground went global when the superstores found new growth opportunities overseas.
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The whole idea in its most simple form was that volume would drive profitability across channels. A race to the bottom was in full swing. During the mid-to-late 1990s, independent dealers amalgamated into powerful entities, such as USOP and Corporate Express. At the turn of the century, and with China’s accession to the WTO secured, offshoring started in earnest. Now, a new external threat is on the horizon: digital technologies. According to Schinkel, more questions loom: • Will manufacturing be closer to end-users and consumers? • Will the private label become defunct? • Will big box retail stores become defunct? While we can’t predict what will happen, we can keep abreast of trends. Our IT Focus (page 8) and Industry Insights (page 12) articles offer some interesting opinions. Our stationery feature this month focuses on glues and adhesives for a range of environments. See page 14 for more. As the year draws to a close, the team at My Office magazine would like to wish you all a very happy festive season. Until next year
Lei g h Vol 100 - December 2016
customer care
Hell hath no fury like an unhappy customer Deficient customer service can drive us all to drink
ubstitute the word “woman” with the word “customer” and this beautiful quote remains true: “Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.”
You and I have been there: being kept waiting in a call centre queue for what seems like hours only to have the call dropped at the most crucial moment; receiving a negligible response from companies for simple requests; things that just break down the moment you unpack them; receiving unintelligible instructions for assembly; being ignored when you have a valid complaint; being left in the dark about when the delivery or repairman will actually arrive; and having to deal with untrained people who know less about their product or service than you do. So don’t be too surprised when your customers decide to take some dramatic – even unfair – action when you don’t respond to their needs. Here are a few steps they can take:
No repeat business The most obvious choice that customers have is to stop supporting a business that has abused them. This is not the easiest choice, as moving one’s business to another company is fraught with inconvenience. It may be time consuming, and there is never a guarantee that the new supplier is any better than the previous one. Companies don’t only lose their current business, but also all of their potential future purchases.
Complaints If a customer has the time to do so, complaining may be a good option, particularly if the customer has lost
something substantial financially or otherwise. However, most companies are incapable of dealing with complaints effectively. That’s why customers want to talk to someone as senior as possible. Managers and staff that feel threatened respond with a complete lack of empathy, refuse to apologise, and are reluctant to take responsibility. In many cases, they even try to shift the blame to customers, and many customers have to invest a lot of time in order to get their problem resolved. It’s terrible for the morale of both managers and staff, and inefficient compared to routine transactions.
Bad publicity It used to be possible to tell a few of your friends and colleagues about a bad experience, but now negative word-ofmouth is on steroids. There are two things that have made this possible: customers have more access to mass media and immense communication channels than ever before; and customers are bolder and more militant than ever before. For example, they won’t think twice about putting up a massive banner at a busy intersection attacking a company, or placing a prominent poster or sticker on their car. They see how other radical, vigilante customers have responded to frustration, and do the same. In the traditional media, broadcasters and printed mass media are full of dedicated columns and consumer journalists, and it takes a few minutes for negative, anger-inspiring comments to go viral. Conversations which should have been private are now very public. The Internet makes it easy to complain, often anonymously. A simple Google search will give any customer vast amounts of information about any business. Most bloggers share their opinions on products and companies as their primary purpose. This includes sites like,
Yelp and Social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest, are also full of possibilities. It doesn’t matter what the truth is, and it doesn’t matter whether the company is right. What does matter is the customers’ perception of the way they were treated by companies.
The revenge of the customer Apart from the three important consequences above, there are many other actions customers can take to get even: • Don’t pay accounts on time – if at all; • Abuse and embarrass staff and managers with insults, swearing and shouting; • Damage, steal and disrespect the company’s property and premises; • Lie, try to commit fraud and do other things to recover what the company “stole” from them; • They occasionally get physically violent; • They look for trouble, and if something else goes wrong they are incredibly unforgiving; • They become more cynical and negative, and all our marketing messages fall on deaf ears; • They refuse to co-operate with us on things that could actually make life better; and • Sometimes they get really weird! They start petitions, and even arrange protest actions outside branches or head offices. The question is: are you prepared to pay the price of all of these actions? n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AKI KALLIATAKIS
my office magazine
labour law
Your labour law expert is your
ow does an employer distinguish a true labour law expert from one who is going to give you the wrong advice, half-baked training, legally faulty employment policies and contracts or failed litigation?
We are frequently called in to fix up such messes but sometimes too much damage has been done to save the employer from incurring losses. The solution is therefore not in the cure but in prevention. That is, every employer needs to have available, at short notice, a labour law advisor who can help to ensure that the employer does not get into hot water all the time. However, it is extremely difficult to find and choose a labour expert who suits your needs and who knows what they are doing. This is because: • The lay business owner or manager does not always know enough about the law to be able to assess whether the so-called specialist truly is a labour law expert; • It is not always easy to uncover the reputation of the consultant; • There are a great many so-called labour experts around; • The brochures and other promotional materials you receive may look impressive but could be exaggerated; • You may find it embarrassing to ask the consultant for proof of their credentials and the proof you get may not be genuine; • The recommendation you get may be
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from the consultant’s friend who may be biased; and • The consultant’s fee may be so low that it could tempt you to use the consultant. With all these pitfalls, it is extremely difficult to choose a labour representative who will keep you out of trouble rather than land you in it! There are many reputable and highly-competent labour law experts in South Africa. The question is, how does the business owner or manager fight their way through the jungle of misinformation to find the right expert? While there is no fool proof solution, a number of guidelines in this regard can be useful. Try to ensure that the labour expert you choose: • Has a tertiary qualification in the labour relations or human resources field rather than some totally unrelated field; • Has substantial experience as a labour law consultant or labour lawyer; • Has a solid background in corporate industrial relations management so that they can understand the practical everyday needs at the coalface; • Is closely affiliated to a business labour forum through which they can keep in touch with the latest developments in industry, in trade union activity and in labour legislation; • Shows their knowledge of labour relations via publications, speaking at conferences and the presentation of seminars; • Has quick access to the latest labour statutes and to case law decisions that are published;
Charges a fee that is not suspiciously low but that is affordable in terms of your own budget; • Is willing to share their knowledge via in-house training courses for your managers rather than trying to make you dependent on them; and • Provides the full spectrum of labour law and industrial relations services so that you can obtain a comprehensive service rather than fragmented assistance. The services that should be offered include: • Chairing of disciplinary hearings; • Representation of employers at CCMA and bargaining councils; • Labour relations consultation, labour litigation and legal advice; • Employment contract and policy development; • Retrenchment, restructuring and rightsizing; • Negotiating and drafting union recognition agreements; • Union wage negotiations; • Strike handling; • Writing of legal opinions on all Labour Law and IR/HR matters; • Conducting of IR audits; • Implementation of employment equity, completion of EE Reports and design and implementation of EE policies and plans; and • Mentoring of HR/IR executives, managers, officers and trainee HR/IR professionals. Choosing the wrong expert is like using a faulty parachute. So, don’t jump until you are sure there are no faults. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
DR IVAN ISRAELSTAM This article first appeared in The Star.
Vol 100 - December 2016
A Christmas wish-list If the new Information Regulator Pansy Tlakula had a Christmas wish-list, this would be it
Dear Father Christmas (Or should I call you Santa Claus? People have called me lots of different names, especially after my time at the IEC.) It’s been a busy few months here, what with Brexit, the Donald and a fond goodbye to your friend Thuli grabbing the headlines – not to mention the Zupta saga and the search for the Saxonwold shebeen. While you are helping Eishkom keep the lights on for the festive season afterb Brian left, maybe you can spare a few thoughts for me in my new role as the beloved country’s new Information Regulator. My name is Pansy Tlakula, and my friends are already calling me “POPI Pansy” in honour of my new job. Here’s my wish-list in time for Christmas, as I start my new job on 1 December 2016. 1. Give me a chance – there has been a great deal of speculation about my role at the IEC. We are starting a new chapter in SA history now, so let’s look forwards not backwards. 2. Top up my budget – like everyone I need decent funding. It is clear that my Regulator’s office is currently underfunded compared with similar bodies in other countries. Earning income from fines is not necessarily the right approach, so please put in a good word with whoever our Finance Minister is by the time you read this. 3. Please take POPI seriously – this is not a joke. Privacy has been in our new Constitution from the beginning, and in other legislation but without much guidance. The POPI Act provides good guidance for putting privacy into practice. POPI is the only law that prescribes Security Safeguards as a
requirement. In the world of increasing security risks and threats, this is a big issue, so please help security to be taken seriously by all my stakeholders. Don’t wait for me – I can lead but the country doesn’t need to follow. Please ask all those involved to start their POPI initiatives sooner rather than later, and not have the usual lastminute scramble to comply after there is case law. Help me to learn from privacy practices in other countries (UK and Australia) as they provide a great deal of helpful information. Help yourself – learn from each other. Please ask the private sector, the public sector and everyone else in between to work with those in their sector for the good of the country on POPI. We need this for our status as a trusted trading partner. Make POPI your friend – look for the upside. Good privacy and security practices can offer businesses a competitive advantage. I have already seen examples of new POPIrelated products and services being developed. Please help people not to see POPI as just more red tape. Bring me some Codes of Conduct (CoC) – let my inbox be full of CoC proposals. Please help me by making people realise they can take the initiative and help shape their own future. I’ll talk to you more about this when your festive season rush is over. Make us shine for Africa – people are watching. The Rainbow Nation can set a good example for our neighbours and trading partners.
We are not the first to have privacy legislation enacted, but let’s make this POPI law count for Africa, not just this side of the Limpopo. 9. Help me build trust for our country – we need credibility. We are part of the international community, but some partners still don’t trust us like they should. For example, European countries (tourists in particular) want confidence that their personal information is being protected when they travel to SA. 10. Make PAIA bring value to all – balance the scales of justice, openness ans privacy. Nkandla disclosures proved that the Promotion of Access to Information Act is good for the country. Give me strength as I take on those duties as well from the SAHRC. 11. Let me be humble – I too can learn. I won’t have all the answers about privacy. In these early days let me listen more than talk. Help me to learn about personal information privacy from those more experienced at home and abroad. 12. Give me an early success – nothing succeeds like success. Please surprise me with an early success in my first hundred days that shows my new job is more than just a new lease on life. Thanks Santa, I will be sure to leave out an extra helping of milk and cookies for you, Prancer, Dancer and the rest of your reindeer. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! n Many thanks to John Cato who has contributed to this article. He has many years of dealing with wish lists for Santa.
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business savvy
Missing: accountability
recent experience with a departed employee got me thinking about responsibility within the work space. Specifically, who carries the can when something goes wrong or isn’t done: the boss or the worker?
Every day examples of this are thrown at us, in politics, business or society in general. Most often the one that carries the can is the subordinate, while the more senior person walks away taking little blame. Each situation needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis, but in general what should the principle be? Yet again we can hit the “it depends” button but I would say that if you work in an environment where people are empowered to fulfil their roles and responsibilities then generally it would be the worker that takes responsibility. They are, after all, in charge of their own destiny. They have been given the correct tools to do their jobs and provided with the authority to take care of what is needed. There is a case to be made in these circumstances that the worker has not been sufficiently trained or empowered
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but the line needs to be drawn somewhere. My direct experience comes from the place where I believed that I had sufficiently empowered an employee; provided them with the right tools, training and guidelines; and then let go so that they can do their job. What I found upon their leaving was that it appeared as though they needed micromanaging because their performance was in fact in the poor range. Yes, they did get regular reviews; I did check outputs and it all seemed fine. What haze must I have been in not to notice? In this case I believe that I am accountable for not having done a better job of tracking the employee’s performance. I didn’t use the correct tools or metrics; provide the right training needed or the right levels of motivation. That’s accountability. However, responsibility? I believe that the responsibility lies with the employee to ensure that they can do their job to the best of their ability. Their performance should be driven by themselves and not by external factors. Yes, a conducive environment is a great thing but hey, aren’t they being paid to do a job? Was there not an agreement on roles and responsibilities in return for a salary? If so, the onus rests largely on the employee to get on with it, to the best of their ability.
Leadership is accountable for ensuring that the team has the tools and training needed to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Actually, responsibility starts before that with the employment process. I need to employ the person that is not only correct for the job but that works well with the company’s style of management – and mine in particular if the person reports in to me. If I start at that point and tick all the other boxes, then the responsibility should fall squarely with the employee and not with me. My challenge? Each day I speak to senior business people, team leaders, CEOs and other c-suite individuals who tell me that responsibility is not in large supply. Neither is accountability. What does that tell you about the way in which our schools, universities and businesses “train” people for the workspace? I’m not sure, but it isn’t a good sign. I take responsibility for my mistakes and accountability for my decisions. Where do you stand? And those that work for you and with you? What can we do to help each other get a better grip on the fact that taking both accountability and responsibility leads to more solid relationships? Greater trust. Better productivity. Better humans. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT GAVIN MOFFAT @GAVINMOFFAT
Vol 100 - December 2016
Working for you
Staple with style! The perfect Christmas stocking stuffer
Handheld plastic stapler Staples up to 12 sheets Traditional top-loading stapling for ease of use Stands vertically Also available in Black
Available from leading stationers
IT focus
Stationery’s survival in the face of technology How will poor old paper survive in the overwhelming shadow of technology?
fter a visit to the gym, a faulty water bottle lid lead me to hurriedly submerge my soaked iPhone 6 into a bowl of long grain wild rice and nervously google “how to fix a wet iPhone”.
A Facebook post later, about 10 friends advised me the rice trick is indeed the way to go. I sat and thought about how on Earth I was going to do the everyday things I needed to do, without my trusty always-in-my-palm iPhone. I needed to book a train to London (where would I save the reference number to collect my ticket?). I was going on holiday the following week so needed my phone for the constant Instagram uploads and smug
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Facebook status updates (surely it’s not a holiday otherwise?). I needed to call someone back who had left me a voicemail (where will I retrieve their number from now?). And I was sure I had entered various calendar appointments to remind me to do things, like go to the gym, pack and go on holiday. I started to make online enquiries about buying a cheap new phone, and fast. As a stationery buyer, I am lucky enough to own a pretty extensive collection of notebooks, so I marched upstairs, grabbed one out of my drawer along with a pen, and sat down to make a list. My handwriting was a pretty illegible scrawl these days through under-use. I gathered my thoughts. The creak of the previously un-opened notebook, the smoothing down of the first page, went unnoticed by me as I frowned at the trauma of this morning’s event. The irony of my newly defunct iPhone didn’t escape me, remembering (without a prompt) that one of my “to do” points was to write this article about how and
why the paper industry is surviving in the face of rapidly developing technology. We live in an age that has seen technology progress at its most rapid rate ever. Some of the poorest people in the world have mobile phones, children take exams on computers, and it’s pretty standard these days for people to suffer back or neck ache due to the permanent hunched shoulder stance as we sit at our work computers all day, or stare for hours on end at our phones. We even hear advice about improving your chances of a good night’s sleep by not having an illuminated screen in your face for an hour before bedtime (and trying an actual paper book instead). People still buy notebooks Working in the industry that I do, I have often been confronted with the musing “oh, you wouldn’t think people really buy notebooks these days”. Indeed, maybe you wouldn’t. Why bother when we can tap our thoughts, feelings and important dates into a slim metal device the size of our Vol 100 - December 2016
IT focus hand? And not only that, it can loyally remind you when to do these tasks (now called “life admin”); when to send a birthday greeting, and what time your gym class starts. However, the UK high street is telling us that stationery and paper products are very much here to stay, no matter how many iPhones or tablets there are in the world. With international brands such as Smiggle, Kikki K and Hema opening their doors to hordes of stationery-lovers, and supermarkets developing higher quality and more innovative paper products at affordable prices, it is clear that people do indeed “still” buy notebooks. And when that birthday reminder pops up on your e-mail or your phone, the majority of us still hot-foot it down to our local Paperchase, Card Factory or Tesco to buy a card and gift wrap – it’s lazy to just send a text, isn’t it? Technology and tradition can go hand in hand For all those people who enter all of their “life admin” onto a gadget of some sort, there are still people who delight in spending an hour wandering the stationery hall of Liberty or Selfridges, just to purchase a gorgeous (and possibly unnecessary) new notebook that they will be too afraid to write in, for fear of ruining it. That very same person is also more likely than ever to then upload an image of their new purchase to Instagram, or perhaps Tweet to their fellow craft club members about how they plan to use their new treasure. Technology and tradition can go hand in hand it seems. Design and visual appeal certainly seem to be the key to the growing size of stationery departments, from Wilkinsons to Accessorize to John Lewis, as more and more retailers expand their portion of the ownbrand stationery market. Personalisation – whether it is sending a funny birthday card that reminds you of the recipient, or having someone’s name engraved on a gift, or even just buying a beautiful printed diary as a gift to yourself – is one of the reasons we still love to buy paper. Design can be an extension of ourselves – it speaks to us, represents us, pleases us, it shows thought. As I was reminded, whilst my now less-trusty gadget is always by my side, it is not infallible. Nor, of course, is a notebook, but it won’t run out of battery leading me to a panic trip to re-charge at the Apple store, nor need to be hidden out of sight for an entire 24 hours after a quick dunk in some water. Whilst I waited with baited breath for the diagnosis on my phone (mentally totting up the potential cost to replace it), I took another look at my notebook, with its first page now full. Bright turquoise, faux snakeskin detail, with my name in capital letters deeply embossed into the cover: part of a gift from my fantastic work colleagues when I left my workplace a few months ago. I smile at the memory. All is not lost if my phone no longer works. I still have my notebook. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PAMELA CARTWRIGHT
my office magazine
crime alert
The end of the Internet?
he Mirai botnet poses a threat to many companies around the world, and may have the capacity to take an entire country offline.
At the end of October, the Mirai botnet was used to launch a massive DDoS attack against managed DNS infrastructure provider Dyn in the United States. A number of large Web sites went down in the States and South Africa, including Twitter, PayPal and the Sony PlayStation Network. Kyle York, Dyn’s chief strategy officer, confirmed that the “sophisticated attacks” were across multiple attack vectors and Internet locations. The Mirai botnet The Mirai botnet is essentially made up of tens of millions of unsecured Internet of Things devices, such as cameras, printers and routers. The Mirai malware is used to scan the Internet for IoT systems protected by factory default usernames and passwords. They are exploited and used to attack a target. An attack on Liberia Following the attack on Dyn, ZDNet reported that a large DDoS attack through a Mirai botnet – known as Botnet 14 – was used to attack telecommunications providers in Liberia in an attempt to take the entire country offline. Despite exceeding 500Gbps, this did not happen but that Internet traffic was affected.
Krebs on Security says that the Mirai botnet posed a threat to an entire country’s Internet connectivity. An attack on South Africa Vernon Fryer, group chief technology security officer at Vodacom, previously stated that a DDoS attack of 200Gbps to 300Gbps aimed at certain targets in South Africa would be enough to wipe the country off the Internet. Mirai-based attacks in recent weeks have been recorded at well over 600Gbps, while there have been reports that the attacks against Dyn were close to the 1Tbps mark. Moya Rapholo, information security product management at Neotel, says there is always a risk a country could come under attack from botnets like Mirai. He says users still believe that “traditional” security controls such as firewalls are enough to stop DDoS attacks, but this is not the case. He says companies must not view information security as an afterthought and Internet services should be bundled with some form of security. Andrew Owens, product development manager at Teraco, says from a NAPAfrica perspective, the primary risk would be if the exchange fabric were to be targeted. “The peering ranges we use are not supposed to be exported to the global table and, even if someone were to accidentally leak the prefixes, any attack would affect that particular member’s network only,” says Owens. “Technically, it may be possible to cause congestion on member ports at the
exchange, but the initiator of the attack would have to make sure that infected PCs are all on networks that are peered at the exchange. Currently, NAPAfrica has ‘connected’ capacity of 1.6Tbps.” Owens says it is difficult to determine a number, in terms of size, which would take the country offline – given that “an attacker would need to find a target that would affect all of the capacity on all of the cables coming into the country”. The best defence against a distributed attack is a distributed defence, he says. Dominic White, CTO at SensePost, says for an attack to take down the entire country, three resilient aspects of South Africa’s Internet landscape would need to be overwhelmed. “We have multiple connections coming into the country. Taking all of them down would be hard,” he says, referencing the ACE, SAT3, WACS, SEACOM, and EASSy cables, along with wireless links. He added that many of the big operators have “smart people and DoS contingency plans and can move quickly to mitigate a possible attack”. “Additionally, many South African companies have the same and can continue to operate.” White also says many “South African” Internet properties aren’t hosted in South Africa, but are hosted in international data centres. “That says, with enough devices, some careful planning, and quick reactions to changes defenders put in place, a DDoS can always take down something.” n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MYBROADBAND
Keeping shop-sa members abreast of criminal and fraudulent activity in the stationery and office products industry. To sponsor the Crime Alert page contact (011) 781 0088. REPORT CRIME TO Renew your Crime Alert sponsorship today! Call Wendy Dancer on (011) 781 0088 to book your logo placement on the Crime Alert page as an industry leader in transparency, information sharing and anti-crime business ethics. 10
my office magazine
Vol 100 - December 2016
industry insights
The stationery industry: Ice Age or Golden Age? The first in a two-part article exploring potential outcomes for the stationery industry
The Ice Age: RIP stationery industry Is the stationery industry bound for extinction, an inevitable next step in the rapid evolution of our technological age, or is there hope for a Renaissance-like comeback in which its members not only survive but thrive? The Ice Age scenario is a doomsday account filled with a scarcity of resources, increased fighting between sectors operating in silos, and the ultimate and rapid extinction of the stationery industry. This dark vision is not outside the realm of possibility if current circumstances continue. You may wonder how an industry that was flourishing only a decade ago could have become near-extinct so quickly. The stationery industry rose to greatness in the 1990s and early 2000s with the advent of new technologies like the personal computer, graphic design software programs, and a vast array of new and beautiful typefaces and fonts. Advances in technology and the creativity of designers led to a
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booming cottage industry in which the consuming public could choose from a nearly overwhelming sea of choices in design, layout, wording, typestyles and print methods to create an invitation, announcement or correspondence that expressed not only the customer’s sentiments toward the recipient but their own personal style as well. At its zenith, the entire stationery industry was wildly successful, creating, customising and selling billions of dollars in personalised stationery, party invitations, holiday cards, birth announcements, and wedding invitations. The rules of the business were simple: stationery manufacturers created the offerings and sold them to stationery retailers. The retailers provided the marketing, sales and service to the customer. The mid-2000s, with the rapid increase in the use of the Internet for e-commerce and advances in digital printing marked a turning point for the industry. Stationery manufacturers
started to explore and experiment with e-commerce, lured by the sirens of selling their products to the end consumer at full retail with the promise of higher net margins than the wholesale channel. At the same time, enterprising new start-up companies leveraged the power of digital printing and e-commerce to create highly competitive products that could be customised, produced quickly and sold at a greatly reduced price. The crowning blow came when the economy went into a deep recession in and around 2009. Retailers, threatened by significant decreases in revenues, fell into a sort of “Chicken Little” mentality. Many began to discount in a desperate attempt to compete with the Amazonian competition of online digital printers and increasing competition from their manufacturers who were their supply “partners”. Often, the retailers who promoted the largest and longest-running discounts were those who offered very little in the way of service or expertise. Stationery manufacturers turned a Vol 100 - December 2016
industry insights
blind eye to the increasing instances of discounting ~ even those who previously would never have allowed their brand to be diluted by discounting. The sentiments of these manufacturers seemed to be that they received the same revenue from retailers whether they were discounting to the end consumer or not, they saw the task of policing discounting as onerous and costly. Manufacturers, also threatened by declining revenues, began to employ the type of knee-jerk, short-sighted approaches that come from a scarcity mentality. Many dove headlong into e-commerce with a “cut out the middleman” approach, often giving lip service to their retailers while building up their direct-to-consumer channels: Web sites; social media outlets that drove consumers to the manufacturer’s Web site; and online-only promotions including large discounts and free shipping. The prevailing thought was that these discounts, promotions and growth of the direct-to-consumer channel were “smart business”, since the online sales did not require paying commissions to retailers. From this point it is easy to imagine the industry entering a death spiral. Many retailers, especially those who were hobbyists or lacking in business acumen, will go out of business, while others hang on by a thread. Manufacturers redouble their efforts to attract more of the direct-to-consumer business in an effort to slash costs and improve net profit margins quickly. The remaining stationery retailers will be treated like a showroom: able to attract customers, they spend hours giving them an invaluable education about the products and the options, only for their
clientele to go and place their orders online. Customers generally have no concept that this practice is detrimental to the retailer, while some simply choose not to see it, blinded by the significant savings they could realise at a time when money is tight and every saving counts. Manufacturers may find themselves unable to realise the increase in net profit they thought they would find in the consumer sales channel. This profit margin is quickly eaten up by the increase in customer service required to educate, counsel and essentially hold the hand of the individual consumer who is not nearly as savvy as the retailer customer. There is also the tremendous expense of search engine optimisation and other techniques required to market to this end-consumer. By the time that the manufacturer starts to realise that the consumer channel was not the solution for longterm success, it is too late. Many of their retailers who had formerly been very loyal partners had dropped their line. Those retailers who haven’t are so disenchanted with them and the trust and confidence in their brand is so shattered that they seldom showed the products to their customers. Forced to continue the direct-toconsumer sales, manufacturers will soon learned a valuable lesson - albeit too late. As more and more brick-and-mortar retailers go out of business, there are fewer and fewer opportunities for the end consumer to experience the products first-hand.
Next time: the more optimistic version of the future – an attainable vision of a prosperous industry for us all.
They are no longer educated about the quality and value of these higher-end products. Without the existence of showrooms and this education and appreciation for quality, consumers simply make their decisions based on the designs they see online. They see absolutely no reason to spend more money on something when they perceive little discernible difference, no matter how much the manufacturers attempt to impress this difference upon them in their online marketing. Manufacturers who previously competed on the quality of their paper and the craftsmanship in their printing and embellishments may find that they cannot compete in the “race to the bottom” that inevitably follows in this online-only, highly price-sensitive world. Ultimately, consumers will became wholly disenchanted with the entire category, since they are left with an online-only experience. The very essence of the product - meaningful communication, relationships and a fundamental appreciation for quality craftsmanship - no longer exists. A “perfect storm” of technology advances and economic downturn has the ability set into motion a series of events that will lead to the extinction of the stationery industry. n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HOLLY BRETSCHNEIDER, FOUNDER AND CEO OF BLUE SKY BUSINESS ACADEMY my office magazine
glues and adhesives
A sticky situation There is an adhesive for every application
General adhesive products Glue sticks A classroom staple throughout the world, glue sticks have a number of advantages. They are non-toxic and non-acidic, which means they can be safely used by children and do not yellow over time. They are considered a low bonding adhesive, and are used on various types of paper, such as cardboard, foam board and poster board. The adhesive in a glue stick dries clear, and is used for applications like labelling, art projects and scrapbooking. Glue sticks are generally made from a
range of similar ingredients, although the exact proportions are particular to the manufacturer. This results in the varying quality of each brand. Most ingredients found in glue sticks are fairly safe and act as thickeners, binders and smoothers. Acrylic polymer is the ingredient which helps the glue stick to dry quickly. It gives the adhesive strength. It is non-toxic and non-explosive, and remains colourless. Polyethylene glycol is a binder. It aids lubrication and prevents the adhesive from drying out. Sodium stearate is one of the primary ingredients in glue sticks and is responsible for the opaque white colour.
Did you know? The earliest use of adhesives was discovered in central Italy, dating back 200 000 years. Stone flakes were partially covered with birch-bark tar – a simple, one component adhesive.
my office magazine
Super glue Super glue, also known as cyanoacrylate adhesive, is able to bond very quickly to a range of substrates. This very strong bond dries clear. This type of adhesive is available in different viscosities, but can be fussy about the types of surfaces to which it bonds, as well as the amount of glue used. Super glue works best on surfaces that fit together closely. In general, super glues are ideal for Vol 100 - December 2016
glues and adhesives
fixing wood, metal, ceramics, leather, glass and some types of plastic, but it is not good for foamed plastic, unless specified on the bottle. This type of adhesive works best in tensile applications that have lowimpact strength requirements. Superglue sets and cures in a matter of minutes. In its uncured state, acetone can be used to clean up spillage. Once the glue has set this no longer works. Craft glue This is the most common kind of adhesive for crafting, and allows users to glue porous, lightweight materials such as paper, cardboard and cloth together. White craft glue is easy to clean up and has a very low toxicity level, making it ideal for use in classrooms and homes. The glue is water-based, which makes it liquid and easy to apply. However, craft glue is soluble in water and therefore not
recommended for applications in a damp or wet environment. Keep in mind that the glue must dry before it sets completely. Clamping is usually required to hold the items in place until the glue has dried. It takes approximately one hour to set firmly, and 24 hours to cure. White craft glue dries clear and is somewhat flexible. It can be mixed with fillers such as glitter or paint powder to enhance its decorative effects. Mod podge Mod podge was developed over 40 years ago and is an essential adhesive in a crafter’s tool box – especially when it comes to decoupage. It is ideal for gluing, sealing and finishing. It is waterbased, which means it is easy to use and easy to clean. It is also non-toxic. Mod podge dries quickly, allowing for multiple coat applications in quick succession. It dries clear, and any spills
can be cleaned with soap and water. Classic Mod Podge comes in gloss and matte finishes. The difference between these two is the finish that results when it’s dry; gloss is shiny while matte is not. Classic Mod Podge is great for all types of projects and most surfaces. Originally a brand of adhesive, “mod podge” has now come to denote any of this type of glue. Wood glue Wood glue comes in two forms: “white glue” or polyvinyl acetate (PVA), which is a general hobby and craft glue and dries clear; and “yellow glue” or aliphatic resin emulsion, which is commonly referred to as “carpenter’s glue”. PVAs exhibit more slip during assembly. Yellow wood glue is water-based and designed to work with all types of wood. It is immediately tacky, for better hold in the uncured state. It is also generally more rigid which makes it easier to sand. PVAs are non-toxic my office magazine
glues and adhesives
Did you know? and very easy to use, but hard to repair since most glues (including PVA itself) do not adhere well to hardened PVA glue. White wood glue tends to creep under a constant load. Generally, wood glues set in less than an hour. However, it is better to leave them to cure for 24 hours in order to reach full strength. Wood glues vary in their waterproof properties. Some wood glues exhibit waterproof properties, while others are completely unsuitable for exterior use. Several wood glues have poor “gapfilling” ability. This means they either soak into the wood and leave the gap empty, or remain to fill the gap but have little structural integrity. Hot glue Hot glue is essentially melted polymers (plastic). The melting and cooling of these polymers provides an adhesive property. Hot glue is most commonly applied using a glue gun. These machines can be wired or battery operated (cordless), and different types will take different diameters (weights) of the polymer glue stick. The guns are available in low (120°C) and high (193°C) melting options. The types of hot glue available vary according to the polymer type. It can be used on porous and non-porous surfaces. Because of the high viscosity of hot glue, it can bond uneven surfaces together and is ideal for filling gaps. Hot glue provides a quick-setting option for a variety of crafts and substrates, and is the perfect all-purpose craft glue for quick set-up and execution. However, it is not used in high-strength applications and does not do well in temperature extremes. It is also not suitable for children. Spray-on adhesives A spray adhesive is a contact adhesive based in a solvent that is applied by
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means of an aerosol spray. This type of adhesive can be used with paper, foam board, fabrics, photograph paper and felt. Speciality contact adhesives are also available in a can to roll or brush on for larger, more demanding projects that involve wood, plastic or metal. Apply spray adhesives in a wellventilated area, and allow the solvent to evaporate completely before bonding with the substrate. This is a permanent bond which cannot be repositioned. Fabric adhesives Fabric adhesives can be liquid white glues like the polyvinyl acetate (PVA) types mentioned above. A wide range of products cover light- to heavyweight fabric bonding. Choose the right type of adhesive for the fabric you want to glue. Some versions are safe for washing and dry cleaning. Fabric adhesives are ideal for fixing hems, or for adhering items in DIY projects like making headbands. Adhesive tapes There are a range of adhesive tapes on the market, including duct tape, packaging tape, sticky tape, masking tape and washi tape. Tapes are generally made of two layers. The first layer is cellulose, plastic or even paper, while the second is a rubberbased, pressure-sensitive adhesive. Adhesive putty Also known as mounting putting, Prestik, Blu-tack and Patafix, adhesive putty is a re-usable pressure-sensitive adhesive made of a synthetic rubber compound that is non-toxic, non-hazardous and non-carcinogenic. It doesn’t shrink or dry out, which makes it ideal for use in the classroom and the office. Prestik is commonly used to attach
Pressure-sensitive adhesives Pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) or self-stick adhesive forms a bond when pressure is applied between the item with the glue on it and the substrate. It does not require any solvent, water or heat to become sticky. They hold properly at room temperature, but tend to lose their tackiness in extremely low or high temperatures. The amount of pressure exerted on the adhesive determines the degree of bond. Factors such as smoothness and cleanliness of the surface are key to proper bonding. Pressure-sensitive adhesives are available in two forms: permanent and removable. Removable adhesives are designed to form a temporary bond, and ideally can be removed after months or years without leaving residue on the substrate. They are available in sheets and dots, and can be used in a multitude of craft projects. They stick to substrates such as lightweight paper, plastic, metal and glass. Removable PSAs are found on tapes, labels, decals and post-it notes. They have low adhesion and generally cannot support much weight. Permanent applications of PSAs are only moveable after they are initially applied. Thereafter they cure and tend to leave residue behind when peeled off. An example of permanent application includes safety labels. Some highperformance permanent PSAs exhibit high adhesion values and can support kilograms of weight per square centimetre.
lightweight objects such as posters or sheets of paper to walls or other dry surfaces. It is often packaged in separate strips for convenience, and can be re-used. Vol 100 - December 2016
glues and adhesives
Did you know? Heavy-duty adhesives Epoxy Epoxies are generally very hard, durable adhesives that bond to multiple substrates successfully, even in the most extreme environments. They are two-part systems – meaning that two substances need to be mixed together – designed for high-performance bonding. Epoxy resins are a class of reactive polymers. These co-reactants are often called “hardeners” or “curatives”. The reaction between these resins forms a thermosetting polymer which has a strong bond and high temperature- and chemical resistance. Epoxies have excellent gap filling properties due to their high cohesive strength.
Polyurethane Polyurethane adhesive is a multi-purpose glue that is flexible, resilient and bonds to a variety of surfaces, including textile fibres, metals, plastics, glass, sand, ceramics, rubber and wood. It is ideal for wood with a high water or oil content, where other adhesives would fail to bond. Often, items bonded with polyurethane are clamped together for a few hours to ensure they cure. Optimal curing time is between six to eight hours. Mineral spirits or acetone can be used as a solvent before the adhesive has cured properly, while dried glue can be sanded away. As an adhesive, polyurethane resists moisture and heat, so it is ideal for use in the sun or under water. n
Polyurethane can be found in just about every room of your house. The material became popular during World War II, and since then this polymer has protected, re-invented, joined or transported countless items. It seals surfaces such as wood, metal and paint to protect them from rot, corrosion or fading. It also insulates walls, temperature-controlled vehicles and consumer coolers. It is found in upholstery, packaging crates and plastic wheels such as those on a dolly. It is considered an elastomer, which means it has elastic properties while maintaining rigidity – otherwise known as structural memory. It is used in the creation of thermoplastics, which are rigid, smooth and durable. These are difficult to recycle but can be re-used. my office magazine
arts and crafts
Festive South African wreaths hether you choose a traditional approach, using evergreen plants, or adorn your wreath with bright baubles to celebrate the festive season, here are some bright ideas to fire up your imagination.
Local is lekker Make a lovely wreath with the foliage of evergreen trees and shrubs that grow in South Africa. Make one out of leaves that dry well or create a fresh version as a centrepiece for your Christmas dinner table with lots of foliage and a florist’s foam (Oasis) ring. Slant the foliage in the same direction all the way around to cover the stems. Pack densely for a luxurious effect. This is particularly important if you’re going to allow the wreath to dry as the leaves will shrink and you don’t want unsightly gaps. To keep the wreath looking fresh, soak the ring in water for a few hours, and then arrange sprigs and leaves to your liking. Use floral pins or florist’s wire to secure those that aren’t sturdy enough to be pushed into the foam. Add a single, fat candle in the middle or group a few slimmer ones of varying heights if you are making a table decoration.
Crafts for kids This fun wreath is really easy to make and will appeal to kids of all ages. All you need is cardboard, a ribbon loop for hanging, tinsel, lollipops and a decoration or two, then follow the pictures. You can adapt the design endlessly by using sweets in wrappers in different colours and any broad, fluffy tinsel and Christmas ornaments of your choice.
Wild bunch Create a wreath using beautiful indigenous foliage and flowers, such as proteas, to give that South African flavour to your Christmas decor.
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Mini wreaths Mini wreaths, made out of wooden curtain rings, are so easy to create and are another craft project the kids could tackle in the holidays. Simply wrap ribbon or fabric strips around each ring, glue on a bow, star or other little decoration and tie a loop of string onto the eyelet. Hang the finished items on the Christmas tree, below the mantelpiece or on the back of each guest’s chair at the festive table. You could even use them as napkin rings which everybody can take home afterwards as a memento of your celebration. Vol 100 - December 2016
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arts and crafts
Everlasting style
Show off your style year after year with an everlasting wreath. Make a wreath using artificial flowers made from corn husks or paper, or any of the wide variety of dried flowers available in the country.
Bright and beautiful Pick your colour scheme and go mad with lots of baubles in various sizes, a Styrofoam ring (from craft shops) and a glue gun to make a bright and shiny wreath. You will need: • 35-cm Styrofoam wreath form • About 100 glass ornament balls, assorted sizes • Hot glue gun • Ribbon Start by carefully removing the tops from each of your ornaments. Put a big dab of hot glue towards the top of the ornament. Starting with the largest ornaments, glue the ornaments around the outside edge of your wreath form. Glue more large ornaments to the inside edge of your wreath form. Keep filling in the wreath form with the rest of your large ornaments. Start filling in any gaps with the smaller ornaments. You don’t have to glue every ornament to the wreath form. You can glue the ornaments to each other, too. Keep adding ornaments until you have filled in the entire wreath. It will take approximately 100 ornaments to completely fill the wreath. Allow your glue to dry completely. Once the glue has dried, turn the wreath over. Cut two 2-foot lengths of ribbon. Glue one end of each of the ribbons to the back of the wreath form, toward the top. Turn the wreath over and tie the loose ends of the ribbon into a bow, then hang the wreath on your front door. n
THE LABEL SPECIALIST Stick with the best!
industry news
Record year-end results for Stabilo
BIC gives away 60 000 pens
Stabilo has announced its year-end results, showing that 2016 was the most successful year in company history. Highlights of the results include: • Year-on-year sales increased by €100-million; • For the first time, all three subgroups exhibited strong growth; and • The number of employees rose by almost 10%: there are now over 5 100 worldwide (2 232 of which are in Germany). In the 2015/16 fiscal year the Schwan-Stabilo Group generated the highest turnover in over 160 years of the company’s history. At the press briefing on 19 October, the group management presented the results. In just one year, turnover rose by more than €100-million to €706.7-million. This is a year-on-year increase of 18%. All three subgroups (cosmetics, writing instruments and outdoor) contributed to this with strong growth. MD Jörg Karas explains this extraordinary success: “We have made optimum use of our opportunities. For cosmetics, this meant generic growth in many product areas. For Stabilo, the market gave the otherwise slowly growing sector a strong boost, first and foremost thanks to the global adult colouring trend. “And despite the rather stagnant development in many outdoor markets, we ensured additional stimulus by acquiring the Maier Sports group.” Sebastian Schwanhäusser, executive shareholder, is correspondingly optimistic about the future. “This extraordinary result has set the bar very high for the coming fiscal year. But ambitious goals motivate us, too. We are well prepared for the future.” The company is also on firm financial footing. Martin Reim, chief financial officer, says: “We will continue to invest heavily in our future in order to remain on this successful course. This is the best strategy in this time of negative interest rates.”
In honour of 60 years of the iconic BIC Clic pen, BIC gave away 60 000 pens to a number of different underprivileged schools who need it most. Schools that received pens were: • Emisebeni Junior Primary School in Soweto • Siyabonga Secondary School in Soweto • Moriting Primary School in Tembisa
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Stabilo results The company profited from the adult colouring trend, which is still ongoing today, and was able to successfully establish two start-ups focusing on the topic of “learning to write”. The company introduced their Digi pen at the InsightsX fair. Furthermore, a new series of books from “Stabilo Education” has been produced to support four- to eight-year-olds in training their graphomotor skills through play. “Stabilo was quick to take advantage of the adult colouring trend,” says Schwanhäusser. “Our colouring book launched together with pens became one of our bestsellers. With the ‘digi-vision’ and ‘Stabilo Education’ divisions, Stabilo was able to make its mark successfully in the education sector.” Vol 100 - December 2016
industry news
Mouldable glue arrives in South Africa Sugru is the world’s first mouldable glue that sticks to almost anything and turns into a strong flexible rubber overnight. Invented for people looking to repair and improve stuff, it’s used in over 160 countries – from homeowners planning DIY projects through to people making small improvements to gadgets, appliances and even toys. Created by a young product designer named Jane ni Dhulchaointigh, Sugru is made to stick to as many materials as possible, forming a strong bond to aluminium, steel, ceramics, glass and wood, as well as some plastics and rubbers. Handy for any number of small home improvement projects, Sugru’s durable cured properties mean it’ll stay strong and securely bonded anywhere from the freezer to a hot shower, from the garden to the great outdoors. Dhulchaointigh is passionate about promoting a culture of creativity and resourcefulness, and sees it as an antidote to the throwaway mindset. Her mission is hitting a chord with the growing number of people looking to live more sustainably
while doing what they love. Derived from the Irish word for “play”, Sugru has received recognition from TIME Magazine as one of “The 50 Best Inventions of 2010” and has been dubbed the “21st century duct tape” by Forbes. Other accolades include “Best DIY Product” awarded by the British Hardware Federation (2015) who described it as “a great household solution” and “DIY Product of the Year” awarded by a panel of judges at the annual DIY Week Awards ceremony who agreed Sugru is a “truly innovative and exciting product”. At the start of 2016, Sugru became Good Housekeeping approved, passing rigorous consumer quality tests with flying colours. In 2012, Dhulchaointigh won the inaugural London Design Festival Design Entrepreneur award, whilst the Observer listed Sugru as one of Britain’s New Radicals: a UK business changing the 2 x 5g Mini Pack world for the better. in black and white CNN also named Dhulchaointigh is available at Builders one of “seven tech Warehouse for superheroes to watch in 2015”.
D.O.S expands logistics team Precious Kafumba has joined Denton Office Solutions as a logistics co-ordinator in Johannesburg. He has a great logistics foundation and always wants to learn more. He is dedicated to the team and delivering his best to his customers. His communication skills and likable personality have helped him get the logistics department working well. Kafumba is working with the Johannesburg team and linking up with the Cape Town office when needed. He knows what is needed to improve his department and he makes sure that he pushes through any set-backs to get it done. D.O.S is happy to have him join the team.
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eco news
Office recycling 101 My Office spoke to Donna-Marie Noble, communications manager at Mpact Recycling, about how to make office recycling easy
ffices workers and businesses are often reluctant to begin a recycling scheme, but putting a few small measures in place can result in great success.
What hinders office recycling? People often cite a lack of knowledge, laziness, genuine time constraints and lack of convenience as hindrances to recycling. However, once you start recycling and getting into the habit of it, it becomes part of your everyday life. One of the biggest reasons we should all be recycling is to protect the environment. In South Africa we are running out of landfill space. How can offices encourage employees to recycle? A workplace recycling programme is easy to set up and is an essential part of today’s socially-aware business. We are all mindful of the damage that not recycling does to our environment, so why aren’t all businesses participating in recycling programmes? Time? Space? Cost? Convenience? No matter what size the business, every company uses paper and has the power to help save the environment for future generations. Recycling at work helps reduce the environmental impact of the organisation as paper can be used again in new products and applications, instead of simply going into landfill. Recycling by businesses saves space and can reduce clutter in the office, resulting in an improved working environment. It should include an education drive to raise awareness of what recycling can achieve, by highlighting such interesting green facts as:
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• •
An average office generates around ½kg of waste paper per employee a day and almost all of this paper can be recycled. 35%-50% less energy is required to recycle paper compared to making it from raw materials. Most of the paper wasted is white office paper. 40% of all waste going to landfills is paper. Cutting down on paper wastage will extend the lives of our landfills.
Encourage employees Businesses should encourage staff to bring recyclable goods from home if they don’t have conveniently-located recycling bins in their neighbourhoods. Mpact Recycling has over 2 000 Ronnie banks conveniently located country wide at many of the local schools and communities. Alternatively, once your office programme is up and running (you always need a green ambassador to drive this) then you can encourage employees to bring their paper product items that can be safely recycled: • Newspapers; • Magazines; • Junk mail; • Office paper; • School books; • Telephone directories; • Cereal and toothpaste boxes; • Cardboard packaging boxes; • The cardboard centres of toilet rolls; • Cold drink bottles (PET); and • Tetra Pak® packaging (a combination of paper, plastic and aluminium). Are there any costs associated with recycling? Partnering with Mpact Recycling can help your company lower its carbon footprint by
greening South Africa. A business with 40 or more employees will generate a large amount of waste paper each month. Mpact Recycling can then come collect from your office. Mpact Recycling donates funds on behalf of offices to the Hospice and SPCA as beneficiaries of the programme. If you have less than 40 employees, your company can donate the paper to your local school or community paper bank as Mpact pays them on a rand-atonne basis for the materials collected. Through the Ronnie recycler programme, Mpact Recycling can equip any office with bags, and Ronnie office recyclers can be purchased for easy separation and storage of paper in the office. The company also offers a shredding service at most of its branches for the disposal of confidential documentation. Businesses should bear in mind there is no financial loss associated with recycling. It is important that companies recycle – and whether this material is collected by Mpact Recycling as part of the offices programme or donated to the nearest school or community for their fundraising efforts, the items will be recycled. About Mpact Mpact Recycling is one of the leading paper and plastics packaging businesses in southern Africa. The group has leading market positions in recovered paper collection, corrugated packaging, recycled-based cartonboard and containerboard, polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) preforms, recycled PET, styrene trays and plastic jumbo bins. Mpact has 42 operating sites, of which 22 are manufacturing operations, in South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana and Zimbabwe. South African-based customers accounted for approximately 90% of Mpact’s sales for the current year, with the balance of sales predominantly to customers in the rest of Africa. n Vol 100 - December 2016
product showcase
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ISTAY NON SLIP STAP The non slip strap prevents your bag from falling of your shoulder. UK Chiropractor approved to help reduce back problems. Ideal for someone on the go or just to improve the look of your existing laptop or tablet bags. The full range of iStay bags available at D.O.S. • Multiple colours – Red, White, Grey and Black • Web finish to allow air through strap reduce heat • Double stitching • Fits any D-link on any bag
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my office magazine
ADHESIVES, GLUES AND SPRAYS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd. - Correction Fluid, Glue sticks & Super Glue Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave
ART, CRAFT, GRAPHIC AND DRAWING MATERIALS CTP Stationery - A4 coloured poster boards Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Oil pastels and watercolour paint
B BAGS AND CASES D.O.S - iStay Flip File - Business cases. Kolok - Kenton, Port Topmark - School Bags, Laptop Bags, Pencil Cases, Sports Bags, Luggage BATTERIES Kolok - Duracell Nikki Distributors - Duracell Batteries Nikki Distributors - Energizer Batteries BIN RANGE Krost Office Products BINDING ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - Plastic Comb, Wire, Thermal & Covers CTP Donau - Donau files and slide binders, A4 poster board Kolok - Geha binding combs and covers Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Press Products - wire, combs, coil, covers Rexel Office Products - Rexel and GBC
BINDING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Neorel D.O.S - Prima, DSB, Leitz Kolok - Geha binding machines Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Press Products - Bindquip Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges
BOARDS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Velleda School Whiteboards CTP Stationery - Flip Chart Pads Hortors Stationery - Legal Notices i.e. Basic Conditions & OSH Act and Leave and Absence Chart Kolok - Geha interactive boards Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Parrot Products - Full range of boards and accessories. Custom boards printed to your specification Rexel Office Products - NOBO whiteboards, pinboards, easels and accessories. Quartet magnetic white/cork boards BOOK COVERS CTP Stationery - Poly Prop Donau heavy duty covers Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Palm Stationery Manufacturers - brown paper rolls, poly rolls, gift-wrap RBE - Papersmart BOOKS AND PADS BSC Stationery - Treeline CTP Stationery - Impala and premier books and pads Hortors Stationery - Legal registers Palm Stationery Manufacturers
Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - NCR Business Books Rexel Office Products - Colourhide notebooks BOXES AND CARTONS CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Rexel Office Products Specialised Filing Systems - Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Acid free archiving products
C CALCULATORS Kolok - HP Nikki Distributors - Truly calculators Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - IBICO CALENDARS CTP Stationery - Diaries assorted sizes CANTEEN Kolok - Tea, Coffee, milk etc, Sunbeam (appliances) CARBON PAPER AND FILMS RBE - NCR Business Books CARTRIDGES Dis Cartridges - Stockists of generic/original cartridges CD’S, DVD’S AND DISKETTES Kolok - Verbatim, Kenton CLIP BOARDS CTP Stationery - DONAU brand Parrot Products - Masonite and whiteboard CLIPS, FASTENERS AND PINS Grip Binders - Essentials, Stephens, Penguin Tidy Files - Filing solution
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buyers’ guide
See page 46 for contact details
COLOURING BOOKS Empire Toy & Stationery - Empire books Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave
refills and T-card kits, Quartet Monthly/ Weekly planner South African Diaries - For all your diary needs
COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Kolok - Verbatim, Kenton, Port Krost Office Products Pyrotec - Tower Inkjet-laser labels, business cards and photo paper
DICTATION - TRANSCRIPTION Olympus Audio S.A - Digital Voice Recorders, Transcription Kits and Accessories.
COMPUTER CLEANING Kolok - ComputerCare, Multipro Pyrotec - Tower computer cleaning range
Powerhouse Dictation for Philips Dictation, transcription, meeting recording, mini-tapes, foot pedals, accessories
COMPUTER CONSUMABLES CTP Stationery - Full range of DONAU files KMP - for computer consumables Kolok - Penguin (Ribbons, Toners, Inkjets), Till and fax rolls Redfern Print Services - Redfern inkjet/laser/ copier labels and a full range of stationery labels
COMPUTER HARDWARE Kolok - Blazer UPS systems, Geha (Interactive white boards)
EMBOSSERS AND ENGRAVING Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Ideal & Trodat Embossers (pocket, desk and electronic), Trotec
CORPORATE STATIONERY & GIFTING Star Stationers and Printers CRAYONS AND CHALKS Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Chalks and Crayons Power Stationery - Powerstar
D DESK SETS AND ACCESSORIES BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Desk Set Solo Delux Krost Office Products Rexel Office Products - Rexel Eco Range DIARIES, PLANNERS AND ORGANISERS CTP Stationery - CTP Brand Hortors Stationery - Legal diaries Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners,
F FAX ROLL MANUFACTURERS Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. FILES AND FILING African Filing Systems - Top retrieval filing and arching products BSC Stationery - Treeline, Mobifile CTP Stationery - Full range of quality DONAU brand Flip File - Executive display files, expanding files, Document folders, dividers Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Lever arch, Ringbinder files, Manilla flat folders Grafton/Star Kolok - Geha (Binding machines) Palm Stationery Manufacturers - leaver arch, ring binder files, manilla flat folders. Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Display book Vivid, document file, clip file and presentation file Rexel Office Products - Prima and Rexel ranges Specialised Filing Systems - Top Retrieval, Archive and Off-Site Tidy Files - Filing solutions
ENVELOPES AND MAILING BSC Stationery - Leo Envelopes CTP Stationery - Commercial envelopes Global Envelopes - CelloWrapped, peel+seal, Self-Seal, FullGum and Printed Grafton/Star KZN Envelopes - Manufactures of Printed and Plain Envelopes Merpak Envelopes - Complete range of quality envelopes RBE - Papersmart
FOLDERS CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand Palm Stationery Manufacturers - View files, polypropylene & board folders Tidy Files - Specialised
ERASERS & ERASING / CORRECTION FLUIDS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Tippex tape, bottle and Pen Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Tape/ Erasers Pentel S.A (PTY) LTD - Hi-Polymer and Ain eraser, correction tape and pens Power Stationery - Powerstar
FURNITURE - OFFICE & SCHOLASTIC Krost Office Products - accessories New Era Office cc - Specialising in all office furniture desks, chairs, credenzas, boardroom tables, etc Reboni Furniture Group - Manufacturing and distribution of educational and office furniture
FORMS - LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Hortors Stationery - complete range of custom, company, miscellaneous, magisterial, etc.
Working for you
CombBind C250 Pro
WireBind W20
MultiBind 230 Comb & Wire
ThermaBind T400
SOURCE PRODUCTS HERE Specialised Filing Systems - Cabinets, Shelving and Hi-Density
G GUILLOTINES AND TRIMMERS AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors Press Products - BindQuip Rexel Office Products - SmartCut and ClassicCut
I 26
INDEX TABBING AND DIVIDERS CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand board and P.P Flip File - Index Tabs, Flip tabs Grip Binders Palm Stationery Manufacturers Rexel Office Products - Rexel, Mylar and Prima board
INKS KMP - for computer consumables. Rexel Office Products - Numbering machine ink Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, Noris fastdry, security, numbering, franking. Laundry.
L LABELS Pyrotec - Tower stationery, inkjet-laser labels Redfern Print Services - Redfern Inkjet/ laser/copier labels and a full range of stationery labels Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. Specialised Filing Systems - Filing Tidy Files - Filing solutions LABELLING MACHINES Kemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of Brother P-Touch Labelling System LAMINATING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Speedlam, Lamiace D.O.S - Tofo, DSB, Leitz Kolok - GEHA and Galaxy Parrot Products - Parrot A4 and A3 Laminators Press Products - GMP Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges LAMINATING POUCHES AND MATERIALS AZ Trading - A0 to ID card size Kolok - GEHA, Penguin laminating pouches and rolls Parrot Products Press Products - GMP Rexel Office Products - GBC LEGAL STATIONERY Hortors Stationery - All legal registers, forms, diaries etc LETTER TRAYS Krost Office Products
J JANITORIAL Kolok - Goldenmarc (Cleaning products), Brooms, Mops and equipment.
MARKERS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Permanent Markers, Highlighters, whiteboard Interstat Agencies - Edding Parrot Products - White board, permanent and OHP markers. Wide range of highlighters Penflex - White board, flipchart, permanent markers, highlighters Pentel (Pty) Ltd. - Maxiflo, white board marker and paint marker Power Stationery - Powerstar MATHEMATICAL GEOMETRY SETS & ACCESSORIES Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar MINUTE AND GUARD BOOKS Hortors Stationery - Company registers, minute books and other legal registers
N NUMBERING MACHINES Rexel Office Products Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Reiner Dater/Numberer (manual/electronic), Trodat
O OFFICE ERGONOMICS Rexel Office Products - Kensington copyholders, risers, footrests, Rexel range of electric staplers and punches which reduces chances of RSI (repetitive strain injury) OVERHEAD PROJECTION AND ACCESSORIES Kolok - Penguin Transparencies Parrot Products - Data Projectors, OHPs, screens and rear projection film Penflex - Penflex Overhead projector pens Rexel Office Products - NOBO
Excellence Accelerated Get it right first time, in less time. Fusion 1000L
Fusion 1100L
Fusion 3000L
buyers’ guide
See page 46 for contact details
PENCIL SHARPENERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar
PACKAGING Merpak Envelopes - Postsafe packaging range
PAPER AND BOARD CTP Stationery - DONAU A4 poster boards Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Grafton/Star Kolok - Geha (paper media), EPSON, HP, CANON, Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Cubes and board Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - Papersmart Rexel Office Products - Prima Paper & Board
PAPER FOLDING MACHINES Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors
PENCILS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - BIC Evolution Graphite, BIC Matic Clutch ,Velocity Clutch, Atlantis Clutch, BU4 Clutch Palm Stationery Manufacturers Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Hotshot, Mechanical Pencil, Techniclick Pencil. Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel HB & Derwent Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Tradition, Wopex, Technical, Clutch Pencils and lead
PENCIL LEADS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Criterium 0.5mm leads Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Ain lead, standard lead - various grades
PENS BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Clic, Crystal, Orange and Prismo Palm Stationery Manufacturers Penflex - Penflex ballpoints and rollerballs Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Superb Ballpoint, Energel Pen Power Stationery - Powerstar Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd - Ball point, Fineliner, Gel and Pigment liner pens
PEN CARBON BOOKS Power Stationery - Powerstar RBE - NCR Business Books
PERSONAL STATIONERY CTP Stationery - Home office and personal filing system, diaries Grafton/Star
PLANNING BOARDS AND ACCESSORIES Parrot Products - Range of year planners, term planners, maps and in/out boards. custom printed boards designed to specification. Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners
PRINTER CONSUMABLES KMP - For computer consumables. Kolok - Epson (inkjet, large format etc), Lexmark, HP, Brother (Toners and Inks), Oki (Toners, inks and Ribbons), Tally Genicom (Ribbons), Seikosha (Ribbons), Panasonic (Toners and Ribbons), Kyocera (Toners), Printronix (Ribbons), IBM (Ribbons), Ricoh (Toners), Fujitsu (Ribbons), Pantum (Toners) Royce Imaging Industries Remanufacturers and suppliers of inkjet and laser cartridges Technical Systems Engineering Suppliers of quality compatible cartridges and bulk inks for Epson, Canon, Lexmark, HP and Samsung PUNCHES AND PERFORATORS Krost Office Products Parrot Products - Parrot range of punches Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel
R RUBBER STAMPS Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co. - Trodat RUBBER STAMP MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - AZ Liquid polymer, TROTEC laser engraver, flash system
PRINTING Kolok - Epson, Lexmark (Hardware), HP Printers, Oki (Hardware) Pantum, Samsung Olivetti Imports - Distributors of Multifunctional Printers / Copiers
RULERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar Penflex - PENFLEX rulers
Star Stationers and Printers Unicopy & Stationers CC - for all your printing & stationery requirements
Working for you
Fusion 3100L
Fusion 5000L
Fusion 5100L
SLATES Parrot Products - Whiteboard and chalk board
SCHOLASTIC SUPPLIES BSC Stationery Sales - Treeline CTP Stationery Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly Flip File - Flip File display books A5, A4, A2, A3 Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Palm Stationery Manufacturers Parrot Products - chalk boards/slates Power Stationery - Powerstar Pyrotec - Tower Adhesive Book Cover 45cm x 2m
STAMPS, STAMP PADS AND INKS Kemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of Brother Stampcreator PRO Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, pre-inked stamps, stamp and fingerprint pads STAPLING MACHINES AND STAPLES Interstat Agencies - Genmes Krost Office Products Parrot Products - Parrot range of staplers Rexel Office Products - Rexel range
SCISSORS AND CUTTERS Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products SCRAPBOOKING Rexel Office Products - Trimmers and guillotines Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Making memories, Clearsnap, Marvy, Ranger, Bazzill, Carl SHREDDERS AND ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra, Roto, Repairs to all makes D.O.S - Kobra Kolok - GEHA entry level and high-end shredders Nikki Distributors - Nikki shredders Parrot Products - Parrot range of value shredders Rexel Office Products - Rexel range Maynards Office Technology - IDEAL Shredders & Guillotines – SA Distributors
STATIONERY SUNDRIES - SCHOLASTIC CTP Stationery - DONAU Scissors and cutting knives Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery - Powerstar
STORAGE SYSTEMS CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Suspension Files Kolok - Verbatim (hard drives, USB sticks etc), HP, Sandisk Rexel Office Products - Storage boxes Specialised Filing Systems - Filing Tidy Files - Filing solutions
THERMAL ROLLS Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. TONERS AND CARTRIDGES KMP - Computer consumables Kolok - Penguin (Inkjets and Laser toners), Epson, Lexmark, HP, Canon, Pantum (toners), OKI, Samsung TOP RETRIEVAL FILING Optiplan a div of Waltons - Paper based top retrieval filing systems Specialised Filing Systems - Total Solution and more Tidy Files - Complete onsite and offsite filing solutions TOYS, HOBBIES AND GAMES Pyrotec - Toby Tower Stickers and Activities TRANSFER LETTERING AND SIGNS Parrot Products - Vinyl lettering TRANSPARENCIES Kolok - Penguin transparencies for inkjet and laser OEM, Penguin and HP Transparencies Rexel Office Products - NOBO range
T TAPES Palm Stationery Manufacturers TELECOMMUNICATIONS Nikki Distributors - Siemens office phones TELEX ROLLS AND TELETEX PAPER Rotunda (Pty) Ltd.
Spend 98% less time shredding*
AUTOFEED *Max saving when using an Auto+ 500X compared to a traditional feed shredder in a similar price level.
Auto+ 60X
Auto+ 80X
Auto+ 100X | 100M
buyers’ guide
See page 46 for contact details
DID YOU KNOW? • The Buyers’ Guide is an affordable way to highlight your brands while simultaneously introducing up-and-coming stockists to the trade. • The Buyers’ Guide is a valuable sourcing tool to market your business and the brands that you carry. • To book space, contact Wendy on or (011) 781 0088.
Working for you
Auto+ 200X
Auto+ 300X | 300M
Auto+ 500X | 500M
Auto+ 750X | 750M
CONTACT DETAILS HERE African Filing Systems
Kolok - Port Elizabeth
011 614 9445
086 540 6892
AZ Trading (
086 111 4407
011 792 9732
BIC South Africa (Pty) Ltd ( 7
011 474 0181 011 474 6068
PO BOX 43144, Industria, 2042 16 Maraisburg Road, Industria, 2042
BSC Stationery Sales (
011 086 2900
Box 278, Brakpan, 1540
011 420 3322
CTP Stationery (
011 226 5600
Box 43501, Industria, 2042
011 474 9242
Dis Cartridges (
011 609 3437/9
PO Box 75881, Gardenview 2047
011 609 3448
D.O.S (Denton Office Solutions) (
086 000 7468
086 237 4614
Empire Toy & Stationery (
011 614 2243
Box 261524, Excom, 2023
011 614 3075
Flip File (
021 638 3105
Box 2190, Clareinch, 7740
021 633 6942
031 205 7092
Redfern Print Services - Johannesburg (
041 406 9900
Box 3163, North End, 6056
011 837 4119
Box 1445, Crown Mines, 2025
041 406 9920
011 837 8917
Rexel Office Products
Kolok - Namibia (
00264 (61)370500
Box 40797, Ausspannplatz, Namibia
00264 (61)370525
Kolok - Nelspruit (
013 758 2233
Box 4338, White River, 1240
013 758 2235
Kolok - Bloemfontein
011 226 3300
011 837 2781
Rotunda (Pty) Ltd. (
021 799 5770
021 761 5601
15 Hillstar Avenue, Wetton, 7780
Royce Imaging Industries (
011 792 9530
011 792 9480
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Head Office
051 433 1876
PvtBag X01, Brandhof, Bloemfontein
051 433 2451
Kolok - Botswana (
00267 393 2669
PvtBag B0226, Bontleng, Gaborone
00267 317 0762
Krost Office Products (
011 626 2067
Box 75401, Gardenview, 2047
011 626 2912
031 465 3992
P O Box 41259, Rossburgh, 4072
031 465 1669
Maynards - Olympus Audio S.A / Olivetti Distributors
011 262 1400
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
011 262 1414
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Cape Town (
021 448 7008
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
021 448 7014
Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Durban (
083 377 4109
Box 931, Wendywood, 2144
031 266 1082
South African Diaries (
021 442 2340
Box 4862, Cape Town, 8000
021 442 2341
Staedtler SA (Pty) Ltd (
011 579 1600
011 608 3497
Specialised Filing Systems
Global Envelopes
011 477 0640
011 477 3528
Star Stationers and Printers
031 465 5544
031 465 5634
Suite 69, PvtBag X4, Kloof, 3640
Merpak Envelopes
031 569 1061
011 719 7700
031 569 1094
011 885 3174
Technical Systems Engineering
Gordon’s Productions ( 7
031 705 8713 031 705 8714
Grafton/Star Paper Products
0860 00 1922
011 262 0777
Box 550, Bergvlei, 2012
Nikki - Cape Town
011 708 2304
Box 1532, Northriding, 2162
011 262 0780
0860 006731
011 708 1799
0800 204868
Tidy Files
Hortors Stationery (
011 620 4800
Box 1020, Johannesburg, 2000
Nikki - Durban
086 612 4663
0860 006731
0800 204868
011 837 8045
011 837 7442
Ink Spot Suppliers (
011 854 3013
011 852 3013
Nikki - Johannesburg
Interstat Agencies - Durban ( 7
031 569 6550 031 569 6559
011 943 4210
0860 006731
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Cape Town
0800 204868
021 787 9600
021 787 9791
PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948
Box 201707, Durban North, 4016
Nikki - Pretoria
0860 006731
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Johannesburg
0800 204868
011 611 1820
59 Lepus Rd, Crown Mines, 2025
011 611 1834
Interstat Agencies - Cape Town (
021 551 9555
Box 36696, Chempet, 7442
Optiplan a division of Waltons
021 557 5456
011 620 4000
Pencil Park, Croxley Close, Herriotdale
Tower (Division of Pyrotec) Durban
086 681 8256
031 701 0192
Box 594, Pinetown, 3600
031 701 1285
Interstat Agencies - Port Elizabeth (
041 453 2558
Box 27693, Greenacres, 6057
Palm Stationery
041 453 8504
031 507 7051
Unicopy & Stationers CC
031 507 7053
031 201 8415
122 Che Guevara Road, Glenwood, 4001
031 201 8672
Kemtek Imaging Systems (
011 624 8000
Box 86173, City Deep, 2049
Parrot Products
0866 101 185
Kemtek Imaging Systems - Cape ( 7
021 521 9600 021 551 5032
011 607 7600 011 615 2502
011 226 5600
Box 43501, Industria, 2042
011 474 9242
Box 181, Cape Town, 8000
021 521 2400
Box 36964, Chempet, 7442
021 521 2402/3
Kemtek Imaging Systems - KZN (
031 700 9363
Box 15685, Westmead, 3608
Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd
031 700 9369
011 474 1427/8
Box 202, Crown Mines, 2025
011 474 5563
Kemtek Imaging Systems - PE (
041 582 5222
Box 15685, Westmead, 3608
041 582 5224
Kemtek Imaging Systems - PTA (
012 804 1410
PO Box 816, Silverton, 0127
012 804 4286
021 709 0190
Box 183, Steenberg, 7947
021 709 0199
Kolok - Head Office (
011 248 0300
Box 4151, Johannesburg, 2000
011 248 0381
Kolok - Cape Town
Powerhouse Dictation (
011 887 1056
086 555 3833
Power Stationery (
032 533 4003
Box 1305, Verulam, 4340
032 533 3254
Press Products (
011 493 6332
011 499 1019
Pyrotec (
021 787 9600
PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948
021 787 9791
RBE Stationery Manufacturers (Pty) Limited
021 597 2700
Box 6385, Roggebaai, 8012
021 297 2799
Kolok - Durban (
031 570 4900
Box 4206, Riverhorse Valley East, 4017
031 569 6880
Kolok Polokwane (
015 298 8795
Box 862, Ladanna, 0704
015 298 8315
011 793 7321
011 793 7348
Reboni Furniture Group (
086 173 2664
086 627 7737
Win this! winner
The winner of the Tower hamper in our November issue is Karlien Ehlers of Deans Stationery
Redfern Print Services - Cape Town (
021 552 9680
Box 403, Milnerton, 7435
021 552 9681
Redfern Print Services - Durban (
031 205 9598
my office magazine
Vol 100 - December 2016
win this
Win this! Write in and stand a chance to win a hamper from Tower. Send your contact details to with Tower in the subject line.
Going back to school? We all know it can be a little chaotic. Get things organised with this comprehensive hamper from Tower.
34 X 70mm
The hamper contains: 1X Everyday Photo Quality Paper 1X Magnetic Weekly Planner 1X Self Adhesive Book Cover – 10m 1X Lever Arch Labels 2X Teachers Labels (English and Afrikaans) 1X Silver stars 1X Sand Art 1X Blue Border Labels 2X Fun Book Labels 2X Large stars (Gold and Silver) 1X Faces roll (1000 faces) 1X Lint remover 1X Bath Crayons
F FUN BOOK LLABELS 38 3 8 X 75mm
Head Office Cape Town +27 21 787 9600
Johannesburg (011) 611 1820
Durban (031) 700 1481 148
Caption this!
Send us your funniest caption for the photograph below and you stand a chance to win a Rexel Joy A4 Laminator valued at R2 000. Send your Punchline and contact details to competitions@shop-sa. with Punchline in the subject line
Be Brighter with JOY! Brighten up your laminating with this simple colourful modern laminator. Ideal for occasional use in the office or home environment. Featured with hot and cold settings, it has been designed for use with A4 size pouches up to 2x125 microns. With a compact, slimline design it’s easy to store. • • • • • •
Max Micron pouch 250 Hot and cold settings Occasional office/home use Jam release Colours: Pretty Pink and Blissful Blue Compact slimline design for easy storage
WINNING CAPTION OCTOBER ISSUE Winning Caption: “I am all fired up for 2017” – Wendy Stoltz, Johannesburg
For the BRIGHT T at heart!
Rexel PUNCHLine Working for you
Matching staplers available
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