Vol 96 Issue 5

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shop sa Vol 96 Issue 5

The Official Magazine of the Stationery, Home and Office Products Association

Crafty Art ideas Turn excess inventory into cash How to sell‌ paper shredders Company Profile: Powerhouse Dictation Systems

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volume 96 - issue 5

shop sa

shop-sa Magazine is the official magazine of the Southern African Association for Stationery, Home and Office Products. It is read by over 30 000 buyers and sellers of stationery and office products each month.

ISSUE 8 • 2012


voL 96

DelICIoUSly hot DrInkS


EDITOR Mercédes Westbrook - mercedes@shop-sa.co.za

voL 96 ISSUE 5


tACklIng the emotIonAl vAmPIre offICe tIPS for ProDUCtIvIty tIme-SAvIng fIlIng CABInetS

SUB EDITOR Lisa Dewberry - lisa@shop-sa.co.za SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER Neil Caetano - neil@shop-sa.co.za Financial Controller Bill André - bill@shop-sa.co.za

CrAfty Art IDeAS www.shop-sa.co.za

ADVERTISING Anna-Marie West - anna-marie@shop-sa.co.za Wendy Dancer - wendy@shop-sa.co.za

tUrn exCeSS Inventory Into CASh hoW to Sell… PAPer ShreDDerS ComPAny ProfIle: PoWerhoUSe DICtAtIon SyStemS


NATIONAL OFFICE Events and Regions: David Nkabinde New Membership: Rachel Skink Product Training and Web Facilitator: Wendy Dancer Reception: Ruth Montsho BOARD OF DIRECTORS Allan Thompson, Kolok Unlimited Baron Combrinck, Interstat Agencies Bill Bayley, Rexel Brian Taylor, Forms Media Independent Africa Dave Jameson, Antalis South Africa Dion Botma, Ledger Systems Gary Pickford (Finance), Advanced Channel Technologies Geoff Logan, Waltons (Pty) Ltd George dos Ramos, City Office (Pty) Ltd Hans Servas (Chairman), Honorary/Life Member of shop-sa Helen Goodson, Redfern Print Service Herman Botha, PNA James Sibeko, Jabatha Paper & Stationery Ryan Bidgood (Vice Chair), OfficeNational Africa (Pty) Ltd Wessel Germishuizen, Libri Stationery CONTACT US PO Box 3226, Parklands, 2121 132 Jan Smuts Ave, Parklands. Tel: +27 (0)11 880 1147 Fax: +27 (0)11 880 1677 Email: info@shop-sa.co.za Website: www.shop-sa.co.za


Green does matter An eco news update.


News update 8 Local and international developments in the industry. Association News 28 Member news and updates.

CONTRIBUTIONS Letters and editorial contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to the editor at editor@shop-sa.co.za. Publication cannot be guaranteed and is subject to space and the editor’s discretion. THE LEGAL BIT Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy the publisher and editor cannot accept responsibility for supplied material. The opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of shop-sa. Copyright is strictly reserved and no part of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Stationery sponsored by

Marketing Savvy

I’d really like it if it all just worked 12 Gavin Moffat discusses the issue of products and services working.


Retail Savvy

Turning excess retail inventory into cash 18 Ted Hurlbut offers advice on turning dead inventory into a profit.

Special Feature

Calling on our inner artist 22 Some crafty gift ideas for friends and family.



Company Profile 26 An in-depth look at Powerhouse Dictation Systems. shop-sa Events The associations’ events are showcased.


In every issue

Editors’ Discussion 4 Chairpersons’ Welcome 6 Product showcase 50 Buyers guide 52 Punchline 60

Lessons from Mom 14 Aki Kalliatakis discusses lessons from Mom applied in business. How to sell… paper shredders 16 Tips for marketers on selling paper shredders.

Office paper sponsored by

Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation PRINTED BY Colorpress (pty) ltd. - printed on Hi-Q paper supplied by Antalis


shopsa magazine

Vol 96 - Issue 5

volume 96 - issue


shop sa voL 96 ISSUE 5


ISSUE 8 • 2012


voL 96 ISSUE 5

DelICIoUSly hot DrInkS tACklIng the emotIonAl vAmPIre offICe tIPS for ProDUCtIvIty tIme-SAvIng fIlIng CABInetS

In this issue CrAfty Art IDeAS



Self Help

Who’s the emotional vampire in your life? 34 Advice about handling emotionally draining relationships.

Special Features

Essential tips for a free flow office 38 Tips for creating a free flowing office.

tUrn exCeSS Inventory Into CASh hoW to Sell… PAPer ShreDDerS ComPAny ProfIle: PoWerhoUSe DICtAtIon SyStemS


Office Furniture

Want a time-saver filing cabinet? 42 Advice on choosing the right cabinet for your office.


Books and CD reviews 44 A look at the latest books and CDs.


Competition Page Win This! Giveaways up for grabs.

Current Issues



Online Savvy

The future is cloudy Arthur Goldstruck gives guidance on the best cloud services.


The e-tolling saga continues 46 The latest developments concerning the e-tolling system.


Healthy winter drinks to warm the heart 33 A look at the extensive variety of warm winter drinks available.

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ed column

What role does digital or print play in your current life? Digital drive

Paper for what?

Mercédes Westbrook, editor shop-sa

Lisa Dewberry, sub-editor shop-sa

I first sat in front of a computer after leaving school while studying Journalism in KwaZulu-Natal. Now, almost 20 years on, I can’t function without technology. I have my Iphone on me constantly, and catch up my emails while in the traffic on the way to work. At night I lie in bed and listen to music or a meditation on my Ipad. I plug my Ipod into the car for music and I have a laptop and wireless ADSL on 24 hours a day at home and at work. Information technology helps me with directions while travelling to appointments, I am kept connected on a global basis via Google, Linked in and Skype and can update the shop-sa website or Facebook page from anywhere in the country. Interestingly, I have also started keeping an online digital diary, similar to a blog that is stored privately in the cloud. Sadly, I hardly ever buy a magazine anymore and then only those that are of very high quality for their graphic content which I use for my art and keep, much like a good book. I do buy books regularly however, for the children and for myself when travelling or a new release of a favourite author. I like the feel and weight of a book and it is easier to take to the beach than an Ipad. I believe that while the print industry is shifting from magazines to other focus areas such as packaging and product brochures and photo books it won’t see a total demise, there will always be niche markets within the trade. What has changed is that I have stopped watching television. It is too time consuming and with the world at my fingertips while on the move, I no longer have to be stationery to gather information or entertain myself. Digital media, connectivity, and the globe is now my passion. m


shopsa magazine

When it comes to paper versus the digital world, most of my adult life has been largely influenced by the digital era with me hardly needing a sheet of paper for anything. During my school days, I consulted encyclopedias for research, however I quickly made the discovery of Google, allowing me to find my answers to any question in under a minute and over used the phrase ‘just Google it’, for any question I had. I also remember consulting a mapbook for directions as a teenager, but as a young adult I no longer needed to know where my destination was, I could simply type the address into my GPS and it found the quickest route for me. Starting out as a newspaper journalist, I used to go through numerous notepads of comment for my articles and although I still use notepads, my phone and dictaphone have become my best friends with me live tweeting, Facebooking and recording press conferences. And hopefully soon, it will be my trusty iPad I will be whipping out. The paper world for me is virtually non-existent – I have not printed a photograph since I left university; I buy my groceries and clothing online and I receive emails and invitations to my phone. However, while technology has made my life convenient, it has also made me immediately and constantly accessible, stressing me out and aiding a short attention span, which may in the long run heighten stress. Perhaps by not saving the trees and slowing the world down, we could be saving our health, however there may not be a world left at all, if we don’t opt for the digital route. m

Vol 96 - Issue 5


shop-sa update

Board Director’s report back Dear Members, Following the announcement regarding the status of shop-sa in the last issue, I am pleased to inform you of actions taken thus far. Responsibilities and reporting lines have been implemented as follows: 1. Mercedes Westbrook – Magazine, Advertising, and Website. Supported by Anna-Marie West, Wendy Dancer, Neil Caetano and Lisa Dewberry. 2. Bill Andre – Finance/Admin and Membership, including Database. Supported by David Nkabinde, Rachel Skink and Ruth Montsho.

Both report to myself, supported by the relevant Board Portfolio heads. Advertising Rates have been reviewed, decreased and implemented, including the decision to incorporate the shop-sa consumer title My Office into the shop-sa magazine, making the publication more attractive to both trade and end-users. Social events will be arranged by the Regional Committees and coordinated by Dion Bothma, supported by David Nkabinde.

The Working Committee made up of Ryan Bidgood, Bill Bayley, Gary Pickford, Alan Thompson and myself, meets on a monthly basis to review progress and initiate further action. Needless to say, it is encouraging to note the full support and commitment of the Board and staff. There is no doubt that with the support of all members and advertisers, shop-sa will be back on track in no time!! Thank you all

Targets for all staff have been set, linked to an incentive structure on a three month trial basis, ensuring on-going motivation.

Hans Servas Chairman: shop-sa

shop-sa Database Update


hop-sa is hard at work to clean up and increase its database reach. In this regard, a number of projects have been devised and implemented.

shop-sa is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) The ABC supplies unique circulation data to the advertising and marketing industries and certifies that shop-sa prints and distributes 8 000 magazines to the industry on a


shopsa magazine

monthly basis. The ABC certification is based on audited figures by a Registered Accountant and Auditor verifying shop-sa’s circulation, by means of a circulation certificate. As shop-sa extends its database, so will the circulation figures increase on the ABC audit.

The database update for April 2012 is : • 56 new companies added to database • 35 existing companies deleted • 162 companies being researched for inclusion in the database by 11.5.12 • 786 stationers being researched for inclusion in the database by 31.5.12.

This is the first of a regular report back to readers regarding shopsa’s endeavours to better serve and administer the office products industry and its related markets.

If you feel there is any person or business who we should be speaking to or who needs to receive our monthly magazine, please contact Bill Andre on bill@shop-sa.co.za or T: 011 880 1147.

Vol 96 - Issue 5





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local & industry news

LG launches 3D World LG Electronics (LG) announced the worldwide opening of 3D World, a premium content service that will be available to LG’s CINEMA 3D Smart TV users in nearly 70 countries. With DNA from LG’s original 3D Zone Smart TV app launched last year, 3D World gives LG customers access to an expansive selection of high quality 3D content via a ‘card’ on the Home Dashboard. The content service allows customers the ability to search through high quality 3D content across numerous content categories such as entertainment, sports, documentary, children and lifestyle. Once the content is selected, LG’s CINEMA 3D Smart TV brings it to life in beautifully rendered 3D images. The action scenes in sports become more dynamic and exciting, documentaries more realistic, educational videos in the kids’ category more captivating. Whether it’s cooking, travel, fashion or any other interest, there’s something for everyone. In addition to the content, LG plans to pursue further collaborations with global 3D content providers to bring the most sought after 3D content to LG customers.

‘That’s Positivenergy’ Recently, Energizer launched a major brand communication platform, worldwide, that encourages you together with Energizer to make a positive difference to the world. This communication platform is represented by the words ‘That’s Positivenergy’ and was brought to life in South Africa by offering great opportunities to participate in exciting activities and to win terrific prizes. One of the facets was a competition to uplift South African talent. An amount of 10 people stood a chance to win a bursary worth R10 000. And winners, who were computer-selected at random, could take up the bursary themselves, or offer it to someone else – a relative, a friend or a protégé, for instance. Winners were all bowled over at news of their win, whether it was to fulfill their own dream or help someone else fulfill theirs. The bursaries are being used for an interesting variety of studies. In KwaZulu-Natal, one of the winners will realise her dream to get into the medical field by becoming a paramedic. Another is studying IT at Durban University of Technology while a third is going into the food industry. Seeing 10 people moving forward in their careers is positive evidence that ‘Positivenergy’ combines performance plus responsibility. It also underlines Energizer’s commitment to responsible power, and serving the community. For more information visit www.energizer.co.za or follow us on www.facebook.com/energizersa.

APC Storage Solutions SA to showcase at SAPICS 2012 To provide warehouse professionals with insight into leading storage technology and industry advancements, APC Storage Solutions SA will be exhibiting its latest products and services at the SAPICS 34th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Sun City from 3 to 5 June. Of the newest additions to a product range that includes warehouse automation, industrial racking and shelving, the Artix articulated forklift promises to highlight how existing warehouses can optimise and drastically increase pallet counts per square meter, whether using conventional or narrow aisle racking. Fred Albrecht, managing director of the company, will present to the conference’s expected 1 000 delegates some of the latest warehouse design innovations in a whitepaper titled Warehouse design in Europe is suitable for South Africa: is this a myth? Industry trends, such as mobile racking and digitisation of warehouse management, will also be discussed with relation to the uniquely local and African markets. For more information, visit www.apcstoragesolutions.co.za


shopsa magazine

Drawing digitally on analog paper You’ve definitely heard about WacomTechnologies. The company is predominantly known for its pressure sensitive drawing tablets. Lots of artists use them. But those who can afford it still prefer the Wacom Cintiq, which is an interactive pen display. Why? Well, it has everything to do with eye-hand coordination. On a tablet you’re not watching your hand but the screen. On a Cintiq, you are actually drawing on the screen - which comes closer to resembling drawing on paper. The latest addition to their product line however, is neither a tablet nor a screen. It is a pen called ‘Inkling’. It has real ink and it is intended for drawing on real paper. Obviously, it is much more than that. It gives you the advantage of drawing on paper while adding the advantages of drawing digitally. The Inkling is nothing less than brilliant: it basically turns your Steinbach into a layered Photoshop or Illustrator canvas. It is high tech perfectly married up with high touch. - Sappi: www.whatsnextmagazine.net Vol 96 - Issue 5


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eco news

Green does matter Development of green technology to prevent the health risk in food and investment in carbon neutral programmes by companies are just two innovative ways companies are having a positive effect on the environment. Sanitising technology developed to reduce food health risk ArcAqua, an eco-friendly technology developer, recently developed the NOZ ozone-based sanitising system, technology that is proven to kill 99.9% of all known bacteria reducing the risk of food poisoning with the added benefit of extending the shelf life of fresh food (up to doubling it in certain instances). Crispin Russell, managing director of ArcAqua, says the company is taking its first steps in conquering the global market, thanks partly to funding from Invenfin, a venture capital firm. He says the patented NOZ system is made up of a control unit containing a sealed, in-line chamber in which ozone is generated by means of a corona discharge and nozzle.

“The ozone is mixed through the nozzle with water to produce a fine spray for application. Ozone is a marvel of nature as it rapidly destroys pollutants by attacking and oxidising the micro-organism’s cell wall and reverting it to oxygen. The results have sparked local and international interest from restaurateurs, industrial cleaning companies and hotel chains recognising the economic benefits and that it is a green, chemical-free alternative to traditional sanitising solutions,� says Russell. Hychem, supplier of chemicals, environmental solutions, accessories and associated services in the hospitality industry, was recently appointed as their South African distributor. According to Russell, since the launch of the product became



eco news

known, the international response has been overwhelming with a number of foreign companies expressing interest in their technology. “While the food and hospitality industries are ArcAqua’s initial targets, the NOZ system can easily be adapted for application in a wide variety of industries from the medical and laboratory fields to public facilities such as factories, gyms, bathrooms and even in the home,” he says.

Transportation Company launches carbon-neutral shipping programme FedEx Express, an express transportation company, is launching a carbon-neutral shipping program for its packaging solution for document shipping. This programme makes it the first company in the transportation industry to offer a carbon-neutral shipping option at no extra charge to the customer. FedEx Express will make an investment in projects around the world that displace or sequester greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere, neutralising impacts of the carbon emissions emitted during the shipment of all FedEx Express envelopes around the world. Beth Galetti, vice president for

planning and engineering of FedEx Express Europe, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa, says through the carbon-neutral Fed Ex Envelope shipping programme, FedEx will calculate on an annual basis the tons of carbon dioxide released through the shipment of all global envelopes. “More than 200 million FedEx Express envelopes are shipped around the world every year. The company will purchase the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide offsets from BP Target Neutral, a nonprofit organisation, which will neutralise the equivalent amount of CO2 emissions by investing in alternative energy or conservation projects,” he says. These projects include biogas facilities on farms in the Netherlands; a reforestation project in the Tanzanian Southern Highlands converting degraded grassland to commercial forest; and a landfill gas collection system at Thailand’s first sanitary landfill. According to Galetti, the initiative is recognised as part of EarthSmart, the FedEx sustainability program, offering concrete solutions that benefit the planet and the company’s environmental performance. “Customers around the world value responsible business practices. By making the our envelope shipping carbon-neutral, customers

are provided with an environmentallysound solution backed by high-quality service which is a win-win solution the customer can be proud of,” he says. Mitch Jackson, staff vice president of environmental affairs and sustainability for FedEx Corporation, says FedEx has changed behaviours and invested in technologies to directly reduce greenhouse gases from their greatest sources including planes, trucks and facilities and is well on its way to meeting ambitious emission reduction goals. “Since 2008, our company has set global targets to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicle and air transport. By the end of 2011, vehicle fuel efficiencies improved by more than 16% and aircraft carbon dioxide emissions declined by 13.8% compared to 2005 levels. An impressive investment in solar energy has also complemented the company’s environmental efforts,” he says. Jackson says there have been six solar installations with a capacity of more than six megawatts of clean, renewable energy each year and solar panels at the FedEx Express hub at Cologne generate more than 800 000 kilowatt hours of energy on an annual basis. “Additionally, 51 FedEx facilities in Europe are ISO 14001:2004 certified, including the European hub at RoissyCharles De Gaulle in Paris. The company’s carbon-neutral programme extends to all FedEx Express envelope shipping options,” he says.



marketing savvy Acknowledgment Gavin Moffat (gavin@puruma.com or www.twitter.com/gavinmoffat)

I’d really like it if it all just worked I have been involved in some or other form with IT since I first touched, with a sense of awe, a Commodore 64 back in the late 80’s. By today’s terms the 64K memory of the C64 had would be a great deal more than just laughable as current circuitry in an air conditioning system is probably more advanced.


rom what I recall however, the Commodore 64 worked. I only used it a couple of times to do assignments but it worked. Somehow in the intervening years, complexity has increased by a huge factor; output and capabilities have increased by a similar number; but the actual ability of devices to just work has not. It almost seems as though we have sacrificed the workability and userfriendly nature of earlier products for all the bells and whistles, that if we are honest, none of us ever use.

A perfect example of this is a smart phone. Raise your hand if you are a power user of a mobile phone. You are able to tell me all of the awesome stuff that it does. You use all the great functions (other than


shopsa magazine

email, sms, camera and internet). Nope? Your hand is not in the air. Well then you’re one of the majority who also do not use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or any other desktop software to its fullest extent. A mobile phone can do all these wonderful things but what are the chances of your battery running out before lunch time, calls being dropped or the disappearance of the Blackberry Internet Service that you are so attached to? Probably quite high. And that’s really my point. Many of these IT things we have not asked for. Steve Jobs has decided that he knows what we need before we do. If you look at the sales figures and revenue for Apple and Samsung you would say that he was definitely on the right track. But what about stuff just doing what you need it to do (as opposed to all of those features that you want but don’t need) and working, each time every time. You probably saw the joke that was doing the rounds a couple of years ago about what would happen to your car if

it was made by Microsoft: For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a week, every time they repainted the lines on the road, you would have to buy a new car, occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all the windows, shut off the engine, restart the car and then reopen all the windows before you could continue. For some reason, you would simply accept this. And so on. The point being that we as consumers seem to have an increasing level of acceptance of things that don’t work the way they should, the way the packaging says they would or the advertising promised. Maybe we should start being a little more fussy and use the channels that we have available to tell the brands we deal with every day this is an ethical issue to remind them that all we really want is something that works like it should - like my trusty Toyota - that always starts, never breaks down and just goes and goes. m Vol 96 - Issue 5

FULL PAGE AD 13 PO Box 43501, Industria 2042, Rep of South Africa • 1 Blumberg Street, Industria West, Johannesburg, Rep of South Africa, 2093 Tel: +27 (0)11 226 5600 • Fax: +27 (0)11 474 9242 • sales@versafile.co.za www.ctpstationery.co.za

customer care Acknowledgment Aki Kalliatakis is a professional speaker and author. For information on Aki’s programmes, books and DVDs visit: www.DelightYourCustomers.co.za

Lessons from Mom A teenage girl offers to babysit a family friend’s young children to earn extra pocket money. On the first night of her new job, she asks her mother for advice. After a few seconds, her mom replies: “Two things. First, no matter how bad the kids are and how much trouble they cause, when the parents come home, you tell them everything was fine. Second, leave the house cleaner than you found it.”



his month is Mothers’ Day, a day in which we are reminded of all of the wonderful things our moms meant to us and say thanks for the great job they did. Yes, our moms were sometimes a big pain as we were growing up, but as the little story above shows, there are some wonderful lessons from our mothers we can apply to business too.

shopsa magazine

When I look back on my life, all of the most important stuff I need to know was probably deeply embedded by the time I was 10: Respect other people; don’t hurt others; be courteous and kind; say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’; say ‘sorry’ when you wrong; shake hands to greet; clean up after yourself; don’t take things belonging to others; sharing is caring; listen more than you speak, watch and understand; your brother, sister and friends are some of the Vol 96 - Issue 5

customer care

most important people to you so be nice to them; and being kind to others will make you feel good. If the businesses I dealt with followed these simple rules, I bet their customers would be incredibly loyal and wouldn’t mind what price they paid to be a part of that business. Take this one example: One of the things I hated most was my mom forcing me to write thank you notes, but it has now become one of the most important habits in my life. Why is it that we have become so blasé in businesses about our customers? What does it take to say ‘thank you’ or even better, to scribble out a little note? I know I have spent a small fortune with so many companies: my banks, various airlines, hotels, cell phone companies, print companies and I can count the times I’ve been acknowledged on one hand. But I’ll tell you the result of this - most people who I thank for even the smallest acts of kindness write back to me and thank me for thanking them. I have to admit though when I became a dad I realised what a wonderful job parents do apart from teaching us the most important stuff. Being a parent was never supposed to be easy, but my boys have no idea how exhausting it is. In fact, Bill Gates was supposed to have said in a speech to young graduates: “Before you were born, your parents weren’t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are.” It was only when I became a dad www.shop-sa.co.za

that I understood what parents sacrifice when their children are born. Like all those endless nights wandering around the house comforting a crying baby, or patiently and repeatedly teaching and explaining the simplest little things like how to tie shoelaces, or throw a cricket ball. I remember the paranoia and fear about the thousands of ways that children can hurt themselves and then holding back so they don’t pick up on our fears. I remember cleaning up after all the mess without complaining, doing my best to build their self-esteem through praise and reassurance and choosing not to go to adult places on holiday. And I’m perfectly okay with all of this because of the incredible pleasure that I get from my beautiful children and their successes. But do you make the same sacrifices for your customers? Would you be willing to do the things your parents did to make sure your customers equally bring you pleasure and success? I’m willing to bet if you just follow the most basic rules, your business will fly. I began this article with a story about a little girl and I’d like to share another of my

favourite stories with you. A boy walked into a coffee shop and asked the manager if he could use the phone. Sitting nearby was a salesman who listened in on the conversation. It began with the boy saying: “Hi, Mrs. Wilson. My name is Jimmy and I’d really like to mow your lawn on weekends.” After a pause he said, “Okay I understand that, but I promise you I’d not only do a better job, but I’ll also charge you less.” Again, there was a pause as he listened to the response and then he said, “But are you sure, Mrs. Wilson? Because you will be better off with me doing your lawn.” He ended off by saying, “Okay Mrs. Wilson. Thank you and good bye.” Not wanting to see little Jimmy discouraged, the salesman called him over and said, “Hey Jimmy, don’t worry. Rejection is a natural part of sales and you mustn’t let this put you off. Hang in there my boy. You’ll see, one day you’ll succeed.” Quietly, the boy turned to the salesman and said, “I wasn’t trying to cut Mrs. Wilson’s lawn sir. I’ve been doing that for the last month already. I just wanted to make sure that she was happy with the job that I’m doing.” So who is the smarter businessman? m

shopsa magazine


How to sell…

How to sell…

paper shredders More businesses and individuals are choosing paper shredders that protect against crimes such as identity theft. Sales people need to be aware that security, ease of use and safety in shredders has improved over the years and there are a wide variety of machines available.


here are many things to consider when purchasing a paper shredder which can seem overwhelming for any customer. With the privacy of information at stake, it’s important for customers to make the right selection.

Sheet capacity, motor size and waste volume are just a few elements to consider when narrowing down the selection on models. It is also important to note that shredding volume increases with time so customers must factor in the company’s growth element when deciding on a shredder.

Who will be using the shredder?

The number of people using a shredder and their individual requirements can vary greatly so it is important to understand the needs of the team. It’s not just the obvious places like accounts departments which need to dispose information securely. Wherever there’s a photocopier, there’s a security risk through spoiled or surplus copies of sensitive documents. The reception can use a shredder for visitor information while the sales and marketing division can use a shredder for new product ideas, customer data, competitor information and sales forecasts. Home offices can use shredders for credit card


shopsa magazine

slips, bank statements, personal data and company confidential data.

How much will the customer be shredding each day? How frequently a customer shreds confidential documents has a significant bearing on which machine will fit their needs. While all machines can handle daily and weekly shredding, the larger shredders are better for monthly and quarterly shredding of large volumes of material. Daily usage can be broken down to four categories which are personal shredders (for one daily user), small office shredders (for one to five daily users), general office shredders (for six to 10 daily users) and commercial shredders (for 10 or more daily users).

How confidential is the information the customer wishes to shred? The levels of security a paper shredder provides is measured by the DIN Security Level found in the features listing of the shredder. It ranges from one to five and is determined by how small the paper is shredded. The typical options are strip-cut, cross-cut and micro-cut. Strip-cut paper shredders cut documents into thin strips about 40 to 50 strips per letter-sized page and offer low-level security. Cross-cut paper shredders offer a higher level of security than the strip-cut variety, with a letter-sized page cut into approximately 300 to 400 small square pieces. Micro-cut shredders offer the

highest level security and shred a letter size paper into approximately 1600 to 3000 tiny pieces. • Security Level 1: General paperwork – Strip-cut (10.5mm) • Security Level 2: Sensitive internal documents – Strip-cut (3.9mm) • Security Level 3: Confidential documents – Cross-cut (10.5mm x 40-80mm) • Security Level 4: Highly sensitive documents - Extremely fine cross-cut (3.9mm x 30mm) • Security Level 5: Espionage safe documents – Cross-cut (1.9mm x 15mm) • Security Level 6: Top secret documents – Cross-cut (0.78mm x 11mm)

Additional consider



Shredders have various combinations of features including the automatic start/stop, where the shredder detects the presence of paper; a light or buzzer to alert you to paper jams or a full shredder basket and reverse feed to help clear paper jams. Some shredders handle staples or paper clips; include a slot for CDs or credit cards or a clear window to see when the basket needs emptying. Other shredders have safety features such as sensors that stop the shredder if items come too close to the opening. Certain shredders may tie you into using a specific size of basket so a unit that fits both round and rectangular baskets of varying sizes is necessary for greatest flexibility. m Vol 96 - Issue 5





“I trust my shredder to do its job, so that I can do mine!”


Priscilla Bouwer OPSA/Rexel SA National Office Professional of the Year. Executive PA to Johan Louw, MD, Yokogawa SA (Pty) Ltd.








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retail savvy Acknowledgment Ted Hurlbut is the Principal of Hurlbut & Associates, a merchandising and inventory management consulting firm based in Medway, Massachusetts.

Turning Excess Retail Inventory Into Cash Many businesses struggle with dead inventory and are left unsure of what to do about this problem. Ted Hurlbut offers some helpful advice on how to turn dead inventory into a profit in your business.


recent conversation with a client reminded me of how much some small (and not-sosmall) retailers struggle with dead inventory. My client related how, slowly, gradually, almost imperceptively over time, the percentage of dead inventory had grown. As it was growing, the problem was thought to be modest, because the rate of growth appeared to be modest, so modest measures were taken to deal with it.


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An extra markdown here, a special promotion there, but still there seemed to be more of it this month than there was last. Finally, when the sheer amount of inventory involved became inescapable, and the realisation came that the measures to deal with it weren’t close to being sufficient, the whole thing started to feel overwhelming. So if you’re looking at a build-up of dead inventory and feel a little overwhelmed by the enormity of it, here are a few ideas to help you get started turning it into cash: • Patience and persistence – You didn’t get into this situation overnight and you’re not going to get out of it overnight (Unless of course, getting

10 cents on the Rand from a liquidator makes sense to you, which it may in extreme cases). Build ups of dead inventory are frequently accompanied by a cash flow crunch, so the instinct to search for a quick fix can be strong. The solution however, rests with a persistent, sustained effort designed to deliver consistent, incremental results. The first and most important step is establishing reasonable, attainable expectations for what can be accomplished in any given period of time. Can you return it? You never know until you ask. And if you ask firmly, and structure your request as a win/ win proposition, most vendors will be Vol 96 - Issue 5

pump brand ideas 3474


Home is where our heart is. Every sheet of Typek starts its journey in a forest. And because Sappi forests create oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, every sheet of Typek also helps provide cleaner air for us all. So why buy paper from elsewhere in the world, when our own environmentally friendly, FSC certiďŹ ed paper can make a world of difference right here at home.

retail savvy

reluctant to respond with a flat out ‘No.’ What do you have that your vendor might find valuable in return for its help? Your next purchase order perhaps. A test order on that new item or programme your vendor has been after you to try. Maybe an increased share of your business. Open the dialogue, show your vendor the inventory you’re sitting on. It might have outlets that it can sell it to. Make clear that your request is a one-time thing, not a new standard operating procedure. Maybe the best your vendor can do is offer markdown money, or an additional discount off your next purchase order. At a minimum, that would help with cash flow. Segment your dead inventory. It is critical to recognise that dead inventory is made up of merchandise with dramatically different characteristics and market value. I recommend breaking your dead inventory into three categories, which I call (for no other reason than I think these are very descriptive terms) low hanging fruit, sludge, and everything else.

Low hanging fruit This is the most desirable inventory, the most marketable and the easiest to sell and turn into cash quickly. It’s the quick win. Start here. Break out a style or item, feature it, sign it, price it to move now and get your cash. When that style sells through, break out the next style or item. If you’ve been struggling with tight cash flow, this is like a tall, cool drink on a hot summer day. Most importantly, if you feel like you’ve been losing the battle, it’s nice to get a win and feel like you’re finally making progress.

Sludge We all know intuitively what sludge is: It’s the bottom, the worst, the oldest, most shop-worn, most outdated. And it’s toxic! When you see it mixed in with or merchandised near low hanging fruit, it makes that look like sludge as well! So get the sludge off the sales floor, away from the rest of your dead inventory, and most importantly, away from you customers. The ugly truth is that sludge has little or no market value. It doesn’t merit the time and effort necessary to try to sell it. Think about donating it to charity. The resulting tax deduction is one tangible benefit you will receive; another benefit is that the rest


shopsa magazine

of your dead inventory won’t look quite so bad and will likely be more highly valued by your customers. In the end, if you can’t find a charitable organisation to donate your sludge to, donate it to your dumpster. Everything else Not as desirable as the low hanging fruit or as toxic as the sludge, the rest of your dead inventory can be segmented yet again. After you sell through the low hanging fruit, slice off the next most desirable layer of inventory from this category, feature it, sign it and price it to move. Understand that each successive layer of inventory is likely to require a greater discount to stimulate customer response. As you go along, the least desirable inventory in this category will likely start to look and feel more and more like sludge, which is a good sign that you’re near the end of the process.

Selling dead inventory is not like running a clearance sale Dead inventory is different than clearance merchandise – it’s generally older and lacking a current demand. If you find with any layer of dead merchandise that customers aren’t responding, pull it back and bring something else forward, then bring the first layer back forward at a later time at a greater discount. If you attempt to move it merely by taking an additional markdown without remerchandising it, as you might with clearance merchandise, you only reinforce in the customers mind that it may not be desirable even at that new, lower price.

Develop merchandising and selling strategies to minimise the impact on your regular business

me repeat this, because it’s an easy point to get hung up on: Forget what you paid for it, it’s not relevant; that was then, this is now! What is relevant now is the price your customers will pay for it, now! And like most everything else in retail, your customers will tell you very quickly whether you have it priced right or not.

And then there’s eBay (or the locally targeted Bid or Buy) EBay has emerged as a viable avenue for retailers to sell off dead inventory, but not everything necessarily lends itself to eBay. If you are sitting on highly identifiable, branded items with an established market position, even if those items appeal to a very specific customer, eBay may work for you. The typical eBay shopper is sophisticated and well informed. They are usually looking for something specific, down to a manufacturer’s stock number. They understand the value of what they are looking for so you have to be priced sharply. It’s an absolute must that you competitively shop similar items on eBay before you post your items there. When you are confronted with a buildup of dead inventory, it’s critical to make a clear headed but realistic assessment of what it’s going to take to move it through. It’s losing market value every additional day it’s sitting there. It represents cash that is likely needed for other critical business purposes, such as paying vendors, reducing debt, fleshing out assortments or stock levels of key items or categories, or opening additional stores. The time to get started is now. m

The last thing you want your store to look like is that it’s going out of business. You want to protect the brand integrity of your store. This is why a slow, steady approach works best, so that your dead inventory never represents more than a small piece of your overall offerings. For some retailers, it may be a small feature just off the front of the store, or perhaps a dedicated table or rack on a traffic aisle further back in the store.

Price it to be irresistible Forget what you paid for it or are carrying it on your books for. It’s not relevant! Let Vol 96 - Issue 5


creative ideas

Calling on our

Play fosters creativity, flexibility, and learning. Play is a doorway to learning. What better way to play than to explore your inner artist via the many offerings of crafts and art products available on the market. Get crafty creating personalised scrapbooks, beaded jewellery or decorating a personal journal, paint a canvas, or create name tags and labels for the office that show off your creative flair. 22

shopsa magazine

Vol 96 - Issue 5

creative ideas


e all have friends and family with birthday anniversaries throughout the year, along with Easter, Christmas and other religious celebrations. Add a thoughtful touch to a classic gift by creating your very own scrapbook, producing a beaded bookmark or decorating a journal for mom to record all her favourite memories. If you are hosting an event or celebration, use crafts to theme the invitations, room and little mementoes for guests to leave with. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Creating a sc r apb o o k

m a g ica l

A scrapbook is an original gift for mom and there are many resources available to help even a non-creative person make this gift. If you’re struggling for ideas, swing by your local craft store and check out the scrapbook section or jump online and Google it. You can make this a family effort by collecting photographs, snippets of memories and a few pages of journal style entries with messages to mom from the siblings. Describe your mother in the book through her physical looks, hobbies, talents, achievements and your thoughts and include recent pictures of all the children and grandchildren. Write about the reasons you love your mom, the things she does for you that you are grateful for and the things your mom has taught you. Include quotes, poems and pictures of her when she was younger, pregnant with you or with you as a baby or small child. Make use of embellishments and accessories such as ribbon, shapes, sparkles, foil accents and embossing. Be cute, creative, unique and fancy and in the end you will be left with a remarkable tribute to your mother. If you don’t want to create a scrapbook but know your mom is keen to get involved in this hobby, send her on a local scrapbooking course. Petro Townsend, of Scrap-a-Doodles Store in Centurion, says scrapbooking is suitable for all ages from the moment a person can write, up until old age, and a scrapbook or scrapbooking course serves as a brilliant way to help mom www.shop-sa.co.za

record her own memories. “People usually start scrapbooking to keep memories of their children and grandchildren, especially of special occasions such as weddings and birthdays. These courses teach you to be creative even if you aren’t creative and release your inner child; are a source of relaxation from the stress, while at the same time keeping your mind active. They also help heal those who have lost loved ones through reliving happy memories shared with the person,” she says.

Mas t e r i n g f u n k y b e ad creations If you enjoy arts and crafts such as card making and scrapbooking, you may also be interested in creating beaded jewellery and accessories. There are also beading classes available to help you master a new, creative skill which may even lead to your generating an additional income source. Beading is a fun, easy to learn hobby because it is suitable for all ages, requires a minimal amount of startup capital and is a fantastic way of meeting new people. It is also a relaxing and therapeutic hobby. Classes are taught in a way that meets the needs of the beginner beader up to the experienced bead jewellery-maker who is keen to improve their style. All the latest techniques are taught at the classes including how to make creations such as a three strand necklace, chunky bracelets and earrings. Upon completion of the classes you will be able to produce one of a kind jewellery items and source various wholesale bead suppliers with accessories such as wire, Swarovski beads, glass beads, clasps and charms. By creating your own jewelry and accessories, you will be saving money and showing off your unique personality. If you have no interest in making beaded jewellery, you can create items such as a ring, bracelet, necklace, pin bookmark or watch band using beads. These pieces are simpler and more affordable to create when they are made using beads. Make your own ring by stringing together a few beads in a single row or make a single or multiple row beaded bracelet with charms. You can also make a multi-strand, asymmetrical or woven necklace with a bead as a pendant. Create a beaded bookmark by tying shopsa magazine


creative ideas

simple knots and stringing beads together or transform your old boring watch into a more fashionable watch by replacing the plain watch band with a multi-layered or woven beaded band. You can also make a beaded pin in any special shape such as a heart, circle or butterfly which will last for years bringing you happiness when worn.

Inspiring thought-provoking journals A journal or diary will make a charming gift and is available in a wide variety of materials and price ranges. Keeping a journal will help you capture events and people that matter to you and becomes a record of your blife. It will also help you remember memories years later and be a blessing for children or grandchildren who stumble across it later. With prompts and questions and places for photos and notes, a journal will help you express your thoughts, memories, and feelings on paper through writings and illustrations. This journal can be professionally personalised by embossing a leather cover or printing a paper cover with the recipient’s name, first initial, monogram or a special message. Choose a journal cover design to reflect your personality, favourite colour and hobbies, such as gardening or cooking or even an event such as a wedding, honeymoon or family gathering. You can also look for a cover featuring plantable paper embedded with wildflower seeds as a special touch. When it comes to choosing the paper decide between lined and unlined paper with recycled paper as the best option for the eco-conscious. A moleskin journal always makes a stylish gift as it is hardwearing, long-lasting, has a durable cover and is book-bound (not just glued) with smooth, fine, acid-free paper. There are so many types of journals you can create a family journal, to a travel journal, dreams journal and gratitude journal. It could be fun and eye opening for you to have all family members write an entry about their day, or their thoughts on the same topic in the family or wedding journal. A travel journal will allow you to keep record of your holidays so you will have more than just photographs as a record afterwards. It can be kept in a similar way to a scrapbook, sticking postcards, brochures and tickets inside. m


shopsa magazine

Exciting scrapbooking event on the way The SA Scrapbook Convention, a scrapbooking meet up which is the largest of its kind on the African continent, will see scrapbooking enthusiasts from South Africa, the rest of Africa, Australia and Europe, gather in Cape Town on 5 May at Spier Wine Estate and in Johannesburg on 12 May at Emperor’s Palace.

Vol 96 - Issue 5


Company Profile

Dictation systems provide office professionalism

Powerhouse Dictation Systems, the brainchild of Doron Mansur, is racing at light speed into the future with its innovative products and solutions leading the way in the industry.


o w e r h o u s e Dictation Systems, provider of professional dictation and transcription solutions, as well as boardroom and meeting recording solutions, are widely accepted as providing the most advanced solutions of these products worldwide. What makes this company unique is its’ dedication to understanding the reseller partner and end user needs, as well as its’ professionalism and ethical business practices throughout every facet of the company.


shopsa magazine

Over the years, Powerhouse Dictation Systems has won a number of awards, including an award from Philips Speech Processing, Vienna for its’ contribution towards new product design. The company has also won an award for best stand at the 2010 Legal Exhibition held in Sandton and during the same year received a special mention at the Mondi Ithabise office products event for their supplier marketing campaigns.

A global representative Doron Mansur, owner of Powerhouse Dictation Systems, says they are proud to represent global companies such as Philips and Winscribe as their exclusive and official importer and distributor.

“The company is also a sub-distributor of Nuance voice processing technologies in Southern Africa and has been providing solutions since 1995, working closely with both Philips and Winscribe,” he says. Management at Powerhouse Dictation Systems aim to develop and customise solutions designed to meet the specific requirements of the customer. Their products are intended for people in all fields, from students and lecturers through to government and blue-chip corporates. They provide solutions for health, legal, corporate, government and financial departments. According to Mansur, some of the company’s best products include the Philips Speech Processing, Nuance Vol 96 - Issue 5

Company Profile Dragon NaturallySpeaking and Winscribe. Philips Speech Processing is a comprehensive range of Voice Recorders, Meeting Recorders and Transcription Kits designed to record notes, conversations, lectures, meetings and dictation. Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking is an advanced speech recognition software application allowing users to speak directly to their computer with the words appearing immediately on the screen for editing or processing. Winscribe is a voice workflow solution for dictation, meeting and conference recording and transcription used in legal firms, medical practices, corporates and government departments.

How it all began Mansur says that after completing his National Service and finishing an Electrical Engineering degree, he worked as an electronic engineer for Sharp Electronics and then Microsciences for a few years and found he needed more of a challenge so he began to explore the option of working for himself. “The company as you see it today started off with R500 in my wallet and a space in my garage - as all good businesses do. I was initially refurbishing and selling second hand personal computers and building up network solutions for various companies. This evolved into importing and specialising in voice recognition software, which is still part of the company’s product portfolio today,” he says. Simultaneously Mansur was also working closely with Philips Speech Processing South Africa and Winscribe Inc and made a decision to acquire the agencies as there was great synergy between the respective management teams and the products complemented one another. In 1995, the company began as Neotec and after taking over Philips Speech Processing South Africa in 2000, Neotec changed its name to Powerhouse Dictation Systems becoming the exclusive importer and distributor of Philips Speech Processing equipment made in Vienna, Austria. Prior to this, it had acquired the exclusive rights to Winscribe. Exceptional quality staff Mansur, who is also involved in various volunteer organisations centering around community upliftment and is an instructor in Krav Maga, a form of selfdefense, says the company today is www.shop-sa.co.za

made up of a sales, marketing, technical and accounting department and has a very good working relationship and comprehensive understanding of their partners. “We also have a very good staff retention rate and some staff members have been with the company since inception. Our superb in-house marketing department creates end-user awareness around our Philips, Winscribe and Nuance product range,” he says. The marketing department designs campaigns incorporating all their products, tailor-made to meet each individual reseller partners’ needs. This allows their partners to get the full benefit from the marketing campaigns and adapt them utilising their own branding. Mansur adds that it is a very customer centric organisation and there is a clear understanding that the customer always comes first, no matter what the individual role is within the company. He says they work together as a strong cohesive team to ensure their partners and end-users needs are met. The challenges facing the company are to identify the changes in the continuously evolving market and to ensure their products and services add value to their partners and end users. “We continuously strive towards providing our customer with market leading products and solutions backed by outstanding after-sales service and support. Our aim is to use the most technologically advanced voice processing solutions available to enhance our customers’ productivity and efficiency through improved methods of dictation, transcription, meeting recording and document creation,” says Mansur. m

“We continuously strive towards providing our customer with market leading products and solutions backed by outstanding after-sales service and support.”

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association news Rexel’s CANSA support reaches over R500 000 Rexel Office Products’ contributions to the Women’s Health Campaign of the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) recently reached R507 071. The company is one of CANSA’s longest standing causerelated partners. Users of home and office products had the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those with Cancer through buying select Rexel products. A percentage of the sales of this range was donated to CANSA. “We are so grateful for Rexel’s generous support of CANSA. It is only with the support of our partners and volunteers we can continue the fight against Cancer in South Africa and bring us closer to a Cancer-free society,” says Sue Janse van Rensburg, chief executive officer for CANSA.

Sappi showcases partnership at DRUPA 2012

Preparations were stepped up in the build up to Sappi Fine Paper Europe’s presence at DRUPA, a trade fair for media and print, from 3 to 16 May in Dusseldorf, Germany. In a shift from the traditional ‘single stand’ approach, Sappi connected with its partners and customers throughout the event under the theme of ‘People behind Paper behind People’. They showcased their products and initiatives, while highlighting the importance of partnership. “We wanted to use our presence at DRUPA to touch base with suppliers, customers and their customers to use collaboration as a tool to re-energise our industry, fuel optimism and remind people the positive story paper has to tell,” says Berry Wiersum, chief executive officer for Sappi Fine Paper Europe.


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Caption: Bill Bayley and Karmen Naiker, of Rexel, hand over the donation to Munnik Marais and Sue Janse van Rensburg, of CANSA.

Office National welcomes new members Office National welcomed two new employees in April. Michelle Rieger joined the company as their Office Product Category Manager. Rieger will be responsible for the entire Office Product Category excluding Business Technology and can be contacted on 011 704 0056 or mrieger@ officenational.co.za. Cecelia Monyela, was also welcome to the company. Monyela will be assisting Louise on the data side of the business and can be contacted on 011 704 0056 or cmonyela@officenational.co.za. “We would like to extend a warm welcome to these new employees at the Office National family,” says Claire Sutton, of Office National. Office National Fourways has also moved offices from Douglasdale to Olivedale on 10 April. Their new contact details are: Tel: 011 467 2008; Email: fourways@officenational.co.za; Address: Meadowbrook Business Estate, Unit 7, Jacaranda Avenue, Olivedale Ext 17.

Bytes Document Solutions demos latest Xerox machines Bytes Document Solutions, authorised Xerox distributor, showcased three newly-launched Xerox printing machines at the Africa Print Road Show recently held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Durban. The expo covered the entire digital print process and included suppliers and manufacturers of commercial and digital printers, finishing equipment, software, media and consumables. The largest of the Xerox machines on show was the Xerox Color 1000 five-colour digital press. “Visitors to the show were impressed with its superior quality and the optional fifth print station, which allows users to apply a clear dry ink,” says Paul Haglich, marketing manager of the production systems group in the Xerox division at Bytes Document Solutions.

Vol 96 - Issue 5

association news

BiC South Africa donates 1 million pens BiC South Africa has reached its Choose BiC and Change a Future campaign target of one million pens and will begin distributing these to schools across the country. BiC’s stationery marketing manager, Millicent Quoilin, said that 1 259 schools across South Africa would benefit over the next three months. The pens will be distributed by the READ Educational Trust. BiC launched its Choose BiC and Change a Future campaign at the beginning of the school year with an aim to make a difference in the lives of children who will be South Africa’s future. Over 20 different BiC products carried a Choose BiC and Change a Future sticker. Each time one of these packs was sold, BiC donated a pen to

a disadvantaged child. Quoilin said BiC had decided to partner with both retailers and customers in helping improve the education of children from poor communities. In 2011, a large portion of the 12 283 875 learners enrolled in 25 851 schools across South Africa lacked the most basic educational tools, including pens. In contrast, during the Back-toSchool period, an estimated R115,7 million is spent and 52,1 million units are sold to more privileged consumers. “As a market leader, we know that something as simple as a pen is key to a child’s education.” Quoilin said the support of loyal retailers and their customers had seen increased sales and enabled BiC to reach its target of one million pens within the stipulated time – by March 2012. “We went all out to develop a campaign that clearly defined the BiC brand in the consumer’s mind, one that gave both our established and our new customers a reason to choose BiC.”

Suppliers benefit from Walmart extended promotions Massmart-Walmart’s 10 week extended price cut promotions have been offering numerous benefits to customers, with more time to plan for purchases. Suppliers also stand to benefit from these promotions, specifically if they are able to forecast production needs optimally. SA retail consumers are used to ‘high/low promotions’ lasting short periods of time. Partnering with suppliers in the planning processes to improve lead times and forecasting, is a driving factor behind providing lower prices for longer. Don Frieson, Walmart lead integration executive, says suppliers can be successful in two areas by lowering prices and offering better value allowing existing and new customers to make repeat purchases more often of brands they know and love. “Secondly, there are outstanding cost-saving benefits through a more predictable supply chain,” he says. Massmart-Walmart’s fourth Extended Price Cut Promotion runs from 22 April to 24 June.

Konica Minolta joins WWF in Rhino Conservation Konica Minolta will be donating R100 on behalf of customers who buy the Konica Minolta bizhub within the current financial year to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) African Rhino Programme. These funds will be used by the WWF to assist in paying for emergency veterinary treatments for injured rhinos, improving monitoring of rhino populations and increasing rhino range so that new populations can breed. “Something has to be done, so we are supporting WWF as a company who wants to make a noticeable difference. Together, we can stop the criminal elements that are plundering our national heritage and our collective global asset in order to keep Africa’s iconic rhino alive,” says Stephen Rufener, managing director of Konica Minolta.


READ gives Julia qualifications

One of READ’s most heart-warming successes in developing skills in reading, writing, learning, information and communication recently came to light in the form of Julia Mphuti. Julia developed a safe haven by opening a Kid’s EduCare in her backyard 21 years ago in the Protea South informal settlement. Her crèche develops children through the fantasy corner, to the book corner, to the play area. She has given her time, energy and heart to her crèche over the years, often funding activities with her own money. “If we do not give children the foundation they need, we are killing their futures and I thank READ for helping me grow more opportunities,” says Julia.

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shop-sa & local events

Past events Bloemfontein Mini Trade Show a success Approximately 160 guests attended the Bloemfontein Mini Trade Show held on 19 April at Protea Hotel, Bloemfontein. Dave Nkabinde, events manager at shop-sa, says the association would like to thank all exhibitors for being a part of the event. “Your participation was sincerely valued. It was a successful show and we believe you had a great time with rewarding exposure,” he says. Paul Sarakis, sales executive for Beswick Office Products, congratulated shop-sa on the success of the event. “I would like to thank shop-sa for the best ever shop-sa trade show in Bloemfontein. The attendance and interest was excellent,” he says.

Industry Events:

Local Events GAUTENG


Going Green Infotaiment Evening

Western Cape Mini Trade Show

Date: 23 May Time: 17:30 for 18:00 sharp Place: Marks Park Sports club Cost: R50 per person, which includes a light supper Cash bar The theme of the Gauteng Infotainment Evening, arranged by the shop-sa Gauteng Regional Committee, will be ‘Going Green’ with a recycling interactive presentation.

Madiba Sports Day Date: 18 July Venue: Killarney Country Club Cost: Golf - R2000 per 4 Ball Bowls - R150 per player Hole sponsorship: R1500ex VAT The annual Gauteng Sports Day this year will have a Madiba theme. All participants are required to bring a toy which will be donated to a charity.


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Venue: Northlink College Hall (Encore Restaurant Grounds) Panorama Cape Town Date: 18 to 20 June Time: 09:00 to 17:00 Cost: R2000 per 1x trestle (1.8mx1m), table cloth and 2x chairs The setup will take place on 18 June between 12:00 and 17:00 The evening of 19 June will feature a social infotainment evening with cash bar, snacks and networking. Contact David Nkabinde on 011 880 1147 or email david@shop-sa.co.za or Helen Goodson on 021 552 9680.

POLOKWANE Polokwane Mini Trade Show Date: 5 July (Setup on 4 July) Venue: Fusion Boutique Hotel Time: 09:00 to 17:00

Contact David Nkabinde on 011 880 1147 or email david@shop-sa.co.za.

20 to 23 May: The National Stationery Show, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 655 West 34th Street, New York, USA. 9 to 11 June: Australasian Scrapbook Papercraft Convention, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia 31 May to 2 June: The 106th China Stationery Commodity Fair (China Stationery Expo and Office Supplies Fair), Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre, China 4 to 6 July: International Stationary and Office Products Fair Tokyo, Isot 2012, Tokyo International Exhibition Center, Japan 4 to 6 July: Office machines and Equipment Expo 2012 Tokyo, Tokyo International Exhibition Center, Japan 6 to 8 July: Office Furniture Japan, 2012, Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan 25 to July: Stationery & Officelink 2012, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore 4 to 6 August: China International Furniture fair Office Show, Guangzhou China (Mainland). 4 to 6 August: Office Expo 2012, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India 15 to 17 August: Singapore Gifts & Stationery Show 2012, Sand Expo Convention Centre, Singapore.

Vol 96 - Issue 5


SHOP-SA membership www.parrotproducts.biz



Become an accredited shop-sa member If you would like to become a member of shop-sa, call our membership consultant Rachel Skink on 011 880 1147 or


send an email to rachel@shop-sa.co.za and she will assist



NEW MEMBER APPLICATIONS www.statmark.co.za


email: sales@redfern.co.za

THE LABEL SPECIALIST Stick with the best!



The following applications have been received and are being considered. Any member who has concerns or opposes acceptance is invited to email rachel@shop-sa.co.za.

Plastic Sheet Marketing Contact: Andre Heyneke Eastend , Bloemfontein

Izinkwazi Supplies Contact: Jonathan Gopi Moreleta Park, Pretoria

Pen 2 Paper Stationers Contact: Coleen Naidoo Zacharia Park, Lenasia South

NEW APPROVED MEMBERS Stationery in Motion (Pty)Ltd The Joint Printers & Stationers www.kmp.co.za


Contact: Lesiba Collins Kekana Vaalbank, Mpumalanga




Contact: Ruari Richardson Kimberley, Northern Cape


Congratulations to the following new member who qualified to win a Nikki Shredder after paying his membership fees within 10 days of invoice.


PMB Drawing & Survey Centre (PTY) LTD

Join shop-sa now and get: • • •


The latest office products catalogue An annual magazine subscription A shredder from Nikki Electronics for early payment of membership fees (terms and conditions apply) Go to www.shop-sa.co.za and read about what the association can do for you.

Renewal of declaration All new and renewing shop-sa members are required to sign a declaration confirming, that they do not engage in illegal activities, comply with all legal requirements relating to their business and products, and do not deal in grey products. www.shop-sa.co.za


shopsa magazine


Get your swing back into action


with the Shop-sa Sports Day 2012

Theme: Madiba Sports Day Date: 18 July 2012 Venue: Killarney Country Club Costs: Golf: R2 000 per 4ball | Bowls: R150 per player Sponsorship Opportunities: Hole sponsorship R1 500Exc VAT


For more details and sponsorship packages (Including platinum sponsorship) please contact: David on 011 880 1147 | e-mail: david@shop-sa.co.za


Visit the shop-sa website www.shop-sa.co.za and register, then Like shop-sa on Facebook and you stand a change to win a full page advertisement in the shop-sa magazine (now incorporating the My Office consumer publication) valued at R16 359 or a golf hole sponsorship at the Shop-sa Sports Day 2012 valued at R1 500. Enter this great offer now and at the same time make sure you book your place at the annual Sports Day 2012.

Please note since it called a Madiba Sports Day; all participants are required to bring a toy which will later be donated to a charity organization.

issue 8 • 2012

The business directory to Stationery, school & Office Products resellers

Deliciously Hot Drinks Tackling the Emotional Vampire Office tips for productivity Time-saving filing cabinets


Healthy winter drinks to warm the heart


here is nothing better than a coffee break at the office or catching up with friends over a pot of tea but even better is if your hot drink of choice is healthy. Staying hydrated is key to staying healthy and there are plenty of hot beverages to boost your immune system keeping you warm during the chilly winter months.

Captivating Coffee Over 400 million cups of coffee are consumed each day throughout the world and the number of coffee drinkers continues to grow. For decades health workers warned the habit might be unsafe, however recent studies show this may not be the case. Coffee contains anti-oxidants that help prevent heart disease and certain cancers by removing cell-destroying oxygen radicals from the blood. Some studies say the concentration of antioxidants in coffee is greater than that found in cranberries, apples or tomatoes. Chinese studies suggest coffee can help reduce the effects of Parkinson’s disease, while American and Scandinavian studies suggest decaf and regular coffee helps reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. However these benefits, come with risks as increased coffee consumption has been associated with higher blood levels of homocysteine, shown to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Most agree though, the benefits of coffee, at moderate consumption levels outweigh the risk. www.shop-sa.co.za

With manufacturers introducing extensive ranges of coffees, teas and other hot plant-based drinks, there is an overwhelming choice in delicious hot drinks to keep you warm and healthy and in the office this winter. Tantalising Tea Many consumers are increasingly concerned about health and are choosing their beverages carefully. The tea industry has responded by introducing products that boast health benefits. The total tea market is broken into Black tea, Rooibos and Speciality tea. Black tea or regular tea is the largest portion of total tea at approximately 80% of the market and is the most common tea in South Africa. The high amounts of antioxidants present in the black tea leaves are able to lower blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol, preventing blood clots. Teas which are naturally rich in antioxidants and are caffeine-free, such as rooibos continue to experience strong consumer support. The medical benefits are varied, ranging from refreshing pick-me-ups, to soothers, helping digestion, the immune system and prevention of cardio-vascular disease.

Heartwarming Herbal Drinks Herbal teas which are infusions made with herbs, flowers, roots and spices and are said to promote a wide range of health benefits from calming (chamomile) to aiding indigestion (ginger) and stress relief (peppermint). Rooibos continues to hold significant market share (between 15% to 25%) as the popularity of the brew being associated with health benefits continues to grow across the world. It is naturally caffeine-free and contains a rich source of antioxidants (aspalathin) found only in the Aspalathus linearis plant species. Research

has proven the therapeutic ability of rooibos helps prevent cancer, protects the liver against disease and reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. It also boosts the immune system and relieves allergies. Chai tea, made from black, oolong or green tea has its origins in Ayurvedic medicine and eases sore throats, treats colds, fever and fights viruses. Cardamom, ginger, cinnamon and pepper promotes healthier digestion, improves circulation and the antioxidants fight free radicals responsible for DNA damage and growth of cancer cells.

Hot Choc Eating chocolate has proven to release endorphins from the brain which make people happy so drinking hot chocolate has just as great effects on the mind and also works to improve appearance. There are sugar free hot chocolate brands ideal for diabetics which are great to use as part of a controlled eating plan. Some of the hot chocolates available on the market are Aspartme free and use Sucralose instead as part of their ingredients. Sucralose is derived from sucrose, is noncaloric, produces no glycemic response and does not promote tooth decay. It i s a non-nutritive sweetener also known as chlorinated sucrose, which does not break down in the body. Sucralose tastes similar to sugar but is 600 times sweeter, contributes no kilojoules and has no adverse reactions. m So get ready for the winter months and take your pick on stocking up with a couple of these tasty, healthy drinks that are sure to warm you from your heart to your toes. shopsa magazine


office politics Acknowledgment Dr. Judith Orloff, psychiatrist and former director of the Mind/ Body Clinical Programs is the author of the New York Times bestseller Emotional Freedom Now. She passionately believes the future of medicine involves integrating traditional medicine with intuition and energy medicine to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness. http://www.selfgrowth.com/guide/judithorloff.html

Who’s the emotional vampire in your life? As a physician, I’ve found that the biggest energy drain on my patients is relationships.


ome relationships are positive and mood elevating. Others can suck optimism and serenity right out of you. I call these draining people ‘emotional vampires’. They do more than drain your physical energy. The malignant ones can make you believe you’re unworthy and unlovable. Others inflict damage with smaller digs to make you feel bad about yourself. For instance, “Dear, I see you’ve put on a few kilograms” or “You’re overly sensitive!” Suddenly they’ve thrown you off-centre by prodding areas of shaky self-worth. To protect your energy it’s important to combat draining people. The following strategies from my book Emotional Freedom will help you identify and combat emotional vampires from an empowered place.

Signs that you’ve encountered an emotional vampire • • • • •


Your eyelids are heavy -- you’re ready for a nap Your mood takes a nosedive You want to binge on carbohydrates or comfort foods You feel anxious, depressed or negative You feel put down

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Types of emotional vampires

1)The Narcissist

Their motto is “Me first” - everything is all about them. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement, hog attention and crave admiration. They’re dangerous because they lack empathy and have a limited capacity for unconditional love. If you don’t do things their way, they become punishing, withholding or cold. How to protect yourself: Keep your expectations realistic. These are emotionally limited people. Try not to fall in love with one or expect them to be selfless or love without strings attached. Never make your self-worth dependent on them or confide your deepest feelings to them. To successfully communicate, the hard truth is that you must show how something will be to their benefit. Though it’s better not to have to contend with this tedious ego stroking, if the relationship is unavoidable this approach works. Vol 96 - Issue 5

No one could stop us from making the logo bigger.


As a company Xerox has a reputation of delivering the best office services and solutions. It is not a reputation that we take lightly. So, when we found a paper we believed could continue to deliver on our good name, we were thrilled. But we were not easily won over. We tested the paper over and over again, because we wanted to guarantee you the best. Finally we were satisfied. We had found a paper worthy of our name. Not only is it superbly created for optimal office machine use, it is also eco-friendly. It is a paper so good, we are proud to brand it Xerox. In big, bold letters. Xerox Paper. Xerox tested. Xerox guaranteed. For the best results every time.

NOR Paper is a proud supplier of Xerox paper. Please call 0800 117 843 for queries or orders.

office politics

2)The Victim

These vampires grate on you with their “poor-me” attitude. The world is always against them, the reason for their unhappiness. When you offer a solution to their problems they always say, “Yes, but...” You might end up screening your calls or purposely avoid them. As a friend, you may want to help but their tales of woe overwhelm you. How to protect yourself: Set kind but firm limits. Listen briefly and tell a friend or relative, “I love you but I can only listen for a few minutes unless you want to discuss solutions.” With a co-worker sympathise by saying, “I’ll keep having good thoughts for things to work out.” Then say, “I hope you understand, but I’m on deadline and must return to work.” Then use “this isn’t a good time” body language such as crossing your arms and breaking eye contact to help set these healthy limits.

These people obsessively try to control you and dictate how you’re supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything. They’ll control you by invalidating your emotions if they don’t fit into their rulebook. They often start sentences with “You know what you need?” and then proceed to tell you. You end up feeling dominated, demeaned or put down. How to protect yourself: The secret to success is never try and control a controller. Be healthily assertive, but don’t tell them what to do. You can say, “I value your advice but really need to work through this myself.” Be confident but don’t play the victim.


The Constant Talker

These people aren’t interested in your feelings. They are only concerned with themselves. You wait for an opening to get a word in edgewise but it never comes. Or these people might physically move in so close they’re practically breathing on you. You edge backwards, but they step closer. How to protect yourself: These people don’t respond to nonverbal cues. You must speak up and interrupt, as hard as that is to do. Listen for a few minutes. Then politely say, “I hate to interrupt, but please excuse me I have to talk to these other people... or get to an appointment... or go to the bathroom.” A much more constructive tactic than, “Keep quiet, you’re driving me crazy!” If this is a family member, politely say, “I’d love if you allowed me some time to talk to so I can add to the conversation.” If you say this neutrally, it can better be heard.

Some relationships are

positive and mood elevating. Others can suck optimism

and serenity right out of you.

3)The Controller

I call these draining people ‘emotional vampires’.

5)The Drama Queen

These people have a flair for exaggerating small incidents into off-the-chart dramas. My patient Sarah was exhausted when she hired a new employee who was always late for work. One week he had the flu and “almost died.” Next, his car was towed, again! After this employee left her office Sarah felt tired and used. How to protect yourself: A drama queen doesn’t get mileage out of equanimity. Stay calm. Take a few deep breaths. This will help you not get caught up in the histrionics. Set kind but firm limits. Say, for example, “You must be here on time to keep your job. I’m sorry for all your mishaps, but work comes first.” To improve your relationships and increase your energy level, I suggest taking an inventory of people who give you energy and those that drain you. Try to spend time with the loving, nurturing people and learn to set limits with those who drain you. This will enhance the quality of your life. m


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Vol 96 - Issue 5


special features

Essential tips for a free flow office

We all need reminders from time to time to help keep us on track, stress-free and productive in our daily office life. Read and remember! 1. Invest in a dozen of your favourite, inexpensive pens and a small tray or holder to avoid constantly searching for pens. Keep the tray, filled with pens and a pile of recycled paper near the phone. 2. Make your work day afternoon more productive by leaving the office during lunch time. Energise yourself by breathing some fresh air, taking a walk or closing your eyes for a few minutes.


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3. Clear your desk top of all personal mementos. Hang them on the walls, place them on shelves, but give yourself space to work at your desk, without distractions. 4. Schedule appointments and meetings with both beginning and ending times. People are more ‘to-the-point’ when they are up against a deadline. 5. Complete a phone call, then write down your next action relating to the call. Do you need to make another

call or mail something? If you can’t do it now, write it down on your daily to-do list. 6. Reduce interruptions at work by moving your desk so you can’t see the door. Passers-by will not be able to catch your eye as they walk by, thus avoiding unnecessary conversation. 7. Place tomorrow’s top priority task at the center of your desk on a small whiteboard or dash board before you leave work today and check your Vol 96 - Issue 5

A good label can bring the human touch to work.

The P-touch 2700VP is the flagship desktop labeller for Brother. This feature-packed model can be used as a portable labeller, or connected to a PC and has a huge, back-light display (16 characters x 3 lines) for easy viewing. The PT-2700VP is designed for professional users in office, commercial and industrial fields. PC or Mac, the PT-2700VP can address many key demands from labeller users. Users in areas such as corporate administration, medical offices, retail and other environments demand a machine that fits their label creation needs. www.brother.co.za

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special features

diary schedule so you know what tomorrow holds. You’ll start your day focused. 8. Designate a space in your office for items that need to go home with you. Do the same at home. 9. Use a spreadsheet to make lists, keep track of projects and people. Use one to follow up on delegated items. 10. Develop a form letter for your sales proposals, thank you notes and frequently asked questions. It’s less time consuming to tweak a form letter than it is to start one from scratch. 11. Scan documents into computer files. As long as the files are organised, you’ll be able to access them quicker than paper files. 12. Schedule time blocks in your day. Do like activities together when possible. Return phone calls together. Check and respond to emails only at two or three specific times during the day. Run all errands during one trip out of the office. 13. Move the tabs on your hanging files to the same side (all left or all right). Your eyes will thank you for it. 14. Keep track of monthly business and personal expenses by labeling a file folder or an envelope with the month. Just throw in receipts. All your expenses will then be together for end-of-the-month accounting. 15. Read with a highlighter in hand. Mark the important parts to avoid rereading later. Take a highlighter to meetings. As you make notes, highlight anything which will require action on your part.


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16. Gather all your equipment or office automation manuals. Attach a receipt to each one, or note purchase date, store or supplier and price on the covers. Place them in an ‘equipment’ or ‘appliance’ file. 17. A cardigan is the most versatile piece of clothing you can own. Keep one hanging in the office and wear it alone, buttoned or unbuttoned over a shell, button shirt or turtleneck, or over your shoulders to handle unexpected appointments. 18. Separate your clothing by category of work, play, dress-up. Hang pieces of suits and outfits separately to expand your wardrobe options. Set up the week’s wear the weekend before, that way you won’t have to think about what to wear with the clock ticking. 19. Watch for time wasters. We all waste time. Reduce your time wasters such as checking email, surfing the Internet, talking on the phone and going out for a cigarette. 20. Guard your time. Feel free to say ‘no’ to others’ requests for your time. Don’t give in to pressure. Truly put your priorities first. 21. Purchase an inexpensive handheld labeller. They are easy to use and have unlimited possibilities. Label drawers, storage containers, files and office equipment.

22. Buy a heavy duty, three hole punch - one that will last for years. Punch papers for binders and reports. 23. Purchase a six-drawer unit on wheels which can hold office supplies, backup supplies, reports, or anything else you don’t need in your desk. They’re inexpensive and have many uses. 24. Invest in File Sorters. They can usually accommodate between four and eight file folders so you can view the file spines all at once. They will help you get and stay organised and will increase the longevity of your file ie: no sag. 25. If you collect information on specific topics of interest you can easily store it in

binders. Use a separate binder for each topic. For example, you might collect articles on a specific industry, sales management or business travel. Simply put them in the binders and place on a bookcase for easy

Vol 96 - Issue 5

special features

retrieval. Binders are also great for keeping multiple issues of newsletters. 26. Instead of keeping project information on your desk or in a file, set up a basket, crate or Bankers Box for each project you’re currently working on. For example, you might be in charge of the company picnic, gathering information to start a promotion or incentive sales drive or collecting pricing comparisons from different advertising sources. Simply set up a container for each project, label it, and fill it with information. 27. If you have an average amount of paper, try setting up a file for ‘next week’ and ‘next month’. As you come across items that need to be done in those time periods, simply place them in the appropriate file. If you have a lot of ‘to do’s’, set up a file for each month of the year and each day of the month. File papers in the appropriate dates. If you have a large amount of paper, set up a file for each day of the month. 28. Remember to sort mail and incoming paperwork over a recycling bin and near a shredder so a large percentage of it can immediately disappear from your life. 29. Think vertical. Hang shelves and put personal items on them. Only keep on your desk the items you use every day. 30. Have an OUT system. You can use a container near the door or a tote bag hanging on a hook by the door. Fill it with items that belong somewhere other than your office. 31. Purchase magazine boxes to store booklets, magazines, catalogues you want to keep. 32. Colour-coding your files makes it faster to find information. 33. Sub-divide larger files with interior file folders. 34. Return calls in batches. Leave specific messages and the time you called if the person you’re trying to reach isn’t available. 35. Empty workspace of everything but the project you’re working on to cut down on distractions. 36. Keep takeout menus from favourite restaurants in your office vicinity so you can order ahead and order in lunch or pick up dinner on your way home. 37. Straighten your desk at the end of the day and especially at the end of the week so that you can start each Monday morning with a clear desk. m www.shop-sa.co.za


Half Page AD 41

Office Furniture: Filing Cabinets

Want a time-saver filing cabinet? Filing cabinets are used in numerous places for various storage purposes and can serve as a valuable time and energy saver for locating important data if the right cabinet choice is made.


he filing system is usually the heart of any workplace, without which a business would be chaotic and while some people need filing cabinets at their offices, others need them at home too to organise important personal documentation.

Purchasing filing cabinets can be a major task if you don’t have any idea of what type of filing cabinet you need. By investing a small amount of time and effort in this decision, you will be able to find the best fit at a reasonable cost.

Top tips in choosing cabinets With a wide range of types and styles of filing cabinets available you will need to be very specific regarding the type of filing cabinet you want. Here are some tips to keep in mind while shopping for these furniture items for your home or office: Measure the area where you want to place the filing cabinet and carry the measurements with you while shopping for cabinets. Decide the type of filing cabinet you will be shopping for, as they are available in a wide variety. A filing cabinet usually contains two to five file drawers. Keep in mind the size of files you wish to store as most cabinets house legal size or letter size documents. Always buy filing cabinets from a reputable and quality manufacturer or dealer. There are numerous retailers selling small filing cabinets, however if


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buying larger filing cabinets, place the order online or find an office furniture supply store. Some retailer can deliver and fit the cabinets at your workplace for you. Keep in mind where you want to place the filing cabinets. Standing or vertical cabinets are common in areas where constant access to information is required. Traditional filing cabinets are also an option if there is enough room to pull the wide drawer out. Plastic cabinets are available for people who don’t like the traditional metal ones. Filing cabinets with locks are a must to keep valuable documents secure. These cabinets can be expensive, but are worth it for confidential files.

Cabinets are also available in a large variety of designs, textures and materials including wood, steel and plastic. Fire resistant filing cabinets are popular due to disaster resistant qualities.

Making the final pick Some say electronic data storage systems are better than filing cabinets but these systems can be expensive and not everyone can afford them. Filing cabinets are the safest, most organised alternative for storing all important documents without fear of them being destroyed or misplaced. Cabinets can be found at any office supply store, furniture store or large discount retailer. m

Cabinet varieties available Before buying any filing cabinet, it is import to take into account the variety of file cabinets and their quality. Quality can easily be determined with a suspension system. A good quality file cabinet has strong suspensions, ensuring the cabinet can carry weight without having an impact on the working of mechanisms. The two main varieties of filing cabinets available are vertical file cabinets and lateral file cabinets. Vertical file cabinets are conventional filing cabinets with three to five drawers designed to accommodate standard sized files. Files are stored facing the drawer front and they are space savers. Lateral filing cabinets, which are less popular, are wider in comparison to traditional cabinets. Documents can be stored front to back or side to side, but the drawers are not as deep compared with vertical file cabinets and cannot be used as a wall divider. They are however versatile and take up minimal wall space. Vol 96 - Issue 5


books & cd review The Elephant Whisperer When South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony was asked to accept a herd of ‘rogue’ elephants on his reserve at Thula Thula, common sense told him to refuse. But he was the herd’s last chance of survival. Lawrence agrees, but before arrangements for the move are completed, the animals which are notorious escape artists break out again, and the matriarch and her baby are shot. The remaining elephants are traumatised and when they arrive at Thula Thula, start planning their escape. Lawrence battles to create a bond with the animals as he tries to save them from execution and realises they have a lot to teach him about love, loyalty and freedom.

Screw It, Let’s Do It Global entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson has built a business empire and made billions, yet is renowned for his approachability as well as his ability to challenge and succeed against the odds. Screw It, Let’s Do It reveals the life lessons that have helped him through his life such as, ‘believe it can be done and if others disagree, try and try again until you achieve your goal’ as well as ‘you must love what you do’. These and other lessons are included in this stirring and candid book which will inspire you to make a difference in your own life.

Stronger – Kelly Clarkson Kelly’s star continues to shine brighter with the release of her fifth studio album Stronger. The 13 songs (17 on the deluxe edition) feature Clarkson collaborating with new musicians such as Greg Kurstin, Steve Jordan and Ester Dean, as well as longtime collaborator Howard Benson. To create a change from her last album, Clarkson’s main objective with this one was to record her vocal performances as heard during her live sets using as little auto-tune processing as possible. The record is mainly a pop rock and pop music album, with predominantly R&B and country influences showcased in ‘Thankful’ and ‘All I Ever Wanted’ as well as dance-pop themes which she newly developed.

Half Page AD 44

competition giveaways

Win this! Stand a chance to win any one of these desirable products when you enter. Send your competition giveaway entries to competitions@shop-sa.co.za with your contact details to enter the lucky draw. Live your dream car, one click at a time

Ageless Quality

Owning your dream car has now become a reality with the latest car-shaped computer mouse – one lucky reader stands a chance to win a fantasy car to navigate your computer in style. Licensed by the car manufacturers, the Click Car Mouse is a miniature near perfect replica of the real car’s they’re modelled on. They are designed to a very high technical standard using only the highest quality materials. Most models are available in both wired and wireless versions.

Pilot Pen Company SA is giving away three Ageless Collection pens worth R1 000 each. A distinguished writing instrument with impressive quality and performance, the Ageless pen features a tinted resin grip, metal barrel and a unique double-twist tip. The wide gripping area provides superior comfort and control, and an attractive metal clip allows the pen to be carried just about anywhere.

Visit www. pilotpensa. co.za for further information. For more information visit www.clickcarproducts.co.za

Available in gel and ballpoint in The retractable twist action of th nib, with doubl twist, helps protect nib. Comfortable finger grip for ease of writing. Carbide ball, conical tip and A-ink ensures smooth writing.

Readers stand a chance of winning a funfilled hamper worth R5 000 from Toby Tower!

Toby Tower has recently launched a creative and fun activity range. These products encourage children to engage in educational activitybased fun in order to develop new creative skills.

This hamper includes the exciting and fun activity range. The hamper also includes various other creative Toby Tower products such as Toby Tower stickers, small arts and craft activities and NEW room décor. To stand a chance to win this great hamper answer the following question: Question: Name any three variants available in the large Toby Tower activity range. To view these and many more products view our website, www.tobytower.co.za. Send your answers, together with your contact details to competitions@shop-sa. co.za with Toby Tower in the subject line. Toby Tower Kids are special kids and that’s why we have started our Toby Tower Kids Club. You can register on our website free of charge. In joining the kids club you will receive a FREE joining pack and a FREE birthday gift every year from Toby Tower.

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The e-tolling saga continues

R bic

eactions of activist groups, political parties and the public continue to prevail with the resignation of Nazir Alli, former chief executive officer of the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL), 8 May. shopsa ad.pdfon 1 2012/04/17 5:16 PM

The recent resignation of Nazir Alli, chief executive officer of SANRAL, has seen mixed reactions from those heading businesses, various groups and the public leaving everyone asking the question of what will happen next with the e-tolling saga. While some groups remain firm in their commitment to halt e-tolling, others are calling for the reasons for Alli’s resignation to be given, however no reasons have yet been supplied by the agency. In a statement released by SANRAL on 8 May, Tembakazi Mnyaka, chairperson at the agency, says the board of SANRAL

received and accepted the resignation of Alli as CEO at a meeting on 7 May and Alli agreed to continue in his post until 30 June. “The immediate priority of the board of SANRAL is to ensure the agency continues performing its essential role in operating and maintaining more than 16 000 km


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of national roads across South Africa,” he says. SANRAL remains firm in its view that the benefits of e-tolling will be worth the costs. Congestion on Gauteng’s roads is said to be resulting in huge losses to South Africa’s economy if one takes into consideration the value of time to businesses, according to a study by SANRAL. Benefits include better lighting, an intelligent transport system, tow trucks and medical vehicles on permanent stand-by, smoother road surface amounting to less noise and rolling resistance. But Wayne Duvenage, chairperson of the Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (OUTA), says the group remains committed to the legal challenge and the full court review to halt e-tolling as the funding mechanism for Gauteng’s freeway improvements. “We need to restore the credibility of SANRAL and the country’s ability to raise the necessary finance facilities at the best rates, to get the road building program back on track. Whatever the reasons for the resignation, we wish Alli every success in his endeavours going forward and look forward to working with SANRAL to resolving the e-tolling issue, which is still in a state of limbo as the authorities grapple with the complexity of this matter,” says Duvenage. Ian Ollis, DA Shadow Minister of Transport, says the resignation of Alli, a mere week after the North Gauteng High Court granted an interdict halting the controversial e-tolling system, is significant. “No reasons have been given for Alli’s resignation and many questions remain unanswered as to his part in the e-tolling debacle. Alli will remain in SANRAL’s employment until June and he should not be allowed to take his secrets with him come the end of June,” he says. Ollis adds he will be writing to Nozabelo Bhengu, Transport Portfolio Committee Chairperson, requesting Alli and members of the SANRAL board appear before the committee to brief it on a number of issues and clarify the reasons behind his resignation. “Resignations should not and cannot be allowed to become a way of escaping accountability. It is the responsibility of SANRAL and Alli to impart all information and reasoning behind this decision to ensure that, as its board stated, the agency continues its role in operating and maintaining the more than 16 000 km of national roads across South Africa,” says Ollis. m www.shop-sa.co.za


Half Page AD 47

online savvy Acknowledgment Arthur Goldstuck is a pioneer in the South African market in the use of the Internet as a tool for productivity.

The future is cloudy Here is his brief guide to the best places in the cloud for a range of services from e-mail, file-sharing and live back-up to surveys, project management and online accounting.


discovered the future when one laptop computer was stolen and another crashed so badly that the hard drive got torn inside its casing and no data could be retrieved. The first time, I’d backed up everything online the night before, but it took a day to restore it to another laptop and almost a week to set up all my software the way I liked to work.

The second time, the machine committed digicide late in the afternoon and I lost all research and writing from that day including an entire chapter of my new book. Everyone needs a catalyst for a major change in the direction of their lives and for my digital life, that was mine. It marked the beginning of my journey into the cloud. You may have heard of Cloud Computing: a complicated, expensive system of running software and services via the Internet and storing and accessing their data and files through this system. Many companies steer clear of it because they find the cloud metaphor a little disturbing: in serious heat, would it evaporate? In reality, it should be called Vault Computing or Bunker Computing, because the applications and files all reside in


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something called a data centre. More secure you could hardly find: fortress-like facilities with massive generators for backup and access control that makes banks look like takeaway joints. The cloud is not leak-proof. Online services have been known to be breached. And some users of these services become so complacent, they get careless with passwords and invite in the demons of data theft. But it’s still a sight and a site more secure then what most people use in the office. There are many sites and services that promise you a new world in the twinkling of a hard drive, but the best truly stand out and many of them are free. These get my vote: E-mail: Gmail.com, which gives you 8GB of mail storage at no cost. Scheduling: Google Calendars, linked to a Gmail account. Back-up: Windows Live SkyDrive, a Microsoft online service that gives you 25GB storage free. File-sharing: DropBox, gives you 2GB free, 50GB for $10 a month. Secure document storage: iSigned.com, SA-developed international service for highsecurity storage of important documents. $25 a month for 10GB

Notes: Evernote, an online equivalent of sticky notes. Surveys: SurveyMonkey, free for small surveys, reasonable for the professional service. Phone and chat: Skype, which can now be used on almost any device, including (some) digital TVs. Customer management: Salesforce.com, comes at a modest fee, but does the work of a dozen personal assistants. Project management: WhoDoes 2.0, a free online project management and collaboration tool. Accounting: Saasu.com, an Australian service that is more flexible than most other online services, and free for less than 20 invoices a month. Mailing lists: MyListManager.co.za, a reasonably-priced South African service for managing mailshots, subscribers and surveys. There are many more, but these are the services that mean I am no longer emotionally attached to my laptop computer. As long as I have an internet connection – not always guaranteed, I confess and a device with a browser, I can access my entire business from any computer anywhere in the world. m Vol 96 - Issue 5


product showcase

DSB – FL 806 The All-New DSB 1-Minute Laminator AZ Trading proudly presents the latest in the laminating stable: A laminator that takes only 1-minute to warm up. The 1 minute laminator features hot laminating of A4 sized documents and a new touch panel design for the On, Off and Reverse switches. The four rollers enable laminating speeds of 300mm per minute ensuring your workload is always up to date. Accommodating laminating pouches of 80, 125 and 150 microns the DSB 1 minute laminator is perfect for the work at hand. No other laminators allow the ease of a quick 1-minute warm up, touch panel Switch, excellent quality laminating and a slim 60mm design. Also available in A3.

Tel: 086 111 4407 www.aztradingcc.co.za

Introducing the Insephe “ Springbok” file to the existing Big Five range from AFRICAN FILING. With improved and easier to read indexes, accurate gusset sizes and page capacities, African Filing is proud to show-off their latest addition – a 160gsm light-weight file the” Insephe”. Now the user friendly re-order references make tracking your documents faster and more efficient than ever before, see the rest of our range at www.africanfiling.co.za.

Tel: 087 985 1963 Fax: 086 540 6895 lloyd@africanfiling.co.za | michael@africanfiling.co.za

MaxStamp with reversible ink pad Get double the number of impressions with our unique reversible ink pad. All our ‘flip pad’ stamps are made of recycled materials.

Tel: 011 453 7012/9439 Fax: 011 454 4995/3758 Email: aquarius@imaginet.co.za

Philips Digital Voice Tracers Capture every word. And do it with the highest sound quality using the digital recorders from Philips. With the recorders optimized specifically for notes, conversations, lectures and meetings, we are certain you will find the right solution for you. Now you can record your thoughts and ideas at any time or place – easily and comfortably. Our digital recorders include ClearVoice, which adjusts quiet passages dynamically, thus improving the intelligibility of quieter voices.

Tel: 011 887 1056 Email: info@speech.co.za www.speech.co.za


shopsa magazine

Vol 96 - Issue 4

product showcase

Rexel GBC 5 Lever Arch File Storage Box Store and protect 5 Lever Arch files in this lightweight but sturdy storage box. Comes in matte black and will compliment any office. Available in a collapsible pack of 5 or rigid which comes individually wrapped. Size: 485x350x305mm.

Tel: 011 226 3300 Fax: 011 837 9489 Web: www.rexelsa.co.za

Rexel GBC Archive Boxes These stitched archive boxes are new from Rexel GBC. They are available in kraft and grey colours and have a short end flap access for easy filing. They come wrapped in packs of 6 and are lightweight and sturdy. Size: 270x370x92mm

Tel: 011 226 3300 Fax: 011 837 9489 Web: www.rexelsa.co.za

Rexel GBC Storage Box A3 This off site A3 Storage box holds 5 A4 storage boxes with ease. It comprises of both a base and lid and is 330x260x445mm in size. Cut out handles on the sides make them easy to carry.

Tel: 011 226 3300 Fax: 011 837 9489 Web: www.rexelsa.co.za

Model: 960-12 Introducing the all new Check & Correct calculator from Truly. Beautifully designed and ready to perform! Featuring a large 12 Digit display with currency conversion, Tax check and correct functions, Independent memory, Grand total, Mark up calculations, Shift back key, Double zero key and tilted display with dual power battery and solar.

National Call Centre: 086Â 000 6731 Email: info@nikki.co.za www.nikki.co.za

w w w . s h o p - s a . c o . z a

shopsa magazine


buyer’s guide

A ADDING MACHINE ROLLS, POINT OF SALE AND MACHINE ROLLS BSC Stationery - Treeline PaperGeni Rotunda SSC - Croxley ADHESIVES, GLUES AND SPRAYS BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex, BIC, Bostik, Ponal, Pritt, Pentel, Faber Castell, Staedtler Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Freedom Stationery - Marlin SSC - Penguin office paste, wood glue, padding compound, UHU glue sticks, super glue, clear glue, Leeho glue sticks. ADHESIVE NOTES 3M SA PTY Ltd - Post-it ® BSC Stationery - Stick ‘n Notes SSC - Sellonotes


ART, CRAFT, GRAPHIC AND DRAWING MATERIALS BSC Stationery - Treeline, Pentel, Pilot, Henkel, Bostik, Staedtler, Faber Castell CTP Stationery - A4 coloured poster boards Faber Castell - Comprehensive range Freedom Stationery - Marlin Max Frank - Uni, Artline Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Oil pastels and watercolour paint SSC - Croxley, Pelikan, Penguin drawing inks, Stabilo Carbothello, Rotring Technical

B BAGS AND CASES Bantex - Moulded pencil cases BSC Stationery - Treeline, Penflex, Gotcha, Staedtler, Bantex Flip File - Business cases. Freedom Stationery - Space Case and Marlin Kolok Unlimited - Kenton laptop bags and backpacks Rexel Office Products - Kensington


shopsa magazine

BATTERIES BSC Stationery - Eveready Nikki Distributors - Duracell Batteries Nikki Distributors - Energizer Batteries. BIN RANGE Bantex - Waste paper bins Krost Office Products SSC - Stephens. BINDING ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - Plastic Comb, Wire, Thermal & Covers Beswick Office Products - Fellowes BSC Stationery - Treeline, Rexel, Bantex CTP Donau - Donau files and slide binders, A4 poster board Martin Yale Africa - Comb, Wire Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Rexel Office Products - Rexel and GBC SSC - Esselte W Vos & Co - Renz covers & combs, ringwire BINDING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Neorel Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Martin Yale Africa - Martin Yale Parrot Products - Parrot Comb Binding Machines Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges W Vos & Company - Renz. BOARDS BSC Stationery - Bestboards, Pentel, Pilot, Artline, Penflex CTP Stationery - Flip Chart Pads Hortors Stationery - Legal Notices i.e. Basic Conditions & OSH Act and Leave and Absence Chart Freedom Stationery - Marlin Max Frank - Artline Flipchart Markers, Artline, Maxi whiteboard markers Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Parrot Products - Full range of boards and accessories. Custom boards printed to your specification. Rexel Office Products - NOBO whiteboards, pinboards, easels and accessories SSC - Croxley, Legamaster, Edding

BOOK COVERS Bantex - Book Covers CTP Stationery - Poly Prop Donau heavy duty covers Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Freedom Stationery Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Palm Stationery Manufacturers - brown paper rolls, poly rolls, gift-wrap SSC - Tenza, Clearseal, Croxley BOOKS AND PADS Bantex - Hard and soft cover noted range BSC Stationery - Treeline CTP Stationery - Impala and premier books and pads Freedom Stationery - Manufacturers Hortors Stationery - Legal registers Impala Vuwa Stationery Manufacturers Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar SSC - Croxley, Lion Brand, Tudor, Sparrow BOXES AND CARTONS Beswick Office Products - Bankers Box to Boxes and Cartons CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Tidy Files - Acid free archiving products

C CALCULATORS BSC Stationery - Treeline, Kaiser, Sharp Freedom Stationery Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of HP and Canon calculators Nikki Distributors - Truly calculators Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - IBICO SSC - Texas Instruments, Texet

Vol 96 - Issue 4

See page 58 for contact details CALENDARS CTP Stationery - Diaries assorted sizes SSC - Sasco year planners. CALLIGRAPHY Max Frank - Artline SSC - Rotring, Manuscript, Sheaffer CARBON PAPER AND FILMS SSC - Pelikan Ultrafilm, Interplastic, Plenticopy. CASH BOXES SSC - Helix CD’S, DVD’S AND DISKETTES Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of Sony audio and video access, Verbatim, Memorex CDs, DVDs, HP media, Protech, Epson and Canon speciality media CLIP BOARDS Bantex - PVC and moulded plastic CLIP BOARDS CONTINUED CTP Stationery - DONAU brand Parrot Products - Masonite and whiteboard SSC - Croxley, Esselte CLIPS, FASTENERS AND PINS Bantex - Paper clips Freedom Stationery - Marlin Grip Binders SSC - Croxley, Lion Brand, Esselte, Helix Essentials, Stephens, Penguin Tidy Files - Filing solution COLOURING BOOKS Empire Toy & Stationery - Empire books Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of Manhattan True Touch Mice (wireless, infrared, USB, scrolling etc.), keyboards (wireless, infrared, multimedia, roll-up etc.), monitors, hubs, printer cables, USB cables, keypads, web cams and graphics tablets, as well as the NU range of internal and external drives. Krost Office Products Pyrotec - Tower Inkjet-laser labels, business cards and photo paper Rexel Office Products - Kensington Computer Accessories


COMPUTER CLEANING Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Pyrotec - Tower computer cleaning range Kolok Unlimited - Computacare

and T-card kits South African Diaries - For all your diary needs DICTATION - TRANSCRIPTION Powerhouse Dictation for Philips - Dictation, transcription, meeting recording, mini-tapes,

COMPUTER CONSUMABLES CTP Stationery - Full range of DONAU files Impression Management - see printer consumables KMP - for computer consumables Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of HP, Epson, Lexmark, Canon, Oki, Tally, Seikosha, Panasonic, Brother, Olivetti, Minolta, Kyocera, Penguin consumables Redfern Print Services - Redfern inkjet/laser/ copier labels and a full range of stationery labels COMPUTER HARDWARE Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of Lexmark, Oki, HP, Canon and Epson hardware range (printers, scanners, digital cameras and projectors) CORPORATE STATIONERY & GIFTING STAR STATIONERS AND PRINTERS CRAYONS AND CHALKS BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Henkel, Faber Castell, Staedtler Faber Castell - Wave crayons and pastels Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Chalks and Crayons SSC - Croxley, Jovi, Stabilo, Penguin

foot pedals, accessories DRAUGHTING AND DRAWING OFFICE SUPPLIES CTP Stationery - A4 Poster Boards SSC - Croxley, NT Cutters, Pelikan and Penguin Drawing ink, Maped, Rotring Technical, Helix

E EMBOSSERS AND ENGRAVING Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Ideal & Trodat Embossers (pocket, desk and electronic), Trotec ENVELOPES AND MAILING BSC Stationery - Leo Envelopes, Jiffy CTP Stationery - Commercial envelopes Global envelopes Grafton/Star Merpak Envelopes - Simplistic, full range of printed and plain envelopes PaperGeni SSC - Croxley, Lion Brand, Bespoke and Standard ERASERS & ERASING / CORRECTION FLUIDS


BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Artline, Faber

DESK SETS AND ACCESSORIES Bantex - Comprehensive range - moulded plastic BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex Freedom Stationery - Marlin Krost Office Products Ledger Systems - Falcon Products Rexel Office Products - Rexel Eco Range SSC Stationery - Rolodex.

Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Tape/Erasers

DIARIES, PLANNERS AND ORGANISERS CTP Stationery - CTP Brand Hortors Stationery - Legal diaries Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners, refills


Castell, Pentel, Pilot, Staedtler, Pritt Freedom Stationery - Marlin Max Frank - Uni Pentel S.A (PTY) LTD - Hi-Polymer and Ain eraser, correction tape and pens SSC - Penguin correction fluid and pens. UHU correction roller and bottle. Helix, Maped, Pelikan, Penguin, Croxley erasers


shopsa magazine


buyer’s guide



Files and filing African Filing Systems - Top retrieval filing and arching products Bantex & Viking - All filing and storage BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex Mobifile CTP Stationery - Full range of quality DONAU brand File-A-Punch cc Flip File - Executive display files, expanding files, Document folders, dividers Freedom Stationery - Edo / Unifile Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Lever arch, Ringbinder files, Manilla flat folders Grafton/Star Kolok Unlimited - Avery Eurofolios and Euroboxes Palm Stationery Manufacturers - leaver arch, ring binder files, manilla flat folders. Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd. - Display book Vivid, document file, clip file and presentation file Rexel Office Products - Prima and Rexel ranges SSC - Croxley, Esselte, Pendaflex suspension files, Twinlock filing systems Tidy Files - Filing solutions FOLDERS Bantex BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers - View files, polypropylene & board folders Rexel Office Products SSC - Croxley, Esselte Tidy Files - Specialised FORMS - LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Hortors Stationery - complete range of custom, company, miscellaneous, magisterial, etc. FURNITURE - OFFICE & SCHOLASTIC Krost Office Products - accessories New Era Office cc - Specialising in all office furniture desks, chairs, credenzas, boardroom tables, etc


shopsa magazine

G GUILLOTINES AND TRIMMERS AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra Beswick Office Products - Fellowes, Vivid Martin Yale Africa - Martin Yale Rexel Office Products - SmartCut and ClassicCut SSC - Dahle W Vos & Co - Ideal

I INDEX TABBING AND DIVIDERS 3M SA - Post-it flags, Flag pen and highlighter Bantex - P.P and Manilla board BSC Stationery - Treeline, Bantex, Flip File CTP Stationery - DONAU Brand board and P.P Flip File - Index Tabs, Flip tabs Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers Grip Binders Rexel Office Products - Rexel, Mylar and Prima board SSC - Croxley, Esselte INKS KMP - for computer consumables. Max Frank - Shachihata, Artline Rexel Office Products - Numbering machine ink Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, Noris fastdry, security, numbering, franking. Laundry. SSC - Pelikan, Penguin stamp pads and inks, Rotring, Sheaffer

L LABELS BSC Stationery - Treeline, Tower, Midmadex Freedom Stationery - Marlin Pyrotec - Tower stationery, inkjet-laser labels Redfern Print Services - Redfern Inkjet/laser/ copier labels and a full range of stationery labels

Tidy Files - Filing solutions LABELLING MACHINES Kemtek Imaging Systems - Distributor of Brother P-Touch Labelling System Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of OEM, Avery and Penguin inkjet and laser labels SSC - Dymo, Herma LAMINATING MACHINES AZ Trading - DSB, Speedlam, Lamiace Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Kolok Unlimited - Galaxy Martin Yale Africa - Fujipla Parrot Products - Parrot A4 and A3 Laminators Rexel Office Products - GBC and Rexel ranges W Vos & Co - PEAK & Renz. LAMINATING POUCHES AND MATERIALS AZ Trading - A0 to ID card size Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Kolok Unlimited - Penguin Martin Yale Africa Parrot Products Rexel Office Products - Rexel and GBC. LEGAL STATIONERY Hortors Stationery - All legal registers, forms, diaries etc LETTER OPENERS SSC - Maped, Croxley LETTER TRAYS Bantex & Viking Krost Office Products SSC - Croxley, Twinlock, Maped, Disa, Stephens. LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS, SHEETS, INDEXES SSC - Croxley, Twinlock.

M MAILING TUBES CTP Stationery SSC - Croxley

Vol 96 - Issue 4

See page 58 for contact details MARKERS BSC Stationery Sales - Treeline, Collosso, Penflex, Artline, Maxi, Pentel, Pilot, Bic Faber Castell - Permanent and non permanent Freedom Stationery - Marlin Interstat Agencies - Edding Max Frank - Artline , Maxi, Uni Parrot Products - White board, permanent and OHP markers. Wide range of highlighters Penflex - White board, flipchart, permanent markers, highlighters Pentel (Pty) Ltd. - Maxiflo, white board marker and paint marker Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - NOBO white board markers SSC - Croxley, MonAmi, Carioca, Pelikan, Penguin, Stabilo Boss, Stabilo Swing, Sharpie MATHEMATICAL GEOMETRY SETS & ACCESSORIES Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers SSC - Croxley, Helix Oxford, Maped, Rotring MINUTE AND GUARD BOOKS Hortors Stationery - Company registers, minute books and other legal registers Ledger Systems - Falcon products SSC - Croxley

N NUMBERING MACHINES Rexel Office Products Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Reiner Dater/ Numberer (manual/electronic), Trodat

O OFFICE ERGONOMICS Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Back/Wrist/ Foot support; Notebook riser stand Rexel Office Products - Kensington copyholders, risers, footrests, wrist support and Rexel range of electric staplers and punches which reduces chances of RSI (repititive strain injury)


OVERHEAD PROJECTION AND ACCESSORIES 3M SA (Pty) Ltd. - Overhead film, transparency, multimedia Kolok Unlimited - Penguin OHP Film Max Frank - Artline Parrot Products - Data Projectors, OHPs, screens and rear projection film Penflex - Penflex Overhead projector pens Rexel Office Products - NOBO SSC - Stabilo, Penguin.

P PAPER AND BOARD Antalis South Africa - Office paper solutions Bantex - Cube refills BSC Stationery - Apex Paper - Typek,Rotatrim CTP Stationery - DONAU A4 poster boards Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly paper Freedom Stationery Grafton/Star Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of HP, Epson, Canon, Lexmark, Penguin and Avery Palm Stationery Manufacturers - Cubes and board Rexel Office Products - Prima SSC - Croxley TRIBE - TRIBE Inkjet Paper and Film PAPER FOLDING MACHINES Martin Yale Africa - Martin Yale W. Vos & Co - Ideal PENCILS BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Faber Castell, Pilot, Pentel, Uni, Staedtler, Henkel Freedom Stationery - Marlin / Edo Max Frank - Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Hotshot, Mechanical Pencil, Techniclick Pencil. Power Stationery - Powerstar Rexel Office Products - Rexel HB & Derwent SSC - Croxley, Stabilo, Rotring, Sheaffer PENCIL LEADS Faber Castell - Extensive range, beginner to artist Freedom Stationery - Marlin Max Frank - Uni

Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Ain lead, standard lead various grades SSC - Croxley, Rotring PENCIL SHARPENERS Freedom Stationery Palm Stationery Manufacturers Power Stationery - Powerstar SSC - Croxley, Carl, Dahle, Maped, Helix PENS BSC Stationery - Treeline, BIC, Faber Castell, Pilot, Pentel, Uni, Staedtler, Henkel, Lexi, Penflex Faber Castell Freedom Stationery - Marlin and Edo Max Frank - Artline, Maxi, Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Penflex - Penflex ballpoints and rollerballs Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd - Superb Ballpoint, Energel Pen Power Stationery - Powerstar SSC - Sheaffer, Pelikan, Stabilo, Rotring, Penguin, Parker, Waterman, Papermate PEN CARBON BOOKS BSC Stationery - Treeline, RBE Freedom Stationery - Marlin Power Stationery - Powerstar SSC - Croxley


PERSONAL STATIONERY Bantex - Telephone Management, Conference and Filing CTP Stationery - Home office and personal filing system, diaries Grafton/Star SSC - Croxley, Basildon Bond, Tudor and Lion brand PLANNING BOARDS AND ACCESSORIES Parrot Products - Range of year planners, term planners, maps and in/out boards. custom printed boards designed to specification. Rexel Office Products - NOBO planners SSC - Croxley, Sasco POINT OF SALE PRINTER ROLLS PaperGeni Rotunda. PRINTING Star Stationers and Printers

shopsa magazine


buyer’s guide

P PRINTERS Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of Epson, Lexmark, Canon, HP and Oki printers


PRINTER CONSUMABLES Impression Management - Manufacturers and distributors of 100% brand new generic and compatible inkjet, laser toner cartridges including Prinart, Q-ink, Sanchi, Oliser. Also manufacturers of inkjet refilling machines, bulk inks and recycler supplies KMP - For computer consumables. Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of HP, Epson, Lexmark, Canon, Oki, Panasonic, Brother, Olivetti, Kyocera, Seikosha, Tally, and Minolta consumables; Fujitsu, Citoh and Penguin PaperGeni Royce Imaging Industries - Remanufacturers and suppliers of inkjet and laser cartridges Technical Systems Engineering - Suppliers of quality compatible cartridges and bulk inks for Epson, Canon, Lexmark, HP and Samsung PUNCHES AND PERFORATORS Bantex - Plastic and Metal Beswick Office Products - Kangaro BSC Stationery - Treeline, STD, Bantex, Rexel Freedom Stationery - Marlin Krost Office Products Parrot Products - Parrot range of punches Rexel Office Products - Rexel SSC - Uno, Rapid, Maped, Lion Brand

R RUBBER BANDS SSC - Croxley RUBBER STAMPS Aquarius Media Supply - MaxStamp range and accessories Max Frank - Schachihata X Stampers Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co. - Trodat

RUBBER STAMP MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT Aquarius Media Supply - Flash Machine 251 Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - AZ Liquid polymer, TROTEC laser engraver, flash system

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Making memories, Clearsnap, Marvy, Ranger, Bazzill, Carl SSC - Herma, Maped, UHU, Stabilo, Dahle Trimmers

RULERS Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers Penflex - PENFLEX rulers SSC - Croxley, Disa, Rotring, Helix Shatterproof

SHREDDERS AND ACCESSORIES AZ Trading - DSB, Kobra, Roto, Repairs to all makes Beswick Office Products - Fellowes Kolok Unlimited - GEHA shredders Martin Yale Africa - Intimus, Martin Yale, PaperMonster Nikki Distributors - Nikki shredders Parrot Products - Parrot range of value shredders Rexel Office Products - Rexel range W Vos & Co - Ideal.

S SCHOLASTIC SUPPLIES Bantex and Faber Castell BSC Stationery Sales - Treeline CTP Stationery Empire Toy & Stationery - Butterfly Flip File - Flip File display books A5, A4, A2, A3 Freedom Stationery - Marlin and Edo Gordon’s Productions - contact paper woodgrain, marble, pattern designs. Magic cover back to school clear and coloured self adhesive paper. (4M rolls, A4 and lever arch). Plastic coated brownkraft rolls and pre-cut polythene covers. Grafton Paper Products Impala Vuwa Stationery Manufacturers Max Frank - Artline, Maxi, Uni Palm Stationery Manufacturers Parrot Products - chalk boards/slates Power Stationery - Powerstar Pyrotec - Tower Adhesive Book Cover 45cm x 2m SSC - Croxley, Pelikan, Penguin, Stabilo, UHU, Maped, Helix, Lion Brand SCISSORS AND CUTTERS Freedom Stationery - Marlin Palm Stationery Manufacturers SSC - Maped, Sister, Croxley, Disa SCRAPBOOKING Rexel Office Products - Trimmers and guillotines


shopsa magazine

SLATES Freedom Stationery - Marlin Parrot Products - Whiteboard and chalk board SPECIALISED STATIONERY AND BOOKBINDING Ledger Systems - Law reports and periodicals SPIKE FILES Grip Binders SSC - Croxley, Maped STAMPS, STAMP PADS AND INKS Aquarius Media Supply - MaxStamp, self-inking and pre-inked stamps, ink pads and accessories. Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Trodat, preinked stamps, stamp and fingerprint pads SSC - Penguin metal and plastic stamp pads STAPLING MACHINES AND STAPLES Bantex Beswick Office Products - Kangaro BSC Stationery - Treeline, STD, Bantex, Rexel Freedom Stationery - Marlin Krost Office Products Interstat Agencies - Genmes Parrot Products - Parrot range of staplers Rexel Office Products - Rexel range SSC - Maped, Rapid, Lion Brand, Helix Essentials

Vol 96 - Issue 4

See page 58 for contact details STATIONERY SUNDRIES - SCHOLASTIC BSC Stationery - Treeline, Pritt, Henkel, Staedtler, Pentel, Pilot, BIC, Bantex, Faber Castell, Artline, Penflex CTP Stationery - DONAU Scissors and cutting knives Freedom Stationery - Marlin, Edo and Unifile Palm Stationery Manufacturers - New Wave SSC - Helix Essentials, Maped, Croxley. STENCILS Freedom Stationery SSC - Rotring, Helix. STORAGE SYSTEMS CTP Stationery - Archiving Systems Suspension Files Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of Sony and Verbatim memory sticks, memory, flash and secure digital cards, lockable CD storage units SSC - Croxley Tidy Files - Filing solutions


cartridges, Panasonic, Kyocera and Penguin PaperGeni TOP RETRIEVAL FILING Optiplan a div of Waltons - Paper based top retrieval filing systems Tidy Files - Complete onsite and offsite filing solutions TOYS, HOBBIES AND GAMES Freedom Stationery Pyrotec - Toby Tower Stickers and Activities

changes to the Stationery TRANSFER LETTERING AND SIGNS Parrot Products - Vinyl lettering TRANSPARENCIES Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of OHP media, OEM, Penguin and HP Transparencies Rexel Office Products - NOBO range SSC - Stabilo TREASURY TAGS/INDIAN LACE FILES SSC - Croxley

TELECOMMUNICATIONS NIKKI Distributors - Siemens office phones


voL 96 ISSUE 5


TONERS AND CARTRIDGES KMP - Computer consumables Kolok Unlimited - Distributors of HP, OEM, Lexmark and Epson toners, Samsung, Oki and CrAfty Art IDeAS Epson thermal and tUrncompatible exCeSS Inventoryribbons Into CASh and to Sell… PAPer ShreDDerS toners/ RISO, HPhoW and Epson inkjet cartridges, ComPAny ProfIle: PoWerhoUSe DICtAtIon SyStemS Canon bubble jet ink cartridge, laser and fax


email: info@shop-sa.co.za. While every effort is made

urges individual companies to

VISITORS BOOKS/REGISTERS Ledger Systems - Falcon Products - visitors books, hotel guest register, restaurant reservation registers

ensure their own information is the most current. Shop-sa cannot be held responsible for any omissions or errors

voL 96 ISSUE 5


011 880 1677 or

and up-to-date, the editor

shop sa


sa office in writing. Fax to

published here is correct



Buyer’s Guide, contact shop-

to ensure the information


TAPES 3M SA (Pty) Ltd. - Brand Scotch® MagicTM BSC Stationery - Sellotape, Brother Freedom Stationery Palm Stationery Manufacturers SSC - Sellotape, Dymo Labelling Tape

To advertise in or make any

ISSUE 8 • 2012


within the Stationery Buyer’s DelICIoUSly hot DrInkS tACklIng the emotIonAl vAmPIre offICe tIPS for ProDUCtIvIty tIme-SAvIng fIlIng CABInetS

Guide, but we will of course make every effort to ensure the information within is completely up to date with each issue.

shopsa magazine


buyer’s guide 3M

Interstat Agencies - Port Elizabeth 011 844 9202

PvtBag X926, Rivonia, 2128


041 453 2558

Box 27693, Greenacres, 6057


021 787 9600

PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948


011 806 2388

Customer Serv: 0800 118 311


041 453 8504



021 787 9791


African Filing Systems

Kemtek Imaging Systems

Redfern Print Services - Cape Town


011 896 5279



011 624 8000

Box 86173, City Deep, 2049


021 552 9680

Box 403, Milnerton, 7435


086 540 6892



0866 101 185



021 552 9681


Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Kemtek Imaging Systems - Cape

Redfern Print Services - Durban


011 688 6000

Box 6893, Johannesburg, 2000


021 521 9600

Box 181, Cape Town, 8000


031 205 9598



011 688 6162



021 551 5032



031 205 7092


Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town (

021 959 9600


021 959 9640

Box 19231, Tygerberg, 7505

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Durban (

031 714 4000


031 700 9253

Box 284, Umhlanga, 4320

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Pretoria (

012 379 0060


012 379 0052

Box 4013, Pretoria, 0001

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Bloemfontein (

051 447 8681


051 447 6765

Box 1795, Bloemfontein, 9300

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Port Elizabeth (

041 486 2020


041 486 2219

Box 9088, Estadeal, 6012

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Pietermaritzburg (

033 386 2078


033 386 2078

Box 1425, Pietermaritzburg, 3200

Antalis South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Botswana (

00267 391 2139


00267 397 5459

Box 1705, Gaborone

Aquarius Rubber Stamps

Kemtek Imaging Systems - KZN

Redfern Print Services - Johannesburg


031 700 9363

Box 15685, Westmead, 3608


011 837 4119

Box 1445, Crown Mines, 2025


031 700 9369



011 837 8917


Kemtek Imaging Systems - PE

Rexel Office Products


041 582 5222

Box 15685, Westmead, 3608


011 226 3300



041 582 5224



011 837 2781





021 709 0190

Box 183, Steenberg, 7947


021 552 5135

Box 189, Maitland, 7404


021 709 0199



021 551 3070


Kolok Unlimited - Head Office

Royce Imaging Industries


011 248 0300

Box 4151, Johannesburg, 2000


011 792 9530



011 248 0381



011 792 9480


Kolok Unlimited - Cape Town

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Head Office


021 597 2700

Box 6385, Roggebaai, 8012


011 262 1400

Box 931, Wendywood, 2144


021 297 2799



011 262 1414


Kolok Unlimited - Durban

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Cape Town


031 570 4900

Box 4206, Riverhorse Valley East, 4017


021 448 7008

Box 931, Wendywood, 2144


031 569 6880



021 448 7014


Kolok Unlimited Polokwane

Rubber Stamp & Engraving Co - Durban


015 298 8795

Box 862, Ladanna, 0704


083 377 4109

Box 931, Wendywood, 2144


015 298 8315



031 266 1082


Kolok Unlimited - Port Elizabeth

South African Diaries


011 453 7012



041 406 9900

Box 3163, North End, 6056


021 442 2340

Box 4862, Cape Town, 8000


011 454 4995



041 406 9920



021 442 2341


AZ Trading

Kolok Unlimited - Namibia

SSC - Silveray Statmark Company - Johannesburg


086 111 4407



00264 (61)370500

Box 40797, Ausspannplatz, Namibia


011 677 0000

Box 40754, Cleveland, 2022


011 792 9732



00264 (61)370525



011 677 0018



Kolok Unlimited - Nelspruit

SSC - Silveray Statmark Company - Cape Town


011 473 9800

Box 43201, Industria, 2042


013 758 2233

Box 4338, White River, 1240


021 442 1300


011 474 3101



013 758 2235



021 447 4369

Beswick Office Products

Kolok Unlimited - Bloemfontein

011 433 2686

Box 82319, Southdale, 2135


051 433 1876

PvtBag X01, Brandhof, Bloemfontein


031 462 2081


011 680 2166



051 433 2451



031 462 0185

Kolok Unlimited - Botswana

011 420 3250

Box 278, Brakpan, 1540


00267 393 2669

PvtBag B0226, Bontleng, Gaborone


051 447 4313


011 420 3322



00267 317 0762



051 447 6588


011 226 5600

Box 43501, Industria, 2042


011 626 2067

Box 75401, Gardenview, 2047


043 722 3781


011 474 9242



011 626 2912



043 743 7359


SSC - Silveray Statmark Company - Port Elizabeth

Ledger Systems


011 614 2243

Box 261524, Excom, 2023


011 334 0657/8/9

Box 82586, Southdale, 2135


041 391 8600


011 614 3075



011 334 0908



041 374 4112

Faber Castell


SSC - Silveray Statmark Company - East London

Krost Office Products

Empire Toy & Stationery


SSC - Silveray Statmark Company - Bloemfontein


CTP Stationery


SSC - Silveray Statmark Company - Durban


BSC Stationery Sales

Martin Yale


Star Stationers and Printers


011 473 9800

Box 43201, Industria, 2042


011 838 7281



031 569 1061



011 474 3101



086 690 0165



031 569 1094


File-A-Punch cc

Max Frank

Technical Systems Engineering


082 820 9379

Private Bag 6001 Hilton 3245


011 921 1811

Box 200, Isando, 1600


011 708 2304

Box 1532, Northriding, 2162


033 383 0080



011 921 1569



011 708 1799


Flip File

Merpak Envelopes

Tidy Files


021 638 3105

Box 2190, Clareinch, 7740


011 719 7700



021 633 6942



011 885 3174


Freedom Stationery - Johannesburg

New Era Office cc


011 943 4210


Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Cape Town


011 314 0953/4

Box 6459, Halfway House, 1685


011 334 2013

Box 10383, Lenasia, 1821


021 787 9600


011 314 0957



011 334 7358



021 787 9791

Freedom Stationery - Cape Town

Nikki - Cape Town

PvtBag X1, Capricorn Square, 7948

Tower (Division of Pyrotec) - Johannesburg


021 557 9152/3

36-38 Silverstone Rd Killarney Gardens


0860 006731



011 611 1820

59 Lepus Rd, Crown Mines, 2025


021 557 9155



0800 204868



011 611 1834


Freedom Stationery KZN (Head Office)

Nikki - Durban

Tower (Division of Pyrotec) Durban


032 459 2820

Box 478, Mandini, 4490


0860 006731



031 701 0192

Box 594, Pinetown, 3600


032 459 3255



0800 204868



031 701 1285


Freedom Stationery - East London

Nikki - Johannesburg



043 731 2422

Box 14111 West Bank 5218


0860 006731



011 314 4746 (Jhb)

Box 6280, Halfway House, 1685


043 731 2421



0800 204868



021 386 4261 (Cpt)


Global Envelopes

Nikki - Pretoria



031 465 5544



0860 006731



011 226 5600

Box 43501, Industria, 2042


031 465 5634



0800 204868



011 474 9242


Gordon’s Productions

Optiplan a division of Waltons

W. Vos & Company


031 705 8713

Suite 69, PvtBag X4, Kloof, 3640


011 620 4000

Pencil Park, Croxley Close, Herriotdale


011 493 7139



031 705 8714



086 681 8256



011 493 8807


Grafton/Star Paper Products

Palm Stationery


011 262 0777

Box 550, Bergvlei, 2012


031 507 7051



011 262 0780



031 507 7053


Grip Binders (

011 421 1300

PaperGeni orders@tigerpaper.co.za

Hortors Stationery


011 011 3900



011 011 4099


Parrot Products


011 620 4800

Box 1020, Johannesburg, 2000


011 607 7600



086 612 4663



011 615 2502


Impala Vuwa Stationery Manufacturers



036 634 1535

Box 389, Ladysmith, 3370


021 521 2400

Box 36964, Chempet, 7442


036 634 1890



021 521 2402/3


Impression Management

Pentel S.A (Pty) Ltd



011 791 2820


011 474 1427/8

Box 202, Crown Mines, 2025



031 777 1222


011 474 5563


Interstat Agencies - Durban

Powerhouse Dictation


031 569 6550

Box 201707, Durban North, 4016


011 887 1056



031 569 6559



086 555 3833


Interstat Agencies - Cape Town




Power Stationery


021 551 9555

Box 36696, Chempet, 7442


032 533 4003

Box 1305, Verulam, 4340


021 557 5456



032 533 3254


shopsa magazine

Promote your business Why not advertise your company in our Buyers Guide for a mere R65. Please contact us on 011 880 1147 and ask for Anna-Marie. We look forward to your call. Email: anna-marie@shop-sa.co.za

Vol 96 - Issue 5



Curl your lips... Crack a smile...

Win Win

Send us your funniest caption for the photograph below and you stand a chance to win a Rexel Laminator H220-RR valued at R2 000. Send your Punchline and details to Sendcontact us your funniest competitions@shop-sa.co.za with Punchlinecaption in theforsubject line. the photograph below and you stand a chance to win a Rexel Laminator H220RR valued at R2 000. The Rexel Laminator is 33% faster than competitor Send your Punchline machines, taking just 45 seconds to laminate a standard A4 pouch or 80 pouches per hour, with an additional and contact details to cold setting for heat sensitive documents. Other features include: competitions@shop-sa. • Automatic switch off after 30 minutes of inactivity. • Exit tray keeps pouches straight as they come co.za with Punchline through the heated rollers for a perfect, warp-free finish in the subject line. • Incorporates SureFlow™ Technology reduces • • • • •

jamming significantly for stress-free laminating and maximum The Rexel productivity Laminator is 33% faster than competitor machines, taking just 45 Laminates to A4 size includingA4 IDpouch cards, or notices seconds toup laminate a standard 80 pouches per hour, with an and certificates additional cold setting for heat sensitive documents. Other features include: Modern, compact design easy to move around and • Automatic switch off after 30 minutes of inactivity. suits most offi ce and home environments • Exit tray keeps pouches straight as they come through the heated rollers Single button interface: simple to use, no for touch a perfect, warp-free finish previous experience required • Incorporates SureFlow™ Technology reduces jamming significantly for Three heat settings accepts 2 xmaximum 75 micronproductivity (150 in stress-free laminating and total) • Laminates up to A4 size including ID cards, notices and certificates pouches, 2 x 100 micron (200 in total) and 2 x 125 micron (250 in total).

• Modern, compact design easy to move around and suits most office and home environments • Single touch button interface: simple to use, no previous experience required • Three heat settings accepts 2 x 75 micron (150 in total) • pouches, 2 x 100 micron (200 in total) and 2 x 125 micron (250 in total).

Winning CAPTION caption FOR VOL 96 ISSUE 2 WINNING find Well, the boss SAID fi nd an ice-breaker !!! - Submitted by Pam debyVilliers, FMAlgoa FM - Submitted Pam deAlgoa Villiers,

Rexel 60

shopsa magazine

line 4 Vol 96 - Issue 2

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