A great community newspaper.
VOL. 5, NO. 14
APRIL 4, 2011
INSIDE www.ShopperNewsNow.com
Big mama Sitting on eggs at the Collier place See Dr. Bob Collier’s column on page A-7
Bridging the waters The Third Creek Greenway bridge is back, just in time for spring foot races! See story and photo on page A-3
Bud and Carolyn Mynatt at their home at 7133 Wellington Drive in Deane Hill. Their yard can be toured 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 6-24 as a Dogwood Arts Festival Open Garden. Photo by Wendy Smith
Building a beautiful garden together once again an open garden during The key to a beautiful garden is the Dogwood Arts Festival. The two met at a high school dance the same as the key to an enduring marriage – patience. Deane Hill res- when Carolyn was just a freshman. “Bud was the only guy there that idents Bud and Carolyn Mynatt are experienced with both. The Foun- didn’t dance with me,” she recalls. tain City natives have been married The two married in 1944 after 66 years, and their gorgeous yard is Bud flew 35 bomber missions over
By Wendy Smith
Calling 1-900WHO-KNEW The Shopper’s own ‘Mr. Hotline’ answers some pesky questions about your county government. See page A-4
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10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Larry Van Guilder lvgknox@mindspring.com ADVERTISING SALES Paige Davis davisp@ShopperNewsNow.com Darlene Hacker hackerd@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 24,267 homes in Bearden.
Europe. When he returned home from serving at age 20, he wasn’t old enough to vote in the ’44 elections. The couple built a home in Holston Hills, but moved to Deane Hill in 1978 after Carolyn quit her job at St. Mary’s Hospital. She immediately joined the neighborhood garden club.
“I had never gardened in my life,” she says. An important first step in landscaping is learning about plants. Carolyn soaked up the information she learned through the garden club and learned more through To page A-2
Old school trumps ‘new urbanism’ Southwest elementary recycles Gibbs By Larry Van Guilder Northshore Town Center was conceived as a compact urban neighborhood combining residential and retail establishments that featured innovative architecture.
Analysis But the design for a new elementary school, which will become a prominent feature of the development when the school is completed in August 2013, reflects old ideas based on cheap land and outdated acceptance of urban sprawl. The new school’s footprint mimics Gibbs Elementary School. With the exception of its capacity for 200 more students, “It’s exactly like Gibbs,” said Knox County Purchasing Director Hugh Holt. Gibbs Elementary, completed in mid-2000, is a fine facility. But its onestory footprint, suitable where land is plentiful, is out of place in Northshore Town Center. How this “old school” school came to be slated for a neighborhood conceived as a step toward “new urbanism” is a story in itself. Before Cope Associates was selected as the architect for the project and awarded the $542,000 fee, the Knox County Schools system had never used a design competition to select an architect. And although Lanis Cope recently told the Shopper-News that the county wanted to “re-use … (something)
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Gibbs Elementary School served to furnish the design template for the new southwest elementary school. Photo by Ruth White already designed,” the solicitation for proposals issued by county purchasing disagrees. In an addendum to the solicitation, Deputy Director of Purchasing Matt Myers wrote: “All designs will be considered. The intent of the competition is to allow consideration of all facilities, including those that have been previously designed and constructed, not to establish a prototypical design.” Cope’s firm designed Gibbs Elementary School, granting Cope a clear advantage over competitors starting from scratch with the costly design phase. Although there is no indication that the evaluation and selection process was biased (the designs were evaluated “blind,” with nothing to identify the submitter), some bidders were not satisfied. One local architect, who asked to remain anonymous, was scathingly critical of the process: “Knox County public schools,
meaning the buildings themselves, are remarkable for their mediocrity. I challenge you to find more than one or two built since 1950 which embody architectural merit. The recent ‘competition’ was simply lip service, the anonymous-submission drawings comprising but two ledger-size sheets, in conjunction with the usual non-anonymous boiler plate. A design competition normally involves original work, which then informs the project design developed by the winner.” The American Institute of Architects (AIA) publishes a handbook, “Architectural Design Competitions,” which is comprehensive in scope, beginning with “appropriate conditions” for a competition and ending with “post-competition activities.” According to the AIA, one of the advantages of design competition is to “generate a wide range of new ideas in the approach to a design.” Ironically, the design competition
handbook adds that “a well-organized design competition, with selection based on ideas rather than past portfolio,” gives the designer an opportunity to “acquire expertise in a new market or building type.” The original ideas in the winning design are notable only for their absence. The usual suspect, money, is driving the school system’s bus. Replicating Gibbs is the economyminded choice, and a school system already faced with deteriorating buildings around the county can hardly be blamed for its decision. The school as designed is a poor choice architecturally and conceptually for the “new urbanite” Northshore Town Center. For a 2 cent property tax hike, the county could generate more than enough for the school system to pay for a building whose design would reflect something other than “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”
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community Give me the cynic “The worst government is the most moral. One composed of cynics is often very tolerant and humane. But when fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression.” Those are the words of my favorite cynic and curmudgeon, the late, great H.L. Mencken, and his observation is as true today as when he wrote it some 90 years ago. This nation’s founders would have appreciated the hard core of truth embedded in those three simple sentences. The opening words of the First Amendment to the Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” express a deep appreciation of how toxic the mix of government with religious “morality” can become. You need look no further than Iran to understand the dangers of theocracy. Yet now, in the 21st century, right here in the Volunteer state and elsewhere, lawmakers with limited respect for the Constitution want to mingle government with religion. It isn’t their finest hour. House Bill 368, brought by state Rep. Bill Dunn, is nothing less than a naked attempt to slip religion and conservative political beliefs in through the back door of the school house. Backed by the Discovery Institute, proponents of “intelligent design,” the legislation purports to advocate “critical thinking” about “some scientific subjects, including, but not limited to, biological evolution, the chemical origins of life, global warming, and human cloning.” The causes of global warming and the ethical questions surrounding human cloning (which hasn’t been accomplished – not even close) are issues of national and international policy and are hotly debated. The inclusion of “biological evolution” and “the chemical origins of life” is a ham-handed attempt to bring creationism out of its rightful place in religious teachings and into the classroom under the cloak of “science.” Where is Clarence Darrow when we need him? Until he shows up (cloning, anyone?), we can take comfort in another of Mencken’s aphorisms: “The theory behind representative government is that superior men … are chosen to manage the public business, and that they carry on this work with reasonable intelligence and honesty. There is little support for that theory in the known facts. …” See you next week. Catch every edition of the ShopperNews at www.shoppernewsnow.com. Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com.
Building a beautiful garden books and magazines. Then she put her eye for design to work. She laid out the borders of her beds with a garden hose to get started. The couple worked on their front yard for six or seven years before moving to the backyard. “When you plant something, it takes at least three years before it looks anything like you want it to,” says Bud. A lovely wisteria tree in the front yard is an example of how patience pays off. Wisteria is a vine, but if you stake it upright and cut the top off year after year, the vine becomes a trunk that’s sturdy enough to stand on its own. The tree’s purple blooms are nearly at their peak now. Carolyn was primarily in charge of the yard until Bud retired from Knoxville Motor Company 16 years ago. Since then they’ve
ARTS CALENDAR Swing dance Carolyn Holden will give swing dance lessons 2-3 p.m. each Friday throughout April at the Frank R. Strang Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. Admission is $5 per person, per class. Info: 670-6693.
From page A-1
Carolyn Mynatt, who has been president of the Deane Hill Garden Club four times, spearheaded the landscaping at the entrance to the subdivision. Photo by Wendy Smith worked together, but she admits she mostly supervises now. Their gardens are organic rather than structured, and the central feature of the backyard is a natural-looking waterfall that flows into two ponds, one of which is home to two fat Koi. Carolyn has a hard time naming her favorite plants
in her collection, but she prefers those that require minimal maintenance. She loves colorful groundcover like ajuga, and it’s obvious that Lentin roses are near the top of the list, because they’re tucked into every shady spot in the yard. In spite of an abundance of sunny daffodils, the ornamental trees steal
the show in the Mynatts’ yard. Carolyn is proud of a tree that has a unique look to go with its name – Henry Lauder’s Walking Stick. The tree has curlicue branches and is currently covered with long pods. A large weeping crabapple with pink blooms begs to be noticed, but a weeping ornamental spruce beside the waterfall is the centerpiece of the backyard. “Each bed should have a specimen plant – something unusual to draw attention,” recommends Bud. In addition to her yard, Carolyn is proud of the new landscaping at the Golf Club Road entrance to Deane Hill. She spearheaded the project, and the garden club provided funds for Mike Cruze of Cruze Naturescapes to install the beds. “They are our gift to the community.”
day, April 7, in the O’Brien theatre on the Roane State Community College campus in Harriman. Tickets are $10 ■ Friendship Force Interna($7 students and seniors). tional will hold its monthly Info: 354-3000, ext. 4711. meeting 6:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Palace Theater
April 5, at First Presbyterian Church on State Street. Guest speaker Danny Hinson, director of the Center for Global Education and associate professor of TESL at Carson Newman College, will discuss the schools’ programs on global education. Everyone is invited.
■ The Longstreet-Zollicoffer Camp 87, Sons of Confederate Veterans will meet 2 p.m. Sunday, April 10, at the East Tennessee Historical Society on Gay Street. Guest speaker David Madden will present “Charging Into the Civil War Bicentennial” before the meeting. Everyone is invited.
The Palace Theater, 113 West Broadway in Maryville, will present the following performances beginning at 8 p.m. unless ■ The Harvey Broome Group/ otherwise noted and all Sierra Club will meet 7 p.m. Music showcase tickets are $13 ($15 at the Tuesday, April 12, at Tennes■ The Council of West Knox see Valley Unitarian UniversalCarson-Newman College door) unless otherwise County Homeowners will ist Church, 2931 Kingston will present a showcase of noted: meet 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April Pike. Guest speaker Lynne ■ Dismembered Tenmusicians 7 p.m. Monday, 5, at Peace Lutheran Church, McCoy, wildlife rehabilitaApril 4, at American Piano nesseans, Saturday, April 621 N. Cedar Bluff Road. Guest tor, will be bringing animal 9. Gallery in Turkey Creek. speaker will be Kim Trent, ambassadors. Free admission. ■ Stephen Bennett: executive director of Knox ■ Little T Squares, the largest Fingerstyle Guitar, SatHeritage Inc. New officers will square dance club in Tennesurday, April 16. ‘The Diviners’ also be elected. see, is now offering classes ■ Last Friday Art ■ The East Tennessee AssociaRoane State Playmakers in Plus Square Dance calls. tion for Female Executives The group is also acceptwill perform “The Diviners” Walk, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. (ETAFE) will meet 11:45 a.m. ing couples and singles for beginning 7 p.m. Thurs- Friday, April 29, free admission. Wednesday, April 6, at the its basic square dance class Orangery. Guest speaker Dr. starting later in the year. Info: ■ The film “San FranJoe Nowell Jr., compounding 966-3305 or 966-0745. cisco,” 6:30 p.m. Saturday, pharmacist, will share the April 16. Tickets are $6. ■ West Knox Lions Club meets
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Writing workshop Award-winning playwright Lisa Soland will teach an eight-week playwright workshop each Tuesday evening through April 26 at Pellissippi State Community College in Hardin Valley. Info: www. lisasoland.com, 818-9732262 or e-mail lisasoland@ aol.com.
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Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner will be held 7 p.m. Friday, April 8, at Crowne Plaza. Sen. Tom Coburn will be the guest speaker. Tickets are $25. Info: 689-4671.
latest research on natural supplements versus prescription medications. Info and RSVP: www.etafe.org.
■ Speechmasters Advanced Toastmasters Club will meet 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, at Shoney’s on Walker Spring Blvd. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Info: Yuko Komata, 272-9818. ■ The Knoxville Writers Guild will meet 7 p.m. Thursday, April 7, at the Laurel Theater. Guest speaker, poet Bill Brown will read from his poetry collections and discuss current projects. A $1 donation will be requested at the door. ■ The Vikings of the Smokies will meet 4-6 p.m. Sunday, April 10, at Faith Lutheran Church in Farragut for a “Taste of Sweden” Smorgasbord. Admission is $5 ($3 for children ages 5-10, free for ages 5 and under). RSVP required by Wednesday, April 6. Email Arlene Christopherson at arcris@ att.net.
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7 p.m. the first and third Monday of each month at Shoney’s on Lovell Road. ■ Families Anonymous will meet each Tuesday from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. at Peninsula Lighthouse building 2, 6800 Baum Drive. The group gives support to families with members experiencing substance or behavioral issues. Info: Barbara, 696-6606. ■ Optimist Club of Knoxville will meet at noon each Friday for lunch at the Foundry, 747 World’s Fair Park Drive. Info: www.knoxvilleoptimist.org. ■ Knoxville Bipolar Disorder Support Group will meet 10 a.m. each Saturday at Messiah Lutheran Church on Kingston Pike. All items discussed during the meeting are completely confidential. ■ First Friday Knoxville Networking Organization will meet 8 p.m. every first Friday, at the Sobu Lounge, 6213 Kingston Pike. Come for networking, business card exchange and door prizes. Info: www.1stfridayknoxville. com or 615-944-1388.
Senior co-ed softball league The Senior Co-Ed Softball League will start its fourth season 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, April 16, at Knoxville Caswell Park, 620 Winona St. There is no fee to play. The league is open to women 55 and older and men 60 and older of all skill levels. Walk-ons are welcome. Info: 429-2044, 675-3296, 621-3096 or www. knoxseniorsoftball.com.
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Bridge over troubled waters returns The 15,000-pound, 50foot long pedestrian bridge on the Third Creek Greenway is back in place, just in time for spring foot races.
Wendy Smith The bridge was carried nearly 40 feet downstream during the Feb. 28 flood. The biggest challenge to its repair was getting a 90,000-pound crane to the bridge site, which is a third of a mile from Concord Road. All Crane Rental got the job done. After some clearing, a stone foundation was laid to support the crane. Once the crane was in place, it was simply a matter of picking up the bridge and setting it back down on the footers. The city got lucky, said Parks and Recreation Director Joe Walsh, that the crane was able to maneuver to the site and that the bridge didn’t fall apart when it was moved. Nevertheless, city engineers have made a request for funds in next year’s budget for new greenway bridges, which will perhaps be constructed of concrete and steel. Kelley Segars, the K nox v ille Regional Transportation Planning O r ga n i z at ion’s bic yc le program coordinator, is one of many who are pleased to have the bridge back. A laser counter near the bridge site indicates that the trail is used nearly 10,000 times each month by riders and pedestrians during warmer weather. While the bridge was out, cyclists had to detour to Sutherland Avenue. “It was crazy to get that much rain,” she says. “We’re really happy people are able to use it again.”
Bearden High School baseball coaches Jack Tate and Mitch Carter pose with Jim Stockdale, center, a member of Bearden’s first baseball team. Stockdale threw out the first pitch of Bearden’s season. Photo submitted
Julianne Campbell, third from left, spends time with Mandasia, Misty, Danshai, Chrissy, Jamya and Nadra at the Lighthouse at Austin Homes. The Bearden High School senior is hosting a benefit concert for the ministry at 7:30 p.m. this Friday at Central Baptist Bearden. Photo submitted class of 1947, threw out the first pitch at the Bearden baseball team’s home openAfter 64 years, er against Heritage High School. he’s still got it Stockdale played on the You may not be able to teach an old Bulldog new 1947 baseball team – the tricks, but some have a pret- first to be fielded by the new ty good memory. Jim Stock- school. The 2011 Bulldogs dale, Bearden High School beat Heritage 14-4. port a great cause – and a great teen.
The Third Creek Greenway bridge is back in place after being washed out by floodwaters on Feb. 28. Photo by Wendy Smith
try every day after school. The children are excited whenever someone spends time with them, but they get even more excited when that person keeps coming back, she says. She helps the kids with homework and listens to them read. Then they play games or just hang out.
But Julianne wanted to do more. She’d heard of other teens hosting benefit concerts, and since she enjoys music, she thought that would be a great way to raise some money for the Lighthouse. After many emails, and help from her church, she will host the Benefit Con-
Concert to benefit Austin Homes ministry Don’t ever imagine that all teenagers are self-centered. Kids like Bearden High School senior Julianne Campbell debunk that myth. She first volunteered at the Lighthouse at Austin Homes two years ago by assisting with a few weeks of summer camp. The Lighthouse, which meets the needs of residents in the housing project, is run by Hands and Feet ministries. Then Julianne began working with the minis-
cert for the Lighthouse at Austin Homes at 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 8, at Central Baptist Bearden. Nashville bands Boot Hill & the Paramount Ship and Clemency will perform, as well as local band Traveling Mercies. UT football standout Nick Reveiz is the special guest. Tickets are $5. Go to sup-
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government Elected solicitor general could replace state AG Changing the selection procedure for the state attorney general has been debated for the past 45 years in the Legislature. State Rep. Ryan Haynes of Farragut is one of those pushing for a change. With the arrival of a Republican majority in both the House and Senate, it has taken on a new life and is no longer an exercise in futility. Most Tennesseans have little idea about how our attorney general is chosen. Tennessee is the only state in the nation to have its Supreme Court pick, for an eight-year term, the state attorney general. Most states elect their chief legal officer, as he or she makes policy. Tennessee voters are excluded from the process, especially now that the state Supreme Court no longer faces direct contested elections where real issues are debated. Republicans have been unhappy that their party members have been effectively barred from holding the state attorney general’s office as prior courts, being Democratic, chose Democratic applicants. However, Republicans were not the only group to feel slighted. Women and African-Americans were never seriously considered, either. In fact, the process by which the Court in prior years has selected the attorney general has been shrouded in secrecy. Transparency was not there. The votes of three of the five justices were enough to make the choice for the eight-year term. No other state grants its state attorney general such a long tenure. Amending our state constitution is a long, laborious process which, if begun now, might bring about a change seven or
Victor Ashe
more years in the future, probably in 2018 or 2020. However, legislative Republicans have found a way to make it happen earlier if they can stay together on the issue. They could transfer the current duties of the state attorney general to a newly created position of solicitor general, which could be chosen by the voters in 2012 or 2014. All the current statutory duties of the court-appointed attorney general could be shifted to the elected position, leaving the current AG the job of being the court reporter. Staff would be transferred, too. Republicans have a chance to make history and allow for public participation in a position where Tennessee voters should have a voice. Note: Now that Knoxville’s new and able police chief, David Rausch, has taken office, we found out some changes in pay were made – an issue this column raised weeks ago. Previously there was a $71,000 pay difference between the police ($156,000) and fire chief ($85,000). As of last week, Police Chief Rausch earns $110,000 plus $1,800 for longevity, and Fire Chief Stan Sharp now makes $91,000 plus $1,440 for longevity and $950 for First Responder duties. Now the pay is much closer, but this writer feels both are underpaid considering the responsibility for human lives and public safety they and their colleagues bear.
Hillside and ridgetop workshop set Knox County Commission will meet at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, April 13, in the small assembly room of the City County Building to conduct a workshop on the proposed Hillside and Ridgetop Protection Plan. Designed to familiarize commissioners with the details of the plan, this session is not a public hearing on the plan’s merits. The complete plan is available as a PDF on the Metropolitan Planning Commission’s website, www. knoxmpc.org. The website also contains links to the plan summary, frequently asked questions and examples of density calculations in the proposed protected areas.
Mr. Hotline answers your questions The Shopper-News hotline, 1-900-WHO-KNEW, is now in operation. This week we’re featuring answers to some of our most interesting calls. Caller: While standing outside the City County Building last week, I happened to overhear the head of one of the fee offices talking to a Knox County commissioner. I didn’t hear all of the conversation, but I caught a few phrases including “my money” and “my office.” The officeholder was clearly upset. What’s going on, Mr. Hotline? Mr. Hotline: Good question. Before I answer, a word of caution. Unless you’re a PBA security guard or a homeless person, standing idly outside the City County Building could cause you to be mistaken for a reporter and result in serious damage to your reputation. What you overheard is a symptom of what professional journalists label
Larry Van Guilder
“Cognitive Courthouse Confusion.” The syndrome develops following years of drawing paychecks from the county instead of a local car wash, a private sector job which research has shown is a better match for the talents of many infected by CCC. The repeated use of “my” in this case indicates that only two options remain to treat the condition: recall or election defeat. Caller: Whazzup, Mr. Hotline? Any idea why Commissioner Dr. Richard Briggs decided to split his own resolution on the fee offices into two parts at last week’s commission meeting? Mr. Hotline: We’ve received several calls about this. First, although it cer-
tainly appears that Briggs was acting against selfinterest in abusing his own resolution in such a fashion, you must remember that the commissioner is also a surgeon, and a darned good one at that. Thus, in common with most surgeons, he sometimes finds the temptation to cut too hard to resist. In this case, unfortunately, the operation to bifurcate the resolution nearly ended in disaster when Commissioner Amy Broyles threatened to pull the plug. Following resuscitation, the resolution has been confined to bed for 30 days. Caller: You hear a lot of speeches at County Commission, although not as many as when “Lumpy” Lambert was around. Out of all that you’ve heard, do you have a favorite line? Mr. Hotline: Motion to adjourn. Caller: I see that Knox County has a hotline for citizens to report suspected
fraud and abuse by county employees. Aren’t you afraid of the competition, and don’t you agree that the county hotline is a waste of taxpayer money? Mr. Hotline: Afraid? Ha! As to the second part of your question, which county department are you calling from? Caller: I just lost my job. Would this be a good time to apply for a position with Knox County? I have prior government experience. Mr. Hotline: Human resources will consider a number of factors when evaluating your application. These include your former college fraternity, your support for Mike Huckabee and your views on state Rep. Bill Dunn’s bill to promote “critical thinking” in schools. However, with the mayor proposing $3 million in cuts next year, I don’t think you have a chance, Mr. Ragsdale. Contact:lvgknox@mindspring.com.
School custodians: a bargain at twice the price Oscar Wilde wrote that a a child’s lost retainer. Forcynic is someone who knows mer principal Jon Miller dethe price of everything and scribed him this way: the value of nothing. “If you needed a mountain moved, he’d move a mountain for you. He walked to school every morning beBetty cause he didn’t have a car. Bean He worked like a horse and would do anything for you. He moved more boxes and That definition fits the books and supplies around proposition of shaving off $1 this building than anymillion of fi xed costs by bal- body. He’d carry boxes up ancing Knox County Schools those steps to the library budget on the backs of some and never ask for help. Noof the lowest-paid and hard- body knew how sick he was, est-working employees in and the faculty asks about the system – school custo- him every day. He is dearly dians – guys like Willie J. missed here. There’s not Anderson and Roscoe Mc- a person here that doesn’t Mahan who would be a bar- miss Roscoe. We’d love to gain at twice the price. have him back.” McMahan was the early Over at West High School, shift custodian at Central Willie J. Anderson clocks in High School for 20 years for work at 6 a.m., just like before health problems McMahan did at Central. He forced him to retire two likes to say that he brings years ago. the school to life, and his job His dedication to Central keeps him hopping until he was legendary, his work eth- clocks out at 2. After that, ic epic. He once climbed in- he starts on his second job, side a dumpster and combed coaching the girl’s junior through the contents to find varsity basketball team. He
his motivation to work two jobs in the Shopper-News earlier this year: “You’ve got to sacrifice and work hard it you want to get good results. Wins are good, but the main thing is to develop the players, both athletically and mentally. This carries over into everyday schooling. I tell them that athletics can pay for their education. Use this for something that’ll help you in the future.” There was, thankfully, some skepticism expressed by board members who Willie J. Anderson Photo by Betty were presented with the outBean sourcing proposal. If they don’t know Roscoe or Willie J., they probably know knows the kids, many of somebody like them. Maybe whom he has coached since they know the relationships they were playing AAU ball, that these employees have and the kids like and respect with the children in the him. schools they work so hard to West High School and maintain. And maybe they coach Willie J. have a good are even considering the huthing going. He is glad to man cost of mass layoffs at a be part of the team charged time when jobs are so hard with preparing students for to come by. the challenges they will face Or maybe they just know as adults, and he described value when they see it.
Padgett’s ‘listening tour’ Mark Padgett, 2011 mayoral candidate for the city of Knoxville, has launched a “Hands-On Listening Tour” of the city’s various communities. ■ 6 p.m. Monday, April 4, Cal Johnson
Recreation Center, 507 Hall of Fame Drive. ■ 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, Larry Cox Senior Center, 3109 Ocoee Trail. ■ 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 17, Deane Hill
Recreation Center, 7400 Deane Hill Drive. ■ 6 p.m. Monday, May 23, Fountain City Lions Club, Fountain City Park. All events are open to the public.
Heard in passing
Mayor Tim Burchett adamantly denies the report in a local publication that he is seeking an $80,000 pay raise. However, we thought we’d ask the mayor what he would do if he came into such a sizeable windfall. The mayor pondered, then said: “I think I’d buy myself a newspaper – time to bring back the Watchdog.” ’Nuff said. – Larry Van Guilder
The Gathering at Franklin Square Join us each month to eat, meet and greet at The Chop House from 5-7 p.m. Next gathering: Tuesday, April 12
Call 218-WEST for information on how to advertise on the Franklin Square page.
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Budget challenges No one can fairly accuse Jim McIntyre of upholding the status quo. The superintendent’s budget proposal in some ways forms a line of sacred cows and shoots them one by one. My colleague Betty Bean vents about the very idea of outsourcing school cleaning (page 4), but the purpose of the school system is not about providing jobs with benefits. Folks rant about overstaffing at the system’s central office – which by any objective analysis is not overstaffed. So McIntyre cuts 16 positions downtown. And I see on Facebook my old friend Bobbi Wyatt is losing her job. Principals already have a tough time recruiting coaches, yet McIntyre proposes to keep a 2 percent
Sandra Clark
supplement cut initiated last year. Keeping cuts away from classrooms is his mantra. At a budget hearing at West High School last week, someone asked whether we’re funding schools adequately. McIntyre said when he left the Boston system, the budget was $800 million for roughly the same number of kids, about 55,000. Knox County’s budget proposal is a shade less than $385 million. McIntyre takes a very different approach than former Superintendent
Charles Lindsey, who antagonistically pushed county commissioners to fund a “world class” system. McIntyre has secured federal funds (such as Race to the Top) and pumped up the Great Schools Partnership to raise private dollars; he will look at alternatives (such as outsourcing school cleaning); he supports pay incentives for teachers who exceed expectations; he urges citizens to call their federal representatives (named Duncan, Alexander and Corker) to support Title I funding. McIntyre will stand in a school auditorium for two hours to engage with staff and citizens on the budget. He will even take anonymous “tweets” with a bit of help from the central office folks.
Youth council accepting applications The Knoxville/Knox County Mayors’ Youth Action Council (YAC) is accepting applications for its 2011-2012 class. This organization represents high school students and ensures that their opinions are voiced, while also strengthening the sense of community and civic duty among Knox County’s teens. YAC provides opportunities for young people to better understand how local government operates and allows teens to experience collaboration and
team building while developing leadership skills. As many as 25 students will be chosen to serve on YAC. Current high school students, including public, private and home schooled students, are encouraged to apply by Thursday, April 21. Applicants should be aware of key issues facing youth and possess the desire and creativity to make a change in their community. Info: 588-5550 or visit www. metrodrug.org.
feature entertainment and food from various countries. Info: Gayle Wood, director of Access and Diversity, at 5397160 or gwood@pstcc.edu.
Pellissippi State ■ Heart of Knoxville Job Fair is 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, at the Magnolia Avenue campus. Free for both employers and job seekers. Info: Jennifer Scott at jdscott@pstcc.edu or 329-3166.
Roane State ■ Roane State’s Developmental Studies program is undergoing redesign. The program helps students reduce the time needed to complete their degrees. Now students can complete all noncredit, required precollege level courses in one semester with some of the classes offered online.
■ Pellissippi State Foundation continues to raise funds toward a $600,000 goal to place 13 Steinway pianos in studios, practice rooms and performance venues. If successful, Pellissippi State will become the first All Steinway community college in Tennessee, the fourth All Steinway community college in the nation and one of only about 120 All Steinway colleges and universities in the world. Info: 694-6529 or www.pstcc.edu/steinway/.
UT-Knoxville ■ Knoxville Economics Forum, organized by the Department of Economics at UT, will meet at 7:30 a.m. Friday, April 8, at Club LeConte. Lockhart
■ Festival of Cultures will be 4 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, April 15, at the Hardin Valley campus. The free event will
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The Native American Student Association (NASA) and UT will host “Anadasgisi: The Gathering of International Natives” Friday and Saturday, April 8-9, at various locations around UT campus. Festivities begin 6:45 p.m. Friday in the Humanities amphitheater with a discussion and presentation of the Aztec Fire Dance. Admission is free. Info: 788-7183 or email ksmit102@utk.edu.
Knox County Public Library will offer free demonstrations and one-on-one support for eBook checkout 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, at Carter Branch Library and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 19, at Howard Pinkston Branch Library. With a library card, eBooks can be downloaded and used for up to three weeks. Info: www.knoxlib. org or 215-8700.
‘Shadowlands’ The WordPlayers will present “Shadowlands” 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, April 7-9; and 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 10, at the WordPlayers’ Theatre, 1540 Robinson Road. Tickets start at $8 and can be purchased online at www. wordplayers.org or at the door. Info: 539-2490.
perform 8 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at the Laurel Theater. Tickets are $12. Info: 523-7521 or concerts@ jubileearts.org.
Bluegrass performance
‘Rich and the Po’ Folk’
Larry Sparks will perform 8 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at the Laurel Theater. Tickets are $16. Info: 523-7521 or visit www.knoxtix.com.
Old-time string band Rich and the Po’ Folk will
d Nominatef o e on ’s “East TN! t” s e B
■ Powell Elementary to purchase ActivBoards for $13,293, funded by PTA donations and school funds.
Writing workshop by local poet Noted Tennessee poet Bill Brown will lead an allday writing workshop 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at the Redeemer Church, 1642 Highland Ave. Because the event is sponsored by the Knoxville Writers’ Guild, admission is $70 for guild members, $80 nonmembers. This will be a hands-on workshop. Info: E-mail Terry Shaw at tshaw05@comcast.net.
An evening with Vince Dooley The Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum, 2743 Wimpole Ave., will host an evening in the garden with Vince Dooley, former University of Georgia football coach and author of “Vince Dooley’s Garden: A Horticultural Journey of a Football Coach,” 6 p.m. Friday, April 8. Admission is $35 for KBGA members, $45 for nonmembers. Info: 862-8717 or visit www. knoxgarden.org.
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■ Gary McCracken , head of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, has analyzed the economic impact of the loss of bats in North America in agriculture and found it to be $3.7 to $53 billion a year. His findings are published at www. sciencemag.org/content/ current#PolicyForum.
The school board will meet twice this week: a workshop is 5 p.m. Monday, April 4, in the AJ Building, and the monthly meeting is 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, in the City County Building. Agenda items include approval for:
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■ Baker Center will host a program on Hubert H. Humphrey: The Art of the Possible from 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, April 5. It is free and open to the public.
School board to meet
Sequoyah Foundation; ■ West Valley Middle School to purchase Promethean ActiViews, ActivExpression 32, Standard Bundles and Dell Latitude computers for $38,834, funded by coupon book sales and school funds; ■ Bearden High to purchase football equipment, field supplies and uniforms from Kessler’s Team Sports for up to$19,000, funded by the school football account; ■ Rocky Hill Elementary to install a new 1/4 mile asphalt walking trail around the perimeter of the playground area for $25,000, funded by the Rocky Hill PTO.
and we know their needs.
The cost is $20, payable at the event. Dennis Lockhart, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, will speak. Info and to register: www. knoxvilleeconomicsforum.org.
work at the Ben Atchley Veterans’ Home to obtain work-based experience; ■ A.L. Lotts Elementary to purchase Apple iMac, MacBooks and iPads for $14,212, funded by coupon book sales; ■ Farragut Intermediate to purchase Apple IMac, iPads and printer for $37,256, funded by the day care account and general school funds; ■ Hardin Valley Elementary to purchase Apple iMac, iPads, and projector for $28,634, funded by PTA donations, day care account and school funds; ■ Karns Elementary to purchase ActivBoards and projectors for $22,207, funded by coupon book sales; ■ Sequoyah Elementary to purchase AppleCare iMacs, ActivExpressions and ActiVote for $29,229, funded by coupon book sales, BEP funds and the
Jim McIntyre is a competent administrator. Watch closely. You can almost see the mayor and commissioners missing the good ol’ days when they had the school system to kick around. This year’s county budget debate – the first with Mayor Burchett and an 11-member commission – promises to be lively. Stay tuned.
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| Lorraine Furtner Meg Pierce (front) co-host of “The Faithful” chats with guests Dr. Bill Shiell and Dr. Kely Hatley and (back) production engineer David Thompson and Kelly Baker, co-host and show founder. Photo by L. Furtner
Radio show targets
‘The Faithful’ S
everal months ago realty broker Kelly Baker sat in a Chick-fil-A parking lot arguing with God. Baker felt compelled to start a radio show about God’s love, faith and acceptance but had no experience in hosting a radio show and would have to fund the program herself. The opportunity came when she felt the least capable and most vulnerable. She was going through a divorce, feeling like a failure, filled with doubts. “I’d had some broadcasting experience in college, but I wasn’t a radio host. I didn’t know what kinds of questions to ask; I didn’t even own a contemporary Christian CD. I was now a single mother, so where was the money going to come from?” said Baker. Baker took a leap of faith and paid for the programming. “The Faithful” began airing on Sundays at 10 a.m., on the talk-radio station WNOX 100.3 FM, in September. In December, Meg Pierce (her broadcast name) began co-hosting the show with Baker, making “The Faithful” the only show on the station with two female hosts. Pierce said, “We do a wide variety of shows to help our listeners realize that God can’t be put in ‘box.’ We try to show them how He’s working in people’s lives in a multitude of ways – through dif-
ferent places of worship, family life, the arts (drama, music, photography, writing), social action/ community service and even government-funded service, health care, education and finances.” Baker said the show is about faith taking action and that no matter where you are, you’re loved. “Faith is alive: you breathe it, you feed it, you use it,” said Baker. The hosts still find it interesting how they came to work together. The challenge of lining up guests for the show in addition to doing her realty job took its toll on Baker. She requested prayer for her endeavor from her small group at Cokesbury United Methodist. Pierce was a member of Baker’s group at Cokesbury and had a background as a television news reporter and former religious life contributor to Knoxville magazine. Pierce told Baker, “What you need is a producer.” “Did you get that call?” asked Baker. Pierce joined the team, and in the end, the show is the product of Baker, who has “the gift of gab,” Pierce’s contacts and experience preparing substantive questions, and the experience of WNOX production engineer Da-
vid Thompson. The program features a wide range of guests who have stories, ministry or talents that exemplify faith in action and God working across denominational differences. “The Faithful” has featured local singer/songwriter Greg Adkins, covered topics such as addictions with Cornerstone Recovery and talked with Harmony Adoptions about finding parents for children in state custody. Recent guests were pastor Dr. Bill Siell of First Baptist Church of Knoxville and the music director Dr. Kely Hatley. Hatley sang “My Soul Finds Rest,” by Mary McLean. Siell discussed programs such as Kids Hope USA, which pairs mentors with school children. Siell said that Knoxville’s greatest need and opportunity where church groups could work together are by aiding the single parents who fall into the “working poor” category. “They make just enough above the poverty level to disqualify them for government assistance yet don’t really make enough to make ends meet,” he said. Some of these families may not be able to attend church regularly, so churches like First Baptist Church of Knoxville utilize TV and the Internet to reach them. “The
work, because even when I disagree with it, I have the freedom to say so, and loudly. I have a say in who the decision-makers are, which makes me a decision-maker. My taxes are one way I participate in governing. The Jewish leaders of Jesus’ day, however, were paying taxes to an empire that had sent occupyCROSS CURRENTS | Lynn Hutton ing forces into their land, and the tax collectors were Jews who were working for the enemy. The tax So (the scribes and chief priest) watched him and sent spies, … in collectors were allowed to charge order to trap him by what he said. So they asked him, “Teacher, … Is extra, to line their own pockets, it lawful for us to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” But he perceived which made them turncoats in the their craftiness and said to them, “Show me a denarius. Whose head eyes of their fellow Jews. and whose title does it bear?” They said, “The emperor’s.” He said to So when the scribes and chief them, “Then give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, priests approached Jesus with and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were not able in a question about taxes, they the presence of the people to trap him by what he said; and being set a trap for him. They oiled amazed by his answer, they became silent. (Luke 20: 20-26 NRSV) their words with compliments: “Teacher, we know that you are have not yet rendered unto country, to keep the government right in what you say and teach, Caesar this year, but I will, up and running and doing the and you show deference to no and without complaint. I am de- things government does. I want one, but teach the way of God in lighted to pay my taxes to this the government to continue its accordance with truth. Is it law-
Rendering to God
es in the community. In the future they might consider shows that inform listeners about religions, perhaps learning to work together with people of different faiths on joint community service projects. All the future plans hinge on one thing: the continuation of the show. So far, everything has come together except consistent full advertising and sponsorship. They do have some advertisers but not enough to lift all the responsibility of funding from Baker. Pierce said, “If you like what you hear on the show and believe in our mission, consider joining ‘The Faithful’ as a long-term advertiser. Or, you may want to be the sponsor of a show about your Faithful” makes it possible for some organization. “You will be able to spread the of those families to find a spiritual connection outside of traditional word about your organization’s means. The show is also available outreach projects and events on podcast at knoxvillefaithful. through both an on-air interview on ‘The Faithful’ and advertisepodomatic.com. “What we’re trying to do that ments.” may be different from some faith-based programs is to show people that they can find God Contact Meg Pierce at and develop their relationship 257-2984 for either coverage with Him through many differor advertising information. ent people, places and experiVisit Knoxvillefaithful. ences even beyond the church podomatic.com and find walls,” said Pierce. “The Faithful” on Facebook. Baker and Pierce would also
Baker and Pierce would also like to hear from smaller churches in the community. In the future they might consider shows that inform listeners about religions, perhaps learning to work together with people of different faiths on joint community service projects.
like to hear from smaller church-
ful for us to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” Jesus may have been the first poker player. He saw their bet. “Show me a denarius,” he said. “Whose head and whose title does it bear?” “The emperor’s,” they answered. And then he raised the ante and effectively silenced them: “Then give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” You know this story. You know that the scribes and chief priests saw he had beaten them, and slunk off. I have always understood the point to be “Give what is due to those who govern, but give your heart to God.” David T. Ball (in an article in Bible Review, April, 2003) says, “The key to understanding this passage is in grasping the analogy that Jesus is making when he
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holds up the coin. If coins are Caesar’s because they bear Caesar’s likeness and inscription, then by analogy what bears God’s likeness and inscription? “It is this second implied question that modern readers neither ask nor try to answer. But a Jewish audience familiar with the Torah would have recognized what Jesus was suggesting. They would have known it is we human beings who bear God’s likeness, for … God created man in his ‘image and likeness.’ (Genesis 1:26)” Ball goes on to say then that what Jesus means is “that one may owe taxes to Caesar, but one owes one’s very being to God … His point is not that they should pay their taxes like dutiful Roman citizens; his point is that they should be rendering their selves to God. When it comes to what people owe God, Jesus is saying, we are all in the very highest tax bracket. …”
Behind the football scene TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West
erek Dooley is obviously the face of Tennessee football. The head coach is very definitely the captain of the Volunteer enterprise and manager of all details, large, medium and small. Assistant coaches don’t do a lot of tall talking but they are not hidden. Perhaps you have seen them a few times and read or heard their occasional comments. They are very valuable and are paid well but don’t say much for public consumption. Graduate assistant Chino Fontenette doesn’t say anything. Behind the coaching staff in the carefully organized UT organization is a layer of key support people. They are very real and useful, perhaps vital. They are almost never in the news. Director of football operations is Brad Pendergrass, Dooley’s firm right hand in the office, responsible for many projects and the implementation of an assortment of Derek
ideas. Brad, 34, has an interesting background, 10 years behind the scenes with Phillip Fulmer, from student manager to key recruiting aide on campus. I recall when he had a large U.S. map on his office wall with all airports clearly identified. One of his missions then was to land the coach as close as possible to target prospects. Reduce driving time. Smart, very smart. Pendergrass eventually moved on to the football office at Mississippi State and then to Wisconsin before returning home. Heather Ervin is assistant director of football operations. This Sweetwater woman attends to the several things – housing, summer jobs, academic monitoring, game management. She helps with recruiting when prospects visit. She is the outfront connection when parents come around. She played basketball at Troy U. Kris Ann Hawkins, director
of on-campus recruiting, coordinates correspondence with prospects. A few years ago, she started the Orange Pride program, an ensemble of sharp students who served as university ambassadors. A couple of members, supposedly out of bounds during the adventures of Lane Kiffin, Ed Orgeron and David Reaves, attracted the attention of NCAA investigators. That Kris Ann is still here means she didn’t have anything to do with the missteps. Andre Lott is a bit more visible. This former Volunteer defensive back, a team captain in 2001, is coordinator of the very promising Vol for Life program – all about football players’ personal growth, life skills, career plans plus character and spiritual development. Lott’s job is to explain the concept, promote it, sell it, support and encourage and provide other leadership as needed. The better Lott does, the greater the projected benefits for all concerned – individuals, team, university, community, state, country and maybe the world. Vols for Life could be really big. Jason McVeigh is director of sports medicine. That is a sophisticated title for what used to be the team trainer. He is who Vols see when they are sick or hurting. He also does preventive maintenance. Big-league
like, “Who said having eggs is a blessing?’ All this setting does eventually come to an end, and as in human families, that’s when things really get lively. It takes six weeks for the fluffy, goofy and nearly helpless hatchlings to become full-sized, feathered creatures, ready to be taught the skills of flying and hunting for a living. All that growing that happens in just six short weeks (imagine growing a newborn infant to a high-schooler in nine months!) requires lots of feeding, a really whole lot of feeding. So then you watch the scope every day to see what delicacies the parent birds bring in for lunch – lizards, rats, big snakes – yummy stuff. At first the parents carefully nip off bits of meat and poke it in the little fluff-balls’ mouths. But, as the young ones grow and get stronger, hungrier and more quarrelsome, (sound familiar?) the parents just toss the prey into the nest and let them go at it. And then one fine day, amidst a lot of calling and shrieking and flapping, off the nest they come, out into the big world. You can only wonder at what it must be like to take your first leap off that nest and feel the air holding you up as you look around at everything you’ve been watching all the six weeks of your life now going by beneath you. Young raptors aren’t born knowing how to hunt; they have to be taught by their parents. And estimates by the experts are that only about one in four succeed in learning their skills well enough to survive. It’s evident in the ones we’ve observed. Some
Nesting now NATURE NOTES | Dr. Bob Collier
e’re sitting on eggs at our house. We’ve been at it for about two weeks now, since about March 22. My Granny Collier would have called it “setting.� Actually, Spouse and I aren’t doing the setting; it’s a big mama red-shouldered hawk and her helpful mate doing the work. But we’re watching and waiting right along with them. They have been raising a family in our woods every spring for seven years now. It’s like having a nest of wrens or robins, on an industrial scale. Sometimes they remodel and reuse the previous year’s nest, but this year they decided (undoubtedly the mama bird decided) to start over on a new nest. They began a month ago, high up in a big wild cherry tree. I first caught on to the new accommodations when I saw one of the birds out in a spruce tree in the side yard, near the house. I thought she might be checking on our feeders for a possible quick snack, but, no, she was plucking selected green-needled twigs from the tree. With a beak full, off she flew. Aha! Nest building. Once we found the nest construction site, we could put the old 20x spotting scope on it from our foyer and just leave it there to
watch daily progress and goingson as we went back and forth. In addition to big and small sticks fussily placed, positioned, and arranged, there were lots of evergreen sprigs woven in, spruce and cedar. Several people have suggested that the aromatic twigs might help keep bugs away, like in your cedar-lined closet. Maybe so. But now comes the boring part: setting. At least incubating human mamas can get out and about while the neat little package is developing. If you’re a bird, though, you have to watch those eggs like a hawk, so to speak. Crows, blue jays and squirrels just love unattended birds’ eggs. And, the eggs have to be kept constantly warm in the chilly, damp March and April weather. It takes 28 days for the rascals to hatch, and the parents share the setting duties. We’ve seen the changing of the guard. One bird will fly in, they will shuffle around for a minute or two, then the setting one will fly away, and the relieving one will settle down on the eggs. We watched the poor, faithful, determined bird on the evening of the March 26 as the heavy winds blew and the rain poured down. You could almost read its mind, something
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qualifications: honors graduate in biology from UT in ’96 plus masters in physical therapy from Duke. McVeigh joined the UT staff in the Fulmer era, moved up at the first opportunity and survived coaching changes. There is no greater recommendation of training skills. Dr. Chris Klenck is team physician. He has degrees from Purdue and Indiana and the stamp of approval from Peyton Manning. Klenck was once a medical assistant with the Indianapolis Colts. He has worked at NFL scouting combines and NCAA championship events. Not incidentally, he was the chief resident physician at Indiana University Medical Center before joining the Vols. Allison Maurer has an interesting task, persuading Volunteers to eat more broccoli and spinach and less biscuits and gravy. She is team nutritionist, a relatively unique position. A few hundred schools don’t have one. Allison has a serious job. She is responsible for healthy diets and who eats what when the goal is weight gain or loss, depending on whether Dooley wants a particular player for defensive tackle or wide receiver. Roger Frazier is equipment manager. He has been around
long enough that his name is on the equipment room. Twentyeight years will earn recognition for a good man. Roger is responsible for pads and hard hats, sleek britches and three or more colors of jerseys. He assists adidas in new product development. Joe Harrington has been technology coordinator for only 20 years. This magician compiles and edits game and practice video for coaches. Steve Rubio reviews miles of tape in the first round of recruiting evaluation. Scott Altizer monitors the walk-on program and directs coaching clinics and summer camps. Jimmy Stanton, associate athletic director, manages football news. Dooley is editor. Condredge Holloway, 57, is the best-known name on the support staff and the most famous ex-Vol at the university. The former quarterback, among the most exciting in history, is an assistant athletic director in charge of player relations. He is the link to former lettermen. If you missed him as the Artful Dodger, an escape artist on football fields, you can see him now as the title star of the Kenny Chesney made-for-TV production, “The Color Orange.� Condredge Holloway is Chapter 10 in “Legends of the Tennessee Vols,� the Marvin West coffee-table book of feature stories and photographs. Signed copies are $25. Details at westwest6@netzero.com.
seem to get it, some don’t. We had one year when the two full-sized young hawks apparently thought they were robins. They would sit around on the lawn, watch the robins, and pick around looking for worms, much to the dismay of the parents, who would hop, flap and call, trying to get them to come and learn lizard-catching, or some other useful hawk skill. Goodness knows what became of that pair. As I write, one of the birds is settled down in the new nest, looking around, glad that the sun is shining today but longing to be soaring in the blue morning sky. Take heart, bird, they’ll be off the nest in just two months. We wish you good fortune with your new family.
News item: The high season of birding is at hand. Spring migration, courtship and nesting will be happening in the next couple of months. Join Tony Headrick and numerous other birders, beginner to skilled, on Sharp’s Ridge on some Thursday mornings in April. They will meet at the old ranger’s house at 7:30 or so, on April 15, 22, and 29. There will be lots of good birds to be seen; stay for 30 minutes or two hours, as you wish. And don’t forget how close you are to other great birding places: Chuck Swan Wildlife Management Area, Ijams Nature Center, Norris Songbird Trail, the newlypaved Cades Cove loop and your own neighborhood. Hooray for spring!
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Serving Knoxville as One Nonprofit initiative unites churches By Natalie Lester Every community in Knoxville could use improvement and that is exactly what nonprofit Operation InAsMuch plans to do with the Serving Knoxville as One initiative this Saturday, April 9. “A lot of people want to help and improve the community, but they don’t know how,” said LaVerne Craig, who serves on the initiative’s steering committee. “We facilitate that.” Serving Knoxville as One allows local churches to get outside of the building walls and work in the community. As a result, those who need help receive it, and workers form lasting relationships for continued support. Craig estimates between 40 and 50 groups will participate this weekend. “There have been so many budget cuts that agencies and nonprofits are suffering to meet their needs,” Craig said. “We get things done that otherwise wouldn’t happen. Many people find their passion for serving and build a relationship so they can be there when the organization needs help again.” Jobs vary from home repair and landscaping to sorting clothes at local thrift stores. Each of the churches involved has a coordinator who organizes the group’s ac-
WORSHIP NOTES ■ Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive, will present “Messiah in the Passover,” a demonstration showing how Jesus fulfilled the ancient feast of Passover, 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 13, in the church sanctuary. Dinner will be served 5:15 to 6 p.m. in the gym. Cost for dinner is $6 ($3 for children). Everyone is invited. RSVP for dinner: 966-6728.
Special Services ■ Concord Adult Day Enrichment Services (CADES) will host the monthly Caregiver’s Support Group 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 5, in room 226 of Concord UMC, 11020 Roane
■ Click Funeral Home
(675-8765): tivities. Operation InAsMuch developed a Judith “Judi” Bruhn project list for the leaders and many have also recruited on their own. For example, Terrance W. “Terry” Hicks Craig compiled projects for Faith Promise Olivia “Libbi” Jean Moir Church and made cold calls to organizaMary Janice “Horn” Phillips tions she thought might be interested. Marjorie Williams Rusch “We’re always open to extend a hand to David Ernest Weltner Jr. whoever needs help,” she said. “They were ■ Stevens Mortuary all so happy to get my call. Usually calls (524-0331): come in for them to give help, but there we Delmer Keener Harris were offering it to them.” Estalene “Mokey” The Knoxville Leadership Foundation Strange McKinney will also be participating with its Operation Backyard ministry. Executive director Dan Myers said his group was able to serve 74 homeowners during last year’s event. He Courses believes this work is more important than ■ Farragut Christian Church, any amount of money. 138 Admiral Road, will host “Money is great,” he said. “But volunteers a four-part series on caring are just as important. It doesn’t matter how for the elderly 6:30 p.m. many grants you have, if you don’t have the each Thursday evening in manpower you can’t do anything.” April. Everyone is invited. Myers also pointed out how important it was for all of Knoxville to thrive, not just Seniors one part of town. ■ Grace Covenant Baptist “I live in West Knoxville, but people Church on Dutchtown Road downtown and in East Knoxville are still will host a senior Bible study relating to Easter 10:30 a.m. my neighbors,” he said. “Every community Tuesday, April 12. Lunch will must be equally strong for Knoxville as a be served afterward. Info: whole to benefit.” Janet or Judy, 607-9899. To get involved, contact Operation InAsMuch at 922-0791, or see if your local Music services church has a group participating.
Drive. Guest speaker Bob Coyne will discuss “taking care of the caregiver.” Everyone is invited. Info: 675-2835.
Easter Services
■ Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 800 S. Northshore Drive, will host a Stephen Ministry Workshop 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 9. The workshop will explain how Stephen Ministry works. Cost is $15 ($50 for four or more from the same congregation). Info and RSVP: 314-428-2600 or visit www.stephenministry.org/ workshop. ■ Concord UMC , 11020 Roane Drive, will host “A Quiet Place,” a contemplative worship service, 6 p.m. the second Sunday of each month. Info: 966-6728 or visit www. concordumc.com. ■ Fellowship Church , 8000 Middlebrook Pike, will host
GriefShare at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays. Get support from the group while recovering from a loss and rebuilding your life. Registration: Laura, 470-9800. ■ Bearden UMC , 4407 Sutherland Ave., invites everyone to “Praise and Worship” 5 p.m. every second Sunday in the fellowship center. Park in the back of the church and enter through the gym. Fellowship and a snack-supper follow the service. Info: www. beardenumc.org. ■ Two Rivers Church, 275 Harrison Lane, Lenoir City, will host “the Launch” 5-7 p.m. Sundays in the Fireside room. Come experience community and connect with others in a Growth group. Info: www. tworiverschurch.org.
Exceptional Care Exceptional Value
■ Knoxville Christian Arts Ministries will present “The Ungrateful Servant” 6 p.m. Sunday, April 10, at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church. Free admission.
Men’s groups ■ Concord Woodcarvers will meet the first and third Friday mornings of each month at Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive. Info: www. concordumc.com. ■ Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 800 Northshore Drive, will host “The Brotherhood of St. Andrew” 7-8 a.m. each Thursday for prayer and study. Info: www. knoxvillascension.org.
Fundraisers ■ Concord UMC , 11020 Roane Drive, will hold a community
Building hope from a hobby
Stitches of Hope sews for Kentucky children Genevive Thomas, 90, is the oldest member of Stitches of Hope, a group of women who meet weekly at First Baptist Church of Concord to knit clothing for needy children. Photo by N. Lester
rummage sale 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 8, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 9. Fill a bag for $5 from 1:15 to 3 p.m. Saturday. All proceeds benefit the Concord Youth 2001 Choir Tour and Concord Adult Day Enrichment Services (CADES). Info: 966-6728.
Youth ■ Rocky Hill Baptist Church, 7409 Northshore Drive, invites kids to the Word of Life Club on Sundays at 5:45 p.m. There will be games, Bible study and more. Info: www.
rockyhillchurch.org. ■ Concord Christian School is now enrolling for the 2011/2012 school year. Info: 288-1617.
Rec programs ■ First Farragut UMC, 12733 Kingston Pike, invites everyone to “Wednesday Night Live,” 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. each Wednesday. Enjoy a homecooked meal with your family and have some fun and fellowship. A family of four can have dinner for only $22. Info: www.ffumc.org.
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West Hills Elementary 3rd grader Alyssa Ard shows off her 1970 style with a peace sign. Photos by N. Lester
Decade Day at West Hills
Aiden Blond shows off his strength and pumps up a balloon at the Rocky Hill rodeo.
Safety patrols Carson Matthews and Tara Borden display their unique decade outfits at West Hills Elementary.
Janie Brice waits patiently as she gets her hair sprayed orange by Lauren Bell during the Rocky Hill rodeo.
Second graders and playground pals Jack Lathrop and Ian Marshall dance the disco during West Hills Elementary’s Decade Day.
■ Bearden Elementary School’s PTSO will meet 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 7, in the school library.
■ Kindergarten RoundUp will be held 3-6 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, at Bearden Elementary School.
■ Family reading night for West View Elementary School will be 6 to 7:30 Thursday, April 7.
■ West View Elementary School students will have spring pictures taken Tuesday, April 5.
■ Episcopal School of Knoxville will welcome author Chris Zeigler Dendy 6-8 p.m. Thursday, April 7, in Googe Hall to discuss behavior in
Rodeo at Rocky Hill
children including those with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders. The public is invited. Info: 218-4479. ■ Bearden Middle School’s 5th grade will have parent night 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12. Info: 539-7839. ■ The TCAP testing window will be Monday through Friday, April 11-15, and Monday and Tuesday, April 18-19.
Rocky Hill Elementary kindergartener Nathan Brusseau practices his golf swing at the school’s rodeo. Photos by N. Lester
Catch up with all your favorite columnists every Monday at www.ShopperNewsNow.com
Webb visits Green McAdoo Webb School of Knoxville’s 4th graders Turley Wall, Sam Hanggi, Amelia Konomos, Haley Denton and Arthur Jenkins work on a written assignment about what they learned during a visit to the Green McAdoo Cultural Center in Clinton. Photo submitted
SPORTS NOTES ■ The second annual Coach Rusty Bradley QuarterbackReceiver Clinic will be held 6-7 p.m. Monday, April 4, at Christian Academy of Knoxville for current 5th-7th graders. Info: Jeff Taylor, 765-2119. ■ Chris Newsom Preseason Classic for open/travel teams 5U-14U will be held Friday through Sunday, April 8-10, at Halls Community Park. Info: 992-5404 or email hcpsports.msn.com. ■ Baseball tournament, Halls Community Park, 5U-14U, Friday through Sunday, April 15-17. Info: 992-5504 or hcpsports@msn.com.
■ Spring recreational lacrosse sign ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 9-14, excluding high school students. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season through May 21. Info: email kyswc@aol. com or call 584-6403. ■ Spring recreational baseball sign ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 3-12. T-ball, coach pitch and player pitch. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season from early April through early June. Info: e-mail kyswc@aol.com or call 584-6403. ■ Spring recreational softball sign ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 7-12. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season from early April through late May.
Workshop on Civil War ancestry The Tennessee State Library and Archives (TSLA), 403 Seventh Ave. N, Nashville, will host the next workshop in its series, “Civil War Ancestors: Old Records & New Tricks,” 9 a.m. to 11:30
Info: e-mail kyswc@aol.com or call 584-6403. ■ Open registration for additional CYF Football teams based at CAK for 7-, 8-, 9- and 10-year-olds. Teams will play in AFC and NFC divisions. Rosters capped when full. Info: Jeff Taylor, 765-2119. ■ Three players are needed to fill Cherokee 11u’s spring roster. Will play in the Knoxville area and possibly two out of town tournaments. Info: Rex, 765-0306. ■ Three players are needed for 12u traveling team. Info: 466-0927. ■ One pitcher or first baseman is needed for Naturals 12u roster. Info: 742-9911 or email cardinal22899@tds.net.
a.m. Saturday, April 16. Participants will receive information on tracing genealogies and will get tips on researching with Civil War materials. They will also have access to TSLA resources including Civil War databases. To reserve a seat: 615741-2764 or email workshop.tsla@state. tn.us.
Bearden Bulldogs
West High senior nominated for national DECA president By Betty Bean
Rebels soccer team falls to Bearden West’s Liam Allen finds a gap between Bearden’s Carter Wykoff and Brandon Mansfield last Monday in soccer action at West. The Bulldogs won the match 3-1. Photo by Justin Acuff
Claire Coker and Kevyn Meheula are representing West High School in upcoming competitions. be working hard to raise money so she can make a good showing. In fact, DECA members from other schools will be helping. Alcoa High School DECA is pitching in to help with a biscuit and gravy breakfast at Texas Roadhouse (Morrell Road/Kingston Pike) 7:30 to 10:30 a.m., Saturday, April 23. This event will be followed by a golf outing Monday, May 25, at the Wee Course at Williams Creek. For tickets to the breakfast and registration or sponsor information for the golf outing, call 5941405, email christy.seals@ knoxschools.org or see any DECA member.
Singing sensation to perform in Market Square ‘Idol’ contest Friday Kevyn Meheula is West High School’s representative in the CTE Goes Idol competition Friday, April 8, on Market Square. All 13 Knox County high schools will have representatives competing, and the grand prize will be a recording session in Nashville and the chance to perform at the Tennessee Valley Fair. Kevyn, who calls herself a “theater geek,� is the daughter of Kimo and Kasey Meheula. She hasn’t quite decided what she’ll sing but thinks it will be either a Miranda Lambert song or one by Martina McBride. Jack Ryan of WIVK will be master of ceremonies. “We’re not required to sing country even though it’s a country station, but country’s my favorite, so I figure that’s a good thing for me,� she said.
She has performed in eight or nine shows at West and most recently had the female lead in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,� a role so demanding that it is frequently divided between two singers. When her co-lead became ill, Kevyn did the whole thing by herself. She plans to attend San Diego State University next fall and major in political science or business communications and take courses in Mandarin Chinese. She wouldn’t rule out a minor in theater. If she wins, Kevyn says she’d come back from San Diego to perform at the fair next September. She says that trying out made her nervous, “But also was really exciting. I would have been really nervous except for that play, which was far more demanding. And it’s such an honor. Being one of 13 is really cool.�
Soccer Bulldogs down West 3-1 Bearden’s Sean Yoder takes a shot on goal last Monday in soccer play at West. The Bulldogs downed the Rebels 3-1. Photo by Justin Acuff
4509 Doris Circle 922-4136
Claire Coker has been accepted to Louisiana State University next year but says she’ll delay her formal education for a year if she is successful in her run for DECA national president. Claire, who is president of West High DECA and daughter of Gordon Coker and Gabrielle Boudreau, won the nomination at the Tennessee DECA conference last month. “It was voted on by all the voting delegates of Tennessee DECA, and they voted for me. I decided to go big or go home,� said Claire (who stands about 4-11). She’ll get her chance at DECA’s International Career Development Conference from April 28 to May 4 in Orlando. “Tennessee hasn’t had a national officer in 10 years,� Claire said. “And if I win I would be the first national president to only be a chapter officer. I’m really excited about it because it was a big honor for them to pick me and I’m looking to give back to the organization as much as it’s given me. I have such a passion for marketing and communication that I would be completely engulfed in those activities.� Claire will be one of seven West High DECA members attending, and they all will
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Reeves wins and commits During spring break, Bearden High School student and standout golfer Ben Reeves won the AAJGT Baptist Sports Medicine Open at Vanderbilt Legends Club in Franklin and verbally committed to play golf for the University of Tennessee at Martin.
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April 4, 2011
Maryville man laments loss of leg James Best knows ďŹ rst hand how vulnerable diabetics can be to leg and foot problems. The Maryville manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left leg was amputated below the knee in 2004 after he contracted a life-threatening infection. Best suffered from vascular and circulation issues that were accentuated by his diabetes. When pain in his legs made it difďŹ cult to walk, he underwent several vascular operations, but the problems persisted. Best says he wished he had known earlier that diabetics are at particularly high risk for vascular issues that, if not addressed, can lead to infections and possible lowerlimb amputations. The American Diabetes Association estimates that James is a diabetic who lost his left more than 65,000 diabetics lose a leg after suffering a severe infection.
leg every year due to complications that began with a foot infection. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If people have diabetes, they need to watch out for blood circulation problems and take care of them immediately,â&#x20AC;? says Best. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know I had vascular problems until my heart doctor found it.â&#x20AC;? The 83-year-old was diagnosed with diabetes 10 years ago during a routine physical. He has managed the disease with diet restrictions and medication, although he is not on insulin. The retired auto worker never expected to lose his leg because of diabetes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a big adjustment,â&#x20AC;? he admits. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had to get used to it. You have to learn how to walk all over again.â&#x20AC;?
Best now keeps close tabs on the health of his remaining foot and leg. He regularly has his foot screened for cuts and problems by Fort Sanders podiatrist Dr. Gilmer Reed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We watch it closely,â&#x20AC;? explains Best. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to get an infection in my right leg too.â&#x20AC;? Best, who now moves with the aid of a walker because of pain in his remaining knee, advises others with diabetes to be diligent about their health. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Exercise, watch what you eat, and keep an eye on your foot and veins,â&#x20AC;? he advises. For more information about foot care or diabetes management, call (865) 673-FORT (3678).
Get moving during April Foot Health Awareness Month! April is the perfect time to focus on your feet. Foot health is essential to your overall health. Fit feet and proper shoes are essential for walking. Walking is great exercise for your feet and blood flow. Get on the right path this month by taking brisk walks and paying attention to your tootsies every day!
Diabetics, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t misstep: Keep your feet fit! If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re diabetic, watch your step. Foot problems are a common complication of diabetes, which affect 25.8 million Americans, or 8.3 percent of the U.S. population, according to the Gilmer Reed, Centers for D.P.M, Podiatry Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). â&#x20AC;&#x153;The vast majority of complications from foot infections among diabetics start with corns, calluses and dry skin,â&#x20AC;? explains Gilmer Reed, D.P.M, a podiatrist at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center. Unfortunately, severe foot problems can lead to amputations of the foot or leg. In 2006, about 65,700 Americans had a foot or leg amputation because of complications from diabetes, according to the CDC. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think amputations are gradually increasing as the population ages, and more people are developing diabetes,â&#x20AC;? says Dr. Reed. Foot and leg issues typically begin as neuropathy, or nervous system damage, and reduced blood flow. If you have diabetes, high blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and blood vessels that deliver oxygen to the nerves. Damaged nerves canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t send messages to the brain signaling pain, or they may signal pain at the wrong time. Nerve damage affects almost 30 percent of people with diabetes over the age of 40, according to the CDC. As a result, people with diabetes may not know if they have a cut or callous that has become
Diabetic Foot Care 101 If you have diabetes, keeping your feet healthy is crucial. Diabetics are prone to severe foot infections, which all too often leads to amputation. Here are some tips for keeping your feet fit, from the American Diabetes Association: N CHECK YOUR FEET EVERY DAY for cuts, red spots,
swelling, calluses, corns or blisters. N LOOK AT YOUR SOCKS for any stains caused by
your nails clipped. Tell your physician if your feet swell, hurt or become less sensitive. N EXERCISE every day. N WEAR â&#x20AC;&#x153;DIABETICâ&#x20AC;? SHOES that are wider, with insoles
that form to your foot. They are often covered by insurance. N WASH YOUR FEET DAILY, especially between your toes.
Ask your doctor what lotion to use to prevent dry skin.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Take care of your feet before an issue develops.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dr. Gilmer Reed, D.P.M.
N WEAR YOUR SHOES all the time, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go barefoot. N PUT YOUR FEET UP while sitting. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sitting a lot,
take frequent breaks to wiggle your toes and move around.
infected. Reduced circulation with diabetes check their feet means cuts donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t heal as quickly daily for problems like corns and calluses, ingrown toenails as they should. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Damaged nerves and poor or cracks. Dr. Reed recommends circulation are separate issues, wearing â&#x20AC;&#x153;diabeticâ&#x20AC;? shoes, which but when you combine them to- are wider and have insoles that gether, they can create a bigger form to the foot better. Finally, especially if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a problem,â&#x20AC;? says Dr. Reed. diabetic with a loss of sensation, If gangrene develops, it ususee a podiatrist if you develop ally requires amputation. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s toe nail problems, calluses or dry worse, one amputation can lead skin on your feet. to another. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t self-treat. Take care â&#x20AC;&#x153;When someone undergoes an of your feet before an issue deamputation, there is more body velops,â&#x20AC;? recommends Dr. Reed. weight pressure on the other â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you have your feet regufoot,â&#x20AC;? explains Dr. Reed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Within larly screened and checked, you several years, a certain percent- will learn what you need to do to age of patients will lose their oth- avoid problems down the road.â&#x20AC;? er foot as well.â&#x20AC;? For more information about Prevention, then, is the best foot care or diabetes manageapproach for foot problems. Dr. ment, call (865) 673-FORT Reed recommends that anyone (3678).
! " # " $ " % & '
& * " + "
For more information, talk to your physician, OR call the Fort Sanders Diabetes Center at (865) 531-5580. )RUW 6DQGHUV :HVW %RXOHYDUG
Big boy games Last fall, Daniel made his first foray into the world of the neighborhood kids. He made his first neighborhood friends, all of whom are quite a bit older than he. The youngest, who I’ll call Jason (not his real name), is almost 5 years old and lives two houses down. As the weather gets warmer, Daniel wants to go outside to play more and more. I oblige him as much as I can. On one recent warm day, I found Daniel peering out one of our open windows and asking for Jason. We stepped outside, and soon Jason caught sight of his almost3-year-old fan. He came running, and the boys settled into Daniel’s signature game: rolling Tonka trucks down the driveway. This time was different, though. Jason wanted to ram the trucks into each other. He got loud and a little rough. Daniel is a mild-mannered soul,
Shannon Carey
moms101 and, as the only kid in our house, he’s used to calling the shots when it comes to play. Jason’s change, of course, did not go over well. He wasn’t hurting Daniel, but the roughness of each collision was upsetting my kid. Meanwhile, I kept watch on the situation from afar. The time had come, I figured, to let Daniel stand on his own two feet. Daniel asked Jason to stop, but Jason kept on ramming his truck into Daniel’s. Finally, when Daniel looked at me with tears in his eyes, I called them both over.
“He’s a crybaby,” said Jason. I thanked God that Daniel didn’t know that word yet. “Maybe,” I replied. “But, he’s a lot younger than you, so you need to tone it down a bit. He’s not used to that kind of play. Daniel’s not yet 3.” “I’ll be 5 soon! When he’s 3, can I come to his birthday party?” Jason asked over his shoulder as he ran back to his house. Alone with my pouting boy, I tried to put something complex into simple terms. “Buddy, big boys play rough sometimes,” I said. “If you’re going to play with big boys, you need to expect rough play. You did good telling him to stop, but kids don’t always listen. If you don’t like the way he plays, maybe you shouldn’t play with him.” I have no idea whether that sank in or not. About that time, Jason ran back to our yard, bearing two grape squeezy drinks. He handed one to Daniel, and the two sat together to chug them down. It seemed that all was forgiven and forgotten.
Parlon celebrates 100
Laura Elizabeth Schwamberger Parlon, a resident of Windsor Gardens Assisted Living, kicked off the celebration of her 100th birthday April 1. Parlon has three children, seven grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchildren. She also has two sisters who live in Indiana. Parlon is a member of Powell Methodist Church. She has seen 18 presidents in office and has lived through two world wars. At the age of 95, Parlon joined her youngest son on a road trip in a semi truck from Indiana to Colorado and back. Laura Parlon Photo submitted
Fundraiser garage sale Fri. & Sat. April 8 - 9 8:00 am -1 pm 1939 Grenada Blvd. Foxfire Subdivision
Rain date is April 15 & 16
1/2 mile north of Northshore & Ebenezer
Dolly Anne
For merchandise contributions, contact Debbie @ 865-300-6873 Our cats can be seen at our Adoption Center at the Turkey Creek Petsmart. See all of our adoptables at www.kfcf.petfinder.com. Our cats are vet checked, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and tested for FeLV and FIV.
Space donated by Shopper-News.
Young-Williams Animal Center team member Deniese enjoys a few moments with Frances, a gorgeous 9-month-old female brindle hound mix. Frances adores people, loves to be petted and seems happiest wearing a leash with a human friend by her side. She is available for adoption at Young-Williams Animal Center at 3201 Division St. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-6 p.m. Sunday. Young-Williams Animal Village, 6400 Kingston Pike, is open daily from noon to 6 p.m. See all of Young-Williams Animal Center’s adoptable animals at www.knoxpets.org.
But, I wondered and still wonder if I was right to let Daniel get his feelings hurt or whether I should have stepped in before I did. I’ve been trying lately to get him to do more for himself, to stop running interference for him quite so much. But, it’s hard to know what challenges he can handle
alone. I worry that I push him too much, but I also worry that I don’t push him enough. I want him to learn to set his own boundaries and choose his own friends. The only way I know to do that is to let go just a bit. Contact Shannon Carey ShopperNewsNow.com.
Bounce for Autism Speaks
Pump It Up, 6612 Deane Hill Drive, will take part in a nationwide fundraiser Thursday, April 7, to benefit Autism Speaks. A free Sensory Jump Time will be held 3-5 p.m. exclusively for children with autism and their families. The Great Open Jump will be held 6-9 p.m. for all families to enjoy playtime on the facility’s giant, inflatable structures. All proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks. Info: 558-3535.
■ YWCA Club W has added a hula hooping class to its community exercise schedule, held 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturdays. Info: http:// ywcaknox.com.
Classes at the Art Center The Appalachian Arts Craft Center is located at 2716 Andersonville Highway 61 near Norris. Info: www.appalachianarts.net or 494-9854. ■ Digital Camera Basics with Mack Hickey, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12. Get educated on your point and shoot camera. Cost is $45 for members, $55 nonmembers. Bring your camera to class. Deadline to register is Thursday, April 7. ■ Make a Little Treehouse and Inhabitants for kids age 7 to 12, taught by Sheri and Katherine Burns, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 16. Children should bring a healthy lunch (no caffeine and low sugar). Cost is $22 and includes all materials. Registration deadline is Thursday, April 14. ■ Weaving with Carol Pritcher, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays. Six classes for anyone interested in gaining knowledge of the loom and beginning weaving. Classes can be scheduled on an individual basis by calling Carol on Tuesdays at 494-9854. $100 members, $110 nonmembers plus a small materials fee. Beginning-intermediate. ■ Hand-Sewing Day with the Quilting Department, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesdays. Bring your hand-sewing project or help out with the group quilting project with a group of ladies which meets each Wednesday to quilt, laugh and enjoy lunch together. No need to call ahead; just bring your lunch. No cost. All levels. ■ Braided Rug Class with Dot Fraser 6-9 p.m. the second Monday of each month. Learn to make a beautiful, colorful rug from your scrap material. Ideas for a kitchen, bathroom or hallway. This class meets during regular “Ruggers” monthly sessions. $40 members, $50 nonmembers, no charge for repeating the class. Beginning.
■ Belly Dancing Class will be held 5-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Fridays at the YWCA’s Club W, 420 West Clinch Ave. Info: 5236126 or visit www.ywcaknox. com. ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee (formerly the Wellness Community), 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www. cnacersupportet.org. ■ Chronic Pain and Depression support group meets noon to 1:30 p.m. the first and third Thursday of every month at Faith Promise Church off Pellissippi Parkway. Info: Paula, 945-3810, or 7481407. ■ Fibromyalgia screenings are held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Fibromyaligia Clinic located at Total Rehab Physical Therapy. Also support group meetings and several classes are held on the third Wednesday of each month. No charge. Info: 548-1086. ■ Grief support groups at Fort Sanders Sevier Hospital at 6 p.m. the first Thursday of each
Donate blood, save lives Medic Regional Blood Center will give away a trip for two to Memphis In May’s World Championship BBQ Cook-Off and overnight accommodations at the Hampton Inn on Beale Street to one lucky donor. Stop by any blood drive location now through Wednesday, April 20, to register to win. The winner will be announced Thursday, April 21. There is currently a critical need for all blood types, especially O positive and O negative. Donors can donate at a daily mobile site or one of two fixed sites: 1601 Ailor Ave. and 11000 Kingston Pike in Farragut. Blood drives in your area: ■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, Food City in Halls, Bloodmobile. ■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, Sam’s Club, 8435 Walbrook Drive, Bloodmobile. ■ 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, UT’s University Center, inside rooms 223-225. ■ 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 7, West High School, inside the lobby of the main auditorium. ■ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, April 8, Market Square,
month, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month at the Covenant Home Care Knoxville office and 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Covenant Home Care Oak Ridge office. Registration is required. Info or to register: 541-4500. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. the third Monday every month at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081. ■ Stop Smoking: 215-QUIT (7848) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Avenue. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807 or www.namiknox.org. ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: 544-6277 or 544-6279. ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 6 to 7:30 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of every month in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: 544-6277.
Bloodmobile. ■ 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, April 8, Moms & More/Cokesbury UMC, 9908 Kingston Pike, inside center. ■ 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 9, UT Baseball, 1551 Lake Loudon Blvd., Bloodmobile. Donors can sign up for a free behindthe-scenes tour of Neyland Stadium for a future date. ■ 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 16, EarthFest/ Pellissippi State Community College, 10915 Hardin Valley Road., Bloodmobile. ■ 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 16, Trinity UMC, 5613 Western Ave., Bloodmobile. All donors must be at least 17 years of age, weigh 110 pounds or more (16 yearolds weighing 120 pounds or more can donate but must have parental consent) and all donors must have positive identification. Some of Medic’s eligibility requirements have changed and those who have been deferred in the past may now be eligible to give. For example, diabetics are now eligible when in the past a doctor’s note has been required. Medic encourages donors to call if there are questions regarding who can and cannot donate blood.
Catch up with all your favorite columnists every Monday at www.ShopperNewsNow.com
AMSE calendar The American Museum of Science and Energy, located at 300 South Tulane Avenue in Oak Ridge, is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1-5 p.m. Info: www.amse.org. ■ “Take Flight,” through Sunday, April 24. This traveling exhibit on the creative exploration of flight has hands-on activities on what makes flight possible. AMSE second level. ■ “Scarboro: The Early Days, 1942-1960,” through Monday, April 25. The story of the AfricanAmerican community through photos, clothing and personal accounts. AMSE lobby. ■ Open registration for 2011 AMSE’s Science Explorer Camp, through Sunday, May 1, for rising 5th, 6th and 7th graders (ages 10 and older).
For Sale By Owner 40a West 2.3 AC. LAKEVIEW HOME, Kingston, indoor pool, 4 BR, 3 BA, FPS, DR/LR, FR, Below Appraisal $295,000. 865-414-9634 ***Web ID# 719954***
Campers will study insects, water, weather and more. Includes a tour of ORNL. Sessions are June 6-10 and June 13-17. Cost is $175 for members, $190 for nonmembers. ■ “Cold War Crisis: The U-2 Incident,” through Thursday, Sept. 1. Details the story of Gary Francis Powers, a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot who completed 27 U-2 photographic reconnaissance missions for the CIA until shot down by a Soviet missile in 1960. Includes photos, newsreels and personal items. AMSE lobby. ■ Registration deadline for Homeschool Friday, including “Light” 10:30 a.m. Friday, April 15, for grades k-2 and “Light and Sound” for grades 3-6 12:30 p.m. ■ Foursquare Day at AMSE, Saturday, April 16. Check-in on Foursquare. com to unlock free admission and help AMSE earn
the Swarm Badge. ■ “Nuclear Power Accident: How Bad Can it Be?” presented by Ted Rockwell 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 28. Reception and book signing at 5:30 p.m. in the lobby. Free admission.
Ramsey House Plantation events All events will be held at the visitors center on the plantation, 2617 Thorngrove Pike. Reservations are required. Discounted tours of the house will be given to participants. Info: 546-0745. ■ Knitting for Beginners, 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, April 6, yarn provided. Cost is $25 ($20 RHP members). Bring two straight US Size 8 needles at least 12 inches long. ■ Lunch and Learn: Decorating for Spring Using Primitives and Simple Items from Around Your Home
40w Commercial Prop-Sale 60 Houses - Unfurnished 74 General
FSBO 9813 Tallahassee 4br, 2.5ba, 2 stry, $229,900 www.gulfchase.com Big yard, 865-323-4707 Web ID #753111
FSBO - Brick home with approx. 1,500 sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, on 1/2 basement, with carport, detached garage, and large shed. House has new interior paint, carpet and new roof. Sits on 1.7 acres. Located at 2325 Stapleton Rd., New Market. Asking $129,900 and owner will finance with $5,000 down. Call Bill at 877-488-5060 ex 323 KNX743396
Open Sun 2-4 $239,900
rancher w/storage galore!! 2100 SF + 2100 SF unfin. bsmt. 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, open floor plan. Priv. bkyard, gas frpl, hardwood. Popular Summer Rose Subd. in Ftn. City. Built by Maplewood Development LLC. Call for showing 865207-6265 Kathleen @ Keller Williams
OWNER FIN., 3 BR, 1 1/2 BA w/Jacuzzi, newer home, W/D conn., lg. deck, level yard, 2 mi. to UT, river, park, & tennis, $5,000 down, $689/mo. 865-405-5472 KNX754609
2 BR, 2 BA townhome, tall ceil., gas frpl, garage, 1376 SF, new roof, carpet & paint, sec. syst. SS appl, $129,000. 931-205-7823 ***Web ID# 760246*** ALMOST NEW ranch in immaculate cond Very nice subd off Northshore. Open & spacious. 9' ceil, hdwd & ceramic tile flrs. Open House Sun 2-5pm. 1313 Amber Glades Ln. $232,500. Tom 865-256-0415 ***Web ID# 759739*** BEARDEN. Near UT, Hospitals & the Greenway! 3 BR, 2 BA, 2020 SF cottage rancher on 1 1/2 lots fenced in. Completely updated utilities. Hardwoods throughout. FP, gar., storage bldg., privacy fencing. Great for kids & dogs. $269,900. FSBO, agents welcome. 865-256-5899 752559
109 Dogs
FSBO, 3 BR, 1 BA Commercial Property N.E. 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, 2 Drivers Wanted betw. Lenoir City & across from Midcar gar., 2000+ SF, Must be energetic, W. Knox. 1/2 acre, dlesboro ARH Hos2 story w/new hdwd very clean & quiet pital. Exc. loc. for flooring, $1100 mo. responsible, motivated n'bhd, too many professional office 865-599-8174; 938-7200 and enjoy making lots of money!! If you are 21 or 753262 upgrades to list. No bldg. Call for deagents please. tails 606-269-3054. older with a valid license, $119,000. 865-661-1262 call today to schedule an ***Web ID# 758623*** Please call Office Space - Rent 65 N.E. 3 BR, 2 BA brick interview!! between 11am-6pm 423/723-9716 or w/2 car gar., new 2 OFFICES tile/hdwd flrs. $850. 865/455-1365 in established Farragut 599-8174; 938-7200 accounting firm for ***Web ID# 757834*** lease, $350/mo. each Business For Sale 131 or $600 together. Incl. NEW NW, 3 br, 2 ba, gar, deck, $1100/ Condos- Townhouses 42 util. Call 865-310-5033. 2 car LAUNDROMAT mo+dep. No pets/ Great investment. Commercial Office smoke. 865-584-1252 $70k per yr income, Fantastic Spacious Westspace, Powell/Clinton ***Web ID# 757339*** sale price reduced to land Court condo, comp Hwy, 1750 SF +. $175k. Owner must remod in 2008. Gated Exc. for law, insur., NORTH, 2 BR, 1 BA, comm. w/pool, rear entry medical, dental, other NO PETS. $600/mo. sell. Sevierville, TN 865-388-5455 Gar., 3 br, 2 1/2 ba, office prof. Exc. cond. & Wi$600 damage. 865***Web ID# 760325*** & courtyard. $359,000. Fi wired. $1650/mo. 1st 679-3142 865-705-4948 mo. free. 938-6465. NORTH-St. Mary Area, 749126 Large brick rancher, Business Equipment 133 OPEN SUN 2-4 Comm. Prop. - Rent 66 Lease, No pets, $700 mo. tenant check, Dot ARCHITECT & HALLS Crabtree O/A, 588-7416 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Starting @ $159,900 NEW DECORATED HP 9120 All-in-one 4000 SF retail store, 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA. For details SHEFFIELD SD Farprinter/fax, $250. low market rent. ragut, 865-567-5788; 898-4558 exec. new Neon sign & part ranch style home, HP Design Jet 1050 C Plotter, $1990. utilities. 5710 King- 3500 SF, hdwd flrs, 5 ston Pk. Call 865- BR, 3 1/2 BA, 3 car HP K8600 Printer, $200. Bush Business (cherry) 520 Prescott Way, 679-1770 or broker. gar., no smoking, no desk, $900. Deane Hill area, luxpets please. $2200/mo. File7-piece cabinets, $42. ury condo, 3 BR, 3 BA, + dep. 865-691-0945 Ofc./Deck chairs, $75. 2500 + SF, formal DR, Apts - Unfurnished 71 ***Web ID# 758046*** Drafting table, $70. LR w/gas fireplace, Multiple Architect books. sunroom. 1 BR, great loc., conv SOUTH, 2 BR, 1 BA all 865-321-2323. hdwd floors, frpl, 584-3700; 936-1646. & safe. 1/2 mi off 1-40 deck, carport. Well***Web ID# 757485*** @ exit 356-Gallahar maint. Very priv. Rd. $450+dep. Some street. Cent. HA, full Dogs incl., 865-660-7433 141 unfin. bsmt. Pets alOut of State R.E. 43 util ***Web ID# 758842*** lowed on approval. BOXER PUPS, AKC, $700/mo. + 1 mo. 1 BR NORTH BEAUTIFUL Log home 6 wks old, S&W, dep. Pet fee. Cred. cent h/a, no pets, on 2.72 acres, priv. dew claws removed ck. & ref. 865-898-8070 $400/mo. + dep. setting, close to 865-679-2851 865-531-7895 Charleston, SC & WEST, 1520 Foolish ***Web ID# 760168*** beaches. Reduced ***Web ID# 757669*** Pleasure Ln. 3 BR, 2 price $279,000. For BRITTANY PUPS ba, fncd, comm. pool. 2 UNIQUE APTS. more info call Franki AKC, 3 M, 1 F, $1100/mo + sec dep. Hunter 1-843-209-4952 Sequoyah Hills, 2 BR & 3 No smoke, 865-216-7585 1st shots, 7 wks, POP, BR, 2 BA, priv. elevaCall 423-544-1676. tor, W/D, water incl. ***Web ID# 759641*** Farms & Land 45 $850 & $950. 865-924-0454 WEST KNOX 5 BR, 2 1/2 ***Web ID# 759464*** BA modular, lg. yard, Cairn Terrier Toto 3 BR 2 BA + den, Pups. CKC. 8 wks. accept KCDC. $1100 + FARM FOR SALE private lot, North, Shots. M&F. $450. dep. 865-332-6495 Green County, 70+ $850/mo. Non smoke Call/text 865-919-8167 acres, paved road, no pets 865-850-8668 ***Web ID# 760790*** city water, excellent ***Web ID# 757271*** Condo Rentals 76 CHIHUAHUA PUPS buildings. 423-312-4610. NORTH, 1 BR, 1 BA, CKC, S&W, also 2 H&A, DW, stove, BEST WEST, 2 BR, 2 yr old blue CKC M Acreage- Tracts 46 c. water furn. $425/mo. BA condo w/frpl, 1550 $200. 865-323-1433 $150 dep. 865-922SF, totally renov. 9658, 865-604-8726 HOUSE & 100 acres, Priv. courtyard, 2 car Chorkies (ChiSunbright, TN, will gar. Storage galore. Yorkie), Sm. Little divide. Call for info $1000/mo. 865-300-6923 Babies, S&W, AdorApts - Furnished 72 ***Web ID# 758818*** 423-539-2991. able, $250. 865-387-2859 TENN. MTN ACREAGE WALBROOK STUDIOS Brand New 2 bd/2 ba ***WEB ID# 757338*** COCK-A-POO Puppies 1 car gar, Ftn City. By Owner, 5+ Acres, 25 1-3 60 7 born 2-14-11, non-shed part open, part $850/mo. Call John $130 weekly. Discount $650. 865 -38 6 -5970 865-740-1181 wooded, surveyed, on avail. Util, TV, Ph, stacie@traktn.com private country road, Web ID #752366 Stv, Refrig, Basic ***Web ID# 758835*** excellent home or Cable. No Lse. FARRAGUT AREA 3 cabin site, appx. 1 hr. BR, 3 BA + studio Cocker Spaniel puppies, west of Knoxville, 10 wks old, black, rm, 2 car gar., $17,900. Owner Financ. M&F, no papers, Duplexes 73 screened porch, 931-783-3559 $125. 865-376-0364 shows like new. Lease, $1350. 405-5908 2 BR, 1 BA, avail. Doberman Pinschers, North & Halls. Lakefront Property 47 Starting at $600. FRESHLY PAINTED males, black & tan, born 1/1/11. $400. and ready to move 865-414-1848 423-223-0318 in! 519 Wakebridge 2 ACRE LOT in Lone Blvd, Powell near ***Web ID# 757694*** Mountain Shores, 2BR, 1BA, Oak Ridge, I-75 and Emory Tazewell, TN (40 mi ceramic tile thru Rd., 2BR, 2BA, 1 English Bulldog babies, N. of Knox). $18,000 out, stove, frig, DW, NKC reg, vet ck, S&W, car garage, with all OBO. 901-275-9077 W/D, $650/mo. $550 1 yr. health guar. appliances includdep. 361-510-8504. $1500. 865-244-0174 Dockable Lakefront ing W/D, non ***Web ID# 759179*** smokers only, small lots at drastically NEAR I-75 Ftn. City/ pets considered, 12 ENGLISH BULLDOG reduced prices. Inskip, modern 2 This upscale Loudon month lease reBR, W/D conn., no puppies, AKC Reg. quired, $745/month community is close to pets $495, 2 yr lse, Exc. ch. bldlns, with $745 Sec Dep west Knoxville, cr ck, 865-522-4133 family raised & 2 miles off I-75. call 865-686-7926 or loved. Vet cert. Up 865-548-6117. Featuring 1+ acre WEST - FAMILY to date on shots & waterfront lots and NEIGHBORHOOD 2BR, 1.5BA, wormed. Stocky Greywood Crossing scenic lake view lots w/lots of wrinkles. with all utilities. Only laundry rm, new carpet, lg bkyd, 1 yr nice 2 level townhouse $1800. 865-394-9054 14 lots remain. These lease, small pets welcome $695 mo in beautiful nghbrhd. 2 br, 2 1/2 ba, frpl, 2 $250 dam. dep. 216-5736 or 694-8414 lots will all be sold BULLDOG decks, W/D incl, $895 FRENCH well below appraised PUPS, AKC, short + dep. 202-237-6126 value. All offers con& thick, $1,000 & up. ***Web ID# 760549*** Houses Unfurnished 74 sidered. Investment 865-463-6945 deal of lifetime. ***Web ID# 760673*** NEW CONDO You must see this 1 BR, Washer, dryer, WEST KNOXVILLE community. Call GERMAN SHEPHERD stove, refrig., DW, 5825 Metropolitan Way Rick at 865/300-7791 puppies, AKC, parEast Knox, $450/mo 2 BR , 2 B A , 1 2 0 4 s f , KNX744274 ents on site, sable, $200 DD. Call 865- 2 car garage, $850/mo. $400 ea. 865-406-8713 216-0903 after 5pm. 1 yr lease. NO PETS. DON'T MISS This KNX757032 Opportunity to own 2BR, Central H&A, Call Gary 865-548-1010 spectacular, waterGerman Shepherd Pups off Middlebrook Pk. front property at (Imported) dual reg., Nice & private. Legacy Bay, a gated champ. bldlines, 2F, 2 BR, 2 BA condo, $550. 865-804-0914. community on Lake 1 sable, 1 blk, ready, Topside/Pellissippi, Cherokee. Please visit 3910 Oakland Dr. 37918. great $500 ea. 865-256-6512 nbhd., $650. lakecherokeeland.com 3 BR, 2 BA, new Appls., CH&A, W&D. ***Web ID# 758129*** For detailed photos & constr., cent elec. Lake view 865-719-1631 info. 920-246-4601 heat/air, W&D, re***Web ID# 759650*** frig, stove, DW, $900 $850. 931-581-0697 mo. + $1,000 dep. Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 www.puppiesbreath.com Douglas Lakefront lot Ready to move in. ***Web ID# 757276*** 210', year round waTravis 423-231-8193 14X50 2 BR, all new int., ter. Beautiful views GOLDEN hdwd flrs, cent HVAC, Gentle slope, 1.9 ac, 3BR 2BA, very nice & storm wind., $6,000 RETRIEVER Puppies, dockable, 30 min from clean, downtown AKC, M&F, S&W, you move. 865-470-9905 Knox., 3 mi south of remodeled, 20x25 $240. 423-663-3121 Dandridge, paid $215k deck, $775/mo. 973-2448. I BUY OLDER ***Web ID# 761163*** selling $185k. MOBILE HOMES. 865-546-9202 4 BR, 2 1/2 BA, FP, 1990 up, any size OK. HAVANESE PUPS armfield@comcast.net deck, 2 car gar., AKC, home raised, 865-384-5643 ***Web ID# 758820*** fenced yard, Cedar 262-993-0460 Bluff $1500/mo. No noahs littleark.com LAKEFRONT HOME cats. 865-966-6770 Trucking Opportunities 106 ***Web ID# 758065*** on Watts Bar ***Web ID# 757571*** with dock. $269k. PUPPIES, choc, Call 865-335-8771 ANDERSON COUNTY CDL Local Training LAB AKC, 8 wks, vet reKNX756063 2 BR, 1 BA. No Sec. 8. for Werner & others. cords, dad choc, mom No smoking. $550/mo. $975 weekly + benefits$. rare silver. Ready for TELLICO VILLAGE 567-8217 loving home. $500. CDL & job in 3 wks. Home prime building lots 865-258-2954 FARRAGUT, Across weekends. No Layoffs. for $2,900. Two to street from Concord Financial assistance avail. ***Web ID# 761046*** choose from. 3 golf lake, 3 br, 2 ba, 2 For a new career call LAB PUPS AKC courses, boating, car garage, w/ 1-877-548-1864 BEAUTIFUL bred for fishing, fitness center, beautiful brand new quality. Many marinas. $500 down, renovations. $1250/ DRIVERS: Owner Op- 865-992-6853; 719-0416refs. $100/month, 0% interest. mo. Call 865-599-8174 erator Openings for LABRADOR Puppies, or 865-938-7200 941-769-1017 ***Web ID# 757839*** Dedicated Boat Hauling black, 6 wks. old, AKC reg., 5F, 4M, 3 br, 2 ba Division. CDL-A, FlatCemetery Lots 49 INSKIP, $300. 865-671-1016 ranch, 1 car gar, bed Exp & Canada appl, cent. air, no Qualified Req. TMC: 1- MALTI-POOS 2M, 1 F 1 Plot Greenwood smoke, no pet inside. Cute Little Pups, Cemetery, Dogwood $850/mo. 865-212-9797 800-217-9503 11 Wks., $150-$200. Garden, outer burKNX755222 865-246-9446, 986-7423 ial container incl. STEADY PAYCHECK $1800. 865-522-7382 MERCHANTS DR. / REWARDING JOB CLINTON HWY Area: DRIVING AMERICA Road, Commercial Prop-Sale 60 NewTillery Become an over the Home, 2BR, 2BA, road semi driver with 1 car gar., $895 mo. Roehl. We can pro3 Acres Call 865-604-1322. vide you the training HEART OF HALLS ***Web ID# 760352*** you need to start a Ready for construction. great truck driving MOVE TO the country Can build to suit. career. 3 mi. to Norris Lake, May be divided or 1-800-535-8177 leased for storage. 4 BR, 1 1/2 BA, 2 car GoRoehl.com gar., $950/mo. $500 865-567-5788. AA/EOE DD. 865-494-7682 *Realtors welcome*
with Pam Leslie and Judy McLean, 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. Thursday, April 7. Cost is $8 ($6 RHP members). ■ Glass Jewelry Making, with Kimberly Bylo of Love Life Live Life in Gatlinburg, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 13. Cost is $50 ($45 RHP members). Learn how to use fused glass jewelry. Space is limited. ■ Lunch and Learn: “What is That?” a workshop to help identify 18th and 19th century British and American ceramics with archeologist Dr. Charles Faulkner, 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. Thursday, April 14. Cost is $8 ($6 RHP members). ■ Furniture Conservation and Preservation with James Hooper, 10-11 a.m. Saturday, April 16. Meet at the visitors’ center and go to Hooper’s workshop. Cost is $25 ($20 RHP members).
■ Sampler Workshop for Mothers and Daughters, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 4. Cost is $25 for each adult-child pair, $15 each additional person ($20 RHP members). Children must be 8 or older. Materials will be furnished except for scissors and a lunch.
Shape Note Singings ■ Tuckaleechee United Methodist Church, Townsend, 2 p.m. Sunday, April 17. Info: Tom, 9848585. ■ Old College Monthly Harp Singing, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 123 S. Jackson St., Athens, 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 19. Info: Cora Sweatt, 423-745-0248. ■ Sevier County Monthly Old Harp Singing, Middle Creek United Methodist Church, 1828 Middle Creek Road, Pigeon Forge, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 19. Info:
David Sarten, 428-0874. ■ Easter Dinner and Singing, Gooch-Mabbs residence, 4401 Alta Vista Way, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 24. Bring a dish to share. Info: 522-0515. ■ Spring Festival in the Smokies, Townsend Visitors’ Center, 3-5 p.m. Saturday, May 7. Info: 9826148 or 428-0874.
Bus tour of historic homes As an activity of the Dogwood Arts Festival, two three-hour bus tours of historic homes around Knoxville will be given Saturday, April 16. A step-on tour guide will discuss points of interest and will highlight historic landmarks in the area. The tours will visit each home for 50 minutes. Seating is limited and reservations are required. Tickets are $20 per tour. Info: 523-7521 or visit www.knoxtix.com.
141 Household Appliances 204a Auto Accessories 254 Sports
264 Pressure Washing 350
Malti Tzu Puppies, Males $350; Fem. $450. S&W. www.pups101. com 865-242-6995 ***Web ID# 757250***
WHIRLPOOL dryer. 354 CLEVELAND CHEVY SSR 2005, 10K Purchased new in Engine, good workmi., loaded with Nov 2008. White. ing order. Call 865cover red, $33,900. $200. 865-368-1116 376-5723 lv msg Call 865-755-4729. ***Web ID# 759818***
Olde English Bulldog female, 6 wks, champ. bldlines, NKC reg, $1200. 865-696-7764 ***Web ID# 758085***
POM Kennel Sale. 5 F, 2 M, 4' & 6' fencing, cages, houses. 865242-6995 pups101.com PUPPY SALE! Puppy Zone at 8235 Kingston Pike next to Chuck E Cheese. Call 865-690-5252 or come by for more info.
217 Trucks
NEXT AUCTION: Tues April 5, 6pm Cherokee Auction Co. 10015 Rutledge Pike Corryton, TN 37721
Just 10 min from zoo exit off I-40. 865-465-3164 or visit a u c t i o nz i p .c o m T A L 2 3 8 6 FL 5 6 2 6
Wanted To Buy 222
RAT TERRIER puppies, Mini, under 10 I'm Paying Top Dollar lbs, reg, 6 wks, tails for Standing Timber, docked. M & F, hardwood & pine. 5 prices depend on acres or more. Call color. $150-$250. Call 865-982-2606; 382-7529 865-208-5742 ***Web ID# 758478***
Sporting Goods 223
SHELTIES AKC reg., sable & white, neutered, house & Golf Carts (6) 1989 Club Carts, good cond. leash trained, health gas engines w/tops, guar. 865-719-2040 $1300 ea 865-577-8172 ***Web ID# 757589*** SHICHON POO, Boats Motors 232 "Teddy Bear" Reduced:F $300; M $250. nego. 740-550-9954 VISION 200 DC Bass ***Web ID# 757947*** Boat 1989. Boat, motor, trailer, $6500/ SHIH TZU, 6 wk old, obo. 865-387-3350 $200. One rare. CKC KNX748274 reg., wormed 865255-3627 SHIH TZU AKC, 7 wks, wht F w/green eyes, vet chk, 1st S&W $350. 865-851-5668 ***Web ID# 757510***
Males & Females, $150 & up. 865-806-3421 ***Web ID# 759710***
Free Pets
** ADOPT! * * Looking for a lost pet or a new one? Visit Young-Williams Animal Center, the official shelter for the City of Knoxville & Knox County: 3201 Division St. Knoxville. www.knoxpets.org
* * * * * * * *
Farmer’s Market 150 JOHN DEERE 5310 tractor, like new, only 300 hrs. Call 423-312-4610.
Goldendoodle Puppies Lawn-Garden Equip. 190 JOHN DEERE XD45 14HP Hydro, 48" deck, tri-cycler, mulcher, electric start, Sulky, 125 hrs. $2,800 nego. 865-806-6049
Music Instruments 198 BABY GRAND piano & bench. Excellent condition. Call 865851-6205 ***Web ID# 759369*** MANDOLIN & instruction books with DVD, $225. 865-986-5177
Misc. Items
CLOSS CELL foam rubber, used for gymnastics, wrestling, camping, etc. Can see at Greenacres Flea Mkt on Sundays. 828-557-1724 ***Web ID# 759325*** FREE: BLACK EUROPEAN Pedicure Spa Chair, good working condition. You must pick up. Call Megan at 5608895.
Household Furn. 204 ART SACRIFICE- oil paintings, closed gallery, museum quality. Smoky Mtn scenery. 865-244-7365 KNX752883
WINNEBAGO ELANDAN, 1987, 60k mi., 34'7"L, Chev. 454, 2 furnaces, 2 roof AC, hyd. jacks, 6.5 gen., awning, elec. steps, slps 8, clean, runs & looks good. $9,500. 865-556-6050
HARLEY, 2008 Street Glide, blk, 3k mi, sec syst & cruise, $15,500 firm. 865-773-4096 ***Web ID# 757544***
986-1123 David Webb 25 Yrs Exp!
DODGE Dakota 2000 Corvette Convertible club cab, RT 5.9 V8, 2004, 13k mi, red on Great shape. 109K mi. red. Like new. Ga$6800. 865-306-2621. rage kept. Nonsmoker. $30,000 DODGE RAM 1500 firm. 865-274-9266 1998, runs great, new tires, liner, tow, ***Web ID# 758345*** exc work truck. $2,200. 865-207-3834 Domestic 265 ***Web ID# 758726*** Dodge Ram 2001, quad Cadillac Deville 2002 V8, exc. cond. Towing gold, 3.2 Northstar, pkg. Camper back. 96k mi, $6950. Call 39k mi. $7300. 865-245865-556-7225, Tom 8240 or 755-2507 ***Web ID# 760061*** CADILLAC Deville 2004 Showroom quality. DODGE RAM 2500, Light platinum w/ 1999 92K mi., 2X4 RC, blk. cloth top. Only LB, runs great, must 45K mi., 1 owner, sell $4200. 865-679-2100 $12,990. 865-376-5167. NISSAN FRONTIER CADILLAC XLR, LE 2006 4X4 loaded, 2005, black, hard 122K hwy. mi. Good top convertible, like condition. 1 owner. new. Deluxe pkg on $12,800. 865-483-0252 front grille. Gar. kept, very low mi. driver. 4 Wheel Drive 258 Weekend $35,000. 865-617-4880 ***Web ID# 759104*** FORD F150 2010, 4x4, ext. cab, XLT, 4600 308 mi, silver, sync, Auto Services $29,000/bo. 865-250-9435 ***Web ID# 758352*** AUTO DETAILING SERVICE & headlight restoration. Turn discolored headlights back to new! Call Paul at 865-661-5120.
FRANKLIN 39', 2007 2 br, 2 slides, W/D, many extras. $16,000. OBO. 931-510-0922
SHIH TZU PUPPIES, JAYCO JAY FLIGHT CKC reg., 8 wks., G2 25' RKS, 2010, shots/wormed, cute & with super slide, adorable, 1 F $350 1 M satellite TV, used $300. 423-404-4189 twice, $18,500 OBO. puppeeperson@yahoo.com 423-337-1689 WEST Highland Terriers "Westies" AKC 237 puppies, adorable. Motor Homes $450. 865-983-8801 ***Web ID# 758577*** FOREST RIVER 2008 diesel pusher, 4 slides YORKIE PUPPIES, 9 340 Cummins, 21k mi, wks. old, CKC reg., satellite, warr, gar 1st S&W, F $450, kept, many extras. M $400. 931-707-9875 $125,000. 865-992-3547 KNX738552 YORKIE PUPS, 3 F, 1 M, 1st shots, deGULFSTREAM wormed, F $350; M CLASSIC 1986, $300. 865-363-7271 Self-contained, ***Web ID# 141759323*** new tires, everything works, ready to go. $8800. 865-617-6451. YORKIE PUPS, AKC 14 wks old, UTD on S&W, ready to go. Must sell. Like new. New-Mark Kountry $500. 865-382-7952 Star, 37' 2 slides, 36K ***Web ID# 761324*** mi. Caterpillar diesel, 6 spd Allison, 865604-4657; 727-804-9402 Horses 143 ***Web ID# 758711*** HORSE TRAILER- NEWMAR 1994 Class A Steel-ST/LD w/53" 37', 31k mi, washer/ dressing room, new dryer, big shower, tires, excell. floor, like new. $27,000 $4,199. 865-539-1232 OBO. 865-590-0555 ***Web ID# 761226***
Cleaning GMC Suburban 1995, 3/4 ton 4WD, AT, AC, 3rd row seat. Rebuilt eng., $5000. 865-742-0942; 690-5347. ***Web ID# 757265***
Comm Trucks Buses 259
CAROL'S CLEANING SERVICE 20 yrs exp, comm & residential. Bonded & insured, refs avail. Call for quote 323-9105
Vinyl Siding Driveways Decks Cleaned & Sealed Stucco Gutter Whitening Low Rates, free est., licensed & Ins'd.
100's of satisfied customers!
Roofing / Siding
YOU buy it, we install it! Fencing & repair. 1986 BLUE BIRD BUS We haul stuff, too! 2 - 15K Generators, Free est. 604-6911 Good Condition For more info. email mprowell@m Flooring 330 ***Web ID# 760082***
Antiques Classics 260 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVille 1972 For details call 865-691-8202 KNX755515
CERAMIC TILE installation. Floors/ walls/repairs. 32 yrs exp, exc work! John 9 3 8 -3 3 2 8
CORVETTE Conv. Pace HAROLD'S GUTTER Car 1986, ylw/blk, SVC. Will clean 48K mi. all docs. & front & back $20 & decals, $20,900. Call up. Quality work, 865-755-4729. guaranteed. 945-2565 ***Web ID# 759809***
Sport Utility
261 Lawn Care
Chev. Avalanche 2005, 4WD Z-71, Wht w/ tan lthr. Every opt, 43K new. 104K mostly hwy mi, meticulously maint w/synthetic oil & other service. Clean and shiny. Extra whls, tires, bed covers. $18,000. 865-384-6495. ***Web ID# 759418***
Chev Suburban 2002, 4WD, 103K mi, all pwr, lthr, tow, good tires, $9800. 865-207-3834 ***Web ID# 758722***
Ford Escape 2006, 4WD, alloys, CD, ABS, pwr opts, V6, 95K mi, $12,200. 865-804-3000 HARLEY DAVIDSON ***Web ID# 759221*** 2002 V Rod, 895 ac- FORD EXPLORER 2001, tual mi., asking 4x4, exc. cond. Loaded. ^ $12,000. 865-356-3010 139,500 mi. $4500. BUSY BEES LAWN***Web ID# 759342*** CARE at your ser865-603-2097; 300-5282 vice! Mowing, mulch***Web ID# 757404*** HD 2006 883, exc. cond. ing, lawn detail, you 6600 mi, blk, detach. HONDA CRV LX 2002 name it! Free est, Sr. ^ WS, saddlebags, more. 4WD, AT, 1 owner, Discount. It would Bee $5000. 865-573-8662 357 130k mi, $7,595/obo. my pleasure to serve Tree Service ***Web ID# 761011*** Call 865-640-3504 you! Mark 335-7290 HERITAGE SOFTTAIL ***Web ID# 759628*** 2000, 43k mi, newer 95 Nissan Pathfinder Painting / Wallpaper 344 CI Screamin' Eagle 2004, LE platinum, mtr, needs nothing. 4WD, SR, CD, AA PAINTING Lots of extras. $9000/bo heated seats, dark Int/Ext painting, 865-925-1543 silver, blk leather, log homes, ***Web ID# 757854*** new tires, exc. staining, pressure washing. cond. By owner. HONDA GOLDWING 9 9 2 -4 0 0 2 $13,800. 865-924-0791 1500 SE 1998, spectra ***Web ID# 759767*** or 6 1 7 -2 2 2 8 red, CB, radio, intercom w/helmets, great cond. Pool Services 349 40K $7,000. 865-771-4939 Imports 262 ***Web ID# 759622*** KUNTRY POOLS KAWASAKI VULCAN BMW 2007 750Li, white Openings start at w/beige int., loaded, 900, 2008 Classic LT, $150. Wkly maint, 36K mi, cert. to 903cc Cruiser. Blue/ salt s ystems , in100K mi transferable, silver. 4401 act mi, ground & abovenon smoker, gar lthr studded seats/ ground liners. Inkept, hand washed, saddlebags, Cobra stallation pros, refs exc cond. $42,500. hwy bars/lots of avail. 388 -1752 423-337-1545 days; chrome. Exc cond. 423-746-0530 nites Asking $5350. Bluebook list $5940. 865Pressure Washing 350 494-8174 for more LEXUS LS430 2005, black w/ all opts., low info or email pic. ^ mi, exc cond, $23,200. COOPER'S TREE SVC ***Web ID# 760909*** 865-577-8172; 250-1585 Bucket truck, lot cleanSUZUKI GS1000 1979, MERCEDES 560 SL ing, brush pick-up, chipreal cherry, 1988 convertible, red per. Ins'd, lg & sm jobs. $2500/b.o. Phone w/blk int, all orig, soft 523-4206, 789-8761 865-925-1543 & hard tops, mint ***Web ID# 757861*** cond, 124k mi, $17,000 obo 865-992-0386 YAMAHA VINO 125 Web ID #756169 scooter 2006, blue, like new, 925 mi., Mercedes Benz ML500 $1500. 865-771-4939. 2006, 48k mi, loaded, ***Web ID# 759624*** NAV, silver w/blk leather. 100k mi. war. $26,500/bo. 423-956-3565 Autos Wanted 253 ***Web ID# 757469*** MERCEDES S500 A BETTER CASH 1997, good mechanical OFFER for junk cars, cond., high miles, trucks, vans, running $4,000. 865-603-1437 or not. We also buy junk tractor trucks & Toyota Camry LE buses, aluminum 1999, 2nd owner, rims & auto batteries. 94K mi, $4,995. Call 865-456-3500 865-925-1058 ^
B-4 â&#x20AC;˘ APRIL 4, 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ BEARDEN SHOPPER-NEWS
health & lifestyles .%73 &2/- 0!2+7%34 7%34 +./86),,% 3 (%!,4(#!2% ,%!$%2 s 42%!4%$7%,, #/- s 0!2+
How healthy are you? prostate cancer screening) for men â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $20
Get your health numbers and more at Covenant Health Check!
N C-reactive protein (High Sensitivity ) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $20. Measures heart disease risk and indicates arterial inflammation, especially recommended for those whose cholesterol and blood pressure are above desirable levels.
If spring is in the air, it must be time for the annual Covenant Health Check, East Tennesseeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s longest-running community health screening program.
Free screenings for 2011 include blood pressure, body composition/ BMI, bone density, carotid artery ultrasound, heart rhythm and vision. Hemoccult Kits (take-home On Saturday, April 9, Cov- colon cancer screening kits) will enant Health Check will be be available for $2. For an extra dose of â&#x20AC;&#x153;heart held at Cokesbury Center, 9915 Kingston Pike, from 9 health,â&#x20AC;? participants can check out their six risk factors for heart a.m. until noon. disease at the Know Your Six area. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Covenant Health Check conRisk factors include blood prestinues to be a popular way for East sure, BMI, cholesterol/glucose Tennesseans to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;check inâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with their (fee, see below), sleep habits and health status,â&#x20AC;? said Gary Young, director of Covenantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center for activity levels. Discounted blood tests available Community Health. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometimes, at each Health Check Site include: for those who do not have a personal physician, the screenings not N CHC profile â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $20 (12-hour fasting recommended for only give them helpful personal inaccurate results; those with formation, but also help point them diabetes should check with in the right direction if follow-up a physician before fasting.) with a physician is indicated.â&#x20AC;?
N Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $20. Measures the amount of sugar (glucose) in a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s blood over the last three months.
Test includes chemistry profile (glucose, potassium, calcium, etc.), cholesterol (total, HDL, LDL and tryiglycerides) and liver enzymes N Complete blood count (CBC) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $15. Test includes red and white blood cell count, hematocrit, platelets, etc. N Thyroid (thyroid stimulating hormone) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $20 N Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA
Covenant Passport members receive a $5 discount on one blood test. Membership ID is required. The Cokesbury Health Check site is also designated as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Super Siteâ&#x20AC;? and will feature centers/activities related to senior health, heart health and stroke prevention, ďŹ tness, health and wellness (including cancer-related topics), and healthrelated community resources. For more information about the Cokesbury Health Check site or other screening locations for 2011, visit www. covenanthealth.com or call 865-541-4500.
Save your Ta Tas Attend our Girls Night Out Mammogram Party on May 10 Mammograms are a girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s breast friend. They save lives, but some women risk their health because â&#x20AC;&#x153;mammograms are not fun.â&#x20AC;? Not any more. A special Girls Night Out Mammogram Party will be held at the Parkwest Comprehensive Breast Center on Tuesday, May 10, in observance of Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day. You are invited to attend with your mom, your daughter, your best friend or someone else whose health you care about.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keeping you in good health is important to us, so we hope those who are in need of their annual mammogram will join us,â&#x20AC;? said radiologist Amanda Squires. Appointments are not necessary, but preferred. Drop by from 5-7 p.m. for complimentary wine and dessert â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and a mammogram! Although there are an estimated 2.3 million breast cancer survivors among us in the United States, breast cancer continues to plague nearly 40,000 women each year. Early
stage detection is essential for survival and the Parkwest Comprehensive Breast Center offers a wide variety of services to provide a complete assessment of your breast health that allows you to do just that. For more information about the Breast Center at Parkwest, call 865-373-7010 or visit www. treatedwell.com/breastcenter.
Surgical weight loss seminars: April 12 and 26
C-PAP drive for community beneďŹ t If you have a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (C-PAP) machine that isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t being utilized, you can help someone in need sleep better. Interfaith Health Clinic and Lamberts will be accepting donated machines to beneďŹ t those who are unable to purchase the equipment otherwise. C-PAP machines, masks and supplies will be accepted Saturday, April 17, through Saturday, April 30. Drop off locations will be at Lamberts Healthcare from 9 a.m. till 7 p.m. (closed Sundays) and Interfaith Health Clinic from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. (Monday through Friday). Tax deductible forms can be supplied by Interfaith Health Clinics. For more information, call 865-546-7330 or 865-686-3650.
Is surgical weight loss for you? Join Drs. Stephen Boyce and K. Robert Williams with Parkwest Medical Center, a Bariatric Center of Excellence, on Tuesday, April 12 or 26 at 5 p.m. to learn more. Both physicians are Fellows of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), a distinction bestowed to a select group of weight loss surgeons who have extensive experience in bariatric surgery and a demonstrated commitment to quality and clinical excellence. The designation of Fellow recognizes surgeons who are qualityconscious and who track and monitor their outcomes. FASMBS surgeons also must be associated with an ASMBS Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence. To be eligible for this procedure, patients must have a Body Mass Index of 40 or more, be 100 pounds or more overweight, or have an obesity-related disease. Call 865-694-9676 to reserve your spot to attend.
Break the habit: Smoking cessation series begins April 4 Want to stop smoking? The next Parkwest Freedom from Smoking series begins April 4 at 6 p.m. The course is a seven-part series that meets once a week for an hour. A $50 deposit is required to enroll; however, it is completely refunded after successfully completing all the sessions. For more information and to register, call 865-374-PARK.
Become a Parkwest Fan on Facebook! Being able to live life to its fullest is important, and Parkwest Medical Center would like to share its latest health and news information with you. Like it at www.facebook.com/parkwestmedicalcenter and receive a complimentary free gift â&#x20AC;&#x201C; while supplies last!
Expecting? We have a full menu of childbirth classes To help you learn as much as possible about childbirth and how to care for both your newborn and yourself once you return home, we offer special educational courses. Parkwest Medical Center childbirth experts cover nearly every aspect of pregnancy and labor through our â&#x20AC;&#x153;Teddy Bear University.â&#x20AC;? For a full listing of courses, visit www. treatedwell.com/childbirth or call 865-374-PARK.
Donate blood, learn about organ donation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; April 26 April is National Donate Life Month and your blood or organ donation can go a long way in helping others. On Tuesday, April 26, from 6 a.m. till 4 p.m. Parkwest Medical Center will host a Medic Blood Drive in the Boulevard Bistro which is located on the Lower Level of the Riverstone Tower. Fasting is not required and all blood types are needed to support our communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daily need of 350 units. All donors will receive a Medic T-shirt and a cholesterol evaluation. Donors are eligible to donate every 56 days. For more information, call 865-524-3074 or visit www. medicblood.com. Representatives from Tennessee Donor Services will also be available with information on organ donation during this time. An estimated 2,500 Tennesseans are on a waiting list for organ donation. More information on organ donation is available at www.tndonorregistry. org. Guests are welcome to utilize the complimentary valet parking at the hospitalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s main entrance.
Random Acts of Flowers gives smiles to patients More than 6,000 flowers have been delivered to patients in East Tennessee, including those at Parkwest Medical Center, through Random Acts of Flowers, a local nonprofit charity whose volunteers collect flowers from weddings, memorial services, florists, special events, grocery stores and churches to transform them into beautiful bouquets for patients in area hospitals, nursing homes and hospice care centers. Visit www. randomactsofflowers.org or call 865-633-9082 to learn how you can help brighten someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day.
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Section SPot APRIL 4, 2011
Up from the ashes, in style By Anne Hart
Second Saturday for Second Harvest Sample great wines, enjoy hors d’oeuvres and make new friends at the benefit for Second Harvest Food Bank sponsored by Campbell Station Wine and Spirts and hosted by American Piano Gallery in Turkey Creek, 4-6 p.m. Saturday, April 9. Info: 966-7122.
It was 3 a.m. last Oct. 29. Kim Cook and her husband, Darryl Smith, were asleep in their Farragut home when Kim was nudged awake by a persistent sound. She realized the couple’s cell phones, recharging in the kitchen, were beeping. “Three o’clock and the phones beeping is never going to be a good thing,” Kim says. “I jumped out of bed, ran to the kitchen, grabbed my cell phone, saw 11 calls from my daughter, Taylor, and immediately the house phone started ringing. I grabbed it and Taylor told me the store was on fire. “All I remember was just saying ‘no, no, no’ over and over.”
The rebuilt and restocked store
‘Bye Bye Birdie’ at CAK Christian Academy of Knoxville’s musical theatre will present “Bye Bye Birdie” April 14-16. Tickets are $8 ($3 for students) at the door. Details in next week’s Shopper.
The Gathering at Franklin Square Meet your friends at The Gathering, 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, at The Chop House in Franklin Square.
Paige Davis 640-6354
davisp@ ShopperNewsNow.com FARRAGUT
Debbie Moss 661-7071
mossd@ ShopperNewsNow.com WEST SIDE
Darlene Hacker 660-9053
hackerd@ ShopperNewsNow.com
Fire- and water-damaged goods at Wear Else! Photo courtesy of Servpro
Cook’s popular store, Wear Else!, located in the Rocky Hill Center on Northshore Drive, offers both new and consignment merchandise for the entire family. It had been in business for two years and was moving into its heaviest season. Coincidentally, the day of the fire had been one of the best days since the store’s opening. Cook had added extra staff for the upcoming weekend. “We were crammed full of merchandise,” Cook says. “We had at least 50,000 items
in inventory headed into the holiday season.” With Darryl driving, they headed to the store. From Northshore, smoke was visible rising into the night sky. As they pulled into the center, they could see the parking lot was lined with fire engines. Kim recalls jumping out of the car while it was still moving and running toward the store. Firefighters held her back. When she realized all was lost, “I just fell to the pavement. I was devastated. I couldn’t even stand up.”
The temperature outside that night was about 20 degrees, but temperatures in the store soared to 1,200 degrees. Plastic coat hangers holding thousands of dollars in merchandise melted away, dumping clothing to the floor. Anything that didn’t melt or burn outright was destroyed by smoke and water. The huge plate glass windows at the front of the store cracked; fire poured out the rear of the store. There was nothing Kim and Darryl could do there. Back at home at dawn, they started making lists. There were many, many details to be handled. Kim notified insurance carriers, credit card companies, utility and telephone carriers, and sent letters to all of those who had left goods with her on consignment. One of her first calls was to Diana Sexton, who owns Servpro of North Knoxville with her husband, Mark. “I couldn’t have made it without Diana. I can’t say enough good things about her. She knew exactly what to do and exactly what I should be doing. As soon as we could get back into the store, she put her team to work. They hauled away everything and got all the water out so J.S. Ridenour, the contractor, could get in and start their work.”
To page C-2
Cruisin’ down the river with a ghost Riverboat captain John Farmer is even starting to look a little bit like Samuel Langhorne Clemens, one of this country’s most beloved writers who used the pseudonym Mark Twain in his tales about life on the Mississippi and other adventures and was also a master riverboat pilot. For Farmer, who is letting his silver hair and mustache grow longer to complete the picture, taking on the Clemens persona is all in good fun. For those who enjoy his riverboat cruises on the Tennessee, it adds a touch of realism to his historical narration titled “Captain’s River Facts and Foolishness.” Farmer and his wife, Jeanette, have been on the river for many years. For 23 years they raced a sailboat and won a total of 14 trophies. He teaches marine electron-
Anne Hart
ics and celestial navigation, so he says getting a river captain’s license was the next logical step/ The couple lived in Valley, Ala., where he was president of a computer company, and moved to Knoxville in 2004. Farmer now works for NavCal River Rides as a captain of The Star riverboat as well as piloting Trace 1, a large pontoon boat, where the ghost of old Sam Clemens comes to life to both entertain and educate passengers. Aboard Trace 1, the Farmers host many different kinds of cruises, including
weddings on the river. The captain is also an ordained chaplain who can perform marriages. In addition to regularly scheduled cruises, the boat can be chartered for birthday parties, sightseeing trips as far away as Guntersville, Ala., fall color cruises and football game day cruises. There is a restroom aboard, and while there is no kitchen, snacks are available and catering for special events is by Panera Bread. One of the captain’s favorite cruises this time of year is an upcoming two-day trip scheduled for April 30 to May 1. The Trace 1 will depart Knoxville early that Saturday morning for a spring flower-viewing and sightseeing trip that will overnight in Spring City before returning here on Sunday. Along the way the boat will pass historic Crescent
Riverboat Captain John Farmer Bend with its 35,000 tulips, and travel on down river past Louisville, Fort Loudoun Marina, Thief Neck Cutoff and pass through the locks at Fort Loudoun Dam. Each guest will receive a free copy of the Tennessee River Guide so they can track progress and record the locations of pictures they might take. Overnight lodging will
be in cabins at Arrowhead Resort with meals in the resort’s Front Porch restaurant. To highlight the upcoming Civil War sesquicentennial, there will be special cruises that will highlight the Battle of Fort Sanders, with the captain’s running narrative of war events explaining why certain Knoxville locations, particularly the river, were strategically critical to both sides in that battle. More information about all of the cruises is available at www.navcal.com or by calling 765-3407. And the good captain would want us to point out that on all related materials he deliberately misspells old Sam Clemens’ name as “Clemmons.” He doesn’t want to get cross-wise with any authorities who might want him to pay royalties. Contact: annehartsn@aol.com.
Visi Vi siit our unique shoops and find wonderful gift ideas and warm hospitality. Alll of our shops andd restaurants are located between Sequoyah Hills and Nortths h ho h re Drive. Art Bennett Galleries 584•6791 Hanson Gallery 584•6097
Spring into fashion and flavor with The District in Bearden Shoop Locally lyy Sup pporrt Indeepen ndent Busiinesses Taake Part in a Stroong Coomm mun u ity
Frank’s Barber Shop 588-4001 Gallaher Spa MD 671•3888 M.S. McClellan & Co 584•3492 PKelly 909•0021 Twisted Scissors 588•2311
Design @home audio-video 584-1800
Bearden Antique Mall 584•1521 eGroup Fine Electronics| Home Theatre 212•9860 Gift + Gourmet & Interiors 212•5639 Persian Galleries, Inc. 558•8777 Pink Pomegranate Home 212-3932 Southern Market 588•0274 Westwood Antique & Design Market 588•3088
Cuisine Ashe’s Wine & Spirits 584•3341
Aubrey’s 588•1111 Bistro by the Tracks 558•9500 Chez Liberty 330-9862 Gourmet’s Market 584•8739 Hard Knox Pizzeria 602-2114 The Grill at Highlands Row 851-7722 Holly’s Eventful Dining 300-8071 Nama 588•9811 Naples 584-5033 Toddy’s Liquor & Wine 584-0577
District Partners
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C-2 â&#x20AC;˘ APRIL 4, 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ WEST SIDE SHOPPER-NEWS
Wear Else!
long & short
From page C-1
Kim rented office space and started filling it with merchandise. She went to market and bought loads of new merchandise, including a couple of hundred prom gowns to replace those lost. Kim says that throughout, both customers and friends â&#x20AC;&#x153;have been beyond wonderful.â&#x20AC;? When she went back to the store the day after the fire, â&#x20AC;&#x153;there were six bouquets of flowers with cards that had been left at the front door.â&#x20AC;? The store reopened a few days ago and is once again stocked for the season. The first customer through the door ran to give Kim a hug, stepped back and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mmmm. Smells like â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;new carâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in here. I like that.â&#x20AC;?
Toast and Coffee with Barbara Pelot at Longâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Drug Store
of it
Join us each Wednesday from 9 to 10 a.m.
Rhamapalooza on April 9 Denise Bates, Steve Frampton and Linda Bonds tell Barbara Pelot about Rhama, the Center for Healing Arts, located at 9237 Middlebrook Pike. The cooperative center houses 22 practitioners who offer healing to the whole person through a variety of services, including massage, art therapy and life coaching. Bates, who teaches at UT and studied at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, D.C., founded Rhama to give practitioners an affordable place to offer services. The center will host Rhamapalooza from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 9. Guests can sample three services for $25. Info: www.rhamacenter.com.
Contact: annehartsn@aol.com.
Meet the members
Janis Lightfoot was born in Missouri and began life as â&#x20AC;&#x153;the trailing spouse,â&#x20AC;? moving frequently to accommodate her husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s career. A Knoxville resident since 1984, she earned a degree from UT in interior design and has worked in the field for 20 years. She currently Janis Lightfoot manages the interior design function of Barber McMurry Architects. She joined Rotary this year.
The salad fork goes where? West Knoxvillians Randy MacDonald and Ann Thatcher share their cookbook, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Life After Ramen: Cooking and Entertaining for Twentysomethings,â&#x20AC;? with Barbara Pelot, center. They published the cookbook, which has simple recipes, pantry-stocking suggestions and even directions for setting a table, after fielding questions from their own twentysomething kids. Older folks who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cook often can benefit from the cookbook as well as students and newlyweds, says MacDonald. Find it at Southern Market, Gifty Girl and Amazon.com.
West Knox Rotary Shopper SPot
Saluting local business and entrepreneurial excellence April in East Tennessee brings us many traditions, such as the Dogwood Arts New members of the Rotary Club of West Knoxville are Dr. Conrad Vaughan (second from left) Festival, the Orange and with his sponsor, David Hales (left), and Roger Neal with his sponsor, Lucy Gibson. Dr. Vaughan White game, and the Junior is a chiropractic physician, and Neal is a life insurance agent. Photos by Charles Garvey Achievement Business Hall of Fame, where the local business community turns out to honor men and women â&#x20AC;&#x153;whose inspirational leadership has shown business excellence and courageous thinking,â&#x20AC;? according to Junior Achievement of East Tennessee. Begun in 1989, the Hall of Fame boasts a list of laureates that reads like an East Tennessee Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Who of captains of industry, and on April 14 at the Downtown Marriott, three new well deserving inductees will join this prestigious list. Dee Bagwell Haslam took the helm of her fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business in 1999. Since then, she and business partA Six (6) Month Program to include: ner Robert Lundgren have transformed RIVR Media s )NITIAL CONSULTATION WITH PHYSICIAN into an Emmy-award win s %+' ning vertically integrated s -ICRO URINE production company re s &INGER STICK sponsible for iconic proCarabeth Russell, M.D s #ALOREMETRY ANALYZER gramming including â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trad s "ODY FAT ANALYZER ing Spacesâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whale
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firstforward Wars.â&#x20AC;? In 2000 they established RIVR Media Interactive which offers a broad range of Internet-related services. Dr. Lynn Massingale has served as CEO of TeamHealth since 1980 when he co-founded Southeastern Emergency Physicians, TeamHealthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s predecessor. Since then, TeamHealth has grown to become a 9,000 employee, New York Stock Exchange company that is one of the largest and most respected providers of clinical outsourcing services in the U.S., with around 1,000 employees at its Knoxville headquarters. Alex â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boâ&#x20AC;? Shafer celebrated 50 years with Shafer Insurance last December, a company started by his father, Alex, that is now
run by his son, Andy. One of East Tennesseeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest independent insurance agencies, Shafer Insurance prides itself on long-term relationships with their customers. But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for commitment to the community through service and example that Bo Shafer is best known. A past Kiwanis International president, Shafer continues to champion myriad community causes tirelessly as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;servant with a heart.â&#x20AC;? Junior Achievement serves thousands of students across East Tennessee each year and we at First Tennessee are proud to cosponsor the simulated bank in JA BizTown, an interactive learning experience that exposes students to the realities of working and budgeting. The Business Hall of Fame is important both in saluting local business and entrepreneurial excellence and in raising funds to support JAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work. More information about the event can be found at http:// easttennessee.ja.org/ or by calling 457-2461.
Doug Hanson of Beardenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hanson Gallery hangs a new oil on canvas by local artist Melanie Woods. Hanson has just opened a new exhibit titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tour de Artistesâ&#x20AC;? featuring the work of a variety of artists the gallery has represented over the years. Photo by A. Hart
Happy Customers “Cherokee Health Systems asked us to help them in the selection of a constructor for their new rural medical office building. The selection process yielded a number of highly credentialed and qualified constructors. Construction Plus impressed Cherokee Health Systems strongly on a professional and even more so on a personal level. The executives of CHS felt a connection and trust with those from Construction Plus seated across the table, understanding that those same people were the ones who would actually deliver their new facility. Turns out their instincts were right. … I believe Cherokee would welcome the opportunity to build together again – both a facility and a relationship.”
David L. Cockrill, AIA President, Cockrill Design & Planning “Sandy Loy and the Construction Plus team have done excellent work on our church construction project from the very first concept. Sandy’s help was invaluable at every step of the process. His candid advice comes from many years of experience and was invaluable to our project. He tackles the inevitable road bumps with speed and focus.”
Curt Jawdy, P.E. Building Committee Chair, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Oak Ridge
Construction makes sense the CCM way A
s a Certified Construction Manager, Sandy Loy advocates this method of construction. Come with us for a walk through the process. See what to expect from a Certified Construction Manager on your next project.
Pre-design phase ■ Develop the general project program and requirements. ■ Perform site analyses, evaluation and recommendations.
“This was a really specific project, nothing had been done like this in East Tennessee. The way they worked with the refrigeration company out of Canada, certainly top notch. We were under a real tight deadline and Construction Plus pulled through for us.”
Bill Shipstad, Manager, Icearium/Cool Sports
“Our third project with CPI was just as wonderful as the first two. On time, under budget and hassle free. All I had to do was pick the colors and move in. They took a true plain box and made it something special.”
Julie Pauletto, President, Power Systems Inc.
Construction Plus Inc. 601 Reliability Circle, Knoxville 675-3600 • www.constructionplus.com
Meet Sandy Loy Today’s world is more complicated than ever and construction is certainly no different. Sandy Loy has developed a reputation as a local expert on the more progressive side of the industry. In a geographic area which often lags behind others in terms of new methodology and processes, he has spent the last 23 years promoting new ways to build for his clients; ways which are progressive, innovative and more cost effective. Sandy says the three components of Sandy Loy constructing a new custom facility are no different than manufacturing … they are cost, time and quality. The adage is you can pick any two, but you can’t have all three. “For years I believed that, but I kept asking myself if there was a way to get all three. I finally came to the conclusion there is,” he says. The key to getting low cost and high quality in a timely manner is having an advocate for the owner who is looking out for their best interest and no one else’s. This is often not the case when projects are designed by one party, bid by another, and then built by a team whose members were not ever involved in the design or pricing phases. Loy holds degrees in both architecture and engineering that allow him to understand what all the team members are trying to accomplish. “I am convinced that the Certified Construction Manager program is the cutting edge of how construction projects will be built in the 21st century,” he says. “While we are not the largest firm in town and don’t plan on trying to be, we serve a select group of clients who recognize the value of having an advocate with 35 years of experience implementing the standards of the CCM program on their behalf.” Sandy Loy loves what he does and apparently so do his clients.
■ Develop a Master project schedule. ■ Coordinate project with all federal, state and local regulatory agencies. ■ Develop the preliminary budget and comprehensive design schedule. ■ Establish management information and reporting system. ■ Provide guidance in working with your financial sources to develop innovative funding methods. ■ Complete financial analysis, projections, cost estimates and other documentation.
Design Phase ■ Assure the design is aesthetically successful within project budgeting goals. ■ Insure the design documents communicate the scope of work in an efficient manner to maximize value by honoring current subcontractor and vendor market practices, conditions and nomenclature. ■ Perform life-cycle cost analyses and other reviews for the greatest return on your construction investment. ■ Implement current technology requirements into the design for your immediate needs while maintaining the flexibility to support future technology as well. ■ Develop a detailed design schedule and supervise its implementation. ■ Review design for constructability to assure minimal changes and fewer problems in the field. ■ Develop detailed component cost estimates at every design phase to maximize value in all design decisions.
The bid process ■ Advertise and solicit qualified bidders specific to the project needs. ■ Conduct pre-bid conference to clarify bidders understanding to assure accurate bids. ■ Assure that all bid documents and specs are clear and all questions are answered. ■ Schedule, open and coordinate formal bids.
■ Develop a bid evaluation matrix assuring the most cost effective combination of contractors and vendors is realized.
seamless installations.
■ Recommend bidders for contract award and negotiate the contracts for execution.
After you occupy your facility … Construction Plus Inc. will continue to watch out for your interest.
■ Authorize final payments to vendors and contractors after securing the final warranty documents and lien and surety releases etc.
While construction is underway, the CCM will be your eyes, ears and most importantly, your advocate. ■ Assure all contractors, vendors and other participants understand their team role to meet the project’s design and schedule requirements. ■ Deliver timely and clear reports concerning construction progress, milestones and other elements. ■ Manage the change order process for maximum effectiveness while minimizing delays and costs. ■ Monitor the construction process to anticipate difficulties, resolve issues early and maintain the work flow. ■ Provide full time OSHA trained on site supervision. ■ Maintain daily documentation of the project activity and perform weekly progress meetings, documenting and distributing the content. ■ Administer progress payments to assure that work milestones are met and that expenses are paid in a timely manner. ■ Maintain a safe workplace, not only for project workers, but also in the case of renovations, assure the safety of everyone using the facility during construction. ■ Coordinate the final stages of construction, including punch lists and similar tasks to be completed – often in a very compressed time period – before your new facility opens. ■ Help you plan for installation of systems, furniture and other resources for efficient and
■ Make sure close out and as-built record documents are complete, in compliance and accurate. ■ Schedule the transition of the operational take-over of the facility with your personnel. ■ Carry out post construction inspections making sure the punch lists are completed and all inventories are accurate. ■ Work with your staff to develop post completion warranty work lists to make sure the work is done in a timely and safe manner. ■ Schedule, manage and inspect all corrective work.
Why CCM? Your next project doesn’t have to be burdensome and fraught with headaches and stress. The most effective way to assure the quality of service and professionalism you will receive is by selecting a Certified Construction Manager (CCM). The CCM designation tells an owner the CM has met a rigorous and demanding set of professional, educational and experience criteria. CCM is the only CM certification which is recognized by American National Standards Institute. The CCM designation requires commitment to the Construction Management Association of America’s Standards of Professional
Construction Plus Inc. Not just another General Contractor … we are Design Build Specialists and Certified Construction Managers 3 TSBA School of the Year Awards
Small Business Award
Enterpriser Award
Pinnacle Award
4 Project of Distinction Awards
Your Vision … Our Commitment
675-3600 www.constructionplus.com
Practice. This assures that you will receive unbiased advice from your CM, responsible only to your interests and dedicated exclusively to delivering the best project results possible.
How it works Sandy Loy, president of Construction Plus Inc., was East Tennessee’s first general contractor to earn the Certified Construction Manager designation. There are fewer than 2,000 CCM’s in the world. Loy says Construction Plus “gives you more effective control of complex construction projects and is your advocate every step of the way.” He pledges to deliver your project on time, under budget and hassle free. Construction Plus Inc. is committed to the CMAA Standards of Professional Practice and promises professional representation in these areas: ■ Manage the design program to meet your needs and your budget from day one. ■ Develop an efficient project schedule. ■ Maintain effective control of the scope of work from design through completion. ■ Manage the tasks during each phase to make best use of other firms’ talents and resources. ■ Manage the team to avoid delays, changes, disputes and cost overruns. ■ Identify the procurement methodology most cost effective for you. ■ Serve as your eyes and ears to assure the project is built to specifications. ■ Develop sound bid management strategies to protect and stretch your budget.
C-4 â&#x20AC;¢ APRIL 4, 2011 â&#x20AC;¢ WEST SIDE SHOPPER-NEWS
PUT PLAY IN YOUR DAY. HEALTHY KIDSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; DAY IS COMING! The nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest health day is coming to the Davis Family Y. and games for the entire family.
The event is FREE and everyone is invited (even if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not a member of the Y).
SATURDAY, APRIL 16 10 A.M. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 P.M. DAVIS FAMILY Y
12133 Northshore Dr.