Bearden Shopper-News 062512

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Interns head downtown

Last week, the ShopperNews interns toured the Knox Area Rescue Ministries, the health department and ate lunch at the Knoxville Visitors Center during a WDVX Blue Plate Special concert.

See their story on pages A-10, 11

Mose’s mark There’s an underground campaign to influence Mayor Tim Burchett to reappoint Robert M. “Mose” Lobetti to a third term on Metropolitan Planning Commission. Lobetti already has left an indelible mark.

See Betty Bean’s story on A-4

UT revitalization This is the revitalization time of Tennessee football, says Marvin West. “Hope is here. Rebirth is likely. Improvement is just around the corner. Derek Dooley is optimistic.” Marvin says, “There had to be changes.”

See Marvin’s story on page A-6


Realtor info Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace Realtors will host career nights at each of the firm’s offices 5:30 p.m. Thursday, June 28. The principal broker at each office will answer questions about obtaining a Tennessee real estate license. No appointment is necessary. Career night will be held at: Bearden Hill, 140 Major Reynolds Place; Farragut, 10815 Kingston Pike; and West Town, 124 N. Winston Road; Info: Mike Pappas, 693-1111 or, or visit

Wendy Smith A3 Government/Politics A4 Anne Hart A5 Malcom Shell / Marvin West A6 Faith A7 Interns A10,11 Business A12 Health/Lifestyles Sect B

10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) GENERAL MANAGER Shannon Carey EDITOR Sandra Clark BEARDEN REPORTER Wendy Smith ADVERTISING SALES Laura Lyon Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 24,267 homes in Bearden.

By W Wendy endy en dy Smith Smi mith th

David Lockwood had never heard of Maria Compere before she called to ask for help with an orchard. His quick Internet search revealed that 96-year-old Compere is the founder of Knoxville Green Association, which is responsible for numerous beautification projects, including the planting of 1.7 million daffodil bulbs along Pellissippi Parkway. Lockwood, like many others before him, caught Compere’s vision and agreed to design an orchard for the Knox County Detention Facility in East Knox County. He recently received an award from Knoxville Green for his efforts there. “He’s the sweetest guy,” says Compere. A pilot program allows a crew of six to eight female inmates from the county jail to work at the garden three days a week. Before it was established three years ago, the only work programs available to women were in the jail’s kitchen and laundry room. The garden has flourished under the care of the enthusiastic crew. “They want to be outside, out in the sun,” says Knox County Sheriff’s Office Cpl. Peggy Branson, who supervises the program. Knoxville Green had already donated a greenhouse, seeds and plants for the garden. But Compere wanted to add an orchard, and Lockwood was perfectly suited for the task. As a UT extension fruit and nut crop specialist, he works with growers from across the state and was able to procure nearly 100 peach and apple trees for the project from a grower in McMinnville. He also worked well with the prisoners. He taught the inmates without talking down to them, says Branson.

An inmate from the Knox County Jail stakes tomato plants at a garden at the Knox County Detention Facility. A pilot program allows female inmates to work there three days a week. “It doesn’t matter how hot it is, they’d rather be outside than in,” says Knox County Sheriff’s Department Cpl. Peggy Branson. The respect was mutual. “It was a delight to work with them because they were very interested in how to do it,” says Lockwood. Working in the garden is a new experience for inmates who have spent their lives in housing projects, says Branson. Some don’t even know what a goat is when they first see one on the farm. But they come to love caring for them, as well as the donkeys and chickens. They also love watching the seeds sprout in the greenhouse and are amazed at how quickly the plants yield a harvest.

David Lockwood of UT’s Plant Science Department was recently recognized by Knoxville Green Association for his work on an orchard at the Knox County Detention Facility. Photos by Wendy Smith

The orchard, which was planted in April, will take a little longer to produce. Lockwood says the peach trees could bear fruit in three years, and the apple trees in four. The trees are already flourishing, and Branson doesn’t mind the wait. The orchard will be a source of pride to those who planted it long after they have served their time, she says. Federal regulations prohibit the inmates from eating the produce from the garden. Instead, it’s used to feed KCSO staff and donated to

neighbors. Lockwood hopes that the women who work there will reap other rewards, like an interest that leads to growing a few vegetables at home or even a career in horticulture after they are released. The program has been so successful that representatives from two other prisons in Tennessee have contacted him for more information. Branson, who loves her job, says anyone can do it. “If you’ve got a little patch of land, then you can have a garden.”

How high? Neighbors oppose tall sign at Westland Weigel’s Neighbors of the new, 16gas pump convenience store Weigel’s plans to build on the corner of Ebenezer Road and Westland Drive will meet with Weigel’s representatives at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 28, at Ebenezer United Methodist Church to discuss the way the convenience store will look. The neighbors will convey their hopes that the Ebenezer/Westland store will look more like the new Weigel’s store in Choto with its rustic architecture, numerous trees, muted lighting, faux wood fence and low-lying monument sign than the prototypical Weigel’s store on the corner of Northshore and Ebenezer, with its bright lights, abundant neon and tall, pole-mounted sign. Some 40 area residents met at the church last week to plan for the meeting, and appeared to be unanimous in their preference for a store that they said would blend better with the surrounding neighborhoods. Council of West Knox County Homeowners president Margot Kline led the discussion and told the group that

Keep Your Me Memories emo SAFE!

she is hoping that Weigel’s CEO Bill Weigel will be able to attend this week’s meeting (he has had some recent health issues). Weigel’s failed to get useon-review approval at the June meeting of the Metropolitan Planning Commission (the vote ended in a 5-5 tie), and the MPC board members voted to postpone it until the July meeting to give Weigel’s and the neighborhoods an opportunity to work out their differences. Kline hopes the neighbors will be able to persuade Weigel, whom she described as “a really nice man,” to do it their way. But she has her doubts: “Ideally, Mr. Weigel will say, ‘You’re the customers,’” Kline said. “But I do get the sense that he has a very strong opinion that what he sees (on the Ebenezer/Westland corner) is what’s on the corner of Northshore and Ebenezer – a big tall sign and a building that looks like one out on the highway. That is going to change the nature of this community.” The Weigel’s store at Choto looks the way it does because that property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial. Pilot Oil was looking at the Ebenezer/Westland property when it was rezoned from Low Density Residential to Planned Commercial in 2006. “They had asked for General

Weigel’s at Choto, a look preferred by Westland neighbors.

A prototype Weigel’s store with taller sign. Photos submitted Commercial, which is pretty much ‘anything goes,’” Kline said. Faced with neighborhood opposition, MPC granted Planned Commercial as a compromise, whereupon Pilot lost interest, possibly due to the requirement for 50-foot setbacks. “That just kind of left the door open,” Kline said. Weigel’s wants only two of the parcel’s 20 acres, which has Kline even more concerned because she says the Weigel’s decision will set a precedent. “There’s no way to change the zoning back,” she said. Kline predicted that the new Weigel’s customer base will be


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JJune 25,, 2012

How a garden grows

By Betty Bean


A great community newspaper

VOL. 6 NO. 26



Expires 6/30/12 SN062512

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drawn from people who live in the area, since Ebenezer carries mostly neighborhood traffic. A member of the audience reminded the others about the gas station that was constructed on the property of the historic Baker-Peters House over strong neighborhood opposition. “How many people have ever traded at the Baker-Peters place?” he asked. No hands went up. “What does that tell you? Most of us opposed that and said we’d never trade there, and we don’t,” he said. The county has committed to building turn lanes at the Ebenezer/Westland intersection.


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*EXPIRES 6/29/12





Candidates and critters at West Hills picnic The annual West Hills picnic has something for everybody: fire trucks, barbecue, watermelon and exotic animals. No, I’m not referring to local officeholders and candidates, but to critters from the zoo.

Chris Fellini, Daniel Aisenbrey, Elias Attea and Eric Dwyer participate in a community work day at Beardsley Community Farm. Activities included building borders for muscadine grapes and removing invasive plant species. Aisenbrey, an AmeriCorps member who works at the farm, was pleased with the large turnout of volunteers. “We sometimes have four or five in a day, but it helps to have 30 to 40 for big projects.”

Wendy Smith

Photos by Wendy Smith

But officeholders and candidates are always invited to the picnic, so they were there, too. City Council members Duane Grieve, Brenda Palmer, George Wallace, Finbarr Saunders, Marshall Stair and Nick Pavlis, who also serves as vice mayor, all showed up for food and festivities. Brandon Stewart and Joe Leinweber Jr. campaigned for U.S. Rep. John Duncan Jr.’s seat. Duncan’s rep was there, too. Evelyn Gill, who is eyeing Becky Massey’s state Senate seat, was also in attendance. Former UT football player Anthony Hancock and his opponent, incumbent Steve Hall, campaigned for District 18 state Representative. Before dinner was served, picnickers got an up-close look at animals that especially enjoy trees. Steve McGaffin from the Knoxville Zoo talked about how most early settlers in the area would have kept chickens, like the zoo’s Brahma hen. He pointed out a cedar tree, also called a chicken tree, where chickens would have been encouraged to roost back in the day. McGaffin’s other guests were a prehensile-tailed skink, a native of the Soloman Islands, and an Everglades rat snake. Not all snakes can climb trees, but the rat snake, whose body is shaped like a loaf of bread rather than round,

Environmental ethics teacher John Nolt takes a question at last week’s Brown Bag Green Book discussion. The topic was “A Land Imperiled: The Declining Health of the Southern Appalachian Bioregion,” which he cowrote and compiled.

excels at climbing. He had bad news for those who aren’t fond of legless reptiles. “Even if you’ve never seen them, you do have snakes in your yard.” If you should run across one, don’t kill it, he said, be- Pam Rush helps Betty Schilling display the afghan she finally cause they keep the rodent completed at last week’s meeting of the Dogwood Knitters. She started the project in the 1990s. population down. ■

Leaving a lousy legacy

When John Nolt’s daughter was born in 1985, he found himself depressed. As time went on, he realized he was angry, rather than depressed, because of the world in which she would grow up. That was the beginning of Nolt’s environmental activism, which eventually led him to teach environmental ethics at UT. It also compelled him to put together

the book he discussed at the Knox County Public Library’s Brown Bag Green Book program last week: “A Land Imperiled: The Declining Health of the Southern Appalachian Bioregion.” The book uses health as a metaphor for the environmental state of the region. Forests, for example, have been “cut” by roads, development and power lines, and those cuts allow “infection” by non-native plant species and animals.

Even our rivers are on “artificial respiration,” he says, since TVA is using hoses to oxygenate water that used to be oxygenated when it moved over rocky shoals, he says. The most important thing to remember is that our region has been unhealthy for so long that most of us have forgotten what it’s supposed to look like. “It’s been a long time since you’ve seen the woods in a healthy state,” he says.

The 20-year afghan

Got an unfinished craft project lurking in your closet? Take inspiration from Betty Schilling of the Dogwood Knitters. She finally finished an afghan that she started in the 1990s, and she showed it off at last week’s meeting. She plans to use it as a bedspread. She shared the pattern from the “Learn to

Knit Afghan Book.” “Beware of the ideas you get in this group,” she said. Some members brought their finished Mobius scarves. The pattern was taught last month by representatives from the Clinch River Yarn Company in Clinton. The group meets from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on third Tuesdays at the Bearden Branch Library to share info and current projects.

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Steve Ellis, 3rd District City Council member Brenda Palmer and Vice Mayor Nick Pavlis look on as Steve McGaffin, assistant curator of education at the Knoxville Zoo, extols the virtues of chickens at the annual West Hills picnic.


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government Lobetti leaves his ‘mark’ By Betty Bean There’s an underground campaign to influence Mayor Tim Burchett to reappoint Robert M. “Mose” Lobetti to a third term on Metropolitan Planning Commission. Lobetti already has left an indelible mark.

The name “Mose” has been carved into a desk formerly assigned to Robert M. “Mose” Lobetti in the City County Building’s Large Assembly Room. Photo by Betty Bean Up on the dais in the Large Assembly Room, on the east end of the bank of heavy oak desks occupied by elected and appointed officials during meetings of City Council, County Commission and various public boards and commissions, the name “Mose” is carved into the front edge of the desk Lobetti formerly occupied (he was reassigned to another seat last year).

Burchett confirmed that friends and supporters of Lobetti, who is best known as a longtime political operative for the Duncan family, are lobbying on his behalf. Lobetti was originally appointed (and subsequently reappointed) to MPC by former Mayor Mike Ragsdale. “I’ve had people stop me in parking lots and garages, out in public and had people calling the office,” said Burchett, who will also be considering two additional appointments (Stan Johnson’s second term is up and former chair Robert Anders is resigning). The terms of two other commissioners – Ursula Bailey and Art Clancey III – are up, but they are city appointees and will be reappointed or replaced by Mayor Madeline Rogero. Lobetti, a consistent pro-development vote, was the center of controversy in 2010 when he recused himself from voting for a rezoning involving a political ally, and then attempted to rescind his recusal when it became apparent that the rezoning was in trouble. The MPC staff attorney Steven Wise told Lobetti that he couldn’t take his recusal back. Burchett is noncommittal about Lobetti’s reappointment and said there are others on his list of potential MPC commissioners. “We’re going to look at all of them,” he said.

Greenways low on food chain Greenways are important to the quality of life of any city. Recently, I interviewed Lori Goerlich, the city’s new coordinator. Goerlich turned 30 on April 15. Her degree is in landscape architecture from Iowa State University.

Victor Ashe

She is a very pleasant, likeable and earnest young woman who still has a lot to learn about Knoxville and her way around the city’s 50 miles of greenways. In fairness, she has been here for only two months and is working to get acquainted. She succeeds Donna Young who was super aggressive and energetic, a tough act to follow. She has had one meeting with Mayor Rogero which lasted 90 minutes, she said. The meeting included two of her supervisors, Joe Walsh and Christi Branscom. The chain of command has her reporting to Walsh, who reports to Branscom, who reports to Eddie Mannis who reports to Rogero. So Goerlich is four persons down the food chain from the mayor. She said the mayor expressed support and listened carefully. The mayor’s recently adopted budget includes only one mile of greenway (near First Creek) at a cost of $1 million – 80 percent of which is federal money. If Rogero builds a mile a year, she will have added only 4 miles of greenways in her first term which would fall short of what can and should be done. We are told that in-house work will be done on other greenways. Hopefully, that is true, but the proof will be in the delivery. Extending the Sue Clancy green-

way from Adair Park over to Broadway is an obvious and easy greenway to push forward. The city Greenways Commission has not had a chair since Will Skelton resigned two years ago. The city website clearly has not been updated as the list of members still shows Donna Young as greenways co-coordinator when she retired eight months ago. The Commission is inactive and its website is woefully out of date. I have no doubt that Mayor Rogero genuinely backs more greenways. Gov. Bill Haslam is a strong friend in Nashville who can assist in making sure Knoxville receives greenway grants when applications are submitted. Haslam recently announced a $430,000 grant to Sevierville for a greenway to Pigeon Forge. Lori Goerlich is eager but untested. She does not know the politics of city hall or the state. It is uncertain how aggressive she will be. The mayor is the captain of the team. My hope is that greenways under Rogero will take off and set new records of completion. Pensions: The city pension fund is nowhere close to meeting the 6.5 percent goal of growth established in the Mayor’s pension proposal. This makes the financial assumptions of the proposed city charter amendment shaky. Some argue the plan should be rejected at the ballot box if altered. Hopefully, local media will cover this issue intensely between now and November when voters decide the matter. Council members Duane Grieve, Marshall Stair and Nick Della Volpe already voted no. Finbarr Saunders voted against the hybrid plan before he switched and voted for it feeling it is better than nothing. Knoxville CPA Robert Zivi argues this proposal is worst than doing nothing.


The $35 million question Knox County Commission is scrambling for cover as parents across the county realize that the budget “compromise” adopted June 4 does not fund proposed school building improvements and lacks money for technology. The most interesting conundrum is in District 7 where school board member Kim Sepesi secured capital improvements for Shannondale, Adrian Burnett and Powell elementary schools, along with Powell High School, in the school board budget. Then her district

Sandra Clark

colleague, Commissioner R. Larry Smith, opposed the funding. He even voted “no” on the compromise which did not raise taxes. We asked Sepesi at last week’s Powell Republican Club what happens to those building projects. “I don’t know,” she said.

“Our district was getting the bulk of the capital improvements.” Meanwhile, Smith has told at least two Republican Clubs that he voted “no” in part because he felt bullied by this writer and reporter Jake Mabe who handed out feathers to commissioners with the message: “Leaders find a way to lead; chickens find a way to hide.” Sepesi demonstrated skill in securing the school board’s commitment for projects in her district. But the projects can’t go for-

Kim Sepesi speaking to the Powell Republican Club. ward without funding. Smith demonstrated political cowardice in opposing the funding. We say, if the feather fits, fluff it.

Massey and Jenkins and Minnie Pearl By Anne Hart There’s no question that the Duncan family knows how to throw a party. After all, they have been hosting the hugely popular Duncan barbecue at the Civic Coliseum since 1968. In addition to the nearly 10,000 local party faithful who attend that event held in October of years when there is a November election, it has also been attended by such luminaries as former president George W. Bush, back when he was a mere governor, and former Sen. Elizabeth Dole, back when she was campaigning for her husband, Bob Dole, during his run for the presidency. So it should come as no surprise that state Sen. Becky Duncan Massey, whose dad, the late U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan, started the whole thing, and whose brother, U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr., has continued the tradition, has inherited the gene for giving a great party. She proved it last Tuesday evening at The Foundry at World’s Fair Park when several hundred guests were on hand as she announced her campaign for re-election to the Legislature from the 6th District. There was good food, plenty of liquid libation and lots of fine company. Massery was introduced by state Sen. Randy McNally, who extolled Massey’s work during her first year in the Senate, and urged those on hand to “find what you can do to bring her back and go out and do it.” Massey is running in the Aug. 2 primary for a full four-year term. She was

Knox County Commissioner Ed Shouse, left, and former Knoxville mayor and ambassador to Poland Victor Ashe were among the several hundred supporters of Becky Duncan Massey on hand at The Foundry last week when she announced her campaign for re-election to the state Senate. Photo by A. Hart elected last year to fill the unexpired term of Jamie Woodson, who resigned to head the state education collaborative SCORE. The executive director of the nonprofit Sertoma Center, Massey said her first year in office had been “absolutely amazing. It was a year of great successes for our state.” She said she wants to return to Nashville “to assure a government that is both consumer and business friendly, to support lower taxes and to support teachers and our most vulnerable population: those who don’t need a hand-out but a hand-up.”

Jenkins’ jibes Local Republican Party chair Ray Hal Jenkins couldn’t be at the Massey event, but the ever clever Jenkins still managed to

provide some timely comments about the opposition. Referring to the unsuccessful attempt of Shelley Breeding, whose home straddles the line separating Knox and Anderson counties, to run as a Democratic Party candidate in the new 89th District seat in the General Assembly, Jenkins jibed, “The Democrats’ answer to the poor shape they’re in is to outsource their candidates to Anderson County.” And of local Democrat Party chair Gloria Johnson he quipped, “Her answer to every race is to move there and run for the seat.”

It must have been Minnie Pearl’s ghost who caused lots of good humored laughs from observers and just a tad of embarrassment for a local newspaper writer/ photographer covering the Massey event. Every time the photog raised her arm to take a picture of guests, the price tag still affi xed to her brand new jacket dangled from its underarm for all to see. My new heroes? Local CPA Debbie Diddle, who had the courage to call the couture calamity to my attention, and attorney Howard Vogel who loaned her his pocket knife, complete with tiny scissors, to cut off the offending tag. Minnie Pearl imitator Many, many thanks to Those old enough to you two. You handled the remember the Grand ‘ol situation with grace and Opry’s Minnie Pearl will charm. recall her hat with the price As for me: I can’t rememtag dangling off its edge. ber ever laughing so hard.

Dems blast GOP over jobs Veteran Democratic state Rep. Joe Armstrong says that legislation his party has been working on over the past year will put Tennesseans to work, if Republicans will get out of the way. Armstrong and county party chair Gloria Johnson, who is also a candidate for the 13th District House seat being vacated by Harry Tindell, held a press conference/small business roundtable last week to talk about the Tennessee First Act and other measures they said would help home-grown businesses. “This year in the Legislature, we spent an enormous amount of time disputing absurd legislation,” Armstrong said. “The Monkey Bill, the Don’t Say Gay Bill, telling private universities like Vanderbilt how to run their campuses. … we spent a considerable amount of time talking about repealing the Affordable Care Act, when we have no standing. All of his took time away from important things.” Johnson, a special education teacher, echoed Armstrong’s sentiments.

Betty Bean “I see a lot of legislation that tells me I can’t talk about hand-holding with my students, but not much about helping business and creating new jobs. … We’re interested in getting our neighbors back to work.” Armstrong said the Democratic Caucus went across the state last year talking to small business owners and workers about the problems they face. “We designed a package of bills we felt were nonpartisan, like Tennessee Contractors First, which gives Tennessee contractors an advantage on state jobs. The state spends a lot of money (on building projects) and if we can give our small businesses an advantage, we want to do that. “But that bill was killed in subcommittee. We plan to bring that one back.” West Knox Republican Ryan Haynes chairs the

Democrats Joe Armstrong and Gloria Johnson listen to small business owners’ wish lists. Photo by Betty Bean State and Local Government subcommittee, which summarily quashed the Contractors First bill without discussion. He says his subcommittee did the right thing because the bill could violate reciprocity agreements with surrounding states and hurt Tennessee contractors’ ability to do business elsewhere. “This was a bill being brought for 100 percent political reasons,” he said. “That’s why past administrations haven’t supported it. Some of those bills get to the point of being ridiculous.” Haynes conceded that his party has backed its fair share of “political” legislation, and said he wishes that both parties would focus on “true job creation and eco-

nomic development. “Unfortunately we don’t ever seem to make that the No. 1 priority.” Johnson is underwhelmed by Haynes’ assessment of Tennessee Contractors First, and cited a nearly $10 million slope repair job on an I-75 mudslide in Campbell County that went to a Kentucky company this spring. “There was only a slight cost difference. Seems to me it would be good for Tennessee workers to keep that job here. Across the state people are very supportive of this bill. It just makes sense to hire Tennessee contractors when we can. “Just because we’ve been doing it this way forever doesn’t mean that it’s not something we can do better.”


Practice pays off for West Knox swimmers By Wendy Smith Three young swimmers from Knoxville are fulfilling a dream this week as they participate in the 2012 U.S. Olympic swim team trials in Omaha, Neb. John Paul Gaylor, Ben Mhyre and Evan Pinion are all swimming with Pilot Aquatic Club this summer, and Pilot coach Jim Rumbaugh has accompanied the swimmers to the trials. But like most competitive swimmers, each got their start with local summer swim teams. Gaylor graduated from Bearden High School in 2011 and has completed his freshman year at the University of North Caro-

lina, where he is on the swim team. His swim career began at the Fox Den Country Club at age 8, and he switched to Pilot at age 10. He is currently coaching the Gettysvue Country Club summer swimmers. He will swim the 1,500-meter freestyle at the Olympic trials. Mhyre just graduated from West High School and will swim for UT this fall. He was encouraged to participate in the Knoxville Racquet Club’s summer swim program at age 5 when the coach recognized that he was “good at floating.” He became a year-round swimmer at age 11, but has returned to

his roots to work with the Racquet Club swim team this summer. He will compete in the 200-meter butterfly this week. Pinion, a rising senior at Bearden, swam for both the Bennington-Farrington Recreation Association and Gettysvue Country Club before changing to Pilot at age 8. At 17, Pinion is no stranger to international competition. Last summer at the World Junior Swim Championships, held in Lima, Peru, he placed first in both the 800-meter and 1,500-meter freestyle. He will compete in the 1,500-meter freestyle and

Jimmy talks sports By Anne Hart Many of us are accustomed to listening to sports whiz Jimmy Hyams on the “Sports Animal” program on drive-time radio or watching him on the “Enrichment Sports” show on Sundays, but neither of those experiences compares to seeing and hearing him in person. His encyclopedic knowledge of sports is nothing short of astounding. Mention the name of a sports figure or a sporting event and mere sec-

onds later Hyams has delivered an astonishing amount of statistical information without so much as a glance at notes. His capacity for assimilating facts and figures is mindboggling. Incredibly, it’s all interesting – even if sports is not your thing. When Hyams spoke to West Knox Rotarians recently, the crowd was so engrossed in his talk you could have heard a pin drop. And when it was time for the question and answer portion of the pro-

Jimmy Hyams

gram, hands went up in a hurry. The answer to one of those questions brought out the fact that only

Pilot Aquatic Club swimmers Ben Mhyre, a 2012 West High School graduate; John Paul Gaylor, a 2011 Bearden High School graduate and current University of North Carolina student; and Evan Pinion, a rising senior at Bearden, are participating in the Olympic trials this week. Photo by Wendy Smith

400-meter freestyle at the trials. All three swimmers say they are more excited than nervous about the experience. “I always told my mom that if I ever make it to the

Olympic trials, my entire Pilot career will have been worth it,” says Mhyre. They also know that they are young enough to have the opportunity to try again in 2016 if they don’t

make the cut this time. But they’re happy to have a shot at Olympic glory this year. “If you have a lane, you have a chance – that’s what we always say,” says Gaylor.

59,000 season tickets of the 72,500 UT has available to sell were purchased for last season’s football games. Hyams said reasons include “the economy is hurting and there is competition from the big screen TVs at home.” Hyams thinks UT will have a better team this season than last, although football coach Derek Dooley “is on the hot seat. If he doesn’t win six games this season he’s in trouble.” He thinks Dooley “has done a nice job in recruiting. There’s no question the roster is better now than when he got here. And I really like what he’s doing

in team building, like having the team hike Mount LeConte together. He’s trying to make sure the players have the cohesiveness that was lacking last season.” Hyams predicted the team “will do better this year.” He’s predicting an 8 and 4 season, but left himself some wiggle room. “North Carolina State and Florida are key games. We have five games that are 50-50. We’re not quite ready to beat Georgia or South Carolina. But I could be wrong.” His prediction: “I think Tennessee will win against North Carolina State on

Aug. 31, but it will take 30 points to do it.” Hyams had high praise for UT coaches Cuonzo Martin, Holly Warlick and Dave Serrano. Of Martin he said, “the No. 2 seed in the SEC is a heck of a coaching job.” Of Warlick: “Pat Summitt won 40 championships. It will be hard to replace that, but I really like Holly Warlick in that job.” Of Serrano: “This year we had the best attendance record since Todd Helton was here in 1995. We’ll see a much improved team next season.” West Knox Rotary meets at noon on Fridays at Buddy’s Banquet Hall on Kingston Pike in Bearden. Info: www.

UT NOTES ■ The newly-created Ashe Lecture Series has been established to bring government leaders, past and present, to the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy to speak on policy matters including foreign relations, diplomacy, world affairs and local government. The lecture series is named in honor of Victor H. Ashe, former Knoxville mayor and U.S. ambassador to Poland and was created to honor Sen. Baker. Info: Michelle Castro, 974-3816 or mcastro@ ■ Tami Wyatt, associate professor in the College of Nursing, has been named an Academy of Nursing Education Fellow, part of the National League of Nursing (NLN)’s Tami Wyatt Academy of Nursing Education. This is the university’s first nursing professor to be named a fellow. Wyatt will be inducted Sept. 21 in Anaheim, Calif. ■ Georgiana Vines, adjunct faculty member and Knoxville News Sentinel political columnist, established the Georgiana Vines Endowed Scholarship Fund at The Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy. The fund awards merit-based aid to Baker Scholars enrolled in the College of Communication and Information. ■ The Center for Information and Communication Studies has received funding for projects to support rural librarians and increase the number of Hispanic library science faculty members. Bharat Mehra and Vandana Singh of UT’s School of Information Sciences (SIS) have received a $478,258 grant for the continuation of the school’s Information Technology Rural Librarian Master’s Scholarship Program Phase II (ITRL2). Ed Cortez and Suzie Allard of SIS and Bryan Heidom and Patty Overall of the University of Arizona received a $339,593 grant for the LaSCALA (Latino Scholars Cambio Leadership Academy) program. The grant will be used to recruit and educate four Hispanic/ Latino doctoral students, with the goal of placing them in faculty positions around the country.

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A-6 • JUNE 25, 2012 • BEARDEN SHOPPER-NEWS over. It is 161 extra points in a row and three-point kicks that win instead of break your heart. It is many memories of pancake blocks, knockout tackles, impossible interceptions, missed calls and fumbles lost and found. Tennessee football is fantastic comebacks and horrendous upsets and the wonderful, awful TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West difference in winning and losing. All that is what Tennessee football used to be – always relevant, often exciting, sometimes Tennessee football is 794 vic- Wild Bull and Swamp Rat. It is the series of remarkable terrific. tories, the giant stadium, pasThis is the revitalization time sionate fans, sensational statis- events that led to the national tics, unforgettable plays and un- championship of 1998. It is The of Tennessee football. Hope is believable stories – Jack Reyn- Stop against Billy Cannon and here. Rebirth seems likely. Imolds hacksawing his Jeep in the Miracle at South Bend and provement is just around the corhalf, Richmond Flowers racing a those delightful Sugar Vols and ner. Derek Dooley is optimistic. This is the year of eight victoquarter horse, Peyton Manning what they did to Miami. dropping his drawers. Tennessee football is the stat- ries minimum, maybe nine, and Tennessee football is the ue of Neyland, tailgate gather- a bowl game that Tyler Bray will checkerboard end zone and the ings and old Vols in the Hall of find worthy of his time and effort. Search for a four-leaf cloPride of the Southland band and Fame. It is long runs, long passes nicknames like Bad News and and punts that fly high and turn ver to go with your faith that

the new defensive staff will inspire hits you can hear. Believe that there really is a forthcoming running attack. Count the number of players with big-play potential. Count the number of years remaining on Dooley’s contract. There had to be changes. Tennessee 2011 lacked adult supervision, maybe outside, certainly from within. There were hints of statistical selfishness. If there was leadership, it wasn’t always going in the best direction. There were so many negatives and criticisms – significant injuries, no running punch, inept kicking, sad second half at Arkansas, Dooley’s orange pants. And then came the Kentucky game. Indeed, there were changes. And growth. And an improved outlook. Now is the time for good things to happen. Time runneth short. Dooley has bet the farm on

Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is

an area where fresh water was scarce, so our conservation habits have not created a problem. My family installed a bathroom even prior to the establishment of the First Utility District which gave the little village “city water� as the locals called it. Prior to that, our water supply came from a well which we drilled in the late 1940s, but the water was often muddy and it was hard to tell whether you were cleaner after the bath than you were before. Moreover, we had no hot water heater, so hot water had to be poured into the tub, but to rinse off you had to use the overhead shower, which spewed cold water. Now, one might think that the situation I have described was one of an impoverished family. By today’s standards that would certainly be true. But we felt fortunate to have an indoor bathroom because most families in the village had an outdoor privy and took a bath in a wash tub about once each week, usually on Saturday night to get ready for

church on Sunday. But the conditions described were typical of rural areas in the South during the mid-20th century. And even into the 1950s, some outlying areas still depended on kerosene lamps for light and fireplaces to warm the house in winter. Having an abundant water supply had long been a dream for most village residents, and although community meetings were often held to discuss the matter, no serious action was ever taken to implement a plan. But on April 6, 1954, discussion gave way to action. A meeting was called at Farragut High School by the Farragut Civic Club. Utility districts were authorized under a 1937 enabling act of the Tennessee state Legislature to improve public health and promote economic development. At that meeting, County Judge C. Howard Bozeman, using that 1937 legislation, appointed three members to head up the district. Former town of Farragut mayor Bob Leonard was hired to do the legal work

and Fred McFee was selected as general manager. The system came online in October 1955, and 740 customers signed up. Today, the First Utility District has more than 30,000 customers (many of whom have swimming pools) and an infrastructure worth more than $100 million. But the town owes a lot to those early visionaries who realized that growth could only come with the development of modern utilities. Today, many of our citizens, particularly those under 50 years old, would find it difficult to comprehend the value of abundant water, nor would they realize that the amount of water required to fill a modest swimming pool would have been equal to a year’s supply for a family in Concord Village 60 years ago. Abundant water is now taken for granted which gives us more time to focus on such modern technologies as smartphones, fast computers and 3-D television, but water? Well, it is just there when we need it.

Tennessee revitalization

Water was once a scarce resource MALCOLM’S CORNER | Malcolm Shell Along with the Dogwood Arts Festival, pollen and annual house cleaning, another ritual of spring is the cleaning of swimming pools. It seems to continually f lood the streets with water. I was watching one of our neighbors prepare their pool for the summer and I couldn’t help but wonder how many 50-gallon barrels of water it took to fi ll it up. Of course, some simple math gave a pretty good estimate, but the thing that came to my mind is what a difference 60 years makes in the availability of water. When the pioneers were set-

tling the area, one of their primary considerations in selecting a place to build their cabins was the availability of fresh water for drinking and keeping their perishable food cool. Campbell’s Station had an abundant supply of springs and aquifers which made it an ideal location. But water still had to be used sparingly. Early programming and habits are hard to overcome. In the 21st century I still find myself using water very sparingly at our home. And it still makes me feel a little guilty when our lawn irrigation system is running. Fortunately, my wife also came from

It’s your money! Keep more of it! Enrichment

Sal Sunseri. The head coach wasn’t miserable with his previous defensive coordinator but he wanted a more aggressive concept and varied alignments. Southeastern Conference rivals had found the Volunteers very predictable. Sunseri has no significant experience as a coordinator but he has been through the wars. He has passion. And, his defensive ideas are very much in line with what Dooley wanted. Attack! Surprise. No sitting ducks. Sunseri will be the key. If he can tie loose ends together, if he can eliminate staff confusion and indecision on the field, if he can get pressure on enemy passers, the Vols have a chance to be better. Maybe much better. Maybe even a little bit like Tennessee football used to be.

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BEARDEN SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 25, 2012 • A-7 breath-taking – that fleeting moment of perfection, of ultimate sunlight (at least in the northern hemisphere), when the earth As long as the earth endures, seedtime and stands at the midpoint beharvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and tween spring and fall, and night, shall not cease. half a solar system away (Genesis 8:22 NRSV) from winter. Oddly enough, the word Sure on this shining night sun appears in the Bible for Of starmade shadows round, the first time in Genesis Kindness must watch for me 15, when Abram sacrificed This side the ground. to God, and God made The late year lies down the north. his covenant with Abram. All is healed, all is health. (All the earlier references High summer holds the earth. in Genesis refer simply to “light.”) Even in that scene Hearts all whole. of mystery, it was a setting Sure on this shining night sun, heading straight for I weep for wonder wand’ring far alone deep darkness. Of shadows on the stars. But then, in the last (“Sure on This Shining Night,” James Agee) chapter of the Old Testament, comes the promise Tonight, when I went to those who are faithful: out to say goodnight to the “See, the day is comworld, the western sky was ing, burning like an oven, still lavender. The sumLynn when all the arrogant mer solstice is near enough Hutton and all evildoers will be (just a day away as I write) stubble. … But for you who that the ancient pagan revere my name the sun of remnants deep in my DNA righteousness shall rise, are alert and aware. CROSS CURRENTS with healing in its wings.” I have been watching (Malachi 4: 1a, 2) the light for days now. We stand at the midIt slants through the small windows in my front Alaska, when I went to bed point. “The day is coming,” door, finding its way into at 11 p.m. and it was still Malachi says. He didn’t say unexpected corners. It sets broad daylight. I stood long, it is here. But Malachi says – to the meadow aglow, with looking out my window, long shadows stretching finding it difficult to believe. me at least – that much Knoxville’s own poet like the earth’s journey across the green expanse. It lingers until late bedtime – James Agee called this mo- around the sun, our journey through life is one of not full light, by any means, ment “high summer.” The solstice is a mo- seasons, of light and darkbut light enough to make out the fence rows and the ment, a heartbeat, re- ness, and heat and cold, ally, in the earth’s journey and that God is in it and trees that line the creek. I remember a night on around the sun. Maybe over it and the Author and a mission trip to Willow, that is what makes it so Finisher of it all.


‘The best-kept secret’ Shannon Remington says Family and Community Education is the best-kept secret in Knoxville.

Tia Kalmon

Remington, the county president, says FCE strives to improve home and community life and streng then adult education by using the talents of its memRemington bers to educate others and help those in need. “I like giving back to the community with the experiences that I’ve had over the years and being a part of the community, helping in any way that I can,” said Remington. “This is a venue that can do that.” FCE has been hard at work making placemats out of recycled greeting cards for Meals on Wheels, adult bibs, caddies for walkers and quillos (a blanket that folds into a pillow) for nursing homes; hats for a cancer

■ Grace Baptist Church, 7171 Oak Ridge Highway, will host its annual “Grace American Cookout” at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 1, with fireworks to follow. Nationally recognized war hero Clebe McClary will speak at the church that morning at 8:45 and 10:30. Everyone is invited. Info:

Community Services ■ Concord United Methodist Church’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. The group will not meet in July. The next meeting will be Aug. 7. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments will be served. Info: 675-2835.

Festivals ■ St. Mark UMC, 7001 S. Northshore Drive, will have a peach festival 2-5 p.m. Saturday, July 14. There will be games, baked goods, peach ice cream and a live bluegrass band. All activities are free, and everyone is invited. Info: 588-0808.

Music services ■ Farragut Presbyterian Church, 209 Jamestowne Blvd., will host a farewell concert by

the UT Chamber Singers as they prepare to leave for a 10day choral residency in Belfast and Dublin. The concert, “To the Emerald Isle,” will be held 8 p.m. Thursday, June 28, and will include a variety of music the group plans to perform during the trip. Everyone is invited.

Rec programs ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class 6-7 p.m. Mondays upstairs in the family life center. Cost is $10 per class or $40 for five classes.

Bring a mat, towel and water. Info: Dena Bower, 567-7615 or ■ Beaver Ridge UMC will hold Open Gym Night each Wednesday during summer from 6:30 to 8:30. Everyone is invited. Elementary-age children must have a guardian accompany them. Info: or 690-1060.

professionals in the West Knoxville area. Seasoned professionals will discuss their experiences and how to live out your faith while growing into your profession. Info: Glenna Manning, gmanning@, or Kelsey Feldman, kelsing01@comcast. net.

■ Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive, has started Young Adult Professionals for anyone age 22-35 who wants to network with other young business


Tia Kalmon is a UT Chattanooga student.

The Rev. Ragan Schriver, executive director of Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, has been named board member-elect to Catholic Charities USA’s Board of Trustees. His three-year term will begin during the group’s annual meeting in St. Louis on Sept. 29. Catholic Charities USA is the national office for agencies and affiliates which serve more than 10 Schriver million people each year regardless of religious, social or economic background.

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Travis Varner

a Cultural Arts Fair and competition where members of the club can bring their best homemade item made during that year to compete in one of 42 different events. The Knoxville FCE branch has locations in Carter, Crestwood, Bearden and Karns. It is opening news clubs in Farragut and Halls in July. FCE is open to any interested adult. Info: Shannon Remington at 927-3316 or call the Knox County Family and Consumer Science extension at 215-2340.

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center; sleepers for newborns in need; and sending personal care items to U.S. military personnel overseas. The group actively partners with 4-H programs and Character Counts programs in area schools. FCE holds workshops and camps throughout the year to educate other adults in different areas like nutrition, agriculture, money management, and health and safety. “Everybody has something that they do so they share their knowledge that they specialize in.” Each year FCE sponsors

Schriver named to national board

WORSHIP NOTES July 4th events

Nancy Green and Alice Newport are hard at work at the Carter branch of Family and Community Education, an adult education and outreach group.

Dan Varner

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Rogero urges women to get in the game Rogero changed the conversation. The first time she ran for mayor (2003) folks wondered if a woman could be Rogero elected. She lost to Bill Haslam, but not by much. When she ran in 2011, the initial favorites were Rogero and Marilyn Roddy. Folks figured the next mayor would be a woman, but which one? Rogero was so comfortable speaking to the East Tennessee Lawyers’ Association for Women she talked for an hour and then fielded questions using neither notes nor lectern. After

her first six months on the job, she says it’s a lot more fun to be mayor than to run for mayor. “When you campaign, you say the same things over and over. When you are mayor, you get to do it. It’s so much better. “In the primary I got within 16 votes of winning it all,” she said, recalling the nail-biting election watch last September when she far outpaced her opponents, but fell short of the outright majority she needed to end the campaign with the primary. She went on to face the well-funded, aggressive Mark Padgett in November. “That was the hardest six weeks of my life. You spend all your money (in the primary) and drag yourself through another six weeks – we had 52 forums altogether, and that’s way too


‘Forensics at the Fort’

By Betty Bean Madeline

■ Downtown Speakers Club meets 11:45 a.m. every Monday at TVA West Towers, ninth floor, room 225. Currently accepting new members. Info: Jerry Adams, 202-0304. ■ UT Toastmasters Club meets noon every Tuesday at the Knoxville Convention Center on Henley Street in room 218. Currently accepting new members. Info: Sara Martin, 603-4756. ■ West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road. ■ West Knoxville Kiwanis Club meets 5:30 p.m. every Tuesday at Shoney’s on Walker Springs Road.

many.” She won with 59 percent of the vote. Rogero got her start in politics in 1990 when she ran for County Commission. She had some serious perceived negatives – she was a Democrat, she was divorced and she wasn’t from here – but, she’d been involved in community and school issues (her children were 11 and 14 and attending public school), and had a broad network of friends. She still has five or six Rolodexes with 500 cards each from those days, and she dropped one of many pieces of advice for any aspiring office seekers in the group: “Start your database now. That’s critical.” Rogero was the first Democratic woman ever elected to Knox County Commission, and she im-

Dr. Bill Bass and team, referred to as “The Bone Zones,” will entertain guests during a discussion of his forensic work at the UT Body Farm and his new book, “The Inquisitor’s Key,” on the back lawn of James White’s Fort. The event starts at 7 p.m. with refreshments and cash bar. Dr. Bass will speak at 8. Books will be for sale and autographed by Dr. Bass. Limited tickets are $75 and are available online at www. or by sending a check to James White’s Fort, 205 East Hill Ave., Knoxville, TN 37915. Ticket sales benefit preservation of James White’s Fort, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Info: 525-6514.

mediately attracted attention for butting heads with GOP stalwarts, like Sheriff Tim Hutchison. When she ran for re-election, she faced an aggressive opponent who “sent out a lot of negative mailings.” Rogero says she stayed positive and won again. After eight years, she “self-term limited.” After she lost in 2003, she said she made an effort to support Haslam, who also was very kind to her. “Our race was about issues, and when it was over, I felt it was important that I support him and rebuild the community, not tear it down. Bill and I would get together occasionally – I was a gracious loser, he was a gracious winner – and three years later, he asked me to join his administration as director of Community Development.” At this point she laughed, reminded the group that the department was mired in scandal then and cracked a joke: “Was that his way to retaliate against me?” Her job with Haslam turned out well, despite the

hear it when you go out. I don’t want a lot of yes people around me. I want the give and take.” When someone asked why County Commission and City Council each has only one female member, she turned the question around: “Why don’t you run?” She said she doesn’t read online comments and warned the group that candidates must pick the right office and the right time, and must grow a thick hide. “Women are criticized a lot. Awful things can be said about you, and some people have nothing better to do than make up stories,” she said, paraphrasing a passage from Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail:” “If I responded to every criticism that comes across my desk, I would have no time for constructive work. You don’t have to please everybody all the time. It’s important. You just have to be honest and be clear about where you stand. We’ve got to be players and be willing to take the heat at times.”

of 1972 is planning its 40th reunion celebration 6 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at The Foundry, 747 World’s Fair Park Drive, and will include a catered dinner buffet, photos by a professional photographer that will be available online, Jake the DJ from Ogle Entertainment and more. The cost is $55 until July 13 and $75 at the door. Dress is business casual. Mail registration to: FHS Class Reunion, 4224 Williamson Drive, Knoxville, TN 37938. Info: Debbie Helton Keebler, 922-0049.

welcome. Info/reservations: George VanDeGriff, 9228345 or 278-6724.

REUNIONS ■ Central High School Class of 1948 will hold its 64th reunion Saturday, July 28, at All Occasion Catering, 922 N. Central Ave. Fellowship starts at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon. Info: Mary Frances Tucker, 539-6242 or email


■ Central High School Class of 1962 will hold its 50-year reunion July 6-7. Info: Bob Davis, 689-4302, or Diane Turner Sebby, 521-6652.

Nominations for Central High School’s wall of fame for 2012 should be emailed to or faxed to 922-4467. The deadline is June 30. Any questions, contact CHS Foundation president R. Larry Smith at 922-5433.

■ Central High School Class of 1967 will hold its 45th reunion Friday through Sunday, July 22-24. Info: Idonna Tillery Bryson, 688-5816, or Ann Paylor Williams, 687-7759. ■ Fulton High School Class


economic crash of 2008. With federal money coming in, she worked to “green” her department, enabling collaboration with every city department. “And I always thought I’d take that plunge (to run for mayor again) if I felt good about it.” Mayor Rogero got her first budget approved and is proud of the “cabinet” she has assembled. She’s tackled the thorny pension liability and thinks her administration has produced a workable “hybrid” plan that, if approved by voters, will protect city employees and taxpayers, although she knows there’s more work to be done, including financing a $130 million unfunded pension liability. She claims a good working relationship with Tim Burchett and also with Gov. Haslam. She welcomes new ideas and constructive criticism, and encourages that from her staff. “I’m very much into collaborative leadership. I value ideas. We’ll sit there and argue it out. If you don’t hear it in your office, you’ll

■ Halls High School Class of 1965 will hold a reunion July 28 at Beaver Brook Country Club. Any class is

■ Standard Knitting Mills reunion is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 4 at the John T. O’Connor Senior Center. Any employee or relative is welcome. Food donations are accepted; limited to finger foods. Info: 523-5463. ■ Ye Olde Burlington Gang will have a reunion and dinner 6 p.m. Thursday, June 28, at Macedonia UMC, 4630 Holston Drive. If you grew up or lived in Burlington from the 1920’s and beyond, this is for you. Admission is free but bring a covered dish for the dinner.

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The health department

Let’s help somebody By Madeline Lonas How do you get children to eat healthier? What is the best way to get people to stop smoking? How do we prevent babies from being born substance-abused? Is the food on your plate safe to eat? The mission of the Knox County Health Department (KCHD) is to encourage, promote and assure the development of an active, healthy community through innovative public health practices. The interns learned it’s a big job, being led by Dr. Martha Buchanan who says, “The community is now my p at i e nt .” She said child hood diabetes is being diagBuchanan nosed at the same rate as for adults and she is very concerned that the law requires that only 1/3 of our school lunches be composed of local foods. Dr. Buchanan pointed out the benefit of pushing for more local food. This practice benefits our health along with our local food growers and suppliers, and generates more local taxes dol-

lars. Everyone wins. “Lets Help Somebody” is the KCHD motto explained D. Andes. He described the numerous programs and services offered by Andes the KCHD from birth through old age. They provide services that range from infant vaccines to mosquito spraying. Scott Bryan, manager of Food Inspection, said that they inspect theaters and hotels/ motels, but the “meat and potatoes” of the Bryan inspections are really the restaurants. The top 10 things most restaurants fail at are failing to cool, cross-contamination, personal hygiene, improper reheating, improper holding, mixing of raw and cooked foods, food from unapproved sources, improper cleaning, over-prepping food and inadequate cooking. Hand-washing is a real problem. He said

studies show that proper hand-washing can reduce foodborne problems by 80 percent because most of the problems are fecal to oral. Brooke Rathnow, who teaches healthy behaviors for pregnancy, introduced us to 3 demonstration babies. The alcohol affected baby was very boney, skinny and tiny. The baby’s eyes were smaller than a normal baby. Also, the crease between the nose and lips was not developed. The drug-affected baby didn’t look as different, but acted different. It was very weak and shook from having withdrawal from the drugs. The Shaken Baby had a clear plastic head showing its brain. Rathnow demonstrated the effects of shaking a baby, and at first the baby cried, but the more it was shaken, the weaker the cries became until they stopped. While she was shaking the model baby, lights lit up showing the brain damage. The baby would stop crying because it would black out or the neck would snap and it would die. The baby can also suffer from breaks to longer bones on its arm and legs, ribs and even damage to the spinal cord. The KCHD isn’t just helping somebody, they are helping everybody.

Not just shots By Sarah Dixon On our second week as Shopper interns, we traveled to the Knox County Health Department. We met in a classroom where Ranee Randby brought in experts to talk about what they do. Dr. Martha Buchanan, the health officer for the county, told us about the many roles that the health department plays in the community. She said the focus is on policy, partnership and protection. Her passion for the job was evident when she said, “The community is my patient now.” She gave us new ideas of how to help our community when she stated, “We are not going to help the community one person at a time.” D. Andes shared his role in the Social Services Indigent Program that helps people to get teeth pulled, qualified job interviews, medication and things that they really need. He talked to us about the people that scare us that live on the side of the road and opened our eyes to who they really are by saying, “People are just

Caroline and Elizabeth Longmire pass around the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome model baby. Photos by Sarah Dixon people, and sometimes bad things happen to them.” Scott Bryan, a health inspector, was a big hit with all of us as he elaborately explained foodborne illnesses, bacteria in the food we eat and what goes into an inspection. Our tour guide there laughed and said, “I hope you know where your food comes from.” Bryan had detailed stories of revolting things he had found and seen in his years as an inspector. “It’s a really cool job,” he said, though none of us were convinced. The last person to speak was Brooke Rathnow who

works with Stay Teen. She brought in models representing the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome baby, the Drug Addicted baby and the Shaken baby. As we passed the babies around, we were all moved by the reality of these tragedies. It was amazing to hear how much the children were affected for the rest of their lives. Our trip was eye-opening and informative. Although we were less excited about our lunch outing and a little squeamish from the talk about bed bugs, the knowledge we had gained was worth it.

Brooke Rathnow shows three model babies which represent an infant that has been shaken, one with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and a crack baby.

Money quote:

Photo by Madeline Lonas

“The community is my patient” – Dr. Martha Buchanan, KCHD

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Helping others live abundantly By Sara Barrett After lunch, the theme of people helping people continued as the group toured Knox Area Rescue Ministries with its marketing/ communications director, Sue Renfro. The interns walked past hundreds of beds that would be filled that evening with folks who had nowhere else to turn. Renfro told the group about promising programs, including the Abundant Sue Renfro, marketing and communications director for Life Kitchen and Launch KARM, talks to the Shopper-News interns in the chapel before Point – both of which offer leading a tour of the building. Photo by Mitchell Kolinsky The Roy Kay Trio entertains the crowd at the Knoxville Welcome Center downtown. Group opportunities for people to members include Mike Geglia, Roy Kay and Robin Cady. Photo by Caroline Longmire find a fresh start who may otherwise slip through the cracks.

Downtown offers good food, good music

By Caroline Longmire This past Tuesday the interns had the pleasure of going to the Knoxville Welcome Center where WDVX Radio was broadcasting live music. The Coop Café, located inside the welcome center, offered a variety of fresh and healthy foods such as chicken salad sandwiches, bagels and home-made

blueberry muffins. The modern café and live bluegrass music provided a cultural atmosphere. Two bands played while we munched on our bagged lunches – Jack Herranen and the Little Red Band and the Roy Kay Trio. Jack Herranen’s group featured Chris Zuhr, Sam Hardin, Jon Whitlock and Kyle Campbell. The second band was from Seat-

tle, Wash., and featured Roy Kay, Robin Cady and Mike Geglia. The three men serenaded the crowd with their cheerful tunes and beauti- The men’s sleeping room at ful harmonies. KARM has Bibles placed along Our entire group of in- the walls for bedtime reading. terns, including the chap- Photo by Sarah Dixon erones, had a wonderful time listening to the live music and enjoying lunch while visiting downtown Knoxville.

Jack Herranen and Chris Zuhr perform on WDVX with the group Jack Herranen and the Little Red Band. The interns enjoyed lunch and musical entertainment at the Knoxville Welcome Center and were introduced as a group on the radio. Photo by Ruth White


The lunchroom at Knox Area Rescue Ministries is ready for visitors. KARM serves roughly 1,000 meals a day. Photo by Melinda Taylor

The women’s sleeping area at KARM gets cleaned for the following night’s guests. Approximately 400 people stay at the shelter each night and about 100 of those are women. KARM has been helping those in need for 50 years and operates largely on donations. Those staying at the facility check out by 8 a.m. in order for the sheets to be cleaned, etc. for the next night. Sue Renfro said that the washers and dryers run nonstop. “There aren’t too many hotels that have 400 guests every night.” Photo by Melinda Taylor


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Photo by Ruth White

Gourmet’s Market Caroline Davidson enjoys a stack of fresh strawberry pancakes at the Gourmet’s Market. Locally owned and operated in Bearden since 1978, the Gourmet’s Market will feature a full wait service beginning in July with no more lines. They will continue to offer breakfast and lunch all week, all day and their famous weekend brunch. The menu will feature old favorites and great new items to include more items for the weekend brunch, all perfect for enjoying on the beautiful patio area. The Gourmet’s Market offers breakfast and lunch daily, weekend brunch, catering and a banquet facility. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday. Cosmo’s Restaurant/ Café serving food 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday for brunch. They are located at 5107 Kingston Pike. Info: 584-8739.


News from Rural/Metro

Lawn care made safe By Rob Webb Whether

you take p r i d e in your lawn or it’s simply another job on the honey-do list, every h o m e Webb o w n e r takes on lawn maintenance when the temperature starts to rise. On the surface, mowing your lawn, trimming your hedges and caring for your yard might not seem dangerous, but many people become complacent forgetting most lawn care tools are power tools, sharp blades or a combination of the two. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 25,000 people are injured each year caring for their lawns, including 75 deaths. One-fifth of those deaths occur when children get in the path of a mower. Fortunately, accidents around the yard can be avoided with a little extra care, supervision and focus. When using any gasoline or electric-powered tools, concentrate on the task at hand and do not leave machinery plugged in or running unattended, even for a short period of time. When it’s hot, wear long-sleeved shirts and

pants while operating power tools. Long sleeves and pants protect you from harmful UV rays, as well as from sticks and rocks that shoot out from under the mower or away from the clippers. Wearing appropriately fitting clothing can be a lifesaver. Don’t wear loose or baggy clothing that can get caught in engine parts. Dress safely in the heat and make sure you stay hydrated with plenty of water. In addition to mowers, gardening tools provide sharp blades that can be dangerous when mishandled or left out around the yard to be stepped on. Survey the area you are going to work on before you begin. Remove any dangerous objects and always put tools away after using them so they won’t be a hazard. Most importantly, know where your children are when operating machinery or sharp tools on the lawn. Make sure they are inside the house or carefully supervised away from your work area until you have packed all your tools back into the garage. Make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood this summer, but be sure you and your family enjoy the yard safely as well. Rob Webb is East Tennessee manager for Rural/Metro.

SStart tart the wee week ek off off rright. ight.

Thriving Knox library offers new services By Jake Mabe Longtime Knox County Public Library director of reference services Janet Drumheller spoke to the Halls B&P at Beaver Brook last Tuesday. Janet is a neighbor. She lives in Fountain City and has worked at the public library her entire professional life. She started by shelving books at the Burlington branch and began working on the reference desk in 1983. She has seen a lot of changes, especially the advent of personal computers and the Internet. But has the World Wide Web affected the library’s business? Nope. Janet’s department an-

swers 300,000 reference questions a year. “It can be something as simple as asking the title of a new book by John Grisham or as complex as ‘I want to start a business, what do I do?’ ” The library offers ebook rentals as one of its newest services. Janet says the library began offering them 16 months ago and that 100,000 e-books were circulated last month. The library’s website ( offers everything from online reference databases to access to Chilton auto repair manuals and legal forms to users being able to place a hold on a particular item and have it shipped to the

Ayres retires from KCDC Knoxville’s

Community Development Corporation (KC D C ) Vice President of Housing Jamie Ayres will retire June 29, Ayres after nearly 40 years with the public housing organization. “Jamie’s hard work and dedication helped shape KCDC and impacted who we are as a company,” said Alvin Nance, executive director and CEO. “The influence she has had on KCDC and its programs will be felt for years to come.” Ayres oversaw 90 employees in the management,

maintenance and renovation of KCDC’s more than 3,700 units in 23 properties, as well as directing the tax credit program and admissions and quality assurance programs. She came to KCDC in 1973. Her first assignment was at Walter P. Taylor Homes in Five Points. Nearly 40 years later, she oversaw the completion and leasing of the Residences at Eastport, an 85-unit affordable community exclusively for seniors in the Five Points neighborhood. The property is the first step in the revitalization of that community. It was full circle. In her retirement, Ayres will garden, travel and spend more time with her husband, Ed Miles, at their home in Bearden.

branch library in their community. She said the library system, which includes 17 branches, Lawson McGhee Library and two floors at the East Tennessee History Center, contains 1.1 million items in its collection. Circulation for 2011 was 2.8 million. 150,000 Knox County residents have active library cards. Free Internet access is available at every branch and downtown. The library also offers exciting summer programs for kids, including the children’s and teen reading programs. It also manages Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program in Knox County and offers

Janet Drumheller

other lesser-known services, such as Books for the Homebound. “The library has been a wonderful place to work,” Janet says. “I work with some wonderful people and am very proud of our customer service skills. We want all of you to come use your library.” For more information on all of the library’s services, visit www.knoxlib. org or call 215-8700. Visit Jake Mabe online at jakemabe.

Lawson joins Moxley Carmichael Jennifer Lawson has joined Moxley Carmichael as a senior account executive specializing in health Lawson clients. Previously, she oversaw communications and marketing for Summit Medical Group for almost five years, and was a community editor and reporter at the News Sentinel for more than eight years. CEO Cynthia Moxley said she has known and

worked with Lawson in several capacities since 2000 and has always been impressed with her professionalism and experience. Previous reporting experience was at five daily newspapers in Florida, Louisiana, Ohio and Tennessee, where she covered the health, education, government, courts, police and investigative projects beats. She holds a master’s degree from Ohio State and a bachelor’s from the University of South Florida. She lives in West Knoxville and has a 10-yearold son, Benjamin.

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In Webb’s Middle School, students explore a range of disciplines in visual art, including ceramics, sculpture, drawing, painting, printmaking, and digital imaging. The school’s performing arts electives include drama, strings, band, chorus, and handbells.

Webb’s Middle School: A time of discovery and a time of strengthening core skills By David Nelson, Webb Middle School Head


middle school’s curriculum provides some important insight into how a school thinks about adolescence and the role of school in an adolescent’s life. The incredible uniqueness of adolescents – from 10 to 14 years old – demands and deserves a program that matches their energy, curiosity, David Nelson and social nature. At Webb, the middle school experience focuses both on strengthening core academic skills to better ensure success at the high school level and on exploring a wide array of nonacademic interests that add diversity and value to a balanced day. Placing the student at the center of learning and discovery, and recognizing that intellectual growth is one of the many developmental challenges for a middle schooler are at the heart of Webb’s Middle School philosophy. As early adolescents enter into this critical stage of self-exploration, they deserve a program with a broad and

diverse array of classes and activities. Webb’s extensive offerings in both curricular and extracurricular areas help to ensure that the school is developing well-rounded, young leaders and allowing students to investigate areas of great passion. Students take daily classes in math, science, world languages, social studies, literature, and composition; and those classes form the bulk of their school day. Additionally, students can enroll in various music, art, drama, robotics, and physical education classes. This balanced and diverse daily schedule allows them to gain an understanding of and appreciation for various disciplines, while acquiring key core knowledge and skills. It is through these classes that Webb aspires to develop the salient skills of the 21st century student: communications, collaboration, innovation, creativity, and problem solving. These critical skills will allow students to tackle more rigorous content in future study as well as prepare them for an ever-changing world. Sixth grade students anchor their day with the six core academic classes. Additionally, they engage

in an exploratory program in the non-academic curriculum that accounts for two class periods each day. All sixth grade students at Webb study instrumental music, choral music, art, robotics, and drama each for seven weeks. Also, every sixth grade student takes physical education every day within a curriculum that focuses both on life sports and cardio fitness. Again, the objective of this elective facet of the day is to expose students during their formative years to a wide variety of non-academic topics that will allow them to choose future classes based on direct, personal experience. In the seventh and eighth grades, Webb students enter into a more open electives program that includes courses in band, strings, handbells, chorus, drama, art, robotics, P.E. life sports, and cardio fitness. Seventh grade students enroll in four nonacademic offerings, alternating two each day in an A/B schedule. For example, a student could take art and robotics on an A day and follow it the next day – a B day – with cardio fitness and strings. At this point in a young person’s



Period 1 Period 2 Period 3


Period 4

In May 2012, Webb’s Middle School presented the comedy, “The Curious Savage,” which featured an ensemble of sixth through eighth grade students. Participation in the Middle School’s drama program helps to develop students’ self-expression and self-confidence.

development, beyond the required academic course load, Webb believes in empowering the older middle schoolers to choose their electives from the array of available courses with no restrictions. Middle school is not merely an extension of elementary school, and it is certainly not simply the precursor to high school. It is a unique time in a young person’s life where maturation is taking place on more than a few fronts, and it is critical that the school environment acknowledges that and constructs a school day that reflects that recognition.

Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8

Literature Composition Art (A Day)/ Robotics (B Day) Strings (A)/ Cardio Fitness (B) French Science Social Studies Algebra

Math Science Social Studies Literature Composition World Languages French Latin Spanish


Band Strings Handbells Chorus Art Drama Robotics P.E. Life Sports Cardio Fitness

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Patients say Parkwest provides five-star care Patients gave Parkwest Medical Center top marks for overall quality of care in a recent survey by Professional Research Consultants (PRC), a national research firm. “The 5-Star Award is given annually to any health care facility or inpatient specialty unit that scores in the top 10 percent of PRC’s national client database for the prior calendar year,” said Parkwest CAO Rick Lassiter. “It is based on the percentage of patients who rated our facility or inpatient specialty unit ‘excellent’ for the Overall Quality of Care question.” “PRC scores are an industry standard,” explained Parkwest Chief Nursing Officer Diane Oliver. “We are committed to clinical and service excellence, so also having patients acknowledge us for those measures is very meaningful.”

Parkwest received these awards:

5-Star awards

■ Joint Replacement Center (4 Riverstone)

■ Medicine/Senior Friendly/Stroke Unit (4 Montvue) ■ Oncology/Post-Op/Gynecology (4 Riverstone) ■ Cardio Pulmonary Unit (3 Riverstone)

4-Star awards

t C.A.R.E.S. Parkntswes About Really Excellent Service

Parkwest C.A.R.E.S.



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Comments About Really Excellent Service ____________________


____________________ ____________________


____________________ ____________________ ____________________


____________________ ____________________
































____________________ ____________________




____________________ ____________________







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____________________ ____________________






























■ Emergency Care Center ■ Inpatient (encompasses overall scores for all inpatient units)

. .A.R.ESe.S est C rvice Pammrkenw ally Excellent ts About Re

The 4-Star Award is given annually to any healthcare facility or inpatient specialty unit that scores in the top 25 percent of PRC’s national client database for the prior calendar year, specifically between the 75th and 89th percentiles, and is based on the percentage of patients who rated the facility or inpatient specialty unit “excellent” for the Overall Quality of Care question. PRC conducts an annual survey of healthcare consumers to better understand their behaviors, utilization and perceptions of healthcare. In the Patient Perception category, awards are given by a “Star” rating, with five stars being the highest ranking. Covenant Health received a total of 22 awards at PRC’s Excellence in Healthcare Conference held in Scottsdale, Ariz., earlier this month.

Parkwest C.A.R.E.S.

Comments About Really Excellent Service ___________

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Parkwest awarded an ‘A’ for patient safety by Hospital Safety Score

Summer Nurse Extern Program at Parkwest Parkwest Medical Center’s Summer Nurse Extern Program is underway and will continue through Aug. 3. This year, 12 Nurse Externs are working throughout Parkwest to develop new skills and enhance current ones. Front (from left) are: Pam Terrill, Kara Murr, Rachel Natzke, Brittany Doss, Christie Elsea; (back) Kalie Nolen, Sara Durham, Kristin Ferguson, Summer Nurse Intern Program Coordinator Jake Terry, MSN, RN, Mallory Dietz, Avery Posadas, Kelly Franks and Heather Clark.

Parkwest Medical Center has received an “A” in safety. The honor is from the most recent Hospital Safety ScoreSM study by The Leapfrog Group, which evaluated more than 2,600 hospitals throughout the United States using publicly available data on patient injuries, medical and medication errors, and infections. Hospitals were assigned an A, B, C, D, or F for their safety. “Parkwest places an emphasis on patient and staff safety,” said Parkwest President and CAO Rick Lassiter. “We’re pleased to have a national company validate our achievements.” The Hospital Safety Score used 26 measures of publicly available hospital safety data to produce a single score representing a hospital’s overall capacity to keep patients safe from infections, injuries, and medical and medication errors. The panel includes representatives from some of the nation’s most esteemed universities, including Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, University of California-Davis, University of California-San Francisco, University of Michigan and Vanderbilt. “At Parkwest, we strive to ensure the best

possible care for every patient, every time,” said Chief Nursing Officer Diane Oliver. Parkwest is West Knoxville’s premier medical facility and the region’s top heart hospital. In addition to providing the area’s leading cardiac services, Parkwest has a nationally recognized emergency department and offers award-winning care in orthopedics, neurosurgery and obstetrics. For more information about or to locate a Parkwest physician, visit or call 374-PARK. To see Parkwest’s scores as they compare nationally and locally, visit www.

Parkwest Medical Center remains on the forefront of diagnosing and treating disease with the most advanced technology available…those who entrust their healthcare to us demand nothing less. But technology alone isn’t enough to bring healing and comfort to patients and families. True healthcare begins with something less expensive, non-invasive and pain free. It’s called listening.

At Parkwest…listening is state-of-the-art.

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B-2 • JUNE 25, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

This giant leopard moth was found in the parking lot of a gas station in middle Tennessee. Although it had been roughed up by its journey, its beauty was still intact.

This red-tailed hawk was spotted on the side of Pellissippi Parkway going toward Oak Ridge. This species can be found throughout the United States and the lower half of Canada. Photos by S. Barrett

Wildlife at the gas station At the risk of sounding wise beyond my years, it seems that people are in such a hurry these days, they often forget to stop for a moment and appreci-

The trick is to keep your eyes open and be aware of your world. You never know when you may get a neat photo to post on Facebook. Unfortunately, one of the main reasons for these close encounters with the wild is that humans are slowly building their way Sara into the homes of the creaBarrett tures we are used to admiring from afar. Just last week, folks driving down Pellissippi Parkway may have caught a glimpse of a red-tailed ate the beauty of their sur- hawk that was perched on a roundings. Even a stop at a fallen tree just off the side gas station can offer an op- of the highway. The species portunity to view nature at isn’t too rare, but if you were talking on your cell its finest.

Critter Tales

phone or thinking about your check list for the day, you would have missed seeing the real deal. Moths may also be a common sight, but you never know when a rare subject may present itself. In this case, a giant leopard moth had made its way to a gas station and could probably have sold autographs to the crowd of people that surrounded it. One thing to always remember when admiring wild life is to admire and respect the creature from a distance. It is called wildlife for a reason. In other animal news, the Knoxville Zoo is hosting its “Zoo to Do� 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, June 30, for family-friendly fun. The event is modeled after the zoo’s popular “Feast with the Beasts� event and will feature goodies from Krispy Kreme, Godiva Chocolate, Earth Fare, Papa John’s and more. In addition to food, there will be inflatables, barrel train rides, crafts, jugglers and much more. Tickets are $15, and children under 2 are free. Info: 637-5331 or visit


EWI scholarship recipients Executive Women International (EWI) of Knoxville recently awarded scholarships to local high school and college students. The recipients are Christian Academy of Knoxville student Austyn Anderson; Berean Christian High School student Nicole Glenn; Sevier County High School student Cole Burns; and Pellissippi State Community College students Tanya Lowe, Susan Renaud-Mitchell and Rachel Thompson. Photo submitted

SCOR Mavericks win state soccer championship The SCOR Mavericks, U-18 Girls soccer team, won the TSSA State Championship for the second consecutive year in Murfreesboro on June 1-3. The team includes players from various area schools: (front) Katelyn Drummer (Central), Mackenzie Hodge (Hardin Valley), Janelle Calhoun (Webb), Hannah Russell (Central), Shaun Breslin (Catholic), Emily Shotts (Karns), Megan Hodge (Hardin Valley), Erin Scott (Webb); (back) coach Gene Wheatley, Abby Spitler (Cumberland County), Patti Jordan (Stone Memorial), Ana Aponte (Bearden), Mikayla Gregg (Berean Christian), Kendall Van Hoozier (Farragut), Lorena Wheatley (Farragut), Claire Stauber (Catholic), Rachel Beaver (Karns), Liz Newsom (Webb), Laura Haun (Berean Christian) and coach Don Maples. Photo submitted

Parrott named as scholarship recipient

East Tennessee Summer Festival

The East Tennessee Foundation has announced Farragut High School student Katielynn Parrott as one of four Parrott recipients of this year’s Gordon W. and Agnes P. Cobb Scholarship Fund. Each recipient has been awarded a scholarship of $10,000 per year, renewable up to four years. The fund was established in 1993 and is intended to assist students who plan to pursue medical-related careers.

The East Tennessee Summer Festival will be held Saturday, June 30, and Sunday, July 1, at River Glen Equestrian Park in New Market. The park opens each day at 8 a.m. There will be live music, local art for sale, food vendors, a Civil War re-enactment of the Battle of Mossy Creek and kids activities including pony rides and face painting. Admission is free. Parking is $5 a car. Info: www. or email

AARP DRIVER SAFETY CLASS For registration info about this and all other AARP driver safety classes, call Carolyn Rambo, 584-9964. â– 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, June 27-28, Second Presbyterian Church, 2829 Kingston Pike.








DONATE BLOOD, SAVE LIVES Donors will receive a coupon for a free Chick-fil-A sandwich and a chance to win a pair of Tennessee Smokies tickets. Also, receive a free movie ticket for Regal Cinemas if you donate July 2-3. Donors can donate at a number of daily mobile sites or one of two fixed sites: 1601 Ailor Ave. and 11000 Kingston Pike in Farragut. Blood drives in your area: ■11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, July 2, Regal Cinema at West Town Mall in the lobby. ■11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 3, all Bruster’s Real Ice Cream locations. Receive a free pint of ice cream for donating. ■11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 3, Knoxville Center Mall, Center Court, lower level. Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old weighing 120 pounds with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and have positive identification.

HEALTH NOTES ■Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee, 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or ■Covenant Health’s Bodyworks offers community exercise for all ages at $3 per class. Classes include Easy Cardio Max, Mind and Body, and Senior Cardio. Visit www. or call 541-4500 to find a location near you. ■Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. each third Monday at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081. ■Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each third Tuesday at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Ave. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807, or ■UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: Penny Sparks, 544-6279.

â– UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 5 to 6:30 p.m. each first and third Tuesday in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: Brenda Fletcher, 544-6277.

KIDS NOTES ■Kitchen Fixins – A Healthy Cooking Class for Children, 10 and 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 27, at Smart Toys and Books, 9700 Kingston Pike in Franklin Square. Ages 5 and up; $15 materials charge. Reservations are required: 691-1154. ■Designing with Duct Tape, 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 27, at Smart Toys and Books. Ages 7 and up; reservations and a materials fee of $5 required in advance: 691-1154. ■Family Game Night, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday, June 29, at Smart Toys and Books. Refreshments available. Ages 3 and up; no charge, but reservations required: 691-1154. ■Summer Acting Camp for high school students, presented by Clarence Brown Theatre Company, will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 23 to Aug. 3, in Clarence Brown Theatre performance spaces. Limited to 20 students. Cost is $525. To register: http:// www.clarencebrowntheatre. com/actingcamp.shtml or contact Terry Silver-Alford, ■HonorAir Knoxville Guardian Program is now open to high school students 17 years or older interested in the Oct. 3 flight to Washington, D.C. Applications are due by Aug. 8. Students must have their parent’s permission to participate, complete the online guardian application at www. and submit a short essay of 200 words or less explaining why they are interested in being an HonorAir Knoxville guardian. Info: 938-7701. ■Ongoing activities at Smart Toys and Books, 9700 Kingston Pike in Franklin Square, include: Story Time with Miss Helen, 11 a.m. every Thursday; “Mommy and Me� art classes at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon every Friday, $5 materials fee, reservations required in advance, ages 2 and up; Game/craft demo 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Saturday; Thomas Play Day, 10-11 a.m. every first Monday, ages 2 and up, reservations required in advance, no charge.

SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 25, 2012 • B-3

Oil painting at Strang Senior Center

Sandra Cagle paints a scene from Italy’s Amalfi coast. Photos by T. Edwards of

Dodie Kishbaugh paints flowers during the oil painting class at Strang Senior Center. Also painting in the background are Ruth Ford, Paul “Roger” Harmadi and Joyce Hutchinson.

Samaritan Place aiding seniors 14 years Oil painting instructor Alex Dumas praises student Mary Ellen Berger. “She has an incredible memory. She creates her paintings from her mind,” he said. Berger and Roger Harmadi met in painting class and were married three years ago. Dumas was the best man for their wedding.

Samaritan Place program manager Joy McNeil commends Jef Gardner for sharing his testimony of how he was helped by them and now lives independently.

By Theresa Edwards

Paul “Roger” Harmadi recently painted this 1985 scene he photographed from a chartered plane of the scaffolding around the Statue of Liberty during repairs.

Special Notices

15 Special Notices

15 Adoption


Thursday, July 12, 2012 7:00 PM Farragut Town Hall

11408 Municipal Center Drive To hear citizen’s comments on the following ordinance: 1. Ordinance 12-05, an amendment to the Farragut Municipal Code, Title 5, to add Chapter 3, Business Registration Program.

TOWN OF FARRAGUT 101015MASTER Ad Size 2 x 5 bw W FARRAGUT 6/28 Agenda BOARD OF <ec> MAYOR AND ALDERMEN June 28, 2012


BMA MEETING • 7:00 PM I. Silent Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call II. Approval of Agenda III. Mayor’s Report IV. Citizens Forum V. Approval of Minutes A. June 14, 2012 VI. Resolution & Ordinances A. Resolution 1. Resolution R-2012-08, Maintenance Agreement with TDOT for Improvements to Concord Road from Turkey Creek Road to Northshore Drive B. Second Reading & Public Hearing 1. Ordinance 12-09, Fiscal Year 2013 Budget for the General, State Street Aid, Capital Investment Program, Equipment, Insurance and Beautification Funds C. First Reading 1. Ordinance 12-06, an ordinance to amend Title 14. Land Use Controls, to create Chapter 6. Building Facade Ordinance, to add building facade requirements 2. Ordinance 12-08, an ordinance to amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Farragut, Tennessee, Ordinance 86-16, as amended, by amending Chapter 4. General Provisions and Exceptions, Section xxiii. Outdoor Sales Permit, to modify potential users and the parameters of such permits, as authorized pursuant to section 13-4-201, Tennessee Code Annotated. VII. Business Items A. Approval of Utility Easement at the Public Works Facility on Fretz Road VIII. Town Administrator’s Report IX. Attorney’s Report

Action Ads! 218-9378

Samaritan Place held a ceremony to observe its 14th anniversary of helping Knoxville seniors and to raise awareness of elder abuse during National Elder Abuse Prevention Month of June. Samaritan Place is a unique service for people age 55 and over, provided by Catholic Charities of East Tennessee Inc. They house 10 permanent residents and have 20 rooms for transitional residents

21 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Dogs

and emergency situations. “There are fewer than 15 programs like this all over the U.S.,” said Freddi Birdwell. Fewer than 5 percent of those served are Catholics. “We serve the whole community. We are there for anybody who needs us,” said Birdwell. They also help seniors by connecting them with other local agencies to provide assistance. Jef Gardner came to Samaritan Place after months of sleeping in his friend’s

141 Air Cond/Heating 187 Boats Motors

WE ARE LOOKING WEST, Off Ebenezer CHIHUAHUA PUPS, 2 WHISPERER air to expand our family Rd. Immaculate 3 CKC, small, Fawn, purifiers, No. 2 on through adoption. If BR, 2 BA all brick M&F, shots, $350. consumer magazine you are pregnant and ranch. 2 car gar., Call/txt 865-919-8167 report, orig. price, considering an adoption fenced backyard & ***Web ID# 100317*** $400, sale $200 each. plan, please contact deck. Bonus room, Extra filters incl. us at 1-866-918-4482. cath. ceilings, walk- CHIHUAHUAS CKC, Call after noon, 558M & F, short hair, We have a lot of love in closets, great rm 6265. small. Many colors. to give. w/frpl, kit. bar, $275-$350. 865-216-5770 8000 BTU Soleus A/C, quality upgrades. like new, used 90 Safe, quiet subd. ***Web ID# 997829*** days, moveable Credit ck. $1275/mo. Male & room to room, vents East 40e w/dep. No smoking. ChiWeenies, fem. Small. Playful, through windows. 865-607-9000 3 colors. 2nd shots. Orig. price $450, FSBO, 2 yr. old 3 BR ***Web ID# 994711*** $200-$300. 865-573-5075 selling for $250. Call 2 BA, hdwd flrs, det ***Web ID# 997821*** after noon, 558-6265. wrkshp w/elec, 2 c gar 76 COLLIE Puppies, AKC, Straw Plains Pk exit. Condo Rentals $159,900. 865-474-9236 sable/white, like Building Materials 188 2 BR, 2 BA, downtown / Lassie, $500. $100 dep UT area. HW flrs, holds. 828-389-1787 Residence Lots 44 newly renov. $925/mo. ***Web ID# 999767*** DACOR Stainless 36" downdraft vent & Alan 865-771-0923. ***Web ID# 999334*** LABS, CHOC. AKC blower, 3 spd, $400 BANK OWNED reg., born May 10, (pd $1200). Granite, Lot near Straight FARRAGUT AREA, 3 wormed & 1st shots, absolute black, incl. Creek Dock on Norris BR, 3 BA, 2 car gar., mom & dad on site. dbl bowl sink 5'x3 1/2' Lake. Must sell $9,900 & 4'x2' $500. Or all for vaulted ceil., great rm $325. 865-388-1385. No doublewides al$800. 865-966-2816 w/loft rm, shows like lowed. Bank financing new, lots of closets & MASTIFF "English" available. Financing Puppies, AKC reg., storage, $1150. Lse + subject to credit apdep. 865-405-5908 wormed, 1st shots, vet Household Furn. 204 proval. Call Janine at chkd., $450. 423-912-1594 Citizens Bank ***Web ID# 999614*** JOHN DEERE Riding West Town/Cedar Bluff, 423-526-5036 Mower 42" cut $550; 3 BR, 3 BA end unit MINI SCHNAUZERS Equal Credit Lender Broyhill queen sleeper Pups & adults. Ch. w/ loft, lots of windows sofa $300; Leather parents, health & closets, quiet loveseat, dbl recliner guar. 865-207-6199 neighborhood, shows $125. 865-674-0101 like new, $1250 mo ***Web ID# 998378*** Lease. 865-405-5908 TRADITIONAL ROTTWEILER PUPS CHERRY QUEEN AKC champ. bldlns, 2 ANNE DINING litters, S&W, parents SET of 11 pieces. OFA. 7 M, 8 F. Real Estate Wanted 50 Wanted To Rent 82 $300-500. $2,000. Call at 865-742-2572. (865)381-1013 ***Web ID# 100823*** SHELTIES AKC, M & Pay Cash, Take over Ret. Private Detective F, 1st shot, full Pools/Hot Tubs 209 Repairs payments. Author needs 1-2BR color, smart. $400not a problem. Any & house on secluded, ISLAND SPAS Anti$500. 865-216-5770 situation. 865-712-7045 private property with qua Hot Tub, new ***Web ID# 997832*** rent reduced in ex$5400; now $2500. U WE BUY HOUSES change for security Siberian Husky Pups: move. 865-675-7779 Any Reason, Any Condition and/or light caretaker AKC, 2 F, 4 M, white, 865-548-8267 duties. 865-323-0937 blk, & wht, choc. & Wht, 6 wks, $300 ea. 931-510-4269 Collectibles 213 YORKIE AKC puppies, Apts - Unfurnished 71 AUTOGRAPHED very friendly & NFL, NCAA, MLB, & Ready to 110 loveable. celebrity photos, SPECIAL NOW 1/2 RENT Healthcare go. $600. 865-253-7765 WWII Army Signal 1 BR Ftn City. 2 BR ***Web ID# 997893*** Corp equipment, WEST KNOX Powell. Gorgeous! Water autographed WWII DENTIST NEEDS pd. credit ck. $425 & German photos, CHAIRSIDE ASS'T $550. 384-1099; 938-6424 model 1866 trap door M, T, Th 8:30-4:30. musket. Gary 604-3740 Will train. 584-2131 YORKIE PUPPIES, 6 COKE COLLECTIBLES. Apts - Furnished 72 wks, 1 M $350 & 1 F + diff sealed 140 $400. mom 4 lbs, 200 bottles, coolers, beanWALBROOK STUDIOS Cats dad 7 lbs. 865-233-7047 ies, music boxes, etc. 25 1-3 60 7 ***Web ID# 100609*** Himalayan Kittens, 8 865-922-5194 $140 weekly. Discount wks. APR reg., M&F, avail. Util, TV, Ph, vet ck, ormed. $200. Stv, Refrig, Basic Horses 143 865-633-9492; 454-3926 Boats Motors 232 Cable. No Lse. ***Web ID# 998331*** PASTURE & 16' FLAT-BOTTOM, 5'+ 4 STALL BARN beam, 40 HPs. New Duplexes 73 Dogs 141 for rent. 1 acre. tires w/spare, lights, Water & power. $150 live well, 2 depth CEDAR BLUFF mo. Powell/Claxton BUGS (Pug + Boston). fndrs, troln motor 2BR, 1 1/2 BA w/ area. 865-771-8333. M & F, precious. 2nd w/spare. Boss radio fenced back yard. shot. Low shed. Brinw/remote, 2 batts $689 mo. 865-256-5997. dles. $300. 865-216-5770 (fwd & aft), 2 sixFree Pets 145 ***Web ID# 997825*** gal tanks, storg fwd & aft. $3500. 230-6497 Houses - Unfurnished 74 CAIRN TERRIER (Toto) AKC reg., 1st & 1989 FORMULA Sport BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, 2nd shots & wormed, Boat 24', 454 Magnum ADOPT! Holston Hills, hdwd 2M, 10 wks. old, $300 Bravo-1 Drive. floors, 2 BA, 3 or 4 Looking for a lost ea. 865-360-4681 Trailer, Excellent BR, LR, DR, modern Condition, $13,900/obo. pet or a new one? TERRIER kit. Util. incl. Yard CAIRN Call 865-309-5559 Visit Young"Toto" pups, CKC, maint. incl. Frpl, nonWilliams Animal Brindle, M, shots. $450. functional, 2 story, 25' Cuddy Cabin GT Center, the official Call/text 865-919-8167 great neighborhood. 250 1990, by Donzi, shelter for the City ***Web ID# 100314*** $1200/mo. 865-524-4350 290 HP, $10,000 obo. 865-216-3093 of Knoxville & Knox RENT TO Own, 2BR CAVALIER KING County: 3201 DiBOAT TRAILER, house in great loc. CHARLES SPANIELS vision St. Knoxville. good cond, 18', new 1202 Cedar Ln. $3000 1 Male & 1 Fem, 6 wks. down, $700 mo. Call 423-639-4306 tires, $700. Call 865774-3030; 307-4984 Teresa, 865-992-9764. ***Web ID# 998769***


Development director Freddi Birdwell talks with the Rev. Ragan Schriver, executive director of Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, as Samaritan Place celebrates its 14th anniversary of helping Knoxville seniors. Photos by T. Edwards of car. Though disabled, he was not receiving his Social Security benefits. He stayed at the emergency shelter for a few months while the staff at Samaritan Place helped him apply for these benefits and for affordable housing through HUD. Today, he lives independently and is currently researching and writing a historical account of Native Americans. On June 14, Gardner shared his story at the ceremony hosted at Samari-

232 Motor Homes

tan Place. Some seniors at Samaritan Place, like Gardner, have experienced neglect. Others have been taken advantage of, mistreated or even abused. “Because elder abuse can be an uncomfortable subject, elder abuse is a hidden problem in our nation and is much more common than most people realize,” said the Rev. Ragan Schriver. “That’s why it’s so important that we raise awareness for this very serious problem.”

237 Cleaning

318 Pressure Washing 350

50 FT DCMY. Twin De- TOYOTA 1993 1 ton CLEANING NETWORK troit diesels. 6 1/2 KW Dually mini Winnie Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo. Onan gen. Fiberglass motor home, $3,000. Good refs! Free est. hull. 2 full BA. Full 865-851-0777 for details 258-9199 or 257-1672. galley. Freezer. 2 refrig., icemaker, radar. 330 238 Flooring Ft. Loudoun, ocean Motorcycles ready. $120,000. 865765-7688 HD 1200L 2007, black, CERAMIC TILE in***Web ID# 998024*** 2 yr warr. VH pipes stallation. Floors/ & protuner, 8700 mi. walls/ repairs. 33 BRYANT 180 $6700. 865-406-1401 yrs exp, exc work! BOW RIDER ***Web ID# 998776*** John 938-3328 Garage kept. Great shape. Killer stereo. $3,999. 865-573-2655. Furniture Refinish. 331 COBALT 232 1996 DENNY'S FURNITURE model 23' bow rider, REPAIR. Refinish, reexc. cond. $11,500. HONDA 2006 Big glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! Call 865-376-8640. Ruckus 250 Scooter, 922-6529 or 466-4221 3400 mi, perfect FSBO. 1996 Norris shape, adult owned, Yachts 16x73 Fully $3600. 865-774-9791 Guttering 333 Furn. Alum Hull Houseboat, Exc Cond, Prof Decorated 4 HAROLD'S GUTTER ^ Autos Wanted 253 BR, 2 Full BA, HW SERVICE. Will clean Flrs, W/D, Cent H/A, front & back $20 & up. Roofing / Siding A BETTER CASH Twin 3.0 Merc I/O's, Quality work, guaran12.5 Westerbeke OFFER for junk cars, teed. Call 288-0556. Genset, Trace Inverter, trucks, vans, running or not. 865-456-3500 Xantrex 12 V System w/Extra Capacity, Landscaping 338 We Are Paying Top Bow & Stern Shore Power Connections, Dollar For Your Junk LANDSCAPING Vehicles. Fast, Free 42" HD Plasma TV MGMT Design, inPickup. 865-556-8956 w/Surround, HD Sat stall, mulch, sm or 865-363-0318. TV and Ipod Music tree/shrub work, Thru Out, Fly Bridge weeding, bed rew/Bimini, New Canvas newal, debri cleanParty Top w/Bar, Utility Trailers 255 up. Free est, 25 yrs New Rail Canvas. exp! Mark Lusby Incl. Parking Space Car-Mate Enclosed 679-0800 & Prem. Double Slip trailer, 4'x8', 5' hi, at Sequoia Marina on new cond, new tires. Norris Lake. $159,900. $1000/b.o. 865-680-3717 Steve (865) 389-7000 ***Web ID# 993886*** UTILITY TRAILERS, all sizes available. Kawasaki 1995 750 cc, 865-986-5626. runs good, needs some work. W/trlr. $850. 865376-5165; 719-8118

257 STARCRAFT 17' walk Trucks thru, 115hp Merc., all access. $18,000 FORD F-350 Dually RWD flat bed. Wht, OBO. 865-660-5432 7.3 liter powerstroke turbo diesel, 4 DR cab, tow pkg., Campers 235 crew new trans., 196K mi, dependable, 2008 SYDNEY Out$7995. 865-591-6430 back 33 ft trailer, 1 slide, sleeps 6, no smoke/pets, very 261 nice, extras. Asking Sport Utility $25,000. 865-577-3791 MERCURY Moun***Web ID# 999497*** taineer 2006, loaded, 59K mi., like new, PROWLER 2001 TT 27 ft. $13,990. 423-302-9421 Lg. slide out, qn bed, rear BA, AC, gas range / heat, all hitch, levelers 262 / sway bar. $8000 / bo. Imports Exc. cond. 865-7171268; 717-645-1619 HONDA ACCORD 2001, 2 dr, 117K mi, 5 spd, owner, no acciMotor Homes 237 1dents, very dependable, very clean. $6,900. 865-463-1029 1998 FLEETWOOD Tioga, Class C, 29', good cond., 53K mi, TOYOTA COROLLA LE 2009, 4 dr, white newly rebuilt gen., w/gray int. Exc. new rooftop AC unit. cond. 38k mi. Clean (non smokers) $14,385. 865-254-2443 & runs well. $18,500. 865-712-9390 for appt ***Web ID# 999705*** to view or email lawrencegallagher9 Domestic 265 for pictures. No dealers BUICK LESABRE, 2008 Forest River 2000, all pwr., 92K Birkshire diesel pusher, mi., tan lthr, green, 39', only 16K mi, 4 $4300. 865-922-5541 slide outs, 1 owner, ***Web ID# 999774*** real clean, $85,000. 865-755-6758; 982-9704 CHEVY AVEO, 2007, silver, really nice, 1 owner, 63,000 mi. $6,500 OBO. 865-5560459 Maryville


Painting / Wallpaper 344 FRESHCOAT PAINTING


Res/Comm'l, Int/Ext. Free est.




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health & lifestyles

Patricia Neal’s awards on display at ‘her hospital’ in the case is the Golden GlobeÂŽ Neal earned for her role as Olivia Walton in the television movie “The Homecoming,â€? the pilot for the hit series “The Waltons,â€? and two British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards. The medallion Neal received in 2005 after completing rehabilitation at the Center, which she affectionately called “my hospital,â€? is prominently displayed as well. When the rehabilitation center opened in 1978, Patricia Neal was a perfect choice to serve as its namesake. The academy awardwinning actor grew up in Knoxville and successfully resumed her acting career after an arduous rehabilitation from three strokes in 1965. “When the center opened, Ms. Neal lent us her name, but she gave us her heart,â€? says Center Medical Director Dr. Mary Dillon. Through the years, Neal was an integral part of the facility’s fundraising efforts and was a frequent presence in “her hospital.â€? “For more than 30 years, she came here meeting, greeting and encouraging our patients and giving accolades to our staff,â€? says Dr. Dillon. Now, with the opportunity to see her many awards ďŹ rsthand, Neal’s life will continue to inspire the patients and staff of Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center.

Fort Sanders Regional President and Chief Administrative Officer Keith Altshuler; Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center Vice President and Administrator Leslie Irwin; Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center Medical Director Dr. Mary Dillon; and Fort Sanders Foundation Vice President of Development and Philanthropy Jeff Elliot stand next to the new permanent home of Patricia Neal’s Best Actress OscarŽ.

Patricia Neal received the Best Actress OscarŽ for the 1963 film “Hud� starring Paul Newman.

Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center earns accolades

Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center is the first rehabilitation center in the nation to win four coveted Crystal Awards for Patient Satisfaction from Professional Research Consultants (PRC).

Not only is Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center home to an OscarŽ, TonyŽ and Golden GlobeŽ, the facility is also the home of a number of prestigious health care awards. The Center’s staff and volunteers have earned national, regional and state recognition for excellence in care and service. Al Kaye: This long-time PNRC Clinical Specialist was named a Knoxville Business Journal Healthcare Hero for his work with the Patricia Neal Innovative Recreation Cooperative, a program that helps people with disabilities to participate in

sports and leisure activities. Al Kaye and Wendy Callahan: Received the Covenant Health System Everest Award for Top Performers. Callahan, who is a Stroke Program Lead Speech Pathologist, is also a stroke survivor. She founded a stroke support group and the Center’s stroke peer visitation program. Karen Holland: Holland is a rehabilitation nurse and the director of the Knoxville Area “ThinkFirst� program that teaches children how to avoid dangerous play injuries. She is the recipient of the National Association of Rehabili-

tation Nurses (ARN) Case Management Role Award. Dennis and Pat Kimbrough: Stroke survivor Dennis Kimbrough and his wife volunteer with the Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center Stroke Peer Support Program. The couple received the Tennessee Hospital Association (THA) Meritorious Service Award for Individual Volunteers. Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center: the ďŹ rst rehabilitation facility in the nation to win four Crystal Awards for Patient Satisfaction from Professional Research Consultants (PRC).




Several Hollywood artifacts have a new home in Knoxville. The Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center is celebrating the arrival of an OscarÂŽ, TonyÂŽ, Golden GlobeÂŽ and other awards that reect Patricia Neal’s truly remarkable life. OfďŹ cials with the Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center recently unveiled two displays featuring achievements and memorabilia donated to her namesake facility by the late Knoxville native. “After her death in 2010, Ms. Neal stated in her will that her many awards be permanently displayed in the hospital that has become her enduring legacy,â€? explains Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Marketing Director Jason Bowen. The OscarÂŽ Patricia Neal received for Best Actress in the 1963 ďŹ lm “Hudâ€? with Paul Newman can now be seen in its new home at the entrance to the Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center, located on the fourth oor of Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center. The statuette is adjacent to a giant mural and display that pay tribute to Neal’s acting career and life as a stroke survivor. More than two dozen other awards are on display in the specially-constructed case in the main lobby of Fort Sanders, including the Antoinette Perry “TonyÂŽâ€? Award, given to Neal in 1947 for her Broadway debut in “Another Part of the Forest.â€? Also featured

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