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VOL. 10 NO. 19
BUZZ Ed and Bob to Happy Holler At-large commissioners Ed Brantley and Bob Thomas will meet constituents 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, May 18, at the Time Warp Tea Room, 1209 North Central. Everyone is invited.
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May 11, 2016
Looking back at Bearden
The Class of ’66 prepares to celebrate 50th reunion
Enjoy blooms, help seniors The sixth annual PAWS Among the Blooms will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, May 13, at Stanley’s Greenhouse, 3029 Davenport Road. Dogs on leashes are welcome along with their humans. The event will feature hors d’oeuvres, beer, wine, plants, flowers, a silent auction and music by Y’uns Jug Band featuring Michael Crawley. Admission is $30 at the door. All proceeds benefit Knox PAWS: Placing Animals With Seniors.
Rabies clinics Knox County Health Department and the Knoxville Veterinarian Medical Association will hold rabies clinics Saturday, May 14, from 2-4:30 p.m. at several Knox County schools. Dogs and cats should be 3 months or older; cost is $10 per animal. Sites include Bearden High, Bearden Middle, BrickeyMcCloud Elementary, Carter Middle, Cedar Bluff Primary, and these elementary schools: Chilhowee, Christenberry, Gibbs, Hardin Valley, Karns, Mount Olive, Norwood, Ritta and Shannondale. At the vaccination clinics, all pets must be restrained. Dogs should be on a leash, and cats should be in carriers or pillowcases (a pillowcase is preferred because the vaccine can be administered through the cloth). People with aggressive or uncontrollable dogs are advised to leave the pet in the car and ask for assistance at registration.
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Powell Station Readers countywide may enjoy a new feature. “Historic Powell Station� will include alternating looks ahead (Sandra Clark) and back (Marvin West) as Powell attempts to recreate its downtown after a new, four-lane road diverted thru-traffic off Emory Road. This week Clark profiles a young couple who are building an Internet-based business in a 100-year-old warehouse on Depot Street.
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Cheryl Bradford Slayden, Susan Blair, Susan Gilbert Barnes, Joe Bruner, Cheryl Jewell Kershaw and Kathy Smith Fendley gather to plan the 50th reunion of the Bearden High School Class of 1966. Photo by Wendy Smith
By Wendy Smith Much has changed in the 50 years since the Bearden High School Class of 1966 donned mortar boards − hairstyles, for instance − but pride of school isn’t one of them. “I’m very proud to say I am a Bearden High School graduate,
and it’s still an excellent school in the state and in the nation,� says Kathy Smith Fendley. Six members of the Class of ’66 met last week to make plans for the 50th reunion to be held in October. They shared memories, pictures and a lot of laughs. Class president Joe Bruner,
who played football and baseball at Bearden, has been involved with fundraising for the school’s athletic department in recent years. The hallways are different these days. High school was very structured when he was a student, he says. Teachers taught from text-
books, and it “took a court order� to get out of class, he says. Now, hallways are full of students all the time. Students had a different relationship with teachers, too.
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Mixed use zoning for Bearden in works By Wendy Smith Last week’s meeting to discuss new mixed use zone districts for Bearden drew numerous questions, but no negative reaction from neighbors. It was the first public meeting to discuss the draft of the code, which is intended to alReynolds low residential development in areas currently
zoned for commercial and office uses. Knoxville Knox County Metropolitan Planning Commission staff want input from the community, said MPC Director Gerald Green. The Bearden Village Opportunities Plan, adopted in 2001, was created as a guide for public improvements and as a vision for creating a more pedestrian friendly, mixed use district. MPC staff wants to know if the community’s vision has changed since then. The new zoning district would
apply to the area roughly constrained by I-40, Tobler Lane, Kingston Pike and Northshore Drive – the same area addressed by the Bearden Village Opportunities Plan. The new zoning won’t require existing development to change. The new standards would only be applied to new development or significant redevelopment. The idea behind mixed use zoning requires a 10- to 20-year perspective, Green said. “Don’t expect the entire corri-
dor to change in a year or two.� MPC planner Mike Reynolds presented excerpts of the draft code, which contains three uses. Office Mixed Use allows for office uses and housing, but with limited retail and service-related options. Neighborhood Mixed Use provides for residential, retail, service and commercial development within walking distance to neighborhoods on a limited footprint – currently five acres. To page A-3
Housing market back from recession By Betty Bean
Knox County’s residential housing market, the engine that drives the local economy, has bounced back from a long string of tough years, and those involved in building, regulating and counting the money are happy to put the recession years in the rear view mirror. “We’re really pleased to see single family home construction recover so well,� said Dwight Van de Vate, Knox County’s senior director of engineering and public works. “Pre-recession, we would sometimes see almost 250 homes a month – clearly unsustainable.
Then we cratered to a low of 35 one month. It’s been a wild ride. Now we have robust, fairly stable development, at levels we can manage. It’s a good place to be.� Developer Scott Davis agrees. “In the last 13 months, we’ve seen a very significant turnaround in the housing market. For six or seven years, we didn’t do anything but fight the banks, and now we’re putting lots on the ground at the 2006 rate.� Davis remembers 2006 as the last good year before the bubble burst. “The housing boom we saw in
2007 was clearly not sustainable,� said Davis, who owns Eagle Bend Development. “Now, we’re growing at a nice, healthy rate and our economy has rebounded very well – Knox County’s population has grown by 60,000 in recent years. There’s lots of stuff coming back toward the downtown area, and we’ve got six subdivisions working, plus a 248-unit apartment complex off Hardin Valley Road.� County Finance Director Chris Caldwell isn’t prone to enthusiasm, but admits he likes the trends he’s seeing in his budget numbers. “It’s good to see the growth in the
revenue that appears in our general fund. It’s an indicator that tells us our economy is growing and headed in the right direction and that alleviates pressure on the budget.� In fiscal year 2015, for example, Caldwell said revenue from building permit fees came in at 125 percent of budget projections. “We expected $925,000 and received $1.1 million, and it will be better this year. Through the month of April, we are at $994,000, and I can tell you that a year ago, we were at $879,000. We’re up 13 percent over April of last year.�
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