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VOL. 10 NO. 22
BUZZ Bearden principal gets POY honor Dr. John C. Bartlett, principal of Bearden High School, has been named the 2016 state principal of the year by the Tennessee Association of Secondary School Principals. Prior to his arrival at Bearden in 2008, he served as principal at Loudon High School from 2004-2008 and taught U.S. history and coached baseball from 1996-2004 at Bledsoe County High School in Pikeville, Tenn. From the state winners, three national finalists are named in August. The national principal of the year will be announced at the winner’s school in October.
Bike to Work Day The 16th annual Bike to Work Day was delayed by rain and rescheduled for 7:30-8:30 a.m. Friday, June 3, at Market Square. Stop by on your bike and grab baked goods from Wild Love Bakehouse and coffee from Trio Cafe! Want to bike to work, but aren’t sure about the best route? Or would you just like some company along the way for a change? Meet at Third Creek Greenway trailhead (130 Forest Park Blvd.) at 7:15 a.m. to go from Bearden to downtown and UT.
Pastor takes it to the streets When it comes to ministering to Knoxville’s homeless population, West Emory Presbyterian Church knows all about “taking it to the streets.� The Rev. Dr. Pat Ramsden spearheads an effort to bring what she calls “the necessities of life� to these people.
Read Carol Shane on page A-7
Behind the scenes at Savelli’s Elizabeth “Liz� Savelli is completing 23 years running a popular neighborhood restaurant, Savelli’s, in West Knoxville. She opened up on March 1, 1993, and has been at 3055 Sutherland Avenue ever since. She said her most famous guest was Willard Scott, whom HGTV introduced to Savelli’s. But other well-known patrons have included Tommy Lasorda, and chef Tim Love.
Read Victor Ashe on page A-5
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takes real-world trip to China By W B Wendy d Smith S ith Bearden High School career and technology education teacher Kathy McCoy makes it her goal to expand students’ horizons through the Virtual Enterprise (VE) program. But this summer, she’ll broaden her own horizons by teaching VE at a business and vocational high school in Beijing. VE is a global network of simulated businesses set up and run by students. McCoy has taught the class for nine years. This year, two Bearden VE teams took first and second place in the state business plan competition, which qualified them to compete at the VE Inter- Bearden High School student Noah Chu and Virtual Enterprise teacher national Trade Show in New York presentation McCoy will use while teaching VE in China. Photo by Wendy Smith City in April. The teams took fifth and 11th place in the national com- vestigating the VE model for Chi- tional High School, but she asked petition. nese students. McCoy because of her experience Last summer, McCoy attended McCoy’s son, Jake, studied in with high school students. the first VE National Teachers China last year through a UT ConBearden rising senior Noah Conference at Long Island Univer- fucius Institute program, so she Chu, who was in McCoy’s spring sity. There she met Doris Pokras, enjoyed visiting with Pokras, and VE class, is her teaching assisa Chinese native who works in the they stayed in touch. Pokras typi- tant. His father grew up in Hong U.S. to enhance educational op- cally recruits college professors Kong, but he’s never been to Chiportunities in China. She was in- to teach sessions at Fengtai Voca- na. Pokras thinks the Chinese stu-
Kathy McCoy discuss a PowerPoint
dents will enjoy getting to know an American student. Part of Chu’s trip was financed by an Awesome Adam Adventures scholarship, which honors the memory of 2011 Bearden graduate Adam Wise. To page A-3
Ken Cornett to headline John Sevier group’s meeting The Gov. John Sevier Memorial Association’s annual meeting is set for noon to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 25, at Marble Springs, the South Knoxville home place of Tennessee’s first governor. Historian Ken Cornett will speak about his compilation of the history of East Tennessee’s Stations at 1 p.m. Registration is not required for this portion of the meeting.
Members and non-members of the Gov. John Sevier Memorial Association are invited. A light lunch will be served to those who register. Call 865-573-5508 or email info@marblesprings.net no later than Tuesday, June 21. Marble Springs State Historic Site is the last remaining home of John Sevier. Born in Virginia in 1745, Sevier made a name for himself as a Revolutionary War hero
during the Battle of Kings Mountain (1780), as a key player and governor of the short-lived State of Franklin (1784-1788), and ultimately as the state of Tennessee’s first elected governor (1796). Marble Springs was the approximate 350-acre farm that Sevier lived on from 1801-1815, the last years of his life. He named his farm Marble Springs because of the Tennessee Rose Marble that was quar-
Art on Main
By Libby Morgan Union County will shut down Main Street this Saturday to celebrate all things artistic – especially music. Art on Main is set for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 4, in historic downtown Maynardville, the Cradle of Country Music. The free arts and music festival will honor Chet Atkins and celebrate the music of Union County. It is on, rain or shine. The Chet Atkins Tribute will be led by musicologist and radio host James Perry. In the flavor of Chet’s legendary thumb picking-style of guitar playing, Parker Hastings will perform. He is 15-years-old and holds the current title of national thumb picking champion – in the adult category. Tommy Emmanuel introduced Hastings to a Knoxville audience at his concert on May 21 at the Bijou when he invited Hastings to join him on stage. Parker will be performing on the noonday WDVX Blue Plate Special on Friday, June 3. Songwriter Eli Fox will bring
his original Americana music to the Back Porch Stage. He is a multi-instrumentalist who has appeared on the Blue Plate, Knoxville Stomp, and is scheduled to perform at the 2016 Bristol Rhythm and Roots. Fox is a rising senior at Webb School in Knoxville. Knox County Jug Stompers, The Valley Boys, Knoxville Banjo Cotillion with Greg Horne and Kyle Campbell, Swamp Ghost and Virginia Faith also will perform. Union County veterans will kick off the day with an opening ceremony at 8:45 a.m. Fine arts and craft demonstrations will be throughout the grounds, including glassblowing by Matt Salley of Marble City Glassworks, metalsmithing by Amber Crouse, apple butter making, corn shuck dolls by Anne Freels, slab woodworking by David West, and fine art painting by Brian Whitson. There will be shade tree and porch pickin’ with everyone welcome to join in. Shabby Chic 33 Boutique will
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ried on site and the natural springs that flowed on the property. Executive Director Anna Chappelle says visitors to Marble Springs will have the opportunity to tour several historic structures that are designed to represent various aspects of John Sevier’s life and times. These include: the tavern, loom house, smoke house, spring house and the John Sevier cabin and detached kitchen.
This Saturday!
is this weekend
June 1, 2016
Virtual Enterprise teacher
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Parker Hastings at the Country Music Hall of Fame earlier this year. hold a Fabulous ’40s and ’50s fashion show, featuring female professionals and officeholders of Union County modeling spring and summer attire from Shabby Chic’s clothing and accessory lines. Student Art Competition will be held in the former office of the late Dr. Carr. Kids activities include the Art on Main train, face painting, art projects and games. Seventy vendors will offer homemade and handcrafted goods, country food, concessions and live plants. Oakes Daylilies will give away daylilies while they last. There’s a farmers market at Wilson Park and a kids health day at the Maynardville Public Library.
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Multi-instrumentalist Eli Fox has just signed on to the lineup for Saturday’s Art on Main in Maynardville Art on Main is produced by the Union County Arts Council, a nonprofit community organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of Union County, Tennessee. Info on Facebook at Art on Main 2016
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