A great community newspaper.
VOL. 6, NO. 3
JANUARY 16, 2012
Gay Street shootout What caused the big brawl of 1882? See page A-6
Jim McIntyre
‘State of the Schools’ address set for Thursday Dr. Jim McIntyre, superintendent of the Knox County Schools, will deliver a “State of the Schools” report and address at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 19, at Gresham Middle School. The event is open to the public. County Mayor Tim Burchett, school board chair Thomas Deakins and Buzz Thomas of the Great Schools Partnership will also speak. The inaugural event is cohosted by the Knoxville Chamber and the Knox County Council PTA. The State of the Schools address will be broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 10, streamed live at and broadcast on WKCS Falcon Radio 91.1 FM, East Tennessee’s only high school radio station.
Roofing material piles up at the Greenphalt Recycling site on Lexington Drive. The company continues to operate two sites within the city limits in spite of multiple citations from the city and the state. The debris is screened from the road, but this shot was taken last week from the rear of the property.
Dump site operates despite citations By Wendy Smith Two dump sites, one on Lexington Drive in West Knox County and the other on Boruff Drive in East Knoxville, continue to operate in spite of repeated citations from the city and the state. Both are within the Knoxville city limits, although the West Knox site is a finger annexation. “I know what the public wants. They want us to lock the gates,” says Ryan Miller, solid waste coordinator for the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC). “We don’t have that authority.” TDEC has issued two notices of violation to Greenphalt Recycling, which is storing tons of roofi ng waste at both locations. It has asked the company to either remove the material or get proper permitting
for what is supposed to be a recycling operation. There are several steps that must take place before the state can put the company out of business, he says. “It’s a slow process.” Greenphalt may be unable to get proper permitting because the property is not zoned for the operation. City zoning inspector Anita Cash says her office has issued two zoning violations to the company, which paid one ticket at the beginning of January. She spends around an hour a day monitoring the West Knox site in order to issue further citations. She saw two trucks come and go last Tuesday. “Zoning doesn’t allow us to shut someone down,” she sayd. Sam Furrow leases the Lexington Drive property to Greenphalt. Cash says she met with him last week to discuss his options. He did not re-
turn a call from the Shopper-News. The Boruff Drive property is owned by DMS Properties. Lexington Drive, which is off Lovell Road, is an industrial area. But the Boruff Drive Greenphalt site is in a residential area. Knoxville Law Director Charles Swanson says that while the city is sensitive to neighborhoods, there are several levels of enforcement activity that take place before a business can be shut down. “There’s a legal process we have to follow. We don’t just ignore the law. We will enforce the law.” Steve King with city engineering says his department has issued two citations for violations at the Lexington Drive site. One was for stormwater runoff, and he said there was a sheen on the water in question that indicated the presence of petroleum. The other citation was for improper permitting for grading work.
Lenore Raphael sets Farragut concert
Jazz pianist Lenore Raphael will perform in concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 22, at American Piano Gallery Recital Hall in Turkey Creek. The concert is free and open to the public, but donations will be accepted to the Steinway Society of Nashville for the Nashville International Piano Competition for scholarship money for piano majors.
The Shopper-News is now on Facebook! Check us out for updates, photos and more! ShopperNewsNow
By Suzanne Foree Neal A trio from the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen will be serving on committees for the National League of Cities. Mayor Ralph McGill will serve on the Energy, Environment and Natural Resources steering committee. The group will develop federal positions for the NCL on issues involving air and water quality, energy policy, national wetlands policy, noise control, and solid and hazardous waste management. “I’ll be working with the Feds,” he joked. Vice Mayor Dot LaMarche was reappointed as vice chair of the Human Development committee. She currently serves on the steering committee for Small Cities EDITOR Sandra Clark ADVERTISING SALES Debbie Moss
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Farragut officials picked for national committees
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Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.
The Knoxville Fire Department has been monitoring both Greenphalt sites. Deputy Chief Roger Byrd says Greenphalt has just recently met fire code standards, and the monitoring will continue. Second District City Council member Duane Grieve brought up the Greenphalt operation at last week’s council meeting. He was alerted to the problem by a property owner on Lexington Drive, and he is concerned about environmental and safety risks at both sites. “As 2nd District representative, I’m appalled by the fact that this has gone on and continues to go on. We can’t have this.” According to the city’s business license office, Greenphalt Recycling was registered as a business in September of 2011, and the owner is listed as Michael Seeley. The phone number associated with Greenphalt is no longer in operation.
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and the board of directors for the Women in Municipal Government. LaMarche has reached the gold level in the Certificate of Achievement in Leadership program and is working to satisfy requirements for the platinum level. Alderman Ron Honken will serve on the steering committee for Community and Economic Development. He has been appointed to the leadership training council, which provides guidance and direction for NLC’s Leadership Training Institute. Honken will attend several LTC meetings during the coming year. Committee responsibilities include historic preservation and international competitiveness.
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A-2 • JANUARY 16, 2012 • FARRAGUT SHOPPER-NEWS numerous collage pendants using wood, metal and tile pieces as a base, and then incorporating magazines, newspapers, decorative papers and ribbon to make one-of-a-kind masterpieces to use for necklaces, key chains, rings and other items. Sponsorship by the Farragut Arts Council is to promote arts in the community.
Rid house of radon risk
January is National Radon Action Month and for $25 you can buy a kit to test your own home to see if you have a radon problem that could be harming your family’s health. Radon is the No. 2 cause of death from lung cancer in the United States.
lead to the beginning of lung cancer. The more exposure, and the longer duration of exposure, the greater threat there is of developing lung cancer. Even if radon is detected in your home, you can eliminate the danger from it. Qualified contractors can remedy the problem and Suzanne the cost isn’t prohibitive. For more information on Foree radon, testing, how to rid Neal your home of the gas, and how to prevent it with new construction, call the TenKnox County falls into nessee Radon program at the red zone according to 1-800-232-1139. the Environmental Protection Agency, making homes ■ Crafty class here at the highest risk for creates unique radon, which is an odorless, tasteless and invisible gas pieces produced by the decay of Beat the winter blahs by naturally occurring uranium in soil and water. It can getting crafty and making be found outdoors as well something that’s uniquely as inside homes and other yours. The Farragut Arts Council is picking up most buildings. The EPA recommends of the tab for a collage penhomes be fi xed if the radon dant class at Town Hall from level is 4 pCi/L (picocuries 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, per liter) or more. Radon, Jan. 26. The cost is only $5 like other radioactive mate- and includes all supplies. rials, undergoes radioactive Registration and payment decay that forms products deadline is Wednesday, Jan. releasing radioactive energy 25. Call 966-7057 for more that can damage lung tis- information and to register. Participants will make sue. That damage can later
Farragut Arts Council selects Mary Agnes Schaefer as the first 2012 featured artist with her exhibit at the Farragut Town Hall January and February. Schaefer describes herself as a nonobjective painter. She said, “I paint how I feeI. I love texture, so I put a lot of mixed media into my paintings. When I get tired of painting, I pick up a gourd to paint.” Photos by T. Edwards of
This gourd highlights “Annabell’s Emporium” including a photo of the owner, who is Mary Agnes Schaefer’s daughter.
Harmony Show Chorus sets open house
Info: 966-7057. All events are held at the Farragut Town Hall unless otherwise noted. ■ Yoga, 9-10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 16. ■ Zumba, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 16. ■ Personnel Committee Meeting, 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17. ■ Pilates, 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17. ■ AARP Driver Safety Program, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 19.
Knoxville’s Smoky Mountain Harmony Show Chorus, a member of Sweet Adelines International, invites women of all ages to enjoy an evening of free refreshments, a mini-concert, fun and socializing at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 23, at the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church (rear entrance), 6900 Nubbin Ridge Road. Sweet Adelines International is an organization of nearly 25,000 women worldwide who sing fourpart a cappella harmony, barbershop style. The local Show Chorus is comprised of women from all walks of life who perform regularly throughout the community, offering their talents for entertainment at civic events and charitable functions. Members share a love for music and the exhilaration of performing and the enjoyment of singing. Info: or 5216975.
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Going green for spring
Farragut is sponsoring two free educational workshops in February at Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, to get your house and garden whipped into shape for spring. During “Creating a Green Household,” participants will learn how to make cost-effective alternatives to commercial cleaning products and make sample recipes to try at home. The alternatives will help create a healthier environment for your home. You’ll also learn how to buy safer cleaning products. Kara Remington from Ijams Nature Center will share her tips at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6; registration deadline is Friday, Feb. 3. “Let’s Get Ready for Spring” goes out of the house and into the garden. Lindsay Lindsey of Meadow View Greenhouse & Garden Center will present the program at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9; registration deadline is Monday, Feb. 6. The class is sponsored by the Farragut Beautification Committee. Participants will learn what they can do to ready their gardens for spring.
Featured artist Mary Agnes Schaefer
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Mary Agnes Schaefer describes her quilt blocks as “art outside the box.” They are paintings on wooden panels. Pictured are designs titled “Starburst,” “McIntosh Star” and “Dogwood.”
Random acts of kindness from artist Linda Lee By Betty Bean When WATE-TV’s community relations director Bill Evans read the Shopper-News story about artist Linda Lee’s painting of the Lakeshore administration building, it reminded him of the time when Linda and her husband, Chuck, showed up at his Greystone office asking for permission to take pictures of the building’s exterior. “Several months later, she surprised us with a beautiful painting of Grey-
stone. It hangs in our lobby for all visitors to see,” he said. “In testament to the accuracy of her paintings, I want to share this story with you. As we were admiring her work, I commented on how she had correctly painted the downstairs stained glass windows as semicircles and the upstairs ones as slightly-arched rectangles. Her reply to me was, ‘Oh, yes! And do you want to know how many stones are on the front of the building?’ “I’m glad to see from the accompanying photo that she is doing well. Her passion for painting historic buildings in Knoxville is a great gift to us all.”
FARRAGUT NOTES COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ Council of West Knox County Homeowners meets at 7:15 p.m. each first Tuesday at Peace Lutheran Church, 621 N. Cedar Bluff Rd. Info: www.
■ Farragut Lions Club meets 6:30 p.m. each 2nd and 4th Tuesday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road. ■ West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.
■ Longstreet-Zollicoffer Camp #87 Sons of Confederate Veterans will host the Lee-Jackson Dinner on Saturday, Jan. 28, at The Foundry on the World’s Fair Site. Doors open at 6 p.m. with a buffet dinner served at 7. Tickets are $30 ($15 children 12 and under). Period dress or business attire is suggested. Nora Brooks will present the
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life story of T.J. “Stonewall” Jackson while in the persona of Anna Morrison Jackson (Jackson’s widow). Reservations are required and seating is limited. Deadline to RSVP is Wednesday, Jan. 25. Mail payments to Lee-Jackson Dinner, SCV Camp #87, P.O. Box 943, Knoxville, TN 37901.
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Employee email prompts second thoughts on pension bump
Alexis Crawford has seen a lot of changes in Farragut in her 22 years as a town employee. Photo by S.F. Neal
By Suzanne Foree Neal
Classified ad leads to long time at town hall By Suzanne Foree Neal Alexis Crawford says it seems like she’s worked for the town of Farragut “forever.� She’s certainly packed up a lot of office supplies as she’s moved from one town hall building to another in her 22 years with the town. She came to Farragut from Texas, with an 18-month layover in Florida, as a single mom with three sons. “I was looking for a job to support them,� she says. “I found the job in the ads, answered it and never thought I’d still be here.� Her first job was parttime, working in the town hall office that once housed a dairy barn behind the Russell house at the corner of Campbell Station Road and Kingston Pike. Then the offices moved across the street into a newer building before finding a permanent home at the present location on Municipal Center Drive. Crawford was the town’s first full-time receptionist, and while her official title is administrative assistant and court clerk, she also fills a variety of roles and likes the diversity. Her role as court clerk working under four different judges over the years is “extremely interesting� and one case stands out.
“There was a gentleman who came to court because he had goats at his residence,� she explains. “He was in court a lot over numerous years. We were always sending him a letter to mow his yard, so he got goats to maintain his yard. It was a different perspective on how to get around mowing the yard.� When it comes to dealing with the public, Crawford says she always tries to put herself in the citizen’s shoes to see the problem from that point of view. If she can do that, Crawford says she can usually find a solution that makes everyone happy. As the town has grown, she believes it’s lost some of the close-knit atmosphere of the early days where everyone knew their neighbors and people were involved in what was going on in town. “There are so many people who have transitioned here from other places, and there are more red lights,� she laughs, remembering that when she first arrived there were maybe three stop lights in the whole town. There are a couple of things Crawford would put on a wish list for the town. “I’d like to see the town become a full-service town. It’s
too large to continue to be only a partial town. I would like to see the town have an animal shelter. If I had the money, I would do it myself. Animals are close to my heart and I have a weakness for strays.� When she’s not running from office to office during the day, Crawford likes to hit the road with her husband, Danny, on their motorcycle and explore the region’s back roads. They have a Tennessee map and are marking off visits to as many state parks as possible. They also venture into the surrounding states of North and South Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi. She laughs remembering one memorable 10-day vacation trip. They hit the road for a ride to the Natchez Trace and it rained nine out of the 10 days. “That was something else,� she shakes her head, remembering. Crawford expects to work another eight years before retiring to take more road trips and spend time with her nine grandchildren. As for her stint as a Farragut employee, she says, “It’s been an adventure.�
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This time it was an employee’s suggestion that delayed a vote on another chapter in the Farragut pension plan saga. Alderman Jeff Elliott said he had given a second look over the holidays to a proposal approved at the Dec. 8 board meeting to increase the lump sum benefit for some employees with a minimum 15 years of service. An email from Parks and Leisure Services Director Sue Stuhl gave him pause. “I’m not comfortable giving a figure that doesn’t seem to be tied to anything,� he said of the plan. Over the holiday break Elliott was rehashing some notes and emails and apologized for not looking at Stuhl’s email more carefully before the last meeting. “I didn’t really look at it that carefully until afterward and I wish I had at the time,� he said. “The more I thought about it and looked at it, I thought I was interested in learning more about it. I was impressed by the idea and merits of it. I’m not saying it’s the be all and end all.� Stuhl’s suggestion was to look at what an employee would have received had
the town taken part in Social Security (and employees vote to join that program Feb. 21) and what that person would have received under the town’s pension plan with their contribution included, then compute the difference. “We would be looking at a fi xed payment for them for the rest of their life,� Elliott explained. “This would be a specific sum for these folks and would give them that added benefit that would be tied to a plan that’s a fi xed and defi ned expense.� The town would see a curve where at fi rst there would be more payments made to more retirees, but as they died, the payments would decrease and eventually disappear altogether. Elliott asked the board if it would be a problem to take another couple of weeks to have someone to look at this idea. “It seems like this might be an interesting plan to look at.� Town Administrator David Smoak said staff could look into it, but it would probably take longer than two weeks to come back with the needed information. He came to the meeting with information that the plan discussed at the
Dec. 8 meeting would provide five employees with additional benefits totaling $90,615. Smoak found money for it by axing lighting improvements at Mayor Bob Leonard Park and Campbell Station park signs denoting the area’s history. Mayor Ralph McGill said he was ready to go a few more weeks. “We need to get this right, but I just don’t know what that is.� The board voted unanimously to delay the vote. In other business, the board: ■Approved putting a 2002 Chevy pickup truck on the online government surplus auction site. ■Approved appointment of town Judge Lucinda Troyer to another term. ■Approved on second and final reading to amend the Farragut Municipal Code for off-premise directional signs to clarify trailblazer sign placement locations off Interstate 40/75 at Campbell Station Road. ■Approved an amendment to the Farragut Zoning Ordinance on first reading to clarify parking and loading spaces established by the board of zoning appeals.
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Clock ticking on Oakwood Kim Trent and Larry Cox stood in the rain in the Oakwood Elementary School parking lot and looked as grim as the weather while they awaited County Mayor Tim Burchett’s press conference.
Betty Bean
Who says you can’t look back? Writing for a newspaper is not an occupation given over to sentimentality. The beat least likely to bring out the warm and fuzzy side of a reporter is government with its assortment of the good, the bad and the ugly, so I was unprepared for my own feelings about writing my last column for the ShopperNews. It’s harder to say goodbye than I had imagined. I’ve always considered “So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish,” a Douglas Adams book, to bear one of the more memorable and inventive titles in fiction. I’ve never written about space-faring dolphins in this column, and if a reader ever sent me fish, they got lost in the mail. I have written a couple of times about my time machine, but there’s nothing especially fishy about time travel, or so Stephen Hawking says. And we all experience time travel every day, steadily moving forward in time, like it or not. Just a few weeks ago in this column I quoted Satchel Paige’s advice about not looking back. But with all due respect to the legendary Paige, I’d like to take a brief glance in the rearview mirror. I started as a stringer for the Shopper-News nearly six years ago. What I didn’t know about newspaper reporting could have filled several hefty volumes. Who knows why, but our publisher, Sandra Clark, thought I might be worth a tryout. I soon learned the difference between a writer and a newspaper reporter. Time after time, Sandra trimmed and shaped my 1,000 word essays into stories half the size with twice the merit. Never underestimate the power of a great editor to make a reporter sound a lot smarter than he really is. Jake Mabe was also there as a mentor and a friend. There are less stressful occupations than newspaper reporting, and Jake’s door was always open when I needed a sympathetic ear. (And have I mentioned Jake does a fantastic Elvis impersonation?) There are many people to thank. Shannon Carey’s success on the advertising side of the newspaper has kept us all employed. Carol Springer in graphics and composition taught me a thing or two about using a camera. Judy Tharpe has forgotten more about Associated Press style than I’ll ever know. Emily Schoen and Sara Barrett fill so many varied but indispensable roles that I can’t come close to naming them all. And then there are the writers. I learn something about this trade every time I read a column by Betty Bean. Wendy Smith’s polished style has become the voice of Bearden. Greg Householder, steady as a rock, is the face of Powell. Any newspaper would be proud to host the inimitable Marvin West, and Lynn Hutton remains a reader favorite. Anne Hart was featured writer for our “30 years in 30 weeks” history of the town of Farragut and performed magnificently. Regular feature writers Dr. Jim Tumblin, Dr. Bob Collier and Malcolm Shell always bring something interesting to the table. Through good times and bad, the raison d’être for this column has been the people involved in local government I reported on. For the most part, I had fun, even when the actors in the current drama (or comedy) didn’t. The waning years of former Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale’s administration provided a steady stream of events and characters begging to be parodied. I was lucky enough to be a witness. Along the way I crammed in some investigative reporting and was honored for my work by the East Tennessee Society of Professional Journalists. Covering County Commission or the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen were rarely boring assignments. Most commissioners sooner or later became victims of my curmudgeonly take on events, yet nearly all treated me with remarkable kindness over the years. Finally, I thank the readers. Even those who disagreed with me typically did so cordially. It’s been a great ride. OK, Sandra, edit away. Contact Larry Van Guilder at
someone to know who wants to know you
Like everybody else there, Cox, a former City Council member, and Trent, the executive director of Knox Heritage, knew the score: unless an angel developer materializes within 30 days with a plan and the wherewithal to save the nearly-100-yearold building, it’s going to meet the wrecking ball. When Burchett spoke, he sounded regretful, but said the condition of the abandoned building, one wing of which was used as a supply depot before Knox County Schools handed it over to the county’s general government a little more than a year ago, is forcing his hand. “It’s a shame we don’t take better care of our property,” Burchett said.
He introduced Jon Gustin, a professional photographer and manager of E-Government Services in Knox County’s Office of Information Technology, who ventured inside the condemned building the week before to document its condition. The pictures are stark, and show cavedin roofs and ceilings, collapsing floors, and general decay. Gustin described encountering exposed asbestos, rot and rodent droppings. Cox said he’s not surprised by Burchett’s decision. “I sponsored a resolution asking the school system to do something with the building the last year I was in office.” Cox, who left City Council in December 2003, attended Oakwood Elementary, along with 20 relatives including his parents, children, siblings and cousins. Trent is still holding onto a sliver of hope. “Just another day at the office,” she said. She has made a life’s work of preserving buildings like Oakwood, which has been near the top of Knox Heritage’s “Fragile 15” list of endangered structures for years. “A roof on this building 15 years ago would have
Knox Heritage director Kim Trent and former City Council member Larry Cox stand in the Oakwood School parking lot. Photo by Betty Bean
stopped this from happening,” she said. She believes the building still could be converted to residential use or housing for senior citizens. “I spoke with a developer yesterday who is willing to talk about saving this iconic structure.” County Commissioner Amy Broyles, who lives a few blocks from Oakwood,
A time to reflect Since Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday is today, it is a time to recognize how far we have come with more to do in terms of ensuring equal opportunity for all. I grew up in a segregated
Victor Ashe
Tennesssee. I recall the efforts which then-Mayor John Duncan made to integrate local lunch counters in the ’60s. Duncan does not receive the credit he deserves for those moves, including traveling to the headquarters of national chain stores to urge service to all customers at lunch counters. Nevertheless, it is a time when we should reflect and recommit to ending any remaining vestiges of discrimination as we enter the second decade of this century. Last week when I wrote about the Republican leanings of the proposed Harry Tindell district, I had un-
derstood that Rocky Hill and Deane Hill Recreation Center voting precincts would be part of the Tindell district. If that had been true, then Tindell faced major hurdles winning reelection as a Democrat. However, I have since learned those two precincts are going to Steve Hall, whose district is already safely Republican and now becomes more so. However, when it comes to redistricting, nothing is final until the bill becomes law and survives the likely court challenge. Tindell is actually a very credible and knowledgeable state lawmaker who is completing 20 years in Nashville. He is also very quiet and seldom in the news. He is probably the least visible of all local lawmakers, although he comes from a long established Democratic family. His father is Billy Tindell, a longtime county commissioner. The proposed new district is more of a tossup. Tindell, if he chooses to run, will not be able to wage his normal quiet campaign. Republicans will come with a candidate. The nominee of either par-
ty has a shot at winning. Statewide, it may not matter who President Obama faces in the general election as he is unlikely to win Tennessee. At www. you can see who gave to all the presidential candidates by zip code and in the entire state. Through September 2011, Obama had raised $270,139 in Tennessee while Republican presidential candidates had raised $987,517 in the same period – almost a 4-to-1 advantage. Statewide as of three and a half months ago, Mitt Romney had raised $386,330, followed closely by Texas Gov. Rick Perry at $347,176 (when the new figures come in, the difference will be much wider in Romney’s favor). Third up was U.S. Rep. Ron Paul at $98,260. However, if this is narrowed down to zip codes that begin with 379, most of Knox County, then Obama raised $22,147 in this period while the combined Republican presidential candidates raised $125,618 (or a disparity of 6-to-1). Most of the well-known local Democrats were not on the Obama donor list. In fact,
said she’s sad about what’s happened to Oakwood, but, like Trent, is keeping hope alive. She also said she finds it difficult to criticize the school system. “It’s hard to justify spending money on an empty building when we are laying off teachers and struggling to maintain classrooms that are in use,” she said.
the single largest donor in Knox County was Julie Miller who gave $1,660 in 19 separate donations. She is listed as a UT library employee. The best known Obama donors were Jon Roach, former city law director and husband of KUB chief Mintha Roach, for $1,000; former federal magistrate Robert Murrian for $300; and Anne Woodle, former school board member and close friend/supporter of Mayor Madeline Rogero, at $350. Also listed at $1,000 each are Judith Burnette and Dr. Lewis Harris Jr. ■ The recent disclosure that Gloria Ray, head of Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation, received more than $405,000 in total compensation for 2009, according to the 990 IRS form, has raised questions as to who approves this sort of compensation. It far exceeds what any other local nonprofit pays its CEO. IRS 990 forms are public record and can be viewed by any citizen. KTSC gets most funding through the hotel/motel tax and is therefore spending public money. The final chapter on this revelation has not been written. Many people are speechless at the size of the compensation regardless of their warm feelings toward the recipient.
Linda Parrent eWomenNetwork Executive Managing Director of eWomenNetwork Knoxville Chapter
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WEST SIDE SHOPPER-NEWS • JANUARY 16, 2012 • A-5 Harris ended his talk with his trademark: “Flourish, my friends.”
Flourish, Doug Doug Harris ends his emails with “flourish.” Not “a flourish,” but the word flourish. It means to prosper.
Sandra Clark The candidate for school board from District 3 said the idea came from a friend in Uganda, a young business owner he met during one of 14 mission trips abroad. “This man, Judah, was an orphan, but because of education he is successful. He ends his emails, ‘Flourish, my friend.’ “I like that and copied it,” said Harris, a different sort of school board candidate.
Harris literally packed the room at Rothchild’s for his campaign kickoff. There were friends from Bearden High School, where his sons are students, and friends from Fellowship Church, where he serves on the missions committee. District 3 includes the Bearden, Karns and Norwood areas, and incumbent Cindy Buttry is not seeking re-election. Gina Oster and Bobby Edington also have qualified to run in the nonpartisan March 6 election. Harris was introduced by Steve Diggs of the Emerald Youth Foundation. “Teachers go into that profession because they know they can make a difference,” Harris said. The school board must support their work. His priorities are:
What’s happening at the school board? Knox County Schools will end the year with $10 million more than expected, said Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre. Revenue exceeded projections by $5 million, while another $5 million was squeezed out of expenses. That’s the good news. Carla and Doug Harris at his campaign kickoff. Photo by S. Clark The bad news is that $7 million in federal stimulus Leadership: “We must eryone must be account- money is gone, unavailable recruit and mentor great able – teachers, parents, for next year’s budget. principals.” Transfers: Want to atstudents. You’re paying for Innovation: “Change public education. It’s worth tend a school out of zone? is inevitable but growth is your time to oversee that Apply Feb. 6-20. Forms are available online or at any optional. We need a tab- money.” let (iPad, etc.) on every elHarris founded the Har- school. ementary student’s desk. ris Restaurant Group in TVA for TAP: The fedThe price is dropping. It’s 1991. Headquartered here, eral utility has donated the best thing out there.” the company has more than $100,000 to use in Knox County’s 18 TAP (teacher Accountability: “Ev- 400 employees.
Mark Padgett is back in the saddle By Greg Householder Former Knoxville mayoral candidate Mark Padgett made his first public appearance since his defeat in last November’s election at the hands of Madeline Rogero last Padgett Tuesday at the Powell Business and Professional Association. Padgett joked about his appearance being his first since his loss by telling the Powell business leaders, “The calls to speak dry up after you lose.” Padgett was there as the guest speaker to talk about his experiences that he touted during the campaign of building a business with “$5,000 and a borrowed laptop.”
He told the group of his early life growing up in Lonsdale and how as a kid he started a T-shirt business where he sold painted shirts. He described the process as using a brush and a knife – “In Lonsdale, you had a knife” – to splatter the paint on the shirts. He talked of the influence of athletics on him as a youngster. After tearing his ACL in his senior year in high school, he developed a product related to knee injuries. His father set him up to present the idea to Pete DeBusk of DeRoyal Industries. Padgett was only 17 years old. “Do whatever you do because you love it,” DeBusk told him. Padgett told the group of his time working for former Gov. Phil Bredesen. It was while working for Bredesen that he got the idea for his company
School board update
– eGovernment Solutions – because of the inefficiencies he saw and the fact that, at the time, no county in the state offered online services. Padgett had some advice for the Powell business group: “Have your first client lined up before you begin.” He also talked about using peer groups and mentors and about staying power in the market place. The former mayoral candidate took questions from the floor and when asked about his future political ambitions he answered, “I was raised in a family involved in public service. I’m not looking for the next open seat but I think we changed the conversation.” He alluded to the fact that one of the first appointments of the Rogero administration, entrepreneur Eddie Mannis,
meant that his message of heard, even by his opponent. running government more “In the future if there is an like a business had been office where I think I’m the
advancement program) schools. TAP includes performance-based compensation and collaborative teaching. Year around school is being considered for Fulton and Austin-East high schools, but McIntyre told the school board last week “while it could be beneficial, it should include the feeder patterns.” And KCS doesn’t have the resources to support a year-around program (or “balanced calendar”) in the feeders. Cindy Buttry asked for a “broader discussion” to include all zones. School use fees: Passed on first reading with amendments by Indya Kincannon to eliminate the insurance requirement for “routine meetings.” Teacher Supply Depot will open from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 21. Y’all come! Contact: or 661-8777.
best, then I would run again,” he said. “But I’m not looking right now.”
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The Gay Street shootout of 1882 HISTORY AND MYSTERIES | Dr. Jim Tumblin
n a footnote in his book “Life on the Mississippi,” Mark Twain quoted the Associated Press Telegram story of Oct. 19, 1882, relating the death of two of Knoxville’s most prominent business owners in the prime of their careers to illustrate that violence persisted in the South 20 years after the Civil War. In less than two minutes, local history was changed forever. Thomas O’Conner (18361882) was the richest person in the state of Tennessee and, some said, the richest in the South. It was said that his influence in the Tennessee Legislature was “overpowering.” His Melrose Estate, which he had purchased from Judge Oliver P. Temple, was among the finest in Knox County. Temple’s 20 acres contained the impressive mansion, experimental flower and vegetable gardens, an extensive fruit orchard, and an outstanding collection of ornamental shrubs and trees. A large farm pond had been expanded and concreted, and a boat house was built to provide a place for O’Conner’s nieces and nephews to swim, boat and fish. Thomas was born in Halifax, Va., on Feb. 29, 1836, the son of John and Rebecca (Powell) Conner. When Thomas was 16, he and his brother James moved from Virginia to Knoxville and opened the O’Conner Saddlery, choosing to use the original Irish version of their name. Thomas was a Knoxville alderman (1859-60), but soon moved to Atlanta to establish a saddlery there.
When the Civil War began he joined the 1st Georgia Regulars (CSA) and served as a sergeant for eight months. He then resigned and returned to Knoxville to help raise a company of light artillery. He became senior first lieutenant of Kain’s Artillery Battery (CSA). When Capt. William C. Kain, a Knoxville attorney, was ordered to serve in various court martial proceedings, O’Conner assumed command. His battery was heavily engaged at Cumberland Gap when he was captured on Sept. 9, 1863, and imprisoned at Johnson’s Island in Lake Erie near Sandusky, Ohio. He spent almost two years there, along with 2,500 other prisoners, and endured the inadequate food and the exceedingly uncomfortable damp and penetrating cold conditions. In June 1865, with the war ended, O’Conner swore allegiance to the U.S. and was granted amnesty. He soon was in business in Atlanta but, in 1870, he returned to Knoxville to marry Fannie Renshaw House (1832-1923). They lived in the Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville about half the year and at Melrose in Knoxville the other half. His influence with the state government enabled him to lease convict labor and to contract for many projects in railroad construction, coal mining and the manufacture of “Tennessee wagons” at a rate of more than 60 a day. His was probably the most popular farm wagon at the
Thomas O’Conner (1836-1882). His investments in railways, mining, manufacturing and banking made O’Conner the richest person in the state. He was killed in a Gay Street shootout on Oct. 19, 1882. time in the South and in the prairie states. He built the Cincinnati Southern Railway from the Cumberland Plateau to Chattanooga and became a major owner of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co., based in Tracy City. He contracted for road work in Louisiana and, in September 1882, led other Knoxville investors to organize the Mechanic’s National Bank and became its president. In 1877, he was appointed a trustee of East Tennessee University (predecessor to the University of Tennessee). Joseph Alexander Mabry Jr. (1826-1882) was born to Joseph A. Mabry Sr. and Alice Scott Mabry on Jan. 26, 1826, on his father’s farm in west Knox County. He was educated in the Knox County
public schools and at Holston College at New Market. In 1852, he married Laura E. Churchwell, daughter of a prominent local family. He was a major property owner and developer early in life and, in 1853, he and his brother-in-law William G. Swan gave the city the property for Market Square. He was president of the Knoxville and Kentucky Railroad and was quite influential in Nashville in lobbying for state support of the railroads. He was appointed a trustee of the East Tennessee University in 1854 and was a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1870. During the Confederate occupation at the outbreak of the Civil War, Mabry personally offered to equip and clothe many Confederate soldiers from his depot of clothing and tents. With the Federal occupation in late 1863, he declared his loyalty to the Union. His mansion on Mabry Hill off Dandridge Pike in East Knoxville was used as a headquarters for each side during their respective occupations. Mabry’s Knoxville and Kentucky Railroad went into receivership in 1871 and was sold. Other financial difficulty caused him to reduce his extensive land holdings and
The Melrose mansion. Formerly owned by Judge Oliver P. Temple, Melrose was among the city’s most elegant mansions, surrounded by flower and vegetable gardens and rare shrubs and trees. Photos courtesy C.M. McClung Historical Collection sell many of his fine horses. O’Conner and Mabry, as well as many other prominent businesspeople of the time, were engaged in high stakes gambling, including betting at the horse races at the Old Fairgrounds in South Knoxville. There were rumors that Mabry’s second mansion at Cold Spring Farm (later called Mount Rest Home), which he had sold to O’Conner in 1880, had been won back in a card game by his son, Will, but that O’Conner reneged on the bet. Will was shot and killed in a fight on Dec. 24, 1881. The grief-stricken father somehow concluded that O’Conner had arranged for Will to be murdered. On Oct. 17, 1882, a visibly intoxicated Mabry confronted O’Conner at the Fair Grounds in South Knoxville; but O’Conner backed off, saying it was neither the time nor the place to settle their dispute. That evening, Mabry sent O’Conner a message stating that he would “kill him on sight.” On the morning of Oct. 19, 1882, O’Conner stepped outside the Mechanics’ Bank and spotted Mabry walking
down Gay Street. O’Conner quickly grabbed a doublebarreled shotgun and emptied both barrels into Mabry, killing him instantly. Hearing the commotion, Joseph Mabry III hurried toward the bank and, upon seeing his father’s body, drew a pistol and shot O’Conner. As O’Conner fell mortally wounded, he managed to reach inside the bank for another shotgun and fire one final shot, killing the younger Mabry. Seven bystanders were wounded by stray shot from O’Conner’s gun. Three men lay dead: O’Conner, who was in his prime at only 46 years of age; Mabry, who was only 10 years older; and Mabry’s son, a promising young attorney. The contributions they might have made to the community and to the state were lost in less than two minutes. Author’s Note: Next month’s article will describe the tragic carriage accident at the gates of the Melrose Estate that claimed the life of two prominent bankers while Thomas O’Conner’s widow, Fannie R. O’Conner, and the spouse of one of the bankers survived.
Winter 2012 Classes, Workshops and Events Farragut Intermediate School Art Show When: Monday, Feb. 6 – Friday, Feb. 17 during regular Town Hall hours, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Reception: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 5 – 6 p.m. Creating a Green Household When: Monday, Feb. 6: 7 p.m. What: Learn ways to reduce the amount of chemicals in your home, creating a healthier environment for your family. Cost: Free Registration deadline: Friday, Feb. 3 Jewelry Making: Feather Earrings When: Thursday, Feb. 9: 6 – 8 p.m. What: Use basic jewelry making techniques to create a pair of beaded feather earrings. Cost: $15 Registration and payment deadline: Friday, Feb. 3 Let’s Get Ready for Spring When: Thursday, Feb. 9: 6:30 p.m. What: Channel “cabin fever” into productivity by learning how to get your garden ready for spring! This class is sponsored by the Farragut Beautification Committee! Cost: Free Registration deadline: Monday, Feb. 6 Black History Month Event: “Building the Future with Respect to the Past” When: Sunday, Feb. 26. Reception: 2 p.m. Presentation: 3 p.m. What: This Farragut Folklife Museum presentation will include a DVD on historical Knoxville College by local historian Robert Booker, as well as speakers Dr. Horace A. Judson, president of Knoxville College, and Tearsa Smith, reporter for WATE Channel 6. Event is free; light refreshments will be served.
Join Gary Loe Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. on MyVLT for the LoeDown on the Big Orange TipOff Club, in support of Vols & Lady Vols Basketball.
Farragut Primary School Art Show When: Thursday, March 1 – Friday, March 9 during regular Town Hall hours, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Reception: Tuesday, March 6, 5 – 6 p.m. Farragut Folklife Museum Civil War Lecture When: Thursday, March 1. Reception: 6 p.m. Presentation: 6:30 p.m. What: Dot Kelly, active member of the Knoxville Civil War Roundtable and Tennessee Civil War Preservation Association, will discuss Confederate General Longstreet’s East Tennessee campaign in the fall of 1863. “ART” Senior Adult Art Show When: Monday, March 12 – Friday, March 23 during regular Town Hall hours, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Reception: Sunday, March 25, 2 – 3 p.m. What: The community is invited to view this senior adult show hosted by the Young at HeART art group from Marietta Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Ad space donated by
All winter classes, workshops and events will be held at the Farragut Town Hall community or assembly room, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, unless otherwise stated. Hurry - classes fill up fast!!!! Call 966-7057 to register (if required). Payment must be received within 5 business days of date of registration, but no later than the registration deadline. No refunds are given after the registration and payment deadline. The Town of Farragut is not responsible for costs associated with the purchase of supplies when a class is canceled.
comic strip in my stacks ready for recycling and cannot find it again. (If anyone out there can find it for me, please let me know!) I think it was “Crankshaft,” of all strips, and a character in the strip had used the word “nonchalant.” I knew that “nonchalant” meant casually unconcerned, offhand, cool. No problem with that one;
Webster’s also points out that the French “chalant” is related to the Latin “calere”: to be warm. As in the opposite of cool. The opposite of nonchalance, then, is warmth, compassion, concern and caring. In a word, to be chalant. Remember the rule: the way to make a new word your own is to use it in a sentence, so: God is chalant – warm, compassionate, concerned and caring. Besides having a beautiful meaning, this fabulous word also has a graceful, elegant French sound. It is a lovely word, entirely worth collecting. I am happy to have added it to my collection. It may not be used frequently (it might sound pretentious), but it is mine, to use or keep or share. And it will remind me that Crankshaft (or whoever it was!) was right. We all need to be as chalant as possible, because this old world can certainly use all the chalance it can find!
pilot was safely extracted from the heavily fortified Mughia Pass. On another mission to rescue an F-100 pilot downed near Tche Pone, Laos, a particularly fierce battle developed. For his role in the rescue of this pilot, Ray received the Distinguished Flying Cross, the eighth highest Air Force Medal. For his other missions, he was awarded eight air medals, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm, the Presidential Unit Citation and the Humanitarian Award. For his work as a staff officer he received two Meritorius Service Medals, and three Commendation Medals. One of his Commendation Medals cited his role in the recovery and returning to the United States of more than 900 victims of the bizarre 1978 James Jones massacre in Jonestown, Guiana.
Memorial contributions may be given to the National Parkinson Foundation Inc., 1501 NW 9th Ave., Bob Hope Road, Miami, FL 33136. Lt. Col. Ray’s guest book is available at www. West Side obituaries also included: V e r d o n “J o h n n y ” Johnson, 90, of Los Angeles, who passed away Jan. 4, at the Baptist Health Care Center in Lenoir City. Johnny joined the Army in 1940 and served five years during World War II. He was a supervisor for Zellerbach Paper Company in Los Angeles until his retirement in 1982. Locally, he is survived by son and daughter-in-law Eric and Lisa Johnson. Click Funeral Home Farragut Chapel served the family. Barbara T ut terow Riggs, 78, passed away Jan. 5 at her home. She was a member of Broadway
Baptist Church and was retired from Knoxville City Schools. She was an active Bethany O’Donnell and Joanna Burke do a fundraiser, Republican. Locally, she is spreading public awareness of Knoxville’s Teen Chalsurvived by her daughter, lenge. The organization’s purpose is to help both adults Sande Riggs. Click Funeral and teens overcome addictions and abuse. Photo by T. Edwards of Home Middlebrook Chapel, served the family. Margaret Ann RosenRec programs baum Summitt, 71, of Lenoir City, passed away ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Jan. 10 at Parkwest MediRidge Hwy, will have a beginner yoga class Mondays from cal Center. A member of Bell Community 6-7 p.m. upstairs in the family Avenue Baptist Church, she life center. Cost is $10 per class was retired from Lenoir City Services or $40 for five classes. Bring Utilities Board. Locally, sur- ■ Concord United Metha mat, towel and water. Info: odist Church’s Caregiver vivors include daughter and Dena Bower, 567-7615 or email Support Group, affi liated son-in-law, Vicki and Jeffrey with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Klatt; stepgranddaughter, Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. Jesse Klatt; sister, Barbara each first Tuesday in Room Youth Taylor; and brother, James 226 at the church, 11020 R. “Dick” Rosenbaum. Click ■ First Lutheran School, 1207 Roane Drive. The group will North Broadway will hold an Funeral Home Farragut not meet in January. The open house 6:30 to 8 p.m. Chapel served the family.
Let’s all be ‘chalant’ But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. (Psalm 86:15 NRSV) I collect words like some people collect good jokes. Find a new one (new to me, at least), and I am fascinated with its sounds, its etymology (as my Greek etymology professor at UT explained the definition of etymology, “all that nonsense in brackets in the dictionary”), its meaning, its pronunciation, its possible uses and its taste in my mouth. You never know where a new word will crop up, or when a familiar word will pique your curiosity. In this case, just the other day, it was in the comic section of the daily paper. I have searched for that
CONDOLENCES Death comes to Air Force hero Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Edward L. Ray Jr., 74, passed away Jan. 4. He had no surviving family. A graduate of Fulton High School and the UT Air Force ROTC program, he was a highly decorated veteran of the Vietnam War, flying 96 combat missions and logging 696 combat flying hours as a member of the Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service. Over the course of the war this service successfully rescued 2,511 downed aircrew members and 1,372 other personnel. Lt. Col. Ray participated in the longest rescue effort of the war, a battle that continued for three days before a downed F-4
it is fairly common. But in the last frame of the strip, one character pointed out that one should be as chalant as possible. Curiosity bells went off in my head immediately. “Non” clearly means not, as in “nonjudgmental.” So, if “nonchalant” means unconcerned, what exactly does “chalant” mean? And is it a word at all? Or was it just a comic strip joke? I thank God for Noah Webster and his ilk. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (the handiest one at the moment) says that “nonchalant” is from the Old French “non” (not) and “chaloir” (to concern), and is defined as “having an air of easy unconcern or indifference.” Well, there you are, then. “Not concerned.” So, the last frame of the Sunday comic strip must have been a sincere call for caring, for compassion: “We all need to be as chalant as possible.”
Cross Currents
Lynn Hutton
Teen Challenge
Count on us. 10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 • 218-WEST
next meeting will be Feb. 7 when guest speaker will be Connie Taylor, Elder Care Coordinator for Elder Law of East Tennessee. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments. Info: 675-2835.
Thursday, Feb. 2 for parents of children in grades pre-k through 8th. A special kindergarten roundup session will be held 7 to 7:30 p.m. The school features small classes and before and after school care programs. Tuition assistance is also available. Info: 524-0308.
FCUMC to host ‘Becoming a Love and Logic Parent’ Fountain City United Methodist Church will host “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent,” a program open to all parents, grandparents, teachers or guardians that will make parenting less stressful, more successful and really fun! Elizabeth Kose, certified “Love and Logic
COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ The West Knox Toastmaster Club meets 6:30 p.m. each Thursday at Middlebrook Pike UMC, 7324 Middlebrook Pike. Now accepting new members. Info: Ken Roberts, 680-3443. ■ The Scottish Society of Knoxville will celebrate the
Independent Facilitator,” will discuss the basic principles and philosophies behind becoming a Love and Logic parent. A four-week Sunday evening series, beginning Jan. 29, will be offered on the Love and Logic philosophy, techniques and strategies. Sessions will run from
4-6 p.m. in Wesley Hall at FCUMC. The course fee is $60 per couple and $45 per person. Reservations are requested but not required. To register or for more info: Elizabeth Kose, 809-9075 or
253rd birthday of Scottish poet and lyricist Robert Burns on Saturday, Jan. 21, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Entertainment will include bagpipes and local Celtic group Red Haired Mary. Bill Landry will serve as master of ceremony. Tickets are $42 ($40 members). Payment must be received by Wednesday, Jan. 18. Make checks payable to Scottish Society of Knoxville and mail them to
P.O. Box 50411, Knoxville, TN 37950. Info: Brenda, 691-3892 or Ron, 947-3394. ■ Best selling author Cyn Mobley will teach a workshop on writing query letters 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Jan. 28, at the Redeemer Church of Knoxville, 1642 Highland Ave. Cost is $75. Class size is limited. Sponsored by the Knoxville Writers Guild. Info: www.
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Teen beats her goal to be tops in Tennessee By Suzanne Foree Neal
Spelling bee at A.L. Lotts A.L. Lotts 4th grader Nithya Chilukuri (standing) waits anxiously to hear if she spelled “sequel” correctly as 3rd graders Ainsley Foster and Ryan Jin await their turn during last week’s spelling bee. Fifth grade student Juliana Miller was the winner. Photo by S. Barrett
It’s what we do. 10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 • 218-WEST
Setting a goal and achieving it is a good thing. Getting money for it is even better. Farragut High School senior Jennifer Liu, 17, set out to score a “5” on five Advanced Placement tests she took during her junior year. She did that and bested her goal by one, winning her the title of top female scorer in Tennessee for math and science exams. Her hard work paid off with a $2,000 scholarship and the Seimens Award. Her winning ways in those subjects runs in her veins. Jennifer’s grandparents were chemists, as is her father, and she hopes to major in bio-chemistry or chemical engineering to continue the “family business.” Her parents are Zheng and Junlichen Liu. The family left China, first for Paris, France, then to this country, arriving when Jennifer was 6. She has a brother, Daniel, who is a student at Farragut Intermediate School. “Math and science are deeper than a formula,” she says. “You have to think
Jennifer Liu, a Farragut High School senior, is the top female scorer in Tennessee on Advanced Placement tests administered by the College Board in math and science. She has won a $2,000 scholarship and the Seimens Award. Photo by S.F. Neal
about what you’re doing. You can come up with new ideas. Math and science open a lot of different doors.” Math can be a challenge and as she sees it, “either you get it or you’re don’t; you’re good at it or you’re not.” For her, math was hard at first, but she stuck with it. She favors science because there are so many fields to explore from physiology to anatomy
to bio-chemistry and physics. She says there’s much to like about the sciences. “Everything we do comes from a chemical reaction in our bodies or our environment,” she says. “With chemistry, there are so many different applications.” Jennifer says she doesn’t really think she deserves the award because she’s sure there are a lot of people smarter than she is. “I did it through a lot of hard work and got it not because I’m smart, but because I’m a hard worker. It’s not always about being smart; it’s how you manage your resources.” When she’s not hitting the books, her favorite thing to do is sleep. While she was studying hard her junior year to earn all those 5’s on the AP exams, she says she got about four to five hours of sleep a night. During free time when she’s awake, you can find Jennifer on the computer or in the kitchen. “I love to cook,” she beams. “Even after studying until 3 a.m., I’ll go into the kitchen and cook
a snack. It also involves chemistry when you cook!” Her favorite dish is tiramisu or bi bim bap, a Korean dish of rice and sauteed vegetables topped with an egg cooked sunny-side up. She’s not afraid to try new recipes and knows learning her way around the kitchen means she won’t be a starving college student. “I’m a good chef, but not as great as my mom,” she confesses. “She makes really good Italian food even though we’re Chinese.” Jennifer keeps busy at Farragut High with several organizations including Health Occupations Student Association, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta math honorary, and Science Club. Last summer she started a camp for children to promote cultural diversity in the community. Hand in Hand met at the Farragut branch library. She’s thinking about doing it again this summer if she doesn’t visit relatives in the small industrial town of Zhengzhou in the Henan province of China.
Back to kindergarten
SCHOOL NOTES ■ Greenway School at 544 Canton Hollow Rd. will have an open house 2-4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 22. Enrollment is now open for grades 6-8. Info:
6 weeks 10 pounds 10% off
By Sara Barrett We see school buildings every time we drive past, often without knowing what is happening inside. Last week at A.L. Lotts Elementary, I met Steve Kirkham, who inspired me with the first words he spoke. He told the secretary he was there about reading in one of the classes, and I thought it might make a good picture to show him reading to the kids. What I got was even better. “No, they read to me,” he said proudly, as I trailed him out into the hallway. As we walked toward Mary Kate Helton’s kindergarten room, I learned Kirkham is recently retired from the Hassinger Corporation, and he spends time every week with the kids at A.L. Lotts. Each student gets oneon-one time with Kirkham to read their favorite books. Since his own grandchildren live in Washington state, this quality time
Retiree Steve Kirkham visits A.L. Lotts Elementary School weekly so students can read to him for practice. Kindergarten student Jacob Beets from Mary Kate Helton’s class works on pronunciation as Kirkham lends a hand. Photo by S. Barrett fills a void in his life while also enriching the students’ school days and giving them a change of pace with a friendly face. We walked into the classroom, and the students erupted, jumping up to greet “Mr. Steve” with smiles and hugs. Helton picked the first stu-
SPORTS NOTES ■ The West High School Rebels baseball team is taking orders for 4’x8’ digital color vinyl signs to hang on the fence of the baseball field for the 2012 season. The cost is $200 which will go toward maintenance and upkeep of the field. Each consecutive year a sign is purchased, the price is $125. To show their appreciation for your purchase, the players and coaches of the team will give you a pair of home game season tickets. Info: Email Jim Goble at
dent to read with Kirkham, and as Jacob Beets ran up to meet his reading buddy, he stopped only long enough to grab Kirkham’s hand to pull him toward the reading area. “This week, I brought stickers,” said Kirkham, as the children responded with lots of “aaahs.” or Kay McIntire at Payments are tax deductible. ■ Rec Baseball Signups: Halls Community Park spring rec league baseball, 4U-14U signup times are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. each Saturday in January; Saturday, Feb. 4 and Saturday, Feb. 11. Info: Visit ■ Ski and Snowboarding Clinic , 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and 5 p.m. on Fridays through Jan. 24 at Performance Training Inc. at Fort Sanders Health and Fitness Center. All ages are welcome. Info: 531-5453.
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Awards and inspiration at Farragut Intermediate By Sara Barrett The students at Farragut Intermediate School were in for a real treat last week as they filled the school gym for an awards assembly. Not only were some students honored with awards for the first and second nine weeks of the school year, but everyone heard the Rev. Harold Middlebrook, pastor at Canaan Baptist Church of Christ here in town and friend of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middlebrook walked through the crowd of children sitting on the floor of the gym, looking into the eyes of the students as he told them of his childhood growing up poor in Memphis and working his way out. He could remember hearing his grandmother say “Your feet might be in the mud, but your head ought to be in the stars.” “We were so poor, we were ‘po.’ We couldn’t even afford the ‘or’ at the end of the word,” he said. Middlebrook told of his education at Morehouse College, his experience with equal rights and sit-ins, and what he learned from his time with Dr. King. He told the kids to stay true to themselves and keep their eyes on the prize.
Third grade student Rachel Farhat was among those honored last week at Farragut Intermediate School’s awards assembly. She received the Admiral Spirit award. Photos by S. Barrett “If you miss the sun on your way up, grab a star,” he said. “’Cause it will still be higher than you were.” Good Citizen awards were given to students who had done something noteworthy for their classmates or teacher. The Admiral Spirit award was given to those students who, according to FIS principal Kay Wellons, “show the initiative and determination that Adm. Da-
The Rev. Harold Middlebrook talks to the students at Farragut Intermediate School about reaching their potential and keeping their eyes on the prize. vid Farragut showed.” More than 180 students were honored with awards, but
everyone left the program with the gift of the Rev. Middlebrook’s words.
Dooley deals with dilemma How do you explain the amazing turn of events? Was it just a matter of money? In the beginning, when the new head coach had a six-year contract and a generous budget, it was easy to hire assistants. All he had to do was pick and choose and pay too much. An ugly ending to two losing seasons, coupled with the hint of regression, created unrest and altered the scene. The result was a surprising number of staff vacancies – and what seemed to be a problem finding replacements. What if ambitious aides on the way up looked over the “opportunity” and weighed the risks? They might wonder if football time in Tennessee had become precarious. Big names parked in rocking chairs and established assistants with good positions were greedy. They wanted more than they could possibly be worth. Security. Parachutes. Pensions.
and brings us back to the cure for nervous indigestion. Even under adverse conditions, it is possible that Dooley has assembled This dilemma was different. Dooley, whether he a better staff than he had knows it or not, is under in the beginning. Almost certainly, there duress. His Volunteers Marvin need to get better in a hur- will be some improvement on West ry, starting with national the field. The running game signing day, continuing through winter workouts, surging during spring That combination ap- practice and peaking in peared to change the September. There is little or no margin for error. search from who do you If you think I am kidding want to who can you get. or overstating the crisis, you A few weeks ago, early are not hearing the same critin the patch-and-repair ics who are threatening reprocess, Derek Dooley said bellion. If season ticket sales hundreds of people want decline and donations diminto coach at Tennessee. Or ish, rock-solid steady Dave maybe it was thousands. He Hart might get nervous. could be correct. He certainIndeed, there is a mortly found some who would gage to pay and a budget to accept orange dollars. balance. Generally speaking, hirHart understands that ing assistants is very im- Dooley, in the beginning, venportant but not absolutely tured into difficult circumcritical. If a new guy doesn’t stances. That was then. This fit (think Chuck Smith), just is now. It might be unfair to make a change. OK, so it demand a certain number of hurts feelings but this is big 2012 victories to extend this business. The revolving door rehabilitation project but it is shakes up recruiting connec- not unreasonable to expect tions but that soon settles if improvement. That completes the circle you send in a better man.
New Farragut readers New to the area, Sheryl Houston brings her twin daughters, Camden and Shelby, to the Farragut Library to get a library card. Photo by T. Edwards of just can’t be as bad as it was. In fact, there are talented juniors and sophomores at several positions who could become all-conference players. Dooley and others have supposedly recruited well, very well, but not as well as key opponents. That partially explains why Tennes-
see is not gaining ground on the big boys. The next option is development – where coaching by assistants suddenly becomes very important. There is now reason for optimism. As developments go, that is amazing. Marvin West invites reader response. His address is
We’re looking for love! Angelique, a twoyear-old Golden has certainly calmed down, is very loving and seeks attention. She would enjoy being the only pet and would be a great walking or hiking companion.
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We are always looking for volunteers to help with transporting, socializing the dogs and foster parents to help us evaluate.
Do you hear the whole picture? By Sandra Clark Gary Weaver has serious plans for 2012. “We’re taking customer service to the next level,” he said. “Just getting a hearing aid is not the end of the story. “What happens when our patient goes home? “Can she hear the smoke detector at night? Can he hear his turn signal while driving? Can she hear the phone ring? The dog bark? The door bell? “Life involves all sorts of different doors. If you hear something growling behind a door, don’t open it.” Yes, Gary Weaver talks like this. He’s totally committed to caring for his
patients with both good quality equipment and takehome service. He determines his patient’s lifestyle and recommends appropriate technology to ensure safety for the hearing impaired even when sleeping. ConnectLine is a range of new devices that link wirelessly to hearing aids, connecting the patients to their cell or landline phone, to music, the computer or the television. “With ConnectLine, your hearing instruments become a personal wireless headset,” said Gary. He won’t just send the device home with a patient who has no clue how to use it. He
will program it and demonstrate it until the patient is comfortable with it. The ConnectLine microphone can be worn by the person you’re listening to. Clip it on the lapel of your Sunday School teacher or offer it as a necklace to your dinner companion. The microphone transmits their voices wirelessly to your hearing instrument over a distance of up to 30 feet. It also filters out background noise, such as in a restaurant. Because the sound is transmitted directly to your ear, the speaker’s voice is not amplified to create disturbance for others in the room.
Belinda and Gary Weaver. The television or phone adaptor streams clear sound to the patient’s hearing instrument without the echo or lip synch problems of standard Bluetooth, Gary said. The adaptors have a range up to 30 feet. You can listen to programs at the patient’s preferred volume while the family listens at theirs. Freedom Alert is an exclusive new product with a programmable 2-way voice emergency pendant
and no monthly fees. Gary can program in numbers for four emergency contacts: family, friend, neighbor, nurse or E-911. The pendant, worn around the neck, has a range that includes both house and yard. Also included is an emergency wall unit for bedroom or bath which is water resistant and can be mounted near the floor for easy access in case of a fall. Gary demonstrates this
equipment to potential patients or their caregivers. It’s magic! “I may go out and do inhome evaluations if requested,” he said, telling of one patient who came in several times to say his hearing aid wasn’t working when he watched TV. Turns out his television wasn’t working properly for sound. “We want to be consultants who are concerned about what’s going on when you’re not wearing your hearing aids. Our point of focus this year is to help patients live life to the fullest, 24 hours a day. To help them hear the whole picture.”
Weaver Hearing Aid Center
9648 Kingston Pike, Suite 2 (Franklin Square) 357-2650
News from Knoxville Community Development Corporation (KCDC)
Cub Scouts give back to community By Alvin Nance
Sherry honored by NNSA Ted Sherry talks with Don Cook, the National Nuclear Security Administration’s deputy administrator for defense programs, before Sherry’s retirement ceremony at Y-12’s New Hope Center. Sherry has served as NNSA’s Y-12 site manager since 2006. Cook presented Sherry with the Department of Energy’s Distinguished Career Service Award; the Defense Programs Award of Excellence; and the NNSA Gold Medal, the highest award given out by the NNSA. Photo submitted
The Boy Scouts’ website states: “Being a Cub Scout means you are a member of a worldwide youth moveNance ment that stands for certain values and beliefs. Cub Scouting is more than something to do. It’s all about the boy you are and the person you will become.” As chair of the Chehote District of the Boy Scouts of America, Great Smoky Mountain Council, I am honored to be involved in work that is helping build
future leaders. A recent service project is a good example of the value of scouting. About a dozen Cub Scouts who live in our Walter P. Taylor neighborhood recently gave up their Saturday morning to give back to our community in a meaningful and lasting way. The Scouts, who were 1st through 5th graders, planted about 30 dogwood trees at The Residences at Eastport, KCDC’s new housing complex for seniors. The trees were donated by the Dogwood Arts Festival, and KCDC was also happy to support the effort. In addition to providing breakfast, KCDC Residences at East-
port property manager Kim Clark instructed the Scouts on how to properly plant trees and helped get them started. Once the trees were planted, Clark took everyone on a tour through the newly opened senior complex. According to Jervece Steele and Vivian Williams, who headed up the project, the Scouts were excited to have the opportunity to give back to the community and really enjoyed their day. Planting trees isn’t easy work, and I admire these Scouts for taking on the task. I applaud the efforts of all involved and look forward to admiring the dogwood blooms each spring for years to come.
Mize gets the ‘Daisy’ An extraordinary nurse has been honored as Physicians Regional Medical Center’s recipient of the Daisy Award For Extraordinary Nurses. Tennova Healthcare presents the monthly award in collaboration with The American Organization of Nurse Executives and the Daisy Foundation. Phyllis Mize, RN, got the December honor. She will celebrate her 40th year in the nursing profession in May. She works on 2 Central, the CardiovascuMize lar Interventional Unit, at Physicians and has been recognized repeatedly by her patients and their families for going above and beyond. Trish McDaniel, chief nursing officer for Physicians, said, “Nurses are heroes every day, and it’s important that our nurses know their work and efforts are highly valued and appreciated. The Daisy Foundation provides one way for us to do that.”
Tennova ‘Goes Red’ for women Konnie Anderson (center) holds a pair of jeans she wore before losing 140 pounds in two and a half years. Anderson is a charter member of Tennova Health and Fitness. With her are Tennova Health and Fitness member Vickie Pettit and Nicole Lipsey of the American Heart Association. The occasion was a Jan. 10 kick-off to Tennova’s second year of partnership with the American Heart Association and Tennova’s sponsorship of the “Go Red for Women” campaign. Photo by S. Carey
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CAK launches food services program By Aaron Killian
omething delicious is cooking at the Christian Academy of Knoxville. When CAK high school students returned from Christmas break on Jan. 9, a newly remodeled kitchen and new food services program by Sage Dining wowed them at lunchtime. Sage Dining District Manager Stephen Alyea is excited about the opportunity to coordinate the new food services program for CAK. “We have a chance to start a school lunch program in Knoxville,” Alyea said. “We took a completely empty room with all new equipment and put up an unlimited seconds program where students can come up and help themselves to salad bars, deli bars. Our salad bar features improvisations, which features vegan salads, whole grain salads and salads you build to order. “The reason we’re so excited is this is a new concept in this area, and the students this first week have given us a lot of positive feedback on the program.” The food services program is part of a new academy-wide initiative to offer CAK students a daily hot entrée with fresh vegetables, a soup of the day, deli bar, deluxe salad bar, seasonal fresh fruit and more. Rolling out in phases, the lunch program began in the high school first and will be
CAK Physics teacher Mark Reeves picks up his plate of chipotle chicken with sweet potato quesadilla, asparagus spears, squash and zucchini.
Lunch options are plentiful at CAK High School since Sage Dining launched the new food services program on Jan. 9. Photos by Aaron Killian available to CAK middle and elementary school students by the end of February once construction of the cafeteria is completed. Alyea is proud of the food options his company offers the students at CAK. “Before, a student would purchase a pizza brought in from the outside or a sand-
wich. They would get a beverage and maybe a dessert . . . and that was their lunch,” Alyea said. But Sage Dining is changing all of that for the high school by giving the students more and diverse choices. “Tuesday they had steak fajitas, shrimp tacos and taco salads,” Alyea said. “We
always have fresh vegetables every day and house-made hummus. Most of our meats we cook in-house. Every day we serve roasted chicken for sandwiches, roasted turkey in-house, roasted beef inhouse. Our soups are always made from scratch.” Alyea added that there is an education component to the food services program called Educational Seasonings that offers the students plenty of food for thought with their lunch. “Every month we’ll do something different like ‘South African Cuisine’ or ‘Whole Grains of the World,’ and students will have a day where they can explore these foods,” Alyea said. “We’ll have ‘Thanksgiving of the Wild West’ with what they’ll typically eat. In the past we’ve done ‘Thanksgiving of the Civil War’ with what the North and South would eat.” Alyea has heard positive buzz from the students since they began the food services program. “We’re getting tons of compliments via Facebook,” Alyea said. “I even heard that one daughter texted her mom saying, ‘Shrimp tacos are the bomb.’” For anyone visiting CAK’s high school cafeteria, Alyea has one piece of advice: “Try the chicken soup. That’s one soup they want every day. We offer two soups a day, but the chicken soup? They’re going nuts over it.”
Upcoming events CAK invites the public to several special events. Middle and high school open house happens on Tuesday, Jan. 24. Parents interested in learning more about the middle school may visit 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Parents wanting to find out about the high school may visit 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Elementary school open house is 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31. RSVP’s are appreciated but not required. CAK is hosting a talent show at 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28. All students are invited to participate, and applications to perform are available at the front desk of each school. Also, CAK is seeking submissions for its upcoming art show. CAK high school students and CAK-affiliated community members (parents, staff, grandparents, aunts, uncles, alumni, etc.) may turn in submissions. The art show will be held in the high school commons 1-7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25. Info:
Librarian brings books to life By Aaron Killian CAK Elementary School’s new librarian Lisa Acuff just wants to bring the books to life for her kids. Acuff joined the staff of CAK in the fall, and she has jumped into her role with both feet. As soon as she was hired, she began working to make the library more welcoming for her students. “One of the things that has been very important to me is the environment of the library, and it’s very important to me for it to be a comforting place and a calming place,” Acuff said. “Some of the ways I’ve made it more conducive for that is having everything set up so that there is a way to do everything, and that enables me to be more imaginative with the children.” Acuff teaches library once a week to every class from CAK’s preschool to 5th grade. “I’m a teacher as much as I am a librarian,” Acuff
said. “So I do lesson planning like a teacher, and I run the library full-time, so it’s really a diverse job.” Acuff likes to infuse technology into her lessons. She uses book trailers, which are like movie trailers for books, and author websites, and she even wants to use technology to allow her students to interview authors via the web. Acuff said, “I have a vision to Skype with authors, and I’m working on that and hope to see that vision come forth.” Acuff also uses music and theatre to connect literature with her kids. “I’ll make up songs for the little kids,” Acuff said. “We have an author song and an illustrator song, and I’ll show them a picture of the author and the illustrator when I read them a book just to make it more real and alive.” Acuff added that even though she uses technology and the arts to make reading
CAK elementary school librarian Lisa Acuff makes reading fun for a class of preschoolers. Photo by Aaron Killian
Librarian Lisa Acuff has five simple rules for her students. more interesting, she never wants to overshadow the literature. “I want to make literature the foundation of everything I do – everything I teach, every activity,” Acuff said. “I pray that it’s something meaningful to the children.” Acuff came to CAK with
experience working for the Smithsonian and the National Geographic Society, and she has a master’s degree from UT. “I knew the library director from past work and was very interested in Christian education, and when I saw this position online, I started praying about it and went through the
application process,” Acuff said. Acuff said she could not do what she does alone, “I have a great team of librarians that I work with, and without their support these things would not be happening – the library director and the middle school librarian and parents. “These parents make a huge difference, and they give their time to help. They enable a lot of the dreams I have for this library to come true.”
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# 676 Food City Pharmacy
2946 Winfield Dunn Pkwy., Kodak, TN (865) 933-4676
507 S. Charles Sevier Blvd., Clinton, TN (865) 457-5259
1950 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 525-6376
# 611 Food City Pharmacy
# 655 Food City Pharmacy
# 677 Food City Pharmacy
1219 E. Pkwy., Hwy. 321, Gatlinburg, TN (865) 430-9844
7510 Asheville Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 933-4635
5078 Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 689-8955
# 616 Food City Pharmacy
# 661 Food City Pharmacy
# 678 Food City Pharmacy
11501 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 692-5183
2221 Jacksboro Pike, LaFollette, TN (423) 566-2033
5801 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 584-0115
# 632 Food City Pharmacy
# 667 Food City Pharmacy
# 679 Food City Pharmacy
2799 Hwy. 72 N., Loudon, TN (865) 458-5312
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3501 West Emory Road, Powell, TN (865) 938-2838
# 634 Food City Pharmacy
# 672 Food City Pharmacy
# 680 Food City Pharmacy
1130 S. Roane Street, Harriman, TN (865) 882-0117
9565 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 539-0580
4344 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN (865) 992-0534
# 642 Food City Pharmacy
# 673 Food City Pharmacy
# 681 Food City Pharmacy
508 E. Tri-County Blvd., Oliver Springs, TN (865) 435-1187
4216 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN (865) 686-1761
1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-2889
# 644 Food City Pharmacy
# 674 Food City Pharmacy
# 682 Food City Pharmacy
11503 Chapman Highway, Seymour, TN (865) 579-4728
5941 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 588-0972
7608 Mountain Grove Drive, Knoxville, TN (865) 573-5090
# 647 Food City Pharmacy
# 675 Food City Pharmacy
# 685 Food City Pharmacy
2135 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 981-4338
8905 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 694-1935
4805 N. Broadway, Fountain City, TN (865) 281-0286
# 650 Food City Pharmacy
# 687 Food City Pharmacy
300 Market Drive, Lenoir City, TN (865) 986-7032
2712 Loves Creek Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 633-5008
# 651 Food City Pharmacy
# 688 Food City Pharmacy
1610 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 380-0110
7202 Maynardville Hwy., Halls, TN (865) 922-9683
# 653 Food City Pharmacy
# 694 Food City Pharmacy
1000 Ladd Landing, Kingston, TN (865) 717-7085
284 Morrell Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 691-1153
Value… Service… Convenience
January 16, 2012
Margaret Stewart flips through her scrapbook filled with photos and clippings of her years with The Kingstonettes.
The Kingstonettes enjoy an evening at the famed Copacabana during their trip to New York City to record with Lionel Hampton. From left, are Polly Cole, an unidentified official of The Kingstonettes are, from left: Jean Moore, Polly Cole and the hotel who served as the group’s escort, Mrs. Floy Gair who Margaret Stewart. Accompanying the trio on the piano was wrote “Going Back to Ten Mile,” Margaret Stewart and Jean Moore. Mildred Fickey.
The reviews are in … CCU’s Stewart still a star The final curtain fell years ago, but the favorable reviews keep on coming for the lone surviving member of the 1960s female trio The Kingstonettes. “A blessing,” says one fan. “Uplifting,” says another. “A rare gift,” says yet another. But these praises are not for Margaret Stewart’s singing – they’re for her caring ways as a full-time staff member in the waiting area of the Critical Care Unit at Parkwest Medical Center. “I find that everybody who has a patient in Critical Care has a story, and it’s a story that they want to tell,” explains Stewart, now 84. “They need to talk, and I let them do that. I realize I tear up a lot when I’m talking with them or listening to their stories, but I love this work. And I truly believe that the Lord gives me strength to do it.” Still, she downplays her role, saying that she’s “just a glorified housekeeper” whose duties include “tidying up” the waiting area, keeping track of the comings and goings of family members who may need to be contacted at a moment’s notice and juggling requests for the CCU’s bank of much-prized recliners. It’s obvious, however, that Stewart is doing far more than that. Almost without fail, each month brings comment cards from families praising Stewart for her compassion, says Becky Boyd, Parkwest’s volunteer coordinator. “Margaret connects with families because she cares deeply for others,” says Boyd. “She is a blessing in the CCU waiting area, touching lives when someone most needs a helping hand.” It’s the kind of “connection” that Stewart has had with people throughout her life, whether staging The Margaret Stewart Talent Show for the Roane County unit of the American Cancer Society or recording “Going Back To Ten Mile” with jazz great Lionel Hampton in New York City. Those connections began early as she and her sisters, Mary, Ellen and Faye, performed as The Skidmore Sisters, traveling by pickup from Rockwood to Knoxville to sing on WNOX radio in the late 1930s. In 1955, she moved to Kingston, Tenn., where she became a founding member of the Kingstonettes,
an all-girl trio whose vocal stylings reached far beyond the walls of the Kingston First Baptist Church where it began. Performing pop, country, gospel and sacred music at churches, nursing homes and civic events, The Kingstonettes’ popularity began to take hold. By 1965, the three housewives were in New York City to sign a two-year recording contract with Glad-Hamp Co., a recording company owned by Hampton, who was among the hottest orchestra leaders in the world at the time. The Kingstonettes’ first single, released nationally in March 1966, was the bluesy “Going Back to Ten Mile.” The song was about the small community of Ten Mile, Tenn., on Watts Bar Lake, and was written by Mrs. Floy Gair of Kingston, who had arranged the trio’s meeting with Hampton which led to the contract. The trio debuted the song with Hampton’s orchestra at the Empire State Building where it was booked at the Mark Twain Club. That same night, Hampton was recognized as the top jazz musician of the year for the 10th straight year.
“She is a blessing in the CCU waiting area, touching lives when someone most needs a helping hand.” - Becky Boyd “We could’ve gone to Europe with Lionel Hampton, but I didn’t think I could get off work,” recalls Stewart who was employed at Union Carbide in Oak Ridge at the time. “When their office manager called me at work and said they wanted me to go for six weeks, I said, ‘There’s no way I can get off work that long.’ But you know, years later, it came back to me that all I had to do was ask.” It was also during this time that the trio appeared on the Jimmy Dean Show, the popular TV variety show hosted by Tennessee’s famous sausage-maker and country music star. A year later, they performed at a White House reception.
Even at 84, Margaret Stewart stays busy in Parkwest’s CCU waiting area. “You just have to understand what (the families are) going through,” she says. The Kingstonettes were flattered by the attention, but weren’t keen on taking their show on the road. Instead, they were quite content to sing closer to home – and further from the spotlight’s glare – at political rallies, fundraisers and conventions. “When you want to try to hit the big time, you’ve got to beat the bushes but I didn’t want any part of it,” says Stewart. “We could’ve gone on the road, but you know yourself how many thousands of people go on the road but never make the big time. I had one son and I didn’t want to spend the time I had with him out on the road. My son passed away five years ago. Can you imagine how I’d feel now knowing that I could’ve spent that time with him when he needed me?” So, the group happily carried on, singing together as time and
schedules allowed. They performed at Fairfield Glade Resort and even cut another record – “I Know My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me” – on their own in 1974. That same year she and her husband, Ray, attended a meeting of the American Cancer Society’s Roane County unit. “At that first meeting they were talking about how they needed to have a special event for a fundraiser,” Stewart said. “Of course, me being a singer, it was natural for me to say, ‘Why don’t we have a talent show?’ ” With that, the Roane County Talent Show for the American Cancer Society was born. Drawing upon local talent, the first show quickly sold out and was forced to move from the high school to Roane County Community College. “We only charged $1 a ticket be-
cause we were not trying to make money, it was just to bring attention to cancer, and we’d have people at the door telling about the warning signs of cancer,” she says. Less than a decade later, she herself was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and wasn’t expected to survive. But true to form, she beat the odds with a smile, telling a newspaper reporter that she now lives a “fuller” life because of the cancer she had fought so hard against. In 1984, the talent show was renamed in honor of its founder who had helped raise more than $100,000 for the American Cancer society. The Kingstonettes’ last public performance was in 2006, and Stewart is now the lone surviving member of the group. Occasionally, she’ll be recognized by a visitor to the CCU waiting area as the namesake of the talent show. Others have recognized her on public television’s re-runs of The Kingstonettes’ performance at the 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville. “Would you believe two weeks ago, someone came in here from Ten Mile and they remembered that song!?! They remembered their parents singing that song!” Stewart marvels. “Of course, we didn’t go far with it because we didn’t want to go into the big time.” Mostly, though, visitors to Parkwest’s CCU remember Stewart for the compassion she shows during their times of crisis or grief. “We had never been through anything like CCU and Margaret was so kind to us,” one visitor wrote on a Parkwest comment card. “She went out of her way to make us feel comfortable while we ‘lived’ in the waiting lounge. We looked forward to talking to Margaret and loved her caring ways, not only to us, but all she came in contact with.” “Thank you, Margaret, for being such an uplifting spirit to us through our hard time. You kept us sane,” wrote another. “The CCU can be hard on people,” Stewart says. “They’re out of it, maybe they haven’t slept for hours, maybe they’re upset or they’re just not thinking. But you just have to understand what they’re going through and try to make CCU a home away from home for them because, sometimes, it is.”
Parkwest Medical Center remains on the forefront of diagnosing and treating disease with the most advanced technology available…those who entrust their healthcare to us demand nothing less. But technology alone isn’t enough to bring healing and comfort to patients and families. True healthcare begins with something less expensive, non-invasive and pain free. It’s called listening.
At Parkwest…listening is state-of-the-art.
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News from the Turkey Creek Public Market
Carly Henson finds breathing 100 percent oxygen refreshing at the Oxygen Bar.
Photos by T.
Edwards of
Missy May of “Randall May Designs” carries rare genuine colored diamond engagement rings including yellow, red and blue. Their jewelry is “not so ordinary jewelry.”
This jewelry is part of the display at “Randall May Designs.”
Vicki Jones shows the Bosom Buddy bags which can be custom made with different ribbons and motifs. She is one of a very few suppliers of these bags in Tennessee.
Turkey Creek Public Market Erin Vaden serves a pulled pork with coleslaw sandwich at the Smokehouse BBQ and Chicken owned by Deane Hill’s Puleo’s Grill Catering. Puleo’s also has Pablos Mexican Grill and Angelina’s Pizza and Pasta at Public Market’s food court.
Stephen Johnson demonstrates the Total Body Vibe vibration massager. In the background is an Avon booth.
Diana Wall and Jean Cocherell shop with their Shih Tzus Lucas, Bella and Maggie.
Ni Li shows women’s clothes to Tanya Easterly at La Wish.
Bernie Cutlip and Kathie Sinclair shop for baby gifts at Victoria’s Baby Cakes. Their online store is at
Senior nutrition Caroline Combs-Young, community services director of Comfort Keepers, gave a presentation on senior nutrition at the Strang Senior Center on Jan. 9. Their “stop senior hunger campaign” can be found online at stop-senior-hunger.
Theresa Edwards
Malnutrition, she explained, is not necessarily the lack of food. It often results from the absence of nutrient-dense foods, medications that diminish appetite and interfere with absorption of nutrients, diminished sense of taste causing loss of appetite, restricted diets, limited income, reduced social contact, depression, and overuse of alcohol. Especially as a caregiver, Combs-Young suggested the “WATCH” system. Watch for physical problems such as bruising and weight gain or loss. Ask about eating habits, such as changing taste preferences. Talk to a doctor. Every person’s needs are different and caloric needs decrease with age. Check with a pharmacist. Some medications change appetite and some effect absorption of nutrients. Have your visits during mealtime to see if the person is eating enough and drinking enough water.
Caroline Combs-Young To overcome appetite loss, Combs-Young suggested using natural flavor enhancers such as garlic, onions, and spices, especially when on a bland diet. She also recommended nutrient-rich foods to eat – whole grain breads and cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables with a “rainbow of colors,” low-fat and nonfat dairy foods, lean protein foods including beans and nuts, and at least eight glasses of water per day. The key is the combination of complex carbohydrates and protein which will keep you full and control your blood sugar level. Planning is important. She suggested carrying snacks such as nuts and water when you go out. Another key is moderation. Combs-Young said, “No food is off limits, just some that we eat less often than others.” Additional helpful information can be found at the Healthy Living Expo at the Knoxville Convention Center. Admission is free to seniors from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20.
SENIOR NOTES For registration info about these and all other AARP driver safety classes, call Barbara Manis, 922-5648. ■ Noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 18-19, John T. O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St. ■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Jan. 19-20, Farragut town hall, 11408 Municipal Dr.
HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY If you had hip or knee replacement surgery between 2005 - present & suffered problems, you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727
SELL YOUR HOUSE IN 9 DAYS 865-365-8888
For Sale By Owner 40a NEWPORT. 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 story, approx 2 yrs old with 1568 +/- SF. 361 Woodson Dr. Asking $114,900 & owner will finance w/$5,750 dwn. Bill 877-488-5060, ext 323 Sale or Rent, Tellico Village, 2700 sf, 4 br, 3 1/2 ba w/bonus, 2 car gar, $260K. 4 1/2% assumable FHA loan. 865-388-5476 ***Web ID# 900489***
Farms & Land
FSBO. $129,900 2 yr old house & 44 acres located at 1245 Snake Hollow Road, Sneedville. House has 3 BR & 2 BA, total of 1,056 SF. Owner will finance with $7,000 down. Call Bill at 877-488-5060 ext 323.
Cemetery Lots
Knoxville’s Smoky Mountain Harmony Show Chorus, a member of Sweet Adelines International, invites women of all ages to enjoy an evening of free refreshments, a mini-concert, fun and socializing at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 23, at the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church (rear entrance), 6900 Nubbin Ridge Road. Sweet Adelines International is an organization of near-
15 Apts - Unfurnished 71 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Manf’d Homes - Rent 86 Business Equipment 133 Dogs
DAV Chapter 24 has FREE RENTAL OF POWER OR MANUAL WHEEL CHAIRS available for any area disabled veteran. Also looking for donations of used wheelchairs (power only). Call 7650510 for information.
Open call for ‘Connections’
The Fountain City Art Center is accepting submissions for its upcoming themed exhibit “Connections” to be on display Friday, Feb. 24, through Friday, March 23. The way the artists interpret the theme will be considered during the judging process. The entry fee for non-FCAC members is $20 per entry ($10 for members) with a limit of two entries per person. If your work is 36” x 36”, submit only one entry. Works that have been submitted previously for other exhibits may not be entered. Submissions will be accepted 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21, and judging will take place Wednesday, Feb. 22. An opening reception will be held for the exhibit 6:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24. Awards will be announced at 7 p.m. Prizes will include $125 for Best of Show, $100 for first place, $75 for second place, $50 for third place and $25 for honorable mention. Art Center hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. most Saturdays. The center is closed on Sundays and Mondays. Info: 357-2787, e-mail or come by the center at 213 Hotel Ave.
Harmony Show Chorus sets open house
AARP driver safety classes
Special Notices
The staff at Young-Williams introduces a sweet Silver Whiskers senior cat named A.J. This darling boy is between 7 and 10. His special Furry Friend has prepaid his adoption fee. A.J. is available for adoption at the main center at 3210 Division St. The “new” center at YoungWilliams Animal Village is at 6400 Kingston Pike. Both facilities are open daily from noon to 6 p.m. You can also visit to see photos of all of the center’s adoptables and call 215-6599 for more information about each pet.
HIGHLAND MEM. $2,100 ea; $7,800 for all 4. Mountain views. 865-386-1630 Highland Memorial, 8 lots together, Sec. 20, with monument rights, $10,000. 404-580-9975
Real Estate Wanted 50 WE BUY HOUSES, any reason, any condition. 865-548-8267
Real Estate Service 53 Prevent Foreclosure Free Report / Free Help 865-365-8888
141 Free Pets
Help someone brush a boar! Become a volunteer at the Knoxville Zoo. Photo courtesy of
Volunteer at the zoo
Last year my husband and I were walking through the zoo with our daughter when a woman greeted us on the walking trail with a beautiful little owl. When I told her I thought she was lucky for getting to work so closely with the animals, she smiled and said, “You can do the same thing. Become a volunteer.” Well, here’s our chance, folks. The Knoxville Zoo is holding its volunteer fair 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. this coming Saturday, Jan. 21. Anyone 13 or older can participate but there is limited space available and it’s a pretty competitive program. Volunteers fill a number of different roles at the zoo from assisting with classes and programs and educating the public to helping out with “Boo! at the Zoo.” Anyone interested in volunteering should attend the volunteer fair but it is not
STAFFMARK - KNOXVILLE MARKET 869764MASTER Ad Size 3 x 4 4c NW Class <ec>
Local manufacturers & Staffmark Self-motivated, loyal & passionate? Looking for a long-term career path?
If so, Staffmark is looking for you! Now offering increased rates of pay to qualified candidates for the following 2nd shift positions:
To apply, stop by our office: 9335 Kingston Pike, call 693-4047 or visit our website:
Critter Tales mandatory. Info: Visit www.
Eliza is back home During the first week of January I wrote about Eliza, a dog that had been adopted from the Humane Society in Knoxville 10 years ago and was lost last month while visiting friends here in town. A good Samaritan who wished to remain anonymous called me the week the story came out and said Eliza had been found sitting on someone’s front porch in the Rocky Hill area. She has been reunited with her family.
ly 25,000 women worldwide who sing four-part a cappella harmony, barbershop style. The local Show Chorus is comprised of women from all walks of life who perform regularly throughout the community, offering their talents for entertainment at civic events and charitable functions. Members share a love for music and the exhilaration of performing and the enjoyment of singing. Info: or 521-6975.
145 ATV’s
Like New brick townhouse, WEST, Log Cabin, 2BR, 2BA mobile TOTAL OFFICE SUP- CHIHUAHUA Puppies, 2 BR, 1 1/2 BA, Turkey 3BR, 2BA, sunroom, home in Strawberry PLY New/used office Male & Female, reg. Creek area. No pets. 751 Dixon Rd. $875. Plains, $425 per mo. furn: desks, chairs, file shots, wormed. $200 & ADOPT! Credit ck. $350 dep. $650 Call 865-966-3621. + DD. 865-254-2374. cabs, etc. 898-6678 up. Call 865-637-4277. Looking for a lost mo. 1 yr lease. 865-986-0905 ENGLISH Springer pet or a new one? ***Web ID# 920265*** pups, AKC 141 Spaniel Visit YoungCondo Rentals 76 Trucking Opportunities 106 Dogs reg. $500. 423-618-9033 SOUTH, 2 BR, 1 BA, Williams Animal or 423-834-0988. 1200SF, appls., priv. American Bulldog ***Web Center, the official ID# 919627*** $675/mo+dep, no pets/ IRRESISTIBLE 3 BR puppies, NKC, S&W, shelter for the City smoking. 865-577-6289 condo for rent, 2 1/2 paper trained, ready LAB PUPPIES, of Knoxville & Knox baths, near UT, $1000 - $1250 - $1500 1/17, $650. Chocolate, 1 M, 1 F, SIGN ON BONUSES! County: 3201 Di$900/mo. Mike 916taylorsabd 865-235-1193 6 wks. old, $150. HIRING!! 474-9218, 865-357-8281 vision St. Knoxville. ***Web ID# 917969*** 423-494-4481; 423-562-1525 The Road Drivers Apts - Furnished 72 ***Web ID# 918036*** Over ***Web ID# 917389*** Van, Flatbed, Refriger- AMERICAN Pit Bull ated Openings New 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, Terrier pups, ADBA LAB PUPS, yellow, WALBROOK STUDIOS N.E. Call Roehl at 2 car gar., frpl, lots reg., blue nosed, 3 M, AKC, all shots, 25 1-3 60 7 of upgrades, $950 mo. 1 F, POP, $300-$500. 1-888-867-6345 wormed, Ch. bldlns. $140 weekly. Discount 599-8174; 865-938-7200 865-816-2172; 660-8331. $500. 865-599-9703 AA/EOE avail. Util, TV, Ph, ***Web ID# 918399*** ***Web ID# 917813*** Stv, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lse. BOXER PUPPIES Maltese adorable puppies, Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 AKC Reg., S & W, 2 AKC reg, born 12/7, Farmer’s Market 150 F, 6 wks old, $285. 2M, 2F, parents on prem. $600. 423-598-3139 Duplexes 73 FSBO $25/SQ FT IN CDL CLASS A truck 865-765-2722. BLACK HEIFERS ***Web ID# 920613*** driver. Immed opening. CHIHUAHUA/Poodle WEST KNOX! 1792 sq & BULLS FT/PT. Call 9a-3p, M-F. ft, 2006 28x64, strg CEDAR BLUFF AREA mix puppy M, 7 wks MALTIPOOS, 7 wks., Call 865-856-3947 If you want to work, call bldg. Perfect cond, adorable, blk & wht 3BR town home, 2BA, frplc, paper trained, black me at 992-1849. nicest community in $250. 865-257-6002 & white, M $350; laundry rm, new carpet, 1 yr lease, Knox, 3 lakes, club- F $400. 423-442-9996 $770 mo. $250 dep. JD rolls, 4x5, $25. house, swimming, ***Web ID# 919941*** 865-216-5736 or 694-8414. Call 865-235-6119. bkgrnd check req'd. 8 wks, shots/wormed MIN. SCHNAUZER, $45,000. Call 865-362- General 109 865-932-2333. FARRAGUT/NEAR TURKEY 5583 for recording. female, 10 wks old, I'm Paying Top Dollar ***Web ID# 919374*** for Standing Timber, CREEK 2BR, 1BA, laundry rm, choc., full pedigree, hardwood & pine. 5 #1 BEAUTY CO. AVON family neighborhood, 1 yr lease, $450. 423-645-1895 acres or more. Call Reps Needed! Only ***Web ID# 919077*** $680 mo. $250 dam. dep. General 109 865-982-2606; 382-7529 2, 3 & 4 Bedrooms, Call $10 to start! Call Marie 865-216-5736 OR 694-8414 865-250-4205, for info. at 865-705-3949. ADBA registered, Building Materials 188 423-625-9192 Houses - Unfurnished 74 STEEL BUILDINGS 3 BR, 1 BA in Del Save THOUSANDS Many different Rio, TN, near N.C. on 2011 Closeouts!! breeds Maltese, border, beautiful Limited availability, Yorkies, Malti-Poos, country setting with 20x30, 30x40, others. Poodles, Yorki-Poos, Save $$$, buy now for creek. $550 mo, $550 Shih-Poos, shots & dep. 865-414-4366 spring. Discounted wormed. We do shipping. Display layaways. Health 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA home savings also! guar. Div. of Animal off John Sevier near Call 866-352-0469 Welfare State of TN UT/downtown, stove, Dept. of Health. frig., & W/D hookups. Lic # COB0000000015. $850/mo. + dep. No Buildings for Sale 191 423-566-0467 pets. Credit check. 865-385-2860 have partnered together to hire exceptional people! STEEL BUILDINGS SHELLIONS Save on 2011 close(Sheltie/Papillion), 4 BR, 3 BA, 2 car outs!! Ltd avail, 20x30, 7 wks, 1st shots, $350. gar., fenced yard, off 30x40, etc. Save $$$, 423-442-9996 Lovell Rd., Hardin buy now for spring. ***Web ID# 919945*** Valley/Farragut Schls Discounted shipping. Avail. Feb. 1. New SHIH TZUs, born 11/20, Display savings also! paint/carpet. $1300/mo no papers, beautiful 866-352-0469 markings, 1st S&W, $250 & $275. 865-556-5818 BEARDEN - WEST ***Web ID# 918201*** Household Furn. 204 Nice 1BR home, big yard, bus line, stove, SIBERIAN Husky AKC refrig., no pets, lease. Mattresses. Sealy, Pups, champ lines, $500. O/A. 588-7416. Stearns & Foster, shots, $500. 865Serta, Qn & King 995-1386 CLAXTON-Powell, 3BR $399-$599. 865-947-2337 ***Web ID# 918910*** 2 BA, spacious, Inspection convenient, 1st/L/DD STANDARD POODLE, No pets. 865-748-3644 Antiques 216 AKC, 8 months old, Machine Operating white Male, $150. FOR RENT 865-221-1378 RARE BOOKCASE, Expediting South Knoxville – 1876, historical info. Ford Valley Rd, 6 rms, YORKIE-POO stamped on back, Warehouse 1 bath, Cent. Ht/Air, PUPPIES, males black walnut & range, refrig. no pets, very small, 865-426pine, great cond. lease req., $590/mo. 8317 or 865-963-1965 Phone picts. avail. G.T. Ballenger, ***Web ID# 917850*** $800 obo. Complete Realtors, 865-688-3946 info. 865-604-7237 YORKIE TERRIER Pup, 8 wks, AKC, UPDATED 3 BR, 2 female, $500. Call BA, close to downCampers 235 865-291-8428. town, $850 mo. Pet OK. 865-850-4179 DUTCHMAN 26RLS, WEST, 3BR, 2BA, Classic 2003, 29', big freshly updated, slide, slps 6, like new, Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Come join a winning team! EOE $10,500. 606-269-2925 trash included. $850 mo. 865-740-9215. ***Web ID# 915829***
Chihuahua Puppies
Sara Barrett
238a Imports
262 Landscaping
JOHN DEERE Gator MERCEDES S-430 LANDSCAPING MGMT 4x2, great shape, 2000, 83K miles, Design, install, mulch, $4300. Gatlinburg white/gray, this car small tree/shrub work, 865-548-4565 is perfectweeding, bed renewal, body/mechanical/ debri clean-up. Free estimates, 25 yrs exp! Meticulous Mark Lusby 679-9848 Autos Wanted 253 electrical. Maintenance, $15,000. Price includes add'l Cash For Junk Cars, set of (4) 18" 339 Trucks, Vans. Fast chrome wheels with Lawn Care Free Pickup. 865-556new low-profile 8956; 865-363-0318 tires. 423-667-2900 ABC LAWN & ***Web ID# 919429*** I BUY junk cars. SEALCOATING 865.456.5249 or Comm/Res. Pine 865.938.6915 straw mulch, hedgeDomestic 265 trimming, tree/ stump removal, gutters IMAuto Accessories 254 CHEVROLET cleaned. 377-3819 PALA 2010, like new in/out, 59k mi, 4 17" like new $11,700. 337-288-5572 Michelin tires. Paving 345 225/60/17. $125 ea. CHEVY CAMARO Call 865-591-2630 coupe 1991, V8, 60K mi., good shape, $6,000. 865-691-3797 LINCOLN Town Car, 1999, silver, leather inter., 2nd owner, very good cond. Asking $2,950, KBB OLDS Silhouette 2003, = $3250, 865-308-3802 tan, leather, 101K mi, fully loaded, exc cond, ***Web ID# 917567*** $5900. 865-771-9837 ***Web ID# 919440*** Cleaning 318
CHRISTIAN CLEANING LADY SERVICE. Dependable, refs, Call CHEVY 2500 HD 2006, 705-5943. 4 WD, utility bed, 6L V8, towing/snow GET STARTED ON plow pkg., 8' bed, SPRING CLEANING! ladder rk, exc. run- Cleaning, window & carning 1 owner $15,000 pet clng. Homes & offices! Paul 865-405-5554 Lic'd ins'd & bonded. Est & refs avail. Call 363-8207 ^ Antiques Classics 260 or 809-8543. 15 Antique Cars from 1953 to 1970 6 are convertibles. 865-898-4200
Sport Utility
CHEVY TAHOE 1999, 4 dr, 4x4, all pwr, white w/gray lthr, 132K mi, $5,200. 865-384-5082
Roofing / Siding
I SAW IT in the
YOU BUY IT, we install Imports 262 it! Fencing & repair. We haul stuff too! Call 604-6911. BMW 2006 325CI, Cont., Blk/Wht, tan leather, 6 cyl, all pwr, 44k mi., 330 garage kept, great Flooring cond., good for summer fun. $17,500 firm. 865- CERAMIC TILE instal453-9939 or 865-654-9939 lation. Floors/ walls/ repairs. 32 yrs exp, ***Web ID# 920375*** exc work! John 9383328 HONDA ACCORD 2001 2 dr, lady owner / driven. 121k mi. Furniture Refinish. 331 $5250. 865-661-1865 HONDA ACCORD DENNY'S FURNITURE 2006, Champagne, REPAIR. Refinish, re39k mi, exc. cond. glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! $12,900. 865-922-9013 922-6529 or 466-4221 Toyota Camry 1994, exc. cond. Loaded. Guttering 333 Very econ. & reliable. $2995. 865-397-7918 HAROLD'S GUTTER VW PASSAT GLX SERVICE. Will clean 2003, auto, all pwr., front & back $20 & up. ^ Quality work, guaranlthr., sunrf., 64K mi., $7900. 865-693-1626. teed. Call 288-0556.
Juli Urevick
What is really making us fat! By Aaron Killian
Make a plan for healthy living success all year long We all know that the excitement to get back in shape can be short lived. People tend to fall off the fitness wagon after a few weeks when they don’t see immediate results. Seeing those results takes steady effort and time. In an attempt to stick to our resolutions this year, we must have the right attitude about fitness. Do you think of exercise as painful, time consuming, boring or punishment for bad eating? Changing your attitude about fitness may help you achieve better results in the long run. Think of exercise as: ■ A way to relieve stress from a hectic work/home schedule ■ An opportunity to boost energy and mood ■ Time for yourself ■ A chance to give your mind a rest ■ A way to sharpen you mentally and make you more productive ■ A method to improve your quality of life immediately Make a plan for success! Here are 12 realistic goals – one for each month of 2012: ■ January: When having dinner out, ask for a box when they bring out your meal. Immediately put half in the box to take home for another meal. ■ February: Drink six eight-ounce glasses of water every day. ■ March: Rethink sugar! Eat no more than two servings of fruit each day. ■ April: Add beans to your salads. ■ May: Try Yoga to de-stress and restore your body. ■ June: Try a new piece of cardio equipment. ■ July: Eat low fat cottage cheese with flax seeds as a snack. ■ August: Take all added sugar out of your snack bar and add all natural sugar. ■ September: Walk outside three times a week. ■ October: Replace one breakfast a week with an all fruit and veggie smoothie. ■ November: Keep a food journal. ■ December: Plan your meals at the beginning of the week to avoid grabbing fast food or other unhealthy meals.
hat is really making us fat? Casey Peer, Chief Dietitian with the Wellness Center at Dowell Springs, is offering a class to answer that very question. On Wednesday, Jan. 25, at noon and again on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 5:30 pm. Peer will host a class to show exactly what is keeping most people from reaching their target weight. “Here at the Wellness Center, our approach is scientifically based. We want people to understand why we make recommendations that we make,” Peer said. “If someone tells you to do something but doesn’t explain why you need to do it, are you as likely to do it? Probably not. “I think any time we understand fully why we are asked to do something, we are more likely to do it and do it long-term.” Peer added that most people have wide fluctuations in weight because they bounce from one diet to another. “I think that dealing with weight is very emotional. It’s very personal. It’s very difficult. It’s very frustrating. There are a lot of emotions we have tied to it that are extremely negative,” Peer said. Peer said her class gives a positive spin on weight loss and cuts through the confusion of nutrition to bring it down to the basics.
“I break it down and make it very simple. You’ll get that aha moment. People tell us all the time, ‘I cannot believe it is that easy.’ ’’ – Casey Peer
Wellness Center at Dowell Springs Chief Dietitian Casey Peer jokes with one of the center’s clients as she reviews nutrition information. Photo by Aaron Killian
stand the rationale behind nutrition. “People have to understand why certain foods do certain things,” Peer said. Peer noted that simplicity is the key to a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a proper weight, and too many times people over-complicate their food choices. “You have to have balance in your food choices. Balance is important for many reasons. One of which is satiety ... you will feel full longer.” Peer stressed that the problem with losing weight is that dieters
focus on calories instead of balance. “A calorie is not a calorie is not a calorie,” Peer said. “They are not interchangeable. So proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are different. “Calories are not all created equal. Calories do count, but it’s the composition of your calories that makes the difference.” So what is really making us fat? To find out call The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs at 232-1414 and sign up for the class on Jan. 25 or Feb. 1. Info:
“People want an easy fix,” Peer said. “I break it down and make it very simple. You’ll get that aha moment. People tell us all the time, ‘I cannot believe it is that easy.’” Peer added that the confusion comes because people don’t under-
Class is in session at The Wellness Center The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs offers several classes for 2012. ■ Healthy Eating Series: “Diets Don’t Work” Monday, Jan. 16, 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Dietitians explore the different commercial diets and why they are not sustainable, and they explain why they oftentimes fail. Participants will learn nutrition tips and how to make this year’s resolutions stick. ■ LiveWELL Lifestyle Change Program 12-week program with different sessions beginning Monday Jan. 16, noon to 1:30 p.m.; Monday Feb. 6, 5:30 to 7 p.m.; or Monday Feb. 13, 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Multidisciplinary approach to help participants learn how to manage the many
Monday Jan. 16, noon to 1:30 p.m. Monday Feb. 6, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Monday Feb. 13, 6 to 7:30 a.m.
stressors in life in order to improve their control and achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. ■ “What is really making us fat?” Jan. 25 at noon, or Feb. 1 at 5:30 p.m. An in-depth look at the foods we eat and their role in weight management. This class will change the way you look at the food you eat. ■ Endurance Yoga Series: Yoga for Endurance Every Wednesday 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. through March 28 Yoga for Endurance is a 12-week workshop designed for, but not limited to, runners, cyclists and triathletes. For more information or to sign up for a class, call The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs at 232-1414 or visit