A great community newspaper.
VOL. 6, NO. 5
JANUARY 30, 2012
Coach Henry’s day Meet the Judge Cindy Troyer enjoys being Farragut’s municipal judge, even with the challenges of red light cameras. See page A-2
Paterno and Majors Former UT coach remembers his friend “JoePa.” See page A-6
Art at Town Hall The town of Farragut will sponsor the 2012 Farragut Intermediate School Art Show Feb. 6-17 at the Farragut Town Hall. A reception to honor the artists and their work will be held 5-6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7. The art show and reception are free to the public. Town Hall is open 8 a.m. to5 p.m. Monday through Friday and is located at 11408 Municipal Center Drive, across from the Farragut Branch Post Office. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren. or 966-7057.
Assistant principal Elizabeth Boyd, assistant principal Rich Fulford, coach Bobby Henry and principal Heather Karnes stand together after the dedication of the Bobby J. Henry Gymnasium at Farragut Middle School last Thursday. Photo by Justin Acuff
By Sara Barrett Just about every person coach Bobby Henry ever taught, coached, worked with or befriended was in on the surprise last Thursday when the Farragut Middle School gym was officially named the Bobby J. Henry Gymnasium. The announcement took place during a break between the last
games of the season for the girls and boys basketball teams. The following day – Friday, Jan. 27 – was also officially named by Mayor Ralph McGill as “Bobby J. Henry Day” for the town of Farragut. Both honors were given in recognition of Henry’s 48 years of service to Farragut schools and his
determination to continue working “until he finds the word ‘retire’ in the Bible,” said Farragut Middle School principal Heather Karnes, repeating a quote the coach is known for. Festivities included the Farragut Middle School band playing “Anchors Aweigh” and “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow,” with a reception for
Henry in the school cafeteria following the boys game. Henry is a Farragut native who has lived his entire life here except for time spent in the military. As a former student of coach Henry’s, I would like to use another of his well known sayings: Keep on truckin’, coach Henry. Keep on truckin’.
HVA celebrates Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’ … with 1st graders By Theresa Edwards
The dancing dragon celebrating the Chinese “Year of the Dragon” comes up close to 1st graders Kasey Schneider (front), Avery Bolax, Eli Campbell, Talon Tritchard and Zander Rice.
Hardin Valley Academy welcomed 174 1st graders from Hardin Valley Elementary to celebrate the Chinese New Year together with a dragon dance, Chinese dumplings, fortune cookies, story time, songs and mementos. This event was made possible by the cooperative efforts of the Chinese classes led by Dr. Frank Chen, Rebecca Renegar’s nutrition class, the art department led by Donna Anderson and Hardin Valley’s 1st grade teachers. Chen said, “We’re really excited to have this opportunity to reach out
Photos by T. Edwards of
to our community. It’s a big step. We have done it in a class setting previously. This is a great opportunity for the young students to get exposed to a different culture.” To page A-9
The Shopper-News is now on Facebook! Check us out for updates, photos and more! ShopperNewsNow
Food group promotes healthy eating By Sandra Clark
10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) EDITOR Sandra Clark ADVERTISING SALES Debbie Moss Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.
Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett (right) lobbies for healthy pizza and tacos with Stephanie Welch and Jon Dickl, members of the Food Policy Council. Photo by S. Clark
Do you favor local veggies and meat over stuff from China? How about fair food prices across affluent and poorer neighborhoods? Want healthier school lunches? The Food Policy Council meets at 10 a.m. each third Tuesday at the CAC/MLB Building, 2247 Western Ave., to discuss these issues and more. Council reps visited the County Commission last week at the invitation of member and Commissioner Amy Broyles. Commissioner (and heart surgeon) Richard Briggs claimed to be the “only one (on the dais) who has sat at a farmers market, trying to sell merchandise.” Briggs is a bee keeper and raises blueberries and
fruit in an orchard on his farm. “How do prices compare?” he asked. Stephanie Welch said prices at a chain grocery store are lower than at a farmers market because of economies of scale, depending on the item, but increasing costs of transportation and labor may erase that advantage. The average potato travels 1,800 miles to reach our table, she said. Welch, who works for the Knox County Health Department, said studies show the lowest income sector of our community pays $20
To page A-3
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Third time charming for Farragut’s judge By Suzanne Foree Neal
Cindy Troyer is entering her third term as Farragut’s municipal court judge. Photo by S.F. Neal
forcement are funny.” She cites a more serious side, however, when neighbors came to court over a resident’s overgrown yard. The resident was having some mental problems and neighbors were concerned. “All I could do was issue the $50 fine. It was sad,” she says. The judge is also qualified as a Rule 31 family mediator and the town paid for her training as an administrative hearing officer. If the town creates the position of administrative hearing officer, she would preside over those cases as well. A
statute passed in 2010 allows higher fines for property maintenance issues if brought before an administrative hearing officer. Troyer hopes her actions in court affect the community in a positive way. Farragut, she says, is a great place for families. She thinks a police department would be good, then adds, smiling, “if we had a live person policing the streets, there would be more on the traffic docket and the town would be safer.” She recalls a recent red light camera video of a wom-
By the numbers Vote counting at Bluegrass By Betty Bean Before Knox County Democrats can realistically think about growing their party, somebody needs to get a handle on who and where the Democrats are, says Chris Foell, Democratic precinct chair in Bluegrass and featured speaker last week at a joint meeting of the 3rd and 4th District Democrats. Foell is a chemist by profession and a serious cruncher of political numbers who has studied election results in Bluegrass, the largest precinct in the 4th County Commission District. He went back to 2004 and took an especially close look at the 2006 elections. “I wanted to see how Democrats voted across different kinds of elections and across all political environments, from dogcatcher to president,” he said. Foell came up with benchmarks for the vote in Bluegrass, with 6 percent being the “absolute rock bottom Democratic hard core.” The 2010 mayoral race, when Democrat Ezra Maze got 150 votes out of 2,400 when he ran against Republican Tim Burchett, represents that bedrock line, he said. “It can’t get much more rock bottom than that.” On the other hand, the 2006 gubernatorial general election saw incumbent Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen setting the high water mark, getting twothirds of the vote – virtually all Democrats and half of the Republicans voted Democratic. Four years later, the Democrats plummeted back
Red Dress Gala February 2 at 5 PM West Town Mall
5:00-9:00 PM Walk the red carpet, score free samples, find a fabulous red outfit and do something good for your heart! Take part in the Red Dress Gala. The gala starts at 5 pm and the red dress fashion show is at 6 pm. Our models will include heart disease survivors and local celebrities with a special message from Covenant Health about women’s heart health! The first 200 attendees to register in person at the amphitheater will receive an exclusive Red Dress Gala swag bag featuring gifts and special offers from your favorite stores. Learn The Heart Truth® at a night of fun and fashion February 2!
®The Heart Truth, its logo, and The Red Dress are registered trademarks of HHS.
Chris Foell to earth with gubernatorial candidate Mike McWherter. Swimming against a strong state and national Republican tide, McWherter got 12 percent of the Bluegrass vote against GOP standardbearer Bill Haslam. This trend was replicated by the 88 percent of Bluegrass voters who supported U.S. Rep. Jimmy Duncan’s re-election run against little-known challenger Dave Hancock. The 2011 special election to fill the 6th District senatorial seat vacated by Jamie Woodson gave Foell an opportunity to test his hypothesis. Democratic candidate Gloria Johnson ran unopposed in the primary and got 8 percent of the vote, which Foell considered good corroboration for the 6 percent “rock bottom” baseline level. He then decided to make some predictions based on the numbers of voters whose tendencies (“strong Democrats,” “leaning Democrats,” etc.) he had identified and estimated Johnson’s “upside potential” against Republican Becky Duncan Massey. “If I saw any evidence of Democratic voting behavior, like voting in a Democratic primary, this is a vote Gloria could get,” he said. Based on historic voting patterns, he figured her core support at 20.5 percent with an upside of 25.5 percent and made an optimistic prediction that she’d get 150 votes in Bluegrass against the better-known, betterfunded Massey. Johnson outperformed that prediction by getting 30.5 percent of the early vote. She got 36.35 percent of the Election Day vote with a final tally of 32.87 percent (189 of 575 votes cast). Foell had predicted 150 out of 600. “In many cases, we wave our arms and paint these broad generalizations. We can do that, but until we start breaking down and targeting our voters, it’s only then we’re going to develop strategies in Knox County.”
Senior community to host Iwo Jima remembrance
While her caseload may not be as entertaining as that of TV’s “Judge Judy,” Cindy Troyer enjoys serving Farragut as its municipal court judge. Most of her caseload deals with property maintenance issues for residential and commercial properties and traffic violations – better known as red light camera infractions. Troyer discovered she had been appointed to a third term when she read it in a newspaper. Town officials had approached her several months ago and she expressed her interest in continuing. “I was pleasantly surprised it was already a done deal,” she says, laughing. She presides over court the second Monday of each month, hearing four to five cases. It was a newspaper ad that caught her interest in serving as the town’s judge. She remembers the search getting down to her and one other candidate. “We went before the board for a live interview, both of us at the same time,” she says. Troyer was appointed and is the town’s first female judge. “I’m learning a lot about the community, neighborhoods, residents and businesses,” she says. “It’s very interesting.” Although most of the time cases are fairly standard, it can get a little entertaining when the docket turns to traffic infractions. “Some of the agreements in traffic en-
an driving a rental car committing more than a dozen traffic violations. Only one, running the red light at Campbell Station Road and Kingston Pike, resulted in a fine because no law enforcement official saw her. “They ought to show that in driver education classes as a lesson to watch out for the other drivers,” she says. A community center would also be nice and a way to strengthen family dynamics, Troyer thinks. She, husband John and their two sons, Zane, 20, and Zeke, 15, have called Farragut home for 11 years. The boys’ passion for lacrosse takes up a lot of family time, but Troyer still finds time for work with ETHRA and activities at Concord United Methodist Church where she’s head of the mission team, on the worship team, plays handbells and leads the church dance group. Her day job with ETHRA, where she’s worked since 1993, involves a legal practice for seniors that takes her to 16 counties. She is district ombudsman for people in long-term residential care. The recent closing of Colonial Hills Nursing Center in Maryville has kept her busy. Much of her time is spent hearing cases of financial exploitation, which more often than not involves a family member rather than a stranger. “I like my job because there are never two days the same,” she says, smiling. She’s answering 75 to 80 calls a day from people worried about the care of loved ones in assisted living and nursing home facilities. “I get very attached,” Troyer says of those she represents. As for continuing to fill the role as Farragut’s municipal judge for a fourth term, Troyer says, “If they’ll have me, I enjoy doing it.”
Echo Ridge retirement community invites local veterans and the general public to a remembrance of the Battle of Iwo Jima at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, at 8458 Gleason Drive. Iwo Jima, site of the famous flag-raising photo by Joe Rosenthal, was a pivotal onemonth battle between the United States and Japan during World War II. February marks the 67th anniversary. Echo Ridge is paying tribute by hosting a complimentary chef-prepared lunch with specialty desserts followed by a remembrance video at 1:45 p.m. There is no cost to attend, but space is limited. RSVP by calling Echo Ridge at 7690111.
Museum party to celebrate reopening The cleaning rags have been ditched, paintbrushes cleaned, displays dusted and relabeled. The Farragut Folklife Museum will roll out new exhibits when it marks a public grand reopening 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Tim Beeler, an employee in the Farragut Parks and Leisure Services department, has been busy painting the museum walls and display cases. Here he’s working on the trim around the new elevated vignette display area. A mid-1800s framed Victorian hair wreath and hair receptacle will be brought out of storage for a spot in the new vignette setting at the Farragut Folklife Museum. Photos by S.F. Neal
Fathers and daughters of all ages, as well as all family members, are invited. The dance is presented by the town of Farragut and Kiwanis Club of Farragut. There will be music and dancing provided by Dean of Music DJ Entertainment, light refreshments and the opportunity for daughters to make a piece of jewelry to take home. Event staff will take a photo of each couple or family; photos will be available online for purchase after the event. Proceeds benefit by the museum and others March 10, in the Farragut children’s charities in the High School commons. It’s Knox County area. Info: on loan. or The museum is open 10 a special night for daddies 966-7057. and their little girls. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday Tickets for the “Shamthrough Friday. Admission is free. Info: Julia.jones@ rock Ball – A or 966- ter Dance,� will be available Monday, Jan. 30. Advance 7057. tickets are $10 for a father ■Shamrock Ball for and daughter or two family and $5 for each daddy’s little girl members additional guest. Tickets are There might be a little $15 at the door for a father wearin’ of the green for the and daughter and $8 for seventh annual Shamrock each additional guest, subBall from 7-9 p.m. Saturday, ject to availability.
â– Lucinda Heatherly Tent #3 Daughters of the Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, at the East Tennessee History Center. William Hardy and Lisa Oakley will present a program about the National History Day competition. Info: 494-7785.
more for the same basket of groceries. Knox County Schools director of food services Jonathan Dickl continues to integrate fresh and local produce into school lunches. But efforts are hampered by the area’s lack of a food processor – a company to wash and bag lettuce, for instance. The Food Policy Council is a volunteer group at work to make life healthier for eaters and more profitable for farmers. The group plans an “Eat-Play-Live� conference Saturday, March 10, at the L&N STEM Academy.
Food Policy Council members Chad Hellwinckel James Bosi Gail Root Charlotte Tolley Chris Woodhull Barbara Monty Emily Gonzalez Robert Hodge Amy Broyles Stephanie Welch Jonathan Dickl
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Info: 966-7057. All events are held at the Farragut Town Hall unless otherwise noted. ■Zumba, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 30. ■Pilates, 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31. ■Economic Development Committee, 8-10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1. ■Farragut Folklife Museum World’s Fair Exhibit opens, Thursday, Feb. 2. ■Farragut Folklife Museum Grand Reopening, 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2. ■Farragut Intermediate School Art Show opens, Monday, Feb. 6. ■Yoga, 9-10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 6. ■Zumba, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6. ■Creating a Green Household, 7-8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6. ■Farragut/Knox County Schools Education Relations Committee, 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7. ■Pilates, 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7. ■Stormwater Advisory Committee, 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9. ■Jewelry Making: Feather Earrings, 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9. ■“Let’s Get Ready for Spring� Gardening Class, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9. ■Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 7-10 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9.
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■Knoxville Writers Guild will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, at the Laurel Theater. Irish novelist and playwright Glenn Meade will discuss his book “The Second Messiah.� A $2 donation will be requested at the door. Info:
■West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.
From page A-1
Price includes $399 dock fee. Plus tax, tag & title WAC. Dealer retains all rebates. Restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Prices good through next week.
â– The West Knox Toastmaster Club meets 6:30 p.m. each Thursday at Middlebrook Pike UMC, 7324 Middlebrook Pike. Now accepting new members. Info: Ken Roberts, 680-3443.
â– Council of West Knox County Homeowners meets at 7:15 p.m. each first Tuesday at Peace Lutheran Church, 621 N. Cedar Bluff Road. Info:
■Farragut Lions Club meets 6:30 p.m. each second and fourth Tuesday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.
Healthy eating
Suzanne Foree Neal
Several local historians will give lectures on the history of the community at 6:30 p.m. There will be museum tours and light refreshments. This marks the first major overhaul at the museum since it moved into Town Hall 20 years ago. The Doris Woods Owens and Bill Dunlap galleries have gotten a complete facelift. A new feature in the Doris Woods Owens gallery includes a new display space – an elevated stage for presenting a vignette. The first is a turn-of-the-century sitting room. Included is a tall case clock from 1760 donated by the Creekmore family and a parlor pump organ circa 1846 given by Nell Brown. The organ was purchased by Joe and Diora Moats Ellis, Nell Brown’s parents. The organ stool was donated by Bill and Katherine Dunlap. Lou LaMarche, museum chair, donated two antique electric globe lamps. Perhaps the most unusual item in the exhibit is an early Victorian hair wreath and hair receptacle that has been framed to hang on a wall. Called “fancy work,� this was a popular craft created by women in the mid- to upper-class section of society from 1850-1880. The wreath part was always upturned and often shaped like a horseshoe to keep in the good luck. The hair most often came from family members and required hours of labor to be twisted into a design. Another new feature is a specially crafted display case by John Coker of Coker Construction. It holds an interactive video display for museum visitors to view as they wish. Museum coordinator Julia Jones estimates 304 work hours have gone into the museum redo. Visitors will find new flooring throughout as well. Except for some contract work, most of the refurbishing has been done by town staff. Also unveiled will be a “World’s Fair Exhibit� showing through May 18. It will include artifacts owned
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government Where’s the board oversight? There is lots of talk about Gloria Ray. She made the Charlie Daniel cartoon as Gloria Pay over her $405,000 annual salary. Jack Neely lampooned her cleverly as Gloria in Excelsius. Jack McElroy called for more accountability.
Victor Ashe
It is hard to defend such an excessive salary. Several things stand out in this situation. Ray’s salary has stunned most area observers. No one imagined that it was more than $400,000 a year and has been for several years. Apparently her own board members did not know and never asked what she was paid. Their performance would not be part of a best practices seminar for nonprofit boards. Ray should know that her pay is subject to public scrutiny due to the 990 IRS forms which the Sports Corporation must file. Furthermore, most of its funding comes from public money which is the hotel/motel tax. She and the board should know that receiving such a high salary would embarrass the corporation she worked for when it became public. It has brought an unneeded spotlight on her and KTSC which has diminished their public standing. Her board, which includes many able and respected citizens, has been caught mostly unawares and they look ill informed when they say they did not know her salary. Board members of any for-profit or nonprofit group ought to know what their CEO’s salary is and annually vote on it. It is unclear if the
executive committee even voted on it. The board should take a remedial course on fiduciary responsibility and then practice it. It is also unclear how much time Ray spends in Knoxville. She does not take annual leave time to attend her second $90,000 a year job as a board member of Blue Cross when it meets in Chattanooga. ■ Next week the city will advertise to fill the Donna Young greenways coordinator position which will be renamed greenways and parks coordinator. Former City Council member Charlie Thomas may be an applicant. He has been a longtime greenways advocate and Rogero supporter. ■ Rogero spokesperson Jesse Mayshark also tells me that the tree replacement budget will be recommended to go from $40,000 a year to $80,000 assuming council approval in the next budget. While this is good news, much more will be needed to replace the trees on city property killed in the last major storm and replace those which annually die. A “green” city will want to stress trees in its city budget for medians, parks and greenways. The city tree budget over the past several years was inadequate to stay even with the normal tree death rate, let alone major wind and hail storms. ■ Chris Irwin filed his lawsuit against TVA on Jan. 23 in federal court. He is protesting TVA barring him from a public hearing because he wore red paint on his face. Irwin claims violation of his First Amendment rights and seeks $50,000 in damages. Amazing that TVA tries to enforce a dress code for its public hearings. No other public agency tries to do such.
Salary debate shifts from ‘how much’ to ‘who leaked’ The money Gloria Ray makes has set tongues wagging and fingers pointing.
Betty Bean That’s because $405,000 a year is a lot of money. New York money, except in Knoxville. It comes from the hotel/ motel tax – 45 percent of Knox County’s take and 5 percent more than state law mandates they hand over for tourism promotion. It’s a handsome sum that goes to the Knoxville Tourism & Sports Corporation, of which Ray is founder and CEO. And it’s money that a bunch of other nonprofit organizations devoutly believe they could put to better use. They will have the opportunity to make their case during upcoming city/county budget cycles. But they better bring their A-game, because, as she demonstrated last week, they’ll be playing on Ray’s court. Has that home court advantage been neutralized by chumming up the water with a hot mess of rumors just before budget hearings begin?
R. Larry Smith
Gloria Ray takes her case to County Commission. Photo by S. Clark blame blowback launched by Ray’s defenders stands my Shopper-News colleague, former Mayor and Ambassador to Poland Victor Ashe, who clashed with her back in the day when she chaired the board of his ancient bête noir, KUB. Ashe, however, says he had nothing to do with any of it: “Focus should be on the issues themselves and how little Board oversight there is at KTSC ... not on who started the pay issue which was not me by any stretch of the imagination. Since public
money (hotel/motel tax) is the major source of funding, it is valid for the public to be informed. When I learned of Ray’s $400K it had already been circulating for months. There has been a crescendo of comment which has been self-generated.” – Victor. So. Whoever is taking aim, the issue of whether Gloria Ray deserves the money she makes has nailed a big old bull’s-eye right in the middle of her back. And in case somebody misses the target, long knives are available.
Safety expert talks bullying
utes, local school district policy or the controversial proposals to amend the state’s anti-bullying laws. Tennessee has had its anti-bullying law on the books since 2005. The law does not define “bullying” and leaves it up to the local school districts to do so. Knox County Schools states: “Harassment, intimidation or bulGreg lying means any act that Householder substantially interferes with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities or perThe seminar, which in- formance,” and then goes on cluded separate activities to differentiate between acts for kids, was sponsored by that happen on school propthe Knoxville Tae Kwon Do erty and those that do not. Academy. There is a move to amend As Patire gave tips to par- the current state law by proRepublican officeholders Sherry Witt ents, kids played “Know and tecting freedom of speech if and R. Larry Smith tore into each other Go” and “See and Flee” in an- a student speaks out against something for religious realast week as Smith called representatives other part of the building. Patire, a resident of New sons. For example, if a student of County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS) to appear before County Commis- Jersey, discussed bullying spoke out against homosexusion to explain certification and bonuses. and pedophilia in general ality in a civil, nonthreatening Witt, the county’s register of deeds, said terms and stayed away from manner because of religious she was “embarrassed for Knox County.” any specific mention of Ten- beliefs, that speech would be Smith, she said, had “put out information nessee’s anti-bullying stat- protected and not considered that’s just not true.” Smith had said on television that the Magnet modifications of the Andrew Johnson Hamilton County trustee paid only a $200 Building. The regular bonus to each CTAS certified staffer. Witt on board agenda meeting will begin at 5 p.m. said she called the trustee who said he’d Wednesday, Feb. 1, in the Fresh off a two-day re“never heard of Larry Smith.” treat with the Knox County main assembly room of the Later, Smith said he had confused Ham- Commission, the school City County Building. ilton County (home of Chattanooga) with board will meet twice this Superintendent Dr. Jim Hamblen County (home of Morristown). week. The work session will McIntyre will recommend And Smith stood his ground, saying the begin at 5 p.m. Monday, three “budget neutral” $3,000 local bonuses are too high. changes to the KCS magnet Jan. 30, in the boardroom
“bullying” under the law. Patire said parents must be involved with their kids and listen to their children. If the situation involves the school (and it will almost always be school related) then the school must be involved. Kids are the most vulner-
able to bullying at ages 13-17, he said. Attacks against them on websites or through social media hurt most because at these ages kids care a lot about what others say about them. Patire advised that there are four distinct steps that parents must follow: 1) discuss the situation with the alleged bully’s parents (usually in the presence of school administrators); 2) failing that, inform the school administration that they have three days to resolve the issue; 3) failing that, involve the police; 4) and finally, if all else fails, bring a civil lawsuit. Patire also discussed ways to protect kids from pedophiles, providing demographic information about victims of pedophiles and pedophiles themselves. The evening wrapped up with a demonstration by the Knoxville Tae Kwon Do Academy demonstration team and some hands-on personal defense tips by Patire.
program. He may recommend additional changes when there is “greater clarity” for the 2013 budget and beyond. For now, McIntyre wants to open the communications academy at Fulton High School to all Knox County students, to add art
to the STEM Academy at Green Elementary and to study the effectiveness of all magnet programs. Both meetings will be broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 10, AT&T U-verse Channel 99 and streamed live at www.
Personal protection specialist Tom Patire, billed as America’s leading personal safety expert, spoke to a group of parents about bullying and other child safety issues last Thursday at the Jubilee Banquet Facility in Powell.
Witt and Witless
Sherry Witt
Maybe. A $400K salary, even though about half of it comes from incentive bonuses earned by meeting prescribed goals, is bound to cause resentment. Especially when (and I’ll echo County Commissioner Amy Broyles here) it’s a woman making it. Checking out the comment sections on local media sites should remove any doubt about that proposition. Think back 15 years. What happened in the era of Tom Ingram, who became the CEO of something called the Knox Area Chamber Partnership (into which he unsuccessfully attempted to force Ray’s Sports Corporation)? Was there talk about his $200,000 a year base salary (plus perks we never figured out) to do stuff like warn us that downtown was doomed unless we agreed to foot the bill for a space-age planetarium funhouse guaranteed to catapult us into something called the 4th Dimension? (Seriously. He said that.) Was there grumbling about the $12,500 a month he collected for six months after he departed to explore opportunities elsewhere? Yes, but nothing like the feeding frenzy of Gloria gossip that is now out in the open. In the epicenter of the
Personal safety expert Tom Patire speaks to a group of parents about bullying and other child safety issues last Thursday in Powell. Photo by
Greg Householder
Photo by T. Edwards of
Beall and Thomas Photography Christian Academy of Knoxville’s Elementary School is the perfect place for students to explore their creative energy as they grow intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually. Come see if CAK is the place for you! Elementary School Open House • January 31, 2012, 9:30-10:30 a.m. RSVP at or call 865-690-4721 ext. 190.
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Photographers Heather Anne Thomas and Kreis Beall display a book “The Blackberry Farm Cookbook: Four Seasons of Good Food and the Good Life,” written by Sam Beall and photographed by Kreis Beall and Thomas. Their photography services include portraits, weddings, events, commercial, editorial and advertising. Their studio is located at 145 South Forest Park Boulevard in Bearden. Info: 681-6128 or
Improving schools Dr. Jim McIntyre ended his first State of the Schools address to a standing ovation, but the crowd at Gresham Middle School was too small and the unrest among teachers too pronounced.
Sandra Clark Afterwards, this newspaper hosted dinner for several students and professors from UT’s Department of Child and Family Studies, which prepares teachers for preschool through grade 3. Many of the students had recently completed internships in Knox County Schools and were quick to voice teacher concerns about the rapid changes underway. Evaluations have in-
creased from once every five years to three or four times per year and tenure can be revoked after two years of low evaluations. All of a sudden a solid job has become a lot less secure. While the professors felt free to talk (tenure still reigns at UT), the students were hesitant. After all, they’re finishing up five or six years of college and need to get hired. The comments ranged from anger about “scripted curriculum” to doubt that McIntyre and the school board understand the depth of teacher morale. “Helping children develop a love of reading is very different from literacy,” said one. “The verdict is still out on this approach (to learning),” said Dr. Mary Jane Moran. “We know the (previous) system produced you and you and you,” she said, pointing around the table. “It produced
At the Shopper-News education roundtable: (front) Dr. Carin Neitzel, Rebecca Klinkerman, Kaitlyn McMurtrie, Maloriee Wagle, Shopper reporter Wendy Smith, Darlene Justice; (back) Dr. Kathy Fitzgerald, school board member Indya Kincannon, Dr. Sean Durham, Katherine Sugue, Andrea Wheeler, Dr. Mary Jane Moran, Shopper editor Sandra Clark and Anne Miller Stott. Photo by Jake Mabe Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.” Moran said she won’t change her teacher training based on current eval-
uation models. Dr. Sean ry. … We teach a whole child Durham agreed: “What we philosophy. We know those teach is based on solid re- things are important.” search and a depth of theoShopper-News writers
Jake Mabe and Wendy Smith sat in on the educators’ roundtable. You will see follow-up articles in future editions.
GOSSIP AND LIES sales taxes or entertainment taxes” fund the Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corpora■ Barack Obama: “No bailouts, no tion. handouts, no cop-outs.” “When the KTSC was formed, we saw a ■ Lamar Alexander: “The state of the better model. It’s a very competitive and agunion is – they’ve been in charge, they’ve gressive model and we’re rewarded based made it worse and we can do better.” on results.”
State of the Union
Charter Review Mayor Tim Burchett (aside) on his selection of political outsiders: “A little anarchy is good. It lets the rest of us go on about our business.”
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Employee certification
■ Commissioner Mike Brown: “It’s like a jake leg preacher versus a doctor of divinity. All employees should be certified.” ■ Commissioner Amy Broyles: Knox Chamber at County Commission: “Jake leg preacher? Hmmm. I guess we ■ Rhonda Rice: “Tough times mean don’t have those in the Unitarian Church.” harder work.” ■ Doug Lawler: “Empty boxes mean Upcoming opportunity.” ■ Register of Deeds Sherry Witt ■ R. Larry Smith: (aside) “They’re will speak to the Fountain City Republican Club at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6, at Shoney’s paid whether they sell anything or not.” on Broadway. Dinner is at 6. Info: Michele Gloria Ray at County Commission: Carringer, 247-5756. “I don’t set my compensation, but I grate■ West Knox Republican Club will fully receive it and work hard to earn it.” meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 13, at Red Lob“No property taxes or wheel taxes or ster on Kingston Pike.
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Paterno and Majors TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West
his is not a directive for how to remember Joe Paterno. It is mere insight from an old rival who became a friend. John Majors says those who really knew Joe will revere his memory. Outsiders who judge the Penn State tragedy are likely to reach mixed conclusions. For some, the old coach who died last week will forever be saddled with the charge of not doing enough to stop the Jerry Sandusky scandal. Joe said he wished he had done more. Paterno will bear the blame for not seeing or hearing anything, for offering ignorance as an excuse, for not grasping the horror of child rape, for gingerly handing off the problem and losing his voice. Others who almost worshipped him, who bowed to JoePa as king of the Happy Valley kingdom, will go right on believing he was the greatest, unfairly blamed and shabbily mistreated, cast out as a commoner after all he had done. Sixty-one years, 409 victories, library, spiritual center. Some still weep. Majors says he does not have all the facts. He will not pass judgment. He does hope what happened will be but a chapter and not the whole book. The two did not know each other when Majors, new coach at Iowa State, phoned to ask Paterno’s opinion of tear-away jerseys. “He didn’t know what I was talking about. It was a short conversation.” They got acquainted when Majors became coach at Pitt. They infrequently crossed paths in recruiting.
“Maybe three or four times, in a hallway or parking lot, in four years.” Sometimes they attended the same dinner or civic event. “I didn’t want to get to know him,” said Majors. “I wanted to beat him.” Penn State had enjoyed a decade of dominance. Majors soon built the Panthers to a competitive equal. “On the day after Thanksgiving, 1976, Coach Paterno and I met for the pregame greeting. He had read that Bill Battle had resigned at Tennessee. He said it was apparent that Tennessee would come after me. “He said he hoped I wouldn’t go, that I had brought the rivalry back to what it ought to be.” Indeed, Three Rivers Stadium was rocking. National TV was there for the show. The first half was 7-7. Majors made an adjustment, to an unbalanced line, Tony Dorsett at fullback instead of tailback in the I-formation. On his first carry in the third quarter, Tony went up the gut for 35 and a touchdown. Pitt won and went on to the national championship. Paterno never said anything else about Majors staying at Pitt. When John belatedly returned, the rivalry was gone again. Majors and Paterno started to become friends in 1978. Nike, pushing in the shoe business, signed them and others for clinics, 100 pair of free cleats for teams, $15,000 and a classy cruise or retreat week for coaches. John and Mary Lynn Majors shared a condo with Joe and Sue Paterno at St. Thomas. “Joe’s clothes were three days late in arriving. I am a notorious
Joe Paterno and John Majors circa 1974. Photo from “You Can Go Home Again” by Johnny Majors and Ben Byrd, Rutledge Hill Press, 1986.
overpacker. I had three extra of everything. It so happened we were both 34 in the waist, 31 inseam, 42 regular jacket, 10 1/2 shoes. For years, Joe told the story that those were the three best-dressed days of his life.” Paterno often told another Majors story, about the 1971 Penn State game at Tennessee, a 31-11 victory for the Vols on Majors Family Day. Bobby Majors had almost 200 yards in punt and kickoff returns. Paterno said that the younger Majors beat him worse than John ever did. Joe was too polite
to bring up the 1992 Fiesta Bowl. Tennessee, 10 ahead in the third quarter, fell to 25 behind in less than eight minutes. Oh my. Word spilled out that Paterno, on occasion, liked a sip of Jack Daniels, featured product from Lynchburg, John’s hometown. He arranged for Paterno to become a Tennessee Squire. Majors respected Paterno’s intelligence and generosity and admired his simple coaching philosophy. “He didn’t overcoach. He had great players and he let them play. His offense was not fancy
or colorful. He was sound on fundamentals. He threw on third and long. He had 30 years of excellent linebackers. He built the legacy. He earned the respect.” Majors is obviously saddened by the Penn State crash. The hurt runs deeper. John and Mary Lynn will soon share their sympathy with Sue Paterno and maybe exchange a few yarns. “I said earlier that I didn’t want to know Joe Paterno in the beginning. I was afraid I might like him. I did.” Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is
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WEST SIDE SHOPPER-NEWS • JANUARY 30, 2012 • A-7 because it was one of the “piercing” variety. It said, “Can we get to church from here?” It works (in my head, at least) on so many levels! On the surface, the answer is apparent: “Of course you can. The church is right Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea next to the sign! It is right Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say over there – easy to get to.” that the Son of Man is?” and they said, “Some say John I wonder, however, if the the Baptist, but others Elijah, and still others Jeremi“church” in the sign does ah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who not mean a building, but a do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You body of people. are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus There is a church in ananswered him, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! other part of town that I For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but pass three or four times a my Father in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, week that says “(Name of and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates church) meets here at (a of Hades will not prevail against it. certain time) on Sunday (Matthew 16: 13-18) mornings.” Their point, I think, is that the buildI love church signs. ing is not the church. The church is the people, and I collect them, remember they meet in that building. them (or try to), because Cross they are sometimes thoughtCurrents Which brings to mind provoking, sometimes funthe old question of “Where Lynn ny (occasionally unintenis my church?” Well, the Hutton tionally so) and sometimes church of which I am a piercing. worshipping participant gathers at a building at I saw one in Fountain City the other day that piqued my interest. I can’t 2700 Magnolia Ave. every caught my attention and stop thinking about it, Sunday morning. The rest
Get me to the church
Gregg M. Harper, 54 passed away Jan. 17. He attended First Baptist Concord and the Buddy Bradley Sunday School Class. He founded 47 Sports and co-founded Wazoo Sports Inc., a 24/7 cable television network dedicated to high school and small college sports. He served as the Booster Club president of Farragut High School football for two years. He is survived by his wife of 29 years, Karen Jessee Harper; daughter, Dr. Lindsay Harper Pounds and husband, Joey Pounds; son, Derek Harper; father, Malchom B. Harper and wife, Martha; sister, Stacey Rose and husband Richard. Click Funeral Home served the Harper family. Janett Ball Spangler King, 98, passed away Jan. 18. She was a member of First Baptist Concord and the Mildred Smith Sunday School Class. She owned Spangler Transfer Company in Middlesboro for many years. After moving to Knoxville, she lived with her daughter and sonin-law, Pat and Jim Otto. She enjoyed working in the library at Cedar Bluff Primary School with Bonnie Goff as a volunteer. Click Funeral Home served the King family. Carol Jean Lindell, 76, passed away Jan. 13. After relocating to K n ox v i l l e , she joined the family of Plasma Alliance Inc. where she
Michael Breeden, 40, passed away in his home. He attended West High School and worked with his very close friend from ch i ld hood, Tyler Farris, in the excavating business. He is survived by his mother, Linda Jean King Breeden Wagner; sisters, Jan Breeden and Marsha Breeden. Click Funeral Home served the family. Colin Diamond Daniel, 67, formerly of Knoxville, passed away Jan. 12 in Savannah. He was a member of Kerbela Temple and Burlington Lodge. An amateur boxer for eight years, he was ranked No. 3 in the world as an amateur welterweight. He was a member of the Amateur Boxing Hall of Fame and was an international boxing referee for 33 years. Local survivors include daughter Donise Clemmer and mother and stepfather, “Happy” and Gene Hill. Stevens Mortuary served the Daniel family. Mildred Marie Makemson Greene, 92, passed away Jan. 14 at Te n no v a Residential Hospice. She was a member of Faith Fellowship Cumberland Presbyterian Church. She previously owned and operated a dress shop and cosmetics studio. She was preceded in death by her husband of 69 years, Frank Greene. She is survived by her daughter, Jacqwelyn Turner; son and daughter-in-law, Larry and Janet Greene; and their families. Click Funeral Home Farragut Chapel served the family.
retired after 40 years. She and her husband traveled extensively in the United States and Europe, along with 25 cruises. She is survived by her husband, Gene Lindell; children, Scott Ahlborn and Kimberly Mailoux; Click Funeral Home served the Lindell family. Ronald Frederick Price, 77, died Jan. 19 at his home. He was an accomplished gymnast c omp e t i n g in the European Games in 1954 representing his home country of Wales. He sang with Capital Chorus in London and with Knox County Metro in Knoxville. He also enjoyed the Dixie Derby dancers and the Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society. Ron was a founding member of the West Knoxville Senior Center and was instrumental in promoting the name Frank Strang Center, after a friend who was also a founder. He was a member of AARP and president of the Cedar Bluff chapter in 1996. He is survived by wife of 55 years, Eileen; daughters, Susan and Belinda and her husband Bill; and their families. Click Funeral Home served the family. Phillip William Texidor, 25, passed away Jan. 12. He was a member of All Saints Catholic Church and an employee of Roane County Medical Center Pathology Laboratory. Phillip enjoyed making short films and working with his computer. Click Funeral Home served the family.
Sunday, February 26, 2012 12:00 - 5:00pm
of the time Magnolia Avenue Church is scattered in the world – busy being the church. Can we get to the church from here? There is an even loftier possible meaning of that question. Can we get to the point that we are the church that Jesus calls us to be? Not just a church, but the true, faithful, vibrant, courageous Church that confesses Jesus Christ to be her Lord? The Church that follows the path of joy and sacrifice, of worship and service, of outreach and discipleship? I remember hearing one Christian say, “I’m tired of playing church.” It was a cry for Christian authenticity. Can we get to be the Church from where we are now? What would that require? How would we have to change? How would I have to change? Am I willing to change? Can we be the Church? True, authentic, daring, faithful, loving? Can we?
WORSHIP NOTES Fundraisers and sales ■ Highways and By-Ways Ministry will hold a fundraiser dinner and silent auction 5 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 544 Broadway, in the fellowship hall. All proceeds will be used in the organization’s homeless ministry to help anyone in need. Info: Penny Carson, 973-0504.
Men’s groups ■ Hardin Valley Church of Christ, 11515 Hardin Valley Road will host a free showing of the movie “Courageous” at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3. Info: 824-3078.
Evangelist Tim Lee speaks at Grace Baptist Church, reading John 4:13-14. Photos by T. Edwards of
Walking with God By Theresa Edwards Grace Baptist Church hosted evangelist Tim Lee on Jan. 22. His message was both inspiring and encouraging. Lee was a rebellious teenager who protested against all authority, including his father, a Baptist minister. He was a born fighter and joined the Marine Corps in 1969 to escape the world around him. His life was changed forever March 8, 1971, as he served in Guang Nam Province, Vietnam. As he was leading his troop on a mine sweep, his last step landed on a 60-pound box mine which he described as feeling “like a miniature volcano.” Before he passed out, he weakly prayed, “On no! … God, not my legs. … Lord … please … God get me home to mom and dad. … I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” Although Lee lost his legs, he did not lose his life. He writes, “God had taken the legs that had carried me from His will. My running had finally ended.” That is
when Lee decided to give his life to the ministry, walking with God. Instead of dwelling on his disability, Lee uses his abilities to minister. A recent journey took him to India for 10 days where he saw 3,500 lives transformed. Earlier this month, Lee was in Anchorage, Alaska, where it was 21 below zero and 2,000 people attended services. “I’m glad to be in the warm weather here now,” he said, reminding the congregation to appreciate what they have. Lee encouraged the group to pray for others around them. “There’s only one thing worse than being lost and that is being lost and not having anyone looking for you,” he said. To learn more about Grace Baptist Church, attend a lunch and a class to “discover Grace” at noon Sunday, Feb. 5, taught by Pastor Ron Stewart and Rob Hammond. To register: email discovergrace@ or call 3423807.
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Anna Brinson (32) drives the lane and takes the ball to the hoop.
Duncan Powell (12) puts up a jumper as Daniel Blevins (44) tries to defend.
Trent Hawkins (20) finds the open lane and takes the ball to the hoop.
Madyson Newby (50) takes the low post shot just outside the key against William Blount’s Haley Talbott (3).
Brittany Jones is one of many senior art students creating the hawk mosaic on the front wall entrance at Hardin Valley Academy. Jones said, “It’s really fun because it’s 7 a.m. when we’re working on it and students come by and watch, and teachers come by and say ‘great job.’ It’s a good chance to work together, cooperate with others and listen to their ideas. It’s exciting to know the mosaic will stay here for a long time. We are the first class to go through all four years here, and we are leaving a piece of us to remind others they can change things if they put their mind to it.”
HVA art students create hawk mosaic This mosaic depicting the face of Hardin Valley Academy’s mascot, the hawk, is a work in progress by art students directed by instructor Hope Brashear and made possible by a project grant. Photo by T. Edwards of
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Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’ From page A-1
The 1st graders had a wide variety of reactions when the dancing dragon entertained them. There were squeals, laughter and shouts. The dancers under the colorful red and gold costume were HVA students Jacob Sanders and Karan Goyal. HVA senior Conny Zhao helped read a Chinese story book to the children. She said, “The Chinese New Year symbolizes a new start, to let go of old grudges. The custom is to clean houses, sweeping out the bad luck, and then putting away the broom so the good luck can’t be swept away.� Zhao compared the Chinese New Year to Christmas, being
their biggest holiday. Instead of gifts, when the children go to their older family members and neighbors and say “Happy New Year,� they are given a red envelope containing money. There are many parades. The celebration lasts 15 days with a different traditional ritual each day. On the last day is the lantern festival. Zhao is one of 40 students studying Chinese from Chen. He began the first Chinese language program in East Tennessee in 2008 at HVA. When Chen asked the 1st graders if they had fun, the children resounded, “Yeah!�
Zachary Jones looks at the golden Noah Wagstaff wears a Chinese hat plastic Chinese coin he received in a red envelope. with zodiac animals. Lanterns on trees decorate the tables.
Conny Zhao reads Magicbox book “Butterflies in My Stomach and other School Hazards� to the 1st graders. The book is written in both Chinese and English.
UT NOTES ■Matt Murray, associate director of the Center for Business and Economic Research, has been appointed director of the Howard H. Baker Center Jr. Center Murray for Public Policy. He replaces Carl Pierce, who has directed the center since June 2009. Pierce will continue to compile Sen. Baker’s papers and will eventually divide his time between the Baker Center and teaching in UT’s College of Law. ■Brian Ambroziak , an associate professor in the UT College of Architecture and Design, has received the Educator Honor Award from the American Ambroziak Institute of Architecture Students. His students nominated him for the award. Dean Scott Poole called Ambroziak “an institution builder.� ■Brent Castro, a senior, has been named vice president of the board of directors of the American Institute of Architecture Students, a leading organizaCastro tion for
■Harry “Hap� McSween is being honored by the National Academy of Sciences for his extraordinary scientific achieveMcSween ments. McSween is being awarded the J. Lawrence Smith Medal for his pioneering studies of the parent planets of meteorites and his work on the geological history of Mars using studies of Martian meteorites and spacecraft missions to the planet. In 1999, McSween led a team of researchers which discovered geologic evidence on a meteorite that water existed deep in Mars’ crust. Dean Theresa Lee said, “Hap McSween is the epitome of the superb scientist, teacher, researcher and university citizen.� ■TEAM UT, a group of students and one faculty member, will help prepare special events and conduct other behind-the-scenes work at this year’s NFL Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis, Ind. The group will be in Indiana Feb. 2-7. This is the sixth year a UT Knoxville team has gone to the Super Bowl. Team members are professor Fritz G. Polite, Alex Loeb, Ben Messerli, Alexandra Bottone, Andrew Busa, Ryan Jones, Kylie Pearse, Kristen Petway and Danielle Polk.
Tyler Duke award
Emma Clayton tastes the Chinese dumplings made by Rebecca Renegar’s nutrition class. She said, “It’s OK, pretty good!�
Devyn Dunn, Mattie Woods and Carter Sams eat Chinese cookies and read their fortunes. Devyn read, “A new pair of shoes will do you a world of good.� She said, “I need new boots for horse riding!�
TCAP set for Feb. 1 architecture students in the nation. The one-year, paid position starts in July. Dean Scott Poole called Castro’s appointment “an exceptional honor.�
Dr. Frank Chen welcomes the Hardin Valley Elementary 1st graders to the Chinese New Year Celebration at Hardin Valley Academy on Jan. 23.
The Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) Writing Assessment for 11th graders will be administered at Farragut High School on Wednesday, Feb. 1. The Writing Assessment is a performance-based test administered to 5th, 8th and 11th graders. It evaluates strengths and weaknesses in written communication. Students will be required to write a rough draft persuasive essay in response to an assigned prompt within the limited time period of 35 minutes. The essay will need to convince or influence the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view. Sample essays and previous prompts can be found on the state Department of Education website: http:// assessment/writing.shtml/.
SPORTS NOTES ■The West High School Rebels baseball team is taking orders for 4’x8’ digital color vinyl signs to hang on the fence of the baseball field for the 2012 season. The cost is $200 which will go toward maintenance and upkeep of the field. Each consecutive year a sign is purchased, the price is $125. To show their appreciation for your purchase, the players and coaches of the team will give you a pair of home game season tickets. Info: Email Jim Goble at or Kay McIntire at Payments are tax deductible. ■Rec Baseball Sign-ups: Halls Community Park spring rec league baseball, 4U-14U sign-up times are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, and Saturday, Feb. 11. Info:
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Farragut High teachers are encouraged to apply for the annual Tyler Duke Foundation Outstanding Educator Award. Nominations can be made by teachers, students, parents or administrators. The deadline is April 6. Info: ‡–‡”ƒÂ?• ƒÂ?† ™‹†‘™• ‘ˆ ˜‡–‡”ƒÂ?• Č‚ ĥÂ? ƒ„‘—– ”‡Â?– ƒ••‹•–ƒÂ?…‡ „‡Â?‡Ƥ–Ǥ Check out updates on all your favorite articles throughout the week at
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KSO to offer a musical story time A string quartet from the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will travel to eight local libraries during February and March to read stories and play music for pre-school aged children as part of the orchestra’s Story Time Program. The program is sponsored by Tennessee Arts Commission, Knox County and the city of Knoxville. Performances are free and open to the public. Under the leadership of Lucas Richman, the orchestra consists of more than 80 professional musicians and performs more than 200 programs throughout East Tennessee each season. Info: www.
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Tennessee businesses call for sales tax fairness Garrett Wagley of the Knoxville Chamber; Kay Leibowitz, owner of Paper Paraphernalia; and Rick Terry of Rick Terry Jewelers in Knoxville and Lenoir City listen via phone to U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, who is sponsoring a bill to close the online tax loophole, and Gov. Bill Haslam, who supports the legislation. Photo by T. Edwards of
Farragut agendas available on website, cable channel The town of Farragut posts agendas for the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen (FBA) meetings, held each second and fourth Thursday, on the preceding Friday at and on the town’s government cable channel 3 (Charter and TDS). In addition, a printed agenda is posted in the In-
formation Center located just inside the entrance of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The complete FBA agenda and meeting packet is available at The most recent agenda, as well as past agendas through July 2009, can
be accessed on the Board of Mayor and Aldermen page. In addition, the most recent minutes, as well as past minutes through July 2009, are available on this page. The town’s website also includes agendas and minutes for all current citizen committees, councils and boards. Info: 966-7057.
News from Dayton Pest Control
Breathing radon? Did you know that radon is found in the outdoor and indoor air of homes and buildings of all kinds? It may surprise you, but exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), more than 21,000 U.S. citizens die per year due to radon induced lung cancer … that’s 13% of all lung cancer cases. Many people have absolutely no idea they may be exposed to radon, for it is an odorless, tasteless and invisible gas produced by the decay of naturally occurring uranium in soil and water. So what steps do you take to see if you are at risk for radon exposure? The first step is to have a professional, accurate radon testing done to detect if toxic levels of radon exist in your home. Based on the test results, the next step is a structural analysis and design survey with detailed recommendations on what is needed to successfully pull the radon from within your home and expel it outside. “The radon mitigation procedures that are taken in most instances are depressurizing the soil be-
neath your home’s structure to redirect the radon gas from flowing into your living space, venting the radon gas away from your home via a pipe connected to a fan in the attic or to the top of your home for proper ventilation, and sealing radon entry points such as cracks or openings,” says Dayton Hylton, owner of Dayton’s Pest Control. For smokers the risk of lung cancer from radon exposure is significant due to
the synergistic effects between radon and smoking. For example, a person who has never smoked and is exposed to 1.3pCi/L (picocuries per liter) of radon has a 2 in 1,000 chance of getting lung cancer while a smoker has a 20 in 1,000 chance. The EPA highly recommends that radon testing be done, for there is no known safe level of radon exposure. Info: www.epa. gov/radon/.
McConnell to visit UT John
Join Gary Loe Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. on MyVLT for the LoeDown on the Big Orange TipOff Club, in support of Vols & Lady Vols Basketball.
Ad space donated by
McConnell, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick C h e n e y, will speak McConnell at the University of Tennessee on Tuesday, Jan. 31. The main event is at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Carolyn P. Brown Memorial University Center. It is free and open to the public. McConnell also will speak at 3:45 p.m. in the Toyota Auditorium of the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy. Though this afternoon talk is aimed at students, it is also free and open to the public. His visit is sponsored by
the Issues Committee, Baker Center and the Chancellor’s Honors program. McConnell, 46, is a political, business, entertainment and government consultant in Washington, D.C. He was the senior speechwriter for both Bush and Cheney during part of their national presidential campaign and during their eightyear administration. As part of the three-person speechwriting team, McConnell worked many important public presentations, including Bush’s State of the Union addresses, his eulogy for President Ronald Reagan and his remarks about the loss of Space Shuttle Columbia. McConnell was in Cheney’s office on Sept. 11, 2001, when Secret Service agents hurried them
off into a bomb shelter following the attack on the Pentagon. He subsequently helped write Bush’s address to the joint session of Congress following the terrorist attacks. During his appearances at UT, McConnell is expected to share some of his experiences and answer questions from the audience. “To young people who want to get into politics, I tell them to definitely do it – to follow their heart, to get involved in something that matters to them,” McConnell said in an interview with Network Global Broadcasting. “It’s not where the big money is, but it is definitely an area where you can feel like you’re making a difference. You can every day go to work and feel like you’re doing something worthwhile.”
So rewarding!
Ashley Kouma
Intro to fitRewards We have the best, most loyal and committed members here at the Wellness Center at Dowell Springs, and on Monday, Feb. 6, we’re introducing a program to show our members just what they mean to us. Their happiness and health are proof of how hard they work, and that’s a great reward in and of itself, but we want to go above and beyond to show them how much we appreciate their loyalty and that we recognize how hard they’re working. More importantly, we’re going to launch our brand new fitRewards program that day!
We’re hoping for a fun, great day for our members to burn some calories and earn some points! fitRewards is our new, free loyalty and reward program through which members can earn points towards prizes like personal training sessions, massages, sessions with a Registered Dietitian and also products they can order online. So if you’re a member, be sure to stop by and see us Feb. 6. We will help you get set up online for your fitRewards account, show you how to start earning points, and let you see what kind of prizes you can earn. We’ll also have some exciting announcements about new hours coming in March at The Wellness Center. Any time from 5:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m., our staff will be at computers ready to help members get set up with fitRewards, and they’ll help everyone get familiar with the program. Members who stop by for the fitRewards “Burn and Earn Day” will earn 25 extra points for each class they attend. We’re hoping for a fun, great day for our members to burn some calories and earn some points! And if you’re not a member yet, swing by and we’ll get you signed up, too! For more information just give us a call at 232-1414 or visit
Member rewards program takes off T
he Wellness Center at Dowell Springs announced that they have brought the fitRewards program to their members. “We were searching for an innovative way to make our membership experience more valuable and to thank our members for their loyalty,” stated Lisa Wolf, Managing Director. “We’re excited to be the only fitness facility in the area to offer the fitRewards program.” fitRewards is a member-appreciation program that rewards Wellness Center members for their ongoing participation. Each time a member completes a qualifying event, that member will earn points that he or she can accumulate and redeem for brand-name gifts and services. Members earn points by participating in programs, referring a friend to enroll or by using the facility regularly. Members accumulate points in their online accounts, accessed via The Wellness Center’s website, where they can redeem them online at their discretion after attaining point levels that match the gifts they want. The program was developed specifically for the fitness industry. Until now, there have been no loyalty programs, similar to airline frequentflyer programs, for health and fitness facilities. fitRewards meets that need and gives these facilities a way to thank loyal members. The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs is a medical fitness facility for life enrichment, enhancement and longevity and is the result of extensive research and planning. They have created the ultimate in a personalized training environment that is designed around the individual – people like you who live and work in our area. The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs provides a non-intimidating environment to workout. Their inviting facility brings together the best in design, state-of-the-art equipment and a wide range of innovative classes with trained, experienced and cre-
dentialed staff – dedicated to helping you reach your fitness goals. They recognize that training and wellness should be a part of your lifestyle. They also understand that not everyone’s lifestyle is the same. That’s why The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs provides amenities
and services that others do not. Their passion is to make The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs the place where you can train hard, have fun, relax, feel better, and rejuvenate on a daily basis. For more information call The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs at 865-232-1414 or visit
Class is in session at The Wellness Center The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs recently announced its Feb. line-up of classes. ■ LiveWELL informational meeting at noon Tuesday, Jan. 31. ■ “What Is Really Making Us Fat?” 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, and noon Tuesday, Feb. 14. An in-depth look at the foods we eat and their role in weight management. This class will change the way you look at the food you eat. ■ Healthy Eating Series “Diets Don’t Work!” at noon Thursday, Feb. 9, and “Not All Fat Is Bad!” at noon Thursday, Feb. 16. ■ LiveWELL Lifestyle Change Program 12-week program with different tracks: 5:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday starting Feb. 6; or 6 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting Feb. 13. Multidisciplinary approach to help participants learn how
ROUTINE It’s a brand new year, a routine is just what you need to transform yourself. LiveWell Lifestyle Change Program
Monday February 6th 5:30 p.m. Monday February 13th 6:00 a.m.
a member of provision health alliance
1400 Dowell Springs Blvd. (off Middlebrook Pike)
Ashley Kouma, Manager of Client Relations, poses with The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs’ new banner that explains and promotes fitRewards, the center’s new loyalty and rewards program. Photo by Aaron Killian
to manage the many stressors in life in order to improve their control and achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. ■ Healthy Eating Series: “Not All Fat Is Bad” 5:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20. We all understand saturated and unsaturated fats. Come learn what kinds of saturated fats are actually healthy and beneficial to your diet. ■ Book Study Series: “Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?” Noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays, starting Feb. 21, and running for six weeks. The book “Does This Clutter Make my Butt Look Fat?” is about the clutter around you and the clutter inside you that prevents you from living life to the fullest. It can affect every aspect of your life, including the numbers on the scale and your relationship with food. Join us for a six-week book study on a fun, practical, and different approach to clearing out and cleaning up the spaces where you cook, eat, and live. For more information or to sign up for a class, call The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs at 232-1414 or visit
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PAD put life on hold for Knoxville woman B
everly Mack thought the excruciating pain traveling down her leg stemmed from the ankle she had broken in a fall two years earlier. At first, she ignored it. But before long, the pain was hampering her lifestyle, and she could no longer enjoy the things she enjoyed most. “I started noticing the pain going down my leg if I walked, if I ran, if I walked up stairs, if I tried to dance, if I cut my grass, if I worked in my yard,” said Mack, lead processor for the Knoxville accounting firm of Lattimore Black Morgan & Cain. “It was keeping me from doing anything physical that I wanted to do, and I am pretty energetic for a senior citizen. I was to the point where I could walk 25 steps, and then I had to stop because the pain was so horrible. It was like the worst toothache you ever had in your life, but it’s in your leg. So you have to stop – it’s not an option to go on.” Her search for answers led her to Dr. Jeff Boruff, an internist with Parkwest Medical Center, who suspected Mack may be suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a condition of the blood vessels that leads to narrowing and hardening of the arteries that supply the legs and feet. Boruff ordered an ultrasound of her legs, revealing a narrowing of the arteries to her legs. A second test, a CT scan of the arteries, confi rmed a “significant narrowing” of Mack’s femoral artery, the largest artery at the top of the leg. “At that point, I didn’t even have a pulse in my right foot,” Mack said. “You couldn’t even feel a pulse! If I’d left that alone, it could’ve led to amputation. That’s a pretty serious thing! So, obviously, that scared me to death, and I had the surgery two weeks later.” Boruff referred Mack to Dr. Jeff Roesch, a diagnostic radiologist with Parkwest Medical Center. In a 90-minute outpatient surgical procedure, Roesch placed a stent in Mack’s femoral artery which allowed the blood to flow more freely. “The surgery was absolutely the easiest surgery I’ve probably ever had,” said Mack. “As soon as I got up out of recovery, I could walk! I promise you – it was that quick and my leg quit hurting. Obviously, I had some bruising but the hurting left
Cramping, shiny skin are PAD symptoms
Dr. Jeff Boruff (above), internist with Parkwest Medical Center, suspected Mack’s pain stemmed from peripheral arterial disease. Upon confirmation of his diagnosis, Boruff referred her to Dr. Jeff Roesch, a Parkwest diagnostic radiologist who placed a stent in her femoral artery.
Beverly Mack, lead processor at a Knoxville accounting firm, says peripheral arterial disease is “really a cut-and-dried thing – if you have it, you’ve got to fix it or your life is over. That’s the bottom line.”
Mack says PAD robbed her of the two things she enjoyed most in life – gardening and walking her two dogs, a Shetland sheepdog named Molly and a Cocker spaniel named Eddie.
that day and it hasn’t been back since.” Almost immediately, Mack’s life returned to normal. She stopped taking the elevator at work and again was able to exercise on the treadmill, work around the house, pressure wash her deck and rake leaves. More importantly, she was able to do those two things she loved most – gardening and walking her Shetland sheepdog, Molly, and her Cocker spaniel, Eddie. “Before the surgery, even if I was outside working in my flower beds and sat down, my leg still
hurt and I couldn’t get into a position that it wouldn’t hurt,” she said. “So, I’m looking forward to spring when I can get back out there and take care of things that I’d let go. And before the surgery, I felt so guilty because I couldn’t take my dogs walking. Even though they’ve got a wonderful home and backyard, it’s good for both of us – for them AND me – to get out and commune with nature and love life. You know, I might never run a marathon, but the good thing is that if I wanted to, I could at least try.” While the diagnosis of periph-
eral arterial disease took Mack by surprise, she says she was genetically predisposed to it. “My mother had vascular disease, and she went from a cane to a walker to a wheelchair – that’s how debilitating it can be,” she said. That’s why Mack has become an evangelist of sorts in the fight against peripheral arterial disease. “Anybody out there who has PAD needs to know that it’s very easily treated, and it can give your life back,” she said. “The disease is really a cut-and-dried thing – if you have it, you’ve got to fix it or your life is over. That’s the bottom line.”
Do you know the symptoms of peripheral arterial disease? Dr. Jeff Boruff, internist at Parkwest Medical Center, says the leg pain Beverly Mack experienced when walking or gardening, is known as “intermittent claudication,” a condition that is often manifested as muscle pain or cramping in the legs or arms. The pain, which can range from mild discomfort to severe, usually occurs at the location of the clogged artery and often disappears after a few minutes of rest. Calf pain is the most common symptom. However, Boruff noted, some people with PAD may exhibit only mild symptoms – or none at all. According to Boruff, PAD symptoms may include: ■ Painful cramping in your hip, thigh or calf muscles after activity such as walking or climbing stairs ■ Leg numbness or weakness ■ Coldness in your lower leg or foot, especially when compared with the other leg ■ Sores on your toes, feet or legs that won’t heal ■ A change in the color of your legs ■ Hair loss or slower hair growth on your feet and legs ■ Slower growth of toenails ■ Shiny skin on your legs ■ No pulse or a weak pulse in your legs or feet ■ Erectile dysfunction in men “If peripheral artery disease progresses, pain may occur when you’re at rest or when you’re lying down,” said Boruff. “It may be intense enough to disrupt sleep. Hanging your legs over the edge of your bed or walking around your room may temporarily relieve pain.” These symptoms, Boruff says, should be taken seriously. “If you have leg pain, numbness or other symptoms, don’t dismiss them as a normal part of aging,” Boruff said. “Call your doctor and make an appointment.”
Red Dress Gala is out to win women’s hearts It’s called Red Dress Gala, and it’s out to win G your heart. y That’s because the free event, set Feb. 2 from 5 to 9 p.m. at West Town Mall, isn’t just a fashion show – it’s an effort by Covenant Health to raise awareness of heart disease, especially in d women. wom With one of every four Wit women in the United States
dying from heart disease, Covenant Health has partnered with Belk-West Town Mall and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) in sponsoring Red Dress Gala as part of “The Heart Truth®,” a national campaign to encourage women to take an active role in their heart health by lowering their risk for heart disease. Risk factors are health conditions or habits that increase the chances of developing a
disease, or having it worsen. There are two types of heart disease risk factors – those that are beyond your control and those that can be changed. Those that can’t be changed are a family history of early heart disease and age. For women, age becomes a risk factor at 55. Middle age also is important because it’s when women tend to develop the controllable heart disease risk factors. Those risk factors that can be controlled are smok-
ing, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, overweight/obesity, physical inactivity and diabetes. While having even one risk factor is dangerous, having multiple risk factors is especially serious, because risk factors tend to “gang up” and worsen each other’s effects. The Red Dress Gala will feature refreshments and The Heart Truth® information followed by a red-themed fashion show at 6 p.m. Local celebri-
ties and heart health survivors will join professionals on the catwalk, modeling day and evening wear, shoes, scarves and accessories. The first 200 guests will receive a swag bag with samples and coupons from mall stores and an official “Red Dress” pin. Reservations are not required but seating is limited and is first-come, firstserved. For more information, call Covenant Health at 541-4500.
Red Dress Gala February 2 at 5 PM West Town5:00-9:00 Mall PM
Walk the red carpet, score free samples, find a fabulous red outfit and do something good for your heart! Take part in the Red Dress Gala. The gala starts at 5 pm and the red dress fashion show is at 6 pm. Our models will include heart disease survivors and local celebrities with a special message from Covenant Health about women’s heart health. The first 200 attendees to register in person at the amphitheater will receive an exclusive Red Dress Gala swag bag featuring gifts and special offers from your favorite stores.
Learn the heart truth at a night of fun and fashion February 2.
News from the Turkey Creek Public Market
Shoppers gather to watch the entertainment Saturday at the Turkey Creek Public Market.
Turkey Creek Public Market
Artist Edinia Money, co-owner of “Artsy Fartsy,” is reflected in her handcrafted artwork titled “Torn.” Seen in the mirror is “Orange Pride” and “Stones and Feathers.” Photos by T. Edwards of
Angie McSwain of GlamLocks offers a variety of wigs, hair pieces and accessories.
Debka’s Oasis Dancers Shirley Selby, Whitney Knight and Myra Leichtweis perform Jan. 21 at the Public Market.
Bryan Cote and his son, Daniel, receive information from Bert Ansuiano of Computer Helpers about various computer programs.
n e i d r f t o w l e o ve n A
Amber Keim and Amanda Keller of Hemp Monkeys recently added Indonesian sculptures at their booth.
Arctic Cats and kittens available at the adoption center at Turkey Creek Petsmart.
Adoption Fair: Sat. & Sun, February 11 & 12
Kami Espinoza, owner of My Sign People, prepares lettering for a client. They provide signs, banners, custom apparel, license plates, magnets, metal signs and lettering for storefront windows.
Barb Graf and Darla Adcock rest from shopping and watch the noontime entertainment at Public Market.
Joseph Guider and Clarance Arwood wear their new hats purchased at Public Market.
Feral Feline Friends of East Tennessee Contact Debbie at 300-6873 for more info
Space donated by Shopper-News.
Custom hats are available at My Sign People.
Weight loss for seniors
Children’s Hospital gets cancer grant The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a volunteer-driven charity dedicated to raising money for childhood cancer research, has awarded an infrastructure grant of $50,000 to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. The grants provide institutions with resources to enable them to conduct more research and enroll more kids in ongoing clinical trials – their best hope for a cure. Worldwide, more than 160,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year and it remains the leading cause of death by disease among children in the United States. Yet only 4 percent of all federal cancer research funding is dedicated to pediatric cancer research.
Nurse practitioner Gwen Fisher of Covenant Weight Management Center presented “Best Approaches to Weight Loss for Seniors” at a boxed lunch and learn at the Strang Senior Center on Jan. 25.
Theresa Edwards Gwen Fisher Photo by T. Edwards of
Mardi Growl returns to K-town
Fisher emphasized that managing meals is only half the strategy for losing weight. Equally important is exercise. In addition to helping with weight management, other benefits of physical activity include decreased risks of injuries, mortality, osteoporosis, anxiety and depression, and increased positive mood, physical performance, enjoyment of life, confidence, improved immune function and better sleep. Fisher explained how to start an exercise program. First, talk to your health care provider. Choose an exercise you enjoy and do it on a regular basis, at least five days per week. Begin at a pace comfortable for you. It is OK to start slow, five to 10 minutes per day, increasing up to 30. Fit it into your daily routine. Have a backup plan for bad weather if you exercise outdoors.
Fisher advised walking around the mall for exercise. She also said, “Add extra activities you wouldn’t do otherwise.” For example, walk around your house when you are on the phone, walk a lap or two around the grocery store before shopping and use a floor peddler exerciser when you are watching television or working at your computer. “You will burn more calories moving than just sitting there,” she said. Regarding food choices, Fisher explained mistakes people make: skipping meals, drinking sugary drinks and diets such as the no carbohydrate diet. Covenant’s lecture at the Strang Center at noon Wednesday, Feb. 1, is “Medical Identity Theft.” Mark your calendar now for Strang’s 15th anniversary show 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, featuring the Tellico Tappers.
I was looking through Critter magazine today when I saw the registration flyer for this year’s “Mardi Growl” parade, Young-Williams Animal Center’s largest fundraiser of the year. If you want to see some furry cutie patooties dressed in their festive best, this is the place to be. Dogs from all over the country participate in this animal adaptation of Mardi Gras, usually with their owners dressed just as festively as their pets. The event will be held Saturday, March 3, rain or shine. The parade will travel through the Old City to Gay Street and will end on Market Square. Awards will be given for best costume and best Vol spirit, among others. Pet-related product vendors will be set up on Market Square, and microchips and rabies vaccinations will be available for $10. New to the parade this
■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee (formerly the Wellness Community), 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings.
Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or
■ “An Introduction to the Alexander Technique” will be taught from 10 a.m. to noon Friday, Feb. 10, at Lawson McGhee Library. Info: Lilly Sutton, 387-7600, or visit
Special Notices
■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. the third Monday of every month at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No
Sara Barrett
Critter Tales year are “virtual walkers”– if your dog gets nervous around strangers, wear its picture on a button and walk in the parade while your pet stays comfortable at home. Early registration is $15 per pet and will end Friday, Feb. 10. Registration on parade day will be $20. The parade will kick off at 11 a.m. and festivities on the square will be held from noon to 2 p.m. Info: You can contact Sara by calling our west office at 218-9378 or email her at
charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081. ■ Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday
15 Commercial Prop-Sale 60 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Wanted To Rent 82 Trucking Opportunities 106 Dogs
DAV Chapter 24 has FREE RENTAL OF POWER OR MANUAL WHEEL CHAIRS available for any area disabled veteran. Also looking for donations of used wheelchairs (power only). Call 7650510 for information.
Commercial Building I-75 Exit 348, Ringgold, GA 18,000 SF Enclosed Plus 10,000 SF Shed. 4400 SF Of Furnished Offices. 13,600 SF Warehouse/ Garage Space Building Sits on 3.25 Acres. Centrally Located Call 423-421-1007 or
SOUTH, 2 BR, stove & frig furn, no pets, credit ck, $550/mo. $400 dep. 865-5734041, 865-603-5030 WEST, 8 min. to UT. 5 blk. 2 Western Plaza, 604 Renford, 2BR, Nice! $650, 414-7616.
Ret. Private Detective & author needs 1-2BR house on secluded, private property with rent reduced in exchange for security and/or light caretaker duties. 865323-0937
CDL CLASS A truck driver. Immed opening. FT/PT. Call 9a-3p, M-F. If you want to work, call me at 992-1849.
141 Dogs
BOYKIN SPANIEL PUPPIES. Born 1/6/12 to proud BSS-reg'd parents. 3 boys & 4 girls, chocolate coats. Ready for pick-up 3/6/ 12. Tails have been docked & dew claws removed. First round of shots will have been administered. Currently taking deposits, pls call to discuss your specific questions/ make a reservation for one of these beautiful brown dogs! $450/ males, $500/females. Call 865-661-7071.
Jonesy, a male beagle mix, is available for adoption at YoungWilliams. His temperament is gentle and sweet, but he has a playful side, too. Members of the hound group are to be watched when out for a walk. Once they catch a scent they can go and go and go. The “new” center at Young-Williams Animal Village is at 6400 Kingston Pike. Both facilities are open daily from noon until 6 p.m. Info: 215-6599.
through Friday. ■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Avenue. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807 or ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) inter-
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To apply, stop by our office: 9335 Kingston Pike, call 693-4047 or visit our website:
■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 6 to 7:30 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of every month in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: 544-6277.
Golden Doodle pups, 2 PC dining china Cash For Junk Cars, LANDSCAPING MGMT CKC, 2 yr health guar., cabinet, almond, glass Trucks, Vans. Fast Design, install, mulch, ready now, $325. 931front doors. Like new. Free Pickup. 865-556small tree/shrub work, 528-2690; 931-261-4123 $395. 865-769-4000. 8956; 865-363-0318 weeding, bed renewal, ***Web ID# 924213*** debri clean-up. Free I BUY junk cars. GREAT PYRENEES estimates, 25 yrs exp! 865.456.5249 or 48" GRANITE round Pups, AKC, 5 M, 2 F. Mark Lusby 679-9848 865.938.6915 top table w/4 cushion Parents on farm. $400. swivel chairs, copper 865-603-0103, 603-0451. & brown, like new. ***Web ID# 924360*** Lawn Care 339 Trucks 257 $350. 865-769-4000. LAB, CHOC., AKC, 1 ***Web ID# 924206*** fem., shots, wormed, ABC LAWN & Chev. Silverado 2005 Mattresses. Sealy, big boned, 11 wks old. SEALCOATING LS, 4.3, ext. cab, 1 Stearns & Foster, $450. 865-385-7148 Comm/Res. Pine owner, well maint., Serta, Qn & King straw mulch, hedge$12,500. 423-442-3933 LABRADOR PUPS $399-$599. 865-947-2337 trimming, tree/ stump AKC, 5 Males & 2 removal, gutters Females, Chocolate MOVING, WHT leather 4 Wheel Drive 258 cleaned. 377-3819 couch $300. 2 blue & Cream 865-579-1998 fabric wingback chairs ***Web ID# 927194*** $125/ea. Metal office JEEP Wrangler X 345 2006, exc cond, 58K Paving desk $50. Honey oak MALTIPOOS, 7 wks., mi, straight 6, 6 spd, credenza $75. 72" paper trained, black $15,500. 865-310-6000 wood bookshelf $30. & white, M $350; Marble-top metal end F $400. 423-442-9996 table $60. New Oneida ***Web ID# 926006*** King James 12 pl- Comm Trucks Buses 259 Poodle Puppies, 2 fem., settings, silver-plated 1st shots/wormed, reg, + serving pcs $125. KENWORTH 2000 Asking prices/obo. w/525 Cummins engine. under 4 lbs full grown, $350 ea. 865-933-6338 865-357-2321 or 417- Great Machine. $19,999 231-3131. OBO. 865-719-2804 PUG PUPPIES, 6 wks. old, 1st S&W, $400. 865-453-8934 or Pools/Hot Tubs 209 Imports 262 865-258-4136 ***Web ID# 926843*** MASTER SPA with LEXUS LS430, 2004, cover, 17 jets, seats lady driven, gar. SIBERIAN Husky AKC 3, $1000. Exc. cond. kept, 84K mi., new Pups, champ lines, 865-458-2397. Michelin tires, Mysshots, $500. 865tic Gold, heated & 995-1386 cooled seats, moon***Web ID# 926735*** Medical Supplies 219 roof, lthr., loaded, mint cond. $20,900. YORKIE POO 865-335-5727 PUPPIES, 7 wks, 1st LIFT CHAIR, $500, shots, F $400, M $350 (pd $1200), double lift ***Web ID# 924178*** 423-442-9996 bed $800 (pd. $2500), ***Web ID# 926004*** Hospital bed, $300. Domestic 265 ^ Call 865-922-6623. POWER CHAIR, Chevy Cobalt LT 2010, Roofing / Siding Free Pets 145 352 like new, exc. cond. loaded. SS app pkg. $350 37 mpg. 31k mi. Call 865-457-4955. $8950. 865-522-4133
WEST KNOX, 11240 General 109 Yarnell Rd., 4 BR, 1 BA, near Turkey #1 BEAUTY CO. AVON Creek Shopping, Reps Needed! Only Karns & Hardin HIP OR KNEE $10 to start! Call Marie Valley Schools, REPLACEMENT at 865-705-3949. fenced in back SURGERY ***Web ID# 925610*** yard, no pets, new Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 If you had hip or knee carpet, Section 8 replacement surgery Dogs 141 CHIHUAHUAS, beauaccepted. $750/mo. between 2005 - present Apts - Unfurnished 71 $500 security. 865- FSBO $25/SQ FT IN tiful small babies, & suffered problems, WEST KNOX! 1792 sq 816-3974, 865-567-7495 Regis., UTD shots, you may be entitled to 1BR, 1BA NORTH ft, 2006 28x64, strg Australian Shepherd chocolate & other compensation. pups, AKC reg, shots All appls., exc. cond. bldg. Perfect cond, colors. $250 to $300. Attorney UTD, parents on prem. $425/mo. No pets. community in Condo Rentals 76 nicest 865-387-2859 Charles Johnson $350-$450. 865-223-4803 865-604-8726, 922-9658. Knox, 3 lakes, club***Web ID# 926933*** 1-800-535-5727 house, swimming, ***Web ID# 926778*** ARTIST LOFT w/gar. bkgrnd check req'd. ENGLISH BULLDOG near UT, no $45,000. Call 865-362PUPS, AKC, Taking Homes 40 W/D, pets, non smkr, 5583 for recording. 8 wks, shots/wormed dep. now., see photos at background ck. $450, www.griffinskissabull. 865-932-2333. 1st, last, security, 865-254-1837. Manf’d Homes - Rent 86 ***Web ID# 924795*** Call Rodney or Lisa Two bedroom, one Goldendoodle Puppies, 865-617-3897; 399-2692. bath on an acre lot standard & mini, CKC with beautiful views. Apts - Furnished 72 reg., $500. 270-566$65,000. 318-518-6416 0093; 2, 3 & 4 Bedrooms, Call ADBA Reg $200 ***Web ID# 924265*** 865-250-4205, for info. 423-625-9192 SELL YOUR HOUSE WALBROOK STUDIOS IN 9 DAYS 2 5 1 3 6 0 7 CONDO 865-365-8888 weekly. Discount ONE LEVEL LIVING General 109 General 109 General 109 $140 avail. Util, TV, Ph, near golf course. 2 Stv, Refrig, Basic BR / 2 BA, LR, DR, Cable. No Lse. KIT: 2-car garage, Condos- Townhouses 42 W/D furnished. $800 / mo. Call 679-5735 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, 2 car Duplexes 73 garage, approx 2100 FURNISHED 1 BR, 1 SF. Halls area. For BA, pool, frpl, util. CEDAR BLUFF AREA info call 865-898-4558 & cable furn. $750. 3BR town home, 2BA, frplc, Downtown Pigeon FSBO, 1 BR, 1 BA, laundry rm, new carpet, 1 yr lease, Forge. $400 dep. pool, frpl., down$770 mo. $250 dep. Refs. & background town Pigeon Forge, ck req. 865-908-0170 865-216-5736 or 694-8414. $60,000. Terms available with down HALLS. $1100 mo. ADOPT! payment 865-908-0170 FARRAGUT/NEAR TURKEY HOA $65 mo. 3 BR, CREEK 2BR, 1BA, laundry rm, ***Web ID# 926027*** 2 1/2 BA, 2 car gar., Lse Looking for a lost family neighborhood, 1 yr lease, to purch. 865-898-4558 pet or a new one? $680 mo. $250 dam. dep. Visit YoungCemetery Lots 49 865-216-5736 OR 694-8414 IRRESISTIBLE 3 BR have partnered together to hire exceptional people! Williams Animal condo for rent, 2 1/2 Center, the official baths, near UT, 4 CEMETERY LOTS, Mike 916shelter for the City Highland South, Houses - Unfurnished 74 $900/mo. 474-9218, 865-357-8281 of Knoxville & Knox Garden of Gospels, ***Web ID# 918036*** prime loc., priv. ownr. County: 3201 Di3 BR, 2 1/2 BA home All for $4500. 573-5047. vision St. Knoxville. off John Sevier near NEW CONDO UT/downtown, stove, WEST KNOXVILLE Highland Memorial, 8 lots together, Sec. 20, frig., & W/D hookups. 5825 Metropolitan Way $850/mo. + dep. No 2 BR , 2 B A , 1 2 0 4 s f , with monument rights, pets. Credit check. 2 car garage, $850/mo. $10,000. 404-580-9975 865-385-2860 1 yr lease. NO PETS. Farmer’s Market 150 Gary 865-548-1010 Bluff. 3 BR, 2 Doyle 865-254-9552 Real Estate Wanted 50 Cedar 1948 FORD 8N tractor 1/2 BA + bonus, 2 w/bush hog, finish car gar. No pets. Sequoyah Hills Condo WE BUY HOUSES, mower, yard box, $1300 mo. 865-453-5079 1BR NEWLY Inspection any reason, any con& trailer mover, RENOVATED hrdwd dition. 865-548-8267 CLAXTON-Powell, 3BR flrs, paint, updated ba repainted & rewired Machine Operating 2 BA, spacious, runs & drives well & more. Gas stove & $2850/bo 865-307-6367 convenient, 1st/L/DD heat, WD hookup; lrg. Expediting closet. Commercial Prop-Sale 60 No pets. 865-748-3644 BR w/custom Quiet, safe, CORPORATE LEASE prestigious dev. pool, Warehouse 865-250-0436, 933-4161 FOXDEN 2 STORY brick buildclubhse & conv. ing 30x60', AC/heat, Custom Built 08, 5400 Parking, sm. pet SPRING CUTTING, sq. ft. 4 BR, 4.5 Baths sprinkler system, in welcome, Avail. NOW! GRASS HAY, sm Master BR & guest center of Oak Ridge $650 contact: square bales, avg 50 Lg. parking lot. 865- BR @ Main Level. Walk lbs. 865-850-0130. out Decks, Great for 483-6311, 865-483-5552 or call 865-971-1744. Entertaining. $4200/mo. ***Web ID# 923520*** APPX. 8000 SF Ofc./ Call Brackfield and Machinery-Equip. 193 WEST CONDO, 2 story, Whse., Fully finished Associates 691-8195 2BR, 2 full BA, W/D out. Covered loading POWELL 2 BR, 1 BA, 931B CAT track loader dock, drive in door, conn., walk in closet, country setting, w/4 way bucket. appls., priv. patio. centrally located. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Come join a winning team! EOE appls. $470/mo. Used on farm. Quiet, clean. $710/mo., Possible owner finance 865-938-1653 $12,900. 423-539-6003 $795,000. 865-679-6918 dep. req., 865-742-1882.
Chihuahua Puppies
ested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: 544-6279.
Sporting Goods 223 Cleaning
ELEC. GOLF CART CHRISTIAN CLEANING LADY SERVICE. Dewith top & windpendable, refs, Call shield, runs good, 705-5943. $950. 865-992-2953
235 Fencing
CAMPERS WANTED YOU BUY IT, we install it! Fencing & repair. We buy travel trailers, We haul stuff too! Call 5th Wheels, Motor 604-6911. homes & Pop-Up Campers. Will pay cash. 423-504-8036
DUTCHMAN 26RLS, Classic 2003, 29', big slide, slps 6, like new, $10,500. 606-269-2925 ***Web ID# 923846***
Motor Homes
CERAMIC TILE installation. Floors/ walls/ repairs. 32 yrs exp, exc work! John 9383328
Furniture Refinish. 331
FLEETWOOD FLAIR 26 ft., fully self- DENNY'S FURNITURE contained, new AC, REPAIR. Refinish, renew awning, sleeps glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! 8, runs good, 922-6529 or 466-4221 $21,900. 865-992-2953
HAROLD'S GUTTER SERVICE. Will clean 2004 HONDA 400 EX, front & back $20 & up. good shape, $2,000 Quality work, guaranobo. Call Frank 865teed. Call 288-0556. 748-1470
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