Farragut Shopper-News 022012

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FARRAGUT www.ShopperNewsNow.com




A great community newspaper

VOL. 6 NO. 8

February 20, 2012

Coming together at Farragut View


Before the traffic came

By Suzanne Foree Neal

People often ask me what I consider to be the greatest difference between Concord/ Farragut today and the way I remember it 60 years ago. Without hesitation, the most descriptive word I can think of is “serenity.” The biggest culprit to serenity is automobile traffic, which used to be very sparse. But even before the great influx of people, Highways 11 and 70 were the main east-west and north-south routes.


See Shell’s story on A-6


Debbie Sayers: Teacher of the year Hardin Valley Academy’s Debbie Sayers was selected as the Knox County Schools Teacher of the Year for Grades 9-12 at the annual Teacher of the Year celebration Feb. 16. She holds a master’s degree from LMU and works as AP chemistry teacher and academic dean of the STEM Academy at HVA. She volunteers as an “e-mentor” with first-year chemistry teachers, is a yoga instructor and a member of Messiah Lutheran Church. She coached the first cross country team at West Valley Middle School and has coached AYSO girls soccer.

Neighbors are getting acquainted as they organize a new neighborhood watch program for Sonja Drive and Admiral Road residences through the Farragut View Community Club. New signs have been posted on Campbell Station Road, Kingston Pike and at the entrance to Stone Crest subdivision. Robert Schaefer, president of the Farragut View Community Club, says there was an incident and “a young woman was frightened and sent out emails to the world” and some thought it a good time to activate a neighborhood watch program. Schaefer set it up, and a Knox County Sheriff’s Office representative came with a lot of materials and, Schaefer says, “brought a lot of people together.” The community is a long-established neighborhood that used to have an active community club, says Schaefer. “People have gotten older, lost interest and we don’t have a community center where we can have activities,” he says. “The problem is we’re not a contained community. It’s a drive through and Sonja is a major feeder to two developments. People take short cuts and they’re not all our residents. When the Sheriff’s Office has patrolled, they’ve written lots of tickets for speeders.” Before the meeting Schaefer says there was little camaraderie among residents. “Now they’re telling me they are meeting new people and enjoying it. We’ve had a couple of meetings. There are 10 block captains and they’re each getting seven people in their

Robert Schaefer thinks his Farragut View subdivision is aptly named. He recently helped launch a neighborhood watch program for his community. Photo by S.F. Neal blocks involved. We’re pretty well organized. I hope there eventually will be 74, one for each house in the covered area.” When the Schaefers first moved into the community, he says there were regular meetings in people’s houses. “It was usually the same old ones who came. It has waned and turned into an older community, but some of my captains are younger.” Schaefer says his community is really a safe neighborhood. “We had very few incidents last year,” he notes. “This is to help us keep it safe. It’s prevention. We had 22 turn out for the meeting and that was good since the li-

brary’s fire marshal limited us to 24.” As time goes on, Schaefer would like to see his watch group become more active. He cites a friend’s homeowners group in Hardin Valley. “The sheriff brings in not only the helicopter, but the canines and robots, and they supply the hot dogs,” he says of the community event. Schaefer and his wife, Agnes, enjoy living in one of the older subdivisions in town. The lots are large and there’s no street behind them. He thinks Farragut View is aptly named. “I look down on Kingston Pike, toward Concord

Hills and a view of the Smokies,” he says. “I like the view, the neighborhood, location, love living in Farragut because it’s close to everything. We’re in our 80s and have been here 20 years. We find it very nice.” Schaefer jokes that he’s the Farragut View Community Club president because no one else would volunteer to take the job. He says the former president was tired of nothing happening. “He would have a dinner for the community and only 20 would show up,” Schaefer says. “I think this is bringing us back together,” he says of the neighborhood watch.

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Emory Road Bids have been opened to five-lane Emory Road to Clinton Highway. The apparent low bidder is Potter South East from Huntsville. Click on Powell edition.

The rainwear-clad Tellico Tappers Ku Adams, Amy Covell and Mary Jane Pope dance to “Singing in the Rain.”

Index Coffee Break 2 Sherri Gardner Howell 3 Government/Politics 4 Town of Farragut 5 Malcolm Shell/Marvin West 6 Faith 7 Schools 8 Community Calendar 10 Business 11 Health/Lifestyles Sect B

More photos on B-2

10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sandra Clark sclark426@aol.com.com ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.

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Farragut High slated for upgrades By Sandra Clark Dr. Jim McIntyre is recommending a building project at Farragut High School as part of his new capital planning priorities, but there is no timeline for completion. The school board must adopt the recommendations which were discussed at last week’s workshop. Three board members questioned the absence of middle school improvements on the list.

Wear Else!

McIntyre wants “major maintenance upgrades” at Farragut High to correct deferred maintenance from the time when the school operated at “over-capacity for several years.” This includes door and hardware replacement, locker replacement and restroom upgrades. McIntyre’s other priorities are: ■ Shannondale Elementary, an addition of 14 classrooms at a school where one-third of the students are housed in portables;

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■ Adrian Burnett Elementary, elimination of portables and expansion of core areas such as cafeteria, library, administrative space and restrooms; ■ Construction at Pond Gap Elementary to accommodate anticipated growth there and at Norwood, Inskip and West Haven; ■ Support for magnet schools; and ■ New administrative office space and expansion of cafeteria at Powell High School.

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Coffee Break with

“My two grandfathers. One fought at the Battle of the Bulge and the other worked for the Washington Post.”

Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why? “My husband, Steve. We are complete opposites. We balance each other very well, but, more than that, our marriage has illustrated again and again that people can honestly interpret things completely differently. He has helped me to be more patient, more flexible and a better listener.”

I still can’t quite get the hang of …

Allison Sousa

“Zumba. Argh!”

What is the best present you ever received in a box?

Executive director, Farragut Business Alliance There really wasn’t a chance for Allison Sousa to wade in and get her feet wet as the first executive director of the Farragut Business Alliance when she started in October 2011. With the holiday season coming up quickly and a plan of work needed for 2012, Allison just cannonballed in and went to work. “I was happy to be getting back into community and economic development,” said Allison, who has been in East Tennessee since 1993. “Once you do this kind of work, it gets into your blood, and you love it.” Allison’s preparation for her position goes all the way back to college. Both her undergraduate and graduate degrees are in business. From 1995 to 2002, she was president of the Loudon County Chamber of Commerce, was executive director of an inner-city nonprofit, was in business development for two financial institutions, and created and ran her own public relations firm. With her husband, Steve, and two sons – Cameron, 13, and Jamison, 10 – Allison lives in Lenoir City. Steve is a nuclear instrumentation mechanic with TVA. “I am originally from upstate New York, so I call myself a ‘reformed Yankee.’ I’ve been in the South for about 23 years,” said Allison. Plans for the three-year-old Farragut Business Alliance for the first few months under Allison’s direction centered on moving the FBA from an all-volunteer organization to a more structured plan. “We are basically here to serve as the voice of the business community,” she said. “We want to smooth the path in Farragut to help businesses thrive, to help new businesses come here and change the perception that Farragut is a difficult place to do business. “When our businesses thrive, it props up the whole community.” Sit and have a Coffee Break as you get to know Allison Sousa:

What is your favorite quote from a television show or movie?

“That’s a tie between my engagement ring and the pearls my parents gave me for my wedding.”

What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? “Every sale is a good sale!”

What is your social media of choice? “I’m pretty addicted to several of them, but I would say Facebook is my favorite. Pinterest is catching up though!”

What is the worst job you have ever had? “Delivering singing telegrams – in costume, in the summer.” or my cast-iron frying pan.”

What are you reading currently? “Room,” by Emma Donoghue.

What irritates you?

“Oh, that’s easy! I was at the roller skating rink when I was 13 and had a glass bottle of lip gloss in the back pocket of my pants (‘glass’ being the operative word). The inevitable fall resulted in a gash requiring 13 stitches. Let’s just say it was very awkward sitting for a couple of weeks.”

“Do I have to limit my answer to just one irritant? OK. I’ll go with hypocritical people. Tailgating is a close second.”

What are the top three things on your bucket list? “1. Being here to hold my grandbabies someday. 2. Visiting Australia. 3. Writing a book.”

What is one word others often use to describe you and why? “Charismatic. I am an Energizer Bunny and have been told that my laugh is contagious.”

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

What are you guilty of?

What is your passion?

What is your favorite material possession? “It’s between my Android tablet, my InStyler flat iron

“The classics: Bugs Bunny, Road Runner, etc., because my dad belly-laughed at them (and still does). I love Marvin the Martian, too. His voice still makes me laugh.”

What was your most embarrassing moment?

“Have fun stormin’ da castle!” (Miracle Max in “The Princess Bride.”) “Letting my boys wrap me around their little fingers.”

What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why?

“My weight, for the 7,645th time.” “My family.”

With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch?

What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit? “Pick a park, any park! Farragut’s parks are so wellmaintained, beautiful and well-rounded in regard to activities and amenities. Families can find a ton of things to do at the Town’s parks – for free! It doesn’t get much better than that.”

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself at 18? “To take better care of myself.”

What is your greatest fear? “Not being a good enough parent.”

If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be? “Run for an elected office.” Do you have a suggestion for Coffee Break? It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Just email your suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. If you know contact information for your suggested candidate, include it in your email.



hen a first-class letter or package is mailed from anywhere in East Tennessee (376-379 ZIP CODE) to anywhere else in East Tennessee, it has been expected to be delivered the next day, except on Sunday. However, the Postal Service recently announced the easement of service standards for first-class mail and periodicals (newspapers and magazines). If no action is taken by Congress to stop this action by the end of May, local firstclass mail and periodicals will take a minimum of two days to be delivered. Congress caused the financial problems of the Postal Service by forcing it to pay $5.5 Billion annually to prefund 75 years of retiree health benefits in a 10-year period, including benefits for future retirees not even born yet! This unreasonable burden, passed by Congress in 2006 before the Great Recession, has caused billions of dollars in losses annually for the Postal Service (without that burden, the Postal Service would have earned over $600 Million in profits over the past 4 years). Over 120,000 jobs have been cut, thousands of post offices are targeted for closure, and 6-day mail delivery is threatened. The U.S. Senate is soon expecting to debate bill S. 1789, a proposal that would provide some short-term financial relief for the Postal Service, but does nothing to stop the degradation of service standards and the end of over-night local delivery of first-class mail and periodicals (newspapers and magazines). It does not adequately resolve the prefunding burden of the $5.5 Billion payments, which is the overwhelming cause of the financial problems in the first place. Without addressing this burden, any other actions to cut costs will only be destructive and will further reduce mail service for all Americans. Only Congress can prevent the degradation of our mail service and preserve the Postal Service for many years to come. Contact your U. S. Senators, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, and ask them to oppose S. 1789 unless it is amended to maintain current service standards and to correct the prefunding burden. Contact them today and let them know you value your mail service! Senator Lamar Alexander 800 Market St., Suite 112 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-545-4253

Senator Bob Corker 800 Market St., Suite 121 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-4180

Knoxville Postal Workers


Membership Mingler blends business, pleasure Good food, diet-wrecking desserts and an informative program gave the Farragut Business Alliance Membership Mingler added value on Feb. 9, as members and guests gathered to get to know other business owners. Members of the Farragut Business Alliance gather at Comfort Suites on Campbell Station Road for networking, as well as a program and meeting. Newk’s Express Café provided the food. Getting ready for the members are Joseph Gorfido, general manager of Newk’s, and Debbie Pyne, director of sales for Comfort Suites.

Sherri Gardner Howell FARRAGUT FACES

Cory and Andrika Langham, coordinators and hosts of the fatherdaughter prom, are with their daughters, Landyn and Lennox.

It was also a time to catch up on the business of the FBA, which is pushing ahead with new ideas and innovations, all designed to promote the Farragut business community. Hosting the event was Comfort Suites on Campbell Station Road. Debbie Pyne represented the hotel and provided a great door prize for a free night at the facility. Farragut Wine and Spirits and Newk’s also helped host and provide prizes. Dessert was courtesy of The Cup, providing miniature cupcakes in a multitude of flavors. Newk’s showed off the variety of their menu with sandwiches, pasta salad and the soon-to-be famous Tippah County Caviar. Allison Sousa, executive director, and David Purvis, FBA president, welcomed everyone with a fascinating program, first featuring an overview of Farragut High School and the Farragut High School Education Foundation which was followed by an update on the FBA plans to launch a Shop Farragut app to promote local businesses.

Mingling at the Mingler are Darla Burdell, vice president of operations for Myers Bros. Holdings; Allison Sousa, executive director of the Farragut Business Alliance; and David Purvis with Farragut Wine & Spirits, president of Farragut Business Alliance. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

FHS principal Michael Reynolds and FHS Education Foundation president Jerry Martin emphasized the necessity of community and business support in having a world-class school system and preparing Farragut students for the future. Discussion on changing technology and the expense of keeping current with technology brought a laugh but also food-forthought when the presenters asked, “Who has the most up-to-date technology at Farragut High School?” The answer: “The students.” An update on the FBA’s efforts to develop an app for android and iPad devices followed, with a presentation from Chris Rathgeb, owner and lead developer at Knox Apps, the company designing the Shop Farragut app for FBA. While there are still many questions and details to consider, progress is being made toward rolling the app out soon. For more information on the app, contact Allison Sousa at FBA, 307-2486. Let us know about fun events for Farragut Faces. Contact Sherri Gardner Howell, at gardners@tds.net.

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Keaton Link does the “chicken dance” with her dad, Rob Link, Farragut resident who is the director of communications at Knoxville’s Salvation Army. He said, “I had more fun than I ever thought I’d have!” Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Praise for a pioneer West Valley Middle School 6th grader Kijon Dunn gets a hug from his great-great-aunt Gail Upton. She was a member of the Clinton 12 and the first black female to graduate from an integrated high school in Tennessee, if not the South. She spoke to the 8th graders at West Valley on Feb. 10, as part of their Black History Program. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

SOME OF THE RESULTS OF KAREN CARSON REPRESENTING THE 5TH DISTRICT ON THE SCHOOL BOARD • Approved New Southwest Elementary School to alleviate crowding at Farragut Primary, Farragut Intermediate and A. L. Lotts Elementary schools. • Successfully passed resolution to allow Grandfathering of Siblings to keep families together. since

• Brought Student Voice to the table: Worked with Youth Action Council to set policy for student representation on the Board of Education.


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How Bob Booker made Bill Jenkins Speaker Last Tuesday, Feb. 14, was a trip down memory lane for me as Bill Vaughan, retired journalist and press aide to Gov. Winfield Dunn, and I drove up to Rogersville to have lunch with former U.S. Rep. Bill Jenkins at the historic Hale Springs Inn. Jenkins, 75, is in good health and still the gentleman farmer.

Victor Ashe

Along with Knoxville attorney Dick Krieg (another former state representative) and Tom Jensen, I had voted in January 1969 to elect Jenkins the first Republican Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives in decades. It would take 40 years before another Republican would be Speaker. But in 1969, the House was split 49-49 between Democrats and Republicans with one independent, J. P. Kimbrell from Lawrence County, for a total of 99 members. It was uncertain whether Jenkins, the GOP nominee, or Pat Lynch, the Democratic nominee, would be chosen Speaker. When the House convened that day it was full of excitement and uncertainty, as the lone independent, Mr. Kimbrell, had not declared his intentions. It was assumed his vote would determine the outcome, so when the roll was called everyone waited for the clerk to reach the names beginning with “K” to find out what Kimbrell would do. However, the result became clear much earlier in the roll call when those names beginning with “B” were called. Bob Booker, an African-American Democrat from Knoxville, announced his vote for Jenkins to the shock of the 48 other Democrats and the happy surprise of Republicans. Then, Jenkins had his 50 votes and the Kimbrell vote, which made it 51, was not decisive. I asked Jenkins last week how he was able to secure Booker’s support some 44 years ago. He said he had met with Booker a few days before the vote and told him he would be fair in appointments and presiding. Booker, he said, told him he would support him and Booker delivered. Jenkins said he and Booker still stay in touch to this day. Jenkins was also a fellow East Tennessean. Jenkins has had one of the most diverse public service careers of any Tennessean, having served as a state representative for eight years, Commissioner of Conservation for Gov. Dunn (in fact the only commissioner in the Dunn Cabinet still living),

Director of TVA when directors still ran the agency, Circuit Court judge, and U.S. Representative. Jenkins has been in the legislative, judicial and executive branches of state government and the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. He also served a term on the Board of Trustees for Carson-Newman College. He says being Speaker of the Tennessee House was the most interesting “as it was a period of transition” for Tennessee politics to a two-party system. Buford Ellington was governor and the notion of a Republicancontrolled House was considered fantasy. However, in 1968, Richard Nixon carried Tennessee and Hubert Humphrey ran poorly. Tennessee had elected Howard Baker to the U.S. Senate in 1966, Bill Brock to the U.S. House from Chattanooga in 1962, and in 1970, Winfield Dunn was elected governor and Brock to the U.S. Senate. Two-party politics for Tennessee had arrived. Today it seems almost reversed in that the GOP is now the dominant party, which the Democrats were in the early 1960s and also in the 1980s. Both Houses of the Legislature are Republican as is the Governor and seven of nine congressional seats. Jenkins attributes the growth of the Republican Party in the Legislature to the Supreme Court decision of Baker v. Carr which required equal populations in districts for legislatures across the United States and assured a growth in Republican seats. Jenkins never overstayed his time in any position he has held. His integrity is well-established and his story telling is legendary. ■ Ray Building: It seems another matter the Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation never voted on was naming their building on Gay Street for Gloria Ray. It was done by an agreement between former county Mayor Mike Ragsdale and Ray with the concurrence of former KTSC board chair David Duncan according to Kim Bumpas, interim KTSC president. There is no record of the board voting to do this. Bumpas is making a concerted effort to reach out to groups which Ray had ignored in the arts and cultural community. Don’t be surprised if the sign quietly disappears one day. ■ Attorney Ward Phillips is being paid $275 an hour which may be the best money KTSC has spent as he unearths past misdeeds and outlines a legal path to restoring trust. Had he been around earlier he might have been able to keep the board focused on the business of being real board members. Victor Ashe, former Knoxville mayor and Ambassador to Poland, can be reached at vhashe@aol.com/.

WDVX is nation’s top bluegrass station – again By Betty Bean Two minutes before noon on a cold, gray Monday, the crowd at the Blue Plate Special was a little sparse and kind of quiet. Then Red Hickey picked up the microphone and asked them to make some extra noise and promised that stragglers would arrive to fill up the room by the time the opening act, Ryan Kralik, a singer/songwriter who’d come all the way from Kent, Ohio, plugged in his ukulele.

Betty Bean She was right. Five minutes later, the room was nearly full. And by the time the four singing sisters from Atlanta who make up the string band von Grey took the stage, it was standing room only. Their high lonesome harmonies couldn’t help but remind old-timers of the “Midday Merry-Go-Round” that was the hottest lunch hour ticket on Gay Street 60 years ago. The “Blue Plate Special” is a daily production of the radio station that The Oxford American magazine named the Best In America. Past performers there include locals, up-andcoming new national faces and occasionally, bona fide celebrities like Bela Fleck, Marty Stuart and David Grisman. The show broadcasts from a studio at the Knoxville Visitors Center, on the corner of Gay Street and Summit Hill. This month, WDVX was named Bluegrass Station of the Year by the Society for the Preservation of Bluegrass Music of America. For the eighth time. The WDVX studios share the ground floor of the Gloria Ray building with Nancy Kendrick’s Coop Café (known for its many tasty variations on chicken salad) and Uniquely Knoxville, a gift shop featuring hand-made local products from paintings and pottery to jewelry, books and recorded music. On Saturday mornings at 10, there’s a chil-

WDVX general manager Linda Billman (center) and interns David Cohen and Samantha Amick get ready for another “Blue Plate Special.” Photo by Betty Bean dren’s show called “Kids’ Stuff,” hosted by Sean McCollough. Upstairs are the plush offices of the embattled Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation, which is in the midst of a forced reorganization over questions about its financial structure. WDVX, which operates on an annual budget of just more than $600,000, relies on numerous volunteers, some part-timers and five full-time employees who are crammed into a space that is windowless and small, lit with fluorescent bulbs and provided by KTSC in exchange for promotional exposure on the air. Expansion plans have been put on hold by the turmoil on the top floor. Whatever the problems, Linda Billman, who served on the board of directors for six years before she was hired as general manager two years ago, says WDVX is happy to be downtown. “We are lucky to be here. It keeps us visible and we can do the ‘Blue Plate.’ We think we make a great contribution to the community – arts every day for free in downtown Knoxville. We have become a tourist destination,” she said. WDVX founder Tony Lawson, now the program director, incorporated the station in 1991 and guided it to its first FCC license in 1997 when it was broadcasting from a transmitter on Cross Mountain, near Briceville. Even-

tually, Lawson bought a used camper for $500 that became the station’s first permanent studio. Around that time, he got a financial boost from Don Burggraf, who put up his house as collateral on a $25,000 loan. “It’s just been a good soulful journey,” Lawson said, who treasures memories of people he has met over the years – like bluegrass prodigy Alex Leach, who started working on air when he was 9 years old. Leach is 22 now, and plays guitar, mandolin and banjo all over the Western Hemisphere. He still does a Tuesday night show with Lawson when he’s in town. And is the resemblance to the “Midday Merry-Go-Round” intentional? “Absolutely,” Lawson said. “It’s where we started, with one foot in the past and one foot in the future. And this is where we’re standing right now.” Billman is working on ways to translate the station’s prestige and popularity into economic stability. “That’s the challenge of nonprofits,” she said. “I’d like to figure out a way to make listeners into supporters. One of our challenges is that we are a radio station and a lot of people think of broadcasting as free. That’s fine and a lot of people can’t afford to contribute, but for people who can, it would be nice to have their support.”

Hutchison dismissed from Citizens Bank lawsuit Former Knox County Sheriff the bank. Tim Hutchison and his wife, Jan, Hutchison said have been dismissed from the he sold his stock in the SHE Group lawsuit filed by Citizens National Bank of Athens over money owed to a fellow sharethe bank by the SHE Group, a holder in February corporation that purchased Dean 2008. The owner/ Stallings Ford in Oak Ridge. manager of SHE The dealership later closed and Group later filed Hutchison was sued. for bankruptcy in He said Thursday that he can- Hutchison August 2009. not discuss the terms of the settleHe was notified of the bankruptment, but observed that he also cy filing by local media, Hutchison dropped his countersuit against said. “I was only a passive investor

and never had any involvement in the management or decision making at Dean Stallings Ford. Nor was I consulted over any issues with those responsible for ultimate outcome of that dealership.” Hutchison was elected sheriff five times and was term limited by the Tennessee Supreme Court during his fifth term. In 2010 he lost a primary bid to Tim Burchett for county mayor. He has been doing law enforcement consulting and construction/disaster relief.

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Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Ashe’s Wine and Spirits Thad Cox Jr., proprietor of Ashe’s Wine and Spirits in Bearden, holds a bottle of Red Dust Shiraz. He said, “We focus on wine; the latest and greatest value and hottest trends. We can help with weddings and parties of all sizes. We can handle it all.” Info: 584-3341 or www.asheswines.com.


Time will tell for ‘scruffy’ lot All parties agree the lot fronting Kingston Pike between Village Veterinary and the Phillips 66 gas station is “scruffy-looking,” but that’s where the agreement ends. There was a lengthy discussion among Craig and Doris Allen, their engineer David Harbin, Community Development Director Ruth Hawk and members of the Farragut Municipal Planning Commission at the monthly meeting Thursday regarding rezoning for the 16-acre parcel which sits partly in a flood plain along the stream that meanders behind businesses on Campbell Station Road. The Allens want to configure the lot so that the Kingston Pike frontage can be zoned commercial from the present office-1 and floodplain to commercial-1 and floodplain. Hawk said staff did not recommend the change for several reasons. There are sight distance issues and the developable part is not clearly visible from either Campbell Station Road or Kingston Pike. “It’s not an impulse stop,” Hawk explained. “This site needs to be a destination spot. Access is halfway between two traffic lights and it’s not recommended to take traffic through two parking lots. There’s not enough traffic flow for a traffic light. Most important, there’s a high level of vacancy in commercial buildings in the town. It’s not a good idea to build new when existing buildings are vacant.” Mayor Ralph McGill favored waiting until the town’s impending land use plan is finalized as it will bring about some changes in zoning. “There might be some give and take that would give the land some use,” he said. The Allens showed frustration at not being able to get the zoning. They want to grade the property to create a flat portion at the front for commercial zoning on Kingston Pike. Doris Allen said in all the years they’ve been trying to develop the property, they’ve never had anyone express an interest in office space. “The front is scruffy,” she said. “We want to bring it up to height of Kingston Pike and it will be a high-end piece of property.” They sought a stream study and believed that if they filled in part of the property on one side of the stream and cut the grade down much lower on the other side, there wouldn’t be any flooding problem. Only problem was, they were working off an old stream study. Hawk said Farragut is now identified as a high growth area. “On this prop-

ers suggested residents ask the builder if the architecture of the new additions Suzanne could mirror the current deForee velopment. “I’m thinking he Neal would like to keep his neighbors happy and not have a nightmare,” he said. Despite residents’ deerty, the elevation is four sires, Hawk told them the feet higher under the new town is not able to dictate study,” she said. Commis- architectural style or presioner Ed St. Clair said, vent an owner from renting “There are a lot of things property. integrated into this besides Mayor Ralph McGill said, just one structure. Moving “There’s always some vira flood stream goes against tue in communication.” The our ordinances.” Other com- commission unanimously missions wondered what approved the resubdivision would happen downstream request. if the section on the Allen’s property was changed. ■ Subdivision “You can only fill in 50 concepts plans OK percent of a flood plain,” MPC housekeeping inHawk explained. “The more there is development, the cluded an annual review of more tropical storms we concept plans for Everett have, the theory of the 100- Hills and Sheffield subdiviyear storm is going out the sions. Ruth Hawk said it was a window. Modeling techniques aren’t working on matter of making sure the flash floods.” She also ex- commission doesn’t forget pressed concern at taking these subdivisions are out out mature hardwood trees there and a way to let neighthat line the bank and hold bors know when development is starting up again. back the soil. Harbin said he didn’t As Sheffield subdivision know there was a new stream opens up another phase of study. “I’ll get with staff and development, Hawk said it rerun the study. It frustrates would include two walking me when I get blindsided.” trails. There was an amendThe Federal Emergency Management Agency would ment a couple of years back have to approve changes in because developers ran into the stream and flood plain. a sinkhole so some lots were Even if FEMA approves, redrawn. Staff recommendFarragut doesn’t have to. ed approval and the comMcGill said getting a deci- mission signed off on it. In the case of the Everett sion from FEMA was the Hills development, Hawk key to everything. Both the rezoning request said the property was never and changes to the stream subdivided as it went into and floodplain will return bankruptcy, but because infrastructure was in place, for discussion another day. she said staff didn’t think it ■ Concern at appropriate to let the conConcord Landing cept plan lapse. There was a shared agreement on some A few residents of Con- work on roads and Hawk cord Landing turned out at said that is “always on the the Farragut MPC meeting table.” Thursday to voice concerns The concept plan was apabout development of a proved for another year. small piece of property adjacent to theirs. ■ Development in Jalyn Homes requested healthy state a resubdivision of lot 12 in The annual “state of the Concord Landing subdivision to create three lots but state of development in Faronly two will be developed. ragut” report was given by The third is a buffer. Resi- Assistant Community Dedents’ main concern was velopment Director Mark the style of the two duplex- Shipley. “Overall, development type structures looking like the rest of nearby homes activity has increased,” he and secondly, the fact that said. New building permits they were going to be rental held steady at 55 for the year. Housing starts may units. The lot was originally a not change much in 2012, single-dwelling residence but he is seeing more sinthat is being demolished. gle-family detached homes Ruth Hawk, community coming into the town. “We issued 20 more development director, said she had encouraged the de- building permits in 2011 veloper to join the Concord than 2009; maybe it’s too Landing Homeowners As- early to tell, but there’s defisociation. Town Attorney nitely some positive signs.” Final subdivision plat Tom Hale will review all site plans she told residents and plans are still slow because there will be restrictive cov- there was a “huge amount” of lots created between 2003 enants and deeds. Commissioner Noah My- and 2007 that are platted

Tic, tock Farragut gets free clock What can you trade the velopment director, said one town of Farragut for some thought was to use it in conmore ground-mounted sig- junction with the outdoor nage? How about learning center a beautiful, tall at Farragut High clock that’s been School. She said, sitting beside however, the deParkside Drive cision would ultiand often unapmately rest with preciated as cars the board. go whizzing by. “The clock gets lost and they That’s what found it wasn’t the owners of as effective as Gatti’s Center – they thought it Tim Hill, Tom would be,” Hawk Schaffler and explained. “In Tom Schaffler return, they can Jr. – decided to get some more do. They are giftground-mounted ing the clock to The the town and in Owners of Gatti’s signage.” return, the town Center have do- only request the made will acknowledge nated this clock owners the donation to Farragut. It sits was that the with a plaque beside the center town take the to be placed on on Parkside Drive, clock down and the clock when it but often goes the public works settles into a new unnoticed as traf- department will home. An exact fic whizzes by. It’s handle the task location has yet lit at night, so you of taking it down to be decided, can always know and putting it in but Ruth Hawk, what time it is. its new home. –S.F. Neal community de- Photo by S.F. Neal

but not built on, he said. There were three applications in 2011 for preliminary subdivision plats and the majority is for single-family detached homes. As for concept plans involving large parcels, there was only one in 2011, same as 2010. Resubdivision requests were the most reviewed and most common request in 2011. Shipley reported a significant increase in site plans in 2011, especially big were the Costco and Publix developments. “The town does have some opportunities for offices, especially as the Outlets Drive extension is completed.” Shipley expects those requests to be slow in 2012. In a 10-year review of indicators, overall the numbers are favorable, he reported. “I see them going back up favorably in the short term.”

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Before the traffic came ... MALCOLM’S CORNER | Malcolm Shell People often ask me what I consider to be the greatest difference between Concord/Farragut today and the way I remember it 60 years ago. Without hesitation, the most descriptive word I can think of is “serenity.” Of course, the biggest culprit to serenity is automobile traffic, which used to be very sparse on both Kingston Pike and most country roads. But even before the great influx of people, Highways 11 and 70 were the main east-west and north-south routes, and in the absence of Interstates 40 and 75, you would think there would have been much more traffic.

When I was about 12 years old, or about the 7th grade, I served as a patrol boy. They issued you a white belt and shiny silver badge, and it was your job to stop traffic and let students cross the Pike. At that time, Farragut School was located on the southeast corner of Kingston Pike and Concord Road, and my post was at that corner. There was only a blinking caution light at the time, and for a 12-yearold to walk out and stop a car was a big deal, a real feeling of power and authority. I served as a patrol boy for a complete year, and at no time did I have the opportunity to ex-

First preview of 2012 football TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West So good to hear that the worst is over, that Tennessee football is no longer in disarray, that progress, like cherry blossoms, is budding and will soon break out for all to see. This is your first official preview of football 2012. Cody Blanc said Jim Chaney said, “If we don’t win eight or nine ball games – well, seven or eight – that’s when we’ll know something’s not right.” I already know. I’m counting on the head coach,

offensive coordinator Chaney, the new running back coach, the new line coach, the reassigned receivers coach and other close associates to fi x it. I look forward to an attitude adjustment, led by the new defensive coordinator. I am hopeful that the coach of size, strength and speed will do something to help. When I am in charge of this operation, we will add a gate guard or grass-grower or other guru who knows how to kick and will

ert my authority. I never caught someone coming down the hill from the school at the same time a car was coming. When I had to stay after school for some reason and missed the bus, I had to walk along Concord Road to the Village, a distance of about two miles. Of course, all villagers knew each other, and the first car that passed would pick you up and often take you right to your home. But I can remember several times having to walk the two miles because a car never passed. Most people in the area made their living by farming, and there was always farm machinery on the Pike. In fact, another longtime resident, Ben Boring, remembers cutting and bailing hay on the grass median strip that separated the east-west lanes with no car in sight. And when a car did come along, it was usually someone who knew him and would stop and talk. Since much of the traffic consisted of tourists, many farm families took the opportunity to sell some of their cash crops

at temporary stands set up along the Pike. One resident remembers selling sorghum at a small stand where First Baptist Church of Concord is now located. She noticed that when tourists stopped, they always wanted to take her picture. She says she now realizes they were more interested in taking a picture of a “barefoot hillbilly” to show to the folks back home than they were in the sorghum. Farragut High School was a small rural school at that time. In fact, my 1956 graduating class had only 32 students, and with such a small number, it was hard to compete in sports with schools that had much larger student bodies. But our athletes competed favorably even though some football players had to play both offense and defense. Some of our sports rivals considered Farragut kids to be country bumpkins, and instead of calling us the Farragut Admirals, they called us the Farragut Farmers. In a way, the name was an accurate description, because the high

school curriculum placed considerable emphasis on agricultural education, and most students participated in the courses offered. Today, Concord/Farragut has some of the most impressive roads in the county, and Farragut, the country school, has turned into a large urban school recognized for its high academic rating and competitive sports programs. And yes, there is now more traffic on our roads during an afternoon rush hour than there was in a two-week period 60 years ago. More recently, the completion of the new Campbell Station Road from Interstates 40 and 75 to Kingston Pike has created a beautiful gateway to our town of which all residents can be proud. And instead of being considered out in the sticks, it is the desirable destination for new residents seeking a great place to live and raise their children, a place where community spirits and hospitality still exist in a way that is not too different than it was 60 years ago.

stand very near a certain kicker, in lunch lines, during practice and at all games. He will whisper tips and tidbits. There will be no more kicks that hit helmets. There was a time, back in the Phillip Fulmer era, when seven or eight victories wouldn’t have been enough. Expectations have been beaten down, hammered over the head with a two-by-four. Almost anything imaginable would be better than the 1-7 SEC record and some of those goshawful scores. The schedule is encouraging. There I go, becoming openly optimistic about Georgia State, Akron and Troy. Overconfidence is a dangerous error. Blanc, multitalented recruit from Knoxville Central, has his own reasons for positive thinking, good group of returnees, good group of new guys. Here’s the hitch: Georgia is

still ahead. Are the Vols now even with Florida, South Carolina and Mississippi State? Are they better than anybody? Dare I mention Vanderbilt and Kentucky? No question about Alabama. Good thing the coach there is a friend of the coach here. That may be enough to save the rivalry. The biggest game of Derek Dooley’s coaching life is the opener, North Carolina State in Atlanta. The Wolfpack has yoyo tendencies. We don’t know which group will show up. We are almost certain which pack of wolves will be howling if the Volunteers limp home empty-handed. Spare us that experience. This is the season Tennessee runs out of excuses. The squad has scars earned in combat. There is some depth. The quarterback will be a junior in eligibility if not maturity. If the talent level is not im-

proved, that will be Dooley’s fault. He will have three recruiting classes on the field. If they aren’t good enough, this will be a tragic time to make the discovery. On my depth chart, two seniors and seven juniors are penciled in as offensive starters. Two seniors and six juniors are my defensive guesses. Sophomores on both sides of the ball have star potential. Tyler Bray is the key. I honestly don’t know if he is a pipe dream or a future NFL prize. He has the arm. For some, he is the pied piper. For some, he is a pain. Contracts be damned, the coach and his new helpers are strung out on the fence. I sure hope they come down on the side of success, longevity and bowl bonuses. The other side is so messy. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.




Make my Concord UMC celebrates CD release with free concert heart as yours Knoxville Christian band OnTheBrightSide will celebrate the release of their debut CD “Find This Life” with a performance at Concord United Methodist Church on Feb. 24 in the church’s new Worship Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The music will begin at 7. The concert is free, but attendees are asked to donate two canned-good items to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank. Opening act will be Larry Trotter, associate pastor at Concord and noted guitarist. His solo performance will include his own original music. OnTheBrightSide guitarist and keyboardist Zack Roskop and drummer Matt Malone are no strangers to Concord. They first performed at the church as teenagers from Middlebrook Pike UMC in 2006 as part of the annual district Festival of Gifts and Talents compe-

tition for Methodist youth. Both are now members of Concord, as well as parttime employees there. “That performance was a pivotal moment for us. It confirmed our desire to minister to young people, and it made us want to be a part of Concord,” said Roskop. “It’s amazing how six years later we are now back at Concord and they are so willingly hosting this concert for us. It has been kind of a full circle thing.” Other band members are Are Jay Helton, guitar and vocals, David (D.K.) Kelley, vocals, and Jordan Mitchell, bass and vocals. They are also affi liated with Concord through membership, volunteer work and/or employment. OnTheBrightSide’s debut CD will be available at the event for $5. The youth program at Concord will receive


William Mack Grizzle, 78, was a U.S. Army veteran who retired from KUB. He was a member of Central Baptist Church Bearden. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Glena Carol Van Hoozier Grizzle. Ronald L. Huffstetler, 64, worked for First National Bank in Lenoir City for 33 years and was a member of First Baptist Church of Lenoir City. He is survived by his wife, Diane Huffstetler. James David “Dave” Miller, 71, had a career in construction, having owned Miller Construction and later Sagoda Properties. He was a longtime member of St. John’s Cathedral. He is survived by his wife of 37 years, Evelyn Miller. Robert Lee Nipper, 76, of Karns, is survived by wife Nellie Sue “ To o t s i e ” Nipper. He was employed by Waste Management Robert Nipper and was a

Last week the community lost these members: Raymond Eldridge Carter, 79, was a sergeant in the Army National Guard and a member of First Baptist Church Concord. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Frances Carter. Jessie Lee McArthur Cornelius, 87, was a member of Cedar Bluff Baptist Church. Primarily a homemaker, she was a longtime volunteer with the 4-H Cornelius program. Jack B. Eubank, 81, is survived by his wife, Barbara. He was a 22-year member of the Downtown Optimist Club and a graduate of UT. Wynell G. Golden, 94, attended West Hills Presbyterian Church and was the owner and operator of Wynell’s Dress Shop for many years.

Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. (Mark 11:25 NRSV) Tout comprendre ce serait tout pardonner. (Germaine de Stael)

Members of OnTheBrightSide are l-r: Zack Roskop, guitar; Matt Malone, drums; David “D.K.” Kelley, vocals; Jordan Mitchell, bass; Are Jay Helton, guitar and vocals $1 from each CD sold. Concord UMC is located at 11020 Roane Drive in Farragut. For more information on the church,

call 966-6728. For more information on the band, phone 466-9710 or email OnTheBr ig htSideBa nd@ gmail.com.

former employee of Waste Connections. Robert H. “Bob” Rainey Sr., 93, was an Army veteran employed as a chemist at ORNL for 33 years and at Oak Ridge Associated Universities for seven. He was a charter member of Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and volunteered with many groups. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Margaret “Peggy” Rainey. Monford Clark Rice, 78, was a retired USAF lieutenant colonel and rated navigator. He taught ROTC at A-E and Karns high schools and is survived by his wife, Barbara. Chamorro Racme Rusinek, 21, a graduate of West High School and Tennessee Technology Center. He was formerly employed with D.F. Shoffner Mechanical & Industrial Contractors. Bob Sentell, 77, a member of Gallaher Memorial Baptist Church and the White Store manager

in Bearden for 40 years. Upon retirement, joined the Rose Mortuary Mann Heritage C h a p e l staff. SurBob Sentell vived by wife of 35 years, Linda Sentell. Elizabeth Prater “Pinkie” Sterchi, 97, was a lifelong member of Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church, also active with Cherokee Country Club, Dixie Highway Garden Club and the Knoxville Chapter of the Association for the Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities. – Compiled by S. Clark


It’s time to stock your pond! Wednesday, March 7 Knoxville 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Knox Farmer’s Co-op Blaine 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Blaine Hardware Halls Crossroads 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Knox Farmer’s Co-op Thursday, March 8 Clinton 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Anderson Farmer’s Co-opp


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It was given to me so long ago I can’t remember who gave it to me, or why. It is a wooden plaque with a French proverb – quoted above – lettered beautifully on parchment and edged on three sides with delicate flowers. My French is slim to nonexistent but “comprendre” and “pardoner” are cognates that are pretty recognizable: comprehend and pardon. It translates roughly: “All you can understand, you can forgive.” Tolstoy quoted Mme. de Stael’s proverb in his prologue to “War and Peace” and is sometimes mistakenly given credit for its authorship. My daughter Eden brought all this to mind recently when she told me about something she had learned recently: in Chinese, the figure for the word forgiveness quite literally means “Make my heart as your heart.” We pondered the ramifications of that over the phone then moved on to other things. Even after our conversation ended, I kept going back to it, in much that same way that your tongue can’t stop feeling the rough spot on a tooth. I wondered what it meant, exactly, and considered how making my heart as your heart would equal forgiveness. I could sort of see the possibility of two hearts being in tune, in harmony – in sync, as it were – and how that might be tantamount to forgiveness. And then it dawned on me. What I was trying to get my mind around was the

Lynn Hutton CROSS CURRENTS Incarnation. God, who created this world, and loved it in spite of the mess we made of things, decided to make God’s heart as our hearts. God became human in order to be one of us: to love, to laugh, to be weary, or tired, or angry, to hurt, to grieve, to hope, to dream. To share our experiences. To understand. Because when God – in Christ – experienced what it was like to be human, God could forgive us our sinfulness. Not condoning it, yet understanding. And understanding makes forgiveness possible. There is, however, another side to that transaction. In Jesus, a forgiving God made his own heart as ours, breakable and subject to temptation. Jesus paid the price of all of our broken hearts, so that our hearts ultimately may be made like his: pure, sinless and full of God’s own love. This week Christians all over the world will observe Ash Wednesday, a day to consider and repent of our sinfulness, to seek forgiveness and to give thanks for God’s heart of mercy. May God make our hearts as His heart.


Harden Valley Academy senior Emily Yarnell receives applause from family and coaches as she signs a track and field athletic scholarship with the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Seated are her grandmother Linda McGuire; her mother, Nancy Yarnell; Emily; her father, Daniel Yarnell; and her grandmother Shirlene Yarnell. Standing are assistant coach Brianne Dodgen, coach Bryan Brown, and assistant coaches Holly Wilgus and Wes Jones. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

KIL 1st team, three-time PrepXtra 1st team, threetime KIL sprint MVP, sixtime All-State, finished ship with the University “She’ll be a hometown girl and her accomplishments.” 2011 ranked in the top 10 By Theresa Edwards Yarnell’s accomplish- in U.S. for the 200-meter Hardin Valley senior Em- of Tennessee in Knoxville. right here, and we all know ily Yarnell received a track Athletic director/vice prin- what a quality school UT ment list is impressive, dash, qualified for the inand field athletic scholar- cipal George Ashe said, is. We’re really proud of her including: three-time all door nationals in March

Emily Yarnell signs with UT

for 60m/200m/4x200 relay and 2011 100-meter state champion. Yarnell plans on studying pre-med with a biology focus. Her goal is to become a doctor, possibly a pediatrician.

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Students from the 10th grade government class at Concord Christian School visited the West Knox Republican Club last week at Red Lobster to hear Dr. Richard Briggs speak about federal health care legislation. Pictured are: Emily Connor (center) and Jane Francis Nowell, Vivian Mitchell, Holden Hensley, Trysten Kienzl, Tristan Hightower, Heather Beal, Derek Stagg, Brooke Stowell, history teacher Ernie Bussell and Dr. Dennis Beal. Photo by S. Clark

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Belting it out for ‘Idol’ fame By Suzanne Foree Neal It may not be “Hollywood Week,� but competition will be just as tough as Farragut High School presents its version of “Farragut Idol.� The singing competition has one element the televised version doesn’t. Proceeds from the event help a charity. Maddie McMurry, 16 and a junior, is working behind the scenes as part of the Leadership Initiative class sponsoring the competition at the high school. “I’m not a singer,� she smiles. “We’re raising money for Mercy Ships that work off the coast of Africa offering medical care for people who need it. We would like to be able to send 10 students this summer.� The daughter of Missy and Greg McMurry is working with 20 students to organize the talent show. She’s created videos of the 40 contestants who will be singing their hearts out at 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 24, in the school’s auditorium. Tickets are $3 for students, $5 for adults. The winner will compete in Knox County’s “Idol� competition later on Market Square. One of those will be Sarah Harralson, 16. The junior took part last year and decided to come back for an encore. She likes alternative rock and country, and Green River Ordinance is her favorite band. She’s chosen two songs for her entry: “Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues� by Elton John and “It’s All Coming Back to

Me Now� by Celine Dion. She’s had experience on stage singing alto for musicals presented by the school’s drama department, most recently “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.� She hopes to study music composition. “I like to write my own music,� she says. “I think it would be cool to have my own collection of work. I compose on the piano. It gives me a good feeling, especially on stage.� The daughter of Kathy Harralson and Pete Harralson, she links her musical talent to her grandfather, who played the accordion, and her mother, who used to play piano. Sarah has one tradition before she takes the stage. “I pray,� she said. Paul Gary, 16 and a junior, is a familiar face on the Farragut stage. He recently played Cyrano in “Cyrano de Bergerac� and the title character in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory� and will be in the upcoming “My Fair Lady.� He missed the sign-up last year and wasn’t about to let that happen this time around. He remembers his earliest audition for a talent show. “I as 8 years old and I sang ‘Ghostbusters,’ � he laughs, recalling a case of nerves. While his parents, Jeff and Lisa Gary, don’t play instruments or have any vocal training, they love music. For Paul, it’s Broadway musicals and that’s where he would like to make a living some-

day. “I love almost anything except hip-hop and over-thetop country,â€? he laughs. U2 and Billy Joel are his musical favorites. As for the competition, he’s still deciding what he’ll sing. “Every single song is a different challenge – the range, mood, lyrics,â€? he says. “It’s like a complicated math problem; you have to ďŹ gure it out.â€? Chase Biefeldt, 15 and a freshman, is singing in the competition for the ďŹ rst time. “I’ve always loved to sing, but it’s been sort of a hidden talent,â€? he says. “It’s something I love to do on my free time.â€? He’ll sing “Hey There Delilahâ€? by Plain White T’s and “It will Rainâ€? by Bruno Mars. The son of Brian Biefeldt and Amy Walker, Chase says he does have some sense of nervousness, but it’s not hanging over his head. “I’ve been practicing.â€? Chase loves every bit of pop music, classic rock and country. His favorite artists are Mars and Adam Levine. He caught his ďŹ rst episode of “The Voiceâ€? with Levine after the Super Bowl. “I love it when you hit a note right and the feeling of accomplishment and getting butteries in your stomach,â€? he says. As for down the road, it’s between music and sports. He runs track and is on the football team. Sports, he says, come a little more natural for him than singing, Getting ready to help roll out Farragut High School’s version of “American Idolâ€? are (front) Paul Gary, but he’d be honored to be the Chase Biefeldt; (back) Maddie McMurry and Sarah Harralson. Maddie is part of the Leadership Initiative class sponsoring the event, and Paul, Chase and Sarah will be performing. Photo by S.F. Neal “Farragut Idolâ€? winner.

SPORTS NOTES Dancing to the music of ‘YMCA’ Skylor Keane and Lauren Manhosdt dance to “YMCA� at Farragut Middle School’s winter dance festival Feb. 10. There were also games, pizza, concessions and other activities. Photo by T. Edwards

■Coach Mark Bradley’s Lineman clinic will be held 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. Saturday, March 3, CAK football field, for current 4th through 7th graders. Cost is $10. Campers should bring running shoes and cleats. Preregister by calling Jeff Taylor at 765-2119. ■Coach Rusty Bradley’s quarterback and receiver clinic will be held 6 to 7:15 p.m. Monday, April 2, and Monday, April 16, for current 4th through 7th graders at CAK football field. Cost is $20 and includes both dates. Campers should bring running shoes and cleats. Preregister by calling Jeff Taylor at 765-2119. ■Girls softball sign -ups at Willow Creek Youth Park, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28. Sign-ups for wee-ball through 14U teams.


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Financial Focus Put power of tax deferral to work As an investor, you may sometimes feel frustrated. After all, your portfolio seems to be at the mercy of the ďŹ nancial markets, whose volatility is beyond anyone’s control. Yet you can control the quality of the investments you own and the diversiďŹ cation of those investments to improve your Wendy chances of attaining your long-term ďŹ nancial goals. Schopp One way in which to do so is to put as much as you can afford, year after year, into tax-deferred investments. When you contribute to a tax-deferred account, your money has the potential to grow faster than it would if you placed it in a fully taxable investment — that is, an investment on which you paid taxes every year. Over time, this accelerated growth can add up to a big difference in your accumulated savings. For example, if you put $200 each month into a taxable investment that earned a hypothetical 7 percent a year, you’d end up with about $325,000 after 40 years, assuming you were in the 25 percent federal tax bracket. If you put that same $200 per month into a tax-deferred investment that earned the same hypothetical 7 percent a year, you’d accumulate about $515,000 — or nearly $200,000 more than you’d have with the taxable investment.* Of course, you will eventually have to pay taxes on the tax-deferred investment, but by the time you’re retired, you might be in a lower tax bracket. Furthermore, depending on how much you choose to withdraw each year from your tax-deferred account, you can have some control over the amount of taxes you’ll pay. Clearly, tax deferral can be a smart choice, but what sort of tax-deferred vehicles are available? One of your most attractive choices will

be your employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k). Your earnings have the potential to grow on a tax-deferred basis, and since you typically fund your plan with pre-tax dollars, the more you put in, the lower your annual taxable income. If you’re lucky, your employer will even match some of your contributions. Consequently, it’s almost always a good idea to put in as much as you can afford into your 401(k), up to the contribution limits, and to boost your contributions every time your salary increases. In 2012, you can contribute up to $17,000 to your 401(k), plus an additional $5,500 if you’re 50 or older. Even if you participate in a 401(k) plan, you can probably also contribute to a traditional IRA. Your earnings have the potential to grow tax-deferred and your contributions may be tax deductible, depending on your income level. In 2012, you can put in up to $5,000 to a traditional IRA, or $6,000 if you’re 50 or older. (If you meet certain income guidelines, you might be eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA, which offers tax-free earnings, provided you don’t start taking withdrawals until you’re 59-1/2 and you’ve had your account at least ďŹ ve years.) Finally, if you’ve “maxed outâ€? on both your 401(k) and your IRA, you may want to consider a ďŹ xed annuity. Your earnings grow tax-deferred, contribution limits are high, and you can structure your annuity to provide you with an income stream you can’t outlive. The more years in which you invest in tax-deferred vehicles, the better. So start putting the power of tax deferral to work soon. *This hypothetical example is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent a speciďŹ c investment or investment strategy. For more information on investing, contact Wendy Schopp at Edward Jones Investments, 671-1318.

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Community Calendar Send items to shoppernewscalendar@gmail.com

THROUGH MARCH 19 Volleyball league team sign-ups Registration for the spring 2012 volleyball leagues for the town of Farragut Parks and Leisure Services Department is under way. The deadline to sign up a team is 5 p.m. Monday, March 19; registration will close earlier if leagues are full. To register a team, contact Jay Smelser or Ashley Lanham at Parks and Leisure, 966-7057. The town also has a volleyball rubric to assist with finding the right league for each team. It can be accessed through www.townoffarragut.org or by calling Smelser for assistance.

THROUGH MARCH 19 Softball league open sign-ups The town of Farragut offers coed and men’s softball leagues each spring and fall. Sign-ups for the spring season, April through June, are under way. The leagues consist of recreational games and are considered “D” leagues. Play includes seven regularseason games and a tournament. All games are played at Mayor Bob Leonard Park on Watt Road. Men’s League plays on Monday evenings; coed teams play on Thursdays. Deadline for signing up a team is Monday, March 19, or until leagues are full. To sign up, contact Jay Smelser or Ashley Lanham at Parks and Leisure, 966-7057.

MONDAY, FEB. 20 Facilities closed for Presidents Day Farragut Library and Frank R. Strang Senior Center will be closed for Presidents Day on Monday, Feb. 20. The town of Farragut Town Hall will be open, but Knox County offices in the building will be closed.

TUESDAY, FEB. 21 Older Preschool Storytime at library Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Info: 777-1750.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22 Baby Bookworms at library Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22 Francisco on new poetry book The Knoxville Writers’ Group will meet from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, at Naples Italian Restaurant, 5500 Kingston Pike. Edward Francisco, professor of English at Pellissippi State Community College, will speak about his recently published book of poetry, “Only the Word Gives Us Being.” An all-inclusive lunch is $12. Reservations must be made by Monday, Feb. 20, at 983-3740.

THURSDAY, FEB. 23 Toddler Storytime at library Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.

THURSDAY, FEB. 23 Eight choirs to perform in festival The Maryville College Division of Fine Arts will host a Choral Music Festival at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, in the Ronald and Lynda Nutt Theatre of the Clayton Center for the Arts in Maryville. Two high school ensembles from Knox County – Bearden and Karns, under the direction of Mary Sexton and Caryn Marlow, respectively – will perform. Collegiate choral ensembles from Hiwassee College, Roane State Community College and Pellissippi State Community College, directed by Alan Eleazer, Brenda Luggie and Bill Brewer, respectively, also will take part. The Highlander Chorale, a community high school choir based at Maryville College and directed by Jill Purvis, is also on the program. The festival will conclude with performances by the Maryville College Concert Choir and the vocal ensemble Off Kilter. The festival is free and open to the public. All participants, their families and their friends are invited to a reception in the William Baxter Lee III Grand Foyer immediately following the performance. Information about Maryville College and its fine arts program will be available.

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, FEB. 23-24 Senior safe-driver class at Strang Seniors can refresh their driving skills at a two-part AAA Safe Driver Class, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Feb. 23-24, at Frank R. Strang Senior Center,

Events must happen in West Knox or downtown and must be FUN.

109 Lovell Heights Road. Ed Langston of AAA will teach the class, which costs $10. Reservations must be made in advance. Info: 6706693.

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, FEB. 23-24 KSO to do Mahler’s symphony The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will perform Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, “Resurrection,” for the February edition of the Moxley-Carmichael Masterworks Series at 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Feb. 23-24, at the Tennessee Theatre, 604 S. Gay St. Lucas Richman will conduct as soprano Katy Williams, mezzo soprano Lorraine DiSimone and the choral ensembles of the University of Tennessee join the KSO for the performance. Angela L. Batey is UT’s director of choral activities and Gene Peterson the associate director. A Pre-Concert Chat will begin at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45. Tickets are $22-$84 ($11 for students) and are available at www.knoxvillesymphony.com.

The celebration will begin with a 2 p.m. meet and greet, followed by a 3 p.m. presentation featuring Knoxville College president Dr. Horace A. Judson as keynote speaker. Local historian Robert Booker will present a video of Knoxville. WATE-TV, Channel 6 anchor Tearsa Smith will serve as master of ceremonies. After the main program, there will be a reception during which longtime Knoxville saxophonist Lance Owens and pianist Patricia Dulaney will provide music. Attendees will be able to view displays featuring historic Knoxville College. The Farragut Folklife Museum, housed in the Farragut Town Hall, works to preserve the heritage of the community. It is open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays; admission is free. For more info about the Feb. 26 event or the museum, contact museum coordinator Julia Jones at julia. jones@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.

SUNDAY, FEB. 26 Knoxville Opera Gospel Choir The Knoxville Opera Gospel Choir will perform at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 26, in the Clayton Performing Arts Center at Pellissippi State Community College, 10915 Hardin Valley Road. The event, part of Pellissippi’s Black History Month celebration, is free and open to the public.



Preschool Storytime at library

Youth ministry plans tasty fundraiser

Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 24, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.

FRIDAY, FEB. 24 Performers share Chinese arts A troupe from China’s Hubei University will perform at 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, in the Clayton Performing Arts Center at Pellissippi State Community College, 10915 Hardin Valley Road. Approximately 30 performers will take the stage for a performance that incorporates Chinese history and culture as expressed through dance, music, martial arts and calligraphy. The Chinese Dragon Dance and the Lion Dance will be featured. The event is free and open to the public. A related lecture by Professor Yiping Yang, associate director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Memphis, will take place at 2 p.m. in the Goins Building Auditorium. The lecture is titled “The Chinese Perspectives of the Dragon.” The performers are visiting as part of Pellissippi State’s Confucius Classroom, which was established thanks to the school’s status as the 2010 recipient of a grant from the Confucius Institute at the University of Memphis.

FRIDAY, FEB. 24 Doctors rock for health charities Doc Rock for Health, the ultimate battle of physician bands, will be held Friday, Feb. 24, at the Valarium, 1213 Western Ave. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the first band taking the stage at 7. Dr. Bob Overholt will be the master of ceremonies. Five bands – The Agenda, Full Tilt, Killin’ Floor, Remedy and Second Opinion – will perform at the benefit presented by the Knoxville Academy of Medicine Alliance. Each will perform a 45-minute set. The band with the most audience support will win the concert’s proceeds, which will then be donated to the group’s chosen charity: Interfaith Clinic, Methodist Hospitality House, Ronald McDonald House, Hope Resource or Free Clinics of America. Money collected for VIP seating will be split evenly among the charities. The event will be nonsmoking and family friendly. Cover charge is $10 for 21 and over and $15 for under 21.

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEB. 24-25 Tax assistance for elderly, low income On Fridays and Saturdays through April 14, lowerincome and senior taxpayers can receive help with their federal tax returns through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, sponsored by the town of Farragut and the Internal Revenue Service, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. At no charge, volunteers will complete and e-file tax returns for participants. Taxpayers should bring wage and earnings statements (Form W-2 from employers, Form 1099-MISC from clients); interest, dividend, capital gains, pension, IRA and Social Security statements; a list of items that might be considered for itemized deductions; support for other income and credits; and a copy of last year’s tax return. Taxpayers should also bring Social Security numbers and correct birth dates for all taxpayers and dependants to be listed on the return. VITA volunteers will be available beginning at 9 a.m. both Friday and Saturday. Participants are encouraged to be in line no later than 3 p.m. No appointment is necessary.

SUNDAY, FEB. 26 Black History celebration at museum The Farragut Folklife Museum will celebrate Black History Month with an afternoon of events beginning at 2 on Sunday, Feb. 26, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The theme for the celebration is “Building the Future with Respect to the Past.” Admission is free.

“Bella Notte,” an Italian-themed family dinner and auction to support youth ministries at Concord United Methodist Church, will be held Sunday, Feb. 26, at the church’s new contemporary worship center on Roane Drive in Farragut. The evening of food, shopping and entertainment will begin at 5 with appetizers and the launch of a silent auction. The dinner buffet featuring favorite Italian entrees and desserts will open at 5:45. A live auction will begin at 6:45. Children will be entertained after dinner with games and a Disney film. Auction items will include an automobile, Florida and Wyoming vacations, a golf cart, paintings and jewelry. Tickets are $10 for ages 12 and up, $5 for 11 and under. They are available Wednesday nights, Sunday mornings and weekdays at the church office, 11020 Roane Drive. The event is the main fundraiser for CUMC youth ministry service projects in East Tennessee, a mission trip to repair hurricane damage on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and a summer youth choir trip. For more info or to donate goods and services, contact Jane Currin, director of youth ministries, at 966-6728, ext. 227.

MONDAY, FEB. 27 Preschool Storytime at library Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 27, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.

TUESDAY, FEB. 28 Puppet show at library Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. The library also will host a puppet show, “Sody Salaratus,” at 4 p.m. A craft project will follow. Info: 777-1750.

TUESDAY, FEB. 28 Caribbean Festival at Pellissippi The Caribbean Festival will take place from 4-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, in the Goins Building College Center at Pellissippi State Community College, 10915 Hardin Valley Road. The festival will feature the Carib Sounds Steel Band, the Hotep Dancers and Caribbean food. The event, part of Pellissippi’s Black History Month celebration, is free and open to the public.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29 Baby Bookworms at library Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29 Development process is focus The town of Farragut will hold a Development Information Meeting at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The meeting will be repeated at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 6, for those unable to attend the Feb. 29 session. Members of the development community – developers, designers, architects and landscape architects, engineers and surveyors – are invited to attend. The Community Development Department staff will work with attendees to review the town’s development process, including the process for obtaining a building permit and working with the Municipal Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals, and get feedback on how to improve the process. For more info, contact the Community Development Department, 966-7057.



Expanded product line benefits patients By Sandra Clark There’s a reason people from a four-state area travel to Knoxville for hearing aid advice and instruments. Gary and Belinda Weaver are all about customer service. “We are a provider to the hearing impaired 24/7,” said Gary. So Weaving Hearing Aid Center has forged relationships with wholesalers to bring an array of products to its office in Franklin Square. A major manufacturer is Oticon, which offers ConnectLine. These devices link wirelessly to hearing aids,

connecting the patients to their cell or landline phone, to music, the computer or the television. “With ConnectLine, your hearing instruments become a personal wireless headset,” said Gary. And he won’t just send the device home with a patient who has no clue how to use it. He will program it and demonstrate it until each patient is comfortable. Because the sound is transmitted directly to your ear, the speaker’s voice is not amplified to create disturbance for others in the

Sell, don’t annoy At the risk of sounding like everything I know I learned from restaurants and science fiction, I’ll revisit my wait staff experiences this week.

room. With a range up to 30 feet, the patient can listen to programs at his preferred volume while the family listens at theirs. Safety is a factor as well. Gary Weaver asks what happens when a patient goes home. What happens when the hearing aid comes out. “Can she hear the smoke detector at night? Can she hear the phone ring? The dog bark? The door bell? “Getting a hearing aid is not the end of the story,” he says. Auxiliary devices in-

pany. Schierbaum was recognized for her individual sales production, closing more than $30 million in loans last year. Info:

Sunday school teachers and appetizers to people obviously out for a quick lunch. Pushy selling is annoying to the salesperson and the customer. Pushy selling is Schierbaum the result of desperation and poor planning. A thoughtful, 560-7217. ■ Brooke Givens has considered sales approach joined the Elder Law Practice picks the right customers of Monica for the right pitch and plans Franklin, Shannon ahead. loc ated It’s like that old cliché, “If Carey at 4931 you love something, let it go.” Homberg If you’re not going to be Drive in a pushy seller, relax and B e a r d e n . The specter of any wait give the customer room to G i v e n s breathe. staff job is Suggestive Sellis a 2011 ing. We were all instructed to Congrats Brooke Givens g r a d u a t e suggestively sell everything of UT ■ Steven R. Cruze has from top shelf liquor to calalaw school. She will mari. Secret shoppers came joined Premier Surgical Asfocus on estate planning, sociates at in droves to enforce this estate administration, Fort Sandpractice. conservatorshipandguardian ers Regional I’m all for suggestive sellad litem services. Info: www. as office ing, but it’s way too easy for monicafranklin.com. manager. A suggestive selling to become ■ Andrew Edens has retired maspushy selling. We’ve all had joined Weichert Realtors Adter sergeant that moment when we want vantage Plus who served the sales person, wait staff or as a Realtor. with the U.S. otherwise, to just take our orEdens has Army for 21 ders and go away. Steven Cruze been servyears as a My advice: don’t be that ing clients guy. Your customers can tell health care specialist, Cruze in East Tenthe moment you’re saying previously served as operanessee as a something from a script or tions manager of the manmember of selling something just be- aged care division at Guthrie the Knoxcause you’ve been told to do Army Health Clinic in Fort ville Area Andrew Edens so. You’ve got to believe in Drum, N.Y. Info: www.preAssociation your product. You’ve got to miersurgical.com. of Realtors for more than five ■ Suzy Schierbaum of believe that your customer years and was honored as Top SunTrust Mortgage Inc. has needs your product. New Agent early in his career. It is absolutely essential to been named a President’s Info: 474-7100. pick your audience. Because Team honoree for her out- Shannon Carey is the Shopper-News genof my fear of secret shoppers, standing performance in eral manager and sales manager. Contact I often found myself pitching 2011. This designation is the Shannon at shannon@shoppernewsnow. com. bottles of wine to brunching highest honor in the com-

BUSINESS NOTES ■ The Knoxville Area Urban League will host an all-day Independent Contractor Workshop 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1514 East Fifth Ave. The workshop is designed for small trades contractors with

six or fewer employees. The workshop is sponsored by the Knoxville Area Urban League and presented by SCORE. Cost is $100, which includes lunch, computer software and business forms. Info or to register: 524-5511 or info@thekaul.org. ■ The Knoxville Chamber board of directors will discuss

dedicated to providing hearing systems which are

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economic development in the Knoxville area. Ed McCallum of McCallum Sweeney Consulting will provide insight into the corporate site selection process. The meeting will be 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, in the TVA West Tower auditorium. Info or to RSVP: 246-2661.

Belinda and Gary Weaver. clude a pillow vibrator to help you “hear” a smoke alarm. The device might also have a strobe light and even dial for help. Freedom Alert is an exclusive new product with a programmable 2-way voice emergency pendant and no monthly fees. Gary can program numbers for four emergency contacts: family, friend, neighbor, nurse or E-911. Worn around the neck,

the pendant’s range includes both house and yard. Families buy the system with no further financial obligation. “If you move, take it with you. Take it on vacation,” said Gary. “It’s yours.” Intiga is a super small Oticon product designed to help new wearers acclimate to a hearing aid. “The process of learning to use the aid is quicker and more comfortable,” said Gary. “And it’s so tiny when it goes

Weaver Hearing Aid Center 9648 Kingston Pike, Suite 2 (Franklin Square) 357-2650

News from Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation (KCDC)

Phyllis Nichols, president and CEO, Knoxville Area Urban League; Lt. Brandon Hardin, U.S. Air Force; and Mayor Madeline Rogero stop for a photo at the Urban League Annual Membership Breakfast on Feb. 15. At the breakfast, Hardin presented the Urban League with a flag that he flew over Afghanistan in honor of the organization.

A flying success By Alvin Nance Often, we perform community service realizing that we may never see the fruits of our labor. We plant “seeds” Nance of good works and trust that they will grow over time. At the Knoxville Area Urban League Annual Membership Breakfast last week, those of us attending had the pleasure of seeing good works come full circle as we heard from a young man who was impacted by the work of the Urban League. Here is his story: Brandon Hardin was born and raised in Knoxville. He graduated from Austin-East Magnet High

School with honors in 2002. During high school, Brandon was active in the Urban League’s National Achievers Honor Society. In his remarks, Brandon became a bit emotional as he talked about how the Urban League helped mold him into the man he is today. After graduation, Brandon continued his studies at MTSU. He earned his civilian pilot license in 2004 and a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Administration in 2006. He earned his presidential commission as a 2nd lieutenant in 2008 and his silver wings and the aeronautical rating of pilot from the U.S. Air Force in 2009. Hardin currently flies the KC-135 Stratotanker for the 134th Air Refueling Wing at McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base in Knoxville. That’s where


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behind the ear you’d have to have a flashlight to find it.” Intiga aids are water repellent and offer remote control over sound and programming. With customers already from East Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and Kentucky, Gary said Weaver Hearing Aid Center is a one-stop shop for hearing devices. “We carry all the brands. We offer a 30-day trial period with 100 percent guarantee. And we’ll do what it takes, even make a home visit, to ensure that your equipment works for you.”

the special thanks comes in. On Christmas Day 2011, during a combat air-to-air refueling mission supporting coalition aircraft in active combat, the American flag was flown over the skies of Afghanistan in honor of the Knoxville Area Urban League. It was Brandon’s way of recognizing the Urban League’s part in helping him reach such heights of success. Today, Brandon is giving back to the community through Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals, the Urban League Young Professionals and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Thank you, Brandon, for reminding us why service to your community and your country matters. Thank you, Urban League, for all that you to do empower communities and change lives. Alvin Nance is President/CEO of Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation (KCDC). He can be reached at 403-1105.

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# 654 Food City Pharmacy

# 676 Food City Pharmacy

2946 Winfield Dunn Pkwy., Kodak, TN (865) 933-4676

507 S. Charles Seviers Blvd., Clinton, TN (865) 457-5259

1950 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 525-6376

# 611 Food City Pharmacy

# 655 Food City Pharmacy

# 677 Food City Pharmacy

1219 E. Pkwy., Hwy. 321, Gatlinburg, TN (865) 430-9844

7510 Asheville Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 933-4635

5078 Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 689-8955

# 616 Food City Pharmacy

# 661 Food City Pharmacy

# 678 Food City Pharmacy

11501 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 692-5183

2221 Jacksboro Pike, LaFollette, TN (423) 566-2033

5801 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 584-0115

# 632 Food City Pharmacy

# 667 Food City Pharmacy

# 679 Food City Pharmacy

2799 Hwy. 72 N., Loudon, TN (865) 458-5312

741 Dolly Parton Pkwy., Sevierville, TN (865) 908-5018

3501 West Emory Road, Powell, TN (865) 938-2838

# 634 Food City Pharmacy

# 672 Food City Pharmacy

# 680 Food City Pharmacy

1130 S. Roane Street, Harriman, TN (865) 882-0117

9565 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 539-0580

4344 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN (865) 992-0534

# 642 Food City Pharmacy

# 673 Food City Pharmacy

# 681 Food City Pharmacy

508 E. Tri-County Blvd., Oliver Springs, TN (865) 435-1187

4216 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN (865) 686-1761

1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-2889

# 644 Food City Pharmacy

# 674 Food City Pharmacy

# 682 Food City Pharmacy

11503 Chapman Highway, Seymour, TN (865) 579-4728

5941 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 588-0972

7608 Mountain Grove Drive, Knoxville, TN (865) 573-5090

# 647 Food City Pharmacy

# 675 Food City Pharmacy

# 685 Food City Pharmacy

2135 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 981-4338

8905 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 694-1935

4805 N. Broadway, Fountain City, TN (865) 281-0286

# 650 Food City Pharmacy

# 687 Food City Pharmacy

300 Market Drive, Lenoir City, TN (865) 986-7032

2712 Loves Creek Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 633-5008

# 651 Food City Pharmacy

# 688 Food City Pharmacy

1610 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 380-0110

7202 Maynardville Hwy., Halls, TN (865) 922-9683

# 653 Food City Pharmacy

# 694 Food City Pharmacy

1000 Ladd Landing, Kingston, TN (865) 717-7085

284 Morrell Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 691-1153

Value… Service… Convenience



February 20, 2012



Clean slate: New year begins with rare amnesia Her husband’s prayer for a fresh start was one of Susan Entner’s last memories of 2011. “It was a beautiful prayer about starting the New Year fresh with a clean slate,” Entner said, recalling the small New Year’s Eve celebration at a friend’s house. “After that, my memory was like a computer hard drive that had been wiped clean.” Rather than awakening to a New Year filled with renewed optimism, Entner awoke to a frightening experience few will ever know – transient global amnesia (TGA), a rare and little understood syndrome that quickly and mysteriously appears like a swift-moving fog bank, temporarily robbing its victims of the ability to store new memories. “My brain was like Teflon – nothing would stick to it,” Entner would say later as she tried to describe the events surrounding the attack that ushered in 2012 and lingered for days. The night before, Entner, a registered nurse who had served three tours with Mercy Ships and who once served as an area coordinator with Compassion International, and her husband had joined friends to celebrate the coming of a new year. It was at this gathering that Bob Entner, a pastor and church consultant, offered up his prayer for a fresh start. Hours later, Susan Entner awoke and took a shower. When she emerged, she was puzzled to see her clothes lying on her bed. Who, she wondered, had put them there? The answer, of course, was that she had. “Sue had laid her clothes out for Sunday (church),” said Bob Entner. “She was standing there looking at them and asking me if I had laid them out. She couldn’t figure out where they had come from because she didn’t remember laying them out. Then, she kept saying, ‘I just can’t remember anything. I can’t remember getting up. I can’t remember taking a shower.’ She kept repeating the same things over and over.” Fearing his wife of 12 years had suffered a stroke or brain tumor and believing she would become combative if he called an ambulance, Bob Entner rushed his wife from their home in Sevierville to the emergency department at Parkwest Medical Center. Upon arriving at Parkwest, Sue Entner began experiencing a headache unlike the migraines she normally has. “My husband says I kept complaining about a headache, but I kept telling him, ‘It’s not the same. It’s not the same,’” she said. “Normally, it’s behind the left eye and I get the aura and all of that, but there was none of that. He said I kept telling him, ‘It’s real different. It’s not like a migraine.’ He knows what my migraines are like.” The headache, coupled with the memory loss, led Parkwest hospitalist Dr. Andrew Sexton to suspect a stroke even though she did not exhibit other outward signs such as slurred speech or paralysis. “Naturally, they assumed it was a stroke until proven otherwise because I didn’t have any of the

Susan Entner of Sevierville began 2012 with a rare phenomenon known as transient global amnesia. Dr. Andrew Sexton (inset) has diagnosed eight to 10 cases of TGA during his nine years of practice.

classic severe, severe headaches until I got to the hospital but then, I have a history of migraines. And evidently, there was some weakness on one side but that could be attributed to migraines too,” she said. “It’s a diagnosis of exclusion,” said Sexton, explaining that a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA or mini stroke) would show up in a similar fashion. “We don’t see (TGA) very often but you have to keep it in the back of your mind because you can’t make a diagnosis that you don’t think of. So, you have to maintain that index of suspicion to be looking for strange things. The other thing that we’re taught in medicine is to look for horses, rather than zebras, when you hear hoof beats. That is to say common things happen commonly and rare things happen rarely. So you don’t want to jump to a rare diagnosis very often unless you really need to.” According to Sexton, there are only five to 10 incidents of TGA per 100,000 cases, but those odds virtually double when a person reaches age 62. Often, TGA patients have a history of migraines as did Susan Entner. After an EEG, CT scan, MRI and blood work revealed that she had not suffered a stroke, Sexton rendered his diagnosis. “Initially, she was puzzled,” said Sexton. “She did not know such a thing existed. At the time,

she was still experiencing some anxiety about not being able to recall everything. So, it took some time to set in.” While the Entners were relieved to learn it was not a stroke, the bad news is that there is no treatment for TGA. “You’re really not able to do anything to treat it other than provide information and supportive care,” said Sexton. “It has to run its course and clear up on its own.” Sue Entner was hospitalized overnight for observation and released the next day. Upon returning home, she found herself still struggling with the strange feeling of having lost time and so fearful of a recurrence that she was afraid to leave her home. “All I have are these little pinholes of memory,” she said. “In the week or so afterward, I was terrified. I usually have all kinds of music playing all throughout the house or I’m busy talking with people on the phone, but I didn’t want any noise, didn’t want any distractions. I didn’t want my husband out of my sight because it’s terrifying to realize you’ve lost a block of time – everybody can tell you what happened and you can have pinhole memories of it – but it is absolutely terrifying to realize this had happened. It’s like living with a cloud over your head: Will this happen again?” To combat the fear of a recurrence, she de-

cided to research it on the Internet but only found the results more troubling. “They told me at the hospital that recurrence is very rare, but if you go online, you read about people who have had three, four or even five episodes,” she said. “That frightened me even more so I stopped going online because the more you check, the more people you find who have had it many times, and I don’t want to live a life being paranoid. I want to educate myself on what it was and be smart enough to make sure that I always have identification on myself.” That’s why she now keeps sticky notes around the house to let others know where she has gone and has written a note, detailing the date and diagnosis of transient global amnesia in big letters on the front of the address book she keeps in her purse in the event that “I end up in Timbuktu and don’t know how I got there.” She’s still considering ordering a medical alert bracelet detailing her TGA episode “because when you lose yourself for 36 or 48 hours, it’s like you stepped off Planet Earth and then stepped back on.” She doesn’t remember a great deal about her stay at Parkwest, but a few things stood out. “Maybe it was because of his kind and quiet, confident attitude, but I remember Dr. Sexton. Now, do I remember what he said? No, but I do remember his whole demeanor was very comforting the way he listened to me,” she said. “I was very impressed by the attitude of everybody – not only in the emergency room, but in whatever floor I was on. Just a very kind, unhurried, I’mlistening-to-you attitude and that makes all the difference in the world. I don’t remember their names or why they were there, but everyone from the cleaning staff to the physicians would come in as if they had all day to sit there and talk to you. That’s why I go all the way to Parkwest – it’s not the closest hospital, but that’s why I keep going back to Parkwest.” She counts her blessings in other ways, too. “I feel very blessed that I was home, and I thank the Lord that my husband was home. I’d hate to think what could’ve happened if he wasn’t here,” she says. “I have a tremendous amount of things to be thankful for. I can thank the Lord that there wasn’t a stroke but some anomaly I had never heard about, and most likely will never happen again.” After a pause, she smiles before adding yet another blessing. “My husband is a very quiet strong person, and he’s been so loving and patient with me,” she says. “It comes from him personally and from his profession, his being a pastor. He would hold me, and say, ‘It’s OK, it’s alright. You don’t NEED to remember. God is in control.’ That’s my mantra. It doesn’t matter that I can’t remember – he’s in control.”

TGA or stroke? Let the doctor decide The chances of a transient global amnesia attack are slim at best – only five to 10 incidents out of every 100,000 cases. But those odds climb as one heads into their 50s, eventually doubling to 10 to 20 cases out of every 200,000 with the average age of an attack being 62. Yet, Dr. Andrew Sexton, hospitalist with Parkwest Medical Center, says he has seen about three cases in just over the past few months and about eight to 10 cases in his nine years of practice. The sudden loss of memory is often associated with signs of a stroke or mini-stroke and can be very frightening for its victims. However, TGA usually clears up within hours or days but has no apparent lasting effect.

The memories lost, however, are seldom regained. “For most people, it’s a single episode,” says Sexton. “It’s rare enough to have it happen once, but there are cases where people have had multiple episodes of this. I’ve never seen that happen personally, but there are reported cases where it can become a recurrent type of illness.” Furthermore, Sexton says, there is no way to treat TGA or decrease the chance of it happening again. “TGA is one of those kinds of diagnosis that will terrify people,” Sexton says. “This is a frightening thing to have happen, and the most important role that I have as a doctor is to provide that reassurance. That’s where

spending the time, explaining what’s going on, making the family feel comfortable, listening and developing trust is really important in these kinds of conditions. The main thing is letting the patient know everything’s going to be OK and explaining the tests, and that it should clear up on its own.” While a TGA episode leaves no lasting after-effects aside from the lost memories, Sexton says it’s critical that a patient receive immediate medical attention because strokes can manifest themselves in many ways. “Even though this is a rare entity, it’s important for the public to have some awareness of how this presents because it’s possible you might find yourself with a loved one who might suddenly have a memory

loss like this,” he says. “If it happens to you, you’re probably not going to know what’s going on in the moment enough to be able to make that connection. But in the short term, I think the clear answer is to get to the emergency room because it is hard sometimes to distinguish from a stroke which is a true life-threatening emergency that requires quick intervention. Time is of the essence with a stroke, and it’s hard to be sure that it isn’t a stroke because you can have all kinds of odd things happen with strokes – it depends on what part of the brain it’s on. It’s certainly not a diagnosis that you’d want to make yourself and say, ‘OK, I’m confident this is what’s going on.’ You need to seek medical attention.”

Parkwest Medical Center remains on the forefront of diagnosing and treating disease with the most advanced technology available…those who entrust their healthcare to us demand nothing less. But technology alone isn’t enough to bring healing and comfort to patients and families. True healthcare begins with something less expensive, non-invasive and pain free. It’s called listening.

At Parkwest…listening is state-of-the-art.

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Tellico Tappers Amy Covell, Mary Vaughn and Michel Hamilton dance to the song “Top Hat.”

Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Dylan Ann Hash, Judith Hutchison, Mary Jane Pope and Mary Vaughn tap-dance with the Tellico Tappers to “Rocky Top.”

Tellico Tappers at Strang The Strang Senior Center celebrated their 14th anniversary with entertainment by the award-winning Tellico Tappers. Penny Norris of Lovell Heights Music Studio played the organ adding to the festivities. Alex Hamilton was the master of ceremonies. NHC Farragut provided Michel Hamilton dances to refreshments. There were “Chattanooga Choo Choo.” also several door prizes. Marilynn McKenna be-

to retire. But she missed dancing and started a group of tap-dancers, many with Theresa no dancing experience. Edwards However, they practiced and put a routine together which they performed during the July Fourth celebration at Tellico Yacht gan The Tellico Tappers 12 Club. She said, “Of course years ago. She had a dance our husbands clapped, studio in Michigan, and yelled and screamed. It put then moved to Tennessee a spark under us.” That is

Knee resurfacing comes to Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Medical Center has performed the first MAKOplasty partial knee resurfacing on Veronica Erwin of South Knoxville. The process is a minimally invasive treatment option for adults living with early to mid-stage osteoarthritis that has not yet progressed to all three compartments of the knee. It is less invasive

than traditional total knee surgery and is performed using a surgeon controlled robotic arm system. “MAKOplasty allows us to treat patients with knee osteoarthritis at earlier stages and with greater precision, said Dr. Gregory Hoover, board certified orthopedic surgeon with Family Orthopedic Clinic,

who performed the first MAKOplasty procedure at Turkey Creek Medical Center. “Because it is less invasive and preserves more of the patient’s natural knee, the goal is for patients to have relief from their pain, gain back their knee motion, and return to their daily activities.”

It’s the

Purrrfect Day … to adopt a cat

We have: Bobtails, Tabico’s, Maine Coone’s and more! at the Humane Society of East Tennessee! All are spayed or neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped! Now taking appointments for our low cost Micro-Chipping and Vaccination Clinic! Call Us @ 865-221-0510 for details. P.O. Box 4133, Maryville, TN 37802 We always need monetary donations & are a 501(c)3 organization. Donations are tax deductible. Ad space donated by

how the Tellico Tappers began, she explained. However, members come from various places, with about half from the West Knoxville area. The group’s costumes really add zest to their performances. For more information, visit their website at www.tellicotappers.com. On Wednesday, Feb. 22, at noon Parkwest will pres-

ent “Evolutions in Cardiology” as their boxed lunch and learn presentation at Strang. Wednesday, March 14, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be the Strang Senior Expo, presented by Independent Insurance Consultants. There will be 25 exhibitors, free lunch and door prize drawings including a grand prize of two nights at Wilderness of the Smokies.

Nose fungus harms area bats The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is trying to spread the word about white-nose syndrome, an aggressive fungus that has killed more than 5 million bats in North America since 2006.

Sara Barrett

Critter Tales Although WNS is not harmful to humans, it is currently harming our ecosystem and could therefore harm us in the future. Fish and Wildlife service director Dan Ashe says bats “provide tremendous value to the U.S. economy as natural pest control for American farms and forests.” Bats also play an essential role in helping to control insects which can spread

A bat with white-nose syndrome Wildlife Service.

disease to people, he said. Once a bat is infected, it displays unusual behavior such as sleeping or hunting in daylight and roosting on outside structures such as a house or barn. The fungus spreads quickly through a colony and has been known to wipe out the entire population of bats in many areas. So far, WNS has infected

Photo courtesy of the U.S. Fish and

bat colonies in 16 states and certain parts of Canada. If you are a caver or spelunker, help prevent the spread of WNS by avoiding caves where bats may be hibernating. You could take the fungus from the area on your clothing and spread it to other bat colonies. Info: www.fws.gov/ whitenosesyndrome

The staff at Young-Williams introduces 9-month-old female boxer/ Labrador retriever mix Cami. A bit of a wild child is to be expected from a young dog. Boxers are known to be wonderful family pets, and Labs are, too. If now is not the right time to adopt, you can sponsor a pet by becoming a Furry Friend and prepaying a pet’s adoption fee or you can donate to the center’s spay/ neuter fund for owned pets. Cami is available at the main center at 3210 Division St. The “new” center at Young-Williams Animal Village is at 6400 Kingston Pike. Both are open daily from noon to 6 p.m. Info: www. young-williams.org or 215-6599.

Community law school answers questions, shares information For community members who have questions regarding the law, Community Law School hosted by the Knoxville Bar Association will help find answers. The event is a free program focused on sharing information with the public about their legal rights and the role these rights play in their daily lives. Session I will focus on wills and estate planning

for everyone and will be offered 9-11 a.m. Experienced local attorneys will provide information regarding planning for incapacity and death, which can happen to anyone at any age. Participants will learn about the documents everyone should have in place and what can happen if there are no documents. Session II, Consumer Rights and Responsibilities,

will help individuals learn to protect themselves and their assets from identity theft and steps to minimize the damages if you become a victim. Community Law School will be held at Fellowship Church, 8000 Middlebrook Pike, on Saturday, March 31, and preregistration is encouraged. To register, call 522-6522 or register online at www.knoxbar.org/.

Catch up with all your favorite columnists every Monday at www.ShopperNewsNow.com


News from the Turkey Creek Public Market

Freddie Jackson of Epic Adventures shows his son, Logan Jackson, the Power Rangers Megazord. Their Star Wars items are also popular, appealing to all ages. Jackson said, “There’s a kid in everyone.” Photos by T. Edwards of


Michelle Smith purchases a new purse from Victoria Haddad at If I Were a Rich Girl.

Turkey Creek Public Market

Destinee Roberts and her grandmother, Shirley Bockner, shop for apparel for their little dogs at Kibbles & Glitz.

Steve Vandergriff entertains shoppers in the Food Court at Turkey Creek Public Market on Feb. 5. He plays the acoustic guitar and sings ’60s and ’70s songs from the Beetles and James Taylor to Jimmy Buffett. Christy Spradling, owner of Kibbles & Glitz, sews custom pet wear.

HEALTH NOTES ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee (formerly the Wellness Community), 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for


12 Farms & Land


687-1718 Say:

I SAW IT in the

Special Notices

cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. the third Monday of every month at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light

■ Smoky Mountain Hospice will conduct orientation and training sessions for its volunteer program 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, at the Burlington branch library. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Info: 673-5877.

45 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Wanted To Rent 82 Dogs

FSBO. $129,900 2 yr old house & 44 acres located at 1245 Snake Hollow Road, Sneedville. House has 3 BR & 2 BA, total of 1,056 SF. Owner will finance with $7,000 down. Call Bill at 877-488-5060 ext 323.

Acreage- Tracts 46 15

refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081.

6 ACRES w/creek. Owner financing. 1 hr from Knoxville. $31,500. 517-416-0600

DAV Chapter 24 has Cemetery Lots 49 FREE RENTAL OF POWER OR MANUAL 4 LOTS in prime secWHEEL CHAIRS tion of Lynnhurst available for any area Cemetery, Will sell disabled veteran. Also 2 or 4 at a good looking for donations deal! 2 for $2800 or of used wheelchairs 2 for $3700 will incl. (power only). Call 765open & close. Cash 0510 for information. or cashiers ck. only 865-281-2423; 599-6414 IF YOU USED before 9pm. YAZ/YAZMIN/ OCELLA BIRTH CONTROL PILLS or NuvaRING VAGINAL RING CONTRACEPTIVE between 2001 & the pre- Real Estate Wanted 50 sent & developed blood clots, suffered a stroke, heart attack or required Pay Cash, Take over gall bladder removal you payments. Repairs may be entitled to com- not a problem. Any pensation. Call Attorney situation. 865-712-7045 Charles Johnson. 1-800-535-5727

3 BR, 1 BA, $750/mo. $750 dep. No pets. 1 yr lse req'd. Accept Sec. 8. 2709 Boright Place. 865-388-2736 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA home off John Sevier near UT/downtown, stove, frig., & W/D hookups. $850/mo. + dep. No pets. Credit check. 865-385-2860

3 BR, 2 BA Home Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 Avail. For Rent. $850/Month. Please contact 865-385-8754 FSBO $25/SQ FT IN WEST KNOX! 1792 sq Cedar Bluff. 3 BR, 2 ft, 2006 28x64, strg 1/2 BA + bonus, 2 bldg. Perfect cond, car gar. No pets. nicest community in $1300 mo. 865-806-8456 Knox, 3 lakes, clubhouse, swimming, CLOSE TO UT, 5BR, bkgrnd check req'd. 3BA, 3500 SF, $1495 mo. $45,000. Call 865-362GREAT W. Knox loc., 5583 for recording. 3BR w/bonus, 2 1/2 BA, $1200. Both have all appls. incl. W/D. Manf’d Homes - Rent 86 865-363-9190 ***Web ID# 935556*** KARNS AREA NORTH - Ftn City - 2 3 Bedroom Homes in houses, appls. furn., Volunteer Village. exc. cond. $525 & 865-250-4205 for info. $575. 865-804-0914.

Trucking Opportunities 106



Ret. Private Detective & author needs 1-2BR house on secluded, private property with rent reduced in exchange for security and/or light caretaker duties. 865323-0937

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CHIHUAHUA PUPS, CKC reg., very tiny, S&W, $300. Call 865-323-1433. CHIHUAHUA Valentine Pups, 6 wks., LH & SH, shots $200-$300. 865-232-9078. ***Web ID# 934716*** DOBERMAN PINCHER pups, M & F, CKC, Black & rust. 865206-8464 ***Web ID# 935103*** English Labrador Pups, 6 wks. choc. & black. www.rhea southernlabs.com $800. 423-296-0708 ***Web ID# 935510***

NEW CUSTOM HOME, 3 BR, 2 BA, cath. ceilings, frpl., W/I closets, tile & wood flooring, 2 car gar., split BR floor plan, brick exterior, 2012 SQ. FT. incl. gar., & more. 5 min. to schools, Boyd's Creek/Seymour area $169,900. 865-680-4631


CEDAR BLUFF AREA NO DAMAGE DEPOSIT 3BR town home, 2BA, frplc, laundry rm, new carpet, 1 yr lease, $770 mo. 865-216-5736 or 694-8414. FARRAGUT/NEAR TURKEY CREEK 2BR, 1BA, laundry rm, family neighborhood, 1 yr lease, $680 mo. $250 dam. dep. 865-216-5736 OR 694-8414

to develop, plan and implement an activities program. Send resume to psydes@tjdev.com or apply in person M-F, 9-4pm

Parkview Senior Living 10914 Kingston Pike

■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is re-

225w Trucks


ADOPT! Looking for a lost pet or a new one? Visit YoungWilliams Animal Center, the official shelter for the City of Knoxville & Knox County: 3201 Division St. Knoxville. knoxpets.org

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Machinery-Equip. 193


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BUYING OLD U.S. Coins, Gold & Silver

YORKIE PUPPIES, M&F, reg., vet ckd, Will Consider UTD S&W, for more Collectibles, Diamonds info. 423-539-4256 or Old Guns. YORKIE PUPS 7600 Oak Ridge Hwy. AKC, parents on 865-599-4915 premises, M $300, F $400. 865-680-7672 YORKIES AKC 8 wks health warr., S&W. 5F (1 choc) $650 up, 865-441-6161, 463-2049


I SAW IT in the

Medical Supplies 219

■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 6 to 7:30 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of every month in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: 544-6277.

257 Cleaning

318 Paving




YOU BUY IT, we install it! Fencing & repair. We haul stuff too! Call 604-6911.

4 Wheel Drive 258



JEEP Wrangler X 2006, exc cond, 58K mi, CERAMIC TILE instalstraight 6, 6 spd, lation. Floors/ walls/ $14,500. Owner 588-8493 repairs. 32 yrs exp, exc work! John 938Comm Trucks Buses 259 3328

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quired. Training is provided. Info: 544-6279.

MAZDA B2300 2007, 1 CLEANING NETWORK owner, 5 spd., 72K Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo. mi., exc. cond. Good refs! Free est. $7200. 865-966-9646. 258-9199 or 257-7435. ***Web ID# 935995***

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King Charles puppies, 235 CKC reg, 6 wks, tri 1993 200EX Hitachi Campers color, vet ckd w/ shots, Excavator, low hrs., CAMPERS WANTED $700-$800. 865-661-1838 asking $38,000. We buy travel trailers, ***Web ID# 934879*** ANTIQUE 1956 420C 5th Wheels, Motor John Deere Track LABRADOR PUPS homes & Pop-Up Loader, asking $3500. AKC, 5 Males & 2 Campers. Will pay Call 423-912-1723. Females, Chocolate cash. 423-504-8036 & Cream 865-579-1998 River Ultralight ***Web ID# 927194*** Jewelry 202 Forest 27 ft, 2005 by Rockwood: Labrador Retriever elec. jack, lg slide, new Pups, all silver very tires. $10,000 bo. Bobby rare, AKC. S&W. Health 865-368-8636 guar. 931-823-3218 ***Web ID# 936399*** Will Consider Diamonds Motorcycles 238 MIN PIN (TINY) Collectibles, Old Guns. puppies CKC 8 wks. 7600 or Oak Ridge Hwy. CHOPPER BIG DOG Female $400, Male 865-599-4915 Ridgeback, one of a $350, 865-740-5249 kind custom in like ***Web ID# 936523*** new cond 1st $15,750 MIN. SCHNAUZER Household Furn. 204 takes it ($34,000 inpuppies, AKC, vested). 865-388-3864 PIANO, ***Web ID# 934814*** champ. sired, health KIMBALL Spinet style, good guar., 865-254-3674 cond. $650 obo. ***Web ID# 934735*** FULL SZ. BED, & RAT TERRIERS, chest of drawers, 1200, 2008, low SportMin. CKC, black & ster, 5500 miles, $225 obo. 865-309-3045. white, M&F, $200 to 865-850-4981 $275. 865-216-5770 ***Web ID# 937608*** 2 yrs. old, very good Harley Davidson 2007 Road King, FLHR, ROTTWEILER PUPS cond $400. 865-992-0372 black, 6 spd, w/w AKC, German tires, hard bags, champ bldlns, $550 sec. systm, windor trade 423-663-7225 Household Appliances 204a shield, only 84 mi, $14,200. 865-457-1897



■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

141 Free Pets

AMERICAN PIT Bull Pups, UKC purple ribbon, 7 wks, S&W, $700-$1500. 865-924-8960 ***Web ID# 935214***

BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2BA 865-356-3417 Condo + Garage + Adoption 21 General 109 Fireplace + New WE BUY HOUSES, Paint, in Powell. $750 any reason, any conmo. 727-600-4054. ADOPTION: GOOD JOB for good dition. 865-548-8267 A secure, happy, electricians & helpwww.ttrei.com HALLS. $1100 mo. loving home awaits ers. Drug testing HOA $65 mo. 3 BR, your baby. Expenses req'd. CDL a plus. 2 1/2 BA, 2 car gar., Lse paid. Marcy & Call 219-8303. Andrew, 1-888-449-0803 Comm. Prop. - Rent 66 to purch. 865-898-4558 525 S.F. off Broadway NORTHWEST, 2 BR, ceramic tile Healthcare 110 Homes 40 on Walker Blvd. 2& BA, wood, stove, frig, (behind Fisher Tire) W/D conn., no pets, Fresh paint & new 2 BR 1 BA, 840 SF, dep. & lease req. AC unit. $500/mo. 1st 7013 Eddie Kimbell $695/mo. 865-531-6321 CNA / & last due upon Ln, $69,500. 690-7632. move in (865) 696-9555 CAREGIVER GREAT FAMILY HOME Private Duty Care Wanted To Rent 82 IN KARNS AREA! needed in Union Co. 5BR/2.5BA, 3011 sq. Apts - Unfurnished 71 puppies, reg., Night shift. Family of 3 needs 3 BR, ft. Brand-new hdwd $300 ea. 423-587-0839 Not an agency. 2 BA upscale newer flrs, huge eat-in kit, 2 BR, 1 1/2 BA towncondo, townhouse or SIBERIAN Husky AKC spacious rms. Fenced- house near West Town, CALL small house conv. to Pups, champ lines, in bkyd perfect for en- new carpet, W/D conn, 865-258-1239 Pellissippi Pkwy. shots, $500. 865tertaining! 368-5150 $585/mo. 865-584-2622 7/1/12. 865-368-5315 995-1386 SOUTH, 2 BR, 1 BA, ***Web ID# 934576*** 1200SF, appls., priv. Two bedroom, one YORKIE POO $675/mo+dep, no pets/ General 109 General 109 PUPPIES, bath on an acre lot 7 wks, 1st smoking. 865-577-6289 with beautiful views. shots, M $350 $65,000. 318-518-6416 423-442-9996 ***Web ID# 934730***

PARKVIEW INDEPENDENT HELP WANTED For Sale By Owner 40a Apts - Furnished 72 LIVING WALBROOK STUDIOS 930752MASTER Activity/Social FSBO – Log home on 25 1-3 60 7 Tennessee River. Ad Size 2 x 2 1 acre, covered boat $140 weekly. Discount Coordinator avail. Util, TV, Ph, dock, 3 miles East bw NW help wntd Stv, Refrig, Basic Must love working with seniors, of Kingston. 865-376Cable. No Lse. 5370, 865-399-5726 <ec> be creative, enthusiastic with the ability

■ Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Furniture Refinish. 331

DENNY'S FURNITURE ^ REPAIR. Refinish, reglue, etc. 45 yrs exp! Pressure Washing 350 Antiques Classics 260 922-6529 or 466-4221 CHRIS' PRESSURE WASHING. Great CHEVY STEPSIDE rates, free est, all PU 1966, exc. cond. work guaranteed, $4000 obo. Call for good refs. 19+ yrs details. 931-210-3741. exp! Call 201-6323. ***Web ID# 935041***

Sport Utility

261 Guttering

333 Roofing / Siding


HAROLD'S GUTTER Cadillac Escalade SERVICE. Will clean 2005, 73k mi, black, front & back $20 & up. 4x4, exc. cond. Quality work, guaran$16,550. 865-207-7689 teed. Call 288-0556. Chev Blazer 1993, 4.3L, V6 eng. Vortec, new Handyman 335 tires/water/fuel pump/ starter, 1969 Corvette CHRIS' HOME IMP. whls. $2,000. 865-742-3834 18+ yrs exp, lic'd/ins'd. Happy Chev. Suburban LT 2003, customers, lots of 4x4, all lthr, SR, new references! 201-6323 tires, good cond. Pewter. $5800. 865-482-0009 ***Web ID# 937570***



CHEVY TAHOE LT 2004, 4x4, loaded w/ LANDSCAPING lthr., heated seats, TV, MGMT Design, innew tires, exc. cond. stall, mulch, small $13,500. 865-244-6438. tree/shrub work, weeding, bed reDODGE DURANGO newal, debri clean1999, very good up. Free estimates, condition, $3,400. 25 yrs exp! 865-363-1234 Mark Lusby 679-0800 Ford Expedition 2002, 5.4L, AWD, tow pkg, 339 Autos Wanted 253 3 seat, 125K mi, 2nd Lawn Care ownr, well maint., gar. kept, priv. sale, A BETTER CASH $7300 obo. Perry 865OFFER for junk cars, 458-9149 trucks, vans, running or not. 865-456-3500

262 CASH for Junk Vehicles Imports Call C.J. Recycling 865-556-8956 or 363-0318 MAZDA 3 SPORT Fast, free pickup. 2007, 5 DR, black, We Pay More auto., DOHC, great Than The Rest! cond., 50K mi. Licensed + Insured. $11,000. 865-986-7272 I BUY junk cars. 865.456.5249 or 865.938.6915



VOLVO S70 1999, AT, good cond., fully loaded, 139K mi, $3950. 865-566-5028



TOYOTA SIENNA LE 2000, blue, new CHEVY COBALT LS, 2008, auto., CD, sat. brakes/tires, $5,000. POWER wheelchair, radio, 37mpg, exc. Owner 865-851-8777 deluxe model, $375. $6,450. 865-522-4133 Some repair needed. Call 769-8335. Chrysler 1988 Trucks 257 Conv., Lebaron blk w/gray Rebuilt mtr, North 225n CHEVY 2500 HD 2006, leath. very good cond. 4 WD, white, utility $2600. 865-525-0214 ESTATE SALE, Sat. bed, 6L V8, towing pkg., 8' bed, ladder Mercury Grand MarFebruary 25, 8-12. rk, exc. running 1 quis 2002, orig owner, Furn., hospital equip., 7119 Bonair owner $15,000 Paul 82K mi., new tires, ex. cond $7600 865-573-3335 865-405-5554 Rd, Halls.


LANDSCAPING 15+ yrs exp! Mowing Mulching Aeration Fertilization FREE Est! 456-5919 or 360-6156


Tree Service

ABC LAWN & SEALCOATING Comm/Res. Mowing, mulch, hedgetrimming, tree/ stump removal, gutters cleaned. 377-3819 ^



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PEANUTS © 2011 Peanuts Worldwide

F. Clark Denton Knoxville, TN (865)483-7909

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY 10166. ©UFS L0910133768(exp1212)(TN)

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