Farragut Shopper-News 022712

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A great community newspaper

VOL. 6 NO. 9


Outdoors Outdoor Living Special Section

February 27, 2012

Turning evil inside out Concord’s vandalized churches battle back By Betty Bean

Find out where the wild things are and much more in this month’s “My Outdoors.”

See the special section inside

Rotary wows! Area Rotary Clubs came together Feb. 18 to clean up the campus at Belle Morris Elementary School in celebration of World Rotary Day. When students returned to campus last Tuesday and saw the results, most were wowed by the Rotarians’ weekend work.

See the story on page A-6


‘Lolly-Madonna’ screening Friday A recently-uncovered 16mm print of “The LollyMadonna War” (also known as “Lolly-Madonna XXX”), an MGM movie filmed in Union County in 1972 starring Rod Steiger and Jeff Bridges, will be shown publicly for the first time in decades 7 p.m. Friday, March 2, at the East Tennessee History Center downtown. Admission is free. Parental discretion is advised. Info: Bradley Reeves, 215-8856.

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Mystery solved? On the cool spring Saturday afternoon of March 31, 1951, Fred Hankins returned to his Fountain City home to find his wife, Mary, lying in a pool of blood. Jake Mabe learns the author of a new book on the murder may have finally solved the case. On online and click the Halls/Fountain City icon.

Index Coffee Break Sherri Gardner Howell Government/Politics Town of Farragut Rotary feature Faith Schools Business Community Calendar Health/Lifestyles

2 3 4 5 6 7 10-11 12-13 14 Sect B

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The way Hughey Moulden sees it, whoever vandalized the churches in Concord Village this winter meant to do Satan’s work, but God stepped in and turned it inside out. “It was very disturbing, but I look at it as God’s opportunity to bring the community together,” he said. “It was like when Joseph’s brothers sold him into Egypt – they meant it for evil, but God used it for good.” Moulden is a lifetime member and an elder at the Original Church of God, a 97-yearold, eight-member white block church that had three windows broken out in early December. That was the first incident. On Jan. 7, Concord AME Zion Church – a 140-year-old, 10-member brick building next door – had several windows broken. Between Jan. 8 and Jan. 20, each church was victimized three times each. By the time it was done, there was not a window left between the two buildings. The Rev. Stephen Steele, who pastors Concord AME Church, says he agrees with Brother Moulden. “People oftentimes do things for one reason, but God, in caring and loving for his people, will always take whatever it is and turn it for good,” he said. His wife and assistant pastor, the Rev. Elaine Steele, seconded her husband’s observation: “We feel God moving.” The two next-door neighbors have long cooperated. They have homecomings and Bible study together, and Moulden and Liman Bacon of Concord AME Zion, in addition to being lifelong friends (Bacon used to drive Moulden to school when they were students at Austin High School), are trustees of Pleasant Forest Cemetery, where members of both congregations have people buried. They weren’t acquainted with another neighbor, Concord Presbyterian, which has a predominantly Caucasian congregation. Not long after the last act of

Members of the congregations of the Original Church of God and Concord AME Zion Church include: (front) Limon Bacon, Pauline Bacon, Helen Trent, Bernetta Hardin, the Rev. Elaine Steele, the Rev. Stephen Steele; (back) Lee Varner and Hughey Moulden. Photo by T. Edwards

vandalism at the two AfricanAmerican churches, Concord Presbyterian Church pastor, the Rev. David Webster, was pulling into his parking lot and noticed that four panes of glass had been broken out of the windows facing Second Drive. When he reported it to the Sheriff’s Office, they told him what had been happening to his neighbors. A few days later, Jane Koopmann, a Concord Presbyterian elder and one of three women who cook for church activities, was conferring with the other two cooks about the menu for a “Souper Bowl” party planned for Super Bowl Sunday after church. Somebody suggested inviting the Original Church of God and Concord AME Zion congregations to lunch, and Webster got the ball rolling by sending written invitations. Koopmann made potato soup. Someone else made tortilla soup and another made vegetable soup. There was a pot of chili,

a couple dozen sandwiches and tons of brownies. They worried about having enough. “It was very short notice,” Koopmann said. “And we didn’t have an answer for whether the other churches were going to come. Our church let out earlier than their churches, and we started getting ready. Then, here came six guests. And then another group, and some more of them until we had about 20 visitors in all. It was just amazing to us. … It was such a wonderful day, just the kind of thing I will tell my grandkids about. It was the parable of the loaves and fishes – we never did run out.” The Steeles and Moulden and other members of the two congregations concurred. “It was our first time getting to meet the pastor and the congregation,” Elaine Steele said. “It was an opportunity for us to break the wall of separation down because we’re all God’s

people,” added Moulden. In the next church newsletter, Webster delivered a mighty summation: “Most of the time, each of the three congregations minds their own business, worshipping Sunday in and Sunday out. We have done so for over a hundred years. This is not necessarily a bad thing; it may just be the reality of a multi-denominational world. However, I do not believe it is God’s intention for the church – ‘There is one body and one Spirit … one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all’ (Ephesians 4:46). I think Satan likes to keep churches from fellowshipping together. “But on Sunday, Jan. 29, Satan’s kingdom shook with rage as Concord Presbyterian Church, The Original Church of God and the Concord AME Zion Church joined together to break bread. “It was the most joyous of family reunions.”

Shaping future requires participants By Suzanne Foree Neal A Boulder, Colo., firm on Thursday won the approval of the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen to act as its consulting firm as the town moves ahead with a comprehensive land use plan. Winston Associates Inc. beat out nine other firms for the $108,000 contract. “Winston is a small firm with stellar references,” said Assistant Town Administrator Gary Palmer. “This will be a viable land use plan to dictate how the town develops over the next five to 10 years. It will be a tool for us and the development community.” Winston plans at least three public dialog sessions over the year. Now the question is: Will residents turn out to speak their

For many the theme was the same: More money, more bodies. Public works and engineering grabbed the most attention. Director Bud McKelvey listed landscaping and maintenance as the most pressing as staff works to keep up with parks and recreation facilities. He estimates $30,000 to change the town’s radio communication system to work with a federally mandated change from wide band to narrow band. There’s also a need for more covered storage for equipAging infrastructure ment, and Town Hall is about comes into focus due for new carpet and a paint A workshop session Thursday job. Town Engineer Darryl Smith before the regular BOMA meeting was filled with reports from touched on the town’s growth department heads with “wishes” over the last 30 years and, while for the upcoming 2012 budget. much of the infrastructure is

mind? Board members hope to see a full house at each session. “This is huge for the town of Farragut and we want a lot of participation,” said Alderman Bob Markli. Palmer said the firm has innovation and technology to bring to the town that is “second to none.” Winston has a virtual planning process that can show people in real time how their suggestions might fit into the land use plan.

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relatively new, a lot of streets and pipes are going to need replacing within the next five years. Alderman Ron Honken jumped into the discussion saying, “People forget about it, but 30 years is long in the tooth for some infrastructure. Maybe we should change our thought process to think about money for future repairs,” he added. “The tendency is to look at what we can do new, but maybe we need to look at the old. Potentially, some of these replacement items could be costly.” McKelvey noted he already keeps a list and has his eye on several pieces of infrastructure that are getting to the point of replacement.


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Coffee Break

What are the top three things on your bucket list? “Take my three daughters to see ‘Phantom of the Opera’ on Broadway; live on the beach for a whole summer; and visit Washington, D.C.”

What is one word others often use to describe you and why? “Commitment. If I commit, I always follow through.”

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “It would be nice to have my sense of smell back!”

What is your passion? “I am passionate about my family and my work.”

With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch?

Mary Henry

with Owner, Apple Cake Tea Room

Mary Henry used to ride her horse down Kingston Pike. Born and raised in Farragut, both Mary and her husband, Ralph, remember when few landmarks existed on Campbell Station Road to direct people to the Apple Cake Tea Room. “We were excited when the Pilot opened, because we could tell people we were right across the street. It was very rural out here. I remember when the interstate opened. It was a big deal to get on the interstate and drive to Shoney’s in Bearden for lunch,” Mary recalls. If the Farragut High School graduate needs reminders of her past, there are plenty of street signs to point to. “My grandfather was Spencer Smith, and my grandmother was Annie Boring, so we have deep Farragut roots. I just have to look around at Smith and Boring roads to see a part of our family history.” Apple Cake Tea Room also has deep roots. The lunchonly restaurant will be 29 years old in November. “People who started coming here as regular customers when we first opened are now in their 80s and 90s. It is now their kids and grandkids who come to eat with us,” Mary says. “We are very grateful they passed on the tradition.” When the Tea Room first opened, the food was a sideline. “We opened a gift shop that served muffins, small sandwiches and tea. We bought all this stuff for a gift shop. It didn’t take long to find out that the chicken salad sold a whole lot faster than the wooden apples.” When they moved across the street from Station West to their present location in the log house, they decided to forget the gifts and put in more tables. When the upstairs opened as a place to reserve for special occasions, Apple Cake Tea Room became a part of happy memories for many brides, mothers-to-be, retirees and women’s groups. “We host all kinds of celebrations upstairs: bridal parties, weddings and baby showers, retirement parties. We also will open at night with a full, sit-down dinner menu for rehearsal dinners, Christmas parties and other special events.” Although many things have changed, some do not. “We still bake and cook everything fresh. Chickens go into the pot every day to make our chicken salad,” says Mary. “We have made some menu changes over the years, but it seems like every time we try to take something off, our customers want it back. I took the Reuben off for one day and had to go to the store to buy corned beef because customers were upset.”

“For a long, leisurely lunch, I would most enjoy sitting down with my three daughters.”

Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why? “My grandparents, because your past is your future.”

I still can’t quite get the hang of … “Texting! LOL.”

What is the best present you ever received in a box? The Henrys have three daughters, all raised in Farragut – Angie, Katie and M.J. Their four granddaughters, Megan, McKensie, Parker and Sophie, will welcome twin cousins this year. “I have one granddaughter graduating from high school, and daughter M.J. has twin babies on the way!” But as much as she enjoys grandchildren, retirement isn’t something she is thinking about any time soon. “I think I am enjoying the restaurant more now than I ever have,” she says. “I love seeing people, old friends and new faces. I still enjoy being in the kitchen, although they tend to kick me out these days so I don’t mess up their routine. Many of my employees, like Dorothy Graves, have been here for 20-plus years, so I have people I can trust when I need to be somewhere else. As long as I can work and be here and enjoy it, I’m going to stay.” Sit and have a Coffee Break as you get to know Mary Henry:

“My high school sweetheart gave me a watch for my high school graduation. He turned out to be my husband of 46 years and counting!”

What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? “Pray daily.”

What is your social media of choice? “Face-to-face conversation!”

What is the worst job you have ever had? “Driving a school bus. The responsibility is enormous. Every time I stop behind one today, I think, ‘how did I ever do that?’ I was thankful we got out of that business without anything bad happening.”

What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why? “Looney Tunes.”

What is your favorite quote from television show or movie?

What irritates you?

“Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” – “Love Story”

What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit?

What are you guilty of? “Impulse buying.”

What is your favorite material possession? “My mother’s wedding rings.”

What are you reading currently? “I have started reading ‘The Virgin River’ series by Robyn Carr.”

What was your most embarrassing moment? “There are two that come to mind, but I think the worst was when I went to Wild Wings Café to pick up a to-go order, and the greeter assumed that I was there for the Tacky Christmas Sweater Contest.”

“Loud music.” “The Apple Cake Tea Room, of course!”

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself at 18? “Get a college education.”

What is your greatest fear? “Losing my husband.”

If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be? “I would fly to Key West to have a margarita at Sloppy Joe’s!” It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Just email your suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. If you know contact information for your suggested candidate, include it in your email.


Farragut Mayor Ralph McGill and his wife, Marianne, are welcomed to the Hibachi Factory by Farragut West Knox Chamber CEO Bettye Sisco for a February Chamber networking event. These Baby Bookworms didn’t let the drizzle keep them from their weekly trip to the Farragut Library for some interactive Farragut Library branch manager Marilyn Jones introduces story fun with Ms. Marilyn. From left are Jenny Bridges, Jenna, Grace Casaletto, with her mother, Sara, to the Baby BookKate and Rachael Witkemper, Sandra Jester with her grandson worms storybook bear while Audrey Morgan and her mother, Grant, and Diana Peon and her mother, Diana. In the back are Julee, wait for their turn. The weather outside was takes the group through a Emma Stafford and her mom, Vanessa. rainy and gloomy on Feb. 22, series of baby-appropriate but everyone was all smiles activities each Wednesday project to follow. All classes networking gathering for Japanese and Chinese food on Friday, April 20, at Rothat Baby Bookworms at the at 10:30 a.m. in the library are free and open to the pub- the Farragut West Knox while they talked with other child Catering and ConferFarragut Branch Library on community room. “We do lic. For more info, call 777- Chamber. Carter opened his business owners. Door priz- ence Center, and the May Campbell Station Road. A nursery rhymes, lap rhymes, 1750 or check the Shopper- first Hibachi Factory in 1997 es included wine and cou- Breakfast Speaker Series weekly gathering of children sing songs – anything with a News Community Calendar. and added one on the Uni- pons for free meals at the with Dr. Bill Bass on May 8 lot of action and movement,” Clark Carter welcomed versity of Tennessee cam- Hibachi Factory. at Fox Den Country Club. says Jones. “Sometimes regular customers and new pus in 2001 and has been in For a full calendar of News of interest from the we will play Peek-a-boo or friends on Feb. 16 at the Hi- Farragut for four years. Chamber included informa- chamber events, check the Chamber members en- tion on the upcoming Put- chamber website at www. Sherri ‘dance’ to ‘Pop Goes the bachi Factory, 10955 KingsWeasel.’ It is fun, but also ton Pike, when he hosted a joyed an abundant buffet of tin’ on the Ritz celebration farragutchamber.com/. Gardner great for their development.” Howell This group included regulars, occasional participants and at least one newcomer. FARRAGUT FACES “It is really a lot of fun and something I look forward from infants to 18 months to,” says Julee Morgan, who old, the storytime usually brought her 14-month-old attracts between 17 to 20 daughter, Audrey. children plus their moms or The storytimes start with DO YOU WANT…your School Board Member to live in your community? No dads, sitters or grandpar- the infants and continue Karen has lived in the district for 22 years and her daughter attends FHS. ents. While the number was through a class called Older Yes Her opponent does not. down a bit, there was still a Preschool Storytime, for lively group listening to and kids who are 4 to 6 years old. following Ms. Marilyn’s lead This week, on Tuesday, Feb. DO YOU WANT…a School Board Member with influence? Karen has effective No for the 20-minute class. 28, the Older Preschool Stoworking relationships with other Board Members, County Commissioners, School Ms. Marilyn is Marilyn rytime will feature a puppet Yes and Business leaders. Karen Carson will be a strong advocate for 5th District Schools. Jones, branch manager. She show at 4 p.m. with a craft

Fun with the bookworms


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Hibachi Factory owner Clark Carter welcomes Chamber member John Randazzo with Fish Window Cleaning to the Chamber networking event.

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Leuthold is no change agent Almost two weeks ago the county Charter Commission met to elect its Victor chair – Craig Leuthold, a Ashe former County Commissioner and son of veteran County Commissioner Frank Leuthold. This Commission can make recommendations on county charter changes which then go to voters in November 2012. Leuthold was elected chair over commissioners R. Larry Smith and Sam McKenzie. Leuthold won on the third ballot when Smith withdrew and threw his support to Leuthold. Five current members of the group were absent on Feb. 15. Two members may have to be replaced due to residency issues. Leuthold is the public information ofďŹ cer for the property assessor, Phil Ballard, who is seeking his second and ďŹ nal term as assessor. Leuthold is thought to want to hold that position. Being the public information ofďŹ cer for the assessor is not exactly heavy duty. In fact, it is a pretty easy, simple and quiet position in local government. Ballard himself could handle most of the media inquiries. If the Leuthold job disappeared tomorrow, no one would notice. It represents waste in government. Leuthold’s election as chair sends a strong signal that this Charter Commission may do little progressive work and might seek a return to the past such as enlarging the current 11 member commission back to 19 members (at considerable cost to taxpayers), repealing term limits or extending the two-term limit to three terms, ensuring no charter change to the sheriff’s pension plan despite its massive costs, and protecting current fee ofďŹ ces. Craig Leuthold, on the county payroll for many years, worked in the Trustee’s ofďŹ ce before moving to the Assessor’s ofďŹ ce. It is hard to think of anything signiďŹ cant Leuthold did on County Commission, whereas his father was known for his vast knowledge of county ďŹ nances. After his election he offered no ideas for charter changes. He said he would listen. No one would suggest that Craig Leuthold is a change agent. This new Charter Commission is very large with 27 members. Next public meeting is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29, at the City County Building. Keep an eye out for bad things occurring under the radar screen. â– Early voting has not been large. Democrats have nothing to vote for besides President Obama who has his nomination locked. Of early voters to date, more than 80 percent are voting in the Republican primary as this will decide the next county law director and property assessor. Democrats failed to ďŹ eld a candidate in either race. Not certain who the crossover Democrats will support for president. Be sure to vote March 6. â– Financial adviser Peter Mahurin of Bowling Green, Ky., has been nominated to the TVA Board of Directors by President Obama. He lives in the same town as Sen. Rand Paul, son of presidential candidate Ron Paul. He must be conďŹ rmed by the U.S. Senate. â– Bearden High School was mentioned last Monday, Feb. 20, on the front page of the New York Times in an article on Tennessee’s teacher evaluation system as it relates to physical education teachers. See www.nytimes. com and type in Bearden High School on the search icon. Contact Victor Ashe at vhashe@aol.com/.

GOSSIP AND LIES â– Get ready for a bloodletting as American Medical Response (AMR) gears up to challenge Rural/Metro for the county’s ambulance contract. John Mills, who works for R/M, is on County Commission’s agenda today. â– R. Larry Smith will be heard on setting up a committee to investigate fee ofďŹ ces that pay bonuses for continuing education. Fur may y if Sherry Witt attends. â– Expect a release soon of the county’s audit of the Public Building Authority’s construction of Hardin Valley Academy. We hear there’s a question of $1,200 misapplied to HVA from the transit terminal project. Since Hardin Valley cost about $50 million and the transit project another $25 million, that’s not much of a mistake.

When you want to know about permits and codes in Farragut, these are the guys to see: Colin Cumesty, fire inspector; Steve Coker, codes official; Daniel Johnson, fire marshal; and John Householder, commercial plans examiner and building inspector (not pictured Elliott Sievers, codes official). Cumesty, Coker, Householder and Sievers will present a Residential Building Permit Informational Seminar for the public to answer all your questions. Photo by S.F. Neal

Town closes chapter on retirement woes I’ve covered Farragut on and off for a couple of decades. I’m sure I echo the sentiments of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen when I say I hope I never have to write anything about employee retirement beneďŹ ts ever again. That “can that got kicked down the road for 30 years,â€? as Mayor Ralph McGill remarked at one meeting, looks like it has been run over by an 18-wheeler and squashed at. The last chapter in the town’s retirement saga was Tuesday when employees voted to opt in or out of Social Security. According to Janet Curry, human resource manager, 37 employees opted to participate and nine opted out. At a special called meeting Feb. 15, the board voted to let 11 long-time employ-

nual capped cost of living to the amount the town would put in. Suzanne The monthly option Foree comes with a 50 percent spousal beneďŹ t and annual Neal capped cost of living. Once an employee selects a plan, it’s binding and will require ees choose either a lump a release, details of which sum amount or a monthly are still being worked out. payout at retirement in ad- The town’s 401(k) and 457 dition to other beneďŹ ts. It’s plans will be administered the board’s way of trying to by the state’s management make things a little fairer group. for those who were getting the short end of the retirement stick. The lump-sum option puts money into the employWhile new housing starts ee’s 401(k) but would take are not exactly hitting high the town as long as three numbers in Farragut, the years to fulďŹ ll the obliga- permit and codes departtion due to IRS rules that ments are still busy with cap how much extra cash more people staying put can be deposited per year. and remodeling or adding There would also be an an- to existing houses. With

Upcoming codes seminar

that in mind, the Farragut Community Development department will present a Residential Building Permit Informational Seminar at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 13, at Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The seminar will be led by the town’s codes ofďŹ cials: Steve Coker, John Householder and Elliott Sievers; and ďŹ re inspector Colin Cumesty. Any Farragut resident or homeowner interested in learning about permitting requirements for remodeling or improvements will get needed information to head off any problems down the road. Cumesty will also discuss the importance of having a carbon monoxide detector in the home. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.

Gentry-Griffey in court of public opinion Shortly before City Council denied an appeal of Gentry-Griffey Funeral Chapel’s building permit to add a crematorium to the historic structure on the hill overlooking Fountain City Lake, Gentry-Griffey’s lawyer Arthur Seymour Jr. made a claim that drew hoots of derisive laughter: “Our marketing area is Fountain City,â€? Seymour said, shrugging off the chorus of guffaws from members of Community Awareness Network (CAN), who ďŹ led the appeal. Last year, city building ofďŹ cial Tom Reynolds approved the crematorium as an accessory, or secondary, use. But opponents have taken note that Gentry Griffey’s permit will allow them to run the incinerator 16 hours a day, seven days a week. Give or take a couple of corpses, that equals some 1,400 bodies annually. Gentry-Griffey conducted 70 funerals last year. Barring a recurrence of

Betty Bean the Black Plague, it’s doubtful that Fountain City can supply enough bodies to satisfy the needs of Seymour’s client. Furthermore, GentryGriffey, which is no longer owned by Fountain Citians, should probably hearken back to the furor stirred up in the late ’70s when developers – who, if memory serves, were also represented by Seymour – demolished a stately Victorian home to build a Target store. The Target, like the Woodward-Williams house before it, is long gone now, but there are many Fountain Citians who refused to shop there. Taking Seymour’s dubious claim of marketing only in Fountain City at face value, and recognizing

that funeral homes – even more than big box retailers – operate primarily on good will, do the owners expect an uptick in business? It could be that the court of public opinion won’t be Gentry-Griffey’s only trial. Despite City Council members’ oft-stated wish to stay out of court, they might end up there anyway. CAN spokesperson Nan Scott conďŹ rmed that the group is exploring legal action and has received offers of ďŹ nancial support to do so. No doubt part of their anger stems from the fact that Gentry-Griffey applied for a permit to build the crematorium February 22, 2011. None of its neighbors knew what they were doing until the following October when they read about it in the Shopper-News. It is unlikely that any of the 80some people who showed up to support the CAN appeal on a rainy night will be recommending Gentry-Griffey

to their friends and family. A n d think City Council member Nick Della Volpe was hot when Della Volpe ďŹ ve of his colleagues, all of whom hail from West Knoxville, voted against the Fountain City citizens’ appeal? Here’s the love letter he emailed them the next day: “To my dear colleagues from the western half of town: “I will always cherish and remember your kind support of the people of Fountain City. I know they are truly proud of their city ofďŹ cials. May the gentle plumes wafting across the lake from Gentry-Griffey be a visual reminder of your tenacious commitment to neighborhood integrity.â€?

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Deakins explains decision not to run “This puts me in an awkward position as I represent the 6th District and live in the 5th District,” he said. “I immediately announced I would not run for re-election as the 6th District school board member in 2014. I strongly believe that a school board member should reside in the district being represented so they understand firsthand all of the issues facing their disFarragut Mayor Ralph McGill, Koko FitClub owner Tricia Kilgore, Farragut West Knox Chamber president Bettye Sisco and Fartrict.” Deakins was elected in ragut Town Administrator David Smoak cut the ribbon to open the Farragut location of Koko FitClub. Koko’s technology tracks 2006 and 2010. He was client progress and customizes each workout. Photo submitted instrumental in creating a committee on education in the town of Farragut to work with Knox County Schools. The 5th District seat is Karen Carson is a thoughtful, parIn the past two years, Knox County being contested March 6 ent advocate on the Knox County Schools has increased the number of by incumbent Karen Car- Board of Education. Three times she ACT test takers from 2,591 to 3,590, son who lives in the dis- has been voted school board member an increase of 999 students, or apSandra trict and Elaine Davis who of the year by the Tennessee PTA. proximately 38.6 percent, as the result Clark does not. As a pediatric critical care and of a state mandate that all juniors take – S. Clark emergency nurse, she’s not easily ratthe ACT. These are less interested test tled. But recent, unsigned comments takers, compared to previous years in another weekly newspaper have Issue: Carson doesn’t care when those who took the test did so as brought some heartburn. about Farragut parents and kids. a college entrance requirement. Also, Without debating the merit of un- She showed that on rezoning. the percent of incoming high school signed comments, let’s examine three The contentious high school rezon- freshmen who graduate in four years points raised. ing occurred in 2007, when Hardin with an ACT of 21 or better has risen Issue: Who lives where, and Valley Academy was constructed. Few from 34.3 percent to 38.4 percent over why does it matter? wanted to be zoned to the new school. the past two years. Karen Carson lives at 10953 Twin But now that it’s open, the students Recent board chair Indya KincanHarbour Drive, 37934. That address and parents are pleased with its pro- non says Knox County is “on a huge is zoned for A.L. Lotts Elementary, grams and facilities. upward trajectory and getting nationFarragut Middle and Farragut High As board chair, Carson led meet- al attention for ACT success.” schools. Karen’s daughter, Rebeka, is ings across town to enable parents and In 2011, the national ACT average a junior at Farragut High. students to have a say. Also, she made score was 21.1 and the average TenElaine Davis, her opponent, lives at sure all board meetings, even work- nessee score was 19.5. Knox County 913 Station View Road, 37919. That ad- shops, are televised and streamed on Schools had a 20.4 average, higher dress is zoned for West Hills Elemen- the Internet. All agenda items and than Blount, Anderson, Loudon or tary, Bearden Middle and Bearden data are on the KCS website. Union counties. High schools. The KCS budget has increased each Carson led efforts to put a non-votMost folks want their school board ing student on the school board. She year, but it stands at $387 million, not member to live inside the district they consistently asks whether parents are the higher numbers stated online. represent and be zoned for district engaged when school programs are Voters should look past unsigned schools. Cindy Buttry and Thomas discussed. newspaper comments and Web postIssue: ACT scores have ings. Karen Carson has served Knox School board member Karen Carson (at right) stands with ar- Deakins announced they would not chitect Lanis Cope at the groundbreaking for a new elemen- seek reelection after their district lines dropped, while school funding County well on the school board. She deserves another term. tary school at Northshore Town Center. Carson had advocated were redrawn to exclude their homes. has increased. construction on the west side to alleviate overcrowding. File School board chair Thomas Deakins says he won’t run for re-election because of the recent redistricting of school board and County Commission districts. “At the end of 2011, the Knox County Commission approved a red ist r ic t i ng plan closely aligning school board and commission districts. The town of Farragut shifted from the 6th school board district to the 5th Deakins school board district. With this change, I am no longer the school board member representing the town of Farragut. “Karen Carson is now your 5th District school board member,” Deakins said.

Koko comes to Farragut

School board issues: real and not so real

photo by S. Clark

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Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Gallaher Spa MD Sarah Davis and Stacey Tallant are ready to greet guests at Gallaher Spa MD. The spa offers laser treatments, chemical peels, makeup consultation and application, microdermabrasion, facials and more. The spa has two locations: Cherokee Plaza in Bearden and 7560 Dannaher Drive in Powell. Info: www.gallaherplasticsurgery.com.


The Belle Morris Elementary School playground that faces the fire hall at Buffat Mill Road shows the cleanup efforts by eight Rotary clubs. Photos by S. Clark

Anne Parks of Downtown Rotary donated original artwork depicting the Belle Morris School mascot, the black bear.

District Gov. Frank Rothermel works on bleachers for the outdoor classroom. At left is Bruce Williamson.

Farragut Rotary Club members working on the outdoor classroom are: George Weaver, Dave Beaman, Bryan Harper, Jim O’Brien, Fred Martin, Doug Powell, Jeff Reed and Bruce Williamson.

working. Anytime you have a clean house it makes you feel better inside. That’s how we feel at Belle Morris.” School board member Indya Kincannon said, “The playground looks great! Belle Morris is a great little school. Princiof District Gov. Frank Ro- last week. “Their eyes got pal Hursey and the teachthermel and assistant gov- big with an excited, happy ers there are making some ernors Fred Martin and look. When we took one good things happen. And Phyllis Driver, the Rotar- group to the outdoor class- lots of young families are ians cleaned desks, spread room, a student said, ‘Now moving to the zone.” mulch and constructed an everyone has a place to sit.’ Driver said the entire “Another one said, ‘I wish project will reflect a $10,000 outdoor classroom. “How to put into words all schools could have (a investment. Thirteen trees the reactions of the stu- playground) just like this.’ were planted on the cam“It was like a beehive pus, the library will get new dents?” said principal Terry Lynn Hursey later here, so many people were carpet during spring break,

Rotary clubs ‘wow’ Belle Morris By Sandra Clark When students at Belle Morris Elementary School returned to class last Tuesday, most were wowed by the weekend work of Knox-area Rotarians. Eight clubs contributed money and labor to improve the school, located at 2308 Washington Pike. Under the leadership

and then new books will be added to the library. This is the fourth year for such a project, Driver said. Last year Rotarians worked at Tennessee School for the Deaf, two years ago at South Knox Elementary School and three years ago at Sarah Moore Greene. “This is a good cooperative effort,” said Driver. Last Thursday, Rotarians gathered on Market Square to mark World Rotary Day by showing public service announcements, billboards and other graphics celebrating Rotary International’s End Polio Now campaign.

Rotary International has been instrumental in the worldwide effort to eradicate polio, an idea formed in East Tennessee and celebrated by the Krutch Park statue of Oak Ridge Rotarian Bill Sergeant inoculating a baby. In 1988, when Rotary launched its PolioPlus program, there were 350,000 cases of polio worldwide. In 2008 there were just 1,655 cases – a decrease of more than 99 percent. The number of polio-endemic countries has fallen from 125 to four – Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.

NEWS FROM UPSTAIRS As UPSTAIRS at Todd Richesin Interiors approaches its first anniversary, we are thrilled to share the many exciting happenings and new arrivals to our store. Boxes arrive daily with selections from the gift show in January, including several new lines. One line we are particularly excited about is Michael Aram. For those who are not familiar with his über stylish designs, it is a beautiful line of polished aluminum serveware. The simple and modern detailing will coordinate with any classic serving pieces you may already have. Beautiful hand-painted pillows from Shantalle’s Studio are a colorful arrival. These pillows all have down fillers, and are hand-painted with classical fruit, flower, and landscape designs on silk. They are beautifully crafted with decorative trimmings. We have new Italian pottery coming from Fortunata. We were able to meet one of the artisans, who creates these pieces at the show, and watched him work on new

designs. All these pieces are fully handmade and hand finished and are coming in rich colors. With Easter right around the corner, decorations are hopping in daily! Fun velvet rabbits in psychedelic colors, giant foil eggs and lots of happy vintage inspired items from Bethany Lowe Designs, including giant glittery egg houses including the bunny that lives inside are just a few of the items we have chosen for Easter. New candles from Thompson Ferrier, exclusive to UPSTAIRS were a wonderful find at the gift show in January. With delicious scents in stylish containers, these candles have a distinct modern sensibility and are a perfect complement to our existing candle lines. We are also pleased to announce that we now carry NEST candles including their signature Elton John Collection, where each candle purchased makes a contribution to the Elton John World AIDS Foundation.

Some of the most exciting finds we have acquired are original paintings from Gar Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert was the illustrator for acclaimed fashion designer Christian Dior in Paris between 1960 and 1980. We have two of his beautiful portraits. Additionally, we have added a fantastic collection of antique wooden boxes. These are all unique, and have beautiful inlay and decorative detailing. Baker Furniture is known for their fine craftsmanship and timeless furniture. Our new arrivals include a Baker pine chest from their Historic Charleston collection, as well as a beautiful painted French style chest from their Continental collection. We invite you to come in to see our new arrivals. We look forward to helping you add the touches to your house that will make it a home and becoming your “go to” spot for the best selection of unique gifts.

Baker Furniture, Continental Collection three-drawer chest

We have been attending auctions and antique shows across the Southeast and have found many new one-of-a-kind items. Hearthside Ceramic Basket, Fortunata

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Joe Thompson, president of the Oak Ridge United Methodist Men, receives a trailer-load of sweet potatoes for delivery to Valley View Methodist Church for their food pantry, one of many recipients. Nothing is wasted. Produce donated is too large, too small, or otherwise unsuitable to sell to grocery stores. The squishy or heavily gouged potatoes were given to the Knoxville Zoo.

Sweet potatoes to feed hungry Linda Tozer of the Society of St. Andrew, which donated 40,000 pounds of sweet potatoes to various Knoxville area food pantries, helps Mike Smith, president of the Holston Conference United Methodist Men, carry sweet potatoes bagged by volunteers from several different churches. “The fresh produce is a treat for those who usually get just canned or boxed potatoes,� The group quotes from I John 3:18, “Let us love not only in words, but in deed and in truth.� Info: www.endhunger.org/.

Lily Pulver, 4, helps bag sweet potatoes at Cokesbury United Methodist Church. Her family, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Farragut, all volunteered, since they enjoy doing things together. Mom Karen Pulver said, “When children get practice helping when they are young, they will help when they grow up.� Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Sunshine and shadow Have mercy on me, O God, According to your steadfast love; According to your abundant mercy Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin. – Psalm 51: 1-2 NRSV

Community Services

– Hilaire Belloc As I write, days ahead of publication, Ash Wednesday is looming. It marks the beginning of Lent, a time of self-examination, repentance, reection and fasting.

munity who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments. Info: 675-2835.


Loss and possession, Death and life are one. There falls no shadow where There shines no sun. life are one,� and that sunshine and shadow are inextricably linked, then I will know that it is only because the bright light of God’s love shines on me that the shadow on my forehead – the shadow of my sinfulness – is so visible.

■Concord United Methodist Church’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. Anyone in the com-

â– Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class Mondays from 6-7 p.m. upstairs in the family life center. Cost is $10 per class or $40 for five classes. Bring a mat, towel and water. Info: Dena Bower, 567-7615 or email denabower@comcast.net.

There are people who dislike Lent and its disciplines, but I am not one of them. Perhaps it is some native melancholy in me that leans into the thorns. I learned pretty young that life has valleys as well as mountaintops, and one had best be prepared to experience them both. I believe that the depths of life, as well as the heights, expand our souls. So I love the somberness of the Ash Wednesday service. I love that the ashes used in the service are traditionally from the burning of last Palm Sunday’s palm branches, a symbolic linking of one Easter cycle to the next. I love the texts that are read (especially David’s psalm of contrition, quoted above), the penitential music, the silences, the acknowledgement of our humanity and our sinfulness. I love that we can be honest with God, that we can admit to God what we know to be true about ourselves. I love the idea that God hears our confession with compassion and forgiveness. I love that God loves us enough not to say, “Oh, that’s OK.� I love that God loves us enough to say “You break my heart, but I love you anyhow.� I love that God keeps trying. And so I keep trying too, to become the person that God envisioned when God thought me up. All of that is tangled up in Ash Wednesday for me. And so, by the time you read this, I will have been to church on Ash Wednesday. I will have knelt and confessed that I am a sinner, saved by grace. I will have received the mark of my sinfulness smudged onto my forehead, and I will have worn it all day as a reminder to myself, and as a confession to everyone who saw me. And if Hilaire Belloc is right at all, that “Death and



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News from the Turkey Creek Public Market

Fritz Berger and Sarah Sharp dance to a Patsy Cline tune sung by Logan Murrell. She sings, “I’m crazy for feeling so lonely. Oh I’m crazy for feeling so blue … I’m crazy for loving you.” Sharp said, “That is our favorite song!” as her left hand makes the sign for “love you.”

Logan Murrell hands a photo card to her cousin, Kayzie Vierstra, who requests the song “p.s. I love you.” Kayzie is with her dad, Mike, and little brother, Karson.

Logan Murrell performs at Turkey Creek Public Market By Theresa Edwards Logan Murrell, a Knoxville musician, songwriter, guitar-playing singing sensation, entertained at the Turkey Creek Public Market. Mom Julie Murrell said, “Logan started singing at age 2. When she was only 23-months-old, at church she sang ‘This is the Day’ and ‘What a Mighty God We Serve’ without missing a beat.” After high school graduation, Murrell wants to study music at either Belmont University in Nashville or Berkeley College in Boston. Her hobby is engineering and production. She used funds earned through her

music to build her own home recording studio where she creates her own music CDs. Murrell has turned down publishing offers. As her mom explained, “If you’re fulfilled with what you are doing, you can make less money and it works because you don’t need to earn extra money to buy things to fill the void that is there when you hate your work.” Murrell does have fun, as seen when she said, “This is for all blondes,” and sings, “You know if there’s one thing this blonde has learned, blondes have more fun … Just because I’m blonde, don’t you think I’m

nobody’s fool.” As she ends the song with a beaming smile, she twirls her hair and flicks her blonde locks back, laughing. Cheri Spinazzola, general manager at Public Market, said, “Logan’s voice is just perfection to me. We are so honored to have her perform for us at the Public Market. The customers and merchants absolutely fell in love with her.” On her website’s guestbook at www.loganmurrell. com, Jason Lago of Massachusetts wrote on Feb. 15, “You have a whole lot of unbelievable talent. You will be famous one day.”

Logan Murrell, 16, wows the audience at Turkey Creek Public Market with her musical performance. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

YOUR FAMILY IS INVITED...to our next American Diabetes Association familylink Activity. We will be meeting at the Pinnacle Stadium 18 at Turkey Creek. Diabetic children and their siblings will enjoy a tour of the projector room, snack pack and a viewing of The LORAX LORAX, while parents socialize in the conference room. Please RSVP your family’s plans to attend by Monday February 27th. Date: Saturday 03/03/2012 Time: 1:15pm (Movie starts at approx. 2pm) Contact person: Lori Nestor 865-524-7868 x3347 American Diabetes Association Phone: 865-524-7868 Fax: 865-966-0385 E-mail: lnestor@diabetes.org

Ad space donated by Shopper-News.

Fathers and daughters of all ages and all family members are welcome to attend!

The Town of Farragut, Kiwanis Club of Farragut and Farragut Intermediate School K-Kids present the 7th annual

“A Father-Daughter Dance”

Saturday, March 10, 2012 - 7 to 9 p.m. Farragut High School Commons Ticket Information Father-Daughter Ticket: $10 in advance | $15 at door Each Additional Ticket: $5 in advance | $8 at door

Ticket Outlets Farragut Town Hall (11408 Municipal Center Drive)

Farragut/West Knox Chamber of Commerce (11826 Kingston Pike) Father-daughter ticket includes entertainment, crafts and light refreshments. Couple photos will be available for purchase from an online source one week after the event.

Platinum Sponsors NHC Farragut Slate, Disharoon, Parrish & Associates, LLC Summit View of Farragut

Gold Spons Sponsors Carol Biladeau, Ameriprise Financial Advisor Messer Construction Company American Leak Detection

966-7057 | townoffarragut.org Facebook: Town of Farragut

Proceeds to benefit Kiwanis children’s charities!


SCHOOL NOTES West Hills Elementary ■ Box Tops for Education from General Mills’ products and Labels for Education from Campbell’s products are being collected to purchase supplies for the school. Labels can be dropped off in the silver collection box at the front of the school or can be mailed to: West Hills Elementary School, 409 Vanosdale Drive, Knoxville, TN 37909. Info: email Jill Schmudde at jschmudde@gmail.com.

West Valley dance team takes second in Orlando The West Valley Middle School dance team placed second in the nation in Junior High Jazz at the Universal Dance Association National Dance Team Championship held in Orlando. WVMS team members include: (front) Becca Jernigan, Lily Tirgrath, Alison Napier, Libby Julian, Chloe McClish, Lyndi Vaughn; (middle row) Sarah Boggs, Haley Mañalac, Natalie Werner, Alyssa Buzzeo, Shaylie Rutherford; (back) Sarah Balsley, Jade Gatton-Bumpus, Perry Johns, Madison Deatherage, Taylor Green and Alyssa Menavich. The team is coached by Amanda Varnes and sponsored by Beth Abee. Photo submitted

St. John Neumann Catholic Middle School students Cullen Smith and Damien Golack were selected to the All KIL Middle School and TSSMSA All Regional Basketball Team for the 2011-2012 season. Both boys will attend Knoxville Catholic High School next fall, where Golack plans to play soccer and basketball and Cullen plans to play football, baseball and basketball. Photo submitted

Mardi Gras at Farragut Intermediate Fifth graders Eric Zhang, Chandler Davis, Mack Ratliff, Alyssa RenoDemick, Megan Smith and Logan Jones practice notes on their recorders while waiting for the parade of students to pass by. Photos by S. Barrett

Music teacher Laura Taliaferro joins in the festivities of the school’s Mardi Gras parades. The students from each grade paraded down the hallways with masks they made in art class. They were taught the dance moves in gym class, and during their time in the library, they learned about the culture and origins of Mardi Gras.

Amy Cloud and Savannah Collins show their Mardi Gras spirit during last week’s 5th grade Mardi Gras parade at Farragut Intermediate School.



hen a first-class letter or package is mailed from anywhere in East Tennessee (376-379 ZIP CODE) to anywhere else in East Tennessee, it has been expected to be delivered the next day, except on Sunday. However, the Postal Service recently announced the easement of service standards for first-class mail and periodicals (newspapers and magazines). If no action is taken by Congress to stop this action by the end of May, local firstclass mail and periodicals will take a minimum of two days to be delivered. Congress caused the financial problems of the Postal Service by forcing it to pay $5.5 Billion annually to prefund 75 years of retiree health benefits in a 10-year period, including benefits for future retirees not even born yet! This unreasonable burden, passed by Congress in 2006 before the Great Recession, has caused billions of dollars in losses annually for the Postal Service (without that burden, the Postal Service would have earned over $600 Million in profits over the past 4 years). Over 120,000 jobs have been cut, thousands of post offices are targeted for closure, and 6-day mail delivery is threatened. The U.S. Senate is soon expecting to debate bill S. 1789, a proposal that would provide some short-term financial relief for the Postal Service, but does nothing to stop the degradation of service standards and the end of over-night local delivery of first-class mail and periodicals (newspapers and magazines). It does not adequately resolve the prefunding burden of the $5.5 Billion payments, which is the overwhelming cause of the financial problems in the first place. Without addressing this burden, any other actions to cut costs will only be destructive and will further reduce mail service for all Americans. Only Congress can prevent the degradation of our mail service and preserve the Postal Service for many years to come. Contact your U. S. Senators, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, and ask them to oppose S. 1789 unless it is amended to maintain current service standards and to correct the prefunding burden. Contact them today and let them know you value your mail service! Senator Lamar Alexander 800 Market St., Suite 112 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-545-4253

Senator Bob Corker 800 Market St., Suite 121 Knoxville, TN 37902 865-637-4180

Knoxville Postal Workers


Joey Mann works on robot wiring for students from Farragut, Bearden and Maryville high schools along with some homeschooled students, hoping they win a robotics competition this weekend. Photo by S.F. Neal

Nothing but net Robotics team aims to dunk it for win By Suzanne Foree Neal They’re calling it “Rebound Rumble� and it will take place at the Smoky Mountains Regional competition of FIRST Robotics at the Knoxville Convention Center on March 1-3. A blended team of students from Farragut, Bearden and Maryville high schools and several home-schooled students are hoping their robot scores. Teams were provided

with an industrial erector set of enough bits and pieces to build a Legostyle structure that can shoot a foam basketball into a hoop. Construction has been going at a feverish pace in the Career and Technical Education building at Farragut High School. Amos Manneschmidt thinks the team’s chances are pretty good. “Balance is important and we’re good on that,� he says. His love of robotics started in middle school when he won a Lego robot kit in a drawing at the American Museum of Science and

Matt Holt goes high to make an adjustment to the team’s robot while Amos Manneschmidt and Evan Widlowski check to see if it’s going OK.

Energy in Oak Ridge. Matt Holt likes the parts they were given this year because they easily slide or snap into place. The team had a design down in about four days. “We have a belt drive to power a PC roller at 4,000 rpm that will launch the ball,� he explains. “The aim is to try to get the ball into a hoop.� He helped get the robotics club at Farragut started and a win in his senior year would be the icing on the mechanical cake. Brayten Tschoepe is a “newbie� to the robotic world and says he loves it. “I like building it, do-

ing wiring and seeing how the mechanisms work,� he says. He puts the team’s chances of success at 100 percent. Jill Hudson, technology and engineering teacher at Farragut, and Jane Skinner, lab and technology coordinator, have been guiding the students along with several adult volunteers. After the Knoxville competition, the team loads up the trailer and takes Flagship 3140 FIRST Robotics team on the road to a spring break competition in Charleston, S.C., on March 22-24.

Students designed the decals to adorn the trailer that will transport their robot to several competitions.


Foothills Craft Guild Exhibit Emporium Building 100 S. Gay Street

March 2 A Freels

Flea market for a good cause CONTACT Helpline will hold its annual ea market Friday and Saturday, March 23-24, at First Baptist Church, 1101 Oak Ridge Turnpike. A special preview will be held Friday from 6-8 p.m. for ďŹ rst pick on merchandise at twice the price. The sale continues at regular price from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Donations of small appliances, craft supplies, tools, boats, cars, furniture and more are currently being accepted. CONTACT Helpline is a referral service and suicide prevention hotline. The helpline number is 5844424. Sale info: 312-7450.

March 3

First Friday




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When the going gets tough us appreciate the not-sotough times. There’s a freedom to realizing that your business won’t go down in flames if a little change comes your way. There’s power in knowing that you can handle more. Getting through the Shannon tough times is also a good Carey way to gain more knowledge of your staff. Who are your strongest players? Who can you lean on in a crisis? We’ve all had those moNo, I’m not throwing ments. Heck, some of us have parties when crises arise. had those six-month spans. Those are for after the tough Those times when key peo- times have passed. But, I ple are out, when you don’t know they’re not the end of know where the sales are go- the world. ing to come from, when you find out something’s missing Congrats at the zero hour. ■ Ellen Robinson reThe tough shouldn’t get going. The tough should cently joined the law firm of stay put, bear down and get Lewis, King, Krieg and Waldrop P.C. as chief marketto work. Now that I’ve faced a ing officer. She previously few of those tough times, served as vice president of I’ve come to value them in public and media relations a back-handed kind of way. firm Moxley Carmichael The tough times shake us and has more than 30 years up, stretch our limits, make of broad communications

News from Rural/Metro

Personally, I think the cliché should be “When the going gets tough, the tough get tougher.”

Ellen Robinson

Lori Ramsey

experience. Robinson is a member of the Executive Women’s Association, is a trustee of the Knoxville Museum of Art, and serves on the board of the Arts and Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville and the Knoxville Symphony Society. ■ Lori Ramsey, LCSW, has been named the Helen Ross McNabb Center’s new assistant director of Crisis Services. Ramsey joined the center in 2009 as the services coordinator for the PACT program. In her new role, she will help oversee the center’s continuum of crisis services. Shannon Carey is the Shopper-News general manager and sales manager. Contact Shannon at shannon@shoppernewsnow. com.

BUSINESS NOTES ■ Knox County Law Director Joe Jarret will be the keynote speaker at the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce breakfast 7:30 to 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at Fox Den Country Club. Jarret will speak about employment law and conflict in the workplace. Info or to register: www.farragutchamber.com. ■ ITT Technical Institute will host an alumni and business networking event 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29. There will be refreshments and campus tours. Info: 671-2800. ■ The Knoxville Area Urban League will host a workshop about interview tips and techniques 9-11 a.m. Thursday, March 1, 1514 East Fifth Ave. Instruction will be provided by Nikki Frye of UT Medical Center. The workshop is free, but space is limited. Info or to register: 524-5511. ■ The Tennessee Small Business Development Center, Farragut West Knox Chamber and TradeMark Advertising will begin the new Marketing Series for Business Leaders on March 6 at SunTrust Bank on Kingston Pike. The series is titled “Business Survival Guide: Marketing Edition.” Info or to register: www.tsbdc.org.

First Lieutenant Reggie Dotson (left) and Carl Lambert (right) present Rural/Metro Market General Manager Danny Edwards with the Patriotic Employer Award for his support of Lt. Dotson during his various duty assignments. Photo submitted

Patriotism at its finest By Rob Webb There are many things we can do to support our military overseas, and at Rural/ Metro we are committed to doing our Webb part. Wayne Pack, Knox County EMS supervisor, just returned from a deployment in Afghanistan. He has been with Rural/ Metro for more than 19 years, and we have worked with him throughout his deployment to hold his job for him upon his return. John Brinkley, a quality improvement officer, is another outstanding

patriot working at Rural/ Metro. An Army reservist for 21 years, Rural/Metro has held his position during multiple deployments, allowing him to maintain steady work between duty assignments. Recently, Rural/Metro and Danny Edwards, market general manager of Franklin County, were honored with the Patriotic Employer Award on behalf of all the Guard members and reservists in service. The award was given in recognition of support for 1st Lt. Reggie Dotson. Lt. Dotson, a Blackhawk pilot for the TN ARNG’s 1/69th Aviation, has been a paramedic at Rural/Metro in Winchester, Tenn., since 2001. Last year, he spent

27 weeks serving the National Guard in various temporary duty assignments. Edwards ensured Lt. Dotson maintained a steady amount of work as a paramedic between his military assignments. In appreciation for the support he received from Edwards and Rural/Metro, Dotson nominated them for the Patriotic Employer Award and planned a special presentation after Rural/Metro was chosen for the award. Lt. Dotson will soon return to Afghanistan to pilot a hospital helicopter, and we plan to continue supporting him and others at Rural/Metro who put their lives on the line for our country. We are proud of our employees and their commitment to their communities and their country. Rob Webb is Rural/Metro Division General Manager.

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Urban Park returns for ‘encore’ By Sandra Clark


ne condo developer kept chugging through the economic downturn. “We have 38 units left of the original 78 at Urban Park,â€? said Gary Koontz, a partner with builder E. Doyle Johnson in Johnson-Koontz LLC. Built on 12 acres off Middlebrook Pike in West Knoxville, the condos have features usually found in units substantially more expensive. In fact, at $119,900 for a 1,020 square foot unit with garage, you won’t ďŹ nd comparable new construction anywhere in Knox County. Encore at Urban Park is

an extension of the Urban Park Villas launched in 2008. After ranking No. 1 in sales for condos in the Knoxville market in 2009 and 2010, the developers took off in 2011 to concentrate on custom homes. Now Koontz and Johnson are back with a modiďŹ ed oor plan and exterior construction of brick and stone. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) is designed so “every unit is an end unit,â€? as Gary likes to put it. Living spaces are separated by the garages for maximum privacy. Units have 30-year dimensional roofs. Homeowner association fees of $50 per month include all exterior maintenance.

Inside, the units have two bedrooms with two baths and walk-in closets. Each living room/great room has a cathedral ceiling for a spacious feel. And hallways are 4 feet wide. The kitchens come equipped with energy efďŹ cient Whirlpool appliances: dishwasher and smoothtop stove plus microwave. Both the heat and air units and the windows are energy efďŹ cient, Johnson said. The oors are tile, hardwood and carpet. Each unit has an 8-by-12 deck. Urban Park homeowners include some retirees, and many residents are associated with the University of Tennessee or UT

Vicki and Gary Koontz of Realty Executives. Medical Center, Koontz said. The location is convenient to UT, downtown and West Town Mall. E. Doyle Johnson has 40 years’ construction experience building both condos and custom homes. He estimates he’s built more than 1,000 condo units, including Pebblestone in Fountain City. Gary E. Koontz has a

background in real estate sales following service in the Marine Corps. “When you deal with us you deal with the owners,â€? he said. “We are the developer, the builder and the Realtor. “We use the same subcontractors for our projects, giving us the same quality on the ďŹ rst unit as the last. And our turnaround time is remarkable.â€? Interest rates are at modern-day lows, around 3.5 percent. Financing includes conventional, FHA

or VA. “We’ll even accept cash,� said Koontz. “You can own cheaper than you can rent. I’ve never seen rates this low.�

Directions: At Main Post Office on Weisgarber, turn right on Middlebrook Pike. Turn left at first light on Amherst. Bear right after 1/4 mile on Jackson. Urban Park is 150 yards on right.

Showings are by appointment. Call Vicki or Gary Koontz at 588-3232.

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Homes hit by hail in danger of losing help T

ime is running out for homeowners who were victimized by last year’s hailstorms and want to have their roofs replaced for little to no money out of pocket. Aaron Killian, Senior Claims Manager with Best Choice Roofing, explains that most insurance companies only allow homeowners a year from the date of the storm to fi le an insurance claim. “The hailstorms of last April and May were unprecedented, but what was also unprecedented were the amount of insurance claims and subsequent backlog of roofing jobs in East Tennessee,” Killian said. “Some roofers were backed up six months to a year, and that wait is unac-

ceptable for any homeowner to have to endure.” Killian noted that many people became frustrated when their insurance companies turned down their claims or when roofing companies became bogged down with jobs.

“A lot of people felt like they were being put off. Many homeowners have given up hope on getting a claim approved or getting the work done altogether,” Killian said. “That’s

where we come in to help.” Killian said that for those with an insurance check in hand, Best Choice Roofing can schedule to have the work done within a few weeks. “We installed 3,000 roofs last year, and we’re the biggest roofer in the state of Tennessee,” Killian said. “With that kind of manpower, we can get a homeowner’s work done in as little as a day. “We won’t leave homeowners hanging for months and months. This is their home. The work needs to be done as soon as possible before any further damage can occur.” Killian added that many homeowners may have damage to their homes

Senior Claims Manager Aaron Killian displays roofing samples at a home for which he was able to work with the homeowner’s insurance to get a full roof replacement after a recent hail storm. Claims managers work on behalf of the homeowner to help process the claim and get repairs done properly and quickly. For more information, call Killian at 865-237-3353. without realizing it, and by utilizing a claims manager, the homeowner is more likely to get an insurance claim awarded, including claims that have already been turned down. “Insurance companies know us and trust our judgment,” Killian said. “When insurance adjusters come to the home to assess the damage, we meet with them and show them the damage we’ve found. “They like working with us because they know when Aaron Killian from

Community Calendar Send items to shoppernewscalendar@gmail.com

Events must happen in West Knox or downtown and must be FUN.



Preschool Storytime at library

Puppet show at library

Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 27, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.

Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. The library also will host a puppet show, “Sody Salaratus,” at 4 p.m. A craft project will follow. Info: 777-1750.

MONDAY, FEB. 27 Global-warming program at Town Hall Two Oak Ridge National Laboratory alumni, town of Farragut Mayor Dr. Ralph McGill and Farragut resident Dr. Arvid Pasto, will discuss global warming at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 27, in the Board Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The presentation, “Anthropogenic Global Warming: A Cold Look at a Hot Topic,” will cover such facets as Earth’s temperature history, the theory of greenhouse effects on climate, and climate models. The presentation is free and open to the public. Info: 966-7057.

TUESDAY, FEB. 28 Caribbean Festival at Pellissippi

Best Choice Roofing says a home has damage, the home has damage. We make their job easier.” Killian compared working with a claims manager to having legal representation in court. “No one should ever go before a judge without an attorney present, and no homeowner should ever file a claim on their home without the assistance of a claims manager,” Killian said. “When an insurance company learns that a homeowner has a claims

manager on their side, the insurance company knows it’s a serious claim.” Killian said that he can spot hail damage in as little as five minutes. “I will do a free, no obligation inspection of the home,” Killian said. “If I find damage, I’ll work with the insurance company on behalf of the homeowner to get a full roof replacement. “Best Choice Roofing will complete approved repairs for the exact dollar amount awarded by the insurance company, and if the claim is denied, the homeowner is under no obligation to have us do any work.” Killian said it is a winwin for everyone. “What does the homeowner have to lose?” Killian said. “The last thing we want is for the homeowner to lose out on a new roof for their home.”

Best Choice Roofing To schedule a free inspection or for more information, call Aaron Killian at 865-237-3353 or visit BestChoiceRoofing.com

A $2 donation is requested at the door. Laurel Theater is handicapped accessible. Additional parking is available at Redeemer Church of Knoxville, 1642 Highland Ave. Info: www.knoxvillewritersguild.org.

THURSDAY, MARCH 1, TO MARCH 9 Farragut Primary School Art Show Artwork by Farragut Primary School students will be on display Thursday, March 1, through Friday, March 9, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The display will be available for viewing during regular Town Hall hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. A reception to honor the artists will be held from 5-6 p.m. Tuesday, March 6.


The Caribbean Festival will be held 4-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, in the Goins Building College Center at Pellissippi State Community College, 10915 Hardin Valley Road. Preschool Storytime at library The festival will feature the Carib Sounds Steel Band, Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 will be held at the Hotep Dancers and Caribbean food. The event, part 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 2, at the Farragut Library, of Pellissippi’s Black History Month celebration, is free 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be acand open to the public. companied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.




Baby Bookworms at library

Tax assistance for elderly, low income

World’s Fair exhibit at Folklife

Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.

The newly reopened Farragut Folklife Museum is remembering the 1982 World’s Fair with an exhibit that runs through Friday, May 18. The World’s Fair exhibit features an assortment of artifacts from the museum’s collection as well as items on loan from museum committee members. The display includes memorabilia from booths that represented various countries, a slideshow of the fair’s exhibitions, and T-shirts, mugs, commemorative beer and other souvenirs from the event, which was held in downtown Knoxville from May 1 to Oct. 31, 1982. The museum, housed in Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, is open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Admission is free. Info: Julia Jones, julia. jones@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.

THROUGH MONDAY, MARCH 19 Volleyball League team sign-ups Registration for the Spring 2012 Volleyball Leagues for the town of Farragut Parks and Leisure Services Department is under way. The deadline to sign up a team is 5 p.m. Monday, March 19; registration will close earlier if leagues are full. To register a team, contact Jay Smelser or Ashley Lanham at Parks and Leisure, 966-7057. The town also has a Volleyball Rubric to assist with finding the right league for each team. It can be accessed through www.townoffarragut.org or by calling Smelser for assistance.

THURSDAY, MARCH 1 Toddler Storytime at library Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 1, at the Farragut Library, 417 N. Campbell Station Road. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Info: 777-1750.

THURSDAY, MARCH 1 Civil War lecture on Longstreet Dot Kelly, an active member of the Knoxville Civil War Roundtable and Tennessee Civil War Preservation Association, will give a Civil War history lecture at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 1, at the Farragut Folklife Museum at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Kelly will discuss Confederate Gen. James Longstreet’s fall 1863 East Tennessee campaign. The Battle of Campbell Station was a pivotal engagement leading up to the battle for control of Knoxville. Museum tours and refreshments will be offered beginning at 6 p.m. Info: 966-7057.

THURSDAY, MARCH 1 Hebert covers writing challenges

Christopher Hebert, author of “The Boiling Season” (Harper Collins, 2012), will speak to the Knoxville Writers’ Guild at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 1, at the Laurel Theater, 1538 Laurel Ave. Softball league open sign-ups Hebert, a New York native, will address the chalThe town of Farragut offers coed and men’s softball lenges of writing about a culture other than one’s own leagues each spring and fall. Sign-ups for the spring sea- and the complexities of juggling fact and fiction. His novel, available in March, is about a young man from the son, April through June, are under way. The leagues consist of recreational games and are con- slums of a Caribbean island who tries to escape political sidered “D” leagues. Play includes seven regular-season turmoil and poverty by becoming the caretaker of an games and a tournament. All games are played at Mayor estate in the remote hills outside the capital. Hebert earned his bachelor’s from Antioch College Bob Leonard Park, 301 Watt Road. Men’s League plays on and his MFA in creative writing from the University of Monday evenings; coed teams play on Thursdays. Deadline for signing up a team is Monday, March 19, or Michigan. He has spent time in Guatemala and taught in until leagues are full. To sign up, contact Jay Smelser or Mexico, and he worked as a research assistant to author Susan Cheever. He teaches at the University of TennesAshley Lanham at Parks and Leisure, 966-7057. see and lives in Knoxville.


On Fridays and Saturdays through April 14, lowerincome and senior taxpayers can receive help with their federal tax returns through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, sponsored by the town of Farragut and the Internal Revenue Service, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. At no charge, volunteers will complete and e-file tax returns for participants. Taxpayers should bring wage and earnings statements (Form W-2 from employers, Form 1099-MISC from clients); interest, dividend, capital gains, pension, IRA and Social Security statements; a list of items that might be considered for itemized deductions; support for other income and credits; and a copy of last year’s tax return. Taxpayers should also bring Social Security numbers and correct birth dates for all taxpayers and dependents to be listed on the return. VITA volunteers will be available beginning at 9 a.m. both Friday and Saturday. Participants are encouraged to be in line no later than 3 p.m. No appointment is necessary.

FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY, MARCH 2-4 Scrapbookers to gather at Fling The second annual Tennessee Spring Fling, “the ultimate scrapbooking and papercrafting getaway,” will be held from 9 a.m. Friday to 3 p.m. Sunday at the Holiday Inn World’s Fair Park, 525 Henley St. Participants can craft around the clock with ample room for their materials (each person gets an end seat), shop in the Croptopia Market Place, enjoy deluxe hotel accommodations and delicious buffet meals, receive goody bags and test their luck at prize drawings. Day and mini packages are available. Info or to register: www.croptopiagetaways.com.

FRIDAY, MARCH 2 TO MARCH 11 WordPlayers do ‘Anne of Avonlea’ The WordPlayers will present “Anne of Avonlea” at 1540 Robinson Road. “Avonlea” continues the story of “Anne of Green Gables” as Anne Shirley gets ready to teach school for the first time. The play is recommended for ages 6 and up. There will be 2:30 p.m. matinees on Sundays, March 4 and 11. Tickets are $5-$12 and may be purchased at www.wordplayers.org or at the door with cash or check.



ArtXtravaganza showcases wide range of works by top artists M

ore than 2,000 pieces of art by 70-plus acclaimed artists, hailing from across the Southeast and beyond, will be available for purchase at this year’s ArtXtravaganza Art Show & Sale, March 9-11, at Webb School’s Lee Athletic Center. Featuring oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings, sculpture, photography, metal works, printmaking, glass, metal, jewelry, and more, ArtXtravaganza promises something in everyone’s price range. The event is open to the public, and admission is free. ArtXtravaganza is one of the premier art shows in the Southeast and has played a significant role in helping to establish Knoxville as a community aligned with the arts, and to further the careers of prominent artists. Reflecting Webb’s staunch commitment to excellence in the arts, ArtXtravaganza supports Webb’s ArtistIn-Residence Program, an on-campus teaching and learning experience for students. The school welcomed Chicago-based photographer/educator Cecil McDonald Jr. in fall 2011, and is currently hosting mixed media/conceptual artist Michael Bramwell from North Carolina.

New this year is the launch of a partnership with Mooreland Heights Elementary School in which a portion of the proceeds from ArtXtravaganza will go to benefit Mooreland Heights’ arts program. Mooreland Heights is an arts-integrated public school supported by the Tennessee Arts Commission. In addition, Mooreland Heights is mentoring four other Title One Knox County schools through a four-year Art360 grant. According to Danielle Nutt, chair of ArtXtravaganza 2012, the new effort expands on Webb’s tradition of fostering community by enhancing lives through art education and appreciation. “That tradition is not isolated to just our school community,” says Nutt. “We recognize that we are part of something bigger and with ArtXtravaganza, we have the opportunity as a school to support the arts in the community at large.” Dr. Roy Miller, principal of Mooreland Heights Elementary, says that his school’s new partnership with Webb is forged through a common understanding that all children can unite through the arts. “This is a

Reflecting Webb School’s staunch commitment to excellence in the arts, ArtXtravaganza supports Webb’s Artist-In-Residence Program, an on-campus teaching and learning experience for students. Webb has also forged a new partnership with Mooreland Heights Elementary School in which a portion of the proceeds from ArtXtravaganza will go to benefit Mooreland Heights Elementary’s arts program. great opportunity for our children to connect with other children through their visual understanding of the arts,” says Miller, “and if a strong foundation is built this year, this initiative could lead to incredible opportunities for our students for years to come.” ArtXtravaganza 2012’s featured artists are Ohio-based father and son painters Gary Stretar and Luke Stretar. Gary Stretar’s painting “Seascape” and Luke Stretar’s piece “Barn and Silo” will be offered by si-

lent auction during this year’s event. This year’s show and sale will also include a student art exhibit, featuring works by Webb’s Lower, Middle and Upper School grades as well as pieces created by children from Mooreland Heights Elementary. Doors to ArtXtravaganza open at 1 p.m. on Friday, March 9. The art sale continues Saturday, March 10, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, March 11, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information, go to www.artxtravaganza. org or call (865) 291-3846.

Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House’, ‘Hedda Gabler’ Come Alive on Webb Stage

Webb’s Upper School drama department will present two of Henrik Ibsen’s classic plays, A DOLL’S HOUSE and HEDDA GABLER in repertory. A DOLL’S HOUSE will be performed March 2, 5 and 10, and HEDDA GABLER is scheduled for March 3, 9 and 12. Performances are at 7 p.m. in Webb’s Bishop Center auditorium. Admission is free and open to the public. (above) Sophomore Katie Samples as Mrs. Linde and junior Mary Kate Heagerty as Nora Helmer rehearse a scene from Ibsen’s A DOLL’S HOUSE.

It’s one thing for a high school theater department to tackle the complex, powerful dramas of Henrik Ibsen; it’s quite another to present them in repertory. An ambitious undertaking, to be sure, but Webb’s Upper School drama students are up to the task as they present two of Ibsen’s major plays, A Doll’s House, March 2, 5 and 10, and Hedda Gabler, March 3, 9 and 12, in Webb’s Bishop Center auditorium. All performances are at 7 p.m. and admission is free and open to the public. Ibsen, considered “the father of modern drama,” and one of the great playwrights of all time, held a mirror up to the societal issues that lay behind the facades of late 19th century society – issues that still resonate today. That was one of the reasons Webb Upper School drama

teacher, Patrick McCray, chose Ibsen’s works for the school’s spring production. “Ibsen’s plays and his insights, and the conflicts remain so incredibly fresh and very clean and clear and elegant while also having some wonderful ambiguities,” says McCray. He also noted that his students had wanted to do a drama. “And I thought if we’re going to do dramas, let’s do great ones,” he said. “And let’s do it right.” For McCray that meant taking on not one but two of Ibsen’s most famous works – two of which he says have so many parallels that it would be a disservice to perform one without the other. Each production sports a cast of seven actors as well as a separate technical crew, giving his students the op-


9 MARCH 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm 10 MARCH 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 11 MARCH 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Admission is FREE, open to the public Affordable works for everyone Held at Webb’s Lee Athletic Center, 9800 Webb School Drive

portunity to work with the intensity of a small-cast show and opening the door for more people to participate. According to McCray, A Doll’s House and Hedda Gabler present an opportunity for his actors and audience members alike to experience two of the great classics in theater. “You come to understand why they’re classics because they are so electric and ripe, and alive and full of possibilities,” says McCray. “It’s exciting not only to be exposed to two of the major works of the Western canon, but to also see that they’re classics for a reason . . . that they still matter, that they’re still relevant, that they still play.” A Doll’s House and Hedda Gabler contain mature themes and are intended for mature audiences, high school aged and above.

Luke Stretar

Gary Stretar

Featured Artists


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February 27, 2012



Parkwest imaging technician Tiffany Martin explains the X-ray process to Karns High School Karns student Kaley Nelson wears a safety belt as she learns how to descend stairs with help students. Watching Martin and fellow “student/patient” Shannon Rysak are, from left: Kaley from Parkwest physical therapist Traci Hoag. Other students, from left, are: Shannon Rysak, Nelson, Maddie Berezansky and Austin Long. Austin Long and Maddie Berezansky.

Karns High students job shadow at Parkwest

Occupational therapist Christa Nehls helps Shannon Rysak exit a “vehicle” as part of Karns High School’s Groundhog Job Shadow Day at Parkwest Medical Center. Watching on are Karns students Austin Long, Maddie Berezansky and Kaley Nelson. tube, chemotherapy infusion and even performed “surgery” – using surgical instruments to place Tic Tacs into the hole of a LifeSaver

“I knew all along that I wanted to help people.” –Kaley Nelson candy. Austin Long, a senior who wants to go into sports medicine, said the experience in physical therapy was enlightening. An offensive and defensive lineman for the Karns football team, he became interested after an ankle injury. “I did rehab with the school’s trainer and I thought it was interesting in the different ways that can help you come back quicker,” said Long. “I asked her a few questions, and became interested from that. I knew I wanted to stay in

something related to sports, and I knew that the sports would help me stay interested. Plus, it’s good job stability.” Maddie Berezansky, an ambitious junior who plans to graduate early so that she can start college sooner, plans on becoming a pediatrician. “When I was little, I wanted to be a teacher but what kid doesn’t want to be a teacher?” she said. “But in middle school, I decided I wanted to be a nurse, because I loved the idea of taking care of people, and it’s just gone up and up and up from there. So now, I want to be a pediatrician. That way, I get my love for kids and my love for helping people all in one.” Kaley Nelson, a senior, said she likes the “caring” aspect the health profession affords and would like to become a nurse anesthetist. “I knew all along that I wanted to help people,” she said. “I just didn’t know what I wanted to do. When I was younger, my granddad had a stroke and I spent a lot of time at the hospital and saw how they

Karns High’s Maddie Berezansky gets a blood pressure check from Parkwest physical therapist Traci Hoag as fellow student Austin Long looks on. took care of him. I just thought it would be great to help people like that, and I think it’s something that’s really suited for me.” Nelson said while she enjoyed her visit to the radiology department where she saw stones removed from a patient’s liver, she just isn’t “into” radiology. “But,” she added. “I like experiencing different aspects because I could change my mind at any minute about what I want to do before I go into college.” Shannon Rysak, also a senior, DID change her mind. “I was looking at becoming an X-ray technician, but after the job shadowing, I think I’d rather work with ultra-


sound. The X-ray technician has to deal with moving the patient and that can be hard sometimes. Plus, I got a little bored in X-ray.” And that’s OK, says instructor Holly German. “Some of them will leave saying, ‘I don’t know … maybe an Xray tech is not what I want to do,” said German. “And I tell them, ‘It’s OK to say that. At least you’ll know that now before you get out of high school instead of finding out after you’ve gone through radiology school and then get to working and say, ‘I don’t care much for this.’ It’s OK to change your mind. They’re just kids, but they’re good ones.”


Punxsutawney Phil may have seen his shadow this past Groundhog Day, but just more than a week later, 32 students from Karns High School were doing a little shadowing of their own at Parkwest Medical Center. It was all part of Junior Achievement of East Tennessee’s annual Groundhog Job Shadow Day, an annual event that gives students a sneak peek at occupations they may be interested in pursuing and the tools they’ll need to do those jobs. According to Maria Ryan, education manager of Junior Achievement of East Tennessee, hundreds of Groundhog Job Shadow Day students from about 22 schools in Knox, Blount, Campbell, Anderson and Sevier counties were “working” at a wide range of careers at scores of businesses throughout the region. “By bringing a young person into the workplace to see a marketing professional, an environmental scientist or health care technician, very real and tangible options come alive for that student,” Ryan said in a news release. “It creates an atmosphere in which a young person can ask questions such as ‘Why did you choose this career?’ and ‘What kind of education do you need for this job?’ These are central and vital questions to students when they are trying to decide what career paths to pursue.” For some students, it meant working at retail stores, television stations, hotels and other locations. At Parkwest Medical Center, the Karns High School students were discovering what it was like to be “Treated Well. Well Treated.” According to Angie Montgomery of Parkwest’s Human Resources Department, the students and instructors Holly German and Steve Ellis were treated to breakfast and lunch, and Parkwest paid for the bus transportation to and from the school. “It’s kind of our way of giving back to the community,” said Montgomery. After a brief orientation by Darrell Brackett, Parkwest’s director of cardiovascular services, the students explored health career options in several areas. They witnessed the removal of stones from a liver, the cleaning of a tracheal



Chief Dietitian Casey Peer shows Wellness Center client Amanda Arthur the results of her metabolic test. Photo submitted

How many calories do you really burn? By Aaron Killian Did you know that you have to eat in order to lose weight? The staff at The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs wants you to understand why. “If you don't eat enough, you will prevent yourself from losing weight,” said Casey Peer, Chief Dietitian with The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs. So you may be asking....How do I know if I am eating enough? The Wellness Center offers tesing that helps you answer that question. Metabolic testing measures the number of calories your body burns each day. "We teach balance and timing as it relates to the science behind food and

what that food does when you eat it.” Peer noted that often times people underfeed themselves in an effort to lose weight. This causes a cycle of dieting: reduce calories, lose weight, plateau and resume old eating habits. Most people gain the weight that was lost plus more. “Maybe you started this cycle, and you are not necessarily hungry, but you just can’t seem to lose any more weight,” Peer said. “The frustration continues to build, and you may be tempted to just quit.” “Don’t quit. Take a positive step forward by having your resting metabolic rate measured. This test will provide you the number of calories you need to lose weight.” “Most people are primed to focus on

numbers,” Peer said. “I use metabolic testing to illustrate that the body is very intelligent, and it needs fuel – just like your car. If you do not fuel your body adequately, it will begin to slow down and not run efficiently. “It will also begin to use muscle for energy instead of stored fat because the fat doesn’t require as much energy/food (to maintain) as muscle does.” What is the bottom line? “You really do have to eat to lose,”

Peer said. “In order to be successful in your efforts, you must fuel your body.” Peer noted that once people know their metabolic rates, they can incorporate the correct balance and timing of their foods. “You will be amazed at your body’s response,” Peer said. To sign up for metabolic testing or for more information about The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs, call 2321414 or visit livewellknoxville.com.

Coming in March to The Wellness Center The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs recently announced new hours and classes in March. ■ New hours are Monday through Thursday 5:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m., Fridays 5:30 a.m. - 7 p.m., Saturdays 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Sundays 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. ■ Healthy Eating Series: “Sugar Addictions” will be Thursday, March 15 at noon, and Monday, March 19 at 5:30 p.m.

■ Book Study Series: “Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?” is about the clutter around you and the clutter inside you that prevents you from living life to the fullest. It can affect every aspect of your life, including the numbers on the scale and your relationship with food. Join us for a six-week book study on a fun, practical and different approach to clearing out and cleaning up the

spaces where you cook, eat and live. Call for 232-1414 for dates and times. ■ LiveWELL Lifestyle Change Program is a multidisciplinary approach to help participants learn how to manage the many stressors in life in order to improve their control and achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Call 232-1414 for dates and times. Info: www.livewellknoxville.com.

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Evolutions in cardiology ANIMAL EVENTS Jaan Anne Kelly, certified physician assistant with Cardiology Associates at Parkwest Medical Center, presented “Evolutions in Cardiology” at the “boxed lunch and learn” at the Strang Senior Center. Kelly is board certified by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners and the NCCPA Board of Certified Physician Assistants. She is a board certified Lipid Specialist and an ACLS in-

Jaan Anne Kelly, certified physician assistant. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Theresa Edwards

structor. She is a member of the American College of Cardiology, National Lipid Association and the Tennessee Academy of Physician Assistants. This presentation covered the development of various methods to screen for heart disease with the benefits and risks of each technique, treatment options for arterial blockage, and suggestions to prevent heart disease. The first procedure Kelly discussed to screen for heart disease and the hardening of arteries was the stress test, which will work about 85 percent of the time to determine the presence of blockage. A test with a higher accuracy rate is the cardiac CT scan. A more advanced screening procedure is the cardiac MRI, which produces better imaging. The most accurate but invasive test is the heart catheterization or angiogram. Kelly referred to the 100 percent expression, “The dye don’t lie.” This procedure is usually performed when a person has already had a heart attack.


Kelly explained how high LDL cholesterol levels contribute to the hardening of the arteries which causes heart disease. There are prescriptions used to lower cholesterol, but they have risks of side effects. She suggested the alternative use of fish oil with EPA-DHA or Niaspan which has very good antiplaque and anti-inflammatory properties. When Kelly was asked what she would do if she had heart disease, her answer was “I would absolutely, positively alter my diet. I do think it’s OK to eat fish. And I would eat chicken once in a while, but no red meat. Your body does not break down animal fats well. Drinking pasteurized milk is like pouring gunk into your arteries.” She referred to the food pyramid as a guide to eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables every day. She also suggested adequate sleep and exercise. Kelly finished by saying, “If you take these medications, eat healthy and exercise to do your part, heart disease is reversible and treatable.” ■ The Senior Mini Expo at the Strang Center will be 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 14. There will be vendors, door prizes, food, free information and giveaways.

12 Real Estate Wanted 50 Duplexes

3 TICKETS to both Bristol spring races, $459. Phone 601-807-5559

■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. the third Monday of every month at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081.

Adopt and drop the pet shop By Sara Barrett For those people who would prefer to buy an animal at a pet shop or from a breeder instead of adopting a homeless or rescued animal, listen up. I recently saw some information on Young-Williams Animal Center’s home page that would (or should) stop an animal lover in their tracks. The website said the number of homeless animals that were brought to Young-Williams last year could fill every seat of Thompson-Boling Arena. Now add to that number all of the other animals that were saved by rescue groups and Good Samaritans in and around Knox County that didn’t go to Young-Williams. That is a very large and very pitiful amount. And that’s just here in our small part of the world. Yet we continue to allow strays to breed and breeders to operate. Think twice before you get an animal from someone who will profit from the transaction. Once you’ve thought twice, if you’re still considering going to a pet shop or breeder, please drop by Young-Williams on your way there.

73 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Condo Rentals

■ Stop Smoking: 1-800784-8669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Ave. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807 or www.namiknox.org.

Dublin is available for adoption at www.forrescue.net. Photo submitted

If you don’t have a car, look online at www. adoptapet.com. I did a search for dogs within 35 miles of zip code 37922 and 480 animals came up. If you can’t find a new friend out of 480 choices, it’s time for some self-evaluation, folks. If you still don’t find an animal that will fit your family’s needs, contact a veterinarian’s office or look through Critter magazine. One of these sources will know of an animal in need that needs to be off the streets … or off the euthanasia list.

■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: Call Penny Sparks, 544-6279. ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 5 to 6:30 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of every month in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: Brenda Fletcher, 544-6277.

If you have a question or comment for Sara, email her at barretts@shoppernewsnow.com or call her at 218-9378.

76 Cats

140 Free Pets


WEST. 1205 Farrington BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2BA Adoption Cats & Kittens CEDAR BLUFF AREA Dr. 4 BR, 2 1/2 BA, Spay/neut., shots & Condo + Garage + NO DAMAGE DEPOSIT 865-356-3417 lrg den w/frpl, sunrm, worm $65. 865-765-3400 Fireplace + New 3BR town home, 2BA, frplc, laundry 2 car gar, wooded Paint, in Powell. $750 www.happypawskitttenrescue.org WE BUY HOUSES, rm, new carpet, 1 yr lease, $770 mo. lot, $1300 mo + dep. mo. 727-600-4054. 865-216-5736 or 694-8414. any reason, any con865-300-1699 WEST, lg. 1 BR, 1 1/2 Dogs Lost & Found 13 dition. 865-548-8267 141 www.ttrei.com BA, util. rm, 2015 Belle Terra, $650 LOST BLK/WHT F AKITA PUPS, CKC, Houses Unfurnished 74 mo. + dep. 691-7223 Cat Northshore 865M&F, health warr., 288-0865 Pic online Comm. Prop. - Rent 66 S&W. Ready 3/1/12. @Knoxnewssent ea. 615-273-2778, 3BR/3BA 2-story Wanted To Rent 82 $500 525 S.F. off Broadway 615-631-0346 home for rent. 2-car on Walker Blvd. WEST, 3BR, 2BA garage, whirlpool Special Notices 15 (behind Fisher Tire) tub in master suite. ranch, 2 car gar., Bluetick Coonhound Fresh paint & new puppies, UKC reg, 1500 SF, no pets, no Ret. Private Detective $1200/mo. + dep. AC unit. $500/mo. 1st out of champ bldln DAV Chapter 24 has smoking. $1310/mo. & author needs 1-2BR 237-1983. hunting parents, 1 yr & last due upon FREE RENTAL OF Avail. April 1, Call house on secluded, move in (865) 696-9555 health guar, $300. POWER OR MANUAL 865-712-7999. private property with 423-613-8768 lv msg 4 BR, 3 BA, 2 car WHEEL CHAIRS rent reduced in exgar., fenced yard, off WEST, Benington SD, available for any area ***Web ID# 938035*** change for security 8827 Ryegate Dr. 3 Lovell Rd., Hardin disabled veteran. Also Apts - Unfurnished 71 Valley/Farragut Schls BR, 2 BA, new crpt and/or light caretaker looking for donations CAVALIER KING duties. 865-323-0937 + hrdwd flrs, fncd Avail. immed. New of used wheelchairs CHARLES SPANIEL FARRAGUT APT. Lg in bk yd, 2 car gar., (power only). Call 765female, 12 wks. old. BR, lg LR, Cath. paint/carpet. $1200/mo $1350/mo 865-679-4674 0510 for information. 423-639-4306 ceil., newly painted, judybriody@aol.com ***Web ID# 939290*** off white carpet, HIP OR KNEE quiet, pool, all util. Manf’d Homes Sale 85 REPLACEMENT 109 General 109 DOBERMANS 1 yr. furn. incl. cable. No General SURGERY AKC. Black M & F. drugs/alcohol/smoke 2002 SW with a priv. If you had hip or knee Trained. $500-$1000/bo /pets. Refs. req. lot Cedar Bluff 4BR replacement surgery cash. 931-858-4242 $595/mo. $200 dep. 2BA $59K or $5K dn, between 2004 - present 865-661-2691 $695 @ 84 mos. or Eng. Bulldog puppies, & suffered problems, MH $19K or $3K dn you may be entitled NKC reg, 1 M & 1 THE OLD CITY & $595 @ 36 mos. to compensation. F, S&W, $1800 obo. 2BR, 3BA, 2 level apt. 865-308-2540, 386-6327 Attorney 865-924-4430 Kingston in the heart of The Charles Johnson ***Web ID# 937857*** Old City. Hrdwd flrs. 1-800-535-5727 FSBO $25/SQ FT IN & exposed brick & WEST KNOX! 1792 sq GOLDEN DOODLES, lots of light - stove, Must love working with seniors, CKC, 8 wks, beautiful IF YOU USED ft, 2006 28x64, strg frig., W/D, French YAZ/YAZMIN/ wavy golden colored, be creative, enthusiastic with the ability bldg. Perfect cond, doors, you must see 1st & 2nd shots, OCELLA nicest community in to appreciate. Avail. to develop, plan and implement an BIRTH CONTROL wormed, F $450; M Knox, 3 lakes, clubnow. Sorry NO Pets. PILLS or $400. Ricky 931-349-6417 house, swimming, $775/mo. For more activities program. NuvaRING bkgrnd check req'd. ***Web ID# 939786*** info or to see, call VAGINAL RING $45,000. Call 865-362Ghippi Lee (524-4974) Send resume to psydes@tjdev.com Golden Retriever pups, CONTRACEPTIVE 5583 for recording. Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm. AKC, OFA/ champ between 2001 & the preor apply in person lines, www.berachah sent & developed blood farms.com 615-765-7976 clots, suffered a stroke, Apts - Furnished 72 M-F, 9-4pm Manf’d Homes - Rent 86 ***Web ID# 938229*** heart attack or required gall bladder removal you KARNS AREA GOLDEN RETRIEVERS may be entitled to com- WALBROOK STUDIOS 3 Bedroom Homes in AKC, 7 boys, 1st pensation. Call Attorney 25 1-3 60 7 Volunteer Village. shots, vet ckd. $450. Charles Johnson. $140 weekly. Discount 865-250-4205 for info. 931-738-9605 1-800-535-5727 avail. Util, TV, Ph, 10914 Kingston Pike ***Web ID# 937714*** Stv, Refrig, Basic MOBILE HOMES, Cable. No Lse. Close to Seymour GREAT DANE PUPS, Homes 40 School. 2BR, $450 & AKC, 3 black w/wht 3BR, $500. 865-388-8809. markings, $300 ea. 2BR/1BA, 840 SF, 7013 423-327-7514; 423-327-4035 Eddie Kimbell Ln, $69,500. 690-7632. General 109 LAB PUPS, AKC, S/W, 7 wks, 2 blk. males, 1 GREAT FAMILY HOME CLEANING LADY blk fem., 1 ylw fem. IN KARNS AREA! NEEDED for gen- $250. 865-585-2323. 5BR/2.5BA, 3011 sq. eral housework & to ***Web ID# 939036*** ft. Brand-new hdwd assist w/occasional MALTESE, 1 FEM., flrs, huge eat-in kit, personal chores. spacious rms. FencedAKC, born Christmas, Karns / Ballcamp in bkyd perfect for en1st shot & wormed. area. 691-3277 tertaining! 368-5150 $450. 865-216-7545 ***Web ID# 940821*** Coordinator of For Sale By Owner 40a Children’s Ministry MALTI-TZU PUPPIES, born New Years Day, have partnered together to hire exceptional people! PT Coordinator of NEWPORT. 3 BR, 2 BA, reg., 1st shots, deChildren’s Ministry for 2 story, approx 2 yrs wormed, looking for old with 1568 +/- SF. ages 2 years - 5th grade a happy home. $350 361 Woodson Dr. M, $400 F. 865-951-2702 needed at Beaver Creek Enjoy working with your hands in a fast-paced, team Asking $114,900 & ***Web ID# 939159*** CP Church. Duties owner will finance include coordination of Min. Schnauzers, AKC, environment? Looking for a long-term career path? w/$5,750 dwn. Bill Sunday School, Wed M & F, 1st shots, home 877-488-5060, ext 323 Nite, VBS & other events. raised, salt & pepper, $400. 423-608-4047 For more info call Condos- Townhouses 42 ***Web ID# 938279*** Rev. Fran Vickers: Plotthound Pups, 4 M, (865) 938-7245 SPECIAL PRICING 5 F, UKC reg, 1st WITH 30 DAY CLOSE. shots & wormed, END UNIT.. LAST Management 114 $200 ea. 865-908-1169 ONE! 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, 2 car gar., approx 2100 SF. Halls area. CSI Gen. Contractor For info 865-898-4558 6 wks., 3 males, fawn, taking resumes for a Comm. Superintendent $300 ea., 865-771-1134. w/min. 5 yrs exp. Acreage- Tracts 46 ROTTWEILER PUPS Mail resume or complete AKC, German ch. an application at 6 ACRES w/creek. bloodlines, shots, Owner financing. 1 hr wormed 423-663-7225 3208 Tazewell Pk, Ste 103, from Knoxville. ***Web ID# 940654*** Knoxville, TN 37918 $31,500. 517-416-0600 YORKIE PUPS, CKC, 2 M $300 Business For Sale 131 6ea;1/2 1wks, F $350. 423Real Estate Wanted 50 295-5434; 423-519-7472 PICTURE Terrier FRAMING BUSINESS Yorkshire Mini puppies, 2 F Large customer base. Pay Cash, Take over left, S&W, $500. 865Great location in a Repairs payments. Come join a winning team! EOE Exceptional People, Exemplary Results! 924-4430; 865-376-4466 Halls shopping center. not a problem. Any ***Web ID# 937863*** $10,000. 865-363-8460 situation. 865-712-7045

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■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee (formerly the Wellness Community), 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org.

■ The 5th annual Mardi Growl parade will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, March 3, with a festival in Market Square afterward from noon to 2 p.m. The parade will begin at the PetSafe Downtown Dog Park at Summit Hill and Central Avenue. On-site registration begins at 9 a.m. Info: www.cityofknoxville.org/ mardigrowl or 215-6360. ■ Appalachian K9 Training Center’s “Jump into Spring” celebration will be held noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 24, at 8324 Old Maynardville Pike. There will be obedience demonstrations, refreshments, a rally course and agility equipment to try out with your four-legged pal. Rain date is Saturday, March 31. Info: 922-7929.

145 Motorcycles

ADOPT! Looking for a lost pet or a new one? Visit YoungWilliams Animal Center, the official shelter for the City of Knoxville & Knox County: 3201 Division St. Knoxville. knoxpets.org

Household Furn. 204

COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ The West Knox Toastmaster Club meets 6:30 p.m. each Thursday at Middlebrook Pike UMC, 7324 Middlebrook Pike. Now accepting new members. Info: Ken Roberts, 680-3443.

265 Paving


BMW F800ST 2008, FORD FOCUS SES silver, 1528 mi, A-1 2008, moonroof, cond., gar. kept, lthr, 46K mi., $9875. $9,950. 865-803-6167 865-591-4239; 983-5440. Harley Davidson Road King Classic 2006, Cleaning 318 low mi, exc cond, new tires, brandywine, CLEANING NETWORK $11,000. 865-310-7574 Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo. Good refs! Free est. Autos Wanted 253 258-9199 or 257-7435. A BETTER CASH OFFER for junk cars, trucks, vans, running or not. 865-456-3500


257 Furniture Refinish. 331

FORD RANGER 2011 DENNY'S FURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish, reXLT, 6 cyl. super 38"X38" SQ. burled glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! cab, 3K mi. loaded, walnut table & 4 922-6529 or 466-4221 $18,700. 865-414-0323. green chairs on casters from Cleveland Interiors $450. Guttering 333 4 Wheel Drive 258 865-661-9746 GUTTER DODGE SLT 2009, reg HAROLD'S SERVICE. Will clean cab, 4x4, 5,500 mi, front & back $20 & up. like new, white, Hemi, Quality work, guaran$22,000. 865-705-8886 SEMI-ELECTRIC teed. Call 288-0556. HOSPITAL BED. GMC 2004 2500 HD, Shown by appt. crew cab, long bed, only. 865-659-2620 SLT, diesel, 63K mi, Handyman 335 $23,500. 865-898-3849 CHRIS' HOME IMP. Sporting Goods 223 HUMMER H3 2006, 18+ yrs exp, auto, loaded, 59k lic'd/ins'd. Happy mi, mint, Gar. kept. GOLF CARTS (4) customers, lots of $18,900. 865-940-1234 for sale. Priced to go. references! 201-6323 ***Web ID# 937776*** 1999-2000 models Yamaha gasoline carts. Call 865-577-8172 or Landscaping 338 Comm Trucks Buses 259 865-250-1585 LANDSCAPING GMC DUMP TRUCK MGMT Design, inCat eng., 125k West 225w 1996, stall, mulch, small orig. mi. $14,000/b.o. tree/shrub work, 865-250-1276. ★★★★★★★★★ weeding, bed renewal, debri cleanTHE PICKY CHICK up. Free estimates, 10' Box Truck, 25 yrs exp! CONSIGNMENT $6500. 865-556-0073. Mark Lusby 679-0800 3/1 10am-8pm 3/2 10am-8pm Sport Utility 261 Lawn Care 3/3 9am-3pm 339

Medical Supplies 219

Roofing / Siding


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All donors will receive a T-shirt and a year’s credit toward Medic’s membership program which exempts donors and IRS dependents from paying blood collection or processing fees if a transfusion is needed. Donors can stop by one of two donor centers: 1601 Ailor Ave. or 11000 Kingston Pike in Farragut. Other sites: ■ 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, Austin-East High School, inside auditorium. ■ 8-11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, First Utility District, 122 Durwood Road, bloodmobile. ■ 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, March 1, Fulton High School, inside auditorium. ■ 1-4 p.m. Thursday, March 1, TestAmerica, 5815 Middlebrook Pike, bloodmobile. Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old weighing 120 pounds with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and have positive identification. Info: 524-3074 or www.medicblood.org.

Shop Tools-Engines 194 I BUY junk cars. Fencing 327 865.456.5249 or LADDER LIFT for 865.938.6915 YOU BUY IT, we install roofing. Transit! Fencing & repair. porter, 200 lb lift, 4 haul stuff too! Call hp Honda, 3 sec- Vans 256 We 604-6911. tions, up to 26 ft. 4 yrs old. $800. 828- Dodge Caravan 1995, ^ 557-1422. good cond., all Flooring 330 Pressure Washing 350 gauges working, CERAMIC TILE instal- CHRIS' PRESSURE Jewelry 202 $1800. 865-579-6395 lation. Floors/ walls/ TOYOTA SIENNA LE WASHING. Great repairs. 32 yrs exp, 2000, owner, $4,900. DIAMOND wedding rates, free est, all exc work! John 938Garaged, like new. ring, asking $2850 work guaranteed, 3328 865-851-8777 obo (written appr. good refs. 19+ yrs $7600). 865-220-5114 exp! Call 201-6323.

If so, we are looking for you! Currently recruiting for qualified production techs with prior assembly experience!


238 Domestic



CHEV BLAZER 1995, 4WD, 128K mi, priv. owner, $2250 obo. 423-736-4919 JEEP PATRIOT 2010, 4 dr., white, exc. cond. 24K mi., $16,000. 865-679-9973. ***Web ID# 936408***




HONDA FIT SPORT 2007, red, 44 MPG, Auto, $10,500 obo. 1998 Hydra-sport 21' 931-879-4356. w/trailer & 200 HP ***Web ID# 939218*** Johnson, fishing ready, $8750 obo. 865-376-1283 ***Web ID# 937875*** VOLVO V70, 2004, exc cond., garage kept, leather, 151,000 mi. MERCURY 200 EFI $5,500. 423-736-3811



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A Shopper-News Special Section

Monday, February 27, 2012

Where the wild things are By Shannon Carey


ou don’t have to go far from home to get a wilderness experience. You can leave civilization behind and commune with nature right here in Knox County. The Legacy Parks Foundation has been hard at work to secure natural and historic areas for public use, and two locations in particular are situated to provide outdoor adventures for one and all.

Urban Wilderness South Loop Since 2009, Legacy Parks Foundation has been working to preserve and link several areas of natural and historic value in South Knoxville. Now, 30 miles of natural-surface trails are set to open to the public in May or June. This phase of the project, called the Urban Wilderness South Loop, connects Ijams Nature Center, Forks of the River Wildlife Management Area, William Hastie Natural Area and Marie Myers Park with trailheads and parking at several points. The loop is designed for hikers and bikers of any experience level. An additional 15 miles of secondary trails offers more varied terrain. Along the way, hikers and bikers will pass rock features, mature forests, farms, and views of the Tennessee River. Also on the loop are the beautiful Ross Marble Quarry and Meads Quarry. The loop was formed through a unique partnership of Legacy Parks, city of Knoxville, Knox

County, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, Ijams, the Appalachian Mountain Bike Club, private donors and land owners. Major donors include former Knoxville mayor and ambassador to Poland Victor Ashe, Knox Greenways Coalition and Knoxville Track Club. The two remaining phases of the Urban Wilderness are the Battlefield Loop, which will include River Bluff, three Civil War forts and acres upon acres of mature forests; and the connector, which will link the Battlefield and South loops for bicycles and pedestrians.

Seven Islands Wildlife Refuge A backcountry camping and paddling experience is right here in Knox County, too. Seven Islands Wildlife Refuge now offers five primitive campsites along the French Broad River, along with non-motorized boat access, twelve miles of natural trails and scenic views. Seven Islands is managed through a partnership between Knox County Parks and Recreation, the Seven Islands Wildlife Foundation and Legacy Parks. The refuge offers more than 400 acres and 12 miles of natural trails. Over 10 years, 300 acres of fescue pasture at Seven Islands have been replaced with native grasses, making the refuge a bird watcher’s paradise. More than 140 species of birds can be found at Seven Islands. The refuge and the stretch of river it borders are home to several threatened, rare and endangered species.

Also, three restored barns and two restored homes give the refuge historic significance, calling attention to the several generations of farmers who made Seven Islands their home. One home is now the Seven Island’s land manager residence. The other is open to the public to tour. Two ponds, Wayne’s Pond and Schumpert Pond, also grace the refuge, along with informational signs about the history of the land. The campsites may be reserved through River Sports Outfitters at 523-0066 or laura.jones@ riversportsoutfitters.com. The refuge is located in East Knox County off the Midway Road exit from I-40. Info: www.legacy parks.org.


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Take-a-Hike with the Sierra Club By Wendy Smith


here’s no better way to enjoy nature’s bounty than by hitting one of the numerous trails that meander through East Tennessee’s abundant wilderness areas. But setting out into the woods can be intimidating for a beginning hiker. That’s why Knoxville’s Harvey Broome Group of the Sierra Club developed the Take-aHike program. Take-a-Hike is for new hikers or those who want to return to the sport but need to develop stamina. It’s a year-long series of hikes that starts with a short distance – about three miles – then builds in distance and difďŹ culty as the year progresses. The hikes are guaranteed to increase knowledge as well as ďŹ tness levels because they’re led by Sierra Club veterans like Mac Post. “He can tell you everything

you need to know about wildflowers and trees,� says Harvey Broome Group Chair Robin Hill. “They’re not just hikes – they’re learning experiences. It’s sort of like a walking classroom, you might say.� Upcoming outings, including Take-a-Hike trips, will be the topic of the next Harvey Broome Group program meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13, at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church (TVUUC). In addition to day hikes, the group offers paddling trips, cleanup expeditions, and overnight backpacking trips, including an annual gourmet backpacking trip in the fall that challenges participants to cook extravagant backcountry meals. Hill calls the group’s outdoor activities the “dessert� that follows Mac Post, Charlie Ottenfeld, Warren Ottenfeld, Paige Ottenfeld, Conrad Ottenfeld, Lisa Rhind, Line Pouchard, Shathe hard work of conservation, ron Barnett, and Nancy Niezic relax on Gregory Bald in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park during a Sierra which is more like eating eggplant Club expedition. Photos submitted

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and radishes. The primary endeavor of the Harvey Broome group is to get more people directly involved in environmental issues that affect Knox County, like development, urban sprawl, and transportation. The group plans to pay special attention to the proposed redevelopment of the Fulton Bellows site near the UT campus. The goal isn’t to hold up work, Hill says, but to make sure that development is done in an environmentally sound way. There are six Sierra Club groups in the state of Tennessee. The Harvey Broome group, which has about 1,500 members, is named for a Fountain City resident who was dedicated to wilderness preservation and was instrumental in the creation of the Wilderness Act, which was signed by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. The act created the National Wilderness Preservation System, which now contains over 700 wilderness areas. Many members of the group are simply financial supporters, but its membership is large enough to affect change, should it organize around an issue, says Hill. Some members are happy to speak up on their own. Harvey Broome Vice Chair David Reister joined the Sierra Club while living in California in 1970, but wasn’t involved with the local group until the energy efficient home he built in Solway was threatened by the proposed Orange Route beltway. Since participating in that battle, he has focused his attention on energy issues and the completion of the Cumberland Trail. At the age of 70, he is still dedicated to preserving the environment. The Harvey Broome group has program meetings on second Tuesdays of each month, and business meetings on fourth

Tuesdays. All meetings are at 7 p.m. at TVUUC. For more information: Robin Hill at 966-9435 or www.tennessee.sierraclub. org/broome

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Prepare now for a dream summer outdoor living space Beat the winter blues by taking the first steps to create a summer backyard oasis. By preparing now, you’ll be ready to install - and enjoy - a dream deck once warmer weather arrives. The outdoor living experts at Trex recommend checking these outdoor projects off your “to-do” list early in the year.

Create a distinctive design Start thinking about the style, shape and color scheme of your outdoor space. Are your tastes country cottage or mostly modern? Do you desire a basic deck or one that spans multiple levels and wraps around your home? Now is the ideal time to order product samples and seek online tools that allow you to virtually experiment with different products, finishes and layouts.

Plan a secure and stable substructure Long before any deck boards are installed, it’s crucial to create

will not warp, twist, split or decay - unlike traditional wood substructures - and its stability creates a remarkably flat deck surface. Trex Elevations’ 25-year limited warranty offers additional peace of mind. “Homeowners often don’t realize that much of a deck’s performance and aesthetics depend on what’s underneath,” says Adam Zambanini, vice president of marketing for Trex, the world’s largest manufacturer of woodalternative decking and railing. “A high-quality substructure offers a strong return on investment and adds years to the life of a deck. Just remember to build this additional - and essential step into your project timeline.”

Upgrade outdoor furniture

Take a look at the outdoor furniture currently stored in your garage for the winter. Before warm temperatures hit, consider replacing old, worn-out tables and chairs with stylish and durable wood-alternative pieces that won’t rot, crack or splinter and never need to be sanded, stained or painted. If you’re not ready to invest in all new furniture, update upholstery and cushions with colorful, weather-resistant fabrics. Research local contractors For more outdoor living tips, One of the most important project ideas and design resourca strong base for your outdoor liv- while improving overall appear- parts of planning an outdoor es, visit www.trex.com. ing space. A steel substructure, ance. This ultra-durable deck- living space is selecting the such as new Trex Elevations, will framing system manufactured right contractor. Look for a pro– ARA increase the value of your deck, of dual-coated, galvanized steel fessional who’s been specially


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Tips To Get Your Kids Gardening This Spring Spring is here and it’s time to think about your garden again. This year, as you cultivate your thriving plot, think about ways to get your whole family involved in gardening -- which makes for a great fresh air activity. Not only is gardening a terrific way to spend time with your kids, but it also regularly gets them outside and away from their TVs and computers. Here are some tips to get your little couch potatoes growing potatoes instead:

den is an ideal hands-on lesson in life science, ecology and nutrition, and is a lot more fun than simply hitting the books. However, some of the concepts of gardening may be difficult for younger kids to grasp. Fun age-appropriate learning activities and ideas can be found online, at such websites as MiracleGro.com/kids .

offers a variety of flower and vegetable gardening sets that provide an optimal environment for growth, and an opportunity to watch plants progress both indoors and outdoors. Be sure to invest in age-appropriate tools for your children to use, so they can dig in the soil and water the plants right alongside you.

fruit smoothies, the nutritious meals you plan and Giving your kids their Now it’s time to enjoy make together will be extra very own gardening proj- the fruits of your labor, satisfying when you know ects will help motivate literally. Once your plants the ingredients came from them to cultivate their are ready for harvest, your own backyard. green thumbs. work with your kids to find A gardening set designed great-tasting recipes they Kids are never too young to learn how plants grow with kids in mind is a great will love, incorporating the You’ve worked hard and where their food comes way to get them started. For foods grown by you. From pruning, weeding and wafrom. In fact, growing a gar- example, Miracle-Gro Kids vegetable pizza to salad to tering your plants, and





now, you have a blooming garden to show for it. Don’t forget to teach your children the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature. Take a break to sit back, relax and enjoy your garden, as you contemplate what crops and flowers to include the following year.

Cultivating your garden and watching it grow need not be a solitary activity this spring. By getting your children involved in the process, you will teach them valuable skills they can use for the rest of their lives. –StatePoint

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Tips For Family Road Trips N mat No atte ter where you choose matter to go on your next family road trip, traveling by car with the kids can turn travel time into quality family time. It’s almost inevitable that at some point on your journey you will face overcrowded roads, tough driving conditions and many repetitions of “Are we there yet?” A little preparation can make your car trip safer and more pleasurable. ■ Keep your little ones protected. Seasonal road trips can be dangerous due to slippery conditions and additional motorists on the road. Many of the newest child seats rely on innovative plastic materials for safety features -- three- and five-point harness systems, shock absorbing foam padding, head impact

fire-resistan nt upup pprotection and fire-resistant holstery -- that help protect your children on the road. ■ Fuel-up in advance on gas -- a full tank helps avoid extra stops along the way. And consider installing a cell phone app that geo-locates gas stations with lower gas prices. ■ Lighter vehicles often are more fuel-efficient. So if your family can fit comfortably, a smaller, lighter car could save on gas money. One reason is that today’s cars employ many design, comfort and safety features made with lightweight plastics, which helps reduce overall vehicle weight to improve fuel economy. Modern automobiles now are made of 50 percent plastics by volume, but only 10 percent by weight. ■ Pack healthful road snacks.

C ons nsider foods such as cheese Consider sticks, carrots and dried fruits. Buy in bulk and pack individual portions in convenient re-sealable plastic bags and containers. Avoid overly sugary treats that may make it harder for kids to sit still. ■ Transport food safely. Bring family meals in coolers and containers so you can safely go straight from your kitchen to the car to your plate. Lightweight plastic coolers are easy to transport and help keep prepared foods cold by trapping cool air inside and keeping out warmer air. Airtight plastic containers help keep individual dishes fresh. ■ Use space-saving packaging. Packing for a trip can be challenging, so consider using airtight plastic “space saver” bags that prevent wrinkles, keep

your clothes fresh and save space – this could even cut down on the number of bulky suitcases that could block the driver’s visibility. ■ Recycle along the way. When snacking on the road, reuse plastic grocery bags to collect your recyclable plastic bottles, containers, bags and wraps until you can drop them in a recycling bin.

For additional tips on car safety, recycling and more, visit w w w.plastic sma keit possible. com . But above all, pack a map or bring a GPS so the kids can answer the question: “are we there yet?” Learning to read a map is a valuable life skill!

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