Farragut Shopper-News 060412

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FARRAGUT www.ShopperNewsNow.com




A great community newspaper

VOL. 6 NO. 23


Final pitch for KCS budget

The best case Dr. Jim McIntyre made for the Knox County school board’s $35 million budget increase proposal came last Friday morning, in his office, when he spoke as a daddy. “I’m the dad of two Knox County Schools students. I have a very personal stake in this.” Jake Mabe spoke to the superintendent on the eve of the big vote.


June 4, 2012

Sweet potatoes to feed hungry

See page Jake’s story on page A-5


Mourfield Road closed in June First Utility District will close Mourfield Road to thru traffic while the utility’s contractor replaces a deteriorating water main. Construction will be from Westland Drive to the 1400 block of Mourfield. Detour is set up along Westland to Ebenezer and Bluegrass Rd. The closure will offer safety to the contractor and to the potential drivers as well as expediting the construction project that is expected to terminate in early July 2012, according to FUD. Local access to the homes along Mourfield will be granted from the Westland or Bluegrass connection. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate the community’s patience during this important and necessary work, FUD officials said.

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Is the sky falling? Oh my, Marvin West writes, the sky is falling. Again. UT football has extended scholarship offers to 207 prospects and received only seven commitments. ...

See Marvin West ‘s column online

Index Coffee Break Sherri Gardner Howell Government/Politics Town of Farragut Malcolm Shell Lynn Hutton Kids Business Community Calendar Health/Lifestyles

A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A11 A12 Sect B

10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sandra Clark sclark426@aol.com.com ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.

Above, volunteers from various denominations bag 40,000 pounds of sweet potatoes at Concord United Methodist Church. The potatoes were donated by the Society of St. Andrew to be distributed to Knox area food pantries and ministries. Walking to the left is Mike Smith, president of the Holston Conference United Methodist Men and event coordinator at Concord UMC. Others shown include: (clockwise from left) Bob Nelson, Joanne Nelson, Liz Powers, Brenda Lawson, Jim Lawson, Elder Kyle Kesler, Elder Michael Snell, Jim McNeil, Megan McNeil, Kristin Montgomery and Tanda Montgomery. Photos by T.

Jennaly Nolan helps load sweet potatoes onto the FISH ministries truck. Behind her is her brother Ceagan Nolan. FISH truck driver Jim Wright said about 100 people were in line at 7 a.m. at the Hospitality FISH Pantry which opens at 9 a.m. “Approximately 12,000 people per month go to FISH Pantries,” said Wright. This includes the three locations in north, south and east Knoxville.

Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

RoundaboutCrash-prone aheadChoto/ By Suzanne Foree Neal

Orange will be the color of the day for Farragut drivers, and it has nothing to do with UT athletics. It’s those dreaded orange barrels drivers hate to see. Although a recently-announced improvement to the last remaining twolane section of Parkside Drive isn’t within the town, Farragut drivers use it every day. Then there’s the work at the I-40/75 exit at Campbell Station Road and the Outlet Drive connection over to Lovell Road. That should take some stress off Snyder Road, a two-lane country road that is seeing more houses pop up. It’s also a popular route to Pellissippi Parkway. A history of 34 crashes with nine injuries from Feb. 16, 2006, to Oct. 30, 2011, has prompted Knox County officials to take a hard look at the intersection of Northshore Drive and Choto Road. Add it to the orange barrel list. Cannon and Cannon consultants recommend a roundabout as the best way to cut the accident rate at the intersection with a flashing caution light. There’s a history of rear-end crashes, overturned and out-of-control cars. Most occur on dry pavement. Jim Snowden, deputy director of Knox County Engineering and Public Works, says the county keeps a database of crashes and when it sees troubling numbers, tries to see what can be done to



Northshore up for fix

Knox County officials have looked at the crash history at the intersection of Choto Road and Northshore Drive and consultants have suggested a roundabout as the best way to cut down on accidents. Photo by S.F. Neal reduce accidents. Flashing lights were installed at the Choto/Northshore intersection, Snowden believes in the ’80s, but crashes have continued. Officials will conduct a public hearing on the project 6-8 p.m. Monday, June 4, at Farragut Town Hall. The proposed roundabout will be somewhat smaller than the one at Concord Road and Northshore, and it will cost about $500,000. Snowden says crashes at roundabouts cause fewer injuries than at signals because speed is less. He doesn’t think multi-lane roundabouts would work well here. “We want to do the safest possible thing for each intersection. I think people still aren’t accustomed to roundabouts. It takes a while to get used to them.” The earliest construction would start is next summer, but there will be a lot of utility relocation.

Work has slowed on the Outlet Drive extension while utilities are moved, but Snowden says the road contractor should be back up to speed as soon as utility contractors wind up their work. “The west/east end is good, it’s just the center section that is a problem. I still think we’ll meet the December deadline. The Outlet Drive extension will be three lanes with sidewalks, nice facilities and improved amenities.” The Parkside Drive project from Mabry Hood Road to Hayfield Road will cost a little more than $6 million. Snowden says it will be a difficult fi x as the county can’t close the road, and the earliest construction will start is next spring or summer. “We will have to build some temporary roads. While we build the south side, we’ll put traffic on temporary roads on the north side; then when the south side is completed, we’ll



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turn traffic onto that side while we build the north side. It will be tough but we’ve got to keep the road open because of the businesses.” The last traffic light study was done in 2005 with two lights recommended. Those lights have since been installed, but Snowden says there could be additional ones in the future. Currently, the section has a higher crash rate and traffic volume than usually found on a two-lane road. “Most of the crashes are rearenders because people aren’t paying attention.” The $481,000 spent for the Hayfield Road/Parkside Drive intersection has paid dividends in fewer crashes on Parkside. “During peak hours it’s like a river through there,” Snowden says of Parkside. “When we looked at the crashes recently, they went down significantly at that intersection. It’s been a huge benefit.”

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A-2 • JUNE 4, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Coffee Break with

Institute in Hyde Park, N.Y. And I have had an idea for a children’s book for about 30 years.”

What is one word others often use to describe you and why?

“People say I have never met a stranger. I tend to talk to people I don’t know in grocery lines, sitting in auditoriums, taxi drivers ... which always makes my daughter cringe when we are visiting her in New York!”

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

“I would have taken typing in high school, like my mother said!”

Vickie Wells

Vickie Butcher Wells is passionate about theater. The retired Farragut teacher even has a theater that bears her name at the high school, an honor the school bestowed on the 30-year career teacher when she retired in 1993. These days, it is Broadway in New York that captures the attention of Vickie and her husband, Buddy. A new arrival to the family cast has everyone seeing stars. Vickie and Buddy are new grandparents: Lillian Wells Crawford arrived on April 20, the daughter of Laura Beth and David Crawford of New York City. Laura Beth, a Farragut High graduate, has her first Broadway role as the wife of the Green Goblin in the production of “Spider Man: Turn Off the Dark.” She has been on maternity leave and will return to the show next month. “We have seen it seven times,” says the proud mother. “And David is an opera singer – a bass – with the Metropolitan, so we also get to see opera when we are in New York.” Vickie grew up in Halls and graduated from Halls High. Her mom was a teacher at Gibbs. She met Buddy, also now a retired Knox County teacher, at UT when both were students in an ensemble group. “I sang alto, and he was a tenor, so we didn’t meet until Christmas,” Vickie jokes. Buddy asked for her phone number, and Vickie wrote it on the back of her nametag. Buddy still carries that nametag in his wallet. “His wallet was stolen once, and he thought it was gone,” remembers Vickie. “But someone found the wallet and mailed it back to us!” Her teaching career, the majority at Farragut Middle School with the last six years at Farragut High, gave her the chance to combine her love of kids with her love of teaching and theater. She believes Farragut is missing a vital piece in the development of the town. “We need a community theater, a place to do theater productions,” says Vickie. “It is the missing link in this community. We have the academics, sports, parks, leadership, but we need a focal point for the arts. It would also bring in good revenue for the town.” Sit and have a Coffee Break as you get to know Vickie Wells:

What’s your favorite quote from a television show or movie? “Mine is from the theater. My husband, Buddy, and I quote stage productions all the time. One of our favorites is from ‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.’ Charlie Brown confides to Lucy about his spiritual emptiness

What is your passion?

Buddy and Vickie Wells celebrate on the red carpet at the opening of “Spider Man: Turn Off the Dark” in New York. Their daughter is in the Broadway play.

and despair. She sits there looking at him, uncharacteristically attentive. ‘I wish I could be happy,’ Charlie Brown says. ‘I think I could be happy if my life had more purpose to it. I also think that if I were happy, I could help others to be happy. Does that make sense to you?’ Lucy replies: ‘We had spaghetti at our house three times last week!’ It just seems to fit so many times when people are taking themselves a little too seriously!”

What are you guilty of?

“I must confess to being a little more than obsessed with Facebook. I never in my wildest dream ever thought I would be ‘talking’ with former high school friends from years ago or reading about former students and being updated about their lives and careers and posting pictures of my granddaughter within seconds of her being born!”

What is your favorite material possession?

“Old pictures of family and friends. I find great comfort in looking at pictures of my mom and dad when they were young or pictures of them with our daughter, Laura Beth.”

What are you reading currently?

“A friend gave me ‘The Grandparents Handbook,’ by Elizabeth LaBan. I am up to page 14 where I learned to kiss my daughter first when visiting, before the grandchildren. I must remember that, because right now, all I see and think about is Lily!”

What was your most embarrassing moment?

“When you are involved with theater, like my family, embarrassing moments are a dime a dozen. On top of that, I taught school for 30 years, so trying to zero in on one embarrassing moment is hard.”

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

“There are many places I would love to travel to someday. I want to take cooking classes at the Culinary

“Definitely theater! I want everyone to experience good theater and realize the commitment, training, and hours of blood, sweat and tears that go in to it. It is hard work and not for the faint of heart! Please support your local community theaters. The rewards will come back to you three-fold.”

With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch?

“My parents. I can’t believe that I let them go and didn’t ask them really important things like, ‘What exactly goes in the cornbread stuffing you always made at Thanksgiving?’ Never EVER take your parents for granted.”

Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why? “As an educator, I would have to say Leland Lyon, my social studies teacher at Halls High School from 1965 to 1969. He was the first person who made me think about things outside my little world and made me realize that the world was truly mine for the taking!”

What is the best present you ever received in a box?

“My dad would always buy me a Christmas present that even my mom didn’t know about. It was his secret gift for Christmas. One year, there was a huge box under the tree. When I opened it, there was a tiny little box inside that said to look outside. Outside was my very own horse with a western saddle. I can still remember how lucky I felt that day.”

What is your social media of choice?

“Definitely, Facebook! I love to read about people’s daily lives. It is so much more refreshing than what silly thing Lindsay Lohan or Donald Trump is doing. There is a rhythm to real life that recharges the soul.”

What is the worst job you have ever had?

“Well, I didn’t last very long folding towels at the downtown YWCA in 1969.”

What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why?

“I was pretty much a ‘Casper, the Friendly Ghost’ type.” To page A-12

It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Email suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. Include contact info if you can.

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FARRAGUT SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 4, 2012 • A-3 Matthew Bolt tightens the overflow spout on a rain barrel while Ben Sasamoto and Barbara Lamb look on.

Above, Jake Hudson with the Fort Loudoun Lake Association gives a demonstration on how to assemble a rain barrel.

A decorated rain barrel is on display during the rain barrel workshop.

Let it rain Farragut residents attended a workshop that was both educational and handson May 19 at Farragut Town Hall. The Fort Loudoun Lake Association helped participants learn the benefits of using a rain barrel and make their own rain barrels at the workshop that attracted an eager crowd. Workshop participants paid $55, which included a rain barrel for each, an instructional demonstration and a presentation on the personal and community benefits of using rain barrels. Facts shared with participants included that during an average storm, more than 600 gallons of water run off a 1,000-square-foot roof. Capturing some of that

Nick and Kristina McMahan lay out the pieces as they begin to assemble their rain barrel.

At a workshop at Farragut Town Hall, Jason Scott responds to a question about stormwater. Photos by Justin Acuff.

Workshop helps residents learn benefits of rain barrels

Sherri Gardner Howell FARRAGUT FACES water can allow residents to water plants and lawns during the summer without increasing their water bills. Lawn and garden watering accounts for almost 40 percent of household water consumption during the summer, according to the presenters from the Fort Loudoun Lake Association. Installing a rain barrel can save an average home 1,300 gallons of water.

Lori Jones and Lolly Ordonez observe as a rain barrel is being assembled.

Square Dance Parties

For more information on rain barrel workshops, contact the association by phone at 523-3800 or email info@fllake.org.

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Kris Mahoney, Yvonne Kidder and Elizabeth Kidder listen to a presentation during the rain barrel workshop.

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government Ray off Blue Cross board Gloria Ray not only lost her $400,000 a year CEO position at Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corp, but Blue Cross/Blue Shield has decided it no longer needs her services as a board member at $90,000 a year. She is now off that board. It seems Blue Cross has a policy that board members must resign when their full time employment changes. Usually, the resignation is not accepted, but in this case it was. It also seems Ray chaired the Blue Cross compensation committee – which approved CEO Vicky Gregg earning $6.2 million a year. This pay comes from Blue Cross itself and also from various subsidiaries which Blue Cross owns. Blue Cross has raised premiums since 2005 at triple the rate of inflation while doubling board pay in the same period. The board meets quarterly – 12 days a year – so $7,500 per day of work is not bad. No wonder health care is so expensive.

Ownby reflections Many think it is only a matter of time before Knox County Commissioner Jeff Ownby resigns his seat after his arrest on Sharp’s Ridge. While the law does not require him to resign, even if convicted (it is not a felony charge), his reputation is seriously damaged. Persons are already being mentioned as replacements to Ownby who defeated Finbarr Saunders in August 2010. County Commission names the successor who would serve to August 2014 when a special election would fill the remaining two years in the unexpired term. Ownby did not attend the May 29 meeting. Possible new commissioners must reside in his district which lies in West Knoxville and West Knox County. The pick will likely be a Republican as the Commission is 9 to 2 Republican. Commission may require that the person chosen agree not to be a candidate in the August 2014 county election, although such a request in not enforceable as a matter of law. On the other hand, Ownby may decide to hold onto the position to keep the $20,000 annual salary (especially if he is terminated from Comcast) and health insurance benefits as a county employee. Bill Lockett kept his Law Director position to continue his

A-4 • JUNE 4, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Espiritu gets national award By Betty Bean At Pond Gap Elementary School are Marie Alcorn, Doug Dillingham, Susan Espiritu, Melissa Massie and Bob Kronick. Photo by Betty Bean

Boyd-funded innovations work

Victor Ashe

Pond Gap School salary and benefits even when it was clear he had misused clients’ funds at his former law firm. There is little beyond public opinion to force Ownby from office, assuming he is guilty of the charge. The county charter should be changed to allow two/ thirds of the County Commission to remove county officials guilty of misconduct just as the U.S. House and Senate as well as the state Legislature has the right to remove officials who bring disgrace upon themselves and the body. In the absence of such a provision, the charter review committee should allow voters to recall an elected official who brings disgrace on himself.

Notes While President Obama was widely and appropriately praised for awarding the Medal of Freedom to Pat Summitt, he also awarded a similar Medal to Polish hero Jan Karski who was a famed resistance fighter in World War II. Obama’s serious mistake was to refer to Karski visiting “Polish death camps� and reporting on them to Churchill and Roosevelt. This is a serious historical error as it suggests the Poles operated the death camps. That is false. Actually, the Nazis created and operated the death camps in Poland which is the correct way to reference them. Since then, media in Poland and the USA have strongly criticized the President and demanded an apology and correction. The White House has offered a “regret� but not an apology. Polish Prime Minister Tusk requested an apology at a news conference in Warsaw. The President’s speech writer in this case failed to do his homework and misstated history. ■TVA ran full page ads at ratepayer expense justifying their tree cutting policies while federal Judge Thomas Varlan considers an injunction request to halt the tree cutting pending final resolution of the issue. TVA made a clear attempt to influence public opinion at public expense. Contact Victor Ashe at vhashe@aol.

serves community By Betty Bean With its slightly shabby exterior and rusty chain link fence, Pond Gap Elementary School doesn’t look like the setting for cutting edge education reform. But for the past two years, 45 Pond Gap students facing significant challenges of behavioral, economic, academic and/or language issues, have participated in a pilot program called the University-Assisted Community School initiative. Each student has an individualized academic plan, which is integrated into after-school and summer programs. Participants get classes and supplementary help. Adult family members may attend GED classes, ESL classes and discussion groups dealing with finance and law. Dinner is served, and parents and guardians are welcome to eat with their children. At the end of the initiative’s second year, school administrators have tangible proof that it worked. Test findings include:

■34 percent decrease in absenteeism ■33 percent decrease in tardies ■77 percent decrease in discipline referrals Plus substantial gains in reading, mathematics and overall academics. Community schooling is set to be expanded to 75 Pond Gap students next year, said Melissa Massie, Knox County Schools’ director of support services. And if County Commission votes to fund the school board’s budget request, community education can come to other schools as well, a point important to board member Cindy Buttry. Pond Gap, which now serves 350 students, will increase its capacity to 500 after a significant renovation, Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre said. Last week, Massie participated in a panel which included Dr. Bob Kronick of the UT College of Education, who “dreamed up� and championed the program; Marie Alcorn of the United Way; and Doug Dillingham, KCS supervisor of facilities and new construction. Kronick recruited philanthropist Randy Boyd of Radio Systems and

PetSafe who funded the pilot program with $450,000. Kronick said the program started with four elementary schools – Sarah Moore Greene, G r e e n Magnet, Inskip and Sam E. Hill. After the arrival of McInt y re, Kronick was persuaded Randy Boyd to settle for one school – Pond Gap. “We poured everything into this school, and Susan (Espiritu) was ready for it. We have a clinic, approved by the Red Cross. Food, clothing, shelter are where we start. Dillingham presented a drawing of planned expansion for Pond Gap that will accommodate the expanded community education program and add a new gym, cafeteria, kitchen and library/media center. “In 37 years of doing this, this is a first, and it’s very exciting,� he said. “This is an addition all around this school for use as a community school. We are designing it for the community, but it will be secure for kids.�

School budget vote today Feeling a bit like the little guy who carried the flag up the wall during the battle scene in “Les MisĂŠrables.â€? You know you could die, but you do it anyway. That’s what the school board asks of County Commission today – courage. For years, the school system has inched along with continuation budgets. Most times the board has left the county executive/mayor with wiggle room to say, “We gave them what they asked for.â€? Meanwhile, kids go to school in moldy, multigenerational portable classrooms without plumbing. Classes get technology when parents sell cookies or coupon books. This year the school board voted 8-1 to ask for the budget it needs. Today we’ll see how the commissioners respond.

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Aftermath ■The Knox County school board will be back at work the day after Monday’s budget vote with a workshop at 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, in the Andrew Johnson boardroom and the regular monthly meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 6, at the City County Building.

Sandra Clark

Budget vote

Knox County Commission will debate and vote on ■Commission chair Mike Mayor Tim Burchett’s budHammond has invited his get at 5 p.m. today (June 4) colleagues to Calhoun’s at the City County Building. on the River immediately Comcast viewers can watch following Monday’s vote. on Channel 12. Hammond optimistically Commissioners will hold assumes the folks will still a public forum on the school be speaking to each other. budget at 4 p.m. with speak- ■And Mayor Tim Burchett ers limited to 3 minutes. will be speaking at the Persons wishing to speak regular meeting of the should get on the agenda by Council of West Knox calling 215-2534. Speakers County Homeowners at on other budget issues can 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, be heard during the actual at Peace Lutheran Church. budget debate, also limited Win or lose, Burchett should to 3 minutes. give an interesting talk.

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Just as Pond Gap School took center stage in the battle for school funding last week, so did the Susan Espiritu s c h o o l ’ s principal. The National Association of Elementary School Principals has named Susan Espiritu its National Distinguished Principal for 2012, representing Tennessee. Espiritu, who will be starting her eighth year as principal at Pond Gap this fall, hosted a discussion of the school’s community education concept last Wednesday in advance of County Commission’s vote on school funding this week. She gave her staff the credit for the award. “The award should go to the entire staff at Pond Gap. This is just a reflection of how supportive they are of all the things I ask them to do and to try. They are very out of the box, very innovate thinkers and aren’t afraid to try something new.� Pond Gap, she said, has long been on the cutting edge of educational reform. “We were the first TAP (Teacher Advancement Program) elementary school six years ago. We have uniforms and we piloted the full-service school concept. This staff has always been fully supportive. I’m really just the torchbearer of the award for the staff,� she said. Espiritu started her own education in Fountain City (she is the sister of attorney Tom Dillard and has been with Knox County Schools since 1979). She is married to Charles Espiritu and has three children: Maria Espiritu Haun, who played softball and volleyball at Halls High School; Kalea Espiritu Derry, who was a student athlete at Gibbs; and Billy Espiritu, who played football at Gibbs. The Espiritus have seven grandchildren.

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Anne Ralston and her husband, Lee Johnson, right, talk with Farragut Town Engineer Darryl Smith about their opposition to Randy Dillon discusses plans for the Tennessee Department of widening Concord Road. The couple own Calloway’s Landing State Rep. Ryan Haynes and William Truex examine an aerial Transportation to take his house with Gaylon Hill, TDOT reloca- near the roundabout and say they will lose valuable property to the project. tion assistance and property manager. view of Concord Road.

Concord Road plans get personal It was Thursday night. The Farragut Town Hall meeting room was dark and empty, but the community room was packed. People were there to hear what the Tennessee Department of Transportation had to say about widening Concord Road from Turkey Creek Road to Northshore Drive. There will be four lanes with a center island and turn lane, a greenway trail on one side and sidewalk on the other as well as 4-foot-wide bike lanes. The ambitious plan was laid out for Farragut officials recently. Thursday it was the public’s turn. The two-lane bridge over the railroad tracks will come down. As of yet there’s no price tag for the project, but it includes the usual rightsof-way plus the purchase of seven houses. A couple of large aerial photos of the road were available for people to examine as well as multiple copies of the plans. Randy Dillon will lose his home, a remodeled farm house in Concord Farms. A few days before closing about seven years ago, he drove past the property to see a whole line of trees across the back had been cut. That’s when he found out about the initial widening of Concord Road, which essentially stopped at the subdivision. No one told him about future plans for widening. He’s had the house listed for $217,000, but has taken it off the market. He spoke with Gaylon Hill, TDOT relocation assistant and property manager, about what comes next. “My biggest concern is that the way the market is going, how can I be put back whole?” he asked Hill. He was assured TDOT would help all they could, but Dillon also pointed to big, bold, black letters in a pamphlet he was given. “See, it says if an agreeable price can’t be reached, the state can use ‘eminent domain,’ and we all know what that means.” Hill says TDOT uses the going price for similar houses on the market when making an offer to a homeowner. “We try to put people back whole.” Three other houses in Concord Farms will go as well as three on the Farragut side of the road. The Ralston family is a house divided on this project. Anne Ralston and husband Lee Johnson, who live in the 1911 house known as Calloway’s Landing, are opposed to the project. Anne Ralston came armed with information. They hope to turn the property into an arboretum and say they will lose many valuable trees on the Farragut side of the road. The family has fought off condemnations and seen their property shrink due to a variety of circumstances for decades. Anne Ralston says she doesn’t intend to give up this time. On the Knox County side of the road, Sarah Ralston is all for the project. She declined to discuss her reason, but was overheard in conversation with a TDOT representative and seemed pleased with what she was being offered and what impact it would have on her property. Cynthia Hake was there

the easement. Knox County says that lets it off the hook for replacing it. Suzanne That doesn’t sit well with Foree District 14 state Rep. Ryan Neal Haynes, who’s in Hake’s corner. “I think the state should reimburse Concord Farms,” he said. Saying no as a board member of the because it was originally built Concord Farms Homeowners on the easement, “that’s the Association. She asked state trying to pass the buck. TDOT’s Jeff Turner, “Why The state ought to step up are you widening this and fix it.” little section to have it Kathy Drevik isn’t losing come to screeching halt at her house, just three of her Northshore? You should be Concord Farms neighbors widening Northshore.” across the street. Her new In the “long haul” she view will be all five lanes of thinks it’s good TDOT is Concord Road with a grass planning ahead, but she buffer. She worries about says, “I think it’s being children waiting for the done by Farragut for school bus, which if nothing commercial reasons.” changes, will be stopping on The association’s biggest the roadway to pick up and gripe with the plan is that drop off students. “There’s it will not only take three no safe place for kids to stand houses, but also the elaborate and wait for the bus. We’re Getting their first look at plans to widen Concord Road between Turkey Creek Road and Northsubdivision entrance that the being told we need to take it shore Drive are John Jordan, Randy Dillon, Cynthia Hake, William Truex, Jack Bondurant and original developer built on up with the schools.” June Lindsey. Photos by S.F. Neal

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A-6 • JUNE 4, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

McIntyre makes final pitch for budget The best case Dr. Jim McIntyre made for the Knox County school board’s $35 million budget increase proposal came last Friday morning, in his office, when he spoke as a daddy.

MALCOLM’S CORNER | Malcolm Shell

Jake Mabe

“I’m not just the superintendent. I’m a dad of two Knox County Schools students. I have a very personal stake in this. There are very specific investments we have to make to allow all students at every school to have a bright, successful, competitive future.” Daddy Jim and his wife, Michelle, represent a growing demographic in Knox County: young couples with young kids. What do they want? Great schools. Neighborhood parks. Forget the “education speak” for which McIntyre is famous. I asked him to sum up in 10 words or less the reason why this budget should be passed. “Because it is an important investment in the future of our children and our community.” (I spotted him the extra five words.) The state Legislature increased state standards for education two years ago. McIntyre and the Knox County school board beat the state to the punch in 2009 with McIntyre’s strategic plan. That’s as it should be – a local school district setting its own goals. “This budget is the blueprint of how we can achieve all that.” The legislature also

Laundry day, 60 years ago

Dr. Jim McIntyre (right) explores an “active vote” device with New Hopewell Elementary School fifth grader Kevin McCarter in this 2010 file photo by S. Clark. The devices were purchased by business owner Randy Boyd and donated to the school that he attended. passed an unfunded mandate requiring that all state assessment tests be administered online by the 201415 school year. Knox County Schools is nowhere near being ready for it. This budget would build that infrastructure. It would, as McIntyre said, ensure that students are “competent as digital citizens,” i.e. be able to use the technology that has changed every industry in this country save digging ditches and sweeping floors. “But more importantly it would allow teachers to use technology as an instructional tool.” Several teachers say they haven’t had enough professional development and training to use technology to its potential. This budget would change that. It would also provide needed tech support at each school. And it would help each student receive some kind

of electronic tablet that McIntyre says “will be their textbooks, their notebook, their primary learning tool.” Meanwhile, South Korea is buying millions of dollars worth of tablets for its students. Students in China spend about 10 or 11 hours in the classroom each day. Let’s face it, folks. It’s not 1952. We can’t go back. People keep saying McIntyre isn’t being transparent enough. Give me a break. He’s so transparent he can’t shut up. If you don’t believe me, visit knoxschools.org. Watch the videos. Read the data. He and the school board talked with any group that would have them. For most of us this proposed property tax increase would mean spending less each day than what we spend on a cup of coffee. Cas Walker is dead and I don’t feel so good myself. It’s time to move forward. The time is now.

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The downturn in the economy has placed considerable hardships on retail establishments. That fact is evident by the number of vacant commercial buildings. But one business that seems to be doing well is the dry cleaning business. I recently counted about five dry cleaning establishments in our general vicinity, and they all appear to be thriving. And when I think about the number of cleaners available today, I also think about how we cleaned and maintained our clothes in the Shell house 60 years ago. There was only one dry cleaning establishment in the area in the mid-1950s, and that was operated by E.R. “Red” Davis. It was located near the presentday Farragut Cleaners, but if Red had depended on my family for business, he would not have stayed in business long. I only had two suits and they were worn only on Sunday when we went to church. One was summer weight seersucker and the other was wool flannel, and they visited the cleaners about every three years. I don’t remember having more than two white shirts, but I am sure we washed them every week because we washed and ironed everything but winter coats. As I look back on it now, the thing that sticks in my mind is the regimentation of laundry day. People drop off laundry and dry cleaning at their favorite cleaners every day

of the week. But 60 years ago, we did the washing only on Monday, and that was an all-day job. We had an old tub-type washer with an attached wringer, but you had to heat the water on the stove to pour in the tub, and when you thought the clothes had agitated enough, you emptied the water through a hose into a bucket to be carried outside. There was no spin cycle, so after rinsing you ran the clothes through a wringer to press out most of the water, but that was tough on buttons. However, we considered ourselves blessed because some of our neighbors didn’t have a washer and had to scrub their laundry on a washboard. As for drying, the clothesline was the only alternative. This worked well on bright summer days when there was a good breeze, but the winter months presented more of a problem. We had a series of temporary clotheslines that could be set up on our back porch to use during bad weather, but I can also remember bringing frozen bed linen in the house and putting down newspapers for it to drip on. We never paid much attention to the weather because laundry still had to be done on Monday because Tuesday was ironing day. Everyone in the Village must have followed the same ironing schedule because almost every

yard had clothes on their clothesline on Monday. I don’t know if this was simply coincidental or if the woman decided on the specific day at a quilting party or other gettogether. The one thing I do remember is that there was very little cooking to be done on wash day, so food had to be prepared in advance the day before. On Tuesday ironing day we always set up the ironing board in the kitchen. I am not sure why we chose that room. Today, most people have a laundry room with a fold-down ironing board. But ironing in the kitchen had its advantages since it was close to the stove and refrigerator where you could get a cup of coffee or a drink of water. Spray starch had not yet been invented, so those few clothes that needed starch were placed in a pan of water with liquid starch. These items were usually handled separately from the main wash. We had a state-of-theart iron, but it never had a temperature selector, so when it got too hot you simply unplugged it and let it cool down. We had several of these old irons, which we used as door stops. Hopefully, the current recession will soon run its course and things will return to normal. But even if our current situation is the new normal, I cannot envision a time when most people would have to resort to the conditions of 60 years ago. But then, 60 years ago, we considered the effort required to maintain our clothes as perfectly normal. At any rate, the dry cleaning and laundry business will probably remain a necessity in our modern world. Most people will give up other conveniences to wear a nice dress shirt every day and a well-pressed pair of trousers.

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 4, 2012 • A-7 Quartet will perform 6 p.m. Saturday. Reserved seating is $15 and general admission is $13. Tickets or info: 800-254-3047 or 457-3678.

WORSHIP NOTES Community Services

The Rev. Dexter Mahone of Pilgrim Temple Missionary Baptist Church brings the message at Concord A.M.E. Zion Church’s 140th anniversary celebration.

The Revs. Stephen and Elaine Steele of Concord A.M.E. Zion Church, Jacqui Sherrod and Robert Sherrod, former pastor of the church, share with the congregation in its 140th homecoming celebration, “Continuing our Spiritual Journey.” Photos by T.

Concord A.M.E. Zion Church, located at 713 Loop Road, celebrated its 140th anniversary on May 27. The celebration included a dinner and special homecoming service with guests the Rev. Dexter Mahone, choir and members of Pilgrim Temple Missionary Baptist Church. The Rev. Stephen Steele said, “We indeed have come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord and He has not brought us this far to leave us. Let us remember that Concord A.M.E. Zion Church by virtue of its mission statement is a light that cannot be hidden. As we continue on this journey, let us do so under

the moniker for which we are known, for we are truly blessed to be known as the ‘dedicated’ church.” The church was established in approximately 1872 as the Concord African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, according to Sister Jeanette Bacon, Mother of the church. In the mid-1940s, the church was rebuilt under the leadership of the Rev. Edward Miller, who served as pastor more than 25 years. On April 12, 1970, during the Rev. Willie L. Hardin’s tenure, a fire completely destroyed the church and nearby school. The membership purchased the adjoining property from the Knox County school sys-

FARRAGUT NOTES ■ Council of West Knox County Homeowners meets at 7:15 p.m. each first Tuesday at Peace Lutheran Church, 621 N. Cedar Bluff Road. Guest speaker Hank Fennell will answer questions relating to HOA or community groups. Info: www.cwkch.com/. ■ The Good Samaritan Center’s cookbook is available for purchase at the Walmart in Lenoir City for $10. All proceeds go toward feeding the hungry in Loudon County. Info: Judy, 986-1777, ext. 11. ■ Farragut Lions Club meets 6:30 p.m. each second and fourth Tuesday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road. ■ Farragut Rotary Club meets at noon each Wednesday at the Fox Den Country Club. ■ Free budget classes are held from noon to 1 p.m. each third Thursday at the Good Samaritan Center, 119 A. St. in Lenoir City. Everyone is invited. No preregistration is required. Info: annaseal@ credibility.org. ■ Memoir Writing Group meets 7 p.m. each second Thursday at Panera Bread, 733 Louisville Road. ■ West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.

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tem and rebuilt the church as it stands today. On April 30, 2010, Bishop Roy A. Holmes appointed Steele as pastor along with his wife, the Rev. Elaine Steele. On Feb. 27, 2011, the church was honored by the Farragut Folklife Museum for its long-term commitment to serving the community, receiving a special plaque from Farragut Mayor Ralph McGill. The church experienced hail damage April 27, 2011 and then suffered vandalism in December 2011 and January 2012. “But God, in His miraculous way and the blessings of the community and friends, gives us strength

COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ The Knoxville Writers Guild will meet 7 p.m. Thursday, June 7, at Laurel Theater on the corner of Laurel Avenue and 16th Street. Novelist Bryan Charles will discuss his life experiences – including his experience during the fall of the World Trade Center – and how they affect his creativity. Everyone is invited. A $2 donation will be requested at the door. Info: www. knoxvillewritersguild.org.

The Rev. Elaine Steele (front) joins the Pilgrim Temple Missionary Baptist Church in lively praise songs. Others in the choir were Gwen Webb, Robyn Locke and Laura Manuel.

■ Park West Church, 7635 Middlebrook Pike, will host a “Bunco” fundraiser for http:// kicko.org from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 9. Admission is $10. RSVP by emailing event@ kicko.org or call 523-4956.

Music services ■ First Christian Church on Gay

Street will host the Jericho Brass and faith to continue the Band from Chattanooga at 3 spiritual journey,” said p.m. Saturday, June 9. Free adStephen Steele. mission. The band will also play Co-chair of the homeduring the 10 a.m. worship sercoming committee Bervice Sunday, June 10. Everyone is invited to both performances. netta Hardin presented Info: jerichobrassband.org. closing remarks, thanking everyone who participat- ■ Second Baptist Church, 777 Public Safety Drive in Clinton, ed in the celebration. The will welcome the McKameys registry of those present for the annual “Hometown will be brought to the Beck Singing” Friday and Saturday, Cultural Center for others June 8-9. Special guests The to view from this landmark Inspirations will perform 7:30 day in the church’s history. p.m. Friday and the Primitive

Rec programs ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class Mondays from 6-7 p.m. upstairs in the family life center. Cost is $10 per class or $40 for five classes. Bring a mat, towel and water. Info: Dena Bower, 567-7615 or email denabower@comcast.net. ■ Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive, has started Young Adult Professionals for anyone age 22-35 who wants to network with other young business professionals in the West Knoxville area. Seasoned professionals will discuss their experiences and how to live out your faith while growing into your profession. Info: email Glenna Manning, gmanning@concordumc.com, or Kelsey Feldman, kelsing01@comcast.net.

Youth ■ Farragut Presbyterian Church Mother’s Day Out program and preschool registration is open for the 2012-2013 school year. Info: Beth Hallman, 671-4616 or bhallman@tds.net. ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway (at the Karns Red Light) still has spaces available in the Parents Day Out and the T-N-T program for this summer, which begins June 5. Summer PDO is loads of fun for children age 1 and walking through age 5. T-N-T is for elementary school aged children and is a mixture of adventure, crafts and outings to fun places. Info: Lori or Lisa, 531-2052, or the Church office, 690-1060.




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Concord A.M.E. Zion’s 140th anniversary By Theresa Edwards

■ Concord United Methodist Church’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. Susie Stiles Wilson, licensed clinical social worker and elder care coordinator with the Monica Franklin Elder Law Practice, will be the guest speaker June 5. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments will be served. Info: 675-2835.


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Photo by Ruth White

Bearden Antique Mall Bearden Antique Mall is Knoxville’s oldest and most established antique mall. They offer a unique selection of fine antiques and decorative collectibles. Owner Ann Pierce will celebrate the shop’s 36th year in business in July. They are located at 310 Mohican Street and hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Info: 584-1521.

Turkey Creek Medical Center 10820 Parkside Drive Knoxville, TN 37934




Staying cool By Suzanne Foree Neal Carl Cowan Park’s splash pad has something for everyone when it comes to fun in the sun and with these hot days, it’s been a popular destination. Children from tots to teens found relief from the heat while shaded picnic tables offered a great place for parents to chill and keep watch. Some preferred to soak up the sun for some natural tanning that came free of charge from Mother Nature. A few parents with little ones just had to get wet to keep tabs, but everyone was having fun during a Wednesday afternoon visit. The nearby playground was practically deserted in favor of the wet play space. Hours for the splash pad at Carl Cowan, 10058 Northshore Drive, are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., weather permitting. If there’s any problem, you can call 256-0838. Knox County Parks and Recreation officials remind those using the splash pad to observe these rules as the water is recirculated: Do not drink the water. Do not change diapers on or near the splash pad. No persons with diarrhea are permitted. No animals allowed on the pad. No glass. No motor vehicles of any type. Don’t track mud onto the pad or play in it (bacteria love to grow in mud). No skates, skateboards or bicycles. Remember this advice from the weather watchers: If you can hear thunder, you can be hit by lightning. So when it starts to rumble, or thunderstorms threaten, the last place you want to be is in the middle of a splash pad, so seek shelter.

Kristy Youana stacks water buckets while in the background her sister, Mary, shows a little attitude while she stands in the streams of water shooting up from the splash pad.

Rama Ball, right, runs for cover as Jadyn Swett, center, fires off a water cannon in his direction at the Carl Cowan splashpad. Jadyn gets help filling the water buckets from his sister, Michell. Photos by Suzanne Foree Neal

Rama Ball fills up a different “water weapon� for another battle at the Carl Cowan splashpad.

Wesan Youana keeps an eye on his daughters, Kristy and big sister Mary, while in the background Rama Ball and Emma Hill are trying to soak each other on the run.


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SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 4, 2012 • A-9

Arts Alliance gets big win in county budget The days when the Knox County Executive, and later the County Mayor, sat through hours of listening to competing arts and culture organizations make their individual cases for funding from the county budget are apparently at an end – at least with those groups likely to attract tourists. County Commission will soon – maybe even at today’s meeting – be asked to sign off on a contract with the Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville that will give that organization responsibility for recommending which of its member organizations is funded and at what level. The proposed contract

for next year. The additional $80,000 is the result of the county taking back some of the monies generated by the Anne hotel motel tax that had been Hart redirected to the Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corp. several years ago for tourism-related efforts. Under the new plan, the Alliance will make its with the Alliance is in recommendations to the response to a “request for county mayor, with County information” put forth by Commission having final the county. approval. The Alliance will The amount recom- handle all of the paperwork mended for arts and going forward. cultural organizations in the Liza Zenni, Alliance 2013 budget is $374,000, executive director, is compared to $245,000 in enthusiastic about her the last budget year. A total organization’s new of $294,000 had originally responsibility. “We were able been budgeted for the groups to show the county that as

a consortium, our member organizations can deliver more than 4,000 touristrelated events annually.” Zenni explained that the total hours promised include many “routine” activities, such as the number of hours historic homes in the area are open to the public. It also includes events like the Tennessee Valley Fair. Zenni said the Alliance “has been operating as grants administrator for many of these groups for well over a decade. They know us and trust us. We are delighted that the county saw the potential we saw for all of this to be coordinated in a logical way.” In order to determine

grant amounts fairly, Zenni set up a points system for grading each member organization as to its potential to attract tourists, and in what numbers and for what period of time. Recommendations are based on the results. Grant Rosenberg, Knox County’s Community Development director, is equally enthusiastic about the new process. “We won’t be giving grants any longer,” he said. “Everything will be done by invoice. When the money is spent, the invoice is turned in and after approval, payment is made.” The entire procedure will be managed by the Alliance.

“There is more accountability with this method,” Rosenberg said. “It is a much more rational approach to the distribution of taxpayer dollars.” Rosenberg and Zenni both say the new process has other benefits for the nonprofit organizations involved. Zenni says the consortium of arts and culture-related tourist organizations will now have improved buying power because they have joined together. “This is a cool deal where everybody is working together, and I like to see my member organizations working together, rather than competing.”

Sounds of music Steinway Association concert attracts crowd

By Sherri Gardner Howell

The free concerts at American Piano Gallery in Turkey Creek are becoming a habit for many Farragut residents. Sponsored by the Steinway Society, the monthly concerts feature a talented pianist in an intimate setting at the gallery, 11651 Parkside Drive. Dr. Joseph Akins, who received his doctorate from the University of Tennessee and is a professor at Middle Tennessee State University, entertained more than 40 guests on May 20. “It was a great concert,” says Greg Scribner, gallery manager. “He is

a good performer and interacted well with the audience.” Akins has released four solo albums. The next concert will feature William Crowe, a junior at UT and a student of Dr. David Northington. The free concert will be 3 p.m. Sunday, July 22, at the gallery. Also debuting in July are Saturdays with Steinway. These free monthly informational meetings will give the public an insight into pianos and how they work. The first workshop, “Anatomy of the Piano,” will be 11 a.m. Saturday, July 21, at the Turkey Creek gallery.

Dr. Joseph Akins plays at a piano concert at American Piano Gallery in Turkey Creek on May 20. Photos by Justin Acuff.

Mark Medley catches up with pianist Dr. Joseph Akins, who had Aleex Conner gets an autograph from Dr. Joseph Akins after played at Mark’s wedding 23 years ago. his piano concert on May 20.

Joan Ewing and Charlotte Litzenberg wait in line to purchase CDs of Dr. Joseph Akins’ music after his concert at American Piano Gallery on May 20.

Dr. Joseph Akins autographs a CD for Charlotte Litzenberg.

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A-10 • JUNE 4, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS ■ Buckner Reunion will begin at noon Saturday, June 16, at Wilson Park in Maynardville. Bring a dish, drink and chairs. Info: Jean Mize, 992-3674; Carolyn Norris, 922-8321; or Phillip Cox, 363-5182. Central High School Class of 1962 will hold its 50-year reunion July 6-7. Info: Bob Davis, 689-4302, or Diane Turner Sebby, 521-6652. ■ Central High School Class of 1967 will hold its 45th reunion Friday through Sunday, July 22-24. Info: Idonna Tillery Bryson, 688-5816, or Ann Paylor Williams, 687-7759.

Exchange student Ezgi Senyucel is surrounded by her host families and friends from the Rotary Club of Farragut after her May 30 presentation. Pictured are: (front) Peggy Wilson, Ezgi’s counselor from Rotary; Morgan Larimer, a host family member; Ezgi, who is from Izmir, Turkey; Reecy French, host family; Liz Gregor, Webb School of Knoxville liaison; (back) John Newsom, host family; Bill Nichols, Rotary Club of Farragut; and Chuck French, host family. Photo by Sherri Gardner Howell

What a year! Exchange student shares experiences with Farragut Rotary By Sherri Gardner Howell Ezgi told the group. “I can’t of her experiences while during her year, under the Ezgi Senyucel from Izmir, Turkey, has had quite a year in Farragut. The exchange student, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Farragut, gave her final presentation to the club at its May 30 meeting at Fox Den Country Club. Several members of her three host families were also guests at the meeting to encourage and support her. “I now have four families,”

UT NOTES ■ VolsTeach, a program that prepares math and science majors to become teachers, has been recognized by the Tennessee Higher

believe the attachment I feel for the three families. I have had so many wonderful experiences, and they have all been different. It has been a wonderful year.” When she arrived, Ezgi said her English was “difficult,” but now she feels confident, even speaking to the large group gathered for the Rotary meeting. She showed a slide-show

Education Commission for helping to solve one of the state’s most vital education problems – the shortage of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) teachers in middle and high schools. The first class of

here, including the trips she has taken to see other parts of the country. “I got to experience Christmas, New Years, Halloween and Easter,” said Ezgi. “I now have so many friends, not just here, but from all over the world. It was such a good time, and my families were all so wonderful.” Ezgi was a student at Webb School of Knoxville

students will graduate from UT in spring 2013. ■ A Confucius Institute will soon open, expanding opportunities for UT students and others to learn Chinese, experience Chinese culture and travel abroad. Southeast

■ Fulton High School Class of 1972 is planning its 40th reunion celebration 6 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at The Foundry, 747 World’s Fair Park Drive, and will include a catered dinner buffet, photos by a professional photographer that will be available online, Jake the DJ from Ogle Entertainment and more. The cost is $55 until July 13 and $75 at the door. Dress is business casual. Mail registration to: FHS Class Reunion, 4224 Williamson Drive, Knoxville, TN 37938. Info: Debbie Helton Keebler, 922-0049. ■ Halls High School Class of 1965 will hold a reunion July 28 at Beaver Brook Country Club. Any class is welcome. Info: George VanDeGriff, 9228345 or 278-6724. ■ Powell High School Class of 1967 will hold its 45th class reunion Friday and Saturday, June 8-9. Info: Brenda Owens, 573-4395 or phs67class@ comcast.net; or Lynn or Wayne Tarver, 938-5248 or lynnwayne2@frontiernet.net.

guidance of Liz Gregor, the school’s multicultural coordinator. Ezgi will be in Knoxville until June 15. Tanya Prine was also honored at the meeting when she became a member of the Paul Harris Fellowship, an honor reserved for those who contribute $1,000 toward Rotary causes. The award was presented by Farragut Rotary ■ Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church, 9132 Kingston Pike, member Patty Daughtrey.


University in Nanjing, one of China’s oldest universities and one of its highest-ranking universities in scientific research and development, will be UT’s partner university. An inauguration ceremony is planned later this year.

REUNIONS ■ A Carr Family Reunion for descendents of John Carr and Mary Etta Whitson will be held noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at Gibbs Ruritan Club on Tazewell Pike. Bring a dish to share for lunch at 2 p.m. Info: April Gosnell-Parker, 312-5086 or aparker180@att.net.

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will have “Sky VBS” 8:45 a.m. to noon, June 4-7, for ages 4 through rising 6th graders. Info: www.cspc.net/vbs or 291-5206.

■ Church Street UMC, 900 Henley Street, will have “Bible Olympics: Champions of God’s Word,” 9:30 a.m. to noon, June 18-21, for ages 3 years to 5th grade. There will be Bible study, stories, crafts, games and snacks. Info or to register: www.churchstreetumc.org or 521-0282. ■ Farragut Church of Christ, 136 Smith Road, will have “Bean Acres VBS” 8:30 a.m. to noon, June 18-22, for ages 3 years to 5th grade. Info or to register: www.farragutchurch.org or 966-5025. ■ Farragut Presbyterian Church will have “Adventures on Promise Island” 9 a.m. to noon June 4-8, for ages 3 years through 5th grade. A $10 covers supplies, snacks and T-shirts. Info or to register: 966-9547 or www. vacationbibleschool.com/ FarragutPresbyterian. ■ First Baptist Concord, 11704 Kingston Pike, will have “The Genesis File” June 10-17. Info or to register: 966-9791 or www. fbconcord.org/kids. ■ Grace Baptist Church, 7171

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Oak Ridge Highway, will have a Summer Spectacular 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 20-22, for ages 2 through 5th grade. The Adventure Squad will return for another action-packed adventure with music, drama, nightly giveaways and fun. Info or to register: www.gracebc.org. ■ Greenway Baptist Church, 2809 Addison Drive, will have “Amazing Wonders Aviation” 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 11-15. ■ Karns Church of Christ, 6612 Beaver Ridge Road, will have “Christian Academy, Training Superheroes for God,” starting at 6:30 p.m. June 24-27, with classes for all ages. ■ St. Mark UMC “SonRise National Park” 5:15 to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 16-20. Children age 4 through rising 6th graders are invited. Adults are invited to nightly fellowship and Bible study. A donation is requested for dinner. Info and registration: 588-0808 or www.stmarkumcknox.org/ sonrisenationalparkvbs.

SPORTS NOTES ■ Chota Canoe and Kayak School will be held Friday through Sunday, June 15-17, and will include whitewater, touring or canoe tripping. Cost is $115 and includes weekend instruction, two nights camping and more. Info: 288-3249 or www.discoveret.org/chota/ canoe_school_main.htm. ■ Roane State annual Boys Basketball Camp for boys age 8-14 will be held Monday through Friday, June 18-22. It will be taught by Raiders coach Randy Nesbit. The cost is $115. Info: 882-4583. ■ A golf tournament will be hosted by Sons of the American Legion at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 16, at Three Ridges Golf Course, 6101 Wise Springs Road. All proceeds will help several youth organizations in East Tennessee. Advance registration is preferred. For more information, call Josh Plane at 805-8781 or email littlemantag@yahoo.com. ■ Baseball tournament will be Friday through Sunday, June 8-10, at Halls Community Park. Open to all, Tee ball to 14U. Info: 992-5504 or email hcpsports@ msn.com.

CHS Wall of Fame Nominations for Central High School’s wall of fame for 2012 should be emailed to rlsmithins@yahoo.com or faxed to 922-4467. The deadline is June 30. Any questions, contact CHS Foundation president R. Larry Smith at 922-5433.

Cameron is CRS Knoxville Realtor Mike Cameron has earned the Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) designation Mike Cameron from the Council of Residential Specialists, the largest not-for-profit affiliate of the National Association of Realtors. Realtors who receive the CRS designation have completed advanced courses and have demonstrated professional expertise in the field of residential real estate. Fewer than 31,000 Realtors nationwide have earned the credential. Home buyers and sellers can be assured that CRS designees are specialists in helping clients maximize profits and minimize costs when buying or selling a home. Cameron, a Halls native, is a sales associate with Realty Executives Associates. Info: www.knoxproperty. com, 384-1866, 862-5454 or mike@ mikecameronrealestate. com.

SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 4, 2012 • A-11

‘Like they’re my own’

News from First Tennessee

100 years of scouting

LaDonna Madden knows a thing or two about pets. She’s worked in a veterinarian’s office and has seven dachshunds and a Chihuahua at home. Her motto at Creekside Pet Resort, which she opened in April, is “It’s a pet thing.�

Girl Scout program pays high dividends By Pam Fansler

Juliette Gordon Low, who founded the Girl Scouts 100 years ago, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (post humou sly) along with Fansler coach Pat Summitt, Bob Dylan and others last week. Low believed that girls should receive the same opportunities as boys to develop physically, men-

Shannon Carey

“It’s for them, the pets,� she said. “When you go on vacation, this is their vacation. They’re not going to jail. This is their Club Med.� And she means it. Madden has strict cleanliness standards for indoor and outdoor areas. All dogs get exercise every two hours in the two grassy, fenced, shady acres behind Creekside. “I love these dogs like they’re my own. I call them my kids,� Madden said. “I know how I would want mine treated.� That’s the secret to Creekside’s success, and with reservations full over Memorial Day weekend, it’s safe to call the kennel a success. Madden knows her business, knows what makes other pet owners happy and fulfills that need. Creekside sends photos home with pets who stay overnight or for daycare. Madden is even planning a doggie day camp for three weeks this summer, with crafts, a beach party and even a soccer match. On top of that, she doesn’t forget to give back to the community. She do-

tally and spiritually, a radical notion in an era when women did not even have the right to vote. Today, the Girl Scouts is the largest girl-serving organization in the United States with 112 councils serving 2.3 million girls ages 5-17 through the commitment of 878,000 adult volunteers with a mission of building girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. First Tennessee is proud to be a major sponsor of the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts. First Tennessee employees have served as troop leaders and in various board positions and committee positions

with the Girl Scouts. According to Booth Kammann, CEO of the Girl Scout Council of the Southern Appalachians, “Girl Scout alumnae are more likely to vote, to volunteer in their community, have higher income and are generally more satisfied with their lives than non-Girl Scouts.� Kammann shared an interesting statistic: 80 percent of female business owners, 69 percent of female U.S. senators, and 67 percent of female members of the House of Representatives were Girl Scouts. Girls represent one of humanity’s greatest untapped talent pools. Investing in them brings enormous returns to society. Pam Fansler is regional president of First Tennessee Bank.

Creekside Pet Resort owner LaDonna Madden spends time with one of her “kids.� Photo by S. Carey

nates two kennel spaces for bridge boarding for rescue organizations, and Creekside is a sponsor of Bark in the Park. Before she opened Creekside, Madden got advice from a pet boarder from another area, developing a mentoring relationship. “You need to know the ins and outs of what they’ve been through,� she said. She also visited the Knoxville Chamber and consulted with the small business advisor there. “He guided me into do-

ing exactly what I needed to do,� she said. Madden truly enjoys growing Creekside into a thriving business. She said working with animals was always on her “bucket list.� “This is something that I want to do, not something that I have to do,� she said. “It is fun and I have a fun staff. I encourage everyone to come by and see what we’re about.� Info: petresortknoxville. com. The Klenkel family – Shannon, Phil, Jason and Molly – talk about what it would be like vacationShannon Carey is the Shopper-News ing in a deluxe motor home like the one they are sitting in at Buddy Gregg’s “Anyday Getaway� general manager and sales manager. Contact Shannon at shannon@ RV show. Buddy Gregg has recently expanded, according to sales manager Rick Comans, adding a diverse inventory which includes small travel trailers. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com shoppernewsnow.com.

Exploring at Buddy Gregg’s

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A-12 • JUNE 4, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Community Calendar Send items to news@ShopperNewsNow.com

FARRAGUT LIBRARY EVENTS The Farragut Branch Library is located at 417 N. Campbell Station Road. A parent or guardian must accompany each child, except for older preschool, during Storytime and events. Info: 777-1750. ■ Monday, June 4, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5. ■ Tuesday, June 5, 10:30 a.m. – Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6. ■ Wednesday, June 6, 10:30 a.m. – Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2; 1:30 p.m. – Night Critter Paper Bag Puppets: Kids are invited to come and turn paper bags into puppets of night critters such as bats, cats and owls. ■ Thursday, June 7, 10:30 a.m. – Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3. ■ Friday, June 8, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5.

7-9. Cost is $100. Saturday morning beginner clinics will be available during June and July for $15 a week. Info or to register: 966-9103.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 Alzheimer’s topic at Brown Bag lecture Alzheimer’s disease will be the topic at the Wednesday, June 6, Brown Bag Learning Lecture presented by Covenant Senior Health at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The lecture begins at noon and is free. Bobby Fields and Patty Warner of Alzheimer’s Tennessee will speak about the warning signs of Alzheimer’s, what to do if you suspect a loved one has it, how to manage it and other related helpful information.


Atomic Horns at the Cove

Independence Day Parade registration About 20 spots remain for the town of Farragut’s 25th annual Independence Day Parade. The registration form is available at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive and on www.townoffarragut.org (link on the home page). The deadline for registrations is Thursday, June 21, or until the Town receives 95 entries, whichever comes first. Info: Arleen Higginbotham, 966-7057 or arleen.higginbotham@townoffarragut.org.

THROUGH FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Movers and Shakers exercise program The Farragut Movers and Shakers Club has already started, but registration is open through Friday, June 29, for the town of Farragut Parks and Leisure Services Department’s seventh annual free summer exercise program. Open to students in rising grades kindergarten through 12th grade, the program aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among families in the community. The Farragut Movers and Shakers Club will run through Friday, Aug. 3. Registration forms are available at www. townoffarragut.org/FormCenter and at the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.

THROUGH FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Paul Tinnel art at Town Hall The town of Farragut Arts Council has chosen Paul Tinnel as the featured artist for June. An exhibit of Tinnel’s handmade wood bowls will be on display from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays through Friday, June 29, on the second floor of the rotunda in Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Tinnel’s work is also a featured exhibit at The Town Framery in Farragut. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren.cox@townoffarragut.org or 9667057, or visit www.townoffarragut.org (on the homepage, hover over the Departments tab, then Parks & Leisure Services to find the Arts & Culture page).

TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, JUNE 5-21 KTC youth track and field program The Knoxville Track Club Summer Track and Field Program for ages 15 to 18 will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays through June 21, at Farragut High School. The program meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The summer program is co-sponsored by the town of Farragut. Info and to register: http://ktcyouthathletics.org.

TUESDAYS TO THURSDAYS, JUNE 5-AUG. 9 The Knox County Parks and Recreation Department has scheduled youth golf clinics throughout the summer at the Concord Par 3 Golf Course at Concord Park, 10909 Northshore Drive. Two-day camps for 6- to 8-year-olds are 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays on June 12-13, June 26-27, July 17-18 and July 31Aug. 1. Cost is $75. Three-day sessions for 9- to 17-yearolds are 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays through Thursdays on June 5-7, June 19-21, July 10-12, July 24-26 and Aug.

What irritates you?

From page A-2

“I try very hard not to stay irritated very long, as life is way too short to be upset about little things. However: People who talk out loud in movies, being put on hold on the phone immediately when you call a business, people on a commercial who begin their spiel with ‘Hi!,’ forget-

MONDAY TO FRIDAY, JUNE 11-15 Acting program for high-schoolers The WordPlayers will offer Acting Up!, an acting program for rising high-school sophomores through seniors, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, June 11-15, at Middlebrook Christian Ministries, 1540 Robinson Road. Previous acting experience is not required. A project exhibition will be presented at the end of the week for family members and friends. There is a class maximum of 12 students. The fee is $150. Info: 539-2490 or wordplayers@comcast.net.

TUESDAY, JUNE 12 Farragut Beautification Awards The Farragut Beautification Committee will select the 2012 town of Farragut Beautification Award recipients Tuesday, June 12. The committee will send a team of judges to visit businesses, residential entrance areas and churches to officially recognize the most attractive landscaping in Farragut. Evaluation criteria include landscape design, selection of plant material, visual appeal and general maintenance of landscaped area.Info: 966-7057.

TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, JUNE 12-28 Yoga class at Town Hall The town of Farragut is offering a yoga class 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 12-28, in the Community Room at the Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Instructor: Valerie Whiting; cost: $60. The registration and payment deadline is Friday, June 8.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 ‘War Horse’ at Strang Center The Oscar-nominated film “War Horse,” directed by Steven Spielberg, will be shown at noon Wednesday, June 13, as part of the Summer Movie Series at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The movie is free. Refreshments will be available for $2.


Youth golf clinics

Coffee Break

The Atomic Horns will perform 6-8 p.m. Saturday, June 9, at the Second Saturday Concert at the Cove at Concord Park, 11808 Northshore Drive. Second Saturday concerts are free and can be enjoyed in the park or from the water.

KTC youth cross-country camps The Knoxville Track Club will offer Summer CrossCountry Camps for two youth age groups beginning in June at Campbell Station Park. The camp for middleand high-schoolers will be 7:30 to 9 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Monday, June 18, to Friday, Aug. 3. The camp for 3rd- through 5th-graders will be 7:30 to 9 a.m. Monday, July 16, to Friday, Aug. 3.

ting it’s trash night until it’s too late, giving in to salsa and chips at a Mexican restaurant, letting an Aubrey’s coupon expire. …”

What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit?

“If you haven’t been to see one of Lea McMahan’s student productions at Farragut High School, then get yourself there next year! What talent and enthusiasm! And while we are on the subject, when is the town of Far-

The camps are co-sponsored by the town of Farragut. Info and to register: http://ktcyouthathletics.org.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 ‘Salute to Uncle Sam’ Students from Lovell Heights Music Studio will perform a “Salute to Uncle Sam” at 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The recital will honor the military, and the audience is encouraged to wear red, white and blue. Refreshments will be served (suggested donation of $1), and prizes will be given away. Registration is requested: 670-6693.

SATURDAY, JUNE 23 KARM Dragon Boat Festival The 10th annual KARM Dragon Boat Festival will be held 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at the Cove at Concord Park. Community and corporate teams may register at www.knoxville.racedragonboats.com; the registration deadline is Monday, June 11. Proceeds from the event benefit Knox Area Rescue Ministries. Asian cultural entertainment, music, food and kids’ activities will be featured at the family-friendly event. Volunteers are needed to help with race duties, children’s activities, the hospitality tent and the food court. Volunteer registration is available on the website above. Info: 742-4306.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 Mental health care for seniors Mental health wellness and depression in seniors will be the focus of the Wednesday, June 27, Boxed Lunch & Learn presented by Parkwest at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The Lunch & Learn begins at noon. Tamela King, a licensed clinical social worker from Peninsula, a division of Parkwest, will discuss mental health and various maintenance techniques and treatment options. Attendance is $5. Complimentary box lunches will be available to all attendees who RSVP by June 22 to: 541-4500.

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 28-29 AAA Safe Driver Class for seniors A two-part AAA Safe Driver Class for seniors who want to refresh their driving skills will be held 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday, June 28 and 29, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. The course is $10, payable to Ed Langston, AAA, and must be paid in advance. Participants are welcome to bring lunch or snacks; coffee and hot drinks will be available for 25 cents. To sign up: 670-6693.

MONDAY-FRIDAY, JULY 9-20 Two acting camps for youth The WordPlayers will offer acting camps for ages 8 through 13 at the Clayton Performing Arts Center at Pellissippi State Community College, Hardin Valley campus. The CreACTivity acting instruction program for ages 8-10 will be held from 1-4 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 9-13. The fee is $115. The ImaginACTion acting instruction program for ages 11 through 13 will be held 1-4 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 16-20. The fee is $125. Each camp will culminate with a showcase of performances by all students. To register: 539-7167 or www.pstcc.edu/bcs.

SATURDAY, JULY 14 Half Past at the Cove Half Past will perform 6-8 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at the Second Saturday Concert at the Cove at Concord Park, 11808 Northshore Drive. Second Saturday concerts are free and can be enjoyed in the park or from the water.

SATURDAY, AUG. 11 Knoxville Symphony Brass at the Cove The Knoxville Symphony Brass will perform 6-8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, at the Second Saturday Concert at the Cove at Concord Park, 11808 Northshore Drive. Second Saturday concerts are free and can be enjoyed in the park or from the water.

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If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be?

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 4, 2012 • A-13


Rams return as state qualifiers

The Grace Rams qualified for the state baseball tournament for the second year in a row. They are: (front) assistant coach Michael Rivera, Joshua Liford, Chandler Adkins, Preston Disney, Caleb Walker, Tanner Fee, Kaleb Savage, assistant coach Dwight Smith; (second row) David Stallworth, Luke Shepherd, Xander Helton, Kevin Scott, Ty Myers, Matt Cunningham, Bryson Shelton; (back) Zach Slagle, Chase Newsome, Coach Hochevar and Brad Andrews.

By Shannon Morris


race Christian Academy has always been committed to offering a top notch baseball program. The last two years, in particular, have proven that dedication and hard work from each athlete and coach can translate into success. Under the leadership of head coach Brian Hochevar, the Rams have learned it takes discipline and commitment to win games. In the 2010-2011 season, the varsity baseball team won the

district championship hands down. The excitement continued around the baseball diamond as Grace immediately progressed to the regional tournament. Perseverance on the field paid off once again as the Rams qualified for the state tournament for the very first time in the school’s eight-year history. In addition to a successful spring, Grace senior Jordan Hopkins signed with Division I Tennessee Tech, following Kent Jinkins who signed with

Roane State College in 2010. With another season on the horizon, Hochevar and his staff continued their commitment to provide athletes the opportunity to develop their skills. The spirit of teamwork brought another district title for this year’s Rams. With an undefeated record in district play, Grace was off to the playoffs for a second consecutive year. Every team member’s effort and determination led them to another regional tournament championship and another trip to Murfreesboro for the state tournament. Grace’s two seniors have both signed with colleges. Zach Slagle will stay close to home to pitch and play for Tusculum College, while Xan-

Grace senior Zach Slagle signed to pitch for Tusculum College. der Helton will be pitching for the University of Memphis. With continued power at the plate and strong pitching from the mound, the Rams will continue their efforts to make yet another road trip to Murfreesboro next spring. The Rams have certainly had their share of success on the diamond under the direction of their head coach, affectionately known by his teams as “Coach Hoch.” But winning baseball games is just a part of the overall equation of success. As Hochevar says, “We are

committed to offering a baseball program where the first priority of student athletes is to be a testimony of Jesus Christ in all that they do.” Whether the members of this year’s team find future success in baseball or in other venues, they will know the success that comes with knowing and serving the Lord. Next year’s baseball team will be armed with talent, along with the experience of consecutive post-season appearances. We are looking forward to more seasons of successful Ram baseball.

Grace welcomes volleyball coach By Shannon Morris

Summer office hours

Grace Christian Academy’s office will be open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday throughout the summer. The office will be closed Fridays. To schedule a tour, call 691-3427 for kindergarten through 2nd grade, and 934-4780 for grades 3-12.


Lindsy Little has been named the 2012 head volleyball coach at Grace Christian Academy. She comes to us from Union College in Barbourville, Ky. She is a graduate of Maryville College, where she was on the Dean’s List and was a member of Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society. Little is a former volleyball standout in the Great South Athletic Conference, where she was named Player of the Year twice. In her collegiate career, she holds a record-setting

1,000 kills and 1,000 digs. She has had three NCAA appearances and was named an AllAmerican team member for Maryville College. It is Little’s goal to combine her range of experience with her ability to be a compassionate, enthusiastic, intelligent teacher and coach who will make a positive contribution to Grace. We are looking forward to having Lindsy build upon an already successful volleyball program and lead the Rams to even more state tournament appearances.

Lindsy Little is Grace Christian Academy’s new volleyball coach.

CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Impacting the Culture for Christ

COMMITTED TO ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Grades Kindergarten through 12th Grade

Call C ll for f more information i f informat ttion tio ion 865.934.4789

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A-14 • JUNE 4, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

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Oak Ridge 170 62

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131 75

40 694

162 675




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11 70







1950 Western Ave. Knoxville, Tennessee


169 672



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131 62

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5941 Kingston Pike (Bearden Ctr.) Knoxville, Tennessee

129 115



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441 168


30 locations in the greater Knoxville area! NOTE: NOT ALL LOCATIONS LISTED BELOW ARE PICTURED ON THE MAP

# 609 Food City Pharmacy

# 654 Food City Pharmacy

# 676 Food City Pharmacy

2946 Winfield Dunn Pkwy., Kodak, TN (865) 933-4676

507 S. Charles Seivers Blvd., Clinton, TN (865) 457-5259

1950 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 525-6376

# 611 Food City Pharmacy

# 655 Food City Pharmacy

# 677 Food City Pharmacy

1219 E. Pkwy., Hwy. 321, Gatlinburg, TN (865) 430-9844

7510 Asheville Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 933-4635

5078 Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 689-8955

# 616 Food City Pharmacy

# 661 Food City Pharmacy

# 678 Food City Pharmacy

11501 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 692-5183

2221 Jacksboro Pike, LaFollette, TN (423) 566-2033

5801 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 584-0115

# 632 Food City Pharmacy

# 667 Food City Pharmacy

# 679 Food City Pharmacy

2799 Hwy. 72 N., Loudon, TN (865) 458-5312

741 Dolly Parton Pkwy., Sevierville, TN (865) 908-5018

3501 West Emory Road, Powell, TN (865) 938-2838

# 634 Food City Pharmacy

# 672 Food City Pharmacy

# 680 Food City Pharmacy

1130 S. Roane Street, Harriman, TN (865) 882-0117

9565 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 539-0580

4344 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN (865) 992-0534

# 642 Food City Pharmacy

# 673 Food City Pharmacy

# 681 Food City Pharmacy

508 E. Tri-County Blvd., Oliver Springs, TN (865) 435-1187

4216 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN (865) 686-1761

1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-2889

# 644 Food City Pharmacy

# 674 Food City Pharmacy

# 682 Food City Pharmacy

11503 Chapman Highway, Seymour, TN (865) 579-4728

5941 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 588-0972

7608 Mountain Grove Drive, Knoxville, TN (865) 573-5090

# 647 Food City Pharmacy

# 675 Food City Pharmacy

# 685 Food City Pharmacy

2135 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 981-4338

8905 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 694-1935

4805 N. Broadway, Fountain City, TN (865) 281-0286

# 650 Food City Pharmacy

# 687 Food City Pharmacy

300 Market Drive, Lenoir City, TN (865) 986-7032

2712 Loves Creek Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 633-5008

# 651 Food City Pharmacy

# 688 Food City Pharmacy

1610 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 380-0110

7202 Maynardville Hwy., Halls, TN (865) 922-9683

# 653 Food City Pharmacy

# 694 Food City Pharmacy

1000 Ladd Landing, Kingston, TN (865) 717-7085

284 Morrell Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 691-1153

Value… Service… Convenience



June 4, 2012


Just what the doctor nurse ordered Parkwest employee health director has Rx for improvement Only six months after earning a Master of Business Administration degree, Colleen Cole had the itch again. To learn something new. To better herself. To challenge herself. “I truly can be labeled a professional student,” said Cole, manager of Parkwest Medical Center’s employee health clinic and one whose name is punctuated by such a lengthy list of degrees and certifications that it reads like a bowl of spilled alphabet soup: ADN – Associate Degree in Nursing BSN – Bachelor of Science in Nursing MSN – Master of Science in Nursing APRN-BC – Advanced Practice Registered Nurse – Board Certified CPC – Certified Professional Coder She added the MBA in 2009 because she “liked learning about the business side of healthcare.” So it was no surprise three years after adding the MBA to her credits that Cole has added yet another degree – the DNP or Doctor of Nursing Practice, a degree held by relatively few but is being positioned by many universities as one that will replace the MSN degree by 2015. “The movement to the DNP is about producing the most competent nursing clinicians possible to meet the nation’s healthcare needs,” according to a statement by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Cole, however, explains her decision to pursue the DNP on a more personal level. “I want to be the best I can possibly be,” she said recently. “I am curious. I like to know more about what’s going on. It’s everything – it’s the challenge, it’s the excitement, it’s the learning, it’s the accomplishment, it’s the knowing that you are stepping up to the plate and taking on something a little bit harder. I want to know everything I can know about nursing and evidencebased medical practice. If I don’t live up to my personal expectations and responsibilities, I am not serving my profession or the patient with optimal care. I want to be ‘on my game.’” “But,” she adds, “obtaining a DNP is not for everybody.” “The whole program, the curriculum of the DNP, was grueling,” she said. “I would get on the computer after work by 5:30 or 6 o’clock five nights a week and stay on up into the morning hours. Sometimes I would stay on it all weekend and go to bed around 2 in the morning. The amount of research and paperwork involved was exhausting. I missed a lot of my personal and family life during that time. My family would go to a movie – I would be writing papers. The kids would have a football game – I would be at home writing papers.’” “It was a lot of personal and family sacrifice,” she added. “My family was very supportive during all this, moreso than I realized. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my husband (a physician at LeConte Medical Center) – he’s a phenomenal guy. He was my sounding board, my mentor, my editor, my cheerleader, my everything! It helped immensely to be married to the smartest pulmonologist in the area.” The curriculum, as offered online by Chatham University in Pittsburgh, required heavy reading and writing, a residency and toughest of all, a “capstone project,” similar in nature to a doctoral thesis. Cole’s 89-page project examined an issue frequently dealt with during her career in occupational health – back injuries among healthcare workers. Recognizing that the nursing occupation ranks second among all occupational back injuries, Cole set out to address the issue using evidence-based best practices. “Nurses have the second-highest occupational risk for back injuries because of all the pushing, turning and lifting that we have to do,” said Cole. “Workers in plants may move heavy boxes or heavy pieces of equipment, but they have machines or forklifts and typically, whatever they’re lifting has a handle or something to hold onto. Patients do not come with handles, they can’t always help move them-

Collen Cole checks the blood pressure of fellow Employee Health nurse practitioner April Lankford. “I want to know everything I can about nursing and evidence-based medical practice,” says Cole, who spent countless hours before the computer in pursuit of her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.

selves and they’re not predictable. So curtailing back injuries in the nursing profession remains challenging. And, of course, back injuries lead to nursing attrition – that’s a problem with an aging healthcare workforce.” “Here in Employee Health, we see various types of musculoskeletal injuries,” Cole added. “There have been so many studies on back injuries: Do we wear a back brace or not wear a back brace? Do we do this? Or do we do that? And we spend a fortune on patient-handling equipment and stuff like that. The VA hospitals have this overhead tracking that helps with patient lift equipment, but we are still having back injuries. For change to occur, behaviors must be modified. The number of lost days because of back injuries among employees is amazing. If you can cut down on that, you save in productivity, you save in absenteeism, you save in worker’s compensation claims and medication costs, and you get better employee satisfaction.” Still, Cole says, employee/occupational/business health

and wellness is her niche, whether it’s dealing with pre-employment drug screening, job injuries, wellness initiatives, or diagnosing patients with hemochromatosis and pericarditis. “It’s what I love and it’s what I’m good at,” she says. “You get involved in so many things. I know OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) rules like the back of my hand, I have to stay current on Department of Labor regulations, Centers for Disease Control guidelines, toxicology, public and community health, acute care medicine, chronic care management, and I get to work closely with worker’s comp. It is like having a little mini-emergency room or walk-in clinic. Employee Health is challenging, and we help people in a very special way. It has many rewards.” “I love healthcare and nursing. It’s been a great career for me, but I’m not done yet,” she says before adding, “I’ll go back to school for something. I love to learn. It seems everyday I am hearing someone say, ‘Colleen, what is next? What is your next accomplishment?’ I have been thinking about getting a law degree … who knows?!”

“I want to be the best I can possibly be.” – Colleen Cole

Nursing Excellence

B-2 • JUNE 4, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS Watercolor art instructor Hazel Johnson welcomes Judy Long, a new member of their class at the Strang Senior Center, who shows one of her first paintings. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Below, Mary Ellen Lokey paints on Yupo with watercolor. “The paint floats on top instead of soaking into the fibers,” said Lokey. It results in more vibrant colors, but it is difficult to work with. Additional paint is put on, followed by removal of some for depths, tones and highlights. “For most people, it would stress them out, but for me it is my meditation. You have to tune everything else out,” she said.

Joanne Arpino paints from a photo of her granddaughter, Katie Arpino, and friend Lauren when they were 8. Across from her is Ruth Ford, also painting.

Watercolor painting at Strang When you visit the Strang Senior Center, look around to see “alphabet” watercolor paintings displayed by students led by art instructor Hazel Johnson. “I have given each student two letters of the alphabet to paint items beginning with those letters,” she said. Johnson donated a painting, now on display at the Bearden branch library, of a girl standing in the library reading a book. Under the picture is a plaque and a short biography of Johnson.

HEALTH NOTES ■ A demonstration of the Alexander Technique, a practical method for learning to move with more ease, will be held 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 5, at

Theresa Edwards

Art student Mary Ellen Lokey’s paintings have been seen at recent art shows. She has participated in Artsclamation, a fundraiser for Peninsula Medical, and Off the Wall for LeConte Medical Center. Her paintings are different, using

Lawson McGhee library, 500 W. Church Ave. Admission is free but preregistration is required. Info: Lilly Sutton, 387-7600 or www.lillysutton.com. ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tues-

Yupo to paint on. “It starts out messy and ugly, but I refine it later,” said Lokey. She explained how it represents her life, how she enjoys fi xing things from messes in life, living in a multigenerational family. She enjoys painting as a form of meditation. “It’s therapy for all of us,” said art student Janet Dagley. Watercolor painting classes meet 9:30 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at the Strang Senior Center. Oil painting classes meet 10

day evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee, 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or

f r u e n m w m it h u S a new friend!

a.m. Tuesdays, and a painting group meets 10 a.m. Thursdays. Other activities at the Center this week include: ■ AccuQuest Hearing with Dr. McCue will be 1 p.m. Monday, June 4. ■ Covenant Health will present “Alzheimer’s Care and Issues” at noon Wednesday, June 6.

www.cancersupportet.org. ■ Covenant Health’s Bodyworks offers community exercise for all ages at $3 per class. Classes include Easy

To page B-2

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Space donated by Shopper-News.

SHOPPER-NEWS • JUNE 4, 2012 • B-3

Tea time at Shannondale

Beat the heat with an icy bowl By Sara Barrett For those of you with outdoor dogs or cats, a few items are available this year that may help keep them cool when the heat gets unbearable:

Sara Barrett

Critter Tales ■ FrostyBowlz’ slogan is “Refreshing Pets, One Lick at a Time.” The dishwasher-safe outer shell comes with a freezable frosty core that keeps your pet’s water cold all day. The bowl also comes complete with an ant barrier and non-skid base so your pet doesn’t have to share with insects and they won’t scoot the bowl off the edge of the porch while getting a drink. The product retails for about $40. Info: Frostybowlz.com.

■ Another handy treat for your pet this season is the LicketyStik “no mess” dog treat that has a roll-on dispenser similar to oldschool deodorant. There is a reported 500 licks per bottle, and flavors include smoky bacon, savory chicken and braised liver. Each bottle costs about $7 and is loaded with vitamins. Info: www.petsafe.net/licketystik. ■ For those pets with extra furry bodies, CozyWinters’ “Cool Bed III” may be beneficial both indoors and outdoors. Simply add water and the “CoolCore” keeps your pet comfortable and cozy all summer long for less than $75. Info: www. cozywinters.com. You can keep your pet safe and happy all summer just by providing a shady spot to relax, lots of water to drink and plenty of length in their leash so they can roam in and out of the sunny spots. For more information, visit www.aspca.org. To contact Sara, call her at 218-9378 or email her at barretts@shoppernewsnow. com.

DONATE BLOOD, SAVE LIVES Medic continues to struggle to meet the needs of its service area of 21 counties and 27 area hospitals. All blood types are needed. Donors can donate at a number of daily mobile sites or one of two fixed sites: 1601 Ailor Ave. and 11000 Kingston Pike in Farragut. Blood drives in your area: ■ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, June 4, Grand Oaks Elementary School, 1033 Oliver Springs Highway, Bloodmobile. ■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, June 4, Karns Community Club Center, 7708 Oak Ridge Hwy., old Karns library. ■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, Family Dollar in Maynardville, Bloodmobile. ■ 1:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, Pattison Sign

Special Notices

15 West


ST. JUDE RIATA DEFIBRILLATOR LEAD WIRE btwn June 2001 & Dec 2010? Have you had this lead replaced, capped or did you receive shocks from the lead? You may be entitled to compensation. Contact Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727



Emily Dempster, whose birthday is in May, was honored at the tea party. Freda Schingle pours tea for Dorris Rust at Shannondale’s tea party. Photos by Ruth White

From page B-2 Cardio Max, Mind and Body, and Senior Cardio. Visit www. covenanthealth.com/bodyworks or call 541-4500 to find a location near you. ■ The Healthy Living Kitchen Team at the University of Tennessee Medical Center has published a cookbook called “A Recipe for Life.” It is available for $35 at the gift shop or online at www.utmedicalcenter.org. Info: 305-6877. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. each third Monday at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081. ■ Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Shannondale Assisted Living Center hosted a birthday tea party celebration for residents. Honored for a May birthday was Janette Bingham.

■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each third Tuesday at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Ave. Info: Rebecca Gill, 6027807 or www.namiknox.org. ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: Penny Sparks, 544-6279. ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 5 to 6:30 p.m. each first and third Tuesday in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: Brenda Fletcher, 544-6277.

Mother’s Day at Sunnybrook Betty Worthington, Bobby Miller and Glenda Bays enjoy the pancake breakfast on Mother’s Day at Sunnybrook Apartments. Every mother at the facility received a rose for all they do. Photo submitted

40w Apts - Furnished 72 Condo Rentals 76 Dogs 318 Pressure Washing 350 141 Dogs 141 Buildings for Sale 191 ATV’s 238a Cleaning Ftn City Area. Condo BERNESE MOUNTAIN SUMMER METAL 2005 ARCTIC Cat 400 CLEANING NETWORK WALBROOK STUDIOS Lease to Purchase. PUPPY NURSERY Dogs AKC, 8 wks. BUILDINGS w/dump bed, low mi, Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo.

FOX DEN *Ow ner F in anc ing* Upper bracket corporate hom e. Cus tom built, 5400 Sq Ft. 4BR, 4.5BA on golf course. Contact Brackfield & Assoc. 691-8195

Condos- Townhouses 42 WEST, The Colonies

Instant Equity 2000 SF Condo. $106,900. Needs some work. Seller offering $5000 @ closing for repairs. Great Unit. Owner/Agent, Paula Stephens, Meese & Associates 865-470-7999.


Lakefront Property 47

INV EST OR SPECIAL. 1 Acre, LAKE VIEW, Investor Special! sloped, perked for Or Live in and repair, septic, Hardin Valley, over 2400 SF 2 Story West Knox. $90,000. Victorian. Needs Also adjoining property some work. Call option. 865-804-9641. Owner/Agent, Paula ***Web ID# 982362*** Stephens, Meese Associates, 865-470-7999.

Cemetery Lots

Rheta Wilkins pours tea for resident Ester Bare. Wilkins provides a traveling teapot ministry that reaches out to individuals and shares funny stories about teapots, devotions and is “girly all the way.” More than eight years ago, God laid on Wilkins’ heart that there are a lot of lonely people in the world and He used her love of tea and teapots as a ministry. Wilkins has incorporated her parties into a Tea Time with God Bible study.

Health Notes

Group, 410 N. Cedar Bluff Rd., Bloodmobile. ■ 8-11 a.m. Wednesday, June 6, Cherokee Mills, 2240 Sutherland Ave., Bloodmobile. ■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, June 11, Midway IGA, 7345 Tazewell Pike, Bloodmobile. ■ 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, Sacred Heart Cathedral, 711 Northshore Dr., Shey Room. ■ 2-7 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, Sevier Heights Baptist Church, 3232 Alcoa Hwy., in the lobby. ■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, June 15, National Fitness on Tazewell Pike, on the basketball court. Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old weighing 120 pounds with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and have positive identification.

WE ARE LOOKING to expand our family Acreage- Tracts 46 through adoption. If you are pregnant and 22 ACRES, considering an adoption 5 min. from Super plan, please contact Wal-Mart, off Norris us at 1-866-918-4482. Fwy. w/3BR, 2BA, We have a lot of love 2 car gar. Manufactured to give. home (like new). www.lindaanddave.com $150,000. Call Scott, 865-388-9656.


Sarah Garrett enjoyed tea and dessert at the Shannondale tea party. Garrett celebrated a May birthday.


2 PLOTS, Woodhaven Memorial Gardens in Powell. $900 both. INVESTOR SPECIAL. 865-686-1648 or Investor Special! ajplus22@aol.com. Or Live in and repair, over 2400 SF. 2 Story Victorian. Real Estate Wanted 50 Needs some work. Call Owner/Agent WE BUY HOUSES Paula Stephens, Any Reason, Any Condition Meese Associates, 865-548-8267 865-470-7999. www.ttrei.com

25 1-3 60 7 $140 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, Stv, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lse.

2BR, 2.5BA. $800/mo. + $40/mo. HOA. Cal l 8 6 5 -6 7 9 -8 10 5

Many different breeds Maltese, Yorkies, Malti-Poos, Poodles, Yorki-Poos, Shih-Poos, Shih Tzu, $175/up. shots & wormed. We do layaways. Health guar. Div. of Animal Welfare State of TN Dept. of Health. Lic # COB0000000015. 423-566-0467

Like New brick townhouse, CAIRN TERRIER 2 BR, 1 1/2 BA, Turkey (Toto) AKC reg., 1st & Creek area. No pets. 2nd shots & wormed, Credit ck. $350 dep. $700 5M, 8 wks. old, $300 mo. 1 yr lease. 865-986-0905 ea. 865-360-4681 ***Web ID# 987825*** CAIRN TERRIER Duplexes 73 "Toto" pups, 2 M, 7 wks, Wanted To Rent 82 CKC, shots, $450. Call YORKIE PUPS, CKC or text 865-919-8167 Lenoir City, 3 BR, 2 reg., 8 wks old, S&W, ***Web ID# 990639*** BA luxury duplex, 3 M - $450, 1 F -$600, gar., 2 yrs. old, grt adorable, family raised. CHIHUAHUA PUPS, loc. $995. 865-388-0610 Ret. Private Detective Call 615-579-2838. CKC reg. 1st S&W, & Author needs 1-2BR ***Web ID# 990106*** blk/tan, $125 cash. house on secluded, 865-573-6750. Houses - Unfurnished 74 private property with rent reduced in ex145 Chihuahua small babies, Free Pets change for security COUNTRY LIVING appleheads, pretty NEAR FARRAGUT. and/or light caretaker colors, S&W, Regis., duties. 865-323-0937 3BR, 2BA, $250 up. 865-387-2859 full basement/garage. ***Web ID# 987833*** ADOPT! Non smoking, $1000. Call Bill 865-680-0055. Looking for a lost Cocker Spaniels AKC, ***Web ID# 989117*** 8 wk old males, pet or a new one? Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 choc./blue merle Visit YoungHalls/Gibbs, 2 BR, 1 BA parti. $350. 322-2618 Williams Animal WD conn., no pets. $500 I BUY OLDER ***Web ID# 990248*** Center, the official mo. & $500 sec. dep. 1 MOBILE HOMES. yr. lse req. 6512 Archer shelter for the City 1990 up, any size OK. DACHSHUNDS, Mini, Rd. 865-388-2736 of Knoxville & Knox M & F, dapple, 865-384-5643 County: 3201 Distarting $350. Call NORTH VERY NICE vision St. Knoxville. 865-428-9228. 3 BR, appl., W/D conn, General 109 ***Web ID# 988018*** knoxpets.org CHA, Cport, no pets/ smoking. $750. 579-1140 ENGLISH MASTIFF ***Web ID# 985612*** HOUSECLEANING, Pups, 4 M, 1 F, F/T no nights or AKC reg., fawn POWELL, Nice 3BR, weekends. 4-person w/blk mask, $650. 2BA, CH&A, appls., team, West Knox Call 865-313-8309. comm. pool, $575 location. Call The ***Web ID# 989205*** mo. 865-938-1653. Maids at 670-0025. Golden Retriever PupVERY NICE 3BR AKC. 6 wks. 1st home in Norwood 140 pies shots. $300. 865-546community. $895 mo. Cats 4830; 865-640-3013 + dep. For details, HIMALAYAN Kittens, 865-237-4605. APR reg., M&F, vet LAB PUPS, LARGE, ck'd., wormed. $250. born 3/9/12. Absolutely beautiful & very 454-3926 Condo Rentals 76 865-633-9492; intelligent. Black, blonde Farmer’s Market 150 ***Web ID# 988449*** & rare white. 108 yr ch. 2BR, 2BA, 2 car gar., bldline, parents on prem. 4X5 ROUND BALES $850 mo. $500 DD, General 109 very well taken care of, OF HAY $25.00 no pets, credit ck. Must see your next best each. W. Knox. 865-430-4222. 865-933-3613 friend. $400 +/-. Union Co. 10 min. from 33 Bridge. DIESEL Text or email preferred FORD TRACTOR 4610, PS, or call 865-560-6866 frnt end weights, georgesparadice@aol.com 2300 hrs, stored in***Web ID# 990096*** side, no rust, $10,200. 865-566-8714 lv msg LABRADOR PUPPY, FOOD SERVERS, 4-8pm AKC Reg., yellow female, 6 wks. old, All days available Lawn-Garden Equip. 190 865-307-2281 ***Web ID# 988154***

PARKVIEW INDEPENDENT LIVING 930752MASTER West 40w Apts - Unfurnished 71 Ad Size 2 x 2 1 ACRE with 3 BR, 2 bw NW help wntd 1 BR FTN CITY, BA 1056 heated SF home, 9 yrs old, lo- $425/mo., $100 DD. Big <ec> HOUSEKEEPER, 9-2pm redwood deck, water cated at 9901 Dutchpd, quiet, credit ck. town Rd. FSBO. Asking $109,900 & 865-384-1099; 938-6424 owner will finance WEST, PRIVATE, with $5,000 down. Call Bill at 877-488- REDUCED! 2BR, 1.5BA WESTKNOX.COM 5060 ext 323 TO SEE PICS. $550 DEP. 818-693-2628. 495+ KNOX AREA FORECLOSURES $150-750K Call for a complete list! 865.291.0355 The Holli McCray Group at Keller Williams 865.694.5904

S/W, M $700; F $800. 606-354-9197 ***Web ID# 987964***

NOW HIRING Part-Time Background & drug screen required.

Apply in Person, M-F 8am - 4pm

Parkview Senior Living 10914 Kingston Pike

MALTI POO puppies FORD 8N Tractor 1950, restored, new males, 8 wks, shots, clutch, hydraulics, to loving homes. tires, paint $3200. 16 $350. 865-254-2201 ft. tandem axle MINI SCHNAUZERS trailer with brakes. Pups & adults. Ch. $1250. 865-995-9726 parents, health JOHN DEERE LA115 guar. 865-207-6199 LAWN TRACTOR. ***Web ID# 990077*** Purchased April 2010, PUG PUPPIES, 6 wks. 14.8 hours on meter, old, 1st S&W, fawn 19.5 HP. 42" deck with w/black masks, $400. mulching blades. $950 may consider best Call 865-453-8934. ***Web ID# 987883*** offer. 865-377-3081

Pre-Summer Sale

Thousands off with Clearance Pricing. Avail incl. 16x24, 24x25, 20x30 & more! 888-869-8506

Household Furn. 204 FOR SALE: LA-Z-BOY COUCH, good condition. Call 925-4737.

great shape, $4,000. 865-850-2875

Good refs! Free est. 258-9199 or 257-1672.

Autos Wanted 253 Drywall


Sporting Goods 223 Utility Trailers 255



Util. trailer, Yamaha Golf cart 1999, BOYER 4'x7', back brake new motor, 6 new lights & wiring, batt. w / charger. $699. 865-765-9171. $1500/bo. 865-454-5465

Boats Motors


A BETTER CASH DRYWALL FINISHOFFER for junk cars, ING. Repairs, trucks, vans, running new/old constr, or not. 865-456-3500 lightt/med hanging, res/comm'l. Free I BUY junk cars and est. John 661-6521 trucks. 865.456.5249 or 865.938.6915

FENCE CO. 25 yrs exp! Free est! Gary Cardwell, Owner

232 Antiques Classics 260


& the Bandit" 25' Cuddy Cabin GT "Smoky Trans Am, beautiful 250 1990, by Donzi, car, see to appreciate, 290 HP, $10,000 obo. must sell, Sacrifice 865-216-3093 Flooring 330 $9300. 865-216-4225 ODYSSEY LEXTRA CERAMIC TILE inPONTOON (NICE), 261 stallation. Floors/ 22'. Johnson 50HP, Sport Utility walls/ repairs. 33 Hustler trlr., loaded yrs exp, exc work! with extras. $13,900. CHEVY TAHOE 2001, John 9 3 8 -3 3 2 8 423-562-5173 lv. msg. all power, 74,400 mi. $9600. Phone 865220-9011




Roofing / Siding

Furniture Refinish. 331

TOYOTA 4-RUNNER SR5, 2007, 2 WD, 24 DENNY'S FURNITURE mpg, 113K mi., 1 REPAIR. Refinish, reowner, garage kept, glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! excell. maint., new 922-6529 or 466-4221 tires & alignment, new brakes & spark plugs, never been PROWLER 2001 TT 27 ft. Guttering 333 wrecked, $15,000. Lg. slide out, qn bed, 865-567-0138 rear BA, AC, gas range HAROLD'S GUTTER / heat, all hitch, levelers SERVICE. Will clean / sway bar. $8000 / bo. & back $20 & up. 262 front Exc. cond. 865-717- Imports Quality work, guaran1268; 717-645-1619 teed. Call 288-0556. Subaru Outback 1997, VINTAGE AIR new tires, batt., alStream Sovernig 1973, ternator. 176k mi. Paving 345 31', good cond. Can be $3500. 865-531-6238 seen at Fallin's RV, Whittier NC. $10,200 Volvo Wgn V70XC 2001, obo. 828-631-4455. AWD, loaded, leather, new tires, exc. in/out. $3395/bo. 865-397-7918 COACHMAN Freedom Express 242RBS. BRAND NEW! Never used. Incl. hitch & all opt. $18,300. 865-256-6111

Motor Homes


VW BEETLE Convertible turbo 5 sp., Fleetwood Bounder 2005, red, great 2002. Ex cond, 31K shape. Only 74k mi. mi., 32', always gar., $11,750/bo. 865-306-2697 2 lg slides w/awning, 2 ***Web ID# 990039*** AC, backup camera, airhorn, 5K Onan gen, convection micro265 wave, Corian counter- Domestic tops, shwr/tub, daylight shades, non-smoke BUICK LeSABRE 1999, $33,000. 865-376-5937 97k mi, clean, all pwr, leather, gar. kept, HOLIDAY Rambler $4000. 865-257-0785 2008. Cummins diesel ***Web ID# 990760*** pusher/Allison, 10+ mpg, always under BUICK LESABRE, cover, loaded, 37K 2000, all pwr., 92K mi., $75,000. Crossmi., tan lthr, green, ville 931-459-2382 or $5300. 865-922-5541 813-210-0500 ***Web ID# 988506***




B-4 • JUNE 4, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Fitness Together is working for Randy Carr By Anne Hart When it comes to being the living, breathing model of what can result from the determination to live a more healthy lifestyle,and the willingness to work incredibly hard to achieve it, no one sets a better example than Randy Carr, who has now lost 80 pounds and 30 percent of his body fat. And when it comes to telling the story of how it all came about – well, no one does that better than Carr, who won last year’s Covenant Health Biggest Winner Weight Loss Challenge and is now a personal trainer at Fitness Together on Northshore Drive. “I have been heavy all my life,” Carr says. “I was the fat kid who wore the Sears Husky Jeans in elementary school, and if that wasn’t bad enough, they were in green, gold and red colors. I was ridiculed, made fun of, teased and I was an outcast. I never did any sports, and gym class was a nightmare for me.” After reaching 285 pounds, Carr had gastric lap band surgery in 2007. He lost 30 pounds but then started gaining it back.

Randy Carr at 285 pounds “That’s when I realized that cutting back on calories and walking around the block a few times a week wasn’t going to be enough for me.” On Dec. 31 of that year, Carr walked through the doors of Fitness Together and his life changed forever. “I had a free training session. It was so intense I thought I was going to have a stroke when I got into my car to drive home. It was because of my blood vessels dilating to release heat, which allowed a blood flow rush.”

Once Randy’s body started adjusting to his new, higher intensity program, he started seeing results quickly. He has stuck with the program, has seen a dramatic change in his body and overall health, and now, in his 40’s, runs marathons. Recently Fitness Together Northshore hired Carr to train others. Even at home, Randy is working closely with his 11 year old son Jackson, ensuring that his healthy lifestyle is getting passed down.

Randy Carr training Joel Roettger at Fitness Together Northshore Photo by A. Hart “He leads a much, much healthier lifestyle than I did at his age, and he has fun doing it.” Carr says that’s part of

the challenge of being a personal trainer. “I want people I work with to enjoy what we do here and to be proud of their results.”


In addition to one-onone training, all four Fitness Together locations are now offering small group training for up to six people.

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