Farragut Shopper-News 070212

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A great community newspaper

VOL. 6 NO. 27

July 2, 2012

Farragut parade


packed with fun for all

By Suzanne Foree Neal

Free concert Celebrate July Fourth with a free concert by the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra. The event at World’s Fair Park starts at 8 p.m. and is sponsored by Pilot Flying J. The concert culminates with fireworks. The concert and fireworks will be broadcast live on WBIR-TV.

KARM needs bottled water Due to extreme temperatures, Knox Area Rescue Ministries has issued a request to the community for donations of bottled water. Donations can be brought to the parking lot of KARM at 418 N. Broadway. Staff and volunteers will assist with unloading. Info: 673-6540 or email info@karm.org.

IN THIS ISSUE The ‘Wright’ stuff Jake Mabe sits down for a chat with longtime Knox County Schools educator Dr. Donna Wright, who has accepted a position with the Williamson (Tenn.) County Schools. Wright ignores her accomplishments and instead pays homage to the mentors who helped and inspired her during a 30-year career with the school system. That list includes a “who’s who” of legendary characters, including Earl Hoffmeister, Roy Mullins, Shirley Underwood and the late Sarah Simpson.

See Jake’s story on page A-5

It looks like July Fourth could be a scorcher, but the coolest thing in town will be happening on Kingston Pike. This is the 25th year for the annual holiday parade, so break out the lawn chairs, sunscreen and coolers, and come early to claim your family’s favorite viewing spot along Kingston Pike. All the action begins near Farragut High School and ends at Boring Road at Farragut Towne Square Shopping Center. The parade kicks off at 9:30 a.m. and will end when the last of 94 entries pulls into the shopping center lot. WATE-TV, Channel 6 anchor and Madisonville, Tenn., native Gene Patterson will be the grand marshal. “I’m always surprised when people invite me to do that,” he says of riding in a parade. He isn’t, however, a novice grand marshal. “I have done it before and Lori (Tucker) and I did Gatlinburg one year and Christmas parades. This is only my second July Fourth so it’s a special treat.” Patterson’s most memorable parade ride was sitting on a lawn chair in the back of a pickup truck for the Deer Lodge Christmas Parade. Farragut officials have offered several modes of parade transportation for grand marshals in the past, including a hay wagon with hay bales for Pat Summitt and the UT women’s basketball team. Patterson will be treated just like a former commander of the USS Farragut. He’ll be towed along the parade route in a boat. “Whatever it is I’m sure it will be fine as long as it gets me from point A to B,” he joked. Allowing for the projected forecast, Patterson says he’s sure his wife will pick out something cool for him to wear – in more

ways than one. She’s the wardrobe consultant. Although Patterson lives in West Knox County not quite to Farragut, he’s heard the parade “is a pretty big deal.” Sue Stuhl, parks and leisure services director, says it just gets bigger and better with each passing year. There’s a waiting list for one of the 94 spots available in case some decide not to brave the heat. One new entry this year is the “cow train” from RiverView Family Farm off Choto Road. The farm has been in Rachel Williams Samulski’s family for more than 200 years. They raise black Angus cattle, which they sell, and also are part of an agritourism group. They host a variety of events at the farm and this is their first year in the Farragut parade. The “cow train” was made by a man in Friendsville out of 50-gallon drum barrels fashioned with kid-sized seats. A metal frame holds the eight

Quick facts ■ Parade starts 9:30 a.m. Kingston Pike near Farragut High School; ends around noon at Farragut Towne Square Shopping Center. ■ Kingston Pike will be closed from Concord Road to Boring Road, 8:30 a.m. to approximately noon. Parade detours: ■ North side – Campbell Station Road to Grigsby Chapel Road to Smith Road to Kingston Pike (going west) or Campbell Station Road to Parkside Drive to Lovell Road (going east). ■ South side – Concord Road to Turkey Creek Road to Virtue Road to Kingston Pike (going west) or Concord Road to Kingston Pike (going east). South Campbell Station Road will be open to the private road just south of the former Silver Spoon for access to the bank, post office, etc.

cars together and a lawn mower keeps the train moving. “I’ve been trying to put a wooden cow head on it, but haven’t gotten around to it,” Samulski says, laughing. The farm added ducks this year so the eighth car will hold a large stuffed duck while children ride in the others. While this is the 25th year, the

Farragut Memorial Plaza It’s all history


10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com GENERAL MANAGER Shannon Carey shannon@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sherri Gardner Howell gardners@tds.net FARRAGUT REPORTER Suzanne Foree Neal papernews@tds.net ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.

Farragut Memorial Plaza can’t be missed by anyone who travels Municipal Center Drive on the way to Town Hall or the post office. It’s an imposing site. Landscaping includes yellow lilies and purple coneflowers, lots of shrubs and lush green grass despite a long dry spell. Construction began on the land east of the entrance drive into Farragut Town Hall in 2009. Farragut Memorial Plaza was dedicated May 2, 2010. The site includes a lifesize bronze statue of Adm. David Glasgow Farragut created by sculptor Linda White Rankin at a cost of $85,000. It sits atop a tall granite base that leaves the country’s first admiral looming large over everyone. Total cost for the plaza, including the statue was $424,855, all paid for by the town. A Civil War Trails Historical Marker was part of the dedication ceremonies because the Battle of Campbell Station, Nov. 16, 1863, was



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■ No set hours, but if you want to see the Adm. David Farragut Memorial Plaza Glasgow Farragut exhibit as part of your visit, the Farragut Folklife Museum is open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday ■ Park benches

Ryan Yamazaki, a California transplant, was intrigued by the plaza during a stop at Town Hall. The cannon is the 9-inch Dahlgren used on the USS Hartford, Farragut’s ship.

fought on land surrounding the site. Both Civil War sites and the admiral bring tourists to town. The U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command in Washington, D.C., has loaned a pair of Civil War cannons to the town for display. The No. 1 9-inch Dahlgren cannon was used on the USS Hart-

A life-size bronze statue of Adm. David Glasgow Farragut towers over Farragut Memorial Plaza as it takes center stage. Photos by S.F. Neal

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ford, Farragut’s ship. The No. 2, a 32 Pounder Gun, came from the USS Independence. Farragut also served on that ship. Information about Farragut’s life is carved on stone markers around the circular plaza. There are park benches where visitors can sit and take in the impressive scene. Town employees sometimes use the plaza for a lunch break. Town representative Chelsey Riemann says the plaza gets visitors. “We do see folks walking around the plaza on a regular basis. They’re probably folks who have come to Town Hall to do business and then walk over to the plaza to see what it’s all about. The museum does take tours to the plaza if re-

quested. The most recent tour group was elementary students from Crossroads Christian Academy. The Dogwood Trails Bus Tour also brought groups to the museum and plaza in both April 2011 and 2012 on their way to visit the Farragut Dogwood Trail.” Ryan Yamazaki, a California transplant who came here for a new job, thought he was going to be able to handle some driver’s license business at Town Hall, but when he found he would have to go elsewhere, he grabbed his camera to take some photos before heading out. Temporarily living in Lenoir City, he said he’s thinking about buying in Farragut. The plaza left a favorable impression.


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To page A-6

This week: Farragut Memorial Plaza, 11408 Municipal Center Drive, next to Town Hall ■ 6/10th of an acre

By Suzanne Foree Neal

Coffee Break A2 Sherri Gardner Howell A3 Government/Politics A4 Marvin West/Jake Mabe A5 Town of Farragut A6 Faith A7 Kids A8 Interns A10 Business A11 Community Calendar B4 Health/Lifestyles Sect B

parade actually started 26 years ago. In 1991, the town decided to join Knoxville for the “Hail the Heroes” parade honoring veterans of Desert Storm. Farragut resident Jan Johnson was instrumental in getting the July Fourth Parade tradition off the ground.

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A-2 • JULY 2, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Coffee Break


“Dependable. I do what I say I will do.”

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “The ability to hear better.”

What is your passion? “To be as holy as I can in this life so that I may see God in the next!”

With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch? “My Mother and Father.”

Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why?

Louis LaMarche

Louis LaMarche says his answer to what is on his “bucket list” shows that he’s not the most exciting Coffee Break candidate. “I’m pretty boring,” he says. On the contrary: The three chores that look like someone’s “honey-do” list point to a man content in his home and life. “I have traveled a lot and lived a lot of places. I like being here.” Louis and Mary Dorothy “Dot” LaMarche have been in Farragut since 1994, brought here with a job transfer in the paper industry in which Louis worked for 42 years. Dot had a nursing career, and the couple raised three daughters. All married now, Michelle and Denise live in Alpharetta, Ga., and Therese is near Hickory, N.C. The grandchildren – Casey, Alex, Bennett, Katie, Matthew and Cammie – range in age from 23 to 2. Louis, who retired in 2003, is the chair of the board of the Farragut Folklife Museum. He says he got involved with the museum because he was impressed with how good it was, and he loves history. “Even though I have an engineering degree, I love history. My father was an electro-chemist, yet he loved antiques. I started as a docent in the museum and now I chair the museum board.” When the Civil War Trail Marker honoring Adm. David Farragut was unveiled in Farragut Park, folks saw another side of Louis. He came to the gathering dressed as Adm. David Farragut and addressed the group. “The museum had the jacket and hat, and I had the sword and pants. I was really the only one who could wear the jacket,” says Louis. “They asked me if I would portray the admiral, and I did.” Since then Louis has agreed to become the admiral again in 2013 for a Naval organization that is meeting in Pigeon Forge. The couple’s dedication to the town of Farragut can be seen in the hours they spend both in volunteer and elected positions. Dot is on the Farragut Board of Aldermen and is the town’s vice mayor. Sit and have a Coffee Break as you get to know Louis LaMarche:

What is your favorite quote from a television show or movie? “I like this from television comedian Henny Young-

“My wife! She keeps me straight, is my private duty nurse and keeps me happy.”

I still can’t quite get the hang of … “Partial differential equations and liquid distillation.”

What is the best present you ever received in a box? “When I was about 10 or 12 years old, my parents gave me a football helmet and shoulder pads. Back then, you had to have your own equipment when you played football. Like many of the boys, I didn’t have any. My parents surprised me with the helmet and shoulder pads. It was a very nice gift. I still have the shoulder pads.”

What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? “She told me to always tell the truth and look for good everywhere you can.” man, a one-line jokester: ‘My wife ran out with her hair up in curlers, cream on her face and in her robe to catch the garbage before they left. She hollered at them, ‘Am I too late for the garbage?’ The man said, ‘No, jump in!’ ”

What are you guilty of? “Putting off today what I can do tomorrow.”

What is the worst job you have ever had? “My first job was in an aluminum plant in Baton Rouge, La., in the darkest, dirtiest and hottest part of the plant.”

What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why?

“Old coins my parents gave me that they had collected over time and kept. And I love our home. There is no place like it.”

“In the radio days of the 1940s and ’50s, there was a children’s program called ‘Big John and Sparky.’ It lasted three to four hours on Saturday mornings. The show had stories, quizzes, music and many other children’s variety items.”

What are you reading currently?

What irritates you?

What is your favorite material possession?

“I am reading two books: ‘Ruff Puff, a MAT Leader’s Story,’ by Phil Thompkins about his experiences in Vietnam. And, ‘Brave Men in Desperate Times,’ by John McKay about the lives of Civil War soldiers.”

What was your most embarrassing moment? “I was late for our wedding reception. My dad’s friends took me away to get some clothes for travel, and we began to talk of old times. We lost track of time, and when we realized it, I was late.”

“All items not made in the U.S.A., especially shoes!”

What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit? “The Farragut Folklife Museum in the Farragut Town Hall. It is an excellent museum. We are lucky to have museum coordinator Julie Jones Barham. She does a terrific job.”

What is your greatest fear? “The destruction of our Representative Republic!”

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be?

“1. Pressure-wash the driveway. 2. Finish the framework for my wife’s mosaic. 3. Clean the garage.”

“Go to Jump School, which I missed during my early military career.”

What is one word others often use to describe you and why?

It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Email suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. Include contact info if you can.

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Merry mingling with a purpose Farragut Business Alliance can be sneaky about accomplishing its goals. Before you scream, “conspiracy,” understand that the combination of fun and communicating is a win-win for all.

Sherri Gardner Howell FARRAGUT FACES

Stan Gibert provides entertainment at the Farragut Business Alliance Meet and Mingle.

Meet and Mingle gatherings are held every other month by the FBA, always in a place large enough to hold 50 folks, seated, and always with good food and drink. While the obvious benefit is a chance to mingle and network with fellow business owners, the not-so-hidden agenda is to get local businesses to talk to each other, to share ideas and information, and to have a way to gather people together to learn more about the community where

they live and do business. “Of course we enjoy the mingling,” said executive director Allison Sousa. “That, however, is the secondary purpose for the Meet and Mingle. The primary purpose is to have face-to-face time with members and the members with each other to discuss and learn about the issues facing our businesses and business community.” At the June Meet and Mingle at Seasons Café, the main topic of discussion was the new business directory that the town of Farragut is proposing and will vote on in the July 12 Board of Alderman meeting. “Mayor (Ralph) McGill and David Smoak (town administrator) were here to talk about the proposed registration of businesses,” said Sousa. “It was a good dialogue and helped clear up misconceptions and misinformation.” Sousa estimates that 30 to 35 attended the Meet and Mingle. In addition to the food and venue, Seasons Café sponsored entertainment by Stan Gibert, who played adult contemporary tunes that had the crowd humming along. Farragut Wine and Spirits provided the beverages. The date for the August Mix and Mingle has not been set, but it will be at the Hampton Inn and Suites in Turkey Creek. Food will be provided by Mario’s Pizza and beverages by Campbell Station Wine and Spirits. For the date, check the Farragut Business Alliance website at www.farragutbusiness.com.

Anita Cook and Todd Kleeper of The Phoenix Salon talk with photographer Michael Broyles of Broyles Photography at the Farragut Business Alliance Meet and Mingle at Seasons Café.

The patio at Seasons Café provided a perfect backdrop for the Farragut Business Alliance’s Meet and Mingle on June 21. The restaurant provided the food, and Farragut Wine & Spirits provided the beverages.

Food is always pleasing to the eye as well as the palate at Seasons Café in Renaissance Allison Sousa, executive director of the Farragut Business Center. The restaurant providAlliance, and David Purvis of Farragut Wine and Spirits pose for ed the venue and the food for a photo at the FBA Meet and Mingle. David is an alliance board the Meet and Mingle. member. Photos by Justin Acuff

Seasons Cafe Chef Deron Little shows a sample of the food provided for the Farragut Business Alliance Meet and Mingle on June 21 at the restaurant.

Michael Broyles of Broyles Photography pours a glass of wine that was provided by Farragut Wine and Spirits at the Farragut Business Alliance’s Meet and Mingle at Seasons Cafe.



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A-4 • JULY 2, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

‘You’ve got to be there’ Tyree marks World’s Fair 30th anniversary

Betty Bean

The 1982 World’s Fair demonstrated the way politics ought greatest triumph of Tyree’s to be, says time as mayor. R a n d y And he was nowhere to Tyree, the be seen. mayor who “I’m right behind that p r e s i d e d post,” Tyree told a group Republican Party leaders Phyllis Severance, Joe Bailey and Jaover the fair of Karns Democratic Club net Testerman Crossley gathered recently to endorse state Sen. and most of members last week. “What Becky Duncan Massey’s re-election campaign. Photo by A. Hart its planning. happened was, President T y r e e Reagan had some really Randy Tyree looks back partisan remarks to make – on the whole thing with a chastised former president mixture of pride and humor. Carter for wanting to save He has a picture taken on energy by lowering thermoopening day with Howard stats and wearing sweaters. Baker, Lamar Alexander, No Democrat was introduced Jim Sasser, Jake Butcher and by President Reagan. The President Ronald Reagan ar- News Sentinel did an editoJoe Bailey has had a rayed across the dais on the rial about it. They were a little front row seat in Repuboccasion that marked the bit hacked, particularly after lican politics both locally and nationally for decades Anne – a fact that hasn’t escaped Hart the notice of Mitt Romney’s campaign leaders. They have tapped Bailey to be the East Tennessee Hey, sports fans. Let’s do chair of the Romney camment when talking about a pop-quiz to see if you’ve paign for the White House. Romney. been paying attention. Some of Bailey’s considAnd it isn’t only Romney. Commissioner Jeff erable political skills may What gets him equally exOwnby said he’s meetSandra be genetic. His popular cited is the idea of involving ing with commissioners Clark dad, the late Ed Bailey, was young people in politics, one-on-one to discuss a legendary major league some of them for the first a possible sales tax inbaseball player who went time. crease. The commison to serve on City Coun“I want to try to bring sioners should: cil for 12 years and also young men and women into A. Take a chaperone. worked as an aide to U.S. these national campaigns. B. Ensure that none of the increase goes toward towing Rep. John J. Duncan Sr. It’s a great experience fees for Comcast vehicles. Joe Bailey has made his and they learn a lot and it C. Make sure the meeting is not at Sharp’s Ridge. own way in politics, serving brings in the next generaD. Bring along a letter of resignation for Ownby to sign. on City Council from 2003 tion. I like to go out there That’s his only honorable action after his recent arrest. to 2011 and working in naand actively recruit these tional campaigns. And yes, young people to take over like his dad, he has a wealth the leadership. I set up the of hilarious stories derived framework and then let from those races and has them do it. They learn the accumulated countless issues – nationally and infriends along the way. ternationally. They interact Over the next two weeks I He has held leadership with the media and with am participating in an elecposts in the campaigns of the public and do public tion monitoring team in one Victor Ronald Reagan, George W. speaking.” of the world’s newest nations, Ashe Bush and Bob Dole, and has Bailey says he “was lucky Timor-Leste. Our 10-memalso done advance work for enough” early in his career ber team is sponsored by the Dan Quayle, for members of to work with and become International Republican InCongress and for campaign friends with the late, legstitute (IRI) which is a counsurrogates. In addition, he endary Lee Atwater, who terpart to the National Demhas worked in management at that time was political ocratic Institute and funded positions at four Republidirector for Reagan’s presi- by the National Endowment The other half of Timor is can National Conventions. dential campaign and later part of Indonesia. It is north for Democracy. He also served in the chaired the Republican NaIf you are wondering of Darwin, Australia, and Reagan and Bush adminis- tional Committee. where Timor-Leste is or what east of Singapore. trations on two occasions at “Lee would gather all IRI has been active in this happens there, go to www. the Department of Agricul- these young people in a discoverdili.com. The for- fledgling nation since 2000 ture and the Department of room and educate them mer Portuguese colony is a (before statehood). It works Energy. on what to do, like how to new democracy, vibrant in its with political parties on how Bailey now heads his spot the press and how to potential yet marked by po- to run message-driven camown company, Bailey and talk to them. I remember litical and civil unrest since paigns and be accountable Associates, a consulting he said, ‘Just look for the gaining formal independence to their platforms while educompany which does busigreasy-haired guy in Wal10 years ago. It is a member cating voters on the electoral ness development and labees with all the pens in of the United Nations. process. IRI’s counterpart, federal government relahis pocket and his glasses The island of Timor is the NDI, does similar work tions work, but this politihanging half off.’ ” part of the Indonesian is- but often in different nations. cal campaign habitué can My, my, how times have lands and Timor-Leste is on I will be an accredited changed. the eastern half of the island. election observer, monitoring hardly contain his excite-

Joe Bailey heads ET Romney effort

Summer pop-quiz

Off to Timor

there’d been such bipartisan cooperation (during the runup to the fair, which spanned three presidential administrations – those of Ford, Carter and Reagan).” Tyree was wearing a “Scruffy Little City” lapel button and said he will always be grateful for the insult – delivered by a Wall Street Journal reporter – that galvanized the town. “In the dog days of the planning, we had all these questions – ‘Are you really going to be able to get the money?’ ‘Are you REALLY going to be able to succeed?’ “Cas Walker said it wasn’t gonna work. There was a movement afoot to get a referendum, and we knew what would happen if that went through. Then came that article and it brought this community together in a way we had not been able to before.” He showed a slide of dignitaries donning commemorative T-shirts while Tyree was fumbling with his. “What you see on the far right is the hand of (County Executive) Dwight Kessel. He had stapled my T-

shirt together,” Tyree said. Another picture showed Tyree and his wife, Mary Pat, having a friendly conversation with the glamorous Imelda Marcos, here to preside over the opening of the Philippine Pavilion. “The rumor was she had 3,000 pairs of shoes. Mary Pat and I asked her about that and she denied that she had 3,000 – she owned up to having 1,060.” On the 30th anniversary of the event, he says the benefits of the bipartisan effort are plain to see: “We cleared that hobo jungle (now the World’s Fair Park). We brought about the demise of Malfunction Junction. We had one downtown hotel and wound up with four new ones. We got more than $300 million in interstate improvements that would normally have taken years. We rehabbed the Candy Factory and on opening day, we had 97,000 people – 365,000 for opening week. The city retired its debt seven years ago and realized a (wonderful) return on its investment.”

A letter to the editor in Friday’s News Sentinel calls the “Halls Shopper” a part of the media elite. You know it’s true because: A. Jake Mabe always writes about Elvis or Nixon. B. Carol Springer has a passport – and has used it. C. Sandra Clark listens to NPR weekly (“A Prairie Home Companion”). D. Shannon Carey drinks iced chai latte (when she can afford the 5 bucks). The News Sentinel published checks and information that only Allison or Tim Burchett could have accessed, attributing them to an anonymous source. Who was it? A. Tim, because things had slowed down after the budget vote and he needed more excitement. B. Allison, because she thinks she’ll get a bigger divorce settlement if Tim is thrown out of office. C. R. Larry Smith, because he wanted to insert himself into this like he does everything else. (Pass the feathers.) D. Jeff Ownby, because he wanted to change the subject.

and documenting the general atmosphere and voting procedures at several polling stations as well as the opening and closing of election centers, scheduled for July 7. We will identify irregularities or logistical problems. The U.S. Embassy in Dili (the capitol of Timor-Leste) fully supports our mission. Ambassador Judith Fergin will host us at her July Fourth celebration. Our delegation will be led by former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt and India Frank G. Wisner. It will be a fascinating trip to a distant part of the planet. It is not easy to get there. In fact, I fly from Knoxville to Chicago, then nonstop to Tokyo, then direct to Singapore and then to Dili. After crossing the international date line, it is Day Three before I arrive in Timor-Leste and it is 25 hours on four different aircrafts. MPC could have four new members, depending

on mayors Tim Burchett and Madeline Rogero. Terms of four expire this month: Art Clancy III and Ursula Bailey (city) and Mose Lobetti and Stan Johnson (county). Each can be replaced or reappointed. Speculation is building on when Burchett will fill the county finance position and who it will be. It has been vacant for several months. Gloria Ray, former Tourism and Sports Corp head, has sold her home near the Holston Hills golf course and moved to the gulf coast of Florida. Margaret Cox, who shared the house with Ray, resigned from Sports Corp on June 22 and her position has been dissolved, according to interim KTSC head Kim Bumpas. Her duties were assigned to other personnel and she did not receive a severance package.

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Photo by Ruth White

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 2, 2012 • A-5

Donna Wright heads west By Jake Mabe She has The “Wright” Stuff. And she will be missed. Knox County Schools assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction Dr. Donna Wright has accepted a position with Williamson (Tenn.) C o u n t y Schools as assistant superintendent of middle and high schools. She Donna Wright begins work July 16. She is apprehensive. Knox County Schools has been her home for 30 years. She calls it a life-changing moment, says she isn’t selling her home here and will be back on weekends, but is excited about moving to the highest-performing school district in the state. “They’re not satisfied.

They’re hungry. That’s intriguing.” Wright will take her infectious enthusiasm along. Spend 20 minutes with her and you’re ready to bust a brick wall. And she will carry with her, too, lessons learned from mentors. She didn’t want to talk about herself. She wanted to talk about them. The late Vicki Dunaway, a friend since childhood, who asked her to substitute teach at Powell High after Wright’s youngest child was born. She liked teenagers, had a captive audience and could wax poetic about her passion for history. “I was hooked.” Shirley Underwood, the greatest influence of Wright’s professional life, the voice that sits on her shoulder to this day, the person who “knew what I needed to do long before I did.” The late Jerry Sharp,

Gibbs High principal and her favorite curmudgeon, who took a risk on a young teacher. “If they’d kept me (at Gibbs), I’d still be there. It was Camelot.” Allen Morgan, Powell High principal, who pushed her into areas she didn’t think she could fit. “I had no aspirations to be an administrator. That was my biggest growth period.” Earl Hoffmeister, the former superintendent, who convinced West High principal Jim McClain that Wright would be McClain’s assistant, even if it meant she had to drop out of a 30-foot tree during a Ropes Course. The late Jim Pryor, with whom she played good cop/bad cop at West High. “I called him my work husband. When I became principal, I worried how he would respond. He said, ‘We worked together before, we’ll work together now.’”

Bud Fields collection? No comment It was a simple question: Is the Bud Fields scrapbook collection on display and is it available for research? The University of Tennessee sports information department did not respond to the e-mail or phone message. No comment. It could be the department is very busy. After all, this is July. Or maybe the question was too simple and mistaken for a tease. It could be those who make major decisions don’t think the Shopper is worth the bother. Our circulation is just 93,880. (Wow, that’s pretty good – and the website lights up like a pinball machine.) There is another possi-

Marvin West

bility: sports information people are still looking for the big books. I do hope they are not lost. They are treasures of historical significance. There’s that magic word again, history. Tennessee has some, much of it at a higher level than whatever it is we have now. The Bud Fields collection, 11 books big enough to

display wallpaper samples, includes photographs of all who played football at Tennessee. There is other valuable information, even old newspaper clippings. Big games. Good stuff. OK, I have a vested interest. I wrote a few stories. Gathering and preserving was a dogged labor of love for Bud. It goes back to 1941. There were two launch pads. He attended his first UT game. He found, in his great aunt’s basement, an old box of very old newspaper clippings. Saving history, day by day, bit by bit. Brilliant! Bud clipped Volunteer stories and pictures from the News Sentinel and Journal

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Wright helped stop what she calls the “blight flight” from West High to Webb School that began in the 1970s. West became one of the top-performing schools in the district. She takes little credit, saying “I’m a shared leadership kind of gal and we made decisions together (as a faculty). Perception changes reality.” Wright says the school exploited its rich history of graduates and created professional learning communities before anyone had coined the term. Oh, and at the time she was one of only 12 female high school principals in the state. Dr. J.W. “Bill” Phifer, the gentle giant, former director of high schools, who groomed her for her first central office job. (“We used to argue over split infinitives.”) Roy Mullins, “a gentle soul, a deep thinker wrapped in a compassionate heart,” who taught her to use common sense, but to always err on the side of the student. The late Sarah Simpson, “a formidable woman,”

who taught her to never ask anybody to do anything you yourself wouldn’t do. Wright met Mrs. Simpson, and it was always “Mrs. Simpson,” at Powell High, when she helped get classrooms set up in the then-new building. Asked about it years later, Mrs. Simpson didn’t even remember it. “That’s because she just did the work. She was brilliant. She taught me to always do my homework and said, ‘Don’t open your mouth until you know what you’re talking about.’” She taught Wright something else, too. “Honey, don’t ever believe your own press.” Wright says Simpson’s presence still lingers. “I said going in that I would never replace her. Nobody could. I hope I’ve made her proud.” She will miss the people with whom she’s worked, particularly the up-andcomers. “This district’s in good hands. That’s the whole idea. Make sure you have good

people in the pipeline and set them up for success. I hope I’ve done that. Somebody always did it for me. People don’t always realize their own potential. I didn’t.” She isn’t leaving on a bad note, says Knox County Schools will always be her home and that superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre doesn’t want her to go. She’s had opportunities to leave since she applied for the superintendent’s job in 2008. She’s been a finalist for a few positions elsewhere and turned several others down flat. But she will be closer to her two adult children and to her best friend, Lana Seivers, dean of education at MTSU. She likes the challenge waiting in Williamson County. “I’ve always been a ‘what if” kind of gal. I feel good about it. That’s how you make it work. If you don’t have joy in your work you need to find something else. I have joy.” She also has The Wright Stuff. And she will be missed.

and pasted them onto his bedroom walls – until he ran out of walls. He filled a cardboard box. And another. Bud got smart. He went to the source. He gathered photos from Saturday night waste baskets at the newspapers. “Sometimes you guys would tell me to scram.” Bud did not clip and collect full time. He became a very good student at Knox High and an excellent volleyball player at the YMCA, good enough to get college scholarship offers. He chose to attend UT. He started a volleyball team. He coached volleyball. (He is in volleyball and other halls of fame. He is an honorary UT letterman). When Bud went into the Air Force, his mother want-

ed to throw out the collection. He saved it – under his bed. He asked relatives and friends to help maintain his project while he was away. After that, he got serious. He begged and bought 8x10 pictures from the legendary Thompson studio. He got a few from the old, old Knafel studio. People gave him football pictures of fathers and grandfathers. He had some copied from early UT annuals. When the Journal went away, Bud got what would have been football discards from the library. He paid the UT photo lab for hundreds of pictures. He worked an exchange program with the Harris and Ford version of UT sports information. He gave up some game program covers and received

some spare photos. Somewhere along the way, he started snapping his own. He got improved access when John Majors was coach. The collection cost a small fortune and represents dedication and determination that lasted most of a lifetime. Just before age 80, Bud was finally ready to let go. Of course private collectors wanted the books. A former Tennessee football player, a Vol for life before that term became popular, paid $10,000 to keep it in the family. The Bud Fields collection was quietly donated to the University of Tennessee. It is probably somewhere in the sports information department. Sorry I can’t be more specific.


Blame it on Costco He wasn’t there in person, but architect Damon Falconnier’s words, delivered by an associate who read his letter, squashed Farragut’s facade ordinance for the second time. Graham Fox read Falconnier’s letter, which pointed out numerous failings in the proposed ordinance. There are very few metal buildings in Farragut and they haven’t been a problem, he wrote. The market has set a standard that doesn’t include metal structures, he noted. As he said at the April 26 board meeting, the ordinance is too broadly written. Not all metal buildings look like warehouses. A couple in town, Cool Sports Icearium and Turkey Creek Public Markets, don’t resemble anything industrial. Fox said metal building materials have changed and

Suzanne Foree Neal it would be better to address the type of metal buildings the town doesn’t want to see. As proposed, Fox said the ordinance didn’t include allowances for repair and maintenance of existing metal buildings. “The issue needs more study before you vote on it,” he said. Apparently, the whole facade mess can be blamed on Costco. Mayor Ralph McGill said when Costco presented its building plan, the company was asked to put something other than metal on its building front. “They said we didn’t have standards and they hadn’t budgeted for it, so

Riders will decide KAT’s funding future Suzanne Foree Neal In the nick of time, the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen passed the 2013 fiscal year budget that takes effect July 1 and it got a little fatter along the way. Knoxville Area Transit came out a winner … sort of. The schools hung on to their extra cash. KAT drove the majority of the discussion before the board voted with Alderman Jeff Elliot the only dissenting vote. The Tennessee Valley Authority stepped up as a good corporate neighbor and is picking up van riders at a new location, freeing parking space in the town’s Park ‘n’ Ride lot on Campbell Station Road. Town Administrator David Smoak said businesses along the route had been ap-

proached to dedicate some parking space for commuters, but there were no offers. “We’ve given TVA some options, including space at the south end of Campbell Station Park,” he said. Spaces in that area are seldom used during TVA’s heaviest van use Monday through Thursday. Van riders had been taking up 25 to 28 parking spaces in the commuter lot. With the biggest stumbling block to ridership tackled, board members were willing to reconsider cutting KAT’s $40,000 annual funding, but not without a lot of questions. Elliot asked KAT representative Cindy McGinnis if there was another Park ‘n’ Ride location. She said there was one at Cedar Bluff, but it was going to close Sept. 3 for con-

we have a metal building,” he said. Alderman Bob Markli, a builder, added weight to Falconnier’s letter and he didn’t mince words. “The best place for this ordinance is in the trash can,” Markli said. “I don’t see that this has any value to the town. It’s the worst ordinance I’ve seen. I can’t support it.” Town Administrator David Smoak said staff was only doing what they had been asked to do by the board. Tennessee towns have the right to legislate what kinds of buildings they want. “Ultimately, it’s your call,” he told the board. Since the town is about to embark on a Land Use Plan, Smoak suggested the board might hold off on creating any architectural standards. Markli said the ordinance was a “blanket prohibition on such a broad and vague spectrum” that was leading the town in the wrong direction. Alderman Ron Honken offered another side of the coin

saying, “True, we don’t have a problem, but we can’t turn back the clock. As leaders of our community we have an obligation to protect the beauty of our town.” Even if the board eventually creates an ordinance, it can always be revised, he noted. “Ordinances are never set in stone; they’re more like wet concrete.” Sometimes citizens, like Falconnier, show up and leave an unfavorable imprint. “If something doesn’t smell good, I can’t tell you why, but this doesn’t smell good,” Markli added. Noting that the ordinance has a long way to go, he suggested forming a committee that includes some professionals and look into what has worked in other towns comparable to Farragut. So, once more, it’s back to the drawing board for facade requirements and fingers crossed that no more metal building plans show up until a consensus can be reached.

struction. Revenue from that location hasn’t been good, she told the board. Mayor Ralph McGill offered a compromise: Since more parking spaces have become available, give KAT $20,000 and six months to increase ridership. “If it goes well, we’ll add the other $20,000 later,” he said. Alderman Ron Honken’s main concern was that schools retain the $40,000 allocated to them when KAT funding was cut, and they will. Mark Littleton addressed the board as a citizen, but he chairs the town’s committee that looks for ways to support the schools. He did some calculations and said on figures he’s seen, the town is paying $8 a day for each KAT rider. That same $40,000 spread over 6,900 children attending the town’s schools comes out to 3 cents a day per student. “I would ask you to look at our needs list on our website. Think about $8 per day to bus someone to work versus

3 cents a day for students,” he said. The committee’s website can be accessed through Farragut’s home page. The board approved $20,000 for KAT now and if ridership improves 50 percent, the remaining $20,000 later. While 50 percent seems like a challenge, it represents only about 10 more daily riders. KAT doesn’t promote individual bus routes, but the town has a staff marketer and will look for ways to publicize the route. It wants to get the word out that parking spaces are available in the commuter lot. With KAT funding added, the FY 2013 budget expenditures grow by $52,000. Smoak explained that $40,000 becomes $52,000 because the town holds a percentage of its budget in reserve. The total revenue is expected to be $7,519,833 million with expenditures of $6,275,974 million. That leaves $1,243,859 million in the piggy bank.

Farragut Parade

From page A-1

She was doing double duty heading up the town’s chamber and its public relations. The parade was envisioned as a way to spotlight businesses in the town. Those early parades would have been quiet affairs were it not for the Farragut High School marching band. Before floats were popular, most of the entrants were antique cars and people walking to represent their organization.


Roane County Volunteer Fire Department, Sonny Bivens; Hard Knox Roller Girls, William H. Sliger, Horse Haven of Tennessee, American Red Cross, Otis Mayes, Knoxville Academy of Martial Arts, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Knox County Democratic Party, Noah Myers, Hush Puppy’s Pet Services, Profiles Marketing Group, Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge, RiverView Family Farm, Sons of Norway Lodge 5-677, Merry Maker Clowns, Jack and Jules Children’s Consignment, Farragut High School Robotics Team, Angela Floyd School for Dance & Music LLC, David F. Foster, Allstate Insurance – Lonnie Jones Agency, Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce, Lisa Johnson, Kinney Sharpening, Farragut Middle School Cheer Squad, NewsTalk 98.7-WOKI, Phoenix Rising Volleyball Club; Cool Sports-Home of the Icearium, WIVICK the Frog, Shade Tree Sauce C. (Gunshot Sauce), Tennessee State Bank, Slamdot Inc, Safe n’ Sound Creative Technologies, H&R Block, Vote Bo Pierce, Bob Greene, Miss Knoxville Teen Princess Kerrington Grabill, West Unitarian Universalist Church, Tataru’s Gymnastics Tumbling and Cheerleading, Sun Tan City, Mackebee Family, Uncle Lem’s Mountain Outfitters, Women Marines Association, Don Acton, Sweet CeCe’s, NHC Assisted Living, Bash for Boobies – Charity Event for Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center, David Kosnikowski and Turkey Creek Public Market.

Organizations signed up by press time include: Knox County Sheriff’s Office, Boys Scout Troop No. 444, Naval ROTC Bearden High School, Farragut High School Band/Football/ Cheerleaders, Grand Marshal Gene Patterson, Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Fleenor Security Systems, state Sen. Becky Massey, Farragut Wine & Spirits, Farragut Folklife Museum, state Rep. Ryan Haynes, Village Green Swim Team, Dance Center West Inc., Coldwell Banker Wallace & Wallace, CBFO Cheerleading, Jim Hammett, American Heritage Girls, Harold Lee, Charleys Grilled Subs, Commissioner Richard Briggs; Sugarwood Stingrays Swim Team, Chick-fil-A at Turkey Creek, Smoky Mountain Military Vehicle Club, Ron and T.C. Williams, The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club Mayberry Chapter, Workout Anytime, Flip Flop Consignment, Tee Mar II Stables, James H. Miller, Shangri-La Therapeutic Academy of Riding, Jim McMichael Signs, Knoxville Chapter No. 356 Military Order of Purple Heart, Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Sir Goony’s FFC, Wendy’s Mascots, Knox Board of Education, Farragut Middle/High School Dance Teams, American Legion Post 278, Eun’s Martial Arts Center, Summit View of Farragut, Great Clips, Concord Farragut Republican Club, Rural/Metro of Tennessee Fire Department, Tennessee Valley Mustangs Club, East


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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 2, 2012 • A-7

How to be unforgettable As [Jesus] walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea – for they were fi shermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fi sh for people.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him. (Matthew 4: 18-20 NRSV)

Golf winners Michael Fuller, Mike Fuller, Greg Williams and Travis Fuller (not pictured), the winning team for the third annual Common Good Golf Classic, receive their first-place trophies from the Rev. Ragan Schriver (right), executive director of Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, at Cherokee Country Club. The event raised $55,000 for Catholic Charities’ service programs. Photo submitted

UT NOTES ■ UT’s Center for Sport, Peace and Society, part of the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences, has been awarded a $1.2 million cooperative agreement to implement the Empowering Women and Girls through Sports Initiative. The initiative, a key diplomatic effort by the State Department, aims to engage young girls and women on how success in athletics can develop important life skills and improve academic achievement. Sarah Hillyer is the Center’s director and codirector is Ashleigh Huffman. ■ Beginning this week, UT will host more than 90 students from developing countries for the College of Engineering’s Lean Enterprise Summer Program. The program allows students from different cultures to work together to gain the technical knowledge of Lean — the practice of creating more value for consumers while using fewer resources and eliminating waste. ■ The College of Nursing has received a $50,000 grant from the Robert Wood John-

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. (Maya Angelou)

I remember the first time I met him. I was a newly-minted young professional, just out of college, and he was director of an on-campus student service. The gap between us – age as well as station – looked huge from my perspective, but he made me feel as if I were the one person in the world he wanted to meet that day. As I watched him greet others, I realized that he made everyone feel just as special. “What a gift,” I mused, standing to one side and watching him. I tried to analyze the transactions that were taking place: the conversations, the handshakes, the gentle hand on U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton greets Sarah a shoulder of a gentleman, Hillyer (center) and Ashleigh Huffman (right) of the UT Center the smile and slight inclifor Sport, Peace and Society on June 21. Photo courtesy of U.S. De- nation of the head to a lady.

partment of State

son Foundation New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program. The grant will provide five $10,000 scholarships to accelerated bachelor’s and master’s degree students who are making a career switch to nursing and are underrepresented in the field. ■ In July, about 40 members of UT’s Chamber Singers choral

ensemble will serenade concert-goers in some of Ireland’s famous cathedrals during a 10-day concert tour with stops in Dublin and Belfast. Two members of UT’s Video and Photography Center will travel with the choral group to collect film to produce a documentary.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ■ St. Mark UMC, 7001 Northshore Drive, will host “SonRise National Park” 5:15 to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 16-20. Children age 4 through rising 6th graders are invited. Adults are invited to nightly fellowship and Bible study. A donation will be requested for dinner. Info and registration: 588-0808 or www.stmarkumcknox.org/sonrisenationalparkvbs.

Lynn Hutton CROSS CURRENTS It was courtly, yet perfectly natural. It was real. I would see him occasionally at university events over the next two years, and it was always the same: just the right touch, just the right words, just the perfect feeling that I was somehow special. Charisma is the word for that kind of charm, I suppose, but somehow that fails to capture it for me. Charisma tends to make the world see how special the gifted

WORSHIP NOTES Community Services ■ Concord UMC’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. The group will not meet in July. The next meeting will be Aug. 7. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments will be served. Info: 675-2835.

Festivals ■ St. Mark UMC, 7001 S. Northshore Drive, will have a peach festival 2-5 p.m. Saturday, July 14. There will be games, baked goods, peach ice cream and a live bluegrass band. All activities are free, and everyone is invited. Info: 588-0808.

Rec programs ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class 6-7

WASH ME! Summer Singing In the South Sat., July 21, 2012

Ernie Haase and Signature Sound Here We Are Again Tour • Sat., August 25th Chilhowee Hills Baptist Church • 4615 Asheville Hwy. 6 pm • Doors open at 5 pm

■ Beaver Ridge UMC will hold Open Gym Night each Wednesday during summer from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. Elementary-age children must be accompanied by a guardian. Info: randycreswell@yahoo. com or 690-1060.


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one is (charisma is from the Greek for gift), when what was actually happening was that this person was making me feel charming. Jesus walks right up to the edge of the water of the Sea of Galilee, and with no preamble whatsoever says, “Follow me,” to Peter and Andrew. And these two brothers beach their boat, throw their nets aside and scramble out of the boat to become disciples of an itinerant preacher. He must have made them feel as if they were the very people he was hoping to see that day. My day to day work involves talking to people who are in need of help of some kind. Sometimes we are able to offer the help they need; sometimes not. Sometimes we say the right thing; sometimes we don’t get it right. Sometimes we hear the deeper cry; sometimes we miss it. But most often, or so it feels to me, if we can listen carefully and attentively, and really try to understand the need, even if we can’t meet it, we can make a connection. And people will leave feeling – no, knowing – that they matter. Of course, there is a sad downside to Maya Angelou’s truism. Make someone feel judged or misunderstood or shamed, and they will never forget that either. The lesson is this: Be aware of your power!

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A-8 • JULY 2, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Fire-breathing good time at Dragon Boat Festival By Sherri Gardner Howell Sushi Spot and the HighIn the Year of the Dragon with a decade of dragon boat racing on the books, the Knox Area Rescue Ministries mixed “fire” and water on June 23 at The Cove at Concord Park. On fire for fundraising to help KARM were 57 teams, each with 20 paddlers, a drummer and steerer in authentic Hong Kong-style, 46-foot dragon boats. The spirit of competition, excitement and celebration filled the air as the boats competed in different divisions. Preliminary fundraising totals showed $114,000, with more pledges expected in the weeks following the race. This was the 10th year for the dragon boat races and the first year with its new name, KARM Dragon Boat Festival. A familiar team, the Dawn Treaders of Rick Cox Construction, won the Gold for the second year in a row. Taking the silver and bronze were Team SoNo from the

landers from Fellowship Church. Fourth place went to Cornerstone Church. Other winners included Radio Pirates (Cumulus Media) winning the Media/ Communications division, De Row Y’all (DeRoyal) in the Hospitals/Medical Services division, Polson’s Pirates (West Park Baptist Church) winning Best Dressed Drummer, PetSafe Dog Paddlers for Fundraiser Race Winner and Dragon Roasters (Green Mountain Coffee) winning Top Team Fundraiser. For a full list of teams and results, go to www.knoxville.racedragonboats.com.

The KARM Launch Point team puts the muscle to it as Carolyn Rose Rosen yells out the beat.

RIght, Tera Kania of the Pediatric Clinic Paddlers gets ready to board her team’s dragon boat equipped with a head mounted camera to capture all the action.

Fierce and ready to race! This dragon head sits at the bow of a 46-foot-long boat that competed in the KARM Dragon Boat Festival at The Cove at Concord Park.

The Threds Dragon Tail team strikes a pose before the race. From left are Tom Wetherington, Matt Hickman, Lindsie Griffen, Clint Griffin and Jay Thomas.

Left, Cheri Jump lays out the beat that helped the Clayton Homes team to a first round victory. Working the paddles are Sarah Jo Martin, Megan Duncan, Maureen Cathers, Jessica Crawford and Mike Franklin. Photos by Justin Acuff

Over 50? Time for a financial checkup.

Superheroes from Hickman, Johnson & Simmonds Insurors showed up to add some pizzazz to the festivities for KARM. From left are Christi McIlwain, Amy Baker and Angie Wilson.

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 2, 2012 • A-9

‘Forensics at Fort’ is gruesome fun By Wendy Smith As an expert on skeletal remains, Dr. Bill Bass has spent much of his career looking back in time. So the University of Tennessee Body Farm founder and novelist agreed to benefit James White’s Fort with some entertaining, but gruesome, tales of the past. Bass was the main attraction at “Forensics at the Fort,” a fundraiser held last week at Knoxville’s first home, which dates back to 1786. His talk was a combination of history, osteology and forensics, as well as a teaser for his latest book, “The Inquisitor’s Key,” co-written with Jefferson Davis. Katrina Vargas, president of James White’s Fort’s board of directors, knows that the survival of the historic site depends on people visiting and caring about it, and she was happy to use Bass as a carrot. “Dr. Bass is the kind of person who can draw people in,” she said. Many people tell her they frequently drive by the fort, located at 205 E. Hill Ave., but have never visited. She hopes to plan other special events that will give the site more exposure. “We need to make money, but we want people to visit, Forensic anthropologist Dr. Bill Bass demonstrates his skills with skulls at “Forensics at the Fort,” too.” a fundraiser for James White’s Fort, 205 E. Hill Ave. Photo by Wendy Smith

Bass talked about what it was like to live in the area around the time when Knoxville was founded. Because of the threat of Indians, fortified homes, or stations, were established to protect those who lived on Knoxville’s outskirts. Some of their names – like Campbell Station, Cavett’s Station and Singleton Station – are still familiar. Cavett’s Station was the site of a tragedy when it was surrounded by a renegade group of Cherokee Indians in 1793. White settlers were told they would be released if they surrendered their arms, but were executed instead. The victims are buried in the vicinity of Broome Road in West Hills, but the exact site of Cavett’s Station has never been located, Bass said. He used a collection of skulls to teach a lesson in osteology, or the study of bones. One was the skull of an Indian that was flat on the back. That was a characteristic of the tribe because mothers carried babies on their backs on cradle boards. Other skulls bore evidence of the murder of their owners. One was killed by a gunshot and another by blunt-force trauma. One sported a square fracture

caused by a golf putter. “Beware of who you go golfing with,” warned Bass. James White’s log home has generous proportions, but it likely housed several families. The site also has a guesthouse and other outbuildings. “I call it Knoxville’s first hotel,” says executive director Sam Maynard. Gov. William Blount asked James White to donate land for the new town in 1791, and he agreed. A grid was created and 64 half-acre lots were sold for $8 each and distributed by lottery. Robert McGinnis, curator of James White’s Fort and a descendant of James White, says that construction had begun on William Blount’s riverside home prior to the lottery. When the lot was drawn by someone else, Blount had to purchase it – for three times the price. Like other nonprofits, the fort has suffered due to the slow economy and needs repairs. Memberships begin at $25 per year, and members are admitted for free. For information: www. jameswhitefort.org. Historic preservation requires community support, says Vargas. “If we don’t have history, we don’t have anything.”

Hurry, hurry, wait What’s up with Outlet Drive construction By Sandra Clark The Outlet Drive connector from Lovell Road to Campbell Station Road should be finished by year’s end. That’s the word from Dwight Van de Vate, director of Engineering and Public Works for Knox County. John Turley, a partner Dean Rice, chief of staff for Mayor Tim Burchett, talks with Ale- in developing both Turkey sa Grant following last week’s County commission meeting. Creek and the Turkey Creek Photo by S. Clark Public Market, asked County Commission for an update at its recent workshop.

Roundabouts get second look By Sandra Clark

The traffic-slowing roundabouts proposed for Bob Gray Road (at Hickey Road/Mabry Hood roads and at Bob Kirby) may never be installed. At least Mayor Tim Burchett has agreed to revisit the plans with residents unhappy with the project. Knox County Commission deferred the project until July after West Knox County residents protested. Commission was scheduled to vote June 25 to acquire nine parcels for right-of-way for each project, a total of 18 parcels. The proposal passed 8-0 at the commission workshop and had been placed on the consent agenda. But at last Monday’s meeting, neighbors protested. Norman Shaw, a retired title attorney who lives in Pine Ridge Crossing, said a lot of people oppose the plan. “There are not as many accidents as you think – about 3 per year,” he told commissioners. “The price already has

escalated from $800,000 to $1 million with nothing done yet.” Alesa Grant of Candlewick subdivision called the roundabouts “a frivolous project.” Even a resident who could be directly and positively affected by the construction says he’s against it because of the expense, she said. Grant said the contract design engineering firm, Cannon and Cannon, has designed “showpieces” and now is trying desperately to garner public support. But the engineers are not “immersed enough in day-to-day living in the affected area to truly understand the issues.” A third resident called Bob Gray Road “a cow path” with no shoulders and open ditches. “Try some stop signs first,” she said. “This is a boondoggle.” At Burchett’s request, the commission deferred action on funding the right-of-way acquisitions. It will be heard at the July 23 commission meeting.

Sell, sell, sell!

David Letsinger also spoke. “There’s been no activity for six weeks,” Letsinger said. His family donated right-of-way, he said, and has tried to be good partners.“We’ve got an elderly (relative) living on a half done road. We would like to see the contractors come out and do what they said they were going to do. It’s hard to drive by and see nothing going on.”

Van de Vate said he also is frustrated. “We have had utility conflicts that have prevented the grading contractor from moving as fast as we would like. But the project is not scheduled to be delivered until Dec. 4, 2012.” He said the contract calls for liquidated damages of $810 per day for every day past Dec. 4 that the work is not finished. “The utility issues have been worked out and the

grading c ont r ac tor should be back on July 9,” Van de Vate said. Commissioner Brad A n d e r s asked which John Turley utilities caused the delay. Van de Vate hedged a bit before saying Charter was the last one to finish.

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A-10 • JULY 2, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Water, the world’s most important commodity By Caroline Longmire Last week the Shopper interns took a tour of the Hallsdale Powell Utility District. Our tour guides, Todd Dykes and Clint Stowers, took us through both of the company’s plants where we saw the old and new water treatment systems. After the tour, we ate lunch and heard from Roy Arthur and Nick Jackson. Arthur, the coordinator of Beaver Creek Watershed, and Jackson, the manager of Operations and Plants for HPUD, are both passionate about their jobs, which made

their speeches intriguing. Arthur spoke about how the Beaver Creek Water she d is “a living experiment” to show the relation of clean water to the number of bugs in the Jackson area. “Water is the most important commodity in the world,” said Arthur. Watersheds are like a huge bathtub where all water drains to the lowest point.

Jackson discussed the “latest and greatest technology” at Hallsdale Powell. That new technology will be helping to get Beaver Creek off the Impaired Creek list and turning it into a clean and healthy creek. The criteria are “swimability” and “fishability,” Arthur said. Few, if any, creeks come off the impaired list. Hallsdale Powell is doing a fantastic job in keeping citizens’ water clean, having no violations in more than five years. The interns were given a “celebrating five years” T-shirt and water bottle.

HPUD’s laboratory and process and control system supervisor Todd Dykes shows off the laboratory and discusses how waste water is filtererd. Photo by Ethan Sanders

Clint Stowers takes interns through the path of the water as it travels through the treatment plant at the Hallsdale Powell Utility plant. Photo by Ruth White

Behind the water pipes at HPUD By Sarah Dixon Is the expensive utility bill worth it? What actually happens in those pipes? Hallsdale Powell definitely has a story to be told. Hallsdale Powell Utility District was built at a low point, topographically speaking, in 1954. It provides public water and public sewage services for parts of North Knox County, Anderson County and Union County. However, it didn’t build a big enough facility for the ever-growing area. With its newly added plant, the entire team at HPUD has a goal to improve the water for us each and every day.

Todd Dykes, the Laboratory and Process Control System supervisor, says with a smile that HPUD turns bad water into good, clean water, meeting comprehensive regulations with hard work every day. Microbiologists are constantly testing to make sure the water is pure. Violations must be reported to the state. Even right now, HPUD has a project with the University of Tennessee’s Barry Bruce to find the right kind of algae to improve the cleanliness of the water and provide lower prices for the customers. Nick Jackson, an engineer, said HPUD

is working with UT to develop a bio-mass suitable to operate vehicles (as a substitute for gasoline). The process of cleaning the water is complex. Employees at HPUD test the water for solids, ammonia, pH, BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), E. coli, chlorine and oxygen levels. They test the water at the beginning and the end, assuring that the water is as clean from impurities as possible. HPUD definitely has a good system of fantastic employees and a smart goal to keep improving and experimenting to give the best services possible.

Beaver Creek Watershed coordinator Roy Arthur discusses the importance of the watershed, a living experiment in the area. Photo by Ruth White

UT engineering building features latest in technology By Madeline Lonas This week the interns visited the Min H. Kao Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building at UT. While most of us think sports when we think of UT, which came first – the science or the game of basketball? Just as there is science behind that flat screen you’re watching and the remote control running it, there is science behind the throwing, dunking, bouncing or shooting of a basketball game. Without science there would be no sports. Pat Summitt understood that momentum equals mass times velocity (P=MV), and that is how she taught her team how to dunk a basketball. Jenny Woodbery, a communications specialist and our tour guide, led us through the new building that houses the EECS. She showed us the building’s cool features. The walls are painted with stripes of either green, blue or a salmon

color – green meaning elevators, blue meaning bathrooms and salmon meaning offices. With the color coding, individuals can find their way around the building easier. The classrooms have motion-activated lights and glass boards which are said to be even better than white boards. As a student who will be attending the L&N STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Academy this fall, touring this building at UT was a real treat. Engineering is a big focus with teens. It not only sounds fun, but a career in engineering is one of the most promising when it comes to potential for high earnings, projected job growth and job security. The starting salaries for engineers are some of the highest of all college graduates, according to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, while those who choose other professions must work for many years to attain their desired income level. Even

A classroom inside the new engineering building features seating for 150 students, and each row of tables features electircal outlets to allow for charging of laptops and other devices used for taking notes. Photo by Madeline Lonas

though males show more interest in engineering, we saw a lot more women at the college than expected. Engineering requires discipline, skill and knowledge in order to design and build structures, buildings, devices, machines and systems. And most importantly, you have to be creative and have an imagination. Most engineers have an artistic talent, and that helps with the designing.

Visiting the EECS opened my eyes to more options for when I graduate, and gave me a wider choice of possibilities and information that I will share with my friends who hope to become engineers when they grow up. The next time you’re sitting at the ThompsonBoling Arena or at home watching a UT basketball game, remember that there is science behind the heart Knoxville has a “big town” look from the sixth floor balcony of of an athlete. UT’s newest academic building. “This (balcony) was built for parties,” joked Jenny Woodbery, communications specialist who led Shopper interns on a tour of the building. Photo by Melinda Taylor

‘Wow’ factor for UT’s newest building By Melinda Taylor On March 14, the grand opening of the University of Tennessee’s new Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer A plaque inside the new engineering building at the University Science allowed a glimpse of Tennessee honors Min Kao, major donor to the project. into the long-awaited home Kao attended UT more than 40 years ago before co-founding for the largest academic Garmin International in 1989. His hope is that students will department at UT. remember their experience in this building as fondly as he A donation of $17.5 remembers his experiences at Ferris Hall. Photo by Jacob Messing million from Min H. Kao helped to construct this technological wonder. Kao, originally from Taiwan, earned both a master’s degree and Ph.D. from UT and is co-founder and CEO of Garmin International Inc., a GPS technology company. The six-story, 150,000 square foot building houses three departments: electrical engineering, computer engineering and computer science. Each program gives degrees at On display inside the University of Tennessee’s new engineering the bachelor’s, master’s building is a drum from the first computer used at the school. and doctoral levels. Photo by Ethan Sanders

UT orange is going green with the eco-friendly touches the building has to offer. Designers used natural lighting as much as possible, making this one of the greenest buildings on campus. When visitors enter the building, they see smooth marble floors and colorcoded walls to help them find their way. The helpful and knowledgeable staff assists with any questions. Classrooms serve from 50 to 150 students, and each has tiered seating with electrical hookups at each desk. Min and Fan Kao’s gift was the largest in the history of UT, with $12.5 million dedicated to construction and a $5 million endowment for Kao Scholars and a professorship. The state matched the Kao gift two to one, adding $25 million to the project.

SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 2, 2012 • A-11

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News from First Tennessee

Catalysts for success Leadership Knoxville has broad impact By Pam Fansler

First Tennessee Bank was proud to sponsor the graduation of Leadership Knoxville’s Class of 2012 last month. As a member of the class of 1994, I know well the impact the Fansler program has had on the community. Since its beginning in 1985, more than 1,200 leaders from all segments of the

community have graduated from the 10-month program, which provides a comprehensive learning experience through a combination of monthly sessions, experiential learning opportunities and team projects. In addition to numerous business leaders, classes have included 150 educators, nearly 50 physicians, more than 100 government officials, close to 50 religious leaders, 100 nonprofit heads, 40 arts representatives and nearly 75 of the community’s most active volunteers. The curriculum is based on eight “cornerstones” essential to 21st century leaders –practical skills which include the understanding

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of interpersonal and group dynamics, ability to create a common vision and collaborative approaches to decision making. Real community issues are used to enhance participants’ understanding of their community as well as to reinforce the importance of 21st century leadership skills and processes and how they are needed to deal effectively with those issues. Earlier this spring, the Mayors’ Leadership Luncheon, hosted by Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero and Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett, drew 750 community members to hear keynote speaker Gov. Bill Haslam. The governor noted that he and Rogero were both members of the Leadership Knoxville Class of 1992. At the luncheon, the 2012 Leadership Knoxville Distinguished Alumni Award was presented to

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head coach emeritus Pat Summitt, a member of the Class of 1988. Leadership Knoxville’s reach extends beyond its graduates. It also sponsors communitywide workshops on topics of interest and provides specially-trained facilitators to assist community groups in reaching their optimum performing level. Leadership Knoxville facilitators have worked with more than 400 entities, including nonprofit boards, civic committees and commissions, governmental bodies, religious groups and administrative staffs in the greater Knoxville area. This fall, Leadership Knoxville will introduce the Class of 2013, whose members will continue to fulfill the LK goal of serving as “catalysts for positive change” in the greater Knoxville area.

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Pilot boosts diabetes research Pilot customers donated $11,465 to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation through Pilot’s “sneaker sales” program. The JDRF is the leader in research leading to a cure for Type 1 diabetes. At the Northshore Pilot are sisters Emmy and Clara Castleberry (Clara has Type 1 diabetes) and (back) Keith Maner, Pilot facility revenue/marketing manager; Teresa Johnson, manager of Pilot at 7686 Northshore; Danny Fleming, Pilot regional manager; and Margaret Cooper, Pilot representative for JDRF. Photo submitted

Connecting with people Scott Sepulveda loves to fi x cars, but he also loves connecting with people. That’s why he brought his family to East Tennessee.

Shannon Carey “I find all the people really nice,” he said. “We were Scott Sepulveda, owner of looking for a better place to ProCare Automotive. Photo by raise a family.” S. Carey Sepulveda grew up in Long Island, N.Y. At age 15, he bought his first car, a cian, a mechanic, managed fi xer-upper that he tinkered a tire store, then opened a with all summer. Then, he tire and auto repair shop in got a job pumping gas. That Florida. Five years ago, the Sepuljob became an auto-repair vedas came to Tennessee. job at the same gas station. Along the way, he’s been a Scott ran an auto repair shop wheel alignment techni- in Oak Ridge, then sold the

store and took six months off. He found a shop space available in Halls and opened there earlier this year. All in all, Sepulveda enjoys owning his own business. He calls it “putting down roots” and says he never has a problem building and keeping his customer base. He likes people, and he loves cars. “I feel a sense of worth when I fi x somebody’s car,” he said. For those getting started in their own businesses, Sepulveda recommends keeping an eye on the expense line. “Figure it out before you buy something,” he said. “That’s huge. You can buy, buy buy, and then you have to pay for it.” Info: 377-4069.



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Gerdau boosts Love Kitchen Love Kitchen co-founders, twins Ellen Turner and Helen Ashe (front), accept a donation of more than 1,000 pounds of food from Gerdau Knoxville Construction Products employees Lisa Bryson, Larry Snyder, Paul Roach and Emily Moore. The donation, a result of a Gerdau employee food drive, will help the Love Kitchen provide meals and emergency food for the homebound, homeless and unemployed in East Knoxville. Photo submitted

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A-12 • JULY 2, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Rural/Metro adds technology Rural/Metro has introduced intubation technology into its ambulances, making it easier to open and maintain a patient’s airway in an emergency. The King Vision video laryngoscope was introduced in a trial number of Rural/Metro ambulances last week, but will soon roll out to Knox County’s entire 49-ambulance fleet. The laryngoscope uses LED digital display technology to magnify the airway and project it on a screen at the paramedic’s eye level for better visualization. The blade portion of the device, which is inserted into the airway to introduce the tube for breathing, has a camera lens attached. The image is then relayed to a screen on the handle of the device. This allows for faster, more accurate placement of breathing tubes to maintain an open airway.

Caregiver seminar A caregiver seminar will be held 10 a.m. Thursday, July 5, at Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. Caregiver facilitator Robert Coyne will discuss how to cope with the physical, emotional and psychological pressures of caregiving for a loved one. Info or to register: 690-6693.


It’s what we do. 10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 • 218-WEST

Red, White & Blues Festival grows on By Suzanne Foree Neal The biggest change for the third annual Red, White & Blues Festival this year will be parking. Don’t look for access on the grass as in years past. This time, partygoers are being asked to park at nearby businesses. Otherwise, things are getting grander for the pre-Independence Day celebration on the grass along Kingston Pike across from First Tennessee Bank and Concord Veterinary Hospital. The fun starts at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 3, and doesn’t end until 10. It’s a family-friendly event with something for all ages. Put on by the Farragut Business Alliance and town of Farragut, the presenting sponsor this year is TDS Telecom. Admission is $5 for adults, $2 for children under 12. Food vendors include Archer’s BBQ, Meksiko, Mario’s Pizza and Grill, Newk’s, Shrimp Dock, Scoop’d, Blindly Perfect and Oskies. Plates are $7. Adult beverages are provided by Dixie Lee Wine and Liquors and Farragut Wine & Spirits; beer by Smoky Mountain Brewery; margaritas by Cordina; and wine by Fetzer. Featured band is Dishwater Blonde with warm up by Pro Audio Mobile DJs. During the band’s intermission there will be a watermelon eating contest with some special judges and booth workers including Farragut Mayor Ralph McGill, state Rep. Ryan Haynes, Farragut Aldermen Ron Honken and Jeff Elliot, Town Administrator David Smoak, Assistant Town Administrator Gary

Palmer and Knox County Commissioner Richard Briggs. Farragut Business Alliance Executive Director Allison Sousa says, “I have done a lot of special events but never been involved with an event that involves as much in infrastructure. I don’t think people realize all the things happening in the background making this event happen. I’m so impressed with volunteers who focus to get this thing going.� Sousa says there will be more food vendors, the evening will start later and end later. “It was so hot last year and couples wanted it to go later with the band so they could dance under the lights,� she adds. There also will be more events for children, including a wading space, face painting, and Allied Music is bringing some instruments for children to try. “Maybe they’ll even find something they like to play,� Sousa says. This year’s silver sponsor is BB&T; community sponsors are Allied Music, Hampton Inn, Turkey Creek Public Market, and Dixie Lee Farmers Market at Renaissance is sponsoring the watermelon-eating contest. Other sponsors include i105.3 WFIV, Lenoir City Utilities Board, Dayton’s Pest Control, Doug and Brenda Horne, Event Rentals by Rothchild and farragutpress. While she’s looking forward to the event, Sousa says part of her will be glad when it’s over. “The learning curve on this one has been a big one. I’m impressed,� she says.

FARRAGUT NOTES ■Farragut Lions Club meets 6:30 p.m. each second and fourth Tuesday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road. ■Farragut Rotary Club meets at noon each Wednesday at Fox Den Country Club. ■Free budget classes are held from noon to 1 p.m. each third Thursday at the Good Samaritan Center, 119 A. St. in Lenoir City. Everyone is invited. No preregistration is required. Info: annaseal@ credibility.org. ■Memoir Writing Group meets 7 p.m. each second Thursday at Panera Bread, 733 Louisville Road. ■West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.

An act of love Grace Christian Academy 4th grader Abigail Kelley had more than 10 inches cut from her hair to donate to Locks of Love. “She was nervous about getting her hair cut,� said her mom, Heather, “but she is so excited to know that her donation will help a child who really needs it.� Locks of Love is a nonprofit that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged kids who suffer from longterm medical hair loss. Info: www.locksoflove.org. Photo submitted

Learning from a master By Wendy Smith Dancers are trained to be quick on their feet. But during Valery Lantratov’s master class last week at Studio Arts for Dancers, their minds had to be even quicker. Lantratov, founder of the Russian National Ballet Foundation, is conducting classes all over the eastern U.S. this summer. The goal of the tour, says manager Laura Lee, is to spread appreciation for Russian arts and culture. Studio Arts owner Lisa McKee has another objective. She wants to expose her students to as many different teachers as possible. “The more they’re exposed to, the better they’re able to adapt to high stress situations like auditions, or even job interviews,� she says. Two four-day intensive guest artist workshops held at the studio in June had already given students the opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals. The fast pace of Lantratov’s classes, which were offered to both lower and upper level students, challenged all of them. “They learn to be quick HOUSEKEEPING

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Rachel Mitchell, Katie Fowlkes, Chloe Givens, Marilyn Sease, Brenna Featherston, and Michael Stokes participate in a master class taught by Valery Lantratov, founder of the Russian Ballet Foundation, at Studio Arts for Dancers in Rocky Hill. Photo submitted

studies. He says it once, and you do it.� Because the language of ballet is French, the dancers were able to understand Lantratov, who has limited English. Understanding French spoken with a Russian accent was a challenge, says McKee. But the opportunity to be taught by Lantratov was “truly a gift.� Like many other Russian dancers, he is an adherent of the Vaganova technique, which emphasizes dancing with the entire body. It is the oldest, purest form of ballet, she says, while American instruction tends to be a mixture of techniques. Lantratov’s distinguished career includes experience with several prominent companies, including the Kremlin Ballet and the Moscow Stanislavski Ballet. He has toured internationally with Rudolph Nureyev and recently danced the role of Czar Nicholas II in an international production of a new ballet, “Rasputin.� In 1997, Russian president Boris Yeltsin named Lantratov “People’s Artist of Russia,� the Russian Federation’s

highest artistic honor. Julie Cox, who teaches at Studio Arts, attended the class for advanced students. She has taken Royal Academy of Dance classes and says Russian ballet is more delicate, with lower arms. She sees value in being exposed to multiple techniques. “As a dancer, you have to learn to adapt. That’s what makes dance you – the adaptation.� Members of Go! Contemporary Dance Works also participated in the class. McKee is the founder and artistic director of the nonprofit company, which she created to give local dancers more opportunities to perform. When the classes at Studio Arts were over, Lantratov said the students were very good and a credit to their teachers. He’d like to see improvement on their arm placement, though. McKee was open to his suggestions. Her teachers also attended the classes, and she will encourage them to follow through with his advice. “It takes more than one class to learn,� she says.

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 2, 2012 • A-13


iPad initiative

A world at your fingertips By Shannon B Sh Morris M i Technology is impacting every area Student Michael Johnson of life, seemingly faster than we can uses an iPad. Photo by Shankeep up with it. Schools must keep non Johnson their students as up-to-date as possible in order to prepare them for the future. One of the most exciting technological advances in recent years is the iPad, a device that provides an amazing link to resources as well as access to current information technology. The iPad is similar to a small laptop computer, but with amazing size, speed and portability, providing easy access to the Internet and to thousands of educational apps. With that in mind, Grace Christian Academy is excited to announce a brand new technology initiative that will give all students access to this resource. The goal is that each student will become familiar with the iPad technology as a resource in the learning environment. Randy Down, high school principal says, “This technology gives our teachers a chance to teach across curricula, making lessons applicable from one class to another through several apps available through Apple. Teachers will be able to track and monitor a student’s progress more rapidly, identifying areas where additional instruction is necessary.” Beginning in spring 2013, students in grades 9 and 10 will be required to have an iPad II or III for use in class each day. Phase Two of the iPad implementation will continue in the fall of 2013, when all students in grades 8-12 and high school student will be using will be included. When these two phas- iPads in the classroom, for research es are complete, every middle school and for homework assignments.

Safety first! By Shannon Morris Safety is a top priority at Grace Christian Academy. Feeling secure in the classroom is certainly important; however, Grace ensures students are safe long before the school bell rings. It is essential to our parents, school faculty and staff that our students are protected from potential traffic hazards on the way to and from school. That is why Grace’s Safety Patrol team, made up of 5th grade students, takes their job seriously as leaders on campus. The job requires a strong commitment, as these students arrive to school earlier than others and stay later than most.

AAA of East Tennessee recognizes the qualities these students must demonstrate in order to be chosen for the Safety Patrol. They say maturity, reliability and the ability to follow rules while respecting others is of utmost importance. In recognition of a year full of dedication and hard work from the safety patrol teams across the state, AAA of East Tennessee sponsors a safety patrol trip to Washington D.C. Grace students, along with 1,500 other students from East Tennessee made their way to the nation’s capital June 1. Grace’s 2011-2012 Safety Patrol team visited the Udvar-Hazy Space Museum, the National Zoo of Washington,


al method, students will have more opportunities to develop a working knowledge of e-books, research, publishing and communication systems that are available. Melissa McCallen, Grace’s Technology Integration Specialist, says, “Teachers will teach their content area objectives through new and engaging activities with a focus on student-driven learning using technology to communicate and convey ideas in meaningful ways.” By using iPads, Grace students will literally have a world of information at their fingertips. This exciting development demonstrates the effort of Grace Christian Academy to continually add innovative methods and the newest technology to further enhance the learning environment. Students will also be prepared and equipped in the ethical and moral use of technology. We are all aware of the fact that new technologies bring incredible benefits, but they can also open the door for misuse and abuse. At Grace, we plan on teaching about the responsible use of this hands-on technology so that students will be fully informed about the incredible benefits as well as any potential dangers. Armed with this latest educational advancement, future Grace graduates will be better prepared in the rapidly expanding realm of technology, gaining an understanding of its benefits and uses, as well as how it can be incorporated into college work and in the job market. As a result, Grace stuUse of iPads in the classroom will dents will be better equipped to make specifically target English, science a difference in their world, a world and math. With this new education- that is always growing and changing.

Fifth grade Safety Patrol trip to Washington, D.C. Photo by Julie Bass

D.C., the Smithsonian Institute, and Mount Vernon. The U.S. Capitol visit was also a highlight when they met with U.S. Rep. John Duncan, Jr. and sat in the House of Representa-

tives. Students also visited the White House, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and the Vietnam Memorial, as well as the newest World War II Memorial which stands in front of the

Washington Monument. The 56th Annual AAA Safety Patrol trip was a huge success for our 5th graders at Grace. What a thrilling reward these students received for a year of service!

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A-14 • JULY 2, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

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# 609 Food City Pharmacy

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# 676 Food City Pharmacy

2946 Winfield Dunn Pkwy., Kodak, TN (865) 933-4676

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1950 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 525-6376

# 611 Food City Pharmacy

# 655 Food City Pharmacy

# 677 Food City Pharmacy

1219 E. Pkwy., Hwy. 321, Gatlinburg, TN (865) 430-9844

7510 Asheville Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 933-4635

5078 Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 689-8955

# 616 Food City Pharmacy

# 661 Food City Pharmacy

# 678 Food City Pharmacy

11501 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 692-5183

2221 Jacksboro Pike, LaFollette, TN (423) 566-2033

5801 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 584-0115

# 632 Food City Pharmacy

# 667 Food City Pharmacy

# 679 Food City Pharmacy

2799 Hwy. 72 N., Loudon, TN (865) 458-5312

741 Dolly Parton Pkwy., Sevierville, TN (865) 908-5018

3501 West Emory Road, Powell, TN (865) 938-2838

# 634 Food City Pharmacy

# 672 Food City Pharmacy

# 680 Food City Pharmacy

1130 S. Roane Street, Harriman, TN (865) 882-0117

9565 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 539-0580

4344 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN (865) 992-0534

# 642 Food City Pharmacy

# 673 Food City Pharmacy

# 681 Food City Pharmacy

508 E. Tri-County Blvd., Oliver Springs, TN (865) 435-1187

4216 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN (865) 686-1761

1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-2889

# 644 Food City Pharmacy

# 674 Food City Pharmacy

# 682 Food City Pharmacy

11503 Chapman Highway, Seymour, TN (865) 579-4728

5941 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 588-0972

7608 Mountain Grove Drive, Knoxville, TN (865) 573-5090

# 647 Food City Pharmacy

# 675 Food City Pharmacy

# 685 Food City Pharmacy

2135 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 981-4338

8905 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 694-1935

4805 N. Broadway, Fountain City, TN (865) 281-0286

# 650 Food City Pharmacy

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300 Market Drive, Lenoir City, TN (865) 986-7032

2712 Loves Creek Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 633-5008

# 651 Food City Pharmacy

# 688 Food City Pharmacy

1610 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 380-0110

7202 Maynardville Hwy., Halls, TN (865) 922-9683

# 653 Food City Pharmacy

# 694 Food City Pharmacy

1000 Ladd Landing, Kingston, TN (865) 717-7085

284 Morrell Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 691-1153

Value… Service… Convenience



July 2, 2012


A pioneer’s heart

Knoxville man makes history as Parkwest’s first TAVR patient At 88, Roy Ogle became a “This served several purpioneer. poses,” said Stouffer. “First, Of course, he didn’t the Edwards proctors had the Edwards SAPIEN have a lot of choices. With chance to review all of the inTranscatheter Heart Valve the aortic valve of his formation on our proposed paOnce delivered to the heart closing in, Ogle was tients and assess our capabilsite of the patients running out of breath, out diseased native valve, ity to evaluate patients as posthe Edwards SAPIEN of options and out of time. sible candidates for the TAVR. Valve is expanded with a balloon and Once accustomed to It also allowed us to learn begins to work walking three miles a day, immediately from physicians who have perhe soon found himself formed hundreds of TAVRs as gasping for air after taking part of the trial leading to its only a few steps from his approval by the FDA. The proDiseased (calcified) front door in Farragut cess by which every patient native aortic valve Commons. should be navigated through Imaging guidance is used to help with visualization “I couldn’t walk to the during the procedure to ensure optimal delivery via the initial evaluation, surgery, the femoral artery, as well as placement of the valve. street without getting out discharge and follow-up was of breath,” said Ogle. “I During the procedure, the valve is crimped down to the specifically emphasized. Fiapproximate diameter of a pencil and then delivered into didn’t really feel bad – I nally, we had the opportunity the body via the RetroFlex 3 delivery system, a catheter that is inserted into the femoral artery in the upper thigh. just couldn’t do anything. for ‘hands-on’ placement of My breath was just getting these valves in a very highshorter and shorter.” tech simulator.” Retroflex 3 valve delivery system Even worse, Ogle’s Meanwhile, back in Knox(expanded on balloon, left, aortic valve had become so crimped, right) ville, Roy Ogle sat in his rehardened that he was not cliner, working his puzzle books a candidate for the usual and waiting to hear if he would fi x – open heart surgery. be approved for the surgery. In short, his condition was “He wasn’t nervous at all. “inoperable.” He was perfectly calm, and I So when surgeons at Parkwest was too,” said Katy Ogle. “The Medical Center offered him hope toughest part was waiting for it through a procedure known to happen.” as transcatheter aortic valve Roy Ogle, recalling the replacement (or TAVR for short), intense pain his wife had Ogle was ready – even if Parkwest’s following her open heart surgery new $2.2 million TAVR operating in 1995, said his surgery was room wasn’t. virtually painless, except for a “The day we heard about this, large intravenous tube placed you could hear them hammering in his jugular vein. “That’s down the hall,” said Ogle’s wife, the only pain I had,” he said Katy. “They were still building the incredulously. “I didn’t have any operating room for it.” pain from the operation at all. “The toughest part was the Nurses offered me pain pills, waiting,” said Ogle, who spent the but I really didn’t need any. I interim pretty much confined to wasn’t hurting.” his recliner and working his way “Dr. Stouffer came into Roy’s through four find-a-word puzzle room in CCU that afternoon books. with his nurse and was taking But on June 6 – five days after pictures of Roy, Roy and me, his 88th birthday and one month him and Roy, Roy and his shy of the Ogles’ 66th wedding nurse,” said Katy Ogle. “He was anniversary – Roy Ogle made like a kid at a party. He was just history, becoming Parkwest’s firstso excited.” ever TAVR patient in a four-hour Stouffer admits that surgery so successful that he was Ogle’s surgery was reason for out of the hospital within four days celebration. Not only did it give and driving two days after that. the Ogles more – and better – Although performed in Europe time together, but it also signals for a decade, TAVR is still so that there is now an alternative rare in the United States (less available to others like Roy Ogle than 10 percent of aortic valve Roy and Katy Ogle will mark their 66th anniversary July 6. Roy, who worked his way through four puzzle books who are running out of breath replacements) it’s available at only before the surgery, says the waiting was the hardest part. Illustration courtesy of Edwards Lifesciences and options. about 150 hospitals nationwide. Since Ogle’s surgery, Parkwest is the only Knoxville hospital to “Certainly the pain is more significant deploy the valve once it’s positioned Parkwest has successfully completed offer it. and activities more limited after an open- correctly. The third and fourth physicians three more TAVR operations, but Stouffer The procedure, most often reserved heart operation, but TAVR is still a big help with each of these steps as well as emphasizes any hope of TAVR routinely for elderly patients like Ogle, involves operation, just with a little incision,” said with the interpretation of the X-ray and replacing open heart surgery is “not in the replacing the diseased aortic valve with Stouffer, adding that it should not be angiographic images,” Stouffer explained. foreseeable future.” a collapsible prosthetic fashioned from viewed as merely an alternative to open “As our experience grows, we will be able to “This technology is still in its infancy the valve of a cow. The valve, designed by heart surgery. perform the TAVR with one cardiothoracic and long-term data are not yet available,” California-based Edwards Lifesciences Patients must meet strict criteria before surgeon and one cardiologist for each case. he said. “I do feel that as experience and approved by the Food and Drug being deemed suitable for TAVR by both The unique and exciting thing about this grows and the technology improves, more Administration just last year, can collapse people with valve disease will be treated to the diameter of a pencil. It is guided to the doctors and Edwards Lifesciences. operation is that it allows the cardiologist with this less invasive, transcatheter the heart through a catheter inserted into Furthermore, the procedure – performed and the cardiothoracic surgeon to work approach.” the femoral artery through a small incision in a modern, hybrid operating room side by side for the benefit of the patient. Because there is no long-term data with sophisticated imaging equipment For the first time, the skill sets of each of in the groin. available, it’s not known how long Ogle’s In comparison to the rigors of open – requires a multidisciplinary team of these specialties are overlapping.” new prosthetic valve will last. For now, Before performing Ogle’s surgery, however, it’s given Roy and Katy Ogle heart surgery, TAVR may seem mild. Dr. doctors (two cardiothoracic surgeons, Chadwick Stouffer, the cardiothoracic two interventional cardiologists and a Stouffer and the rest of the TAVR team – the comfort of knowing they’ll be able to surgeon who led the team of physicians cardiac anesthesiologist) who must work Dr. Lee Collins, Dr. Nicholaos Xenopoulos, celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary Dr. Mike Ayres and Dr. Thomas Pollard July 6. during Ogle’s surgery, agrees the recovery as “interchangeable parts.” “For each of the cases, there is a – flew to California with Ogle’s records time can be briefer but emphasizes TAVR “The doctors told Roy he was a pioneer,” is still serious surgery performed while the primary operator whose job is to position for patient evaluation and fundamentals beamed Katy Ogle. “I’m just glad to have heart continues to beat. the valve. The secondary operator helps training by Edwards’ proctors. him a few more years.”

All Heart. All Here. No longer does getting treatment for the most complex heart problems mean going somewhere else.

Covenant Health is East Tennessee’s first and only health system to offer the innovative TAVR procedure for replacing heart valves in patients who cannot have open-heart surgery. Procedures will be performed at Parkwest Medical Center in a new $2.6 million surgical suite designed specifically for minimally invasive cardiac procedures.


When it comes to your heart, the physicians and hospitals of Covenant Health provide the most advanced cardiac services in the region. Together, we’re all heart. And all here.

Fort Loudoun Medical Center Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center LeConte Medical Center Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge

Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System Parkwest Medical Center Roane Medical Center


B-2 • JULY 2, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Coal: a diamond in the rough The HALT program (Humans and Animals Learning Together) usually has great success finding forever homes for its canine graduates.

A recent graduate of HALT, Coal is estimated to be less than 2 years old. His favorite past time is playing outdoors. Although he does have basic manners, he will need additional crate training. He does not like to be left alone and will need a lot of family interaction. He’s a Sara pretty special little guy. Barrett According to HALT publicity coordinator Penny Williams, Coal “is an expert escape artist and does need Coal, a graduate of the HALT to be monitored.” During program, is ready to practice his time with HALT, he has his newly-learned manners. discovered how much fun it Each dog is hand-picked Photo submitted is to play with other dogs, from Young-Williams Animal Shelter and paired on a leash and say “please” so an additional dog would be a plus. with an at-risk teen who and “thank you.” Sort of. But Coal is an exception. If you or someone you will teach it basic manners. By the time a dog gradu- He is very polite but is still know may want to give Coal ates from the program, it searching for that perfect a chance, give Robin a call will be able to walk politely family to call his own. at 679-9933 or 693-5540.

Critter Tales

Nan Crowder, Jean Mitchell and Nancy Stephens

Strang grubbers at Parkside Grill Strang Senior Center’s grub club met at Parkside Grill on June 26 to enjoy each other’s company and try out this month’s restaurant. They meet 12:45 p.m. every fourth Tuesday at a different restaurant.

Theresa Edwards

“Anybody who wants to come is welcome,” said head grubber JoAnn Matthews. She explained it Emily Loper and husband Marion Loper are new visitors to the is best to call the Strang grub club. Center to verify the name of the restaurant and to RSVP so they know how many seats to reserve. “We usually have more than 10 people come,” said Matthews. But there have been as few as two in bad weather and sometimes 21 to 26 people. The grub club is a good way to meet new people and try out different restaurants, according to member Betty Williams. The grub club plans to meet 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, at Abuelo’s in Turkey Creek. RSVP to 670Betty Williams sits by head grubber JoAnn Matthews who 6693 if you plan to attend. leads the group.

‘Fur’ a good cause

Groomers from all over the eastern part of the country got together recently in Knoxville for this year’s Pet Stylists Super Show. The dogs entered the show looking normal and left looking like a page from a fairy tale. Specifically, look at Cindy Oliver’s dog, Paisley, whose fur was trimmed and dyed to look like images of Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket. Oliver won first place in the Creative Grooming Competition. All proceeds from the event went to Young-Williams Animal Center. Info: www.petstylistsoftennessee.com. Photo submitted

HEALTH NOTES ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee, 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday


evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org. ■ Covenant Health’s Bodyworks offers community exercise for all ages at $3 per class. Classes include Easy Cardio Max, Mind and Body, and Senior Cardio. Visit www.covenanthealth.com/ bodyworks or call 541-4500

21 Acreage- Tracts 46 Trucking Opportunities 106 Dogs

to find a location near you. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. each third Monday at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081. ■ Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW)

141 Free Pets

is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each third Tuesday at Cherokee Health

145 Auctions

217 Boats Motors

WE ARE LOOKING 22 ACRES, DRIVERS NEEDED LAB PUPS, black, to expand our family 5 min. from Super for Team Opera- AKC, ready 7/2, $450. through adoption. If Wal-Mart, off Norris tion! Great Home865-414-3339 ADOPT! you are pregnant and Fwy. w/3BR, 2BA, Time w/Benefits! pheasantsglenlabradors.com Looking for a lost considering an adoption 2 car gar. Manufactured CDL-A w/Hazmat & pet or a new one? plan, please contact home (like new). twins, 1yr. Exp., us at 1-866-918-4482. 22yoa. (EOE/ Af- Many different breeds $150,000. Visit YoungWe have a lot of love Call Scott, 865-388-9656. firmative Action) Williams Animal Maltese, Yorkies, to give. Old Dominion Center, the official Malti-Poos, Poodles, www.lindaanddave.com Freight Line. 3608 Yorki-Poos, Shih-Poos, shelter for the City Cemetery Lots 49 Roy Messer Hwy., Shih Tzu, $175/up. shots of Knoxville & Knox White Pine, TN & wormed. We do County: 3201 DiFor Sale By Owner 40a 2 CEMETERY LOTS, 37890. Call Linda: layaways. Health guar. 1-800-458-6335, x204 vision St. Knoxville. $1000 + closing. Div. of Animal Welfare knoxpets.org BRICK RANCHER Highland Mem. State of TN Fin. Bas. 3-car Gar. West. 865-356-6633 Dept. of Health. 2650 sq ft. $271K. Lic # COB0000000015. Cats 140 fsbo.com/156831. 423-566-0467 865-271-8279 Air Cond/Heating 187 Real Estate Wanted 50 SHIH TZU PUPPIES, OAK RIDGE, all beautiful, 6 girls, 2 WHISPERER air Full vet. $65. 865-765-3400 brick 3 BR, 2 BA, $165 ea. 1st shots & purifiers, No. 2 on oak hdwd flrs, full Pay Cash, Take over www.happypawskitttenrescue.org wormed. 865-312-0260 consumer magazine bsmt, 2 FP w/natural payments. Repairs HIMALAYAN Kittens, report, orig. price, gas, carport, handi- not a problem. Any $400, sale $200 each. CFA, Seal Point, cap acc. New ther- situation. 865-712-7045 Extra filters incl. ^ all shots, $250. 865mopane windows, Call after noon, 558548-9205 kit., bath, & HVAC. WE BUY HOUSES 6265. Sporting Goods 223 3/4 acre. Near high Any Reason, Any Condition school. $135,000. 865865-548-8267 8000 BTU Soleus A/C, Dogs 141 272-3370, 865-207-0989 www.ttrei.com WOMEN'S Road bike like new, used 90 ***Web ID# 101290*** 2010. Giant. Avail. days, moveable advanced-XS. Simano room to room, vents brakes & shift. 40 Apts Furnished 72 through windows. East 40e 8 wks, shots/wormed hrs. use. $980. Call Orig. price $450, 865-932-2333. 865-385-5256 selling for $250. Call WALBROOK STUDIOS ***Web ID# 992798*** FSBO, 2 yr. old 3 BR after noon, 558-6265. 25 1-3 60 7 2 BA, hdwd flrs, det Pinscher wrkshp w/elec, 2 c gar $140 weekly. Discount Doberman Boats Motors 232 puppies, AKC, lrg, avail. Util, TV, Ph, Straw Plains Pk exit. Household Furn. 204 blk & tan, S&W, Stv, Refrig, Basic $159,900. 865-474-9236 SHIH TZU Pups, AKC 1989 FORMULA Sport $500. 865-548-9205 Cable. No Lse. vet chkd., shots & NEW in box Jameson Boat 24', 454 Magnum queen memory wormed, beautiful GERMAN SHEPBravo-1 Drive. Residence Lots 44 colors. 865-637-4277 foam mattress, box HERD PUPPIES, Trailer, Excellent Duplexes 73 8 wks. old, 1 M, 1 F, spring included, Condition, $13,900/obo. $500 OBO. 865-475$200 ea. 865-659-8282 SHIH TZU Pups CKC Call 865-309-5559 BANK OWNED M&F tri-color small HALLS AREA - 2 sty 3145, 865-599-8329 Lot near Straight townhouse, 2 lg BRs, 2nd shots, $400-$450. DOODLES, BAYLINER 1988 21' Creek Dock on Norris 1.5BA, kit appls incl. GOLDEN SOFA & 2 RECLINERS. 865-216-5770 CKC, 8 wks, beautiful V8 Chevy motor, Lake. Must sell $9,900 W&D connect, no pets. Good cond, taupe wavy golden colored, ***Web ID# 101553*** ready to go! $4900. No doublewides algold & brown. $200 1 yr lease. $550/mo. 1st & 2nd shots, Call 865-938-3926. lowed. Bank financing + $550 dam. 254-9552 SIBERIAN HUSKY for all. 5 31 -3429 wormed, F $425; M available. Financing AKC Pups, champion GLASTRON 249GS, $375 Ricky 931-349-6417 subject to credit aplines, shots, $500. Cabin Cruiser, ***Web ID# 101435*** proval. Call Janine at Houses - Unfurnished 74 865-995-1386 Sewing Machines 211 2002 sleeps 6, full galley, Citizens Bank ***Web ID# 102392*** GREAT DANE Puphead, fresh water 423-526-5036 pies, purebred, B/W, system, 5.7 I/O, steHUSQVARNA Viking SIBERIAN HUSKY Equal Credit Lender CLAXTON-Powell, 3 BR 7 wks. Very lg. Vet reo w/remote, 2 new Mega Quilter Sewing 2 BA, spacious, Pups: AKC, 2 M, 1 F ck. 865-674-2677. batteries w/switch, Machine & 10 foot convenient, 1st/L/DD white, 6 weeks, full canvas, tandem Grace Quilt Frame. No pets. 865-748-3644 Great Pyrenees 6 wks, $200 each. 931-510-4269 trlr., many extras, $1,000 for all. AC 2 M, parents on site, STANDARD POODLE looks/runs great. 423-912-8887 FARRAGUT - 3BR, raised on large goat PUPPIES, AKC, vari$19K/bo. 423-494-2608 2BA rancher. Country farm. $175. 931-738-8272 ety of colors. $350 M, ***Web ID# 103148*** setting, very private, ***Web ID# 101160*** Coins 214 $450 F. 865-221-4353. 1006 McFee Rd. BRYANT 180 Farms & Land 45 $1450/mo. 865-388-0610. GREAT PYRENEES ***Web ID# 101307*** BOW RIDER ***Web ID# 102074*** puppies, 5 M, 8 wks YORKIE, 4 mo old M, Garage kept. Great BEAUTIFUL 61 ACRE old, $150 each. 865shape. Killer stereo. comes w/reg. paHORSE & GAME 603-5706 $3,999. 865-573-2655. pers, small breed, FARM, Fentress Co. Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 Will Consider ***Web ID# 103520*** $450. 865-456-2708 $389,000. Near Collectibles, Diamonds REINELL Runabout I BUY OLDER Rugby between Big 1987 17ft., I/O, 172 GREAT PYRENEES YORKIE PUPPIES, 5 or Old Guns. MOBILE HOMES. South Fork & East Free Appraisals actual hrs., looks & puppy, CKC reg, 1 Males, 6 weeks old, Fork. 931-879-4356 de- 1990 up, any size OK. runs great, w/trlr. Female, $300 obo. 1st shots, $350. 865- 7600 Oak Ridge Hwy. 865-384-5643 tails & pictures. $3750. 865-805-6062. Call 865-323-3291 209-2674 865-599-4915




Chihuahua Puppies

BUYING OLD U.S. Coins, Gold & Silver

Systems, 2018 Western Ave. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807, or www.namiknox.org. ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: Penny

232 Motorcycles

238 Flooring

Sparks, 544-6279. ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 5 to 6:30 p.m. each first and third Tuesday in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: Brenda Fletcher, 544-6277.

330 Remodeling


FSBO. 1996 Norris Suzuki Burgman 400 CERAMIC TILE inscooter 2005, mint cond, stallation. Floors/ Yachts 16x73 Fully 8K orig mi., 60 mpg, walls/ repairs. 33 Furn. Alum Hull $3,000. 865-659-1218 yrs exp, exc work! Houseboat, Exc Cond, John 938-3328 Prof Decorated 4 BR, 2 Full BA, HW Flrs, W/D, Cent H/A, Autos Wanted 253 Furniture Refinish. 331 Twin 3.0 Merc I/O's, 12.5 Westerbeke A BETTER CASH Genset, Trace Inverter, DENNY'S FURNITURE Xantrex 12 V System OFFER for junk cars, REPAIR. Refinish, revans, running w/Extra Capacity, trucks, glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! or not. 865-456-3500 Bow & Stern Shore 922-6529 or 466-4221 Power Connections, We Are Paying Top 42" HD Plasma TV Dollar For Your Junk w/Surround, HD Sat Guttering 333 Vehicles. Fast, Free TV and Ipod Music Pickup. 865-556-8956 Thru Out, Fly Bridge HAROLD'S GUTTER or 865-363-0318. w/Bimini, New Canvas SERVICE. Will clean Party Top w/Bar, front & back $20 & up. New Rail Canvas. Quality work, guaranSport Utility 261 Incl. Parking Space teed. Call 288-0556. & Prem. Double Slip at Sequoia Marina on Toyota Forerunner 1997 Norris Lake. $159,900. Limited, 178K mi, new Landscaping 338 Steve (865) 389-7000 tires loaded, $5500 ***Web ID# 993886*** obo. Bill 865-556-5897 LANDSCAPING MGMT Design, inPREMIER LEGACY stall, mulch, sm 2007 25' pontoon w/trlr. Imports 262 tree/shrub work, Yamaha 115. 20 hrs. weeding, bed reToll bar, full Bimini Honda Civic EX 1999, 5 newal, debri cleantop + more! Pics at up. Free est, 25 yrs sp, fully loaded. SR, danguitars.com/boat.html exp! Mark Lusby grt AC, eng., body, $22K. 865-679-2829 679-0800 int. perf., new tires, $3995. 865-688-4143 PROCRAFT 17' Bass Boat, new batteries, MERCEDES E320 Pressure Washing 350 live well, fish finder, 1996, 111k mi, extra ^ troll mtr, 115 Mariner clean, exc. cond. eng. Good shape. New $7100. 865-755-0514 tires on trailer. $3,800. ***Web ID# 102923*** 865-805-8967 Porsche Carrera 911 turbo 2002, 30K mi, STARCRAFT 17' walk mint cond, $45,000. thru, 115hp Merc., 678-463-4572 Knoxville all access. $17,000 OBO. 865-660-5432 TOYOTA CAMRY 1996, exc. cond., very Roofing / Siding 352 new Campers 235 economical/reliable tires $2,995. 865-397-7918 OMEGA ROOFING & HOME IMP. 25 yrs TITAN 2006 Sunny- VW BEETLE 2003, exp! Free est. lime green, leather, brook 5th wheel, 2 Lic'd. 865-257-7887 SR, manual trans. slides, Ca. king bed, $6000/bo. 865-274-6806 stand up dinette, inhouse bath, many extras. Unit in TN. Must see! $24,000/b.o. Sports 264 989-858-1464 CORVETTE 1986 Pace Car conv. 48K Motor Homes 237 mi., all orig., yellow w/blk top. Documents, $10,500 obo. 865-755-4729 ^ FOURWINDS ***Web ID# 102921*** HURRICANE 2006 Say: 34 ft, Class A, V10 gas eng., 3 slideouts, air Cleaning 318 shocks, auto leveling jacks, 1 owner, nonin the smoker, 9300 mi. Exc. CLEANING NETWORK Wkly/ Bi-wkly/ Mo. cond. $57,900. Good refs! Free est. 865-804-4747 258-9199 or 257-1672. ***Web ID# 101325***


SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 2, 2012 • B-3


Hands-on approach earns patient raves Mike Wigger

Physical Therapist Wes Franks surveys the facilities at Provision Physical Therapy

Getting back and better than ever So, you are finished with physical therapy, time to get back to the regular old fitness routine, right? Not so fast… Whatever the cause of your initial treatment from a physical therapist, having the right plan in place when your treatment is over is essential to ensure you don’t end up back in the therapist’s office. As an exercise specialist at Provision Health and Wellness, I have the advantage of working personally with your therapist to design a post treatment exercise program unique to your treatment. Whether your treatment was for a chronic issue or an acute injury, I work with Wes and Dean to develop a program that helps you get back and better than before – not just back to square one. With a team of physical therapists and exercise specialists working together to develop an exercise program that fits your individual challenges and abilities, you will be on the right track to getting back and better than ever.

“Provision is staffed with knowledgeable and experienced therapists that know how to work with any type of surgical recovery or injuries from accidents and get every patient back to their quality of life quickly and efficiently.” – A. Sherlin

Physical Therapist Dean Douglass often “writes on the wall” of his treatment room to illustrate a patient’s problem. (And yes, mom, it rubs right off.)

By Sandra Clark A recent patient survey showed enthusiastic support for the staff and program at Provision Physical Therapy. “We were just blown away by the response,” said Wes Franks. He and Dean Douglass are physical therapists at the Provision center on the campus at Dowell Springs, located off Middlebrook Pike near Weisgarber. “I know what physical therapy is now,” said one patient. Another said she was restored to a good quality of life “quickly and efficiently.” A sampling of eight former patients showed universal endorsement of the treatment program and facility, ranking Provision “very good” on categories of privacy, response to concerns, cleanliness of facility and likelihood of recommending Provision Physical Therapy to others. Dean Douglass believes the high rate of satisfaction is the result of Provision’s interest in education. “We don’t just treat, but we explain both the injury and the method of treatment,” he said. While the location is handy to all West Knox residents, Franks said the continuum of

Feeling overwhelmed by all the mixed messages out there about food? Frustrated and just wanting to figure out what works for you? Every person’s body is unique. Each of us have a different biochemistry that determines how our bodies use food and what food we like and don’t like. Ultimately, our bodies are communicating with us all the time, and our job is to listen, identify what they’re asking for, and respond appropriately. We work with people who are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired - be that chronic headaches, digestive upset, low energy levels, extra weight, or generally not feeling good. Together, we’ll unravel the complexity around food, listen to your body’s signals, and give it what it needs to heal itself, shed pounds, and truly thrive!

care at Provision is unique. With the Provision Health & Wellness Center located in the same building, patients can be transitioned to exercise therapy following completion of their physical therapy. The patients can continue to strengthen muscles under the direction of Mike Wigger and the exercise specialists next door. And Wes and Dean are literally just steps away if a patient has questions or concerns. “Patients don’t feel alone after their discharge,” said Franks.

Manual therapy is a key strategy of the Provision physical therapists.

Provision Physical Therapy Phone: 865.232.1415 Fax: 865.232.1416 E-mail: info@ provisiontherapy.com

Web: provisiontherapy.com Mailing Address: 1400 Dowell Springs Blvd Suite 120

Meet the team Wes Franks and Dean Douglass are certified Manual Therapists, providing a specialized, hands-on form of practice that directly targets injured tissue and surrounding muscles and joints. They also provide advanced orthopedic physical therapy. Douglass attended Samford University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in exercise science. He continued his education in Northern Ireland, earning a BSc with honours in physiotherapy from the University of Ulster at Jordanstown. After returning to the United States, he pursued a degree with the Ola Grimsby Institute, focusing on orthopedic manual therapy. His

special interests include the treatment of spinal dysfunctions, orthopedic ailments and general conditioning. Franks graduated from the University of Tennessee with a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s in biomechanics and sports medicine. He developed an interest in human movement, culminating in a master’s of physical therapy degree from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. While there, he studied under Stanley Paris and became certified in manual physical therapy in 2000. His interests include sports biomechanics, arthritis and upper extremity neurovascular disorders.

HELP MANAGE THE FOLLOWING: Cholesterol Blood Pressure Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome Food Allergies/Intolerances

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Weight Fibromyalgia Arthrits

3 MONTH NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING PACKAGE: Experience an in-depth, one-on-one health and nutritional package at Provision Health & Wellness. We’ll customize a program that fits your individual needs and goals by equipping you with numerous tools and resources to help you achieve them. Your personal dietitian will even join you on a trip to the grocery store. Call today to receive your personalized blueprint for healthy success!

1400 Dowell Springs Blvd., Suite 100, Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 232.1414 · livewellknoxville.com

B-4 • JULY 2, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Community Calendar Send items to news@ShopperNewsNow.com

FARRAGUT LIBRARY EVENTS The Farragut Branch Library is located at 417 N. Campbell Station Road. A parent or guardian must accompany each child, except for older preschool, during Storytime and events. Info: 777-1750. ■ Monday, July 2, 10:30 a.m., Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5. ■ Tuesday, July 3, 10:30 a.m., Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6. ■ Wednesday, July 4, Library closed for Independence Day. ■ Thursday, July 5, 10:30 a.m., Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3. ■ Friday, July 6, 10:30 a.m., Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5.

host Summer Kids Nights from 3-8 p.m. every Saturday throughout the summer. Free activities will include crafts, sidewalk chalk art, trivia, games and more. Kids 12 and under can eat free (pizza bagel, bagel dog, PB&J bagel or grilled cheese) with the purchase of an adult meal (one child per adult). Info: 675-6674.

SATURDAYS, THROUGH OCTOBER Food, crafts at Dixie Lee Market From 9 a.m. to noon every Saturday through Oct. 29, the Dixie Lee Farmers Market is open with fresh, locally grown produce and handmade crafts. The market is at Renaissance in Farragut, 12740 Kingston Pike. Local farmers and Tennessee artisans provide the products for the market.



Doug and Telisha Williams on Tennessee Shines

Woody Pines on Tennessee Shines

Doug and Telisha Williams and The Harmed Brothers will perform 7 p.m. Monday, July 2, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In July and August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 Farragut Independence Day Parade The town of Farragut will hold its 25th annual Independence Day Parade beginning at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 4. The parade will start at Lendon Welch Way (Farragut High School entrance) and continue to Boring Road, just east of Farragut Towne Square Shopping Center (old Ingles store site). Info: 966-7057.

SATURDAYS, THROUGH AUGUST Kids Nights at Einstein Bros. Einstein Bros. Bagels, 11693 Parkside Drive, will

Woody Pines will perform 7 p.m. Monday, July 9, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. The show also will feature readings and music with Brent Thompson to commemorate what would have been Woody Guthrie’s 100th birthday on July 14. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In July and August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.

MONDAY TO FRIDAY, JULY 9-20 Two acting camps for youth The WordPlayers will offer acting camps for ages 8 through 13 at the Clayton Performing Arts Center at Pellissippi State Community College, Hardin Valley campus. The CreACTivity acting instruction program for ages 8-10 will be held 1-4 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 9-13.The fee is $115. The ImaginACTion acting instruction program for ages 11 through 13 will be held 1-4 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 16-20. The fee is $125. To register: 539-7167 or www.pstcc.edu/bcs.

TUESDAY, JULY 10 Breakfast features Randy Boyd The next entry in the Farragut West Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Series will feature Randy Boyd, chair, CEO and founder of Radio Systems Corp. The breakfast, open to Farragut Chamber members, prospective members and guests, will be 7:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 10, at Fox Den Country Club. Tickets are $30 for members and $40 for guests. Tickets: 675-7057 or info@farragutchamber.com.

TUESDAYS TO THURSDAYS, JULY 10AUG. 9 Youth golf clinics at Concord Park The Knox County Parks and Recreation Department has scheduled youth golf clinics throughout the summer at the Concord Par 3 Golf Course at Concord Park, 10909 Northshore Drive. Three-day sessions for 9- to 17-year-olds are 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Thursday, July 10-12, July 24-26 and Aug. 7-9. Cost is $100. Two-day camps for 6- to 8-year-olds are 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday and Wednesday, July 17-18 and July 31-Aug. 1. Cost is $75. Saturday morning beginner clinics will be available during July for $15 a week. Info or to register: 966-9103.

SATURDAY, JULY 14 Half Past at the Cove Half Past will perform 6-8 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at the Second Saturday Concert at the Cove at Concord Park, 11808 Northshore Drive. Half Past is a local rock ’n’ roll cover band. Second Saturday concerts are free and can be enjoyed in the park or from the water.

MONDAY, JULY 16 Westbound Rangers on Tennessee Shines The Westbound Rangers will perform 7 p.m. Monday, July 16, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In July and August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.


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