FARRAGUT www.ShopperNewsNow.com
Interns go to court (sort of)
A great community newspaper
VOL. 6 NO. 30
July 23, 2012
Mayor Bob Leonard Park
It’s got game
Eight kids walk into Juvenile Court, how many walk out? Hopefully, if it’s the Shopper-News interns, all of them do. Last week the interns went to Juvenile Court and met Judge Tim Irwin and Richard Bean, superintendent at the Richard L. Bean Juvenile Detention Facility.
See page A-9
Park it @
Recruiting near and far ... Derek Dooley is trapped between a rock and a hard place. If a Tennessee prep star (think Jalen Ramsey) escapes the recruiting net and flies afar, fans wonder how in the world a coach, with so many home-court advantages, could lose such a great talent. Dooley is obviously asleep at the wheel. He should own the state. This is Tennessee! But does becoming a Vol For Life mean you have hail from Big Orange Country?
See Marvin’s story on page A-5
Concord dock remembered Malcolm Shell takes a trip down memory lane to a Concord summer 60 years ago, when Concord Marina was Concord Boat Dock, Bob Burch ran it and the livin’ was easy.
See Malcolm’s story on page A-5
Don’t mess with Detroit! Jake Mabe says the best vacation he has ever taken was to Detroit. That’s his story and he’s sticking to it.
See Jake’s story on page A-10
Index Coffee Break A2 Sherri Gardner Howell A3 Government/Politics A4 Marvin West/Malcolm Shell A5 Town of Farragut A6 Faith A7 Business A8 Interns A9 Community Calendar A12 Health/Lifestyles Sect B
10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com GENERAL MANAGER Shannon Carey shannon@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sherri Gardner Howell gardners@tds.net FARRAGUT REPORTER Suzanne Foree Neal papernews@tds.net ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.
Mayor Bob Leonard Park
Members of the only all-women team in a co-ed sand volleyball league playing at Mayor Bob Leonard Park in Farragut are tough competitors. “Now Serving” plays at the park every Monday evening. Another, more competitive league, plays on the other court. Photos by S.F. Neal
By Suzanne Foree Neal Mayor Bob Leonard Park, 301 Watt Road, is a premier sports complex covering 50 acres with athletic and recreational opportunities for all ages. The initial parcel – 26 acres – was bought in 1985 with American Youth Soccer Organization donating 3.66 acres in 1987. The next year Watt Road Park was dedicated with a second softball field, paved parking lot and walking trail. In 1990, 11 more acres were purchased and the first soccer field built with the complex dedicated to John H. Evans, a long-time recreation supporter. In 1995, the
park was renamed Mayor Bob Leonard Park in honor of the town’s first mayor. Through the years more acreage and recreational components were added. While the park has attractions for youngsters like the playground and youth soccer, softball and baseball fields, big kids also use it. There are adult recreational and competitive leagues in many sports. On a recent Monday night, adults and teens were using the volleyball sand courts. One group was a competitive league and the other recreational. Official Victor Martin says the recreational league plays pretty much any time the weather
is good. “It’s more about fun,” he says. Teams of 18 play four one-hour games to a score of 25. That’s about 72 players each Monday. “Now Serving,” captained by Mary Bishop who has been playing since high school, is the only all-women team in the co-ed recreational league. “I play for the camaraderie and exercise, and even short people can play,” she laughs at herself. Laura McKenna says she likes everything about volleyball. “It’s ageless and you can play at 12 or 50 and play competitively. We don’t want to play with the boys,” she laughs of the allwomen team, which has been around for about 10
■ ■ ■ ■
loop Americans With 2 lighted softball fields Disabilities Act accessible 2 lighted baseball fields or 1-mile loop with an 5 lighted rectangular fields incline) with observation Soccer/open field practice deck area ■ ADA accessible lighted ■ 3 lighted sand volleyball playground courts ■ 2 restrooms ■ Concession building ■ Covered picnic area at ■ Lighted paved wetlands playground (seats eight at walk trails (up to 0.9-mile one table)
This week: Mayor Bob Leonard Park, 301 Watt Road years, Bishop says, but players change as age or injuries sideline them. Monday nights find members of the competitive league “Sandy VB’s” battling it out. Peter Chang says the people he plays with and against are “super nice. The courts are nice, it’s a nice area and people are friendly.” Caitlyn Watson, a fellow competitive player,
likes the courts but wishes the town would leave the lines in place all the time. “If you just come and play there are no lines,” she says. Heavy metal cords mark the outline of the sand courts but only during league play. Hope Roberts brings all the trappings necessary to To page A-3
Hedgepeth retires Former Farragut High principal was director of high schools By Suzanne Foree Neal When Ed Hedgepeth said goodbye to his long career in education, the first day of retirement wasn’t too much different from any others. “I woke up about the same time, did my walking and played golf,” he said. Now he can play golf every day, and the tanned look he’s sporting is evidence he’s been hitting the links. Hedgepeth never intended to be an administrator, but credits his “good friend, coach and teacher Dave Sexton” with talking him into earning an administrative certificate. Sexton wanted a buddy to take the classes with him and twisted Hedgepeth’s arm. “I said, ‘I’ll never use this,’ but I went with him. I never thought I’d go that route, but time changed that.” The Farragut resident taught classes at South, West and Bearden high schools. He worked as assistant principal at Bearden High just 18 months when the principal left and he found himself at the helm of the school. After 10 years, he moved to Farragut High for 14 years before finishing the
last seven in the Knox County Schools central office as executive director of secondary education. Retirement is still new for Ed and it does take adjustment, he says. “I’ll see what comes next and what the good Lord has planned for me.” A perfect day is interacting with family and friends and being outside. “I’ve always been an outdoors person and like hiking and playing golf.” Although he doesn’t really have a “bucket list,” he and wife Sally do like to travel, and then there are the three grandchildren. There’s also the call of golf courses both near and far. “I’ve been fortunate to play many around the world – such beautiful scenery.” He’s teed it up in Ireland and Scotland and is hoping to hit a few in Spain. Over his career, Hedgepeth has seen change and even led change. But he’s never seen anything like the new rules and regulations currently imposed on educators. He doesn’t understand the benefit and says they’re often more of a hindrance than help. “The biggest thing is in the area of accountability, high-stakes
Sally and Ed Hedgepeth are looking forward to more time for themselves and the grandchildren now that he’s retired from Knox County Schools. Photo by S.F. Neal
testing, all the measures whether from the state or federal level. It’s so much more public. It’s not necessarily better. It does make teachers more aware and increase the pressure on everyone and that’s not necessarily bad.” He believes the testing makes educators have a more focused, narrow field of vision. “We leave out some other important issues and values that we in education have been known for and done for so many years,” he says. He jokes about having left his desk at the central office to drop by schools to get his “kid fi x.” It was enjoyable just to walk the halls and see them “knowing decisions you make are
still impacting them, you hope in a positive way and wider spectrum than just within a particular school or classroom.” Hedgepeth is like a proud papa when he sees the increasing numbers of Merit Scholars coming out of county high schools. “That was a push I started before I left and tried to do across all high schools, getting more students to take AP and dual enrollment classes,” he says. “They may not get that A; it may be a B, but they’ll be exposed to a more rigorous curriculum, which will have more impact on tests they take and prepare them for higher education institutions and to be successful.”
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A-2 • JULY 23, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Coffee Break with
“Overscheduled. I can’t say no to interesting projects.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “Underestimating the time it takes to accomplish ‘simple’ tasks.”
What is your passion? “Discovering lost history and creating narrative from details.”
With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch? “Abraham Lincoln.”
Dr. Joan Markel
Dr. Joan Markel lives in the past. Civil War past, to be exact. Joan, Civil War curator at the Frank H. McClung Museum, has been immersed in the history, artifacts and stories of Civil War days in the East Tennessee area for the past five years. In preparing for the sesquicentennial (150 years) of the Civil War in Tennessee, Joan’s initial thought was that this task wouldn’t be too involved. “When Jeff (Chapman, museum director) asked me if I would like to prepare something on the Civil War in Knoxville, my thought was, ‘Well, if anything really happened here, we already know it. I can probably do about 45 minutes of material.’ What I found was that this area is rich in fascinating Civil War history.” Joan, whose background and study is in archeology, applied her study of historical archeology to the Civil War days in and around Knoxville. She got a copy of Digby Gordon Seymour’s “Divided Loyalties: Fort Sanders and the Civil War in East Tennessee,” originally published in 1990. “The information and artifacts became fascinating to me,” says Joan. “This area was truly a town divided. What city or town would want to relive such a polarizing and heart-wrenching period of its history? The personal connections and loyalties captured me, and I wanted to study and tell the story. Knoxville was a Union town, attacked by the Confederacy, with battles that could have turned the tide of the war. Some of the greatest and best known families in Knoxville were involved on some level. “We found out, for example, that Frank McClung had to submit a written request for a pardon at the end of the war.” Those human connections and “people stories” have captured Joan’s attention and created her passion for history and archeology for many years. Her work with the Civil War exhibit and study has fueled that passion. “What I find fascinating is the interconnection with people and families. The Boyds, the Parks, the McClungs ... they were all intertwined. This was a town at battle with itself.” Joan also praised Farragut and the Farragut Folklife Museum and its commitment to history. “Julia Jones (museum coordinator) has done an excellent job. The museum is a true treasure.” Joan and her husband, Larry, have two children, both
Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life and why? “My archaeology tutor at the University of Edinburgh, Stuart Piggott. Against all practical considerations, I chose archaeology as a profession after a year of study with him.” (Joan was on a study abroad program.)
I still can’t quite get the hang of … “Texting on my cell phone. Twenty-six letters and nine keys does not compute.”
What is the best present you ever received in a box? “An ancient Corinthian silver coin in a silver bezel.”
What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? “My mother was a golfer, and golf was one area we could discuss productively, so my favorite advice was, ‘Keep your head down on your backswing.’ ” living in New York City. Evan, 27, is an engineer, and Andrea, 25, is a gallery registrar. Sit and have a Coffee Break as you get to know Dr. Joan Markel:
What is your favorite quote from television or a movie? “Joe E. Brown’s last line in ‘Some Like It Hot’ is a favorite: ‘Well, nobody’s perfect.’ ”
What are you guilty of?
What is your social media of choice? “The telephone.”
What is the worst job you have ever had? “I was a waitress at a Howard Johnson.”
What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon and why? “My favorite is Bugs and Elmer doing classical opera.”
What irritates you?
“There are too many things! Distracted drivers for one.”
What is your favorite material possession? “My Camry hybrid.”
What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit?
What are you reading currently? “I am reading ‘Suttree,’ looking for any Civil War references and finding none.”
What are the top three things on your bucket list?
“Everyone should visit the Farragut Folklife Museum.”
What is your greatest fear? “Boredom and isolation.”
“They are all travel: TransCanadian Railroad, Norway and the fjords, a luxury cruise down the Nile.”
If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be?
What is one word others often use to describe you and why?
It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Email suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. Include contact info if you can.
“I would adopt yet another rescue dog.”
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Rockin’ out at the Cove Kelly Gross had a crowd to help her celebrate her birthday. The fact that most of them didn’t know they were partying with a purpose was of little consequence.
Sherri Gardner Howell FARRAGUT FACES Kelly and her family and friends joined the community at the Cove for Second Saturday Concert on July 14, rockin’ out to the sounds of the band Half Past. The rock ‘n’ roll cover band put on quite a show for the crowd that braved the hot, muggy evening. Good thing about a party Half Past lead guitarist Biz Snyder gets the crowd going. at the Cove is the concert can be enjoyed from the “beach,” the grassy area and from the water. Boaters and swimmers found a cooler place to listen to the music. Half Past plays frequently in the Knoxville area. Entertaining at the concert were John O’Neil, Biz Snyder and Phil Brooks. Second Saturday Concerts, sponsored by Knox County Parks and Recreation, are free. County organizers hope music lovers will take advantage of the Cove’s other attractions while visiting. The Cove has a playground, walking trail, sand volleyball courts, and rentals for canoes, kayaks and paddle boats. The next concert is 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 11, and will feature the Knoxville Symphony Brass.
Hadley and Ansley Minor add their tambourine touches to the music of Half Past.
Kent Hogan and Smooch keep cool by playing in the water before the concert begins.
John O’Neil of Half Past sings lead vocals and plays the rhythm guitar.
Phil Brooks plays bass and sings for the rock and roll cover band Half Past.
Kelly Gross celebrates her birthday with her family at Second Saturday Concert at the Cove, listening to music by Half Past and enjoying a game of corn hole. Photos by Justin Acuff.
A crowd gathers for a “chip drop” prepared by new restaurant representatives from Chuy’s, located at Kingston Pike and Cedar Bluff, at the Second Saturday Concert at the Cove. Enjoying the creamy jalapeno dip and salsa are Hadley Minor, Ansley Minor, Katie Stewart, Alex Davis, Elliott Duncan, Anissa Rangel, Mary Duncan and Goldie Duncan.
Mayor Bob Leonard Park From page A-1
be comfortable to watch the action from the sidelines – a canvas chair and a cool drink. She watches a friend play volleyball and her son, Kane, play baseball in a competitive league at the park. Mother and daughter Angela and Cory Smith walk the park three days a week and like its longer trails. The later it gets in the evening, the more walkers show up for their constitutional. Maggie Van Antwerp uses the park to walk her dog, Tootsie Roll, a black dachshund. She likes the drinking fountains for her and the dog. “I like the paved trails and not walking in the street,” she says. She and her mother, Sue Ellyn, leave the dog at home and walk at the park about twice a week. Baxter and Cooper lead their owner Beth Amato on their daily evening walk. She likes the park because it’s close to home. “The park is quiet and not very crowded,” she says. “I can let Cooper run and don’t have to worry about him getting on the road. Baxter would take off if he wasn’t on a leash.”
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Rogero celebrates readers Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero greets Macaiah Harrison, daughter of Mickeeya Harrison, the executive director of Tribe One. The mayor read a story written by Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) creator Mary Wright Edelman to the 50 children who participated in this year’s Tribe One CDF Freedom School. This is the third year that Tribe One has hosted the program, which immerses children in grades 3-8 in reading. Photo by Wendy Smith
Note: Victor Ashe survived his hip replacement surgery, but begged off writing a column this week. He will return on July 30.
A-4 • JULY 23, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Republicans staffing up at new headquarters Local Republicans will tell you they’re more fired up about this year’s elections than any in a long time. From the national level on down to the state legislative races, they say victory is within reach. Leading the pack is Joe Bailey, who heads the Romney for President campaign regionally and, despite very long days and a lot of travel, is having a great time doing it. Bailey tells a story about being over in Sevier County a week or two ago to speak to a Republican club. “I asked if anyone there could tell me how long it was until the end of ‘hope and change.’ This fellow on the front row raised his hand. He knew exactly how many days (until the presidential swearing in ceremony). I couldn’t believe it. Folks are really excited about this election.” Late last week local GOP officials inked a deal on new campaign headquarters at 5410 Kingston Pike in Bearden. Located on the triangle of land across from the Orangery and next to
Anne Hart
the old Cleveland Interiors, the spot is also just west of Ben Atchley Drive, named for the revered Republican legislator. Bailey says the space is perfect for the headquarters. There’s a lobby, lots of office space, room to store candidate materials for volunteers to pick up and of critical importance: plenty of parking space. There will be a grand opening soon at the new headquarters, with candidates and elected officials on hand to meet and greet voters. Candidates will rotate volunteers to staff the office, and in addition, there’s a whole flock of up and coming young Republicans who will be on hand to help. That group is headed by Alexander Waters, who is
chairing the Romney campaign in Knox County. Waters’ Republican roots go pretty deep in these parts. He’s the grandson of former TVA chair John B. Waters, a staunch Republican. His parents are Beth and John B. Waters III, an attorney. Alexander, a UT law student, has recruited a dynamic group of other UT law students to help. They are Leandra Varney of Johnson City, Sarah Davis and Nigel Vorbrich. “Since we’re all in law school together, we get together and talk about politics. It’s great that we’ll all be working on this campaign,” Waters says. The very articulate young Waters has been making the rounds of Republican groups locally. He was at West Knox Republican Club’s meeting last month and met with the Young Republicans Club last week. He says that over the next few weeks his group will be meeting with volunteers on college and university campuses throughout the region.
Today at County Commission
A tribute to Kevin Purdy
By Sandra Clark
How one man made a difference By Sandra Clark In 1992 the Halls High School football team surged to a 12-2 season after a 5-5 record the year before. The difference was a guy named Kevin Purdy and a program called RAGE (Responsible Athletes Getting Education). Kevin passed away July 11 at age 60, and at his celebration of life – an East Tennessee Irish wake in a Methodist Church – three players from that ’92 team addressed his family and friends. Ryan Nichols, Brent Shaw and Justin Teague each said Kevin’s influence continues today. Nichols was especially eloquent: “Kevin brought unity to our team. He respected us and taught us to respect each other. We are brothers today because of him.” Shaw, now an assistant principal in Georgia with kids of his own, said, “There’s no telling what might have happened to some of us if Kevin hadn’t been there.” Nichols told Kevin’s kids, twins Sean and Jenna, that they will always have friends in Halls. “We are just a phone call away.” Webb School graduates Jenna and Sean, now in their early twenties, were blessed with two good parents. Their mom, Melissa, passed away in 2002. Kevin threw his
People who lived in Halls 20 years ago remember those jocks who liked their beer and fast cars. One night a car flipped with two players inside. No one was hurt, but then-coach Larry Kerr said it was a wake-up call. The coach asked the players if alcohol was a problem. Hands went up. He asked if they wanted help. Every hand was raised. Kerr contacted St. Mary’s, and the hospital sent out a member of its Employee Assistance team, counselor Kevin Purdy. Denny Koontz was a senior on that team. “Now don’t go telling people I was taking drugs. I’ve never taken drugs in my life,” he said Friday. “Kevin came in at a time when there were issues at the high school. He had been through it. He had lived the rough life and had come out on the other side.” Denny’s dad, Realtor Gary Koontz, headed the committee that raised money to fund a Student Assistance Program at Halls High. Purdy took a year’s leave from St. Mary’s and former Superintendent Earl HoffmeisForming the SAP ter (whose grandson Jason Kevin Purdy was at least a played on the team) lobbied “heck-raiser” before he met the school board to allow the Melissa. Perhaps that’s why program at Halls. It was aphe related so well with trou- proved as a pilot, providing bled teens. no county funds were used.
tremendous energy and passion into raising them. They stood at his service as strong witnesses to his success. Sean read from the scripture and told a funny story about his dad deciding to cut a tree that was growing too close to their home. “Of course, the tree fell wrong and landed on our roof. He had me up there with him and Jenna on a ladder, and he was yelling, ‘Help me here!’ We were maybe 14. I’m still not sure what he wanted us to do.” Jenna read an Irish blessing which ended, “My life’s been full, I’ve savoured much; good times, good friends, a loved one’s touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief, don’t shorten yours with undue grief. Be not burdened with tears of sorrow, enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.” Kevin’s sister Kerry Fitzgerald said, “Kevin always had a personality that was bigger than life. He was able to make close connections with people.” Wait! Did some saint pass by? Hardly.
“We’re going to be recruiting and mentoring young people and building an organization,” he says. There’s no doubt that county GOP Chair Ray Hal Jenkins is fired up. He told a group of voters last week, “In a time of extreme stress and distress generated by the Democratic leadership at the top, it’s gratifying to see Republicans from the top down pull together to reverse the lack of leadership over the last three years at the national level and to further the good leadership we have had in our state. “It is our goal to increase the Republican majority in Nashville, to retain the majority in the U.S. House and to use whatever influence we can to regain the Senate and retake the White House.” Jenkins adds: “I know that’s a mouthful, but I believe we can do it.” Coming up: Ryan Haynes, state representative from the 14th District, will officially kick off his re-election campaign with a reception 6-8 p.m. this Thursday at The Pavilion at Hunter Valley Farm. Mark your calendar for the 44th annual Duncan Family Barbecue. It will be at the Civic Coliseum on Oct. 23.
Jenna, Kevin, Melissa and Sean Purdy in a 1998 family photo by Fred Cannon Photography. “It was easy raising money,” Gary Koontz said. “Businesses and players’ parents supported it once they knew what was going on. All those boys were like my own.” Koontz said Purdy was “very calm and non-judgmental” with “an easy way to talk to kids.”
Making ABC News ABC News aired a video about student drinking, the Halls SAP and the football season. By now, Kevin had expanded the program to more than just boys who played ball. Shannon Carey, now general manager of ShopperNews, was a sophomore interested in drama. “I wasn’t drinking or into drugs. Most of us weren’t. SAP was about what it meant to be a teenager. It worked because it operated outside the box. Kevin was willing to talk to us as adults, but he expected us to act like adults in return.” Peter Jennings of ABC News introduced the video by reporter Armen Keteyian,
now with CBS News. “Friday night football is an excuse for teens to get drunk, even though drinking is illegal for those under 21 in every state,” Jennings began. Keteyian interviewed players and showed Coach Kerr asking, “Do we have a problem?” “The SAP program works because it is controlled by students. It’s created a proud new tradition at Halls High School,” Keteyian said. Koontz remembers, too. He and Kevin secured a grant to start a similar program in every Knox County high school. Sadly, the school board rejected it. SAP folded at Halls High. Coach Kerr left for Anderson County. The RAGE dissolved and Kevin Purdy joined a real estate appraisal firm. Gary Koontz said, “We had this program. It worked. And we lost it. But don’t make this story about politics. It’s about Kevin and what he did for our boys. “I’m proud of every one of them. They’ve all turned out well.”
Commission chair Mike Hammond has invited interim finance director Chris Caldwell to discuss year end numbers at 11:30 a.m. today (July 23) in the Small Assembly Room. The meeting will not be televised. This writer will be there, expecting our story from July 16 to be attacked. Commissioner R. Larry Smith already has said we lack “financial savvy.” We can talk definitions and “cash vs. accrual” all day, but the numbers are what we said. Knox County ended the fiscal year with $17.3 million more revenue collected than was budgeted to spend. Best quote from last week’s commission workshop: Commissioner Mike Brown, apparently firing back at our story “Trainor speaks” from July 16: “I’m fed up with being told we have no right to question where 2/3 of this county’s budget goes. If we’re stepping on somebody’s toes, then they’ve got a problem.” And the thoughtful Dave Wright piped up: “Reading the newspaper this morning, it looks like the school board is calling us out. ... I sat through 19 months of meetings (trying to get Carter Elementary). ... Now the paper is asking why we can’t throw another $17 million at (the school board). That does not set well with me.”
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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 23, 2012 • A-5
Remembering Concord Boat Dock MALCOLM’S CORNER | Malcolm Shell Concord Marina, as it is now called, offers some great services for sports enthusiasts. Indeed, it probably has more boat slips than Hilton Head’s Harbor Town and South Beach marinas combined. And the size of some of the luxury crafts docked there is impressive. But 60 years ago it was simply known as Concord Boat Dock, and the services provided were small compared to today. There were a few boathouses on the south bank that housed cabin cruisers, but there were never more
than a half dozen. The size of the crafts was much smaller than those moored there today. The largest craft I can remember was the Marta III owned by the Sterchi family, and I can remember thinking how exciting it would be to cruise the lake in such a magnificent boat. Knox County owned the dock and leased it to Bob Burch who was an outdoor enthusiast of some renown. Bob wrote an outdoor column for the Knoxville News Sentinel called “Birchbark,” which always included stories about his
outdoor adventures and offered advice on good fishing spots and current lures and bait that were bringing in the big ones. He knew every person who docked their boat there including those who rented boats daily. He always had time to converse with his paying customers, including a 14-year-old kid who only had 50 cents in his pocket. Another icon on the property was “Red” Moore. Red worked as Bob’s assistant and where Bob’s stories left off, Red’s continued in an embellished version. I never knew Red’s
Recruiting near and far Derek Dooley is trapped between a rock and a hard place. If a Tennessee prep star (think Jalen Ramsey) escapes the recruiting net and flies afar, fans wonder how in the world a coach, with so many home-court advantages, could lose such a great talent. Dooley is obviously asleep at the wheel. He should own the state. This is Tennessee! Youngsters, following fathers and grandfathers, uncles and more than a few aunts, grow up rooting for the Vols. They get little orange 18 jerseys as
Marvin West
birthday gifts. They may not carry a tune but they know the words to “Rocky Top.” They fantasize about checkerboards and “give him six!” As long-ago coach Ray Trail once told Winchester linebacker Phillip Fulmer, “You are a Tennessee boy. If you go to Alabama, you are still from Tennessee. If
anything good is ever going to happen to you in football, it is going to happen at the University of Tennessee.” Amen, brother Ray, right on. Alas and alas, if Dooley awards too many scholarships to in-state prep stars who may have Southeastern Conference potential, fans say he is taking the easy way out. He should be seeking and signing the best in America, not the kid next door to save travel time and costs. Who the heck did Dooley beat to get Cody Blanc or Devrin Young? But, but, but you say,
real name and I doubt many of the customers did either, but his reputation for entertaining the clientele with his tall tales was legendary. As part of the facility’s rustic décor, a large boa’s skin was displayed over the stone fireplace. I once overheard a conversation Red was having with a customer who inquired about the skin. Red informed him that he was there when the reptile was killed. When the customer told Reed that boas were only found in tropical climates, Red said, “Well, this one crawled a long way. You can tell by how its underside was worn.” On Saturday nights, there was often entertainment provided by a local rock band, and teenagers would dance to live music. Beer was not served in the park, and even if it had been, Bob would not have allowed the kids to drink on the premises. So, par-
ents felt secure in allowing their kids to attend the events. One particular band was the Guy Brothers, talented musicians and vocalists. I never followed their career, but their talent with the proper promotion was sufficient to propel them into national prominence. Today, the hill just east of the marina is the site of the fine restaurant Lakeside Tavern, which is not only a purveyor of fine food but also offers panoramic views of historic Concord Village. But 60 years ago, it was the site of a large picnic pavilion with a stone fireplace and several stone grills. It was the preferred site for family gatherings, church picnics and civic club events. Reservations often had to be made several months in advance. The park closed at 9 p.m., and since the lights went off, most people vacated the pavilion shortly
thereafter. Then it became the favorite site for lovers, who waited patiently nearby until the last car left. The park was patrolled by county officers who were charged with keeping the sites cleared after closing, but the law was not strictly enforced. Perhaps these officers remembered their youth when they were more amorous and also looked for such smooching spots. I still visit the boat dock occasionally, not to rent a boat or pay a slip fee, but just to stare at a certain spot where a band once performed, where kids laughed and where the stresses of life in the 21st century were not yet experienced or even envisioned. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the new, modern facilities, it’s just that I look at them with a different perspective, one that someone who was there 60 years ago would understand.
home-grown boys love the Vols and will give their all for Tennessee. Dick Williams from Greeneville and Hal Wantland from Columbia and Bill Young from Knoxville South were great captains because they really, really cared. Al Wilson from Jackson? He still bleeds orange. Three named Majors from Huntland or Sewanee? They gave a lot. Curt Watson, Crossville? Fearless, absolutely fearless. Bill Bates from Farragut? Heart and soul. Lester McClain from Nashville? Courage of a champion. Bowden Wyatt, Kingston? Forever a Vol. Hmmm, we’ll think about that. I have thought.
Condredge Holloway came from Huntsville, Ala. He cared, did he ever! Gordon Polofsky somehow found Tennessee from Cranston, R.I. He was blood and guts. Richmond Flowers? Montgomery, Ala., heart of a lion. Stanley Morgan, Easley, S.C.? Any challenge, no limits, lay it on the line. John Michels, Philadelphia, whatever it takes. Steve Kiner, Tampa, oh my. George Cafego, Scarbro, W.Va. Steve DeLong, Norfolk, Va. You get the idea? The numbers game, quality and quantity, dictates that Dooley must recruit near and far. Near is better if other aspects are equal. It is best if Tennessee can attract top talent from
within a 200-mile radius. Makes life easier and less expensive for interested relatives and girlfriends. What really matters is recruiting players who can play, blockers, runners, throwers, catchers, hitters, speed, strength, smarts, good people who don’t cause nightmares, Vols you want to keep for life. It doesn’t matter too much who they are or where they come from … Ackermann from Chamblee, Ga., Mills from Elizabethton, Reynolds from Cincinnati, Henderson from Nashville, Warren from Savannah, Stratton from Tellico Plains, Haslam from St. Pete.
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Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero. com.
Doughnut access heats up FMPC The Krispy Kreme doughnut deal nearly went up in flames at the meeting of the Farragut Municipal Planning Commission meeting Thursday night. Only one point prevented the business from building at the former Toyama restaurant site on Kingston Pike. That one little detail sparked a long discussion and what seemed like an ultimatum to some commission members. Krispy Kreme Director of Store Development Bobby Speir essentially said if the company didn’t get the entrance and exit design it wanted it would pull out of the deal.
ing business for wrecker services and body shops. The short distance involved Suzanne with the existing turn lane Foree could lead to head-on colNeal lisions, especially with bleary-eyed workers in need of a doughnut and coffee fi x and harried parents getting One thing became clear. children to Farragut interCommissioners really like mediate, middle and high Krispy Kreme doughnuts schools. and really want the national Property owners Tony franchise in the town. Cappiello and Oliver Smith Driver safety was the pleaded the case for a right sticking point. Commis- turn in/right turn out and sioners worried that mixing a left turn in/left turn out. morning doughnut traf- The left turn out was givfic with school traffic and ing commissioners pause. multi-directional turning It would create a similar lanes would end up creat- situation with the short
Tire store’s building gets rave review By Suzanne Foree Neal Fried chicken is being replaced by rubber. The kind that meets the road; not the kind that sometimes ends up on your banquet plate. The KFC at the corner of West End Drive and Kingston Pike is going to be demolished for a Discount Tire Store. Community Development Director Ruth Hawk had nothing but nice things to say about developers’ plans when presented to the Farragut Municipal Planning Commission on Thursday. Brian Shirley came down from Kentucky to answer any questions and noted that the store is a custom design to meet the building setback
requirements for Farragut. Construction could start in the fall. Commissioners approved of the plan’s pedestrian walkways so customers could spend their wait time at various restaurants within walking distance of the location. “I want to thank Ruth and the staff as a former planning commissioner myself,” Shirley said of working out plans for the building site. After some record rainfalls and flooding in February and April of 2011, the town has been gently suggesting businesses near any kind of water elevate their buildings to protect them. Sitting within sight of a section of Turkey
Creek, that’s what the company has decided to do. “They are putting in a bio-swale,” Hawk explained. “They’re going above the requirements and this is the type of thing that will be required in the future. I commend them.” Developer and Commissioner Noah Myers commented that it was “an innovative plan.” In addition to elevating the site, the building will be moved to the west because parking won’t be needed on both sides. Also getting an approving nod from the commission was Knoxville Christian School for its revised sidewalk and dugouts at the
expanse multi-directional turn lane that serves Kohl’s department store and the entrance to Village Green subdivision and the shopping center. Making a turn there comes pretty close to playing a game of chicken. After suggestions of traffic studies and accident reports, someone suggested maybe a traffic engineer should look at the site and offer expertise advice. Finally someone realized town engineer Darryl Smith was in the room and asked for his opinion. “Well, I’m actually a professional engineer,” Smith said, as he explained why the town requires a minimum of 400 feet between driveways. (It has to do with safely having enough pavement to navigate turn lanes.) “The ordinance was in effect when they bought it and everyone should exercise due diligence when
buying property,” remarks aimed at Cappiello and Oliver Smith. Darryl Smith said he would support a right turn in/right turn out but that was all. Telling the commissioners there was already a lot of competition for that center turn lane, and while they could change the 400 foot requirement, to do so would put the driving public at risk. After listening to safety concerns, Speir stepped up and said the company could live with a left turn in and a right turn in/right turn out only. Commissioners kicked around the idea of an island to dissuade drivers from trying to make an illegal left turn out of the business. Commissioner Ron Honken said Krispy Kreme was an opportunity to improve that part of town and could be the spark that starts de-
school, 11549 Snyder Road. David Roland was there to represent the school and said all concerns about the project had been addressed. It was also a good night for Zaxby’s Restaurant at 11636 Parkside Drive. With site plans already in place for Publix and Longhorn Steak House there wasn’t a lot left to approve for Zaxby’s. Staff has listed 15 “to do” items, but none are expected to present any problems. Commissioners again wrestled with what to do about multiple signs on three- and five-story buildings. At last month’s meeting, they asked Hawk to come up with wording to omit a section of the ordinance to return it to its original wording. When it came time to take up the item for a vote, Myers and fellow commissioner Ron Honken questioned if they were doing the right thing. Commissioner Ed St. Clair
weighed in on the affirmative to put the naming rights back into the hands of property owners. Representatives from Dura-Line got the discussion going when they approached the commission to amend the ordinance to allow for a third name on their building. As Myers noted, to say yes would be “opening Pandora’s box.” Hawk informed commissioners that Dura-Line’s landlord had agreed to redesign the building’s ground-mounted sign to list tenants in the building and she supposed existing signs would be replaced with the name of the building. When it came time to vote, the commissioners decided to let well enough alone. They voted to leave the ordinance as it is to allow two signs on buildings of three stories or more. Whose name goes up will be left to building owners.
velopment of empty property, like the old Kroger building. “I think it’s a mistake for us to not go forward with this.” Knox County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Jeff Palmer added a light touch to the sometimes tense discussion when asked to comment: “It’s nice to be here in the middle of a doughnut controversy, and I would hate to do or say anything to affect Krispy Kreme going in near my office, but I agree that the right in/right out is the safe option.” He also added it wasn’t his place to decide. Finally commissioners accepted Speir’s compromise and a barrier island. The business also got some footage variances it needed. The doughnut debate will continue at the Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting on Aug. 9.
FARRAGUT NOTES ■ Farragut Lions Club meets 6:30 p.m. each second and fourth Tuesday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road. ■ Farragut Rotary Club meets at noon each Wednesday at the Fox Den Country Club. ■ Free budget classes are held from noon to 1 p.m. each third Thursday at the Good Samaritan Center, 119 A. St. in Lenoir City. Everyone is invited. No preregistration is required. Info: annaseal@ credibility.org. ■ Memoir Writing Group meets 7 p.m. each second Thursday at Panera Bread, 733 Louisville Road. ■ West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.
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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 23, 2012 • A-7
Prayer before praying Cowboy dinner at Cedar Springs He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” - Luke 11: 1 NRSV The Father who created me With eye benign beholdeth me; The Son who dearly purchased me With eye divine enfoldeth me; The Spirit who so altered me With eye refining holdeth me; In friendliness and love the Three Behold me when I bend the knee. “Before Prayer,” Poems of the Western Highlanders, G.R.D. McLean
Prayer is a mystery in and of itself. What it means, how it works, how it varies from circumstance to circumstance (not to mention voice to voice)—all of these factors are as many and varied as the words that are used. Prayer varies from country to country (and from dinner table to dinner table). There lives in my family’s lore a prayer that was used by a distant relative, whose name, I promise you, was Gideon. There are other stories about him that were colorful and oft-quoted, but he was best remembered for his prayer (and his fondness for the bottle). If Uncle Giddy (as he was known) was present at table, he was always asked to return thanks, because he was, as they say, a “jakeleg” preacher, which meant that he had no formal training: he just “took up” preaching. And he always prayed the same prayer. Always. Word for word. The. Same. Prayer. Reports are that it was beautiful, eloquent, and covered all the necessary elements of a prayer. There were family members who could quote it verbatim; Uncle Giddy liked to eat at my grandmother’s table, so they heard it often. By the time I was old enough to hear and truly appreciate the story, all those who could quote the whole thing were gone. The only part of it that I still remember is a perfectly lovely phrase: “Pardon and pass by our many sins.” Nothing wrong with that at all. The rub came the time my uncle, who had grown
By Theresa Edwards Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church enjoyed a cowboy-themed dinner at its annual mid-summer Wednesday night fellowship dinner July 18 which included music and a dance performance by the Texas Roadhouse Line Dancers. Foods of the Old West were served, including bacon wrapped pork fillets, barbecue garnish, hash brown casserole, chuck wagon beans, corn on the cob, salad, rolls, assorted desserts, and hot dogs for the young’uns. Adding to the fun, five “wanted” posters were displayed, including photos of the pastor, minister of music and three other church members. When a child found and brought in the “wanted” person, the reward was a candy bar. Rebekah Stock was on one of the posters. Normally a blonde, she wore a black wig to hide her identity. “I’m incognito with the wig,” she said, “but my family will probably give away who I am.” Texas Roadhouse provided rolls as part of their “great bread giveaway.” “With 48 to 72 hours no-
Lynn Hutton
up hearing his Uncle Giddy’s prayers, was asked to return thanks at a rather fashionable dinner party. He went absolutely blank— except for Uncle Giddy’s prayer. It was all he could think of, and so he launched into it, utterly terrified that he was going to burst into hysterical laughter at any moment. I remember another time everyone actually did burst into laughter. I was a young mother, living in New Jersey, and had flown here with my little ones for a visit with family. I was scurrying around helping with dinner, getting the Community girls cleaned up from their Services afternoon of play before the other guests arrived for the ■ Concord UMC’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated meal. Two minutes before with Alzheimer’s Tennessee we were ready to be seated Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. around the table, there was each first Tuesday in Room a need for a diaper change. 226 at the church, 11020 Mission accomplished, Roane Drive. The next meethands washed, I sat back ing will be Aug. 7. Anyone in down at the table, took a the community who gives deep breath, and Mother care to an elderly individual called on me to return is invited. Refreshments will be served. Info: 675-2835. thanks over the meal. I bowed my head and of- ■ Grace Lutheran Church, fered, “Lord, thank you for 9076 Middlebrook Pike, will host the Crestwood family’s times we are not bored.” community and education There were snickers, but no club meeting 10 a.m. Thursone actually guffawed until day, July 26. Info: 690-8164. after the “Amen.”
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tice, we can donate up to 300 rolls for any nonprofit organization,” said Matt Sayre, local store marketer for the Morrell Road location. The store will even deliver the rolls. Since the dinner was a cowboy theme, their line dancers came for westernstyle entertainment. Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of Cedar Bluff Road and Kingston Pike.
A “wanted” poster of Rebekah Stock is displayed as part of a fun game where kids can earn a candy bar by finding her.
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Macy, Rebekah, Nicholas and Alex Stock enjoy the cowboy dinner. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
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Rec programs ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, holds a beginner yoga class 6-7 p.m. Mondays upstairs in the family life center. Cost is $10 per class or $40 for five classes. Bring a mat, towel and water. Info: Dena Bower, 567-7615 or denabower@ comcast.net. ■ Beaver Ridge UMC will hold Open Gym Night each Wednesday during summer from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ev-
eryone is invited. Elementary-age children must be accompanied by a guardian. Info: randycreswell@yahoo. com or 690-1060. ■ Concord UMC, 11020 Roane Drive, has started Young Adult Professionals for anyone age 22-35 who wants to network with other young business professionals in the West Knoxville area. Seasoned professionals will discuss their experiences and how to live out
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■ Farragut Presbyterian Church Mother’s Day Out program and preschool registration is open for the 2012-2013 school year. Info: Beth Hallman, 671-4616 or bhallman@tds.net.
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A-8 • JULY 23, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
News from Rural/Metro
Weathering the storm
We can’t always predict when severe weather will strike, but you and your family can be prepared when it does. Here are a few tips to stay safe during the storm:
By Rob Webb
When deadly storms rocked parts of East Tennessee a few weeks ago, Rural/Metro was prepared. I was extremely proud of our Rural/Metro EMS and Fire Department teams that immediately powered into action. Bystanders and a Rural/Metro firefighter saved the life of a child who nearly drowned in a creek in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. A Rural/Metro crew transported the Webb child out of the national park. In another area of the park, 20 individuals were trapped by a large rock slide. Blount and Knox rescue squads, National Park Service and Townsend Fire Department carved a path to the trapped and injured patients using chainsaws. Five patients were transported out of the park. Severe thunderstorms can produce lightning, flash floods, hail and damaging winds, which can be a deadly combination. Americans deal with 10,000 thunderstorms, 1,500 floods and 1,000 tornadoes each year, and we’ve been getting our fair share in East Tennessee this summer.
■ Listen and pay attention to weather alerts on radio or television. A severe weather watch alerts you to a potential situation. A severe weather warning signals you to take cover from an imminent storm. ■ Prepare a three-day emergency weather kit for your family. The kit should include nonperishable food and water for three days, a first aid kit, battery operated radio and flashlights, extra batteries, and important telephone numbers and documents. ■ If you can hear thunder, you are also close enough to be struck by lightning. Seek shelter indoors. ■ Avoid taking a bath or shower during a thunderstorm. ■ Unplug electrical appliances and avoid using the telephone during a thunderstorm. ■ Draw blinds and shades over the windows to prevent glass from shattering into the home in case strong winds blow objects into the windows. ■ If caught outside in a severe storm, get to a low-lying, open place that won’t be a danger for flash floods. Get low to the ground, making yourself as small as possible and placing your head between your knees. Do not lie flat on the ground. ■ During a flash flood, do not drive through flooded areas, even if it looks shallow.
With these simple tips, you and your family can safely weather the storms.
My HVAC Advisor opens in Knoxville Pete Hebert recently founded My HVAC Advisor in Knoxville, the first business of its kind in the nation. Hebert is a U.S. Army veteran with more than 24 years experience in heating and air conditioning, with honors degrees from two HVAC engineering programs. He consults with customers and advises them on the correct HVAC solutions for their homes before they purchase a new system. Info: 368-4374 or pete@myhvacadvisor.com.
KCDC celebrates retirees Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation recently celebrated three retiring employees who have given more than 100 years of service combined at the public housing authority. Pictured are retiree Wilma White, KCDC executive director Alvin Nance, and retirees Robin Brown and Jamie Ayres. Also retiring this year are Charlie Hayes and David Kirby, each with more than 20 years of service. Photo submitted
Photo submitted
Papa Murphy’s supports Childhelp Papa Murphy’s Pizza will donate $1 to Childhelp of East Tennessee for every Mini Murphy Pizza purchased in July. Childhelp is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and the treatment of victims of child abuse. Info: www. childhelp.org or 637-1753.
Pop into downtown’s popsicle shop Cara Turski purchases a fresh popsicle from Jason Mitchell at Pop Culture’s cart in Market Square. Pop Culture offers allnatural gourmet frozen pops made from fresh ingredients including plums, blackberries, strawberries, coconut, lime and other seasonal fruits. Mitchell purchases many fresh items right from the market to use in his frozen treats. The shop is located at 601 Main St., Suite 102 and is open 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The cart is open in Market Square during the Farmers Market from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. Info: 282-4900. Photo by Ruth White
Steven Giblock, pictured with sand fiddler crab. Photo submitted
Farragut grad produces ‘exemplary’ study Steven Giblock, a graduate of Farragut High School, has been recognized for his senior study at Maryville College, a study of sand fiddler crabs conducted last summer around Beaufort, S.C. Maryville College requires a senior study of all students, a two-semester research and writing project that is guided by a faculty supervisor. When deciding on a topic, Giblock, the son of Gary and Joan Giblock and a 2008 graduate of Farragut High School, thought he would like to focus on marine invertebrates and ecology, two strong interests. “I never decided on a specific topic from the beginning. My topic started with a broad interest for marine invertebrates and with much research on sedimentation, pollution, and crabs,” Giblock said. “After talking to [Professor of Biology] Dr. Crain for some time, it eventually evolved into what it is.” Giblock said fiddler crabs are a good indicator of environmental quality for at least two reasons. “First, they are so reliably found in the salt marshes along the coasts of most continents; second, they are found whether or not there is pollution (which allows for impacted and nonimpacted comparisons).” Approved for funding through a congressional grant administered through the United States Department of Education and the Fund for the Improvement of PostSecondary Education (FIPSE) program, Giblock received a stipend for two months and money for transportation to South Carolina and the supplies he would need to conduct the research. His goal was to examine the influence of various human-altered habitats on the morphological measurements, population densities and behaviors of the fiddler crab. “Steven and I stayed in contact throughout his study,” Crain said. “Upon his arrival on the South Carolina coast, we would communicate daily, with Steven providing me an update and me providing him some guidance for the following day. After Steven had the plots identified and the techniques worked out, we would communicate every few days. “The distance between us did not inhibit the research at all, mainly a result of Steven’s stellar work ethic and meticulous nature,” he added. Crain said he was stretched by Giblock’s focus on invertebrates. Giblock’s results from the field yielded significant differences in carapace widths and population densities. The ratio of dominant claw size to subordinate claw size in males was not significantly different at the three sites, but regarding mating behavior, Giblock observed the crabs near a golf course to be much more active than at the other two sites. Giblock described his senior study as a “foundation” for future studies, and said the trip to South Carolina was “a blast.” He hopes to become a field biologist and believes that his senior study was the “perfect hands-on” experience for showing him what the career would be like. Maryville College provided this report.
Coldwell Banker to host career nights
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Photo by Ruth White
Scott Bishop of Westwood Antiques and Design Market offers wonderful quality antiques that will add a warmth to your home that you cannot get with new furniture. Inside the store is 5700 sq. feet of fun things to discover, including furniture, art, accent pieces and more. Bishop also offers full interior design service for that perfect touch. They are located at 5020 Whittaker Drive and are open 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Info: 588-3088.
SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 23, 2012 • A-9
Judge Tim Irwin poses for pictures with the interns. Pictured inside the courtroom are: (front) Melinda Taylor, Elizabeth Longmire, Caroline Longmire, Madeline Lonas, Chill Zavadil, Ethan Sanders, Jacob Messing; (back) Mitchell Kolinsky and Judge Irwin. Photos by Ruth White
The ultimate court of second chances By Madeline Lonas Eight kids walk into Juvenile Court, how many walk out?
Hopefully, if it’s the Shopper-News interns, all of them do. Last week the interns
went to Juvenile Court and met Judge Tim Irwin and Richard Bean, superintendent at the Richard L. Bean
Juvenile Detention Facility. The facility is a nice place to visit and it’s very well kept, but I would never want to be sent there. Judge Irwin, assisted by seven magistrates, presides over the hearings for accused juvenile offenders and determines their fate. Children can be sent to the detention center if they commit petty crimes, such as shoplifting or similar misbehavior, or huge crimes like murder or rape. The state of Tennessee requires children from ages 6-18 to attend school. If a child has a high absentee rate or if the parents are neglectful about the child’s attendance, both will be sent to court. The state will take custody if the parents fail to deliver their children to school. The judge said about 750 children are in state custody for various reasons. The prescription drug epidemic is keeping the juvenile court busy and accounts for the majority of new cases, he said. Judge Irwin cares deeply
interns about children. He wants kids to know he is there to help them, not hurt them. (Editor’s note: We once spotted Judge Irwin wearing jeans at graduation of the Paul Kelley Volunteer Academy in Knoxville Center mall, another place for second chances. He said “one of mine is graduating.�) Richard Bean gave us a tour of the detention facility. He told us that 80 boys and 40 girls are housed currently in separate parts of the facility. Usually children stay for two or three days, but Bean had one stay almost three years. She left with “boxes of crafts,� he said. When kids are admitted, they get a shower and a change of clothes (boys wear orange, girls wear blue). The child also gets a health check. A nurse works at the facility daily and a physician visits each Friday. The day begins at 6 a.m.
with reveille. Everyone attends school for seven hours. The kids can watch one hour of television, but only if they behave. Surprisingly, there is a variety of choices of TV channels from which to choose. Weekend activities include books from a wellstocked library. Like the detention center for adults, this juvenile center has animals: goats for the boys and rabbits for the girls. Animals provide companionship and are good listeners. And the goats have the added benefit of eating grass. Employees are dedicated to the kids. The facility is not a place full of criminals, but a place full of children who deserve second chances. They are kids and kids make mistakes; that is what makes them human. This is why Judge Irwin calls this detention center the ultimate court of second chances.
Our government at work By Elizabeth Longmire Last week the interns went on a very special adventure and met some very special people. The first stop was the City County Building to watch Judge Dale Workman in the courtroom. We saw the whole trial process with the jury, judge and attorneys. (Editor’s note: An attorney from the law firm with the slogan “We’ll turn your wreck into a check� represented the plaintiff. On Friday, we learned the trial lasted until 4:30 and the female plaintiff was awarded $8,000; the man zero.) After leaving the courtroom, we ventured upstairs. Little did we know that County Mayor Tim Burchett would invite us into his office to chat and ask questions. What an opportunity! Burchett was hilarious and such a normal guy. He made sure we were all comfortable and having a good time. (Editor’s note: Burchett showed us some shrapnel he had found with his metal detector, a mayoral hobby. “It’s cheaper than a psychiatrist,� he said.)
After pictures with the mayor we headed out for lunch at The Lunchbox where we met up with Judge Workman and Judge Wheeler Rosenbalm to talk about the tricks of the courtroom trade and studying the law. It was great to get insight from two men who know so much and are so passionate about their jobs. (Editor’s note: Judge Workman gestured around The Lunchbox, booming, “This place is packed with lawyers! Over there are the medical malpractice ones, and over by the door are some business lawyers, and back here are some criminal defense lawyers.� Everyone discretely ignored the judge except one of the malpractice guys. When Workman pointed to his group, the attorney
grinned and waved to the interns.) Saying goodbye to the judges, we headed down to the Richard L. Bean Juvenile Detention Center for a tour from Richard Bean himself. Before the tour began, we met with Judge Tim Irwin in the Juvenile Courtroom adjacent to the Detention Center. He explained his job and the statistics about the center. The Detention Center holds on average 120 kids from the ages of 12-17. During a usual two- to three-day stay, the judge said, “The goal is to straighten out kids by the age of 18.� Fewer kids have been coming in to the detention center over the years, which is a thrill. Irwin is so passionate about his job he said, “I even like it better than my 14 years in the NFL.� (Editor’s note: Judge Irwin told intern Mitchell Kolinsky he knew his grandfather, Frank Kolinsky, a former UT Vol tackle who passed away in 2011.) Every time a kid comes into court, the Judge asks, “Have you been treated OK?� He hasn’t heard the
answer “no� in his six years on the bench. He says, “I promise you, you are going to see the nicest kiddy-jail in the land.� His final, encouraging words were, “This is the ultimate court for second chances.� After pictures with the judge, we headed on the tour with Bean, a man equally passionate about his job. He arrives at work at 5 a.m. and stays until 5 p.m. almost every day. We have wonderful people running Knox County. From County Mayor Tim Burchett shows the interns photos of the judges to the mayor, Knox individuals he has met, including U.S. Rep. John Duncan Jr., County is run by people who former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson and actor Johnny Knoxville. just can’t be beat.
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A-10 • JULY 23, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS PULL UP A CHAIR … | Jake Mabe
Don’t mess with Detroit DETROIT – The best vacation I have ever taken was to Detroit. Wait a minute, now. Before you start laughing or thinking I have misplaced my marbles, hear me out. I have been vacationing in Motown for 13 years, give or take a summer or two. Friends David and Jennifer, employees at Wayne State University, live in nearby Ferndale. I first went to Detroit to see the baseball team play the year Tiger Stadium closed. (By the way, I don’t care how cool Comerica Park, the new field, may be – and it is cool – it will never match the magic of the long-gone cathedral at The Corner, the intersection of Michigan and Trumbull where Tiger Stadium once stood.) My favorite trip was in August 2007. We had hit a streak of 100-degree days in Knox Vegas, not unlike last month. When I left Knoxville early that Sunday, the temperature was already 97 degrees. When I landed at the Detroit airport, it was 73. It was a perfect getaway because the Tigers won and the temperature was temperate and Maryville’s own Robinella sang like an angel at The Ark in Ann Arbor. Wife Jennifer and I were in Michigan a few days ago. We went to the 13th annual Michigan ElvisFest in Ypsilanti, near Ann Arbor. OK, I gotta be honest. Even though I am a huge Elvis fan, I didn’t want to go to the festival. I was afraid it was going to be kitschy and tacky, a freak-show parade of Elvis impersonators sweating too much and singing with too much vibrato. Nope. Class affair. Top talent. Great time.
The highlight of the festival was Robert Washington. Robert is a former Marine and lifelong Elvis fan. He got the news about The King’s death while in boot camp. Robert has one of the best Elvis voices I’ve ever heard. Maybe the best I’ve ever heard. He came in second place for three years at the Images of Elvis World Championship, sort of a World Series for Elvis impersonators, in Memphis. Guess why he didn’t win? He happens to be African American. Never mind that when Dewey Phillips started playing Elvis’ recording of “That’s All Right” on Memphis radio in 1954 most listeners thought he was black. Never mind that Washington blew away his competition. He came in second. Three times. He has finally won, I am proud to report. Look him up on YouTube. After the Elvis insanity, we drove to downtown Detroit. We went to see “Ernie” at The City Theatre. It is a hit play written by popular author/columnist Mitch Albom about longtime Detroit Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell. Ernie died in 2010. He left behind a hole the size of his huge heart. Ernie is the only broadcaster in baseball history traded from one baseball team to another for a player. His velvet voice became the summer soundtrack for millions of Michiganders (and a few Detroit Tigers refugees elsewhere in America). When I tell this tale, people ask all the time if I am scared to hang out in downtown Detroit after dark. I say no. It’s like any
The City Theatre’s marquee in downtown Detroit advertises “Ernie,” a play based on the life of the popular Detroit Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell, who died in 2010. The play was written by popular author and columnist Mitch Albom.
Robert Washington performs his Elvis Presley tribute at the 13th annual Michigan ElvisFest in Ypsilanti, Mich., on July 14. Photos by Jake Mabe
other city in America. You don’t go to certain sections at night. (And for the record, the most frightening experience I ever had involving an exchange with a disreputable character happened not in Detroit, but at the Walgreens in Fountain City.) Does Motown have problems? Absolutely. But, it is as American as, oh, say, the Ford and General Motors plants I passed on the interstate. Let’s lose the stereotype. Don’t mess with Detroit. Visit Jake Mabe online at jakemabe.blogspot. com.
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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 23, 2012 • A-11
KAT may close Cedar Bluff route By Betty Bean Knoxville Area Transit will hold a public hearing to discuss ending the Cedar Bluff Express route at its July meeting this week. KAT has been notified by the management of the Cedar Bluff Center that parkand-ride spaces reserved for Cedar Bluff Express passengers will no longer be available after Sept. 30. To date, no suitable alterna-
tive has been located. The KAT board will consider eliminating the route at 3 p.m. Thursday, July 26, at the Main Assembly Room of the City County Building. “We were informed by White Realty Management, the management company of the shopping center where the park-and-ride is for the Cedar Bluff Express route, that they have a new tenant and they are going to need
all the available parking spaces, so we will no longer be able to use that parking lot as of the end of September,” KAT General Manager Cindy McGinnis said. “We have been making outreach efforts to other possible locations in the area for the purpose of relocating the lot, without any success.” The challenge of finding a suitable site for park-and-
ride is complicated by the reality that the Cedar Bluff route is one of KAT’s lowest performers, McGinnis said. “The numbers are not good. That route averaged less than three passengers per hour in May. Actually it was the lowest performing route with 2.2 passengers per hour. For comparison, Magnolia Avenue has 28.48 passengers per hour. What that tells you is you’re devoting a
lot of resources to a route that isn’t performing well.” So, although ending the Cedar Bluff express wasn’t KAT management’s idea, McGinnis says it is a reasonable business decision, and that KAT has asked the town of Farragut for a subsidy to re-establish a park-and-ride lot, this one off Campbell Station Road. “Our ridership has been declining because the park-and-ride lot filled with van poolers,” she said. “Hopefully, passengers currently using the Cedar
Bluff Express route would be attracted to using the Farragut Express route. In the past, this route was attractive to Kimberly-Clark employees. But now, with Kimberly-Clark moving, that is another factor. It’s not that the route even faces an encouraging future. “And that’s the way we have to look at things. We’ve got so many positive things going on, and we always hate losing passengers, but this is a good business decision at this point.”
West Knox doc climbs for kids By Wendy Smith James Choo’s mountain climbing hobby started as a way to test his physical limits. But while he found such famous peaks as Kilimanjaro in Africa and Aconcagua in Argentina exhilarating, something about those experiences left him feeling, well, flat. “Climbing is such a selfish endeavor,” he says. “It’s all about you.” That’s why Choo, a doctor at Pain Consultants of East Tennessee, has decided that his next expedition will help sick children fulfill their dreams. He plans to climb Vinson Massif, the highest peak in Antarctica, in December and hopes to raise $1 for each foot of the mountain’s elevation – 16,067 – to donate to the Dream Connection. He chose the nonprofit because it’s served kids with life-threatening or debilitating illnesses in East Tennessee for more than 25 years. Because it’s volunteer-driven, all donations go toward fulfi lling children’s dreams, like meeting a celebrity or taking a special family vacation.
Choo grew up in Knoxville and attended Webb School. As a teenager, he trained with Charles Petrone, owner of Petrone Training. When he returned to Knoxville after finishing his medical training, Choo resumed his Olympic weightlifting and circuit training sessions with Petrone. Then he decided to take his workouts to a higher level. He climbed Kilimanjaro in 2011 with Summit Expeditions and Nomadic Experiences, and of the group’s four clients, he was the only one to make it to the summit at 19,340 feet. Not everyone can perform well at such altitudes, even if they are in peak physical condition, says Choo. He was relieved to avoid altitude sickness like nausea and pulmonary problems. While friends had warned that he wouldn’t feel hungry or thirsty during the climb, his experience was the opposite. “The only thing I could think about was eating a steak and drinking a beer. I was starving.” He trained on Mount
Rainier in Washington State with RMI Expeditions before climbing the 22,841-foot Aconcagua in January. The expedition was self-supported, meaning that climbers carried their own gear, weighing up to 60 pounds, rather than relying on porters. Unpredictable weather plus the increased elevation made the trek much more difficult than the Kilimanjaro expedition. Vinson Massif promises even greater challenges. It’s the coldest, most remote place on Earth, Choo says. While December is summer in Antarctica, the average temperature is 20 below zero. But he’ll be in good company. Renowned climber Dave Hahn will be part of the expedition, as well as several other climbers and RMI guides. Hahn has more Vinson Massif ascents than any other climber and has climbed Everest 14 times, more than any non-Sherpa. Having a warm feeling inside should help, too. Choo says he’s excited about the trip because he knows it will make a dif-
Dr. James Choo celebrates at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro last year. He plans to climb Vinson Massif, the highest peak in Antarctica, in December as a fundraiser for Knoxville’s Dream Connection. Photo submitted ference for sick kids and their families. If he reaches his fundraising goal, it will be enough to fulfill the dreams of four to five children. He hopes to raise the
money through individual donations as well as corporate sponsors. The name of each company that donates $1,000 or more will be on the flag that Choo plants on top of Vinson
Massif, and he’ll provide photos to prove it. To donate: send checks with the notation “James Choo” to Dream Connection, P.O. Box 10924, Knoxville, TN 37939 or call 971-2447.
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A-12 • JULY 23, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Community Calendar Send items to news@ShopperNewsNow.com
showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.
The Farragut Branch Library is located at 417 N. Campbell Station Road. A parent or guardian must accompany each child, except for older preschool, during Storytime and events. Info: 777-1750. ■ Monday, July 23, 10:30 a.m., Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5. ■ Tuesday, July 24, 10:30 a.m., Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6. ■ Wednesday, July 25, 10:30 a.m., Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2; 2 p.m., Paper lanterns: Kids are invited to come and get “illuminated” with the fun and easy craft of making paper lanterns. ■ Thursday, July 26, 10:30 a.m., Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3. ■ Friday, July 27, 10:30 a.m., Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5.
SATURDAYS, THROUGH AUGUST Kids Nights at Einstein Bros. Einstein Bros. Bagels, 11693 Parkside Drive, will host Summer Kids Nights from 3-8 p.m. every Saturday throughout the summer. Free activities. Kids 12 and under can eat free with the purchase of an adult meal (one child per adult). Info: 675-6674.
SATURDAYS, THROUGH OCTOBER Food, crafts at Dixie Lee Market From 9 a.m. to noon every Saturday through Oct. 29, the Dixie Lee Farmers Market is open with fresh, locally grown produce and handmade crafts. The market is at Renaissance in Farragut, 12740 Kingston Pike. Local farmers and Tennessee artisans provide the products for the market.
TUESDAYS THROUGH THURSDAYS, JULY 24 TO AUG. 9 Youth golf clinics at Concord Park The Knox County Parks & Recreation Department has scheduled youth golf clinics throughout the summer at the Concord Par 3 Golf Course at Concord Park, 10909 Northshore Drive. Three-day sessions for 9- to 17-yearolds go from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Thursday, July 24-26 and Aug. 7-9. Cost is $100. Two-day camps for 6- to 8-year-olds run from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays, July 31-Aug. 1. Cost is $75. Saturday morning beginner clinics will be available during July for $15 a week. To register or info: 966-9103.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 Jump for Autism Speaks The fourth annual Great Open Jump! will be held from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, July 25, at Pump It Up, 6612 Deane Hill Drive. Kids can jump for free with a donation to Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks, the nation’s largest autism science and advocacy organization, is celebrating 2 million birthdays with the event. An estimated one in 88 children in the United States is on the autism spectrum, a 1,000 percent increase in the past 40 years that is only partly explained by improved diagnosis.
MONDAY, JULY 30 Shadow Ridge on Tennessee Shines Shadow Ridge and Caroline Smith and the Sleeps will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, July 30, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In July and August, students get in free by
Zumba classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer Zumba fitness classes 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mondays, Aug. 6 through Sept. 17, in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The classes will run six weeks, with no class on Sept. 3. Karen McKinney will be the instructor. The cost is $45. Registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Aug. 2. To register and info: 966-7057.
MONDAY, AUG. 6 TO SEPT. 17 Annabelle’s Curse, Wise Old River at Tennessee Shines Annabelle’s Curse and Wise Old River will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 6, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www. BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, AUG. 9-10 AARP Driver Safety Course
Tuesdays and Thursdays, Aug. 14 to Sept. 27, in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Each class will run seven weeks. Class I will meet from 9-10 a.m. Tuesdays, Aug. 14 through Sept. 25. Betty Kalister will be the instructor. Class II will meet from 9-10 a.m. Thursdays, Aug. 16 through Sept. 27. Valerie Whiting will be the instructor. The cost of each seven-week class is $70; a combo of both classes is $120. Registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Aug. 9. To register or info: 966-7057.
TUESDAYS, AUG. 14 TO SEPT. 25 Pilates classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer Pilates classes from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Tuesdays, Aug. 14 through Sept. 25, in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The classes will run seven weeks. Simon Bradbury will be the instructor. The cost is $70. Registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Aug. 9. To register or info: 966-7057.
WEDNESDAYS, AUG. 15 TO SEPT. 19 Dealing with chronic conditions The town of Farragut is hosting a six-week workshop, “Living Well with Chronic Conditions,” beginning in August. The sessions will take place 1:30 to 4 p.m. Wednesdays, Aug. 15 through Sept. 19, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The program, offered by the Knoxville-Knox County Office on Aging, helps participants learn how to take charge of their own health and better manage their chronic disease or condition. The series is open to family members of and caregivers for persons with chronic illness. There is no charge, but registration is required. Info or to register: 524-2786.
AARP volunteers will teach a Driver Safety Course for drivers 50 and older from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 9-10, in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Cost is $12 for AARP members; $14 for nonmembers. Participants must bring payment (cash or check) to the first class and must have their AARP membership card or number to receive the $2 discount. A special offer for educators allows them to take this course for just $5 in August. Registration deadline is Thursday, Aug. 2. Info: Connie Barr, 288-0721. To register: 966-7057.
The town of Farragut will offer a recycled hubcap painting workshop from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 16, at the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Registration deadline is Monday, Aug. 13. Participants will transform hubcaps of many styles into wall-décor pieces. Sarah Brobst will be the instructor. The cost of $30 covers all supplies. Info or to register: 966-7057.
Knoxville Symphony Brass at Cove
If Birds Could Fly; Morgan, Martin and Kimbro on Tennessee Shines
The Knoxville Symphony Brass will perform from 6-8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, at the Second Saturday Concert at the Cove at Concord Park, 11808 Northshore Drive. Second Saturday concerts are free and can be enjoyed in the park or from the water.
MONDAY, AUG. 13 Chelle Rose, David Olney on Tennessee Shines Chelle Rose and David Olney with Sergio Webb will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.
TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, AUG. 14 TO SEPT. 27 Yoga classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer yoga classes on
Recycled hubcap painting class
If Birds Could Fly and Morgan, Martin and Kimbro will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 20, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.
SATURDAY, AUG. 25 Paddle for Clean Water The sixth annual Paddle for Clean Water will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 25, on Fort Loudoun Lake. Registration deadline is Friday, Aug. 17. Proceeds raised by the event will fund cleanup projects on Fort Loudoun Lake. Paddlers of all skill levels are welcome to participate. The registration fee is $30 per person for those who need a boat and $25 per person for those bringing a boat. A discount is available for groups of six or more. Each registrant will receive a T-shirt and goody bag. Info or registration form: www. fllake.org. Registration forms also are available at both Knoxville locations of Blue Ridge Mountain Sports.
SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 23, 2012 • A-13
Webb’s Upper School: Making the most of high school
By Scott Hutchinson, Webb School President
number of factors contribute to a positive high school experience that pays real dividends for a student beyond his/her high school years. Certainly parent support and the value that is placed on education in the family can be a cornerstone, but the three primary influences that are critical to one’s optimal high school experience Hutchinson are the challenge and relevance of the curriculum, the quality of the adult leader in the classroom, and the influence of positive peers. If a student is taking interesting and thought-provoking classes being
taught by highly qualified and engaging teachers, and is surrounded by and interacting with peers who want to learn and are willing to do the work to learn, the four years of high school can be inspirational and life-changing. At Webb’s Upper School, those three areas – creating a challenging curriculum, hiring and developing exceptional teachers, and admitting and developing students who want to be productive in school – are the focus of considerable energy and the reasons that Webb graduates have successful careers in college and beyond. ■ At Webb, creating a challenging curriculum is exemplified by the school’s Advanced Placement (AP) program. Last year, in a 460-student high school in which the bulk of the AP courses
Being taught by a person of high competency and by a person who is genuinely interested in one’s welfare both inside and outside the classroom can, and often does, make a positive impact on a student and their desire to stretch.
At Webb School, 89 percent of Upper School faculty hold advanced degrees, and their demonstrated commitment to continual learning within their respective fields through degree programs and professional workshops proves a significant value-added component in the quality of their instruction.
were taken by 240 juniors and seniors, 192 students took 422 AP exams and 86 percent of those students received a score of 3 or higher on the exams, and the majority of those students received a 4 or 5. That means that not only are up to 24 AP courses offered at Webb in a wide array of disciplines, but that vast numbers of students are actually taking the courses and doing well in them. Many of Webb’s graduates enter their respective universities with enough credits to enroll as second semester freshmen, and some could enroll as sophomores. Again, offering high-end courses that stretch students’ thinking and prepare them for success in college is a core mission of Webb’s Upper School and a key underpinning in making one’s high school years both productive and enjoyable.
… offering high-end courses that stretch students’ thinking and prepare them for success in college is a core mission of Webb’s Upper School and a key underpinning in making one’s high school years both productive and enjoyable.
In Webb’s Upper School, for example, the median G.P.A of the ■ Our Upper School’s highly Class of 2012 was 3.65. With ten qualified faculty members are National Merit Finalists and nine principally responsible for leadCommended Scholars within that ing students to invest deeply in class of 118 alone, 16 percent of learning, and guiding them in Webb’s seniors received National their daily coursework. Merit distinction. Imagine being Eighty-nine percent of our Upper at a larger school with 600 seniors School faculty hold advanced degrees, and having 16 percent of them – or and their demonstrated commitment 96 students – raising the level of to continual learning within their thinking and conversation within respective fields through degree their classes. In Webb’s Upper School programs and professional workshops last year, there were 75 AP Scholars proves a significant value-added – an AP Scholar being someone component in the quality of their who took at least three AP exams instruction. Being taught by a person and scored at least 3 on each exam. of high competency and by a person Again, imagine those numbers being who is genuinely interested in one’s translated to a larger school and welfare both inside and outside the consider the powerful influence of classroom can, and often does, make a that many high-achieving students on positive impact on a student and their the culture of a high school. desire to stretch. In the increasingly competitive ■ Individual students can be mo- world of today, and more importantly tivated by a number of factors to for high school students, the world of tomorrow, using the four years of work hard and take advantage high school to mature and develop of their high school years, but is becoming more important. The almost all students would agree that being immersed in a culture foundation built through a challenging and strong four years of high school with universally high expectacan be positive and life changing, tions within one’s peer group is and at Webb School of Knoxville, we a powerful and positive motivator for doing one’s best. appreciate and practice that belief.
inspiring developing www.webbschool.org
school of knoxville
Now accepting online applications for grades 6 -12.
Scan this QR code with your cameraenabled smartphone to go directly to our Grades 6-12 Admissions website.
A-14 • JULY 23, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
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July 23, 2012
3-D mammography offers better images, earlier detection, fewer false positives Tomosynthesis is only available at Parkwest
If you are one of the nearly 40 percent of women who have “denseâ€? breast tissue, then the 3-D digital mammography is for you. In Knoxville, tomosynthesis (a.k.a. 3-D digital mammography) is only available at Parkwest Medical Center. Women whose breasts are comprised of less fat and more glandular tissue have “denseâ€? breasts, according to doctors. On a mammogram, this dense tissue appears white. Cancerous tumors also appear white, making it very difďŹ cult sometimes to see the tumor. In comparison, a fatty breast is radiolucent, meaning it produces a dark background which makes a small, white tumor much easier to see. “It’s like looking for a single snowake in the middle of a snowstorm,â€? said Parkwest radiologist Amanda Squires, M.D., describing the difďŹ culty of ďŹ nding cancer in a dense tissue breast with a regular mammogram. “With traditional mammography, we only have the two images of each breast. With tomosynthesis, we can scroll through the series of images, much like watching a movie. It gives much clearer images and more of them to work with. Tomosynthesis makes it easier to detect cancer early and also allows for fewer false positive results.â€? Digital tomosynthesis creates a 3-D picture of the breast using X-rays. It is different from a standard mammogram in the same
way a ball differs from a circle. The ball is 3-D; the circle is at. Two-dimensional mammography usually only takes two X-rays of each breast from different angles: one from top to bottom and one from side to side. The breast is pulled away from the body, compressed and held between two glass plates to ensure that the whole breast is viewed. The compression also causes overlapping of the breast tissue. A breast cancer can be hidden in the overlapping tissue and not show up on the mammogram. 3-D digital mammography eliminates this potential problem.
“It’s like looking for a single snowflake in the middle of a snowstorm.� - Dr. Amanda Squires, describing the difficulty of finding cancer in a dense tissue breast with a regular mammogram Digital tomosynthesis takes multiple X-ray pictures of each breast from many angles. The breast is positioned the same way it is in a conventional mammogram, but only a little pressure is applied — just enough to keep the
breast in a stable position during the procedure. The X-ray tube moves in an arc around the breast while 11 images are taken during a seven-second examination. Then the information is sent to a computer, where it is assembled
to produce clear, highly focused 3-dimensional images throughout the breast. “Tomosynthesis builds upon the success of existing mammography,â€? Squires said. “Over time, we expect that 3-D mammography will become the new standard in breast cancer screening and detection.â€? Squires said the radiation dose for the combined exam (standard mammogram plus tomosynthesis at the same time) is essentially equivalent to the prior non-digital mammograms that were used for more than 30 years. The study is completed in about ďŹ ve minutes which is much faster than whole breast ultrasound. The FDA thoroughly considered the radiation issue before approving tomosynthesis for use in screening and diagnostic exams and ruled that the beneďŹ t of the additional information available to the radiologist outweighs any potential risk. For now, tomosynthesis will be used as a complement to existing mammography and will be performed along with a conventional mammogram – at the same time on the same scanner. This technology is currently being performed at facilities such as Duke, Emory, Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Yale. While it has received FDA approval, 3-D mammography is not yet covered by all insurance plans. The cost of the procedure is $125. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the Parkwest Comprehensive Breast Center at 865-373-7010.
What is breast density? Breast density refers to the amount of fat and tissue in the breast as seen on a mammogram. A dense breast has more tissue than fat. Younger women usually have dense breasts. As women get older, their breasts become less dense. After menopause, breast tissue of most women is replaced by fat. Some older women who use postmenopausal hormones may have higher breast density, though, until they stop using hormones.
Why is breast density important?
Should I get an ultrasound instead of tomosynthesis? Parkwest does not perform ultrasound to screen for breast cancer because there is tremendous overlap in the appearance of small breast cancers and normal breast tissue which makes deďŹ nitive diagnosis difďŹ cult. This results in a false sense of security when a negative result is obtained and undue alarm, anxiety and patient expense when benign areas are identiďŹ ed and biopsied. Also, some of the earliest forms of breast cancer can only be seen using mammography. Experts agree that mammography currently provides the best balance in early identiďŹ cation of cancer while not falsely alarming patients. For questions about tomosynthesis or ultrasound, visit www.TreatedWell.com or call 374-PARK.
Women with dense breasts have an increased risk of breast cancer. Unfortunately, we don’t yet know why breast density is related to breast cancer. Research is ongoing.
Screening for women with dense breasts Dense breasts make it difďŹ cult to detect breast cancer on a mammogram. Dense breast tissue can look white or light gray on a mammogram and cancer can also look white or light gray. As a result, mammograms may not be as effective in women
with dense breasts. Mammograms are most effective when the breast has more fat than breast tissue, making the mammograms of most postmenopausal women easier to interpret. Mammogram images can be stored on ďŹ lm (standard mammography) or on a computer (digital mammography). For women with dense breasts, digital mammography may be better than ďŹ lm mammography. Tumors in women with dense breasts may be easier to ďŹ nd with digital mammography than with ďŹ lm mammography. A digital mammogram can be lightened, darkened or enlarged, possibly showing tumors that would otherwise be hidden. Digital mammogram images can also be sent to other locations for evaluation. In the future, new technology may provide better imaging of dense breasts. Magnetic r e s o n a n c e imaging (MRI), in combination with m a m mo g r aphy, is currently under study as a breast cancer screening tool for women with dense breasts. Source: Š2012 Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Item No. KOMEED084200 1/12
B-2 • JULY 23, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Some of my best friends are ... With HealthSpring,
I now have the advantage of going just a little bit further.
National Moth Week is July 23-29. Why moths? With more than 10,000 species in North American alone, moths offer endless options for study, education, photography and fun. Moths can be found everywhere, and their diverse sizes and patterns are very interestg ing.
Theresa Edwards
Finding moths can be as easy as turning on the porch light after dark, since most moths are nocturnal. “Moth nights� are often held by nature groups, providing an opportunity for an introduction to the creatures or a venue for more serious pursuits. National Moth Week brings together those interested in moths to celebrate these amazing insects. Groups from across the country will gather looking for moths and sharing their findings. Getting involved is easy. If there is not a local event to attend, start one with neighbors and friends. Set up a light in your own
2012 Alzheimer’s Walk a success
Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period is over, but you may still be able to enroll. If you are about to turn 65 or qualify for a Special Election Period, ďŹ nd out if you can still take advantage of the care and services offered by HealthSpring. We’re proud to give our Medicare Advantage members the advantage of choosing from a range of plans with unique beneďŹ ts that allow you to get more from life. Just a few of HealthSpring’s advantages: Â?
0 Monthly Plan Premiums
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Top walkers, sponsors, Champions for the Cause, and key volunteers for Alzheimer’s Tennessee are celebrating record-breaking fundraising totals for the Knoxville Alzheimer’s Tennessee Walk. During the annual appreciation luncheon on July 19, Champion for the Cause and former UT football coach Phillip Fulmer shared that the April 2012 event raised $240,575. Corporate sponsors contributed $75,830 of that total, while walkers raised the remaining $164,745. This year’s event totals are a 14 percent increase over last year’s. All proceeds raised stay in Tennessee or support top research as determined by Tennesseans. Alzheimer’s Tennessee is a locallyincorporated 501(c)(3) notfor-profit group founded by area families in 1983. Info: 544.6288 or www.alztennessee.org.
The pandorus sphinx moth boasts a healthy size and can be found in gardens, meadows and near forest edges. It enjoys warmer climates. This one was found near King College at Hardin Valley Road and was not harmed in taking the photo. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
backyard and see what you find. Identification guides can be found online including www.insectidentification. org. Paying close attention to details such as coloring, size, wing shape and flight patterns can help in determining the moths’ classifications. Photos are most helpful. National Moth Week is a project of the Friends of the East Brunswick (New Jersey) Environmental Commission, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to en-
vironmental education and conservation. More information may be found online at www.nationalmothweek. org/ where you can also register your moth event. The Entomology Society of America has chosen Knoxville for its 60th annual meeting Nov. 11-14. This year’s theme is “A Global Society for a Global Science.� The conference will provide insight into many of the world’s most vexing problems on the subject, aiding entomologists in their research.
Meet the gang This week’s adoptable picks from Young-Williams are quite a sight.
Daisy Daisy, a 5-monthold domestic long hair, rounds out the feline trio and Cassandra, a 5-yearold retriever lab mix was added for good measure. Clear Sky Clear Sky is a 5-yearold Siamese mix, and Jackson is a 2-year-old domestic short hair mix.
SENIOR NOTES Call today 1-866-675-8774 (TTY 711), seven days a week, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. to ďŹ nd out how HealthSpring can help you get more from life.
Register for a sales seminar today.
AARP driver safety class For registration info about this and all other AARP driver safety classes, call Carolyn Rambo, 584-9964.
â– 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, July 30-31, Chota Recreation Center, 145 Awohli Drive, Tellico Village, Loudon.
July 24, 2012 at 10 a.m. Best Western 7260 Saddlerack St. Knoxville, TN 37914
July 27, 2012 at 10 a.m. Halls Senior Center 4405 Crippen Rd. Knoxville, TN 37918
www.myhealthspring.com Meeting attendance is free with no obligation. A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodations of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 1-866-675-8774 (TTY 711). A HMO, POS and SNP product will be discussed during the event. HealthSpring is in the following Tennessee counties: Bedford, Bradley, Cannon, Carroll, Cheatham, Chester, Coffee, Crockett, Davidson, DeKalb, Dickson, Fayette, Franklin, Gibson, Grundy, Hamilton, Hickman, Knox, Macon, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Maury, McMinn, Meigs, Montgomery, Putnam, Robertson, Rutherford, Sequatchie, Sevier, Shelby, Smith, Sumner, Tipton, Trousdale, Warren, White, Williamson, and Wilson; the following Mississippi county: Desoto; and the following Georgia FRXQWLHV &DWRRVD 'DGH DQG :DONHU 7KH EHQH¿W LQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLGHG KHUHLQ LV D EULHI VXPPDU\ QRW D FRPSUHKHQVLYH GHVFULSWLRQ RI EHQH¿WV )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW WKH SODQ %HQH¿WV IRUPXODU\ SKDUPDF\ QHWZRUN SUHPLXP and/or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1, 2013. HealthSpring is a Coordinated Care plan with a Medicare contract. Y0036_12_0905 File & Use 02182012 Š 2012 HealthSpring, Inc.
COMMUNITY CLUBS â– Memoir Writers meet 7 p.m. each second Thursday at Panera Bread, 733 Louisville Road in Alcoa.
REUNIONS â– Central High School Class of 1944 will have its 2012 reunion at noon Thursday, Aug. 16, at Beaver Brook Country Club. Info/registration: Carolyn C. Mynatt, 584-9530 or Dr. Jim Tumblin, jctchs44@nxs.net. â– Central High School Class of 1948 will hold its 64th reunion Saturday, July 28, at All Occasion Catering, 922 N. Central Ave. Fellowship starts at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon. Info: Mary Frances Tucker, 539-6242 or email mfgvt@gmail.com. â– Halls High School Class of
Jackson 1965 will hold a reunion July 28 at Beaver Brook Country Club. Any class is welcome. Info/reservations: George VanDeGriff, 922-8345 or 278-6724. ■Halls High School Class of 1992 will hold its 20-year reunion Saturday, Sept. 1, at Beaver Brook Country Club. Info: Jennifer Corum, 654-1317 or email jennifercorum@yahoo.com. ■Standard Knitting Mills reunion is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 4 at the John T. O’Connor Senior Center. Any employee or relative is welcome. Food donations are accepted; limited to finger foods. Info: 523-5463. ■Wilkerson Reunion is 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 19, at Big Ridge State Park. Bring a covered dish.
You can meet all of these adoptable animals at YWAC’s facility on Division Street. Hours there are noon to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Or see all of the shelter’s animals online at www. young-williams.org.
UT NOTES ■The Rock, a campus landmark located at the corner of Volunteer Boulevard and Pat Summitt Street, will be blocked off for its own protection – and that of would-be painters – while crews perform necessary utility, sidewalk and guttering work around the Natalie L. Haslam Music Center, currently under construction. The Rock and its new surrounding sidewalks are expected to reopen in midAugust, before students return to campus.
SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 23, 2012 • B-3
HEALTH NOTES ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee, 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org.
Medic continues to struggle to meet the needs of its service area of 21 counties and 27 area hospitals. All blood types are needed. During the month of July, donors will receive a coupon for a free Chick-fil-A sandwich. Those who donate between July 23-27 will also receive a ticket to a Smokies game.
■ Covenant Health’s Bodyworks offers community exercise for all ages at $3 per class. Classes include Easy Cardio Max, Mind and Body, and Senior Cardio. Visit www. covenanthealth.com/bodyworks or call 541-4500 to find a location near you.
Donors can donate at a number of daily mobile sites or one of two fixed sites: 1601 Ailor Ave. and 11000 Kingston Pike in Farragut. Blood drives in your area: ■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, July 23, Tennova Health and Fitness between Powell and Halls, inside conference room.
■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. each third Monday at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081.
■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, July 23, Walmart on Chapman Highway, Bloodmobile.
The Early Bird Special band entertains at the Strang Senior Center’s summer party. Band members are: Vern Lindsey, Steve Grimsley, Kathy Huber and Kelley Massey. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com
Summer party at Strang By Theresa Edwards The Strang Senior Center celebrated with a summer party July 18 featuring entertainment by the Early Bird Special band and refreshments provided by Elmcroft of West Knoxville. The band performed a variety of folk and country music, including songs by John Denver, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, and Peter, Paul and Mary. Some of the audience sang along, “almost heaven, West Virginia … country roads take me home to the place where I belong.” “You can sing along if you like,” said Vern Lindsey. “That’s right, because we’ll always be louder,” chimed in vocalist Kathy Huber. Blake McCoy of Independent Insurance Consultants provided goody bags for everyone and door prizes of two T-shirts and a $50
Lost & Found
■ 5:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday, July 25, Food City on Asheville Highway, Bloodmobile. ■ 5:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, July 26, Food City on Clinton Highway, Bloodmobile.
■ 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, July 26, UT Medical Center, inside Woods Auditorium. ■ 5:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, July 27, Food City on Kingston Pike, Bloodmobile.
■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each third Tuesday at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Ave. Info: Rebecca Gill, 6027807, or www.namiknox.org.
■ 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, July 27, Honda and Yamaha of Knoxville, 5828 Clinton Highway, Bloodmobile. ■ 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, July 30, Papa Murphy’s Pizza locations at Cedar Bluff, North Broadway, Chapman Highway and Farragut, Bloodmobile. (Free large one topping pizza for donors.)
Sharron Horton, Louise Dech and Peggy Jansen applaud as the band finishes a song by John Denver. gift card to Oasis Day Spa. Speaking of singing, the Strang Women’s Chorus will have its first practice for newcomers 1:45 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 16. Sign-up sheet
15 North
is at the front desk. The “Walk with Walgreens” contest between local senior centers will run Aug. 1 through Oct. 31. Pedometers are avail-
40n Apts - Unfurnished 71 Condo Rentals
able at Walgreens. Log your steps and report them to the Strang Center to help them win. First place prize is $500, second place $200 and third place $100.
76 Free Pets
145 Boats Motors
■ The “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” 5K will be held 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 7, at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Plaza, 800 Howard Baker Ave. Registration opens at 2 p.m. Info: 558-4048 or www.makingstridesknoxville. org.
■ 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 31, Papa Murphy’s Pizza in South Knox, Bloodmobile. (Free large, one-topping pizza for donors.
■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: Penny Sparks, 544-6279.
Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old weighing 120 pounds with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and have positive identification.
232 4 Wheel Drive 258 Flooring
FSBO, FTN. CITY, 1 BR priv guest house Beautiful Wimbledon 25' Cuddy Cabin GT 1400 SF ranch, 2 BR w/green house, gar- II Condo/Townhome. 250 1990, by Donzi, YAZ / YASMIN / 290 HP, $10,000 obo. 2 full BA, hdwd flrs, den, deck, wood Corner unit in mature, ADOPT! OCELLA W. Knox nbrhd. of 865-216-3093 new roof, next to stove, Eco friendly. BIRTH CONTROL Looking for a lost Suburban Hills, 3BR Adair Park. Flat $850. 865-771-1594 PILLS or STARCRAFT 17' walk pet or a new one? fenced yard, gar., & 2½ BA with Mstr. a NuvaRING thru, 115hp Merc., Suite on main. $129,000. 865-288-0985 LENOIR CITY, 1 BR, Visit YoungVAGINAL RING all access. $11,500 Completely renovated large, private, 1st CONTRACEPTIVE Williams Animal HALLS Temple Acres OBO. 865-660-5432 w/new bamboo floor, covered wrap between 2001 & the Center, the official 3 BR, 2 BA, encl. around porch, great hrdwd, carpet, paint, present & suffered a shelter for the City gar. & shed, $92,000 & fixtures throughout. old town location, stroke or heart attack of Knoxville & Knox firm. 865-584-1688 Campers 235 All new upscale $525/mo. Includes or developed blood County: 3201 Diutilities. 865-924-0791 stainless appliances. clots, you may be enOpen floor plan w/2 vision St. Knoxville. ***Web ID# 110217*** titled to compensaAEROLITE 195QB Condos- Townhouses 42 story GR w/gas FP, knoxpets.org tion. Call Attorney by Dutchman 2011, DR, & sunroom. N. near I-75, Ftn. City/ Charles Johnson. like new, incl. hitch, 2 lge BRs, BA, & Inskip area, beautiDetached 2 BR/2 BA 1-800-535-5727 $14,500. 865-755-7990 loft up, balcony ful new 1 BR, quiet, Condo. New Carpet LOST GERMAN priv., 2 yr. lease. hall overlooking GR. AVION 1991 31 ft, 10x28 & Paint! Villas at Machinery-Equip. 193 SHEPHERD, black Appr 2000sf. Screened No pets. Credit chk. deck w/roof over deck & East Town, 5608 w/orange legs, appx Adoption porch w/in private $425. 865-522-4133. camper, lake side 21 Libby Way, Brick/ CASE DIESEL Fork80 lbs, 865-573-9960. fenced courtyard. campground, many exFrame, 1100+ SF Lift. Rough terrain. Oversized 2 car gar. tras. $7500. 423-489-8011 Ranch, non-smoke, 6000x21 ft. Phone w/adj. storage room. central heat/AC, Apts - Furnished 72 ADOPT: My one 865-363-6953 PROWLER 2001 TT 27 ft. Attic storage over Special Notices 15 heart's desire is to screened porch, Lg. slide out, queen gar. 1 year lease & privacy fence, large adopt a newborn. rear BA, AC, gas utility room, fridge, WALBROOK STUDIOS credit check required. Dedicated teacher Household Furn. 204 bed, range / heat, all hitch, $1,499/month 25 1-3 60 7 DW, stove; master that can offer a selevelers / sway bar. 865.368.4377. $140 weekly. Discount with walk-in; comm. IF YOU HAD HIP OR cure home with love, $8000 / bo. Exc. cond. avail. Util, TV, Ph, 5 PC. black wrought pool, playgrnd, lawn happiness and secuKNEE REPLACE865-717-1268; 717-645-1619 Stv, Refrig, Basic iron patio set, 4 maint; 5 min. to MENT SURGERY rity. Large, caring Cable. No Lse. mall/I40/I640, 10 min Trucking Opportunities 106 chairs, round table, TRAIL MANOR 2002, between 2004 and extended family. $300. 922-6682. to UT, safe/quiet; Expenses paid. present time and SL2720, 27', like FSBO, $89,900, title required a second Please call Maria DRIVERS: TEAMS. new, all options, exDuplexes 73 company closing. No surgery you may be 1-855-505-7357 or CDL-A 1yr exp tras included $9,500. Agents. (865) 919-5995 MariaAdopts.com entitled to compenToffee color, $600. Excellent 865-932-2576 Kodak sation. Attorney 865-483-8711 Duplex - North. 2BR, Pay/Benefits/HomeFARRAGUT Charles Johnson 2BA, 1 car gar. No pets. Time. LIKE NEW, 8-ft. sofa, Special Notices 15 1-800-535-5727. 1 yr lease. $750/mo. COMMONS Dedicated for 237 sage green ($700), Motor Homes + $500 dam. 254-9552 Andersonville. No3 BR, 3 Bath, and two Lane Touch. 2 Car Garage. TROPI-CAL 2006, 34' swivel rocker reApply: CarterFSBO. 865-671-1185 2", diesel pusher, cliners, sage green Express.com w/freight liner XC ($500), or $1,000 for 877-628-6806 series chassis, air all three pieces. Cemetery Lots 49 suspension, air Also 6-ft. stripe brakes, gently used. sofa, good cond., Healthcare 110 $200. 922-3391. 2 CEMETERY 11,567 mi. Gen. has Crypts in Holly Hills 215 hrs., Corian kit. Memorial Park, The counter top, cherry Brightstar Homecare MISC., HUTCH, Chapel of Memory, bedding, TV stand, finish cab., 2 slide is seeking experienced Bldg. B. 423-645-5632 rugs, excellent outs. 2 tv's, DVD/VCR CAREGIVERS & CNA'S or 865-679-3694. quality. 865-980-6247 combo. $115,000 obo. FT, PT, Shift & live-in 865-584-4737. 2 WOODLAWN positions available. Knox, OVERSIZED CHAIR, ***Web ID# 112957*** CEMETERY LOTS twin side chairs; end Sevier, Anderson, Blount $1795 for both tables; queen sleigh counties & surrounding 865-388-9938. bed; juke boxes and Motorcycles 238 areas. Weekly Pay! Must more. 865-310-2670 pass criminal background HARLEY DAVIDSON STEARNS & Foster check, drug test & have Wanted To Buy 63 I. Silent Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call Sealy K&Q Closeouts. 2002 Heritage Softail, dependable transportation. 33K mi, $9,800. Ex. cond. $499 & up. II. Approval of Agenda APPLY ONLINE AT 2007 Softail Custom, 8,800 mi, $14,500 Houses - Unfurnished 74 www.brightstarcare.com/ 865-947-2337. III. Mayor’s Report career-center 423-626-1060 423-526-7545 Collectibles 213 A. Town of Farragut Beautification Awards 3BR, 1BA, 2 story house. Big yard. Harley Fat Boy 2002, Cats 140 B. Farragut Sustainability Program Report Min. from St. Mary's GAS, OIL, & AUTO- 1 ownr, just serviced, Hosp. Spacious, $750. MOTIVE signs for new tires. Stage 1, 2, IV. Citizens Forum Call 865-522-6853. sale. Lenoir City PERSIAN Female & geared cams. Many ***Web ID# 113038*** 865-332-0036 Himalayan Kittens. xtras. $9950. 865-671-4487 V. Approval of Minutes Very loving and ***Web ID# 111292*** FTN CITY, Cape Cod beautiful. 423-627-4426. 3 BR, 2 BA, wooded A. July 12, 2012 Arts Crafts 215 lot, stove, refrig., Autos Wanted 253 DW, W/D conn. Non- Dogs VI. Resolution & Ordinances 141 CERAMICS SUPsmok. $800/mo. $800 PLIES of all kinds. A BETTER CASH dep. 865-363-9427 A. Resolution R-2012-10, supporting a Brushes, stains & BLOODHOUND Pupfor junk cars, some bisk and other OFFER pies, CKC reg., blk HALLS, TEMPLE Veterans Administration Hospital in vans, running supplies, cheap. No trucks, & tan, red, $300Acres, 3 BR, 2 BA, or not. 865-456-3500 molds. 253-7759. Roane County $400. 423-272-7783 encl. gar. & shed, We Are Paying Top no pets, no smoke. ***Web ID# 113508*** B. Second Reading & Public Hearing For Your Junk $800/mo. 865-584-1688 Wanted To Buy 222 Dollar CHIHUAHUA Vehicles. Fast, Free 1. Ordinance 12-12, ordinance to amend Pickup. 865-556-8956 MERCHANTS RD / Teacups & miniatures, or 865-363-0318. Tillery Rd area, 9 wks to 5 mos. $100 $$ WANTED $$ Ordinance 12-09 FY2013 Capital 2BR, 2BA, gar., to $300. Regis. S&W, Buying Standing newly built home, See pics 865-387-2859. Timber, small or Investment Program Budget $850 mo. 865-604-1322. ***Web ID# 111087*** Utility Trailers 255 large tracts of Timber to Log, VII. Business Items NORTH New KCDC IRISH RED SETTER Pays Top Dollar UTILITY TRAILERS, approved, 2BR, Cent. PUPPIES KY, TN, VA Master all sizes available. A. Appointment to the Stormwater h&a, W/D conn., appls AKC/FDSB reg., Logger Program. 865-986-5626. furn. 865-360-2586. $300. 865-465-8027 606-273-2232; 606-573-4773 Advisory Committee smokeymountaintrailers.com ALSO PAYING SOUTH 2 BR, 1 BA, B. Approval of Contract for Information FINDERS FEE near John Sevier/Alcoa 4 Wheel Drive 258 Hwy. Appls. $450/mo. blue & white, UKC Technology Services 865-938-1653 reg., Call 423-625-9192 Boats Motors 232 DODGE 3500 4x4, 2007, 4 dr C. Approval of Special Event Signage for ^ WEST, 1900 SF +/-, ROTTWEILER PUPS crew, 5.9 Cummins, 6 sp., 3BR, 2BA, Champ. bloodlines, 3 2001 ProCraft Bass Boat 71k mi. Cosmetic dmg, the News Sentinel Open golf Apts - Unfurnished 71 Updated brand new kit., lrg. 20 1/2 Pro, 200 Merc runs / drives. $19,500/bo. M, 2 F, pet & show laun. & LR, tons of EFI, dual console, 693-2284; 250-1480. quality. 865-429-3066 tournament storage, brick FP, 3 fish finders/GPS, 1 BR Ftn City. Now, 1/2 W/D conn. all appls. Shetland Sheepdog pups, SS Merc prop, built Jeep Cherokee 1993, Rent! Beaut. w/deck, VIII. Town Administrator’s Report incl. $895 + 1 yr. in battery charger, all appl, $425. 2 BR (Shelties), AKC, sable/ 4x4, 6 cyl, 5 spd, 4.5" lease & dep. Avail. Powell. $550. Water pd. cr. new tires, gar. kept, wht, 2M, 1F, ch. sired, lift, 33" tires, lockers, IX. Attorney’s Report Aug. 865-567-6724. $14,000 obo. 865-230-5608 ck. 865-384-1099; 938-6424 $650. 276-963-0770 $2500. 865-382-6183 IF YOU USED
■ “An Introduction to the Alexander Technique” will be taught 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, at West Hills library. Admission is free but preregistration is required. Info: Lilly Sutton, 387-7600 or visit www.lillysutton.com. ■ Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
■ 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, July 26, KPA on Clinch Avenue, Bloodmobile.
13 Special Notices
LOST DOG, REWARD Black Lab Mix, Merchants Rd. Call 423-742-2165.
■ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, TDS Telecom, 10025 Investment Drive, Bloodmobile.
330 Remodeling
Dodge Laramie pkg CERAMIC TILE in2006 Mega Cab, 4x4, 5.7 stallation. Floors/ Hemi, AT, 80K mi, walls/ repairs. 33 cosmetic dmg left side. yrs exp, exc work! Bought new $17,000. John 938-3328 693-2284 or 250-1480 GMC Sierra 4x4 2011 Guttering 333 ext. cab, 6.2L, 8k mi, tow pkg, ARE cover, HAROLD'S GUTTER fact. run. bds, loaded. SERVICE. Will clean Bought new, $37,000 front & back $20 & up. bo. 693-2284 or 250-1480. Quality work, guaranteed. Call 288-0556.
Comm Trucks Buses 259
MAC 1996 RD690 tri-axle dump truck, 350 HP, new tires / brakes / inj. pump, 284k. $27,000/bo. 693-2284 or 250-1480
Antiques Classics 260 1962 CUTLASS F-85, red convertible, AT, V8, skirts. Show cond. $24,000. 865932-2576 Kodak
Painting / Wallpaper 344 FRESHCOAT PAINTING
ACURA CL, 2003, V6, lthr., sunrf., Alloy whls, dealer maint. $7,500. 865-774-5969
LANDSCAPING MGMT Design, install, mulch, sm tree/shrub work, weeding, bed renewal, debri cleanup. Free est, 25 yrs exp! Mark Lusby 679-0800
Res/Comm'l, Int/Ext. Free est.
BMW 2009 328i, black on black, sports pkg, 63K mi, $25,500. 931510-1613 aft 6pm Honda Civic EX 1999, fully loaded, cold AC, runs great, manual transmission, new tires $2,700. 865-688-4143 HONDA CIVIC LX Sedan 2010, 38,600 mi, exc cond, $13,600. 865-919-4879 VW PASSAT 3.6 Sport 2006, white w/silver leather, sunroof, AT, full power, new Michelins, 126k mi, 1 owner, clean Car Fax, very nice, $9750 total. 806-3648.
264 ^
Pressure Washing 350 Roofing / Siding Pontiac Trans Am convertible 2002, 34k mi, exc. cond. $12,000 firm. 2002 Sunfire, exc. cond. 31k mi, $4000. 865-523-1167
CHEV Caprice Classic 1985, PW, P Seats, tilt, cruise, $2500 obo. 865-216-2458 Merc. Grand Marquis 2004, loaded, new Michelins, 54K act. mi, like new, $9500 firm. 865-803-3318
CHRISTIAN ^ HOUSEKEEPING, dependable, hard working with low rates, refs. available. Please call Destiny at 363-1819 or 363-5822. CLEANING LADY needed for general housekeeping work. Karns/Ball Camp area. 691-3277. ^
B-4 • JULY 23, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS
Health Advisor
Q. I receive supplements in the mail and they're usually left in a box at my front door. Do the supplements still work if they are exposed to the high temperatures we've been experiencing?
A. This is an important issue that affects not only supplements, but also prescription medications ordered through mail order pharmacies and even medication samples provided to your doctor's office. In general, medications not requiring refrigeration should be kept at room temperatures (68-77 degrees F) and most manufacturers permit temporary temperatures from 59-86 degrees F. Consider then what happens to temperatures of medication samples left in a car during the heat of the day when a drug sales rep is making a call to your doctor's office. How hot can it get inChad & Camilla Frost, PharmDs side a delivery vehicle bringing you the medications your insurance company 10420 Kingston Pike, Lovell Heights Center requires via U.S. mail? Between Pellissippi & Lovell Road In reality, these issues have not been adequately addressed by the FDA or USP, and I don't have an answer as to what happens to the potency. I would encourage you to have a discussion with the company that mails your supplements or any company mailing any medications to you about the procedures they have in place to ensure temperature ranges are permissible to manufacturer standards. If you're experiencing unusual side effects or believe your medications may not be working as they usually do, consult your local pharmacist for advice.