Farragut Shopper-News 073012

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FARRAGUT www.ShopperNewsNow.com




The Shopper interns took a special tour of the Knoxville office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation last week. Perhaps the most excited kid in the group was columnist Jake Mabe. See page A-10

What a view! The view of the city of Knoxville’s skyline is breathtaking from the South Knoxville ridge, writes Ruth White. Legacy Parks Foundation executive director Carol Evans gave the interns a sneak peak at one of Knoxville’s most beautiful but lesser-known sights last Tuesday, as well as a history lesson at Fort Dickerson. See page A-11

Moment of truth arrives for Vols It is (winning) football time in Tennessee, Marvin West writes, and fans are so excited and optimistic and probably so full of themselves as to overlook facts.

See Marvin’s story on page A-5

Lions celebrate ‘the Fifth’ Just days away for celebrating “the Fourth,” the Farragut Lions Club had a two-stepping good time celebrating the Fifth. On June 29, club members gathered at Concord UMC for Fifth Friday Night Dance, a social event that takes place every month that is blessed with a “fifth Friday.” The fun in June was a Lions Line Dance, and the fancy footwork and western shirts were plentiful.

See page A-3

Index Coffee Break A2 Sherri Gardner Howell A3 Government/Politics A4 Marvin West/Betty Bean A5 Town of Farragut A6 Faith A7 Interns A10,11 Community Calendar A12 Business A13 Health/Lifestyles Sect B

10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com GENERAL MANAGER Shannon Carey shannon@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Sherri Gardner Howell gardners@tds.net FARRAGUT REPORTER Suzanne Foree Neal papernews@tds.net ADVERTISING SALES Jim Brannon brannonj@ShopperNewsNow.com Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.

Mike Petty answers with chiropractic care for U.S. track and field athletes By Stefan Cooper Mike Petty will always wonder if he could have made a difference. Tom Pappas entered the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens as the world’s topranked decathlete. He had won the Jesse Owens Award a year earlier, given to the top male athlete in U.S. Track and Field. Of Greek decent and owner of Mike Petty one of the best point totals of all time in decathlon, Pappas was looking to make Athens a crowning moment. Petty, a Farragut resident and doctor of chiropractic, had noticed something in Pappas’ stride from video of the 2004 U.S. Trials, where the Tennessee All-American finished second after winning the World Championships the year before. Petty worked with Pappas at the University of Tennessee for some time to correct a landing problem that Pappas had when running. Petty’s brand of “muscle testing” was integral in diagnosing the problem and accelerating Pappas’ rise to the top. When Pappas asked Petty to accompany him to Athens just in case, Petty declined.

He didn’t want to get in the way or be a bother, he said. In the opening event of the decathlon, the pole vault, Pappas injured his foot and was forced to withdraw. “I just should have gone,” Petty said. When American sprinter and former Vol Justin Gatlin phoned and asked Petty to accompany him to this year’s games in London, Petty said he didn’t have to think twice. “The neat part is you develop a relationship, a camaraderie,” Petty said. “That’s what makes it special.” It has been a long, disciplined climb to the top for the Petty. After graduating from the University of Tennessee in pre-med in 1983 and Life Chiropractic College, where he was valedictorian, in 1986, Petty already had a plan in place. He’d heard a colleague address a convention about the benefits of chiropractic care for athletes. It fit nicely with Petty’s lifelong love of sports. When he opened his Concord Chiropractic Clinic in 1986, he made contact with University of Tennessee football coach Johnny Majors. Majors and then-Vols trainer Tim Kerin were interested but wanted to go slow, Petty said. When Kerin passed away suddenly in 1992, his successor, Mike Rollo, maintained a dia-

logue. UT placekicker Jeff Hall would soon make it even more insistent. Petty had steadily gained credibility for his pioneering work with the UT track team. When Hall injured himself in the weight room, the Vol training staff, looking for answers, phoned Petty. “I get this call from Mike Rollo,” Petty said. “They’d tried everything and wanted to know if there was anything I could do. He’d basically jammed his femur into his pelvis doing clean and jerks or squats.” After 10 days with Petty, Hall was back on the practice field booming kick after kick through the uprights. “That’s when (former Vol) coach (Phillip) Fulmer was out there wanting to meet me,” Petty said. “Everybody said, ‘Does that hurt?’ He (Hall) said, ‘No. It feels great.’ So everybody wanted to try it.” Petty is now a part of UT’s sports medicine team. The list of athletes he has helped excel beyond previously displayed limits includes not only the world champion and Olympian Gatlin, but former Vols and Olympians Aries Merritt, Dee Dee Trotter and Tianna Madison. Merritt is on his way to London after winning the U.S. Trials in the 100-meter hurdles, his time of 12.93 seconds missing the meet record by a hundredth of a second. Petty has actively followed Merritt’s progress. “Every time we went to a meet, he hit a PR (personal record),” Petty said.

Anthony Famiglietti brought his 2008 Olympic number to Mike Petty to add to his photo from the games.

Mike Petty’s photo of Tom Pappas captures the World Decathlon champion’s elation and bears a message of thanks to the chiropractor.

Trotter is making her third Olympic appearance, hitting the mark for London in the 400-meter run. Madison will race for gold in the 100 after a second place trials finish. London will be her first Olympics. Petty, who left for London on Sunday, will be keeping a close eye on Trotter when track and field kicks off Aug. 3. As he’d done with countless Vols, Petty said he began

noticing problems in Trotter’s stride during her run up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He immediately contacted Tennessee director of track and field J.J. Clark. “I texted J.J. and said, ‘You need to check the film on this. She’s running off the side of her foot,’ ” Petty said. If the problem recurs in London, this time Petty said he will be there and is leaving nothing to chance.

By Suzanne Foree Neal Turkey Creek Public Market has closed, but Farragut officials believe the building will get a second life once the Outlet Drive extension is finished. Assistant Town Administrator Gary Palmer was surprised by the market’s sudden closing. “I knew vendors were struggling. (The problem) was probably the location with only one way in and out. Personally, I think the concept is great.” The Outlet Drive extension, a $2.7 million Knox County project, will connect Lovell and Campbell Station roads, passing in front of the Public Market building. Farragut has paid $128,854 for rights-of way and negotiations are ongoing with four property owners. Jim Snowden, an engineer with Knox County, said the county would be in breach of contract if it did not finish the road. The project originated in February 2009, long before the Public Market opened. “It will be a very nice road with a center turn lane, sidewalks and bike lanes – a very good link for motorists.” It will relieve traffic on Snyder Road while promoting economic development, Snowden said. Palmer said the town will work with property owners to see that the

Turkey Creek Public Market probably won’t sit empty for long once the Outlet Drive extension is completed early next year, says Farragut Assistant Town Administrator Gary Palmer. He thinks road problems contributed to the market’s demise. Photo by S.F. Neal

property is maintained. It’s zoned for retail sales. Once the road is finished, he doesn’t think there will be a problem finding a new business to fill the space. Some say the endeavor, created by John Turley and Charles Atchley, wasn’t developed as advertised. Ann Lacava is a member of the Foothills Craft Guild, which she says was heavily recruited.

The guild took six booths, then dropped to four and then most members left. “It became real clear that you couldn’t find anything specific. There was no guide to where people were. We talked about a craft village with people grouped into like sorts of things.” That didn’t happen. The market was supposed to be more upscale to appeal to Farragut residents,


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but Lacava says after the first few weekends, Farragut shoppers didn’t come. A booth of fine jewelry next to one selling socks didn’t appeal to Foothills crafters. Turley couldn’t be reached for comment. “It didn’t catch on like a lot of people thought,” Palmer says. He echoes Lacava’s view that potential customers thought it would be upscale. Vendors came and went, with each responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax. Palmer does not expect a drop in revenue from the closing. “From the beginning we wondered how we were going to track and gauge it. With a lot of cash sales, there’s no way for us to track our tax share.” Steve and Audrey Nelson, who operated Pappardelle’s Pasta, closed their permanent booth in the middle of June, but kept an aisle table on Saturdays in hopes that things might turn around. “We were happy to see the best sales of the year in March, however after March the traffic and sales for whatever reason fell off a cliff,” Steve Nelson said. The Public Market had 500 indoor spaces and 150 outdoor booths.


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American sprinter Justin Gatlin, right, asked Mike Petty to accompany him to the Olympic Games in London. This photo shows, from left, Leonard Scott, Petty and Gatlin.

Market’s closing catches town off guard

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Coffee Break with

“Interesting. I had a counselor tell me once that I was both Type A and Type B and would be a good case study.”

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “My bad back.”

What is your passion? “Helping children.”

With whom, living or dead, would you most like to have a long lunch? “Mark Messier. I am a huge New York Ranger hockey fan. I would love to sit and talk to him.”

Jamie Fusaro

Jamie Fusaro likes to make wishes come true. The 44-year-old Farragut resident who grew up in Brooklyn and Long Island, the younger of two sons of Italian parents, doesn’t check his own “wish list” when helping to make magic happen. He works on the list of sick children through his volunteer position with the Make a Wish Foundation. Jamie is a UPS driver and personal trainer, and he likes both jobs. The light in his eyes, however, comes when he talks about his volunteer position as a Wish Granter. “I grew up in an Italian family and was taught that you must be grateful for what you have and then you give back,” says Jamie. “I heard about the Make a Wish Foundation, and I really liked the concept. I started as a donor when I could only give $20 or $30. Then I gave my time, working to help with fundraisers as a volunteer. As you get older, and you start to achieve a balance in your life, you are able to give more back. Folks at the corporate office talked to me about taking the training and becoming a Wish Granter, and I jumped at the opportunity.” Wish Granters are the volunteers who go in teams of two to interview parents and children who have a wish they would like granted through the Make a Wish Foundation. “When you hear some of the stories of what Make a Wish means to the kids and families, it gives me goosebumps.” Jamie, a U.S. Army veteran, recently returned from a visit home to New York City where he helped his grandmother celebrate her 96th birthday. “It was interesting getting back into the energy of the big city. It still goes full throttle. I have known since I spent my last duty in the Army at Fort Bragg, N.C., and got a job in Greensboro when I got out that I wanted to stay in this area. I love it here.” Jamie, who is engaged to Karen Casey, has a 15-yearold son, James Patrick Fusaro, a rising freshman at Farragut High School. Sit back and enjoy a coffee break as you get to know Jamie Fusaro.

Other than your parents, who has had the biggest influence on your life? “A soccer coach I had in college. He showed me how sports can be translated into life. Also, Father Tom Stott, a priest in the parish when I lived in Eden, N.C.”

I still can’t quite get the hang of … “Technology and social media.”

What is the best present you ever received in a box? “The cross my grandfather gave me when I graduated from high school. He got it from Italy.”

What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? “I have an older brother who I am very close to, but mom’s advice was ‘Don’t listen to your brother. Be yourself.’ ”

What is the worst job you have ever had? union. Apparently I’m guilty of a lot!”

What is your favorite material possession? “A cross pendant my grandfather gave me.”

What are you reading currently? “I am reading Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Pilgrimage.’ ”

What was your most embarrassing moment? “At a friend’s wedding, I was asked to do a reading. Big Catholic wedding, and I was nervous and had practiced it over and over. At the end of my reading, I said, ‘This is the Lord of the Word,’ instead of ‘This is the Word of the Lord.’ My friends still rag me about it.”

What is your favorite quote from television or a movie?

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

“From ‘A Bronx Tale’ and Robert DeNiro: ‘There is nothing sadder in life than wasted talent.’ ”

“Watch the great white sharks at Seal Island in South Africa, run with the bulls in Spain and go to Fiji and Bora Bora.”

What are you guilty of? “I just came back from my 25-year high school re-

What is one word others often use to describe you?

“Shoveling driveways in the New York winter snows.”

What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon? “I love ‘Tom and Jerry.’ ”

What irritates you? “Back talk from a 15-year-old son! Suddenly he is so smart, and I apparently know nothing.”

What’s one place in Farragut everyone should visit? “Restaurant Linderhof. I love local, small, intimate restaurants.”

What is your greatest fear? “It is a tie: Spiders and heights.”

If you could do one impulsive thing, what would it be? “I would buy a Ferrari.” It can be your neighbor, club leader, bridge partner, boss, father, teacher – anyone you think would be interesting to Farragut Shopper-News readers. Email suggestions to Sherri Gardner Howell, gardners@tds.net. Include contact info if you can.


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Lions celebrate the Fifth

Members of the Farragut Lions Club fill the gym at Concord United Methodist Church for their Fifth Friday dance. Photos by Justin Acuff

Just days away from celebrating “the Fourth,� the Farragut Lions Club had a two-stepping good time celebrating the Fifth.

Sherri Gardner Howell FARRAGUT FACES On June 29, club members gathered at Concord United Methodist Church for Fifth Friday Night Dance, a social event that takes place every month that is blessed with a “fifth Friday.� The fun in June was a Lions Line Dance, and the fancy footwork and western shirts were plentiful. Proceeds from the social event are always designated for one of the Lions Club of Farragut charities. Cost to participate is $5 per person. It has been a busy month for the active club. A members-only club retreat set out the plans and ideas for the coming year. On the discussion table, in addition to the club’s continuing commitment to vision assistance and screenings, were events such as a Low Country Boil in September, an October Pancake Breakfast at Applebee’s and other events. The club showed appreciation to departing president Norvell Burrow

Gene Palermo, dressed in his best western duds, grabs a dance with Sandy Thompson. Recognized at the Fifth Friday dance for celebrating a recent milestone birthday (50 or 75 years) are Leon Ridenour, Betty Nichols, Regina Mueller and Mark McGuire.

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Round Up and Save! Donna White snags a dance with Farragut Lions Club president Fletcher Stephens. and welcomed new King Lion Fletcher Stephens. Helen Myers was lauded as the Farragut Lion of the Year. The next Fifth Friday

FARRAGUT NOTES ■Farragut Lions Club meets 6:30 p.m. each second and fourth Tuesday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road. ■Farragut Rotary Club meets at noon each Wednesday at the Fox Den Country Club. ■Free budget classes are held from noon to 1 p.m. each third Thursday at the Good Samaritan Center, 119 A. St. in Lenoir City. Everyone is invited. No preregistration is required. Info: annaseal@ credibility.org.

Night is Friday, Aug. 31. For more information about the Lions Club of Farragut, email King Lion Fletcher Stephens at fletchlk@com cast.net.




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■Memoir Writing Group meets 7 p.m. each second Thursday at Panera Bread, 733 Louisville Road. ■West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.


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government Do numbers lie? As Groucho Marx liked to missioner R. Larry Smith say: Who you gonna believe, who seemed determined to disprove our story. me or your lying eyes? “We will not have final, honest numbers until November,” Caldwell told the commissioners. “We will have hard estimates (on Sandra any surplus) when we close Clark the books in September.” The reason, he said, is the county continues to pay its payables. A couple of weeks ago, we (This begs the question requested information from of whether the county has the Trustee’s Office. The spent more than was budquestion was simple: How geted in its adopted balmuch property taxes and anced budget.) sales taxes have you collectCaldwell said the “Halls ed for the fiscal year ending Shopper” numbers are corJune 30, 2012? rect, but do not tell the whole The answer was clear: story. He said the county Property tax collections in- budgeted to collect $1.1 milcluding delinquent taxes and lion in delinquent taxes and fees: $261,463,386; sales fees, but the Trustee’s Office tax: $141,164,674 for a total exceeded expectations, colcollected: $402,628,060. lecting $2.1 million. The budget adopted for “We can’t count on that the same fiscal year showed kind of increase every year anticipated collections of because as they do a better $248,769,308 (property); job there will be fewer de$136,514,750 (sales) for a linquent taxes to collect,” he total: $385,284,058. said. Wheel tax collections The difference is $17.3 are flat, he said, and the million which I called a fee offices are performing “surplus” and questioned about as budgeted. whether County CommisClassic misdirection. sion would opt to use any Caldwell represents his or all of it for one-time boss, Mayor Tim Burchett, requests from the school who does not want commisboard, not covered in the sioners to get excited about budget adopted for the cur- spending a surplus. rent fiscal year. Nope. Mayor Tim would Simple, right? prefer to announce it himWrong. self in the fall, take credit The county’s interim for wise management and finance director, Chris maybe even find another Caldwell, met with com- school to build that the missioners last Monday to school board didn’t ask for. discuss collections. He was We’re not backing up on grilled specifically by Com- this. There’s more to come.

A-4 • JULY 30, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Republicans cross the finish line While the gathering really wasn’t about politics, if there had been any more Republicans assembled on the steps at Helen Ross McNabb Center the other day and if there had been some kind of tasty vittles served, they could have called it something like, Oh, the Lincoln Day Dinner or the Duncan Family Barbecue.

Anne Hart

Oh, wait … guess those names are taken. Anyway, with Attorney General Randy Nichols as the only self-declared Democrat in sight – and there are those who question whether there really is a “D” after his name and others who note that his first name does, indeed, start with an “R” – there was hardly a Dem to be found. But all joking aside, the group gathered to announce an important new mental health pilot project for Knox County that is hoped will be such a success it will be implemented statewide. The legislation allows persons with mental illness or severe emotional disturbance to receive comprehensive health care services on an outpatient basis after processing through the court system. Initially, 10 persons a year will participate in the program. The bill was sponsored by Knox County’s Sen. Becky Massey and Rep. Ryan Haynes and Blount County’s

At the press conference at Helen Ross McNabb Center are Nick Pavlis, Steve Hall, Ryan Haynes, Doug Varney, Becky Massey, Randy Nichols, Doug Overbey, Andy Black, Tim Burchett and Jimmy “J.J.” Jones. Photo by Jacob Swisher Sen. Doug Overbey and Rep. Bob Ramsey – Republicans all, and that’s why the gathering looked something like a family reunion. Joining the group were Knox County Sheriff Jimmy Jones and County Mayor Tim Burchett, along with city of Knoxville Vice Mayor Nick Pavlis and Rep. Steve Hall. Even Doug Varney, Tennessee’s Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, who hails from Johnson City and was on hand to offer remarks, has a strong local Republican connection. His daughter, Leandra Varney, is among a group of young people who will help staff Republican headquarters here and will be working throughout East Tennessee on behalf of the Romney campaign. Andy Black, CEO and president of the McNabb Center, was host and introduced the speakers, saying that McNabb “fully supports a program that works to help individuals with an untreated mental illness receive quality and compassionate care.”

Burchett said that while he had worked hard to pass similar legislation while serving in the legislature, “It was Massey and Haynes who carried this across the finish line.” Overbey remarked that the jails “have become the largest place to treat the mentally ill” and noted that the legislation is especially timely because of the recent closing of Lakeshore Mental Health Institute. Massey said it is her hope that the bill “will stop the revolving door that keeps these

By Anne Hart

them, so I just sort of slid back in my chair a bit, out of the way.” And then there are the disappointing incidents – like having your yard signs destroyed or stolen. “Except for a few that friends have asked for and distributed them, I put up every one of those signs myself.” On Pierce’s website there’s a photo of a mangled sign, still standing, but looking as if it has a couple of band aids on it. “Nope. Those aren’t band aids,” the candidate laughs, “They’re orange duct tape. Hey, it works!” Pierce says his interest in government and history runs deep. “I was the first in my family to graduate from high school. My Granddaddy couldn’t even read or write. But I remember sitting with my Daddy and Granddaddy in front of an old black and white TV in 1956 watching the returns come in for

President Eisenhower. And he’s always appreciated a good yarn. “There was a little country store in Giles County, where I grew up. It was a place people went to exchange news and stories – a gathering place, kind of like the Hardee’s in Karns where people gather in the mornings – so I grew up listening. I really enjoy people.” It must have been a big leap from that small farming community to the University of Tennessee, where Pierce received both graduate and undergraduate degrees and met his wife, Lavonne. The two first rented a house in West Haven, then bought their first house off Pleasant Ridge Road and eventually built a home in Karns. They have lived in the 89th District their entire 39 years of marriage. Pierce retired a few months ago after more than 35 years in the housing industry. He was executive

Contact: annehartsn@aol.com.

GOSSIP AND LIES ■ During debate on whether the commission would open meetings with a prayer (it passed, 10-1), Commissioner R. Larry Smith said he understands how minorities feel because he himself is often in a minority. When is that, Larry? A. In a roomful of short people. B. At a gathering of ex-wives. C. Stumbling into a Phi Beta Kappa meeting. ■ Shannondale School has imploded with multiple reassignments, transfers and resignations. What disrupts a school most? A. A tradition of academic excellence and involved parents. B. A rogue custodian, secretary and P.E. teacher. C. A dispassionate, yet micromanaging, superintendent.

Bo Pierce: ‘Retired but not tired’ Win, lose or draw, and in spite of 105 degree heat on some days and pouring rain on others, working before daylight or after dark at times, William “Bo” Pierce says he has truly enjoyed campaigning for the state House in the new 89th District. Part of the reason has to be that he’s such an affable guy. A born storyteller, he’s also a great listener. It’s clear that he likes to enjoy himself, even when the task at hand is a serious one. And don’t be fooled for a minute. He takes this race very seriously. But it hasn’t been all knocking on doors, making new friends and swapping tales. There have been some tense moments, one at a public appearance last week when two of his opponents got into a rather heated debate with each other. “I was seated between the two of

patients repeatedly admitted to psychiatric hospitals or confined to jail on minor charges by getting them the help they need to get their illness under control.” Haynes said the legislation marks “a truly great day in Knox County. This is a problem that doesn’t get the attention it needs from the federal government. What we want to do is spend on the front end so we can save on the back end. There are many people who can be served outside of jail or a hospital.”

lative process and was able to have some influence and impact on housing legislation.” Pierce says his major areas of focus in Nashville will be education, economic development, public safety and quality of life. He says he’s working hard for the job: “I may be retired, but I’m not tired!”

Bo Pierce with the women in his life – daughter Rebecca, at left, a teacher at Hardin Valley Academy, and wife Lavonne, who is a secretary at the school. Photo submitted

director at Knox County Housing Authority for most of that time, retiring as vice president at Knoxville’s Community Development Corp (KCDC). He was also president of the Tennessee Association of Housing and Redevelopment Authorities for 20 years.

It was that latter position that found Pierce heavily involved in legislative issues, meeting frequently in Nashville with legislators on housing matters. During those years, Pierce says, “I went to a lot of committee meetings working through the legis-

This is the last in our four-part series profiling the candidates in the newly-created state House 89th District race. Because there is no Democrat candidate, the winner of the Aug.2 Republican primary will represent the district in Nashville. The candidates are Tim Hutchison, Roger Kane, Joey McCulley and William “Bo” Pierce. The district consists of Karns, Hardin Valley, Solway, West Haven and part of Norwood.

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 30, 2012 • A-5

Plant closing throws lives into limbo It was already hot at the RockTenn plant when the first shift reported at 6:45 a.m. July 10, but what everybody’s going to remember about that morning won’t be the stifling heat. It will be the order to go upstairs for a meeting. Despite knowing that they had turned a hefty profit the month before, something didn’t feel right. “Usually they tell us the day before that bigwigs are going to be in here tomorrow, but this was a surprise,” said Joe Vespo, an Indiana native who operates a Flexographic machine, a one-stop wonder that prints, folds, glues and bundles cardboard boxes. “I take all kinds of pride in my work. I believe I’m the best Flexo operator west of the eastern seaboard.” He has worked at the plant on Anderson Road for almost 20 years.

Betty Bean “We all go upstairs, and one guy said, ‘This meeting can’t be good because they didn’t buy us any biscuits and orange juice.’ ” Then the suits walked in. Six of them, lined up in a row. One did all the talking. “They were from corporate and none of us had ever seen them before,” Vespo said. “He proceeded to say they are closing the Knoxville RockTenn plant down in 60 days. It was like ‘Whoa!’ ” “Everybody was just mesmerized by the thought of losing their jobs,” said Boyd Haynes, who is Vespo’s helper on the Flexo machine, a job he took when

Moment of truth draws near It is (winning) football time in Tennessee and we fans are so excited and optimistic and probably so full of it as to overlook facts. Derek Dooley did it. He said the Southeastern Conference won’t have Tennessee to kick around anymore. Players cheered. Sounds great! On the flip side, we have sobering news. Vanderbilt’s James Franklin defeated Dooley in media day quips and fist bumps. Later, we learned that Dooley is not on the same coaching planet

Marvin West

with the great Nick Saban. Experts who claim great insight say Dooley ranks 14th among SEC coaches. That is behind everybody, the new guys and even Joker Phillips of Kentucky. Oh, you say Joker decked Derek nose-to-nose in No-

his previous job in quality control was phased out. He’s been at RockTenn for nearly 23 years. “They said it was because they didn’t have room to expand,” Vespo said. “For (the profit we generated in) a month, I’d knock a wall down.” There’s been a box-making plant on Anderson Road since 1947, through numerous owners. Over the years, they’ve been good corporate citizens whose employees have donated labor to make boxes for the Empty Stocking Fund and volunteered at nearby Shannondale Elementary School. The pay at RockTenn is good, the benefits are good, and both men had planned to retire there. But Haynes, 52, and Vespo, 50, are too young to retire, but old enough, they fear, to make job-hunting difficult. There are other considerations, too. “Everybody was pretty much in shock,” said Haynes, a Knoxville native. “It’s not just about losing the job. We’re like family here. It’s been an honor to vember. No, I had not forgotten but I’m trying. The great mentor Saban says Dooley is doing a really good job, considering his troubling inheritance and that he had a stroke or two of bad luck last season. Dooley, asked to evaluate himself, dodged the issue. He said we live in a world of results and people think we are what our record says we are. Tennessee was 1-7 last season against league foes. That says the Vols were very bad, as in almost awful. It does not address circumstances or declare that Dooley is doomed. It is past tense, then instead of now. It does not take into account lessons learned, injuries healed, improved talent, greater depth or prog-

Boyd Haynes and Joe Vespo have worked together for two decades. That will end when the RockTenn plant closes Sept. 7.

Photo by Betty Bean

work with all these people. We’re with each other in the plant more than we’re with our families, especially in the fall when (making boxes for) Amazon kicks in and it’s nonstop, 24 hours a day.” “One guy asked how many of those plants were union? He said they’d closed 12 plants and 11 of them were union, but in the same breath, he said that wasn’t the reason. I would not want to have his job – telling all these employees they’re not

going to have a job,” Vespo said. Haynes and Vespo praised plant manager Mike Woody, who was transferred here from Alabama and will also lose his job in September. “He’s as fine a man as I’ve ever worked with,” Haynes said. Haynes said there’s been discussion among the workforce about getting together and trying to buy and operate the plant themselves – “I’d go for that in a heart-

ress in speed, strength and endurance – plus a crowd of new assistants with bonus enticements for bowl games. Speaking of Saban and other high authorities, SEC coaches and assembled media, in secret ballot but public proclamation, said our No. 1 man, Tyler Bray, our reason for faith in the future, is not even close to being the best quarterback in the league. Can you believe Tyler Wilson of Arkansas, Aaron Murray of Georgia, A.J. McCarron of Alabama and maybe two or three others are all better than Bray? And we have been worrying about him leaving early for the NFL? In our world of results, you could say Bray, with minimum help, has not

beaten anybody that matters. But we know he will. Any day now, he will come of age. He is maturing. He may even grow up to make better decisions, and throw only footballs. He is smart. He grasps several languages. He can read the strong safety, understand offensive coordinator Jim Chaney and communicate with all-world receiver Da’Rick Rogers. Just wait, Bray will prove he can win when the chips are on the proverbial table. Or, in this case, on the turf at the Georgia Dome, final Friday night in August, the moment of truth. This opener is the most important game in the coaching life of Derek Dooley and the playing career of Tyler Bray.

beat, just to have a job.” But he doesn’t sound optimistic about pulling that off. He’s sending out resumes, but hasn’t heard anything yet. Both are very worried about health insurance. And both Haynes and Vespo have second jobs – Hayes farms and Vespo is a locksmith (he can be reached at 306-3357). There are some 85 employees in the plant and Mike Adams is the union representative for most of them. He has worked there for 24 years and will be one of the recipients of the severance package he’s negotiating. More than half of his people have been at the plant for 20-plus years, one family for three generations. He says he worries most about the young ones. “This isn’t happening because of making money or losing money. They cannot expand enough to keep up expectations, to keep the main stockholders happy. When you work for a bunch of lawyers and doctors, all they see is dollar signs,” Adams said. Because it will be televised on one of ESPN’s junior channels and because a few million high school fans will be otherwise engaged, the whole world won’t be watching but we’ll have a quorum. And the outcome against North Carolina State will tell us whether we do or don’t have what it takes. Whip the Wolfpack and you set a tone for good things to come. Lose that one and … To restore confidence, if not jubilation, I say Tennessee is somewhat better. The facts I will no longer ignore are these: Talk, even by Saban and Dooley, is mostly meaningless. Results matter. Ready or not, here comes a football run for your life. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.

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Best residential entrance winner was Baldwin Park off Boring Road. The sign leads the way to this year’s most beautiful multitook Elizabeth’s Episcopal Renaissance|Farragut family residential complex, St. NHC Farragut, 120 Cavette Hill Church won honors in the re- top honors in the retail commercial complex. ligious institution category. Lane. Photos by S.F. Neal

M&M Development took on the role of preservationist and added on instead of tearing down one of the historic Russell houses. This one is at 11235 West Point Drive.

Best of beauty recognized by Farragut By Suzanne Foree Neal

ners. This year was no exception. The Thursday meeting of the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen began with the awarding of titles to six sites in town. Marty Rogers did the honors for the beautification committee while Mayor Ralph McGill handed out the plaques and posed for photos with those sending a representative. Rogers

Red Robin got the nod in the commercial/retail building division.

explained that members judge on the basis of four criteria: landscaping, plant material, first impression and last impression. The winners were: St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, 110 Sugarwood Drive, in the religious institution category. Ray and Lois Threlkeld, chairs of the church’s garden club, accepted the award.

NHC Farragut, 120 Cavette Hill Lane, won in the category of multi-family residential complex. David Jenkins accepted the plaque. Jay Downard and the Red Robin mascot were cause for a lot of smiles as the giant bird and restaurant rep arrived front and center to accept the award in the commercial/retail building category. The restaurant is at

11422 Parkside Drive. Rena issa nce|Fa r rag ut won in the retail commercial complex division. Following behind the costumed character, Noah Myers, representing Myers Bros. Holdings, said he usually brought his brother with him “but I couldn’t find a chicken suit for him to wear.” No one could be there to accept the award, but M&M

Development, 11235 West Point Drive, won in the category of commercial/office building. The company decided to save, rather than raze, one of the historic Russell family homes. Baldwin Park took top honors in the category of residential entrance. Gene Gibson, president of the Baldwin Park Homeowner Association, accepted the award.

Board studies sustainability

Collaborate: Successful sustainability only works when everyone cooperates. That means governments, communities, universities, businesses, organizations and other town departments need to work together and share ideas. Innovate: Farragut needs to cultivate proactive problem-solving, making use of the latest research and technology. Improve: The plan sets out a guide to measure performance, study the outcome and make changes when needed. Saal’s report notes some things that are mostly out of the town’s control, like utilities. Farragut is light on green infrastructure ordinances and offers no incentives/rewards to businesses or residents who go green. Community educa-

tion programs are limited. There’s about 30 miles of stream running through the town and all the waterways are listed as impaired according to the Clean Water Act. While the town has gone green in some places, like McFee Park, the report says it’s generally not considered to be a sustainable/ green community. That’s likely to change. Vice Mayor Dot LaMarche and Alderman Ron Honken only recently returned from the National League of Cities conference where they attended a program on sustainability. “I was surprised at some of the innovative things going on in the country,” he said. LaMarche said after attending the conference session, and hearing Saal’s report, she was much more aware of what sustainability is all about. In other business, the board:

■ Voted to pass a resolution supporting a Veterans Administration Hospital in Roane County. ■ Passed on second reading an ordinance to amend the Capital Investment Program Budget by $410,000. The town has cashed two letters of credit totaling $310,000 to perform work at the Cottages at the Pryse Farm and Baldwin Park; the third was carried over from last year’s budget and involves the realignment of Farlow Drive for an amount not to exceed $100,000 to Knox County. ■ Appointed Kristin Baksa and Gina Inklebarger to the Stormwater Advisory Committee. ■ Approved special event signage for the News Sentinel Open golf tournament Aug. 18-27 at Fox Den Country Club.

The saying goes, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and it appears that Farragut’s Beautification Committee sees a lot that’s beautiful in the town. Members have been driving around town for 29 years looking for the most beautiful buildings, landscaping and subdivision entrances and heaping praise on the win-

By Suzanne Foree Neal The agenda was light Thursday night when the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen met. Lori Saal, the town’s first sustainability coordinator, gave a presentation on the Sustainability Strategic Plan for 2013-2014. “Our survival depends directly, or indirectly, on our environment,” she told them, adding that they have already been dealing with some sustainability issues, maybe without realizing it. The major one is developing the town’s comprehensive land use plan. Residents interested in keeping up with Saal’s efforts can check things out on the town’s website under administration. She said visitors are

directed to other sites of interest and a link to local organizations. The strategic plan was adopted May 16 and the team Lori Saal includes members from every department with a broad range of talent and experience. The mission is “to incorporate sustainability principles, which balance environmental stewardship, economic growth and social responsibility, into town operations, policies/ordinances, and planning for the Farragut community.

“Our goal is to become a ‘green community,’ ” she told the board. Creating a list of values, or guiding principles, can help make things happen. Act Systemically: People, nature and the economy are impacted by actions taken. The town will need to consider broader implications of each project as presented and look for ways to achieve multiple long-term goals through short-term efforts. Lead: Leadership in sustainability by the town will inspire leadership throughout the community. Educate: Saal hopes to get a jump-start by educating the community’s youth as to the value of sustainability as well as the adults.

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 30, 2012 • A-7

Locals leave for mission trips Two 19-year-old young men from Farragut have left for two-year missionary trips. Both are members of the Farragut ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Webb High School class of 2011 graduate Nello Pesci will serve in the Nevada Las Vegas mission. He is the son of N.J. and Mary-Anne Pesci and attends Brigham Young University. Farragut High School class of 2011 graduate Trey Sexton will serve in the Australia Adelaide mission. He is the son of David

Nello Pesci Photos submitted

Trey Sexton

and Lisa Sexton and also attends Brigham Young University. It is not unusual for

LDS youth to interrupt their college years or even athletic scholarships for a mission.

Brett, Grant, dad Ty and mom Jami Holden, members of Faith Promise Church, tour Compassion International’s interactive experience. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Compassion at Faith Promise By Theresa Edwards

Dr. Michelle Fiscus, Dr. Alan Coffman and Dr. Scott Brice stand by Dr. Robert L. Barnes III as he receives the “Senior Pediatrician of the Year” award at the 2012 TNAAP annual awards gala. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Barnes is top pediatrician By Theresa Edwards Anyone who personally knows Dr. Robert Barnes III will agree he is well deserving of the prestigious “Senior Pediatrician of the Year” award he received July 20 at the 2012 Tennessee Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics annual awards gala at The Foundry. “He’s your quintessential pediatrician,” TNAAP president Dr. Alan Coffman said. “As a pediatrician, we all have that one physician we emulate in our practice and he is that kind of person. There are so many things in the Knoxville pediatric community that were his idea or that he was important in making happen. He has been such a fantastic asset medically to the community. He has been a part of so many things it’s just natural to recognize him tonight.” “He is retiring this year after serving 36 years as a practicing pediatrician. He is loved and admired by every child and parent who has been fortunate to call him their pediatrician and is recognized by his peers as an outstanding physician who is both confident and compassionate,” said Dr. Michelle Fiscus. Dr. Deborah Christiansen nominated him. “Bob

Barnes has been such a big part of our community and has played such a large role in the many, many lives of many children and their families,” she said. “I think the comfort and care he has provided to families has been almost unsurpassed in this area. All of us as pediatricians look at him in some way as a model. Patients just love him, and they think the world of him.” Barnes thanked everyone. “I appreciate this award very much. It was a great surprise when I was notified of it,” he said. “It is a great honor and

very humbling to be chosen for this. I would also like to thank my partners at KPA for being such wonderful pediatricians so that together all these years we have been able to be advocates for children. “For me to spend my whole career practicing in that model, sharing with colleagues and following families for children, grandchildren, sometimes the third generation by the time I was done, has been for me a dream come true and a goal achieved. So, I thank you very much,” said Barnes.

Dogwood Cremation, LLC. Diane Hunter – Manager


It was like a step through time and space, touring Compassion International’s first three-dimensional interactive experience “Change the Story” hosted by Faith Promise’s Pellissippi campus July 20-22, the start of a countrywide tour. “We’re really excited to be here for our official launch,” said Compassion Mobile Experience Manager Kaley Bundy. “We’re just really having a good time. We’re getting the community out here to follow the story of a child living in extreme poverty. It’s to show the realities of extreme poverty, to understand their desperate need, and to see how Compassion has changed their story and how sponsors are changing

Responsible Leadership

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from Uganda and two from Tanzania. “We thought that would be neat, that they could identify with them a little bit better and hopefully grow up together via letters, and one day we might get to see them – who knows!” said Ty. “We have a real heart for the people of Africa,” said Jami. “Our prayer is that we can go to Africa some day and meet at least one of the children.” “This was eye-opening,” said son Grant Holden. “It was cool because we got to see how it is like there, how they live, and how they go to school. It is a lot different (than the way we live).” “It was cool because I got to see all the things they do in Uganda,” said youngest son Brett Holden.

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their story. It is seeing that transformation from desperation to hope. “It’s so much more experiential (than a television ad), the 20-minute tour, to see and hear directly from the children,” said Eli Williams of Compassion. “Over 800 people will go through this weekend.” Church members volunteered to help with the project, guiding visitors. One Faith Promise Church family who experienced the story was the Holden family. Mom Jami Holden is an elementary teacher and dad Ty Holden owns a construction company. Their three children also shared in the experience. In February, each child chose an African child close to their age to sponsor, one

My name is Joey McCulley and I am a candidate to be your State Representa ve. I am an independent thinker and problem solver offering a new beginning of responsible leadership instead of con nuing the poli cs of the past. Be sure and read Be an Informed Voter on my campaign website www.voteMcCulley.com before you vote. There are major differences between the candidates that you need to know about before you vote.

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Community Services ■ Concord UMC’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. The next meeting will be Aug. 7. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments will be served. Info: 675-2835.

Festivals ■ Hillside Baptist Church, 1321 Hickey Rd., will host Faith Fun Fest 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4. There will be games, activities and lunch, with the fun continuing Sunday after the 11 a.m. service. Activities both days will include a water slide, dunking booth, inflatables and a gospel presentation. Free admission. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday. Info: visit www. hillside-baptist-church.org or call 898-0502.


Our Fall Banquet for Lost Sheep Ministry (September 27) is fortunate to have as our keynote speaker Barbara Dooley. Barbara Dooley, wife of legendary Georgia coach Vince Dooley and mother of Tennessee coach Derek Dooley, is a hilarious spitfire in her own right. Her personal stories are colorful and witty and often sound too unreal to be true. She is an author, radio and television personality, nonprofit volunteer, career woman and a dynamic speaker. Barbara is a cancer survivor who can speak to the emotions of that experience and its positive outcome. While being married to Vince Dooley for almost 50 years, she has created her own success and identity. She enthralls those who are fortunate enough to hear her speak. Plan now to attend the banquet and hear Barbara Dooley!

Lost Sheep Ministry’s Fall Banquet September 27, 2012 Beaver Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church 7225 Old Clinton Pike Call NOW to Reserve a Ticket ($25)! 688-9636 5:45 p.m. Viewing of Tables / Silent Auction 6:20 Meal is Served 7:00 Program Starts Promptly

• Job Crea on. I will work with governmental and private agencies to make Tennessee the Number 1 loca on in the Southeast for high quality jobs. This must be a priority. • Educa on. A high-quality educa onal system is the key component in recrui ng new businesses. I support the concept of a more comprehensive evalua on model for teachers that has an emphasis on instruc onal gains and development of successful teaching methods. Teachers must have an input in changes proposed. We must provide students with the newest technology to prepare for the job market. Higher educa on must be made more affordable. Your vote is important since the winner of the primary will be your State Representa ve. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. I request that you view my campaign website and give my candidacy your considera on. I will listen to your views and you will have a friend in Nashville. I would appreciate your vote. Thank you.

Paid for by Elect Joey McCulley.

A-8 • JULY 30, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 30, 2012 • A-9

Wise puts a ‘face’ on Pellissippi programs By Sherri Gardner Howell When Dr. Anthony Wise Jr., president of Pellissippi State Community College, thinks about “Brandy,” he sees some of the best things about his job and the college he calls home. Wise told members and guests at Rotary Club of Farragut that Brandy is a Pellissippi State alum who hopes to soon be teaching in a local school system.

Dr. Wesley M. White, director of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery at the University of Tennessee Medical Center, talks to Rotary Club of Farragut about prostate cancer. “She is a graduate of Pellissippi and has been a student at multiple campuses, taking classes at the Blount County campus, Hardin Valley and online,” Wise said. “She came to us not sure what she wanted to do, but, through our courses, she decided she wanted to be a teacher.” Brandy has six children but was able to get an Associate of Science degree in teaching from Pellissippi. Then, looking forward, Pellissippi helped her enter the Two Plus

Two program, a partnership with Tennessee Tech that is allowing Brandy to complete her junior and senior years as a Tennessee Tech student, taking her classes at Pellissippi’s Hardin Valley campus. “Brandy was able to fulfill her dream of a college education while still fulfilling her commitment to her family,” Wise said. Wise updated the club members on Tennessee’s progress in the Complete College program, a national and state project designed to raise Tennessee’s graduation rate and standing in education. “We have been focused on our plan of work for Complete College at Pellissippi since January 2010,” Wise said. “The goal is for our nation to once again become a leader in higher education attainment by 2020. Complete College changed the way Tennessee colleges are funded from the number of students enrolled to graduation outcomes. Because of Complete College, we have developed stronger partnerships and connections with other higher education institutions and with workforce development.” While at the meeting, Wise was presented with a check for $3,500 from Rotary Club of Farragut for the college’s

Adult Education program. The Rotary raised the money through their annual Adult Spelling Bee event. The July 25 meeting of the Rotary Club of Farragut began with a gift from across the seas. Jule Hecht of Bruchsal, Germany, presented Far-

Pellissippi State Community College President Anthony Wise, right, accepts a check for $3,500 for the Pellissippi State Foundation from Rotary Club of Farragut representatives Lee Mrazek, left, and Staci Wilkerson. The money, raised through the club’s Adult Spelling Bee, is earmarked for the college’s adult education program.

Liz Newsom, a student at Webb School of Knoxville, enjoys remarks from Jule Hecht of Bruchsal, Germany. Liz, daughter of John and Susan Newsom, just returned from a four-week Family to Family exchange program with Jule’s family in Germany. Jule presented the Farragut Rotary Club with a banner from the Bruchsal-Bretten Rotary. ragut club president Bruce Williamson with a banner from the Bruchsal-Bretten club in her hometown. Jule is visiting the John and Susan Newsom family for four weeks as a part

of the Family to Family foreign exchange program. The Newsom’s daughter, Liz, just returned from spending four weeks with Jule’s family in Bruchsal. Dr. Wesley M. White,

director of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery at the UT Medical Center, talked about prostate cancer, pointing out that it is the No. 1 cancer found in men in the U.S. “The latest data we have

show there were 240,890 new cases diagnosed in 2011. More than 33,000 of that number died,” said White. He explained the statistics and the jump in number of cases diagnosed after the PSA blood test began in 1987. He discussed warning signs, treatment and risk factors. Rotary Club of Farragut meets weekly at noon on Wednesdays at Fox Den Country Club.


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A-10 • JULY 30, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

My FBI story By Jake Mabe OK, I’ll admit it. I have always wanted to be a federal agent. It started when I was a kid, I guess. I devoured former News Sentinel columnist Don Whitehead’s book “The FBI Story.� I did a report on J. Edgar Hoover in the 5th grade. I loved reruns of the TV series “The FBI� with Efrem Zimbalist Jr. and I was one of about five people who rooted for Melvin Purvis instead of Johnny Dillinger in the 1973 Warren Oates movie “Dillinger.� I had even started to suspect that acting FBI director L. Patrick Gray was Deep Throat, the infamous Watergate source who told Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward to “Follow the money� while investigating the scandal that would bring down President Richard Nixon’s administration. Who else but an FBI agent, I reasoned, would have that kind of information? (I was close. Deep Throat was Gray’s No. 2 guy at the bureau: W. Mark Felt.) So, when I was asked to accompany the interns on a tour of Knoxville’s FBI building last Tuesday, I didn’t have to be asked twice. I felt like a kid at Christmas. Security was tight, as you can imagine. We couldn’t take cameras or even cellphones along. Our tour guide was Ronda Stewart, secretary to the Assistant Special Agent in Charge. The tour was facilitated by former FBI employee Judy McCarter. The first thing you see inside the main building is a large photograph of Hoover in the lobby, along with pho-

tos of his successors. The lobby’s floor is dominated by the FBI seal. We saw the bureau’s collection of weapons, including an old Tommy gun similar to the kind Purvis and his crew would have used against the Dillinger gang. We saw a briefcase gun, used to protect the president of the United States, which looked like something straight out of James Bond. Out in the garage, we saw the bureau’s Humvee as well as a van that looks like it would be used in a stakeout. I was tickled to learn that the male FBI agents are still expected to wear coats and ties. They can dress down on casual day. Most of the time. Alas, they don’t fingerprint suspects anymore using the ink blotter that was a staple of shows like “The FBI� and “Dragnet.� And, I doubt the agents still wear fedoras. (Most of the male employees I saw did not have on coats and ties.) But, for almost two hours last Tuesday, I finally got to live out my own “FBI Story.� Kid in a candy store. Better than Christmas. Visit Jake Mabe online at jakemabe. blogspot.com.

An exterior view of the Federal Bureau of Investigation building off Middlebrook Pike. Cellphones and cameras were not allowed inside the building. Photo by Ruth White

FBI FACTS: ■The agency was formed in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation and the name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1938. ■Cases investigated by the bureau include Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone, John Gotti, “Pretty Boy� Floyd and Lester Gillis, aka “Baby Face� Nelson. ■The FBI has an annual budget of $8 billion. ■J. Edgar Hoover was director from 1924-1972. ■There are roughly 36,000 employees worldwide at the agency. ■The agency’s motto is “Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity.� ■The first Special Agent in Charge in Knoxville was named in 1935. ■The FBI has an annual budget of $8 billion. ■J. Edgar Hoover was director from 1924-1972.

‘Investigating’ the FBI By Madeline Lonas The interns seem to be in a lot of trouble lately. Last week they were sent to Juvenile Court, and this week they had a meeting with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Many people don’t know the FBI has a location in Tennessee, let alone multiple locations. The Knoxville office is located right off of Middlebrook Pike. The FBI focuses on threats that challenge the foundations of American society or involve dangers too large or complex for any local or state authority to handle alone. Their top 10 priorities are the following: 1. Protect the United States from terrorist attack 2. Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage 3. Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes

4. Combat public corruption at all levels 5. Protect civil rights 6. Combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises 7. Combat major whitecollar crime 8. Combat significant violent crime 9. Support federal, state, local and international partners 10. Upgrade technology to successfully perform the FBI’s mission. The FBI’s mission is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign threats, to enforce the criminal laws, and to provide leadership and criminal justice. Although they can seem scary, they only want to help and keep everyone safe. Each and every one of the agents would risk their lives for us, and do everyday. Applicants must have a college education. The FBI then gives them 20

weeks of training. The training involves physical workouts, firearms, legal defense and more. The training takes place in various locations with different climates around the United States. Agents are issued gear that weighs up to 60 lbs; this includes a bulletproof vest, ammunition, and a gun. Not every agent knows the details of every case. They only know what’s going on in their assigned cases. Not all employees have the same access to the building. The FBI is a very private organization. They take security very seriously. It’s not uncommon for employees to have their credentials challenged. Being a huge fan of the TV show “Criminal Minds,� I felt honored being able to have a tour of the building. With all of the high technology and security, it really made me feel safe.


{Reason #122 – Why you should live at Parkview} Ironic

Photo by Ruth White

Ironic offers unique iron home dĂŠcor and gifts, perfect for decorating indoors or outdoors. Stop by the shop located at 5054 Kingston Pike (in Colony Place) and check out the variety of handmade wrought iron goods made in Texas. Ironic features animal sculptures, planters, wall dĂŠcor and unique seasonal dĂŠcor and is an exclusive seller of Annie Sloan chalk paint. They are pleased to announce that Back Porch Mercantile has joined them. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Info: 588-3131 or visit ironichomedecor.com.

Large Walk-In Closets You know how you walk in to a nice sized bedroom only to open a closet that couldn’t hold a fraction of your clothes? Not at Parkview! Our apartment homes offer large walk-in closets.

Come and see! ƒŽŽ —• –‘†ƒ› ƒ– ͚͙͜Ǥ͚͙͛Ǥ͔͙͔͛ ˆ‘” Â?‘”‡ ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? ƒ„‘—– –Š‹• ÂƒĆĄÂ‘Â”Â†ÂƒÂ„ÂŽÂ‡ ƒÂ?† ‡Â?Œ‘›ƒ„Ž‡ ”‡–‹”‡Â?‡Â?– Ž‹ˆ‡ •–›Ž‡Ǥ

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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 30, 2012 • A-11

With HealthSpring, A view high above the beautiful 350 foot deep quarry near Fort Dickerson in South Knoxville. Photo by Ethan Sanders

Wow! What a view! By Ruth White The view of the city of Knoxville’s skyline is breathtaking from the ridge in South Knoxville. Shopper interns were able to see the city from a different vantage point last week and learn about its rich Civil War era history. Carol Evans, executive director of the Legacy Parks Foundation, showed the interns historical sites in Knoxville that are more than just land, but pieces of history. First stop on the tour was the 1,000-acre Knoxville Urban Wilderness Corridor along Knoxville’s downtown waterfront. The corridor contains 10 parks, nearly 20 miles of recreational trails, three Civil War forts, historic settlement sites, and diverse ecological features and recreational amenities. It links the acquired properties into an incredible historical, recreational, cultural and environmental experience. As the group explored the area, Evans pointed out remnants of the Civil War battles fought in Knoxville in 1863. The foundation works to ensure that the community is able to enjoy recreational opportunities, natural beauty and open spaces

in the Knoxville area and that these assets last for generations to come. The second stop on the tour was Fort Dickerson in South Knoxville. The 85acre historic park is one of the best-preserved earthen forts from the Civil War era and rests on a high knob across from downtown. The view on the north shows the city all the way to the high ridges beyond Fountain City, and the foothills and high peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains are visible to the south. Scenic trails wind from the high point of the park down to the quarry. Posted throughout the area are markers to preserve the historical information of the fort and to educate

visitors of the rich history in Knoxville. According to park signage, Fort Dickerson was a Union position that was the “major factor� in the defense of Knoxville. “Occupied on Nov. 1, 1863,� the state marker says, “by the 2nd Brig. (Col. Daniel Cameron) 3rd Div. XXIII Corps, its gunfire broke up an attempt on Nov. 15-16 by Confederate cavalry which had come via Sweetwater and Maryville to seize these heights in (Confederate Gen. James) Longstreet’s bid to capture the city.� The battle fought near Fort Dickerson lasted for nearly two hours, much longer than the more famous 15-minute battle at Fort Sanders.

Ethan Sanders gets an up close look at a replica cannon on the grounds of Ft. Dickerson.

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August 7, 2012 at 10 a.m. Summit Medical Group 1225 Weisgarber Road Knoxville, TN 37909

August 21, 2012 at 10 a.m. Summit Medical Group 1225 Weisgarber Road Knoxville, TN 37909

August 7, 2012 at 1 p.m. Halls Senior Center 4405 Crippen Road Knoxville, TN 37918

August 22, 2012 at 10 a.m. Best Western 7260 Saddlerack Street Knoxville, TN 37914

August 15, 2012 at 2 p.m. Vital Signs 8919 Linksvue Drive Knoxville, TN 37922

www.myhealthspring.com Meeting attendance is free with no obligation. A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodations of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 1-866-675-8774 (TTY 711). A HMO, POS and SNP product will be discussed during the event. HealthSpring is in the following Tennessee counties: Bedford, Bradley, Cannon, Carroll, Cheatham, Chester, Coffee, Crockett, Davidson, DeKalb, Dickson, Fayette, Franklin, Gibson, Grundy, Hamilton, Hickman, Knox, Macon, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Maury, McMinn, Meigs, Montgomery, Putnam, Robertson, Rutherford, Sequatchie, Sevier, Shelby, Smith, Sumner, Tipton, Trousdale, Warren, White, Williamson, and Wilson; the following Mississippi county: Desoto; and the following Georgia FRXQWLHV &DWRRVD 'DGH DQG :DONHU 7KH EHQH¿W LQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLGHG KHUHLQ LV D EULHI VXPPDU\ QRW D FRPSUHKHQVLYH GHVFULSWLRQ RI EHQH¿WV )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW WKH SODQ %HQH¿WV IRUPXODU\ SKDUPDF\ QHWZRUN SUHPLXP and/or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1, 2013. HealthSpring is a Coordinated Care plan with a Medicare contract. Y0036_12_0905 File & Use 02182012 Š 2012 HealthSpring, Inc.

A-12 • JULY 30, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

Community Calendar

SATURDAY, AUG. 11 Knoxville Symphony Brass at Cove

Send items to news@ShopperNewsNow.com

FARRAGUT LIBRARY EVENTS The Farragut Branch Library is located at 417 N. Campbell Station Road. A parent or guardian must accompany each child, except for older preschool, during Storytime and events. Info: 777-1750. ■ Monday, July 30, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5. ■ Tuesday, July 31, 10:30 a.m. – Older Preschool Storytime for ages 4-6. ■ Wednesday, Aug. 1, 10:30 a.m. – Baby Bookworms for infants to age 2. ■ Thursday, Aug. 2, 10:30 a.m. – Toddler Storytime for ages 2-3. ■ Friday, Aug. 3, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5.

SATURDAYS, THROUGH AUGUST Kids Nights at Einstein Bros. Einstein Bros. Bagels, 11693 Parkside Drive, will host Summer Kids Nights from 3-8 p.m. every Saturday throughout the summer. Free activities will include crafts, sidewalk chalk art, trivia, games and more. Kids 12 and under can eat free (pizza bagel, bagel dog, PB&J bagel or grilled cheese) with the purchase of an adult meal (one child per adult). Info: 675-6674.

SATURDAYS, THROUGH OCTOBER Food, crafts at Dixie Lee Market From 9 a.m. to noon every Saturday through Oct. 29, the Dixie Lee Farmers Market is open with fresh, locally grown produce and handmade crafts. The market is at Renaissance in Farragut, 12740 Kingston Pike. Local farmers and Tennessee artisans provide the products for the market. In season, offerings include peaches, berries, grapes, melons, apples, tomatoes, peppers, beans, corn, greens and a host of other fruits and vegetables, plus grass-fed meats, honey, potted plants, fresh-cut flowers, herbs and cheeses. There are also baked goods and crafts by local artisans.

MONDAY, JULY 30 Shadow Ridge on Tennessee Shines Shadow Ridge and Caroline Smith & the Sleeps will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, July 30, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In July and August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.

TUESDAYS TO THURSDAYS, JULY 31 TO AUG. 9 Youth golf clinics at Concord Park The Knox County Parks and Recreation Department is winding down its summer youth golf clinics at the Concord Par 3 Golf Course at Concord Park, 10909 Northshore Drive. The final two-day camp for 6- to 8-year-olds runs from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday and Wednesday, July 31 and Aug. 1. Cost is $75. The final three-day session for 9- to 17-year-olds goes from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday to Thursday, Aug. 7-9. Cost is $100. Info or to register: 966-9103.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1 ‘Safe Driver’ lecture Jennifer Pugh, occupational therapist and driver rehabilitation specialist with Patricia Neal Rehabili-


tation Center, will help people figure out “Am I Still a Safe Driver” at the Covenant Senior Health Brown Bag Learning Lecture at noon Wednesday, Aug. 1, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. Pugh will discuss safety in driving and what could warrant a driving evaluation. She will cover the evaluation process and what the state of Tennessee looks at in regard to driving awareness. Attendance is free, but attendees are asked to RSVP to 541-4500.

SATURDAY, AUG. 4 Free Caregivers Expo A free Caregivers Expo will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, at the Cokesbury Center, 9919 Kingston Pike. Aimed at caregivers of any age or family situation, the expo will feature information on products and services from 40 vendors. A panel of six experts will answer questions, and Edward Harper will be the keynote speaker. A special community award will be presented to Bob Kesling, and dozens of door prizes will be distributed. Lunches will be available for $5. Info: www.caregiverexpo.org or 934-1496.

The Knoxville Symphony Brass will perform from 6-8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, at the Second Saturday Concert at the Cove at Concord Park, 11808 Northshore Drive. Second Saturday concerts are free and can be enjoyed in the park or from the water.

MONDAY, AUG. 13 Chelle Rose, David Olney on Tennessee Shines Chelle Rose and David Olney with Sergio Webb will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.


MONDAY TO FRIDAY, AUG. 6-10 Movers and Shakers prize pickups Students who have participated in the Farragut Movers and Shakers Club this summer may pick up their prizes between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Aug. 6-10, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Those who completed Level 3 of the program will get an invitation to an ice-skating party hosted by the town of Farragut and Cool Sports: Home of the Icearium from noon to 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13. Invitations will be given out when students claim their prizes at Town Hall. Info: Lauren Cox, lauren.cox@ townoffarragut.org or 966-7057.


Yoga classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer yoga classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Aug. 14 to Sept. 27, in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Each class will run seven weeks. Class I will meet from 9-10 a.m. Tuesdays, Aug. 14 through Sept. 25. Betty Kalister will be the instructor. Class II will meet from 9-10 a.m. Thursdays, Aug. 16 through Sept. 27. Valerie Whiting will be the instructor. The cost of each seven-week class is $70; a combo of both classes is $120. Registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Aug. 9. Info or to register: 966-7057.


Zumba classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer Zumba fitness classes from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mondays, Aug. 6 through Sept. 17, in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The classes will run six weeks, with no class on Sept. 3. Karen McKinney will be the instructor. The cost is $45. Registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Aug. 2. Info or to register: 966-7057.


Pilates classes at Town Hall The town of Farragut will offer Pilates classes from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Tuesdays, Aug. 14 through Sept. 25, in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The classes will run seven weeks. Simon Bradbury will be the instructor. The cost is $70. Registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Aug. 9. Info or to register: 966-7057.


Annabelle’s Curse, Wise Old River at Tennessee Shines

‘Sentimental Journey’ concert

Annabelle’s Curse and Wise Old River will perform at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 6, at the WDVX studio at the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay St. The performance will be broadcast on the Tennessee Shines Radio Show on WDVX-FM, 89.9 Clinton, 102.9 Knoxville. A limited number of tickets to be in the studio audience for the live show are $10 and are available at WDVX and at www. BrownPaperTickets.com. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door, while supplies last. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. In August, students get in free by showing their valid student IDs at the door. Children 14 and under accompanied by a parent are admitted free.

Vocalist Kathy Huber will perform a “Sentimental Journey” concert at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15, at the Frank R. Strang Senior Center, 109 Lovell Heights Road. Huber’s oldies show is a favorite at the Strang Center. Audience members are encouraged to wear their best ’40s “Sentimental Journey” attire to win prizes. Refreshments and prizes will be provided by NHC Farragut. A $3 donation is requested. To RSVP: 670-6693.


Dealing with chronic conditions

AARP Driver Safety Course AARP volunteers will teach a Driver Safety Course for drivers 50 and above from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 9-10, in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. Cost is $12 for AARP members; $14 for nonmembers. A special offer for educators allows them to take this course for just $5 in August. Registration deadline is Thursday, Aug. 2. Info: Connie Barr, 288-0721. To register: 9667057.


Plan Your Event Today! Call Us!

WEDNESDAYS, AUG. 15 TO SEPT. 19 The town of Farragut is hosting a six-week workshop, “Living Well with Chronic Conditions,” beginning in August. The sessions will take place 1:30 to 4 p.m. Wednesdays, Aug. 15 through Sept. 19, at Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Drive. The program, offered by the Knoxville-Knox County Office on Aging, helps participants learn how to take charge of their own health and better manage their chronic disease or condition. The series is open to family members of and caregivers for persons with chronic illness. There is no charge, but registration is required. Info and to register: 524-2786.


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SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 30, 2012 • A-13

SENIOR NOTES AARP driver safety class For registration info about these and all other AARP driver safety classes, call Carolyn Rambo, 584-9964. ■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, July 30-31, Chota Recreation Center, 145 Awohli Drive, Tellico Village, Loudon. ■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 1-2, Oak Ridge Senior Center, 728 Emory Valley Rd., Oak Ridge. ■ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, Blount Memorial Health Center, 230 Associates Blvd., Alcoa.

■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, and Saturday, Aug. 18, Our Savior Lutheran Church, 2717 Buffalo Trail, Morristown. ■ 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 429 Sandy Springs Rd., Maryville. ■ Noon to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 16-17, Halls Senior Center, 4200 Crippen Rd. ■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 16-17, Kingston Public Library, 1004 Bradford Way, Kingston.

UT NOTES ■ UT Extension will offer two workshops at the UT Extension Eastern Region Office, 1801 Downtown West Blvd., on how to utilize computer programs to better manage your farm financial records. A daytime workshop will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday Aug. 14. An evening workshop will be offered 6-9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 13-14. Space is limited to 15 participants per workshop. The Quicken program will be used but not provided. Cost is $20. Info or to register: David Bilderback, dbilderb@ utk.edu or 423-798-1710, or Alice Rhea, arhea@utk.edu or 200-4527.

Walmart boosts Y garden Pam Williams, Dustin Day and Vickey Beard of the YMCA stand with some of the fruits (and veggies) of the community garden at the Davis Y off Northshore Drive. Walmart gave the Davis Y a grant for the garden last winter. With the help of Master Gardeners, Y Teen Leaders and Y staff members, the garden has provided food for the Y’s summer day camp program at Beaumont Elementary School. Photo submitted

REUNIONS ■ Carter High School Class of 1957 will hold its 55-year reunion 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29, at the Chop House at Exit 407 off I-40. Info: Peggy Wilson, 933-2608 or Sue Walker, 933-3077. ■ Central High School Class of 1944 will have its 2012 reunion at noon Thursday, Aug. 16, at Beaver Brook Country Club. Info/registration: Carolyn C. Mynatt, 584-9530 or Dr. Jim Tumblin, jctchs44@ nxs.net. ■ Gibbs High School Class of 1977 will have its 35th reunion Oct. 27. Contact information is needed for those planning to attend. Email your name, address and phone number to

gibbsclassof1977@gmail.com or call 688-4727 or 922-3060. ■ Halls High School Class of 1992 will hold its 20-year reunion Saturday, Sept. 1, at Beaver Brook Country Club. Info: Jennifer Corum, 654-1317 or email jennifercorum@ yahoo.com. ■ Standard Knitting Mills reunion is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 4 at the John T. O’Connor Senior Center. Any employee or relative is welcome. Food donations are accepted; limited to finger foods. Info: 523-5463. ■ Wilkerson Reunion is 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 19, at Big Ridge State Park. Bring a covered dish.

10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 218-WEST

■ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 9-10, Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Dr., Farragut.

Bank Property For Sale


s Knoxville’s only on-site crematory, GentryGriffey Funeral Chapel and Cremation Services offers our community, and the families we serve, options not available at other funeral homes in this area. • We are the only funeral home in Knoxville that does not use an out-of-town crematory. • The entire cremation process is completed on-site at our crematory by our professional and licensed staff. • Since our crematory is located on our premises, we both welcome and encourage families to be present prior to the cremation. • For those who have chosen cremation but have pre-planned their final arrangements at another funeral home, it is a very simple process to transfer that pre-arranged plan to our funeral home and crematory. Our staff can handle all of the details. Whatever your choice, GentryGriffey Funeral Chapel and Cremation Services can provide the best option at an affordable price.

5301 Fountain Road Knoxville, TN 37918 (865) 689-4481 www.gentry-griffey.com

3812 BOYD WALTERS LANE, COPPER RIDGE S/D, $262,000. West Emory Road. 4BR/2BA, with bonus room over garage. *Monthly P&I payments (no money down) as low as $1,328. 729 W. OAK HILL AVENUE, NORTH KNOXVILLE, $79,900. Minutes from I-275 and Downtown. *Monthly P&I payments (no money down) as low as $405.

Special 100% FINAN CING and LOW RA TE for these prope rties.


1 LOT – CHERISH GRACE WAY, $55,000. Off E. Emory road, close to Brickey School. *Monthly P&I payments (no money down) as low as $467.

6020 TENNYSON DRIVE, WEST KNOXVILLE, $20,000. Located in the Piney Grove area. 1948 WINTER WINDS LANE, GLENVIEW S/D, WEST KNOXVILLE, $10,900. Piney Grove area. Close to West Hills, Cedar Bluff, Bearden Elementary Schools.

KARNS AREA, HIGHVIEW LANE, EMORY VISTA S/D. $25,000. Close to Karns and Ball Camp Elementary Schools.

POWELL AREA, TROTTER’S GATE – 2 LOTS, $28,000 EACH. Minutes from I-75 & Brickey School. Special 100% financing and low rate for these properties. Purchase of SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE: 5.378% fixed for ten years with amortization up to 30 years. 100% financing for qualified borrower. No origination fees. (Example: $100,000 loan - 5.378% annual percentage rate - 120 payments of $510.62, 12 payments of $602.92, 228 payments of $614.56.) Purchase of RESIDENTIAL LOT: 4.776% fixed for ten years with amortization up to 15 years. 100% Financing for qualified borrower. No origination fees. (Example: $10,000 loan - 4.776% annual percentage rate 120 payments of $76.84, 12 payments of $80.70, and 48 payments of $81.10.) ABOVE SPECIALS ARE FOR OWNER OCCUPIED ONLY. SPECIALS FOR QUALIFIED BUILDERS OR INVESTORS ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS.

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A-14 • JULY 30, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

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4805 North Broadway Fountain City, Tennessee




2712 Loves Creek Road Knoxville, Tennessee

331 685


640 640









1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike Oak Ridge, Tennessee












Oak Ridge 170 62

5801 Western Ave. 640 Knoxville, Tennessee 75










131 75

40 694

162 675




7510 Asheville Hwy. Knoxville, Tennessee




11 70







1950 Western Ave. Knoxville, Tennessee


169 672



4216 North Broadway Knoxville, Tennessee



8905 Kingston Pike Knoxville, Tennessee





131 62

11501 Hardin Valley Road 162 Knoxville, Tennessee



9565 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, Tennessee







3501 West EmoryPowell Road Powell, Tennessee



7202 Maynardville Hwy. Halls, Tennessee







9 61


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5941 Kingston Pike (Bearden Ctr.) Knoxville, Tennessee

129 115



284 Morrell Road Knoxville, Tennessee

7608 Mountain Grove Rd. Knoxville, Tennessee


441 168


30 locations in the greater Knoxville area! NOTE: NOT ALL LOCATIONS LISTED BELOW ARE PICTURED ON THE MAP

# 609 Food City Pharmacy

# 654 Food City Pharmacy

# 676 Food City Pharmacy

2946 Winfield Dunn Pkwy., Kodak, TN (865) 933-4676

507 S. Charles Seivers Blvd., Clinton, TN (865) 457-5259

1950 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 525-6376

# 611 Food City Pharmacy

# 655 Food City Pharmacy

# 677 Food City Pharmacy

1219 E. Pkwy., Hwy. 321, Gatlinburg, TN (865) 430-9844

7510 Asheville Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 933-4635

5078 Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 689-8955

# 616 Food City Pharmacy

# 661 Food City Pharmacy

# 678 Food City Pharmacy

11501 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 692-5183

2221 Jacksboro Pike, LaFollette, TN (423) 566-2033

5801 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 584-0115

# 632 Food City Pharmacy

# 667 Food City Pharmacy

# 679 Food City Pharmacy

2799 Hwy. 72 N., Loudon, TN (865) 458-5312

741 Dolly Parton Pkwy., Sevierville, TN (865) 908-5018

3501 West Emory Road, Powell, TN (865) 938-2838

# 634 Food City Pharmacy

# 672 Food City Pharmacy

# 680 Food City Pharmacy

1130 S. Roane Street, Harriman, TN (865) 882-0117

9565 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 539-0580

4344 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN (865) 992-0534

# 642 Food City Pharmacy

# 673 Food City Pharmacy

# 681 Food City Pharmacy

508 E. Tri-County Blvd., Oliver Springs, TN (865) 435-1187

4216 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN (865) 686-1761

1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-2889

# 644 Food City Pharmacy

# 674 Food City Pharmacy

# 682 Food City Pharmacy

11503 Chapman Highway, Seymour, TN (865) 579-4728

5941 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 588-0972

7608 Mountain Grove Drive, Knoxville, TN (865) 573-5090

# 647 Food City Pharmacy

# 675 Food City Pharmacy

# 685 Food City Pharmacy

2135 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 981-4338

8905 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 694-1935

4805 N. Broadway, Fountain City, TN (865) 281-0286

# 650 Food City Pharmacy

# 687 Food City Pharmacy

300 Market Drive, Lenoir City, TN (865) 986-7032

2712 Loves Creek Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 633-5008

# 651 Food City Pharmacy

# 688 Food City Pharmacy

1610 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 380-0110

7202 Maynardville Hwy., Halls, TN (865) 922-9683

# 653 Food City Pharmacy

# 694 Food City Pharmacy

1000 Ladd Landing, Kingston, TN (865) 717-7085

284 Morrell Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 691-1153

Value… Service… Convenience



July 30, 2012


Angel on his shoulder

Fall leads Knoxville man to doctor who invented ‘Dog Bone’ implant It was last Sept. 26 that 80-year-old Thomas Avera of Knoxville saw the newspaper article about a dog bone. Actually, it was a story about a dog bone-shaped artificial shoulder implant invented by Dr. Paul Brady of Tennessee Orthopaedic Clinics at Parkwest Medical Center. But Avera was so impressed by Brady’s knowledge that he saved the article and made a vow. “When I read that, I said, ‘That guy’s pretty smart. If I ever have anything wrong with my shoulder, he’s the man I’m going to see,’ ” Avera recounted. That time came sooner than expected. Thirty-seven days later, Avera’s fall down a slippery slope while blowing leaves landed him in Parkwest’s emergency department and, ultimately, Brady’s office, with the second-worst shoulder injury the orthopedic surgeon had ever seen. “A rotator cuff has four muscles that become tendons and those tendons attach to the bone,” explained Brady. “A typical rotator cuff tear involves one tear, a really bad rotator cuff tear involves two, a horrific massive one involves three, and Mr. Avera’s was three-and-a-half. His was the second-worst injury I have seen. I did have one patient who had torn four, but that was because of a fall from a 30-foot ladder – a much worse fall than Mr. Avera’s.” For Avera, the nightmare began Nov. 2 between 8 and 9 in the morning. “I was blowing leaves with a backpack leaf blower,” Avera recounted. “I wanted to start early because with a little dew on the ground I wouldn’t have all the dust. But I stepped on a little wet slope, slipped and fell. I fell sideways on my right shoulder and didn’t have time to put my arm out to catch myself or anything. I fell full force. When I hit, I knew I had done some damage.” He flagged down his wife, Dot, who was mowing a nearby field and told her he had fallen. “I asked him if he was hurt, and he said yes,” said Dot. “For him

Thomas Avera’s right shoulder was left hanging only by skin and soft tissue after a fall while blowing leaves last November.

to say ‘yes,’ I knew he had to be hurt pretty badly.” Still, Avera declined his wife’s offer to call for an ambulance and insisted that she drive him to Parkwest instead. “Big mistake,” said Dot. “He passed out twice before we got to the hospital.” At the emergency room, Avera was put under anesthesia, his shoulder reset and his arm put in a sling. Then, he was off to see Brady, who was attending patients at his Lenoir City office that day. Even without an appointment, he got in. “I like to take care of things quickly, particularly injuries like that,” said Brady. “His would’ve been a nightmare – if not impossible – to repair had we waited.” After allowing several days for Avera’s swelling to subside and an MRI, Brady went to work. With Avera under anesthesia, Brady rotated Avera’s arm around, looking for a point of resistance. There was none. “I could rotate his arm all the way around and just keep go-

Avera fashioned this T-shaped device from PVC tubing to aid in his rehabilitation.

ing,” Brady said. “There was very little attachment. Really, the only thing holding it on was the skin and some soft tissue. He didn’t have much, if any, rotator cuff – it was just hanging from his torso.” Avera’s shoulder was filled with fluids to allow the insertion of a small, arthroscopic camera that enabled Brady to better see the torn cuff. He then began pulling the tendons back to the bone, securing them with synthetic calcium screws and sutures. “The screws become part of the bone,” said Brady. “They don’t disappear. They don’t dissolve. They just become part of the bone.” “One of the most interesting

things about Mr. Avera’s case is that he had an injury where some surgeons would have chosen to do what is called a reverse shoulder replacement,” said Brady, noting that it’s a procedure that’s been approved in the United States for seven years. But, he added, reverse shoulder replacements are normally prescribed when a patient has a massive tear of the rotator cuff, no shoulder function and arthritis. Avera, however, had no arthritis. “That’s where I differ from some others in that I usually try to make every effort to fix a rotator cuff rather than do a shoulder replacement,” said Brady. “I

think doing it the way we did it is much better than a shoulder replacement. Not to mention that my general philosophy is ‘God’s parts are better than man-made parts.’ So, if I can do anything to preserve natural anatomy and restore natural anatomy, I’ll choose that every time.” “However, I do shoulder replacements – frequently,” he added. “There are times when there really is no other option, but Mr. Avera’s case, more than almost any I’ve ever done, really highlights that if you just try to restore a patient’s normal anatomy, a lot of times they’ll end up doing fantastic.” “Fantastic” is also how Thomas Avera describes his shoulder today. Six weeks after the surgery, he began going to rehabilitation three times a week and then, later, by himself at home. He even fashioned a T-shaped tool out of PVC tubing that he uses in exercises to improve his shoulder mobility and reach. After all this time, he continues with his 15-minute workouts twice daily. The shoulder, he says, will never be as good as it once was, but it’s getting better all the time thanks to the exercises. “You can’t say it enough – you use it or lose it,” he said. “In a case like this, rehabilitation exercise is the key.” “After it’s fixed properly,” added Dot. “And Dr. Brady fixed it right.” Thomas Avera says he asked Brady before the surgery if he’d be implanting one of his Dog Bones, but was told that it is only for clavicle surgery. Asked if he was disappointed he didn’t get the Dog Bone, Avera replied, “Hey, that invention is supposed to make your shoulder several times stronger than normal. You know, I saved that article thinking that Dr. Brady was who I would want working on me. Maybe the Lord had something to do with it. I believe in Divine intervention and Divine healing, too.” For more information or a physician referral, call 374PARK.

Brady: Best to seek help early for rotator cuff injury While Thomas Avera’s aren’t just something that rotator cuff injury was the a baseball pitcher or tennis player goes through – they result of a major accident, are often the result of a Dr. Paul Brady says many repetitive motion over time. people may have a torn rotator cuff and never know “Sometimes, it’s just a it until it becomes so painful lifetime of activity – wear and tear – or bone spurs they seek help. “In about 80 percent of can irritate the rotator cuff rotator cuff tears, you can’t and weaken it,” he said. “In the natural aging process, put your finger on when they happened,” said Brady. “It’s all of our tendons get a little one of those things that can weaker over time. If we stay happen slowly over time, Dr. Paul Brady active, that process is much and a lot of patients wait slower. So, the more active until they can’t sleep, can’t comb their you are, the less weak your tendons are hair or whatever and they wait until the going to become. People who become very last minute to go to the doctor.” inactive, their tendons become almost In fact, Brady says torn rotator cuffs brittle. Think of a nice fresh rubber band

– you can hardly break it. But if you have one that sits in the drawer a long time and you pull it, it just crumbles. That’s an extreme example but it’s not far from the truth.” Another common cause of rotator cuff injuries, Brady says, are lawnmowers or other outdoor equipment that start with the pull of a rope. “Particularly, if it ‘catches’ on them or if the rope breaks – those are two things I’ve seen in a bunch of patients,” said Brady. “They say, ‘As I was pulling it, the rope broke and my arm gave and I knew something happened.’ So, be careful starting your lawnmower.” Brady says shoulder or arm pain, pain at night and pain with overhead activities are all signs that you may have a rotator

cuff injury. While those symptoms are also common in bursitis, Brady says people experiencing pain that lasts for more than three to four weeks and can’t be controlled with anti-inf lammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen, should see a doctor. “It would be nice if patients would seek treatment a little earlier because the literature is very clear – if you treat these things when the tear is early or when the tear is smaller, patients do better than if you wait a long time,” said Brady. “I guarantee you – if Mr. Avera had waited a long time, he would’ve not done well with arthroscopic surgery. He probably would’ve had to have a reverse shoulder replacement and even then, he wouldn’t have done as well as he did.”

Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week Aug. 1–7



Call (865) 374-PARK for a free booklet about breastfeeding or to learn more about Teddy Bear University classes for expecting parents.

B-2 • JULY 30, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS

HEALTH NOTES ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee, 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www. cancersupportet.org. ■ Covenant Health’s Bodyworks offers community exercise for all ages at $3 per class. Classes include Easy Cardio Max, Mind and Body, and Senior Cardio. Visit www.covenanthealth.com/ bodyworks or call 541-4500 to find a location near you. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. each third Monday at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081. ■ “An Introduction to the Alexander Technique” will be taught 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, at West Hills library. Admission is free but preregistration is required. Info: Lilly Sutton, 387-7600 or visit www.lillysutton.com. ■ Stop Smoking: 1-800-7848669 (1-800-QUITNOW) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. each third Tuesday at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Ave. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807, or www.namiknox.org. ■ The “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” 5K will be held 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 7, at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Plaza, 800 Howard Baker Ave. Registration opens at 2 p.m. Info: 558-4048 or www.makingstridesknoxville.org. ■ The 3rd annual “Man Ride” will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, to raise awareness of the fight against prostate cancer. Former UT head football coach Phillip Fulmer and radio personality Phil Williams will ride in the event which kicks off at Smokey Mountain HarleyDavidson in Maryville. Registration starts at 9 a.m. Pre-register by Aug. 4 and receive a free T-shirt. In


conjunction with the event, free prostate cancer screenings will be held 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18. Info: 305-6970. ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: Penny Sparks, 544-6279. ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support, for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 5 to 6:30 p.m. each first and third Tuesday in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: Brenda Fletcher, 544-6277. ■ Financial assistance is available for low-income Medicare enrollees. For more information, contact the Office on Aging’s Affordable Medicine Options for Seniors (AMOS) program at 524-2786. Ask for David Holden.

Foster parents needed Youth Villages is looking for caring people to become foster parents of children who have suffered abuse, neglect, abandonment or other issues. These children need families who will care for them until they can return to their birth families or an adoptive family is found for them. If the child becomes available for adoption, foster parents often have the first right to adopt, and adoption through Youth Villages is free. Youth Villages’ foster parents receive a monthly stipend to help them offset the costs of adding a child to their household. Candidates are single or married adults over the age of 25 who currently live in Knox County. Free foster parent training classes will start Saturday, Aug. 4, at Youth Villages, 9111 Cross Park Drive, suite E475. Lunch will be provided. Info: Mariah Parton, 560-2558 or email alyson.parton@ youthvillages.org.

21 Lakefront Property 47 Duplexes

ADOPT: My one heart's desire is to adopt a newborn. Dedicated teacher that can offer a secure home with love, happiness and security. Large, caring extended family. Expenses paid. Please call Maria 1-855-505-7357 or MariaAdopts.com


WE ARE LOOKING to expand our family through adoption. If you are pregnant and considering an adoption plan, please contact us at 1-866-918-4482. We have a lot of love to give. www.lindaanddave.com

For those of you who want all of your animalrelated information in one place, check out “Four Paws: Handbook for a Pet-Friendly Community” sponsored by Young-Williams Animal Center, the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, the Companion Animal Initiative of Tennessee, Knoxville Veterinary Medical Association and the Most Pet-Friendly Community Initiative. For animal owners, “Four Paws” is exactly what it says: a pet handbook. There are tips for housetraining your pet, traveling with them and even hiking with them. Also included are lists of shelters, spay/neuter clinics and veterinary offices around East Tennessee. “Four Paws” also tackles less-comfortable subjects such as finding a new home for your pet and domestic abuse toward animals. Hard copies of “Four Paws” can be found at Young-Williams or you can download a digital copy by visiting its website at www. young-williams.org. A couple of weeks ago, the Knoxville Zoo hosted “Zoo To Do” for families which involved pizza, donuts and juggling. Next on the calendar is the annual, more sophisticated Feast with the

Detached 2 BR/2 BA Condo. New Carpet & Paint! Villas at East Town, 5608 Libby Way, Brick/ Frame, 1100+ SF Ranch, non-smoke, ^ central heat/AC, screened porch, privacy fence, large Apts - Unfurnished 71 utility room, fridge, DW, stove; master LENOIR CITY, 1 BR, with walk-in; comm. large, private, 1st pool, playgrnd, lawn floor, covered wrap maint; 5 min. to around porch, great mall/I40/I640, 10 min old town location, to UT, safe/quiet; $525/mo. Includes FSBO, $89,900, title utilities. 865-924-0791 company closing. No ***Web ID# 110217*** Agents. (865) 919-5995

109 Dogs

Apts - Furnished 72

Wanted To Rent 82 Ret. Private Detective & Author needs 1-2BR house on tranquil, private property with rent reduced in exchange for security and/or light caretaker duties. 865-323-0937

WALBROOK STUDIOS Manf’d Homes - Rent 86 25 1-3 60 7 $140 weekly. Discount avail. Util, TV, Ph, Stv, Refrig, Basic Cable. No Lse.

141 Free Pets

English Mastiff pups, AKC reg, parents on prem., brindle, $1,000. 865-674-9995; 310-2764 Golden Retreiver puppies (4), AKC, 1st shots & wormed, $325. 865-806-3197 GREAT DANE PUPS AKC, ready in 2 wks. Fawns $650; black $500s; 423-608-1340 ***Web ID# 117319*** LAB PUPPIES, AKC, yellow, 1st shots & wormed, $300. Phone 865-696-9357 ***Web ID# 116960***

WEST. NICE 3-2-1, 245 Peterson Rd., Farragut Schls, N/S, N/P, $950. 865-671-1899


2 BR 1 BA mobile home for rent or rent to own. 10 min. north of Gibbs H.S. off Tazewell Pike. $475 mo. + $275 sec dep. Looking for responsible people. 865-297-3634

22 ACRES, 5 min. from Super 73 Wal-Mart, off Norris Duplexes Fwy. w/3BR, 2BA, 2 car gar. Manufactured Lenoir City, 3 BR, 2 BA 2 BR, 2 BA, Strawberry home (like new). Plains, in Mob. home gar., fncd bkyard, 2 $145,000. park. Sec 8 OK. $450 1/2 yrs. old, grt loc. Call Scott, 865-388-9656. + $450 DD. 865-254-2374 $895. 865-388-0610

Feast with the Beasts will be held 7-11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18. All proceeds will benefit the Knoxville Zoo. More information is available online at www.knoxvillezoo.org or by calling 637-5331. And last but certainly not the least important is a notice we received at the Shopper from our friends at Young-Williams Animal Center. The facility is in desperate need of dental equipment in order to give older animals a fair shot at being adopted. Often when an older animal is in pain, it could be helped with a proper dental X-ray and tooth extraction. Without this service, many animals must be euthanized. For more information, call Amy Johnston or Monica Brown at 215-6599. To contact Sara, call her at 218-9378 or email barretts@ shoppernewsnow.com.

■ The Knoxville Writers’ Guild will meet 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, at Laurel Theater on the corner of Laurel Avenue and 16th street. Author John Tullock will help writers understand how the publishing industry has changed. A $2 donation will be accepted at the door. Info: www.knoxvillewritersguild.org.

LAB PUPS, beautiful black AKC, $300. ^ 865-414-3339 CLEANING LADY pheasantsglenlabradors.com needed for general housekeeping work. MINI SCHNAUZER Karns/Ball Camp Pups AKC, Ch. Sire & area. 691-3277. Dam, shots, health guar. Black, B&S & S&P, also young Healthcare 110 adults to approved homes. 865-207-6199 Brightstar Homecare hardinhaus@aol.com ***Web ID# 115480*** is seeking experienced CAREGIVERS & CNA'S POMA PEEKAPOO FT, PT, Shift & live-in puppy, 10 wks, S&W, fem. toy tri-color, positions available. Knox, $300. 865-548-9205 Sevier, Anderson, Blount counties & surrounding areas. Weekly Pay! Must pass criminal background check, drug test & have dependable transportation. RAT TERRIERS, UKC, 5 F / 1 M, APPLY ONLINE AT CH bloodlines, $250. www.brightstarcare.com/ 423-235-3271 career-center ***Web ID# 114318***

WEST NEW CONDO 1 car garage, 2 large BRs, 2BAs, no pets. $825/mo. + dep. Doyle Jo hnson 865-254-9552

Photo submitted

■ Memoir Writers meet 7 p.m. each second Thursday at Panera Bread, 733 Louisville Road in Alcoa.

LAB PUPS, LARGE, born 3/9/12. Blonde, black & rare white. Absolutely beautiful & very intelligent. Father 108 yr ch. bldline, parents on prem. Very well taken care of. Must see your next best friend. $400 +/-. Union Co. 10 min. from 33 Bridge. Text or email preferred or call 865256-0881 georgesparadice@aol.com ***Web ID# 114401***

Condo Rentals

“Four Paws: Handbook for a Pet-Friendly Community” is now available online and at select locations around town.


WEST 1800 SF 3 BR, 2 BA, frpl, fenced yd, fab. sunroom, deck, dbl gar. Great neighborhood & school dist. All 1 level. Updated interior, 12 mo. lse req. & dep. Avail. mid Aug. $1095/mo. 865-567-6724

Condos- Townhouses 42 529 Farragut Commons Dr. Twnhse, 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, newly upgraded, $182,000. For immed occupancy. 865-966-3079

Acreage- Tracts 46

Critter Tales

NORTHWEST in city, 2 BR, 1 BA, cent. H/A, carpt, no pets $550/mo + dep. 865-679-7612

$135,000, 806 Cedar Ln, newly remodeled. 3 BR, 2 BA, 865-548-8267

Beasts, a fundraiser geared toward the 21-and-over crowd with samples from local breweries, wineries and restaurants. There will be live music and more.

Sara Barrett

73 General

For Sale By Owner 40a

3 BR, 3 Bath, 2 Car Garage. FSBO. 865-671-1185

The local pet community has been buzzing the last few weeks about upcoming events and advances in critter-related communication.

DOUGLAS LAKE----- Lenoir City, 3 BR, 2 BA gar., great loc. on 3 BANK RELEASE OF acres. Horses welcome. LAKE PROPERTIES $895. 865-388-0610 NEAR GATLINBURG & GREAT SMOKY Houses - Unfurnished 74 MTNS. $14,900 for lake property with private boat slip or 5 2 BR 1 BA, East, $550. 2 BR 1 BA, Inskip ac. Lakefront sub $550. Nice 4 room 1 dividable for $49,900. BA bsmt. apt. East City Water, Power, $400. 865-687-1140 Sewer, Paved Rds 3BR 3BA condo, 2,000 and Boat Ramp. SF, fenced, Seymour/ AUGUST 4TH Sevier $795 mo + dep 877-717-5263 ext 512 No pets. 865-573-8311

Wanted To Buy


Pets around town

145 Campers

Hey, Chika This week’s pick from Young-Williams Animal Center is Chika, a 9-year-old domestic short hair mix. The active senior is extremely sweet and loving. In fact, her nickname at the shelter is “Ms. Personality-Plus.” Because she is a senior, there is no fee to adopt her. Chika is staying at the Division Street location of YWAC. Hours there are noon to 6 p.m. every day. To see all of Young-Williams adoptable animals, visit the website at www.young-williams.org.

‘Primp Your Pit (Bull)’ According to the staff at Young-Williams, two out of three pit bulls brought to the shelter will be euthanized. To help sway this number toward a happy ending, YoungWilliams will host the spay/neuter special “Primp Your Pit (Bull)” throughout the month of August. Sponsored by PetSmart Charities, the promotion will help a sweet breed with a bad reputation. Have your pit bull spayed or neutered for $20, and Young-Williams will even throw in a nail trim. All owners of pit bulls are eligible for this special, regardless of income. The only requirement is mentioning the “Primp Your Pit” promotion when you call Young-Williams to schedule the procedure. In general, spaying/neutering helps solve the problem of animal over-population and reduces the risk of certain reproductive cancers and infections in all animals. Info: 215-6677 or www.Young-Williams.org.

Recycle your computers and gadgetry East Tennessee Technology Access Center is in need of used computers, iPads and iPod Touches that are in good working condition. Computers must be Windows XP or newer. Hard drives will be erased before distribution. ETTAC is a regional, nonprofit agency that helps people with disabilities. The staff adapts computers with specialized software and hardware that are then given or loaned to clients to help them pursue their educational or employment goals. All donations are tax deductible. Equipment can be dropped off at ETTAC’s office at 116 Childress St. from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Info: 219-0130 or www.discoveret.org/ettac.

235 Antiques Classics 260 Domestic

ROTTWEILER PUPS Champ. bloodlines, 3 M, 1 F, pet & show quality. 865-429-3066 BRITTANY SPANIEL PUPS, AKC, 5 M, 3 SCOTTISH TERRIER F, liver & white, pups, AKC, 8 wks, $200. 865-982-7588. all black, m&f, $350. Call 423-562-0723. Doberman Pinscher puppies, males, ***Web ID# 116337*** Sports 264 AKC, lrg, blk & tan, SHELTIES AKC M&F Antiques Classics 260 BMW Z3, 2000, auto., S&W, $500. 865-548-9205 mini, born 11/14/11, approx 12 lbs. $500. blk on blk, 43,900 Cadillac Coupe Deville Trained. 993-0074 mi, loaded, like new 1991, 1 owner, gar. Puppies, M&F, black ***Web ID# 115892*** $13,995. 865-405-7859 kept, 62K mi, rare, & tan, 865-307-2802 Siberian Husky pups, ^ 4.9L, $7495. 865-556-9162 DOBERMANS CKC AKC, blue eyes, 3 ***Web ID# 116297*** Domestic 265 Puppies. 2 F, 2 M, colors, $150 each. Boats Motors 232 CHEV. 1956 150 POST 931-397-4499; tdillon@ Black & tan. $250 2003 SSR dry stored many CHEVY ea. 865-771-1134 twlakes.net TRUCK, red, black years, exc. body, ***Web ID# 114066*** 1989 FORMULA Sport Boat, 24', 454 Magnum $7600. 423-736-3336 ENGLISH BULLDOG leather, 15,500 mi., SIBERIAN HUSKY Bravo-1 Drive. Cuddy, 5.3/300hp auto., fully puppies, 1st shot, Trailer, Excellent loaded, $28,500. 423vet ck. $1150. 423- PUPS: CKC. Blue Eyes, Condition, $11,900/ 519-0647 6 wks old, 3 M, 1 F, 538-3338 AWESOME $300 ea. 931-510-4269 obo. 865-309-5559 ***Web ID# 117400*** ***Web ID# 117428***



265 Pressure Washing 350

1980s? 28' DUAL CHEV. 1 ton Pickup, LINCOLN LS -- 65,000 AXLE, new tires. 63,390 act. mi., 396 mi, leather, 6 CD, Camper has been 4 spd, flatbed, PS, $6000. Call Traci ADOPT! gutted out for rePB, see to believe 865-255-2784. Looking for a lost modeling. Must sell $6,900. 865-567-6722 PONTIAC SOLTICE 2007 pet or a new one? for $600. 865-981-2956 like new. 10k mi. CORVETTE 1980, Visit YoungAVION 1991 31 ft, 10x28 Garaged since new. red, t-tops, 67k mi, Williams Animal deck w/roof over deck & $21,000/bo. 865-977exc. cond. $14,000. Center, the official camper, lake side 1174; 865-771-3454. 865-577-9209 shelter for the City campground, many exof Knoxville & Knox tras. $7500. 423-489-8011 FORD Thunderbird 318 1979 Landau, 29,630 Cleaning County: 3201 DiPROWLER 2001 TT 27 ft. act. mi., 302 V8, AC, vision St. Knoxville. Lg. slide out, queen orig. cond. Drives & CHRISTIAN knoxpets.org bed, rear BA, AC, gas looks great. $5,600. HOUSEKEEPING, range / heat, all hitch, 865-567-6722 dependable, hard levelers / sway bar. working with low $8000 / bo. Exc. cond. rates, refs. availFarmer’s Market 150 865-717-1268; 717-645-1619 Sport Utility 261 able. Please call Destiny at 363-1819 Black heifers CHEVY TRAVERSE Motor Homes 237 LTZ 2011, loaded, pd or 363-5822. & Bulls $48k, sacrifice $32K. FORETRAVEL Motor 865-856-3947 Flooring 330 22k mi. 865-457-8150 Home 1996 Used-270, ***Web ID# 116196*** 36', 300HP Cummins CERAMIC TILE in- ^ diesel, $44,500. 865Household Appliances 204a JEEP Grand Cherokee stallation. Floors/ 457-7878, 865-789-4993 Ltd 1994, 191k mi, walls/ repairs. 33 Kenmore Side-By-Side white, brush guard, yrs exp, exc work! refrig., stove, dishJohn 938-3328 238 $2999. 865-599-5192 washer, great cond. Motorcycles LANDROVER 2003 $800. 865-947-3354 HONDA GOLDWING Disco II, lthr., all Guttering 333 2003, $10k in extras. pwr, AC, high mi. Pools/Hot Tubs 209 29K mi. Kingston. $3,900. 865-661-4000 HAROLD'S GUTTER $11,500. 865-717-9909 SERVICE. Will clean Largest SOFTUB.com & back $20 & up. Imports 262 front makes, good cond., Quality work, guaranATV’s 238a used very little, inteed. Call 288-0556. door/outdoor, 110 amp. HONDA ACCORD EX HONDA 350 Rancher $2500. 865-389-0122 2003, 4 dr, blue, 4 cyl, 2005, garage kept, 338 AT, 124K mi, 1 ownr Landscaping runs good, $2200. w/maint. records, CHRIS' PRESSURE Arts Crafts 215 865-567-8675 Larry very clean, $6800. LANDSCAPING WASHING. Great 865-804-3503; 865-922MGMT Design, inrates, free est, all POLARIS RAZOR 0467; 865-804-3502 CERAMICS SUPwork guaranteed! stall, mulch, sm 2008, great cond., PLIES of all kinds. tree/shrub work, Good refs, 19+ yrs many extras, $8500 MERCEDES E320 1998 Brushes, stains & weeding, bed reexp! Call 201-6323. firm. 865-230-4603 wagon, low miles. some bisk and other newal, debri cleanClean. grt shape. supplies, cheap. No up. Free est, 25 yrs molds. 253-7759. exp! Mark Lusby Roofing / Siding 352 Autos Wanted 253 $5700. 865-363-9018 679-0800 NISSAN SENTRA 2010, 43,600 mi, exc. cond. A BETTER CASH Auctions 217 OFFER for junk cars, Gray w/gray int. Painting / Wallpaper 344 $15,500. 865-748-4796 trucks, vans, running or not. 865-456-3500 FRESHCOAT VW BEETLE 2003, Sp. PAINTING Ed., 4 cyl, 1.8 LT, Res/Comm'l, Utility Trailers 255 MT. 94k mi, grn Int/Ext. Free est. w/grn/blk int. Pics 865-978-6645 upon req. $7450/b.o. UTILITY TRAILERS, Motivated 865-567-3827 all sizes available. 865-986-5626. 345 VW PASSAT 3.6 Sport Paving smokeymountaintrailers.com 2006, white w/silver leather, sunroof, full power, new Trucks 257 AT, Michelins, 126k mi, 1 owner, clean Car DODGE DAKOTA Fax, very nice, 2002 good cond., tool $9750 total. 806-3648. boxes, ladder racks, $5,900. 865-661-4000

Doberman Pinscher



SHOPPER-NEWS • JULY 30, 2012 • B-3


Mike Wigger

Exercise and Inflammation: How can stress reduce stress? Recent research is revealing the details of just how devastating chronic inflammation can be to your health; an issue that highlights the dangers of unmanaged stress. Quite simply, chronic stress can make you sick. Inflammation is your body’s response to stress; both chronic (long-term) and acute (short-term). We are all aware of ways to reduce our stress, but did you know there is one method to treat stress that in turn actually causes it? You got it. Exercise! How is it that the treatment we use to manage stress is actually something that causes it? The difference lies in the acute vs. chronic. Yes, exercise stresses your body, but only for a short period of time to elicit an adaptation (or growth response). The stress placed on your body during exercise breaks down your muscles causing the need for repair, except this time the muscles are bigger and better than they were before. This overload stimulus is what promotes improvements and progression in your exercise program. This type of inflammation is actually beneficial, because it causes your body to rebuild and refortify its tissues for future demands. Chronic inflammation, however, is where we get into trouble. This occurs when we do not allow our body sufficient time to rest, or we consume highly processed, difficult to digest foods. Your body is designed to deal with stress, but only in small doses with enough time to fully recover. Join us on Wednesday, Aug. 22, to learn specifically how to use exercise as a means for reducing chronic inflammation!

aches and pains

By Sandra Clark You’ve seen the old codgers on TV – the ones who seem to unfold when getting up from a chair. They are reacting to the aches and pains of old age, but stiffness and inflammation are not inevitable outcomes of aging. Provision Health & Wellness is sponsoring a free half-day event Wednesday, Aug. 22, to introduce a way to battle back. Juli Urevick, marketing manager, says the event is for adults, “from ‘boomers’ to seniors,” specifically those with aches and pains. The day will start at 9 a.m. with a meet and greet with healthy snacks. Provision Health & Wellness is located at Dowell Springs off Middlebrook Pike. Then from 10-11 a.m., Chief Dietitian Casey Peer will discuss how good nutrition can minimize common aches of aging. Mike Wigger, wellness coordinator and exercise specialist, will talk about ways to reduce chronic inflammation with diet and exercise. From 11 until noon, participants can exercise with a choice of low- or no-impact classes: Chair Yoga or Functional Fitness and Zumba Gold class combo, Urevick said. “We had an amazing turnout the first time we did this. Our instructors are highly qualified and can modify any exercise for a group or individual; for instance, if you’ve got a bad knee or hip. So we are excited to expand the program to include people of my generation, the Baby Boomers.”

Sample the snacks! Sample the talks by Casey and Mike! Sample the classes: Zumba Gold: Latin inspired dance fitness class. Zumba Gold modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of an active older participant (or a younger one with aches and pains). Functional Fitness classes utilize low-impact cardio and cross-training for a focused workout without wear and tear on your joints. Gentle strengthening and balance work is incorporated to provide overall physical benefits. Suggested movement modifications are also provided during the class to ensure your safety. Chair Yoga: Participants learn or do yoga while seated or using a chair for support. Appropriate for individuals with joint issues, pregnant mothers and more. Learn to exercise in a safe environment. Learn about nutrition and the influence of diet on your over-all health. Remember, the Wednesday, Aug. 22, event is absolutely free. Pre-registration by calling 232-1414 helps with snack preparation. And best of all, those attending will be offered discounts on both club membership and nutrition classes.


Weight Management Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol Management Food Allergies/Intolerances IBS Arthritis Hypothyroidism Sports Nutrition & Fueling for Performance

1400 Dowell Springs Blvd., Suite 100, Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 232.1414 · livewellknoxville.com

B-4 • JULY 30, 2012 • SHOPPER-NEWS


Health Advisor

Q. My doctor put me on a new drug but I am worried about it interacting with my other medications. Do you have any advice on if I should take it?

A. Without knowing which medications are involved, I can give only general information about your question. Medications not only interact with other medications, but can also interact with food, beverages, herbals, supplements and even medical conditions. Therefore, it is extremely important to know your pharmacist and discuss in detail any concerns you may have about your medications with them. Every doctor or prescriber you see should have an updated and Chad & Camilla Frost, PharmDs current medication list. I am sure your pharmacist would be 10420 Kingston Pike, Lovell Heights Center willing to put together and send Between Pellissippi & Lovell Road a current medication list to your doctors at your request.


Please do not make a decision to stop or not take a medication you have been prescribed on your own. Keeping all members of your healthcare team involved in your care and informed of any concerns or side effects is the most important thing you can do for your health.



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