A great community newspaper.
VOL. 5, NO. 49
DECEMBER 5, 2011
In this issue!
Sounds, sights of season fill town hall What would Christmas be without Farragut’s annual Celebrate the Season gathering? Kids of all
ages packed town hall last Thursday to enjoy music, refreshments and a visit from Santa himself! Color-coded cards help even novice bell ringers get it right. Barry Wallace from Bearden United Methodist Church Bell Ringers directed a group of children as they rang out some popular holiday tunes. Photos by S.F. Neal
Josh Martinez, 4, had his wish list ready for Santa.
Flip the switch Mayor McGill kicks off holiday season See page A-2
Ginny Clieff, Linda Smith and Deby Libby make up TNT Dulcimers. They provided holiday music with an old-fashioned twang.
Sweet treat Upcoming production of Willy Wonka See story on page A-10
Winter Grub Dr. Bob looks into what those pesky birds eat in winter See page A-6
LIKE? TELL US! ShopperNewsNow
10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) EDITOR Larry Van Guilder ADVERTISING SALES Sydney McLean Debbie Moss Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.
First Utility considers rate increase By Larry Van Guilder First Utility District commissioners took up a topic at their regular monthly board meeting last week that consumers don’t like to hear about – a rate increase. But water and sewer rates are a comparative bargain for the utility’s customers and will remain so even when the increase takes effect.
policy and authorized a bond issue not to exceed $19 million for 2012. Wayne Watson, director of accounting and finance, explained that the bond amount will likely fall between $16 and $18 million, with the final size to be determined once the budget-
Hallsdale-Powell KUB Lenoir City Knox Chapman West Knox Alcoa First Utility District (current) First Utility District (proposed)
$61.06 $29.70 $37.78 $47.54 $30.56 $28.40 $22.41 $22.41
ing process for the upcoming year is completed. First Utility District earned a AA+ rating from Standard & Poor for its 2009 bond issue, the highest uninsured rating awarded to any water and sewer utility in the state. Residential rates for 7,000 gallons
$63.41 $77.62 $63.84 $43.33 $42.81 $39.70 $33.75 $37.50
$124.47 $107.32 $101.62 $90.87 $73.37 $68.10 $56.16 $59.91
Locals brace for Lakeshore changes By Sandra Clark How best to treat the mentally ill? And who pays? The state will stop admissions to Lakeshore Mental Health Institute on Jan. 1 with an eye toward closing the 150-year-old facility on Northshore Drive. Then called Eastern State Psychiatric Hospital, the campus held 3,000 beds in 1975. With the advent of psychotropic drugs, the state has worked to deinstitutionalize the mentally ill. Today, Lakeshore has 115 beds and even fewer residents. State officials say it costs $900 per patient per day for acute care at Lakeshore. The state wants to shift that money to community-based mental health services and transfer the long-term residents to facilities in Nashville or Chattanooga.
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According to a cost of service study prepared by consultant group Jackson Thornton, the current residential rate for sewer fell about $267,000 short of covering the revenue required for capital funds during the previous 12 months. The recommended increase of $3.75 for 7,000 gallons will bring the combined water and sew-
er rate to $59.91, still more than $8 lower than Alcoa, the local utility closest in rates to First Utility District. No rate adjustment for residential water is being considered at this time. The board also approved a formal debt management
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Knox County Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones says if Lakeshore stops admissions, deputies will take patients to Peninsula, Ridgeview in Oak Ridge or Woodbridge in the Tri-County area. “It is our hope that some of the monies from the savings of closing Lakeshore would go toward the Safety Center and that would complete the crisis service continuum run by the McNabb Center,” Jones said. He and Attorney General Randy Nichols have advocated construction of a crisis center to be operated by McNabb for short-term care of persons picked up for public drunkenness or nuisance offenses. Jones says as many as one-quarter of those incarcerated at the Knox County Detention Center are suffering from
mental illness. Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett said one in three Tennesseans is affected by mental illness, either personally or via family or a friend. He says Gov. Bill Haslam wants to do the right thing, and the current crisis is about dollars. “I worry about the state employees and their families, and most of all I worry about the patients and their families,” Burchett said. “Knox County will pick up the pieces. We’ll deal with it in a compassionate manner.” On Wednesday, County Commissioner Jeff Ownby convened a meeting at West High School. The 350 Lakeshore employees are worried about losing their jobs. They also are concerned about their patients. A Farragut resident said
County Commissioner Jeff Ownby and Lisa Moffett, field rep for the Tennessee State Employees Association, facilitate a public forum to discuss Lakeshore last week at West High School. Photo
by S. Clark
our current mental health system is nothing more than “begging around,” trying to get help for your family member. Her son has been in the county’s Detention Center since 2010. His crime was “being born with mental illness. The mentally ill are not cute, they’re not cuddly, but they are God’s children.” She said Lakeshore should
be expanded, not closed, to take pressure off the jail. Ownby will ask County Commission to adopt a resolution requesting a two-year delay for changes at Lakeshore, but even a unanimous local vote can’t dictate state policy. Ownby said concerned residents can contact the governor’s office at 615-741-2001.
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Serving those who ‘have nothing’
Kickin’ off the season
By Larry Van Guilder Last August, past Rotary District Governor Karen Wentz and four companions traveled to Malawi in central Africa. Malawi is one of the most impoverished nations on Earth, with an estimated per capita income of about $800. “There’s nothing like going to a place and seeing things firsthand to tug at your heartstrings,� Wentz said at last week’s meeting of the Farragut Rotary Club. Malawi has an infant mortality rate of 280 per 1,000 births (up to age 5), nearly 50 times the U.S. rate of 6 per 1,000. Malaria is a major health problem, as is AIDS, and Malawi natives struggle for access to the most basic human need – clean water. Wentz’s group helped finish several water wells during their stay. Bricks and stones to line the wells were hauled to the sites by the local population. Transportation in Malawi is mainly by foot, bicycle or ox cart. Pumps for the wells cost less than $100 each, but the fresh water is invaluable. In an area called the Kaswenthe Valley, 50 acres growing cabbage, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beans and maize have been rigged with 77 “treadle pumps� and five hand-dug shallow wells. The residents are able to sell the excess produce. “It’s lifted the whole community,� Wentz said. Polio eradication remains a primary mission of Rotary International. Wentz re-
Farragut Mayor Ralph McGill poses with Reagan Bradshaw after flipping the switch for the holiday lights last week at Campbell Station Park. Photos by J. Acuff Karen Wentz, past District Governor for Rotary Photo by L. Van Guilder
ported that about 70 infants were immunized during her stay. Despite their crushing poverty, the Malawi people were gracious to their guests, who were received “with great joy, even though they had nothing,� Wentz said. Five Rotarians were recognized as Paul Harris Fellows last week: Bryan Harper, Brian Welch (fifth sapphire), Jim O’Brien (fourth sapphire), Tom King (fifth sapphire) and Stephanie Myers (third sapphire). Sarah Lutz and Briana Stockdale from the Farragut High School Interact Club presented the club’s plans to send 10 to 15 students to the Republic of Togo in West Africa. The club is selling calendars and mugs to raise funds for the trip. Farragut Rotary meets next at noon Wednesday, Dec. 7, at Fox Den Country Club when the Webb Madrigal Singers will perform.
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Hope McGuire and Owen McGuire wait in line behind Rachel Schram to get a cookie last week during Farragut’s holiday lighting event at Campbell Station Park.
FARRAGUT NOTES ■Council of West Knox County Homeowners meets at 7:15 p.m. each first Tuesday at Peace Lutheran Church, 621 N. Cedar Bluff Road. On Tuesday, Dec. 6, Joyce Feld, president of Scenic Knoxville will speak, followed by reports from the Knox County Sheriff’s Office, county BZA and county commissioners. Those attending are invited to bring a holiday snack to share at 7:15 p.m. before the meeting starts. Soft drinks will be provided. Info: Margot Kline,
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Info: 966-7057. All events are held at the Farragut Town Hall unless otherwise noted. â– Yoga, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 5. â– Farragut/Knox County Schools Education Relations Committee, 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6.
■Memoir Writing Group will meet 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8, at Panera Bread, 733 Louisville Road in Alcoa. All aspiring writers are invited. ■Samuel Frazier Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution will meet 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 17, at Waverly Court Clubhouse, 265 Fordham Way, to celebrate the chapter’s 60th anniversary. Guest speaker will be Frank Galbraith III with musical selections from World War II as the chapter commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack.
â– Wire Wrap Jewelry, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6. â– Economic Development Committee, 8-10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7. â– Yoga, 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7. â– Stormwater Advisory Committee, 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8. â– Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 7-10 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8.
Galbraith recalls ‘a day of infamy’ Historian Frank Galbraith presents a recollection of Pearl Harbor Day and the events that drew the United States into World War II. Showing a Dec. 8, 1941, newspaper announcing the war he said, “We were one country in those days. Uncle Sam rolled up his sleeves and our country went to war.� He finished by thanking the World War II veterans and all the veterans there. Photos by T. Edwards of
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FARRAGUT SHOPPER-NEWS â&#x20AC;˘ DECEMBER 5, 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ A-3
The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chamber Gangâ&#x20AC;? knows how to put together a memorable holiday food fest and social gathering. Gathered next to the tree are Cindy Ponzurick, Bettye Sisco and Julie Predny.
Angie Sanders and Nathon Hartsuff with Jetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza take a break from serving up that most indispensable of Christmas delicacies â&#x20AC;&#x201C; pizza! Photos by L. Van Guilder
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a cheery Chamber Christmas They came by the dozens last Thursday to enjoy a memorable holiday get-together at the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce. Outside, food vendors lined the walls of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;big tentâ&#x20AC;? as guests renewed acquaintances, made new ones and sampled a variety of tantalizing fare. Inside the Chamber offices the festive mood continued as a steady stream of hungry visitors sampled the delights of the dessert tables. The mouthwatering scent of chocolate greeted you at the door, and all who entered left with a satisfied sweet tooth. Not even the Grinch could have complained about this party!
Ed Whiting and Staci Wilkerson pause inside the â&#x20AC;&#x153;big tentâ&#x20AC;? erected in the parking lot of the Farragut West Knox Chamber gathering. Edâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is a familiar face around the Farragut Town Hall, and Staci is a vice president and branch manager with Jefferson Federal. (Overheard: â&#x20AC;&#x153;So, Staci: Do you have any money to lend?â&#x20AC;?)
Linda Campbell mans her chocolate hideaway at the Farragut West Knox Chamber Christmas gathering last Thursday. Campbell trains chocolatiers and hosts chocolate tastings. Her motto: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Never met a truffle I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like.â&#x20AC;?
Band reunites at Cherokee Country Club By Jake Mabe Bud Albers calls it a historic night. Alumni from the Jerry Collins Orchestra, which was a staple at Cherokee Country Club for years, reunited there for a special concert Nov. 18. Many are now members of the Brad Walker Orchestra, a popular big band based in Knoxville that has made a name for itself as one of the top groups of its kind. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They did a knockout job,â&#x20AC;? Albers says. The concert was recorded on CD and will be available for sale later this month for $10. The show was such a hit that the Walker Orchestra will most likely be playing some kind of ongoing gig at Cherokee Country Club. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We got a lot of compliments,â&#x20AC;? Walker says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A lot of people said it brought back a lot of memories. We had about 250 to 300 people there and the dance floor was crowded the whole night. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really happy that we made them happy. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s our goal.â&#x20AC;? Collins passed away in 2003. He played at Cherokee Country Club for 50 years, finishing his run in 1997. The recent reunion also featured a performance by a trio which included pia-
Vocalist Valerie Duke, drummer Troy Hatcher and orchestra leader Brad Walker are grinning from ear to ear during a special concert at Cherokee Country Club on Nov. 18 that reunited members from the orchestra of the late Jerry Collins, who played at the club for 50 years. Hatcher, who came out of retirement for the show, performed with Collins for 42 years. Photo submitted nist Ed Nevins, bass player Jack Cate and drummer Troy Hatcher, who came out of retirement for the show. Cate has been a member of the Walker Orchestra since 2004 and Walker considers him to be a mentor. Walker says he was thrilled to be a part of it all. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s great that Cherokee Country Club wants to keep the tradition alive and keep the big band sound alive. As Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve told people, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not looking to be Jerry Collins or take his place â&#x20AC;&#x201C; no one could ever do that â&#x20AC;&#x201C; however, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m wanting to keep Cherokee swinginâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for another genera-
tion and keep Jerry Collinsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; memory alive.â&#x20AC;? Walker says the orchestra is now featuring vocalist Valerie Duke, who recently completed a tour with the legendary Glenn Miller Orchestra. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s terrific. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one of the best big band vocalists of our time and also has the style, class and looks of a big band singer. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very talented.â&#x20AC;? Albers says the CDs will be available at Cherokee Country Club by mid-December. Info: 584-4537 or email calmond@cherokee
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County may restore senior bus fare help KAT official says maybe not
There’s a notice on the Knoxville Area Transit website announcing the end of something called the Seniors FREEdom Program:
Betty Bean
The world’s largest gavel is on Mike Hammond’s Christmas list. Photo used by permission
A commission Christmas
Santa Claus is coming to town, and we hear he’s packing his sleigh with goodies for County Commission. Mike Hammond: The world’s largest gavel currently resides outside the Supreme Court building in Columbus, Ohio. Measuring 31 feet long and weighing 38,000 pounds, this stainless steel thumper is guaranteed to restore order when commission meetings get rowdy. Maneuvering it into the City County building won’t be easy, and its sheer bulk could require moving some commissioners beyond microphone range, but that’s not such a bad thing either. Sam McKenzie and Amy Broyles: In a perfect world, Santa might bring metro government to the inner-city commissioners. But even Santa has his limitations, so he’s promising to bring them “a commissioner or two who is on their side for a change.” Tony Norman: Santa was planning on bringing Tony City Council’s Hillside and Ridgetop Protection Plan, but Commissioner Richard Briggs penned a memo pointing out that Norman’s Christmas stocking was too small to hold it. Tony was spotted at Big Lots last week shopping for an XXXL stocking. Jeff Ownby: To broaden Jeff’s outlook, Santa is presenting him with the collected writings of economist Paul Krugman, whose column “The Conscience of a Liberal” regularly appears in the New York Times. Richard Briggs: With the blessings of Mike Edwards and Tom McAdams, Santa is pleased to present Richard a lifetime honorary membership in the Knoxville Chamber. (Note: Santa cautions that this gift is “advisory only” and subject to judicial review.) Brad Anders: Santa wants nothing more than to spread goodwill, and he worries that Hammond’s present might cause vice chair Anders to suffer gavel envy. So Brad will receive a downsized version of Mike’s gavel, manufactured from recycled handcuffs. R. Larry Smith: Santa feels for “Our” Larry because the commissioner is unlikely ever to achieve his dream of becoming Knox County Mayor. Therefore, Santa is preparing a certificate, suitable for framing, proclaiming Smith “Honorary Mayor of Halls and Fountain City.” The certificate is valid for one day only, Feb. 31, 2012, and is void where prohibited by law or calendar. Dave Wright: Dave fought the Battle of Midway and spearheaded the Carter Clash. He emerged on the winning side both times, but now he’s a Man Without a Cause. Santa wants to help, and Dave’s impeccable taste in clothing provides the answer. Santa will be naming him Chief Wardrobe Consultant for commission. Wright will be granted unlimited authority including banishment for commissioners whose socks or stockings clash with their suits or blouses. (The job comes with a colorful gavel containing remnants of recycled silk ties.) Mike Brown: Santa recognizes that Mike is a passionate individual but thinks he might benefit from some extracurricular reading. Mike’s stocking will contain a copy of Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Ed Shouse: Ed says little, but what he does say is thoughtful. Santa is bestowing the title of Commission Philosopher on Ed and presenting him with a copy of Plato’s “Republic.” He encourages Ed to grow a beard suitable for contemplative stroking. Contact Larry Van Guilder at
“Persons age 65 or over who were previously riding fare-free will need to pay the discounted senior fare (75 cents each way). Proof of age is required to use the discounted senior fare.” The last county budget was lean and mean to the point of inflicting pain. Budgets were cut and belts were tightened. Few cuts looked meaner than whacking the $80,000 senior citizens bus fare subsidy. Mayor Tim Burchett said it was unfair to county taxpayers to spend that kind of money on a program that operates only inside the city limits. The Senior FREEdom Program was started in 2006 by former County Mayor Mike Ragsdale as part of his “No Senior Left Behind” initiative – a package designed to woo elderly voters. Ending it triggered a strong reaction from county taxpayers who live inside the city and from
advocates of public transportation generally. One of those is County Commissioner Amy Broyles, whose North Knoxville district is entirely within the city and which contains three subsidized senior citizens highrise apartment buildings. Broyles has been working on a plan to restore the bus subsidy and appears to be making some progress. Knoxville Mayor-elect Madeline Rogero, who enjoys a cordial relationship with Burchett, is another strong advocate of public transportation. When she ran for mayor in 2003, she spent a week traveling around the city via KAT and reported that she had no problem getting to where she needed to go. She will be sworn in Dec. 17, and it’s not unreasonable to assume that a goodwill gesture from her county counterpart in the form of bus fare restoration might be a welcome Christmas gift. KAT general manager Cindy McGinnis, however, sounds surprisingly wary about the prospect of restoring the senior subsidy, although she says that any increase in revenues is always welcome. She’s concerned about unintended consequences, like those that resulted from the state’s CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality)
Kincannon kicks off campaign Indya Kincannon, 2nd District school board member, formally kicked off her re-election campaign last week at the home of Bob and Melynda Whetsel. She and her husband, Ben Barton, greeted guests with the help of daughters Georgia (rear left) and Dahlia. Photo by Betty Bean program, which mandated free bus fare on “code orange” days. “Our buses would become so packed with our current ridership making more trips that the doors were constantly opening and we couldn’t keep the buses cool. Our regular, loyal passengers who purchase 7-day or 30-day passes weren’t able to take advantage of that, so they did not receive a benefit. The intention of the program was to encourage
auto owners to try transit, and that wasn’t happening. Free is not necessarily better in our world.” Senior citizens already ride for half-price, McGinnis said, and KAT’s data indicate that ending the free ride program hasn’t cut down the bus usage among that population. “There are other people who could benefit from riding the bus free – severely economically disadvantaged individuals.”
Personnel changes as inaugural nears As the Dec. 17 inaugural nears for Madeline Rogero, key personnel decisions are being announced with more remaining. Two persons who would have stayed were told to pack up. Longtime city council attorney Charles Swanson will take over as law director. He will initially be one of the best informed law directors in city history given his 28 years with City Council. He knows the city inside and out and where the bodies are buried. He will have no learning curve. He is not bashful about voicing his views. Currently, he earns $90,000 a year for attending 26 regular council meetings (about $3,460 a meeting). There is some preparatory work prior to the meeting. Rogero has not announced anybody’s pay, although it is hard to imagine the new directors or deputy mayors accepting a job for which they did not know the pay, at least in general terms. Swanson is expected to make $145,000 to $150,000. Once on the city payroll, the salary for each will be subject to open records review
Victor Ashe
and divulged. City Council will select a council attorney for the first time in 28 years. Applications are already being sought by Cindy Mitchell, city recorder. Council might consider lowering the salary based on holding only 26 meetings a year. It is their decision what to pay the attorney. The pay for deputy mayors Eddie Mannis and Bill Lyons is also undisclosed at this time. It is unclear whether UT will continue to keep open Lyons’ tenured professorship for another four years after keeping it open for the past eight years while he worked for Mayor Bill Haslam. Jesse Mayshark and Angela Starke are the new communications leaders. Mayshark has pledged on a local blog to see the barber regularly and is even considering wearing ties (both
major lifestyle changes for him). Mayshark is bright, discerning and an excellent writer. It will be interesting see him responding to media inquiries (including ones from this column) when he has previously been asking the hard questions as well as writing hard hitting columns. Starke brings further diversity to the Administration as an African-American woman holding a key office. David Hill was let go and taxpayers will save $150,000 a year in salary for his remarkably stress free position. Rogero deserves praise for taking this overdue step. Lyons will take over Hill’s waterfront duties such as they were. Randy Kenner is also leaving, but his departure is not a reflection on his performance as virtually every new Administration brings in its own media team. Several holdovers had not yet been announced as staying but it is widely assumed they will such as Police Chief David Rausch, Fire Chief Stan Sharp, Service Director David Brace, Parks
and Recreation Director Joe Walsh, and Janet Wright at Information Services. (This is written Dec. 1 so it is possible they will be announced prior to Dec. 5 when the column is printed). ■ Plan to arrive early on Dec. 17 (by 9:30 for the 10 a.m. start) if you want decent parking and a good seat at the Jacob Building. I predict a large attendance. Rogero will be sworn in by state Supreme Court Justice Sharon Lee. Her husband, Gene Monaco, will hold the Bible. Rogero indicates her grandchildren may assist too. ■ Swearing in the new council members will be Federal District Judge Tom Varlan for George Wallace (wife Stephanie holding the Bible assisted by son, Nick); Judge Mary Beth Leibowitz for Finbarr Saunders (his adult children, Emily Woodle and Robert Saunders, will hold the Bible). ■ Judge Geoffrey Emery will administer the oath to both Marshall Stair and Mark Campen. Stair’s father, attorney Caesar Stair III, will hold the Bible for his son, while Campen’s wife, Emily Quinn Campen, will hold the Bible for him.
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Gresham pilots standard-based grading By Jake Mabe Sixth-grade teachers and several volunteer 7th grade teachers at Gresham Middle School are piloting a new standards-based grading that gets more specific than the somewhat vague traditional “catch all” A to F, 0 to 100 grading system. Vice principal Glen Price says that standards-based grading is just that – a system in which students are assessed by each state standard rather than simply receiving a letter grade for their entire class performance. “For example, in math, a student might be proficient at dividing fractions but basic at another standard. This is about breaking down the learning more and teaching toward mastery.” Under the old 0 to 100 system, Price said, anything scored below a 69 is a failing grade.
Gresham Middle School 6th grade teachers Nicole Resmondo, Heather Fox and Lindsey Clark discuss the new standardsbased grading they are helping pilot at the school this year. Photo by Jake Mabe
“You have more chances to fail than you have to succeed,” Price says. Price says it’s like some kindergarten grade cards, through which parents learn that their child can count by 5s and 10s and knows their ABCs. “Parents know exactly what skills are missing.”
Designed to match the TCAP test, each standard is grouped into three graduated levels and is scored as advanced (an A under the old system), proficient (which could be a B or C), basic (a C or D) or below basic (F). Each student is given a score sheet on which they can see their progress.
Students who need extra help, particularly in math and language, can get it during Focus 30, a time in the mornings reserved for “re-teaching.” “Whether students learn (a concept) this week or two weeks from now doesn’t matter. What matters is that they learn it. Some students just take longer. To make this type grading work, you must have time to re-teach.” During Horizontal Planning sessions on Thursdays, teachers talk about specific students, look at data, including performance on tests and quizzes and select students for the Focus 30 sessions. Teachers also plan common assessments. At Gresham, 6th grade students are grouped into two “wings,” 6A and 6B, but all are given the same assessments. “It takes collaboration to work,” Price says. Several teachers in leadership groups last year inquired
to plant a dogwood tree at the Halls Senior Center in memory of Irma “Granny” McConkey. Burchett not Mayor Tim Burchett only gave approval, but he hands his card to offered to buy the tree from Halls 2nd grader his campaign fund. Then he Jessica Swearinasked PR guy Michael Grider gen and asks her to check with Neal Denton to to invite him to determine the best time to lunch, “but not on plant it. And he started telling a day you’re havabout white dogwoods growing pizza.” Jessica ing from seed, while pink and clutched the card red dogwoods are grafted. and afterwards said “Hey,” he yelled through perhaps she would the open door. It was Denny also “invite the McMahan, heading into the president.” library. “That’s my old hortiyour momma.” state records,” said the proud culture teacher at Bearden, back in the dark ages,” said Burchett said he was tak- uncle. ing off Friday to go to CookeOnly problem with him Tim. More kids came through ville to watch his nephew, playing for the Christian Charlie High, play in the state Academy of Knoxville, Bur- with their mom. Burchett infootball championship. High, chett said, is the fans ac- vited them to visit his office a junior quarterback for CAK, knowledge bad calls with “for 15 minutes.” Any longer, was named Mr. Football for shouts of “darn!” and “drat!” he said, and they would be his classification. “He threw Mike Bridges and Alex bored senseless. 50 touchdowns and broke six Smith asked for permission
about the new grading system. Several of them visited Fairfield High School in Williamson County to look at that school’s version of it, then heard a presentation from a Hamblen County math teacher over the summer. Sixth grade reading teacher Lindsey Clark says the pilot program is going well. “We’re truly seeing what kids know and don’t know.” Science teacher Nicole Resmondo says her students enjoy seeing their progress from, for example, quiz to quiz, on the individual score sheets. “It’s made them more motivated than anything I’ve ever seen. Now kids are really getting involved, working hard and studying longer. They want proficient scores.” Adds language arts teacher Heather Fox, “They don’t want to be ‘basic’ or ‘below basic.’ 0”
The teachers say they have also incorporated various tools, including websites and streaming online video, to complement the curriculum. “Sometimes it takes two, three, four or 10 times to see something to absorb it permanently to memory,” Resmondo says. Price says he should soon be able to use the school system’s EMIS “data warehouse” to compare Discovery Ed tests, the benchmark tests taken three times a year to assess math, language, reading and science, to gage how students should perform on TCAPs, as well as to compare the scores to performance in the classroom. “You should see a correlation. Our value-added scores,” (what a teacher “adds” to the class) “are already very strong. It will be interesting to see how we improve based on what we’re doing now.”
Burchett sits a spell By Sandra Clark The conversation ranged from dogwood trees to mental health, from motorcycles to football. Often a politician ventures into the community only to be mobbed by folks who are mad or stalked by ones who want something. But Tim Burchett was greeted in Halls by old friends and some kids who thought it was cool to meet a mayor. The most poignant moment came when Burchett, who had lost his own mother just days earlier, asked three young women why they were not in school. “We’re homeschooled,” said one. The mayor reached over, patted their mother on the arm and said to the kids, “When you get old, you’ll be glad for the time you got to hang out with
Burchett visits with his high school horticulture teacher, Denny McMahan. The retired Bearden teacher who lives in Halls said he has no stories to tell about the teenaged Burchett. “He outranks me.” Photos by S. Clark Roy Kruse thanked Burchett for his help as a legislator in passing a bill to prohibit pharmacists from substituting a generic drug for epilepsy medication without telling both the patient and the doctor. “That bill meant a lot to people living with epilepsy,” he said.
It was time to go. After a week of highs and lows, Burchett was off to watch the CAK Warriors play football. But he left town only after coming to Halls for a promised constituent meeting – in a community where the biggest problem was gaining permission to plant a dogwood.
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Goldenrod seed head
Gall cut open revealing the grub inside
Gall caused by larva of gall fly on a goldenrod stem
Winter grub
NATURE NOTES | Dr. Bob Collier
s I write this column, I’m looking out my daughter’s Vermont windows at the 4 inches of snow that fell the Tuesday night before Thanksgiving. The snow will be there, at least off and on, until April or May. Delicious memories of the holiday feast remain, and they make it even more amazing to think about how something as small and hyperactive as the birds can survive out there even for a day, much less for an entire winter. While our East Tennessee birds don’t have nearly as much snow and bitter temperatures to contend with, they still have to stay focused and busy to maintain themselves through the dark, nongrowing months ahead. What in the world can they find to eat? So, a recent article along those lines in the December issue of Birdwatching magazine caught my attention. Written by Warren Uxley, a state park naturalist in Ohio, it describes an interesting aspect of birds finding food in winter, by the downy woodpeckers. And for me, it had a bonus: it gives me a great excuse to maintain a messy yard and
back field (as if I needed another one, besides slothfulness). More on that shortly. I remember a year or so back, watching a downy woodpecker foraging around on some weed stems in my field, not a place you would expect to see a woodpecker. The Uxley article helps explain what was going on. During the summer, a small fly, called the goldenrod gall fly, lays its egg on a goldenrod plant. The egg hatches into a small white grub, which then burrows into the stem of the plant and sets up housekeeping. This causes the stem to react by growing a round, bulbous enlargement, called a gall. The grub grows into a high-calorie, tasty morsel and plans to overwinter in the protection of the gall, then tunnel out in the spring as an adult gall fly, find a mate and repeat the cycle for another year. Uxley reports that for the first two or three weeks of December, downy woodpeckers will leave their preferred cover of woods and trees and head out into stands of now-dead goldenrods, tunnel into the galls and use their log, barbed tongues to extract
the juicy grubs. Sometimes, chickadees have been observed to join in the fun. They generally have the grubs pretty well cleaned up in that short period of time and then go back to their usual pattern of foraging in their usual trees and shrubs. So, I checked my stand of goldenrods in the back field and sure enough, there were a bunch of galls on them, roughly two or three stems with galls in each 10-foot square area. I harvested one and opened it up to see what was there. And, sure enough, there was the gall fly grub, a small, white, juicy glob of high-energy, woodpecker winter food. It’s pretty remarkable that the downies could figure out that those delicious bites were in there, but it’s just a reminder that those birds are out there all day, every day, searching every nook and cranny, working hard to just find enough food to get them through that one more day of winter. Of course, the adaptable downy woodpeckers, and their big cousins the red-bellied woodpeckers, can switch readily to eating seeds when their buggy protein sources fail; we
Aster seed heads Photos by Bob Collier see them at our feeders regularly all winter. The birds that are mainly seed-eaters, like the cardinals, towhees, finches and sparrows, don’t make the switch the other way so easily, and that’s where the untidy winter gardens and messy field corners begin to be important. The bird people who study and know about such things recommend leaving your dead autumn stalks and seed heads standing until spring. I had already been leaving several patches of goldenrod standing in the back field all summer when I mowed, for a couple of reasons. Goldenrod pollen is a favorite food for dozens of flies, bees, wasps and butterflies. Many of the flies, bees and wasps are beneficial insects. They pollinate our tomatoes, watermelons, squash, blueberries, apples and cherries more effectively than honey bees. And others prey on garden pests, wiping out various planteating aphids and caterpillars. And the butterflies! The goldenrod patches provide endless photo ops and just plain butterfly-watching all summer and fall. And late-summer goldenrods are excellent food stopovers for fall-migrating monarch butterflies, sipping on energyrich nectar as they make their way to wintering grounds in Mexico. But for the very important, potentially hungry, winter season, we tend to forget that the reason the plants make all those flowers is in order to produce seeds. And those dried seed heads, where the flowers were, are made up of large numbers of seeds, all excellent food for the finches, sparrows and
the other seed-eating birds. Picture a big sunflower head. As it dries, there are rows and rows of seeds, hundreds of them. The same situation holds on a smaller scale with your purple cone flowers, asters, black-eyed Susans, and all those field flowers like clover, goldenrod, ironweed and so on. After being nectar and pollen factories all summer long, the flowers turn into storehouses of energy-rich seeds, beginning around the time of the first frosts of fall. The dried stalks also harbor a lot of those garden-friendly invertebrates that overwinter, some as eggs, some as larvae and some as dormant adults, in the hollow stems and dried leaves of the plants so much of that raggedlooking litter is serving an important role through the winter, not just for the birds, but for other useful critters as well. Therefore, wherever you can find a place or two on your property to let the summer flowers and weeds spend the winter, you will be doing the good bugs and the birds a big favor by not cleaning up till spring. In your flower gardens, the fence rows and edges, and corners and patches in your fields, if you can suppress those urges to make everything clean and perfect, things won’t look quite as pristine. But, nobody much will be looking at them during the winter anyway. And, you’ll be offering some choice food and cover to your various critter friends out there, trying to do their remarkable job of surviving the winter.
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The watching ones I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord, more than those who watch for the morning, more than those who watch for the morning. (Psalm 130:5-6 NRSV)
God of the watching ones, The waiting ones, The slow and suffering ones, The angels in heaven, The child in the womb, Give us your benediction, Your good word for our souls, That we might rest and rise In the kindness of your company. Amen. (“God of the Watching Ones,” Cloth for the Cradle, Iona Community Wild Goose Worship Group) We must watch for Christmas. Some of us look out of the corner of our eyes, with – dare I say it? – dread, fearing that it is slipping up on us all too quickly. Others of us watch for Christmas with eyes wide open, standing on tiptoe in anticipation and expectancy, with eager hearts and open hands. It has been my experience, and maybe yours, that Christmas will come when it will come, and not before. It will appear at an odd moment, perhaps when we least expect it. It may come early in December, and we will fear that it is over too early. Or it may tarry until the very last moment and we will despair, thinking that this is the year, at last, when it bypasses us completely. For me, every year, there is a Christmas moment. I am one of the watching ones, alert and hopeful, looking for that benediction, believing
Cross Currents
Lynn Hutton that a good word will come. But around me I see people who don’t expect Christmas in any form: no worship, no celebration, no feasting, no family, no gifts, no peace, no joy, no contentment. I am terribly sad for them. I am equally sad for those who think that Christmas is only about celebration and feasting and gifts. They have missed Christmas as well. Perhaps to catch Christmas in the act, we have to know what Christmas is. To watch for it, we need to be sure we will recognize it when it comes. That, for me at least, is what Advent is all about. This is a time of watching, of listening, of hoping, of expecting. This is a time of waiting, of preparing, of hollowing out our hearts to make room. This is a time of reading, of singing, of praying, of hoping for the One who comes. This is an acknowledgment deep in our hearts – conscious or otherwise – that if we allow Him into our world, then unquestionably our hearts, our homes, our lives – everything – will change. So, line the cradle with strips of softest cloth. Ready it for the child you expect. And watch.
COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ Longstreet-Zollicoffer Camp 87, Sons of Confederate Veterans will meet 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, at the East Tennessee Historical Society on Gay Street. Before the meeting, Dr. Michael Bradley, former commander in chief of the Tennessee division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, will present the program, “With Blood and Fire: Life Behind Union Lines in Middle Tennessee, 18631865.” The presentation is free and open to the public. ■ Knoxville Writers’ Group will meet 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, at Naples Restaurant on Kingston Pike. Members will read from their work. All-inclusive lunch is $12. RSVP by Monday, Dec. 5, to 983-3740. Everyone is invited. ■ The West Knox Toastmaster Club meets 6:30 p.m. each Thursday at Middlebrook Pike UMC, 7324 Middlebrook Pike. Now accepting new members. Info: Ken Roberts, 680-3443.
Channukah ■ Heska Amuna Synagogue will host a Channukah celebration 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 21. There will be latkes, Karaoke and lots of family fun. Bring your family and your Menorah. Dress casual. Everyone is invited. Admission is $18 ($9 children 12 and under, family cap of $45). RSVP by Thursday, Dec. 15, by calling 522-0701.
Christmas events ■ The Knoxville Nativity Pageant, now in its 43rd year, will perform at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, and 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 12-13, at the Civic Coliseum. Admission is free.
Carl B. Taylor
■ Stevens Mortuary (524-0331): Jeanne Elizabeth Haun Lennon Mary Katherine Nash
■ Second Presbyterian Church on Kingston Pike will host Special Music Sunday featuring “Songs of Christmas” 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 11. The program will include the Chancel Choir, soloists, a string quartet and harpsichord. ■ St. Paul UMC on Garden Drive in Fountain City and St. John’s Lutheran Church on Broadway near Old Gray Cemetery will present combined musical services 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, at St. John’s and 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, at St. Paul. The combined choir will be accompanied by a string quartet, flute and organ. ■ St. Paul UMC on Garden Drive in Fountain City will present
“Advent Concert of Piano and Organ” at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 18.
Community Services ■ Concord UMC’s Caregiver Support Group, affiliated with Alzheimer’s Tennessee Inc., meets 10 to 11:30 a.m. each first Tuesday in Room 226 at the church, 11020 Roane Drive. Anyone in the community who gives care to an elderly individual is invited. Refreshments. Info: 675-2835. ■ Fellowship Church, 8000 Middlebrook Pike, will begin its DivorceCare class again Jan. 5. This group is for anyone healing
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■ Knoxville Christian Women’s Connection will host “A Christmas Journey Luncheon” Thursday, Dec. 8 at Buddy’s Banquet Hall in Bearden. National Christian recording group The Birdsongs will perform, and inspirational speaker Amanda Kuhn from Church Hill will discuss “A Journey from Half a World Away.” Admission is $12, all-inclusive. Complimentary child care is by reservation only. RSVP by calling Connie at 693-5298 or email her at
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On Nov. 22, Marines from the Lt. Alexander Bonnyman Detachment, Marine Corps League conducted a memorial ceremony at the Bonnyman family plot at Highland Memorial Garden. Pictured at the service are Laimon Godel, Leroy Brown, David Hatfield, Eric Nash, George Sexton, George Helton, David Cates, Paul Vadeboncoeur, Bob Brown, Jeff Tegzes, Virgil Young, Jim Putman and Karl Ekstrom. Photo submitted
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FARRAGUT SHOPPER-NEWS â&#x20AC;˘ DECEMBER 5, 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ A-9
Students moved to help children in need By Suzanne Foree Neal Hope Wendel has a soft spot in her heart for foster children and orphans because her family has opened its door to children in need. Now sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s asking fellow Farragut High School students to help her by joining The Movement club. The club is sponsored by an organization called Show Hope, founded by Nashville Christian recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth. Farragut students have set a goal of raising $500 by May 2 for Show Hope to help an orphaned child in need. Hope and several other students helping her pull together the inaugural meeting Wednesday were surprised by the turnout. There was no way the dozen cupcakes offered for snacks could be multiplied to feed a roomful of students. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t expect that many,â&#x20AC;? Hope says of the crowd that pretty much filled every seat in the room.
in,â&#x20AC;? Hope explains. In April they hope to roll out an Awareness Night dinner for Show Hope. Students are looking for a restaurant to host the dinner, speakers, tickets and food to help raise money for a good cause. Sponsors for the club are special education teachers Mary Rhome and Amy Frost. The group will meet every other Wednesday. Hope first learned about The Movement club from a speaker who came to her church, and then she did more investigating by checking out the organization on Facebook. Her friend Emily Littleton was eager to join Farragut High Schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newest club will help foster children and orphans in need. Organizers of the effort. While most of The Movement club are: (front) Ellen Fowlkes, Emily Littleton, Courtney Sharp; (back) Lizzy Rees, those signing on were girls, Shannon Palko, Caleb Waters, Emma Stedham, Hope Wendel, Kelly Miller and Delaney Driscoll. a few guys did show up to Photo by S.F.Neal lend support. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to see kids in The first official activity tent with face-painting and fel bags for children placed this club grow to have pasfor the new club will be 2 handing out donated items into foster homes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When sion for kids that donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have p.m. Sunday, Dec. 18, when and food to the expected children are removed from family,â&#x20AC;? Hope says. Since they assist with a Christmas 150 children and 350 home- homes to foster care, suit- sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interacted with fosservice for Water Angels in less adults. cases and duffel bags are ter children on a personal downtown Knoxville. They Their next project will be needed for them to put level, Hope says the hardest will help in the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to collect suitcases and duf- clothes and personal items adjustment for them is â&#x20AC;&#x153;not
Optimist Club honors students The Optimist Club of K nox v ille held a luncheon in celebration of Youth Appreciation Week to honor Knox County students Boone who were awarded the Service to Hu-
knowing the people theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to be living with, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for someone to love them, but often donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get it.â&#x20AC;? According to the Show Hope website, â&#x20AC;&#x153;adoption can cost between $10,000 and $45,000 and as a result, many orphans are not welcomed into a forever family. Through adoption assistance grants, Show Hope donors have helped provide loving, Christian families for more than 2,000 orphans from 40 different countries, including the United States.â&#x20AC;? The nonprofit organization was originally founded in 2003 as Shaohannahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hope, named after the Chapmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first adopted daughter as a way to help orphan children find homes. What they discovered was that the cost prohibited many families from reaching out to give a child a home. Renamed in 2009, it now offers grants to help families cover adoption expenses.
Food for thought St. John Neumann Catholic School 1st graders Nathan Cozart, Angel Wade, Ryan Theobald and Abbey Arnold check out Ryanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s can pledges from the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Spell-AThon, which raised $200 and 500 cans of food for Our Lady of Perpetual Help in LaFollette. Parents were asked to make a pledge for each word their child got correct in the Spell-A-Thon. The 1st graders completed 96 words.
manity Award. Farragut High School student Helen Boone was among the 18 Knox County youth awarded based upon her leadership and commitment to community service. Since 1957, the Optimist Clubs have recognized youth for their talents in arts, athletics, academics and for contributions to community.
Photo submitted
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Sweet treat takes center stage for holidays By Suzanne Foree Neal Some things get better with age. Many of the young thespians performing in the upcoming Farragut High School production of “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” bear that out. While they performed the play as 8th graders, now they view it from a different perspective. Paul Gray is reprising his role as Willy Wonka. “I wanted to play it different and not get stale,” he says. “It wouldn’t be fun.” There are new faces in the cast and the director is also new. Paul says the atmosphere is more professional and everyone is putting more effort into it than they did in 8th grade. He has a fondness for the title character. “I like that he’s lived alone for so long that he doesn’t care what the rest of the characters do,” Paul says. “He’s very much a loner, but he’s willing to do what he has to to accomplish his goal. The play was adapted as a musical in 1971 from the Roald Dahl’s 1964 book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Charlie Bucket is a poor boy living with his widowed mother and four bed-ridden grandparents in a tiny house. He delivers newspapers to help support them. One day everyone learns that
Hannah Ewing and Kim Hymes take a place in a big pink boat behind Paul Gary during rehearsal for the Farragut High School production of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” Photo by S.F. Neal candy maker Willy Wonka has hidden five Golden Tickets in his Wonka Bars. The finders will be given a full tour of his tightlyguarded candy factory, as well as a lifetime supply of chocolate. Charlie is lucky enough to secure one of the tickets. From there the story
unfolds to a surprise ending. Drama teacher Lea McMahan is directing and chose the play because she was looking for something to appeal to children during the holidays. It was a “happy coincidence” that many of her students previously had
Re 692 to
■ The 6th grade band concert will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13.
#t o goLEGE CO
“Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” Tickets: $10 adults, $5 students and senior citizens Show times: Friday, Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10, 3 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, 3 p.m. Farragut High School Auditorium
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done the play. “This is a great group,” she says. “They all had to audition to get into the class so they’re pretty committed.” The class, Play Production, gives students an opportunity to see a play from every aspect. When they’ve finished, students should be able to produce a play from start to finish on their own. McMahan says the group intends to do some performances for the elementary and middle schools. Hannah Ewing was a cook the first time around, but now she’s playing the role of Violet, an American gum-chewing girl. “It’s a bigger character and more fun to play,” she says. “I like that she’s over the top and it stretches me.” Brian Hooyman plays “Charlie Bucket” this go around but played “Grandpa Joe” in the 8th grade production. “I love the new energy,” he says of the more mature cast. “People in it are just wonderful. I love seeing everyone’s interpretation. “Charlie has some innocence and I can connect with that. He’s always wanting a little more, but not sure how to ask for it.” Paul says when they did the play as 8th graders it was just something to do after school, but this is a class. “This cast is more invested in the show and has more interest in performing professionally. I think everyone is more involved.”
FHS NOTES ■ The Black and White Dance will be held 9 to 11:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9, in the Commons. Admission is $10 ($18 couples) Tickets will be on sale during lunch Dec. 6-9.
■ Backyard Book Fair will be held all day Wednesday through Friday, Dec. 14-16, and Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 19-20. ■ The 7th and 8th grade band concerts will be held 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20. ■ Tutoring sessions will be held by Mu Alpha Theta 7:45 to 8:20 a.m. each Tuesday and Friday, and 2:45 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoons in room O207. ■ Support Kristen McAllister (a.k.a. “KMAC”) in the Jingle Bell Run/Walk 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 10. Register online at
and girls rec team, all-star and open team divisions. Fee is $90 with a three game guarantee. Certified refs, centrally located. Info: Dwayne Sanders, 388-2512 or email
SPORTS NOTES ■ Basketball tournament, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Dec. 17-18. U8 through U12 boys
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WEST SIDE SHOPPER-NEWS â&#x20AC;˘ DECEMBER 5, 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ A-11
Biblical Art Show Exhibit celebrates 400th anniversary of King James Bible By Greg Householder
Memorial for Lt. Bonnyman
On Nov. 22, Marines from the Lt. Alexander Bonnyman Detachment, Marine Corps League conducted a memorial ceremony at the Bonnyman family plot at Highland Memorial Garden. Pictured at the service are Laimon Godel, Leroy Brown, David Hatfield, Eric Nash, George Sexton, George Helton, David Cates, Paul Vadeboncoeur, Bob Brown, Jeff Tegzes, Virgil Young, Jim Putman and Karl Ekstrom. Photo submitted
COMMUNITY CLUBS â&#x2013; Longstreet-Zollicoffer Camp 87, Sons of Confederate Veterans will meet 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, at the East Tennessee Historical Society on Gay Street. Before the meeting, Dr. Michael Bradley, former commander in chief of the Tennessee division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, will present the program, â&#x20AC;&#x153;With Blood and Fire: Life Behind Union Lines in Middle Tennessee, 1863-1865.â&#x20AC;? The presen-
Care packages for soldiers The American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge will be collecting items from the community to send to a Marine unit it has adopted serving in the Middle East. The program is called
tation is free and open to the public. â&#x2013; Knoxville Writersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Group will meet 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, at Naples Restaurant on Kingston Pike. Members will read from their work. All-inclusive lunch is $12. RSVP by Monday, Dec. 5, to 983-3740. Everyone is invited. â&#x2013; The West Knox Toastmaster Club meets 6:30 p.m. each Thursday at Middlebrook Pike UMC, 7324 Middlebrook Pike. Now accepting new members. Info: Ken Roberts, 680-3443.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ooh-Rah for the Holidays.â&#x20AC;? Toiletries, food, entertainment items and more will be collected through Wednesday, Dec. 7, in the AMSE lobby. A list of items is available online at All packages will be shipped by Saturday, Dec. 10.
Ray and Pat Lipps are into old stuff. Very old stuff like Bible manuscripts from the 1300s. Or artifacts from 400 B.C. For the first time ever, more than 250 items of the Lippsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; personal collection will be on display 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday through Sunday, Dec. 8-11, at Powell Presbyterian Church. The exhibit is free to the public. The show is to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. The Lippses, who own Esquire Galleries on Clinton Highway, know their business when it comes to art and artifacts. The show will feature paintings, manuscript leafs, printed leafs, etchings, engravings, lithographs and artifacts â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all with biblical themes. On display will be leafs from 31 Bibles. As Ray Lipps explained, manuscripts are handwritten. Illuminated manuscripts are manuscripts with hand-colored artwork. A leaf is a single page. A printed leaf was printed by a printing press. Very few of the collection are complete Bibles. Featured at the show will be a mid-17th century painting â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the second of five sorrowful mysteries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar.â&#x20AC;? There will also be a 20th century painting of Jesus raising the widow of Nainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son
The first edition 1611 King James Version â&#x20AC;&#x153;Great Heâ&#x20AC;? Bible leaf is one of the more than 250 items to be displayed at the Powell Presbyterian Church Biblical Art Show from Dec. 8-11. Photos by Greg Householder
from the dead. A 15th century Russian illuminated manuscript will be displayed as well as a 14th century illuminated manuscript leaf hand done from French Breviary in 1350. There will be a 15th century manuscript leaf displayed, too. Most interesting are a trio of Kings James Version Bible leafs. One is a 1611 first edition called â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Great Heâ&#x20AC;? Bible leaf. In this edition, there is a mistake in Ruth 3:15 which says â&#x20AC;&#x153;he went into the cityâ&#x20AC;? when referring to Ruth. The 1613 second edition is the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Great Sheâ&#x20AC;? Bible. The mistake in Ruth is corrected. And finally, there is the black letter quarto (a smaller version) printed in 1613 that still has the mistake. One of the artifacts to be displayed is a Sumerian cylinder seal from 400 B.C. The cylinder seal represents some of the first printing in the world and most Sumerian entrepreneurs carried one of these for use in consummating at deal. A 1776 Gun Wad Bible
Leaf will also be displayed. This Bible was the fi rst German language Bible to be printed in the New World. The printing office was raided and burned in 1776 by the British who used many of the Bibles as gun wadding. There is also a crusader cross from the 1096-1099 A.D. period that has five holes representing the five wounds of Christ on the cross and a 16th century Latin manuscript from the book of Genesis. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is Powell Presbyterian Churchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gift to the whole community,â&#x20AC;? said Ray Lipps. Groups may arrange private viewings by appointment at 938-8311. Info: w w w.powel lp c u sa.or g/. There will be a Biblical and Art Seminar at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec.11.
The 15th century Russian illuminated manuscript will also be on display at the Biblical Art Show.
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Turkey Creek Medical Center honored By Larry Van Guilder
News from First Tennessee
Christmas in the city shoppers browsed for unique gifts at the Christmas Market. A week later, throngs lined Gay Street for the Christmas parade featuring floats, decorated vehicles, marching bands, dancers, twirlers, and, of course, a special appearance by Santa. Through December, there are trees wrapped in sparkling blue and white lights all over downtown, lighted wreaths and Up on the Rooftops, the growing collection of lighted trees on rooftops. At the Holiday Market on Dec. 10 and 17, vendors from the Market Square Farmers’ Market will sell root crops, hearty greens, hydroponic vegetables, meat, eggs, and dairy from noon to 3 p.m.; craft and artisan food vendors will be set up along Market Street noon until 7 p.m. First Night is Dec. 31, a family-friendly celebration of the arts held at different downtown venues. The variety of performers represents the best singers, musicians, artists and dancers East Tennessee has to offer. A special children’s festival will feature performers, crafts, balloons and face painting. At midnight the celebration will close on Market Square with lasers and fireworks.
By Pam Fansler Downtown Knoxville is dressed in her shimmery holiday best. The Celebration of Lights on Fansler the Friday after Thanksgiving began with the lighting of the 36-foot tree, which First Tennessee Bank donated to the city a few years ago. It joined the more than 100,000 lights festooning Krutch Park. This year after the blue and white balls on the tree burst into light and fireworks exploded across the sky, the happy crowd got into the holiday spirit with carriage rides down Gay Street; visits with Santa; cookie decorating with Mrs. Claus; marshmallow roasting; free hot chocolate, snow cream and eggnog; and performances by the Unity Choir and Clarence Brown Theatre. A short distance away, the WDVX Holiday Ho-Ho-Hoedown was in full swing on the Market Square Stage with Logan Murrell, Pistol Creek Catch of the Day, and Freddy Smith and his Holiday Chicken. Skaters enjoyed Holidays on Ice, the Square’s outdoor ice rink and Knoxville’s “coolest” holiday tradition, while
Pam Fansler is president of First Tennessee Bank’s East Tennessee region.
Turkey Creek Medical Center is the recipient of an award earned by few hospitals nationwide. In 2011, only 18 hospitals across the country earned the Press Ganey Top Improver Award for continuous improvement in patient satisfaction performance over a two-year period. The center ranked among the top 5 percent in overall improvement within its database of medical centers. “To have this award focused on quality and patient satisfaction is a great honor,” said Turkey Creek Medical Center CEO Lance Jones. Jones said the award was “a tribute to the work and performance of physicians, the medical staff and their associates.” In the mid-1980s, Dr. Irwin Press partnered with Dr. Rod Ganey to develop metrics for measuring patient satisfaction as a way to improve hospital perfor-
mance. The value of a patient’s perspective regarding quality of care is at the heart of the company’s methodology. Today, Press Ganey performs monthly surveys
Adam Robertson has been promoted to president of Commercial Bank where he follows his grandfather and Commercial Bank founder E. Oscar Robertson. He pledged continuation of the “tradition of banking excellence” and customer service. Robertson has worked for Commercial Bank for more than 14 years, most recently as executive vice president. He first served as a teller and CSR, then loan Adam Robertson officer at the Halls office, then branch manager at the cating to the Main Office at Powell office, before relo- Harrogate as the central re-
Meet eWomen Members
of around 1,800 hospitals. In a letter notifying the center of its achievement, Press Ganey CEO K. Robert Draughon lauded the staff for its “impressive accomplishment.”
Jones agrees, and re-emphasizes that the credit goes to all of the hospital staff. “It’s something all of West Knoxville can be proud of,” he said.
gion executive officer. Terry Lee has served as president and CEO since 2004 and will continue as CEO and a mentor to Adam Robertson. “Adam is one of the brightest and best young men I have ever known, and he is very deserving of this promotion,” said Lee. Robertson’s has held leadership roles in the Bell County (Ky.) Chamber of Commerce, Pine Mountain Community Development Corporation, Harrogate Little League and Outdoor
Truths Ministries. He graduated from Belmont University and the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University. He and his wife, Cindi, have two children, Olivia and Noah, and they reside in Speedwell. They are members of Pump Springs Baptist Church. Commercial Bank has 20 offices in Tennessee (Knox, Union, Claiborne counties and the city of Kingsport) and Kentucky (Bell, Harlan and Knox counties).
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L. Van Guilder
Robertson is president of Commercial Bank
For more information: Linda Parrent, Executive Managing Director 247-0157 •
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Turkey Creek Medical Center CEO Lance Jones, nurse Linda Royster, Dr. Doug Holland and nurse Debbie Lobetti last Friday at the presentation of the Press Ganey Top Improver Award. Photo by
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Soles 4 Souls By Shannon Morris
tudents at Grace Christian Academy are challenged in many ways, from academics to athletics, and from social to spiritual development. One important challenge they face each year is to undertake a significant missions project that makes a difference in the lives of people far beyond the Grace campus. This year was no different, as during the month of November the high school students got involved in an effort to provide shoes to people in areas of the world that have been ravaged by natural disasters. The ministry that Grace partnered with this year was Soles4Souls, an organization whose mission is to deliver shoes and clothes to millions of people in need around the world. This charity, founded six years ago by Wayne Elsey, works tirelessly to provide not only shoes, but also a system by which people in poverty-stricken areas of the world can find gainful employment. Elsey was inspired to begin this worthwhile charity when, upon visiting a region that was affected by the 2004 tsunami, he spotted a single Grace Christian Academy students Spencer Grady, Keith Birdwell, Ashleigh Arp, Morgan shoe that had washed up on a beach. Parker, Sam Barton, Brady Akers, Tyler Stooksbury, Jennifer Bell, Lauren Hensley and His desire to help people who had lost Morgan Cleveland gather with shoes to be donated to Soles 4 Souls, a good start on the everything was thus born. Soles4Souls is headquartered in Nashville, but its school’s goal of 2,000 donated shoes. Photo by S. Johnson
reach is felt in countries like Haiti, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Peru, Honduras, and several African nations. Grace high school students were challenged to donate new or gently used shoes specifically for people in Haiti who have been devastated by the massive earthquake that struck that island. A majority of the residents of this beautiful island lost literally everything they owned. For people in such desperate straits, even a simple necessity like a decent pair of shoes goes a long way toward helping them feel restored, and it gives them hope which they may have lost in the tragedy that they have experienced. Grace’s goal for shoes collected was set at 2,000, a sizeable number for such a relatively small student body. What a tribute to their spirit of generosity, and to the influence of Grace Christian Academy in their lives. The missions project will expand into the month of February, as the entire school, grades K-12, will combine their efforts to reach and even exceed the goal of 2,000 shoes collected. The feeling among the students is that this goal will fall easily, but more than that, thousands of people in Haiti will have the opportunity to wear shoes that are neat, clean, and can be worn with pride.
Turf’s up!
The spirit of Christmas
By Shannon Morris
The Grace Christian Academy choir stuns the audience with their Christmas performance. Photo by K. McKamey
By Shannon Morris The arts are “present” at Grace Christian Academy this Christmas. The kindergarten through 2nd grade students recently completed their production of “The Light before Christmas” while the 3rd through 5th grade students performed the musical “The Great Christmas Giveaway,” to rave reviews. The middle and high school arts departments will soon be
presenting their production, “Tidings of Comfort and Joy!” at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12. The spectacular music, drama, lighting and sets all reflect the beauty and joy of this most special time of year, and the Grace students and art faculty derive tremendous satisfaction in producing quality work that shows the true meaning of Christmas – Haley Sluss and Shelby Rogers prepare for their roles the birth of their savior, in the Grace Christian Academy Christmas musical. Jesus Christ. Photo by T. McNelly
That’s what the Grace Christian Academy football players and coaches hope to be yelling very soon, as Grace is preparing to be the first high school in Knox County to have an artificial turf football field. Having a turf field is certainly something out of the ordinary for a local school, but then again, the Grace football team is coming off of an out of the ordinary season in which they went 10-0 for the first time in the school’s brief history. Getting such a field is an expensive proposition, but many families as well as area businesses have made significant donations to see the project to completion. There are several benefits to having a turf field. While it is more costly to install than planting grass, the costs for mowing, irrigation, and turf repair are in effect eliminated, saving the school thousands of dollars over the course of 10 or more years. In addition, the turf will hold up much better in rainy conditions, so a muddy track will be
An artist’s rendering of the finished football field. a thing of the past. Add to that the sense of pride that the players will have when they step onto a surface that is the same as some NFL teams play on, and it’s easy to see why so many people at Grace have gotten behind this project. Field demolition is already underway, and the new turf is scheduled to be completed by the first of March. Make plans now to attend a Grace football game next year, and be a part of this exciting new phase of growth at Grace Christian Academy!
CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Impacting the Culture for Christ
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Parkwest completes third Habitat home MacLellan with Parkwest volunteers on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blitz Day,â&#x20AC;? the first day of the build in July. MacLellan said that seeing the volunteers work to make her three-bedroom, two-bath home a reality makes her feel wonderful. In addition to working her full-time job at Arbor Trace Assisted Living Facility, Tabby put in 500 sweat-equity hours on her new home which is located on England Avenue in Knoxville.
Did You Know?
Tabitha â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tabbyâ&#x20AC;? MacLellan, homeowner of the third Habitat House built by Parkwest. Pictured with Tabby is her daughter, Stephanie, who was born in Parkwest in 1996.
Built Well. Well Built. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The need for decent affordable housing is very much a reality right here in Knoxville,â&#x20AC;? said Archie Ellis Jr., chief development ofďŹ cer for Knoxville Habitat for Humanity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Habitat for Humanity offers the opportunity of home ownership to a population that otherwise would not be able to afford a home â&#x20AC;&#x201C; individuals and families whose income falls between 30 and 60 percent below average median income for our community.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lives are being changed and communities are being rebuilt because of the generosity of groups and individuals,â&#x20AC;? Ellis said. Parkwest Medical Center is one such group. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At Parkwest, our commitment is not only to ensure that our patients are â&#x20AC;&#x153;Treated Well. Well Treatedâ&#x20AC;?â&#x201E;˘ from a medical standpoint, but to make sure that we do all we can to ensure the same for our community,â&#x20AC;? said Parkwest CAO Rick Lassiter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Partnering with Habitat for Humanity is one of the many ways we can work toward that end.â&#x20AC;?
Lassiter said that employees are excited about the project and many have volunteered hours to help build. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is awesome to see Parkwest employees use their teamwork skills outside the health care setting,â&#x20AC;? Lassiter said. Parkwest vice president and Habitat project coordinator Em Cobble said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;From working closely with Habitat, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen the worthwhile work and lasting impact that Habitat has on families and our community. I think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s great that my employer is involved in such a cause.â&#x20AC;? About Habitat Habitat for Humanity is an independent, nonproďŹ t, ecumenical Christian housing ministry that partners with people of all beliefs. Habitat builds simple, decent, affordable homes in partnership with those in need. Volunteers and future homeowners provide the majority of the labor required to build the homes. Tax deductible donations of money, land and materials are provided by individuals, organizations and corporations.
Knox County has more than 6,000 people living in substandard housing conditions? Habitat for Humanity is the only program in the Knoxville community that sells homes to low-income families at the builderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cost with a zero percent interest mortgage. Since the programâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inception in 1985, more than 350 Habitat homes have been built in Knox County.
Peninsula Holiday Survival Guide Gives Practical Advice If you envision your family gatherings unfolding as happily as an episode of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Brady Bunch,â&#x20AC;? but in reality your relatives more closely mirror Roseanne Connerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or Al Bundyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, you arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t alone. Peninsulaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Holiday Survival Guide is produced as a community service of Peninsula, a division of Parkwest Medical Center, because nearly everyone experiences heightened stress during the holiday season. The guide includes expertsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; advice on common holiday stressors such as managing money, juggling multiple obligations and coping with loneliness. While the guide wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t change the people who stress you the most, you may find some coping skills that will help you Download a complimentary copy at
2 s 0 s1s1
adapt so that your holidays go more smoothly. The guide includes information on how to get through common stressful situations such as making travel plans, facing difficult relationships, managing anger and coping with illness and grief. The guide also discusses why the holidays are so tempting for people with addictive behavior problems such as alcohol or drug dependency. Additionally, there are printable tip pages for shopping smarter not harder, staying connected with your children, getting through grief and others. The guide also offers advice for giving guilt-free gifts and maintaining not gaining weight over the holiday season and suggestions for making realistic resolutions.
Is it the holiday blues or something more? If five or more of these symptoms persist for more than two N Feel restless or slowed down? weeks, or interfere with work or family life, it is time to seek N Have no energy? help from a physician or a mental health professional. N Feel worthless or guilty? Do you: N Have trouble concentrating? N Feel sad or empty? N Think a lot about death? N Sense a loss of enjoyment or fun? Unexplained, prolonged symptoms may indicate that you or a N Notice inexplicable change in your weight? loved one is suffering from clinical depression. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t despair â&#x20AC;&#x201C; N Have a change in your sleep pattern â&#x20AC;&#x201C; too much or too little? depression is treatable. Call Peninsula at 865-970-9800.
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Santa Claus will be visiting Tabby MacLellan at a new address this year. By Christmas, this hardworking single mom will be living in a new Habitat for Humanity home thanks to Parkwest Medical Center. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Parkwest is proud to support Habitat for Humanity because it provides an essential need for deserving people, especially in these tough economic times,â&#x20AC;? said Parkwest CAO Rick Lassiter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not only does Habitat make home ownership possible, the organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s real mission is transforming lives through a comprehensive educational program for participant families,â&#x20AC;? he said. Knoxville Habitat for Humanity puts 25 houses per year on the property tax rolls in Knoxville and Knox County â&#x20AC;&#x201C; resources that are used to support schools, roads, public health and safety. During the course of the MacLellan home build, more than 200 volunteers gave approximately 1,000 hours to complete the home.
‘You can beat the blues’ A time filled with holiday cheer can also be a time of “holiday blues” for many people, so Allie Kachelries, crisis service manager at Peninsula, presented a helpful program at the Strang Center on how to cope with holiday stress and challenges of the season.
Holly is a no-no And forget the mistletoe It’s time once again to deck your halls with everything merry and bright, but be aware that those festive lilies and sparkly bows could potentially cause a holiday disaster for you and your pet.
Theresa Edwards
Don’t be a Grinch, keep holiday dangers away from your pets.
Sara Barrett These cheer-building strategies include: ■ Maintain a positive attitude ■ Participate in enjoyable activities ■ Know your limitations ■ Schedule what you can accomplish without overtaxing yourself ■ Get plenty of rest ■ Plan ahead ■ Spend time with family and friends you enjoy ■ Use moderation (especially in eating sweets) ■ Set a budget for holiday shopping, and ■ Give the gift of time or handmade gifts. Kachelries spoke of her dad who often says, “Every day I wake up is a good day!” He is a person who knows that starting each day with
Donate blood, save lives Medic Regional Blood Center and Second Harvest Food Bank are teaming up this month for “Double Your Good Deed.” Blood donors can opt out of a Tshirt and a donation equal to nine meals will be made to Second Harvest.
Critter Tales Most folks are aware of the dangers “everyday” plants can pose to pets when ingested, but many don’t know the risk of an animal ingesting mistletoe or holly. Such decorative greenery Allie Kachelries, crisis service manager at Peninsula, shares can lead to vomiting and dihelpful ideas to keep cheerful and reduce holiday stress. Photo arrhea in your furry friends, by T. Edwards of even causing an unexpected trip to the pet emergency a positive thought helps they get together, then they clinic. And according to the feed more positive thinking are no longer alone! throughout the day. What The Strang Senior Center we focus on often deter- has a variety of activities mines our mood. In other and programs during the words, count your blessings, holidays and year-round. name them one by one. The Center invites you to The holiday blues often its Christmas show at 1 p.m. come from isolation and Wednesday, Dec. 7, featurloneliness. If there are two ing entertainer and singer people who are alone, and Tammy Marshall.
Donors can stop by one of two donor centers: 1601 Ailor Ave. or 11000 Kingston Pike in Farragut. Other sites: ■ 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, Christian Academy of Knoxville. ■ 8 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, Hardin Valley
Church of Christ. Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old weighing 120 pounds with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and have positive identification. Info: 524-3074 or visit www.medicblood. org.
Season review: Bad team got worse Good news for Derek Dooley. The president has a lower approval rating. Bad news regarding job security: Dooley’s grip is based more on the cost and confusion of replacing him than on prowess as coach of the Volunteers. That information does not discourage optimists. They say we’ll get ’em next year. Tennessee doesn’t need much, just better players and better ideas. Pessimists are certain the end is near, that tradition is doomed. The power T has turned to script. The orange checkerboard is fading to pale yellow. Once-proud Vols are doormats of the Southeastern Conference. We realists recognize problems. Disorganization and ineptitude are ugly words. Losing is worse. All three are now linked to Tennessee football. So are indecision and token effort. This time, there is no skinny, little bowl to mask the hurt. A mediocre Kentucky team, minus a quarterback, somehow stopped monopoly. SEC big boys rang up lopsided scores and took a knee so it wouldn’t be worse. Highlight was what happened to Cincinnati. Thrill of the year was an overtime victory over Vandy and some post-game jumping up and down. Whoopee. In chilly summation, a bad team got worse. There were second-half shutdowns and a 42-point rout. For the first time in a long, long time, the Vols are irrelevant.
Pet Poison Hotline’s website, eating just two petals from a lily can cause sudden kidney failure in a cat. Surprisingly, poinsettias are not as dangerous as most people think. Instead of taking the chance, this animal advocate suggests making wise decisions when it comes to the safety of your (furry) family. Purchase pet-friendly greenery (a list can be found at or opt for
the artificial kind. Also, make sure all electrical cords are tucked away out of the reach of curious critters, and leave the tinsel at the store. A cat likes nothing more than something sparkly, long and stringy to chew on. A handy number to keep around this season (and all year) is the 24-hour Pet Poison Helpline, 1-800-2136680. Share questions or comments with Sara at 218-9378, or email her at barretts@
Hitting the road Ty Swank, son of Young-Williams Animal Center staff member John Swank, sits with his dad and a four-legged passenger on the center’s “Rover” vehicle as they load 40 dogs and puppies to be transported to rescue groups and an animal shelter in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Photo submitted
Marvin West
It is too early to tell about recruiting. Some commitments may come unglued. Prep stars afflicted with pomposity may not want to associate with losers. I thought this team would go 7-5 with a chance for a happy holiday. As is the custom in today’s world, I have excuses for erroneous expectations. I did not anticipate the loss of Tyler Bray for six games, five while injured and the last one in a funk. I didn’t expect Justin Hunter to go down without being hit. I did not foresee and cannot explain the continued absence of a running attack. I have trouble grasping the revolvingdoor secondary. I could not believe the Vols had to switch centers in the seventh game. Never have I seen such futile kicking. Missed tackles, missed opportunities and timeouts to correct alignment or get 11 players on the field were maddening. I repeat my mid-season remark: This was not a wellcoached team. The 5-7 record was worse than it appears. Montana, Buffalo and MTSU barely count. October was horrendous. Think how bad November might have been without the orange ceramic dog.
Optimists point to the young roster that will mature and return as sophomores and juniors. Maybe ■ Young-Wilthat is good. liams Animal Pessimists, after anaCenter, 3201 Division lyzing the lack of developSt., will have its board ment, stopped whispering of directors meetand shouted out loud that ing 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13, in the Dooley can’t do it, never Adcock-Jones Comhas done it. munity Room. We realists realize ■ Knoxville the coach has a contract. Feral Cat Friends Economics and common will host pictures with sense dictate continua“Santa Paws” at Petstion. Dooley deserves sevmart in Turkey Creek eral more minutes to get from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. things fixed. Saturday and Sunday, Positives? Da’Rick RogDec. 10-11. A framed ers has unusual talent picture with Santa is but seniors implied he is $9.95. A portion of selfish. Ben Martin, old the proceeds will benwarrior, didn’t do much efit KFCF. Info: Visit but did the best he could www.kfcf.petfinder. on bad legs. Congratulacom. Young-Williams team member Sarah enjoys a few motions to Malik Jackson ■ The Knoxville ments with 9-month-old male tabby cat Stewart. This boy and best wishes for future Zoo will offer half-off is a dreamboat. He is drawn to people and likes to proemployment. I respect admission during vide commentary about what is going on around him. Matt Simms for hanging “Penguin Discount Not moving fast enough? Stewart will politely alert you in there. Freshman Brian Days” through Feb. to this fact (especially if treats are involved). Not giving Randolph can be a really 29. Hours are 10 him enough attention? Stewart is on it. He will work to get good safety. Other hona.m. to 4:30 p.m. your attention and encourage you to change your ways. orable young men need a daily. Tickets can be Stewart is available for adoption at the main center at leader, an Al Wilson-type. purchased at the zoo, 3210 Division St. Both the main center and the “new” cenAlas, they are rare. at area Kroger stores ter at Young-Williams Animal Village, 6400 Kingston Pike Derrick Brodus was and online at www. are open noon to 6 p.m. daily. Visit www.young-williams. the strangest story. The org to see photos of all of the center’s adoptables and call walk-on kicker, left off Info: 637-5331. 215-6599 for more information about each pet. the dress-out list, was at home on a Saturday lateafternoon, napping on the through Friday, Dec. 5-9, at ■ Support group meeting for couch, when coaches disvarious locations around town. family members or caregivcovered they had no body Request a screening online at ers of an adult with a mental or soul to attempt extra ■ Cancer survivor support illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the groups, Monday evenings and points or field goals. Kickthird Tuesday of each month ■ Lung cancer support group Tuesday mornings and Tuesday at Cherokee Health Systems, off and chaos were near. 6 p.m. the third Monday meets evenings, at the Cancer Sup2018 Western Avenue. Info: Oh my, what to do? of every month at Baptist West port Community of East TenRebecca Gill, 602-7807 or Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Brodus was awakened. nessee (formerly the Wellness Drive. No charge, light refreshHe rushed to the stadium Community), 2230 Sutherland ments served. Info: Trish or ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoAve. Support groups for without combing his hair. Amanda, 218-7081. ing orientation sessions for cancer caregivers, Monday He performed flawlessly. evenings. Cancer family beadults (18 and older) inter■ Stop Smoking: 215-QUIT Little else worked so well.
Marvin West invites reader response. His address is
Catch up with all your favorite columnists every Monday at
reavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or
■ Free Varicose Vein Screenings will be held Monday
(7848) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
ested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: 544-6279.
Meg Millikan, PTO fundraising chair, shows brothers Owen and Lewis Brooke the Rocky Hill “spirit wear.”
Gillian Howard, Kaylan Adams, Jackson Snograss and Hammad Awad give bags to shoppers at the Candy Cane Cottage Market at Rocky Hill Elementary School. Photos by T. Edwards of
Rocky Hill hosts Candy Cane Cottage By Theresa Edwards
Alina Butcher gets a hug from Santa, as she shares her Christmas “wish list” which includes a zebra pillow pet. When asked if Alina had been good, her aunt Val Mire said, “She’s an angel!”
Special Notices
15 West
Rocky Hill Elementary School welcomed all ages to its 26th annual Candy Cane Cottage Market where shoppers could purchase gifts for a good cause and visit Santa Claus. The event started with children shopping in a tiny art room. Over the years, it has exploded. PTO member Allison Watt said, “I love having this every year. It’s a joy helping families.” Items are donated to the school, and 100 percent of the sales proceeds are used to purchase grocery and toy store gift cards for families in need at Rocky Hill. Last year more than 60 families were helped. The Market was the start of the school’s food drive, which also helps families within the school. In addition to the parent volunteers, many students helped operate the holiday market. Kelsy Uselton and Regan Mills are 6th grade volunteers who attended
Rocky Hill Elementary through 5th grade. Kelsey said, “It’s great to be back here … so many good memories!” Student volunteers assisted shoppers, gave out shopping bags, rang the bell for the Salvation Army (with a “patriotic orange” kettle), created posters for the food drive which lines the halls and spread cheer with their welcoming smiles. Spirit was also spread in the form of Rocky Hill Rams spirit wear, water bottles and reflective tote bags. To order these items, visit support/spirit-store. A special visitor really, really in the holiday spirit was Santa Claus! The children were delighted to see and share their Christmas lists with him. Most asked for one item. Fifth grader Chelsey Witt told Santa, “Yes, I’ve been a good girl. I got good grades and today I’m helping out with the Candy Cane Cottage.”
40w Apts - Unfurnished 71 Trucking Opportunities 106 Cats
DAV Chapter 24 has Lakewood Patio Home. FREE RENTAL OF Brand new construction, POWER OR MANUAL spacious 3-bed, 2-bath, WHEEL CHAIRS cathedral ceilings, deck available for any area disabled veteran. Also & front porch. $169,900 on your lot & avail in Tellico looking for donations of used wheelchairs Village with a FREE LOT, (power only). Call 765- while supply lasts. See 0510 for information. model: 865-458-0089
140 Dogs
Fourth grader Carley Fisher asked Santa for “Lemony Snicket” books. She has editions 1 to 5 and would like the others and the movie.” Her friend Presley Keith, also in 4th grade, would like the new movie “Tron.”
Happy holidays!
Bella Mason gets help buying Christmas gifts for their parents from her sister Lilly Mason. Mary Beth Coleman enjoys the yummy cookie suckers at the Candy Cane Cottage Market’s bake sale.
141 Dogs
2 BR, 1 1/2 BA townAdoption Cats & Kittens, Boston Terrier pups, house near West Town, AKC reg, 1st shots/ Spay/neut., shots & new carpet, W/D conn, CDL CLASS A truck worm $65. 865-765-3400 wormed. 423-626-7038 driver. Immediate $565/mo. 865-584-2622 opening. FT/PT. Call ***Web ID# 900969*** 9a-3p, M-F. If you want to work, call PERSIAN KITTENS CFA, 8 wks 12/24/11, me. 992-1849. cute & fluffy, $450. 865-548-9205 ***Web ID# 900621*** Boxer Puppies, AKC Condo Lease to purchase reg, DNA tested, P.O.P., 2 BR, 2 1/2 ba, $800 General 109 SELKIRK REX "the S&W UTD, ready now. mo + $40 HOA mo. curly coated chenille Black & dark brindle. 865-679-8105 kitty". Blue, tabby Residence Lots 44 #1 BEAUTY CO. AVON M&F, secondchance Reps Needed! Only male, neutered, happy 865LENOIR CITY, huge healthy, friendly. 577-7103 or 865-300-8487 $10 to start! Call Marie FIRE SALE! Desperloft style, 2 BR or 1 $250. 865-556-2904 at 865-705-3949. ***Web ID# 901716*** ate! 140 lots + 22 BR/den, 1 BA, his***Web ID# 900149*** acres in a resort. toric bldg., ground BOXER PUPS, AKC, $189K. 865-322-2243 level, $650 + elec. Healthcare male $300;female $350 110 Dogs ***Web ID# 898887*** Debbie 988-9321 141 Ready for Christmas! 423-638-7048 TELLICO VILLAGE SOUTH, 2 BR, 1 BA, AMERICAN Bulldog ***Web ID# 900926*** FINAL BUILDING LOT 1200SF, appls., priv. pups, reg., $500 Fem., $700/mo+dep, no pets/ CAVALIER KING CLEARANCE $400 Males, POP, CHARLES smoking. 865-577-6289 SPANIELS. Call 865-659-8608 All wooded with all utilities LATE CHRISTMAS Only 4 left at $900 each PUPPIES. Taking Aussies, Mini & Toy, 865-458-0089 all colors, M&F, Dep deposits. Contact for Apts - Furnished 72 will hold for Xmas, more info. 423-639-4306 ***Web ID# 902224*** $250 & up. 931-268-2465 WALBROOK STUDIOS ***Web ID# 902776*** CHIHUAHUA PUPS, Farms & Land 45 25 1-3 60 7 2 M, CKC, beautiful AUSTRALIAN $130 weekly. Discount colors. Call 865-986SHEPHERDS AKC, Util, TV, Ph, 5604 FSBO. $129,900 avail. 2 M, 1 F, all shots, ***Web Stv, Refrig, Basic ID# 900425*** 2 yr old house & 44 $300 up. 615-828-8776 Cable. No Lse. acres located at 1245 ***Web ID# 902150*** CHIHUAHUA, T-Cup, Snake Hollow Road, tiny 2 lb adult F, Sneedville. House has Houses - Unfurnished 74 BEAGLES, Blue Tick pretty. 1 yr old. 3 BR & 2 BA, total of Mini Smoky. shots $250. 865-278-4424 1,056 SF. Owner will & wormed. Call 865- ***Web ID# 901451*** 2 HOUSES finance with $7,000 522-5076 3BR, 1.5BA, down. Call Bill at DOBERMANS AKC, 9 NW Knoxville, BLOODHOUND Pups 877-488-5060 ext 323. wks, vet ck'd. In 1 ranch, 1 bsmnt. Reg., wormed, 1st house, Warlock, $400. ranch, $760 mo. $500 shots, 3 males, $450. 865-428-6981. No vouchers, no 865-255-0247 Lakefront Property 47 dep. ***Web ID# 902376*** pets, credit ck. req. ***Web ID# 901813*** 865-525-0023 Ownr/Agnt ENGLISH BULLDOG NORRIS LAKE, in pups AKC, M & F, Union County, 3 BR, 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA home 1st shots, vet chkd, 2 1/2 BA, 2 car ga- off John Sevier near $1,250. 423-519-0647 HIP OR KNEE rage, beautiful lake UT/downtown, stove, ***Web ID# 899660*** REPLACEMENT & mountain views, frig., & W/D hookups. ^ $850/mo. + dep. No SURGERY gated community If you had hip or knee repets. Credit check. w/clubhouse, pool, General 109 General 109 General 109 865-385-2860 placement surgery btwn boat ramp, & dock. 2005 - present & suf$324,900. For more CLAXTON-Powell, 3BR fered problems requiring info. 865-403-2173 2 BA, spacious, a 2nd revision surgery, carport 1st/L/DD you may be entitled to compensation. Cemetery Lots 49 No pets. 865-748-3644 Attorney EAST OFF Asheville Charles Johnson 2 SIDE by side lots Hwy, 2 BR, 1 BA, 1-800-535-5727 with headstone in appls incl. $625/mo. Lynnhurst Ceme865-525-0214 Below market Homes 40 tery. value. Moving must E. DANDRIDGE, 3/2, sell. 865-475-4833 log, 1260 sf, 2 car gar + w/shop, priv lake SELL YOUR HOUSE access, $950/mth + IN 9 DAYS Real Estate Auctions 52 $950/DD. 865-850-4614 865-365-8888 HOUSE-Tellico ONL INE ON LY AUC T ION LAKE Lake, very priv, ENDS DEC. 12th @ 4:00 P.M. (EST) have partnered together to hire exceptional people! very nice. Newly For Sale By Owner 40a 3 Absolute Online Only remod. Covered - 5.02 AC in Roane Co. on boat dock w/lift Sand beach & boat Sale or Rent, Tellico Lake Overlook Dr. ramp. Must see! Village, 2700 sf, 4 br, - Lot 44 on Walden Ridge Dr. $1800/mo 865-740-6096 3 1/2 ba w/bonus, 2 car - Lot 30 in Morgan Co. gar, $260K. 4 1/2% N.W. betwn Karns & assumable FHA loan. Online Only Auction: Powell, 5 rms, 1 865-388-5476 6.73 AC Elk Creek Preserve S/D BA, bsmt, carpeted, ***Web ID# 900489*** C H/A, no pets, $600 Terms: A 10% BP. Close by Dec. 30, mo., $500 DD. Avail. 2011. Proceeds to benefit Covenant immed. 865-567-0867 North 40n Life's New Building Project. Ayers Auction & Real Estate MIN. FROM Hickory Condo Rentals 76 Star Marina, + or - 10 19048 Alberta St. Oneida, TN 37841 acres, 3 BR, 2 BA, Inspection (423) 569-7922 Lic # 3949 Exceptional 3 BR, 3 BA masonry frpl., large condo in Bridgewater. playrm, good garden, Machine Operating Beautifully decorated. stocked pond, Real Estate Service 53 Many extras. No pets. inground pool, 4 bay Only $1325 mo. 865Expediting storage bldg, $340,000. 300-5132 Prevent Foreclosure No agents 865-992-0063 Free Report / Free Help Warehouse NEWLY BUILT beau865-365-8888 2 story, 3 BR, West 40w tiful 2 1/2 BA near UT $920/mo. Mike 916474-9218, 865-357-8281 FARRAGUT, 3 BR, Comm. Prop. - Rent 66 ***Web ID# 902762*** 2BA, 1 level, 2 car gar., on almost 1/2 acre, remodeled + 5920 Weisbrook Lane Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 new roof & carpet, heat pump new 2008, includes 2800 s.f. office/ I BUY OLDER 4166 s.f. Warehouse/ Stonecrest Subdiv., MOBILE HOMES. 3000s.f. Mezzanine 445 Oran Rd., Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Come join a winning team! EOE over office. $4500./mo 1990 up, any size OK. $156,000. 865-898-3022 865-384-5643 Bill Tate, 423 309 2410 ***Web ID# 901928***
STAFFMARK - KNOXVILLE MARKET 869764MASTER Ad Size 3 x 4 4c NW Class <ec>
Local manufacturers & Staffmark Self-motivated, loyal & passionate? Looking for a long-term career path?
If so, Staffmark is looking for you! Now offering increased rates of pay to qualified candidates for the following 2nd shift positions:
To apply, stop by our office: 9335 Kingston Pike, call 693-4047 or visit our website:
141 Free Pets
145 Boats Motors
ENGLISH BULLDOGS, 4 fem., AKC Reg. ** ADOPT! * * Current shots & dewormed. Vet health Looking for a lost pet or a new certificate. Call for one? Visit Young-Williams Animal Center, the official price 423-237-5177 ***Web ID# 900612*** shelter for the City of Knoxville & Knox County: 3201 Division St. Knoxville. FRENCH BULLDOG puppies AKC, short & thick. Asst. colors. $1000-$2000. 865-463-6945 ***Web ID# 902458***
* * * * * * * *
Farmer’s Market 150
232 Domestic
PONTOON BOAT, 22 CHEVY IMPALA SS, ft, 50 HP 4 stroke 2004, loaded, lthr., mtr, cover incl. sunroof, must sell, $14,900. 865-216-6687 $8,500. 865-300-5879
MERC. Grand Marquis Ultimate 2003, 60K mi, loaded, clean, $8,700. 865-577-4069
330 CAMPERS WANTED Flooring We buy travel trailers, 5th Wheels, Motor CERAMIC TILE installation. Floors/ homes & Pop-Up walls/repairs. 32 yrs Campers. Will pay exp, exc work! cash. 423-504-8036 John 9 3 8 -3 3 2 8
FALL CUTTING GERMAN Shepherd GRASS HAY, sm puppies, AKC, 4M, square bales, avg 55 237 Furniture Refinish. 331 2F, black & red, lbs. Starting $3/bale. Motor Homes ready by Xmas. $400 865-850-0130. Straw ea w/$200 dep req'd. bales also available. 2009 Fleetwood Icon, 865-458-8686 21K mi, 6 cyl. Mer- DENNY'S FURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish, re***Web ID# 901345*** FREEZER BEEF. cedes turbo diesel, 1 glue, etc. 45 yrs exp! Angus & Hereford, slide, 2 TVs, thermal German Shorthair 922-6529 or 466-4221 all natural fed. fan, kept under cover, Pointers, 1 M, 3 F, $1.25/lb. live weight. $59,995. 865-458-5778 AKC reg, $600. Call 423-887-5342 ***Web ID# 901982*** Guttering 333 865-237-2848 ***Web ID# 900257*** HAROLD'S GUTTER Motorcycles 238 Buildings for Sale 191 GOLDEN Retriever SERVICE. Will clean Pups reg., born Oct. front & back $20 & up. 28, 1 F $350, 5 M STEEL ARCH BUILD- HONDA CRF 250X Quality work, guarandirt bike. 20 act. mi. $300 ea. 423-871-1816 INGS Fall Clearance teed. Call 288-0556. Like new. $3500. ***Web ID# 900702*** Save $$$!!! Build be865-254-7335. fore winter. 20'x24', GREAT DANES AKC 25'x40', more. Ltd ***Web ID# 902022*** Landscaping 338 6 wks., shots, blues & supply avail at disfawns $550. Crossville count. Ask about dis423-618-4959 play savings! 866- Autos Wanted 253 LANDSCAPING MGMT Design, install, mulch, ***Web ID# 900865*** 352-0469 small tree/shrub work, Cash For Junk Cars, LAB PUPS, silver weeding, bed renewal, Trucks, Vans. Fast factored chocolates. 3 Machinery-Equip. 193 Free Pickup. 865-556debri clean-up. Free F & 3 M, $375/$350. 8 estimates, 25 yrs exp! 8956; 865-363-0318 wks. S/W. 865-258-2954. Mark Lusby 679-9848 ***Web ID# 901714*** 690 TRACKHOE w/ 4' bucket. John Deere Vans 256 Paving MALTIPOOS, PAPER w/thumb. $15,000. 345 & crate trained, 8 423-881-5730 Mercury Villager 1999, wks. M $350; F $400. 141k mi, leather, every 423-442-9996 New tires. Exc. ***Web ID# 901697*** Exercise Equipment 208 opt. cond. $3900. 865-235-3336 POMERANIAN Puppies, toy, shots, 8 1 YR. OLD Pro-Form Crosswalk 390 Trucks 257 wks. 12/12/11, $450. treadmill, $200. 548-9205 865-524-3988 ***Web ID# 900614*** CHEVY Avalanche Z66, 2002, 91K mi., POODLES, Standard black w/black lthr. pups, ready Dec. 18, Antiques 216 $10,000. 865-494-5194 will hold w/$200 dep. Choc. $500, Choc. Parti, FORD RANGER LOTS OF antique add$650. 865-202-7738. Sport, 2009, ext cab, ing machines & ***Web ID# 902217*** 18k mi, fully loaded, typewriters for sale. $11,750. 865-591-4239 865-531-6482 lv msg PUG adult F adorable ***Web ID# 902453*** high energy, must have good fence, Sporting Goods 223 Sport Utility $350. 865-454-5762 261 PUGS AKC, 6 wk. old puppies, 2 fawn F, 1 blk F, 1 blk M, 2 fawn M, 865-771-1134
PUPPY NURSERY Many different breeds Maltese, Yorkies, Malti-Poos, Poodles, Yorki-Poos, Shih-Poos, shots & wormed. We do layaways. Health guar. 423-566-0467
Schnauzers Mini, 4 mo/ 6 wks. White & S/P, shots, vet cked, NKC. $300. 865-282-8211 ***Web ID# 901377***
GOLF CARTS (6) for sale. Priced to go. 2000-2006 Yamaha gasoline carts. Call 865-577-8172 or 865-250-1585
FORD ESCAPE XLT 2006, white, 1 owner 101k mi, grt cond. NADA $11K, sell $7950. 865-354-4609 ^ or 423-534-4275 ***Web ID# 897058*** Tree Service
Fishing Hunting 224
FORD EXPEDITION 2006, Eddie Bauer, 8 pass., 4 WD, towing pkg, moonroof, lthr int, heated & cooled seats, all service records, 63K mi. $18,500. 931-456-6444 ***Web ID# 900253***
GUN SALE, private collection. Rifles & shotguns. Call 865671-1553; 865-850-5220
FORD EXPLORER 2005, new tires, 32K mi., good cond. Sheltie Puppy, AKC $10,000. 865-230-4007 reg, sable & white, 1 petite Fem., 7 wks Fri., Dec. 9, 8-5, Sat., LEXUS RX350, 2008, old. $400. 865-661-0372 AWD, loaded with 10, 9-3, costume ***Web ID# 901557*** Dec. warr. $29,900. Exc. jewelry, furn., blancond. 865-300-5879 SIBERIAN HUSKY ket chest, vintage quilts/linens, tea cup puppies, AKC reg, SUBARU OUTBACK ready 12/9. $550. 865- coll., china & crystal, 2005, like new, 51K silver serving pcs, 437-8550 mi., $12,500. Call kitchenware, cook***Web ID# 902358*** 931-200-3200. books, antique ice box Yorkie Girl, 1 lb. 8 mo. S/W. & phone, steamer trunk, tools, pocket $400. Blue Pomeranian 262 girl, 8 mo. S/W. Rare knives, bride dolls, Imports beer steins, vintage ^ $400. 423-626-4689 BENZ toys, Christmas & HH MERCEDES YORKIE PUPS, 3 M, items, ladies formal 1994, S500, cham10 wks, 1st shots, wear & access., & lots pagne, only 158k mi. Exc. cond. Good svc dewormed, $350/ea. more treasures! 1216 865-363-7271 record. $5500. 607-7387 E. Adair Drive, Ftn. ***Web ID# 900411*** City, Cash only please ***Web ID# 899968***
Estate of Leo and Evelyn Walker
News from the Turkey Creek Public Market
Santa and Mrs. Claus are putting up a reindeer for adoption. Each “adoption certificate” filled out must be accompanied by a $5 filing fee which will be donated to Blount County Humane Society and their adopt-a-pet program. One lucky winner will be chosen by the management of Turkey Creek Public Market on Sunday, Dec. 18.
Shirley Osborne of Shirley’s Place sells 100 percent handmade one-of-a-kind hoodies, tank tops and purses.
M & F Sales displays the voiceactivated “Green Machine Frog Band,” a 1989 collector’s item being sold for only $5. Owner Frieda Wotring said, “Turn it on and you got five little Kermits dancing!” She has a lot of unique antique items, all moderately priced.
■ Harley Davidson has a drawing for a free 2008 FLHX motorcycle on display.
NOTES ■ Call Libby Fisher, events coordinator, to suggest entertainment for the Turkey Creek Public Market. Info: 671-5000.
Jim Dalton of Jim’s Amish Foods helps customer Harvey Lott buy Old Fashioned Dutch Apple Jam. Jim’s wife, Anne, said, “It tastes just like apple pie in a jar.” Photos by T. Edwards of
‘Shakespeare into Opera’ By Theresa Edwards Brian Salesky, executive director and conductor for the Knoxville Opera, presented “Transforming Shakespeare into Opera” at Pellissippi State Community College on Nov. 29 in the Goins auditorium. This program is part of the Shakespeare Project, designed to complement and enhance the study and appreciation of the works of Shakespeare. In his presentation, Salesky showed video clips of opera versions of William Shakespeare’s plays “Othello” and “Romeo and Juliet.” He showed how
the composers and writers transformed these famous works into operas. Salesky explained, “Transforming Shakespeare into opera enables the audience to have an experience of the story which is impossible to obtain with just the spoken word. The addition of singing, chorus, dancing and orchestra enables the story to be told in an overwhelming way that is a feast for the senses.” Knoxville Opera’s productions of “Othello” and “Romeo and Juliet” will be at the historic Tennessee Theatre. The operas are presented with lavish period
■ Visit Santa 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays through Christmas Eve.
■ Jackets and other biker accessories are sold at “All In.” ■ M & F Sales displays hematite jewelry which helps some people with a variety of ailments, including headaches, arthritis, high blood pressure, tendonitis, arthritis, circulation problems and pains.
sets and costumes. These thrilling performances bring these classics to life in a unique way. To see a schedule of these performances, visit To purchase tickets, call 524-0795. This Pellissippi program was sponsored by Gnosis, the college’s student service-learning club. Info: Annie Gray, Knoxville Opera Maestro Brian Salesky presents “Transforming Shakespeare into Opera” at Pellissippi State Community College. His opera shirt says, “If music be the food of love, play on.” Photo by T. Edwards of
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Celebrate with the music of the KSO
Monday, December 5, 2011
By Sandra Clark
he Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will bring the sounds of Christmas through December with various events.
Listen to the sounds of the season The entire community is invited to a free performance at 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, at West Town Mall, 7600 Kingston Pike. Last Saturday, the Knoxville Symphony League Ball, “An Evening in Paris,” came to Cherokee Country Club. The silent auction items were awesome. The 25th annual Clayton Holiday Concert series is set for four performances in midDecember with tickets available for purchase online at
Look for KSO’s Lucas Richman, conductor; Logan Murrell, singer; Hallerin Hilton Hill, all around entertainer; the Knoxville Choral Society; Sound Company Children’s Choirs; Go! Contemporary Dance Works; and the fellow in the big red suit himself, Santa Claus. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16; 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Angela Pugh, president of Knoxville Symphony League, Janet Greer and Gail Smith plan an up- Dec. 17; and 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 18. Discounts up to 20 percent are available coming event. Photo by T. Edwards of for groups of 10 or more. To bring your Sponsored by Clayton Homes, Clay- mances will feature Knoxville’s favorite group to a KSO performance, call Lusada at 521-2337. ton Bank and Clayton Volvo, the perfor- music man, Jim Clayton.
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Make your home ready for the holidays with easy, affordable decor updates Welcoming friends and family into your home is one of the best ways to celebrate the season. One of the keys to making visitors feel right at home is to be a happy host. So, do yourself – and your guests – a favor and put a little effort into getting your home holiday houseguest perfect. Since your house will be full with visitors over the holidays, go beyond cleaning and organizing. Adding touches of festive decor will create a cozy, welcoming atmosphere, and if there are do-it-yourself projects still on the to-do list, now is the best time to finish them. Not only will your home look fresh and revived to you, but your guests will certainly notice your home’s
updated updateed appearance. appearrance To get your home ready for hosting holiday guests, follow this room-by-room checklist. Whether you want to tackle one room at a time or do it all at once, breaking down your tasks can make the process much easier.
such as coffee date by allen + roth at Lowe’s. With its limited wall space, the kitchen makes an ideal place to use a bolder hue for just the right pop of color. ■ Details matter: Clear the clutter and make room for all the chef’s necessities in your kitchen, making the chef’s job easier. Add The kitchen updated cabinet and drawer pulls As the central hub of the home, as well as a touch-faucet that ofguests will naturally congregate in fers style and ease of use. the kitchen, so spend time making small, budget-friendly updates to The living room make the space more comfortable, You’ll be spending a lot of time for both chef and audience. in your living spaces with your ■ A fresh palette: Make an guests, so make sure they’re decoupdate that will instantly refresh rated in festive spirit and ready to your space with a new paint col- accommodate a crowd. or. Be empowered to experiment ■ Layer lighting: Don’t just with a bold, food-inspired hue rely on overhead fixtures. Add-
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Guest rooms
ing softer ambient light (like wall sconces), task lighting (under-cabinet lights or desk lamps) and accent lighting (such as art lighting or candles) will help set your desired mood. â&#x2013; Decor details: The mantel is a perfect focal point for holiday decorating. Add some atmospheric scent, color
and texture with fresh evergreen garlands and holiday plants. Spray paint terracotta pots silver and gold and plant amaryllis, Christmas rose or rosemary. Or, personalize your display by placing family photos of holidays past and treasured heirlooms over the fireplace, where everyone can see them.
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Both guest bedrooms and bathrooms should be given extra special attention when hosting overnight holiday visitors. Consider everything a guest might need and then add some little extras to make their experience even better. â&#x2013; Practical fixes: For your guest bedroom, adding portable lighting like small table lamps will make the room seem friendlier when added to overhead lighting and will keep guests from running across the room in the dark after switching off the lights. Adding a decorative mirror is a much-appreciated touch and takes little effort. â&#x2013; Comforts of home: Ensure that your guest rooms, particularly the bathrooms, make visitors of all ages feel comfortable. Update your bathroom hardware with stylish faucets, knobs and even grab bars to ensure no guests slip or fall when entering and exiting the shower. New products, like a dual towel rod and grab bar by Moen, offers both style and function to make your guests feel at home. As important as it is for your guests to be comfortable at your home during the holidays, it should be a relaxing place for you too and one that you can enjoy long after the holiday season. By preparing your home well ahead of time, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be able to focus on enjoying the holidays with your family and friends. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; ARA
Special Sections MyPLACE, 3/21 MyKIDS, 5/02 MyBACKYARD, 6/06 MyLIFE, 7/11 MyKIDS, 8/01 MyPLACE, 10/03 MyLIFE, 10/31 MYHOLIDAY, 11/14 MYHOLIDAY, 12/05 MyFITNESS, 1/2 MyLIFE, 1/23
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Seasonal sense: Using scent, sight and sound to stimulate holiday spirits From baking cookies with loved ones to caroling through the neighborhood or celebrating with family and friends, fond memories of holiday traditions abound. Each year, scents, sights and sounds promote the season’s spirit – continuing long-standing traditions and creating new memories. Here are some ideas for stimulating your senses and evoking the warmth of the holidays in your home:
Savoring seasonal scents Home fragrances create a warm, inviting environment during the holidays and all year-round. A whiff of a familiar scent often
calls to mind memories of holidays past. The scent of cinnamon and vanilla conjures thoughts of freshly baked cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning, while a blend of evergreens, cedar and musk reminds many of Christmas tree hunting in the woods. One of the safest ways to recreate holiday memories is with scented, wickless candles. With no wick and no flame, there’s no worry or mess. After selecting a favorite seasonal fragrance, it’s easy to place a cube or two of the scented wax into a decorative, ceramic candle warmer. Just one whiff and you are on your way down memory lane. “A festive, welcoming our senses and reminds atmosphere stimulates us of holidays past as we
Thompson, president and co-owner of Scentsy, a leader in home fragrance. “A home filled with classic holiday scents not only evokes memories but inspires new seasonal traditions for young families.”
Behold the sights Twinkling lights fill the indoor and outdoor landscape during the holidays. To capture the spirit of the season and add a shimmering glow to any room, consider a simple string or two of miniature lights strung along a mantel or displaying a holiday-themed wickless candle. From snowmen to Santa, there are festive decelebrate with our family signs in all shapes and sizes and friends,” says Heidi to complement any decor.
Sounds of the season The sounds of the season create happy holiday memories. Adding traditional tunes from Bing Crosby or modern interpretations from Harry Connick Jr. can set the mood as you decorate your home, entertain dinner guests or simply escape the hustle and bustle of the season. Music creates a cheerful atmosphere and often encourages listeners to sing along. Enjoying the scents, sights and sounds of the season is simple. To learn more about how to fill your home with festive fragrances and decorate with wickless candles, visit – ARA
GREAT LOCATIONS & MOTIVATED SELLERS = HAPPY YOU Deborah Black • 687-1111 • 567-2615 Broker, GRI, CRS • 34 Years Experience
FOUNTAIN CITY AND RIVERBEND 2910 Walkup. Fountain City's Historic McClung/ Walkup Estate (4+ acres) Designed and built by Charles Barber (we have all of the original plans). Attractive ownerfinancing with interest only/yearly payments (rates and terms negotiable). 54' covered veranda looks out to sweeping grounds with Knoxville and the Smokies beyond (look right at LeConte). Large rooms, high ceilings, rich HW floors. All BRs w/baths (4BR/3.5BA). FP in breakfast room, living room & master. Light cheery home w/Southern exposure. 3-car garage. Your chance to own one of Knoxville's premier properties with great financing terms! $549,900 (780184)
er n Ow ing l ia c ec inan p S F
5408 Blueridge. River Bend across from Harrison Keepe (Sequoyah Elementary). Super setting and location! Ideal combination of quality property and motivated seller. "Real" stucco (properly checked and maintained). Extra-nice setting plus "oversized" level backyard, completely fenced (wood picket). 12' x 32' covered deck overlooks salt water gunite pool. All hardwood on main just refinished, new carpet up, freshly painted and ready for your family! Light and open. "Don't hold back, make us an offer." $399,700 (756350) 4207 Fulton. The "true essence of Fountain City," character of "older home setting" (large tree-shaded lot) but a new home (1950/2008). Hardiplank exterior, 50-yr roof, tongue-in-groove ceilings. All BRs w/walkins and baths. Exotic HW & tile floors. Wonderful vaulted front porch (2 fans), media & exercise room. Solid tops, stainless appliances. $259,900 (773912) North - Like New Home Seller will sell FHA. Nice level yard, fenced on 3 sides. New heat pump will be installed before closing. Close to schools, parks and churches, bus line too! 3BR/2BA. Large detached garage/workshop sold "as is," but lots of possibilities! $74,900 (779642)
If one of these homes suits you, don't be afraid to make us an offer! Really!!