Farragut Shopper-News 010212

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A great community newspaper.


VOL. 6, NO. 1

JANUARY 2, 2012


In this issue!







Farragut’s 2012 agenda ready to roll By Suzanne Foree Neal It’s barely 2012, but staff for the town of Farragut is already working on strategic planning for the new year. Topping the list is finances, something a lot of towns are putting down as priority No. 1. “We want to be sure we have adequate revenues, lower expenses, maintain high ratings for our finances, strengthen our local economy and see new businesses,” says David Smoak, town administrator. “Those things will certainly help our sustainability.” Smoak says the board set a vision for the town last spring and that’s what the staff is working off. It includes nurturing the town’s history, beauty, high quality residential choices, multiple activity centers, convenient living, outstanding recreational opportunities and community spirit. The town will soon unveil new exhibits at the Farragut Folklife Museum and over the next few years will showcase the area’s Civil War history, including the Battle of Campbell Station. The town is working with the Tennessee Department of Transportation on the Old Stage and Watt roads connection with construction expected to start by fall. Construction will continue on Everett Road for probably the next 14 months. “I think people have gotten used to it,” Smoak says in reference to all the detours. The town


Meet ‘Jane’ A practicing psychologist discusses her own struggles with mental illness. See page A-6


City/County Christmas tree recycling Knox County will recycle Christmas trees throughout January at Dutchtown Convenience Center , 10618 Dutchtown Road; Forks of the River Convenience Center, 3106 Water Plant Road; Halls Convenience Center, 3608 Neal Drive; John Sevier Convenience Center, 1810 John Sevier Highway; Powell Convenience Center, 7311 Morton View Lane; and Gibbs Convenience Center, 7201 Tazewell Pike. Trees must be cleaned of all ornaments, lights, wire, string and other décor.

will also begin resurfacing roads with that work beginning in the summer. A new greenway is expected to make an appearance connecting Wentworth subdivision across Little Turkey Creek over to McFee Road. “We hope to start that in the spring and be done by summer to help out residents in that area,” Smoak says.

The usual community events are being penciled in on the town’s calendar. Included in the schedule are the Dogwood Arts Festival; July Fourth; Red, White and Blues Festival; Picnic on the Pike; and Freaky Friday, to name a few. Smoak says there will be some ordinance “clean up,” including a new business privilege license for a nomi-

nal fee. “Keeping track of businesses in town is very difficult,” he says. “We need to know about the businesses in town to help us help businesses grow. It’s just a license to operate a business and does not include any taxes.” He summed up the plans for 2012 by saying, “Our goal is to work on our board’s vision and move the town ahead.”

Turkey Creek Public Market gets new management By Theresa Edwards

Christmas tree collection in the city is the same process as for brush collection. After all decorations have been removed, trees should be placed at the street for collection.


Jay Underwood



Turkey Creek Public Market has shaken up its management team with the hiring of Cheri Spinazzola as the general manager. She previously worked as general manager for Nashville’s Opry Mills, a Simon-owned retail outlet. The assistant manager is Jay Underwood. Spinazzola is happy to be “back home” and to join the team at Turkey Creek. “I’m excited about a new marketing campaign that is just beginning,” she said, “as well as the extension of Outlets Drive to Campbell Station Road in the spring.” She is lining up entertainment and asks anyone interesting in booking an event to call 671-5000. The market is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays. Info: www.turkeycreekpublicmarket.com/.

Focus on finance

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Burchett looks at the year ahead

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By Larry Van Guilder Mayor Tim Burchett is the chief fiscal officer for Knox County, so it comes as no surprise that his focus for 2012 can be summed up in two words: the budget. “We’re in constant discussions about the budget,” Burchett says. He also has bi-weekly meetings with Schools Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre. Last year, $7 million in federal stimulus money funded programs and some personnel costs for the schools. That money is gone, but the needs are as great as ever. “My concern is that cuts

10512 Lexington Dr., Ste. 500 37932 (865) 218-WEST (9378) news@ShopperNewsNow.com ads@ShopperNewsNow.com EDITOR Larry Van Guilder lvgknox@mindspring.com ADVERTISING SALES Debbie Moss mossd@ShopperNewsNow.com Shopper-News is a member of KNS Media Group, published weekly at 10512 Lexington Drive, Suite 500, Knoxville, TN, and distributed to 33,237 homes in Farragut, Karns and Hardin Valley.


5 Foster' s


Farragut Town Administrator David Smoak is already working on a “to do” list for things he wants to see accomplished in the town during 2012. Photo by S.F. Neal

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Burchett says Knox County is “a donor community” currently, and the former state senator understands what it takes to change that: “17 votes in the Senate and 50 in the House.” Burchett slimmed down the county administrative budget last year, and the cuts weren’t nearly as draconian some feared. The mayor says the “tweaking” will continue, and the buck Tim Burchett will stop on his desk. “When they talk about don’t affect the classroom,” (cutting) ‘a few percentage the mayor says. points,’ I’m the one who has One source for offsetting to make those decisions,” some of the stimulus money he says, and it’s never easy, loss is the Basic Education especially where jobs are Program (BEP) which dis- concerned. “You can’t run tributes state education dol- government like a business lars to local school districts. or business like the govern-

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Cheri Spinazzola

ment,” he adds. Burchett acknowledges that closing the Lakeshore Mental Health Institute potentially could burden the county with what amounts to an unfunded mandate. “I hope we don’t use that as an excuse to grow government,” he says. “I hope those dollars follow the patients. “Unfortunately, we’re not equipped (to care for the patients) and neither is J.J. (Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones).” Already there’s talk on County Commission about beefing up local outpatient treatment programs, but Burchett says he’s optimistic the state will do the right thing. “I texted the governor and he assured us those folks will be taken care of.” Dean Rice, the mayor’s chief of staff, says the administration will “stay the course”

in 2012: Continue to “shrink the footprint” and “spend less.” To that the mayor adds that government needs to become less intrusive. “Too many times I’ll hear, ‘What’s government doing for jobs’? I say it gets out of the way and lets businesses operate.” Burchett successfully championed a new elementary school for the Carter community, but, in general, he says he’s not a “big project” fan. “Instead of starting new programs, pay down the debt,” he says. (Last year’s budget included the administration’s plan to pare the debt by $100 million over five years.) “It’s not sexy, it doesn’t make headlines,” Burchett says, “but those millions we save now will pay off down the road.”

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Konrad Szymanowski and Eleanor Ziolkowski buy kettle corn from Shirley Merritt at the Holiday Festival of Lights, held at The Cove at Concord Park and sponsored by Knox County Parks and Recreation. The event was free and food was collected for the Love Kitchen.

Holiday of Lights

at The Cove Very tall toy soldiers welcome visitors.

Santa’s helicopter, one of many light creations at the Cove.

John and Kathy Shilling help their granddaughter, Kathy Smith, make s’mores at the Cove’s holiday of lights celebration. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

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Farragut sponsors fun on ice National Skating Month is the perfect time to dig those ice skates out of the closet and have some fun. It may be raining cats and dogs or hot enough to fire up the barbecue grill with East Tennessee’s crazy winter weather, but inside Cool Sports, home of the Icearium the weather’s perfect. The town is sponsoring Farragut Skate Date 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14, with a “2 for $12� ice skating package that includes two ice skating passes for any age and skate rental. If you spend more time on your behind than on your feet, don’t fret. Members of the Knoxville Figure Skating Club will be there to offer free lessons. The first 150 people with paid ice skating passes get a free town of Farragut water bottle. The Icearium is at 110 S. Watt Road in Farragut. Info: 218-4500.

Suzanne Foree Neal â–

AARP driver classes offered

AARP is again offering its safe driving classes for senior citizens. Participants must be 55 or older and complete eight hours of class time. Completion of the course can pay dividends in the form of a 10 percent discount on auto insurance. The two-day session is 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Jan. 19-20. The cost is $12 for AARP members, $14 for nonmembers. The program is taught by AARP trained volunteers and covers such topics as age -related physical changes, declining perceptual skills, local driving problems and


license renewal requirements. It also includes a refresher on rules of the road. Bring your AARP membership card to receive the discount. Numbers can be obtained by calling 1-888687-2277. Registration deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 17. To register, call 966-7057.

Info: 966-7057. All events are held at the Farragut Town Hall unless otherwise noted. ■FMPC Staff/Developer Meeting, 9-10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3. ■Farragut/Knox County Schools Education Relations Committee, 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, ■Help for those Jan. 3. who give help ■Economic DevelopRobert F. Coyne will con- ment Committee, 8-10 duct a session titled “I’m a a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 4. Caregiver? Now What Do ■Yoga, 9-10 a.m. MonI Do?� from 7 to 8:30 p.m., day, Jan. 9. Monday, Jan. 23, at Farragut ■Zumba, 6:30 to 7:30 Town Hall, 11408 Municipal p.m. Monday, Jan. 9. Center Drive. The program ■Pilates, 6:15 to 7:15 is free, but registration is required. Deadline is Thurs- p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10. ■Stormwater Adviday, Jan. 19. sory Committee, 3:30 to The presentation will 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12. educate people on how to ■Mandalas: How to survive and cope with the physical and emotional Create Sacred Circles, pressures of caring for a 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12. ■Board of Mayor loved one. To register, call and Aldermen, 7-10 p.m. 966-7057. Thursday, Jan. 12.

Isaiah Gibbs and Sydney Schriver perform a flag routine along with other 5th graders to the song “America.�

Send holiday flab packing with exercise By Suzanne Foree Neal OK, so your promise not to gain weight over the holidays disappeared like Santa and his eight skinny little reindeer at midnight on Christmas Eve. Now the scale is your sworn enemy, and you’re feeling like you’ve lost the battle of the bulge. Cheer up, get out of the recliner and get moving. The town of Farragut is offering some classes beginning this month to get that flab to fall back in shape. Yoga classes will be offered 9-10 a.m. Mondays, Jan. 9, through Feb. 5; cost $50. Registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Jan. 5. Those taking the class should wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a blanket or yoga map. Stacey Oliver is the instructor. Want something that’s little less Zen, then try Zumba, a cardio-based workout designed to tone the entire body. You’ll exercise to a Latin beat as a combination of fast and slow rhythms help get you in shape while burning fat. Karen McKinney is the instructor for the five-week session, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Mondays beginning Feb. 5. The cost is $40 and registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Jan. 5. Pilates meets yoga in this class suited for beginner to intermediate participants. Bring a Pilates/yoga mat. Simon Bradbury is the instructor for the five-week session, 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 10 through Feb. 7; cost $50. Registration and payment deadline is Friday, Jan. 6. The classes take place in the Community Room of the Farragut Town Hall at 11408 Municipal Center Drive across from the Farragut Branch Post Office. Registration and info: 966-7057.

FARRAGUT NOTES ■Council of West Knox County Homeowners meets at 7:15 p.m. each first Tuesday at Peace Lutheran Church, 621 N. Cedar Bluff Road. Info: www.cwkch.com/. ■West Knox Lions Club meets 7 p.m. each first and third Monday at Shoney’s on Lovell Road.

It’s good! 2011 International Children’s Day By Theresa Edwards On Dec. 15, A.L. Lotts Elementary School celebrated its seventh annual celebration of International Children’s Day, a day in which children all over the world are honored. Principal Adam Parker said, “When we see the world through the eyes of children, it seems that there is peace everywhere. Let us sit back in this next hour and know that because of your children, we have continued hope in our future.� The show included the singing of many wonderful, heartwarming songs of America and around the world. Their Israeli dance was performed to the song “Niguen Atik,� their Serbian folk dance to “Ersko Kolo� and their jump band routine to the “Irish Jig.� Patriotic songs “America� and “Stars and Stripes Forever� were sung during their flag and red/white/blue banner routines. The uniting of children

of all colors and nationalities was symbolized with the parachute routine performed to the song “Make a Rainbow.� It required a great amount of teamwork as they came together, uplifting the parachute to new heights. Some pure fun-looking routines which actually demonstrated skills acquired through tenacious practice were the juggling, jump rope and basketball feats accomplished to the songs “Join the Circus,� “Jump In� and “Dynamite,� respectively. Children all over the world entertain themselves by learning to perform physically challenging tricks and stunts. A.L. Lotts’ students have discovered that it is also exciting to master these difficult skills and fun to perform for family and friends. As you may have guessed, a celebration with this much talent was made possible by the work and coordination of many teachers in various disciplines including mu-

sic, art, physical education, library, guidance, and the gifted and talented coach. The final patriotic banner routine to “Stars and Stripes Forever� celebrated this great country we live in, dedicated to all of our military men and women stationed all over the world who are devoting their lives to fight for our freedom. A heartfelt “thank you� was expressed from all. The program was truly uplifting and inspiring for everyone, fi lling the teachers, parents, relatives and friends with many smiles, pride and emotion. The applause resounded to express the gratitude felt for the opportunity to be a part of this special celebration of our children and children everywhere.

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Pavlis to job applicants: ‘Don’t expect 90 grand’ By the early ShopperNews holiday deadline last week, 10 candidates had pitched their names into the hopper to be considered for the job of counsel to City Council being va-

Betty Bean

Mr. Answer Man looks back You can’t predict which of your well-intentioned ramblings may set someone off. Mr. Answer Man takes a second look at items which provoked some sensitive readers. Q: I’m disgusted with the U.S. Congress and Senate, Mr. Answer Man. Both bodies seem more interested in party agendas than in the welfare of the people. What do you think should be done? Mr. Answer Man recommended an amendment to the Constitution that would bar Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, tea partiers and folks under the age of 65 from elected office. He still doesn’t understand how such a common sense proposal could offend anyone. Q: Mr. Answer Man, W.C. Fields once said, “Any man who hates dogs and babies can’t be all bad.” Looking over the cuts to nonprofits in this year’s Knox County budget, do you think Mayor Tim Burchett fits that description? Mr. Answer pointed out that the questioner was wrong on a couple counts. First, it was writer Leo Rosten who said that about Fields. Second, Tim Burchett is a warmhearted, sentimental soul who tears up at the drop of a hat. For the record, Mr. Answer Man likes the mayor. Q: Mr. Answer Man: Because I have no life, I just read Knox County’s 2010 Consolidated Annual Financial Report. On page 8 I read that the county’s capital assets are “not available for future spending” because the assets “provide services to citizens.” Doesn’t this put a crimp in Mayor Burchett’s plans for Carter Elementary School? Mr. Answer Man noted that assets that do not “provide services” and are free of related debt may be sold. He conducted a forensic audit of the county’s assets and came up with a list of qualifying items: three gas-powered refrigerators, a subscription to National Geographic, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtledoves and Property Assessor Phil Ballard. Immediately following this column, Mr. Answer Man’s membership in the Carter Elementary Boosters’ Club was canceled and his property assessment went up 38 percent. Q: Hello, Mr. Answer Man. What is a “TIF,” and can I get one? I understand it is worth a lot of money. Mr. Answer Man explained that “TIF” is an acronym for “This Is Fantastic.” If you’re dreaming of creating a strip mall or hotel that may create dozens of minimum wage jobs, TIF dollars may be just what you need to bring your vision to life. Before applying, answer these questions: (a) I contributed (blank) to (blank) commissioners’ last election campaigns. (b) Does your car have a bumper sticker that reads “I love The Development Corporation?” (c) Should a developer pay for infrastructure improvements that mainly benefit the developer’s project? The correct answers are: (a) as much as I could to as many as I could (b) yes (c) never. Proving that some folks have no sense of humor, soon after the above ran Mr. Answer Man learned that his TIF application to build a luxury resort for homeless journalists had been turned down.

cated by Charles Swanson, whom Mayor Madeline Rogero tapped as law director. That list was sure to grow longer by the New Year’s Eve deadline. Some were doubtless lured by the salary – lawyers haven’t been immune from the recession, and $90,000 a year for a part-time job makes a comfy cushion against hard times. This will be the brandnew City Council’s most pressing business to date, and they will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 5, in the Large Assembly Room for a workshop to discuss hiring

Swanson’s replacement. Vice Mayor Nick Pavlis will preside, marking his first time to take up the gavel at a workshop. At least one of his views may not be popular with job applicants. He’s looking to cut the Council counsel’s pay, which was raised in 2007 by thenVice Mayor Mark Brown. “For those who think they’re coming in at 90 grand – guess again,” Pavlis said. “There will be several criteria, and experience is certainly one of them. The pay should be commensurate to the amount of experience. Charles is a person who walked out the door with 28 years’ experience, and I wouldn’t be in favor of starting the next person out at that level.” But that is not to say that he doesn’t consider the job crucial: “The foremost thing on my plate is to get the attorney hired as Swanson’s replacement and we’ve got a workshop on the 5th to

Nick Pavlis File photo discuss that,” he said. “My personal preference would be for a city resident (at least two applicants live in Blount County) and my thought is to do a two-year contract to give them a chance to get their feet wet.” Pavlis said he was surprised not to have been heavily lobbied about the position, but expected that to change after last Friday’s deadline for applications. “There’s only been one,” he said. “Mose Lobetti called me before Christmas on behalf of Jason Long.” Long, who is with Lon-

don and Amburn, was one of the first to submit an application. He is a former law partner of Swanson and filled in for him at meetings when Swanson could not attend. Other candidates who had filed by Wednesday noon are John F. Weaver Jr.; Arun Rattan; Melanie Davis, who is with the Maryville firm Kizer and Black; Thomas McCroskey, also of Maryville; Stephen R. Wise of Wise and Reeves (Wise represents the Metropolitan Planning Commission); former law department employee George T. Underwood Jr. of the Underwood Law Practice; David Dothard of Breeding and Dothard; and Michael Cramer, another former city law department lawyer, of Norton, Spangler and Cramer. Former City Council member Rob Frost, who is with Arnett, Draper and Hagood, was expected to file an application before week’s end, as well.

Pension reform tops ‘to-do’ list Pension reform will be high on the “things to do” list for Mayor Madeline Rogero whether she wants to deal with it or not. In fact, changes must be voted on by November 2012 or we must wait two years to 2014. Costs are rising and getting a handle on them will be hard. Delay only adds to the cost. While Dave Hill will receive a city pension in 2017 at a little more than $12,500 a year, his supplemental account value is $46,515 as of Sept. 30, 2011, which he can cash in now. New federal court clerk and former city law director Deborah Poplin will earn $1,841.38 at age 62 (many years from now) after 13 years and 10 months with the city on two separate occasions. Her supplemental retirement account value is considerable at $60,450.81 as of Sept. 30, 2011. She can withdraw it when she no longer works for the city. Current city charter provisions mandate a 3 percent

Victor Ashe

annual increase even when the cost of living is less. This is more than current city employees’ mandated 2.5 percent annual increase and is hard to justify. The eligible age to draw the city pension could be moved from 62 to 64 which would impact future employees but reduce costs. Current annual contributions by city employees to the retirement system could be increased. These changes stir opposition from some. The current task force has not made a report back to the city and it is not expected to urge many significant recommendations. Expect to see Rogero chosen as the new pension board chair if she is willing to do it. That will give her an important voice in mak-

Events set for MLK holiday Various local events are set to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 16, a holiday for most. The MLK Tribute Service is 11:45 a.m. Jan. 16 at the Greater Warner Tabernacle AME Zion Church, with the Rev. Dr. Charles E. Goodman Jr. speaking. Dr. Goodman is the senior pastor of the historic Tabernacle Baptist

ing needed changes. ■ Lisa Hatfield, Knoxville city attorney whose law license was suspended for a week for not completing CLE requirements, also has a reputation for not returning phone calls promptly or ever. Law Director Charles Swanson may wish to remind her that her $79,000 plus salary is paid by city taxpayers and calls from taxpayers should be returned the same day. She should take seriously whatever her new boss tells her as Swanson will run a tight ship as law director. ■ Ivan Harmon told me that he plans a third campaign for mayor in 2015. (He ran against me in 1995 and again in 2011 against Rogero). ■ Meanwhile, Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones has hired Harmon as a maintenance supervisor at the Knox County penal farm. When I spoke to Harmon, he was doing some repairs with a work crew at Three Ridges

Church in Augusta, Ga. He has traveled abroad to preach and study in the Holy Land and was recently inducted into the Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers. He was voted one of “America’s Most Loved Pastors” in the 2006 issue of Gospel Today magazine. This event is free and open to the public. The annual MLK Leadership Luncheon will be noon Thursday,

Golf Course. Sheriff Jones actively backed Harmon for mayor this past election and they are longtime hunting friends. Jones and Harmon then openly backed Mark Padgett against Rogero in the mayoral runoff. This employment will add to Harmon’s county pension which he already has from his County Commission service but he will not be part of the lucrative sheriff’s pension plan. ■ Anne Woodle, FFM (First Friend of Madeline), says she will not be working for the city but will continue to be a close friend of the mayor. She was on the transition committee along with Larry Martin and Sam Anderson. Woodle is a former school board member and her son is married to council member Finbarr Saunders’ daughter who works for the city of Knoxville. Woodle is well connected in the new city government. Contact Victor Ashe, 16-year Knoxville mayor and former U.S. ambassador to Poland, at vhashe@aol.com/.

Jan. 12, at the Knoxville Marriott ballroom. Judge John Westley McClarty, who sits on the Court of Appeals for East Tennessee, will speak. Judge McClarty has served as Juvenile Court referee and special judge for Chattanooga City Court. Luncheon tickets may be purchased by calling 215-2048. A limited number of tickets may be available at the door the day of the event. Info: www.MLKKnoxville.org.

Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com.

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Much to anticipate in 2012 “Elections have consequences” is a political buzzword and it’s true. It should have surprised no one when the Republicans took control of county election commissions following the party’s ascent to majority status in Nashville. And it should not be a huge shock that Madeline Rogero thought outside the white bread, white male box in naming her directors. It’s exciting to see the intelligence, training and diversity of Rogero’s appointments. It’s exciting to anticipate the ideas this group will propose to make Knoxville a better place to live and work. Despite the Bah! Humbug! advice from another pundit who urged Rogero to be careful lest she be a one-termer, our first female mayor has chosen boldly. Let the games begin. Pensions: How much should the promises of the past impede the progress of the future? Public employee pensions are the 800-pound gorilla that’s gobbling up scarce resources. I was amazed to read Victor Ashe’s comments about a mandatory annual 3 percent cost of living increase in city pensions. Leaders should quit pussy-footing around and get pension reform on the ballot. Let voters decide what we can afford. Public employees are nice folks, but so are preachers, bakers and candle-stick makers. Pay workers a fair wage and contribute toward their retirement. But guaranteed pay-outs and automatic cost of living increases are unsustainable. This is the paramount issue of 2012 and beyond.

Sandra Clark

New look

Meet a couple of Rogero’s directors: Patricia Robledo will head the new Office of Business Support. She is a small-business owner and the executive director of the Robledo Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of East Tennessee. Robledo, who is married to downtown developer John Craig, moved here from Colombia in 1980 and worked for the 1982 World’s Fair. She became an American citizen in 1990, attended the University of Tennessee and then graduated with a double major in biology and medical technology from Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Mo. In 1997, she founded Robledo Translations LLC, which provides Spanishlanguage interpretation and consulting services to companies and agencies across East Tennessee. Christi Branscom is the new public works director. A lawyer, she has been with Partners Development since 1991 and also is president and founder of Grace Construction. She has a principal broker’s license and a law degree. Branscom is a member

of national, state and local associations of home builders and Realtors. She is a past vice chair of the Central Business Improvement District and served on the executive committee of the Knoxville Chamber. Branscom has worked on numerous Partners projects, including Gettysvue, CarsonNewman College and Wei sga r ber Medical Park. She graduated with honors in finance from the Branscom Un iver sit y of Tennessee and earned her law degree from the University of Memphis. Twenty or 30 years ago these appointments would not have been possible because women with these credentials were rare or nonexistent. But then so were women mayors. ■


It’s too late for Fountain City, where a crematorium was permitted near a residential area, but the Gentry-Griffey construction got the town to talking and the City Council asked the Metropolitan Planning Commission for a report. MPC has set a public hearing for 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10, in the small assembly room of the City County Building to take comments on appropriate siting and permitting of crematoria. MPC staff will examine current regulations and review best practices throughout the state and nation. Staff will then recommend postponement of the MPC

agenda item set for consid- ■ Dave Wright eration Jan. 12, pending a looks ahead recent petition to the city’s Commissioner Dave Board of Zoning Appeals regarding the Fountain City Wright says 2012 will be interesting because “so many permit. subjects have taken on a life ■ But what about of their own.” Schools: “We know the skunk? there’s a $7 million shortWe hate to disillusion fall, but it could be as much the young fellow, but Maras $14 million.” Wright shall Stair, meet Dave wants the school board to Wright. “come with a budget that Marshall is the youngest matches its income” and member of City Council. He says Superintendent Dr. Jim lifted both McIntyre won’t tell him how arms in the many seats are available for air after his students. “If we drew a cirs w e a r i n g cle three miles around Vine in. He’s ex- Middle School, we would cited about have enough kids (to fill it),” service. he said. “Of course, we can’t Dave is do that.” a grizzled Budget: “I expect the C o u n t y city and county to work toWright C o m m i s - gether to make government sion veteran, and he also more efficient. … If I lived had high hopes following in the city, I’d want the city his election. Dave’s wife, to go out of business. Those Pat, picks up the story: taxpayers are paying douThe first call, before he ble.” was even sworn in, came Pensions: “We sit here from a woman who want- and say the federal governed a dead skunk picked ment is growing at an unup. Dave called the public sustainable rate. Well, what works department. They are we doing?” came out and couldn’t find Charter review: “I fait. But the woman wouldn’t vor 13 to 15 commissioners, take no. She could smell it. one from each district, and So Dave went out himself no at-large members.” and sure enough. He found Contact: “Call me at it about 100 yards off the 556-6930, but if it’s a dead road on private property. skunk, call 215-HELP and Pat didn’t say what Dave ask for April.” did with the skunk, but she did tell another story about ■ Larry Smith a constituent who called looks ahead after a neighborhood altercation. Seems this fellow Commissioner R. Larry thought a horse was being Smith divides his concerns abused so he crept through into district and countywide the woods and up to the categories. fence to check it. For the 7th District, he The neighbor pounced wants completion of Emory and punched him with a Road through Powell (a state rock. concern), and a community

center for Heiskell. He wants the county to pave streets in Saddlebrooke subdivision where the developer “never put a second coat of asphalt on it,” and he wants to get the trash burned at Clayton Park in Halls. “I may have to call the Boy Scouts to help with that,” he said. Smith wants the Halls greenway project finished. “It’s such a small project … should have already been done.” He wants a northbound turn lane on MaynardSmith ville Pike at the Time Out Deli center. Countywide, Smith is troubled by the lack of new development. That’s reflected in the short meetings of MPC. “They start at 1 and are out by 3 p.m.,” he said, “and that’s with a long prayer.” Rural/Metro’s contract for ambulance service is up for renewal in August. Litigation between Natural Resources Recovery and Brad Mayes should “wrap up” this year and Knox County may “get some money.” Pensions: “It’s obvious we’re in the hole. We need to put (reform) on the ballot and stop the bleeding. Educate the people and vote.” Bonuses: “I’m not for (fee offices) paying $3,000 bonuses for taking an open book test.” Schools: “We start with a $7 million deficit; it could grow to $11 million or more.” Lakeshore: “Looks like it will close. (Knox County) will do something with those patients. It’s our obligation.”

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A memoir with a twist By Betty Bean

Psychotherapist’s first book praised


rom the beginning, Carolyn Dobbins excelled. A stellar student and an Olympiccaliber athlete, as a teenager, there appeared to be no limit to what she could accomplish. Today she is Dr. Carolyn Dobbins, a respected psychotherapist with a Vanderbilt doctorate and a practice that fulfills her long-held desire to help people who are struggling with mental health issues. Contained within that broad outline is a remarkable story. This fall, she began its telling by publishing her first book, “What a Life Can Be,” in which she tells the story of “Jane,” a client who has struggled all her life with schizo-affective disorder, a cross between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. It begins July 20, 2009, the date of Jane’s first session with Dobbins. Soon, Jane says she has decided to put her life down on paper for Dobbins’ review. The resulting memoir forms the basis of the book. Jane tells about the onset of her mental illness at the age of 17 and how it (along with a host of physical injuries) ended a promising career as an Alpine (and later a Nordic) skier on track to participate in the 1980 Olympics at Lake Placid.

“My legs were heavy, like lead. My balance was off. I was dizzy. I was slow. I didn’t know what was what. I’d jump on the trampoline and complain that the springs were shot. I’d play tennis and say that the racket needed new strings. I’d cross-country ski and complain about the wax being wrong. Then, I realized it was me,” she said. She kept trying for a while – stayed in boarding school at the ski academy in Vermont where she had been training and even started college there. Eventually, she asked her parents to help her come home to Knoxville because the process of securing a plane ticket was too daunting. Fast forwarding, she enrolled in the University of Tennessee, made straight As, transferred to the University of Utah, excelled and graduated. She recounted coming home from school to see her younger sister graduate from college and having a mental breakdown that made it obvious that her earlier diagnosis – bipolar disorder – was incorrect. She tells her story in a matterof-fact, compassionate fashion, sparing judgment – of the psychiatrists who tinkered with her medications with disastrous re-

Dr. Carolyn Dobbins Photo by Betty Bean

sults, and ultimately of herself, as well. She experienced jail, homelessness, marriage, a brief career as a country music singer, divorce and loneliness. There were successful careers built and lost and constant fear. The brutal facts are leavened with humor (like the time she called the White House to tell George H.W. Bush to shut up and eat his broccoli and got a call back from someone wanting to know if she was OK) and triumph (like successfully defending her dissertation just a week after being jailed, lost in the system and then hospitalized for a month). And it is not until the end of the narrative that Dobbins reveals the most crucial fact:

She is Jane. “I have written a book about my therapist, myself. It’s not about two people, but one who cares and who has a lot to manage and who does so as graciously as possible. That’s what a life can be. And that’s what it has been for me.” Dobbins was somewhat fearful of telling her story and wrote the first version under a pen name. Her publisher urged her to drop the pseudonym, and, with some trepidation, she reworked the book under her own name. It was published in October by Bridgecross Communications and is available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.com. She has been interviewed on a national radio show that deals with mental health issues and plans to do some local presentations in the upcoming months. She is happy to have conquered her fear of telling her story. “I’ve been ill for 34 years; every day’s been a trial run,” she said. “There’s something to deal with every day that I get through and do. I call it a job. It’s a job in and of itself to take care of myself. I’m not reckless about it. Every day is just a further refinement. If I see a bump, I just deal with it. It’s never cost me a job.” The deeply spiritual Dobbins works with the Philadelphians Prison Ministry and has a private practice. She keeps up with local mental health issues, and although

she says she is not an expert on the subject, she is very concerned about the fate of the long-term patients at Lakeshore Mental Health Institute and for the employees who must find other arrangements when the state shuts the hospital down next year. “My concern is follow-through. If this absolutely has to occur, will these people have the care they need? And what will happen to the employees? Why are we doing this in the first place? We need a place like Lakeshore. If not, we need to take the money and hire people to run group homes. I am concerned that we’re going to end up with more homeless people, more people in jail. We’re talking about people who have been institutionalized for years. I know how hard it is to try and help someone homeless to become independent and get on their feet. Even with people who are young and have family support, it is not easy.” Finally, it is her goal to provide hope for the mentally ill and their families. “If you’re at the end of your rope and ready to give up, I say just give it some time and keep trying. Others have done it. Other people in this world have it a lot worse than I do, and when I think about the people I might be able to help, if I can help people, writing this book will have been worth the effort.”

Lions get ‘new’ truck for vision lab Jim McFarland of the Smoky Mountain LiBy Greg Householder ons Charities took possession of the truck at A few months ago, Remote Area Medical RAM headquarters in Island Home last week. donated a mobile vision lab to the Smoky The truck, a 1995 International FL70 with a Mountain Lions Charities. Last week, the “gooseneck” hitch, will also go to the paint shop Lions finalized the purchase of a truck from for the SMLC logo to replace the RAM one. RAM to pull it. The Lions will screen potential patients for Remote Area Medical had been using the eligibility. Depending on the individual cirlong trailer loaded with equipment which cumstances, the patient will be asked to go to fits prescription lenses to new frames for an optometrist for an eye exam and then told about 10 years. Earlier this year, RAM rewhere the lab will be set up. These patients ceived a newer, larger lab trailer and no lonwill bring their prescriptions to the lab and ger needed the older one, hence the donathe Lions will assemble the eyeglasses. Others tion to the Lions. may simply be told to come to the lab where The older trailer needs some work. Its roof an optometrist will conduct the eye exam and leaks and there is some wiring to be done, then the Lions will assemble the glasses. but the Lions have it covered. They are hoping to tow the lab in for repair this week. The McFarland said the reason for this dual Lions plan to start using the lab in March. process is because typically an optometrist can conduct only 15-18 eye exams in a day “So many people in East Tennessee need and the lab will have the capacity of assemglasses and this is going to extend the Lions bling about 100 glasses in a day. efforts,” said Stan Brock, founder of RAM. The Lions are looking for sponsors for the He said half or more of RAM’s patients Jim McFarland of the Smoky Mountain Lions Charities is ready to drive the group’s “new” truck vision lab, donations to help purchase lensare there for vision issues. purchased from Remote Area Medical. The truck will be used to pull the mobile vision lab RAM es, optometrists to do the exams and volun“We get calls all the time from people donated to the Lions earlier this year. Photo by Greg Householder teer technicians. Anyone interested should needing glasses,” said Brock. “Sometimes we contact McFarland at 556-9091. Donations have to tell them – ‘well, our next expedition may be mailed to Jim McFarland, 8030 Whitestone Road, is in Wise, Va.,’ or someplace. With the Lions having their from being used in the U.S. own lab, we can refer many of those patients to them.” “The millions of glasses recycled by the Lions are essentially Knoxville, TN 37938. The Smoky Mountain Lions Charities is a 501(c)(3) orgaThough the Lions accept used glasses through collection going overseas,” said Brock. The Lions donate glasses to RAM nization and all donations are tax deductible. boxes located around the community, law prevents those for use in the group’s foreign expeditions.


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WEST SIDE SHOPPER-NEWS • JANUARY 2, 2012 • A-7 17:43). And Jesus himself instructed, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs.” (Matthew 7:6) But since they were domesticated (between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago), dogs have been our servants, The young man went out and the angel went with our companions and our him; and the dog came out with him and went along friends. with them. I have been blessed in the (Tobit 6: 1b NRSV) last few days with an abunNo matter where we are, the shadow that trots bedance of dogs. My daughhind us is definitely four-footed. ters were here for Christ(“Women Who Run with the Wolves,” mas, and they brought their Clarissa Pinkola Estés) dogs: Emma, Zoe and Ellie – a yellow Lab, a black Lab/ The Bible doesn’t have greyhound mix, and a beamuch good to say about gle, respectively. dogs. The above quote is the Cross Fortunately, “the girls” Currents only comment that is anyget along well together, where close to neutral. Here, Lynn and so there were no tiffs. in Tobit (one of the books of Hutton What they bring with them the Apocrypha), the dog is is faithfulness, devotion, mentioned as a companion, a sense of adventure and a but only in passing. good nature. They are welltants (Isaiah 56:11) and as In all the other biblical behaved and accepting of all references to dogs, they are watchdogs (Isaiah 56:10). “Am I a dog, that you the attention anyone is willobjects of contempt and derision. This, notwith- come out against me with ing to offer. I read somewhere, and standing the fact that dogs sticks?” Goliath demands provided useful services: to know when facing David believe it to be true, that serving as shepherd’s assis- and his slingshot (1 Samuel “The only one on earth who

Our canine friends


and U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, he retired from ALCOA as executive vice president after 38 years of service. Local survivors include wife of 65 years, Nadean Hicks Hornbeck; daughter and son-in-law, Janis and Ed Stout; brother and sister-in-law, Donald and Sandy Hornbeck. Click Funeral Home Farragut Chapel.

■ Shirley F. Davis, 65, passed away Dec. 22. Survivors include daughter, Jennifer Davis; brother, David Smith; and sisters, Judy Lawrence and Teresa Wilburn; ex-husband, Larry Davis. Stevens Mortuary. ■ Donald Lynn French, 73, passed away Dec. 22. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. Survived by longtime companion, Geraldine Simmons; daughters, Nan F. Sweitzer, Deborah F. Lauria, Donna French Dyer (Ted); grandchildren, Sunny and Redmond Sweitzer, Anthony and Kristina Lauria, Kelsea and Lindsea Dyer; sisters, Evelyn Stout, LaVerne Maddron (Gerald); brother, Benny French (Brenda), all of Knoxville. Stevens Mortuary. ■ Robert Davies “Bob” Hornbeck, 86, formerly of Maryville and Pittsburgh, passed away Dec. 19. A chemical engineer

■ H. Frank Huffman, 82, formerly of Nashville, passed away Dec. 21. He was a telephone man through and through, having worked for Western Electric and Southern Bell for

more than 30 years. He was an Air Force veteran of the Korean War. Local survivors include his wife of 59 years, Louetta VanCleve Huffman; Trish McDaniel and Bob Brown of Knoxville. Click Funeral Home Middlebrook Chapel. ■ Janice Tull Middleton, 82, of Farragut, passed away Dec. 27. She was a charter member of the Faith Fellowship Cumberland Presbyterian Church. She was an English teacher for 40 years with her last 18 years at Farragut High School. She is survived by her husband of 59 years, the Rev. Bill Middleton; daughter, Mary Jo Middleton Williams and son Scott Middleton and their families. Click Funeral Home Farragut Chapel. ■ Stratton Clark Moore, 28,

Adopt a new friend for the new year!

Freckles is a cute 4.5 lb., 9-month-old long-haired spayed female Tabby cat with cute wisps of hair that extend from her ears. She is very affectionate, gets along with other cats, and loves to sleep in the bed with her people. Vinnie is a wonderful little 6-month-old guy who enjoys playing, napping, cuddling, and generally being in on the action. He gets along with everyone and loves to be petted. To meet Freckles or Vinnie, please contact:

Holly at 671-4564 or KatPirate@comcast.net Peaceful Kingdom 579-5164 Space donated by Shopper-News.

loves you more than you love yourself is your dog.” They are company when you are lonely, solace when you are sad, protection when you are uneasy and a one-member welcoming committee when you come home. They never criticize your taste, they forgive your shortcomings and they keep your secrets. I have loved and lost several dogs over the years. That end of the deal never gets easier, but as I have written in this space before, “Loss is the price of love.” That is true of dogs (whose life expectancy is much shorter than ours) and of humans as well. Give your heart away, and it may get broken. But love is always worth running the risk, taking the chance. I will have a dog again – sooner rather than later, I hope – but until then, I am happy to be visited by my “grand-dogs.” passed away Dec. 27. Survivors include a daughter, Elizabeth Moore; mother and stepfather, Jennifer and Rick Dearholt; father, Terry Moore Sr; four brothers; and his sweetheart, Anneta Fleming. Click Funeral Home and Cremations Middlebrook Chapel. ■ Maurice Victor “Vic” Webb Jr. , 82, passed away Dec. 23. A mechanical engineer, he came to Knoxville as general manager of Cumberland Clarklift. He became sole owner of the business in the 1980s and retired from there in 2005. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Nancy Hogue Webb; children, Scotty (Fay) Webb, Dianne Webb (Peter) Chau and Mark (Dottie) Webb; and sister, Annette Lovett. Click Funeral Home Middlebrook Chapel.

Pastor Matt Peeples stands in front of “the point” church which meets 9 and 10:15 a.m. Sundays at the West Town Mall Regal Cinema. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

‘The point’ donates to Habitat By Theresa Edwards A unique church in an unusual place collected a special donation on Christmas Eve. Meeting at the Regal Cinema at West Town Mall, “the point” congregation decided to raise $10,000 to build a Habitat for Humanity house in Knoxville. An anonymous donor pledged to match all funds received for Habitat up to $5,000. The mantra for the church is: “Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone,” and the congregation does weekend projects to help the community. “The point” is partnering with three others who are also raising $10,000 to build this house. They are: Jeff Grebe of Weichert Realty, Jim Caughorn of Graphic Creations and Mansour Hasan of State Farm Insurance Agency. The congregation decided in August to partner with Habitat. “We wanted not only to raise the money, but to be a part of the raising of the walls,” said

pastor Matt Peeples. People feel comfortable going to a movie theatre, Peeples said, and they can come as they are. And the space is centrally located. The big screen was handy for showing “The Christmas Story” prior to the service. Singing was led by guitarists, and songs included modern Christian melodies and traditional ones such as “Silent Night.” The congregation is invited to text questions through a 90210 code during the sermon to be answered at the end. On this night, the only message was a request to say, “Happy birthday, Jesus!” Donations were $6,096.25, making a $11,096.25 gift to Habitat when added to the $5,000 anonymous pledge. “The point” plans more events to help their covenant partners achieve their goals as well. To donate toward this house or find out more about “the point” church, visit www. thepointknox.com/.

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Winterim: Not your ordinary break By Shannon Morris


s we head into the first week of January in a brand new year, most students around the city will be returning to school from Christmas break. The restful two-week respite has now come to an end. While most students will return to their traditional classroom environments, for Grace Christian Academy high school students, the start to a new year and a new semester will look somewhat different. Some students will be out in the community learning how life operates in the work force. Others will be traveling to a different country, exploring new cultures. Still others will stay close to home serving many citizens in a variety of ways around our city. For the next two weeks in January, students at GCA will experience what is known as Winterim. This is a unique opportunity for students to be challenged with hands-on learning experiences that are not part of the typical classroom curriculum. Many local professionals in the business, legal, medical, and technology sectors open their doors to GCA students each year, giving them an opportunity to explore possible careers. During this two-week period, students serve as interns and volunteers for six hours a day, participating in the daily activities of the business. One student has been

Rachel Zachary interns for a local hospital during the Grace Christian Academy Winterim.

able to assist a veterinary surgeon during surgery, while others have experienced what it is like to host a morning radio talk show. Each opportunity allows students to investigate these careers on a personal level, which will benefit them in the future. Other interesting courses are offered during Winterim that involve activities both on and off campus. Students have options to learn a new craft or trade. Students can take a course in gourmet cooking, light construction, landscape design and even jewelry making. Other courses allow participants a hands-on approach to

exercise, nutrition and the connection between the body and mind in overall wellness. Many Winterim groups have experienced hiking on various trails in the Smoky Mountains as students gain knowledge and a better understanding of the ecosystems that exist in the hills around us. All of these courses are being taught by GCA faculty and staff to challenge students physically, mentally and spiritually. Winterim does not just take place in Knoxville. Grace has students traveling the country and the world absorbing all they can about life and culture outside of our city. Over

Grace Christian Academy Middle School Student Council members volunteered with Mission of Hope to bring Christmas gifts to students at Huntsville Elementary and Middle School. Pictured here are Dexter Reason, Kelsey Holland, Nathan Pettit, Savannah Sponcia, Haley Hatmaker, Eric Beecham, Reese Haluska, Savannah McNelly, Jared Rash, Jared Clark and Julie Pointer.

Hope for the holidays By Shannon Morris and Julie Pointer At Grace Christian Academy, there is a thriving elementary and middle school made up of students

with a heart for service, and for their community. This year, all of the kindergarten through 8th grade students took part in a toy drive as a way of showing the joy of giving


during Christmas, and they were able to collect 150 toys for other children that are served by Mission of Hope. But their desire to serve didn’t just end at donating toys; the Middle

the years, groups have traveled to Japan, Italy, Greece and Germany. This year, our GCA group will live with German students and their families for the two-week period. They will attend school with the German students and see life’s similarities and differences in a country across the world. Other Winterim groups have traveled a little closer to home, visiting Washington, DC. Students visit various historical sites in our nation’s capitol and have the opportunity to attend a session of Congress as well as a Supreme Court hearing, all of which helps to broaden the horizons of many GCA students each year. The Winterim experience would not be complete without an opportunity for service. A number of GCA students and faculty actively serve various ministries throughout our area. Service to women, children, senior citizens and others who are less fortunate will make up the variety of ways our students are challenged and stretched. All in all, the Winterim experience expands the boundaries of learning School Student Council went on Dec. 14, to serve alongside Mission of Hope at Huntsville Elementary and Middle School, which has 800 students. Huntsville is the largest of the 26 schools that are served by Mission of Hope. The GCA students helped unload the truck and set up a “store” so the children could shop for toys. Our students also had the privilege of helping individual students shop for two toys of their own. As they “shopped” with them, they were able to spend time with them, showing God’s love through words and actions. They felt so blessed to have been able to serve others during this Christmas season, which is truly about giving rather than receiving. Thank you to the GCA student body for helping spread God’s love to those in need.

Ally Davis learns what it takes to be a good veterinarian during Winterim.

Haley Pope volunteers as a teacher’s assistant at the Grace Christian Academy elementary school during Winterim. for each high school student at Grace Christian Academy. The personal growth that is gained from Winterim is price-

less. Winterim is what makes Grace Christian Academy a place which strives to equip the whole student, for life!

Early enrollment gets the discount By Shannon Morris Grace Christian Academy’s enrollment period has begun! If you are considering private Christian education for your child, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Open House on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 6:30 p.m. We would love to discuss your personal needs, answer questions you may have and show you around the facility. If you are interested in a personal tour of the school, one of our admission representatives will be glad to meet with you on an appointment basis. Come see how GCA students are equipped to meet the challenges of today’s culture and tomorrow’s future. We are now offering a significant financial discount to families who enroll in GCA through the month of January. Although the discount is not as significant, families will still benefit from an early enrollment discount in the month of February. Drop by one of our two Open Houses coming up or make an appointment to see us today.

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ADMISSIONS OPEN HOUSES Fall 2012 Enrollment Kindergarten Tuesday, January 10, 2012 6:30 p.m. Grace Christian Library ry

Call for more information 865.934.4789

Grades K-12 Sunday, February 12, 2012 3:00 p.m. Cullum Hall

5914 Beaver Ridge Road Knoxville, Tennesee 37931 www.gracechristianrams.org


Worst year ever? TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West


n the absence of a bowl report, I offer the following perspective: You know things are going poorly when you see a power T decal upside down on the dented door of a battered pickup truck. Oh my, what is the driver thinking? Not-even-close football scores and the historic loss to Kentucky, coupled with the Vols’ lethargic look, caused some to think 2011 was the worst year ever in Tennessee athletics. Back-to-back losing seasons are difficult to digest. Surly sophomores are impossible.

Where are you, Nick Reveiz? As if the Bruce Pearl saga and NCAA probation weren’t enough, we have added a historic basketball collapse and home-court loss to Austin Peay. Don’t want to disturb Cuonzo’s calmness but nothing quite like that had ever happened. “For me,” he said, “it’s a loss, not necessarily a bad loss. You don’t put one above the others.” Do what? This may not be rockbottom. Thank goodness Jarnell Stokes.

Versatile fans recall how bad was the baseball team and that the coach got fired. The once-proud Tennessee track program has faded from prominence. The Vols finished eighth at the Southeastern Conference meet this year, more than 100 points behind winning Arkansas. Ouch! Two assistant coaches were dismissed. The best sprinter, young Dentarius Locke, delivered scathing comments about the direction or misdirection of the team and quit. Athletic director Mike Hamilton, champion fundraiser and builder of magnificent facilities, accepted a generous going-away settlement and several complimentary season tickets forever and ever, amen. You get to decide how much of this overall managerial mess is Mike’s fault. Worst of all, Pat Summitt

Summitt to visit TipOff Club The LoeDown | Gary Loe


ish that I was on ole Rocky Top, down in the Tennessee hills,” sang Tennessee coach Pat Summitt. It’s now a hallmark of her speaking engagements – the coach leads UT fans in singing “Rocky Top,” just as she did last January as the featured speaker of the Big Orange TipOff Club. Club members hope for an encore performance when the winningest coach in NCAA basketball

history kicks off this season’s annual series at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 4, at Calhoun’s on the River. Board member Mike Turner helped found the Big Orange TipOff Club in 2005 when coach Bruce Pearl arrived on UT’s campus. “We took some of the ideas from the old “Orange Tie Club” which was a pivotal support group back in the day,” Turner said. “We wanted to create fan enthusiasm and bring in

first class speakers to the basketball-starved fans of East Tennessee.” “Our first speaker was former Voice of the Vols John Ward,” said cofounder Barry Smith. “We probably had 375 people pack in to Calhoun’s on our first meeting – far exceeding our expectations – and it’s been great ever since.” A distinguishing characteristic is that speakers frequently let their guard down and reveal basket-

announced that she had been diagnosed with early onset dementia, Alzheimer’s type. Dear God, we know about this stuff. It is unsettling. Three other employees of women’s athletics took their twice-rejected claim of gender discrimination (not enough pay) to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. No matter which argument prevails, it will cost the university a bundle in legal fees and reputation. So, it was a bad year. You should have seen 1962. That was the career crash for football coach Bowden Wyatt, former captain, All-American, Hall of Fame, winner of championships in three different conferences, movie-star handsome, charismatic leader of the terrific 1956 Tennessee team. Wyatt had a bad summer and his ’62 Vols went 4-6 and bowed to Kentucky – but kicked the

ball war stories that they would otherwise never tell the media. “Few fans knew until Coach Summitt mentioned it at the club luncheon, that she receives private correspondences regularly from her 1976 Olympic Team coach, Billie Moore. “After every game, she sends me her thoughts,” Summitt said. “Sometimes, I thought maybe I didn’t need to read it, but it’s been wonderful to have someone who knows the game, who is really on top of it, and when I thought we played really well at LSU (Tennessee won 7365 in Baton Rouge on Jan. 2, 2011), I got a two page letter. It’s just a reminder that you can always get better.” One of the club’s most requested speakers is former SEC coach Hugh Durham. The entertaining

stuffings out of Vanderbilt, 30-0. 1962 was John Sines’ last campaign as basketball coach. His team won four of 23. It carried the scars of two players lost in a point-shaving scandal. The final game drew a morbid gathering of 514. I was there. Basketball had no pulse. Baseball wasn’t too bad once spring football practice was finished and coach George Cafego had time to coach. The Vols won all nine games in May. Before that, they lost to North Georgia, Carson-Newman, LMU and others. Attendance was skimpy. Popcorn sales suffered. 1962 was the year before Chuck Rohe which means Tennessee track was virtually nonexistent, 10th in the SEC, about where it had been except when it was 11th. This was before Ray Bussard but there was good news in swimming. Nobody drowned. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.

Durham told TipOff members last January that during his career, in which he notched 600 victories at Florida State, Georgia and Jacksonville, he developed a list of things a coach never hears a player say: Coach, coach, I want to share my minutes. Or, I’ve got this play drawn up for Mike – he’s really shooting well. Coach Cuonzo Martin looks forward to his TipOff Club speaking engagement Jan. 25 and told The LoeDown in an interview before practice last week that he embraces the club’s efforts to increase awareness and knowledge of the game of basketball. “I think it’s great,” said the former Purdue University star. “You’re talking about a program of this magnitude, the exposure’s great. It’s always great to be seen in a positive light.”

Big Orange TipOff Club members are expected to warmly embrace Coach Summitt at Wednesday’s luncheon, as it will be the first time some fans will greet her since her recent medical diagnosis. And, they will be prepared to join the chorus if Coach Summitt punctuates her speech by singing, “… Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee!” Membership information is available on line at www.bigorangetipoff.com/. Contact the club at tipoff@bigorangetipoff. com or Barry Smith at 384-3412 and Mike Turner at 304-2313.

Watch the club’s luncheon highlights hosted by Gary Loe on “TipOff LoeDown,” at 9:30 a.m. Saturdays on MyVLT (Comcast cable channel 8 or 213).

SPORTS NOTES ■ The West High School Rebels baseball team is taking orders for 4’x8’ digital color vinyl signs to hang on the fence of the baseball field for the 2012 season. The cost is $200 which will go toward maintenance and upkeep of the field. Each consecutive year a sign is purchased, the price is $125. To show their appreciation for your purchase, the players and coaches of the team will give you a pair of home game season tickets. Info: Email Jim Goble at jgoble@investidi.com or Kay McIntire at ksellshomes@ knology.net. Payments are tax deductible.

Fair donates to HonorAir The Tennessee Valley Fair presented HonorAir with a $1,000 donation last week at Prestige Cleaners in Powell. The funds were raised during Hometown Heroes Day during the 92nd annual Tennessee Valley Fair. Ticket sales from Smoky Mountain singer songwriter James Rogers’ concert were designated for HonorAir. The

donation will pay for two veterans to fly to Washington, D.C., on their next trip, which is scheduled for April 18. HonorAir Knoxville is presented by Prestige Cleaners and sponsored by Covenant Health. The goal is to fly as many East Tennessee World War II and Korean War veterans as possible to Washington to see the memorials built in their honor. Info: www. honorairknoxville.com/.

Madrigals at the Public Market Webb School’s Madrigal Singers performing at the Turkey Creek Public Market include: (front) Neal Jochmann, Ashten Banister, Boomer Dangel, Justin Plummer, Erin Boike, Paul Brandt, Anna Breeden, Craig Wallace; (back) Mackenzie Pearson, Natalie Ritchie, Shea Campbell, Mary Kate Heagerty, Katie Samples, Maddie Freeman, Rachel Britt, Mary Johnson and Breyon Ewing. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com


Investment in tutoring pays dividends By Suzanne Foree Neal Sometimes it does take a village for students to get every opportunity to succeed. That’s the case for a group of Farragut High School transfer students from East Knoxville. Although a tutoring program geared to them is barely off the ground, it’s already reaping success. “Part of my responsibilities is to be over and find academic programs to help students achieve success,� says Dr. Johnetta Mooreland, assistant principal. “Students from the East Knoxville area go home in the evening with no access to tutorial programs there. They need tutoring in their own neighborhood.� Principal Mike Reynolds was associated with the Emerald Youth Foundation when he worked at Fulton High School, so Mooreland approached him with an idea. Following a meeting of the minds from the high school, Emerald Youth Foundation and Beck Cultural Exchange Center, a tutoring plan emerged. Students are bused from the high school straight to the Beck Center on Dandridge Avenue where vol-

Freshman “Mykee� Jackson and sophomore LaCresha Carter share a laugh following “A Celebration of Growth� dinner at the Beck Cultural Exchange Center. They are among a group of Farragut High School students participating in a tutoring program at the center. Photo by S.F.Neal unteer tutors help them with their studies. The teens also get a meal before heading home around 6 p.m. Tutors include UT students and retired teachers. Tutoring is based on student needs in a variety of subjects. Mooreland says no student is turned down. “I’m really excited about the collaboration with the community and the Emerald Youth Foundation,� Mooreland says. Although

the center with a recognition dinner, “A Celebration of Growth.� Mooreland and Reynolds were among speakers who gave encouraging words to the students. Although many of the UT tutors had headed home for the holidays, Kristin Kennedy of Farragut was in attendance. She tutors two to three students, mostly in government and some English every Monday. “I wanted to be a history teacher, but I’ve realized that’s not what I want to do,� says the UT sophomore. “I want to work with teenagers, give something back, be connected to youth and help them out.� Freshman “Mykee� Jackson and sophomore LaCresha Carter are reaping rewards from their tutoring sessions. “Mykee� gets help with world geography, which to her surprise involves some math.

“I love math but hate that it’s included in other subjects,� she frowns. “I’m more comfortable with geography now. I knew about world geography, but now I know things I didn’t know – like where the oceans are!� She’s seen her grades go from low C’s to a B. “I’m really proud of myself that I took the time to come here and excel. What you do in your freshman year determines how you do in your senior year.� LaCresha gets help with geometry and English. “I like it because I get extra help,� she says. Since signing up for the tutoring, her geometry grades have improved. She says she knew she needed help and it’s not hard for her to be committed to the program, especially with most of her best friends studying beside her. Cedric Jackson with the

participation was slow in the beginning in early November, word spread among the students and there are now 15 registered for the program. “The kids are really excited. They know we care about them being successful and that it goes beyond the school. We make sure students have what they need to be academically successful,� Mooreland adds. Students and parents were honored Dec. 19 at

Emerald Youth Foundation paid tribute to the volunteer tutors calling them “amazing.� “They have told me they can’t wait until we start back up in January,� he says. “It’s God’s plan we see evolving here,� he told the families. “We want to see students in this community succeed. That’s all we’re all working for.� He pointed to Christi Cardwell, Emerald Youth Foundation high school and young adult curriculum leader, as one leading the way. “It’s a challenge being able to meet the needs so quickly,� she says of the program’s launch. The students have shown commitment to their studies and tutoring. “They’re proud to be going to Farragut High School and proud to be from this neighborhood. There are some really strong leaders in this group.�

Farragut Library story time Rebecca and Laura Speth are excited that school vacation allowed them to come to the Farragut Branch Library’s storytime. Behind them is their mom, Sara Speth, and baby brother, William. Mary Ann Kisher read “Can You Growl Like a Bear� by John Butler and “Bear Snores On� by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman. Photo by T. Edwards

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News from First Tennessee

Partners with UT By Pam Fansler

Tennova partners with C-N nursing program Celebrating the Cooperative Learning Program between North Knoxville Medical Center, formerly Mercy North, and CarsonNewman College School of Nursing are: Pat Crotty, RN, CarsonNewman College; Jessica Tarbet, Francisca Felipe and Brittany West, nursing students; Julie Kelley, RN, North Knoxville Medi-

cal Center preceptor; Vickie Lollar, RN, North Knoxville Medical Center preceptor; and Lindsay Reynolds, Tiffany Smith and Katie Myers, nursing students. Carson-Newman students will perform clinical rotations with designated nurses at North Knoxville Medical Center. Photo submitted

Bo Shafer, Salvation Army board member emeritus, thanks Dan Fleming, Pilot operations manager, for the $35,000 contribution from the red paper kettle campaign. Pilot customers from 39 stores bought paper kettles for $1 to support the Salvation Army. Behind them are Jimmy Fleming, Ted Juranek and Keith Manor. Photo by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com Bo Shafer brought along his wife, Jane. They were married Dec. 18.

Pilot Flying J donates $35,000 to Salvation Army

We are very proud of our relationship with the University of Tennessee. Not only is the University one of our strongest friends, First Tennessee is the official Bank of the Vols. Fansler The First Tennessee Foundation contributes to the University’s excellent academic programs, including scholarship support as well as the MBA Symposium, an annual event designed to provide UT-Knoxville MBA students, faculty and alumni as well as members of the local business community with exposure to a nationally known senior business leader who can engage discussion around a critical business issue. The Foundation became the presenting sponsor of the UT MBA Symposium in 2007. In 2010 we hosted Bob McDonald, board chair, president and CEO of Procter & Gamble and a UT Knoxville alumnus. Students heard about McDonald’s valuesbased leadership beliefs which align so well with First Tennessee’s core values of putting employee and customers first and supporting them with a nurturing culture. Last year’s symposium speaker was Dick Clark, president and CEO of Merck from 2005-2010, who implemented a successful business strategy and led an historic corporate merger. At the same time, he extended Merck’s strong leadership in corporate social responsibility, embedding it into every facet of the company’s business. Because of Clark’s leadership and vision, Merck now has a new way to deliver the company’s mission of saving and improving lives. The company recently announced its “Merck for Mothers” initiative in which it will join global partners to create a world where no woman has to die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The 10-year, half-billion dollar initiative supports the United Nations goal to help reduce maternal mortality by 75 percent. Responsible leadership is something we heartily embrace at First Tennessee, and we’re especially proud of our community service and familyfriendly work environment. We also have a strong commitment to the communities in which we do business. In addition to our charitable contributions, our employees in the East Tennessee Region contributed almost 13,000 volunteer hours to their communities. Those volunteer hours were a major driver in First Horizon National Corporation being selected as one of 15 financial institutions to receive a 2010 Community Service Leadership Award from the Financial Services Roundtable. Pam Fansler is president of First Tennessee Bank’s East Tennessee region.

Fulton Alumni

Knoxville Catering to host ‘tasting’ Miniature Cajun crabcakes with Creole Hollandaise is a crowd favorite at many weddings catered by Knoxville Catering & Special Events. The company will host a free wedding reception tasting from 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 8, at 150 N. Martinwood Road, just off Kingston Pike behind Grayson Hyundai Subaru. Info: www.knoxcatering.com or 691-0100. Photo submitted

Project Help campaign underway Project Help, a program initiated by KUB to help people pay their utility bills, is starting its 10th year campaign, according to Cecelia Waters, director of CAC Energy and Community Services, which now administers the program. Collections are underway at area Food City stores and Home Federal branch banks. In the first year of the campaign, donations were about $4,000, Waters said. “In each of the last two campaigns, we have raised more than $25,000.” The campaign is Project Help’s largest fundraiser. Fundraisers and donations in 2011 raised almost $100,000 to help about 400 needy families stay safe and warm. During the campaign, Food City shoppers can add $1 Project Help cards to their purchases at checkout lines, and Food City posts the cards in the store windows. Home Federal joined the Project Help campaign in January 2006, and it places donation boxes in participating branches.

The Fulton Alumni Association is gathering information for a directory. Deadline for submissions is Jan. 10. Info: Visit www.fultonfalcons.com or call Ray Abbas, 607-3074.

Home for the holidays Rural/Metro EMTs Cory Killion and Teona Rutherford transport patient Alesia Hardin to her sister’s home for Christmas from Hillcrest North nursing home as part of Rural/ Metro’s annual Home for the Holidays program. For more than 25 years, the program has provided free professional transportation to help people in nursing homes or assisted living facilities go home to be with their families during the holidays. Photo submitted

COMMUNITY CLUBS ■ The West Knox Toastmaster Club meets 6:30 p.m. each Thursday at Middlebrook Pike UMC, 7324 Middlebrook Pike. Now accepting new members. Info: Ken Roberts, 680-3443.

KUB promotes Project Help and collects donations with its bills, both one-time gifts or monthly pledges. ■ Longstreet-Zollicoffer Knoxville-Knox County Camp 87, Sons of ConfederCommunity Action Comate Veterans will have its mittee (CAC) administers monthly business meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3, at the program. KUB sends all Beaver Creek Cumberland donations to CAC to help Presbyterian Church, 7225 elderly or disabled people Old Clinton Pike. Prior to on fixed incomes, struggling the meeting, Sam Forrester single parents and families will present a program on who have lost their income the battles during the War through unemployment or Between the States along the illness. Project Help helps Chattahoochee River. Free admission. pay for electricity, natural gas, kerosene, heating oil ■ The Knoxville Writers’ Guild or wood for residents who will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 5, at Laurel Theater. Wincould not otherwise heat ners of this year’s Knoxville their homes. Writers’ Guild contests will “In its first nine years,” read their entries. A $2 donaWaters said, “the Project tion will be requested at the Help campaign raised over door. Everyone is invited. Info: $175,000 total and helped www.knoxvillewritersguild. out 1,030 households in org. need. The campaign is a ■ Best selling author Cyn great example that a lot of Mobley will teach a workshop on writing query letters 9 people giving just a little to a.m. to noon Saturday, Jan. help others can really make 28, at the Redeemer Church a difference. That’s why I of Knoxville, 1642 Highland encourage everyone who can Ave. Cost is $75. Class size is to give even just $1 a month limited. Sponsored by the on your KUB bill or a small Knoxville Writers Guild. Info: one-time donation of $10.” www.knoxvillewritersguild. Info: 637-6700. org.



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Harold’s Tours to host presentation Harold’s Tours will host a pot luck dinner 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14, at the Halls Senior Center on Crippen Road. Come hear about tours planned for 2012 and bring a covered dish.


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30 locations in the greater Knoxville area! NOTE: NOT ALL LOCATIONS LISTED BELOW ARE PICTURED ON THE MAP

# 609 Food City Pharmacy

# 654 Food City Pharmacy

# 676 Food City Pharmacy

2946 Winfield Dunn Pkwy., Kodak, TN (865) 933-4676

507 S. Charles Sevier Blvd., Clinton, TN (865) 457-5259

1950 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 525-6376

# 611 Food City Pharmacy

# 655 Food City Pharmacy

# 677 Food City Pharmacy

1219 E. Pkwy., Hwy. 321, Gatlinburg, TN (865) 430-9844

7510 Asheville Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 933-4635

5078 Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN (865) 689-8955

# 616 Food City Pharmacy

# 661 Food City Pharmacy

# 678 Food City Pharmacy

11501 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 692-5183

2221 Jacksboro Pike, LaFollette, TN (423) 566-2033

5801 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN (865) 584-0115

# 632 Food City Pharmacy

# 667 Food City Pharmacy

# 679 Food City Pharmacy

2799 Hwy. 72 N., Loudon, TN (865) 458-5312

741 Dolly Parton Pkwy., Sevierville, TN (865) 908-5018

3501 West Emory Road, Powell, TN (865) 938-2838

# 634 Food City Pharmacy

# 672 Food City Pharmacy

# 680 Food City Pharmacy

1130 S. Roane Street, Harriman, TN (865) 882-0117

9565 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 539-0580

4344 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN (865) 992-0534

# 642 Food City Pharmacy

# 673 Food City Pharmacy

# 681 Food City Pharmacy

508 E. Tri-County Blvd., Oliver Springs, TN (865) 435-1187

4216 N. Broadway, Knoxville, TN (865) 686-1761

1199 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN (865) 483-2889

# 644 Food City Pharmacy

# 674 Food City Pharmacy

# 682 Food City Pharmacy

11503 Chapman Highway, Seymour, TN (865) 579-4728

5941 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 588-0972

7608 Mountain Grove Drive, Knoxville, TN (865) 573-5090

# 647 Food City Pharmacy

# 675 Food City Pharmacy

# 685 Food City Pharmacy

2135 E. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 981-4338

8905 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN (865) 694-1935

4805 N. Broadway, Fountain City, TN (865) 281-0286

# 650 Food City Pharmacy

# 687 Food City Pharmacy

300 Market Drive, Lenoir City, TN (865) 986-7032

2712 Loves Creek Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 633-5008

# 651 Food City Pharmacy

# 688 Food City Pharmacy

1610 W. Broadway Ave., Maryville, TN (865) 380-0110

7202 Maynardville Hwy., Halls, TN (865) 922-9683

# 653 Food City Pharmacy

# 694 Food City Pharmacy

1000 Ladd Landing, Kingston, TN (865) 717-7085

284 Morrell Road, Knoxville, TN (865) 691-1153

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Learn watercolor at Strang Watercolor painting classes are taught by award-winning artist Hazel Johnson at the Strang Senior Center at 9:30 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays. She has been teaching classes there for 15 years, since the center opened. Students range from beginners to 15-year veterans. A quote from Vincent Van Gogh is displayed on the bulletin board: “If you hear a voice within you say ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” Art student Pat Evans showed a greeting card with a cartoon picture of a bear that she uses as a guide to paint a similar picture. She explained, “It helps for beginners to work from pictures or photos. Actually, experienced painters often do the same thing.” She added, “It’s fun!” Jann Bohnenberger uses a photo taken in the summer to paint the Grist Mill at Cades Cove. She wants a fall scene, so she replaces the

Theresa Edwards

green trees with autumn foliage. Some of the artists enjoy having greeting cards made from their paintings. Jim McEvers helps make these cards by scanning in their artwork. Artists who give a greeting card such as this makes two gifts: one is the card and the other is the gift of love from which it was made. To enroll in the watercolor classes or the oil painting classes, call 670-6693. You may request the Strang Center’s newsletters from: lauren. monahan@knoxcounty.org. Updated calendars are available at the Center’s front desk.

Jann Bohnenberger paints the Grist Mill of Cades Cove.

Art instructor Hazel Johnson helps Pat Evans with watercolor techniques. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Residents of Shannondale Assisted Living enjoy visitors during their annual Christmas party. Pictured are Jonetta Smith, Heather Willis, Reagan Willis, Ashley Teaster and Dorris Rust. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Santa and his helper surprise Shannondale residents with candy canes. Pictured are Jeanette Rader, Miranda Rose, Santa and Velma Farmer.

Shannondale celebrates holidays

Help find Eliza Laura Ross from the Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley shared this photo on Facebook with hope that someone may be able to help.

Sara Barrett

Critter Tales Eliza is one of the lucky souls to be taken in by HSTV. She was adopted from there by her forever family about 10 years ago and was visiting Knoxville

Eliza is lost somewhere in Knoxville and needs help finding her way home. Photo submitted

for the holidays when she got out and hasn’t been seen since. She needs medication and I’m sure she misses her family and her safe, warm home. Eliza was last seen in the Rocky Hill area wearing a pink collar with a blue stripe. She is shy and has a sweet temperament. Fortunately, she does have a microchip, so if found there is

a great chance she could be reunited with her family. Info: 257-1330 or 6912745. There is a $500 reward for finding her.

Animal Center team member Kendrall takes a moment to pose with Myrtle, a 5-year- old female basset hound mix. Myrtle is sponsored through the Furry Friends program by our friends at Garden Montessori in Fountain City, which means her adoption fee is prepaid. Thanks to generous donors to the Furry Friend program, many of the adult dogs and cats are sponsored. Donations are also being accepted to the center’s spay/neuter fund for owned pets, which helps families in need meet the needs of their own pets. Myrtle is available for adoption at the main center at 3210 Division St. The “new” center at Young-Williams Animal Village is located at 6400 Kingston Pike. Both facilities are open daily from noon to 6 p.m. Info: 215-6599 or visit www.young-williams.org.

If you have a question or comment for Sara, call 218-9378 or email barretts@shoppernewsnow.com.

Done any tattooing lately?

HEALTH NOTES ■ Cancer survivor support groups, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings, at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee (formerly the Wellness Community), 2230 Sutherland Ave. Support groups for cancer caregivers, Monday evenings. Cancer family bereavement group, Thursday evenings. Info: 546-4661 or www.cancersupportet.org. ■ Lung cancer support group meets 6 p.m. the third Monday of every month at Baptist West Cancer Center, 10820 Parkside Drive. No charge, light refreshments served. Info: Trish or Amanda, 218-7081. ■ Stop Smoking: 215-QUIT (7848) is a program of the Knox County Health Department. The hotline is answered 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Support group meeting for family members or caregivers of an adult with a mental illness is 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at Cherokee Health Systems, 2018 Western Avenue. Info: Rebecca Gill, 602-7807 or www. namiknox.org. ■ UT Hospice conducts ongoing orientation sessions for adults (18 and older) interested in becoming volunteers with its program. No medical experience is required. Training is provided. Info: 544-6279. ■ UT Hospice Adult Grief Support , for any adult who is suffering loss, meets 6 to 7:30 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of every month in the UT Hospice office, 2270 Sutherland Ave. A light supper is served. Info or to reserve a spot: 544-6277.

Santa brightens the holiday spirit with Toni Walker.



any of you have heard of the late Alex Stewart of Sneedville. He is well remembered in a book by his name, “Alex Stewart – Portrait of a Pioneer,” by John Rice Irwin. One of the stories in the book (which was written by Mr. Irwin from many, many personal interviews with Mr. Stewart) tells about how to get rid of trashy neighbors and especially those who don’t bother to pay their rent! Mr. Stewart told Mr. Irwin about a family who was in really hard times. A neighbor, feeling sorry for them, agreed to rent a small house to the family, the rent to be paid by the father cutting wood for his landlord. It wasn’t long until the place looked awful. The renter would come by, talk and eat but had never cut any

wood – just talked and ate off his landlord. The neighbors began to discuss the issue and thought Uncle Boone, the landlord, ought to just “run them off.” Uncle Boone said, “No, I can’t do that – he might come back and burn me out.” To solve the dilemma, it was decided the neighbors would tattoo him. No, I didn’t get the word wrong. Mr. Irwin says in the book that he was sure Mr. Stewart had misspoken until he got home and consulted a dictionary. Webster says: “Tattoo – to puncture the skin with a needle and insert indelible colors so as to leave permanent marks as designs. … 2. Any continuous drumming or rapping; to beat or tap on a

drum or other surface.” In the Middle East during the time of the Old Testament, much of the pagan world was practicing the art of tattooing as a means of deity worship. At issue in the Christian religion is interpreting the body piercing as a desecration of the temple (the body) of the Holy Spirit. A passage in Leviticus 19:28 reads, “You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead, nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.” This has been cited as biblical authority to support the church’s position. One biblical scholar, M.W. Thomson, suggests, however, that Moses favored tattoos and introduced tattoos as a way to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. What happened on Newman’s Ridge in Hancock County has nothing to do with piercing the skin, but rather with the second definition – the noise. When the renter was not at home, a few young neighbors drove a nail near the

window of the house, tied a string to the nail, then tied the other end of the string taut to a tree in the nearby woods. When dark came they rubbed rosin over the string, which made a mournful sound. The renter would come out and look around. Of course, the noise would stop. When he would go back in the house, the strange noise was back. Shortly thereafter, probably having decided the house was “hainted” (haunted), the renter peacefully left the community. Some questions I have about tattooing, which I have never read about or heard of except in this book, are: Could this be the source of many of our own local haunted house stories? I am also thinking that the “string” was metal, since fiddlers rosin their bows. If anyone reading this has heard of this type of tattooing in Union County, please let me know. I wish you joy, happiness and good health in 2012. Bonnie Peters is the Union County Historian and the author of many books. Contact Bonnie at bhpeters@esper. com or 687-3842.


News from the Turkey Creek Public Market Two and a half year-old Gianna Mintz receives a pink dog balloon animal from Grandpa Giggles the Clown. Her mom says, “Pink is her favorite color by far!” They have a sheltie dog named “Duke” she calls “Dukers.” Grandpa Giggles is a balloon artist, DJ and magician available for all occasions. He is at Turkey Creek Public Market weekends. Info: Sally Godo of “doc popcorn” gives a sample to Rose-Marie AlGrandpagiggles.com or frey, who enjoys it immensely! The popcorn is “all natural all phone 423-356-0175. the time” with no additives or preservatives. Jane Dunigan learns about safety products from Brian Thornton, owner of Advantage Security. His slogan is “Your safety is my business.” He has a unique alarm system to save you money which will contact you (up to five contact numbers) directly by phone when it detects an intruder. Thornton also offers installation on surveillance and alarm systems.

January offers hot deals at Turkey Creek Public Market One of Pepper Palace’s many tasting stations where you can sample their many sauces. They have from mild to wild, everything from one to 10, for cooking and for those who just like extreme heat. Owner Denise Vaughan may be reached at pepperpalacetk@charter.net. Belta’s Doll Boutique offers handcrafted, high-quality, affordable outfits for the American Girl and other dolls. The puzzle pieces outfit raises awareness for autism.

Jetta Boone reupholsters many unique furniture items such as this set.

Musician Robert Cobb entertains the shoppers on a Sunday afternoon at the Turkey Creek Public Market. Photos by T. Edwards of TEPHOTOS.com

Special Notices

15 Real Estate Service 53 Houses - Unfurnished 74 Dogs

DAV Chapter 24 has Prevent Foreclosure FREE RENTAL OF Free Report / Free Help POWER OR MANUAL 865-365-8888 WHEEL CHAIRS PreventForeclosureKnoxville.com available for any area disabled veteran. Also looking for donations Apts - Unfurnished 71 of used wheelchairs (power only). Call 765- Like New brick townhouse, 0510 for information. 2 BR, 1 1/2 BA, Turkey Creek area. No pets. ck. $350 dep. $650 Homes 40 Credit mo. 1 yr lease. 865-986-0905 ***Web ID# 914101*** SELL YOUR HOUSE SOUTH, 2 BR, 1 BA, IN 9 DAYS 1200SF, appls., priv. 865-365-8888 no pets/ www.TNHouseRelief.com $675/mo+dep, smoking. 865-577-6289

For Sale By Owner 40a

Apts - Furnished 72

NEWPORT. 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 story, approx 2 yrs WALBROOK STUDIOS old with 1568 +/- SF. 5 1-3 60 7 361 Woodson Dr. $140 2 weekly. Discount Asking $114,900 & avail. Util, TV, Ph, owner will finance Stv, Refrig, Basic w/$5,750 dwn. Bill Cable. No Lse. 877-488-5060, ext 323


40w Houses - Unfurnished 74

Double Wide on perm. foundation on 1.33 ac, log sided, 3 BR, 2 BA, paved driveway, carport, off Hwy 72 in Loudon. $59,900 w/ownr fin. 865-986-0905 ***Web ID# 914104***

Cemetery Lots


3 BR, 1 BA in Del Rio, TN, near N.C. border, beautiful country setting with creek. $550 mo, $550 dep. 865-414-4366 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA home off John Sevier near UT/downtown, stove, frig., & W/D hookups. $850/mo. + dep. No pets. Credit check. 865-385-2860

2 CEMETERY Plots, vaults & stone, will CLAXTON-Powell, 3BR 2 BA, spacious, sell $2800. (Value $8000). Highland convenient, 1st/L/DD No pets. 865-748-3644 South. 865-654-4607.

Jetta Boone sews while greeting guests at her booth. She creates custom-designed dresses, apparel, accessories, handbags and home furnishings. Her expertise also includes reupholsterFrameworks Custom Framing carries limited edition sports prints by Ben Teeter, including this ing, window treatments and one of Pat Summitt. It also offers picture framing, imports, jewelry and home décor. cornice boards.

141 Dogs

141 Buildings for Sale 191 Campers

NW, Lovely 3BR, 1 1/2 Boxer fem. puppy, POO-CHI PUPPIES, BA, big kit, all appls, AKC, P.O.P., 12 wks, adorable, 2 F, 1 M, Cumberland Est area, Black w/wht markings. vet checked, $250. $725. Nice! 414-7616. $350. secondchance 865-257-6002 2211@yahoo.com 865WEST, 3BR, 2BA, 577-7103 or 865-300-8487 freshly updated, ***Web ID# 914651*** Many different trash included. $850 breeds Maltese, mo. 865-740-9215. BOXER PUPS, AKC, Yorkies, Malti-Poos, Females. $300 Poodles, Yorki-Poos, WEST, Log Cabin, Ready Now! Shih-Poos, shots & 3BR, 2BA, sunroom, 423-638-7048 wormed. We do 751 Dixon Rd. $975. ***Web ID# 914514*** layaways. Health Call 865-966-3621. guar. Div. of Animal Bull Mastiff puppies, Welfare State of TN, reg, M $700, F Dept. of Health, Condo Rentals 76 AKC $550. Champion Lic. # COB0000000015 bldlns. 423-253-3480 423-566-0467 N.E. New 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, 2 car gar., frpl, lots CANE CORSO Puppies, Rottweiler Pups, Gerof upgrades, $950 mo. man Bldline, AKC/ CKC, Belmonte & 599-8174; 865-938-7200 Roman, champ. bldln. fem., DNA, parents on site $450. 865-426-4841 $1200. 865-247-8474 ***Web ID# 913087*** Manf’d Homes - Sale 85 ***Web ID# 913079*** COCKER SPANIEL 1 SHIH TZU PUPPIES, AKC, small type, yr old male & fem., FSBO $25/SQ FT IN beautiful colors. shots & worming UTD, WEST KNOX! 1792 sq $275 up. 865-637-4277 $125 ea. 865-376-6484 ft, 2006 28x64, strg YORKIE TERRIER bldg. Perfect cond, nicest community in GREAT DANE PUPS Pup, 8 wks, AKC, Knox, 3 lakes, club- AKC, 1/2 Euro., $500+. female, $500. Call www.Lckennels.com 865-291-8428. house, swimming, 270-566-4167 bkgrnd check req'd. $45,000. Call 865-362- ***Web ID# 914637*** 5583 for recording. Free Pets 145 LAB PUP, absolutely gorgeous, black fem, I BUY OLDER really sweet, 4 mo., 108 yr MOBILE HOMES. 1990 up, any size OK. ch bdln on father, Parents ADOPT! on prem. $450+/- Text if 865-384-5643 possible 865-560-6866 Looking for a lost ***Web ID# 910636*** pet or a new one? Dogs 141 Visit YoungLAB PUPS, AKC, choc. Williams Animal 2 M, 4 F, Vet ck'd. AIREDALES, POP, Center, the official S&W. Exp'd. breeder. Parents AKC reg., $325-$375. 865-654-1582 shelter for the City S&W, tails docked, of Knoxville & Knox $125. 865-932-0351 LAB PUPS, AKC, County: 3201 DiCHI-POO puppies, ylw & choc. 1st shots, vision St. Knoxville. dew claws remvd, adorable, 2 F, 1 M. knoxpets.org $300. 865-306-4945 vet checked, $250. or 603-6176. 865-257-6002


235 Sport Utility

261 Flooring

330 Roofing / Siding

U.S. STEEL BUILDING CAMPERS WANTED CADILLAC ESCALADE CERAMIC TILE instal20x24x12, brand new, We buy travel trailers, Luxury 2000, AT, lation. Floors/ walls/ $3,800. 5th Wheels, Motor pearl, tan leather, repairs. 32 yrs exp, 865-388-8808 homes & Pop-Up 153k mi, all pwr, exc work! John 938Campers. Will pay new tires, good 3328 cash. 423-504-8036 cond. $7500. 865-6549939; 453-9939 Household Furn. 204 Mattresses. Sealy, Stearns & Foster, Serta, Qn & King $499-$799. 865-947-2337

Household Appliances 204a

I BUY junk cars. 865.456.5249 or 865.938.6915

Imports Auto Accessories 254

1 YR. OLD Maytag deluxe washer & 5.9L ENGINE dryer, $450. Call 360 motor from 2001 865-566-4636. 1500 4x4 Dodge Ram truck, $400 obo. sz. 33x1250 Medical Supplies 219 3onTIRES, 17" black wagon wheel rims, Parnellie 2 POWER CHAIRS, Jones tires, $150 ea. obo. like new, must sell. PROGRAMMER Super Charger for $500 each. Call 865-457-4955. 1998-'2001 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, $200 obo. SMT Health System Call 865-384-1131. Rock King X3000 Wheelchair, used 1 yr. Asking $1000, (orig. Antiques Classics 260 $2200). 865-567-2089. 1941 FORD PU, stored many years, Boats Motors 232 for good body & fenders, orig motor still in HOUSEBOAT 2000, truck, $8500. 423-312sharp, 16x70, priced 0479; 423-581-2320 to sell $155,000. Like new. Custom built. 1957 BUICK 2 dr hdtp, Too many opts to orig paint, great list. Norris Lake. body, good chrome, 865-922-9138 needs restoring, $8500. 423-312-0479; 423-581-2320



AVION 1995, Top of the line. Good cond. $14,500. 865-803-1106; 803-1343


Autos Wanted 253

1981 Corvette 54K orig. mi., beautiful car, perfect cond. $16,000. 865-679-1421 ***Web ID# 914280***



HAROLD'S GUTTER SERVICE. Will clean front & back $20 & up. Quality work, guaranteed. Call 288-0556.

BMW 328i 2007, 62k mi, dark blue ext., grey lthr int., loaded, exc. cond. $17,900. 865-742-5854 ***Web ID# 913033*** MERCEDES SLK230 Conv. 2002, white, 27K mi, 1 owner, $19,500. 865-458-2112 ***Web ID# 914193***



CHEVY CAPRICE Classic 1986, 52K orig. mi., 4 dr., 305 V8. Very clean, AC works. $3500 obo. 865-640-5723

338 FORD MUSTANG GT Landscaping 2010, Loaded! Hail damage. Less than 3K LANDSCAPING MGMT ^ mi. $23,500. 865-805-7236. Design, install, mulch, small tree/shrub work, FORD TAURUS 2008 weeding, bed renewal, SEL, 35K mi., moondebri clean-up. Free roof, lthr., loaded, estimates, 25 yrs exp! $10,750. 865-591-4239. Mark Lusby 679-9848 Cleaning


NEED HOUSE CLEANING HELP? Call Mary. Excellent refs. Affordable rates. 455-2174.




Wellness Center improves Ridenour’s quality of life Lisa Wolf

By Aaron Killian


Happy New Year ALL year It’s that time of year again…everyone is setting goals to be better or do better in some way. The Wellness Center is no exception – we have set our New Year’s Resolution to be better for you! The Wellness Center exists to help you achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle and this year, we have a new program in place to do just that! In addition to a personal orientation to the facility, membership to The Wellness Center now includes: ■ Comprehensive Assessment (biometrics, fitness testing and goal-setting) ■ One 1-hour Session with a personal trainer ■ One 1-hour Session with a Registered Dietitian ■ Wellness Check-In ■ Reassessment This series of individual meetings will help you get on track and stay focused on achieving your goals. With personalized attention to both your fitness and nutrition needs, you will be better equipped to make healthier choices that work for you. Do you ever think about how many of us make the same resolutions year after year when it comes to our health and fitness? Isn’t it time to commit to something that really works? If you are completely intimidated by a gym or don’t feel comfortable with the equipment, we will be with you every step of the way. Whether you are an avid exerciser, haven’t worked out in years, or even have a chronic medical condition, our credentialed staff is here to assist you on your journey to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. When is the last time you felt good about exercise, good about yourself, or just plain good? Let us help you make this your healthiest year yet!

ary Ella Ridenour’s quest to live a healthier life has been a journey, not a destination – a journey, she says, on which the staff at The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs has led her all along the way. “These people are not over there for your membership,” Ridenour said. “They’re there to help you learn how to live better and feel better. They just care. They just care, and it makes all the difference in the world.” Ridenour said the personal attention she receives from the staff is what has helped her lose 14 pounds and make drastic improvements in her health. “This has been amazing, and I’ll say it’s only 14 pounds,” Ridenour said. “The weight is not the important thing. It’s the way I feel.” Before Ridenour entered the 12-week LiveWELL Program, she was beginning to struggle with issues with her knees. “My husband of just a year and a half is the model of health, and we dance two or three times a week,” Ridenour said. “Well, I could not keep up. He’s 12 years older than me, and I couldn’t keep up with him. My knees were hurting so bad, having to ice them every time we’d get home.” Ridenour said something as simple as walking up and down the stairs in her splitlevel home caused her extreme pain. She knew she had to do something, so she joined the LiveWELL Program. “We concentrated on strengthening those muscles around my knees,” Ridenour

said. “Of course, the weight loss is the main part because the weight was putting so much pressure on my knees, but those exercises strengthened my knees.” And Ridenour says that strengthening her knees has made all of the difference in

New classes for the New Year By Aaron Killian The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs is launching new classes to help people be healthier for 2012. The new classes complement the array of health and fitness courses already available at the center and focus on everything from yoga to nutrition. Wellness Coordinator Mike Wigger said, “The classes we’re adding are a good way to challenge members to try new things and be healthy. For those who are trying to get started, we want to show them how to incorporate small changes, lasting changes that make a difference in their health.” On Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 5:30 p.m., the Wellness Center will host a free information session about the LiveWELL Lifestyle Change Program. Attendees will meet the instructors to get a detailed description and overview of the program, and past participants will share their success stories and experiences. LiveWELL is the Wellness Center’s comprehensive program that combines fitness and nutrition to influence positive and healthy lifestyle changes. The approach will help participants learn how to manage stressors in life in order to improve control and help achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Attendees will also hear about plans to expand the LiveWELL

ROUTINE It’s a brand new year, a routine ed to is just what you need transform yourself. e Change Program Prog LiveWell Lifestyle Informational meeting: eeting: esday January Jan ry 10th 5:30 p. Tuesday p.m.

a member of provision health alliance

1400 Dowell Springs Blvd. (off Middlebrook Pike)


Mary Ella Ridenour compares labels on breakfast bars at a local grocery store to see which is a healthier choice. Photo by Aaron Killian


the world to her daily life. “I can go up and down the steps with no pain. I’m telling you zero pain and never even think about my knees anymore,” Ridenour said. “Being able to dance without worrying about the knee pain is huge to me.”

Ridenour also sleeps better and fits into smaller clothes. The LiveWELL Program also taught her things she can do outside of the center to assist with her journey of a healthier lifestyle. “We took a class on nutrition about the types of proteins, the carbs, the whole grains,” Ridenour said. “I eat a lot more vegetables and a lot more fruit, but I don’t count calories. We eat out a lot, and that has not changed. I just make healthier choices when we do go out to eat.” Ridenour compares labels when she grocery shops and now understands what she should eat and what she should avoid. Ridenour said she realized through the LiveWELL Program that in order to live a healthier lifestyle the changes must become a part of her life. “I don’t want to say it’s a way of life because that has several connotations, but it’s just what you do,” Ridenour said. “So many people that have tried weight loss programs and failed have an ending point, and then once they’ve gotten to that ending point they’ve gone back to those same habits they were doing before they started the diet or the exercise plan. “If you’re tired of starting over, then stop quitting.”

program in the spring to include targeted versions of the program including: LiveWELL Active, LiveWELL Pregnancy, LiveWELL Senior and LiveWELL Teen. Those interested in learning about how nutrition impacts health can sign up to take the class “What is really making us fat?” which is an in-depth look at the foods we eat and their role in weight management. The 60-minute class is designed to change the way attendees look at the food they eat and is available during these times: ■ Jan. 11 – 5:30 p.m. ■ Jan. 25 – noon ■ Feb. 1 – 5:30 p.m. Participants interested in learning nutrition tips that will help this year’s resolutions stick can take the class “Diets Don’t Work” with Wellness Center dietitians who will explore the different commercial diets, explain why they are not sustainable and show why they often fail. Wigger said, “Diets Don’t Work is part of our healthy eating series that we do for our members, but the public may attend for a small fee, and What Is Making Us Fat is a special nutrition class that will be done by our chief dietitian.” The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs is also beginning a 12week workshop called “Yoga for Endurance,” which is designed for – but not limited to – runners, cyclists and tri-athletes. Beginning on Wednesday, Jan. 11, from 6:45 - 8:15 p.m., the weekly class will focus on full body strength and flexibility, which may lead to better times for competitive athletes. For more information or to sign up for a class, call The Wellness Center at Dowell Springs at 232-1414 or visit livewellknoxville.com.



A Shopper-News Special Section

January 2, 2012

Massage therapy has many health benefits

said, can release those toxins so that the body can expel them. “When you eat properly, you’re putting the right nourishment in. But when you don’t eat properly, you need to get those toxins flushed,” Martin said. “Your body produces toxins – whether you’re eating properly or not – and it’s very beneficial to get those toxins out and to keep those muscles loose, especially if you’re doing an exercise regimen.” Martin said different massages address different issues, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, prenatal stress, shoulder and neck tension, and more. Martin added, “I have some clients I see once a month or once a week that really have some deep issues, like scar tissue issues, and (massages) keep that broken down.” Beyond the health benefits, Martin said it’s a great way to relax. “While you’re lying there for the hour, you’re getting to rest your mind and your body,” Martin said. “Everything gets to relax at once and gets to rejuvenate itself.”

Feel good, reduce stress By Aaron Killian


assages are not just for mother/ daughter outings anymore. Rindi Martin, a licensed massage therapist of seven years in East Tennessee, said massages have many health benefits. “It’s an excellent way to reduce stress, which everyone has in their life in one form or another,” Martin said. “It increases the circulation and helps bring your oxygen and your nutrition to your tissues that remove toxins from your body as you get a massage.” Martin said that toxins build up inside the body from the foods we eat and from the things we do daily. Massages, Martin



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Technology boosts weight loss By Aaron Killian Amy Tauscher is half the woman she used to be. Literally.

Modern way of losing weight Since 2003, Tauscher has shed and kept off more than 100 pounds, and she says she did it with the aid of technology. From the Internet to smartphone apps, Tauscher found new ways to stay on the cutting edge of her weight loss journey.

Weighing more than 225 pounds eight years ago, Tauscher knew she needed to do something about her weight but did not know how to get started, so she turned to the Web. “The Internet is a wonderful resource,” Tauscher said. “You can go online and figure out your basal metabolic rate to find out what your body burns in a day based on how many pounds you want to lose. “YouTube videos are great, too. They have exercises you can do if you’re crunched for money or time.” Tauscher said the journey to her target weight was not an easy one. “It took me about five years to lose 100 pounds because there were some pla-

teaus, and there some times in my life in that five-year period that I had tragedies and losses,” Tauscher said. “But then I got really serious about it in 2007, and I reached the 100-pound mark then. And I have been in the maintenance phase since January of 2008.” Tauscher said that when she needed help with maintaining her weight, she turned to technology once again and continues to do so today. “I use apps on my iPhone,” Tauscher said. Tauscher has apps to assist with mapping runs, showing her different exercises, researching fast food nutritional facts and tracking calories. When Tauscher eats a meal, she plugs the nutri-

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Amy Tauscher shows her son, Caleb, how large her clothes used to be when she was more than 100 pounds heavier in 2003. Photo by Aaron Killian

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tional data into an iPhone app called LoseIt, and the app automatically deducts the calories from her daily budget. Tauscher said some apps are so advanced that she does not even have to enter the information into the app herself. “You can scan your food by the barcode, and it’ll pull it up and show you the calories for that food,” Tauscher said. Apps will even adjust calorie allotment for exercises. “Say I exercise today and do high impact aerobics for 30 minutes and burn 200 calories,” Tauscher said. “The app adds those calories back into my budget, so I’m allowed to eat 200 more calories for the day.” Tauscher noted that technology is not a substitute for hard work and warns against fad diets and exercises that promise to help a person shed pounds quickly. “It’s just dedication,” Tauscher said. “You have to change your whole life and your mentality about food and exercise and do what is right, because if you lose it quickly, you’re going to gain it back just as quickly – and then some.” Tauscher plans to get her personal trainer certification this spring and share with people what she has learned during her eight-year journey. “I want to help people live a healthier lifestyle – not only losing weight, but also a healthier lifestyle because it’s 80 percent mental and 20 percent physical,” Tauscher said. “That’s my ultimate goal – to help people – because I truly believe if I can lose 100 pounds, then anybody can if they really set their mind to it.”

Special Sections MyFITNESS, 1/02 MyLIFE, 1/23 MyOUTDOORS, 2/27 MyPLACE, 4/02 MyKIDS, 5/07 MyOUTDOORS, 6/04 MyLIFE, 7/16 MYKIDS, 8/06 MyPLACE, 10/08 MyHOLIDAY, 11/12 MyHOLIDAY, 12/03 MyFITNESS, 12/31


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your workout to www.motoactv.com to analyze the performance data tracked by the device – and challenge your friends to beat your latest stats. “A little competition can be a big motivator,â€? explains PeĂąa. â– Mix it up – It’s important to make a fitness schedule and stick to it, but that doesn’t mean doing the same routine over and over. To stay motivated, try changing your workout. From walking to running to cycling, you can always find a new activity to challenge yourself – and you can bring MOTOACTV with you. Sweat-proof and rain-resistant, this device also features a scratchresistant Corning Gorilla Glass display. You can wear it on your wrist, clip it to your shirt or purchase a mount to attach it to your bike during an outdoor ride, making it easy to change up your activities to keep you interested (sold separately). â– Turn up the volume – “Music is key for most of my clients. When they’re running out of steam, the right song can help put them on track to meet their fitness goals,â€? says PeĂąa. Creating playlists of different music that keeps you motivated for different types of activities can really help keep you going. Remember to refresh playlists, as you can quickly tire of the same music. “MOTOACTV is a personal trainer and a DJ all at the same time,â€? says Lopez. “It tracks all the data I need – from pace, heart rate, distance, miles logged – and it plays all my favorite music. It even knows the music I perform to best, which I have never seen before.â€?

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Photo Courtesy of Getty Images

In addition, users can stay tangle-free, since the device allows you to enjoy a completely wireless workout via stereo Bluetooth enabled headphones, sold separately. For more information on the new MOTOACTV from Motorola, visit www.motoactv.com. – Family Features

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Call today for your FREE Workout!

In 2012, millions mil illi lli lion ion onss of people will make a vow to lose weight or start a fitness plan, but many will lose the motivation it takes to sustain a fit and active lifestyle within just a few weeks. With the right tools and support, finding motivation to stay fit can be a snap. New York Times best-selling author, and “Extraâ€? TV host Mario Lopez finds his motivation to stay fit by using the techniques of his personal trainer, Jimmy PeĂąa. Now, PeĂąa wants to help people keep their fitness vows using the same techniques by offering these simple tips to maintain motivation all year long: â– Start small – If you haven’t been active in a long time, don’t stress your muscles by doing too much too fast. Start slowly by taking the stairs or squeezing in a 20-minute jog on your lunch break. â– Build up endurance – Track your progress and continue to build upon your exercise activities – whether you’re running or jogging a route, walking a path, biking, swimming or weight training – to push yourself a little farther each week. â– Grab a partner – “You can improve exercise performance by having a partner who pushes you to your limits. But if you prefer to workout solo, the built-in audio trainer in the new MOTOACTV from Motorola can provide motivation. It’s like having a personal trainer right in your ear,â€? says PeĂąa. The new device tracks fitness stats including time, distance, heart rate and even calories burned. Then, upload

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