Farragut Shopper-News 050416

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VOL. 10 NO. 18

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Farragut resident helps with


May 4, 2016


four-day police bike ride

By Carolyn Evans

Stream treasure hunt is SaturdayÂ

When 2,000 bicyclists ride into the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Park, the last person they will pass is Farragut resident Kevin Greene. He will be directing riders to either end of the memorial, where names of fallen officers are engraved. Greene is a 12-year veteran with the Knox County Sheriff’s Office, a current reserve officer and the head of security for First Baptist Concord and Concord Christian School. The father of two is helping 14 riders from East Tennessee participate in the four-day Police Unity Ride, from New Jersey to Washington, D.C. The local riders will be some of 2,000 who are raising money to pay for the upkeep of the privately-funded memorial. The ride starts May 9 and ends in D.C. on May 12, kicking off National Police Week. Greene will leave May 6, with motorcycle officer Glen Simerly, to drive the bikes, luggage and three BMW motorcycles to the start of the ride at East Rutherford, N.J. His dad, Lieutenant Bob Greene, was in Knox County law enforcement for 32 years. This is his second year helping with the race, and he just finished putting blue lights on the outside of the trailer and cleaning it out. “I tell the team that while they’re out doing 30-mile training rides, the least I can do is scrub

The town of Farragut will host a stream treasure hunt on Saturday, May 7, from 10 a.m. to noon. Volunteers will walk along the banks of and within a Farragut stream hunting for “treasure.� Past volunteers have been surprised at what sometimes gets buried in and along a stream, finding flat screen TVs, couches, carpet, bicycles, car frames, baseballs and hubcaps. Getting in the water is not a requirement; plenty of trash can be found on the stream bank as well. Volunteers will be provided with waders, trash pickers, trash bags, safety vests and gloves. As part of the “One Year Down the Drain� project, the Town of Farragut aims to conduct a stream cleanup each month for a year. The waste collected is displayed at the town’s outdoor classroom. Register for the May 7 event at www.volunteerknoxville.org. The meeting location was unknown at press time and will be emailed after volunteers register online. Info: Lori Saal at lsaal@townoffarragut.org or 966-7057

Kevin Greene stands behind the trailer that he’ll use to transport bicycles and motorcycles to New Jersey. The reserve officer with the Knox County Sheriff’s Office heads security for First Baptist Concord and Concord Christian School. He is helping make it possible for 14 local bicyclists to participate in the four-day Police Unity Ride May 9-12. the floor of the trailer.� He hasn’t really considered riding himself. “I’ve always been a behind-thescenes kind of guy,� he says. As the bikers put in 60 to 100 miles each day, Greene will have their luggage waiting at the hotels. Last year he saw the Law Enforcement Memorial for the first time. “When I got there, one of my

friends who’d been in my wedding ‌ his name was on the wall,â€? he says. His friend, Keith Lyon, was an assistant chief deputy at the Knox County Sheriff’s Office and was also his supervisor. “Once I left, we remained good friends and he was a groomsman in my wedding. He was killed when some boys were drag-racing on Schaad Road and his department vehicle was struck head-on. When

I first saw his name on the wall, I wasn’t emotionally prepared for it. I went to Keith’s name and started doing a rub with a paper and absolutely fell apart ‌. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. It was a parent of a safety patrol kid. He was crying as hard as I was. He said, ‘I have no idea what you’re going through, but this just seemed the right thing to do.’ All I could say was ‘Thank you.’â€?

Legislative wrap State Rep. Jason Zachary will host a “session wrapâ€? to discuss the recently completed General Assembly from 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday, May 10, at Farragut town hall. Everyone is invited.

Farragut Freedom Run ahead By Wendy Smith Much of last week’s Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen agenda was taken up by second readings, but the announcement of a new running event started the meeting with a bang. The Fleet Feet Knoxville Running Club plans to host the Farragut Freedom Run on July 4 just before Farragut’s Independence Day Parade, announced Fleet Feet owner Shahin Hadian. He hopes the one- and two-mile events will attract runners of all levels. The race will be held on the parade route, which is Kingston Pike from Concord Road to Boring Road. The flat course could result

Thomas kickoff Knox County Commissioner Bob Thomas will kick off his campaign for county mayor at the same place Tim Burchett announced his candidacy seven or so years ago. All are invited to a free baloney lunch with R.C. Colas and Moon Pies from 11:30 to 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, at Powell Auction and Realty, 6729 Pleasant Ridge Road behind the Clinton Highway Walmart. Commissioner Ed Brantley will serve as master of ceremonies for his friend and colleague Thomas. Entertainment will be provided by the Chillbillies, and Sammy “Barney� Sawyer will make the rounds.

By Sandra Clark Mayor Madeline Rogero called for $2.7 million for sidewalks and crosswalks across the city, when she presented her budget last week, including $750,000 for sidewalks within school Parental Responsibility Zones and another $750,000 for new sidewalk construction. Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett will present his budget Monday, May 9. We’ll see then what he proposes. Regardless, sidewalks present a dilemma – residents at planning meetings consistently request them; some like those in West Hills even rally at 7 a.m. to demonstrate the need for sidewalks. Yet sidewalks are a low budget priority for decision-makers, al-

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ate wording that limits the height of any building on the property to 25 feet, “as measured from the front yard grade or elevation to the average height of the highest roof surface.� Board members thanked Falk for his patience, since it took almost a year to achieve zoning that would accommodate the proposed facility. The board approved an ordinance, on second reading, that amends the State Street Aid Fund by moving a balance of $458,000 from FY2015 to FY2016, since the invoice for the work was received this year. It also approved, on second reading, an amendment to the

Businesses, Peddlers, Solicitors chapter in the Municipal Code. Janet Wedekind, the town’s human resources manager, asked the board to approve a change in the Supplemental Retirement Plan’s custodial bank. The current custodian of the plan, which was adopted in 2011 for five employees, has terminated its relationship with the town. The plan is fully funded. USI Consulting Group, which contracts with the town, recommended Commercial Bank & Trust as the new custodial bank, and the board approved the change. To page A-3

Sidewalk study shows needs in school zones

(865) 218-WEST (9378)

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in new state records, he said. The event begins at 9 a.m. and should be completed in time for the 9:30 a.m. parade. The board approved, on second reading, an ordinance to rezone a 4.7-acre parcel at the intersection of Campbell Station Road and Herron Road from R-2 (General Single Family Residential) to S-1 (Community Service). The applicant, Peter Falk, plans to build an assisted living facility there. The ordinance was approved on first reading with the added condition that no building on the property should exceed one story. Staff consulted with Falk’s architect and the town attorney to cre-

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most at the bottom of the wants and needs list. A January 2014 study prepared for the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works by Transportation Consultants Inc. identified locations within the county having the greatest potential and actual usage of walk-toschool trips. The study showed 22,322 of Knox County’s 59,276 students live within the Parental Responsibility Zones where bus transportation is not provided. Using a complex formula, planners determined the top schools for walkers if sidewalks were installed. These are, in order: Cedar Bluff Elementary, Londsdale Elementary, Blue Grass Elementary, Belle

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Morris Elementary, Norwood Elementary, Powell Elementary, Powell High School and BrickeyMcCloud Elementary. “Using this knowledge about where the greatest pedestrian demand and/or potential exists should provide a focused starting point for pedestrian project planning,� the report concluded. Seems sensible, yet Knox County has built sidewalks over the past 3-4 years at Halls Elementary and from Karns Elementary to Karns Middle – both areas where political pressure was intense and neither was on the priority list. Just a thought, but why not drop by to chat with Burchett at one of his nine meetings over two days following his budget presentation. And we dare you to walk:

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Monday, May 9: â– Budget presentation, 9 a.m., City County Building â– South Knoxville Senior Center, 11:30 a.m., 6729 Martel Lane â– Strang Senior Center, 1:30 p.m., 109 Lovell Road â– Halls Senior Center, 2:45 p.m., 4405 Crippen Road â– Carter Senior Center, 4 p.m., 9040 Asheville Highway â– Burlington Branch Library, 5:30 p.m., 4614 Asheville Highway Tuesday, May 10: â– Karns Senior Center, 1 p.m., 8042 Oak Ridge Highway â– Cedar Bluff Library, 2 p.m., 9045 Cross Park Drive â– Bearden Library, 3 p.m., 100 Golfclub Road â– Fountain City Library, 4 p.m., 5300 Stanton Road

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