North/East Shopper-News 012517

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VOL. 5 NO. 4


Reform elder law now |

January 25, 2017

Paschal Carter Park has it all, close by

By Shannon Carey All my fellow Gen X’ers, Millennials and younger, give me your attention. You guys, we are so not ready for the Silver Tsunami. If you’ve not heard, that’s the going name for the tidal wave of elderly Andrea Kline folks needing care that’s expected as the Baby Boomers – our parents and grandparents – age. I heard Assistant District Attorney Andrea Kline speak about elder abuse last week, and the statistics she quoted are staggering. Age 85 and over is the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. By 2050, 19.8 million will be over 85. Half will have some kind of dementia. Kline said Tennessee’s laws about elder abuse, her specialty within Knox County District Attorney Charme Allen’s office, are outdated, making it difficult to prosecute those who prey on the elderly. Written in the 1970s, those laws were cutting-edge at the time, but they need a reboot. She said, and I agree, “It’s time for a change, and the time is now.” More statistics: 47 percent of elders will suffer abuse by their caregivers, and only one in 19 of those cases will be reported. Examples include physical abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. The stories will break your heart, like the one Kline shared about an unnamed 90-yearold woman who was left in a bathtub for four days by her “caregiver” son with nothing but a Honeybun and a yogurt to sustain her. Shocking? “Things like that happen all the time,” said Kline. She receives between five and 20 referrals a day, although she does not prosecute them all. She, along with Knoxville and Knox County law enforcement and Adult Protective Services, set up the first VAPIT (Vulnerable Adult Protective Investigation Team) in the state, making it a model that is now required in every Tennessee DA’s office. Kline is also part of a team that has drafted a new section of code for state law dealing just with elder abuse. The proposed change is modeled after child abuse laws because “these victims are vulnerable in ways similar to children.” To page A-3

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Paschal Carter Park is a tucked-away treasure that offers year-round outdoor enjoyment.

The old Carter Mill wheel sits on its original stone foundation.

By Esther Roberts If you are looking for a great local spot for a gentle hike, picnic, cookout, family reunion or a fun day outdoors with the kids, look no farther than Paschal Carter Park. Located at 9217 Carter Mill Road, Paschal Carter Community Park (“Carter Park”) is easy to find and quickly accessible from downtown or anywhere on the east side of Knox County. Carter Park provides visitors with a scenic and secluded venue for numerous out-

Three of the mill stones used in the original Carter Mill door activities. There are plenty of excellent spots for picnicking, including a covered shed with ample space for at least a hundred people, individual picnic tables set up along the crisp creek that flows directly from Carter Mill Spring, and numerous

Photos by Esther Roberts

grassy spaces for an old-fashioned blanket-and-basket picnic on the ground. Standing charcoal grills are available throughout the picnic area. For children, there is a level play area, complete with several slides, swings and climbing bars.

Carter Mill Creek also offers many opportunities for enjoying and exploring aquatic habitat. The centerpiece of the picnic area is the old Carter Mill wheel, which sits aloft its original stone foundation as a reminder of the once-active millhouse that has long since vanished. Three of the original mill stones have been laid along a nearby knoll. Close inspection of the stones reveals one complete set of mill stones and one without its mate. To page A-3

2 seek fairness in school rezoning By Betty Bean From Farragut to Gibbs, from South Knoxville to Hardin Valley, the Butlers have sat in school auditoriums listening to the concerns of parents and community members who are bracing themselves for a massive middle school rezoning. What the Rev. John and the Rev. Donna Butler (they are both ordained ministers) say

they want in their own communities is pretty much the same as what other communities want: State-of-the-art neighborhood schools, a 21st century curriculum, first-rate teachers and administrators who represent their community. “Our communities are not all black, so we don’t expect all black teachers,” John Butler

said. “But we do want a good representation of what our community looks like. And we also would have liked for the school board, before they made decisions, to have included the whole community and formulated a plan before they made the decision for the benefit of a specific population only.” To page A-3

Here’s a thought: Ask a teacher By Lauren Hopson

Kids need to be kids. Children don’t have enough time just to play anymore. These are statements heard regularly from teachers and parents alike. Recess times have gotten whittled down from 30 minutes to 15 in many schools across the state. Some schools don’t offer recess on days that Hopson students have physical education class. Teachers are starting to use all kinds of gadgets from exercise balls to pedal desks and fidget toys, just to give students an outlet for their boundless energy. Knee deep in good intentions, our friendly local legislators jumped in to save the day! This past fall, a new Tennessee law went into effect that altered the structure of the school day. It mandated additional time for public school students to engage in unstructured physical activity, otherwise known as recess. I imagine the sponsors of this bill were reacting to data about the health of our children and outcries from con-

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teachers are thankful that they may have a more workable schedule next year, many are wary that taking away all time requirements may allow districts to skimp on recess again. If physical activity is so important, why on earth would school systems do this? The answer lies in our obsession with feeding the testing beast. As long as test scores are used inappropriately to judge schools, administrators and educators, districts are going to be tempted to use every possible minute for instruction of subjects that can be assessed by TN Ready. Last I checked, recess is not a tested subject, but apparently, you can do math and sit on a bouncy ball at the same time. The lesson to be learned here is that crafting legislation should always involve asking the experts. Healthcare workers should be consulted on medical legislation. Safety policies should be crafted with input from the police. Maybe we should also ask teachers how legislation will actually translate to the classroom. Lauren Hopson is president of the Knox County Education Association and a mom.


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cerned parents and teachers. In theory, if kids need more exercise, then let’s give it to them. While we were watching harmful bills that would drain funds from public education by funding charter schools and voucher programs, this seemingly helpful one snuck up on us. It came as a great surprise to administrators who were suddenly tasked with fitting in additional periods of recess between 90-minute math and reading blocks, lunchtimes, related arts classes and intervention schedules. Bad weather, limited playground space and seven-hour days became issues. A couple extra 15-minute breaks per day may not seem like a big deal until you are faced with the nonexistent sense of urgency of a 7-year-old who needs to find his coat, go to the bathroom, get a drink of water and then play in the water fountain on the way to the playground door. Many of them will probably need to do that again on the way back to the classroom. That is what 7-year-olds do. Happily, Rep. Bill Dunn was quick to recognize the problems and introduced a bill this year to repeal the previous legislation. While

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A-2 • JAnuAry ShoPPer -newS anuary25, 25,2017 2017• •PNowell orth/E ast Shopper news

health & lifestyles

Law & Aorta

FSRMC surgeons mend ex-NYPD detective’s tell-tale heart Lt. Joe Kenda, TV’s “Homicide Hunt­ er,” is showing in the living room of John and Barbara Mohl’s Sevierville condo­ minium, but neither is watching. That’s because Mohl, a retired detec­ tive with the New York Police Depart­ ment, has plenty of true crime stories of his own. His were the kind of high­pro­ file cas es that might evoke a signature “My, my, my” from Kenda himself. But these days, John’s most recent case is a crime of the heart. He was 80 when clogged arteries choked off his heart in August 2015, sending him to the ER at LeConte Medical Center. From there, he was sent to Fort Sanders Re­ gional Medical Center for a triple bypass and valve repair. That, however, wasn’t the worst of it. Tests prior to his bypass surgery revealed a deadly secret – he also had an abdomi­ nal aortic aneurysm (AAA), a balloon­ like dilation of the largest blood vessel that leads from the heart, down through the abdomen to the rest of the body. It was almost three times its normal “gar­ den hose” size. The great majority can be treated with a stent; however, Mohl’s an­ eurysm involved the kidney arteries and plaque­related blockages of his iliac and femoral arteries, requir ing open repair. If it ruptured, the odds were 90 per­ cent he wouldn’t make it. Even without a rupture, repairing it would not be easy on him or his surgeon. Mohl would have to wait more than six months to heal from his open­heart surgery before his body could withstand the rigors of an open AAA, one of medicine’s more chal­ lenging and complicated surgeries. Vascular surgeons Richard Young, MD, and Michael Kro­ pilak, MD, met that chal­ lenge in an operation at Fort Sanders Regional. “We always double­scrub on open A AA surger ies to increase the speed and quality of the repair,” said Dr. Young. “Every case is different, but an open Richard AAA is a major operation Young, M.D. for any patient.” Through a large incision on Mohl’s

Ex-NYC detective John Mohl and his wife, Barbara, are back to their quiet life after John’s vascular surgery at Fort Sanders Regional.

abdomen, Dr. Young clamped the aorta above and below the aneurysm to stop the blood f low. Then he replaced the diseased vessels with a polyester graft. After it was attached, they removed the clamps to restore blood f low and closed the incision.

Two weeks later, a happy­to­be­alive Mohl was discharged from the hospi­ tal. “There are not enough accolades for these two doctors,” he said. “They did a marvelous job. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be sitting here. They may say things that you think are blunt but

Hidden killer:

AAA often goes undetected, untreated Think you would know an abdominal aortic aneu­ rysm if you had one? Think again. More than half – 62 percent – of AAAs are discov­ ered incidentally, meaning they are found while doctors are searching for something else. For John Mohl, that “something else” came while doctors were looking at a CT scan for a possible pulmonary embolus. Dr. Richard Young, a vascular surgeon at Fort Sand­ ers Regional Medical Center, says the location of AAAs is what makes them so difficult to detect. “They lie along the front of the backbone in the back of the abdomen,” said Dr. Young. He added that while most aneurysms affect the segment of the abdominal aorta below the kidneys, Mohl’s AAA extended up to the kidney renal arteries. What’s more, Dr. Young said, “Almost all are asymp­

tomatic (show no symptoms) until they rupture, leak or begin growing very quickly.” In fact, 75 percent of AAA patients show no symp­ toms at all. Of the 25 percent who do, the most com­ mon is pain in the abdomen, chest, lower back or groin area. The pain may be severe or dull. The occurrence of pain is often associated with the imminent rupture of the aneurysm. Acute, sudden onset of severe pain in the back and/ or abdomen may represent rupture and is a life­threat­ ening medical emergency. Sometimes, a pulsing sensa­ tion, similar to a heartbeat, in the abdomen may be a symptom. More times than not, however, AAAs are diagnosed with CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds or arteriograms while searching for a different problem.

they’re just telling you how it is, and that’s how it should be. In the medical profession, you can’t go sugar­coating things.” Straight talk. It’s a quality Mohl learned to appreciate on some of New York’s toughest streets. He joined the NYPD and began patrolling in June 1956, 11 months before his marriage to Barbara. “He was 21 and looked 12,” she said. “People would throw garbage cans at him from the roof.” In the ensuing years, Mohl worked undercover narcotics, burglary, major crimes and homicides in neighborhoods where surviv al required street smarts. He later became part of the Major Crimes Investigative Unit, working to round up criminals claiming responsibility for high­profile crimes. “I was always too smart to get hurt. Se riously,” said Mohl, whose undercover col leagues included Eddie Egan, who inspired the movie “The French Con­ nection.” “You have to be on the alert. It’s not a game out there. These people play for keeps. You just have to be a little smarter.” These days, Mohl lives the quiet life of a “house husband” and fills his days alongside Barbara, vacuuming, washing dishes, going shopping and watching Joe Kenda on TV. He occasionally helps out at the Rainforest Adventures Discovery Zoo, owned by his daughter and son­in­ law. He would like to see his 90th birth­ day and thanks to Drs. Young and Kropilak and Fort Sanders Regional, he might just do that. “When you come from a big city like New York, you have a sense of superior­ ity, that everything is bet­ ter there,” said Mohl, who still speaks in his native Michael “Brook lynese.” “They may Kropilak, M.D. think ‘All the best hospi­ tals are in New York.’ No, they’re not! They should try Fort Sanders someday.” For more information about vascular surgery at Fort Sanders Regional, call 865-673-FORT or visit

Are you at risk for an abdominal aortic aneurysm? What causes an abdominal aortic aneurysm to form? The exact cause isn’t fully known. Most people, like re­ tired detective John Mohl, who quit smoking 10 to 12 years ago, attribute it to smoking. While it is true that smoking weakens the arterial wall, vascular surgeon Dr. Richard Young says smoking is only part of the problem. “Smoking in itself doesn’t cause AAA,” said Dr. Young. “Risk factors are anything that can weaken the arterial wall, such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking. A family history of aortic abdominal an­ eurysm also increases your risk. Fifteen to 25 percent of patients undergoing AAA repair have a first degree relative with an AAA.” Factors also include age (older than 60), gender (males are four to five times at greater risk than females), genet­ ic factors and obesity.

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North/East Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-3

John Jackson uses music to bring people together East Knoxville resident John Jackson has so many musical irons in the fire that he spends his days going from one tuneful commitment to another, all in the spirit of joy and service. Still recovering from a bout of laryngitis, he’s just returned from a Young Life camp in Jasper, Ga. “We went bananas,” he laughs, describing a boisterous group activity. “I can’t do that kind of stuff in silence.” The exuberant Jackson has been music director at Community Evangelistic Church (CEC) on Boyd’s Bridge Pike for more than 23 years, and part-time music director at Freedom Fellowship Christian Church for 12 years. The Sunday services occur at different times, which makes for a busy morning. But, “I don’t see church as a job. It’s like a life you live with people.” He came to Knoxville from Chicago, where he’d

Carol Z. Shane

been studying music and business at a junior college while working as a mail carrier. In 1986, Robert Shepherd, then president of Knoxville College, visited Jackson’s church to speak about the historic black liberal arts institution. “He was talking and giving his spiel,” Jackson remembers, “and then he turned to me at the piano, pointed, and said, ‘if that kid is proficient in music, we’ll give him a scholarship.’ “He opened that door,” says Jackson, who credits Shepherd with changing the course of his life. “We meet people and through that one encounter God uses

John Jackson rings in the new year with wife April and son Jalan. Photo submitted

School rezoning He is the pastor of Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church in Mechanicsville, but it was in his capacity as president of the Knoxville Chapter of the NAACP that he filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights over possible violations surrounding the decision to build a new Gibbs Middle School. The OCR is investigating why Knox County proceeded with construction of the school despite spending $75,000 on a study in 2015 that concluded that no new middle schools were needed in Knox County. The office is looking at maps of attendance zones, records of current and projected enrollments, breakdown of enrollments by race, records of communications among county officials – including the mayor and his staff; notes and DVDs of meetings where school construction was discussed, and copies of media coverage and criteria and software used for drawing district lines. “I just wish the County Commission would have waited for the OCR concern to be investigated (before voting the funding for Gibbs Middle School),” said Donna Butler. “It proved to me that they had their minds made up without waiting for the data, and that they selfishly made a decision to go ahead with the new school. It’s a continuing slap in the face of the AfricanAmerican community, and if we’re going to build these bridges and have diversified schools, it’s going to have to start with those who have the authority.” What the Butlers do not want to see is the closing of either Holston or Vine Middle Schools in order to fill the new school in Gibbs. “Now, in the rezoning process, we want what the other communities want – neighborhood schools. And that includes Vine and that includes Sarah Moore Greene. And that includes Beaumont and Maynard and Lonsdale – all the communities where minority children, after elementary school, have to get on buses and go to school in other people’s communities for the rest of their time in pub-

COMMUNITY NOTES ■■ Alice Bell Spring Hill Neighborhood Association. Info: Ronnie Collins, 637-9630.

Paschal Carter Park features a playground in the picnic area. The Rev. Donna Butler and the Rev. John Butler have crisscrossed the county attending school rezoning meetings. lic school. We need to have schools at the elementary, middle and high school levels, just like all these other communities have,” John Butler said. The Butlers’ three children – Jeremy, Jennifer and Joshua – are all grown and starting careers and families of their own (Joshua, the youngest, was the valedictorian at Austin-East in 2012, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania last year), but Donna Butler said she is committed

to helping other children reach similar success. “We’ve been blessed,” she said. “And now I’m advocating for other children, and it’s hard to hold my peace when systematic, unfair practices continue to occur and nothing has been done about it.” Butler said she doesn’t begrudge any community advocating for its children. “We don’t want our kids bused and our schools closed at the expense of diversity,” John Butler said.

Elder law

From page A-1

The team hopes Tennessee’s Legislature will adopt these proposals this year. “It’s a huge change, and it’s for the better,” said Kline. “We’re about 20 years behind, and it’s time to step up and make some changes.” Other problems exist. Right now, there is no mirror of child foster care for vulnerable adults, Kline

said. There is a need for more low-cost services and respite for caregivers. Kline doesn’t have an answer for those yet, but changing state law to stop abusers is a good place to start. It’s time to protect the folks who raised us. Call your legislators today. Shannon Carey is a freelance journalist and blogger. Find her on Facebook or at, or email

Paschal Carter Park

From page A-1

The process of stone grinding requires pairs of mill stones. The lower stone, or bedstone, is stationary and concave. The upper stone, or runner stone, rotates and actually does the grinding work. The runner stone has grooves in its lower surface and is convex. The grooves – called furrows – provide a cutting edge to help the grinding process, and also provide exit paths for the ground cornmeal, flour or oats. The concave and convex shaping of the two stones allows gravity to assist with exit flow, as well. Carter Park also features an easy hike of less than two miles, round trip. The terrain is gently sloping all the way up to a small meadow at the summit. The trailhead has been covered in deep gravel to a width where two can walk abreast; about a quarter-mile

along, the trail narrows down to single-file width and has been left to its natural surface of dirt, roots and rock. Overall, the footing is fairly secure and easy. This hike takes one along the meandering creek path and past an old quarry. Farther along, one arrives at Carter Mill Spring – the source of the pristine creek water below. The pinnacle of the hike is an open meadow where the Boy Scouts have established an outdoor training facility and amphitheater. The amphitheater is surrounded by hardwoods and affords a visitor a sense of ancient serenity. The return descent is an easy stroll back down to the picnic area and parking lot. Access to Carter Park includes a paved parking lot and a smaller gravel lot for overflow parking.

Free tips offered for small businesses First Tennessee Bank will host a free Q&A session on small-business resources on Tuesday, Jan. 31, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at its Burlington Financial Center at 121 Kirkwood Street in East Knoxville just off Magnolia near Chilhowee Park. The event will include complimentary breakfast and a variety of professionals including: ■■Joshalyn Hundley, vice president, community development manager, First Tennessee

■■Kim Heisey, vice president, small business banking manager, First Tennessee ■■Morgan Burlingame, Burlington Financial Center manager, First Tennessee ■■Deborah Porter, financial well-being coach, Operation HOPE ■■Marsh Campbell, merchant services representative, First Data To attend, please contact Morgan Burlingame by Jan. 24 at or 865-824-2608.

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■■ Chilhowee Park Neighborhood Association. Info: Paul Ruff, 696-6584.

most important thing,” says the father of two. “It’s the 40 hours that you spend practicing.” Jackson enjoys watching youngsters develop discipline and tenacity while cultivating friendships. He also directs teen choir Freshwind, and is trying to grow the numbers for CommUnity Kids, a children’s choir open to any child who wants to take part. For their first performance at Great Warner Tabernacle AME Zion Church in 2014, almost 100 kids performed the song “Alive.” The clip is available on YouTube, and anyone interested should email him at john007jackson@gmail. com. “We want to get 200 kids,” says Jackson. “I have a passion for kids,” he says, but feels called to foster unity among all ages and races. “As long as it’s just bringing people together, I’m all in!”

From page A-1

■■ Beaumont Community Organization. Info: Natasha Murphy, 936-0139. ■■ Belle Morris Community Action Group. Info: bellemorris. com or Rick Wilen, 524-5008.

that situation to steer us in the direction he wants us to go. That was my bridge to Knoxville.” Newly arrived at Knoxville College, he was soon working with Chris Martin, founder of Knoxville Leadership Foundation, who sought Jackson’s help in putting together a choir. “I remember that choir. We had everybody!” Ever since, Jackson has used his love of and proficiency in music to foster relationships. In addition to his church duties, he directs the Emerald Youth Choir and is often involved with urban camps and multicultural camps through the Young Life non-denominational Christian ministry. “I’m doing one this summer – the Latino Initiative,” he says. When it comes to leading kids’ choirs, “it’s not the performance that’s the

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A-4 • January 25, 2017 • North/East Shopper news

Dance for Joy instructor and founder MaryCatherine Landry leads one of her classes through a ballet routine.

Landry follows call to ‘Dance for Joy’ By Shannon Carey MaryCatherine Landry was 18 when she took her first dance class, and she knew immediately that she was on the right path. “I walked out of that class and stopped in the lobby, and I went, ‘Yes, this is what I have to do. I got so much joy out of this class today,’” she said. Landry went on to attend the University of Tennessee, graduating in 1985 with a degree in dance. She opened a studio with her best friend from college, and she stayed there for seven years, but she felt God calling her to something else. “It was right, but it wasn’t quite right,” she said. After praying about it, she approached her church, Fountain City United Methodist, about hosting the dance classes that she would call Dance for Joy. The classes are for age 3 through adult, and include ballet, tap, modern, hip-hop, creative movement, jazz and worship dance. Her mission is to provide quality, affordable, correct dance education to everyone who wants it. She keeps costs down by holding classes and recitals at the church, and making sure that costumes won’t break the bank. Landry has been at it more than 20 years now. About 10 years in, she started seeing the children of former students in her classes. She calls them her “grand-dancers.” “I’m teaching the children of my children,” she said. “But it’s such a privilege that they remember me and bring me their babies.” Landry believes that everyone can dance, and everyone can benefit from dance, even if they’re not

West Side Y plans family luau Do you and your kids have cabin fever? Bring them to the West Side Y from 6-8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, for the Family Luau. It’s a pool party complete with pizza, fruit slushies, Hawaiian leis, luau music, and more. Those attending should bring swimsuits for the whole family and enjoy family free swim together. Kids can participate in fun contests like noodle races, biggest and smallest splash competitions and cannonball contests. This event is free for Y members. For Y guests, the Family Luau will cost $6/ person or $20/family.

PSCC offers winter specials Pellissippi State Community College is offering Valentine’s Day special pricing through Feb. 14 for select non-credit courses. Most classes are held on the Hardin Valley Campus. Register at www.pstcc. edu/bcs

Dance for Joy founder MaryCatherine Landry leads some of her ballet students in prayer before practice. She says opening classes in prayer helps students dance for the glory of God. Photos by S. Carey

the most talented. For kids, it instills discipline and gets them vital exercise. And for everyone, it increases quality of life. “Not everybody’s going to be a professional dancer, but everybody can dance,” she said. “Sometimes, those with the least talent get the most joy out of it, and they need the opportunity to perform, too.” But there’s another aspect of dance that Landry finds fulfilling and seeks to share with her students. She seeks to perform and teach dance “in a way that glorifies God instead of the person,” she said. Landry chooses music carefully, either Christian,

classical or children’s music, and routines and costumes are never suggestive or revealing. Every class opens in prayer, and she describes dance as “praying with your whole body.” “I know for me, when I release my own ego and I let God and the spirit flow through me that there’s a different sparkle,” Landry said. “I see that in the kids, too.” Dance for Joy classes meet Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in the fellowship hall at Fountain City United Methodist Church, 212 Hotel Road, Knoxville. Info: Find “Dance for Joy Knoxville” on Facebook or call 865-250-2107.

He that ruleth over men

Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel said, “The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.” (2 Samuel 23:1-4 KJV) Like so many others, I know these words because I sang them. I heard them Cross Currents first when I was in junior high school; the high school Lynn choir room was just across Pitts the hall, and so I could listen in to their rehearsals while I did my work. I fell in love with both the biblical president. text and the music of RanMy prayer is that he will dall Thompson (my very be aware of the need to be favorite composer). Later, just, and rule in the fear of much later, I had the privi- God. lege of directing my own Let us pray for him, adult church choir, which, whether or not we voted for with more mature voices, him, and for our beloved was better able to do justice country. Let’s be aware of to the composer’s setting. our duties as citizens to do I suppose the biblical what is right, care for those text came back to me now less fortunate, welcome the because our country has foreigner, and obey the laws just inaugurated a new of our land.

North/East Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-5

‘Social Justice for the Soul’ at Fourth Pres By Carol Z. Shane “So often we hear that politics has no place in the church, but I believe it is the responsibility of the church to stay in the political conversation,” says the Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Peterson of Fourth Presbyterian Church on Broadway. “Christians have a unique opportunity and responsibility to speak up for love over hate, and for justice over oppression.” During February, the church will host speakers and discussions on topics related to racial unrest and discrimination. Guests include Tom Castelli, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee; J.T. Taylor of the Knoxville Homeless Collective; the Carpetbag Theatre; and former United Nations consultant Aftyn Behn. Behn worked with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva, Switzerland, on protection issues for minority groups who had, for a variety of reasons including ethnicity and disability, been forcibly displaced to other countries from their homelands. “My unit was the community-based protection unit; we identified minority groups and helped them build capacity to assume more power within their communities.” Holding a master’s degree in social work from the University of Texas, Behn moved back to Knoxville after the recent presidential election in order to use her

FAITH NOTES ■■ Alice Bell Baptist Church Clothes Closet (3305 Alice Bell Road) will be open 9

knowledge and skills to help her native East Tennesseans and “to be quite frank, with the intention to run for office in a few years.” Behn will join Peterson to kick off the series on Feb. 1 with a talk and discussion on “Dismantling Racism and Recognizing Micro-aggressions.” “We have been surprised and excited by the great show of interest in these anti-racism talks,” says Peterson. “There is clearly a hunger to engage in this dialogue, even though it can be personally challenging for many. “We find there is a spectrum of knowledge, from people who have spent their lives fighting for civil rights, to those who have never explored the troubles associated with racism in their personal lives. “It is encouraging to see that when people of such different backgrounds come together, a spark of understanding comes. “This isn’t about allying ourselves with one political party over another, but about learning how to treat one another with respect, and recapturing the fine art of disagreeing without devolving into hate speech.” “Social Justice for the Soul” meets 6-8 p.m. every Wednesday during February at Fourth Presbyterian Church, 1323 N. Broadway in Knoxville. For a full list of speakers/topics, visit or call 865522-1437. a.m. -1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4. Everyone invited. Adult and children’s clothes will be available. Everything free. ■■ Fairview Baptist Church,

Former UN consultant Aftyn Behn Photo submitted

7424 Fairview Road, will host “Men’s Night Out” 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb 25, at the church. Speaker: Hank Parker, professional bass fisherman. Cost: $15. Info/registration: ■■ First Comforter Church, 5516 Old Tazewell Pike, hosts MAPS (Mothers At Prayer Service) noon each Friday.

Info: Edna Hensley, 771-7788.

SENIOR NOTES ■■ Carter Senior Center, 9040

Asheville Highway. Info: 932-2939. ■■ Corryton Senior Center, 9331 Davis Drive. Info: 6885882.



A-6 • January 25, 2017 • North/East Shopper news

More inauguration trivia! By Kip Oswald Last week, we began our Presidential Trivia with Inauguration Day, and since then we have had our 45th inauguration! This week, we are going to look at how the Kip rest of the day ended over the years. After lunch, the president watches the Inaugural Parade, a tradition started in 1809 with James Madison. In 1953, a cowboy in Dwight Eisenhower’s parade rode out of the parade and lassoed the president. The whole day ends with fancy celebrations called Inaugural Balls. James Madison’s wife, Dolly, planned the first one. However, the biggest party was Andrew Jackson’s in 1829. He was the first person elected president who was not really rich so he invited everyone to come to the White House to celebrate with him after his inauguration and as many as 20,000 people came. It got so wild inside the White House, the president had to hide until the people left. Likewise, the police had to be called to calm down Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural parties. President Bill Clinton at-

tended the most balls of any president when he went to 14 during his second inauguration. When Kinzy and I found out that Andrew Jackson in his inaugural speech invited all the people to the White House party, it made us wonder how the people even knew about the inauguration back then, because now we see all about it on social media and television. So we found out that bit of trivia. James Buchanan’s inauguration was the first to be photographed in 1857, but pictures were not seen until weeks later. Likewise, the first one to be recorded on any kind of video was William McKinley’s inauguration in 1897, but people had to go to the movie theater to see it weeks after it happened. People heard the first live inauguration in 1925 when they heard Calvin Coolidge’s on the radio for the first time. The first time people saw an actual inauguration live on television was in 1949 when Harry Truman was president. In 1997, Bill Clinton’s inauguration was the first one broadcast over the internet. Hope you have enjoyed the Inauguration Trivia! Next week: Part one of Presidential Pets! You won’t believe it! Comments to

LIBRARY NOTES ■■ Robotics @ the Library, 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26, Burlington Branch Library, 4614 Asheville Highway. For ages 12-15. Free/robotics kits provided. Info/registration: Rose Broyles, or 525-5431.

■■ Introducing the Computer, 2-4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, Burlington Branch Library, 4614 Asheville Highway. Computer basics on a Windows 10 tablet/laptop hybrid. Info/ registration: 215-8700.

■■ Windows 10 class, 2-4 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, Burlington Branch Library, 4614 Asheville Highway. Requires “Introducing the Computer” or similar skills; uses tablet/laptop hybrids. Info/registration:

■■ Windows 10, 2-4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, Burlington Branch Library, 4614 Asheville Highway. Requires “Introducing the Computer” or similar skills; uses tablet/laptop hybrids. Info/registration: 215-8700.


Whittle Springs Middle School intervention counselor Florence Ndiaye gives students a high five as they enter the gym ready to take the pledge.

WSMS students take ‘unsmokeable’ pledge By Ruth White Students at Whittle Springs Middle School were challenged to take a pledge to be “unsmokeable” and stay away from tobacco products, including cigarettes, dip and e-cigarettes. School intervention counselor Florence Ndiaye helped put on the pep rally to reach the students and provide information on the dangers of tobacco use. The Knox County Health Department and Smoke Free Knoxville Coalition partnered with the school. “Unsmokeable” is a movement to encourage and inspire youth to live a smoke-free life by knowing the consequences of smoking and refraining. The campaign is funded by the Tennessee Department of Health and the Tennessee Tobacco Settlement Program. To learn more about the campaign, visit the website unsmokeable. com. Ndiaye, who heads the school’s Parent Resource Center, has made it a mis-

sion to engage and serve children and families with dignity and compassion while building upon the strengths of the community. She does this by providing resources to families and helping them be the best they can be.

UT’s mascot, Smokey, hugs student Thaily Para Reyes as she was announced the winner of the tablet. Photos by Ruth White

The cast of “Find Your Friends” gets ready to perform a skit for the students at Whittle Springs. Pictured are Roneshia Bishop (e-cigarette), Austin Roberts (dip), Sonya Kyle (skit host) and Jennifer Hodge (cigarette).

Bove’s visit boosts first-graders’ love of reading By Kelly Norrell When the first-graders at New Hopewell Elementary listened to author George Bove read his book, “The Little Orange T,” recently, they were electrified. “His book is all about Tennessee and its culture. The students recognized the people and the places in it,” said first-grade teacher Kaley Clark. “They recognized the Sunsphere, Davy Crockett, Dolly Parton and Neyland Stadium. He would name places and they would say, ‘I’ve been there.’” Clark had been struck by the children’s delight in the book when she read it to her class days earlier. “I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool to have the author come in?’” So Clark tweeted Bove, of Loudon County, and asked him to come speak to her students. On Dec. 14, Bove

dents loved hearing about places they’ve been before,” Clark said. Most important, she said, Bove’s visit boosted their love of reading. “Seeing the author showed them you can do whatever you want to do if you put your mind to it. I guarantee that when they see the Sunsphere again, they will be able to connect back to “The Little Orange T” book,” she said. In the story, visiting the Sunsphere magically transformed the little “t” into the Big Orange First-grade teachers Kaley Clark, Adrian Moore and LeeAnn Carter were elated at the effect T. George Bove’s visit had on their students. Bove also answered the children’s questions and exdid visit New Hopewell El- er-case “t” from alphabet world’s largest bowl of al- plained the publishing process. Clark said they wanted ementary, and he read his soup that is rejected by a phabet soup.” book to all three first-grade soup factory because of its The story rang a bell to know how the book was classes. color. When the “t” trav- with the first-grade stu- made and who had drawn Talk about teaching a els around Tennessee, he dents of Clark, Adrian all the pictures. Bove told love of reading. finds his true role leading Moore and LeeAnn Carter. them about the illustrator, “The Little Orange T,” a crowd of adoring fans as “They loved how the little Kristi Lynch, who used wawhich was released here the famous Big Orange T “t” who felt like he didn’t tercolors to paint each of the in August, is about a low- in Neyland Stadium, “the belong found his home at pictures in the book. “The kids were amazing. Neyland Stadium. The stu-

There was a little girl in the back who knew every word in the book. She would say the words as I read them,” Bove said. Clark said Bove’s visit fit in perfectly with the school’s goal of transmitting to students a love of reading. She remembers her own parents giving her the first of the “Madeline” books by Ludwig Bemelmans for Christmas when she was about 6. “It was my favorite book and I loved reading it with my family,” she said. “Having an adult read to them causes them to want to read as well. Some of these students might not have someone at home to read to them,” Clark said. Both Barnes and Noble and Union Ave bookstores have held recent signings for “Little Orange T.” Bove said times for other signings this spring will be posted on his Facebook page, “little orange t.”

Knox County honors five bus drivers Last week, Knox County Schools honored five school bus drivers. “These drivers have been graded with high standards

by the school system, the contractors, the sheriff’s office and school staff,” said Bob Thomas. The at-large commis-

Rezoning meetings end in January By Sandra Clark A public meeting on middle school rezoning was set for Tuesday, Jan. 24, at Holston Middle School, and another will be 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31, at Vine Middle School. The primary focus will be on rezoning for Gibbs MidEast Knox County Elementary recently held its spelling bee. The top spellers were: Hailey Sartin dle School. School officials (second place), Meadow Perry (winner) and Caden McMahan (third place). Meadow will reprewant a plan for the school sent the school at the countywide spelling bee in the spring. Photo submitted

East Knox crowns spelling bee champion

board’s consideration in May. Interim Superintendent Buzz Thomas was at Hardin Valley Elementary School last Tuesday for a public hearing on rezoning for Hardin Valley Middle School. We’ve got a report online in the Jan. 25 Karns/Hardin Valley Shopper News.

sioner initiated the monthly recognition program which includes a $100 gift from Ted Russell Ford and a gift bag from WIVK Radio for each honoree. Honored in January were: ■■Juanita Acuff - (8 years) drives bus for Halls; ■■Betty Cahill - (4 years) drives bus for Brickey & Powell; ■■Anne Coble - (5 years) drives a bus for Corryton; ■■Deborah King - (18 years) drives bus for Halls; ■■Deborah Wynn - (2 years) drives bus for Norwood.

North/East Shopper news • January 25, 2017 • A-7

News from Emerald Youth Foundation of Knoxville

A concrete decision to give back

A Message from Steve Diggs Emerald Youth president and CEO The beginning of 2017 brings with it a refreshed vision for us as we serve young people in the heart of our city – a city where we believe every child, in every neighborhood, has the opportunity for a full life. As the new year has started, we celebrate Steve Diggs our 25th anniversary, and each day I’m grateful for the time God gives us with urban youth and their families. In his “Letter from Birmingham City Jail,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.” Every minute of every day counts, such as children learning the fundamentals of soccer at the Sansom Sports Complex, middle school youth enjoying a weekend camp retreat in the mountains, or high school students receiving tutoring at our College Street Ministry in Mechanicsville. Each of those moments is ripe, and this year we look forward to serving more than 2,000 young people across Knoxville. By building meaningful relationships with children and being comprehensively involved in their lives, we can change their trajectory and help them become godly young adult leaders in Knoxville and beyond.

On the left is the Emerald Youth dining room before new flooring was installed. The photo on the right is the dining room after the new flooring was installed. When Emerald Youth Foundation moved into its facility on North Central Street 17 years ago, two neighborhood boys were a constant presence on the basketball court of its new gym. Brothers Ballard Hall and Stephen Bryant were involved with Emerald Youth in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Hall was in the seventh grade when his teacher first connected him with the ministry. She thought Emerald Youth would be a good place for him to get some additional academic help after school. While initially hesitant to heed his teacher’s advice, Hall became involved with Emerald, not only getting help with his studies, but also playing basketball along with his brother. Hall graduated from Fulton and Bryant from Central; both earned their college degrees. They also enlisted in the Marines and were commended for their outstanding military service as combat veterans. After deployment in the Middle East, they returned home to Knoxville and went into business together, launching Custom Concrete and Design LLC, a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business.

“From the time we were children, we learned how important it is to serve others and that success is measured by one’s actions,” Hall said. “We started Custom Concrete and Design to build a better community, Stephen Bryant, Jonathan Whaley, Cassen Jackson-Garrison and Baland our recent proj- lard Hall of Custom Concrete and Design LLC. ect for Emerald was one way we’ve been able to give back.” ers and their employees. The product used The project: donation of much-needed protects the existing concrete while giving flooring in the dining room at the very facil- the floor the look, texture and color of inity Hall and Bryant enjoyed using as kids. laid tile. The generous in-kind gift will help Emerald “We are so pleased with the look and better serve young people and their fami- durability of the new floor,” said Emerald lies through faith, learning and sports pro- Youth spokesperson John Crooks. “Ballard, grams that regularly occur there. Stephen and their team did an incredible “Emerald did a lot for Ballard and me job. This project is really a blessing, and it’s during our childhood,” Bryant said. “They not one we asked for – they offered it unsowere always present in our lives and never licited. What great guys!” turned their back on us.” Custom Concrete and Design can be The new floor, which will last for years to found online at come, was installed Jan. 2-7 by the broth- or call 865-773-2749.

Food City values Knoxville’s youth Representatives from Emerald Youth Foundation were pleased to accept a $5,000 donation recently from Food City. “Food City is genuinely dedicated to the well-being of the communities in which it does business,” said Emerald Youth Foundation Stewardship Director Cedric Jackson. “The support we have received over the years has been tremendous, and this is another example of Food City’s generosity.” The funds will be used to support Emerald’s faith, learning and health programs with young people throughout Knoxville’s urban neighborhoods.

Cedric Jackson and David Wells, left, with Emerald Youth Foundation, accept a donation from Food City’s Mickey Blazer and Emerson Breeden. Next to Breeden is his granddaughter, Suzanne Stone.

AmeriCorps serves in honor of Dr. King Emerald Youth AmeriCorps members, who typically spend their afternoons serving city kids, used the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. weekend to beautify Lonsdale. The group served in Lonsdale Elementary’s outdoor classroom, collected litter in the surrounding community and performed other projects within the school.

Emerald Youth Foundation | 1718 N. Central St., Knoxville, TN 37917 | 865-637-3227 |


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last words Rider just won’t be outworked Lauren Rider got so aggravated by what she was hearing about herself last week that she called her best friend to vent. “I asked her, ‘Can we go clean up a creek, or something?’” Rider – who served four years as president of the Old North Knoxville Inc., two years as cochair of the Broadway Corridor Lauren Rider Task Force, two three-year terms on the Neighborhood Advisory Council, has restored four old houses and a commercial building and owns a resume that includes a long list of volunteer activities – has been preparing for at least two years to run for the District 4 City Council seat that incumbent Nick Della Volpe will vacate in December. Questions about her party allegiance don’t sit well with Rider. Nor does the suggestion that she should defer to Harry Tindell and wait for an at-large seat to come open in 2019. “Some people say I can’t win. Some people say I’m not a Democrat. Some people say I’m not a Republican. What I am is a candidate in a nonpartisan race, running because tons of people have asked me to run over the years. I’ve had a lot of officeholders and community members urging me to run for council year after year after year. I’m fresh and new to this and I’m sincere about it and don’t doubt for a minute that it’s difficult and not fun at times, but I have a great wealth of knowledge of how the city works,” she said. Tindell, her only announced opponent, is a Democrat who started his political career by serving on the Knox County school board, spent 22 years in the General Assembly, was well-liked by his colleagues and was never seriously challenged for re-election. He’s amassing an impressive list of supporters, but so is Rider, a librarian at Pellissippi State’s Division Street campus, who moved to Knoxville 12 years ago when her husband, Steven, took a position as a neurologist at University of Tennessee Medical Center. Rider is from the tiny town of Evans, Ga., near Augusta. Growing up in the country – “seven miles from the grocery store, seven miles from school,

Betty Bean two and a half miles down a dirt road” – made her hanker for city life. A small inheritance provided the means to help her attend Georgia State University in Atlanta, where she got her first taste of city life. She lived downtown, majored in exercise science and was president of the sports club council. She also worked full-time and spent her weekends racing bicycles, something she continued after graduation. After she got her degree, she moved to Indianapolis with her coaches and worked as a nanny to their children. It was there that she met Steven, a medical student. They moved to Knoxville when he finished his training. While Tindell’s supporters tend to be Democrats, labor leaders and business people, Rider’s list of supporters is heavy on neighborhood stalwarts like Carlene Malone, Jamie Rowe, Ronnie Collins, Lynn Redmon and former state Rep. Gloria Johnson. Rider said she won’t be outworked. “There are both men and women, Rs and Ds and Independents who support me,” she said. “I have support from a broad base and from all walks of life, and it’s based on my experience and the work I have done. I’ve shoveled gravel in the basement of a blighted property in 100-degree weather, to the point of tears, by myself, with my two kids running around. I know zoning. I know neighborhood issues and I work to the point of blood, sweat and tears to do what is best for my community.”

A-8 • January 25, 2017 • North/East Shopper news

Vols in Super Bowls Football is a numbers game – wins and losses, yards gained, punting averages, pass percentages, attendance and millions generated by the SEC Network. Here’s one you probably haven’t heard but have undoubtedly eagerly awaited, the number of former Volunteers in Super Bowls past: 96. Another number goes with that one: 7. Tennessee ranks seventh in the talent supply chain for the NFL extravaganza. Miami is first with 117. Southern Cal is one behind, followed by UCLA (108), Michigan and Penn State (104 each) and Notre Dame (101). Quarterback Peyton Manning carried the Vol flag to four Super Bowls. Linebacker Jack Reynolds and defensive back Bill Bates played in three. There are secrets to such success – get drafted by or traded to a good team. Fourteen former Vols played in two Super Bowls: punters Ron Widby and Craig and Britton Colquitt; wide receivers Alvin Harper

Marvin West

and Marcus Nash; offensive linemen Mickey Marvin, Raleigh McKenzie, Bruce Wilkerson and Chris Scott; defensive warriors Reggie White, Leonard Little, Jerod Mayo, Malik Jackson and Tony McDaniel. On the flip side are other great players who never got a chance. Steve DeLong, Bob Johnson, Frank Emanuel and Chip Kell are in the College Football Hall of Fame but didn’t get closer to a Super Bowl than good seats for observation.

Memories, comments Bill Anderson played in the first Super Bowl, 1967, with Green Bay. Steve Kiner had a twoyard kickoff return for Dallas in Super Bowl V. He

made the cover of Sports Illustrated trying in vain to block Baltimore’s winning field goal. Kiner remembers the pregame carnival atmosphere. He said it seemed very strange. “I kept wondering what all the excitement was about. We were just going to play another football game. It was no big deal. “I personified young and dumb. I had no sense of time, no perspective about professional football or the history of it. I was playing and having a great time. “After the loss, a great sense of missed opportunity lingered for years.” Eddie Brown had an interception for the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl XIV. Reynolds achieved legendary status as the Pied Piper of the San Francisco 49ers. He often surprised teammates but actually stunned them in 1982. Hacksaw was primed and ready long before kickoff. He boarded the bus from

the hotel to the stadium already in full uniform. CBS analyst John Madden loved it. He said “Boom!” Stanley Morgan had six receptions for New England in Super Bowl XX. Willie Gault had only four for Chicago but produced 129 yards. Alvin Harper became the first Vol to score a touchdown in a Super Bowl, XXVII, a 45-yard pass from Troy Aikman. They played for the Cowboys. Reggie White had three sacks for minus 23 in Super Bowl XXXI. Jamal Lewis carried 27 times for 102 yards and one touchdown on behalf of the Baltimore Ravens in XXXV. Charley Garner, coming out of the backfield, caught seven passes for Oakland in XXXVII. Manning as a Colt was MVP of Super Bowl XLI. Manning, last February as a Bronco at age 39, was the oldest quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl. Five sacks may have encouraged him to retire and do more and better commercials. Marvin West invites reader commentary. His address is

Speaker’s job changes hands

Lt. Gov. Randy McNally turns 73 on Monday, Jan. 30. He represents part of Knox County and all of Anderson County in the state Senate. He is the first person to represent Knox County to be Senate speaker in over 100 years. State Rep. Jimmy Matlock, who came close to winning the GOP speakership contest in Nashville over incumbent Beth Harwell, turns 58 on Feb. 5. Harwell had been considered a candidate for governor but is viewed as a longer shot now due to the difficulties she has encountered the past two years as speaker. With 30 of the 74 GOP House members voting against her to be speaker for a fourth term, they are not likely to favor her bid for governor either. Nevertheless, Harwell is now passing the word she may run after all. This means this would be her final term as speaker. Her House clerk, Joe McCord, abruptly retired as clerk just four days before ■■ Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones is the House reconvened on making noises about running Jan. 10. He had become a for county mayor. He cannot source of controversy for seek re-election in 2018 Harwell, and she quickly because of term limits. named Tammy Letzler – a ■■ Hiring Hugh Holt for more onetime employee of Jimmy money than he was making Naifeh – the first woman for Knox County governever to be clerk of the House ment to do just a portion of in his place. McCord, 49, will the work was a signal that be eligible to draw a generJones would not again face voters. Perhaps he thinks we’ll ous state pension at age 55 as he is a former legislator. forget? Her committee appoint■■ Joe Bailey is gearing up to ments last week sought to run for Knox County Repubpunish several who opposed lican Party chair – with the support of courthouse heavy- her for speaker, which may weights. Bailey is a former city haunt her next year when vice mayor. she campaigns in the coun– S. Clark ties of those House mem-


Victor Ashe

bers. There was not a healing process here. Harwell will need to articulate a compelling story of her time as speaker and what she has accomplished to make headway over former economic development chief Randy Boyd, U.S. Rep. Diane Black, the three state senators – Mark Green, Mark Norris and Doug Overbey – and Williamson County businessman Bill Lee. ■■ Five City Council members depart in a little over 10 months on Dec. 16, but they will not depart the city’s payroll, as they will receive a modest city pension based on eight years of service. The current council annual salary is $19,000 a year. Three of the five who are over 66 will receive $2051.52 a year. They are Vice Mayor Duane Grieve, Brenda Palmer and Nick Della Volpe. Former mayor Daniel Brown will receive the highest pension at $7,635, which is a result of his 11 months as mayor when he received the mayor’s salary of $130,000 a year. Because the pension is based on one’s highest two years of pay, this generously upped the pension amount for Brown. Former vice mayor Nick Pavlis receives the least at $1,838.52, since he is not yet 66.

Mayor Madeline Rogero, too, will transition from her mayor’s salary to a city pension the day she leaves office in December 2019. Her pension will be based on 11 years with the city, which will work out in rough figures to $30,000 a year plus a 3 percent annual increase, which in 10 years in 2029 means a 30 percent increase compounded in her pension. Several other high-paid city employees such as Bill Lyons will depart then, but in his case his annual pension will likely exceed $58,000 a year also with the same 3 percent annual escalator. He will have put in 16 years with the city. He is currently the second-highest paid city employee at $168,240 a year plus $1,320 in longevity pay and $5,830 a year car allowance – when he lives at 607 Union Ave. and usually walks the five short blocks to work. Lyons’ total pay package exceeds $175,000 a year with a guaranteed 7.5 percent increase on top of this for the remaining three years he has with Rogero. Rogero earns $142,000 a year but does not receive an annual increase nor does council. Five city employees make more than the mayor. ■■ The Confucius Institute at UT Knoxville, located in the International House, is funded primarily by the Chinese government under the name of Hanban in Beijing, which is part of the Chinese Ministry of Education. Its funding is less than $150,000 a year, which

is less than 25 percent of the new UTK Chancellor’s salary. By UTK standards, this is almost pocket change. What has become controversial is discussion of the real motive behind the Institute, which now has over 500 locations around the world in 105 nations as part of China’s overseas propaganda strategy. China interestingly picked the name of Confucius, who has never been part of the Chinese Communist ideology. Clearly, had it been named Mao Institute it would have created major public relations issues in the USA. The respected University of Chicago did not renew its contract with the Institute in 2014 as the Confucius Institute has weighed on free speech issues at some campuses by expressing concern with some programs viewed as anti-China by the Chinese government. The concern voiced about Confucius is having a foreign government with a clear agenda exercising influence on college campuses inconsistent with academic freedom. This would include, for China, discussions on Tibet, Taiwan, Falun Gong and the Dalai Lama. China carefully monitors these topics within China in a way that contradicts America’s concept of true academic freedom. Problems have not yet surfaced at UTK, but they could, depending on the actions of the Chinese government. China’s government has a different view on academic freedom and independence than does the USA.

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