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Woman recalls ‘Bama civil rights struggle

Marvin recalls big games from Majors era




Vol. 50, No. 8 • February 21, 2011 • www.ShopperNewsNow.com • 4509 Doris Circle, Knoxville 37918 • 922-4136

A community comes together School, clubs helping young mother who lost everything By Greg Householder Around 8 a.m. last Tuesday, Ana Perez’s fragile world collapsed in flames. The 20-year-old single mother of two just received a call on her cell phone from her friend and babysitter, Raven Dreier, who called to tell her that her house was on fire. Perez arrived just as the first firefighters came on the scene. All she could do was watch. The blaze in the Woodland Meadows trailer park, formerly known as Green Acres trailer park off Clinton Highway, took everything the family owned. Perez is a mature young woman for her age. She had purchased the small, two-bedroom singlewide mobile home that she shared with her children, 2-year-old David and 1-year-old Cecilia, and her sister, Lupita, a freshman at Powell High School. While technically “paid for,” Perez had borrowed the money to buy the mobile home and still owed on it. To support her young family, Perez holds down two jobs: one with Prestige Maintenance USA, a firm that provides janitorial services for the Clinton Highway Target store, and another with Wishbones Famous Fingers and Wings on Clinton Highway. Perez did not have insurance on the home, something she was intending to purchase with her next paycheck. She was also unaware that by living in Knox County she would need to subscribe to Rural/ Metro or pay an expensive hourly rate for fire service. Estimates of her Rural/Metro bill (the Karns Volunteer Fire Department also

Above: all that remains of Ana Perez’s home is the steel frame and lots of rubble. Perez is responsible for site cleanup. At right, Ana Perez stands near the wreckage of her trailer with her two children, David and Cecilia. Photos by Greg Householder

responded but will not bill her since they were assisting Rural/ Metro) run anywhere from $7,000 to $8,000. And then there is the site cleanup, something else she is responsible for. Sales of scrap metal might net enough money to pay for the cleanup, or might not. Fortunately, the community has responded. Tamara Shepherd, one of the leaders of the relief efforts, heard of the disaster because her son is also a freshman at Powell High School. Shepherd has been working with Powell High principal Ken Dunlap and Dunlap’s administrative assistant, Greta Stooksbury, to funnel funds through the school to help the family. Shepherd told the Powell Lions Club at the group’s meeting last Thursday that those helping with the Perez relief effort had obtained

a donated storage unit at Clinton Crossing Self Storage and that they have received pledges of furniture to furnish a three-bedroom home. She told the Lions that a church in Corryton has offered to open the doors of its clothes closet to the family. The Lions voted to donate $100 to the relief efforts. According to Perez, the fire started due to a faulty plug on a space heater. She was using space heaters to heat the small mobile

home because her last electric bill from KUB was $362, a high amount considering how little she and her children or sister were there. Laura Bailey, of the Knoxville Realty Office of Realty Executives, is also helping with the relief efforts. C and V Vending set up shop in the parking lot of Bailey’s office on Emory Road last Saturday and plans to do so again Saturday, Feb. 26. Half of the proceeds from the

sales will go toward the relief effort. According to Shepherd, the greatest need currently is to figure out the site cleanup. Anyone wishing to donate should mail a check payable to Powell High School to the school at 2136 W. Emory Road, Powell, TN 37849 to the attention of Perez Relief Fund. Anyone wishing to donate clothing or furniture should contact Shepherd at 947-0660.

Clothes make the (police) man By Larry Van Guilder Sheriff’s deputies are familiar with the techniques of “restraint.” It’s knowledge that could save an officer’s life. But a measure of fiscal restraint at the top in the Knox County Sheriff’s Office may be overdue.

Analysis According to information provided by the KCSO, the chief deputy and eight assistant chief deputies, earning from $71,173 to $104,000 annually (an average salary of $88,079) each receive annual clothing allowances of $575. Plain clothes and undercover deputies also receive allowances, purchasing clothing at retailers as diverse as JCPenney, Banana Republic and Nautica. Salaries for those under the rank of chief deputy range from $30,000 to $60,000 according to Allison Rogers, the KCSO finance director. Police work is a dangerous and often thankless job, and a uniform allowance for the 137 rank and file dep-

Allison Rogers’ response to some issues raised in our story: “The uniform/clothing allowance is not based on the salary of the individual, but rather on their job title/job description. Knox County Commission approves the uniform allowance every year, and in fact increased the allowance approximately 4-5 years ago. “The sheriff ’s budget has increased over the last four years due to several events. First of all, the sheriff has taken over (with the approval of Knox County Commission) Pretrial, Juvenile Court Officers and Animal Control for an increase of approximately $1,600,000. The additional increase is from pay raises the Knox County mayor and Knox County Commission approved in FY2008 and FY2009. Also, Knox County finance increased our budget due to the rise in health insurance costs. The pay raises and health insurance premiums account for over $5 million. “However, KCSO’s operations have virtually seen no increase over the last four years. Sheriff Jones has continued to provide the same services to the citizens of Knox County over the last four years with no additional funding in the budget’s day-to-day operations.” uties in the field may be warranted in most instances. But an allowance for those earning more than double the average wage in Knox County is an unnecessary holdover from the days when even the highest ranking officers were underpaid. Last week the Shopper-News reported that 100 new patrol cars are

on Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones’ wish list. The tab could run more than $3 million. Eliminating the clothing allowance for the rank of deputy chief and above won’t make a noticeable dent in the amount required for new vehicles, but it would signal the sheriff’s intention to get the

costs. The Uniformed Officers Pension Plan shares the same drawback as other “defined benefit” plans: in the long run, the cost for the county is unsustainable. Corporations with assets that dwarf Knox County’s resources began dropping defined benefit plans some years ago in favor of 401(k) plans. Perhaps more than any other county employees, sheriff’s deputies deserve the best benefits we can afford to give, but the current plan has the potential to bankrupt the county. If anything, the clothing allowance for high-ranking administrators betrays a culture that has flourished for years with little accountability, other than that which comes at the ballot box. It’s telling that the KCSO’s budget has continued to grow during the worst economic stretch this country has seen since the Great Depression. The difference in fiscal practices between the economy-minded mayor and the sheriff are due for an airing before the county’s next budget comes to commission for approval. 2707 Mineral Springs Ave. Knoxville, TN 37917 Ph. (865) 687-4537

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most from the department’s budget during difficult economic times. Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett announced a $3 million dollar budget shortfall for FY 2012 just weeks ago. New cruisers widen the gap to $6 million. Maintaining law and order isn’t cheap, but a review of Knox County’s last four budgets reveals that outlays for public safety are outstripping most all other departments in the general government. For FY 2008, public safety’s adopted budget was $63.5 million. It grew to $66.2 million in 2009, $68.6 million in 2010 and $70.4 million in the current fiscal year, or about an 11 percent increase for the four-year span. Only the school budget has shown greater growth, about $21 million over four years, but that represents only a 6 percent jump. For the same period, the general administrative budget is down $4.1 million, a decrease of nearly 25 percent. There are other indications that the sheriff should take a close look at


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Coming out of the winter doldrums Emory Road Cleanup

Groups look to spring With the warm weather of last week, thoughts turned to spring. Ironically, and a bit sadly, the basketball season, decidedly a winter sport, ended for both the Powell High School boys and girls squads last week at Karns. Both teams were young and had a fine season, all things considered. Many groups are planning things for the warmer months ahead, so let’s take a look.

Spring fling It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature, but she doesn’t mind fooling you. Last week’s false spring certainly stirred up some blood grown sluggish from a nasty winter. But if you were around here in March 1993, you’re not ready to pack away your long underwear just yet. Anyway, it’s not so much the song of the robin as the lament of the politicians that signals the arrival of spring in Knox County. We hear from Mayor Tim Burchett that deep cuts to the budget are in store, and that feathering the nest is no longer fashionable in county government. So be it, although the fact is that despite occupying the top rung in the food chain, the mayor controls only a fraction of the county budget. The school system accounts for about 60 percent of your hard earned tax dollars, and – contrary to rumors – the school board remains in charge of the education budget. Regardless of the mayor’s plans, the final say on the county’s budget rests with commission, or at least that’s how the Charter reads. Granted, you’d be hard pressed to provide practical proof of this statutory authority in the recent past. With few exceptions, commission scarcely rearranged a penny in former Mayor Mike Ragsdale’s budgets. There was much sound and fury during budget discussions, mostly signifying nothing. Burchett’s inaugural budget may get more scrutiny, and it should. Chief financial guru John Troyer is a veteran, but there are rookies on Burchett’s staff, and rookie mistakes will happen. It remains to be seen if commission is still so dazzled by the mayor’s landslide victory that it can’t read the fine print. We’d hate to hear, for example, that the mayor had added a couple of positions here or there on the sly after his doomsday proclamation. Speaking of “fine” print, we’re glad you’re back to give us another look. Our Karns readers should enjoy Joe Rector’s story of a father who passed on his love for drumming to his son. (One of Joe’s protagonists appeared in a television commercial. Hmm. Does that make us a multimedia content provider?) We don’t mean to pay short shrift to any of our contributors, so check out all the front pages online at www. shoppernewsnow.com. And think spring!

Greg Householder

and drinks during the PHS Band spring concert 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 8. If you haven’t been to a band concert, you’re missing a true experience from a group of talented young people. The PTA also provided chocolates for the faculty last Monday in honor of Valentine’s Day.

PHS Band motorcycle run is April 30

While you’re marking your calendars, all bikers should save April 30. The PHS Band boosters will be holding its second annual motorcycle run beginning with registration at 11 a.m., lunch at noon and the ride kicking off at 1 p.m. at Knoxville Harley Davidson on Clinton Highway. Michelle Kiely of the Knoxville There will be goody bags Chamber had some good ad- and the ride is free but dovice for the Knox North Lions. nations are greatly appreciPhoto by Greg Householder ated. The Marching Panthers Knox North Lions will be representing the Michelle Kiely, director of Powell community at the membership development 70th anniversary obserfor the Knoxville Chamber vance of the attack on Pearl of Commerce, was on hand Harbor this fall in Hawaii, last Wednesday with some so all motorcycle riders good advice for the Knox should come out and supNorth Lions Club. port this fun event. In need of a fundraiser, the Knox North Lions are considering resurrecting the community dog show. The lunchtime meeting Dinner to honor turned into more of a work- friends of ing lunch rather than a formal presentation as the McNabb Center Lions brainstormed with The seventh annual Kiely as to ways to conduct Spirit Award Dinner bena fundraiser. The Lions efiting the Helen Ross are tentatively planning an McNabb Center will be event for pets in conjunc- held Tuesday, March 1, at tion with the Powell Inde- the Knoxville Convention pendence Day Parade on Center. Hallerin Hilton Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com. July 4. Hill will serve as the master of ceremonies. Powell High PTA Check out updates on all your favorite articles throughout the week at Each year the dinner The Powell High School www.ShopperNewsNow.com recognizes an individual, PTA will be selling treats couple or family who has made a significant commitment to the center. This year, Bo Shafer and The Best in the late Mary Shafer will Custom Window Coverings! be honored. ®

The Powell Lions Club will hold an “Adopt a Road” cleanup of Emory Road from Clinton Highway to the railroad tracks at 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 26. Any church or community groups that would like to help are welcome. All vests and equipment will be provided. Interested groups should meet at the Realty Executives Knoxville Realty Office.

PHS Alumni Dinner is April 2

Dreams Foundation Hall of Fame induction The invitation letters for the inaugural class of the Powell High School Hall of Fame inductees were sent out last week. The foundation will be holding the induction at the Jubilee Banquet facility off Callahan Road at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 9. The induction will honor Anthony Buhl, Sharon McIntosh, Richard Bean, Ron Rackley, Jennie Meredith Cowart, Tom Householder, Raymond Johnson, Charles Roach, Rex Stooksbury, Laura Bailey, Allan Gill, W.F. “Snooks” Scarbro, John Cooper, Leo Cooper, J.D. Jett, Larry Stephens, Nita Buell Black, Marvin West, Mike Ogan and Jim Hobart. Tickets are $50 and tables of 10 are available for $400. Tickets may be reserved by calling Greta Stooksbury at Powell High School, 9382171, ext. 108.

The Powell High School Alumni Association will celebrate its 93rd anniversary on April 2 with the group’s annual dinner to be held at the Jubilee Banquet Facility off Callahan Road. Registration will begin at 4:45 p.m., social hour is 4:45 to 5:45 and dinner will begin at 6. Bob Hodge, Powell High Class of 1979 and a con- Shannon Washam at KFL Shannon Washam will tributing outdoor writer to the Knoxville News Senti- be the guest speaker for the K nox v ille nel, will provide entertainFellowship ment. Luncheon at Cost is $20 and reservanoon Tuestions may be made by calling day, Feb. 22. Mary Hodge-Cunningham The KFL at 938-9428 or Vivian Jett is a group McFalls at 607-9775. Resof Chriservations may also be made tian men by e-mail to Lynette Brown and women at Lbrown8042@aol.com. Washam that meets Deadline for reservations is weekly at the Golden Corral March 25. in Powell.

Bo Shafer has served on the Helen Ross McNabb Foundation Board since 1989. Over the past 20 years, he has led multi-million dollar campaigns that have provided facilities and services for thousands of children and adults with severe mental illnesses. Mary Shafer served as a philanthropist and advocate for a variety of needs in East Tennessee. She chaired and served on the boards of several agencies in the community. Space is limited. For reservations, contact Nicole Randall, 329-9030 or e-mail nicole.randall@


‘Hiding’ exposes women’s issues LINK (Liberty in North Korea) and Y-Teens will host a showing of the documentary “Hiding” 7-10 p.m. Saturday, March 5, at the YWCA in downtown Knoxville. The fi lm shows the experiences of five North Korean refugees and their attempts to escape. By showing the film, LINK and Y-Teens hope to raise awareness of international women’s issues. Info: www.linkglobal.org or www.ywcaknox.com.

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Organization looks to ‘educate, inspire and unite’ By Greg Householder For a group of almost 40 supporters, the dream is coming closer to a reality. Powell Playhouse Inc., a nonprofit group whose mission is to educate, inspire and unite local communities around the performing arts by engaging in live theatrical performances for adults and children, is just about ready to launch. The organization’s “branding statement” is a simplified version of its mission: “educating, inspiring and uniting.” The group is in the process of filing for its 501(c) (3) nonprofit status with the Internal Revenue Service and this process should be complete by April, according to treasurer Melanie Witt.

Nita Buell Black. File photo The current president and artistic director is Nita Buell Black, longtime drama teacher at Powell High School. The Powell Playhouse is shooting for its first production this summer. Audition information will be coming out soon and may be found at the group’s website, www.

powellplayhouseinc.com. But the group has some serious needs if that dream is to become a reality, the most immediate being rehearsal space and a temporary stage location that makes sense for them. Ideally, this would be located in Knox or Anderson County with high ceilings that would allow for a proscenium stage and graduated seating. And, the group would like find someone with the right kind of empty space who would let them use it until a permanent user was found. Money is tight for the Powell Playhouse, particularly until the IRS nonprofit application process has been filed. The Powell Playhouse is also looking for committee heads and committee members for committees yet to be filled, and a person with a good education background who will

come on board to work out the group’s Education and Scholarship programs. This person would also research partnership possibilities and work with the organization’s Grants and Facilities folks for money to go after and venues until Powell Playhouse has a final home. The group also needs someone with a marketing background that understands sponsorship packages to work with the organization’s various special events and programming people. The Powell Playhouse also needs someone with a grant writing background as well as folks with fundraising and special event planning experience. To volunteer or donate, contact Melanie Witt at 404-702-3310 or by email at skloart@aol.com or info@powellplayhouseinc. com.

Coupon fair The second annual Knoxville Coupon Fair will be held 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 26, at Faith UMC, 1120 Dry Gap Pike. Attendance is free and child care will be provided. Local coupon and money saving experts will be present to give oneon-one attention to participants. Instructional handouts will be provided for those new to couponing. Participants are encouraged to bring extra coupons and “freebies” to trade. Info: E-mail Gabrielle Blake at couponingincriticaltimes@gmail.com.

Masons host fundraiser Beaver Ridge Masonic Lodge 366, 7429 Oak Ridge Highway, will host a benefit bean dinner 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 5. Five different kinds of home-cooked beans will be served with homemade cake for dessert. Admission is free, although donations will be accepted for two local families in need.

Fort Sumter Cemetery group to meet The Fort Sumter Community Cemetery Association will hold its yearly business meeting 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3, at Salem Baptist Church, 8201 Hill Road in Halls, in Room 140. Directions/info: 660-6949.

4509 Doris Circle 922-4136

Group organizing Powell Playhouse

‘Nixon in China’ is an experience By Jake Mabe So I watched “Nixon in China,” the stunning, curious opera by John Adams, seen the way it should be – in living HD – on a big screen at Regal Cinema West Town Mall yesterday. (The only thing better, of course, would be experiencing it at the Met itself.) And this is an opera to be experienced. I still don’t know what I think about it. One thing is certain. Adams and that whirling dervish of a director, Peter Sellars, who has the most colorful coif since Don King, have produced the most important American opera since “Porgy and Bess.” In the current Met production, James Maddalena sings Nixon in the role that he created in the opera’s 1987 debut in Houston.

Janis Kelly plays a sympathetic Pat Nixon, Russell Baun is Chou En-lai, Robert Brubaker is Mao Tse-tung, Kathleen Kim is Chiang Ch’ing (Madame Mao) and Richard Paul Fink is Henry Kissinger. Composer Adams also conducts. The action is centered around Nixon’s historic 1972 visit to China. The best scene is the rather faithfully adapted meeting between Nixon and Mao. Nixon tries to talk pragmatic politics; Mao mumbles in generalities. The worst scene is the opera-withinan-opera in which Kissinger is reduced to a strutting buffoon. It isn’t Fink’s fault; he does a superb job with what is scripted. For some reason, Adams decided that Kissinger would provide the comic relief and it doesn’t work.

Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, will host a special dinner 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23. Guest speakers Grant Standefer and Jessica Bocangel from Compassion Coalition will explain the major points of the Mayor’s Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness. Everyone is invited. Barbecue will be served by Bernie’s BBQ. Cost is $5 adults, $3 per child and no more than $16 per family. RSVP: 690-1060.

■ Gibbs High School Class of 2001 will hold a reunion 7 p.m. Saturday, April 23, at the Boathouse at BridgeView. Cost is $30. RSVP by Saturday, Feb. 26. Info: e-mail Sarah at skqualls@gmail.com, Shelly at shellymcgill@comcast. net or pay online at www. ghsreunion01.tenderbranch. com.

Kids’ writing contest East Tennessee PBS has launched this year’s PBS Kids Go! Writers Contest for students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. All entries must be original, illustrated stories and should be received by Thursday, March 31. First place winners will receive a certificate, prizes and the opportunity to read their story on-air. Info: Frank Miller, 595-0240.

Children’s dance auditions The Tennessee Children’s Dance Ensemble will hold open auditions for new members 4 p.m. Saturday, March 5, at Dancers Studio, 4216 Sutherland Ave. Any Tennessee resident age 8-14 can audition with a prepared, original, one-minute dance composition without music demonstrating modern dance and ballet techniques. TCDE performs nationally. Info: Amy or Irena, 584-9636.


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Watching “Nixon in China” made me think of the work of composer Philip Glass. Maybe it’s its minimalism. Maybe it’s because I downloaded and listened to Glass’s “Violin Concerto No. 2” just before viewing the opera. I don’t know. I do know that I’m glad I saw it. The second act is the weakest link, but the third act, also surreal, nearly redeems the mistake, as the main characters muse on mortality, reality and whatmight-have-beens. An encore HD presentation of “Nixon in China” will be presented Wednesday, March 2. The best book to date on Nixon’s 1972 trip, by the way, is Margaret MacMillan’s “Nixon and Mao: The Week that Changed the World.”

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government Simplified redistricting Up in Washington, D.C., the number-crunchers are still massaging the 2010 census data. Answers to questions vital to our country’s future are on the line: Can Sarah Palin actually see Russia from her front porch? How does U.S. Rep. John Boehner stay so tan?


Campfield bails, Woodson sails If Stacey Campfield had shown up, this column could have written itself. It would have been called “The Odd Couple.”

Betty Bean

Piece of cake – but Oscar was a no-show. Knox County’s state senaWhat we’re talking about has tors, Jamie Woodson and nothing to do with opera. Stacey Campfield, are pretty For example, quite a few much polar opposites in Larry residents in the 5th District style and substance and Van oppose locating permanent Guilder supportive housing units for were booked for a Saturday breakfast with the League of the chronically homeless in Women Voters. Democrats their backyard. Commissionabound at League meetings, er Jeff Ownby’s low regard While we wait, we should for the Ten Year Plan surely and the discussion would begin to steel ourselves for helped when he wrested the no doubt have gotten lively the next round of everyone’s 4th District seat from Finbarr if Campfield, who has called favorite political maneuvering Saunders last year. So, let’s himself “the far right feather on the far right wing,” hadn’t game, redistricting. There’s a combine those districts. sent his regrets via a 1 a.m. elot at stake for the major poCurrently, the most impor- mail saying he had to go to a litical parties as congressional tant issue in the 8th District districts are redrawn, but to- is Carter Elementary School. funeral. So the League had to settle day we’re concerned with the But parents in Districts 2, 3, for substance over slapstick local scene. 4 and 5 are also campaigning in the form of an hourlong County Commission dis- for new schools or renovatricts are slated for modifi- tions, so we may as well com- question and answer session with Woodson, who spoke cations to reflect the census bine all these areas. off the cuff and demonstrated results. It takes loads of techOn the surface, Districts nology and GIS geeks to shove 1 and 9 might not appear a few hundred residents here to have much in common. and few hundred more there Wrong. They border one anso that representation on com- other and allow residents to mission is “fair and balanced.” cross without a passport, so That’s the aim, anyway, they’ll join hands on the new By Sandra Clark but fair is in the eye of the district map. County Commissioner beholder, as we witnessed That leaves Districts 6 and during the last redistricting 7. One was once represented Tony Norman cut to the hearings. Short fuses were by “Scoobie,” the other by bone: “How in the world in abundance, and onlook- “Lumpy.” Those are close did you beat Finbarr Sauners were startled as “Give me enough cultural ties for me, ders?” he asked colleague Norwood, or give me death!” and we’ll partner them up Jeff Ownby at last week’s and similar calls to arms with the 1st and 9th Districts. meeting of the West Knox Republican Club. echoed through the halls of Now we’ve simplified to Ownby just grinned and the City County Building. two districts, one comprised Enough already – let’s of the old Districts 2, 3, 4, 5 shrugged. Out in the crowd simplify redistricting. We can and 8, the other made up of Ruthie Kuhlman claimed save time, money and stress former Districts 1, 6, 7 and the credit. “It was me!” “Ruthie is the good and with the following plan. 9. We’ll place Ed Shouse’s atthe bad!” Jeff joked. He atFirst, forget population. large seat in with the latter, The minority can be just as giving each district five com- tributed his upset win in vocal and effective as the ma- missioners. Mike Hammond District 4 to his hard work, jority in the realm of politics. will only cast a vote in the his volunteers, Republican Toss out geography. Loca- event of ties, which should be clubs across the county and his willingness to listen to tion may be important for real plentiful. residents. estate agents, but we’ve got a Voice your support for Jeff Ownby is Everyman. more fundamental standard simplified redistricting. It He and his wife, Jayme, are in mind – culture. may take a Charter amendraising eight kids – six of You say you’re as “cul- ment, but “larrymandering” them foster children. Jeff tured” as the next fellow? makes sense to me. sports a crew cut and susDon’t get the wrong idea. contact: lvgknox@mindspring.com. penders. He fights a weight problem. He has taken a high school diploma and some courses at Pellissippi State to a supervisory position in technical services at Comcast. Now he’s taking night courses online to earn a college degree. He recently lost 30 pounds after having his tonsils removed. “All I could eat was chicken soup with no chicken,” he explained. So what does one guy mean on County Commission? Hardin Valley Academy sophomore Trevor Dixon recently served as a page in the state Senate after being invited by Ownby’s was the swing state Sen. Randy McNally. Dixon is the son of Brent and vote on the Midway BusiShelia Dixon. Photo submitted ness Park. Saunders would

the prowess that has allowed her to rise to the position of speaker pro tempore of the Senate. Campfield likes to file legislation that messes with teachers (like his “Don’t Say Gay” bill), but Woodson’s specialty is education, and she has built a considerable reputation as a passionate and skilled advocate for Tennessee’s schools. Her focus this lean budget year will be on “outcomes,” she said. She will be looking for ways to make Tennessee’s students smarter, and she shared a story that she heard while participating in a bipartisan education study group convened by former Gov. Phil Bredesen. She said that a business leader told the group that he had to plow through 900 job applications to fill 30 entry-level positions. “That is an alarming number,” she said. “Right now, about 27 percent of Tennessee’s population over the age of 25 has a 2 or 4-year degree. We need for that number to be about 67 percent.” She was heavily involved in the state’s successful application for “Race to the Top”

Jamie Woodson

Photo by Betty


funds and is rightfully proud that Tennessee was one of two states that won in the first round. “We came home with $500 million. That’s distributed among 136 school systems across the state, and we want transformational change,” she said. “We won the national championship – it’s a policy national championship.” But another important element of Woodson’s skill set, the adroit dipsy-doodle, was on display when she was asked some sticky questions about the raft of tea partyish, creationist-ish, teacherunfriendly-ish education

Everyman at County Commission

Dixon visits the Senate

Jeff Ownby hitches up his trademark suspenders. Photo by S. Clark

have supported the project; Ownby did not. His resolution to block county funding for homeless housing unless alcohol was banned led to the dissolution of the TYP. You can bet whatever Stephanie Matheny and Ron Peabody come up with won’t be called TYP. And the housing won’t permit alcohol. Jeff spouts the usual Republican platitudes: less government, fewer taxes, end wasteful spending, too many administrators for Knox County Schools. But his philosophy has some wrinkles: Five years from now, he says, his vote might be different on the Midway Business Park.

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The TYP failed, he says, because it lacked “solid buyin” from citizens. “There is a homeless problem. We all agree. We will discuss the ways to solve it.” The contentious ridge top protection plan: “They’ve been working for three years on that; I’m catching up.” Jeff summed up his six months of service: “I’m surprised by how somebody who doesn’t even know you can send you a nasty e-mail. I’m the type of person who tries to please everyone. I’ve learned you can’t make everyone happy. So you hope to make more people happy than you (annoy).”

bills that her Republican colleagues are dropping in the hopper this session (not to mention the immigration, environmental and TennCare issues that she’ll be asked to vote for or against). She smiled a lot and talked about finding a responsible balance and moved on to the next question almost before the audience knew it wasn’t getting an answer. Finally, she was asked to talk about redistricting, something the League plans to become heavily involved in this year. Again she smiled, even when she hearkened back 10 years to when her colleagues redrew the 17th House district into a creature that ran from White Pine to Rocky Hill and connected Knox and Jefferson counties with a strip of land too skinny to support human habitation, forcing her to run in two counties to keep her seat. “The first priority will be to comply with the spirit of the law,” she said. “I have seen in a very real way the damage redistricting can do when it’s not fair.” And she smiled again.

Work to commence on First Creek flooding project The construction company that was formerly the bridge subcontractor on the stalled First Creek Drainage Improvement Project is now in charge of finishing the whole job. City officials say that Bell & Associates Construction LP has been awarded the new contract, and that work will begin “within the next few days.” The company anticipates completing the project in 182 days, or “sometime in August.” The project has blocked access to Fairmont Boulevard from Broadway and partially blocked Emoriland Boulevard since last summer. The previous estimated completion date was last November, but by September it became apparent that the deadline wasn’t going to be met. Work halted in November due to a dispute between Bell & Associates and the former contractor D.H. Excavating LLC. The city negotiated a new performance bond as part of the settlement agreement.

Political happenings ■ The 6th District of the Knox County Democratic Party will meet 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, at the Karns Middle School library. The district includes Hardin Valley, Soloway. Karns and part of Powell.



Launching the school of the future Kids with parents in tow packed the L&N Station last week for a glimpse at the new STEM Academy, set to open this fall for 100 freshmen and 100 sophomores.

Sandra Clark

Principal Becky Ashe said everyone was excited. “I heard a student say it would be like going to school at Hogwarts.” Ashe said she’s “afraid to check”

on the number of applications. Slots will be decided by lottery with a factor for geographic distribution. Ashe and Assistant Superintendent Donna Wright were in Miami later last week, touring model magnet schools. Ashe said they saw programs that “just set our heads spinning.” The absence of athletics concerned some at the STEM open house. And Ashe has the answer. “All kids in Knox County have a happy choice. The zoned high schools have fine academics and athletics. (If sports are that impor-

tant) we wish them the best of luck at their zoned schools.” Ashe anticipates a “really robust art and music program” at STEM because there’s a “huge connection” between these subjects and academic achievement. Space is available for both vocal and instrumental music, and the nearby Tennessee Amphitheatre can be used for performances. The new high school will have World’s Fair Park as its campus and the University of Tennessee right over the hill. Ashe said teachers will be selected

through the KCS’s normal HR process.


Notes Tamika Catchings, UT and WNBA basketball star, has launched “Catch the Stars” Foundation in conjunction with UT and KCS. The program will help atrisk high school students by providing goal-setting programs that promote literacy, fitness and mentoring, Cathleen Falsani and will be administered by UT’s College of Education, King College Health and Human Scienc■ Cathleen Falsani, author and es. The Foundation will first former religion columnist for work with students at the the Chicago-Sun Times, will Dr. Paul L. Kelley Volunteer speak at King College and Academy, located in Knoxthe Bristol Train Station on ville Center mall.

Monday, Feb.28. Falsani will present “God as Author” in the college’s Memorial Chapel at 10:30 a.m. and “Listening to your life” at the Bristol Train Station at 7 p.m. Both events are free and open to the public. Info: 423-652-4156

Pellissippi State

Daniel Aycock, Camille Crumpton, Richard Lusk and Johannah Reed are UT-Knoxville accounting students who won $5,000 for demonstrating excellence in sustainability accounting. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) awarded the students second place in a national case competition focused on enhancing environmental sustainability practices at a luxury hotel. While 64 student teams from around the country entered submissions, only 10 were chosen to participate in the competition. Photo submitted

KSO’s family-friendly concert

Model bridge contest

The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will present “Let’s Build the Tower of Music,” a family-friendly concert for children ages 3-8 and their families, 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, at the Tennessee Theatre. Tickets start at $6 for children, $14 for adults. Beginning 12:45 p.m., early arrivals can participate in Picardy’s Playground, held in the lobby of the theatre and featuring a variety of children’s activities including an instrument petting zoo. Info: 291-3310 or www.knoxvillesymphony.com.

The East Tennessee Regional Model Bridge Building Contest will be held 8:30 a.m. Saturday, March 5, at the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge for students in grades 7-12. The top two winners in the Senior High division will advance to the International Model Bridge Building Contest at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago on Saturday, April 30. Participants must register by Monday, Feb. 28. Info: www. amse.org.

Brown Bag, Green Book A new season of the Brown Bag, Green Book lunch and learn series begins this month at the East Tennessee History Center: ■ “The Climate War Politics: True Believers, Power Brokers and the Fight to Save the Earth” by Eric Pooley, will be presented by Stephen Smith, executive director of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Wednesday March 23. ■ “The Sacred Universe: Earth, Spirituality and Religion in the Twenty-first Century” by Thomas Berry will be presented by Rabbi Beth Schwartz from Temple Beth El on Wednesday, April 20. ■ “Living Downstream: a Scientist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment” by Sandra Steingraber will be discussed by Edye Ellis, host of “The Good Life” on HGTV, former anchor with WBIR-TV and breast cancer survivor, Wednesday, May 18. ■ “The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability” by James Gustave Speth will be presented by Metro Pulse columnist Frank Cagle on Wednesday, June 15. Reading the book is optional but encouraged. Copies of the books are available at the library. Info: Emily Ellis, 215-8723.

An IRA for every individual Your retirement plans are as individual as you are. Your IRA should be, too. With us, you’ll be making investments that make sense for your financial goals. And since we’re a community bank, you’ll be making all our futures brighter by keeping your money working in the community. Retirement is a time that was meant to be spent enjoying life. Talk to us about your IRA.

■ Black military veterans will share their World War II experiences during a Black History Month Forum presented by Roane State Community College’s Social Science, Business and Education Division. The forum will be held at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25, in the City Room at the college’s Oak Ridge campus. Speakers will include Leon Holley and William Mills. Info: Casey Cobb at 354-3000 ext. 2205.

UT-Knoxville ■ Tennessee Yards and Neighborhoods will present a landscaping workshop for homeowners from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church, 2931 Kingston Pike. Lunch, workbooks, rain gauges and $20 vouchers for soil testing will be provided. The workshop costs $35 ($50 per couple) with advanced registration required. Info: 215-2340.

Check out updates on all your favorite articles throughout the week at


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Arts and Heritage Fund The Arts and Culture Alliance has announced the launch of the Arts and Heritage Fund which seeks to raise money to support a wide range of arts organizations, historical sites and cultural organizations throughout the Knoxville area. Info: www.ahfund.org or 523-7543.

Roane State

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Eddie Mannis, president of Prestige Cleaners, presents a check to Benny Perry, principal of Austin-East Magnet School. To date, the program has donated $45,000 to schools in Knox County. Customers select their favorite school through Project Classroom. The amount donated is based on a percentage of sales. In 2010, 76 schools received a donation with Austin-East, Sequoyah Elementary and Bearden Elementary getting more than $500 each.

UT accounting students win award


Austin-East receives donation

■ The Knoxville Opera Gospel Choir will perform at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, in the Clayton Performing Arts Center on the Pellissippi Campus. The performance is one of several events taking place as part

of the college’s Black History Month celebration. The performance is free and open to the public. Info: 539-7160.

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A-6 • FEBRUARY 21, 2011 • POWELL SHOPPER-NEWS Myra Horn on the University of Alabama campus in 1967. As a student there, she became an honorary member of the Afro-American Society, a testament to her belief in equality and her courage.

Cynthia Jackson and Myra Horn became lifelong friends after meeting at Shades Valley High School in Birmingham, Ala. Jackson is pictured holding her daughter, Lydia. Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of Myra Horn

Myra Horn

Larry Van Guilder


hat does courage look like? Myra Horn, a soft-spoken woman who works in administration at Webb School of Knoxville, doesn’t look like a hero, but don’t be fooled – she’s the genuine article. When her family relocated from Nashville to Birmingham, Ala., in April 1962, she summoned the courage to uphold the ideal of equality taught by her parents. Horn makes no heroic claims for herself. She points, instead, to the accomplishments of the African-American girls and boys she befriended in strife-ridden Birmingham. Let’s set the scene, and you decide. Shades Valley High School, Birmingham, 1966: Horn is a senior. In a speech she gave at Webb in 2008, she recalled an incident that became a “defining moment”: “I was 17 and went in my senior high school physics class for the first time to find all the white kids lined up against the walls around the room, and a lone black girl sitting at a desk in the center of the room. I took another look around, then went over and sat in a desk next to this girl, held out my hand and said, ‘Hi, I’m Myra Horn.’ She put out her hand, we shook and she said, ‘Hi, I’m Cynthia Ann Jackson.’ … I did what I had been raised to do – acknowledge that all people are, indeed, created equal in the eyes of God and should be in the eyes of man.” Jackson was one of “three brave black girls” who integrated the high school during the 1966-1967 school year, Horn said, and she and Jackson have been “best buds” since that day. Back in Nashville, Horn had known only all-white churches, schools and neighborhoods. The move to Birmingham was “like being picked up and set on an alien planet.” Like all big cities, Nashville in the ’60s was struggling with its own racial issues. But Birmingham was a world apart from anything Horn had experienced, home to the brutal police chief “Bull” Connor and a cauldron of Klan activity. Horn describes her family’s reaction to Birmingham as “beyond appalled.” She recalls hearing a local resident say on televi-

Myra Horn today with a treasured collection of rings from the 1960s. The self-described “aging hippie” courageously put her beliefs into action as a young woman in Alabama. Photo by L. Van Guilder

The face of


sion one day: “If I ain’t better’n no nigger, who am I better of?” Horn and her twin sister, Leah, were close to the ages of the four young girls killed in September 1963 when a bomb planted by Klan members exploded at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. The

The first appointment CROSS CURRENTS | Lynn Hutton I left you behind in Crete for this reason, so that you should put in order what remained to be done, and should appoint elders in every town, as I directed you . … (Titus 1: 5)


remember the mother of five who watched her only son pack to move away to take a job in another city. She told me later that she felt he was no more ready to strike off on his own than her youngest, who was 8, was able to drive off in the car. But the mother smiled and waved bravely as she watched him leave.

I watch the new ordinands at Annual Conference every year, frequently (though not always) young and starry-eyed. They receive their appointments and are sent out to preach the Gospel, to tend the flock, to administer the affairs of the local church. I wonder if they have any idea. …

blast shook the First Baptist Church where her family was attending that morning. A few years later, Horn’s first visit to the Birmingham home of her new friend, Cynthia, furthered her education on racial inequities. Today, she compares the setting to “the Bottoms,” the notorious neighborhood

And I marvel at Paul, who would plant a church and leave a young colleague behind to “put in order what remained to be done.” Churches are not easy organizations to lead. Ask any pastor. This is true across the board, for many reasons, I think. First, churches tend to be made up of people. That is a big problem, right there. Because people are sinners, every last one of us, and even sinners saved by grace occasionally forget the grace part and think we did it all on our own. Churches are unwieldy, they are unpredictable, they are full of high expectations, their mission is formidable, and did I mention they are made up of people? So Paul deposited Titus on the island of Crete, in a new church, full of brand new Christians, then leaves

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depicted in the late ’80s’ television show “In the Heat of the Night.” “The only white people who had ever been there were official people – police and firemen,” Horn said. Horn and Jackson both attended the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa their first two years in college. There she made more black friends and joined marches against segregation. “We’d march from campus to downtown Tuscaloosa, then gather in the square to sing ‘We Shall Overcome’ while good old boys in their pickups with their gun racks would circle around us,” Horn said in her 2008 speech. Her father managed the local Baptist bookstore and often welcomed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to the establishment. When King was assassinated, Horn, who was an honorary member of the Afro-American Society, started searching for her friends on the Tuscaloosa campus. “Two huge black guys” at first barred her from entering the society’s building. Eventually, another black friend, Moses, got her in. “I sat there with them all day watching the news coverage and crying – the only white person given this honor and privilege,” she recalls. Interspersed with the drama were lighter moments at Tuscaloosa. One day Horn was called into the presence of “Mammy Morgan,” a dorm mother from Lowndes County, Miss. Morgan told her that no decently-raised white girl would behave as she did. Horn replied that she’d “match her upbringing” to Morgan’s “any day.” Cynthia Jackson became Dr. Cynthia Jackson, earning a doctorate in microbiology. Horn is godmother to Jackson’s daughter, Lydia. Of her choice to join others in putting what she had been taught into practice, Horn admits they were often afraid. Although she was blessed with something rare for the times, an upbringing that stressed the equality of all races, she and her friends had to overcome fear as great as any encountered on the battlefield. So, take another look at the face of that young woman posed demurely in front of the oak tree. Take a look at the face of courage. Contact Larry Van Guilder at lvgknox@mindspring.com.

him, with instructions to “do the rest,” including appointing elders. We aren’t sure of Titus’ age, but my guess is that he was a whippersnapper compared to the “elders” he was about to appoint. Paul wanted elders set apart, selected from the older men. They should be men of experience (not a bad idea), men who were indigenous to the community, who would provide wisdom, who would teach, who would lead the older men. And young Titus was to choose the leaders. Also Titus was to lead the leaders. And he was to teach the young men. One wonders if he stood at the port, feeling abandoned, as he watched Paul’s ship sail away across the Mediterranean. Did he turn and gaze on the Island of Crete with trepidation? We know Titus had been with

Paul on the trip to Jerusalem when Paul’s apostleship was first recognized by the leaders of the baby church. We know that he was a Gentile convert to Christianity and that Paul resisted all efforts by the Jewish Christians to insist that he be circumcised. It is clear that Paul trusted him implicitly. Paul’s letter to Titus reminds him to teach the structures of a wellorganized family household, and to encourage good works, as a product of faith – an outgrowth of the joy of the knowledge of Christ. Not, it behooves us to note, as brownie points toward salvation (a fact we tend to lose sight of, even now). Titus was to teach the people of Crete that Christian love flows in and through the believer, eventually splashing over onto everyone he meets. May it be so, even today.

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Majors’ landmark games TALES OF TENNESSEE | Marvin West


he column a few weeks ago about defining games in Bill Battle’s time at Tennessee sparked several questions from younger readers. Most had something to do with Johnny Majors and what happened next. This much is required background: Majors is in all the halls of fame that matter. He is a legend. It says so in the second chapter of my second book. It was inevitable that Majors would coach at Tennessee. His father was a spectacular example and John was the first son from what became the state’s most famous football family. He was an All-American Volunteer, one tough, talented and smart tailback who followed great blocking through that unforgettable 1956 season to Southeastern Conference player of the year honors and runner-up for the Heisman. It seemed certain that he would be a success as Tennessee coach. He was a winner elsewhere under what appeared to be more difficult circumstances, up from the ashes

at Iowa State and Pitt, all the way up to a national championship. Tennessee was in decline but not at the disaster level at the end of the Battle era, when Majors finally got the call. Repairing what was broken took a while, longer than expected. Majors thought the cupboard was bare. Some of us didn’t think the talent was terrible. Jimmy Streater, Reggie Harper, Robert Shaw, Brent Watson, Jim Noonan, Greg Jones, Roland James and Craig Colquitt were in the house. Even when Majors teams eventually won titles, consistency was rare. In fact, inconsistency was a trademark. There was a hint of things to come in his third season, 1979. The Vols lost to Rutgers 13-7 in a shocking upset. One week later, they clobbered Notre Dame. Hubert Simpson scored four touchdowns. The Irish sped out of town. Three years later, one of the defining games of Majors’ career occurred on the third Saturday in October. At long last Tennessee defeated Alabama. It was 35-28, a glorious rebellion after just 11 years of abuse. Even that was trial

by fire. In the closing minutes, the Tide drove goalward as if to break more hearts. Didn’t happen. Lee Jenkins tipped a pass and Mike Terry intercepted. After that came dancing in the streets. The losing streak was not all Majors’ fault. Battle lost the first six. With Paul “Bear” Bryant gone, Tennessee won four in a row. The 1983 victory in Birmingham, 4134, was a new experience for young Alabama fans. Alan Cockrell hit 80-yard bombs to Lenny Taylor and Clyde Duncan. Majors recorded several significant victories in 1985, including Tennessee 38, Auburn 20. The Tigers and Bo Jackson came in ranked No. 1. What a season that turned out to be, capped by the highlight of Majors’ 16 years, Tennessee 35, Miami 7 in the Sugar Bowl. The head coach shared credit with Ken Donahue’s great defensive scheme that gathered four interceptions and two fumbles and sacked the quarterback seven times. Other Majors landmarks: Tennessee 21, Auburn 14. Key victory in the 11-1 season of 1989. Tennessee 31, Arkansas 27 in the 1990 Cotton Bowl. Vols averaged 8.4 per rush with Chuck Webb setting the pace with 250 yards. Alvin Harper finally stopped the Razorbacks by fielding an onsides kick with 1:23 remaining. Tennessee 45, Florida 3 that October. Gators’ new coach, Steve Spurrier, an East Tennessean, got an entirely different perspective of East Tennessee.

Johnny Majors File photo by Jake Mabe Tennessee 23, Virginia 22 in the 1991 Sugar Bowl. Vols trailed by 19 in the second half and caught up with 31 seconds remaining. QB Andy Kelly was named most outstanding player. Tony Thompson gained 151 yards and scored the winning TD. Tennessee 35, Notre Dame 34 the following autumn, the miracle in South Bend, was another defining game. Want to talk about the luck of the Irish under the Golden Dome? The Vols rallied from 31-7 deficit. As great as was the comeback, it couldn’t have happened without the Orangemen being awful in the first half. They looked dead in the water just before intermission but Darryl Hardy blocked a field goal. Floyd Miley found the bouncing ball and ran 85 yards. Late in the game, the Vols got the

lead and staved off two Notre Dame dying threats. A last-second field goal failed. A diving Jeremy Lincoln flew past the placement only to have the low kick hit his rump. Alas, there were different defining moments in 1992. Majors rushed back to work from heart surgery and got trapped in a threegame tailspin. The team that had whipped Georgia and Florida while he was away suffered a discouraging loss at South Carolina. It was a crushing blow that finalized the decision to change coaches. Majors accepted a buyout and resigned the following Friday, the most controversial day in Tennessee football history. John Majors really is Chapter 2 in Marvin West’s second book, “Legends of the Tennessee Vols.” Signed copies are available by mail from WESTCOM, P.O. Box 38, Maynardville, TN 37807. The cost is $25.

TV comes to Concord-Farragut I

t’s hard for me to browse through the electronics section of the large retailers in our area with their myriad offerings – Blue-Ray disk players, surround sound and the latest innovation of adapting 3-D technology to television – without thinking about my first experience with TV. The year was 1951, and although most of the villagers had read about the new technology, very few had actually seen a “television set” as they were called, and even fewer had any idea of what to expect from this new invention. These new curiosities were stocked by the large Knoxville retailers, but in the ConcordFarragut area there was only one source – Ray Hobbs’ electronics. Ray’s operation was run out of a converted mobile home where half the area was used as a sales and repair shop, and the other half served as the family residence. Ray had a monopoly on both sales and service, and since the sets often needed repairs, most people preferred to purchase from Ray rather than the Knoxville retailers because of convenience. Ray also offered another service that was quite unique. If your set was being repaired, you were welcome to come to his shop and watch TV while he worked. He had several chairs set up for that purpose, and it also served as a gathering place for neighbors. In reflecting on Ray’s service, I am not sure he had any formal tech-

POWELL YOUTH BASEBALL SIGN-UPS at Halftime Pizza Tuesday, February 22 Tuesday, March 1 6 pm - 8 pm Saturday, February 26 11 am - 3 pm

RECREATION N LEAG LEAGUES GUES 4 & 5 Year Old Boys & Girls T-Ball 6 & Under Coach Pitch 7 & 8 Year Old Coach Pitch 9 & 10 Year Olds 11 & 12 Year Olds The league you play in is based on how old you are as of April 30, 2011. • Fees: 1st child - $80, 2nd - $75, 3rd or more $30 each. • Due to Knox Co. deciding not to provide insurance we have had to increase our fees by $5 per player to offset the added expense of carrying our own insurance. • Fees also help pay for umpires, field upkeep, team equipment & year-end individual trophies.

MALCOLM’S CORNER | Malcolm Shell nical training. Rather, he simply experimented with the set until he happened to find the problem, and that could take some time. TV sets were very expensive, relatively speaking, and in the beginning only a few could afford them. A new 21-inch black and white TV cost in the range of $300 to $400, depending on the brand, and when one considers that a new Chevrolet only cost about $2,000, buying a new TV was a significant expenditure. There were no credit cards, and the purchaser was faced with the options of either saving the money or trying to convince Ray to accept several installment payments. My family purchased a new 17inch Emerson even before the stations began broadcasting so that we could see the first program. Several months prior to the first telecast, a test panel was displayed, and I can remember people sitting for hours just watching the test panel which never changed. Reception by today’s standards was very poor. In fact, the signal was so weak that even the test panel was very faint and was like looking through a driving snow. Reception was through an antenna affi xed to the roof, and it helped if you lived on a hill. In fact, antennas later became a sort of status symbol; the more complex one was, the better the reception. So, you could look at an antenna

and have a good idea of the type of reception that family enjoyed. We lived midway up a hill and had a more modest antenna. Finally, the big night came. We had a house full and everyone’s eyes were glued to that small screen with the snowy test panel. Programming was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., but technical difficulties at the station moved it back about an hour. It finally appeared, and for the first time you realized that the set also had an audio system. The first program was a movie titled “G. I. Joe.” It was an old film made shortly after World War II, but even with the poor reception, it was an improvement over radio programming. There were very few commercials, so the program only lasted about two hours. But I can remember our guests leaving after the show vowing that a TV would be their next purchase. Today, as I enjoy big screen programming in my home, I often think about that first program, never realizing that the medium would someday be in color, three dimensions, and the primary source of our news and entertainment. But our first television was a revolutionary entertainment medium in a rural area where opportunities were limited, but still enjoyed no less than the many entertainment opportunities we now take for granted.

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Five years of fitness

gram, but she has been doing it as a good deal for her clients. In a time when health club memberships can run more than $50 per month and not include personal training, Marmaduke offers her classes at BCCPC for $3 a class or $15 per month – and the first class is free. terian Church. By Greg Householder Marmaduke offers PiMarmaduke, who owns At the end of this month, lates classes at the church Roxy Marmaduke will cel- Knoxville Personal Trainfrom 6:30 to 7:25 p.m. on ebrate five years of provid- ing LLC, not only has been Tuesdays and Thursdays. providing the community ing Pilates classes at Beaver Creek Cumberland Presby- a low-impact training pro- She also offers classes with a stability ball and weight Roxy Marmaduke leads a Pilates class at Beaver Creek Cumber- training called “Double Dare” at 6 p.m. on Mondays land Presbyterian Church. Photo by Greg Householder

Marmaduke celebrates five years of training at Beaver Creek Presbyterian

CONDOLENCES ■ Mynatt Funeral Homes Inc. (922-9195 or 688-2331): Leola Marie Bock Eugene Dusina Katherine Frye Linda F. Hancock James Hughett Kenneth E. “Gene” Kidd Sr. Kelly Ralph “Smokey” Leach Norma Beaver Loveday James “J.T.” May Sr. Don James McCarty Sr. Junior F. “Pinky” Pinion Lona Uneida McHaffie Porter William Clifford Richard Sr. Nakisha Breann Williams Evelyn Haney Wright Harland G. Vix ■ Stevens Mortuary (524-0331): Jack Ray McAbee Troy Eugene “Gene” Harrill Anna Deane Goins Vickers James Burke

CHURCH NOTES Community services ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, takes orders for Angel Food Ministries by phone, 228-9299, or in person the Saturday before each distribution. The distribution of the food is usually the third Saturday of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Info: 228-9299 or the church office, 690-0160.

will be 6-8 p.m. All proceeds support the missions and activities of the youth group. Info: 690-1060.

Rec programs

■ Central UMC, 201 Third Ave., will hold a children’s clothing and toy consignment and bake sale Friday and Saturday, March 4-5, with a consignorsonly pre-sale Thursday, March 3. Consignors are currently being accepted for a $10 registration fee. Deadline to register is Tuesday, March 1: e-mail kanoak@knoxcentralumc. org or call 363-3103. Info: knoxcentralumc.org/cs01. html. ■ Christ UMC, 7535 Maynardville Highway, will have a formal wear consignment sale for children and adults 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 12. Info: 922-1412.

Music services ■ Highland Baptist Church, 6014 Babelay Road, will host the Southern Gospel trio HisVoice 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 27. A love offering will be accepted. Info: www.hbcknox. org or call Byron, 219-0996. ■ Christ UMC, 7535 Maynardville Pike, sponsors bluegrass each second Sunday during the 8:45 a.m. service.

■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, hosts an exercise class in the Family Life Center gym at 9 a.m. Tuesdays and 4 p.m. Thursdays. The ZUMBA program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program. Cost is $2 per class. Low-Impact Aerobics Classes will continue to meet 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Info: 690-1060.

Senior programs ■ Black Oak Heights Baptist Church, 8000 Brickyard Rd., will begin a Bible study class for seniors without a partner 9:30 a.m. each Sunday in the church gymnasium. The Rev. Dr. William “Bill” Justice will lead the class. Info: 577-7130 or wg_justice@comcast.net.

Special services ■ Halls Christian Church, 4805 Fort Sumter Road, will show the six-week video series “Answers in Genesis” by Ken Ham 6:30 p.m. each Sunday through Sunday, Feb. 27. Info: xwww.hallschristian.net or 922-4210. ■ The Shepherd of the Hills Baptist Church now offers an Internet prayer line. Anytime

you have a prayer or concern, call the line and leave a message. Someone will be praying about the request with you within 24 hours. Prayer line: 484-4066. ■ Bell Road Worship Center, 7321 Bell Road, offers Cafe Connection at 6 p.m. Sundays, a time of fellowship, snacks, coffee, tea and informal Bible Study. ■ New Testament Baptist Church, 9325 Maynardville Highway in Maynardville, will host “Marriage and Family Month” during the month of February. Each Sunday service will feature messages that will help strengthen marriages and enrich families. Services times are 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Info: 922-8366.

Women’s programs ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Highway, will host Women’s Bible Study 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the church library on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The group’s five-week study will be Henri Nouwen’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son – A Story of Homecoming.” Info: Rev. Glenna Manning, 690-1060; www. beaverridgeumc.com.

ers) meets 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. the third Monday of each month at Fairview Baptist Church for devotional, food and fellowship. Child care provided. Info: Anne, 621-9234. ■ The Women’s Ministry of Shepherd of the Hills Baptist Church, 400 East Beaver Creek Dr., hosts a Bible study and breakfast for ladies featuring Beth Moore’s DVDs on The Book of Daniel 10 a.m. until noon each Saturday.

Workshops and classes ■ MAPS meets noon Fridays at First Comforter Church “for the soul purpose of their children.” Info: 688-8390. ■ New Hope Baptist Church, 7602 Bud Hawkins Road in Corryton, hosts Celebrate Recovery adult and youth classes 7 p.m. Tuesdays and 12-step class 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Info: 688-5330. ■ Fairview Baptist Church, 7424 Fairview Road off East Emory Road, hosts a Celebrate Recovery program 7-9 p.m. Thursdays. ■ Shiloh Baptist Church, 6645 Ridgeview Road, is a new church that meets 10 a.m. for Sunday school, 11

at the church. Marmaduke was born in Puerto Rico and speaks both English and Spanish. She grew up in Memphis and moved to East Tennessee six years ago. She has been a personal trainer for six years and spent a year at a local health club before opening up her own business. She specializes in weight loss, weight management and post rehabilitation. She works with men as well as women. Info: www. knoxvillepersonaltraining. com or 622-3103.

a.m. for morning worship, 6 p.m. for Sunday night service and 7 p.m. for Wednesday Bible study. A new study in the Book of Revelation will be held 6 p.m. Sundays until completion. Info: the Rev. Wade Wamack, 405-2793.

Youth programs ■ Graveston Baptist Church Parents’ Day Out program is enrolling children ages 11 months to pre-k. Prices are $145/month for two days a week, $85/month for one day a week. Info: Michelle, 465-9655. ■ Dayspring Church, 906 Callahan Drive, suite 109, is a nondenominational congregation worshiping in a “come as you are” atmosphere. Dayspring Christian preschool trains children from 2 years through 1st grade. Info: 2660324 or dayspringchurch10@ yahoo.com. ■ Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Hwy, will begin registration for summer and the 2011-2012 school year sessions of preschool and Parent’s Day Out 9 a.m. Wednesday, March 2. Info: Lori or Lisa, 531-2052.

■ MOPS (Mothers of Preschool-

LITTLE CREATIONS Beaver Dam Baptist Church

■ Beaver Ridge UMC Food Pantry hands out food to local families in need 1-2 p.m. every Monday and 7-8 p.m. every first Monday. Donations and volunteers are welcome. Info: 690-1060 or www. beaverridgeumc.com.

Parent‛s Day Out Serving children from 6 months to 5 years old on Tuesdays and Thursdays

■ Cross Roads Presbyterian hosts the Halls Welfare Ministry food pantry from 6-8 p.m. each second Tuesday and from 9-11 a.m. each fourth Saturday.

Now enrolling for the 2011-12 school year

Fundraisers and sales ■ The youth at Beaver Ridge UMC, 7753 Oak Ridge Hwy., will hold their annual Spaghetti Supper and Basket Auction fundraiser 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, in the family life center. Tickets are $10 adults, $5 for children 10 and under or $30 per family. This year’s theme is “An Evening in Italy.” The basket auction

Registration Monday, March 7 and Wednesday, March 9 from 9 am to Noon Education Building, 1st floor

For More Information, Please Call 922-7529 4328 Emory Road

AARP driver safety class For registration info about this and all other AARP driver safety classes, call Barbara Manis, 922-5648. ■ Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 21-22, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Church Street United Methodist Church, 900 Church St. ■ Thursday and Friday, March 3-4, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., St. Marks United Methodist Church, 3369 Louisville Road, Louisville. ■ Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15-16, 9:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., Dandridge Senior Center, 917 Elliott Ferry Road, Dandridge. ■ Wednesday and Thursday, March 16-17, noon to 4 p.m., O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St. ■ Thursday and Friday, March 17-18, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Alcoa First United Methodist Church, 617 Gilbert St., Alcoa.




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Developers oppose hillside slope plan


By Sandra Clark Lumpy Lambert always said it would come to this: When folks discover how hillside protection affects their property values, opposition will form. The opposition is here. Realtors, homebuilders and developers are expected to pack the workshop session tomorrow (Feb. 22) as County Commission starts debate on the proposal. The plan is available for inspection online at www.knoxmpc.org/. Commissioner Tony Norman and former City Council member Joe Hultquist chaired the committee which developed the plan, after extensive public hearings in all parts of town and with staff assistance from the Metropolitan Planning Commission. Now it’s up to the full commission and council to adopt, modify or reject their proposal. Scott Davis, a former county commissioner and developer of Jefferson Park in Farragut, says everyone is in agreement that ridge tops should be protected, but this plan goes too far. “Around here, we call a 15 percent slope pretty damn flat,� said Davis. The plan allows a maximum of two dwelling units per acre on slopes of 15 percent or greater. Slopes of 30 percent or more can have just one home per five-acre tract with added restrictions on tree removal. “If you want to build affordable housing or condo units, that won’t happen when 200 units require 100 acres,� Davis said. He said the apartments along I-640 west of Broadway were built eight to 10 units per acre, and some in the RB zone are 12 to 15 units per acre.

Ables celebrates 28 years in Halls Sean Mitchell watches a demonstration of a cold laser by Dr. Lynn Ables of the Halls Chiropractic Clinic. Ables celebrated the clinic’s 28th anniversary last week and showed customers her appreciation with free refreshments, free chair massages, half price specials and drawings for great prizes. Ables has built her practice through offering more than just chiropractic services and by looking at the whole person. “I care about my patients and keep on the cutting edge of technology to help them.� Photo by Ruth White

This map from the MPC website shows the area in green which will be impacted by the proposed Ridge, Slope and Hillside Development and Protection plan. Opponents say the plan affects more than 60,000 property owners.

He said MPC has spent more than $300,000 to develop the plan, yet now say their budget doesn’t stretch to cover an esti-

WORKSHOPS â– County Commission will hold a workshop on the hillside plan at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, in the main assembly room, City County Building. Info: 215-2534. â– City Council has reset their workshop to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 28, also in the main assembly room. Info: 215-2075.

mated $17,000 to notify affected property owners. Davis said homebuilders could get behind a plan similar to Sevier County’s. It restricts development on

slopes 30 percent or greater only. Gary Novell, an engineer with Batson, Himes, Norvell and Poe, resigned from the task force, citing misrepresentations and a lack of information from MPC. Davis said the plan places an overlay on 131,077 acres – 204 of Knox County’s 526 square miles of land. Developers in Knox County and across the country have experienced a tough three years. The local ones are uniting to battle land use restrictions that will affect their ability to cram multiple dwelling units onto steep land. And that fight will occur this week and next at County Commission. For a little while, it will seem like the good ol’ days.

You Are Cordially Invited Visitor’s Day

Teaming up to win As a former football player, I love to win. As the head of KCDC, I love to help our community win. That’s why I’m so pleased with a joint endeavor between KCDC and the Knoxville Area Urban League that’s a win-win for Knoxville and, in particular, the Mechanicsville community. Gary Gamble is the owner of Gam’s Hair Fashions, a successful barbershop in Mechanicsville that was opened with the help of a loan from the Urban League. Next month, Gamble is branching out with Linda’s Soul CafÊ, a restaurant located in the building next door to his barbershop. Gamble was able to purchase the building through a loan from the Urban League’s micro-lending program. That loan will be

Alvin Nance Executive Director and CEO, Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation

transformations backed up by KCDC. Basically, the arrangement is that, in the unfortunate event that the restaurant doesn’t do well and the loan is defaulted, KCDC will acquire the property and resell it. That way, we protect Mechanicsville from having an empty building that would create an eyesore. KCDC, through HOPE VI, has invested much to revitalize the area, and we intend to protect that investment. Gamble has never operated a restaurant, but he plans to employ the same

strong customer service that has helped his barbershop thrive. Having seen his happy customers at the barbershop and knowing that the Urban League provides solid small business education to its loan recipients, I have every confidence that the restaurant will succeed. I sure look forward to stopping by for a good meal. Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t recognize that the Knoxville Area Urban League touches more than 8,000 lives in our community each year. In addition to helping support economic and small business development, they work to provide a skilled and diverse workforce; increase home ownership; and enhance education efforts for our youth.

to the 2nd Annual Summitt Chapter

for a few g n i k o o l n.â€? “We’re nd wome a ‌ n e good m

Beaver Brook Country Club 6800 Beaver Brook Dr. in North Knoxville.




BNI ‌ the greatest idea for marketing/ networking that’s ever been invented

March 1, 7:45am - 9:15am




hapters are established with only one person per profession, per chapter, so each member gets to benefit from all other fellow chapter members. The Summitt Chapter of BNI meets in Knoxville every Tuesday morning at Beaver Brook Country Club. Over a friendly breakfast, chapter members casually mix and mingle, sharing business cards and ideas, and then the “formal� part of the program begins. Each member makes a 60-second presentation to the group, requesting specific referrals, offering new products or programs, etc. In addition, each week one member makes a more extensive 10-minute presentation about what’s happening in their business. A “referral passing� session concludes the meeting, when the “do you know a good electrician� referrals can be made. At their latest meeting, statistics were presented that were of great interest to the Summitt Chapter members. Since May of this year, members have reported that they have made a total of $89,000 through direct contacts made through the BNI group. If divided between members, that’s $7,400 in actual “pocket money� that the group has generated for its members. If you’d like to see what personal networking can do for your business, and if you’d like to make some new friends and learn about your community, consider joining or visiting. For information about the Summitt Chapter, contact Travis Hawkins at instravis@gmail.com, 233-4237 or Mark Enix at markenix@hotmail.com. Schedule a visit to a meeting and see what it’s all about.

Business Networking International is an organization with chapters all across the country. It exists for the purpose of sharing referrals between qualified business professionals. Last year alone, BNI’s chapters generated more than $2.2 billion in business for all its members.

The Summitt Chapter is seeking the following new members: Health Insurance Agent Hair Stylist Commercial Realtor Home Inspector Massage Therapy/ Spa Owner Pest Control Owner Banker Advertiser Local Small Business Owners Architect Printer If you are involved in one of these businesses, contact a BNI Summitt Chapter member to ask about joining our group or email instravis@gmail.com for more information.





Game over Powell’s basketball seasons end By Greg Householder The basketball seasons for the Powell High School girls and boys teams ended last week at the District 3-3A tournament at Karns. Before tournament action began last week, the Panthers entertained Oak Ridge on Feb. 11. The girls fell 62-35 with Torey Hyder leading Powell with 16 points, including four 3-pointers. The Powell boys also lost to the Wildcats 75-55. Zach Miracle led the Panthers with 20 points and Clay Payne poured in 12. Both Miracle and Payne hit two 3-pointers each. Last Monday, the sixth-seeded Powell girls rolled over nine-seed Karns 63-44 in a play-in game to open tournament play. Dimiyah Moore led the Panthers with 23 points. Shea Coker also scored in double figures for Powell with 13, including three from beyond the arc. Last Tuesday, the fifth-seed Powell boys’ season came to an end with 66-58 lost to Karns, the fourth seed. Tres Palmer led the scoring for the Panthers with 19. Miracle scored 18 with four 3-pointers and Jordan Sanford poured in 11 with a 3-pointer. In other District 3-3A action: in last Monday’s play-in games, the Central girls sent Clinton home 75-47. The HVA boys squeaked by Campbell County 73-72 and Clinton sent the Halls boys packing 56-53. Last Tuesday, the Campbell County girls downed Anderson County 47-44. Last Wednesday, the Halls girls sent Central home 63-46. Last Thursday, the Anderson County boys played Hardin Valley and the Central boys played Clinton. The winners met each other on Saturday. The Karns boys played top-seeded Oak Ridge on Saturday. The boys championship and consolation games will be Tuesday (Feb. 22). The Halls girls played Hardin Valley Academy and the Campbell County girls faced top-seeded Oak Ridge last Saturday. The girls championship and consolation game will be tonight (Feb. 21). Results of Thursday’s and Saturday’s games were unavailable at press time. All tournament games are played at Karns High School.

Powell’s Alexis Gillespie tries to set up a shot in District 3-3A tournament play at Karns.

Halls soccer tryouts Halls middle school-age (10-14) boys soccer tryouts are 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at the Halls High soccer field. Info: Paula Owens, mysoccerboys@comcast.net.

Powell Youth Football sign-ups Powell Youth Football sign-ups are 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays, Feb. 22 and March 1, and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at Halftime Pizza.

Powell’s Steven Parsons shoots for three in District 3-3A tournament action against Karns. Photos by Greg Householder

Coggins clinic at Co-op The spring Coggins clinic will be held at the Knox Farmers Co-op in Halls, 3903 Fountain Valley Drive, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26. For info, pricing and availability: Danny, 922-2114.

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KARNS - PLENTY OF ROOM TO ROAM! This Brick 2-story basement features: 4Br w/5th Br or Bonus Up, 3.5Ba, formal living rm, family rm & basement rec rm. Private & wooded lot with covered patio & two tier Aprox 700 sqft of deck. Upgrades: Granite tops, new plumbing fixtures, plenty of storage & workshop w/utility sink. $349,900 (740844)

POWELL - Great 4BR 3BA Rancher w/level fenced backyard. This home has plenty of room for the whole family. Large Master suite w/jacuzzi tub & shower, formal living rm, family rm off kitchen, 11.6x15.6 laundry rm w/washer & dryer. Great deck in back and neighborhood pool across street. Reduced $149,900 (728055)

KARNS - 3Br 2.5Ba B-Rancher on 4.4 Acres. This all brick rancher has brick wb fp in den off kitchen, LR & DR combo, master suite w/full bath, unfinished basement w/wood stove, 2-car gar on main and 30x25 1-car down. Two lots make up the 4.4 level acres w/concrete blk storage bldg in back. Reduced to $275,000 (737855)

POWELL- This 4Br 2.5 Ba features: 4th br down w/basement rec rm and half bath. Master suite w/full bath, kitchen with breakfast bar, hardwood on steps, Updates include: Pella windows, water heater aprox 2-3yrs. Reduced to $139,900 (744106)

FTN CITY - Beautiful 1940's Remodeled home. This 3BR 2BA features: hardwood, stone & tile flooring, eat-in kitchen w/island bar, formal living rm w/fp, den/ family rm w/fp, br & full bath on main, large laundry w/15x7 storage room, front & back parking, carport w/storage-workshop, and unfinished 18x12 basement. $214,900 (741373)

N.KNOX - Great 2 family Ranch home. This 3Br 2Ba has separate living quarters all on one level, 2 driveways front & back, divided storage bldg, screened porch 6x12, 2nd kitchen 11.6x13.5, 2nd living rm 12x13.5. Very well kept w/ several updates. $129,900 (740154)

POWELL - A MUST SEE! This 3Br Brick Rancher sits on over half an acre and features: Eat in Kitchen, sunroom w/gas fp, large 14x11 laundry rm with sink & shower, Master suite w/half bath. Enjoy the outdoors from back deck or stone patio,1-car garage & carport. Plenty of storage with 2 brick storage bldgs & fenced yard. Updates include new insulated windows & Copper plumbing 2005. $124,900 (745620)

POWELL - Great 3BR 1.5BA Rancher features: 1-car garage, master suite w/half bath and walk-in closet, covered front porch, laminate hrdw in living rm & hall and fenced yard on 3 sides. $114,900 (739225)

S.KNOX - 2BR 1BA Basement Rancher w/second 10.6x11.6 kitchen & rec rm down. Home has hardwood under carpet, sun porch and 10x11 storage rm. Updated w/replacement windows, ramp to main level & sec sys. $75,000 (745219)


Powell takes third in tournament

Royal Crusaders take two big games

By Ken Lay The Powell Middle School girls basketball team closed its season with a 33-29 victory over Holston in the third-place game in the James A. Ivey Jr. Memorial Middle School Basketball Tournament. Jill Gorman scored 10 points, and Tori Lentz added nine to help the Panthers avenge their regular-season loss to the Hurricanes. Hayley Cavalaris led the third-seeded ’Canes with nine points. Point guard Quay Hines finished with eight points, and Alaeni Ray added seven. Gorman, Hines and Holston’s Hope Hopson

The Crown College starts tournament play later this week By Greg Householder The Crown College Royal Crusaders picked up two big wins last week. On Feb. 11, the Crusaders rolled over Appalachian Bible College 92-40. Nate Humphrey led the Crown College with 17 points. Also scoring in double figures for the Royal Crusaders were Brandon Johnson and Steven Scoggins with 10 points each. Last Tuesday, the Royal Crusaders downed East Tennessee rival Johnson Bible College 70-67. Collin Hickman led the Crusaders with 21 points. Humphrey poured in 12 and Houston Sherrod scored 11. Last Friday, the Crown College squad traveled to Grayson, Ky., to face Kentucky Christian University. Last Saturday, the Royal Crusaders traveled to Nashville to play Free Will Baptist Bible College. Results of Friday’s and Saturday’s games were unavailable at press time. Later this week, the Royal Crusaders will begin NCCAA II Mid East regional tournament play. Tournament play begins Thursday, Feb. 24, and runs through Saturday, Feb. 26.

Start the week right. off rig ght.

SPORTS NOTES ■ The second annual Mark Bradley, Jarvis Reado lineman camp will be held 9 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 26, at CAK Football Field for current 4th-7th graders. Info: Jeff Taylor, 765-2119. ■ Sign-ups for Halls Community Park spring league’s 5U14U and wee ball for 3- and 4-year-olds 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the park every Saturday in February. ■ Willow Creek Youth Park girls softball spring 2011 sign ups for weeball (3-4year- olds), coach pitch (6U-

Dragon Boat race registration open Registration is open for the ninth annual Knoxville Dragon Boat Festival race scheduled for Saturday, June 25, at the Cove at Concord Park. Boat teams race for prizes and raise The Crown College’s Ed Loney takes it to the hoop last Tuesday against Johnson Bible College. Photo by Doug Johnson


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Jubilee Festival The 42nd Jubilee Festival will be held Friday through

■ Spring recreational softball sign-ups for Knox Youth Sports, ages 7-12. Games at Lakeshore Park. Guaranteed playing time, season from early April through late May. Info: e-mail kyswc@aol.com or call 584-6403. ■ Three players needed for 12u traveling team. Info: 466-0927. ■ Baseball tournament , at Halls Community Park, Friday through Sunday, March 4-6, 6U-14U and also a middle school division for both varsity and junior varsity. Info: 992-5504 or e-mail hcpsports@msn.com.

Sunday, March 11-13, at the Laurel Theater. The program begins 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, with Old Harp Singing and a potluck meal 11 a.m. Sunday. Tickets for Friday or Saturday are $12 (discounts apply for JCA members, students and seniors). Info: 523-7521.



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8U) and fast pitch (10U, 12U and 14U) will be at the park 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. every Saturday in February. Weeball is $35. All other ages are $55. Bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Info: Dedra Johnson, 599-9920; Alishia Liston, 742-9205; or Mike McFarland, 789-4113.

second seeded Warriors, he scored 22 and pulled down 11 rebounds. He hit a shot to force overtime as time expired in regulation. The Halls girls and Powell boys won the conference academic award. The Demons had a 3.8 team GPA. The Panthers, who also had a 3.8 GPA, won the award for the second consecutive season. Holston’s Kelvin Jackson and Powell’s Peyton Smiley were named to the All-County team. Katelyn Cantrell of Halls, Gorman and Cavalaris were regular season all-county selections along with Northwest’s Jakayia Fain.

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were named to the AllTournament team along with Gorman and Powell’s Averi Williams. Logan Lacey was named to the All-Tournament team for the Powell Middle School boys. Powell played two tournament games before being eliminated by eventual Knox County runner-up Whittle Springs on Feb. 5. Lacey scored 36 points and pulled down 21 rebounds in Powell’s two games. He had 14 points and 10 rebounds in the seventh-seeded Panthers’ 5935 victory over rival Halls in an opening-round game. In the overtime loss to the

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