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VOL. 56 NO. 8
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Opportunity for whom? By Lauren Hopson Tennessee legislators have recently rebranded private school vouchers as “opportunity scholarships.” Vouchers have undergone this transformation Hopson in the hope that unsuspecting taxpayers will forget what they are, but also because they provide real opportunities for poor, minority students to escape underperforming schools in their neighborhood, right? How is this accomplished? A poor minority student in a community far from here, let’s say Memphis, has suffered through the effects of fetal drug addiction. His mother, now in recovery, hopes to improve his chances of success by moving him out of his zoned school, which the state has branded as failing. His teachers work hard, but she fears the influence of his peers with similar issues may be too much to overcome. She accepts an opportunity scholarship with hopes of sending him to an excellent private school. However, the private school of her choice charges tuition substantially in excess of the scholarship. She can’t afford to make up the difference, and pay for books, uniforms and transportation. Consequently, she elects to send him to another private school that gladly accepts the scholarship as payment in full. The school doesn’t provide the special education services needed to deal with the fallout of her son’s fetal addiction, but it’s a private school, so it must be better, right? He struggles without those much-needed supports, and his mother is ultimately forced to return him to public school, where those services are guaranteed by law. Other parents, similarly disillusioned with the “opportunity,” follow suit. But wait, private schools backers were promised an increased enrollment by legislators. Maybe the scholarships need to be expanded to regular education students who can afford to make up the tuition difference. Never mind that this plan has had disastrous effects on public education in other states. Our private school backers need the “opportunity” to make more money, so let’s give our taxpayers the “opportunity” to fund those private schools.
NEWS News@ShopperNewsNow.com Sandra Clark – 865-661-8777 Sarah Frazier – 865-342-6622 ADVERTISING SALES Ads@ShopperNewsNow.com 865-342-6084 Amy Lutheran | Patty Fecco Beverly Holland | Mary Williamson CIRCULATION 844-900-7097 knoxvillenewssentinel@gannett.com
February 22, 2017
The Episcopalians who love chili The Slammin’ Sammie and Rockin’ Richard Memorial Chili Cook Off is in fond tribute to Richard Matthews and Sammie Weaver, friends who relished the competition.
Sammie Weaver Richard Matthews
Pat Ezzell was the first-prize winner at the original Saint Thomas Episcopal chili cook-off.
By David Hunter It was 1999 when Saint Thomas Episcopal Church, at 5401 Tiffany Drive at the corner of Merchant Drive, had its first chili cook-off. They called it “The Men’s Chili Cook Off,” but first prize went to a young mother named Pat Ezzell, who has figured prominently in every cook-off since then, sometimes with her husband, Tim, sometimes alone. To page A-3
Saint Thomas Episcopal Church is just off Merchant Drive.
MDSave offers diagnostic savings “There’s a lot of empty land By Sandra Clark out there.” Tennova North has changed the face of Smith presided in the North Knox County. The hospital is markabsence of president Bart ing its 10th anniversary. Administrator Clyde Elkins, who was busy with Wood was the spotlight speaker Feb. 14 at Valentine’s Day diners at The Powell Business & Professional Association. Front Porch. Tennova Health & Fitness Center came Wood talked about a profirst, he said, opening in 1999. Next came the gram for consumers with high imaging and cancer center with programs for health insurance deductibles. women’s health. The hospital itself opened Clyde Wood “I see people with $10,000 or in 2007. Since then a flurry of professionals have opened offices nearby. And, as the PBPA $12,000 deductibles,” he said. Tennova is enpresident-elect R. Larry Smith observed, dorsing MDSave to help those patients.
The online service offers diagnostic procedures for roughly half-price with cash prepayment. It’s that simple, according to MDSave.com. A routine fetal ultrasound, for instance, is priced at $146; an X-ray is $98. MDSave also offers physical, occupational and speech therapy. Prices are subject to change, and MDSave will not file for insurance reimbursement. As the federal government struggles with “repeal and replace,” it’s nice to see a free market solution to ever-rising health care costs.
Brooks goes to bat for utility customers By Sandra Clark State Rep. Harry Brooks has slipped on a three-cornered hat and gone to war over taxation without representation. Brooks wants consumers to be represented on utility boards, such as KUB.
Analysis “We want some level of representation for the folks served by the utility,” he said. His bill (HB 0269/SB 0684 by Ken Yager) was slated to be heard Feb. 21 in a subcommittee of the House Business and Utilities committee. In an interview last week, Brooks anticipated amendments and promised a more comprehensive explanation after that hearing. This bill will draw lobbyists like flies to honey. Utilities are iceberg
Open House March 6.
governments – operating mostly out of sight with autonomy to set rates for vital services. Some charge more for the same service to customers who live outHarry Brooks side the municipal boundaries. Many have buy-out provisions and pensions for top execs to rival athletic departments; often they co-opt the very commissioners chosen to oversee them with benefits like health insurance and trips to tradeshows. Godspeed, Brooks and Yager.
Partisan elections State Rep. “Landslide Eddie” Smith has introduced a bill to require municipal elections in cities 100,000 or larger and all of the state’s school boards to be parti-
san. His bill (HB1039/SB0582 by Delores Gresham) allows political parties to nominate candidates. Leaving the cities to fend for themselves, let’s assume this bill is a reaction to Knox County’s last two school board elections. Fed up with S up e r i nt e nde nt Eddie Smith Jim McIntyre’s high-handed treatment of teachers (among other things), several educators mounted successful campaigns: Patti Bounds, Terry Hill and Amber Rountree in 2014; Tony Norman, Jennifer Owen and Susan Horn in 2016. Suddenly, Mike McMillan found allies while Lynne Fugate and Gloria Deathridge saw their former majority eroded. McIntyre resigned. Would partisan elections have
prevented McIntyre’s woes? Doubtful. McMillan and Norman had previously won election to county commission as Republicans; Bounds and Hill are long-time Republicans; Horn had solid support in Farragut where she was active in the campaign of Republican state Rep. Jason Zachary. Political allegiances are less clear for Rountree and Owen, but Owen represents District 2, a toss-up area previously represented on the commission by Democrat Amy Broyles. So the anti-McIntyre majority is firm – with or without partisan elections. If Smith’s bill passes, however, it could have the unintended consequence of getting education activists involved in partisan politics at the district level … and their next election just might be to run for the Legislature.
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For more information, call 859-7900 or visit TennovaFitness.com.
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Located off Emory Road in Powell
A-2 • FebruAry ebruary22, 22,2017 2017• •PPowell owellShopper /Norwood Shopper news news
health & lifestyles News From Parkwest, west kNoxville’s HealtHcare leader • treatedwell.com • 374-Park
Peninsula Clothes Closet helps patients in need The Peninsula Clothes Closet is something of a hidden treasure. It doesn’t get a lot of publicity, and you probably won’t see its beneficiaries featured on the local news. That’s because the people served by this charity benefit from it in a very personal and private way. When mental health patients are at their lowest, the simplest acts of kindness can make a big difference by bringing encouragement, and bolstering self-esteem. “Many of our patients arrive without proper attire, sometimes jail fatigues or a hospital gown,” coordinator Susan Bourdeau says. “Clean, safe, comfortable clothing means the world to them - it’s a matter of human decency.” Bourdeau explains that many patients at Peninsula are homeless. Donated clothing is more than just a kind gesture, it’s a deeply appreciated gift. Some patients have suffered complete breakdowns, some have been suicidal, and others have lost all connections with family and friends due to chemical dependency. Bordeau says she never knows from one day to the next what kind of donations she’s going to receive, but somehow they always turn out to be the right ones. She becomes emotional when she talks about it. “Some days I’ll have nothing,” Bourdeau says. “I’ll say a little prayer, I’ll come in, and something will be here, and it’s just the size I need.”
To be able to walk into a room filled with clothing and walk out with something clean, in good condition, and appropriate for life outside the hospital is an important part of a new beginning. It’s preparation for a first step out into the real world, made a little less daunting by the kindness of strangers. For Bourdeau, working with clothes is a perfect fit. A wardrobe stylist and makeup artist by trade, Bourdeau has worked on video and stage projects in various areas of the southeast, most frequently in Knoxville, TN and Miami, FL. On a shoot for a commercial, for example, she expertly applies the actors’ make up to work with the lighting, or pulls together outfits that create just the right look. While a day of paid work often means associating with the likes of Paula Deen and Dale Earnhardt, Jr., the private work in the clothes closet for patients in need is just as rewarding, and sometimes even more so. “A decent article of clothing, a clean shirt and pants, a warm jacket, shoes without holes these are the things that keep us human,” Bourdeau says. “These are the things that make a world of difference to someone that has just gone through a major struggle. It’s life changing.” Bourdeau is always in need of donations for the Peninsula Clothes Closet, particularly casual clothing in smaller and larger sizes. Dress clothing isn’t needed, because the primary purpose of
Volunteer Susan Bourdeau sorts through neatly organized rows of clothing ready for patients who are embarking on a new life after their treatment at Peninsula.
the Clothes Closet is simply to outfit patients to return home. “I’m always looking for t-shirts, jeans, sweaters, and sweats,” Bourdeau says. Clothing items for children and teenagers are needed, as well as clothing for adults. Bourdeau also accepts
Pet therapy brings smiles An energetic dog bounces through the doors at Peninsula Hospital. A mixture of beagle and Jack Russell terrier, Cord is friendly by nature, and can hardly wait to spread that friendliness to patients. A combat veteran mentions
that his mood is improved thanks to Cord’s visit. Later, Cord gently props his head on the wheelchair of a patient who is on oxygen. “Oh, you’re back!” she says happily. In the children’s unit, a young patient begins to have a seizure. Cord is given the job of distracting the other children, keeping them happy and calm during the crisis. Cord is one of two dogs that have become frequent visitors at Peninsula guided by volunteer Brian Easley. He also brings Jamie for visits, an Australian cattle dog mix. The dogs have a very simple mission at Peninsula – to be petted and talked to. And while it may be a simple mission, it’s also an important one. Animal assisted Volunteer Brian Easley along with his dogs, Cord and Jamie, are much anticipated visitors at Peninsula Hospital.
Parkwest Medical Center is seeking people who enjoy helping others to join its current network of about 150 volunteers. Parkwest strives to be recognized as the first and best choice for patients, employees, physicians, employers, volunteers and the community. If you are interested and would like to know more about volunteer opportunities at Parkwest or Peninsula, a Division of Parkwest Medical Center, contact Becky Boyd at (865) 373-1556.
more about the Peninsula Clothes Closet or how to donate, call (865) 970-9800. For information about volunteer opportunities at Peninsula or Parkwest Medical Center, visit treatedwell.com/volunteers, or call (865) 373-1556.
Peninsula offers support group for Sevier County fire survivors and friends
therapy has been shown to help reduce pain, anxiety, depression and fatigue in patients who have As a service of Peninsula Peer Support Academy, a a variety of health concerns. The free-of-charge, non-denominational support group is now being dogs came to Peninsula by way of offered for the victims of the November fires in Sevier County. H.A.B.I.T. (Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee), a nonprofit proMondays gram that sponsors animal-assisted therapy. 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Both Cord and Jamie are resOur Savior Lutheran Church cue dogs, Cord having been ad423 Historic Nature Trail, Gatlinburg opted at six weeks, and Jamie after two long months in a shelThursdays ter. “It’s quite a redemptive story 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. for her to have come from being Trinity Episcopal Church unwanted to now being a success509 Historic Nature Trail, Gatlinburg ful therapy dog for almost two years,” Easley says. For more Information, call 865-705-3020. Indeed, it is ironic that these rescue dogs are in a sense providing rescue for humans. “The response is amazing,” Easley says. “Patients frequently mention how much they are missing their own pets, and at almost every visit, at least one patient says that spending time with Cord or Jamie has been the highlight of their day.” Easley says he had known about animal-assisted therapy for years, but thought he was too busy to get involved. “At some point I just decided to make the time, and it’s been one of the better decisions I’ve made,” Easley says. “My dogs do a lot to lift me up, and I’m proud that they’re now out there This service is paid for through a grant from the Tennessee Department of Mendoing the same thing for others, tal Health and Substance Abuse Services, and provided by Peninsula, a Division of Parkwest Medical Center. as well.”
Picture Yourself as a Volunteer!
donations of gently used bras and new undergarments. Comfortable, practical shoes are needed, clean and in good condition. Donations may be dropped off at Peninsula, or either of two locations in Bearden – Laura’s Nail Salon and Lisa Jean’s Restaurant, both on Kingston Pike. To learn
Powell/Norwood Shopper news • February 22, 2017 • A-3
A Mustang plane hovers over the field.
Showing the scale of the Skybolt plane
Photos submitted
Longtime member Jerel Zarestky with one of his small helicopters
A typical summer day at the field as members gather on the loading benches
Jim Scarbrough gets ready to fly his Ryan STA model plane.
Flying High in Hardin Valley By Margie Hagen For the Knox County Radio Control club, it’s the love of flying that keeps them soaring. Chartered by the Academy of Model Aeronautics, the club has operated its own air strip in west Hardin Valley since 1973. Think model planes, helicopters, drones and even jet fueled turbines. A dedicated membership of about 80 gather monthly to share tips about the finer points of flying. In good weather they gather at their field on Williams Bend Road for camaraderie and the sheer fun of flying their aircraft. Most club members volunteer time and money to keep membership costs low and foster education. Performing community benefit shows is another way they give back. Both ORNL and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration have used the field for testing and to conduct training. Unmanned aircraft have come a long way. “In the old days, beginners used to crash a lot of planes,” said Rick Thompson, current president. “The technology is unbelievable now. We have ‘buddy boxes’ with dual controls that allow instructors to take control if a novice pilot gets in trouble. With auto-leveling and bail-out features you learn to fly and land without wrecking your plane.” Thompson joined the club in the mid1960s while a student at Farragut High School. “Before we moved to our field on Williams Bend Road, the club was off Lovell Road, down a muddy lane,” he says. Throughout the years he acquired more air-
craft, and now has 20 planes. Most members fly either gas or lithium polymer battery powered planes, but drones are becoming more popular. Several members have mini helicopters, and now the membership includes two small jet pilots. For members, all instruction is free, and the club encourages all ages to consider joining. “We do have some grandfather, father and son members, but we want more young people to join. Once kids get involved with the support of their parents they love it. It teaches them about aerodynamics, internal combustion and life skills too,” said Thompson. Safety is a priority for the club. “We’re strong on safety and have never had a serious accident,” said Thompson. “In order to become a member, applicants must first
Episcopalians who love chili invite community to event When the members gather along with guests on Saturday, Feb. 25, at 6 p.m., it will be a particularly meaningful occasion, which they are calling the “Slammin’ Sammie and Rockin’ Richard Memorial Chili Cook Off,” in honor of Sammie Weaver and Richard Matthews, who were fervent participants through the years. Sammie Weaver was a quiet and gentle man, a lawyer by profession with a quick smile and twinkling eyes, even when someone told him a lawyer joke. Sammie generally sponsored his friend Richard and remained in the background as a silent party. Matthews did the grunt work and Weaver sponsored the table where the chili was served. Richard Matthews was
the chili chef, and the chili was often made from venison from his own freezer, seasoned as hot as a nuclear blast. He was an outdoorsman, an auto mechanic by trade, the opposite of his close friend Sammie. But they made a great team through the years. Both will be there only in spirit this year, having moved on to their next adventure not so long ago. The folks at Saint Thomas are serious about their chili. There is an engraved brass plate with the name of the first-place winners on the wall in the large room where it is held every year. For me, it is always a touching experience to be there because I was a Powell-Norwood boy and I know all the people. I have sometimes served as what was called
a “celebrity judge,” though I’ve never felt like a celebrity, and judging chili is hard for a man who never met a chili he didn’t like. Saint Thomas celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007. The church began meeting in a neighborhood where Baptists, Methodists and members of the Church of Christ were already well established in 1955. The opening processions, often starting outside the church building, caused a neighborhood stir. Rumor has it that the name of the parish came from “Doubting Thomas” because even some members didn’t expect to prosper – though I’ve never been able to confirm the story from a charter member. Saint Thomas is still looking for contestants for
From page A-1
the cook-off. Admission is free for all guests. Chili, drinks and condiments are also free. In return, visitors are asked only for a vote for the best chili. There won’t be a better deal in Knoxville that night – so make plans. There’s nothing like chili to warm the heart and stomach on a cold February evening. Bruce Ragon, the coordinator and close friend of both Richard and Sammie, can be reached at 865-9380414. It costs $25 to rent a table for a chance to go up on the wall and perpetual bragging rights.
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“Celebrity” judges have included cartoonist Charlie Daniel, Don Williams and David Hunter.
Where are antioxidants found? By Dr. Donald G. Wegener
Tuesday-Friday 8am-5pm Extended hours Thursday 5pm-7pm Saturday 10am-1pm (by appointment only)
belong to AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics).” The nonprofit organization offers interactive instruction and advice, along with free youth membership, up to age 19. Building and refitting is a big part of the process. Hobby shops used to be prevalent around the area, but now specialty parts are usually found only on the internet. KCRC newsletter editor Jim Scarbrough commented on the demise of small hobby stores in a recent post, saying. “As far as I know, we only have one hobby store left in this area (HobbyTown). If there are others, please let me know and I’ll pass the word along. I encourage every member to support those we have left before they too are gone.” Read the newsletter and get more information at KCRC.com.
We can acquire most of our antioxidants from fruits and vegetables. The most common antioxidants are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A and beta-carotene. Other antioxidants we Dr. Wegener can get from food include coenzyme Q 10, alpha-lipoic acid and bioflavonoid antioxidants. Please remember that antioxidants work together to disarm free radicals in different areas of your body. For this reason it is important to have a variety of antioxidants so that they can work together to regenerate each other so they can neutralize more free radicals. Antioxidants also need certain co-factors for their enzymatic reactions to occur. These are primarily the B co-factors: Vitamin B-1, B-2, B-6 and B-12, as well as folic acid. You need a healthy amount of the antioxidant minerals and these co-factors, as well as the other vitamins mentioned, to help win the war against free radicals. The bottom line to all this free radical and oxidative stress talk is that you must attempt to balance the free radicals that
your body produces with adequate supplies of antioxidants to neutralize them. I suggest you do this is by eating high-quality fruits and vegetables and supplementing your foods with quality vitamins. In today’s age of fast food restaurants and excessive stress, air pollution, cigarette smoke and poor exercise habits, as well as a more sedentary lifestyle and a depletion of good minerals in the soils, we have an increased likelihood of being subjected to many more free radicals than our ancestors were. For this reason it is extremely important that we optimize our nutrition and supplementation to try to minimize the chronic degenerative diseases that come about from free radicals and oxidative stress. This will give your immune system the ability to fight off many bacteria and viruses that you are exposed to in day-to-day activities. Next time: Osteoporosis
Dr. Donald G. Wegener Powell Chiropractic Center
Powell Chiropractic Center 7311 Clinton Hwy., Powell 865-938-8700 www.keepyourspineinline.com
A-4 • February 22, 2017 • Powell/Norwood Shopper news
The Lamb You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish. (1 Peter 1: 18-19 NRSV) Your gift of Love they crucified; They laughed and scorned Him as He died. The humble King they named a fraud And sacrificed the Lamb of God. (“Lamb of God,” Twila Paris) Last week, in this space, I wrote these words: “God watched His own Son die, with no lamb to take his place.” The context of that was Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only, longawaited son in obedience to God’s command. Even as Abraham agonizingly raised his knife, God gave Abraham a reprieve, and allowed him to substitute a lamb for the sacrifice and let Isaac live. I read those words again, after the column was in print. It was only then that the truth dawned on me. Jesus was the Lamb who took my place, and yours. There was no substitute available to God. I had known that truth, of course, for years and years. Even so, it struck me anew, with a power that brought me up short.
Cross Currents
Lynn Pitts
It brought me face to face with God’s pain as He allowed His son to die. And it made me realize all over again how much God cared for – and cares for – these sinners that we are! Ash Wednesday is one week from today, March 1. It is a day of penitence and prayer. In whatever way you observe the beginning of Lent, spend some quiet time thinking about your own walk with God. Ask God to forgive your failings and to guide your steps every day. Give thanks for God’s mercy and love.
FAITH NOTES Classes/meetings ■■ St. Paul UMC Fountain City, 4014 Garden Drive, hosts Agape Café each fourth Wednesday. Dinner is served 5:30-7 p.m., and the public is invited. Feb. 22 program: Becca Wyatt of Zoo Knoxville. Info: 865-687-2952. ■■ Fairview Baptist Church, 7424 Fairview Road, will host “Men’s Night Out” 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb 25, at the
Grace Baptist names Dr. Jeff Crawford as final candidate for lead pastor By Nancy Anderson After 10 months and nearly 250 applicants, the Pastor Search Team of Grace Baptist Church announced its final candidate for lead pastor in Dr. Jeff CrawDr. Crawford ford from Springdale, Ark. On Sunday, Feb. 26, there will be only one morning service during which Crawford will preach. Per the church bylaws, after the sermon there will be a written vote among church members. Ballots will be distributed, collected and counted by the deacons, and results of the vote will be announced after the deacons have counted all the votes. “Nothing more shapes a church than when they call a new pastor,” said Crawford. “That’s why Julie and I are truly grateful. Frankly, I’m personally extremely humbled to be in this position today to be presented to you as candidate for lead pastor. “I want to bring my family here, learn the town, learn the church, and see what God puts in my heart
church. Speaker: Hank Parker, professional bass fisherman. Cost: $15. Info/ registration: fairviewbaptist.com.
Photos submitted
and mind; and do that together with the people. “Pray for us and do everything you can to be in church on Sunday, Feb. 26. This is going to be a special day as we all come together to seek the face of God for the future of Grace Baptist Church as it heads into its one hundred and first year of life.” Crawford is an educator and published author. Born
■■ First Comforter Church, 5516 Old Tazewell Pike, hosts MAPS (Mothers At Prayer Service) noon each Friday. Info: Edna Hensley, 865-771-7788. ■■ Fountain City UMC, 212 Hotel Road, hosts GriefShare, 6:30-8 p.m. each Wednesday in Room 112. The support group is offered for those who are dealing with the loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Cost:
■■ Powell Church, 323 W. Emory Road, hosts Recovery at Powell each Thursday. Dinner, 5:45 p.m.; worship, 6:30; groups, 7:40. The program embraces people who struggle with addiction, compulsive behaviors, loss and life
HALLS – 3Br 2Ba 2-story w/beautiful hardwood floors, master on main, & open living -dining area with wood burning fireplace. Covered front porch and country setting out back from deck overlooking fenced back yard. Extra storage & updates since 2012 include: roof, windows, tile, carpet & toilets. $189,900 (990602)
■■ Cross Roads Presbyterian, 4329 E. Emory Road, hosts the Halls Welfare Ministry food pantry 6-7 p.m. each second Tuesday and 10-11 a.m. each fourth Saturday. ■■ Ridgeview Baptist Church, 6125 Lacy Road, offers Children’s Clothes Closet and Food Pantry 11 a.m.-1 p.m. each third Saturday.
POWELL -Complete Remodel! This 3BR POWELL2.5BA features: Open floor plan with separate den, lrg laundry/storage rm. Large level corner lot partially fenced. Updates include: new roof, refinished hardwood floors, fresh paint, new cabinets & counter tops, new lighting fixtures, new carpet, landscaping & more. A must see! Move in Ready $184,900 (957595)
Community services
COMMERCIAL LEASE ONLY: $1850.00 Monthly Lease. Well maintained and easily accessible office space w/ reception area, 4 offices, large work area with cubicles, full kitchen, copier/common area, additional large area that could be used as a separate office area or large conference room with separate entrance. Includes all furniture in lease rate. (989864)
Cul-de-sac lot w/ neighborhood pool! This 3Br 2.5Ba with bonus features: Family rm w/fp open to eat-in kitchen w/island. Formal dining and office/formal living on main. Private setting in backyard. Updates include: New high end laminate flooring, new stainless appliances, new master bath shower doors & freshly painted. $224,900 (989082)
POWELL -Zoned CB approximately 1 acre with 335 feet of W Emory Road frontage features: 2,542 sqft metal –steel frame building with large service garage on concrete slab on perimeter footing, fenced in area, two 12ft overhead roll up doors, two 3-foot wide metal doors, & office with plate glass window in metal frame. $250,000 (989139)
in 1969, he currently lives in Springdale, Ark., with his wife of 24 years, Julie, and their four children. He is currently teaching pastor, founder and president of Cross Church School of Ministry, where he preaches regularly among the five campuses of Cross Church, a multi-mega church consistently ranked by Outreach magazine as a top-100
challenges. Info: recoveryatpowell. com or 865-938-2741.
$15 for workbook. Info: 865-689-5175. ■■ Halls Christian Church, 4805 Fort Sumter Road, will host a new study on Bible topics 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sundays through April 9. The church hosts a women’s Bible study 6 p.m. Wednesdays. Info: 865-922-4210.
Larry & Laura Bailey
Dr. Jeff Crawford with his family: Madison, 20; Marcela, 12; wife Julie; Grayson, 14; Garrett, 22. church in the nation. He holds a bachelor’s in philosophy from Oklahoma Baptist University, a Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a doctorate from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Crawford’s hobbies include reading, football, NASCAR and all things family.
SENIOR NOTES ■■ Knoxville Senior Co-Ed Softball league games, 9 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 4-Oct. 26, Caswell Park, 570 Winona St. Cost: $10. Noncompetitive league for men over 60 and women over 55. Info: Bob Rice, 865-573-2189 or kxseniorcoedsoftball@comcast.net. ■■ The Heiskell Senior Center, 1708 W. Emory Road. Info: Janice White, 865-548-0326.
Justin Bailey
N.KNOX - Convenient location close HEISKELL - 7.5 Acres Private wooded to I-75 & Hospitals. This one level 3br setting. This manufactured home 2ba condo features: open floor plan, has open floor plan with 3Brs & hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, trey 2Bas. Features large eat-in kitchen, ceiling in master bedroom, laundry rm, dining-living rm combo & master wired for security system , 2-car garage suite with shower and garden tub. & end corner unit. $179,900 (980941).
$134,900 (981103)
POWELL - Well kept 4Br 3Ba features master on main & up. Large master up could be bonus room. Family rm off kitchen with brick fireplace. Formal living & dining rm on main & sunroom. Lots of extra storage with full crawl space that has workout room & workshop. Many updates including: New roof 2016, water heater 2016, Heat pump #1 3yr & Heat pump #2- 1yr. New range & dishwasher. New driveway. $249,900 (987232)
CORRYTON Horse Lovers – 5.7 acre horse
farm w/training ring & 40x60 riding arena. Fenced & crossed fenced and features all you need to keep your horses at home. 3BR 2BA home features: master on main, open living w/vaulted ceiling & stone fireplace. Plenty of storage with 2 car attached garage & 27x25 detached two car garage/workshop. $349,900 (991406)
We have qualified buyers looking for land. Call us if you have an interest in selling.
Powell/Norwood Shopper news • February 22, 2017 • A-5
“Catfish Dave” Hall and Brenda Wilson sport great ’50s attire at the senior center potluck luncheon. Photos by Ruth White
Marci Clevenger and Beth LaFontaine with UT Medical Center enjoy the ’50s themed photo booth.
Rockin’ around the senior center By Ruth White The Halls Senior Center hosted a monthly potluck luncheon and guests arrived in ’50s attire to join in the fun. Musical guests Memories in Music (Tom and Stephanie Cunningham) provided great decade tunes and Elvis (Tom) made an appearance to help get the place rockin’. East Tennessee Personal Care Services provided root beer floats for the crowd and a photo booth provided great memories.
Caroline King with East Tennessee Personal Care scoops ice cream and creates root beer floats for the guests.
Butterfly Fund benefit to fight child cancer The Beta Lambda Chapter of Delta Zeta Sorority adopted The Butterfly Fund of East Tennessee Foundation as one of its local philanthropies in 2016. The group was drawn to The Butterfly Fund for the incredible work it does locally toward research and treatment to defeat childhood cancers, organizers said. Both founders of The Butterfly Fund lost their daughters to Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of childhood cancer, in 2008. The Butterfly Fund continuously donates to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital and CureSearch in hopes of one day finding a cure. Delta Zeta is hosting a gala, Bow Ties and Butter-
flies, on behalf of The Butterfly Fund. The event will be 4-6 p.m. Sunday, March 5, at the Delta Zeta House in Sorority Village at the University of Tennessee. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for children (up to age 12). Oncology patients get in free. Children are encouraged to come dressed up in their favorite princess or superhero costume and enjoy appearances from Glenn Jacobs (WWE wres-
tler Kane), balloon artists from Volunteer Balloons, Miss Knoxville, Morgan Wallen, and more. All proceeds will support The Butterfly Fund of East Tennessee Foundation. Info/RSVP: Delta Zeta’s vice president of philanthropy, Elizabeth Longmire, dzbetalambdaphilanthropy@gmail.com Checks and credit cards will also be accepted at the door.
Volunteer Assisted Transportation drivers needed CAC is seeking volunteer drivers for its Volunteer Assisted Transportation program. Volunteers will utilize agency-owned hybrid sedans while accompanying seniors or people with disabilities to appointments, shopping and other errands. Training is provided. If interested, contact Nancy at 865-673-5001 or nancy. welch@cactrans.org.
Elvis made an appearance at the luncheon and posed for photos during the event. Pictured are center coordinator Rebecca Quarles, singer Stephanie Cunningham, Elvis (aka Tom Cunningham) and Amanda Patton.
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A-6 • February 22, 2017 • Powell/Norwood Shopper news
First Pets with a following By Kip Oswald Over the last weeks, I have been writing about our past First Pets, but there have been some pets that have become very famous! So how does a dog Kip or cat become so famous they have books written about them, receive letters from thousands of fans, or have money sent to them? It started with Laddie Boy, the famous terrier of our 29th president, Warren Harding. Laddie Boy led a parade on his own float, had his own handcarved chair to sit on during the President’s meetings and was even quoted in the newspaper as if he had been interviewed by a reporter. When President Harding died, the Newsboys Association had every newsboy in the country send in one penny so the pennies could be melted down into a statue of Laddie Boy. The statue is still in the Smithsonian Institution. There was a book and a movie written about President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous terrier, Fala. Fala went everywhere with the president, even sleeping in the president’s bed. During World War II, Fala was photographed giving a dollar to help with the war, which caused thousands of his fans
to send in a dollar, too. Although many dogs lived in the White House, only one wrote about her adventures there. Millie, George H. W. Bush’s dog, wrote “Millie’s Book,” with the help of President Bush’s wife, Barbara. It was on the New York Times best-seller’s list for months. President Bill Clinton not only had a famous dog but also a famous cat. His dog, Buddy, and his cat, Socks, received letters from all over the world, and the first lady decided to publish the letters into books that were read by hundreds of children. Not only were dogs and cats famous, but Herbert Hoover, our 31st president, had a famous pet opossum. Hoover found him wandering outside the White House, and when a local baseball team saw his picture in the paper, they thought he was their lost mascot, Billy. When members of the team came to the White House to get the opossum, the animal hid from them, so the boys left a note for the president to send Billy to the games for good luck. Hoover did and the team won its games. Now that we have learned about many of the strange and famous past First Pets, what do you think Barron Trump, President Donald Trump’s young son, will get as a pet if he gets one? Send your comments to oswaldsworldtn@gmail.com. Next week, we will learn about famous First Kids!
‘Beauty and the Beast Jr.’ underway Knoxville Children’s Theatre will present “Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr.” Thursdays-Sundays, Feb. 24-March 12, at 109 E. Churchwell Ave. The play is an onstage version of the Broadway musical, written for ages 4 and older. Performances are 7 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; 1 and 5 p.m. Saturdays; and 3 p.m. Sundays. Tickets: $12; special rate for adult and child entering together, $10. Info/ tickets: 865-208-3677 or knoxvillechildrenstheatre.com.
Senior girls’ basketball team members at Powell High pose for a photo with their coach, Christin Webb, after the Senior Night celebrations. Pictured are Staley Hansen, Karsten Miller, Webb, Donna Raby, Madison Tidmore and Kaitlyn Lentz. Photos by Ruth White
Powell honors basketball seniors
Come to the L&N By Abbey Morgan Join us for family-fun event at the L&N! The second annual STEM Around the World will take place noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, at 401 Henley Street. Families will experience various Asian, African and European ethnic foods, watch cultural performances and learn about traditions and tolerance through crafts and activities. It is fun for the whole family! Children can play in the KidZone for face painting and fun games. There is a $5 cash donation to experience the fun at the L&N STEM Academy. Additional food will also be
865-314-8171 KN-1462193
sold. The proceeds will benefit L&N’s class of 2017. Each year, instead of participating in a senior prank, the seniors provide a meaningful gift to the school. This is the major fundraiser for the graduating class. This is also a wonderful opportunity to visit the beautiful, historic L&N building. This Knoxville landmark has been standing since 1905. The Louisville & Nashville train company once called this building its home. It now serves as Knox County’s first stand-alone magnet school. Info: 865-329-8440 or email Derek Griffin at derek. griffin@knoxschools.org. Abbey Morgan is a senior at the L&N STEM Academy.
Powell High School took a moment to recognize senior members of the girls and boys basketball teams and cheerleading squad during a recent home game. Seniors honored included girls team members Staley Hansen, Kaitlyn Lentz, Karsten Miller, Donna Raby, Madison Tidmore. Members of the boys team honored included Reilly Hamilton, Jack Richards, Matt Samples and Kamari Smith. Also recognized were senior cheerleaders Francisca Rayho and Kynzie Stansberry.
Eric Ludwig signs with Kentucky Christian Powell High senior Eric Ludwig signed to play football at Kentucky Christian University in Grayson, Ky., next season. Eric played middle linebacker for the Panthers and was part of the program for four years, while playing on the varsity team for three years. He selected Kentucky Christian because of the great campus and the small town in which it’s located, which reminds him of Powell. Eric especially liked how the school had a strong focus on Christianity, which was important to him. Eric Ludwig While in college he plans to study education and hopes to become a special education teacher one day. He spent time as a peer tutor since middle school and enjoys working with kids. Coach Rodney Ellison called Eric “the perfect kid to coach” and said he was very proud of Eric for his accomplishments through hard work. Attending the signing were his parents, Jason and Misty Ludwig, sisters Kaitlyn and Kenzie and his grandmother, Jessie Ludwig. Also attending were his friends and teammates and a group of special education students with whom Eric has worked while at PHS.
Powell/Norwood Shopper news • February 22, 2017 • A-7
The Rotary guy
World Rotary Day at Beaumont Elementary By Tom King Knoxville Rotarians will celebrate World Rotary Day three days from now on Saturday, Feb. 25, Chantel Lothrop and her mom, doing what Bobbie Mershon, show off just a Rotarians couple of the beautiful cupcakes do – workmade at Everything Iced CupTom King ing together cakes & More. Photo by Ruth White to improve our community. Members of the seven Knoxville clubs will gather at Beaumont Elementary School to clean out a teacher’s work room, rake, mulch, gies, Mershon understands the impor- build a timber wall around a tree and create some “flowtance of these items. Hours are: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ers” and “pencils” out of Wednesday and Thursday; 10 a.m. to plywood and fence 6 p.m. Fridays and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on pickets, and do some Saturdays. Closed Sunday, Monday painting. Working alongand Tuesday. Everything Iced Cupcakes & More is at 3605 Western Ave. side the Rotarians will be students from (near Bojangles). Info: 200-5935 the Rotary Interact clubs at Webb School and Catholic High. The work begins at 9 a.m., and Bearden Rotarian George Wehrmaker, owner of Bright Side Professional doned grocery store on Clinton Landscape Management, Highway. Braden said he’s been after will be the job foreman property owner Joe Levitt for years and ramrod. Rotarians will to keep it clean. “We tagged the old bring leaf rakes, shovels, Ingle’s 20 years ago,” he said. wheelbarrows, paint brushThat led to a lawsuit which landes, leaf blowers, a jigsaw ed in Anderson County, where the and drills along with a lot of then-law director heard the case. elbow grease. George brings He ruled that if the building is along trucks and equipment structurally sound the county canand orders all of the materinot tear it down. als that will be needed. Braden’s office issues about 5,000 Part of the work was done building permits per year and also this past weekend by anothlogs about 5,000 complaints. The ofer Rotarian – Doug Lesher fice makes 7-10 inspections on new of the Lanrick Group, a construction, he said. member of the Knoxville Breakfast Rotary Club.
Baking up cupcakes and more By Ruth White Everything Iced Cupcakes & More has opened on Western Avenue, and the community response has been welcoming to owner Bobbie Mershon. What began as a hobby making cakes for her children’s special occasions grew into a business, and Mershon is sharing her passion and talent with
the neighborhood. The bakery offers a wide variety of cupcake flavors, specialty cakes and is able to create allergy-friendly custom cakes and cupcakes in over 100 flavors. Allergy-friendly items can be custom ordered free of peanuts, tree nuts, gluten, soy, dairy, artificial dyes and more. As a parent of children with food aller-
Braden talks building codes By Sandra Clark As Knox County’s chief building official, Roy Braden has a truckload of regulations and enforcement tools in his arsenal. But Braden prefers to encourage a volunteer spirit among neighbors. “If your neighbors’ yard is overgrown, talk to them. Volunteer to mow. See what they need,” Braden told members of the Powell Business & Professional Association. But if the good neighbor policy fails, his office will take complaints anonymously. Just phone 215-2325 and select option 3.
“We’re here to help the community and we will,” he said. “My job is to protect the life and safety of our citizens.” Deck failure is the top cause of personal injury, he said, telling of a call: “There’s this man building a deck and I think he’s Roy Braden doing it wrong,” said the woman. “And how do you know about this?” asked the inspector. “Well, he’s my husband. …” Questions centered on an aban-
Doug has access to a truckmounted pressure washer, and he and his crew did the required pressure washing so as not to interfere with the work on Saturday. “Rotary Serving Humanity” is our theme this Rotary year, a theme selected by Rotary International President John Germ. We’ll be working together on Saturday to help one of our schools – and humanity. ■■ Volunteer Rotary
event is March 9
Knoxville Volunteer Rotary’s fundraiser – the 2017 Bourbon Showcase and Dinner – is planned Thursday, March 9, at the K-Town Tavern at 320 N. Peters Road from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $75 per person and the proceeds will support the renovation of the library at Sarah Moore Greene Elementary School. You can find more information on the club’s Facebook page. ■■ RCK has new
Peace Committee
The Rotary Club of Knoxville has a new committee for 2017-18. The RCK Peace Committee’s purpose is to support peace-building in the Knoxville community through the study of conflict and conflict resolution training. The committee will select a recipient for a new annual RCK Peace Award, to be presented at a ceremony in the Rotary Peace Garden at the Knoxville Museum of Art.
Pleasant Ridge Elementary fifthgrade teacher Vicky Cowan has devoted 29 years to preparing youngsters for life. Photo by Ruth White
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Cowan named Pleasant Ridge Teacher of Year By Ruth White Pleasant Ridge Elementary fifth-grade teacher Vicky Cowan began her teaching career back in 1987. Inside her filing cabinet she has the class photo from her first year of teaching and proudly shows it to me one afternoon. She’s been named the school’s Teacher of the Year, an honor voted on by the teaching staff. Cowan is a big part of Pleasant Ridge, just as the school is a big part of her. She’s given 29 years to guiding students and giving them skills to be successful in life. Cowan has always loved working with children and feels that she has a good rapport with them. She especially likes working with
fifth-graders because “they get it” (her humor) and she can be real with them. Pleasant Ridge is a small community school, and Cowan loves the family feel from students and her teammates. “Being a smaller school, we are able to work closely with other teachers in our grade and really get to know them,” she said. Cowan was surprised when she was named Teacher of the Year because of the great staff she works with daily. She was selected TOY in the past and was surprised and honored to have been selected again. When she isn’t busy in the classroom, she loves to bake, watch movies and spend time with her family.
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A-8 • February 22, 2017 • Powell/Norwood Shopper news
Who is in charge at Tennessee?
The University of Tennessee has endured considerable criticism and some snickering because it wasn’t ready or able to immediately name a new athletic director. Alabama introduced a replacement for Bill Battle two days after he said goodbye. The secret courtship with Greg Byrne had been going on for months. Last summer, when Dave No one knows the origin of Hart didn’t get the contract the statues of oversized heads extension he wanted, he anon Easter Island. nounced his forthcoming retirement. Speculation has been romping along ever this fall as she needs to be since. We’ve nominated two home assisting her husreally good candidates. Neiband, who has been ill. ther has been ordained. However, she will continue OK, the Tennessee situto speak out on issues and ation is different. First indicated she has not priority was to find a new decided whom to support chancellor. We finally got among Wayne Christensen, one but she was not ready David Williams and Anto approve our suggestions. drew Roberto, the declared She wanted to look around. candidates in the West I dare not say that is a womKnoxville city district. an’s prerogative. ■■ New UTK ChancelI can say this delay lor Beverly Davenport says caused a very bright Shopshe will spend time getting per reader to ask exactly to know state lawmakers who’s in charge at Tennesas part of her introducsee? tion to Tennessee. In the In theory, the chain of same news conference, she announced her opposition to legislation by state Rep. Martin Daniel to guarantee free speech on college campuses, saying it is not World War II veteran needed. However, she Roddie Edmonds was alwas not precise as to what ways a hero in his son’s eyes, provisions in it she dislikes. even though he never volunHer comments made it apteered details about what pear she had not read the had happened after the Gerlegislation, which she will mans captured him during need to do prior to meeting the Battle of the Bulge. with Daniel. Chris Edmonds, who Davenport was able to grew up to become a Baptist avoid explaining why she minister, says his father’s failed to appoint a single beliefs were uncomplicated: African-American to the “There is a God and God Athletic Director search is good. We must be good to committee and named one another. Loving others only one woman to the is what Dad did well. I think six-member task force. At he was gifted to do that,” some point she will have to Edmonds told the Volunteer address these issues while Rotary Club. “And here’s anshe promotes diversity. other truth. Evil is real. Dad ■■ Attorney James believed that God was good Corcoran is running and evil was real, and it was for the city council seat wrong. He knew this from currently held by Brenda his faith and his Tennessee Palmer. So is Jodi Mulroots – right was always lins, who has the backing right and evil was wrong.” of Palmer. Corcoran has a Roddie Edmonds died in page on Facebook. He ran 1985, and 20 years passed a strong race in the GOP before Chris’s mother gave primary last year for state him a journal Roddie had representative, which was kept during his time as ultimately won by Martin a master sergeant in the Daniel. Half the district is 106th Infantry, including inside the city of Knoxville. 100 days in two different ■■ County CommisGerman POW camps. sioner Bob Thomas turns “The story begins with 63 today, March 1, and an old diary, weathered City Law Director Charles and fragile. It belonged to Swanson, husband of Judge a young man from TennesPam Reeves, also turns 63 see who was fighting for his on March 6. country on a continent on ■■ Middle Tennessee the edge of collapse,” Chris U.S. Rep. Diane Black Edmonds said. “It touched will be in Knoxville today my heart.” talking to people about her Wanting more informacampaign for governor next tion, Chris ran a Google year and attending a UT search on Roddie’s name. He basketball game tonight. found a story about Richard Attorney Jeff Hagood is Nixon buying a Manhattan helping her campaign. townhouse from a lawyer
A visit to Easter Island The first week of February, I visited Easter Island in the South Pacific Ocean, 2,300 miles east of Chile, which owns the island. It had been on my bucket list for years. Two other Knoxvillians who have previously visited Easter Island are Will Skelton, active
Victor Ashe
greenways advocate and retired attorney, and Jeff Chapman, well respected director of the McClung Museum on the UT Knoxville campus. Getting there is part of the adventure, as one flies to Santiago, the capital of Chile, overnight and then flies five hours west over the Pacific to the island, which is partway to Australia from Chile. There are daily flights to the island from Santiago. Otherwise, one goes by ship, and they are infrequent. About 8,000 people live on 44 square miles in the middle of incredible statues carved on the island centuries ago. In addition to being an open air museum, the island offers outstanding diving, snorkeling and surfing. Hanga Roa is the main and only town. The airport is next to the town. Much of the island is part of the national park established by Chile. Tourism is now its main industry. No one knows for sure how the island was first inhabited or when or how the statues (moai) were made and then moved to different sites on the island. The theories are just theories. It is believed the first settlers arrived from the Marquesas islands between the 4th and 8th centuries. Today about 90,000 tourists visit the island. At times the population has dwindled to a few hundred. I was able to visit the quarry of a long extinct volcano where some 400 statues with oversized heads have been counted in various shapes, sizes and conditions. The photo here is typical of what exists. The climate is tropical but seldom exceeds 82 degrees. Accommodations and food are much better than adequate but not deluxe. It can be expensive as most supplies are imported from the mainland of Chile. ■■ Bearden activist Terry Faulkner says she will not run for city council
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command goes like this: Coaches answer to the athletic director. He answers to the chancellor. She answers to the president. He answers to the board of trustees. Along the way, influential boosters chime in when they choose. Names on buildings probably carry more weight than little league contributors. I will not attempt a pecking order. You can guess who loans jets. In theory, trustees have the final say. Years of observation convinced me that trustees almost always approve whatever the president proposes. This is a political process. Money is the key word. How much does it cost and who is going to pay? ■■ Gov. Bill Haslam chairs the board. Raja J. Jubran, UT engineering honors graduate of a generation ago, founder and CEO of Denark Construction,
■■ Dr. Joe DiPietro, president of the university system, is a voting member except on audit and compliance matters. ■■ Ex-Vol Charles Anderson, CEO of Anderson Media, is an influential trustee. He is from the Florence, Ala., family that founded Books a Million. He is on the committee searching desperately for a new athletic director. He is also on the executive and compensation committee.
The athletics committee: ■■ Spruell Driver Jr., UT graduate with a Duke law degree, is a contract specialist with Vanderbilt’s sponsored programs administration. ■■ D. Crawford Gallimore, graduate of UT-Martin, is chief financial officer for HamiltonRyker, job placement company in Martin.
■■ Dr. William E. Evans, UT grad, retired as director and CEO of St. Jude Children’s Hospital. ■■ George E. Cates retired from MidAmerica Apartment Communities in Memphis. ■■ Dr. Susan Davidson is a professor of nursing at UT-C. ■■ John N. Foy, UT law grad, is retired from CBL & Associates Properties in Chattanooga. ■■ Candice McQueen, state commissioner of education, is an ex officio voting member. ■■ Sharon J. Pryse, UT grad, is president and CEO of Trust Company in Knoxville. ■■ Dr. Jefferson S. Rogers is a professor of geography at UT-Martin. ■■ Rhedona Rose is executive VP of Tennessee Farm Bureau. ■■ Miranda N. Rutan is a student at UT-Martin. ■■ Jai Templeton, state commissioner of agriculture, is an ex officio voting member. ■■ John D. Tickle, UT grad, chairs Strongwell Corporation.
■■ Vicky Brown Gregg retired as chief executive officer of BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee. Her roots are in Cleveland.
■■ Julia T. Wells, UT grad, is VP of marketing for Pictsweet.
■■ Brad Lampley, ex-Vol, twice a graduate of UT, is with Adams and Reese law firm in Nashville.
■■ Tommy G. Whittaker, UT grad, is president and CEO of First Farmers Bancshares.
■■ Charles E. Wharton, UT grad, is CEO of Poplar Creek Farms,.
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Marvin West
prominent in Clayton Bank, is vice chair. He has had lots to say about settlements of Title IX and sexual harassment lawsuits but not much about athletic directors.
Other trustees: ■■ Shannon A. Brown is senior VP, human resources and diversity officer for FedEx.
110 Legacy View Way, Knoxville, TN 37918
Betty Bean named Lester Tanner, who mentioned that he and many other Jewish GIs owed their lives to the bravery of a master sergeant named Roddie Edmonds. Chris contacted Tanner, who introduced him to another former POW, and the old soldiers, who have become like family, told him a remarkable story. The war was going badly for Germany by January 1945, but the Nazi determination to exterminate Jews never flagged, and Jewish soldiers were instructed to destroy their dog tags if they were taken prisoner lest they be assigned to camps that they couldn’t survive. On Jan. 26, Roddie Edmonds got word that Jewish prisoners were going to be taken away the next morning after roll call. As the highest-ranking soldier there (officers were sent to separate camps), he told his men that they could not allow this to happen. The next morning, the camp commander ordered Master Sgt. Edmonds to send the Jews forward. Every prisoner there obeyed the order. “The commander could not believe his eyes – all 1,300 men standing together in sharp formation.” And that’s when Roddie said, “We are all Jews here.”
Chris Edmonds talks to President Barack Obama while Sen. Bob Corker (center) looks on. The Nazi drew his pistol and pressed it hard into Roddie’s forehead. He repeated the order: “You will order the Jewish men to step forward.” Nobody moved. “Dad had been shot, beaten with a rifle butt, punched, attacked by dogs, stripped of his dignity… Yet there he stood with a gun to his head, disobeying Nazi orders. Lester Tanner said, ‘Your dad never wavered.’” “Dad said, ‘Major, if you shoot me, you’ll have to kill all of us because we know who you are. And you’ll stand trial for war crimes when we win this war.’” The Nazi’s arm began to tremble. He holstered his gun and returned to his office. Seventy years later, Chris was visiting Israel at the request of officials who wanted to honor his father, and Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust Memorial to Holocaust victims, named Rod-
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die “Righteous Among the Nations,” an award given to gentiles who risked their lives to save Jews. He is one of five American soldiers to be so honored. Last year, Chris was invited to speak about his father at an award ceremony at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. President Obama was there, along with filmmaker Steven Spielberg. Afterward, Obama sought Chris out. “He was visibly moved,” Chris said. “The last thing he said was, ‘Chris, after you finished talking, I leaned over to Steven and said, ‘I think there’s a movie here.’” Now, Sens. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker and Rep. Jimmy Duncan are working to get Roddie Edmonds a Congressional Gold Medal. Chris says: “I hope the next remarkable event will be at the White House to present Dad with the Medal of Honor.”
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Powell/Norwood Shopper news • February 22, 2017 • A-9
News from Tennova Health & Fitness
Tennova Health & Fitness Center staff can help you ‘ spring forward’ into better fitness By Carol Z. Shane
“Many people join just for the track,” says Tennova’s membership coordinator Kelly Novarro. It’s easy to see why. The cushioned, 1/12-mile-long indoor track is available in any weather.
No doubt about it, pursuing physical fitness takes dedication. Working up a sweat is a lot harder than sitting on the couch. The setbacks that are a natural part of any serious program can be demoralizing; if you could walk six laps easily last week, why is it so hard this week? If you’ve never exercised regularly, the very thought of it seems overwhelming. If you used to exercise but let your program lapse, it’s easy to say, “Oh, why bother?” But the thing about a fitness program is that it’s guaranteed to make you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. Yes, guaranteed, if you stick with it. And sticking with it means going at your pace, improving in small amounts day-by-day and being held accountable for your own progress.
The rock wall is a big hit with kids, but adults can enjoy it too, all under safe supervision.
Tennova Health & Fitness’s facility on Dannaher Drive in Powell, right off Emory Road.
Right off Emory Road in Powell, there’s a whole crew of folks who are just chomping at the bit to help you, whatever your fitness goals may be. They’re the training staff of Tennova Health & Fitness Center. And on Monday, March 6, they’ll be hosting an Open House. You can look around, participate in some classes, check out the state-of-the-art exercise equipment, weights, pools, gym, rock wall and more. You can talk with friendly, supportive fitness pros who Tennova Health & Fitness offers dedicate their time more than 70 hours of land and to helping people of water group fitness classes per all ages and all types week. Land classes include Group achieve better fitness Power, Group Ride, Group Core, levels and happier, Step, Stretch and Flex, Yoga, healthier lives. Zumba and more. Your road to physical fitness can be safe, fun and tailored just for you. Why not drop in and see Up for a game of what Tennova Health & Fitness b-ball? The full-court Center has to offer? gymnasium can accommodate you and your crew. With a warm water pool and 25-meter, six-lane junior-Olympic-size pool available for use, you can come and swim on your own or take part in a variety of water classes aimed not only at strength and endurance training, but pain relief for conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.
You’re invited
Tennova offers cardio equipment provided by Cardio Wave, Precor, Arc Trainer, True, Star Trac, NuStep and Fluid Rowers. Strength training can be done on Nautilus, Star Trac, Paramount, Keiser, Hammer Strength and Legend equipment.
Tennova Health & Fitness Center will host an Open House from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, March 6. Attendees can register for door prizes, attend group classes and work out at no charge. And if you sign up for membership that day, the standard $25 enrollment fee will be waived. All guests must have a photo ID; guests ages 13-17 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Located off Emory Road in Powell
Photos submitted
For additional information, call Tennova Health & Fitness Center at 859-7900 or visit TennovaFitness.com
7729 Martin Mill Pike
Beautiful 5.82 acre tract with privacy. 7729 Martin Mill Pike Features include hardwoods through-out, Beautiful 5.82 acre laundry, tract with tiled floors in kitchen, and privacy. baths. Features include hardwoods through-out, Original portion of home remodeled. tiled floors in kitchen, laundry, and baths. Addition in 2008 offers suite with its Original1 portion of master home remodeled. Old Bowman Bend Dr own covered porch, large bath with garden Addition in 2008 offers master suite with its tub, tiled shower, duallarge sink,bath andwith a custom own covered porch, garden walk-in closet. 2 master suites, plus tub, tiled shower, dual sink, and den a custom 3BR/2BA living room, custom kitchen. Very open and walk-in closet. 2 master suites, den plus airyliving floor-plan. 3 car garage. MUST room, custom kitchen. Very openSEE and this onefloor-plan. level home. 3 car garage. MUST SEE +airy LAKE FRONT
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A-10 • February 22, 2017 • Powell/Norwood Shopper news
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Food City Fresh
Assorted Pork Chops Per Lb.
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Red or White Seedless Grapes
Certified Angus Beef
With Card
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Selected Varieties
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10 Ct. or 12 Oz. Bag
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SALE DATES: Wed., Feb. 22 Tues., Feb. 28, 2017