VOL. 11 NO. 23 |
Union County
BUZZ Leslie Corum is Chamber CEO Leslie Corum was elected president of the Union County Chamber of Commerce in votes counted Friday, June 3, in the Chamber office. Other candidates were Pearl Coffey and Teresa Jarnigan, but Jarnigan withdrew before the vote was finalized. Corum and her husband, Chris, live in Plainview off Ailor Gap Road. Interim president Mayme Taylor and the Chamber’s board of directors changed the bylaws to enable an election by the business membership. Ballots were returned by mail or directly to the Chamber office. The new president’s first order of business should be to repair relations with County Mayor Mike Williams and the Union County Commission. And that will be a challenge for sure. – S. Clark
Young Jordan Hamlin joins in the opening prayer for the Memorial Day service and procession at the Union County Courthouse May 30. For more images from the ceremony, see page 5. Photo
School board to meet June 13
by S. Carey
There will be a special called meeting of the Union County Board of Education on Monday, June 13, at 5:30 p.m. at Union County High School Auditorium to discuss and approve/disapprove budget amendments. The board adopted its budget June 2, and it will be reviewed next by the Union County Commission.
Texas Valley breaks ground on new church
Farmers Market booms with season
By Jake Mabe They called it a historic day (May 29) at Texas Valley Baptist Church, and so it was. After a special service, members broke ground on a new church building, which will be approximately 6,000 square feet and sit on the site of the former building, which burned nine months ago. Merit Construction is the contractor. It is scheduled to be finished within one year. But that’s all the boilerplate stuff. Guest minister the Rev. Jerry Copeland read from Acts about Antioch. Allen Berry led the singing. Memories materialized – of B.F. Dalton, of Lynn Bill Brock, Vonnie Stanifer, Mae Dalton and Tyler Greenlee break ground “Chief� Brock, of on the new Texas Valley Baptist Church building. Photos by Jake Mabe
As the weather heats up the Union County Farmers Market is expanding its offerings and greens rule the day. Strawberries are on their way out but incoming offerings include a vast selection of produce from Seven Springs Farm and other vendors.
Read Cindy Taylor on page 3
Benefit sale June 10-11 in Luttrell A benefit/garage/yard sale is planned in memory of Union County resident Sarah Howe, 28, who died in a car accident Feb. 3 leaving behind two young boys. Donations from family and friends include personal items, antiques, collectibles, glassware, books, jewelry, scrubs, tools, furniture, swing set, and clothing – house, shed and carport are full. Cash only, no credit/debit cards. Rain or shine Friday and Saturday June 10 - 11 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Redbud Circle, Luttrell 37779.
Pick up extra copies at Union County Senior Citizens Center 298 Main St. Maynardville (865) 922-4136 NEWS (865) 661-8777 Sandra Clark | Shannon Carey ADVERTISING SALES Amy Lutheran Patty Fecco | Beverly Holland
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June 8, 2016 pp
Conway to head UCHS football By Seth Norris On Wednesday morning, the news was just sinking in for Robert Conway after he had been named the next head football coach at Union County High School last Tuesday night. Conway After interviewing numerous candidates, athletic director Shane Brown decided the Georgetown, Ky., native was the best fit for the future of the program. “We need somebody that is going to stay here long term,� said Brown, “We need someone that is going to commit here, move here, and invest here.�
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Conway, 33, brings a ton of coaching experience from numerous high school and smallcollege levels on both sides of the ball. Whether it is quarterbacks coach at Greensboro College, or co-defensive coordinator at Henry County (Ky.), the former college linebacker at Thomas Moore is football through-and-through. Conway is also not brand new to the Union County area; he was hired last July under previous coach Tommy Rewis as a quarterbacks coach. After last year’s rough 0-10 season, Conway recognizes that it will take some hard work to get the Patriots going in the right direction. “This is not an overnight fix,� said Conway, “It starts with retaining the kids we’ve got and making them better. It’s going to be a three-
year rebuilding process.� Conway is adamant about getting the kids in the community interested in football. There is a stigma to the program due to the lack of success it has had in previous seasons. Conway believes that is not going to change unless the coaching staff and community get the kids on the field. “We’ve got to go out there and beat down the bushes of our own homes,� said Conway, “There is talent that shies away from football, and it’s the job of everybody to reach out to those kids.� In past years, there have been numerous athletes at Union County that either play other sports, or just don’t want to play because the team “isn’t good.� If those types of kids get interested, the Patriots and the com-
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munity could see real change in the tradition and importance of football. With changes to the press box and the relatively brand new field, Conway says these upgrades show that the potential is there. “It’s this mentality that football has never really been a big deal here,� said Conway, “The administration has now made it a big deal.� Many coaches have failed to take the job to the next level. After being around the county for about a year now, Conway sees that it’s time for the people of Union County to finally get the winning football team they want. “This is an area that is starved for it,� said Conway, “We’re going to roll our sleeves up and work hard, because I think the people here deserve it.�
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Curtis Tindell, all gone home now. Shirley Etherton attended. Seeing her brought memories of her husband, Charles “Tud� Etherton, who’s also gone now. Bill Brock, the longest tenured member of the church, said that when he looked at the ruins last year, he thought about his dad, about the people who worked so hard to build the other church back in the early 1970s. Fire is a part of the church’s history, Leann Dalton Berry said. Founded in 1873, the church building burned in January 1905. “But we’ve always rebuilt,� she said. And so they are again. Rebuilding. Rejoicing. And holding on, as the Psalm says, to that precious seed.
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