Union County Shopper-News 092113

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VOL. 8 NO. 38

www.ShopperNewsNow.com |

September 21, 2013



Glennis Monday, Campbell County deputy sheriff, relates illegal dumping stories.

Dotson Creek

The Dotson Creek Community lies between Nave Hill and Black Fox. I’ve written about Black Fox and will get to Nave Hill in time. I’ve spoken with Aline Beeler Rose and Zena Collins Monroe who are longtime residents of the area. Zena tells me the spring and beginning of Dotson Creek are on the right of Dodson Creek Road going north beside where Lige Davis’ store was located.

Read Bonnie Peters on page 4


the lake

Patriot Pride Union County High School students brought back a stack of blue and red ribbons from the Tennessee Valley Fair. Just perfect – the Patriot colors.

Read Libby Morgan on page 6

Coast Guard Auxiliary officers Art Goerss and Ronald R. Boneau flank scout leader Kim Richnafsky. Photo by Libby Morgan

Norris Lake stewards share concerns By Libby Morgan

Working for food Readers are very important. You are our reasons for writing. Response is appreciated. Some readers applaud, a few offer coaching tips, some just say they are out there, ready and waiting for next week. There are occasional words of praise, only slightly exaggerated. Several readers have said thank you for information or entertainment on the cheap. They have noticed that in this economic squeeze, the Shopper and its website remain free. Now and then, a reader does something. One sent okra. The latest shock was a handsome gift book.

Read Marvin West on page 5

A group of people concerned with the health and well-being of Norris Lake met at Norris Dam State Park tearoom to focus on caring for our cleanest TVA reservoir. Norris isn’t quite as clean as it could be, though. Campbell County deputy sheriff Glennis Monday is passionate about stopping illegal dumping.

He says when he joined the sheriff’s office there were 733 dump sites. With diligence and help from the community, the judges, and public education, only six are left. And he’s working to get those dump sites cleaned up. They are on difficult terrain. He told several stories about “re-educating” litterers and dumpers, but the best one went something like this: “I got a call from dispatch tell-

ing me a lady had called in seeing someone dumping something in the water at a boat ramp. She said she was at home and could see it from there. I happened to be real close to that location, so I drove over. “As I pulled up, I saw a sewage tank truck parked between some church pews with a big hose from the truck down into the water. “The first thing I did was take some photos, then the driver and I got into a heated discussion and

he ended up in handcuffs in my backseat. “His truck went to impound, he went to jail and on to criminal court and federal court on several serious charges, where he ended up without a truck and was charged with $25,000 in fines. “Needless to say, he’s out of business. “After the arrest, I just had to find out what was the deal with the church pews, so I called the lady who reported the incident, and asked her if she knew why they were there. “She said, ‘We’re having a baptism on Sunday.’” Other attendees at the “Norris Lake Stakeholders” meeting included TVA officers, state park rangers, law enforcement, TWRA agents and representatives from the five counties surrounding Norris Lake. Ronald Boneau and Art Goerss, neighbors in the Deerfield community in LaFollette, are Flotilla Staff Officers for the U.S. Coast To page 3

Heroes give back By Carol Zinavage


Clean up Norris Lake Sept. 28 Volunteers are welcome and needed to clean up Norris Lake. Wear sturdy shoes and bring work gloves on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Big Ridge State Park and Norris Dam State Park, East Side Call 800-524-3602 for details.

Farmaggedon Farmaggedon will be held 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, at Judy’s Barn, 256 Grissom Road in Maynardville. There will be a music festival with Southern gospel singing, a canned food drive and more. Info: visit www. benjams.com/benaddiction or call 243-7085.

7049 Maynardville Pike 37918 (865) 922-4136 NEWS news@ShopperNewsNow.com Sandra Clark Libby Morgan | Bonnie Peters ADVERTISING SALES ads@ShopperNewsNow.com Shannon Carey Jim Brannon | Tony Cranmore Brandi Davis | Patty Fecco

It was a fabulous day for all types of fun when the Union County Rescue Squad celebrated its 50th anniversary on a recent Saturday. People of all ages visited, ate, laughed and enjoyed games and music in glorious “almost-fall” weather under a brilliant blue sky. The squad got its start in 1963, assisting Dr. John Marsee in administrating vaccines for polio, said Jim Houston, who served as the squad’s president for 22 years. “You had to have a doctor on call to monitor the vaccine in case of reactions or problems,” Houston recalled, “and we had only one doctor for the whole county. He couldn’t be everywhere at once, so a group of us kept in touch by CB radio.”

When all the vaccines were administered without incident, we said, “Well, that went off good! What else can we do?” The group decided to form the county’s official rescue squad and applied for a charter, which they received in November of that year. “I’m the only one of the charter members that’s still active,” said Houston, who retired as Union

County Clerk in 2006. “I don’t do a lot of calls. I can’t handle the tools like I used to.” But he is the group’s unofficial historian, and proud to show visitors the “wall of fame,” which includes portraits of all the past presidents. The squad specializes in vehicle extrication, farm rescue, water and fire accidents, plane crashes – any type of disaster where a

person is trapped and in imminent danger. Experts at handling large pieces of equipment such as the “jaws of life,” squad members work with ambulance crews to deliver accident victims safely to area hospitals. And they’re 100 percent volunteer. “None of these guys get paid, To page 2

Reaching the young invincibles By Betty Bean You’re going to be hearing a lot about the “young invincibles” over the next year. So who/what are they – a rock band? A soap opera? A stuck-up street gang with literary pretentions? Nope. This is the name that’s been bestowed on the 19 million (plus or minus, estimates vary) young American adults who don’t have basic health insurance. Borrowed from the moniker adopted by an organization founded in

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Jim Houston with son-in-law Stacy Chase, who is state director of the Tennessee Association of Rescue Squads, and grandsons Chase and Caleb.

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2009 to represent the interests of 18-34-year-olds in the healthcare debate, it has now become the semi-official name of a market segment that providers very much want to reach. Their numbers have been whittled down by some 3 million due to a provision of the Affordable Care Act that allows them to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until they are 26, but they are still a crucial piece of the healthcare puzzle. Getting them to buy in to the ACA is a priority because the risk pool num-

bers won’t work without younger, healthier consumers in the mix. Armored with good health and heedless youth, a few – maybe 5 percent as measured by industry polling – are playing the odds and forgoing health insurance. Others would like to get insurance, but are so saddled with credit card and student loan debt that they believe it’s beyond their means. Still others flat can’t afford it at pre-ACA market rates. Whatever their motivations, when the open enrollment period

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kicks in Oct. 1, they’re all going to have decisions to make because the ACA is mandatory and will require all uninsured individuals to choose a plan and enroll. There is a tax penalty – small at first, larger later – for remaining uninsured. Many young adults will be pleasantly surprised when they finally explore their options, says Ginger Pettway, director of brand strategy and new media for Blue Cross Blue

To page 3

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2 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • UNION COUNTY Shopper news

The Bailey family – Jason, Elane and Amber. They had just helped themselves to lots of good food, with some of it still left on little Elane’s face! Photos by Carol Zinavage

Mason Jolly comes down the bouncy house slide. He was there with his mom, Frances, and dad, Michael, who is a rescue squad volunteer.

Dwight Coram, a 33-year member of the squad, in front of the UCRS “Wall of Fame.” He described himself laughingly as a “general flunky.”

Matishaus Maples and Shelby Muse looked festive – and maybe just a bit scary – with their painted faces!

Reuben Stansberry, treasurer for 12 years, and Lt. Trish Collins pose in front of the hardworking hot dog grill. Collins celebrated the day with a face-painted “50” on her left cheek.

UCRS secretary Tracy Middleton applied her artistic skill to young Emily Middleton’s face as Emily’s siblings Jaslin and Cayden looked on.

Tiny Victoria Walker waits to get her face painted. Her mom, Tonya, said Victoria loves basketball and is a future Vol!

Heroes give but we do provide worker’s comp,” said Trish Collins, second lieutenant with the squad. “We get some money from the county, but most of it goes toward insurance, which is very high. Everything else comes from the community.” The group hosts several fundraisers

K-9 deputy of 14 years, Candy Stooksbury, with bloodhound Barnabas, trained in trailing and cadaver search. Barnabas is not yet two years old and very playful when he’s not working. He also showed off his operatic voice throughout the day!

From page 1 every year, including a bass fishing tournament and a picture drive in which people can have family photos made. But fundraising wasn’t the point at the 50th anniversary celebration. The free attractions included bouncy houses and face

painting for the kids, lively games of corn hole for kids and adults, and lots of good food, including a giant chocolate/vanilla cake baked by Sandy Kitts. J.D. Cable and the Empty Bottle Band provided toe-tapping music. Big trays of ice cream sand-

wiches were passed among the crowd, and piles of water balloons stood ready for epic battle later in the afternoon. The air was filled with happy shrieks from the small fry as the adults visited and enjoyed the beautiful weather. A truck and two squad

members were called away during the celebration. “This is our way of giving back to the community,” said Lt. Collins, smiling as she looked out on the crowd. “If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have what we’ve got.”

REUNION NOTES ■ Graham family reunion will be held Saturday, Sept 28, at Big Ridge State Park Tea Room. Lunch is at 1 p.m. Bring the family, favorite covered dish, guitar and plans for a great time.

Come to the water We are a people who love to make plans! To Do lists hang on the fridge reminding us what we have planned. Fr. Aaron Wessman We plan our weeks to start the To Do list, and we plan our days hoping to finish it. We plan vacations, and how we will send our kids to college. We plan for retirement—if ever that day will come—and we even plan for when we will die— hoping that that plan is not carried out too soon. We are a people who love to make plans. But do we ever plan to be HOLY? If we take our faith in Jesus Christ seriously, this should be our most important plan. In Leviticus 19:1 we read “The Lord said to Moses: Speak to the whole Israelite community and tell them: Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.” Be holy! Be holy? This seems like quite the demand that God is placing on us. If you are anything like me, I look at the struggles, weaknesses and sins of my life and sometimes

just getting out of bed is an accomplishment. But God is asking me—all of us—to be holy. That seems like quite the task. Thankfully, we do not have to accomplish this task on our own. God is more desirous of our being holy than we could ever imagine. For he knows that holiness is not some prudish, boring or unattractive way of life; it is rather, us living the most fulfilled and happy life here on earth, and experiencing every joy in heaven. But even though God wants to accomplish this work in us, we also have to plan for it ourselves. So what are your plans for becoming holy? The next time you sit down to make a To Do list or think about your Friday night plans, give some thought to how you plan on being holy. It might begin by simply recognizing God in others, or perhaps saying a few prayers. Whatever it is, plan well, for these will be the best plans you will ever make! Fr. Aaron Wessman, Associate Pastor, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Mission, 4365 Maynardville Hwy. 992-7222

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UNION COUNTY Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • 3

Heritage Festival update – submit your quilts and art Quilt Show and Author’s Table at the Museum

A message from Ellen Perry: The Union County Historical Society will sponsor the Ninth Annual Heritage Festival Quilt Show and the Author’s Table at the museum as part of the 2013 Union County Heritage Festival. The Fine Art Show will be moved to Union County Arts Center this year. For info on the art show call Susan Boone at 992-9161 or Ellen Perry at 992-4631. There is no pre-registration for the Quilt Show. However, you may call Ellen Perry at 992-4631 or Wanda

play them for the Saturday showing. The Author’s Table at the museum will feature Dave Franks, Bonnie Peters, Evelyn Johnson and a number of other guest authors. The Union County Historical Society will have their books and publications and craft items along with consignment books available for sale and someone on hand to assist visitors. Bus transportation will be available from Wilson A billboard next door to the Halls Post Office gets finishing Park to the museum and the touches by the installer and announces the upcoming Union arts center. Make plans to County Heritage Festival. Photo by Libby Morgan tour the museum and Union County Arts on Saturday, Byerley at 992-5208 for in- Otherwise bring your quilts Oct. 5, for the Heritage Fesformation on the quilt show to the museum on Thurs- tival events at these locaand let us know how many day, Oct. 3, between 1:30 tions. Festival hours are 10 quilts you will be bringing. and 6 p.m. so we may dis- a.m. until 4 p.m.

Celebrating 75 years of faith Four generations of descendants of Hubbs Grove Baptist Church charter member Harley I. Raley Sr. are Addison Tolliver, Chris Tolliver, Gail O’Dell and Edith Kitts. Addison and Kitts were honored as the youngest member and the “Oldest by Faith” member. The oldest member, Estelle Loy, was not in attendance. A big spread of delicious, home-cooked food was served at the celebration. Photos submitted

Safeguarding the lake Young invincibles Shield of Tennessee. When the Marketplace opens, BCBST will be one of three carriers available in Knox County (and the only option available in all 95 counties). Young adults are heavy users of social media, and getting the message out to them is an important part of Pettway’s job. She recommends they check out http://www.bcbst. com and hit the “Know Now” button, which will

From page 1 take them to an informational page where they can learn about the 54 BCBST plans that are available at all four “metallic” levels – bronze, silver, gold and platinum – and find out about subsidies and tax credits that are available. “This is an educational site that we’ve put together. I’m not selling our plan, but want people to know if cost is a barrier, through these new plans and the financial

assistance available under the new law, there are going to be some very affordable options, regardless of age. Young invincibles are all about shopping on the Web, and if you are a single person making under $45,000 a year, you’re going to qualify for a subsidy. If you go online and do your research, you will be pleasantly surprised.” This is part two of a multipart series about the Affordable Care Act.

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Guard Auxiliary. They volunteer to educate the public about boating safety and regulations by setting up at Norris Lake marinas, giving classes and handing out information. Kim Richnafsky made a presentation on the “Leave No Trace” program. “What goes in, must come out,” she explained, “and that is depicted on the Leave No Trace logo.”

From page 1

Leave No Trace signs will be installed at Norris Lake boat launches and public use areas, with a phone number on each to reach the correct government or law enforcement agency overseeing the area, according to Neva Kitts of the Union County Chamber. Martha Podren, of TVA Land and Shoreline Management, announced money may be available to help

with lake cleanup projects and public education. Julie Graham spoke on regulations now in place on TVA reservoirs, and Big Ridge State Park ranger Sarah Nicley talked about enforcing those regulations. Stephanie Wells, director of the Tourism Council of Anderson County, presented information on educating the public about caring for the lake.

Richard Corum Estate


Sat. September 28th 10:00 A.M. Farm Machinery - Shop Equip. 123 Satterfield Rd. Luttrell, TN Farm Machinery: John Deere 2940 w/148 ldr., John Deere 2350 C/H/A, w/520 ldr., John Deere 8200 grain drill, 1985 Ford F-250 4X4 flatbed truck, 1990 Ford F-250 pickup, 1973 Ford F-350 flatbed truck, New Holland 462 & 452 disc mowers, New Holland 472 mower conditioner, New Holland 451 sickle mower, John Deere KBA wheel disk, 3 bottom plow, Walton hay tetter, John Deere 709 rotary cutter, John Deere 64 hay rake, New Idea 302 corn picker, Hurst 25ft. gooseneck flat bed trailer, Ranger M 16ft. gooseneck stock trailer, scissor lift, Bradco pallet forks, grader blade, yard box, Priefert head gate, post hole diggers, grinder/ mixer, conveyor, lowboy trailer, Cattleman liquid molasses feeder, gates, corral panels, feed bunks, hay rings, trailer loads of shop tools, farm equipment from 2 local estates, and more!!! Shop Tools: For complete list: www.dyersold.com Terms: 10% Buyers Premium - Complete settlement sale day. Cash, personal or company check Directions: Tazewell Pike North to left on Ailor Gap Rd. 2.2 miles to left on Satterfield Rd. or from Maynardville Hwy. 33 North to right on Ailor Gap Rd. 2.5 miles to right on Satterfield Rd. to sale site on left For photos and info: 992-4460 or www.dyersold.com Tennessee Auctioneers Association


4 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • UNION COUNTY Shopper news

Halls guy to host

‘M ull Singing Convention’ “Not bad for a little Halls boy, huh?” is how Tommy Spencer put it when asked about being the new host of the “Mull Singing Convention.”

Dotson Creek spring from the road

Photo by Bonnie Peters

Dotson Creek Community The Dotson Creek Community lies between Nave Hill and Black Fox.

Bonnie Peters

I’ve written about Black Fox and will get to Nave Hill in time. I’ve spoken with Aline Beeler Rose and Zena Collins Monroe who are longtime residents of the area. Zena tells me the spring and beginning of Dotson Creek are on the right of Dodson Creek Road going north beside where Eliga “Lige” Davis’ store was located. She recalls that some years ago waters swiftly gushed from this spring creating a substantial creek. Since the spring is no longer the social center of the community where folks got their water and their news, Zena says lots of silt has accumulated there–sounds like it needs a “spring cleaning.” Prominent old-timers of Dotson Creek were John and Mary Hendrix, later Alfred and O’Neal Hendrix and now Doris, widow of Howard; Jim Yadon, Lon Thomas, John and Rebecca Collins, Sterling Collins; Bob and Orlena Collins, Floyd and Fannie Hurst Beeler, Claude and Eva Collins, Alto and Margaret Thomas, Zena Collins Monroe and Gareth Monroe. Asro Evans, George Davis and Eliga “Lige” Davis all had general merchandise stores along Dotson Creek Road. Descendants of the Davis, Evans ad Nicely families are still around. What seemed to be missing were the Dotsons. However, with a little help from my friends Joann Beeler Bridges and Phyllis Ailor George, I have found them! The Dotson lineage was right before my eyes, and I didn’t realize it.

Remember, this part of Union County was Grainger County until 1850. Joann and Phyllis led me to the latest edition of Pathways, a quarterly publication of the Union County Historical Society, September 2013 issue, Vol. 32; No. 3. pp, 101 - 106. It seems Jerry L.Welch had submitted just what I needed – a genealogy – to substantiate the naming of Dotson Creek and Community. It goes like this: Samuel Dotson, b. May 6, 1738 - d. January 7,1796 Samuel Dotson, b. 1773 - d. January 21, 1860; m. Sarah Clontz, b. 1783 - d. 1830 Samuel Dotson, Jr. b. Ca. 1800 - d. 1854; m. Mary Williams b. February 14, 1799 - d. after 1880 Samuel and Mary had 8 children – all born in Grainger County, now Union County – Elizabeth, Sarah, Hannah, Joel, Matilda, Mary, Martha and Samuel. Their fourth child, Joel, became a captain in the Union Army, 2nd Tennessee Infantry, Vol. Co. D. Joel was born Sept. 27, 1830, and died May 16, 1906. He is buried in Hansard Chapel Church Cemetery. According to Aline, the outstanding annual event was the Associational Meeting of Dotson Creek Primitive Baptist Church, which was a well-attended large gathering featuring homemade ice cream that sold for 5 cents a cone. Remember, this was before refrigerators and freezers and was the only time during the year that most folks got to taste ice cream. The church was pastored by Odra Davis, the church’s only pastor. Dotson Creek Road was repositioned when paved some years ago. The creek now runs about two miles and through the Lige Davis farm and eventually back into Norris Lake. Dotson Creek is remembered as a closeknit, caring community where folks enjoyed and looked out for each other.

“It’s been great. We’re enjoying very high ratings. The response on Facebook has been crazy. All of the original sponsors have stayed with the show, and we’ve even gotten some new ones.” Tommy grew up in South Knoxville and moved to Halls 12 years ago with his wife, Angela, and son, Ryan. Jake “We just loved Halls. It Mabe Halls resident Tommy Spencer had everything we wanted, is the new host of the “Mull and we especially loved the Singing Convention.” Photo school. Halls has the best MY TWO CENTS schools in my opinion.” submitted No doubt somewhere in A longtime gospel muheaven, J. Bazzel Mull just sic singer himself, Tommy Fans requested that the turned to wife Elizabeth works by day at Senior Home show (which airs at 7 a.m. and said, “Ain’t that right, Assistance of Tennessee, Sundays on MyVLT-2) conLady Mull?” which he founded in 2004. For the unwashed (it’s a tinue, and that’s where Asked what it’s like to joke, don’t send me any an- Tommy comes into the tale. host a show he grew up “When Mrs. (Elizabeth) gry emails), J. Bazzel Mull watching, Tommy just and his wife, Elizabeth Mull got sick, I hosted the shakes his head. show with Charlotte and “Lady” Mull, were the first “Oh, man. There are no to put Southern Gospel mu- hosted some by myself,” words.” sic on television in East Ten- Tommy says. “People liked Ain’t that right, Lady Mull? nessee. Their popular “Mull it. I had been friends with the Mulls for years.” Singing Convention” signed Tommy’s first show aired ■ Halls Alumni on the air on WBIR-TV in Association 1956. Before that, Mull host- three weeks ago. The Mull’s ed gospel shows on local ra- grandson, Doug Hutchiseeks annuals dio and later owned his own son, appeared on air during The Halls High Alumni station, WJBZ, now known Tommy’s debut to hand over Association is looking for the keys. as Praise 96.3 FM. “We’re not going to missing Halls High School J. Bazzel died in 2006 and Elizabeth passed away change the show that much. yearbooks to complete the in 2012. Family and friends It will have one host and collections at the Halls were shocked, however, guests. We kept the famous High School library and at when daughter Charlotte piano entrance, which then Hubert LaRue’s Halls ComMull Hutchison died sud- moves into a more modern munity Museum as a joint fundraiser for the alumni Southern Gospel theme. denly July 21.

association and the library. Annuals are needed from the following years: 1924, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1967, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1986, 1989 and 1990. Those willing to donate a yearbook from these years should call Chris Vandergriff at 922-7841. ■

Robinella to help ‘Keep The Lights On’ for the VMC

Popular singer/songwriter Robinella is hosting a benefit “Keep The Lights On” concert for the Volunteer Ministry Center 8 p.m. Friday Oct. 4, at The Square Room on M a r k e t Square. Tickets are $20 in Robinella advance and $25 at the door. All proceeds will go to the VMC’s utility assistance program. Info: 524-3926 or visit www.vmcinc.org. Full disclosure: Robin is a friend of mine and introduced me to my wife. Go see her. She’s good. Plus, it’s for a great cause. “Pull Up A Chair” with Jake Mabe at jakemabe.blogspot.com.

School board is (was) Thursday Hey, folks. Our weird deadline got me again this week. Two great meetings are (were) in Union County on Thursday. I’ll be at both. But I’m writing this on Wednesday night before going to press and you’re reading it on Saturday. It will be a week before we write about whether Dr. Jimmy Carter signed the letter to Gov. Bill Haslam asking for relief from the fast-paced Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman. Since Carter didn’t get my email in time to respond, I’m reduced to guessing. Here’s betting Carter didn’t sign the letter. He’s by nature a conservative fellow. Don’t rock the boat. It’s a daring act to ask the governor to fire his education commissioner. Also, Union County has a stake in the state’s education reforms. The Virtual Academy contributes somewhere between a quarter and a half million dollars to the school system’s annual budget. That’s a lot of teachers. Union County relies on state and federal grants for much of its day-to-day operations. You’re unlikely to see the superintendent yipping

Sandra Clark

and snipping at the hand that feeds him. The big item on Thursday’s agenda? Coaching supplements. Should high school coaches make more than middle school coaches? And now, to move this paper along, please review what this writer penned in the Halls Shopper about teachers in Knox County. Our phone has rung off the hook this week (and it’s a cellular one).

Thank a teacher An old bumper sticker said: “If you can read this, thank a teacher.” That bar has been raised. Now teachers must feed students of all aptitudes and abilities through a chute for testing. If scores are high enough, the teachers get to do it again next year. If not, there is no thanks and maybe no job.

Great Schools Partnership has set the second annual “Thank a Teacher Week,” Sept. 30 through Oct. 4. Amazingly, some teachers are saying “no thanks.” They are whispering, though, because their tenure (can’t fire me without cause) has vaporized. As the Shopper-News contribution to “Thank a Teacher Week,” Jake Mabe and I want to hear from teachers or their spouses, parents or kids. Trust us not to reveal your identity or drop us an anonymous note or email. ■ What do you think is right and what’s wrong with Knox County Schools? ■ Are we moving too fast with education reform? ■ What is best for kids? Jake and I are a generation apart, but we share a love for Knox County Schools. Both of us came from a family of educators. We’ve demonstrated support for individual teachers, principals and community schools. We’ve both been jarred by the feedback we’re getting from those who will talk. There’s a tremendous disconnect.


So the response already this week has been tremendous. Teachers are frustrated with the frenetic pace of change, the lack of respect and the complexity of evaluations. One teacher said, “We’re not just a number and neither are our kids.” Another said of the fast race to reform: “The end product sounds great, but it’s how (Superintendent Jim McIntyre) is getting there that’s a problem. He’s tearing Knox County Schools apart.” An elementary school teacher talked of Fridays as test days. “The kids go home crying and I do too.” Teachers are generally the smartest folks in a community. They are caring and work hard. The system’s administration should support and grow its teachers; pay them well for good work and weed out the ones who are there for the wrong reasons. It seems so simple. But everybody who went to school has an opinion, and everyone who has clawed his way to financial success seems willing to spend his wealth to “fi x” the problems.

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UNION COUNTY Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • 5

Claim a seat at a Saturday shrine Readers are very impor- main free. tant. You are our reasons for Now and then, a reader writing. Response is appre- does something. One sent ciated. okra. The latest shock was a handsome gift book. It is “Saturday Shrines – College Football’s Most Hallowed Grounds.” The Sporting News did Marvin the coffee-table ornament West a few years ago but it is new to me. The dust cover is Shields-Watkins Field and a packed Neyland Stadium. My first thought was ‘Wow!” Some readers applaud, Later, in the fine print, I a few offer coaching tips, learned there were 16 other some just say they are out dust covers featuring 16 there, ready and waiting for other shrines, so designed next week. There are occa- to sell more books at $24.95. sional words of praise, only The segment about Tenslightly exaggerated. Sev- nessee, starting on page eral readers have said thank 154, is OK. It touches most you for information or en- of the bases – Gen. Robert tertainment on the cheap. R. Neyland, checkerboards, They have noticed that in Peyton Manning, Volunteer this economic squeeze, the Navy, memorable moments, Shopper and its website re- winning streaks and a few

this coach, despite repeated interruptions for military duty, produced 173 victories out of 215 games. He put Vanderbilt in its place and never lost to the legendary Paul “Bear” Bryant. He was a conservative fundamentalist in the truest sense and also a visionary who invented little things to make winning easier. From a pick-up rocky beginning, the playing surface, through the years, has been nurtured like a golf course, then rudely covered with plastic, then wisely restored to natural greenness. The building has been generally maintained, enlarged eight times, enhanced and redecorated. From peak capacity of 104,079, it has been shrunk in favor of more elites and fewer commoners. Back in the old days, exu-

berant fans several times stormed the field and tore down goalposts. Last I recall was mid-September 1998, after the dramatic overtime victory over Florida. Some think that was the best game ever at the great ballpark. So, where is all this stuff going, in praise of readers and the Saturday shrine? If you have never been to Neyland Stadium, Saturday is a good time to go. The foe is South Alabama of the Sun Belt Conference. It is not to be confused with the real Alabama of national championship fame. South Alabama will provide more than necessary competition but won’t cause over-crowded conditions. Tickets will likely be available in the stadium vicinity, perhaps at discounted prices. Popcorn and the

UT band, the Pride of the Southland, will be just as good as at main events. If you go, arrive early and soak up the scene. Recall whatever you remember from reading “Legends,” the interesting book about the all-time greats. Consider these add-ons: The Volunteers have won 79 percent of their home games. Eighteen old Vols are enshrined in the College Football Hall of Fame. Seventy-two allAmericans have played in orange shirts, one in black, none in gray. Epic battles have been fiercely fought on that field. Combatants have endured contusions, knee aches and severe body blows. Blood, sweat and tears have dripped and spilled. Indeed, it is hallowed ground.

day school, to name a few). But until now, I had never stopped to consider one fact. The “sons of God” (read: angels) had noticed the daughters of men because they were “fair.” Presumably, those daughters were Cross produced by child-bearing Currents women, right? So why did Lynn the angels fail to notice the Pitts fair women of that earlier generation? I’m just asking. The phrase “it came to pass” occurs in the King James Version of the Bible I’m headed somewhere 428 times, by actual count else with this, but bear with (thank you, Strong’s Conme a moment while I ponder cordance). The passage a side issue of the above- quoted above is the first time it appears. Frequently, quoted Bible verse. I have read this pas- when I read those words, sage many times, in many I am reminded of the old translations and many dif- black woman who was asked ferent contexts (Bible stud- what her favorite Bible verse ies, private devotions, Sun- was.

She didn’t even have to stop and think about it. She replied, “And it came to pass.” Her questioner, puzzled by her answer, said, “And why is that?” “Because,” she explained emphatically, “I would hate to think it had come to stay!” The truth is, as Frost so poetically reminded us, that nothing comes to stay. (Well, maybe rent and taxes!) Rainbows share their beauty for scant moments. Leaves turn and fall. Great castles fall into ruin. Our loved ones die. We age and realize that our future is now shorter than our past. So the wise words “This, too, shall pass” are both threat and promise. On Sept. 30, 1859, Abraham Lincoln, in an address before the Wisconsin State

Agricultural Society in Milwaukee, made this statement: “It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words ‘And this, too, shall pass away.’ How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!” From the Sufi poets to our greatest president, the wisdom flows in our direction: Live. Enjoy. Pay attention. Give. Forgive. Forget. Accept. Remember. Abide. Love. “And the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13: 13 NRSV)

paragraphs about the unforgettable Arkansas game of 1998. What the book did best was remind me of what we have here and what we too often take for granted. What we have is one of the greatest arenas in the world, almost perfectly located between the Tennessee River and The Hill, historic center of campus no matter where it sprawls. There are mountains as a backdrop, a very high-tech video board, more than enough seats for the multitudes, and fancy enclosed quarters for the rich and famous. The stadium has the best possible name, Neyland, for the godfather who transformed routine blocking and tackling into a great success story that became a genuine tradition. Between 1926 and 1952,

It came to pass And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. (Genesis 6:1-2 KJV) Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower, But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf, So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. (“Nothing Gold Can Stay,” Robert Frost) This, too, shall pass away. (Persian Sufi poets)

Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com.

Mission Statement: To improve the quality of life of all those God places in our path by building on our experiences of the past, pursuing our vision for the future and creating caring life-long relationships.

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UNION COUNTY – Private, beautiful, scenic, rolling setting w/several awesome homesites. Once part of a dairy farm. 2 stocked ponds & spring. Home on property. Partially fenced, w/2 roads in. Wild life abundant. Utility, water available. $369,900 (843996)

UNION CO – Beautiful private gated setting! This 21.8 acre farm features: Pond, 19 acres fenced, 3-car 24x38 gar/wkshp w/elect & 30x29 metal barn w/sliding doors. RV hook-up & generator w/plenty of car/equipment stg. The 3BR/2BA brick rancher features: Split BR floor plan, plenty of walk-in closet space throughout, 6.2x5.3 laundry rm, covered back deck, chain fenced yard & attached 2-car gar. A must see. $350,000 (842066)

UNION CO – 40 acres wooded w/ MAYNARDVILLE – Timber Creek – stream & so much more all close residential bldg lot close to schools to town. $99,900 (842135) and shopping. Sewer and underground utilities. Level and cleared. Starting at $14,900. Additional lots and 5-10 acre tracts available starting at $29,900. (836990)

< MAYNARDVILLE – Timeless 3BR/2BA Cape Cod-style home, unbelievable views, largest lot in the subdivision, great rocking chair front porch, close to Norris Lake. Basement stud wall & plumb. REDUCED! $209,900 (807097)

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MAYNARDVILLE – Great 3BR/3BA B-ranch, 16 acres w/approx 4 acres of pasture & wooded for privacy. Home features: Everything on main level w/sep living down incl full eat-in kit, lg rec rm w/wood stove, full BA & laundry. Rec rm could be converted into BR or could finish 12x14 unfin stg area. 2-car gar on main & 1-car/ wkshp down, 10x40 covered front porch w/ceiling fans, 2 decks in back. Many updates incl newer windows, new appliances, countertop & tile flooring on main kit w/pantry & lots of cabinets, new int doors. Well water w/water softener sys. A Must see. $275,000 (861332)

LAKEFRONT GENTLY SLOPING LOT for building with mature trees. Beautiful views of Norris Lake's main channel. A must see. $74,900 (839023)

GRAINGER CO – Great investment. This 3BR/2BA basement rancher on 2.76 acres is 70% completed. Septic tank installed and approved drain field. $119,500 (844113)

6 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • UNION COUNTY Shopper news


Hailing the Hobo By Jake Mabe

Celebrating their wins in the Tennessee Valley Fair FFA competitions are: (front) Justin Vallone, Sierra Jackson and Whitney Foust. (seated) Tucker Boyd, Tyler Brown, Colton Rutherford, Joseph Houser, Chris Elliott and Shea Proffit. (standing) Ryan Sharp, Cody Ray, Mark England, Jesse Masingo, Devin Overton, Jake Middleton, Tyson Coppock, Bobby Mink, Dylan Berry, Aaron Tipton, Justin Johnson, Eugene Wilkerson, Jacob Foust, Cheyenne Hurst, Chenoa Gallagher, Tyler Grisham and Alexis Killingsworth. Photo by Libby Morgan

FFA earns awards More than 40 students in the ag department at Union County High School submitted 81 entries at the Tennessee Valley Fair and brought home blue ribbons for 23 entries. Entries were for welding, growing plants and animals, and making useful items.

First place winners: Tucker Boyd Tyler Brown Tucker Edmondson Chris Elliott (3) Whitney Foust Joseph Houser (2) Cheyenne Hurst Jake Middleton (2) Derek Norris

Check In! Check Up! Check Back! Check In! If you are on TennCare, medical checkups for children under age 21 are free. Call your doctor or the health department to schedule your child’s visit. Check Up: Annual checkups are important to prevent diseases and chronic medical conditions. Your child can get a health history, a complete physical exam, lab tests (as appropriate), vision and hearing screenings, immunizations, developmental and behavioral screenings (as appropriate), advice on keeping your child healthy, dental referrals and medical referrals if necessary. Check Back with your doctor by keeping your follow-up appointment, your next scheduled well-child visit or by contacting your doctor if a problem occurs. Get help at 1-866-311-4287 or Union County Health Department at 992-3867, Ext. 131.

Kelsie Phillips Colton Rutherford (2) Nicholas Sharp (2) Aaron Tipton Justin Vallone Eugene Wilkerson (2) Tonya Woods Second place: Dylan Berry Tyson Coppock Chenoa Gallagher Jesse Masingo (2) Devin Overton (4) Kelsie Phillips Cody Ray Colton Rutherford Nicholas Sharp

Justin Vallone Other students placing and participating are: Bobby Mink, Mark England, Jacob Foust, Alexis Killingsworth, Reagan Savage, Emily Shope, Dylan Amos, Sam Bridges, Tyler Brown, Cody Faulkner, Tyler Grisham, Justin Johnson, Alex Kingrey, Scarlet Muncey, Shea Proffit, Andrew Rymer, Andrew Sherrod, Kaila Tapp, Sawyer Walton, Jonathan Williams, Sierra Jackson and Ryan Sharp.

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Jennifer Massengill, North Side Y health and well-being director, will be on-site at the Union County Farmers Market Saturday morning, Sept. 21, to help kick off the “Keep Union Movin’” walking program and give walking pointers. She will offer free passes to the Y for walkers who sign up for the program that day. Photo by Libby Morgan

Produce expected: beans, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, collards, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, muscadine grapes, melons, okra, peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peas, soybeans, squashes. Weekly: Beef, eggs, crafts.


Kids: Get your Treasure Hunt from the market manager Plant Share Program: totally free! If you have a plant to share (perhaps a perennial that needs dividing), we’ll find it a good home!

Saturdays 8:30 to 11 a.m.

NOW SHOWING THROUGH SEPT. 26 PLANES (PG) 1:15; 4:15; 6:25; 8:40

Adults $6.25 all day Children/Seniors/ Military $6 all day $1 drinks/$1 popcorn $1 candy half off nachos

WE’RE THE MILLERS (R) 1:15; 3:40; 6:35; 8:55 PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS (PG) 1:05; 3:55; 6:20; 8:45 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 (PG13) NO PASSES 1:10; 3:30; 6:30; 9:00


“Finally a place you can call home” Celeste McClure, Property Manager Office: 992-5888 • Fax: 992-9374 1330 Main Street • Maynardville, TN Across from Food City

Dan Varner

I don’t know whether it is because of, or in spite of, the fact I’ve lived in the same town my whole life, but I have a yearning, burning urge to wander. The good news is that I have seen 47 of the 50 United States, some of them on what used to be called the blue highways. But every now and then, usually on Friday nights when I am driving east on I-640 near Broadway, I will see a freight train. And wish I could hop aboard just like in the movies, a modernday Jimmie Rodgers, riding the rails. I’ve always loved trains. Most boys do, for whatever reason. I first entered Manhattan by rail (10 days before 9/11). I would travel that way exclusively if I could. But those days are long, long gone, unless I move to the Northeast. Even then, it will never be the same. It all started when I was 3 or 4. My dad bought me a model train set of the Chattanooga Choo Choo. It even came with some kind of liquid that would produce smoke from the engine’s smokestack. I’d dream about being an engineer. Or a brakeman. Or, hell I’ll say it, a hobo. It got worse the first time I heard Jimmie Rodgers. Somebody – I think it was one of my grandfathers – had some Rodgers hobo songs on 78s. Later, I heard Merle Haggard, and then Dolly, Emmylou and Linda, sing Jimmie’s “Hobo’s Meditation.” Tonight as I lay on the boxcar, just waiting for a train to pass by; What will become of the hobo whenever his time comes to die? At Clear Springs Baptist Church, I heard “Life’s Railway to Heaven” and figured that’s where the hobo was ultimately headed. It’s the way I want to go, I’ll tell you for sure.

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First Team Realty is now REALTY EXECUTIVES Maynardville 3BR/2BA. Super clean, partially Located near furnished, 16x72 mobile shopping & home with add-ons. Large schools. Mins fenced lot with 2 carports from Norris & 2 storage buildings, big MAYNARDVILLE Lake. Covered sunroom with wood stove front porch, & cooling. Walk to boat T. Edward (Eddie) Perry, GRI, ABR, SFR, e-PRO lrg rear deck. launch and Helms Ferry Managing Broker TN Lic# 316360 Lrg FR/LR, wood-burning stove + bonus area. on Norris Lake. Owner says bring an offer! Call Mark Mahoney All one level. Move-in ready. Bring an offer. 244-8870. MLS # 838550 $54,900. (865) 992-8326 • (865) 414-9782 Call Eddie Perry 414-9782. MLS # 861568 Take a look Debbie Perry, Owner-Affiliate Broker $119,900. This is a rare find! at this cute Wood siding, 2-sty, (865) 809-1583 cottage in a stone FP, great Breath-taking view of the deep channel private setting views, not too far of Norris Lake on level lot w/298' deep with everyGreat home for first time buyers, 4+ acres, out, on lg lot w/adwater/year-round frontage complete w/ thing you very quiet and private, joins to Chuck Swan ditional stg building. need. 2BR (w/space for 3rd)/2BA, wood seawall & dock. Boat dock includes lift, Management Area. Fenced-in backyard, fully Call Eddie Perry covered dock slide, 2 wave runner ports. flrs, beautiful sunroom & nearly level lot. equipped kit, 3BR/2BA, den w/woodburning 414-9782. MLS # Additional 40'x54' shop & stg bldg. Don't Great rm w/beaded pine ceilings, oak FP, office/hobby rm, newer dim 30yr roof, 842074 $129,900. miss this one! Call Eddie Perry 414-9782. hdwd flrs & gas FP. Kit w/2pantries, cencentral H&A, nice level yard! Call Debbie ter island & quartz countertops. MBR features huge WIC, sitting area, magnificent MLS # 842063 $169,900. Perry 809-1583. MLS # 843731 $114,900. Take BA w/tiled walk-in shower. Year-round sunrm w/bamboo flrs & stacked stone wood a look FP. Lower level: Rec rm w/gas FP, BR & BA. Det gar w/bonus rm/wkshp. Hot tub. Spectacular long range views of New development with paved road, at this Furnishings negotiable. Call Rob Price 978-0018. MLS # 855848 $577,000. Norris Lake Main Channel! Very great views of the mountains & Norris almost cozy well maintained & low maint. Lake! City water, lot perks for 3 bedroom flat lot Great buy! All new int paint, updated gas Deep water lake frontage w/lots of home. Neighboring lot available. Call w/a few furnace, electrical to code, gas range, beautiful shoreline. Gentle sloped Mark Mahoney 244-8870. updated kit flr, aluminum siding, older home hdwd trees. Perfect for your acreage w/covered boat dock. 2 MLS # 746653 $17,900. but many new updates & in very good con- first home. 3BR/2BA modular has great layout, lg mstr BR & lg covered decks w/view of lake & surrounding mtns. Lg eat-in kit w/ Very nice, clea, well kept, open dition, move-in ready, conv to UT, possible upgrades. Spacious living area. MBR w/lakeview & nice BA! Lower flr plan in kit, DR & LR w/sloped lease purchase w/approved credit. Call Ed- BA, split BRs, FP & much more. level is partial fin w/great rm. Dining area & full kit. BR & full Ba w/lg Call Eddie Perry 414-9782. ceilings. Lg laundry rm w/half BA, die Perry 414-9782. MLS # 840385 $89,900. MLS # 858842 $99,900. utility rm. Call Rob Price 978-0018. MLS # 856176 $479,000. attached gar, lg lot, near schools & shopping. Move-in ready. Eligible www.realtyexecutivesmaynardville.com for zero down payment w/approved realtyexecutivesmaynardville@comcast.net credit. Call Eddie Perry 414-9782. MLS # 857203 $88,000. 4378 Maynardville Hwy • Suite A • Maynardville, TN 37807

Buying? Selling? We Can Help!

An immaculate home nestled in country setting w/ grand mtn & lake views. LR has stacked stone FP & hdwd flr. Kit w/island & tile flrs, MBR ste offers huge BA & closet. 2 additional BRs loaded w/ closet space & main level office, wrap-around covered front porch, giant rear deck. Free 1-yr boat slip rental included at Lakeview Marina which is less than 5 min away. Call Debbie Perry 809-1583. MLS # 853025 $319,000. $299,900.



Each office independently owned and operated.

Eddie Perry

Debbie Perry

Debbie Cox

Rob Price

Mark Mahoney

Derrick Merritt


UNION COUNTY Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • 7

FCE scarfs it up, gives to community By Libby Morgan The Family and Community Education County Council met for their fall luncheon with a theme of “Flowing Creations,� and wrapped their business around scarf presentations by all of the members. The group holds fundraisers during the year and voted to give money to several local charities, including Toys for Tots and the Union County Food Pantry. Toys for Tots volunteers Carol Pratt and Connie Buckner stressed to the group the need for more volunteers for the program, and explained there are many hours of shopping, computer work and other tasks to be done. “We helped 500 children get presents last year. We don’t give them electronics, and they don’t usually ask for them. Many ask for simple necessities like socks and pajamas,� says Pratt. A workshop will be held by the group to create small flannel blankets to be given to neo-natal hospital wards. New members are always welcome. Contact Becca Hughes, UT Extension FCS agent at 992-0838.

UCHS Athletes of the Week The Union County High School Athletes of the Week are Desirae Wilson and Josh Steele. Wilson is on the crosscountry track team and loves running. She is a sophomore and plans to become a sports physical therapist. Her parents Wilson are Nathan and Katrina Wilson. Steele, a junior, is the Patriots quarterback. He hopes to attend college on a sports scholarship. He is the son of Candy Haynes.

Leslie Sharpe, Judy Loveday, Margie Collins, Carol Pratt and Sue Ross all wear scarves made by Collins to the FCE County Council meeting.


Pat Blackburn memorializes her good friend, Sylvia Jardine, by showing a scarf that belonged to Jardine, who died with her husband recently in their home in Sharps Chapel. Photos by Libby Morgan

Lynn Prichard tickles the group with renditions of a Cas Walker commercial and the old Mountain Dew jingle.

Chiropractic is not just for the back Chiropractic Outlook By Dr. Darrell Johnson, DC While chiropractic treatment may be best known as care for the back and the spine, a chiropractor is skilled in treating joints and extremities as well. A chiropractor is trained in keeping the biomechanical structure of the body in proper alignment. Problems with the joints and extremities can stem from a misalignment in the vertebrae, which are the individual bones that make up the spine and through which the spinal cord passes. The spinal

cord, and the nerves that emanate from it and extend into the joints and extremities, are the body’s information highway, passing signals to and from the brain and the body’s outlying precincts. Misalignments of the vertebrae in the back are called subluxations. An improperly aligned spine can put limbs out of balance. Discomfort or dysfunction in shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and ankles sometimes can be corrected by adjusting the spine; the chiropractor can also

work directly on a troublesome joint. The treatment may involve manipulation or other techniques, including ultrasound. The doctor of chiropractic may also recommend exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joint. Talk with a chiropractor about the variety of ways in which chiropractic treatment might work for you. Brought to you as a community service by Union County Chiropractic; 110 Skyline Drive, Maynardville, TN; 992-7000.

COUNTY BAIL BONDING Freedom is just 150 Court Street Maynardville, TN a Call Away 992-6511

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8 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • UNION COUNTY Shopper news

Shopper Ve n t s enews

Send items to news@ShopperNewsNow.com

TO THURSDAY, OCT. 31 Pumpkin Patch and Haunted Trail of Doom Corn Maze, Oakes Farm. Info: 1-800-532-9594.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 Art-a-palooza! fall festival, 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Fountain City Art Center, 213 Hotel Ave. Art sale, demonstrations, bake sale, art activities, live music, food, stories from Phil Campbell. Info: 357-2787; fcartcenter@knology.net; www.fountaincityartctr.com. Grand opening of the UT Veterinary Medical Center’s new Farm Animal Hospital, Equine Hospital, and Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., UT Institute of Agriculture, 2407 River Drive. Rummage sale, 8 a.m., New Liberty Baptist Church, 5901 Roberts Road in Corryton. To benefit the Women of Faith Conference. Graveston Golf Tournament “Golfing for Missions,” Three Ridges Golf Course. Registration: noon; lunch: 12:30 p.m.; tee off: 1:30 p.m. Cost: $260 per team or $65 per golfer. Lots of prizes. Register: http://www.graveston.org/. Info: 686-0186. Litter pickup sponsored by the Halls Crossroads Women’s League, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. at the corner of Maynardville Highway and Cunningham Road. Bags, gloves and water will be provided. Info: Terry, 922-2982. Luttrell Bluegrass Festival, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Luttrell Park, located on Park Road behind Luttrell Elementary School. Free event. Food and craft vendors, a bounce house, car cruise-in and music all day. Proceeds benefit the Volunteer Fire Dept. Info: www. luttrellbluegrassfestival.com or 992-2811. Union County Farmers Market, 8:30-11:30 a.m., front parking lot of Union County High School. Info: 992-8038. “Let’s Get Healthy” kickoff for the countywide walking program. Meet at 9 a.m. at the Union County Farmers Market Managers tent for info and to join the first group. Live country, bluegrass and gospel music, 7:30 p.m., WMRD 94.5 FM, 1388 Main St., Maynardville. All pickers and singers welcome. Extreme Couponing Class, 10 a.m., Maynardville Public Library. Everyone welcome. Customer Appreciation Day, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Union Farmers Co-op. Vendors, door prizes, complementary lunch. New customers welcome also.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 22 Homecoming, 11 a.m. worship service, Grace Full Gospel Baptist Church, 124 Ashley Lane in Corryton. Featuring: the Washams and the McClures. Everyone welcome.

MONDAY, SEPT. 23 Early Literacy Parent workshop, 6 p.m., Fountain City Branch Library, 5300 Stanton Road. Explore the six essential skills your child, ages birth to 5 years of age, will need to master before they are able to read. Info: 689-2681.

MONDAY-FRIDAY, SEPT. 23-27 Vacation Bible School program at Adult Day Services, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Camp’s theme is based on the

Jesus Fiesta! VBS program. Info: Kathy Chesney, Adult Day Services, www.tnadultdayservices.com or 745-1626.

hematology/oncology clinic at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. To register: www.butterflyfund.org.



Square dancing classes, 7-9 p.m., the Senior Center in Maynardville.

Square dancing classes, 7-9 p.m., the Senior Center in Maynardville.



Bits ‘n Pieces Quilt Guild meeting, the Norris Community Center. Social time, 1 p.m.; meeting, 1:30 p.m. Speaker: quilt artist Susan Lenz. Guests and new members are welcome. Info: Cyndi Herrmann, 2787796, or email bnpquilt@gmail.com.

New Harvest Park Farmers Market, 4775 New Harvest Lane, 3-6 p.m. Venders include local farmers, crafters and food trucks. Info: http://www.knoxcounty. org/farmersmarket/index.php.


THURSDAY, SEPT. 26 New Harvest Park Farmers Market, 4775 New Harvest Lane, 3-6 p.m. Venders include local farmers, crafters and food trucks. Info: http://www.knoxcounty. org/farmersmarket/index.php. Cruise Night – all makes, models, years and clubs welcome; 6-9 p.m., 6215 Riverview Crossing Drive, in front of old Food Lion at Asheville Highway. No charge, 50/50 and door prizes. Info: Jill or Blake, 226-7272; Josh or David, 523-9334.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 27 Louie Bluie Music and Arts Festival kicks off with “Sounds Like Home: A Night of Music from the Cumberlands” bluegrass concert. Gates open 5 p.m.; music starts 6 p.m. Cove Lake State Park, 1 mile off I-75 Exit 134 in Caryville. Info/advance tickets: www. LouieBluie.org.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 Louie Bluie Music and Arts Festival, Cove Lake State Park in Caryville. Cost: $2 per person/$5 per family donation encouraged to help the Campbell Culture Coalition, an all-volunteer nonprofit community arts organization that puts on the Festival. Info: www. LouieBluie.org. Church of God at Maynardville’s fundraising car wash, 8 a.m., Auto Zone, 2815 Maynardville Highway. Donation of $10 per car appreciated. Proceeds to help with Christmas float and annual Christmas play. Union County Farmers Market, 8:30-11:30 a.m., front parking lot of Union County High School. Info: 992-8038. Live country, bluegrass and gospel music, 7:30 p.m., WMRD 94.5 FM, 1388 Main St., Maynardville. All pickers and singers welcome. Fall festival, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., New Beginnings Baptist Church, 9315 Rutledge Pike. Concession stand, vendors, games, inflatables for the kids, face painting, car show and more. Info: Shelby Pilant, 719-3308.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 29 Old Gray Cemetery’s annual Lantern and Carriage Tour, 4-7 p.m., 543 North Broadway. Tickets: $10 adults; $5 students; $5 carriage rides. No reservations necessary. Info: 522-1424 or www.oldgraycemetery.org. Blessing of animals and/or pictures of beloved animals, 10:30 a.m. worship service centering around the ministry of St. Francis, First Christian Church courtyard, 211 W. Fifth Ave. All welcome.

MONDAY, SEPT. 30 Free concert, 7:30 p.m., Sam and Sue Mars Performing Arts Center of the Duke Hall of Citizenship on LMU’s main campus in Harrogate. Features the world renowned a cappella vocal ensemble Anonymous 4. Free admission. Butterfly Fund Golf Tournament, Fox Den Country Club. Format: 4-person scramble. Tee times: 8 a.m., 1:30 p.m. Portion of proceeds to benefits the

Benefit concert for the Volunteer Ministry Center featuring singer and songwriter Robinella, 8 p.m., Square Room on Market Square. Info/sponsorship/tickets: 524-3926 or www.vmcinc.org.

SATURDAY, OCT. 5 Heritage Festival, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Wilson Park. Free event to celebrate music, crafts and traditional arts. Info: www.unioncountyheritagefestival.com. Union County Farmers Market, 8:30-11:30 a.m., located outside of the entrance of the Heritage Festival near Wilson Park. Info: 992-8038. Live country, bluegrass and gospel music, 7:30 p.m., WMRD 94.5 FM, 1388 Main St., Maynardville. All pickers and singers welcome. The 13th annual Raccoon Valley Bluegrass Festival, 10:30 a.m.-8 p.m., Raccoon Valley Festival Grounds, 265 Patt Lane in Powell. Preforming: Shadow Ridge, Whitewater Bluegrass Band, the Inman Family, the Hamby Family Band, Brush Fire and Blacksferry Road bands and more. Craft and food vendors on site. No admission fee to festival. Info: Tim Patt, 548-0233, or Janice White, 548-0326. Fall festival, 4-8 p.m., House Mountain Baptist Church, 8621 Washington Pike. Free to all, including food and drinks. Inflatables, music, face painting, train and pony rides, magic show, sno-cones, popcorn, games. Fall festival/car show, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Graveston Baptist Church, 8319 Clapps Chapel Road.

SATURDAY-SUNDAY, OCT. 5-6 Soapstone Carving Class, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Slocum House Studio Gallery, 6722 Long Shadow Way. Cost: $150. Info: Kathy Slocum, 688-6039, 660-3003, slonox@comcast.net.

SUNDAY, OCT. 6 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K walk, World’s Fair Park Festival Lawn. Registration: 2 p.m.; walk, 3 p.m. Info/register: 584-1669 or makingstridesknoxville.org.

THURSDAY, OCT. 10 New Harvest Park Farmers Market, 4775 New Harvest Lane, 3-6 p.m. Venders include local farmers, crafters and food trucks. Info: http://www.knoxcounty. org/farmersmarket/index.php. Cash for Kids Sake, a reverse raffle hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters, 6 p.m., The Foundry, 747 World’s Fair Park Drive. Tickets: Ashley Summers, 523-9455, or www.CashFoKidsSake.org.

THURSDAY-SUNDAY, OCT. 10-13 The Battle of Fort Sanders Civil War Re-enactment, Clapp Farm in Corryton. Re-enactors welcome; student tours held Thursday; Commemoration held Friday. Full schedule/re-enactor registration: www.battleoffortsanders.com. Info: 992-2811 or sclapp44@yahoo.com.

POWELL AUCTION & REALTY, LLC 4306 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville

Call The Phillips Team • 992-1100

Justin Phillips • 806-7404

Visit online at www.powellauction.com or email missypowellauction@gmail.com

Visit online at www.powellauction.com

2936 WALKER FORD RD – Cozy in the Country this little charmer has beautiful Norris Lake access just across the street. Screened-in front porch complete w/swing! Nice pine floors & pine walls throughout the home.2BR/1 full BA. Open floor plan. Lots of landscaping & great garden spot. 2-car gar is attached by breezeway. Lightly restricted neighborhood. Deeded lake access across the street. Priced to sell at $139,500. Additional 1.60 adjoining acres available for $39,900. North on Hwy 33 to Right on Hickory Valley to Left on Walker Ford Stay Left at Tower Rd to continue on Walker Ford to home on right. Sign on Property. 1931 HICKORY POINTE LN, MAYNARDVILLE – Beautiful, tri-level. 3BR/3BA, 2.42 acres, 495' yr-rnd lake frontage. Cherry kit cabs, S/S appl, granite counter tops, eatat bar, DR, half BA, open LR with cath ceil. Stone FP & french drs galore to deck. Level 2 has 2BR suites/full BAs complete w/marble flooring. Bsmnt level has 1BR/full BA, extra strg & spacious 2-car gar. All w/french doors to tri-level decking. Sloping lot has amenities of its own: trolley/tram & private dock. Way too much to mention. Home offered fully furnished, just bring your lake gear! Priced at only $396,300. Directions: Hwy 33 N through Maynardville (past Food City) to left on Hickory Valley (Hwy 170) to R into Hickory Pointe past clubhouse to R into Vista Shores to 2nd home on left.

371 SWAN SEYMOUR RD, MAYNARDVILLE NOTHING SPARED! Custom Norris Lake front home on main channel of beautiful Norris Lake. A master suite w/BA fit for a king! Gleaming hdwd flrs, lots of ceramic tile, crown molding, granite counters, S/S appliances. Massive great rm w/bar area, + gas FP, wired for flat screens in all rooms except kit, 8 patio doors, skylights, cathedral ceilings, stamped concrete patio, covered decks extending length of home, gently sloping lot w/ boat launch & dock. Truly a must-see home. Offered at $525,000. $479,000. TATER VALLEY RD, LUTTRELL – Exceeding horse farm. 15 acres. All level/partially fenced. Mostly pasture. Very nice 40x100 barn with concrete floors, 13 lined stalls, tack room, wash bath. Also office in barn. Unrestricted mtn views. Offered at only $115,900. North on Hwy 22 thru Maynardville, right on Hwy 61E towards Luttrell to left on Tater Valley to property on left.

or email justin@powellauction.com 400 CABBAGE CEMETERY RD, WASHBURN 3.36 ACRES! Spacious, 2-sty Architectural home. Covered porch w/verandas. Very private setting, mostly wooded. Circle drive in front. Over 5000 SF, 6BR/3.5BA, open foyer to FR, gas log FP and wood flooring. Open, spacious kitchen w/all appl and eat-at bar. Breakfast room, sunrm with lots of great views currently used as an office. Master on main w/lrg picture windows & gas log FP w/mantle and master BA w/spa tub. Open sitting area in upper foyer w/views of the front grnds. Bsmnt w/lrg rec room & plumbed kit w/cabs (needs finishing), 2BR/1BA. Lots of storage. A MUST SEE home within mins to lake access. Offered at only $279,000.

6362 MAYNARDVILLE HWY, MAYNARDVILLE – Investment property located within a min to Norris Lake (33 Bridge area). Est older bar (Judy's Bar) currently rented for $700/ mo. 3BR/2BA,16x80 single-wide rented for $400/ mo. Single-wide has kit w/oak cabs. Good cond. Shared well, sep septics. All on 1.35 acres on Maynardville Hwy. North on Hwy 33 7 miles N of Maynardville. Sign on property. Offered at only $99,900.

104 SWAN SEYMOUR, MAYNARDVILLE – Approx 1040 SF. Lake views. Within walking distance to Norris Lake. 3BR/2BA, oak flrs, oak kit cabs, all appl, new interior paint, 2-car gar & 1-car det gar. Fruit trees, sloping yard. In need of minor repairs. Lake access around the corner. Sold as is. Priced at only $82,300. Directions: N on Hwy 33 thru Maynardville to R on Hickory Valley, L on Walker Ford, L on Circle, L on Swan Seymour, home on right.

9310 PORTWOOD LN, POWELL – 152 acres. 2 homes, 2 out-bldgs, (barn & shed). Flat/rolling fields, spacious wooded areas, beautiful creek bed, fenced-in barn structure & pull-in shed-style bldg. Great investment opportunity. Priced to sell at $499,600. Exit 117 (Raccoon Valley Rd) to R on Raccoon Valley Rd. towards 441. R on 441 towards Halls to L on Miller Rd to L on Portwood to dead end to driveway.

5100 WINFIELD, LOT C/1, KNOX, 37921 – Very nice brick rancher in Cumberland Estates, hdwd flrs, fenced backyard, corner lot. Roof was new in 2007, 3-yr old HVAC w/ gas heat, windows 5-yrs old, owner said "SELL SELL SELL." Approx 1334 SF to be verified by buyer. Offered at $127,500. Dir: Head southeast on Pleasant Ridge Rd toward Old Callahan Dr, turn right onto Sullivan Rd, turn right onto Bluefield Rd, take the 1st left onto Winfield Ln NW, destination will be on the left 5100 Winfield Ln NW Knoxville, TN 37921. Call Justin to see this great home 865-806-7407






111 DANTE RD, KNOXVILLE – Very nice 1/2 acre lot Zoned C-3 Commercial. Great location just off I-75 at Callahan Dr behind Weigel’s. Offered at only $95,000. Call Justin today. Directions: I-75 to Callahan Dr (exit 110), right on Callahan to 111 Dante Rd. on left.


ROCKY TOP RD, LUTTRELL – All wooded 2.73 acres on outside entrance of SD. Sev home sites. Cnty tax appraisal $31,300. Sign on property. North on Tazewell Pk to Luttrell. R on Hwy 61E. Straight at curve at Water Dept. Cross RR tracks, turn L on Main, L on Wolfenbarger to Rocky Top Rd. Sign on property. Offered at only $19,900. MONROE RD, MAYNARDVILLE – Over 4 acres all wooded. Creek through property. Unrestricted. OK for mobile homes. Utility water available, electric. Perk test done. Make offer today. North on Hwy 33 to R on Academy across from Okies Pharmacy to R on Main Street to L on Monroe to property on right. Sign on property. Offered at only $15,500. HOLSTON SHORES DR, RUTLEDGE – Lot 18 in River Island. Beautiful .70 acre with frontage on the Holston River. Great for trout fishing. Lot has city water and electric in front of it. Already approved for septic. Lot lays gentle all the way to the river. Offered at only $49,900.

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