The Shopper’s
Volume XXIX #335
Serving Perry & Juniata Counties
FREE! This is Y Copy En our joy.
AUGUST 2015 FOR SALE: Soda stream, Genesis, used 3 or 4 times. User manual with it. Excellent condition $50 obo. Call 717-567-6055. FOR SALE: 30 cal. Cargano, dies 300, bullets $50; 44 Marlin lever action new $650; 12 gauge dbl barrel shotgun, Bacal, made in Russia new, never fired, $550. Call 717-694-0122. (Richfield) FOR SALE: Aluminum Sears canoe, 17 ft, $500. Call 717-694-0122. FOR SALE: 1984 Chevrolet, Monte Carlo SS, full power, 2nd owner, 60,000 original miles, new tires, new battery $5,000. Call 717-763-8194. (Camp Hill) FOR SALE: 2 dog kennels, one 10x10 for $125, the other 6x10 for $75, dog house and dog crate, prices negotiable. Call 717-6096418.
Perry County Fair, Tuesday, August 18th thru 22nd!! Please Support our Local Businesses and please tell them,
“I saw your ad in THE REMEDY, The Shopper’s Remedy.”
DAVID LAVERTY & SONS CONSTRUCTION (Hicpa#4514) Fully insured. In business for 30 years. Construction and Remodeling Services. Gutter cleaning, repair and replacement. Door installations, windows, kitchens, baths, additions, roof repair (shingle and flat roofs); rotten wood replaced, foundation repair, hauling. Snow plowing and snow blowing-residential and commercial. 717-3193997 cell or 717-567-3386 home. (8/16) FOR SALE: Soda stream, Genesis, used 3 or 4 times. User manual with it.
SS, full power, 2nd owner, 60,000 original miles, new tires, new battery $5,000. Call 717-763-8194. (Camp Hill) FOR SALE: 2 dog kennels, one 10x10 for $125, the other 6x10 for $75, dog house and dog crate, prices negotiable. Call 717-609-6418. FOR SALE: Cannon Ball Scepter intermediate alto saxophone, model # ASCEPBL, color black laquer, excellent condition. Purchased 2011, asking $1300. Call 717-348-2008. (Mifflintown)
FOR SALE: Insulated stainless steel stove pipe, $300. Call 717-422-0537. (Carlisle) FOR SALE: Refrigerator, self defrost, $300. Call 717-422-0537. (Carlisle) FOR SALE: Electric stove with oven, $300. Call 717-422-0537. (Carlisle)
FOR SALE: 3 boxes 243 shell casings, shot once, $5.50 per box; round wooded cheese boxes, $1 each. Call 717-567-3487. (Newport) FOR SALE: 1 9 8 9 Pontiac Bonneville, 70,000 original miles. Excellent condition, new inspection, 4 new tires. Call for price 717-5676221 Newport. (ufn) FOR SALE: Electric guitar 2008 Gibson Melody Maker $225; 5 boxes of Federal Premium 40 Smith/Wasson Ammo, $100; Ludwig snare drum for student, $100. Call 717-348-8547.
FOR SALE: Engine stand, $100. Call 717-4220537. (Carlisle) FOR SALE: Marlin 336W 30.30 with sling. New, never fired, $300. Call 717-444-2273. (Liverpool) FOR SALE: Straight back chair for someone who has a bad back on
WANTED: Two bottom 3 pt hitch plow, 14” in good condition. Call 717-4442273.
wheels with tray. $50, paid $450. Call 717-444-2423.
Excellent condition $50 obo. Call 717-567-6055. FOR SALE: 30 cal. Cargano, dies 300, bullets $50; 44 Marlin lever action new $650; 12 gauge dbl barrel shotgun, Bacal, made in Russia new, never fired, $550. Call 717-6940122. (Richfield) FOR SALE: Aluminum Sears canoe, 17 ft, $500. Call 717-694-0122. (Richfield) FOR SALE: 1 9 8 4 Chevrolet, Monte Carlo 2
FOR SALE: Solid oak butcher block, 12” wide, 2” thick, various lengths, over 100 pieces $200 obo for all. Call 717-320-6254. (Mifflintown) FOR SALE: 2001 Honda Elantra, 155,000 miles, runs excellent, new tires, battery, brakes, exhaust system, $1300; call 717422-0537. (Carlisle) FOR SALE: Aluminum siding, brand new, still in boxes, redwood color. $600. Call 717-422-0537. (Carlisle
FOR SALE: House, 2 acres, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, sunroom, attached 2 car garage. Large yard with garden. Large shed, beautiful view of the mountains, Landisburg Perry County. Call 717713-4538. (ufn) FOR SALE: 2002 Harley Davidson with 28,000 miles, Electro Glide Classic, has a lot of factory chrome, excellent condition, $9,000. Call 717-535-5290 leave message. (Thompsontown)
(Lewistown) FOR SALE: Ridgeway grandfather clock in excellent condition. Asking $500. Call 717 437-0102. (Lewistown) FOR SALE: 1975 Jeep CJ 5-304, 3 spd, 33/12.50 tires, needs work, many extra parts, $1500 or best offer. 7 1 7 - 4 3 9 - 9 1 9 2 . (Mifflintown) August, 2015
August, 2015
DUNCANNON SESQUICENTENNIAL “A TRAIL THROUGH TIME” August 5th thru 9th. Go to for details. Saturday, August 8th Dunannon EMS presents: “Dancing through Time” at the EMS Building, Dinner 5pm, Ball 7-10pm. Contact or call 717-834-5904. “Now & Then Quillts & Blooms at Duncannon Presbyterian Church, Art Show at Ducannon Assembly of God, Pet Show at Church of God, Trails of Fashion at Otterbein United methodist Church Friday, August 7th at 7pm Peach Festival, Baking Contest, Craft ShowParade will will be Saturday, August 8th For information contact Frank Eppley at 717-834-5123. You will have to check facebook for all the dtails MILLERSTOWN FRIEMEN’S CARNIVAL August 5th through August 8th Located just off of 22/322 at the Millerstown Exit. Parade will be August 5th at 7pm with Public Service being the theme. Fireworks, Corn Hole Tourament, Bingo Nightly. Amazing Food prepared by the Firement. Vendor spaces available Contact Emily 717-636-0955. EVENDALE FLEA MKT & GOAT RACES August 8th, 2015, starting at 8am. Flea market- $10 a space. Goat races start at 3:30 pm. There are also Ice Blocking and Watermelon Seed Spitting Contests. Food stand open. And this all happens at the Evendale Community Park, 3 miles from Richfield, just off Rte 35. For more info, call Steve Sheerer at 717-694-3193 or Cindy Hoffman at 570-765-6933.
AT T E N T I O N : 5 5 t h ANNUAL B E A L E TOWNSHIP FIREMAN’S FESTIVAL August 8th, 4pm -- ? Located 11 miles south of Mifflin on RTE 35 at the Coon Hunter’s Club. FREE stage nightanyone wishing to play music, call 717-734-9906 or 717-436-8344. Homemade ice cream, soups, French fries and more great foods. Games, bingo and music. BLAIN COMMUNITY YARD SALE August 14th - 15th , 8:30 am. Furniture, antiques, clothing, toys, household, tools, food and baked goods. Lots of bargins ! Follow Rte 274 or Rte 17 West in Perry County SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2015: MILLERSTO W N ’ S P O P U L A R ANNUAL OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET & CRAFT SHOW will be held at the Millerstown Community Park, just outside Millerstown on Old Route 22 (Juniata Parkway) near the Millerstown Swimming Pool. It is just off the ramps of 22-322 and will be held from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Flea Market Vendors, Yard Sale individuals, Craft Vendors, Antique vendors, farm market and produce vendors and Businesses are all welcome to set up for the day with a nominal fee of just $10. Over 100 vendors are expected. No prior registration is required. Set up after 5:30 a.m. on the morning of the show. Rain date is August 22. Food and Beverage sales are reserved by the sponsoring organization, Millerstown Community Success, Inc. For additional information, telephone t 717 5893598. PERRY COUNTY FAIR Tuesday, August 18th through Saturday August 22nd. harvest the FunWednesday, August 19th is Free Admission and Free Ride bands. Pick up a Fair Book or go to for the full schedule.
Saturday, September 12, 2015, 8 am until 3 pm. Third ANNUAL MILLERSTOWN OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN’S EXPO AND GUN SHOW, Millerstown Area Community Park, 110 W Juniata Parkway, Millerstown, Pa 17062 (Perry County). Bow Fishing Tournament, National Wildlife Turkey Open Turkey Call Junior Competition, 3D Archery Shoot minimum of 16 targets, Educational Seminars, Outdoor Sports Show and Swap Meet. Outdoor vendors accepted, guns, ammo, hunting, fishing, archery, trapping, camping/RV, Taxidermist, Outdoor photography, boating, ATV, etc. For additional information, phone Willard Benner at 717 579-9184 or e-mail CALLING ALL TURKEYS TO THE MILLERSTOWN COMMUNITY PARK. The Millerstown Park and Recreational Committee has announced plans to host a NWTF (National Wildlife Turkey Federation) Open Turkey Call Junior Competition as one of the events at the 3rd Annual Millerstown Outdoor Sportsmen’s Expo & Gun Show on September 12, 2015 at the Millerstown Community Park, 110 W. Juniata Parkway, Millerstown, Pa 17062. The contest is a nonsanctioned event for ages 16 years or younger. PreRegistration is free but Registration on the day of the event will be $5. This does not include entrance fees to the Outdoor Show; however, youth under 10 would also be admitted free at the gate. All registered callers will be eligible for a special drawing on the day of the show. Judging will be based on putt, yelp, kee-kee/whistle and callers’ best call. The event is being sponsored by the Shermans Valley Strutters. For more information contact David Bitting at 717-319-4684, Heath Nace at 717-6368461 or Willard Benner at 717-579-9184.
DEADLINE for FREE Listing of YARD SALES & COMMUNITY EVENTS for the September 2015 issue is Saturday, August 15th Mail them to The Shopper’s Remedy, P.O Box 362, Millerstown, PA 17062 or Email to: or call 717.444.2423
Thank you for reading & using the Shopper’s Remedy
August, 2015
treadmill, airwalker, cardioglide, exercise bike, small trampoline-make an offer and take all. Call 717-567-3332.
FOR SALE: 2000 Chevy 1500 regular cab, 4x4, new tires, hitch, asking $3,300 obo. Call 717-9537525. (Reedsville)
Also pasture raised pork and 100% grass fed beef. Peaceful Valley Farm 717444-0022. (9/15)
FOR SALE: Two 1969 Blazers, one mud race prepared, roll cage, disc brakes, dual shocks, radiator in passenger seat. Removable walk a way, needs an engine and one for parts, both for $3,000. Call 814-342-4094. FOR SALE: Car parts, 1990 ERA Corvette, 5 spoke, 17’x11’, ZR1, polished aluminum wheels, $150. Call 814342-3709 days. FOR SALE: Computer desk on wheels, like newnever used-in mint condition. For more info call Duncannon, Phone 717-834-5822.
FOR SALE: 2 story camp in Perry County, Juniata Township on 9.9 acres, asking $119,900. Call 717-567-9040. (ufn) FOR SALE: Late 1800’s percussion muzzle loader, all original with ramrod, $250; old wooden snow shoes with bindings, 42”
FOR SALE: Kubota Zd28, 60” Zero Turn diesel. Price $8,200; John Deere
FOR SALE: English Springer Spaniel puppies. Liver and white tricolor.
Ready August 13. Call 717-567-3332.
FOR SALE: Pasture raised GMO free chicken. Fresh on order or frozen anytime. Whole or cut up.
FOR SALE: 8000 BTU air conditioner, $40. Good working condition. Exercise equipment,
deck, $2,750; Ferris 60” Zero Turn, $3,500; Husquavarna 54” bagger, like n e w. Kevin Zimmerman, 1240 Schoolhouse Rd, Richfield. Phone 717-8211477. Delivery available. FOR SALE: 14 kt. White gold, _ kt. Princess cut diamond ring, size 7, $450 obo. Also 14 kt. yellow gold, .57 diamon solitare ring, size 7, have papers, $1000 firm. Call 570-3741787, serious inquires only.
FOR RENT: Large one bedroom apartment near Newport. Tenant must be employed person with references and good credit record. $400 plus utilities. Call 717-567-3332.
long, $75. Call 717-4867491 evenings.
August, 2015
Monte Carlo SS Aero coupe in good/fair condition. One time
FOR SALE: Whirlpool refrigerator, $75 obo, works well for a second
owner. All mechanical procedures preformed a family mechanic, $4,200 obo. Call 717-582-7055, ask for John or Sandy. Call Monday-Saturday 10am to 8:30 pm.
GX345 -48” power bagger, $3,950; Cub Cadet 2,000 series, 50” shaft drive, 2006, $2,600; 2013 Toro time Cutter, 50”, deck, Zero Turn, $2,450; Cub Cadet Zero Turn, 50”
FOR SALE: 1994 Dodge p/u, v8, 5 spd, good wood truck, 280K, inspected, some rust & dents, $1400 obo. Call 10-12 noon, 717-834-4148 Duncannon. Say, I saw your ad in “The Remedy”.
refrigerator, for a cabin or in a garage. Call 717-5827055, Monday-Saturday 10am to 8:30pm, ask for Sandy. FOR SALE: Classic 1987 THE REMEDY
FOR SALE: Kubota Zd28, 60” Zero Turn diesel. Price $8,200; John Deere GX345 -48” power bagger, $3,950; Cub Cadet 2,000 series, 50” shaft drive, 2006, $2,600; 2013 Toro time Cutter, 50”, deck, Zero Turn, $2,450; Cub Cadet Zero Turn, 50” deck, $2,750; Ferris 60” Zero Turn, $3,500; Husquavarna 54” bagger, like n e w. Kevin 6
Zimmerman, 1240 Schoolhouse Rd, Richfield. Phone 717-8211477. Delivery available FOR SALE: Childs new 24 volt electric motorcycle with power charger, $175. Also Peavey 16 channel 3600 watt PA system with double 15 tower speakers, $699. Also utility trailer 4x8 Normanco with lights, new tubes, tilt bed, $400.
New Coolsat Satellite system, $225 with “free” satellite finder. New wireless surveillance system with night vision, $99. Call Steve 717-3798010. FOR SALE: 1996 Pontiac Grand Am GT, 2 door, inspected thru December 2015, 159,300 miles, 2nd owner, runs good but hasn’t been driven much since October 2014. Well maintained, replaced many parts over last several years, good
interior, no upholstery tears, am-fm radio, cd player, rear window defogger, tinted windows. $1850, obo. Call 717-9572451. (Marysville) FOR SALE: 1994 Dodge p/u, v8, 5 spd, good wood truck, 280K, inspected, some rust & dents, $1400 obo. Call 10-12 noon, 717-834-4148 Duncannon. FOR SALE: Econy Power King 14hp hyd lift snow blade. New tires, 16” rear chains, belly mower has oil leak, $1200
obo. Call 10-12 noon, 717-834-4148 Duncannon. FOR SALE: 1 9 9 8 Lincoln Towne car, 4 dr, white, v8, auto, inspected 8/15, runs, needs TLC, $1000. 1994 Saturn sw, 4 cyc, auto, white, clean car,
90k miles, inspected, 30+ mpg, $1800 obo. Farmall H tractor, runs good, $1800; 1990 4 dr 6 cyc, auto, runs, inspected, needs TLC, $1400 obo. Call 10-12, 717-834-4148 Duncannon. August, 2015
August , 2015
FOR SALE: 40 ft tower complete with base and 18 ft aerial formerly used for CB radio, $120. USSC wood stove model 2015, used only 1 _ seasons, $750. 717-636-1251. (Blain) FOR SALE: Shabby chic! White wicker and
wood futon and arm chair with patterned cushions from 1960’s. In good useable condition. Asking $60. Must buy both. No phone number given. WILL TRADE vacation lodging at my mountain top log cabin in Sullivan County in exchange for your occasional part time
help cleaning, painting, etc. Must like cats! Call 570-360-0077. FOR SALE: 2001 Chevy Blazer, 4 wheel drive, full power, 6 cyc, good inspection. Runs well but needs a fuel pump. $1500. Call 717-763-8194.
(Camp Hill) FOR SALE: 80+, 33 1/3 classic, country, big band records, some sets, newer old style record player, works great, vintage record cabinet to keep records. Great music, $300 obo. Call 717-5676648.
August, 2015
FOR SALE: Propane wood chip smoker. Used twice. New $169, will sell for $65. With owner’s manual and wood chips.
metal. Call 717-436-8089 up til 10 pm. No Sunday calls, please.
Call 717-694-0282. (Richfield)
lift, will fit Chevy Astro or GMC Safari. Asking $1550 or best reasonable offer. C a l l a n y t i m e Monday to Saturday 10am to 8:30 pm. 717-582-7055.
WANTED: Aycetelene torch set to cut scrap
FOR SALE: Wheel chair
FOR SALE: Must sell 3 horses to a good home. Pure bred regular TWH experienced rider (mare), _ regular Arabian mare, pure bred Arabian stallion (registered). All handle well, up to date shots. Hoof trim safe. Call Monday to Saturday 10am to 8:30 pm. 717-582-7055. FOR SALE: Sig Saver Mosquito, 22 Semi-pistol with holster, like new, have original box, $275, neg. Call 717-636-2135. (Newport) FOR SALE: Baretta Neos 22 semi-pistol, Tasco red/green dot scope, extra August, 2015
clip. Like new, have original box, $300 neg. 717-636-2135. (Newport) EVENDALE FLEA MKT & GOAT RACES August 8th, 2015, starting at 8am. Flea market- $10 a space. Goat races start at 3:30 pm. There are also Ice Blocking and Watermelon Seed Spitting Contests. Food stand open. And this all happens at the Evendale Community Park, 3 miles from Richfield, just off Rte 35. For more info, call Steve Sheerer at 717-6943193 or Cindy Hoffman at 570-765-6933.
For Immediate Release —
UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We are pleased to announce the appointment of Lorraine Good manager of Stitch in Time Antique & Gift Mall, Millerstown PA. Stitch currently has well over 75 vendors that Lorraine will be over seeing as well as the daily running of this beautiful old building that houses them all. Lorraine has been with Stitch since we opened our doors in July of 1994. She has several booths at Stitch selling such products as gourmet mixes, scrapbooking supplies, and various gift items. Lorraine & her husband Dave have been married for 41 years and have 2 children whom they raised in her hometown of Millerstown. She boasts of being a lifetime resident of this charming town. In 1999 she joined our team of cashiers and can be found working weekdays and almost every weekend and holiday. Lorraine’s many years of experience and her outgoing personality are sure to be an incredible asset to Stitch. We cannot wait to start this new chapter in the story of Stitch in Time with Lorraine!
FOR SALE: Handmade Peruvian Jewelry, high quality silver with natural gemstones, shells, bamboo, must see to appreciate. Showings by appointment only. 717444-9925. WANTED: Old slot machines. Gum or painted machines, coin operated, music machines or parts. Call 570-644-1959 (ufn) FOR SALE: Pretty chickens, $3 ea., ugly chickens, $2. Good tick & bug eaters. 717-694-0122. FOR SALE: Realistic MPA-90 Solid State amplifier with speakers, framed painting of the Dimmsville Cover Bridge. Framed painting of the white tailed deer fawn, by George Losch. Call evenings between 5-8pm 717-589-7712 (ufn) WANTED: Old Barn Wood, will tear down for boards. Call 717-636-9469 (Shermans Dale). FOR SALE: Good Used Riding Mowers. Serviced and ready to mow. Delivery available. Buy, Sell or Trade. Visa,
Mastercard and Discover accepted. 1240 School House Rd. Richfield, PA 17086. 717-821-1477. Log Splitter For Rent. (9/15) FOR SALE: 2 commemorative trays from Register Chevrolet’s 50th Anniversary (1982). Trays are 5x7, bronze in color, $15 each or both for $25. 717-418-1230. (Lewistown) FOR SALE: 1978 Ford F350 flatbed V8, standard transmission, inspected till August 2015 old runs good, $2,500. Call 717789-4469. FOR SALE: New Colt XSP Mustang, 380 caliber, with extra magazines. Crossbreed inside waist pants holster, dovetailed sights, tuned trigger. Ideal carry or purse gun, $625 firm. Phone 717-4806481. FOR SALE: Queen size bed with mattresses has canopy boards, night stand, chest of drawers, dresser with mirror. Includes beautiful bedspread with 2 shams. Asking $500. 717-5673553 (Newport).
“This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. “And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” – John 6: 39-40
August, 2015
Fishing Tournament, National Wildlife Turkey Open Turkey Call Junior Competition, 3D Archery Shoot minimum of 16 targets, Educational Seminars, Outdoor Sports Show and Swap Meet. Outdoor vendors accepted, guns, ammo, hunting, fishing, archery, trapping, camping/RV, Taxidermist, Outdoor photography, boating, ATV, etc. For additional information, phone Willard Benner at 717 579-9184 or e-mail EVENT: Calling all Tu r k e y s to the Millerstown Community Park. The Millerstown Park and Recreational Committee has announced plans to host a NWTF (National Wildlife Turkey Federation) Open Turkey Call Junior Competition as one of the events at the ATTENTION: 55th Annual Beale Township Fireman’s Festival August 8th, 4pm -- ? Located 11 miles south of Mifflin on RTE 35 at the Coon Hunter’s Club. FREE stage night-anyone wishing to play music, call 717-734-9906 or 717-4368344. Homemade ice cream, soups, French fries and more great foods. Games, bingo and music.
$5. This does not include entrance fees to the Outdoor Show; however, youth under 10 would also be admitted free at the gate. All registered callers will be eligible for a special drawing on the day of the show. Judging will be based on putt, yelp, kee-kee/whistle and callers’ best call. The event is being sponsored by the Shermans Valley Strutters. For more information contact David
Bitting at 717-319-4684, Heath Nace at 717-6368461 or Willard Benner at 717-579-9184.
FOR SALE: Plastic bag of buttons assorted sizes, shapes and colors. Two 7 inch new gray zippers. All for $4.00. Call 717-5893081. FOR SALE: Recliner Sofa Country Rose pattern, 85”L , 38”W, 37”H in excellent
condition. Each end reclines, middle stationary. This is a quality piece of furniture. Original owner is downsizing for smaller furniture. A quality piece of furniture. Selling for $110. Call 717-589-3081. FOR SALE: Fiberglass truck cap, blue. Made by Keystone, ARE cap. Fits 2010 Chevy crew cab, 6 foot bed. Very good condition. asking $350 OBO. Call Don at 5123619.
BLAIN COMMUNITY YARD SALE August 14th - 15th , 8:30 am. Furniture, antiques, clothing, toys, household, tools, food and baked goods. Lots of bargins ! Follow Rte 274 or Rte 17 West in Perry County. FOR SALE: S t o l l Fireplace Doors - 35” x 27” flat black iron, fits fireplace opening 33” to 37” W and 25.5” to 27.5” H. Excellent condition. Paid $800, asking $425 obo. Call (717) 242-0361. FOR SALE: Harmony electric guitar, early 90s,white body w/black pickguard,2 microphone single coil pickups. Fair condition. Good starter guitar. $25.00 Call 717480-1052 FOR SALE: Firewood, August, 2015
cut and split. Phone: 717789-3011 EVENT: S a t u r d a y, September 12, 2015, 8 am until 3 pm. Third Annual Millerstown Outdoor Sportsman’s Expo and Gun Show, Millerstown Area Community Park, 110 W Juniata Parkway, Millerstown, Pa 17062 (Perry County). Bow
3rd Annual Millerstown Outdoor Sportsmen’s Expo & Gun Show on September 12, 2015 at the Millerstown Community Park, 110 W. Juniata Parkway, Millerstown, Pa 17062. The contest is a non-sanctioned event for ages 16 years or younger. Pre-Registration is free but Registration on the day of the event will be THE REMEDY
cruise, privacy glass, ABS, courtesy entry lights, power windows, mud guards, very good Michelin tires. Inspection good until 2/16. This makes a good running second car, $2,500. Call 717-589-3081. FOR SALE: Beautiful Circa early 1900s Antique dark wood and veneer twin Sleigh Bed w/ claw feet, original wooden framed spring board base (box spring) (J.W. Star co.) and slats. Asking $ 480 obo. Must pick up in Thompsontown. 717-9920603 FOR SALE: Red Wing
FOR SALE: 2000 Mazda MPV L X 6 C Van. 126,000 miles, 7
passenger. S i l v e r, automatic, lug locks, fog lights, security system, AC
FOR SALE: White Resin Wicker Heavy Duty Chaise Lounge. Excellent condition, never outside, used for only 9 months. $250 Phone 77-649-7164 (Newport Area)
FOR SALE: Red beets Detroit dark variety $9.00 per half bushel. New potatoes (red or white) $10.00 per half bushel. All grown without chemical sprays. Please call 717-957-2385. FOR
front and rear, AM/FM radio, DVD & Cassette Player, luggage rack,
safety brand never $75. Hbg.
shoes, ankle height new in the box worn, size 10.5 D Call 717-580-5875
FOR SALE: Big truck load locks. I have 5 eight foot and 1 four foot load locks, good condition, retired do not need, $125, must take all. Call 717580-5875. FOR SALE: Two Seat Antique Garden Swing (good condition) $150. Antique Cooper Back Mirror 36”x48” (Excellent Clear Condition) $35. Rocket Instep Bicycle Trailer/Stroller (New In 12
Box) $100. Call 717-6497164 --Newport area
WANTED MUSICIANS: Winery seeking all genres to provide entertainment on Saturdays. Please email links to your music to: huntersretail@wineryatwil Thanks for your interest! WANTED: Looking for unwanted Computers, Laptops. Game Consoles & Games , DVD players, VHS players, Stereo Equipment and many other Electronics etc… Any parts working not working broken don’t matter give me a call at 717-385-3205
coffee bags: from Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Tanzania, approx. 120-150 lbs. capacity, plain ink $10 ea., colored ink(s) $12 ea., Alum (aluminum sulfate)six 50 lbs. bags, $15 ea., Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate/non-food use) nineteen 50 lbs. bags, $10 ea., 717 350-4431 FOR SALE: 2- M&S P195/70R14/90S 95+% tread, $100 for pair, 2P195/70R14/90T/M&S 99% tread, $110 for pair, or all four, excellent condition, for $200/(mounted on Chrysler rims incl.) 717 350-4431 August, 2015
August, 2015
EVENT: Saturday, August 15, 2015: Millerstown’s popular Annual Outdoor Flea Market and Craft Show will be held at the Millerstown Community Park, just outside Millerstown on Old Route 22 (Juniata Parkway) near the Millerstown Swimming Pool. It is just off the ramps of 22-322 and will be held from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Flea Market Vendors, Yard Sale individuals, Craft Vendors, Antique vendors, farm market and produce vendors and Businesses are all welcome to set up for the day with a nominal fee of just $10. Over 100 vendors are expected. No prior registration is required. Set up after 5:30 a.m. on the morning of the
FOR SALE: Antique radio, Philco 38-60, AM/SW, nice/working condition, $100 obo, Samsung 10,000 BTU AC, 115v, beige face, not used much but missing “mounting hardware”, otherwise good condition, $175, Goldstar 13,000 BTU AC, very good condition, asking $275. 717 350-4431
$200. 717 350-4431
FOR SALE: Wild Country Radial RVT tires, 33/12.50/R15LT/M&S, (can be studded), load range C, raised white letters, new/unused, but stored several years, cost over $200 ea., $250 for pair, 4 tires on Chrysler rims:195/70/14/90T/M&S, 195/70/14/90S/M&S,
Pearl White, Heated Tan Leather Seats, Power Sunroof, Multi-Disc CD, New Tires, 114,000 miles, Inspection 7/16, Well Maintained, $3,500 717582-8681 before 9PM
FOR SALE: A box of 50 357 Magnum reloads, unique - 7.0 grains, fps 1100.158 gr. Semi wad cutter lead - $10. 717-4397756. New Bloomfield.
show. Rain date is August 22. Food and Beverage sales are reserved by the sponsoring organization,
Millerstown Community Success, Inc. For additional information, telephone 717 589-3598.
Scoremaster bolt action 22 LR with clip, sling and Weaver V22 scope, $200; Baikal 12 gauge side by side double barrel, full/mod $250; 717-8563048; leave a message.
FOR SALE: 1 9 9 8 LINCOLN MARK VIII LSC, 2-door, Intech 32valve, Great mileage,
FOR SALE: Fifty new 45-70 brass casings, $30; Remington 511 THE REMEDY
August, 2015
“Whatever things are true, Whatever things are noble, Whatever things are just, Whatever things are pure, Whatever things are lovely, Whatever things are of good report if there is any virtue, if there is anything praiseworthy mediate on these things.� — Phillipians 4:8 August, 2015
45’s end latch hook system, 870 ft. with spare parts, $3 per ft. or best offer. Call 717-536-3265 Blain.
_ acre, Rockville Dolan Heights area, Juniata County, each 2 bedrooms, laundry hook up, insulated shed for shop with electric 12x33, yard shed 8x10,
FOR SALE: 2000 271 Sunline model T-2753 camper. S l e e p s s i x , excellent condition, good tires, stored inside. Asking $4,500. One owner. Also 8
FOR SALE: Older camper, 28 ft long, new roof, new floors, heat, a/c, full tub, private bathroom. Needs a little more TLC, $1600 obo. Call 717-4979655 New Bloomfield. WANTED: Driver/laborer needed for construction crew in Ickesburg. Call 717-471-2431. FOR SALE: Fishing boat, Duranautic 16 ft flat bottom, high sides, Evinrude 35hp electric start motor, runs great. Also includes Load-rite trailer with good tires plus a full mooring cover, $2,000. 814-330-6968. FOR SALE: 1995 Dodge Caravan, good auto transmission, brand new tires, 146,000 miles (blown head gasket, $700. 814-330-6968 (Holidaysburg). FOR SALE: Cage -free eggs, white, brown & green. $2.50 dox. 717567-9110.
WANTED: Quart & Pint Mason jars, regular or wide mouth. Local nonprofit needs mason jars for fundraising project. Will pick u if enough and reasonable distance. 717567-9110. FOR SALE: 2007 Cougar Camper, 2 slides, 33 ft.
11in., jacks, shed & refrigerator inside. Shed goes with it. Asking $13,000. Call 717-3678 2 6 4 , a t P i t t m a n ’s Campground Site 11. (ufn)
_’ Sun Line slide in truck camper, good condition, stored inside. Asking $550. Call 717-834-4782, must sell both, moving.
FOR SALE: PECO aluminum irrigation pipe, 2”x30’, Rainbird sprinklers, brass risers, P
FOR SALE: Remington Buckmaster, 7-mmo8 Camo with 3x9x50 Nikon Buckmaster scope, like new, $800; Remington model 1917- 30-06, 2x10x44 Mag Simmons scope, very good condition, $350. Ithica-16 gallon double barrel field
both mobiles, siding and roof repainted, public water and sewer, $52,900, negotiable. Call 717-4365022.
grade, very good condition, $500; SVANew Frontier 50 Caliber Inline 2x7x32 Scope, excellent condition, $140; JC Higgins 22 Caliber single shot, model 103.18, $90. Phone 717-497-6455.
surveillance system. New, paid over $700. Will take best offer. Must see to appreciate, top of the line! Call up to 10 pm, 717436-8089, must sell. Can deliver within a reasonable distance.
FOR SALE: 2 newly remodeled mobile homes, one to live in, one to rent. 16
FOR SALE: Acer (4) Camera capacity computerized security
FOR SALE: 2013 Toro Zero turn time cutter 5060. 50 inch high capacity deck. 25 hp K o h l e r 2 c y l i n d e r. Recently dealer serviced. Priced at $2,900. Call 717821-1477 Richfield. FOR SALE: MTD brush chipper, $150; SKS rifle, $375; 10 inch C-clamps, 3 for $120. Call 570-3600077. FOR SALE: 00 Frick
Sawmill, 4 Headblocks, 48 inch blade, belt drive or PTO, $1,500. Call 717536-3112. WANTED: Empty once fired 257 Roberts brass, prefer +P. Paying cash. Phone 717-789-3589. August, 2015
WANTED HOUSE or CABIN to rent with option to buy. Retired couple. 2 plus bedrooms, one plus bathrooms in country with own septic and well. One acre plus on wooded lot. Perry, Mifflin, Juniata, Snyder counties. Call Stu 717-636-0032. HELP WANTED: S&S Salvage & Recycling needs a friendly and professional counter customer service rep. Computer skills required. Call 717-444-0008. WANTED TO RENT:
Hurst, Holley four barrel, headers. Edelbrock items, front discs, bucket seats, stereo, etc. $29,500. 717243-5768
FOR SALE: 13ft Square stern Sportspal canoe $800. Savage Model 24F .223/12 gauge O/U factory camo synthetic stock, sling, rail for scope.$450. Drill press 8 inch bench top $25. Fold up cargo carrier $60. Power Rider exerciser $20. Timberland size 10 waterproof 8 inch boots, never worn $50. Call 717-395-7274.
FOR SALE 1957 Chevy 2 door 327 Chevy, 4 speed August, 2015
FOR SALE: Motor home, 2000 Jamboree GT, Ford Triton V-10, 29 ft.; fully equipped incl. generator. Many new or upgraded accessories; 50,000 mi. Current inspection until 9/15. $22,000 or best reasonable offer. Call 717-694-0094 or email to
FOR SALE 1981 Chrysler Cordoba. Power windows/ steering /brakes, AC, cruise, tilt steering, exceptionally nice interior and tires, NEW INSPECTION etc. 74,000 original miles $3,950. 717-243-5768 FOR SALE - 2000 F150 Super Cab. 111,500 mi. 4WD. 5 spd. manual. Bedliner, cap, 4.6 L V8.
WANTED: I am in need of an inexpensive or free countertop oven (larger than small), VCR and a digital converter box for a TV. I live in Shermans Dale and can not drive very far due to car
Retired gentleman wants to rent a reasonably priced room in or near Duncannon. Call 717-9929426.
problems. Please call 717622-1518 after 11am. for more details. FREE: Bamboo roots or stalks up to 35 ft long, you cut or dig. Call 717-2752502 or 717-444-2211, Liverpool.
FOR SALE: Skid loader tracks for 12”x16” wheels, great condition, $2200. Call 717-789-4728. (ufn)
harp, Orthey dulcimer, Deering banjo, Baldwin Spinet piano. Call 717567-6708. (Newport)
FOR SALE: 7ft sickle bar mower and crimper combination. Works great, $4500. Call 717-7894728. (ufn)
FOR SALE: L a rge spinning wheel, small spinning wheel, yarn winder, loom and accessories, $1000 for all. Call 717-567-6708.
FOR SALE: 8 cubic ft propane freezer, works good. $500. Call 717-7894728. (ufn)
FOR SALE: 2 complete sets of water pitcher & bowl sets. Call 717-5676708.
FOR SALE: Orthey auto
Sliding rear window. AM/FM Radio. Running boards. Good tread. Recently new exhaust manifold, clutch, brake lines & battery. $4,999. 717-789-2447.
FOR SALE: 2Wisconsin baler engines, $100 each; 12’ Drag harrow, 3 section, $95; 2basketball hoops, with heavy duty frame $20 each. Perry County Delivery available. Call 717-275-2592. FOR SALE: 1- #32 meat grinder with lots of extra plates and blades asking
FOR SALE: White wire topped glass jars, quart size, $2 each; (3) 2-drawer filing cabinets, 2 have extra depth, excellent condition, $25 each. 570539-4242. (Mt Pleasant Mills)
FOR SALE: Kodiak stove insert or free stander, 32” wide, 26” High, 28” deep. Hasn’t been used much, in great shape. Asking $300 obo. 717-582-2119.
FOR SALE: New in boxes, small appliances: West Bend Hot Air Popcorn Popper, $5; 8piece 17oz. blue glasses, $5. Energy saving desk lamp 13watt, $6; Brooklyn
$150; all new equipment. Also 1- 10” meat band saw with extra saw blade, asking $200, runs and cuts excellent. For more info call Mike, also will do all your concrete needs, 32 years experience. 717275-5020.
FOR SALE: Gun, 12 gauge, double barrel, Stephen’s Model 512 Goldwine, brand new, never used. Call 814-5995391. (Mt Union area)
Lantern as seen on TV, $5; Kitchen Works 13.5 inch, non stick jumbo family cooker $7; Chef Philippe fry pan set, non stick, 8 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch, $12; Kitchen Works stockpot, 8 quart, $11; 8 inch True Living fry pan $4. Nice gifts, at discount prices. Contact 717-4443757. (Liverpool)
650 XR, 10,500 miles, $2400; 2009 Kawasaki KLX 250, 1161 miles, $3500; 2006 Suzuki DR650, 8537 miles, $3200; 1991 Mack RD688 tri-axle dump truck, $18,000 obo; 2002 F250 4x4 with plow, ARE cap, $8000 obo; 1990 Little Ben, 22 ton tilt trailer, $4500. Call 717-5893561.
FOR SALE: Old large wooden Zenith Radio, $100. Large chest freezer, $75; corn sheller, $150; butcher table, $50; sausage stuffer, $125; meat grinder, $40. Ladles, scrapers, stirrers, knives and forks, $100. All 275 gallon upright fuel tank with pump, $50; 250 gallon fuel tank with
pump, $150. Total gym, like new, $75; Craftsman radial, arm saw, $300. Wheel Barrow, $15, Remington 1917, 30-06 with scope, $350. Call 717-497-6455. FOR SALE: G l a s s Garden Art-Vintage and unique bird feeders, bird baths and flower sun catchers. Items are handcrafted from various
glass dishes. No two pieces are alike. Please call 717-589-3961. FOR SALE: Kodiak stove, insert or free standing used 3 years. Very heavy new bricks, 32” wide- 26” high- 27” deep- $300 obo. Call 717582-2119. FOR SALE: 1 9 9 7 Prowler RV Camper. Good condition, 27 Foot, Super Slide, Electric Tongue Jack, Outside shower, hitch included AC & heat, range, r e f r i g e r a t o r, microwave, full bath, sleeps six New awning Call Jack at 717-566-3108
FOR SALE: 2002 Honda 18
August, 2015
coyote caller $75. Traditions Springfield Hawken 50cal. flintlock plus extras $150. Weslo Elliptical$100. Power Rider exerciser $50. Call 717-834-9407
FOR SALE: 2 0 0 1 Sunline Lite Camper Model R2470 front Queen bed rear bunks, asking $5000 call 717-567-6394. FOR SALE: 2 Warm Morning coal stoves; good for shop or garage. Make
an offer. Call for more information. Call 717519-9034 FOR SALE: C o z y Country Home, New
Metal Roof, New Furnace, Newer Windows, 1 1/2 Story, 3BR, 1.12 Acres. For more pics and info see Located in Spruce Hill/Port Royal, PA 17082, Asking $93,900, Call Brian at 717-527-2241 or
ATTENTION: Concrete work done right and professionally, all flat work, no job too small. Call 717-275-5020 ask for Mike or leave message.
Tax, Gifts, Estates and other needs. Born & raised in Perry, live here, work here. 20 years service to the area. Ken Shull Appraisals, LLC. Ken Shull PA Certified Real Estate Appraiser. RL003116L. 717-4601579. ATTENTION: Experienced
FOR SALE: 1900’s small barrel $45, steel arbor and gate $250, 1984 Nintendo $125, 1894 Display case $250, Roaster and wok $15, Old slave shackles,
cuffs and matching key $400, 8 Track stereo player $75. 4 boxes of baseball cards $75. (Landisburg) 717-2543344.
FOR SALE: H&R 16 gauge single $100. Ruger Model77 left hand, scope, sling, .270cal. $600. Timberland 8” waterproof boots never worn $75. Primos Power Dogg
FOR SALE: Approximately 500 paperback books. 717582-8242. (ufn)
carpenter, 50 years experience, will also install windows and doors. Call 717-903-8612.
FOR SALE: 175-45 records with sleeves, variety and comedy, all for $150. Call 717-567-3700.
WANTED: Local collector looking to by 1980’s and 90’s Video Games such as Nintendo, Atari, Intellivision, etc. Top dollar paid for a few or whole collections! Call Brian at 717-527-2241.
REAL E S T ATE APPRAISALS for Perry, Juniata, Snyder, Northumberland, Dauphin, Cumberland and other counties. For Sales, Camps, Value Disputes,
WANTED: Local collector looking to buy A n t i q u e o r Vintage Fishing Lures. Top dollar paid for one lure or whole collections! Call Brian at 717-527-2241. FOR SALE: Local grass fed meats, pasture raised pork loin roasts. Also chops, sausage, bacon, etc. 100% grass fed beef steaks, roasts, hamburger and pasture raised broilers and brown eggs. Peaceful
August, 2015
Valley Farm, 717-4440022. Along Rte 17 between Millerstown and Liverpool. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom home in Enola, 1 bath, fenced in yard, private parking. Includes washer, dryer, dishwasher, range, refrigerator, water, sewer & trash. (East Pennsboro). Available now-application
& showings now by appt only! $1,000 month. Security deposit required. Call 717-512-3415 (ufn).
ways of posting ads. The Shopper’s Remedy will no longer run ads looking for mates or dates.
HARLEYSHEROS.ORG: DONATED MOTORCYCLE PARTS NEEDED contact us by email: or call 717-319-1997. We build 2 Ironhead Sportsters a year from donated parts and give them to wounded vets returning from Iraq or Afghanistan. They don’t
know they get a bike until the day we give it to them. Built by HUNTER AND IRONHEAD.
WANTED: Railroad items by private collector. I enjoy preserving railroad history and will give your items a good home. Top dollar paid for specific pieces. Contact Gary at 717-426-4409.
FOR SALE: HayTimothy-grass, no rain, good size bales, $3 a bale obo. Call 717-349-7927. (ufn) FOR SALE: Wholesale earring business. Fulltime or part time income. Price is cost of inventory and display racks. or 570-360-0077.
BE AWARE: Always take care in answering ANY classified sometime scammers have tricky
August, 2015
August, 2015
FOR SALE: Private 45’s Record Collection from 1979 to 2000 (total amount records, 9,800). Excellent condition. Original papers plus picture sleeves, colored vinyl, promo picture disc and i m p o r t s . Total collection $3,500. Call 814-765-1222. (ufn) FOR SALE: N o n certified organic grass hay, 4x5 round bales, $45 dry & $50 wrapped. 717-6361251. (Blain) WANTED: Green depression glass, cherry blossom pattern, 9” oval platter will pay $1,100 cash. Also wanted pitcher 6 _” high round bottom, 36 oz, 8 tumblers, 9 oz round bottom, will pay $350 cash for the set. 717667-6517. (ufn) FOR SALE: 30 ft. Crest Pontoon boat with a hard upper sun deck. New seats & new enclosure within the last 2 years, 90 hp Mercury motor. Can hold 15 to 18 people. Asking $8,000. Call 717-7793295, stored & can be seen in Newport.
This ‘N” That Store at 15 E. Main Street in Blain Now Open. Stop and Shop our Variety of Hand Crafted Scarves, Purses and Jewelry, Antiques, Tools and now carrying Tandy Leather Products. 717-536-9936. (9/15) MOUNTA I N SIDE HEATING welcomes you to our new show room at 15 East Main Street in Blain. Specializing in coal stoves-we carry parts for Baker, Leisure Line, Keystoker, Reading and older Alaska Stoves, plus we offer a full line of Baker, Leisure Line and Keystoker, stoves, furnaces and boilers. Call or stop, 717-536-9936. FOR RENT:
Facktory located at 101 Chestnut St. in Liverpool. Check out their Facebook page and give them a call to set up your next event! 717-444-3141. WANTED: To buy, CASH PAID for old men’s and women’s clothing and accessories from 1800’s to 1980’s, including hats, purses, shoes and costume jewelry-also fabrics from 1950’s and older. Please call Lisa at 814-353-8586. (6/15) R I D E R ( S ) WANTED: Port Royal/ Thompsontown/ Newport to Capital Complex/ Harrisburg Hospital, 8am to 4:30pm. Parking Chestnut St. Garage. No smoking! 717-783-2551
August , 2015
August , 2015
August , 2015