September, 2022 THE REMEDY 1 Volume XXXVII #423/September, 2022 The Shopper’s Serving Perry & Juniata Counties REMEDY PRICELESSTakeOne! Read us on line at Perry County Author Debby Noye did it whatPerryPreservingagain…County’shistorywith85truestoriesfrom98participants!Theoldestturned100withmostovertheageof75…alegacy! Hardbound 8 1/2” x 11” Keepsake Book - $37 (cash or check only) Blain Market, Wise Dry Goods, Leid’s Market, Robinson’s Second Hand Store, West Perry Pharmacy, Bridgeport Primitives, Baken Creek Farm, Debbi Urich’s Beauty Shop, Mountain Supply, Vault & Vine, The Perry Historians, Shermansdale’s Village Square Hardware, Carpetbaggers, Espresso Yourself Cafe, PCCA Art Gallery, Penn Avenue Trading, Stitch in Time, Sled Works & at IVFC Fall Fest, Shermans Valley Heritage Days & Little Buffalo Apple Fest with The Perry Historians Apple Butter Boils, Triple Creek Rod and Gun. Debut with Storytellers Signing Copies Sunday September 11th from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Shermansdale Ambulance Building 260 Richwine Rd. Shermansdale, PA 17090 Perry County, PA Author - Debra Kay Noye If you can’t make the debut, please support the following businesses who will be carrying the book after the debut: More info available from Debra Kay Noye ( Perry County, PA Author - Debra Kay Noye

2 THE REMEDY September, 2022 Prices Good for September 1st thru September 30th 2022 9901 Route 333 Port Royal, PA 17082 (between Mifflin & Port Royal) Monday thru Friday; 7am to 5pm Saturday 7am to 12noon sales@rte333supplies.com717.527.4220LLC. • RETAINING WALLS • FERTILIZERS • MULCH • COMPOST • TOPSOIL • DECORATIVE & QUARRY STONES • PROPANE • COAL • WOODPELLETS • PVC Pipe & Fittings • STEEL • EXCAVATING & PAVING SERVICES Stop In & See all that we have... ~Locally Owned & Operated~ Appreciation Day Saturday, September 24th 7am to 12noon Cus t o mer FOR SALE: Deer Carrier or luggage rack, $40; Two piece climbing tree stand, $40 717-497-5845. FOR SALE, Cage-Free eggs. Various colors. $2.50/ dozen 717-567-9110 FOR SALE, old fashioned push style lawnmower, no gasoline required, cuts well. $35. 717-567-9110 FOR SALE: Troy-Built TB475SS 4 cycle weed trimmer, EZ Link compat ible. Brand New. $120.00 obo 717-567-9110 FOR SALE: Various weed eaters, Stihl FS36, 10 inch electric and others. 717567-9110 FREE!!! Wurlitzer model 4026 electric organ/syn thesizer, three keyboards & cassette deck. Beautiful wood, played until recently, needs tuned or ?? 717-5679110. FOR SALE: 20 Baseball albums, 1981-2004, Topps, Don Russ, Fleer and Up per Deck, over 10,000 all for $50; 1989 Fleer and Upper Deck sets with Ken Griffey Jr. Rookies in Screw Downs, both for $100; 1993-1997 Action packed Racing cards, 190 cards of Dale Earnhardt, $125. Call 717-877-9773.

FOR SALE: Craftsman 8.25 inch radial saw, 2.50 H.P. $150; Sears Treadmill, works, $25; with nice headboard and rails, $50; 6 inch Vice $20; Grinder, 2 wheels speeder, $30; Call 717-444-3588, please leave message and I will return call.

FOR SALE: Grayco stroll er/jogger like new, $75 or best offer; 1991 Maxx Na scar race card album with 240 cards, nice, $40; Mc Donald’s limited edition 1993 Gameday collectors football cards, 3 sheets (18) cards, $15; “CAN” mo torcycle helmet, full face shield, smaller ladies size like new, $40; Large wood en toy barn, $30; 6 older wooden baseball bats with logos, $10 each. 570-5398954.


September, 2022 THE REMEDY 3 John or Sue Sheaffer 67 Sheafffer Farm Lane• New Bloomfield, PA 17068 BULK OctoberPROCESSINGMEATONLY:1stthruJanuary31st Leave messages on Shop Phone ONLY: 717-834-4425 John’s cell: 717-648-7799 For information, Scott’s cell: 717-648-7797 Directions: Take Route 274 from Duncannon for 5 miles, make right on Paradise Road. Go one mile, make left on Sheaffer Farm Lane, the shop is just past the barn Directions, Prices & Information at... JohnsButcherShopPerryCounty John’s Butcher Shop • Smoked Bologna • Sausages • Jerky • Dried Venison • Treat Sticks & More Bulk Meat Drop Off 7 Days/Week between 5pm-8pm

First Annual Pioneer Day September 17th at Clarks Ferry Tavern, Duncannon, PA Sept. 23-25: 29th Annual “Old Iron in the Grove”, sponsored by the Perry County Old Iron Collectors. Lup fer’s Grove, 5900 Spring Road, Shermans Dale. Antique tractors and equipment, hit and miss engines, daily tractor parade, kid’s activities, machinery demonstrations, black smith, food, settler’s lodge, entertainment, craft and flea market. Gospel and country music Friday evening at 6:00 by Keepin’ it Simple. Saturday afternoon will feature a variety of country, gospel and oldies music beginning at 1:00. Country Express will take the stage at 6:00 Satur day evening, playing gospel, country, and oldies. Feature tractors: Case and Minneapolis-Moline. Feature engine: Air-Cooled. Free admission, parking, and entertainment. Check us out on Facebook at Perry County Old Iron Col lectors, Inc. For more information, contact Shirley Hoff man at 717-582-6546.
The Perry Historians will be making our old-fashioned, all natural APPLE BUTTER again this fall. Boiling will start ahead of Sherman’s Valley Heritage Days at the Lenig-Focht library and we will be on site at Heritage Days October 7, 8 & 9.The following week, we will again be boiling at the library before attending the Apple Festival at Little Buffalo State Park on Oct. 15 & 16. Apple Butter and fresh pressed cider will be available for pickup at the library starting Tuesday both weeks.Volunteers to help peel apples and stir the kettles are always WELCOME, even if you’re only able to stop by for an hour or so, we appreciate all the help from anyone who is able. Please call the library at 717-582-4896 on Wednesdays or visit our web-site or Facebook page for developing information.
September 3rd - 10th Work ing together to keep the tradition alive. Port Royal, PA
Send your Community Event or Yard Sale by the 20th of the month before your event to... THE SHOPPER’S REMEDY / PO BOX 362, MILLERSTOWN,
Saturday, Sept 24th Soup & Song at Grace Evangelical Christian Church, Shermans Dale, PA Youth games 2 to 5 Kettle-Cooked Chicken Corn Soup & more Food served at 5 pm until 6:30 or until it is gone. Donations accepted Live in concert Randy Simpson 7 to 8 Location: Dromgold Corner Rain or Shine Please bring lawn chairs
17062 or
Saturday, October 8th - Barner’s Church 70th Apple Butter Boil, Liverpool, PA The Fremont Fire Department will be having their annu al Apple Harvest Festival on October 6th, 7th & 8th at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. The event includes the area’s largest Chinese Auc tion with over 500 items, Vendors, Apple Dumplings, Ci der, Apple Butter, Homemade Ice Cream, Hot Sausages, Pulled Pork, French Fries, Fish Sandwiches, Cake Wheel & More!! Thursday the grounds will open at 5 PM and Swamp Root will perform at 6 & 7:30. Friday the grounds will open at 5 PM and Jesse will perform at 6 & 7:30. Air Weaver the Balloon Man will also be there from 5:30 til 8:30. There will be Hayrides Thursday & Friday evening at 7:00 & 8:00. Saturday will begin with an All You Can Eat Breakfast from 7-10 AM. Lucky Afternoon will perform at 12:30, 1:45 & 3:00. The 5th Annual Car, Truck & Bike Show will start at 9:00 and the trophies will be presented at 1:30. The event will conclude with the Chinese Auction Drawing at 5 PM. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. Visit our website or Facebook page for more info and updates. For car show questions and registration call 717-694-3169. To reserve your vendor space or other questions call 570-541-2603
Shermans Dale Fire Company Soup Fest September 17th 2pm-6pm while supplies last. This years SOUP FEST will be Drive Thru Pickup Only. We have added an online PREORDER Form to avoid the chances of an Early Sell Out. Please Order ahead if Possible using the Online Order Form or by Calling the Fire House at 717-582-2575. We will also take orders Via Email at SDFCweb@shermansda Only orders with Name, Good Email Address, and Phone Number will be accepted by Email. All Con tainers for pickup will be provided by the Fire Company to meet food handling Standards.
Community Calendar PA email:
4 THE REMEDY September, 2022
October Fest Saturday October 1st, 2022 from 11:00 to 4:00 at the Millerstown Community Park a fundraiser for The Millerstown Pool. There will be craft vendors, flea market items, food will be available by the Millerstown Pool, entertainment throughout the day, gun raffle tickets, pull tabs and our huge basket raffle will take place with great items. Anyone wishing to donate an item for this raf fle please contact Tessa Croft Hinterliter on Facebook Mes senger. If you are interested in being a craft vendor please make your check for $30.00 to the Millerstown Swimming Pool and mail it to George Moore at 349 Orchard Road, Millerstown Pa 17062. Checks must be in no later than September 17, 2022 to guarantee a spot. No registration forms will be mailed for this event. You can also call Mary Kissinger at 717-636-1935 for more information.
Monster Mash/Bingo Bash Fundraiser – October 30th, 1-4 PM at Shermans Creek Inn, Shermans Dale. Bingo, Raffles, Costume Contest and Door Prizes. Sponsored by Friends of Spring Township. Proceeds benefit Lynn Sheaffer Dum Memorial Park, Elliottsburg. More de tails: and follow Friends of Spring Township on Facebook
JASON FRYE CHICKEN BBQ & MEMORIAL RIDE Saturday, September 10, 2022 (no rain date) Check in 8:30am to 10:00am at Landisburg Fire House, Landis burg, PA 17040 (also ends at fire house) Jason was killed in Iraq, Oct. 6th, 2005Proceeds will go to the “Jason Frye Memorial Fund” Chicken BBQ, Memorabilia, raffles and prizes available at fire house. Donation $15 rider & $10 passenger. Travel by cycle, car or stop in for Chicken BBQ at Firehouse. Any questions call: Connie (Mother) at 717789-3048 or 717-215-1033. Email: shadow3030@centu 675 Montour Road, Landisburg, PA 17040. The Fremont Fire Department is hosting their 5th Annual Gun Bingo on Saturday, September 10th 5pm at the Fre mont Fire Station 8641 Route 104 Mount Pleasant Mills. Tickets are now available for $40 each including the meal. Purchase your ticket online at or contact us on or call 570-539-8230 All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department.
September 15th, 16th, 17th in Heister Valley, Graybill Grove Pavilion behind Ba som Park, Richfield, PA: Canning jars, Tupperware, Linens and Towels, Corning Ware, Pyrex Bowl Sets. Fabric, and some Christmas items. For more details call 570-539-4242.

Gifts, Home Decor & More! Online at:! Stitch in Time Antique & Gift Mall 43 N. Market St. • Millerstown, PA 17062 Find us on Facebook & www.StitchInTimeAntiques.comat 7 Days a Week 10 to 5 Fridays 10 to 8 $15 per table / For more info call 717.589.7810 2ndAnnualFallFestFleaMarket&VendorEventSaturday,September24th9:00amto3pm Gayle L. Arbogast, GRI Broker/Owner PA ResidentialRL001359LAppraiserEach Office Independently owned & operated GRI 23550 Rte 35 N. Mifflintown, PA 17059 Office: 717-436-9191 x 22 Cell: www.century21.comGlarbogast@aol.com717.994.1184 needs a back tire, new pipes, dark blue, blue book around $8,700 asking $6,800. Seri ous buyers only call Rick at 717-543-8964 or 717-7343214. Would trade for trike of same value. FOR SALE: New Dust right 650 C.F.M. 1.50 H.P. Wall mounted dust collec tor, 4 inch duct hose 30 mi cron filter bag, $250. Phone 717-480-6481 or leave mes sage. FOR SALE: Mohawk fi berglass canoe, 17 foot old er model used but very ser viceable, $210; Mule Deer mount, 11 point, $320; Off Road racing jerseys, $10 each; Baseboard molding, various lengths, unfinished, make an offer. Call 717395-0814. FOR SALE: First gener ation Fiesta ware, various pieces; Wooden picture frames, some wit glass, various sizes; Four drawer filing cabinet, $55; Feller TM-75 tile saw, $105; Flex

September, 2022 THE REMEDY 5
FOR SALE: 1975 Ford Pinto, 302 engine C-4 Trans racing seats with har ness, mini-cage aluminum wheels, 5-lug, rear 5-lvq front 4WOB Duel exhaust tack hood, scoop, pumpkin orange, paint alum radiator etc. Lots invested, asking $10,500, antique tags, leave message 717-834-4148.
FOR SALE: 2006 Fat Bob Harley Davidson only 15,000 miles, like new, just 2103 State Rd. Route 11 & 15 Duncannon, PA 17020 Call 717-648-7797 or visit the Website & Facebook for more information
FOR SALE: 1974 Ford Su per Van, 200 series, alum. wheels, 302, auto duel ex haust, 60 k miles, very solid, light blue, window on pas senger sideman rear, asking $10,500 or best offer 717834-4148.; 2005 Dodge, 4x4, auto 4-dr. 140k with new power angle plow, best offer/trade, for side by side ATV. Call or leave message 717-834-4148.
/Sat. 10am-2pm ~ All other Hours by Appointment~ We Accept Credit & Debit Cards Arndt’s Happy Tails BIG or Small, we like them POODLEPETGROOMING,717-438-3682ALL!BOARDING&SUPPLIESFORALLYOURPETS&“DESIGNER”PUPPIESAVAILABLE Check out our website for details... • Pet Odor Exterminator Candles & Sprays • Doggie Outfits • Vinyl or Latex Squeaky Toys • Leashes • Collars • Shampoos & Sprays • Beds • Doggie Charms • Dog Breed plaques w/ space for your Pets name or favorite saying plus many other www.happytailspoodles.comitems... 357 10 inch engraved, $550;

MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE September 15th, 16th, 17th in Heister Valley, Graybill Grove Pavilion be hind Basom Park, Richfield, PA: Canning jars, Tupper ware, Linens and Towels, Corning Ware, Pyrex Bowl Sets. Fabric, and some Christmas items. For more details call 570-539-4242.
FOR SALE: 5 Used Riding mowers, 10 push mowers, 3 hedge trimmers, 10 weed eaters. Call for prices and directions to see, 717-4632933, Mifflintown.
MYERS VARIETY OUTLET, 92 Green Valley Road, Friday 9am-3pm and Sat urday 9am-1pm. Our 27th Year if you never shopped here you’re missing Bar gains! New Inventory added each week.

ible Flyer III sled, $105;

Dan Wesson 22LR revolter, $550. Call 717-395-0814. FOR SALE; New Royobi 3000 PSI/2.3 GPH Pressure Washer, Honda OHC 160 gas engine, with auto soap dispenser, 5 spray nozzles, all original paperwork, in structions and hang tags. Paid $369 plus tax, asking $269. Phone 717-480-6481, leave message.
FOR SALE: 2 Kayaks (1) wide #115 (1) Tarpin #100 with trailer, paddles and ex tras, $1,250 firm. Call Bill 717-725-2992, Duncannon. FREE: (9) 2 ft. rafters 4/12” pitch 30 feet wide must de molish building located in Loysville call 717-2616268 for details.
6 THE REMEDY September, 2022 Soda Blaster from Harbor Freight, $105. Or best offer on everything. 717-3950814. FOR SALE: Ruger Red label 12 gauge 26 inch stainless IC/M 2.75 $1,250; Ruger 77/22 rings included, $550; Thompson Contender Route 74 in Ickesburg, Mon - Wed & Fri. 9am-5pm Tues & Thurs 9am-7pm
Located Off
FOR SALE: 2 Kayaks $125 each; Bow mag vi brator/tamper, $450; Gen erator 8500 watt electric start $500; Pillica reloading press with dies, $275; RCBS Powder measure $65; also 20 boxes wax packs Base ball and Hockey cards $20 box. 717-480-1501.
FOR SALE: Zero-turn Lawn Tractor Tires (2) Arm strong Big Bite 23x1100x 10 4 ply, 13/32nd tread, used 8 hours, $50 for the pair. 717875-5753, Port Royal.
PA Hrs:
FOR SALE: Brass bed $25; Air conditioner; 22 Davy Crocket rifle with scope mounts; fiberglass bow with arrows, $25; 2 cross bows, 2 swords, 2 bowie knives; Minnesota trolling motor, electric. 717-694-0122, Richfield. FOR SALE: 2 old Rocking Chairs, $400 or best offer; Old quilts, $200 each or best offer. 717-436-8113. Mifflintown. FOR SALE: 30 quart Ho bart mixing bowl, $50; Ear ly Kohen barber chair, $200 or best offer; York floor safe from bank in Mifflin Coun ty has steel wheels, combi
American Dreams Realty, LLC is a local Brokerage firm. Our office is located in Duncannon, just off Routes 11 & 15 and 81, making our location convenient to Cumberland, Dauphin, Juniata and Snyder Counties. Work from home and not in an office. Finding the right real estate office to fit your personality is very important. Give us a call to see if we are a match. you can expect from American Dreams Realty, LLC: we ask of Be a licensed real estate agent to find out how to
you: •
September, 2022 THE REMEDY 7 nation, everything works, $1,200 or best offer. Call Mark for details 717-2503327, Lewistown FOR SALE: (4) Bill Jax scaffolding outriggers, $40. Call 717-921-2094. All clear verbal messages will be returned. Dauphin.

or call
• No E&O Insurance Fees/No Monthly Fees • We Offer 2 MLS Systems • A Commission Split That Can Not Be Beat • No Charge For Office Space • Guaranteed Leads On First Day • Year End Profit Sharing • SEP Program • Where every agent is treated like family! What
American Dreams Realty, LLC (Duncannon, PA)



must be
PA 17074
ANTIQUES & COL LECTIBLES 202 Narrows Road, New Bloomfield, PA 17068 Open Thursday and Fridays 8am-5pm other days and times by appointment call 717-567-9253 please leave a message. Denim Days (Homco) Jewelry, Coins, Jar Collectors and bottles with unusual names and original labels. Milk bottles, Elvis items, Wood en Washer Wringers, trunks, small oak table, old clocks, D Eddy Refrigerator Ice Chest 1897; Kitchen Cab inets (Hoosier type) High Stoltzfus 1601 Hominy Ridge Newport, Phone: 717 567 it here by Sept 8 th 4pm Call Omar 717-567-3021 with your consignments Call Mike with your pony consignments 717-636-0686 Pony commission 6% w/ $175. max; Straw & hay 4% Commission rates $1.00 29.99 = 30% $30.00 99.99=20% $100. 499.99=15% $500. and up=10% w/ $300. max. Special commission rates on full or part dispersal. We appreciate & Thank -you for your business & support!!! For updated pics & listing see: ID: 10574 sold for $5700. 4 30 2022 sold for $37,000. 4 30 2022 sold for $13,500. 4 30 2022 sold for $24,000. 4 30 2022.
obtain real estate license. Lisa Fraker, Broker/Owner, has been a licensed agent since 1998 and has been in the top 5% in sales in Central PA and in the top 100 sales associates in the State of PA by REAL TRENDS. So why not come and learn from a top agent and start your career off on the right foot. Contact Lisa Fraker, Broker/Owner American Dreams Realty, LLC 717-855-5553 (office) 717-350-2771 (cell) • QUALITIES: Compassionate, Honest, Dependable, Enthusiastic, Team Commitment • SKILLS: Organized, Excellent Communicator, Problem Solver, Basic Writing Skills • Security Clearances are required, can be obtained • Valid Driver’s License • BENEFITS: Flexible Scheduling, Part-time, Fulltime, Casual. • Pay rate - Determined based on experience, negotiable. • CPSS will provide ongoing training & support • Send Resumes to: HELP WANTED: Central Pennsylvania Supportive Services (CPSS) is seeking Applicants for Rewarding Work serving those individuals with Intellectual & Physical Disabilities. Central PA Supportive Services, Inc. (CPSS) 4505 North Front Street • Harrisburg, PA 17110 717www.centralpasupportiveservices.com901-5099 antique cupboards, blanket chest, wood box, Kenmore electric sewing machine, works w/ attachments, blocks, butter molds, Gris wold cast iron griddles and skillets, Large Butcher Ket tle, rocking chairs, Light ening Glider sleds, Small oak table, Old Swing butter churns, Wooden wheels, Old water hand pump, push mower, old wooden well put 10 ft. tall. Lots of Christ mas items. Still uncovering things.. A treasure trove of history. FOR SALE: Harman mod el P61 and P68 pellet stove with hopper extension. New paid $250. Asking $220 new/never used. 570-7652227. FOR SALE: U.S, Feder al Water fowl stamp col lections (or duck stamps) Signed set. RW1 to RW 23. Has value of over $500 sell ing for $300. Call Don at 570-765-2227, leave mes sage. Mt. Pleasant Mills. FOR SALE: Antique wicker baby buggy, large size over 100 years old great condition, $200 717-701-0600.Carlisle.
3021 Wanted Consignments: Farm & Construction Equipment, Lawn & Garden, Tools, ATV’s, Antiques, Hay, Guns, Furniture, Ponies, Carts, Carriages, Tack, etc. Receiving dates: Sept.1st- Sept. 8th, 8am till dark. closed Sunday. Friday Sept 9th 6am till 4pm! To have your equip in the online Auction

8 THE REMEDY September, 2022

Family&BusinessInsurance ~ Since 1927 ~ Insurance Ofces W.J. MOORE, INC. The professionals at W.J. Moore give you personal, caring, quick service at all times. Helping you choose the Insurance Policies that best suit your needs and save you money. Call us... 717.567.6619• Newport,PA AUTO LIFE HOME COMMERCIAL Call for thecurrentbestprices! Colors, R Values 6 to 18, Windows 570-539-2546 or 570-541-1806 or Toll Free 1-800-515-3667 Is the Headliner Sagging in Your Car or Truck? We can recover your headliner with Factory Original Foam-backed Velour. Many Colors to choose from. • FREE Estimates • Reasonable Pricing • 20+ Years Experience Classic Auto Repair Now Offering Dash & Seat Covers at popular prices! Ask about Repairs & Maintenance at Reasonable Rates. 717-567-9110Newport, PA • Hours by Appt. Call anytime / Email: WANTED: Used Roofing and siding for pole building. 717-545-9289. Harrisburg. MONSTER MASH/BINGO BASH FUNDRAISER – October 30th, 1-4 PM at Shermans Creek Inn, Sher mans Dale. Bingo, Raf fles, Costume Contest and Door Prizes. Sponsored by Friends of Spring Township. Proceeds benefit Lynn She affer Dum Memorial Park, Elliottsburg. More Townshipfollowfriendsofspringtwp.orgdetails:andFriendsofSpringonFacebook. FOR SALE: Vintage 24 1/2” x 6” Air Horn $75 - Grover Products, Los Angeles, Big Truck Loud Emergency Tone Tested- works great; Whel en Siren Speaker $100, 100 watt, 122 DB, Cast aluminum with mounting bracket, Used, scratch es, working condition, Model SA 314-A, P/N 010883449 S/N PJJ 04555 Univ. Park, IL 60466; Federal Signal Corp. Cuda Tri Optic 351011 Series E 12V, 1- Blue 6/6 Flashing LED cells work, 1-Red 6/6 Flashing LED cells work, $75. each; Federal Signal Corp. Ground Side Switch ing Alternating Flasher FA4C-RDG $75. (1.9 flashes per second) J05151. Call 717-350-4431. FOR SALE: Wood Mode cradle, various toys, Arc tic Cat snowmobile coat, Berkline 3 piece living room suite, BowFlex tread climber, men’s and wom

FOR SALE: Antique Store scale - sits on table, was counter scale at a General store, $30 717-701-0600. Carlisle. FOR SALE: Rush Reeds, new bundle, never used, $10. Call 717-701-0600. FORCarlisle.SALE: 1999 Golden Falcon, 31 ft., travel trail er, 1 slide out with Hensley hitch and all new tires, very good condition. Call 717248-2401, Lewistown. FREE: Long Bamboo poles. 717-545-9289.

FOR SALE: Ladies’ attrac tive brand new red leather embroidered “orthopedic” (cushions heels, gives sup port) sandals. Size 6. Can be seen on website Sominic orthopedic red sandals. Paid $45. Asking $25. Call 717348-1327.
FOR SALE: Bear Cruis er compound bow. Adjust able draw weight 10 to 70 lbs. Currently set at 25lbs. Has everything on it and it’s ready to go. Has 6 ar rows with it and the color is green. Asking $300 Call with any questions. 717395-1936.
FOR SALE: 2 Free Spirit His & Hers Matching 10 Speed Bicycles maroon Color $100 for Pair Only will not separate. Like New Condition, Extras included. 2 Place Heavy Duty Bike Rack for 2” or 1 1/4 Hitch $50. Unable to ride due to health. Call 717-567-6296 Please Leave Message I will return your call. FOR SALE: 16’ Ladder stand from Cabela’s Model 51038, like new condition, complete. $100.00 obo Can not use due to health. Phone 717-567-6296 Plese leave message I will return your call. FOR SALE: New Moss berg 590 20 gauge, $425; New Stoeger side by side 12 gauge with 1 box buck shot, $425; Ruger Blackhawk .177 4-12 Bushnell obj. $125; 6 box es Trophy Grade Varmit 32 grain .204, $40 per box. Call or text 717-343-4058 FOR SALE: 3pt hitch off John Deere 445.Very nice condition. Asking $375; Bushnell Legend crossbow scope HD, $50. Call or text 717-343-4058

September, 2022 THE REMEDY 9 NS45-60HP $4300CashBack*(T-L-B)Financing* Months 0% 60 UP TO UP TO *Offer available June 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022. Rebates and/or financing based on the purchase of eligible equipment defined in promotional program. Pricing and rebates in US dollars. Additional fees including, but not limited to, taxes, freight, setup and delivery charges may apply. Financing must be through DLL using one of the available financing options. Financing is subject to credit approval. Customers must take delivery prior to the end of the program period. Some customers will not qualify. Some restrictions apply. Offer available on new equipment only. Prior purchases are not eligible. Offer valid only at participating Dealers. Offer subject to change without notice. See your dealer for details. 6 Year Warranty for Non-Commercial, residential use only.6 Year Warranty applies to CS, CX, CK10, DK10, NS and NX model KIOTI tractors and must be purchased and registered between September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2022. Offer valid only at participating Dealers. Offer subject to change without notice. See your dealer for details. © 2022 Kioti Tractor Company a Division of Daedong-USA, Inc. ~~~Call or Text~~~ 717.789.3532 3720 Shermans Valley Rd. Loysville, PA 17047 Mon. - Fri. 8am-5pm / Sat. 8am-12noon Like us on Facebook/ Perry Power Equipment LLC New Hours: Open Only Friday & Saturday 8am to 6pm or by Appointment, Call... 717-444-0022 2019 State Route 17 • Millerstown, PA 17062 • 100% Grassfed Beef • Pasture Raised Pork, Chicken, & Eggs • Farmstead Cheese, Coffee & Tea • Homemade Noodles • Grass-finished Beef Quarters • Local Honey & Maple Syrup BeefAllCutsofBackInStock 221 Market St. Newport, PA Boots, WholeMoreShoes,&fortheFamily Hrs: Mon. 11-7 / Tue. 9-6/ Wed. 10-4 / Thu. 9-6 / Friday 9-7 / Saturday 9-4 717-204-7635 Country Footwear & More 09/19- 09/26 10% OFF 09/12- 09/19 10% OFF Shipping Location Wenowarea 09/05-09/12 10% OFF 09/26- 09/30 20% OFF CraftingALLPaperitems PAPER CRAFTING EVENT:Wednesday, September 14th at Millerstown Community Center, call 717-204-7635 for info. 10/01 only 15% OFF STOREWIDE!! Visit Soutner’s for Fall Decorating! Hrs: Monday - Thursday 8:30-5 / Friday 8:30-7:00/ Saturday 8:30-3 / CLOSED SUNDAYS SOUTNER’S & “The Country Store Upstairs” Center Sq. • Downtown Newport • 717.567.7974 Loads of Fall Florals, Sprays, Garlands, & Wreaths. Merchandise & novelties for Halloween, Fall & Thanksgiving. Huge Selection of Decorative Flags for All Seasons Full line of YANKEE CANDLE Products. So much to see... 2 FULL FLOORS... “The Best of Hallmark, Country & Home Decor... ...ALL in ONE Location!” 15% OFFALL GREETING CARDS EVERYDAY! en’s clothes, men’s New Balance 10.5E/other shoes, various dishes, 400 spine ar rows, shoulder holster, Sorel boots, new copper fry pan, helmets, waffle iron, Ency clopedia set, new charcoal grill, chimney pipes, desk chair, husky truck liners, tires, toaster oven, and much more! For more info., call 570-539-8998.

FOR SALE: Miller bobcat welder generator 8500 watt mounted on trailer with 3 hp. air compressor 289 hrs on meter $4500. Wood lathe 40” with stand NEW $250; Pig roaster on trailer new tires has 4 speed electric spit $500. Dauphin, call Da vid at 717-574-2054.

pellet gun with

JUNIATA COUNTY: Abundant Blessings, Mifflintown Agway & Farm Mkt., Mifflin A-Plus Exxon Market, Freemont Bargain Barn, Mifflintown Benner’s Beef Farm, Thompsontown Beward Pharmacy, Richfield Bread of Life Restaurant, McAlisterville Buttonwood Campground, Mexico* Citgo Service Mart, Mifflin Corner Deli, Thompsontown Dean’s Exxon Station, Oakland Mills Econo Lodge, Mifflintown Evandale Supply, Evandale Family Dollar, Port Royal Family Dollar, Mifflin Fox’s Pizza, Mifflintown Freemont Auto, Fremont Fuller’s Store, Meiserville Harshbarger’s Sub ‘N’ Malt, Port Royal Hilly Ridge Supply, Mt. Pleasant Mills Juniata Junction Restaurant, Mifflintown Juniata Lumber, Mifflin Juniata Pharmacy, Mifflintown Keystone Country Store, Oakland Mills Little Store, Mifflintown Lion’s Den, McAlsitervlle Lost Creek Shoe, Oakland Mills Love to Eat Farms, East Waterford Grocery Store, East Waterford Mac’s Clothing, Mifflintown McLaughlin’s Pharmacy, Mifflintown Martin Family Hardware, Freemont Mexico Mkt, Mexico Mifflintown Mart, Mifflintown Mifflintown Pharmacy, Mifflintown Nittany Mini Market, Mifflintown O.I.P., Port Royal O.I.P., Pallet’sRichfieldGrocery, Oakland Mills Phil’s Service Center, Oakland Mills Pines General Store, East Salem Pizza Town Thompsontown Port Royal Laundromat RBS Building Supply, McAlisterville Rosewood Mkt, McAlisterville Rte 333 Supplies, Port Royal Schlegel’s, Thompsontown Shade Mtn Pharmacy, Richfield Smoker’s Express Outlet, Mifflintown Spruce Hill Restaurant, Spruce Hill Sunoco, Richfield Sunoco, Mt. Pleasant Mills Thompsontown Market, Tom’s Uni-Mart, Mifflintown Uni-Mart, Port Royal Uni-Mart, Richfield Valley View Variety, Thompsontown Van Wert Cheese Shop, Van Wert Village Merchants, Richfield Walnut Cheese Nook, Walnut Weis Market, Mifflintown Whispering Pines, Mt. Pleasant Mills Willow Lane Greenhouse, Van Wert Zimmerman’s Market, Thompsontown PERRY COUNTY: A-Plus Mini Mart, Duncannon Alinda Mart, Landisburg Amanda’s Gas Station, Newport Arndt’s Happy Tails, Ickesburg Bitting’s, Newport Blain Hotel, Blain Blain Supply, Blain Bonsall & Sons, Millerstown Book’s Mkt, Blain Bratton Insurance, Millerstown Brother’s Pizza, Newport Carpetbagger Collectibles, Newport Chris’s Pizza OIP, Liverpool Country Footwear, Newport Cove Co-op, Duncannon Duncannon Supply Co, Duncannon Farmer’s Boy Furniture, Duncannon FBF Gas Station, Ickesburg Fersters Meat Mkt, New Bloomfield Freemont Auto, Millerstown, PA Giant, Good’sNewportRestaurant, Duncannon Goodwill, Newport Green Valley Campground, Newport* Greenwood Nursery, Ickesburg Guns Plus, Karn’sJustJuniataJoHRHirtsHessHairHaldeman’s,DuncannonDuncannonStation,MillerstownStation,MarysvilleMotorSports,DuncannonWentzel&Sons,LandisburgJo’sPizza,MillerstownValleyBank,MillerstownForYou&BabyToo,NewportDuncannon
Karn’s, New Bloomfield Latchford Saws, Newport Laundromat, Newport Leid’s Mkt, Loysville Liberty Gas Station, New Buffalo Longhorn Ice Cream & Campgrounds Lowe’s Restaurant, Liverpool Marysville Diner, Marysville Mastrachio’s, Millerstown & Newport Military Tactical Law, Inc, Duncannon Moore’s Insurance, Newport Mountain Supply Hardware, Ickesburg Myer’s Variety Warehouse, Landisburg Newport Beverage, Newport Newport Family Restaurant, Newport Newport Senior Center, Newport Old Sled Works, Duncannon Pap’s Sweets N Treats, Duncannon PDS Grocery, Loysville Perry County Beer Distributor, Duncannon Perry Medical Center/Pharmacy, Loysville Perry Power Equipment, Loysville Pizza City, Landisburg Quick Mart, Duncannon Ranch House Restaurant, Duncannon RE Davidson, Millerstown Reihl’s Equipment, Ickesburg Robinson’s Bargain Store, Loysville Rutter’s, Duncannon Sew Unique Fabrics & Gifts, Ickesburg Sharar’s Grocery, Newport Shell Gas, Shermans Dale Smoker’s Express, Enola Sorrento’s Pizza, Duncannon Soutner’s, Newport Stitch In Time, Zeiderelli’s,WiseWeisVillageVillageUni-Mart,UGOTwoTripleSuperSwenson’sSwenson’sSusquehannaSunoco/Subway,MillerstownLiverpoolTrailDiner,DuncannonSunoco,NewBloomfieldFuel,NewBloomfield7Mart,NewportCreek,LandisburgBrothersPizza,ShermansDaleSunoco,ShermansDaleNewBloomfieldSquareAuto,ShermansDaleSquareMkt,ShermansDaleMkt,NewportDryGoods,LoysvilleMarysville
10 REMEDY September, 2022
THANK YOU to ALL the wonderful businesses that allow us to distribute THE SHOPPER’S REMEDY....Please Support the following businesses & pick up your FREE copy of The Shopper's Remedy distributed monthly by the first week of the month...
The Fremont Fire Depart ment is hosting their 5th Annual Gun Bingo on Sat urday, September 10th 5PM at the Fremont Fire Station 8641 Route 104 Mount Pleasant Mills. Tickets are now available for $40 each including the meal. Pur chase your ticket online at or con


September, 2022
MASTRACCHIO’S RESTAURANT&LOUNGE Open Monday thru10amSaturdayto2amGreatPricesonthefollowing: • Steaks & Seafood • Dinner Specials • Take Out Orders • Cold Beer to Go • Family Atmosphere • Homestyle Cooking • Italian Specialties 344 Juniata Parkway East - Newport, PA 717-567-7511 (old Route 22, 4 miles east of Newport) Midway Exit at Green Valley Campground North Market Street - Millerstown, PA 717-589-7347 We Accept VISA / MASTERCARD/ DISCOVER / ATM MACHINE ~~~Two Locations both with Great Food & Service~~~ The areas’s BEST Deli, Subs, Sandwich & Party 717-567-6222Trays CBD PRODUCTS AVAILABLE URBAN ICE KRATOM LOWEST CIGARETTE PRICES ALLOWED BY LAW! RollYour Own Supplies • Fine Hand-Rolled Cigars On the Square in Newport • Open 7 Days a Week! Got Meat? A Service of Lovetwo Eat, LLC 417 Smokey Hollow Rd. • East Waterford, PA 17021 Buy LocalEnjoy&Savingsthe& Quality USDA Inspected Beef & Pork •Steaks •Roast •Hamburger •Beef Sticks •Bacon •Ham ~Packaged by the pound ready for your freezer~ Over 10 Different Farmers & Artisans from the Tri-County area “Your Local Farm Store with Local Farmers’ Products – Just Love It” Come Visit Us! • Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens Want to Carry Our Products? Give us a call 717-734-3335 or order on line... DARE TO COMPARE: Want support local? Did you know that Lovetwo Eat Farm Store at any given time has at least 10 local farmers providing items? Times are getting tough. Let’s all support local and buy from those who make it. Best part you get FRESH at prices less than the larger stores. RENTALS AVAILABLE 1 South Market St. • Millerstown, PA 17062 Italian Family Restaurant & Pizzeria Tuesday thru Thursday 10am-9pm Friday & Saturday 10am-9pm/ Sunday 11am-8pm Specials Every Day Slice of Pizza with can of soda...$3.50 1/2 Sub (Ham&Cheese or Italian) w/Fries & can of soda... $9.99 Any Wrap w/Fries & can of soda...$10.99 Grilled Chicken Salad...$11.99 Soup of the Day & Tossed Salad...$9.99 Cheeseburger Sandwich & Fries w/can of soda...$9.99 Large Chesse Pizza on WEDNESDAY... $10.99 WE BUSINESSES!TODELIVERLOCAL717~602~5264 DINE IN OR TAKE OUT ~ FRESH HOMEMADE DOUGH & SAUCE~ Follow us on Facebook to see our specials Every Saturday... $14.99...Eat In Only.... ALL YOU CAN EAT PASTA w/ Tossed Salad & Garlic Bread... BYOB (meatballs extra) tact us on fremontfire100 or call 570539-8230 All proceeds ben efit the Fremont Fire De Thepartment.Fremont Fire Depart ment will be having their annual Apple Harvest Festi val on October 6th, 7th & 8th at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. The event includes the area’s largest Chinese Auction with over 500 items, Vendors, Ap ple Dumplings, Cider, Ap ple Butter, Homemade Ice Cream, Hot Sausages, Pulled Pork, French Fries, Fish Sandwiches, Cake Wheel & More!! Thurs day the grounds will open at 5 PM and Swamp Root will perform at 6 & 7:30. Fri day the grounds will open at 5 PM and Jesse will per form at 6 & 7:30. Air Weav er the Balloon Man will also

FOR SALE: Women’s Cannondale Compact R500 Bicycle made in the USA with cyclocomputer. Titani um lightweight frame. En

New, in

12 THE REMEDY September, 2022 be there from 5:30 til 8:30. There will be Hayrides Thursday & Friday eve ning at 7:00 & 8:00. Satur day will begin with an All You Can Eat Breakfast from 7-10 AM. Lucky Afternoon will perform at 12:30, 1:45 & 3:00. The 5th Annual Car, Truck & Bike Show will start at 9:00 and the trophies will be presented at 1:30. The event will conclude with the Chinese Auction Drawing at 5 PM. All pro ceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. Visit our website or Facebook page for more info and updates. For car show questions and registration call 717-6943169. To reserve your ven dor space or other questions call 570-541-2603 FOR SALE: Building ma terials: 2...Alum-a-pole LATCHFORD’S SAW Locally Owned & Operated Old Rte. 22- Juniata Parkway West NEWPORT, PA 717.567.360817074 Hrs: Tuesday thru Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am-2pm Closed Sunday & Monday We Service What We Sell Sales & Service Now in Stock ... Battery Operated units Includes 2 Batteries & Charger CHAIN SAW, HEDGE TRIMMERS, TRIMMERS, BLOWERS & MORE $29999 $139 BR 200 HSA 26 $12995 ~We Sharpen Chainsaw Blades~ FALL SAVINGS!! w/ battery & charger $39999 3 mi. from McAlisterville or Thompsontown on 235 South, 1/4 mile from East Salem Hrs: Mon. Tues. 8:30-5pm; Thu. by chance; Fri. 8:30-6pm; Sat. 8:30-4:00 / Closed Wed. & Sun. THE PINES GENERAL STORE Stop In & Explore, You Never Know what Treasure one will find! “Unusual Items for Unique People.” PEACEFUL SLEEPERS New Boxsprings & Mattresses WE BUY HOUSEHOLD ESTATES!! & Used Furniture & Antiques! • Antiques • Primitives • Collectibles CUTLERYRADA Quality Used Furniture & Appliances • Hand Tools • Housewares & more 24 foot long with mud end caps. 2 ...Alum-a-pole 12 foot long with mud end caps. 3…Alum-a-pole jacks. 2..Alum Pole Joint 6 foot long. Bob$3,500new,standbyAlum-a-scaffold14inches1…Alum-a-scaffoldby24foot.1…14inches16foot.3…alum-apoleoffroofmountslikekeptinpolebarn.priceorbestoffer.Callat717-805-1919.

NUAL “OLD IRON IN THE GROVE”, sponsored by the Perry County Old Iron Collectors. Lupfer’s Grove, 5900 Spring Road, Shermans Dale. Antique tractors and equipment, hit and miss engines, daily tractor parade, kid’s activ ities, machinery demon strations, blacksmith, food, settler’s lodge, entertain ment, craft and flea market. Gospel and country music Friday evening at 6:00 by Keepin’ it Simple. Satur day afternoon will feature a variety of country, gospel and oldies music beginning at 1:00. Country Express will take the stage at 6:00 Saturday evening, playing gospel, country, and oldies. Feature tractors: Case and Minneapolis-Moline. Fea ture engine: Air-Cooled. Free admission, parking, and entertainment. Check us out on Facebook at Perry County Old Iron Collectors, Inc. For more information, contact Shirley Hoffman at 717-582-6546. FOR SALE: 18’ X 6’ Tan dem axle trailer 3500 # ax les steel deck 4’ removable sides with slide in ramps, needs wiring, works good for hauling small animals wood $925; box Marathon motor 3\4 HP 120\220 volts 1750 RPM #125 3PH heavy duty bale mover or carry all cat 1 or 2, $150. McClure Area 717303-4348. FOR SALE: Barnett Panzer V crossbow for sale, great condition, 4 arrows, quiver, 2 scopes, 6 broadheads, 245 f.p.s. $95.00 OBO call 717567-7186. FOR SALE: 3 cord of fire wood, all hard wood, cut and split and ready for you to pick up. $160.00 per cord. Take 1 or 2 or 3 get it for this winter now, 717582-8256. FOR SALE: Wheelbarrow. Jackson Manufacturing Cadet 68. Steel body, oak handles and framing. No plastic. Good tire. Used but in good condition, has a lot of mileage left in it. Asking $25. 717-589-3081.
or hay

FOR SALE: (4) like new LT 265 / 70R 17 Cooper tires on Ford F250 Super Duty steel wheels. Also a B F Goodrich spare tire on same size Rim. All 5 tires for $400. Call 717-4972865 Carlisle. Sept. 23-25: 29th AN-

FOR SALE: How can you go wrong for $10? Two items, Schauer battery char ger and an air compressor/ inflator, used but still work, Call 717-589-3081.
FOR SALE: 1948 John Deere B Cyclone, $3,000; Lawn mower tires 20x10x18, 16x6.50.6 all 4 for $80; 4 Tires P255-2515, $80; 4 Tires P235-7517, $250; All tires are in ex cellent shape. Front clip for John Deere 50 NOT Roll a metic, $200; Meat Cleavers, $40 each; Large Sausage stuffer, $120; #32 Meat Grinder, $80. Call 717-5898648, leave message or text. Shermans Dale area.

STORE in Loysville has Umbrellas for $5; Pepsi glasses, 50¢; Bird Feeders; Harley Davidson thermos, $8; Craftsman saber saw $10; Meat Grinder, $30; Air Fryer $25; Dynatrap, $40; Humidifier, $50; Clothing; Decorative flags; Jewelry, Dish Cloths, Knives; Per fumes, Books, Wall mount lights, fax machine, $20; George Foreman grill, $20 and many more items.

woman – not full sized for a man. Two water bottle holders. Good tires. Silca tire pump. Retailed new for about $1000, in very good condition, asking $75. 717589-3081.
WANTED: Houses for sale-condition not import ant. Due to the low inven tory of homes for sale this might be a great time to sell. Free market analysis and no obligation. Bill Miller-LO CAL agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Broker age 717-763-7500 but best reached at cell 717-4338027.

FOR SALE: Hollywood bike rack that fits into a bar ended trailer hitch. Easy to load bikes and easy to in stall on car/truck. Carries two bikes. Practically new, asking $50.
September, 2022 THE REMEDY 13 1298 New Ridge Road Millerstown, PA 17062 Call anytime.... We are proud to be a Service oriented business where you get Fair Pricing Everyday. Hours: Tuesday 12noon-9pm / Wednesday 5pm-9pm / Thursday 12noon-9pm / Friday 5pm-9pm / Saturday 12noon-9pm / Closed Sunday & Monday Email: BEAT THE SEASONAL RUSH! 717-636-4832 Brian Allen Proprietor Bring your Rifle or Shotgun to us for Repairs, Tune up, Professional Cleaning, Scope upgrade, Bore Sighting, Non Slip Sling, WE DO IT ALL! TRADE IN YOUR FIREARM ON A NEW ONE WE BUY USED GUNS • Holsters • Choke Tubes • Snap Caps • Grips • Range Bags • Bulk Ammo • Ammo • Scope Caps • Target • Bases and Rings • Rhino Blinds/Chairs • Bulk 22 Ammo Large Selection of KLEENBORE Gun Care Products PISTOLS • REVOLVERS • SHOTGUNS • RIFLES Never out of Box / Stop in for Price!!! Chief Crazy Horse Factory Commemorative AUTO - BUSINESS - HOME - LIFE SERVICING YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS FOR OVER 50 YEARS! 129 Market Street Richfield, PA 17086-0000 717-694-3841 Cindy Bailey-BennerTroy Leitzel LLP BEILER~CAMPBELL REALTORS & APPRAISERS www.beiler-campbellfarms.comSpecializing in Farms & Land Jake Yoder Auctioneer & Realtor® Lic#AU005851 Main Office 229 W. 4th St. • Quarryville, PA 17566 717-513-5386 Cell 717-786-7900 Fax 888-786-8715 Toll Free Email: gineered for a small framed

WANTED: Fixer uppers in Perry County. Local Coldwell Banker realtor has clients looking for fix er uppers. If you have such a property please call Bill Miller-LOCAL agent with Coldwell Banker Residen tial Brokerage 717-7637500 but best reached at cell 717-433-8027.

DOWNSIZING? Due to the low inventory of homes for sale this might be a great time to sell. Free market analysis and no obligation. Bill Miller-LOCAL agent with Coldwell Banker Resi dential Brokerage 717-7637500 but best reached at cell 717-433-8027.

14 THE REMEDY September, 2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD An Additional Lot in Mifflin County: 3.48 Acres Tract 19 Irvin Hill Rd. McVeytown, PA 17051 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Lots For Circled$27,000.00SaleeachLotsareAvailable717-734-3103 SOLD

FOR SALE: Pair of New Behringer powered speakers, includes mic stand, two mi crophones and a pair of hook up cables, E-Z transport and set up, $350. 717-379-8010.
WANTED: Vacant land. Lo cal Coldwell Banker realtor has clients looking for va cant land. If you have such a property please call Bill Mill er-LOCAL agent with Cold well Banker Residential Bro kerage 717-763-7500 but best reached at cell 717-433-8027.
WANTED: Multi unit rental properties in Perry County. Local Coldwell Banker re altor has clients looking for rental properties. If you have such a property please call Bill Miller-LOCAL agent with Coldwell Banker Resi dential Brokerage 717-7637500 but best reached at cell 717-433-8027.
process from being able to get approved to moving in! Call Bill Miller-LOCAL agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 717763-7500 but best reached at cell 717-433-8027.
ED: We have buyers look ing for vacant land for recreation, building or in vestment. If you have such a property please call Bill Miller-LOCAL agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 717-763-7500 but best reached at cell 717-4338027.
Buyers of Standing Timber

PEOPLE ARE BUYING VACANT LAND! Local Coldwell Banker realtor will get it sold for you! If you have such a property please call Bill Miller-LOCAL agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 717763-7500 but best reached at cell 717-433-8027.
FOR SALE: 2003 Ford pick-up, 138,000 miles, runs great, V-8 F450, needs body work/ bed replacement due to rust. Good work truck, $1,000 or best offer. 717582-2946. TIRED OF RENTING? I think it’s time that you own YOUR OWN HOME! I can help you through the entire
10 Acres or more Call for FREE appraisal 717-694-3340 or 877-903-0571 Sawdust & Mulch 118 Sand Valley Rd. • Richfield, PA
THINKING ABOUT BUY ING YOUR FIRST HOME? Does the process scare you? RELAX! I do this every day and enjoy helping others find their first home! Call the local guy-Bill Miller with Coldwell Banker Residential Broker age 717-763-7500 but best reached at cell 717-433-8027.
FOR SALE: 50 pieces of costume jewelry. Nothing is broken, $50 for all. 717-5828259. (Shermans Dale).
TIRED OF THE STEPS? Contact me for a list of ranch homes in the area. Call Bill Miller-LOCAL agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 717-763-7500 but best reached at cell 717-4338027.
FOR SALE: 7 Guitar effect pedals, all 7 $200. Call for list 717-756-2809.
September, 2022 THE REMEDY 15 CLUES ACROSS 1. Grievous 7. Queens ballplayer 10. Honorable title 12. Created 13. Grillmasters do it 14. Wartime German cargo ship 15. Cocoplum 16. Hebrew calendar month 17. British thermal unit 18. Brews 19. One of Thor’s names 21. Decorative scarf 22. Clothes 27. -__: denotes past 28. A way to address a lover 33. Commercial 34. Utters repeatedly 36. Google certification (abbr.) 37. Taxis 38. Belgian village in Antwerp 39. Talk excessively 40. Broad volcanic crater 41. Surgical instrument 44. Listens to 45. Revelation of a fact 48. Paddles 49. Heard 50. Tooth caregiver 51. Metric capacity units CLUES DOWN 1. Protein-rich liquids 2. Musician Clapton 3. Wine 4. When you hope to arrive 5. Something one can get stuck in 6. Midway between east and southeast 7. Mothers 8. German river 9. Israeli city __ Aviv 10. Discharged 11. Areas near the retina 12. Greek mythological sorceress 14. Very unpleasant smell 17. “__ Humbug!” 18. White poplar 20. Journalist Tarbell 23. Teachers 24. One older than you 25. Long Russian river 26. Run batted in 29. Beloved Hollywood alien 30. Holiday (informal) 31. Furniture with open shelves 32. Argued 35. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.) 36. Cars have them 38. Volcanic craters 40. Made of fermented honey and water 41. Shelter for mammals or birds 42. One who utilizes 43. Moves swiftly on foot 44. Builder’s trough 45. Architectural wing 46. 12 47. Pacific Standard Time BRINDLEBREEDBELLYBEARDBARKBALANCEAPRONAGILITY DOGDOCKEDCROUPCRATECLUBCHAMPIONCAPECANINE WITHERSVETERINARYTAILSPAYSHOWPETNEUTERHOCKS “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us a new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long —Ephesiansago.”2:10NLT

records, $150;

16 THE REMEDY September, 2022

& mattress, $250; 3 foot flat screen TV, $250; 34 inch

1408 State Road (along 11 &15 Perdix) • Duncannon, PA 17020 Hrs: Monday - Friday 8am- 5pm / Saturday 8am-12noon Like us on www.HaldemanSupply.comSupply 717.957.3300 Full Line of USED TRACTORS, New & Used PARTS, Used SKID LOADERS & PARTS SUPPLY SUPPLY see us on Ebay at HALDEMAN SUPPLY LAWN • TURF • AG ~ Full Service Department Servicing ALL Tractors ~ SBSDIY&NeedaPart?CheckourHUGEEQUIPMENTSALVAGEYARD!TurnthatUsedEquipmenttoCash!CallforPrices&Details~717-789-2224~www.SuperiorBuilderSupply.com3439ShermansValleyRoadLoysville,PA17047SUPERIORBUILDERSSUPPLY WE HAVE THE PARTS TO KEEP YOU RUNNING SMOOTH? TOLL-FREE 888.688.3811 We have over 1500 Trailer, Boat, R.V. & Motor parts on hand & access to over 16,000 parts & accessories available for Next Day Delivery. Brands like; Humminbird, Sierra, MinnKota, Sea Dog, Moeller, Attwood, Carefree, Tie-Down & many others. Call us at 717.567.9295 and we’ll do our best to get you the parts you need to keep your boat or R.V up & running. InspectionOfficialPAStation:Trailers,Campers,Autos,Trucks Expanding our Services to include all Phases of OutdoorCOMMERCIALMaintenance&RESIDENTIAL:Mowing•Landscaping•Hydro-Seeding•Clearing•Trimming•Removal•StumpGrinding•Spring&FallCleanup•Serving the Juniata County area for over 50 Years! 1154 Wm Penn Hwy Mifflintown, PA 17059 717-436-5038 • Penn State Degree in Landscaping •FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED Member TCIA • ISA Certified Arborist PA#070136 (Mother) at 717-789-3048 or 717-215-1033. Landisburg,net.shadow3030@centurylink.Email:675MontourRoad,PA17040. FOR SALE: 6 Chairs and table, $250; China Cabinet, $350; Dry sink, $150; Gun Cabinet, $100; Cedar Chest, $100; Coffee

$50; Glider Rocker, $25; Lots of records and CDs. Call

end tables all for $300; Hos
screen $200; Large TV cabinet $50; Early
WANTED: Mazda RX 7 1979-1991 will pay in cash. 301-331-5873. JASON FRYE CHICKEN BBQ & MEMORIAL RIDE Saturday, Sep tember 10, 2022 (no rain date) Check in 8:30am to 10:00am at Landisburg Fire House, Landisburg, PA 17040 (also ends at fire house) Jason was killed in Iraq, Oct. 6th, 2005Proceeds will go to the “Jason Frye Memorial Fund” Chicken BBQ, Memorabilia, raffles and prizes available at fire house. Donation $15 rid er & $10 passenger. Travel by cycle, car or stop in for Chicken BBQ at Firehouse. Any questions call: Connie table and 2 pital bed flat 1900’s 50 to 75 (78 rpm) 4 lamps 717-

and up record player, $350; Box
WANTED: Used 19 inch high screen “flat screen” monitor for comput er. McAlisterville area. Call Ed 717-463-2108 after 11am WANTED: Used flat screen TV 21 inch ?? with in ports for DVD player. McAlister ville area. Call Ed 717-4632108 after 11am. WANTED: Used 4 foot Fluorescent light fixture (with lights?) McAlister ville area. Call Ed 717-4632108 after 11am FOR SALE: Angel Steins, small to large; American In dians (small to large) Mul tiple steins (small to large) 570-539-8316. ufn FOR SALE: Light green vinyl siding. Double four 40 full panels, $50; New storm door, 36 x 80, white, full view$30. Never used out side wooden doors, assorted sizes, prices negotiable 717582-3843, Newport. ufn. FOR SALE: 1997 Sun ny Brook, 31 foot, sleeps 6, needs TLC. Basically in good shape, 2nd owner, best offer. 609-477-2535, Mif flintown (Oct 22)

FOR SALE: New leather motorcycle seat, maybe for Harley cycle, $40; Large numbered print, “Feeding Longbeards” by Dan Christ, $150 orbits offer; PA Game Commission metal plate, is sued to farm cooperatives, $25; wooden dynamite box good for man cave, $50; Winnebago Tonka toy, large size $50; Old larger Texaco toy fire truck, $75 or bus offer. Can send photos. 570539-8954, Richfield.

FOR SALE: 10 new hand bow saws 36 inch wide, $10 each; Large wooden toy barn, $35; CAN motorcycle helmet, smaller ladies size with full face shield, new $40; Nice wooden baseball bats, $10 each; Large metal tool box with rope handles, used for hand saws, $30; large framed numbered print by Robert Wilson “Farewell My Love” $150 or best offer. 570-539-8954, Richfield

FOR SALE: Antique nice white porcelain sinks, 54x25 with 5 inch back splash, $50 each 814-3423709 weekdays.
FOR SALE: Hoyt XL 2000 Competition Bow, $175. 717-319-0909.
FOR SALE: SELLING - Alesis Nitro Electronic drum set with amplifier, $395; Pair Behringer 12 2 horn powered speakers with stands $395; Phonics duel powered small complete PA system, $250; Guitar ampli fiers and effect pedals, 717379-8010.
September, 2022 THE REMEDY 17 Basic Oneinclude:BuildingsEntrydoor & One $500 Overhead door *40WarrantyYear on Everlast Steel Jesus said, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12 12105 Rte 35 S. Mifflin, PA 17058 HIC# PA020689 Ph: 717-734-3103 • Fax: 717-734-3300 -Optional:32x48vinylwindows,$260 - 12” overhang, $8 lineal ft. - 5” 3500 psi concrete floor, $4.10 sq. ft. Many more options available upon request. We will customize any building to suit your exact needs. Call for 717-734-3103pricing... Due to fluctuating Prices in building materials.. Willow Lane Greenhouse 2620 Locust Run Rd. • Mifflintown, PA 17059 (1/4 mile south of Van Wert) • FALL MUMS, ASTERS & BULBS • MUMS (EchibeckiaAvailable) • POTTING SOIL • HOUSEPLANTS • PLANTERS Stop by & see our variety Hrs:Monday thru Friday 8am-8pm Saturday 8am-5pm - CLOSED SUNDAYS REIFF BROTHER’S Antique Lumber & Building Materials • HARDWOOD FLOORING • BARN SIDING •BEAMS • MANTELS 361 Barners Church Rd. Liverpool, PA 17045 Call... 570-259-1503 or... Email:

FOR SALE: 5 RC Cars that take alcohol. Lots of extra parts; wheels, tires, extra bodies and hundreds of parts. Must see. All cars and parts, Big 4 wheel drive, carom, late models, etc. Tire grinder, jump start, asking $600. 717-319-0909.
FOR SALE: 2 Chevy truck 6 bolt wagon wheels with 31x10.50x15” fair tread but dry cracked, good spares, $40for both. 814-342-3709 weekdays.
FOR SALE: Mallard Trav el Trailer 19 foot with hitch and sway bars, dual axel, sleeps 5 has roof air, micro wave, has rear bath and tub & shower sink and toile, 3 burner gas stove with oven, large refrainer, awning, new tires, wheels and brakes, very good condition, 717734-3347.
FOR SALE: Over 150 USED VCR mov ie tapes, some 15 for $10, others10 for $25 or best of fer. Call Ed 717-463-2108 after 11:00am

FOR SALE 1 each New Spair’s Goodyear Tracker A/t 10.00x15”, $50; Go odrich T/A on GM rim, 6 bolt 12.00x 15” mud, snow, $65. Let message at 814342-4094.
FOR SALE: Tonneau Cov er for newer Colorado $100; Pez Dispensers; Wedding dress (size 10) -$300 OBO, Wedding dress size 12-$75; 4’ T bars for suspended ceil ings-49 for $75; Rebounder Trampoline with adjustable handrail $40; Kobalt 227 pc. Mechanics Tool Set$135, SUNN Alpha Am plifier 112r with built in reverb-$200. Older midsize wheelchair free. Phone 717582-4559
TRADING! All Sports arts; baseball, football, basket ball, hockey and more. Call 717-580-5939, leave mes sage. WANTED: Sewage crank for camper, Free or priced low. Call 717-589-7595 or 717-582-1881 (ufn) WANTED DRIVER: Fish er Structures is hiring a stor age shed delivery driver, CDL required, full time or part time , 717-2752592. WANTED LABORERS: Fisher Structures is hiring for our storage shed manu facturing, various positions available, full time work, we can train, paid holidays. Bring your team spirit, call 717-275-2592.
WANTED: Blown up, non running Stihl chainsaws 717-250-0623.
JOHNSTON & ZAGURSKIE, PC 117 Main St., Mifflin, BANKRUPTCY717-436-8044PA Fair & Reasonable Fees On-Site Approved Credit Counseling •Personal Injury •Real Estate •Wills & Estates Michael “Doc” Johnston Donald K. Zagurskie Donis H. Zagurskie Thinking of Tearing Down to Build New? Think... REIFF BROTHERS EXCAVATING! We Buy Barns Mobile Rock & Concrete Crushing • General Excavating • Demolition & Salvage • Concrete Tear Out • New Construction20+ Years in Business

FREE: Common Ground Magazines from Spring 2013 until end of publish ing. You must pick up. Call 717-567-3375. leave message, I will return call. Please take all.
FOR SALE Complete heat ing system for ’55 Chevy; heater core motor, er with all cables, painted, like new . Went to Vintage Air; Upper/ lower control arms with new bruising and ball joints, like new, painted black other ’55 Chevy parts. 570-374-9634, Freeburg (ufn)
BUYING: Collectibles, House Lots, Estates, Stor age Units, Furniture, Coins etc. You have items to sell, give us a call, we may have interest. 717-789-4264.
WANTED: Video games, Game cube, Nintendo, Sega, Game Boy, Super Nintendo, N-64, Play Station 1-2-3-4 Games, Switch plus Xbox Games. 717-319-0909. BUYING! SELLING!
WANTED: Local collector looking to buy old or vin tage fishing lures. Will buy one or whole collections. Heddon, Creek Chub and South Bend are just some of the companies I buy. Call or text Brian at 717-320-3088
For CRUSHING, EXCAVATING, DEMO Call: 717-336-6654

FOR SALE: Farmall H Tractor, garage kept, asking $2,100 or best offer. Call 717-994-9329, Port Royal. (ufn)
class A
WANTED TO BUY: Hand tools, large or small amounts, 717-438-3178 (ufn) WANTED: Vintage wom en’s and children clothing and accessories from the 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s. Men’s work wear/farm wear/denim 1900s to the 1950s. Clothing can be in ANY condition —stains, holes, or wear are OK! Please no furs, wedding gowns, or military uni forms. Call or text 814-3865763. FOR SALE: Custom made Patio furniture. 717-8344930. WANTED: To purchase Woodland in Perry Coun ty with flowing stream, 30 plus acres. Call 717-6362656 (ufn) WANTED: Maytag Wring er Washer and also Treadle Sewing machine in working condition. Contact 717-5355926, ext. 6 (ufn)
THE REMEDY September, 2022
FOR SALE: Two real old French doors; (one) wide 31.50 inches x length 82 inches, the other 36 inches x 82 inches 570-374-9634, Freeburg (ufn)
WANTED: Hobby garage builder LOOKING FOR PARTS for Auto projects; Need V.W. Bug motor, need not run; Reduction box transaxle; front end; 5 lug wheels; also looking for After Market parts; Embi pre 1972, timid, Bugpak, Bosche - Hella - Lights, Jackman wheels, Trevlaft, race trim, Autohaus, John Johnson racing adapters Weber, Zenith and Solex carbs. Call for more info, Dave 610-223-3892.
or email alfredmag75@ya
WANTED: A driver for my Farrier Business. need to haul a 5x8 box trailer. Flex ible schedule. Perry County 717-275-2747. FOR SALE: 100 plus bird houses. All sizes and shapes, $8 to $20. 717-436-9382 or 717-513-5643, Mifflintown. FOR SALE: Miniature Tea Pots, shot glasses, advertis


FOR SALE: Collection of Salt and Pepper shakers, 100 sets, $3 per set. 717589-3200 (July 22).
The Perry Historians
The Perry Historians will be making our old-fashioned, all natural APPLE BUTTER again this fall.

FOR SALE: Pallet jack, $125; Real like new new women’s bicycle, $50. 717545-9289. Harrisburg.
September, 2022 THE REMEDY 19 For ALL your storage needs... specials!monthlyfortodayCallour •CHICKEN •HORSE•PLAYHOUSES•GARAGESCOOPSBARNSand more NEW: Lap Siding 50 Year Warranty!183 Memory Lane (Between Ickesburg & Kistler) Loysville • 717-789-4569 Ask “RENTaboutTOOWN”

Boiling will start ahead of Sherman’s Valley Heritage Days at the Lenig-Focht library and we will be on site at Heritage Days October 7th, 8th & 9th

FOR SALE: Coleman 17 foot canoe, $175. 717-2500226. FOR SALE: Copper Bell shape hanging light . Hard wire. Has a brass embossed band around and brass chain., Excellent condition, 14” high x 17” diameter, 1 bulb, $75. 717-957-3626, leave message.
Volunteers to help peel apples and stir the kettles are always WELCOME, even if you’re only able to stop by for an hour or so, we appreciate all the help from anyone who is able. Please call the library at 717-582-4896 on Wednesdays or visit our web-site or Facebook page for developing information.
Need your Unit Insured or Need Liability for Rides? Call us today...

FOR SALE: Metal gun cabinet 50” 18” 10” with two locks one at the top and one at the bottom of the front door. Holds 4 rifles. Very good condition. Ask ing $65. Call 717-589-3081 FOR SALE: Bell brand car top carrier made of rip stop nylon. $50 OBO 717-3633101 FOR SALE: Chefman Air Fryer (used little) and cook book. $80 717-363-3101.
$20. 2 3-way lamps $30. magazine rack $10. Blue glider rocker $50. Call 570539-8998
FOR SALE: Diamond plate tool box for back of pickup truck, measures 61” between sides. $50. 717-582-8256.
The following week, we will again be boiling at the library before attending the APPLE FESTIVAL at ... Little Buffalo State Park on October 15th & 16th. at the library starting Tuesday both weeks.
FOR SALE: Berkline 3 piece reclining living room suite $450. 2 end tables

ing pens and pencils;

FOR SALE: Vintage Steiff Mohair Dachshund Dog Bazi #1309. It’s 3-1/2” X 6” in excellent condition and has authentic tags on it. Can send pictures. Please text or call 717-926-1678. New Bloomfield area. Ask ing $ 50. (asking price on line is $112.00)
Harley Davidson telephone; Harley Davidson 1.8 scale model motorcycles; Cap collec tion; Right hand golf clubs with bag and 15 clubs with bag of accessories and a pack of new club covers; Ig loo Water cooler. Call 570374-2108.
FOR SALE: Husqvar na push mower with bag, self-propelled, electric start, $200, Heavy duty, push type weed eater, $185. Call 717319-0909.
FOR SALE: 2 new front tractor tires, sizes 11.00 x 16 Firestone Champion, Guide grip, 3 rib, 8 ply, tube type tires, $435 for pair, call 717-994-9329, please leave message if no answer, Port Royal.

FOR SALE: Wolf stature, black wolf on rock 9.50 inches high, $15, 717-9573626, leave message.

20 THE REMEDY September, 2022 The Village Merchants 3473 Sand Valley Road, Richfield, PA 17068 Off Rte 35 onto Walnut St. (look for sign & Juniata Valley Bank) Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10am -8pm / Closed Sundays Upstairs WAREHOUSE Hrs:Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10am-6pm The COFFEE & TEA is always FREE... U Need It, We Got It! 30,000 SQ. FEET OF SHOPPING • 60+VENDORS BOOTH SPACE AVAILABLE call... Upstairs Warehouse New Days & Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am-2pm FRIDAY, & SATURDAY 10am-6pm!!! Closed Sunday & Monday ~WE BUY & SELL~717-580-1981~ • Collectibles • New & Used Furniture • Antiques • Books • Gifts • Food Items • Pallet Loads from Staples, Rite-Aid, Sporting Goods, etc. THE CHAT SHACK Located inside The Village Merchants / Entrance inside or at the rear of Building Hours: PLEASE CALL FOR HOURS - THANK YOU!! Featuring FRESH Home Cooking see Facebook for Menu & Daily Specials Booking Weddings, Luncheons, Reunions, Funerals, Seating for 1 to 80 ~ Let us do the Cooking, Serving & Clean Up, you visit ~ 717.694.3046 717.694.9200 Visit Merchants to see photos of all the GREAT items available at the WAREHOUSE If it has an engine • Towing Service • Full line of ATVs, Tires, Lawn Mowers, Chain Saws, Trimmers,AccessoriesSnowplows,&more HIRT POWER Sports www.hirtpowersports.comLLC We have a Full Line of Lawn Care Equipment for Professionals & Home owners. Bring your Cycles to Hirts to get ready for the coming fall days. OIL CHANGE SPECIAL $4999 Offer Includes oil filter, oil change with up to 5 qts. of semi-synthetic motor oil. Chassis lube where applicable, Air filter maintenance inspection and fluid check. Tire Pressure check. Cartridge filters extra. Includes disposal fee. Most cars and light trucks. Call for appointment. we can work on it... Cars, Trucks, Rvs, Motorcycles, ATVs, Lawn Mowers, Chain Saws, and more. 717-834-9126 Home, Auto, Farm, Personal & Commercial We cover it all... Call Ryan J. Leonard at 717-436-6916 fax www.LeonardInsurance.netLeonardInsurance@gmail.com717-436-8547 PO Box 213 • 2657 Industrial Park Rd. • Mifflintown, PA 17059 • Timber Management and Logging Services • Selective Timber Harvesting • Timber Cruising and Forestry Consulting White Oak Sawmill Sunbury, PA Check Our Prices Minimum 10 acres Mike Stoltzfus 717-715-7596 JOHN LEWIS DRYWALL & RESTORATION “QUIK-FIX!!!” FOR THOSE REPAIRS YOU NEED IN A HURRY! Drywall Installation & Finishing Plaster Repair - Ceiling Texture Painting FREE ESTIMATES Over 25 Years of Dedication to Clean, Courteous & Reliable Service for our Customers 717.444.7202 Millerstown Read the full issue on line Like us on Shopper’s Remedy “This is my command — be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD yur God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NLT

September, 2022 THE REMEDY 21 Sole Proprietorship & In charge of all things ROBIN NOLL Ad Sales, Graphic Design, Accountant, Delivery, Complaint Department etc. Website - by Rachel “Rocks” Boob Assistant to Robin at times: Josh Noll Printed by: CENTRE DAILY TIMES DEADLINE for Classifieds is 20th of each preceding month. DISTRIBUTED the FIRST WEEK of each month - MONTHLY PUBLICATION For Display Advertising Rates call... 717.444.2423 The Shopper’s Remedy, PO Box 362, Millerstown, PA 17062 reserves the right to exercise its discretion in the acceptance of all advertisements and to edit or condense any ad based on its standards of publication. Although extreme care is taken in checking ad copy for accuracy, The Shopper’s Remedy and all Advertisers are not responisble for compostion errors, mistakes or misprints and disclaims any warranty,, expressed or implied of any item published within. Printed Circulation 7,000 Copies ®2022 The Shopper’s Remedy MUST BE IN MY MAILBOX by the 20th to be in the next issue...THANK YOU!

Wildlife Programs Sept. 1st Branching Out- Tree ID- 2pm Shoaff’s Mill Area- Meet at Stage Sept. 3rd Fossil Frenzy- 10am Overflow parking lot at Campground Sept. 3rd Owl Outlaws – 5pm Campground Pavilion Sept. 3rd – Bats! – 7:30pm Shoaff’s Mill Area – Meet at Stage Sept. 4th – Attracting Pollinators – 10am Butterfly Garden Sept. 5th – Shoaff’s Mill Tours – 1-3pm Shoaff’s Mill Sept 7th PA Mammals Past & Present- 10am Shoaff’s Mill Area- Playground Sept. 9th Salamander Search- 6pm Shoaff’s Mill Area- Meet at Stage Sept. 14th Stream Study- 10am Shoaff’s Mill Area- Stream near playground Sept. 16th Fossil Frenzy- 6pm Overflow parking lot at Campground Sept. 17th – Pennsylvania Pawpaws – 12:30pm Shoaff’s Mill Area – Classroom Annex Sept. 17th Going Batty! - 7:30pm Shoaff’s Mill Area- Meet at Pavilion 3 Sept. 21st Branching Out- Tree ID- 2pm Shoaff’s Mill Area- Meet at Stage Sept. 25th Teacher Workshop – Biodiversity –10am-3pm – Cost is $10 – Register at office
September Educational Programs for Little Buffalo State Park Blue Ball Tavern Museum
The Blue Ball boasts a replica 1800’s tavern in its basement & an enormous collection of local antiques & artifacts. It will be open on Labor Day Sunday 9/4 from 1-4pm, though it will be closed until spring after Labor Day.
Shoaff’s Mill Visit an 1840’s era grist mill & museum and watch a 32ft steel waterwheel power equipment inside! Tours on Saturdays & Sundays, 1-3pm
22 T 510 New Bloomfield Rd. • Duncannon, PA 17020 www.aharvest.org717.834.5444• Harvest Church Email: Sunday Morning Worship - STARTING JULY 10thOne Service begins at 9:30am! Nursery & Children’s Church & Teener Class Midweek Service: 7-8:30 (Tweens 9-12 & Youth 13-18) Come just as you are and EXALT the risen LORD with us! You’ll enjoy a casual atmosphere, upbeat worship, and preaching that’s full of the Word of God. Come grow with us! You’re ALWAYS welcome here... ,/.

Sept. 2nd Intro to Fishing- 9am Shoaff’s Mill Area- Boat Launch Pier Sept. 4th Birding Walk- 9am Pavilion 1&2 Parking lot- Creek Trail Sept. 5th – History Walk – 9:30am Meet at park office Sept. 9th Moonlight Paddle- 8pm (Experienced kayakers only) Main boat launch, Shoaff’s Mill Area Sept. 10th – Tree ID Walk – 11am Meet at Shoaff’s Mill Sept. 17th – Walk with a Doc – History Walk 9:30am - Meet at park office Sept. 18th Intro to Kayaking- 10am (Register in advance on DCNR calendar) Shoaff’s Mill Area- Boat Launch Pier Sept. 24th Intro to Fishing- 9am Shoaff’s Mill Area- Boat Launch Pier
For more detailed descriptions, scan the QR code with your smartphone to open the DCNR Calendar of Events or go to!Recreational Programs

September, 2022 THE REMEDY 23

24 THE REMEDY September, 2022 thruWednesdayHours:Sunday10am-5pm AvailableSpacesVendor THREE Floors of Vendors featuring: ANTIQUES, TRAINS, CRAFTS, CANDLES, HOME GOODS, FURNITURE, VINYL RECORDS, BOOKS & MORE BOOKS, PLANTS, NEW & OLD TOYS and so much more! 2031 State Road (11&15) Duncannon, PA 17020 Like us at Cove Barn, LLC 2031 State Road (11 &15) Duncannon, PA • 717-596-0933 THE COVE BARN, LLC