TheWeekly Centralia C t li / S Salem Area
Vol. 32 No. 50
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
301 E. Broadway, Centralia, Illinois 62801 •
Benefit for Centralia Police Sergeant A spaghetti dinner fund raiser was hosted by the Centralia Masonic Lodge for Sgt. Michael Peebles and family after the loss of their home to fire. Community businesses and civic organizations came together to donate all food and services necessary to make it a successful event. Pictured (L to R) are Nick Hall, Scott Whitlock, Sgt. Michael Peebles, Matt Mullins, Lt. Todd Hempen, Jerry Gray, and Jeff Edwards. Submitted Photo
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The Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Social Security Expands Public Hours at Offices Nationwide
Welcome To
American Legion Post 446 117 S. Poplar • Centralia, IL • 618-532-5910
OPEN REGISTRATION! Queen of Hearts Drawing Every Friday
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No checks accepted. ATM is available.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Starting on January 8, 2020, Social Security offices nationwide will be open to the public on Wednesday afternoons, Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security, announced. This change restores Wednesday public service hours that were last in place in late 2012. “I don’t want someone to come to our office at 2:30 on a Wednesday only to find our doors closed,” Commissioner Saul said. In another move to improve service to the public, Commissioner Saul announced in his Open Letter to the Public at www. that the agency is hiring 1,100 front line employees to provide service on the agency’s National 800 Number and in its processing centers. The agency is currently bringing onboard 100 new processing center employ-
January 8, 2020, offices will remain open until 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, with typical field office hours from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. While the agency continues to improve both the access to and the experience with its services, it is important to note that most Social Security services do not require the public to take time to visit an office. People may create a my Social Security account, a personalized online service, at myaccount. Through their personal my Social Security account, people can check personal information and conduct business with Social Security. If they already receive Social Security benefits, they can start or change direct deposit online, and if they need proof of their benefits, they
ees and approximately 500 new teleservice representatives for the 800 Number. An additional 500 hires for the 800 Number will occur later in 2020. “Improving service is my top priority. Increasing full public service hours at our nationwide network of more than 1,200 field offices is the right thing to do and will provide additional a c c e s s ,” Commissioner Saul said. “The hiring of a thousand new employees to provide ser vice through our National 800 Number and an additional 100 hires to process people’s Social Security benefits at our processing centers around the country are steps in the right direction in our mission to greatly improve the service we provide.” Currently, a field office is generally open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to Noon on Wednesdays. Beginning on
can print or download a current Benefit Verification Letter from their account. People not yet receiving benefits can use their online account to get a personalized S o cial S ecurity Statement, which provides earnings history information as well as estimates of future benefits. Currently, residents in 40 states and the District of Columbia may request a replacement Social Security card online if they meet certain requirements. The portal also includes a retirement calculator and links to information about other online services, such as applications for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits. Many Social Security services are also conveniently available by dialing toll-free, 1-800-772-1213. People who are deaf or hard of hearing may call Social Security’s TTY number, 1-800-325-0778.
1824 S. Poplar • Centralia
Hudson-Gray Insurance 205 - 207 E. Third St. Centralia • 532-4724
Great insurance.
Marion County Property Tax Monthly Payment Program begins next week Gary L. Purcell, Marion County Treasurer, has announced enrollment for the Marion County Property Tax Monthly Payment Program will begin this week. The Monthly Payment Program takes the amount equal to your last year’s tax
bill multiplied by 2% then divides that amount by 9, which will be your monthly payment. Before making your final payment, taxpayers will need to contact the Treasurer’s Office for the balance on your account, which could be more or less, depending on your
2019 Payable 2020 Real Estate Tax bill. Once in the program, taxpayers will still receive their 2019 Payable 2020 Real Estate tax bills. Depending on the time of printing the new bills, the new bills will show remaining balances.
If you were enrolled last year there is no need to sign up again unless you would like to add or remove a property from the program. The Treasurer’s Office is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday to answer any questions or call 618-548-3858.
Register Now for 2020 Central Illinois Youth Goose Hunt
p o h S e m Co r u o y r o f s with u ! s t f i G e u Uniq
Youth interested in par- Goose Hunt, sponsored by ticipating in the annual the Illinois Department of Central Illinois Youth Natural Resources (IDNR), may register now for the hunt scheduled for Jan. 19-20, 2020. To register for a drawing to participate in the hunt, youth hunters must phone in to the IDNR at 217-7858060 by the registration deadline of Friday, Jan. 3, 2020. The youth goose hunt will be held at private waterfowl hunting clubs in the
Shakes and Ladders Home Decor Consignment Shop
56 N. Locust • Richview, IL 62877 • 618-316-4259 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tuesday – Saturday
CHRISTMAS TREE SALES! Starting November 29 • Noon – 7:00 p.m.
Pricing to fit all budgets! We sold out last year, Shop early so we’ve ordered a few more extra! for best! 315 S. Elm Street • Centralia
The Little Theater Players of the Centralia Cultural Society announce auditions for their upcoming production of “FUNKIN DEAD,” a murder, mystery comedy. Written by Toby Otero, directed by Rob Jackson and assisted by Kelly Hawkins. Auditions are open to everyone 17 and up. Five male roles and three female roles. Please come prepared with a one minute monologue (Memorization not necessary). In addition to the monologue, cold readings from the script will be done. Auditions will be Tuesday, December 17 from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. The show has adult content and themes, including simulated drug use and sexual references. Set in a 1970s funk / disco dance club. Parental discretion is advised. Script perusal available
HOLIDAY FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS Sunday, December 15, 2019
Bronze Expressions Handbell Ensemble 1:45 p.m. • In The Gallery Phil’z Harmoniks - The Choral Society - The Philharmonic Orchestra 2:30 p.m. In The Bob Cover Auditorium
Centralia Cultural Society
Corner of Pleasant Ave. and Rexford, Centralia
For more information call: 532-2951
Canton area in Fulton County. A lottery drawing involving all youth who phone in to register will be conducted on Jan. 6, 2020, and youth hunters selected will be notified by mail. First-time applicants will be given a priority over previous participants in the drawing. The hunt is open to youth ages 10-17 at the time of the hunt. All applicants must possess a
valid Illinois hunting or sportsman’s license, have a Har vest Information Program (HIP) registration number, and have a 20 gauge or larger shotgun. Youth hunt participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must possess a valid firearm owner’s identification (FOID) card. To register for the hunt or for more information, call 217-785-8060.
SINA meets at Centralia Recreation Complex On Thursday, December 5 the Southern Illinois Networking Association met at the Centralia Recreation Complex. The meeting was opened by President Mike Chambers. All members present discussed events going on around town. There will be trolley rides on Friday evenings during the month of December. For tickets, you can contact the Centralia City Hall or go online to Sonya Germann spoke
about the upcoming program on December 14. The SINA organization is sponsoring a program for the children involved in the S cho ol C on ne c t i ons program. President Chambers introduced DJ Justice as the featured speaker. DJ spoke on how many different parts there are to the Medicare program. He also informed members which would be the best ones to choose for individuals there. He also gave time for
Submitted Photo
everyone in the meeting to ask questions that they had about Medicare. This was a very informative program for everyone in attendance.
TheWeekly Centralia / Salem Area
December 11, 2019 December 17, 2019 Volume 32, Number 50 A Weekly Publication of
The Shopper’s Weekly Inc. P.O. Box 1223 301 E. Broadway, Centralia Illinois 62801 & 2419 W. Broadway Mt. Vernon Illinois 62864 Telephone (618)533-7283 Fax (618)533-7284 email: website: Copyright ©2019 All Rights Reserved.
Publisher / Editor Cathy Stuehmeier
Production Manager Scott Pinkowski
General Manager John Stuehmeier
Production/Web Staff Cindy Goodnight Jason Sheffield
Advertising John Stuehmeier Cathy Stuehmeier Peggy Johnson Tina Suarez Stephanie Daniels
Bookkeeper Kelly Rupe
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Sandoval’s colorful school wide art project has powerful message Sandoval Elementary School combined creativity and literature to create a beautiful piece of art that will encourage students for years to come to be true to themselves. Students grades Pre-K - 6th painted rocks inspired by the book Only One You, by Linda Kranz to create two colorful stone lined paths outside the school entrance. Only One You is an inspirational children’s book about Adri, a little fish who is about to go explore the ocean on his own. His mother and father tell him some of the important lessons they’ve learned throughout their lives in hopes that it will help him on his journey. They remind him, “Always be on the lookout for a new friend,” and “Find your own way. You don’t have to follow the crowd.” The book stresses how everyone is unique, and that each of us have something to contribute to the world. “There’s only one you in this great big world. Make it a better place.” The book was read to all of the students. Then each
Submitted Photo
student painted their own unique rock inspired by the fish in the book using indoor/outdoor glossy acrylic craft paint. The students made gorgeous paths of brightly colored rocks outside t he s cho ol’s main doors. Kids grow so much in elementary school, not just physically, but in who they are as people. It’s the beginning of meaningful friend-
ships and when kids start to navigate complex social situations on their own. Not only are these stones a colorful addition to a school, they can serve as a daily reminder to students that no matter what, they’re special and that they have the power to change the world. This art project uses simple materials, but its message is a huge powerful one.
8th Annual Holiday Program at Alternative Learning Academy The Alternative Learning Academy, located at 501 N. Elm in Centralia, invites you to their 8th Annual Holiday program at 12:30 p.m. on December 18. The feature of this year’s
you will never forget. Parking is in the rear on the blacktop. Refreshments and a social hour will immediately follow the activity.
program is Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. The students have worked tirelessly to provide an entertaining day filled with enchantment and awe, so please join them for a day
Kristen Maschhoff
Tony Bennett
Ryan Spenner
Kyle Katt
Corey Smith
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The Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
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“Madam Clap” (a nickname for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in Washington) held a press conference at 8 a.m. and her regular weekly Speaker of the House address right after at 9:00 a.m. last Thursday morning. Both were dripping with, in my opinion, sheer and total hate! So much for her comment of, “I was raised in a way that is a heart full of love.” In my humble opinion, it’s a lesson she forgot! Her 8:00 a.m. press conference started with, “Let us begin where our founding fathers began in 1776,” and continued after her fluff with the following speech. “In the course of today’s events, it becomes necessary for us to address, among other grievances, the President’s failure to faithfully execute the law. When crafting the Constitution, the Founders feared the return of a monarchy in America. And, having just fought a war of independence, they specifically feared the prospect of a king-president corrupted by foreign influence. “During the Constitutional Convention, James Madison, the architect of the Constitution, warned that a president might betray his trust to foreign powers which might prove fatal to the republic. Another founder, Gouverneur Morris, feared that a president may be bribed by a greater interest to betray his trust. He emphasized that this magistrate is not the king. The people are the king. “They, therefore, created a constitutional remedy to protect against a dangerous or corrupt leader: impeachment. Unless the Constitution contained an impeachment provision, one founder warned, a president might ‘spare no efforts or means whatsoever’ to get himself re-elected. Similarly, George Mason insisted that a president who procured
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his appointment in his first instance through improper and corrupt acts might repeat his guilt and return to power. “During the debate over impeachment at the constitutional convention, George Mason also asked, shall any man be above justice? Shall that man be above it who can commit the most extensive injustice? “Over the past few weeks, through the Intelligence Committee working with the Foreign Affairs and Oversight Committees, the American people have heard the testimony of truly patriotic career public servants, distinguished diplomats and decorated war heroes — some of the President’s own appointees. “The facts are uncontested. The President abused his power for his own personal, political benefit at the expense of our national security, by withholding military aid and a crucial Oval Office meeting in exchange for an announcement of an investigation into his political rival.” She continued with fluff, fluff, and more fluff, including the Democrats’ wishful thinking — saying, “His (referring to our President) wrongdoing strikes at the very heart of our Constitution.” And she concluded by saying, “Our Democracy is what is at stake. The President leaves us no choice but to act, because he is trying to corrupt, once again, the election for his own benefit. The President has engaged in abuse of power undermining our national security and jeopardizing the integrity of our elections. His actions are in defiance of the vision of our founders and the oath of office that he takes ‘to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. “Sadly, but with confidence and humility, with allegiance to our founders and our hearts
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
full of love for America, today, I am asking our Chairmen to proceed with articles of impeachment. I commend our Committee Chairs and our Members for their somber approach to actions which I wish the President had not made necessary.” I personally found this speech an insult to our founding fathers, using them to frame a President to further her agenda as well as Adam Schiff ’s, Jerry Nadler’s and the rest involved, because they fear Donald Trump and the loss facing them in 2020. Next up was the 9:00 a.m. weekly Speaker of the House address, which involved the same bull. But where it got interesting was when she finished and did her usual and started walking away, a reporter, James Rosen from a conservative television network, shouted a question, “Do you hate the President, Madam Speaker?” She turned on her heels, started wagging her finger at him, and said, “Don’t mess with me,” showing her true attitude and personality. She then continued to say to the reporter and the rest in attendance at her s___show, “As a Catholic I resent your using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone. I pray for the President all the time.” She also threw a number of insults Trump’s way, calling him “a coward” on gun violence, “cruel” on immigration, and “in denial” about climate change. But she emphasized those were issues for the 2020 elections. She did not hate the President. Her final comment was, “This is about the Constitution.” As for her praying, good for her. My recommendation is she start praying for all the unborn babies she and her clueless groupies have murdered through abortion. And as a Catholic, she might remember just one of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not kill.”
However, with that said, let me remind everyone, looking back, the President and the Speaker of the House have had more than one contentious meeting. So her hate for the President isn’t new. One such meeting was over Syria when Pelosi demanded to question Trump in the Cabinet Room over future plans with Syria and she demanded to know if removing troops had to do with a favor to Putin of Russia. Another confrontation took place during a televised Oval Office meeting at the end of 2018 when she fired back at Trump that despite the Democrats’ victories on the 2018 midterm elections, she lacked political clout in the standoff over spending and a looming government shutdown. So the long and short of this three-ring sideshow called the impeachment hearings, staged from nothing more than hearsay, is that there is no real evidence of any wrongdoing, according to the four experts in Constitutional Law (handpicked by guess who, Adam Schiff.) In my opinion, all this is an attempt to beat Trump in 2020 because they’re scared. One thing is driving this despicable display of injustice so fast: the calendar. If you watched these hearings it doesn’t matter, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, you have to see and hear the corruption. In the end, even terrorists have been shown more justice and respect than our President. So in the end, I believe this whole spectacle is devastating for our entire country. My prediction is the House will impeach our President, and the Senate will not pass it. In other words, nothing. In 2020 the Democrats will pay the consequences for their actions. Until next week. To comment on this or any column in The Shopper’s Weekly, please mail to: Editor, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia IL 62801, email to or drop it off at the office on 301 E. Broadway. In order for your letter to be considered for publication, you must provide your signature and an address and phone number where you can be reached. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published.
Need for blood doesn’t stop for holidays – donors needed
Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, more than 1 million units of blood could be transfused in the United States. Individuals are urged to give a lifesaving gift this holiday season by making an appointment to donate blood or platelets and help the American Red Cross ensure a sufficient supply is available for patients throughout the holiday season. Those with type O blood are especially needed. On Sept. 28, 2018, MaKenzie Schienebeck experienced a complication during her pregnancy and found herself losing blood extremely fast. She was in and out of consciousness and felt her life slipping away. Schienebeck was given blood transfusions on the way to the hospital, during emergency surgery and after surgery. “I would not be alive today if it was not for the American Red Cross and the gracious donors who gave their blood,” said Schienebeck. “Blood is more than just blood. It’s the key to saving lives.” During the holiday season, set aside an hour to give blood and be the lifeline patients need. Make an appointment now by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800733-2767) or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device. In thanks for helping meet the urgent need, those who come to give blood or platelets now through Dec. 18 will receive a $5 Amazon. com Gift Card via email, courtesy of Suburban Propane. (Restrictions apply; see More information and details are available at Thanks.)
Upcoming blood dona- Church, 7405 Exchange tion opportunities through Road, Texico. Dec. 23, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., Dec. 31 are listed below. Drury Inn and Suites, 145 North 44th Street, Mt. Clinton County: Dec. 17, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., Vernon. Dec. 24, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., St. Rose Development Club, 8004 S. First Street, St. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 4113 Rose. Dec. 19, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m., North Tower Place, Mt. First United Methodist Vernon. Dec. 27, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m., Church, 3324 Old Highway Nu Bowl Lanes, 1315 North 50, Trenton. Dec. 23, 12 p.m. - 4 p.m., 17th Street, Mt. Vernon. Dec. 31, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Wal-Mart Supercenter, 2591 12th Street, Carlyle. Crossroads Community Dec. 23, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., Hospital, 8 Doctors Park Breese Fire Department, 50 Road, Mt. Vernon. N Germantown Road, Marion County: Breese. Dec. 11, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., Dec. 26, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m., Christ Our Rock Lutheran Jaycees Building, 301 Jaycee High School, 9545 Shattuc Drive, Albers. Road, Centralia. Dec. 26, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m., Dec. 18,12 p.m. - 6 p.m., St. Cecilia Parish Center, 304 South Washington, Community Building Salem, 416 Oglesby, Salem. Bartelso. Dec. 31, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Washington County: Villa Catherine Assisted Dec. 16, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., Living, 501 Clinton Street, St. Ann School, 675 South Carlyle. Mill Street, Nashville. Dec. 27, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., Fayette County: Irvington Elementary Dec. 12,: 2 p.m. - 7 p.m., School, 500 Superior Street, Brownstown Elementary Irvington. School, 421 South College Dec. 31, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Avenue, Brownstown. Wa s h i n g t on C ou nt y Dec. 16, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., Hospital-Nashville, 705 St. Elmo Elementar y South Grand, Nashville. School, 519 West 2nd Street, St. Elmo. To donate blood simply Dec. 20, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., download the American American Legion Hall, 301 Red Cross Blood Donor West Madison Street, App, visit RedCrossBlood. Farina. org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enable Franklin County: Dec. 30, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., the Blood Donor Skill on First Baptist Church, 209 any Alexa Echo device to North Maple, Christopher. make an appointment or for more information. Volunteers needed! Did Jefferson County: you know the American Dec. 11, 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 Red Cross has hundreds of p.m., Woodlawn High volunteer opportunities to School, 300 North Central choose from for you to help Lane, Woodlawn. your local community? To Dec. 13, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., find a volunteer opportuSpero Family Services, 2023 nity in your area, contact R ichv ie w R o ad, Mt. Kristin Pendleton Call or Vernon. Text: 314-281-7968 or Dec. 19, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., kristin.pendleton@redDonoho Prairie Christian
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Ministries by: Cliff Sanders
The Ancestry of Christ Many people are curious about their family roots. My wife and I had our DNA traced through one of the companies that have been advertising. We were somewhat surprised by the results. The ancestry of Jesus has some surprises, also. Matthew begins his gospel with the ancestry of Christ. Jewish scholars knew that the promised Messiah must come from the tribe of Judah, through the lineage of King David. Surprisingly, the lineage of Christ includes some women who were not Jewish and had not lived exemplary lives. Why were these women in Christ’s ancestry? Because they were good? NO! God includes the good, the bad, and the ugly to showcase his amazing grace. This is what Christmas is all about. Look at these women in the ancestral line of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 1.
TAMAR. Tamar was married to Judah’s son Er. Her husband was so wicked that we have this postscript, “Er, Judah’s first born, was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so, the Lord put him to death.” (Genesis 38:6) Tamar’s life reads like a tragic soap opera. Christ came to bring hope. Tamar, by God’s grace, was included in the ancestral line of Christ. (Matthew 1:3; John 3:13-15) RAHAB. “Solomon, the father of Boaz whose mother was Rahab.” (Matthew 1:5) Rahab was not even Jewish, but she was grafted into the Jewish lineage of the Messiah. Rahab was a prostitute who hid the two Israeli spies who were scouting out Jericho, before the Israeli army destroyed it. Rahab put faith in the living God and received the promise that she and her family would be spared. (Joshua 2:6) The scriptures tell us, “By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.”
(Hebrews 11:30-31) RUTH. This Moabite woman married a Jewish man who came into her country because of a famine. When he died, Ruth left everything and went with her motherin-law Naomi back to Bethlehem. She put her trust in the one true living God and met, by the providence of God, Boaz, who became her “kinsman redeemer” and married her. Boaz was of the tribe of Judah and Ruth became the great grandmother of King David and a direct ancestor of Christ. The book of Ruth is an ancient Jewish love story and foreshadowing of our kinsman redeemer — Christ Jesus, who, incidentally, was born in Bethlehem, the hometown of Ruth and Boaz. BATHSHEBA. “David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife.” (Matthew1:6) Matthew called her “Uriah’s wife” because David had no right to take Bathsheba like he did. David suffered the consequences of his sin. David later repented. Bathsheba lost her husband and suffered the loss of her firstborn son. But she found comfort and hope in Jehovah God and became a direct ancestor of Christ the Messiah. MARY. Matthew concluded his list of the ancestry of Christ, “And Jacob, the father
of Joseph, the husband of Mary and Mary was the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah.” (Matthew 1:16) This young Jewish girl didn’t have an easy time. Her husband, Joseph, initially thought she was unfaithful when he heard she was pregnant. “Joseph was determined to divorce her privately, but an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name of Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:18-21) Mary, a humble, obedient young virgin, was blessed to be the mother of Christ the Lord. (Matthew 1:22-24) Why did God include these women in the ancestry of Christ? Because no matter how ordinary, good, bad, or ugly one’s life may be, God’s grace is greater still. Like these women, you may feel lost and alone, but God knows exactly where you are, and he has a good plan for your life. There is a Redeemer who came to save his people from their sins — Jesus Christ, the Lord. Shalom, Cliff Sanders Eagle Life Ministries
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LOOKING FOR A CHURCH HOME? YOU’VE FOUND IT WITH US. Sermon Summary: December 8, 2019 Sermon Title: “Away In A Manger: The Shepherds”
As the shepherds were watching their flocks, the night sky was suddenly interrupted with the appearance of an angel proclaiming the birth of Jesus Christ. Luke 2:13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Peace on earth! That was it! That was what Jesus came to restore. He came to restore the peace between God and mankind that was lost in the garden. The word “peace” is used over 400 times in the Bible, and there are various meanings. However, the meaning in this verse is “Shalom!” And the core meaning of “Shalom” is: “God’s highest and most complete good be upon you, and all associated with you.” Isn’t that a wonderful Christmas message? Have a blessed week!
Pastor Steve Upchurch Visit us next Sunday! View archived sermons at Come have a relationship with Jesus.
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Cooking With Lizzie
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Nuts About Cookies Who isn’t nuts about cookies? Let’s face it, most of us are absolutely nuts about cookies, especially this time of year. You’ll pay more money for cookies with nuts, especially walnuts, almonds, pecans and cashews, so below are some new ideas for cookies for Christmas giving.
Brown Sugar-Pecan Cookies 1 cup butter or margarine, softened 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 cups all-purpose flour
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1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans Brown Sugar Frosting Pecan halves HUNTING GROUND
Cream butter at medium speed of an electric mixer; gradually add sugars, mixing well. Add egg and vanilla; beat well. Combine flour, soda, and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture, mixing after each addition. Stir in chopped pecans. Chill 30 minutes. Shape dough into l-inch balls; place on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350° for 10 to 12 minutes. Cool on wire racks, and spread Brown Sugar Frosting over tops. Top each cookie with a pecan half. Yield: 5 dozen.
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Simply Walnut Cookies 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened 2 T. sugar 1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp. walnut extract 1 cup walnuts, finely chopped 3/4 cup sifted powdered sugar
Beat butter and 2 T. sugar at medium speed of an electric mixer until blended. Stir in flour. Add walnut extract and walnuts, stirring well. Chill 30 minutes. Shape dough into 1-inch balls; place on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350° for 15 minutes or until done. Roll warm cookies in powdered sugar. Yield: 2½ dozen.
Texan-Size Almond Crunch Cookies 1 cup sugar 1 cup sifted powdered sugar 1 cup butter or margarine, softened 1 cup vegetable oil 2 eggs 2 tsp. almond extract 3½ cups all-purpose flour Trust the ones who know. We Live it.
1 T. butter or margarine 1½ to 1⅔ cups sifted powdered sugar
Combine brown sugar and half-and-half in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil; boil 4 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in butter. Add 1½ cups powdered sugar, and beat at medium speed of an electric mixer until smooth. Add remaining powdered sugar to desired spreading consistency. Yield: 1⅓ cups.
1 cup whole wheat flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cream of tartar 2 cups chopped almonds 1 (6 oz.) pkg. almond brickle chips Sugar
Combine 1 cup sugar, powdered sugar, butter, and vegetable oil in a large mixing bowl; beat at medium speed of an electric mixer until blended. Add eggs and almond extract, beating well. Combine flours, soda, salt, and cream of tartar; gradually add to creamed mixture, beating just until blended after each addition. Stir in almonds and brickle chips. Chill dough 3 to 4 hours. Shape dough into 1½-inch balls, and place at least 3 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Flatten cookies with a fork dipped in sugar, making a crisscross pattern. Bake at 350° for 14 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Transfer to wire racks to cool. Yield: about 4 dozen. *** If you have a favorite recipe and want to share it with us, just send it in c/o The Shopper's Weekly, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to:, (Subject - ATTN: Lizzie) Until next week, Au Revoir! —Elizabeth Fenton
Find Us At
Brown Sugar Frosting 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/2 cup half-and-half
Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 –6:00 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Closed Sunday
820 E. Noleman Centralia, IL 62801
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The Friedrich Real Estate Agency
Thank You
To All Attendees of our Annual Walk In The Woods and to our Event Sponsors and Supporters!
• Burger Haven • Ace Hardware • South Central Transit • Lioness & Lions Club • Mederi Caretenders • Lori Libery with Mary Kay • Grace Day Care • Macz Funeral Home • New Testament Baptist Church • Wonders of the Woods After-School Program • St Peter United Church of Christ • Fireside House • Girl Scouts Troop 8825
• Monken Dealership • Marion Eye Center of Centralia • Doctor’s Rehab & Nursing Center • Patty Williams • Centralia Manor & Estates • Jo Kessler • SAFE • Monical’s Pizza of Centralia • The Weekly • Centralia High School Health Occupations Class • Lifestar Ambulance • St. Mary’s Hospital • Women of the Moose
The Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Downtown Centralia Christmas Stroll
The Downtown Centralia Christmas Stroll was held last Friday evening, December 6. Santa and Christmas carolers strolled through the downtown Centralia area while shoppers visited area stores in search of the perfect gift for their loved ones. A live nativity scene was on display throughout the evening to remind everyone of the reason for the season. Other downtown events included a tree lighting celebration in Carillon Park, a Christmas Angel Scavenger Hunt in area stores, and rides on the Little Toot Christmas Express. In addition, visitors could take a horse and carriage ride, evoking the feeling of an old fashioned Christmas. Pictured are some of the scenes from this year’s event.
Local man competes in pro Motocross & Supercross
Jayce Pennington has been racing dirt bikes since he was 9. He and his brothers, Zack Hoffman and Preston Pennington, spent their time participating in local, area and regional races, and traveling all over the United States racing amateur National Motocross races. While his brothers have moved on from full time racing, Jayce, 20, got his professional Motocross and Supercross license and is competing on a national level. Jayce has recently traveled back and forth to Canada, to compete in the Canadian Triple Crown races, while training full time in South Carolina’s Club Mx training facility. He was invited to race a few rounds of supercross in Germany while also planning to participate in the 2020 Monster Energy The Weekly Staff Photos Supercross and Lucas Oil Motocross outdoor nationals as well as other races. It took a lot of hard work We’ll Be At The Legion on and dedication to get where Friday, December 20, from 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. Visit Us During Queen of Hearts! he is. Being away from his and Saturday, December 21, from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. friends and family, training in the gym, training on the Shop With Us For bike, and eating right are Unique Baskets all things he has to do to get Or Come In And Design where he is. Not to mention Your Own Both Men recovering from injuries he And Women And Even sustained while doing Children’s Baskets has this sport. It all started when he was training for FRAGRANCES • HOME DECOR • LUXURY SOAPS & MORE the Rocky Mountain ATV/ M C A M A A m at e u r Nat i on a l Mo t o c ro s s Championship held in
THE UGLY BUCKET 618-204-0325 m 315 E. 3rd Street g p gy t Centralia,, IL 62801 Tglispie@theuglybucket
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Hurricane Mills, TN each year at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch. While 22,000 people attempt to compete in this race each year, only 1400 people, from all over the world, advance to race it, with 42 in each race class. Jayce has competed here each year since 2010, giving him the experience and the confidence to do what he does when each gate drops. He is supported by his mom, Michelle Gansauer (of Robert Gansauer and Edith (Cook) Gansauer) and dad, Charlie Pennington (of Daniel Pennington and Linda (Berger) Pennington) who owns a local dealership, ATVs and More Inc, in Salem. “ATVs” is also a huge supporter of Jayce and his sport, as well as of other local racers and riders in our area. Jayce would like to thank all of his sponsors and supporters from over the years. He wouldn’t be able to do what he does without each and every one of them. And
Submitted Photos
they are so proud of this local racer and wish him the best of luck in all of his future racing. Zack still lives locally with Lexi Self and their son Krew, 6 months, while working with his dad. Preston is going to Kaskaskia College for business management, working part time, and training in Jujitsu.
Conservation Scholarships: Application Deadline March 1, 2020 State Representative Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City) announced today that the Illinois Conservation Foundation is offering Conservation Achievement Scholarships to help promote the value of our natural world and encourage the next generation of leaders to engage in personal efforts to preserve and enhance a sustainable outdoor environment. “I think this scholarship opportunity is perfect for FFA students and others who appreciate wildlife habitats for fishing and hunting and understand farming issues related to soil erosion and crop rotation,” said Rep. Wilhour. “Young people who help with recycling and community trash clean-up projects would be another group of students who
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
should consider applying for these scholarships.” This opportunity is available to outstanding high school seniors in Illinois who have demonstrated effective, voluntary, longterm dedication to the preservation, protection, enhancement and/or promotion of Illinois’ natural resources. One of the scholarships will be given to a qualified applicant who is also a legal dependent of a current Illinois Department of Natural Resources employee (at the time the ICF receives the application). Up to four one-time scholarships of $2,000 each will be awarded. The scholarship funds may be used for expenses related to the two- or four-year college or university degree including tuition; college fees; textbooks; and/or room and
board at the university. The funds are mailed directly to the college or university of the successful applicants. Applicants must be an Illinois resident and senior in an Illinois high school during the year of the scholarship award; be able to provide specific examples of voluntary, effective contributions to Illinois’ natural resources throughout his/her high school enrollment; have at least a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and be enrolling in a two- or four-year college or university program of study in the calendar year of his/her high school graduation. For more information on the application process, v i s i t w w w. i l c f . o r g . Questions should be addressed to the Illinois Conservation Foundation at 217/785-2003 or dnr.
Rotarians learn about local information mangaement program The Centralia Rotary Club met on Monday, December 2 for a club assembly. Rotarian Chris Lyons presented an informative program about using the Rotary District 6510 information management program, DACdb (District and Club database). Rotarian Chris explained that Rotary, like many other organizations, has migrated their management functions from paper to an online program. In this case, there are thirdparty vendor programs (i.e. ClubRunner and DACdb) that fulfill this need. Each Rotary District can choose which ones they want to use to manage their people and functions. District 6510 has chosen DACdb. Being an online manage-
ment tool, first you need a computer to access the site. This can be from a home PC or a public computer. As always, use caution when accessing anything online from a public access site (i.e. library, internet cafe, etc.) so you don’t save your information to the public computer or give those who follow you access to your private information. Chris pointed out that you can use any internet browser to do a search for “DACdb.” Once you select the hyperlink for the site, you will be taken to the sign-in page or you can either log-in or sign up. You will need your Rotary “Member ID” to sign up and your Club number to access the functions related
to your club. Centralia Rotary Club is Club # 3305. Rotarian Chris then explained some of the basic functions of DACdb, which included the login process, the main screen, information tabs, and basic functions of each. He showed where you can both verify your own information and find other Rotarians when you need to. In a future presentation, Chris will cover more indepth functions of DACdb and will explain more about RIs “Master” online management website, www., and how the two communicate to keep your information accurate. There will be no meeting on December 23 or 30 due to Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Centralia Foundation scholarships for 2020-2021 academic year
Grants are being offered through the Centralia Foundation to applicants from the Greater Centralia area engaged in studies at post-secondary institutions. Grants will be made to students regardless of race, color or creed who have officially been admitted to a college, university, seminary, community college or trade school. For most scholarships, preference is given to students with superior academic records, financial need and must be enrolled full-time during the period of the award. Grants are available from the following funds: Rollen and Lecta Rae Robinson Fund — Preference is given to Sandoval and Odin High School graduates. Madge E. Riechman Fund, Lillian May Harris Fund, Fred & Grace Wham Fund, Fred & Grace Wham Nursing Fund — Must be graduate of Centralia High School. Marian Ruth Bude Fund — Must be graduate of Tr i n i t y L u t h e r a n Elementery School in Centralia and Centralia High S chool or any Lutheran high school. Paul and Jean Zimmerman Rau Fund — Must be graduate of Centralia High School and majoring in business at Kaskaskia College. Eliz abeth Edward s Education Fund — Must be graduate of Centralia High School continuing studies as a full time student in the field of education. Eliz abeth Edward s Business Fund — Must be graduate of Centralia High School continuing studies as a full time student in the field of business. Eliz abeth Edward s Medical Fund — Must be a graduate of Centralia High School continuing studies as a full time student in the field of medicine. Hazel Bledsoe Memorial Fund — Graduate of Centralia High School pursuing a degree in education, with preference given to students pursuing a teaching degree in family & consumer sciences. Amer ican L eg ion Auxiliary — Must be a United States of America citizen, graduating high
school senior or GED reApplications and tran- Attn: Nina Buchele, 115 cipient and be a resident of scripts must be submitted East 2nd Street, Centralia Marion, Clinton, Jefferson by March 13, 2020 to IL 62801. or Washington County. Centralia Foundation, Preference is given to an honorably discharged veteran or descendant of such a veteran of the armed forces of the U.S.A. Robert D. and Donna M. Quick Scholarship Fund — Must be a graduate of either OF THE Centralia, Salem or Odin High School, or a student or graduate of Kaskaskia College. Jerry and Rosemary Wilson Scholarship Fund — Must be graduate of What goes good Centralia High School and preference shall be given to with hot chocolate? students attending (My answer: Kaskaskia College. A walk on a snowy night.) Va u g h n - G a r d n e r Scholarship Fund — Must Peggy Johnson be a graduate of any public high school in Marion County or of Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School. Must be pursuing a degree in a non-sports related area and students Tony receiving sports scholar“No hot chocolate. ships shall not be eligible. I’ve been working out.” Award of full tuition for a student attending Kaskaskia College, plus an annual stipend for other education related costs. This is a 2 year scholarship and only one of these scholarships shall be available at one time. J. Carl Hall Business Fund — Must be a resident Christine of the Centralia High “Cookies.” School District and be pursuing a degree in business. J. Carl Hall Medical Fund — Must be a resident of the Centralia High School District and be pursuing a degree in the medical field, including, but not limited to, LPN, RN, MD, etc. Scholarship applications are available at area high David schools, Kaskaskia College, “A marshmallow on top.” Centralia Foundation office, U.S. Bank N.A. Trust Department and on the Centralia Foundation website at Loans are available from the J. Carl Hall Business & Medical Funds. Please inquire at the Centralia Foundation office at 618Ali 532-7424 or email the “Marshmallows. ” foundation at for more incormation on loans or to obtain any further information on any of our scholarship.
Centralia Animal Shelter’s
Pets Of The Week 1. This is a young, female cat. She is litter box trained. She is a little timid at first. 2. This is a young, female cat. She is a sister to number 1. She is also litter box trained.
3. This is a young, male kitten. He is friendly but full of energy. 4. This is a young, female kitten. She is litter box trained and is friendly. Residents of the City of Centralia who own a dog or cat are required to purchase a city tag for each animal. They can be purchased at City Hall. Failure to purchase this tag can result in a $150.00 fine. If you are interested in a Pet of the Week, or any animal, call 533-7647 or visit the Centralia Animal Shelter. Directions to the shelter are as follows: Turn south at the intersection of Hwy. 161 E. (McCord) and Airport Rd. Go 1-1/2 miles, then turn left on Copple Rd. Go 1/2 mile to Woods Lane, turn left to shelter on left. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
ADOPT AN ANIMAL, SAVE A LIFE! Visit Us On Facebook: centraliaillinoisanimalcontrolshelter
Washington County Animal Control’s
Pets In Need 1. This is a friendly, neutered male cat. 2. This is another friendly, neutered male cat.
3. This is also a friendly, neutered male cat. 4. This is a friendly, female cat.
Washington County Animal Control
17990 Richview Road Nashville, IL 62263
Hours: Mon-Sat. 8:00-1:00
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) There could be an unexpected change in plans for your upcoming holiday travels. But keep in mind that a little flexibility goes a long way in resolving any disappointments. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A new relationship might not be responding quite as quickly as you’d hoped. Could you be expecting too much too soon? Try to ease up and let things happen at their own pace. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) As we approach the frenetic pace of pre-holiday planning, take time out now to reconnect with the wonderful people who share your life, especially the one who also shares your dreams. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A misunderstanding should be resolved before you get caught up in the flurry of holiday preparations. Set your pride aside and deal with it, regardless of who might have hurt whom first. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Being told that a colleague might have been trying to undercut your effectiveness might or might not be true. Get all the facts before you even think about acting on this so-called information. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) It’s a good idea to start your holiday preparation plans early in order to avoid a time crunch if an unresolved workplace situation causes a problem. That old friend might have some welcome news. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A family member’s actions continue to surprise you, but this time with positive results. Could be your
wise counsel finally got through. It’s like having an early holiday gift, isn’t it? SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Your reluctance to act in a current situation could be traced to your inner self advising you to take more time to study its complexities before you attempt to deal with it. Good luck. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Soothing hurt feelings before they can ignite an angry outburst is the wise thing to do. And, of course, when it comes to doing the “wisdom thing,” you do it so well. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Budget your time so that you can handle both your workplace duties and your personal holiday planning -- including travel arrangements -- without burning out on either end. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) You might find that you still need to firm up one or two of those still-outstanding decisions so that you finally can move forward as you had planned. Weigh the facts, then act. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You usually don’t carry grudges, but you might feel this is one time when you’re justified in doing so. But aren’t you spending too much energy holding onto it? Let it go and move on. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a way of using your quiet strength to persuade people to follow their better instincts and do the right thing. © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
The Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area Legals .......................................... 100 Antiques ...................................... 101 Arts & Crafts ............................... 102 Announcements .......................... 103 Adoptions .................................... 104 Auctions ...................................... 200 Business & Services ................... 201 Computers & Services ................ 202 Financial Services ...................... 203 Gunsmithing Services ................ 204 Lost & Found ............................... 205 Daycare ....................................... 206 Hunting & Fishing ....................... 207 Travel........................................... 208
The undersigned person(s) does (do) hereby certify that my (our) business is or is to be conducted or transacted under the name of Ali’s Black Diamond Miniature Schnauzers, that its location is or will be at the address of 2211 Raccoon Ln., Centralia, IL, 62801, in the County of Marion, State of Illinois, and that the true or real full name(s) of the person(s) owning, conducting or transacting the same, with the post office or address(es) of said person(s) is shown as below.
Jeffrey Dahlquist 2211 Raccoon Ln. Centralia, IL 62801 and Ali Dahlquist 2211 Raccoon Ln. Centralia, IL 62801
I (we) further certify that the nature of my (our) aforementioned business is: Dog Breeder. Dated this 18th day of November, 2019. Ali Dahlquist Dated this 18th day of November, 2019. Jeffrey Dahlquist STATE OF ILLINOIS } } SS: COUNTY OF MARION } I, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Ali Dahlquist and Jeffrey Dahlquist is/ are the same person(s) who personally appeared before me this day and duly acknowledged that they executed the above certificate and that the statements contained therein are true. Dated this 18th day of November, 2019 Gala Rose 12-18 Notary Public STATE OF ILLINOIS } } SS: COUNTY OF MARION } I, Steven A. Fox, County Clerk of Marion County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the within is a true and correct copy of an Assumed Name Certificate on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at my office in Salem, Illinois, this 18th day of November, 2019. Steven A. Fox Marion County Clerk & Recorder
201 Business & Services
201 Business & Services
Courtesy Cleaners
Shakes and Ladders
Professional Cleaning
Same Day Service! Drive-Up Window! Pick-Up & Delivery!
Home Decor Consignment Shop
909 S. 10th St. • Mt. Vernon 618-242-0825
New Salem Location! West Gate Mini Mall 618-548-0802 12-11
Marten Portable Buildings
Purchase or rent to own. No credit checks. We build the way you want it built. Free delivery & set up on your lot.
Schaefer's Flowers & Crafts 1209 W. BROADWAY & 214 W. BROADWAY, CENTRALIA & 410 E. MISSOURI, SANDOVAL
618-532-2697 OR 618-292-1525
BUILT-MOR BUILDINGS 24x40-$9,718 30x50-$14,160 40x60-$21,419 50x70-$31,685
starting pay
1500 per hour
Apply in person at: DCA Construction 1620 N. 4th St. Breese, IL 62230
Like Us On Facebook 2-19
302 Auto/Trucks For Sale WANTED: Pianist or organist to play every Sunday at 10 FOR SALE: 2003 Chevy a.m. at Prince of Peace S10, ext. cab, 6 cyl. auto., Lutheran Church, 3205 2WD, low annual miles, Broadway, Mt. Vernon. many new parts, $2,250 Please call 618-242-5143 12-18 o.b.o. 618-314-4510 12-18
Health & Fitness
Wanted To Buy
NEED CASH? Crossroads Community Hospital 8 Doctors Park Rd. Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 618-244-5500
Get to know the caring face of healthcare. 2-19
Construction Workers Needed
56 N. Locust, Richview, IL 62877
M – F 7:30AM - 5PM SAT. 8AM - NOON
Help Wanted
Construction & Home Improvement
GEM Decorating, Inc. Owner: Alan Minor 301 W. Chestnut, Odin
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
I buy estates, antiques, garage clean-outs, barns, household and more!
NEXT AUCTION: MONDAY, December 16 Cattle auctions are held 1st & 3rd Monday of each month. Sunday check-in hours are 1-6 p.m. Locally Owned & Operated!
Contact Peggy Phone 618-533-7283 Fax 618-533-7284 Email info@theshoppers Web www.theshoppers
Mark Barnard Wayne City 618-599-6073
Ben Klebba Mt. Vernon 618-322-0000
Barkley Barnard Fairfield 618-842-7850
CATTLEMEN'S LIVESTOCK, INC. Phone: 618-895-3156 Highway 15 West • P.O. Box 486, Wayne City, IL 62895
non-business classified ad COUPON small ads,
Mobile Homes For Sale ............... 505 Business Property....................... 506 Lots & Acreage............................ 507 Farming ....................................... 508 Firewood ..................................... 509 Furniture & Appliances ............... 602 Music........................................... 603 Pets & Supplies ........................... 605 Business Opportunities .............. 606 Help Wanted ............................... 701 Situations Wanted....................... 702 Rummage Sales .......................... 801 Wanted To Buy ............................ 802 Wanted To Rent ........................... 803 Miscellaneous ...............................805
Automotive Services................... 301 Auto/Trucks For Sale .................. 302 RVs/Campers .............................. 303 Boats/Watercrafts ...................... 304 Motorcycles/ATVs ....................... 305 Health & Fitness ......................... 306 Construction & Home Improvement ................. 401 Lawn & Garden ........................... 404 Buildings for Sale/Rent .............. 500 Houses For Sale .......................... 501 Houses For Rent.......................... 502 Apartment For Rent .................... 503 Mobile Homes For Rent .............. 504
WANTED: Buying broken electric dryers, $10 each, will pick up. 618-315-8076 12-18
The undersigned person(s) does (do) hereby certify that my (our) business is or is to be conducted or transacted under the name of Dahlquist Woodworking, that its location is or will be at the address of 2211 Raccoon Ln., Centralia, IL, 62801, in the County of Marion, State of Illinois, and that the true or real full name(s) of the person(s) owning, conducting or transacting the same, with the post office or address(es) of said person(s) is shown as below.
Ali Dahlquist 2211 Raccoon Ln. Centralia, IL 62801 and Jeff Dahlquist 2211 Raccoon Ln. Centralia, IL 62801
I (we) further certify that the nature of my (our) aforementioned business is: Custom Woodworking and Cabinets. Dated this 18th day of November, 2019. Jeff Dahlquist Dated this 18th day of November, 2019. Ali Dahlquist STATE OF ILLINOIS } } SS: COUNTY OF MARION } I, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Ali Dahlquist and Jeff Dahlquist is/ are the same person(s) who personally appeared before me this day and duly acknowledged that they executed the above certificate and that the statements contained therein are true. Dated this 18th day of November, 2019 Gala Rose 12-18 Notary Public STATE OF ILLINOIS } } SS: COUNTY OF MARION } I, Steven A. Fox, County Clerk of Marion County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the within is a true and correct copy of an Assumed Name Certificate on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at my office in Salem, Illinois, this 18th day of November, 2019. Steven A. Fox Marion County Clerk & Recorder
Autos Wanted
––––––––––––––––––––––– CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Makes/Models 2002-2018! Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-985-1806 –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING – Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Help Wanted. Paid Daily. No Experience Needed. Full Details Go To: www. –––––––––––––––––––––––
Health & Fitness
––––––––––––––––––––––– GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS! 100 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-889-5515 –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As $14.95/ month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1-855-520-7938 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Applying for Social Security Disability or Appealing a Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys, 1-855-498-6323! FREE Consultations. Local Attorneys Nationwide [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] –––––––––––––––––––––––
732-8704 or 231-0949
30 Years In Area
Lusch Excavating & Sanitation Install • Pump Service Aerators & Septic Tanks
Schaefer's Flowers & Crafts 618-532-2697
Call Crime Stoppers! You may qualify for a cash reward and you never have to give your name. TFN
Brandon Swartzlander Land Agent 1-29
WE SELL FARMS Diel’s Hauling & Roll-Off Service 10-15-20-25 Yard Boxes for your clean-up needs
618-735-2539 12-25 Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920 Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution Call for Your Free Author’s Guide 1-877-626-2213 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 888-609-2189 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Lung Cancer? Asbestos exposure in industrial, construction, manufacturing jobs, or military may be the cause. Family in the home were also exposed. Call 1-866-795-3684 or email cancer@breakinginjurynews. com. $30 billion is set aside for asbestos victims with cancer. Valuable settlement monies may not require filing a lawsuit. ––––––––––––––––––––––– DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for [350 ] procedures. Call 1-877-308-2834 for details. cadnet 6118-0219 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Attention all Homeowners in jeopardy of Foreclosure? We can help stop your home from foreclosure. The Foreclosure Defense helpline can help save your home. The Call is absolutely free. 1-855-516-6641. ––––––––––––––––––––––– Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off and 0% financing for those who qualify. PLUS Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-402-0373 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Construction Crews Needed. Post Frame Construction.
618-732-8704 TFN 404
Lawn & Garden
• Bulk Seeds • Grass Seeds • Bird Seeds & Feeders Come See Us For Your Lawn & Garden Needs
Maco Elevator
418 N. Oak • Centralia TFN 532-6779
FRESH BEEF & PORK Healthier Meat at Cheaper Prices Grass & Grain Fed No Artificial Growth Hormones We Sell Whole, Halves, Quarters
Auker Farms 618-335-2594 12-18
FOR SALE: 2004 24’ Express Gooseneck car hauler trailer, dual axles, new tires and brakes, $4,500. Call 618-292-1525 12-25 FOR SALE: Home grown pecans, 9752 E. Nason Road, Bonnie, IL, (tan trailer). Cracked $6.00/lb., whole/$4.00 lb. No Sunday sales. Call 618-214-3390. 12-18
To place this ad Mail to P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801, Call 1-800-479-6323 or Email
• 25 Words Or Less • Runs For 3 Weeks • Each Additional Word 25¢ • Deadline Is Friday at 3:00 p.m.
602 Furniture & Appliances FOR SALE: New vanity mirror still in box, 27”x27”, white border, $100; burgundy recliner/rocker, new cond., $300. Call 618-918-0011 12-25
Two great new offers from AT&T Wireless! Ask how to get the Next Generation Samsung Galaxy S10e FREE. FREE iPhone with AT&T’s Buy one, Give One. While supplies last! CALL 1-866-565-8452 or www. ––––––––––––––––––––––– $$OLD GUITARS & AMPS WANTED$$ GIBSON • FENDER • MARTIN. ALL BRANDS. TOP DOLLAR PAID. CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-433-8277 ––––––––––––––––––––––– HEAR AGAIN! Try our hearing aid for just $75 down and $50 per month! Call 800-426-4212 and mention 88272 for a risk free trial! FREE SHIPPING! ––––––––––––––––––––––– Cross country Moving, Long distance Moving Company, out of state move $799 Long Distance Movers. Get Free quote on your Long distance move. 1-844-452-1706 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Call Empire Today® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-855-404-2366 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Get NFL Sunday Ticket FREE w/ DIRECTV Choice All-Included Package. $59.99/ month for 12 months. 185 Channels PLUS Thousands of Shows/Movies On Demand. FREE Genie HD DVR Upgrade. Call 1-855-781-1565 or ––––––––––––––––––––––– DISH Network $59.99 For 190 Channels! Add High Speed Internet for ONLY $19.95/ month. Call Today for $100 Gift Card! Best Value & Technology. FREE Installation. Call 1-855-837-9146 –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– AIRLINES ARE HIRING Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial Aid for qualified students Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 ––––––––––––––––––––––– COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train at home to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Call CTI for details! 888-449-1713 (M-F 8am-6pm ET) –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 –––––––––––––––––––––––
CUSTOMER ALERT: Please be advised we at The Shopperʼs Weekly Publications do not know of any fraudulent advertisements. We make every attempt to protect our readers, however we do not have the ability to investigate and verify all advertisements. Therefore, we advise our readers to ask questions of the advertisers they reply to, but be especially careful of anyone who asks you to send large sums of money up front. If you suspect a fraudulent ad in our publications, please give us a call at 618-533-7283.
Wanted to Buy
Autos Wanted
––––––––––––––––––––––– CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! 2002 and Newer! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-416-2330. –––––––––––––––––––––––
Health & Fitness
––––––––––––––––––––––– VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Espanol –––––––––––––––––––––––
Health / Medical
––––––––––––––––––––––– ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE information kit. Call 877-929-9587 –––––––––––––––––––––––
DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 888-623-3036 or http://www. Ad# 6118 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Recently diagnosed with LUNG CANCER and 60+ years old? Call now! You and your family may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Call 877-648-6308 today. Free Consultation. No Risk. ––––––––––––––––––––––– CATHETER SUPPLIES. We offer a complete line of popular and lesser known product to fit your needs. Even the discreet “pocket catheter.” To learn more or get free samples, Call 844-540-2092 ––––––––––––––––––––––– ATTENTION DIABETICS! Save money on your diabetic supplies! Convenient home shipping for monitors, test strips, insulin pumps, catheters and more! To learn more, call now! 844-698-4858 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Home Improvement
––––––––––––––––––––––– Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off and 0% financing for those who qualify. PLUS Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-995-2490 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-534-6198 ––––––––––––––––––––––– BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 888-912-4745 –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-776-7771. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies. com ––––––––––––––––––––––– CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Nationwide Free Pick Up! Call Now: 1-800864-5960. ––––––––––––––––––––––– A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 855741-7459 ––––––––––––––––––––––– DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-833-8722545. –––––––––––––––––––––––
ATTENTION: Have you or a loved one used Juul or another e-cigarette vaping device & developed a serious health condition such as stroke, seizure, convulsions, lung damage, pulmonary issues including heart attacks? You may be entitled to compensation! Call now: 844-392-9703 ––––––––––––––––––––––– BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print and distribute your work internationally. We do the work… You reap the Rewards! Call for a FREE Author’s Submission Kit: 866951-7214 –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– Orlando + Daytona Beach Florida Vacation! Enjoy 7 Days and 6 Nights with Hertz, Enterprise or Alamo Car Rental Included - Only $298.00. 12 months to use. Call Now! 855-403-8409 (24/7) –––––––––––––––––––––––
Wanted To Buy
––––––––––––––––––––––– Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Call 1-855-440-4001 Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! BBB Rated A+ –––––––––––––––––––––––