The Shopper's Weekly - Centralia/Salem Area

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the shoppers







301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, Illinois 62801

Vol. 29 No. 37


Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Quad Rugby: The Story Of Chuck Melton Page 4

Page 18

Pages 10 – 13


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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How many really capable men are children more than once during the day. –Napoleon I

Okawville Agricultural Products Fair Schedule Of Events Friday, September 16, 2016

5:00 p.m. 6:00-11:00 p.m.

Concession Stands Open Ride Arm Bands or Single Ride Tickets (Some rides take multiple tickets) Queen Judging and Crowning and Junior Miss Crowning in the Junior/Senior High School Free Outdoor Stage Entertainment — J. Christopher, Most Dangerous One Man Band

7:00 p.m. 8:00 - Midnight

Saturday, September 17, 2016

11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

4:00-10:00 p.m. 5:00-10:00 p.m. 8:00-Midnight

Sunday, September 18, 2016

11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

4:00-9:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Concession Stands Open Washer Tournament Young Farmers Activity — 4:00 p.m. Kiddie Tractor Pull Ardy the Clown on Park Grounds 4:00-9:00 p.m. Antique Tractor Pull Free Outdoor Stage Entertain6:00-9:00 p.m. ment — Local Talent Show Exhibit Hall Opens Rides with single tickets (Some rides take multiple tickets) Free Outdoor Stage Entertainment — Venedy Band Concert

1:00 - 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Ride Arm Bands BINGO — American Legion Post #233, BL-3002 Free Outdoor Stage Entertainment — Music by Hillbilly Authority Concession Stands Open Large Float Parade — “Classic Comic Strips” is the Parade Theme Rides with single tickets (Some rides take multiple tickets)

Ride Arm Bands or Single Tickets Exhibit Hall Opens (Following Parade) Free Okawville High School Band Concert BINGO — American Legion Post #233, BL-3002 Free Outdoor Entertainment — Music by Backroads

All Weekend - Free Corn Box For Kids, Free Admission, Free Parking, Free Outdoor Entertainment

Overnight accommodations are available at The Original Springs Hotel and Bath House (243-5458), and at the Okawville Super 8 Motel (243-6525)



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Sunday morning, 9-112016 brought back horrible memories as if it were yesterday. Moments of silence were observed in memory of those that lost their lives 15 years ago in the attack on our homeland. Today the consequences of that morning continue to play out, from the destabilization of the Middle East to the lone wolf attacks in Europe as well as America. The tears of a nation for the innocent victims that lost their lives that morning are still fresh in the hearts and souls of all of us that remember. In many ways our country lost its innocence on 9-11-2001. Let us never forget. Sadly most Americans feel less safe today than we did prior to that day, and justifiably so! September 11 brought us together as a country, and somewhere between then and now we have become a country divided. I continue to pray we can once again come together as a country. On to Campaign 2016. With eight and a half weeks to go the race is tightening. Last weekend was another few days bad for Hillary Clinton while at a LGBT for Hillar y Fundraiser held in New York, Ms. Clinton said to applause about Trump supporters, "Half of the Trump supporters belong in a basket of deplorables," and continued to say to

the audience, "Right?" Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it. She went on to say, "Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable." But thankfully they are not America. Hillary, you left me out. I'm none of the above, but I am Hillaryphobic, and for good reason, like your track record of lying, cheating, complete and total corruption, the email scandal that turned into scandals, your husband's private meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac while you were under investigation, Benghazi, destroying government documents. Need I go on?? But what I found especially interesting about her racist, sexist, homophobic comments was that Hillary Clinton has taken donations from countries where they throw gays off the roof of buildings, they stone women to death for not covering their faces, or even less, in many of these countries women can't drive and can't be in public without a male escort. I personally don't want a president that does business with people that commit these kinds of atrocities. And yes, Hillary gave a half-hearted apology if that's what you want to call it. It only took her 17 hours. In my opinion, she just lost the election unless it's rigged, which could

happen. Case in point, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012 was caught on video saying. "Forty-seven percent of Americans just want a hand out." And of course, Obama won. But we all remember his statement about the South "clinging to their guns and religion." Oh well, on to the upcoming debates. The first of the three scheduled Presidential debates will be on September 26 at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. The moderator will be Lester Holt, Anchor for NBC. Keep in mind this first Presidential debate could be bigger than the Super Bowl, and the last Super Bowl drew 112 million viewers. And speaking of the Super Bowl, look at the 49ers and Colin Ka e p e r n i ck . In my opinion, if ungrateful players sit out the national anthem, they have lost sight of what it stands for. It's to honor those brave men and women who have fought for your freedom! Your freedom to play football and make millions! This guy needs to be benched forever. Until next week.

To comment on this or any column in The Shopper’s Weekly, please mail to: Editor, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia IL 62801, email to or drop it off at the office on 301 E. Broadway. In order for your letter to be considered for publication, you must provide your signature and an address and phone number where you can be reached. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Simple Olympics If there was one consistent takeaway for America from these past Olympics it is that: 1) we have the best athletes (and sport outfitters) in the world, and 2) yeah, we're more than just a little bit insane. I know where you think I'm going with this ... that I'm going to bring up the Ryan Lochte "situation." I am, of course, but only for a brief moment. Ryan Lochte is a dunce. Now, before you say it's not nice to name call, let me also call out Usain Bolt. He is great. Also let me state that Michael Phelps is a freak of nature and broke records that

By Chris Richcreek

1. When was the last time before 2015 (Virginia) that an ACC baseball team won the College World Series? 2. In 2015, Mark Melancon set a Pittsburgh Pirates record for most consecutive saves (35). Who had held the mark? 3. Three players scored at least 25 touchdowns and kicked at least 70 field goals during their NFL career. Name two of them. 4. How many consecutive 20-win seasons did Billy Donovan have as the coach of the Florida Gators men's basketball team? 5. Who holds the NHL record for most coaching victories with one team? 6. In 2016, Martin Truex Jr. set a NASCAR Cup record for leading the most miles in a race (588). Who had held the mark?

had stood since ancient Greece. Carmelo Anthony has won three gold medals, and Coach K has lost only one game ever in Olympic play. That's incredible. You want name calling? Just how many kids are going to be named Simone af ter t hes e Olympics? Yep, America won the eagle's share of the gold, and pretty much lapped the competition. For Russia, this was a particularly humiliating Olympics. It's one thing to implement state-sponsored cheating, it's an entire other thing to get completely nailed for it, too. The Olympics are actu-

The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area ally great places to call Of course, it also names. Everyone knows wouldn't hurt if the press that there is a tradition at would stop with all the the end of the games to "displaced resident" proclaim them as "the best stories. Look, we get it ... ever," even if it didn't the powers that be aren't happen in Atlanta or Rio, going to bulldoze the I think. In Atlanta, we mansions owned by the received an "attaboy" sen- richest people in the ritztiment, and I believe Rio iest part of the city to was simply told they were build a stadium that will "magnificent." Whether or be useless in two weeks' not that was a good thing time. Is anyone shocked to learn of this? Every is for Rio to figure out. One thing we have year, the reporters write figured out is the art of about government spends t o r y t e l l i n g . Ev e r y ing on infrastructure, how Olympics, the pre-match pollution is atrocious, how bios get more and more everyone that dips a toe "Million Dollar Baby." Just in the water will contract once I would like the story syphilis, and come dusk, of an Olympian to be will be eaten alive by boring and with no com- head-shrinking mosquipelling backstory at all. It tos. would really be something Sometimes you just to see a b-roll of some kid have to let the simple ideas who simply grew up in win out. We were watchMiddletown, Wherever, ing people, athletes, run and carried a C or B and jump and play games average through high for their country, and that school, but one day found simple thrill should be out he was really fast ... or enough for us all. a really good shot ... and Mark Vasto is a veteran by accident, he tried out sportswriter who lives in for the games and came in New Jersey. seventh. We never hear © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. those stories.

7. Who was the last 3. George Blanda, men's tennis player Gordy Soltau and Bobby before Novak Djokovic Walston. in 2016 to win the first 4. Sixteen consecutive two Grand Slam events seasons. of a season? 5. Al Arbour, who notched 740 victories Answers with the New York 1. Wake Forest, in Islanders. 1955. 6. Jim Paschal led 502 2. Joel Hanrahan had miles in a race in 1967. 26 consecutive saves in 7. Jim Courier, in 1992. 2011. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.


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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


QUAD RUGBY: THE STORY OF CHUCK MELTON 68TH ANNUAL OKAWVILLE FAIR BY STEPHANIE DANIELS AND WHEAT FESTIVAL Chuck Melton, 37, originally of Symsonia, KY, was officially named to the Wheelchair Rugby team for the U.S. Paralympic Games. C hu c k g r e w u p i n Symsonia, KY and attended school in Benton. Chuck and his wife, Kelly, lived in Draffenville, KY until 2001 and then moved to Hoyleton, IL for work and family. In 2002, Chuck dove into a lake and broke his cervical vertebrae #7 and severed his spinal cord, making him a quadriplegic ever since.

In 2008 he discovered wheelchair rugby and has been playing it ever since. In 2012, he made it to the U.S National Team but was an alternate for the London games. He has been playing at the international level since then and has been named to the 12 man roster that is heading to Rio this September. His wife and three children, Blake, Baily and Allie, are excited as well because they will also be going over to Rio to support Chuck. Melton said, “I can’t wait to

Submitted Photo

Chuck Melton get down there and get around the people and all the energy that is going to be there."

KC GOLF PROGRAM TO HOST SOCIAL EVENT WITH COMEDIAN, REVERSE RAFFLE Ready for a fun evening of comedy, good food and the chance to win prizes? The Kaskaskia College Golf Programs will be hosting a Social Event at the Centralia Elks on Saturday, October 22. The evening will feature former Centralian and KC graduate comedian Heather Tolley-Bauer, a reverse raffle, dinner and other fun events. Tolley-Bauer is a “momedian”, a drop-deadfunny, stay-at-home mom and stand-up comedian. Performing her comedy to packed crowds all over Atlanta, this rising comedian is following her passion of inspiring women to be kind to themselves and each other by laughing away the mommy guilt; yet her hilarious, say-it-as-shesees-it take on motherhood, marriage, middleage and millennials have wowed audiences of all ages. Heather has shared the stage with nationally televised and touring comedians and has performed in showcases at the worldfamous Atlanta Punchline, the Atlanta Improv and the Laughing Skull in Midtown, Atlanta, named B est Comedy Club since 2009.

She was born and raised in Centralia and is a graduate of Centralia High School and Kaskaskia College before graduating Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. After living in Connecticut, she moved to the Atlanta area with her husband Craig and their son Reid. That’s when she took her first comedy class. She’s been performing regularly for nearly 2 years. “For the first time my only job was to be a wife and mom, but my son was headed off to Kindergarten, and since I’d mastered polishing the stainless steel appliances and the granite counter tops”, she jokes, “I was looking for a new challenge. So, I took a stand-up comedy class, performed as a closer on my first show, got a ton of laughs and then I was hooked.” Heather, a colon cancer survivor, will soon launch a new brand that will include the mom and women driven comedy she’s known for along with motivation and humor to support colon cancer awareness. This fun evening will also feature a fried chicken dinner, three drink tickets,

Shopper's Weekly Staff Photo

Heather Tolley-Bauer and a number for the reverse raffle. Also included in the evening with be a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and drop box prizes. Ticket prices are $75 a couple or $50 for a single. Tickets are limited. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and the evening festivities will begin at 7:00 p.m. Due to the Illinois budget crisis, the Kaskaskia College Men’s and Women’s Golf teams will receive no funding for expenses for t he c u r re nt s e a s on . Athletes, parents, coaches and members of the community are currently engaged in a number of fundraising activities to assist the team. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Cathy Karrick at 618-545-3182 or email

T h e 6 8 t h an nu a l Okawville Fair and Wheat Festival will be held at the Okawville Community Club Park on September 16, 17, and 18. The 3-day event will kick off Friday evening, September 16 with the Miss Okawville Fair Queen Pageant and Junior Miss Crowning beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the new Junior/Senior High School building. The 2016 Queen will reign over the fair and appear in the parade on Sunday afternoon. J. Christopher, Most Dangerous One Man Band will be the featured free entertainment Friday evening from 8:00 p.m. to midnight. Concession stands will open at 5:00 p.m. Arm bands will be used from 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. Single ride tickets may also be purchased. Some rides will need more than one ticket. On Saturday premium exhibits may be entered from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. A Washer Tournament will be held at 1:00 p.m. At 1:00 p.m. a Kiddie Tractor pull will be held. Ardy the Clown will be in the park from I :00 to 5:00 p.m. The Antique Tractor Pull will begin at 2:00 p.m. A local Talent Show will be held on stage at 2:00 p.m. This is the chance for Washington County residents to "show off ' their talents. The Exhibit Hall will also open at 2:00 p.m. Rides will be from 3:00

ums will again be offered to this year's exhibitors. Washington County residents may bring in their farm products, fruit, fancy work, canned goods, baked goods, photography, painted pictures, and school exhibits, etc. and compete for the premiums offered. It is suggested that exhibitors enter on Friday if at all possible to avoid the rush on Saturday morning. Exhibits will be accepted from noon to 9:00 p.m. on Friday evening and from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. The Wheat Festival will again have the free "Corn Box" for the young children where they may play with dump trucks, pails, shovels, etc. in the corn. A hand washing station is provided. The Okawville High School FFA sponsors this project. A variety of food and refreshment will be available including fish, fried chicken, grilled pork steaks, chicken strips, bratswurst, hamburgers, french fries, slaw, funnel cakes, kettle popcorn, ice cream, pie, cake, soda, water, coffee, beer, etc. No a d m i s s i o n i s charged to the grounds and ample parking space is available. The only parking permitted on the grounds is in the handicapped only parking lot next to the Exhibit Hall.


The Kaskaskia College Cosmetology Department will be hosting a High School Visit Day on Wednesday, October 26 and Thursday, March 16 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each day. Any junior or senior in high school conA Centralia Community Center, will be held from the Moose Family Center sidering a career in Blood Drive, sponsored by 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Banquet Hall, locatd at Cosmetology is invited to the Centralia Moose Family Tuesday, September 20 in 1824 S. Poplar in Centralia.


to 11:00 p.m. Ride tickets will be available with some rides taking multiple tickets. Arm Bands for rides will be available from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. From 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. the Venedy Band will be in concert. The Okawville American Legion Post #233 will host bingo from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. (BL3002) The evening free outdoor stage entertainment will be provided by Hillbilly Authority from 8:00 p.m. to midnight. On Sunday the concession stands will open at 11:00 a.m. The parade will begin at 2:00 p.m. and will feature large decorated floats, bands, and other marching units. The theme of this year's parade is "Classic Comic Strips." Anyone wishing to place an entry in the parade should contact Jenny Clary at 618-599-0297. Following the parade, the Exhibit Hall will open. Rides with single tickets will be from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m. with some rides taking multiple tickets. Arm bands will be available from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. The West Washington County High School Band will be in concert from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Bingo will be available from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. sponsored by the Okawville American Legion Post 233. Free outdoor entertainment by the Backroads Band from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Over $6,000 in premi-

attend this free informational event. Topics discussed will include an overview of the Cosmetology profession and information about the Cosmetology Program at Kaskaskia College. The KC Financial Aid Department will do a presentation about FAFSA, student loans and

scholarships, and a campus tour will be given. Lunch will be provided for those students in attendance. Reservations required. For more information or to RSVP for this event, contact your high school’s guidance counselor or email Kelli Malone at

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 musical? 2. ANATOMY: What is t he most abundant mineral in the body? 3. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president said, 1. THEATER: The song "The ballot is stronger "You'll Never Walk Alone" than the bullet"? c om e s f rom w h i ch 4. LITERATURE: What

The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area was the name of Sherlock ble" comic strip? Holmes' housekeeper? 7 . A ST RONOM Y: 5. TELEVISION: What What is the nearest star to was Beaver Cleaver's real Earth, aside from our first name in the show Sun? "Leave It to Beaver"? 8 . G E O G R A P H Y: 6. COMICS: What is Which one of the five the name of the pet duck Great Lakes lies entirely in the "Hagar the Horri- within the United States?

9. GAMES: What game's coin-operated version debuted in 1931? 10. MEASUREMENTS: How many bits are in a byte? Answers 1. "Carousel" 2. Calcium

5 3. Abraham Lincoln 4. Mrs. Hudson 5. Theodore 6. Kvack 7. Proxima Centauri 8. Michigan 9. Pinball 10. 8 © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

STION E U Q OF THE Say Hello, TO A GOOD BUY... In honor of Grandparents Week, what is your fondest memory of your grandparents?












Stephanie S h Daniels D l



Rebe Wright

Wednesday night dinner.
















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Gardening at my grandparents’ house, snapping green beans under the maple tree.


Karen Schmitt


Malinda Claybourn

Thanksgiving dinners at Grandma Phelps’ and it would be with all our aunts, uncles and cousins. In the evening we would sit around visiting, crocheting and playing cards.





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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


• Auto • Home • Business • Life 1310 Broadway • Mt. Vernon 618-242-6017 •

Farm House Antiques We Buy & Sell Antiques Rockie & Beth Borcherding 6848 U.S. Hwy. 50 Iuka, IL 62849

A drawing was held on September 8 for prizes to ten lucky volunteers. As a thank you to the many volunteers giving of their time to help make Balloon Fest successsful areas during Balloon Fest 2 0 1 6 , t h e Vo l u n t e e r Committee collected passes from the volunteers as they arrived at their work assignment and a drawing for prizes was held recently. Each winner received a special “trinket box” that says “Volunteering Expands Your Horizons” and has a colorful

hot air balloon on the lid, plus they were given a souvenir coffee mug and collector lapel pin from the event. Pictured left to right are volunteer committee chairperson Sharon Schwartz, volunteers Brenda Gerrish, Wendy Short, Connie Griner, Lynn Featherling, Mindy Albaugh, La Rel Davis and daughter Audra, and Christy Williams, volunteer committee chairperson. Other volunteers winning prizes but not present are Tan g a C of fe y, Kay l e e Biermann, Mark Stedlin, and

It is with deep regret that Chief Doug Krutsinger has submitted his resignation as Chief of Police of the Centralia Police Dept. effective Sept. 30, 2016. During his tenure when I hired Doug in January 2014 he has brought a wealth of knowledge to the Centralia Police Department from his years with the Illinois State Police where he held several positions including investigations. His leadership has planted the seeds and truly began the process of having a modern young department with high performance objectives in serving and protecting the Citizens of Centralia into a new era. The Police Department

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currently has 24 Sworn Full Time officers including the Police Chief , 1 person in Police Records, 1 Police Secretar y, as well as 6 Telecommunication “911” Officers that are under the supervision of the Chief of Police. Chief Krutsinger has worked diligently with me over the past two and one–half years of keeping the budget with minimum increases for the Police Department and with his help there has been no decrease in staffing levels for the past several years in the Police Dept. and none since the current Mayor and Council took office about 6 years ago. Doug has told me that he feels like it is just the “Right

OPEN: FRIDAY & SATURDAY • 8:00 - 4:00

BLUFORD RURITAN CLUB Daily/Monthly Booth Rentals BREAKFAST (Indoors) Consignments • Show & Sell 10,000+ Sq. Ft. Building U.S. 51 SOUTH • IRVINGTON, IL

GIVE US A CALL 618-246-0867

The Bluford Ruritan Club will host a breakfast on Saturday, September 24 from 7:00 a.m. till 9 a.m. at the Ruritan Building. Price is by donation.

The meal includes pancakes, sausage, biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, orange juice, milk and coffee.


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. BRYAN MEMORIAL PARK IN SALEM Free Parking Free Admission Apples and Cider • Craft Fair and Flea Market Food Concessions • Pony Rides • Bouncy House • Games for Kids Jamie Nattier Band 10am-12pm

Herman Perry & The Gold Nuggets 1pm-4pm

(Sponsored by Marion County Savings Bank and the Rusty Nail)

So. IL Elite Tumblers & Cheer 12pm-1pm

were also not present for the presentation.


Open: Sat. 10 to 4 p.m. or by appt. • Find us on Facebook! k!

Live Musical Entertainment

Elaine Deadmond. Jennifer Sursa and Hannah Wood, volunteer committee chairs



We Have Something For Everyone!

Submitted Photo

Apple Dessert Contest

Entries will be accepted at Shelter #8 Between 10:00 and 10:30 with judging at 10:30. (Your Entries Will Be Returned After The Judging.) For more information, call the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce at 548-3010.

Time” to re-retire and spend more time with his family and enjoy life and not be committed 24 hours per day which is an accepted requirement that goes with the job. I deeply regret his decision but after lengthy conversations with Doug by both myself and Mayor Ashby I have accepted his resignation and understand his reasoning and as a friend support his decision. I know his future additional time being able to spend more time with his wife Jane, his daughters, and grandkids with some time to travel and fish a little more will take up a lot of Doug’s time. His dedication and commitment to the Citizens of Centralia and to his staff will

be missed. He is one of the most Patriotic people I have ever met and he truly loves his hometown of Centralia. He has been a great public servant who I consider an honor of working with in his roles of both a City Councilman and Chief of Police. I appreciate any citizen seeing Doug in the next several weeks to say a welldeserved “Thank You” for your service to Chief Doug Krutsinger. The City will soon start the process of selecting a new Police Chief. Please contact the Office of the City Manager with any questions at 618-533-7623.

FALL BACK TO BASICS CLASSES University of Illinois will again offer the popular Back to Basics series, classes for sustainable living. The fall session will include five unique classes. Each class is selected to teach participants special skills that will assist in sustainable living. Dates and location of classes: • Mu lt i - S e a s on Vegetable Gardening, Centralia Regional Library, Centralia, IL - September 24 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Look at vegetable gardening beyond growing tomatoes and peppers. Explore perennial vegetables, fall planting/spring harvest crops, and winter storage ideas. • Hom e B re w i n g , Jefferson County Extension Office, Mt. Vernon October 22 and November 12 from 9:30 a.m.-Noon. Learn to make your own home brewed beer from start to finish in this twopart workshop.

• Raising Backyard Chickens, Bond County Extension Office, Greenville –October 27 from 6:00 -8:00 p.m. Local Expert will discuss getting started raising backyard chickens including chicken breeds and care, selling eggs, community zoning laws, and much more. • Edible Landscapes, Centralia Regional Library, Centralia – November 5 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Learn about edible plants, how to design an edible landscape, and what plants to avoid. • Green Gift Giving, Clinton County Extension Office, Breese from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Explore green sustainable gift ideas that can be purchased or easily made yourself. Register for one or more sessions at web.extension. or by calling 526-4551.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

LTD Ford

848 East Noleman • Centralia • 618-532-4733 •

Cooking With Lizzie

Fresh herbs enhance foods in a way that's unmatched by any other ingredient. As long as I can remember I've put in a herb garden, and I put it to good use through the summer months. In the fall I dry what's left in the garden and use the herbs all winter. But keep in mind, many dried herbs are available in the spice section of the grocery store. Some of my favorite recipes are below.


Free Alignment Checks On Cars & Light Trucks

White Beans With Tomatoes, Thyme, Savory And Tarragon

1 lb. white kidney or Great Northern beans 2 T. Worcestershire sauce 1/4 cup canola oil 5 cups vegetable stock or canned 3 cups chopped yellow onions vegetable broth 6 garlic cloves, crushed 2½ pounds tomatoes, peeled, seeded, 1 bay leaf and chopped 5 (4") sprigs fresh thyme 3 T. chopped fresh tarragon leaves 3 (4") sprigs fresh savory 1/4 cup lemon juice 4 whole cloves 1 tsp. salt 1/2 cup dry white wine 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper 1/4 cup white wine vinegar Soak dried beans 12 hours in large bowl of cold water that covers them by at least 4 inches. Change water once, after 6 hours. Heat oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onions and garlic, and cook, stirring, about 8 minutes, or until soft. Stir in bay leaf, thyme, savory and cloves, and cook 2 to 3 more minutes, or until herbs are fragrant. Add beans, wine, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, stock or broth, and enough water to cover beans by 2 inches. Bring to boil, skim off foam, and reduce heat to low. Cover and cook until beans are tender, or about 2 hours. Stir in tomatoes, turn up heat to medium-high, and cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add tarragon and cook 3 minutes. Add lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Serve immediately. Yield: 8 servings

Roast Pork Loin Stuffed With Dried Apricots, Shallots And Sage

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4 T. canola oil 1/2 cup brandy 1 lb. dried apricots, cut into 1/4" pieces 2 cups orange juice 2 T. chopped shallots 1½ cups coarse dry bread crumbs 4 scallions, cut into 1/4" slices 2 large eggs, lightly beaten, or 1/2 cup egg substitute 1/3 cup raisins 4- to 5-lb. boneless pork loin, trimmed 1 T. chopped fresh sage leaves Heat oven to 500°F. Heat 2 T. canola oil in skillet over medium-high heat and stir in apricots, shallots, scallions, raisins and sage. Cook about 2 minutes, or until sage is fragrant. Stir in brandy and simmer 1 minute. Stir in 1 cup orange juice, bring to boil, lower heat to medium, and reduce liquid by one-third. Remove from heat and stir in bread crumbs. Let cool. Stir in eggs. Cut pork loin in half lengthwise, leaving one side attached. Fold open and cut out a trough about 1" deep and 2" wide in center of each half. Fill troughs with bread crumb mixture. Fold the two halves together and tie with kitchen string. Heat remaining 2 T. oil in large ovenproof skillet or roasting pan over high heat. Add pork loin and brown on all sides. Pour in remaining 1 cup orange juice. Transfer to oven and cook 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350°F. Basting every 20 minutes, cook for 1½ hours. Remove from oven and let stand 10 minutes. Cut into 1" slices and serve with pan juices. Yield: 8 to 10 servings.

Thunder Raffle - 5,500 Pure Gold Raffle - $6,800 Odd Even - $1,000 or Winner Takes Up To $1,000 Regular Games - $75

2 limes, thinly sliced 1 tsp. dried hot red pepper flakes 1 lemon, thinly sliced 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 3 T. olive oil 10 (4-inch) sprigs of fresh herbs 2 T. Galliano or anisette liqueur 2½ lbs. large shrimp, in the shell 1 T. tequila Combine all ingredients in large bowl or dish, cover, and refrigerate 4 to 6 hours, stirring occasionally. Prepare grill. Remove shrimp from marinade, place on metal skewer, and grill about 2 minutes on each side. Both sides should be red and center of head end opaque. Yield: 4 servings. *** If you have a favorite recipe and want to share it with us, just send it in c/o The Shopper's Weekly, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to:, (Subject - ATTN: Lizzie) Also, if you have a household problem, like a stubborn stain or a kitchen conundrum, drop us a line, our readers just might have your solution! I'm also interested in your general decorating or household tips. Send your message in a bottle and we might just publish it and enlighten our readers! Until next week, Au Revoir! —Elizabeth Fenton

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Grilled Shrimp With Citrus And Herbs

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Focaccia With Fresh Herbs

(Italian Pizza And Hearth Bread) This is a pizza-like flatbread flavored with herbs and olive oil. Use herbs associated with Italian cuisine, such as oregano, basil and rosemary, in any combination. I love to combine basil with a little mozzarella cheese and thinly sliced tomatoes. 1/2 tsp. active dry yeast 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. sugar 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 3/4 cup very warm (105°-110°F) water 2 T. fresh herb leaves 2¾ cups unbleached or all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp. kosher, or coarse, salt Sprinkle yeast and sugar into 1/2 cup very warm water. Let stand about 10 minutes, or until surface becomes bubbly. In large bowl, combine flour and salt. Make a well in center. Pour in yeast mixture and 1 T. olive oil. Stir well with wooden spoon or electric mixer. Continuing to stir, slowly add 1/4 cup very warm water. Dough will be soft and slightly sticky. Turn dough out onto very lightly floured surface. Knead for 10 minutes, adding a small spoonful of flour only if absolutely necessary. Put dough in warm (80°-85°F) place, loosely cover with plastic wrap sprayed with nonstick cooking spray or a damp cloth, and let rise until doubled in bulk, or about 1 hour. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface and knead gently several times, then flatten out to a 10" circle. Place on an oiled baking stone, pizza pan or heavy cookie sheet. Press indentations with fingers to give it dimples. Loosely cover and let rise in warm place about 45 minutes, or until doubled in bulk. Heat oven to 425°F. Combine 3 T. olive oil and herbs in food processor, blender, or mortar and pestle until leaves are broken up and oil is fragrant. Pour herb-oil mixture over focaccia and rub gently into the surface. Sprinkle top with salt. Bake 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 400°F and bake 5 minutes more, or until golden brown. Let cool and cut into wedges. Yield: One 10" bread.

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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. –George MacDonald


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The Shopper’s Weekly Inc.

Located at 301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223 Centralia Illinois 62801 Telephone (618)533-7283 Fax (618)533-7284 email: website: Copyright ©2016. All Rights Reserved.

COMMUNITY 9-11 SERVICE AT FAIRVIEW PARK IN CENTRALIA The City of Centralia and the Prairie State Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution hosted a 9-11 remembrance service on Sunday afternoon in Fairview Park. DAR Chapter Regent Mrs. Ann Chappell welcomed all in attendance and served as the program emcee. DeAna Manns, soloist, began the event with "God Bless America," and later led the audience in other patriotic songs. Representatives from all area emergency responders were recognized at the podium and presented with an American Flag, as were representa-


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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

tives of the branches of our Armed Forces. Those speaking and giving thanks to our emergency responders and Armed Forces included Centralia City Manger Dan Ramey; American Legion 446 C o m m a n d e r Fr a n k McKnight; Centralia Councilman David Sauer; Wamac Mayor Butch Mathis; Pastor Mark Girardin, C entralia Trinity Lutheran Church; R e v. S t a n M a r t i n , Centralia First Presbyterian Church. The keynote speaker was Colonel "Mace" Carpenter (retired) who, during his speech, related a personal experience on 9-11. "After attempting to call a good friend at the Pentagon and not being able to get through, I texted to see if he was alive. The reply came back that he was okay because he was not in his office, but a l l t went y-f ive members of his immediate department had all died." The closing prayer was given by Rev. Ron Johnson of Centralia New Bethel Baptist Church and the service concluded with a 21 gun salute by American Legion Post 446 and VFW Post 2055 and the Playing of Taps.

Some of the participants are pictured below:

Soloist DeAna Manns

City Manager Dan Ramey

Pastor Mark Girardin

Rev. Stan Martin

Colonel "Mace" Carpenter

DAR Regent Ann Chappell

Shopper's Weekly Staff Photos


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Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area


Color Guard

Centralia VFW Post 2055 members Don White, Steve Talbert (Post Commander), James Sermons, Michael Draege, and Mark Centers are ready to serve the first responders. Talbert, Draege and Centers are also members of the American Legion. In addition, Talbert is a member of ABATE, AMVETS and the Masonic Lodge. sented the colors to kick off the event. Everyone gathered to recite the pledge of allegiance, followed by a moment of silence to honor our heroes. Centralia Buchheitt Store Manager John Hendrickson welcomed everyone and expressed gratitude for all the first responders do for the community. A Buchheit Buddies Jolie, Jenna and Justin Wagner enjoy the rabbits event for the kids was also On Saturday, September held, with a variety of ac10 Centralia Buchheit held tivities available. A ring toss a F i r s t R e s p o n d e r game was held inside the Appreciation Day, hosting store where children asa free lunch for area first sembled their own games responders and their fami- from pvc pipes before lies and offering fun ac- tossing the rings. Area chiltivities for the children. dren also admired the Area organizations that animals in the store. Lunch was s er ve d helped with the event included Centralia VFW Post outside by members of the 2055, American Legion Centralia VFW Post 2055, Post 446 and the Centralia American Legion Post 446 Shylaa Campbell builds Chapter of FFA, along with and the Centralia Chapter other community volun- of FFA, along with other her ring toss game community volunteers. teers. Centralia FFA particiShopper's Weekly Staff Photos The Color Guard pre-

pants included Vice President Jordan Williams, Sentinel Daniel Gilmore, and members Mindy Holsapple and Madi Cole. FFA members also assisted the children with the ring toss game. Mark Rose from the Marion County Sheriff 's Department is the School Resource Officer for Marion County. He offered interesting educational children's activities on the parking lot, inviting children to walk along a straight line and then stop and stand on one leg for a while, then try it again while wearing a special pair of goggles. He then encouraged them to ride a special trike that was donated to his program three years ago by the Centralia Elks Lodge and The Cyclery. The children first tried riding the trike around a series of orange cones, then donned the goggles and tried it again. Using the goggles during these activities simulated walking and driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The children were first able to participate in an enjoyable activity, only to find it was not so much fun while wearing the goggles. Some of the children actually

said, "This is not fun." They did not enjoy using the goggles, and consequently learned that they would not enjoy the effects of drug

and alcohol either. A percentage of Buchheit's sales for the day were donated to the DARE program.



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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, September 14, 2016



omeowners know that maintaining a home can be a yearround job. No home is immune to wear and tear, and homeowners who want to protect their real estate investments should try to stay two steps ahead to ensure their homes do not succumb to the elements or become outdated and unappealing to prospective buyers. Fall has become a season that’s synonymous with home improvement, but homeowners need not wait until the leaves begin changing colors to start planning their next projects. The following are a

few items homeowners can add to their fall home improvement to-do lists. Roof inspection Less precipitation tends to fall during the warmer months than during the late fall and winter. As a result, homeowners may not be aware of leaky roofs until autumn has come and gone. But waiting until winter to inspect the roof can prove disastrous, as weather conditions will not be conducive to inspection and increased precipitation may result in potentially costly damage. Leaky roofs can be easily identified by looking for water stains on

interior ceilings. Once you see a stain, you can climb onto the roof to identify the location of the leak and fix it before winter rains and snowfall turn the problem into something much larger. Inspect your ceilings for signs of leaking after a strong rainfall, and then address any leaks immediately. Gutter cleaning While some homeowners prefer to delay their gutter cleaning projects until late fall, those whose homes are surrounded by trees may need to schedule two such projects. Gutters clogged with leaves and

other debris can cause serious roof damage, and that damage can extend all the way inside a home. In addition, clogged gutters




make great nesting areas for insects or critters. Always stand on a ladder when cleaning gutters, wearing gloves to remove items by hand and dropping leaves and debris into a trash can below. Standing on the roof and leaning over gutters greatly increases your risk of injury. If the gutters are clear when you first examine them in early fall, you can wait until later in the season to give them a complete and thorough cleaning. Once you have finished clearing the gutters, you can use a hose to run water through them and the downspouts to confirm everything is functioning properly. Window and doorway inspection Before temperatures start dropping once again, homeowners will want to inspect their windows and doorways for leaks. Over time, cracks can develop around windows and doorways, and while such cracks are rarely noticeable when the weather outside is warm, they can be quite obvious and very costly if they remain unsealed come the start of winter. Cold air can enter a home through

cracks around windows and doorways, and many homeowners who don’t suspect leaks may respond by turning up the thermostats in their homes. That can prove quite expensive over a full winter. Choose a windy autumn day to place a hand by windows and external doorways in your home to see if you can feel drafts. If you can, seal these cracks as soon as possible. Patio cleanup Patios are popular hangouts during spring and summer, and that can result in a lot of wear and tear. Once you store patio furniture for the winter, inspect your entire patio to determine if it needs any refurbishing. While certain patio projects may be best left for spring, you can still clean any stained areas around the grill and look for cracks in the sidewalk that need to be addressed. Preparing for fall home improvement projects ahead of time can help homeowners complete projects in a timely manner and ensures they won’t be forced to brave the winter elements when refurbishing their homes.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016



s real estate prices continue to climb, the cost to trade up to a larger home is on the upswing across the country, especially as markets remain hampered by tight inventory levels. As a result, more and more Americans are choosing to renovate their current homes instead of relocating. In fact, some forecasts predict that 2015 renovation spending could exceed the record of $324 billion set during the peak of last decade's housing boom. While the hunt for more square footage can be challenging, homeowners shouldn’t feel like a costly


The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

second story or complete addition are the only options. Here are five great ways to create or optimize space in your existing home. 1. Finish an unfinished basement. A basement renovation can hold limitless potential and increase the resale value or income potential of your home. Think about the possibilities: a home theater, office, spare bedroom, basement apartment or recreation room. The key to doing it successfully is to focus on what’s behind the walls, especially since moisture is a common issue in basements. Choos-

ing the right insulation is critical. Look for products that are vapor permeable, dimensionally stable and mold and moisture resistant. Many contractors use Roxul Comfortboard IS semi-rigid sheathing board paired with Comfortbatt batt insulation to combat thermal bridging and protect against mold and mildew growth. An added benefit of this type of mineral wool insulation is that it’s also fire-resistant to 2,150 F. For interior walls and ceilings, Safe ‘n’ Sound insulation is ideal because of its ability to absorb noise and indoor traffic sounds, ensuring your newfound space is a peaceful one. 2. Create a more openconcept feel with light and color. If your home wasn’t blessed with towering windows, installing French doors and pot lights can encourage light to travel more freely, creating the illusion of space. Likewise, choosing a paint color for walls, trim and moldings that is lighter and cooler in tone (think soft grays or


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blues) will help to reflect light and give the room a more open feel. 3. Remove non-loadbearing walls. Homeowners have the opportunity to rethink the layout of their home by removing nonload-bearing walls. Removing structurally unnecessary walls can make your whole home feel larger, improve flow, lighting and the function of your home. 4. Convert your garage

into usable living or work space. For many homeowners, the garage becomes an overflow room for storage –– and is often a walk-in headache. Convert your garage (or a portion of it) into another living space, guest bedroom or home office. Install carpet and quality thermal insulation such as Roxul Comfortbatt to block outdoor noise and keep in warmth. 5. Choose furniture and

accessories carefully. Adopt a minimalist’s eye. Begin looking around your home for furniture or accessories that overwhelm the space. Interior designers recommend choosing low-profile or small-scale furniture for rooms with less square footage. Dual-purpose items, such as ottomans with storage chests inside, are a budget-friendly way to save on space while staying organized.

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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, September 14, 2016



hile new homes are being built to be more energy efficient than ever before, thanks to a growing green building movement and increasingly strict building codes, the age of existing dwellings continues to present challenges. More than 40 percent of the housing stock in the United States was built before 1969 and simply wouldn’t stand up to today’s standards. Yet, much can be done to help homeowners improve their building envelope to reduce energy use and increase efficiency. Improving your home’s energy efficiency can help save money, keep you more comfortable, reduce pollution, and prevent global warming. Try these five simple measures to maxi-

mize the energy efficiency of your home: 1. Seal cracks and gaps around your home’s windows, doors, and vents. These can be a considerable source of energy loss, allowing conditioned air to escape and unconditioned air to infiltrate your home, placing stress on your furnace and air conditioner in the process. An easy DIY solution is to caulk around windows, doors, and vents, and install or replace worn weatherstripping. An average home loses up to 30 percent of its energy through air leaks, so sealing your home is a worthwhile exercise. 2. Top up or replace old insulation in your attic. A poorly insulated attic is a primary source of energy loss. Also, over time, some

types of insulation can settle and compact, allowing heat to escape through gaps. Experts recommend installing a dimensionally stable batt insulation like a Roxul product called Comfortbatt. Aim for an r-value of at least R-50, or a depth of roughly 16 inches. 3. Insulate basement headers. Uninsulated basement headers are common, especially in older homes. They can act as a gateway for heated air to escape. Fixing the problem is fast and easy. Simply cut Comfortbatt stone wool insulation to fit the cavity and compress into place. Doing this throughout your basement will prevent heat loss and can potentially save hundreds of dollars each year. 4. Switch to LED light bulbs. Some LED light bulbs have a lifespan of up to 10 years, and are 80 to 90 percent more efficient than incandescent bulbs. They are generally more environmentally friendly than CFLs and safer, too, since they produce less

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he start of a new season is the perfect time to check some tasks off of your “to-do” list — whether it’s to get in shape or tackle at-home projects. If you’re planning on making some simple but effective changes at home, here are some tips on how to give your basement a total 180-degree makeover.

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specific problematic areas of energy loss. A professional home energy audit will also provide a list of recommended solutions to help you maximize your energy-efficiency strategy.



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heat. The return on investment is excellent, as LED bulbs often pay for themselves through energy savings within the first year. 5. Consider a home energy audit. This will help you identify and target

Soundproof it Installing acoustic insulation is the perfect excuse to crank up the subwoofer, host a get-together or let the kids run wild. Soundproofing is the ultimate solution to maximize your basement’s peace, quiet and privacy. Industry experts suggest using Roxul Safe n’ Sound, which effectively absorbs sound and is easy to work with.

Out with the old, in with a floor Installing a new floor or updating the existing one can improve the overall comfort level and look of your basement. Many unfinished basements have basic concrete flooring, which is cold year-round. Flooring options are endless — hardwood, laminate, cork and Berber flooring all add warmth to a basement bedroom or TV room; play mats are great for kids’ playrooms; and carpets are perfect to make any room feel more comfy and welcoming. Get creative with a fresh coat of paint Transform the dull and boring space into an inviting entertainment oasis or

a colorful playroom with a simple coat of paint. When considering the paint, think about what color will compliment your existing furniture. To add some drama, consider adding depth and visual interest to your space with a different colored accent wall. Accessorize it Throw pillows, rugs, lighting, and artwork are simple additions that can immediately enhance or change your basement’s look and feel. Pot lights can modernize, while art work and throw pillows can add a splash of color. Decide on a theme and color scheme for your room and keep your eye out for staple pieces that will make it feel like an entirely new space.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area



old weather can be tough on a home, and perhaps no part of a home is more vulnerable to harsh winter weather than its roof. Fallen snow can equate to several pounds of pressure placed on a residential roof. Roofs do not often collapse under heavy snowfall. But adverse winter weather conditions can compromise roofs in other ways. Water leakage and damage to the roof ’s interior are just two of the potentially problematic issues that can arise when roofs are battered by cold,

blustery weather. That’s why many home improvement specialists advise homeowners to conduct roof inspections prior to the start of winter. Many homeowners can conduct their own cursory roof inspections, but they may not know exactly what to look for. The National Roofing Contractors Association says that there are certain key areas to inspect that may reveal some telltale signs of roof damage. • Curled, cracked or missing shingles may prove troublesome. Inclement weather can test the

strength of even the most durable roofs. Even though many roofs are designed to last up to 30 years, some may need to be replaced early, particularly when they have been exposed to harsh weather over a period of years. Individual shingles can be replaced as spot treatments, but if the damage is widespread, a new roof may be necessary. • Attic leaks or water elsewhere might signal issues with the roof. Figure out if water inside the home is coming from the roof. Water stains do not always indicate problems

with the roofing, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. • Look for protective granules wearing off. If gutters are filled with the sandy granular material that coats roofing shingles, that may be a sign of an aging or damaged roof. • Inspect flashing. Professional roofers can recognize properly installed flashing, the material that connects the roof to other parts of the house that adjoin the roof, like skylights or a chimneys. Poorly installed flashing can cause leaks. Stains that appear below chimneys or near



ome renovation projects vary in scope. Something as simple as repainting a bedroom counts as a renovation project, as does a full kitchen remodel. But no matter how big or small a project, homeowners’ top priority should always be safety. Before beginning a project, make a list of possible hazards and how to avoid them. Here are some potential dangers that can spring up. • Asbestos: Many homes built when asbestos was legal still contain asbestos materials. Asbestos has been used in many applica-

tions, such as in ceiling materials, insulation, siding, and more. That’s because asbestos is flame retardant and serves as an effective and inexpensive insulator. However, asbestos fibers released into the air during renovations can cause respiratory problems and even lead to lung cancer. Asbestos needs to be removed under specific guidelines and disposed of properly. Disposal typically requires hiring a professional service. • Dust and dirt: Sanding, sawing, welding, and other home renovation tasks can cast debris into the air. Ventilation may be needed to maintain clean, breath-

able air. Ventilation can also shuttle any harmful fumes generated from construction materials outside of the home. Do-it-yourselfers should wear masks and eye protection to guard themselves against debris. • Electrical lines: All homes may not have been built in adherence to modern-day codes. Electric lines can be discovered where they are least expected. When doing demolition or drilling/nailing into walls, it’s not uncommon to come across electrical wires. Extra caution needs to be taken, and an electrician should be consulted if the wires need to be relocated.

• Chemicals: Chemicals, such as sealants, cleaners, lubricants, and fuel, may be used during renovation projects. Such substances can be dangerous to pets and children if they are touched or accidentally ingested. Exercise extreme caution when using chemical products, making sure

attic windows may indicate new flashing, and not new shingles, is needed. • Gutters and downspouts should be in good condition. A roof is the sum of its parts, and that includes downspouts and gutters. If the gutters are clogged or damaged, they cannot direct water away from the house properly. Snow, leaves and other debris needs to be cleared from gutters to help them function at optimal capacity. • Animals and insects can cause damage, too. It’s not just poor weather that

homeowners need to consider with regard to roof damage. Boring insects and animals may cause problems with roofs as well. A roof inspection may shed light on potential pest problems. Holes or nesting materials may indicate that an animal or animals are using the attic as a shelter from the elements. Get to the root of issues with your home’s roof before they become bigger problems once winter arrives. A thorough inspection can reveal problems that may prove costly if ignored.

all product containers are sealed and kept out of reach when not in use. • Tools: Cuts, abrasions, burns and more can result when power tools and even manual tools are used incorrectly. Learn how to use tools before beginning a project, and always put tools away when work is done for the day. • Falls: Falls are a leading

cause of household injury, and the chance of a fall may increase when climbing ladders during home improvement projects. Don’t climb beyond where indicated on ladders and always have a spotter on hand when climbing is necessary. Wear harnesses, sturdy footwear and gloves as well.

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Dolls, Dolls, Dolls Q: I am the executor of the estate of a woman who collected dolls for more than 50 years. I am overwhelmed by more than a thousand dolls, mostly stored in 10 glass-front china cabinets. Should I get them insured? Regular homeowners insurance will cover the collection

The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area auction houses in Chicago. Three include Direct Auction Galleries, Inc., 7232 North Western Ave., Chicago, IL 60645; Susanin's Auction House, 900 South Clinton St., Chicago, IL 60607; and Leonard Auctions, 1765 Courtland Court, Suite D, Addison, IL By Larry Cox 60101. for only $1,500, and I am Dawn Herlocher; and "The *** certain it is worth many Official Price Guide to Q: I have a copy of "The times that amount. How I Dolls" by Denise Van Fine Art of Walt Disney's can determine current values Patten. All are available at Donald Duck" by Carl Barks. and find a way to liquidate Contact It is a signed copy, No. 446 the collection. — Ellen, Palos your homeowners insurout of a press run of 1,875. Hills, Illinois ance agent and request a What is my book worth, and A: There are three refer- quote to expand the coverwhere can I sell it? — Nancy, ences that might be helpful: age for the collection. Rio Rancho, New Mexico "The 16th Blue Book: Dolls Since you want to liquiA: The book retails for and Values" by Jan Foulke; date the dolls, I recommend about $1,200, according to "200 Years of Dolls" by you investigate the excellent

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 information I found at It was published by Another Rainbow of Scottsdale, Arizona, in 1981. You might begin your quest to sell it by contacting used- and rare-book dealers in Albuquerque. Do not expect to be offered $1,200 for it, however, since that is the retail selling price. *** Q: I have three pieces of Roseville pottery. — Patricia, Fiskeville, Rhode Island A: Without seeing your Roseville pieces, I can't identify the pattern. What I can do is recommend one of the better references, " War man ' s R o s e v i l l e Pottery: Identification and

Price Guide" by Denise Rago and published by Krause Books. This reference is $24.99 and will help you identify the pattern of your three pieces along with current values. *** Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, or send e-mail to Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring return mail.

• On Sept. 18, 1793, George Washington lays the cornerstone to the United States Capitol. The building would take nearly a century to complete, as architects came and went, the British set fire to it, and it was called into use during the Civil War. • On Sept. 16, 1908, Buick Motor Company head William Durant spends $2,000 to incorporate General Motors. Durant made his fortune building horse-drawn carriages, and in fact he hated cars -- he thought they were noisy, smelly and dangerous. • On Sept. 14, 1927, dancer Isadora Duncan is strangled in France when the enormous silk scarf she is wearing gets tangled in the rear hubcaps of her open car. The scarf wound around the axle, tightening around Duncan's neck and dragging her from the car. She died instantly. • On Sept. 17, 1965, four adventurous Englishmen arrive at the Frankfurt Motor Show in Germany after crossing the English Channel by Amphicar, an amphibious

passenger car powered by a 43-horsepower Triumph Herald engine. Despite choppy waters and a flooded engine, the two vehicles made the crossing in about seven hours. • On Sept. 15, 1978, boxer Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay) defeats Leon Spinks to regain the world heavyweight boxing title. Ali had first won the title in 1964 at age 22, defeating Sonny Liston. • On Sept. 12, 1993, the rebuilt Lacey V. Murrow Bridge over Lake Washington opens in Seattle. The old bridge was almost 2 miles long and floated on more than 20 hollow concrete pontoons. During repairs in 1990, the bridge broke apart and sank. • On Sept. 13, 2004, TV talk-show host Oprah Winfrey gives a brand-new Pontiac G-6 sedan, worth $28,500, to all 276 members of her studio audience. However, the winners were left with a large bill: up to $6,000 in federal and state income taxes.

© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.






Borowiak’s IGA 1422 E. McCord • Centralia 618-532-1313

Mt. Vernon Eye Care Times Square Mall • Mt. Vernon 244-5522 or 1-888-800-EYES

Centralia Recreation Complex 115 E. 2nd St. • Centralia 618-532-3214

Steffy Home Furnishings, Inc. 700 S. 42nd St. • Mt. Vernon 618-242-3146

Centralia Home Center 1325 W. Broadway • Centralia 618-532-0429 VFW Post 2055 Ladies Auxiliary 1826 S. Pine St. • Centralia 618-532-9551 Farmers State Bank of Hoffman 255 S. Commercial Centralia • 532-2265 Tequila Mexican Restaurant 103 E. Broadway • Centralia 618-532-2023 Tequila Mexican Restaurant 1053 W. Broadway • Centralia 618-533-2270 American Legion Post 446 117 S. Poplar • Centralia 618-532-5910 S Security Finance of Centralia 211 W. Locust • Centralia 618-533-9101

Home Source Warehouse Highway 37 North • Mt. Vernon 618-204-5515 or 618-316-4978 King City Chrysler Center, Inc. 1603 Broadway St. • Mt. Vernon 618-242-6600 Ford Square of Mt. Vernon 1501 Broadway St. • Mt. Vernon 618-242-8600 Bean Insurance 1310 Broadway • Mt. Vernon 618-242-6017 Borowiak’s IGA 500 S. 10th St. • Mt. Vernon 618-242-2375 Heights Finance 2929 Broadway, Ste. 4 • Mt. Vernon 618-244-1156 Security Finance of Mt. Vernon 4805 Broadway St., Ste. B Mt. Vernon • 618-242-2040 Crystal Clear Pools 521 E. IL Hwy. 142 • Mt. Vernon 618-244-2772 Nature Trail Healthcare S.. 3 Vernon 1001 100 1S 34th 4th • Mt Mt. Ve Verno rnon rno n 618-242-5700 618 -24 242-5 242 2 5700 5700


Farmers State Bank Of Hoffman 255 S. Commercial Street Centralia • 618-533-4196


Farmers State Bank of Hoffman 85 E. St. Louis Street Hoyleton • 493-6510


Engel Bros., Inc. Off I-57, Turn East on Rt. 185 1/2 mile • Farina • 618-245-6551


Collision Specialists 1251 W. Whittaker • Salem 618-548-1314 Salem Township Hospital 1201 Ricker Drive • Salem 618-548-3194 Duis Sales Center 1706 E. Main St. • Salem 618-548-2922 Boulder Chevrolet - Buick Rt. 50, West Off I-57 • Salem 618-548-5500 Security Finance of Salem 1437 W. Whittker • Salem 618-548-6860


Meier Chevrolet-Buick 477 E. St. Louis • Nashville 618-327-0313 Si Vallet Auto Sales 861 N. Mill St. • Nashville 618-327-3000 Gutzlers Furniture And Flooring 811 Kaskaskia Street Nashville • 618-327-8412


Gary’s Outdoor Products 110 West Poplar St. • Odin 618-775-6446

© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED Unexpired — Any Type — Any Brand Will Pay Up To $10 / Box Call Ron 217-556-3398 Leave Callback Number “Helping Diabetics Since 2009”

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

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24 Hour Towing • 1-888-TOWMEOUT •

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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area


Ministries by: Cliff Sanders

A Heart God Blesses God delights in blessing. It is his nature to bless. He chose to bless the nation of Israel like no other nation. They would be his chosen people, his cherished possession to demonstrate his love to the nations. However, they soon took God’s gifts for granted and forgot the giver. Sin, idolatry, and wickedness dominated their hearts and land. The prophet Isaiah gave a word of warning and a wonderful promise from the Lord, “Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil . . . Come now and let us reason together,’ says the Lord, ‘though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you be willing and

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Mars, your ruling planet, helps you deal with career challenges in a way that reflects some of your own hidden strengths. This impresses some important decision-makers. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your strong Bovine will, combined with your romantic nature (you are ruled by Venus), helps turn a romance with a potential for problems into one with more-positive possibilities. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Mercury’s influence creates some unsettling moments, but nothing that you can’t live with. You’ll soon learn more about that major change that is about to be revealed. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Opportunities for you are like the phases of the Moon: constantly appearing and reappearing. So, cheer up. The opportunity you think you let slip by will be replaced by another. LEO (July 23 to August 22) An opportunity that you hoped would open up for you remains closed. Stop wasting time scratching at it. Something else you’ll like will soon make itself apparent and accessible. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Congratulations. You’ll soon hear some positive feedback for all the hard work you recently put into a project. A Pisces could soon swim into your personal life. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Someone whose friendship you felt you had to write off will try to revive

it. What you do is up to you. But don’t do it without giving it considerable thought. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A job-related plan might need to be reworked to allow for changes. Lucky for you that Saturn remains a strong influence that can help you focus on getting it done right. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) This is a good time to move into areas of self-discovery. You might be surprised about who you really are and how you really relate to those around you. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Expect to confront someone who will make an unwelcome request. Stand by your resolve to do the right thing no matter what “persuasion” might be offered. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A friendly competition could become more contentious than you expected. Take time out to discuss the reasons behind this unexpected change, and act accordingly. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You have a wonderful mind for solving mysteries, so you should feel confident about solving the one developing very close to you. An unlikely source offers help. BORN THIS WEEK: You’re a great host or hostess. You love being with people, and you’re very good about planning all sorts of social events that bring folks together. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

obedient, you shall eat the good of the land: But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword.” (Isaiah 1:16-20) If we as individuals and a nation want God’s abundance, we must have a heart that God blesses. A HEART WASHED FROM SIN. Sin separates us from God. “But your iniquities have separated you from your God and your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:1-2) A pastor in Great Britain felt impressed to find the worst sinner in the village and tell him about Jesus. Not knowing many great sinners, he asked the first person he saw on the street corner if he knew where he could find the worst person in the village. The man said, “Go down to number seven, knock on the door, and you will

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 find him.’ The pastor did so. When the man opened the door the pastor said, “I was told you were the worst person in the village. I have something I must say to this person. Are you he?” The man replied, “No I am not the worst person. Go down to the last house on this street and you shall find him.” The pastor knocked on the door and said “I have something to say to the worst person in the village. I’m told it is you. Are you he?” The man was shocked. “Wife, tell him.” “No,” she said, “You tell him.” The man said to the pastor, “I’ve been drinking for 12 weeks. I’ve got the DT’s and have pawned all in the house worth pawning. I said to my wife, ‘Lass, this thing has got to stop and if it doesn’t, I’ll go and drown myself.’ And then you knocked on the door. What do you have to say?” The pastor replied, “I’m here to tell you that Jesus Christ is the greatest Savior and the he can make out of the worst man one of the best man.” The pastor asked the man to kneel and pray. Not only was he saved from his sins, but he became a radiant, prosperous Christian. If we repent and confess our sins, we have God’s promise.

“They shall be as white as snow and be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:1618; I John 1:9) A WILLING HEART. “If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” (Isaiah 1:19) Jesus surrendered to his Father’s will. David prayed for a willing heart. (Psalm 51:10-12) Jesus fulfilled this prophecy, “Then said, ‘I, lo, I come. (In the volume of the book, it is written of me.) To do your will, O, God.” (Hebrews 10:7; Psalms 40:7) God blesses a willing heart – a heart surrendered to him. A WHOLLY OBEDIENT HEART. Is partial obedience true obedience? King Saul thought it was. But the prophet Samuel declared, “To obey is better than sacrifice.” (I Samuel 15:22) As we mature in Christ we learn immediate obedience to God. Do you have a heart God blesses? “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7) Shalom, Cliff Sanders Eagle Life Ministries

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

and claws PAWS A Page Dedicated To Our Four-Footed Fuzzy Children.

Caring for Stray Cats DEAR P AW ’ S CORNER: I have a couple of stray cats that I put out food for each day. They must live in the woods behind my house. I’ve tried to lure them inside so I can take them to the vet to get spayed or neutered, but they’re too wary for that. Ultimately I’d like to take them in as pets. Is that realistic? — Gary in Tampa, Florida DEAR GARY: Taming a feral cat — and these two appear to be feral from your description — is really unlikely. The fact that they come around for food at the same time every day is pretty good,

but I don’t think you’ll ever get them to the point where they will be relaxed, indoor cats. However, getting them spayed or neutered is a good idea. So how do you manage to do that when they won’t come inside? First, you can contact the local shelter or a veterinarian to find out if this is feasible. For example, a university study in central Florida lasting several years looked at the local feral cat population, as well as the effects of a trap-and-release program in which cats were spayed or neutered and released back into their roaming territor y. A similar program could be available in your area, although you may need to trap the cats yourself (by luring them into a live trap with food, for example) and bring them in for treatment. Bringing feral cats into a household with tame

Washington County Animal Control’s


3. Liberty is a spayed female mixed breed.

Washington County Animal Control 17990 Richview Road Nashville, IL 62263



618-327-9471 Hours: Mon-Sat. 8:00-1:00

trying to get them medical care to keep the feral cat population from growing is a good thing to do.


FOUND Beautiful, friendly cat found east of Centralia. Please call 618-532-6941 to claim.

© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.


Raise Your Paw If You Want Your Picture Taken! Send us a cute photo of your fuzzy child and we may print it in our next edition of Paws & Claws. Send photos to P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to Or drop your photo by our office at 301 E. Broadway, Centralia.

Pets Of The Week

1. This is a lost dog.

4. Caesar is a neutered male mixed breed.

housecats can be a recipe for disaster. Territorial spats, potential diseases and other problems could quickly arise. For now, feeding these cats and

Centralia Animal Shelter’s

Pets In Need 2. This is a nice black male kitten, one of two black, male kittens available.


The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

1. These are two young, female kittens. They are both very friendly and litter box trained. 2. This is a young, torti, female kitten. She is full of personality. 3. This is a young female. She is litter box trained and very playful. 4. These are two young female kittens. They are both super friendly and love attention. Residents of the City of Centralia who own a dog or cat are required to purchase a city tag for each animal. They can be purchased at City Hall. Failure to purchase this tag can result in a $150.00 fine. If you are interested in a Pet of the Week, or any animal, call 533-7647 or visit the Centralia Animal Shelter. Directions to the shelter are as follows: Turn south at the intersection of Hwy. 161 E. (McCord) and Airport Rd. Go 1-1/2 miles, then turn left on Copple Rd. Go 1/2 mile to Woods Lane, turn left to shelter on left. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday.

ADOPT AN ANIMAL, SAVE A LIFE! Visit Us On Petfinder: Visit Us On Facebook:





House Of Hope

centralia humane society 1. Thumper is a one-year-old, male Chiweenie. He is very loyal and loves people. He is neutered, potty trained, microchipped, and current on shots. 2. Ziggy is a five-year-old, male DLH. He is very friendly and loves his back end rubbed. He is neutered, potty trained, microchipped, and current on shots.



3. Levi is a five-year-old, male Beagle. He is very protective and would be a great guard dog. He is neutered, potty trained, microchipped, and current on shots. 4. Sammy is a five-year-old, male Bassett Hound mix. He loves to run and would enjoy a fenced in backyard. He also loves kids and would a great family pet. Sammy is neutered, microchipped, and current on shots. Please consider adopting any of these Centralia orphans; it really does save lives. Every time you adopt a pet, you help us save another! If you can give these or other cats or dogs a good home please contact the Centralia Humane Society House of Hope, 8190 Shattuc Road, Centralia.






The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 • 9:00 – 4:00 P.M. • BRYAN MEMORIAL PARK • FREE PARKING • FREE ADMISSION For more information, call the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce at 548-3010 Apples and Cider • Craft Fair and Flea Market • Food Concessions Pony Rides • Bouncy House • Games For The Kids

10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. LIVE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Jamie Nattier Band 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Herman Perry & The Gold Nuggets Sponsored by Marion County Savings Bank & The Rusty Nail

12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. SO. IL ELITE TUMBLERS & CHEER 10:00 A.M. – 10:30 A.M. APPLE DESSERT CONTEST Entries will be accepted at Shelter #8 between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. with judging at 10:30. Your entries will be returned after the judging


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Wednesday, September 14, 2016


the shoppers

Legals Antiques Arts & Crafts Announcements Adoptions Auctions Business & Services Computers & Services Financial Services


201 Business & Services

Alton Warehousing & Storage 10x10, 10x20, 12x30 Self Storage. Also, Warehouse & Office Space Available for Rent by Month or Year. 2235 E. McCord, Centralia (Next to Airport)




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Construction & Home Improvement

LOGSDON CONSTRUCTION & HOME REPAIR Rehabs • Electrical Plumbing • Roofing Concrete • Flatwork Over 30 Years Experience

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GEM Decorating, Inc. Owner: Alan Minor 301 W. Chestnut, Odin




Lawn & Garden

• Bulk Seeds • Grass Seeds • Bird Seeds & Feeders Come See Us For Your Lawn & Garden Needs

Maco Elevator

418 N. Oak • Centralia TFN 532-6779

FOR SALE: 42" Poulan Pro mower, 19½ HP independent front suspension, good cond., 3 yrs. old, comes with spare belts, $750. Call 618-322-7900 9-14 MUMS ARE READY!

You dig $2.50 ea., potted $4.50 ea. Many different varieties. From Mt. Vernon, take 142 south to Opdyke. Turn right on Lighthouse Ln. Follow signs. Closed Sundays. 10-19


Houses For Sale

Lusch Excavating FOR SALE: 4BR house, & Sanitation family room w/fireplace, Install • Pump Service Aerators & Septic Tanks



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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

2 story over a basement, zoned for business, and in high traffic area w/ extra parking, all offers considered, in Centralia. 618-780-5077 9-28

602 Furniture & Appliances FOR SALE: Beautiful, round, wood, pedestal, dining room table and 4 high back chairs, excellent cond., $200 o.b.o. Call 618-918-2070 9-14

Accounts Payable

302 Auto & Trucks For Sale

We are looking for an individual to join our team in the Salem area!

FOR SALE: 2002 Chevy Silverado 1½ ton pickup, 4 Dr., ext. cab, shortbed, 156K mi., runs and drives great, asking $5,500 o.b.o. Call 618-367-4975, ask for David. 9-21

Experience preferred but not necessary in A/P, A/R, Health/Vehicle/Building Insurance and must have business office skills such as answering phones, waiting on customers etc. Please send resume to: Box AA c/o The Shoppers Weekly PO Box 1223 Centralia, IL 62801 9-14


Help Wanted

September 16th from 10am-2pm at the Comfort Suites at 404 S. 44th St. in Mt. Vernon. Seeking Direct Support Professionals to work with adults with disabilities. Starting pay up to $11/hour. Apply online at

100 101 102 103 104 200 201 202 203

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Construction & Home Improvement Lawn & Garden Buildings for Sale/Rent Houses For Sale Houses For Rent Apartment For Rent Mobile Homes For Rent Mobile Homes For Sale Business Property Lots & Acreage

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Wanted To Buy


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FOR SALE: 2003 Chrysler Sebring convertible, 146,xxx mi., new motor and tires, runs good, handicapped controls, $4,000; 2 wheelchairs, 1 electric wheelchair, 2 stool chairs, 2 bath chairs, Centralia. 618-532-1388 9-21

FOR SALE: Memory quilts made with your sports and organization T-shirts. Call Nancy 618-548-6122 9-28

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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

OUR AREA Businesses





Holsapple Motors


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HOYLETON PARK APTS. Hoyleton IL! Call Candy (618) 533-3171 *This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer*

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NEXT AUCTION: MONDAY, September 19 Cattle auctions are held 1st & 3rd Monday of each month. Sunday check-in hours are 1-6 p.m. Mark Barnard Wayne City 618-895-2418

Ben Klebba Mt. Vernon 618-735-2503




RV, SPORT, REC & GUN CONSIGNMENT SALE, SAT., OCT. 8, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. Please get gun permits to buy, prior to sale. Consign early by Sept. 23, 2016 for complete advertising. Next Machinery Consignment Sale is Nov. 14, 2016. Gilbert’s Sale Yard, LLC, 641-398-2218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



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Miscellaneous For Sale Education –––––––––––––––––––––––––

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