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301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, Illinois 62801
Vol. 29 No. 41
Schwartz Apple Fest
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Celebrate Centralia Wine & Music Fest
Bankruptcy Repossessions Late Payments No Problem For Us We Finance
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Every once in awhile we would muster the guts to call him up, but it was a long-distance call and the wait times could be long, so we stopped. Soon, along came a 24-hour sports radio station with a 1-800 number, so we gradually drifted over to that station. Oh, and we made calls, too. We often would call Howie Rose, now the Mets and Islanders announcer, and each time we would give him a running count of how we were "long-time listeners (the show had been on less than a month), 27th time caller." Oh, how zany we were. Nowad ays, I love Michael Kay's interview show, and without a doubt, the funniest sports talk show I have ever heard has been in Dallas, where the morning crew at The Ticket keep me in stitches. YouTube "Donald Trump vs. Mark Cuban" or "Michael Irvin's School Closing" and you'll see what I mean. Classic stuff. Art Rust, Jr. slipped this vale of tears in 2010, joining his beloved Edna in the great ball orchard in the sky. His sign off is something I will never forget, and it works aptly here: "Yesterday's a canceled check, tomorrow is a promissory note and today is all the time we have, so spend it wisely."
To understand everything makes one tolerant. –Germaine de Staël
Talk, Talk, Talk
LLoaded d d PPotato t t Ski Skins
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with Zesty Queso
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Just once, I would like to hear someone call in to a sports-radio talk show and announce that he's a "first time listener, last time caller" and then proceed to unleash a torrent of criticism regarding whatever topic comes to mind. I suppose that it's meant as some sort of flattery toward the host of the show, but I'm thinking it means something else, a deep-seated need for attention from the guy behind the microphone. What else could it possibly be? And, you know, the caller gets the attention he craves because what's the host gonna say? He's gonna say "thank you" because the listeners are the ones who make his job possible. As a kid, I grew up listening to "Art Rust, Jr. Sports Talk" on 770 WABC in New York. The guy was a living encyclopedia of sports (and jazz) knowledge. His show began in 1981, when he was supposed to do a pre-game intro duction of the Yankees game. Then, when the players went on strike,
By Chris Richcreek
Paid for by citizens to Re-Elect Patty Brough
1. Name the last team before the Toronto Blue Jays in 2015 to have two winning streaks of at least 11 games in the same season? 2. In 2015, Texas pitcher Yovani Gallardo became the fourth native of Mexico to win at least 100 majorleague games. Name two of the first three to do it. 3. In what sport other than football is legendary running back Jim Brown a member of a Hall of Fame?
WABC made perhaps one of the best decisions in modern radio history by keeping him on the air for three hours straight, "talking about sports" with his lone producer, Steve Malzberg (himself now a successful broadcaster). And he was the only sports talk radio show in the entire tri-state area. That's inconceivable in today's world. Wi t h o u t " A r t h u r George," as he called hims elf, I probably wouldn't be a sports writer or journalist. He would weave stories about Sonny Liston, Ali and Rocky Marciano seamlessly into yarns about Joe DiMaggio and George Selkirk. He made me understand the intricacies of baseball far better than any coach I ever had. We always knew who listened, too. When we played football in the backyard, a good quarterback was really able to "fling that leather." A great wiffleball pitcher could "hum that rock," and a Mark Vasto is a veteran home-run hitter could sportswriter who lives in always be counted on to New Jersey. "poke that pea right out of the patch." All terms em© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. ployed by Art Rust, Jr. 4. In 2015, Denzel Valentine became the fourth player in Michigan State men's basketball history to have a tripledouble in a game. Name two of the first three to do it. 5. Which country has won the most Ice Hockey World Championships? 6. In 2016, bowler Jesper Svensson, 20, became the youngest player to win the PBA's Tournament of Champions. Who had been the youngest? 7. Between 2000 and 2016, how many horses won the first two races ( K e n t u c k y D e r b y, Preakness Stakes) of the Triple Crown?
Answers 1. The Cleveland Indians, in 1954. 2. Fernando Valenzuela (173 victories), Esteban Loaiza (126) and Ismael Valdez (104). 3. The Lacrosse Hall of Fame. 4 . Ma g i c Jo h ns on , Draymond Green and Charlie Bell. 5. The combined Soviet Union/Russian team has 27 world championships. Canada has 26. 6. Marshall Holman was 21 when he won the event in 1976. 7. Seven -- War Emblem (2002), Funny Cide ('03), Smarty Jones ('04), Big Brown ('08), I'll Have Another ('12), California Chrome ('14) and American Pharoah ('15). © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
letters to the editor
atty Brough, your current Marion County Supervisor of Assessments, embodies the position by proven professionalism, dedication and experience. Ms. Brough is the current President of the Chief County Assessment Of f icer Association which includes all Illinois Counties. She has earned the highest Assessment Designation by the Illinois Property Assessment Institute and is involved in several assessment related committees which are set up to regulate and protect all taxpayers and their rights. She is a committee member of the Il linois Oi l and Gas Committee and has assisted in writing legislation to protect your community on recent Oil Fracking Issues. Ms. Brough is revered as an esteemed member of our
Association due to these qualities. The position of Supervisor of Assessments must be held by an individual that is an expert in the Ma n d at e d S t at u t o r y Regulations of the Department of Revenue, has an understanding of Mass Appraisal and a proven track record of commitment. Ms. Brough exemplifies the highest level of these qualities to continue to uphold her position as your Marion C ounty Supervisor of Assessments. Chad Coady, Christian County Supervisor Kindal Eastin, Clay County Supervisor Linda Mensing, Clinton County Supervisor Hope Weber, Crawford County Supervisor
speakOUT letters to the editor
n what world is it permissible or wise to allow foxes and wolves to be in control of chicken farms? No political party— ruling or otherwise— should be in charge of reorganizing and manipulating voting districts. Only a completely impartial entity, which has no hatchets to hone or has no need for feathers to adorn their headwear, should have the authority to reorganize voting districts. Not only is it a conflict of interests for political parties to reorganize their districts, it is a discriminatory practice. Supposedly, the constitution of the United States is meant to discourage discrimination and promote unbiased fairness. Evidently, judges, lawyers, and politicians have a different view. Larry W. Morgan Dix, IL _________________ Send your letters to the editor to: Shopper’s WeeklySpeak Out, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or e-mail
us at info@theshoppersweekly. com. The Shopper’s Weekly reserves the right to edit content
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area Ashley Keach, Cumberland County Supervisor
Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty--they merely move it from their faces into their hearts. –Martin Buxman
Sheila Schnepper, Edwards County Supervisor Pamela Braun, Effingham County Supervisor
2 Locations To Serve You!
Cindi Lotz, Fayette County Supervisor Cindy Humm, Franklin County Supervisor Mark Becker, Hamilton County Supervisor Melinda Clark, Henderson County Supervisor Paul Woods, Jasper County Supervisor Stephanie Kennedy, LaSalle County Supervisor Linda Kissel, Lawrence County Supervisor
Low Priced Lunches Starting at
Ray Durston, Montgomery County Supervisor
$ 99
PLus Tax
Marlene Waggoner, Shelby County Supervisor
Thursday Any Flavor
Jennifer Gomric-Minton, St Clair County Supervisor he Downto At T tion on wn ly: o l ca
Jeffery Robinson, Williamson County Supervisor of any published letter. Your letters must have your signature and an address and phone number where you can be reached before publication. The Shopper’s Weekly reserves the right to not publish any letter. The views expressed here are not necessarily the opinions of this publication.
Pitcher of Margaritas
1053 W. Broadway • Centralia (Fairview Park Plaza)
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American Legion Post 446
Advance tickets can be purchased from the American Legion, Shopper’s Weekly or from any member.
Advance: $20 Single / $35 Couple Day of: $25 / $40 At The Door
117 S. Poplar St., Centralia, IL
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
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STION E U Q OF THE Whatʼs your favorite thing about Schwartzʼs Apple Fest? Peggy Johnson
The dancing. (She won first place!)
Alisa Mostly playing games.
Riley The people.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
The fourth annual Celebrate Centralia Festival of Art, Wine and Music was held last Saturday in downtown Centralia. The 300 block of East Broadway was blocked off and vendors lined both sides of the street. Vendors included many unique and interest-
Saturday, October 8, Schwartz Orchards held their Apple Fest at the Centralia location. It drew a nice crowd with a lot of attractions for the children including bouncy houses,
ing art forms. Also, wineries, craft beer and food stands served the crowd. The east end of the block featured musical entertainment. The festival began at 4:00, and the crowd grew and completely filled the block as the evening progressed.
Shopper's Weekly Staff Photos
CCYC MURAL UNVEILING AND CULTURAL ART SHOW There will be a mural unveiling and cultural arts show at the Centralia Community Youth Center located at 1224 E. Rexford St. in Centralia on Saturday, October 15, from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. There will be numerous local artists who have volunteered time into the mural project. In addition to the mural, there will be many other works of art on display and for sale. There will be 15 individuals honored with several of them in attendance including, David Blackwell, noted in the field of math; Jim Brady, White House press secretary for President Ronald Reagan; Chad Beguelin, four time Tony nominee; Roland Burris, attorney general and U.S. senator; Ken Coleman, Silicon Valley computer ex-
ecutive; Jim Evers, former CHS football, basketball, and track coach; Dike Eddleman, considered the greatest U of I athlete; Gary Gaetti, Major League Baseball player; Bobby Joe Mason, member of the Harlem Globetrotters; Bill Norwood, first black commercial airline pilot; David Patrick, U.S. Olympics Team; Jay Niepoetter, President Own Band; Rick Swartzlander, Hollywood Television producer; Nancy Scranton, Women's PGA; and Herb Williams, NCAA Division I Basketball coach. Local artists have painted life size murals of each individual and after the unveiling, the mural will be mounted on the outside south wall of the Centralia Youth Center. Refreshments will be provided. For any questions, call 618-532-6530.
Shopper's Weekly Staff Photos
AMERICAN LEGION POST 446 2ND ANNUAL WINE TASTING Just around the corner is the 2nd Annual Wine Tasting at the American Legion located at 117 S. Poplar Street in downtown Centralia. Plan now to join in the fun. Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 22, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. There will be food, wine, beer, door prizes, music, 50/50 drawings and an auction (live and silent) by an auctioneer of Robbin Ottolini Auction Services and Sales.
Honoring Those That Served PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE
games, face paintings, a straw maze, lots of food and goodies plus much more. This year they included a ne w "pick-your-ow n pumpkin patch."
Locally Owned and Operated Old Hwy. 51 North • Centralia • 532-6122
Some of the auction items will be gift baskets, massage gift certificates, art collectible coins, jewelry, wine sets, wine racks, collectible Roger Maris baseball card, a Mike Ditka autographed jersey and much more. Tickets are available at the American Legion Post, the Shoppers Weekly Papers located at 301 E. Broadway in Centralia or from any post member. Tickets in advance cost $20 single, $35 couple; at the door $25 single, $40 couple.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Ministries by: Cliff Sanders
The Great I Am It’s a long way from a palace in Egypt to a pasture in Midian. For 40 years Moses had been a shepherd of his father-in-law’s sheep in the desert. As Moses was tending to his sheep, he saw a burning bush that was not consumed. Drawing near, God spoke to him out of the burning bush. The Lord commissioned Moses to go back to Egypt and tell Pharaoh, “’Let my people go.’ Moses replied, ‘Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel and I shall say unto them the God of your fathers has sent me unto you’ and they shall say unto me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say unto them?’ And God said unto Moses, ‘I AM that I AM!’” (Exodus 3:1-14) What kind of name is “I AM that I AM”? What can we learn from the great I AM? I AM THAT I AM! In
Hebrew this phrase means, “I am self-existent, I am the eternal God. I am the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” He reveals, “I am the cause of all things. I shall be what I shall be. I shall cause what I shall cause to be.” God was saying nothing happens by accident, but only by His divine will and wisdom. God was saying, “No man will be able to fully comprehend or fathom Me.” I AM JESUS! In the scripture we see Jesus throughout. Jesus made an eye-opening, jaw-dropping declaration, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” (John 8:58) John’s gospel further revealed, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1-4) Moses saw the angel of the Lord in the burning bush. “And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of the
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area bush.” (Exodus 3:2) The angel of the Lord was the Redeeming Angel – Jesus Christ himself, the pre-incarnate Christ. Moses worshipped him. The Lord revealed the true name of the living God to Moses, not YHWH, but “Yeshua” – Jesus, the name we can all call upon. Once you see Jesus you can never be the same. Paul saw Him in a blinding light on the road to Damascus and he was never the same. (Acts 9:3-5) I AM’S OF JESUS. In the gospel of John, Jesus repeated, “I AM” seven different times. “I AM the resurrection. I AM the way. I AM the bread of life. I AM the truth. I AM the life. I AM the light of the world. I AM the first and the last.” Jesus is constantly who He says He is and He never changes. You can rest secure in the One who is the Great I AM. I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE. (John 6:30-35) The Jewish people knew the story of God’s provision of manna from heaven for their forefa-
thers. In the New Testament Jesus multiplied the bread and fish for the crowd in the wilderness and miraculously fed over 5,000 people. But Jesus revealed to those clamoring for a miraculous sign that He was the Bread of Life, who alone could satisfy their spiritual hunger. (John 6:3035) Jesus then made it very clear concerning the difference between the bread of Moses and the Bread of Life. “Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh.” (John 6:47-55) Jesus was referring to His atoning sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world. A business card that I often hand out says, “If you don’t like the way the cookie crumbles, TRY THE BREAD OF LIFE – JESUS.” Jesus is the Great I AM. He is everything you need in life. Shalom, Cliff Sanders Eagle Life Ministries
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
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What a week, starting with last Tuesday's vice presidential debate on October 4 between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence. After watching the whole thing, I found Tim Kaine to be the perfect running mate for Hillary Clinton. He was rude, arrogant and obnoxious, all rolled up in one. Clinton and Kaine are indeed two peas in a pod, as my grandmother would say. The whole evening showed Kaine to be exactly what I expected of someone that would run on the same ticket with Clinton. The mind blower of the evening was when the statement was made that Hillary Clinton was the best one to beat terrorism. Go figure! Hillary Clinton was part of the team in the Barack Obama administration when ISIS came to be, and all this administration did was create more problems by not dealing with reality, drawing their red lines, and calling this murderous pack of Muslim extremists nothing more than a JV team. At this point all I have to say is they are one hell of a JV team. But back to the debate. Mike Pence, Donald Trump's running mate, was the only grown-up in the room and far superior to Kaine. Next up from last week... Monday at a rally in Michigan came the awkward moment when on a rare occasion a Clinton told the truth, and that was on Obamacare. Even though there has been much criticism on the Affordable Care Act, the last criticism came from an unexpected individual, Bill Clinton. He said, "You've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care, and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half, and it's the craziest thing in the world." Then he went on to say, "But the people getting killed in this deal are the small
business people and individuals who make just a little bit too much to get any of these subsidies." But adding to Clinton's remarks, let me personally assure you many of those that do qualify and that are getting Obamacare aren't getting any kind of bargain, and yes, I'm saying proper care. I'm so glad Bill Clinton recognizes this administration's mess that his wife is part of. Now on to Donald Trump's indefensible comments. But I will point out these comments were made in 2005 and the liberal media has certainly taken advantage of that to keep the focus off their girl, especially in the same time frame comments from Hillary Clinton have surfaced where she said she couldn't identify with the average person because of the fortune she and Bill enjoy and that her dream is to welcome open borders and open trade. Oh, and let's not forget her statement that Wall Street would best know how to fix Wall Street. People, open borders and open trade will be the kiss of death for America as we know it! So surely if the bought and paid for liberal media can flush out a disgusting old locker room tape on Donald Trump, they can track down the missing 33,000 emails — some putting our national security in jeopardy — that Hillary Clinton lost. The question now popping up: Is there time to replace Donald Trump on the ticket? The answer is NO. In the end on this subject, I'm not defending Trump's statement from 11 years ago, but my question is how can anyone defend Hillary Clinton who is as corrupt as they come! The bottom line is I'm much more concerned about what Hillary Clinton has done than what Donald Trump has said, even though I don't like what he has said and wish he hadn't. Donald Trump did apologize
for his lewd comment, but I don't recall any apology from Bill or Hillary to Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers or any of the other women that were abused by Bill Clinton, as well as Hillary Clinton and her threats. Nor do I recall Hillary Clinton apologizing to the four families of those that died in Benghazi. And that's just a start. On to Sunday night's second presidential debate in St. Louis, MO, which was a town hall format. The first question to Trump out of the box was on the locker room banter; he handled it well and took full responsibility. Then it went to Clinton, and of course, in typical Clinton fashion, she went on the attack and talked about him not apologizing. Then on the missing emails, her answer to destroying classified email was that it was a mistake. That's not good enough. When asked about her public and private views she skirted the issue, and said (amazing, her favorite phrase) "I don't remember" or "As I recall." Again as the night rolled on, Hillary took credit, as she has a number of times, for children having insurance. This wasn't her bill but Ted Kennedy's. The whole debate went in the same fashion. Who won the back and forth bantering? At the close, I think Donald Trump stopped the bleeding; she didn't knock him out. He's still in the race! If you listened to Fox News Tuesday morning, Trump won. If you watched and listened to CNN, MSNBC, ABC or NBC, Hillary won! In my opinion, it was a draw. The nastiest in this race is the liberal media. To comment on this or any column in The Shopper’s Weekly, please mail to: Editor, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia IL 62801, email to or drop it off at the office on 301 E. Broadway. In order for your letter to be considered for publication, you must provide your signature and an address and phone number where you can be reached. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
–Frank Crane
Centralia Recreation Complex
18th Annual
On Monday, October 17, there will be a free Lunch and Learn seminar hosted by Centralia Estates in Centralia featuring guest speaker Lisa Crouch, MBA, RN, HNBS. The Lunch and Learn will begin at 11:30 a.m. The topic will be Relaxing, Nurturing and Energy Therapy. The event is open to the public but please RSVP by Thursday, October 13, by calling 618-533-2400 or email Centralia Estates is located at 1916 E. McCord St. in Centralia, IL. What you want to be eventually, that you must be every day; and by and by the quality of your deeds will get down into your soul.
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Saturday, October 29th, 2016 9:00am to 3:00pm Admission: $1.00 Come to Historic Downtown Centralia, IL and visit our Complex and see the beautiful crafts at our Fall Craft Fair and enjoy all of the the “Fall Festival” activities on the streets.
Shoppers Weekly staff photo
Recently, The Rock Church located at 515 Airport Road, Centralia, broke ground on a new addition. The Rock Family Life Center, a 19,000 square foot building, will contain a gym, dining area, kitchen, classrooms, stage, rest rooms and a game room.
The motivation behind this addition was to create a place for kids and teens in the community to enjoy w hi le maint aining a Christian atmosphere. Administrative Pastor Short Sledge will be heading up a national program, Upward Basketball League,
a youth based basketball program that will operate in the new gym. Pastor Steve Upchurch expects completion in late spring of 2017. The Rock Church services are Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., and Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Attention Crafters: If you are interested in displaying your Crafts, our booth spaces are almost 10x10 for $30 or 10x20 for $50. Contact Jan at the Centralia Recreation Complex at (618) 532-3214. PARKING AVAILABLE BEHIND THE RECREATION COMPLEX
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w w w. c o m m u n i t y t r u s t b k . c o m
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO AT BALLOONS OVER MT. VERNON Hot air balloons will take to the skies in Mt. Vernon, Illinois on Friday, October 14, through Sunday, October 16! See the balloons glowing each
night thanks to Knapp Propane and Crossroads Community Hospital. Nightly tether rides are available thanks to Country Financial. See numerous
classic cars at the expanded car show sponsored by First Mid-Illinois Bank on Saturday. Check out all the f u n at ht t p : / / w w w. BalloonsOverMtVernon.
com Be on hand Saturday morning for the U.S. Bank Duck Drop at the airport lake. Afterward, feast on pancakes topped with a
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CENTRALIA Centralia Recreation Complex KC Workforce Center • Poplar Farm Fresh • Poplar Corner Cafe Dan’s Meat Market Blue Goose Liquors Bandy’s Pharmacy Phillips 66 Borowiak’s IGA Fireside House Bell Tower Inn Maytag Laundry Farm Fresh • Noleman Long John Silvers
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Centralia Manor CARLYLE YLE The Shoppers Weekly Super Value alue Central City Citgo Carlyle IGA Tequila’s • By The RR Tracks Carlylee Laundry Byrd Watson • Shopping Center
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wide assortment of specialty toppings at the United Way Pancake Breakfast inside the Koziara Terminal. Watch celebrity “flippers” compete for the coveted “Golden Frying Pan” during the breakfast! See history come alive on the flightline as an impressive assortment of Vietnam era aircraft will be on display. Don’t miss a special Salute to Vietnam Era Veterans on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. The ceremony will include a keynote address by Lt. Colonel Ted Buck (USAF Retired), Rifle Salute and TAPS by American Legion Post #141 Honor Guard, and a multi ship helicopter fly over provided by Kash Helicopter Services and Black Diamond Aviation. After the ceremony, a photo of all Vietnam era veterans will be taken in front of several Vietnam
era aircraft. A Douglas AC-47 Gunship “Spooky”, Douglas AD-5 “Skyraider / Sandy”, and Cessna O2A “Bird Dog” are scheduled to appear. EAA Chapter 1155 Pilots will be offering free Young Eagle Flights for youth from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Flights are available on a first come, first served basis to children ages 8-17. The child must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or guardian must complete and sign an application/waiver prior to the flight. Additional weekend activities include remote control boat racing at the airport lake, inflatable and an aviation education zone for the kids, a concert by the Presswoods, and much, much, more. There will also be a variety of vendor an d c r af te r b o ot hs . Admission and parking are f ree t hroug hout t he weekend!
OFFICE HOURS: For Your Convenience Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 6 pm 1st & 3rd Saturday of Every Month 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Ages 2 Years and Up
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Hudson/Gray Insurance 205 - 207 E. Third St. • Centralia • 532-4724
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
CENTRALIA PROJECT PRIDE AUGUST WINNERS Project Pride is a seasonal neighborhood recognition program sponsored by Keep Centralia Beautiful. The recognition is presented to homes and businesses that have made a notable contribution to their neighborhood through beautification and upkeep of their property. The City of Centralia has been divided into eight sections. One home in each section, along with one local business, will be presented with this honor during the months of May through December. This award is to those contributing to the beautification of their neighborhood. This year’s committee will make their tours around the city to choose the homes and one business each month. The homes chosen will be provided a sign for their yard for that month, a certificate and recognition in the Shoppers Weekly.
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Thank you in advance for making a dedicated commitment to this program and your neighborhood. More people are taking pride in their yards and neighborhoods by putting time and effort into making their property a true asset to the community. After their hard work, they can enjoy the fruits of their toil and perhaps be recognized for helping make Centralia beautiful one neighborhood at a time. Centralia Clean and Green recently chose the properties pictured below as winners in the Project Pride program. Please feel free to call MiMi at 618-3224483 with the names and addresses of individuals you feel deserve this award. Thanks for helping Keep Centralia Beautiful. Pictured are the August 2016 winners.
We must care for each other more, and tax each other less. –Bill Archer
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area Oct. 12, 2016 - Oct. 18, 2016 Volume 29, Number 41
the shoppers
The Shopper’s Weekly Inc.
Copyright ©2016. All Rights Reserved.
A Weekly Publication of
Located at 301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223 Centralia Illinois 62801 Telephone (618)533-7283 Fax (618)533-7284 email: website:
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Publisher / Editor Cathy Stuehmeier General Manager John Stuehmeier Advertising John Stuehmeier Cathy Stuehmeier Peggy Johnson Doug Gunter Blake Wilson
Phone Sales
Stephanie Daniels
Office Staff
Linda Weible
Cooking With Lizzie
Production Manager T. Scott Pinkowski
Production/Web Staff Cindy Goodnight DeLorean Coleman
Have a recent event, upcoming event, or interesting story that your community should know about? Send it to us, including photos!
Fall Harvest Desserts
During the fall harvest, it's apple and pear picking season. Apples and pears are peeled and sliced for tarts and turnovers. Over the years I've had plenty of both, but the last few years my old pear tree that over the years has produced enough to keep family members well supplied with sweet, delicious pears has stopped producing. This year not one pear hit the ground. But thank goodness there's still plenty of apples. Some of my favorite recipes are below.
Cider Sweet Apple Pie
You can cook any apple, but the Stayman Winesap, the Red Rome and the Granny Smith are some of the finest cooking apples. You can't miss the tart apple flavor in this pie because it also contains apple cider. Double-Crust Pie Pastry, unbaked (below) 1/2 cup sugar 2 T. cornstarch 1 T. unsalted butter or margarine 1 tsp. sugar for sprinkling 7½ cups peeled, cored and sliced cooking apples (8 to 9 apples)
1 cup plus 2 T. apple cider, plus extra 1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. milk
Line a 9-inch pie plate with half of pastry and set aside. Combine 1 cup apple cider, 1/2 cup sugar, and brown sugar in a large saucepan; bring to a boil. Add apples, and cook, uncovered, 8 minutes, or until apples are tender. Drain, reserving syrup. Add enough additional apple cider to syrup to measure 1⅓ cups liquid; return syrup mixture and apples to saucepan. Preheat oven to 375°F. Combine cornstarch and 2 T. apple cider, stirring well; add to apple mixture. Stir in cinnamon; cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Stir in butter. Spoon mixture into prepared pie plate. Cover with top pastry. Trim edges of pastry; seal and flute edges. Cut slits in tip of pastry to allow steam to escape. Brush top of pastry lightly with milk. Sprinkle top of pastry with 1 tsp. sugar. Bake 45 to 50 minutes, shielding edges with foil if pastry browns too quickly.
Double-Crust Pie Pastry
3 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup solid vegetable shortening
1 tsp. salt 3/4 cup cold half-and-half
Combine flour and salt in bowl; cut in shortening with a pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle cold half-and-half evenly over surface, stirring with a fork, until all dry ingredients are moistened. Shape dough into a ball; chill. Divide dough in half. Roll each half of dough to 1/8 inch thickness on a lightly floured surface and proceed with recipe.
Apple Dumplings
During lean times, Southern cooks were known to be frugal. But an abundance of apples and leftover pastry scraps meant apple dumplings could be made — a real treat! Dough: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened 1/2 cup ice water Filling: 3 large, firm, tart cooking apples 3 tsp. brown sugar Syrup: 2 cups water 3 T. unsalted butter or margarine 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
EMAIL: the shoppers
301 E. Broadway d • Centralia l 1-800-479-6323
2 tsp. sugar 1/2 cup solid vegetable shortening 1 egg, beaten
6 tsp. unsalted butter or margarine 1½ tsp. ground cinnamon 1½ cups sugar 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
To make the dough, combine flour, sugar and salt; cut in shortening and butter with a pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal. Combine egg and ice water; gradually add to flour mixture, stirring with a fork to make a soft dough. Cover and chill 1 hour. On a floured surface, roll pastry out into a 21- x 14-inch rectangle; cut into six 7-inch squares. Peel and core apples; cut in half, crosswise. Place one apple half (cut side down) in center of each pastry square; dot each with 1 tsp. butter. Sprinkle each with 1/2 tsp. of the brown sugar and 1/4 tsp. of the cinnamon. Moisten edges of each dumpling with a little water; bring corners to center, pinching edges to seal. Use any extra pastry to make decorative leaf designs, if desired. Place the dumpling in a 13- x -9 x 2-inch baking dish; set aside. Preheat oven to 450°F. To make the syrup: Combine the water, sugar, butter, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring frequently, until butter melts and sugar dissolves; set aside. Bake dumplings, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350° and pour syrup mixture over the dumplings. Bake 30 minutes more, basting occasionally. Yield: 6 servings. *** If you have a favorite recipe and want to share it with us, just send it in c/o The Shopper's Weekly, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to:, (Subject - ATTN: Lizzie) Also, if you have a household problem, like a stubborn stain or a kitchen conundrum, drop us a line, our readers just might have your solution! I'm also interested in your general decorating or household tips. Send your message in a bottle and we might just publish it and enlighten our readers! Until next week, Au Revoir! —Elizabeth Fenton
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
PAWS and claws A Page Dedicated To Our Four-Footed Fuzzy Children.
Who’s the Boss? DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have a large male dog, and so does my mother-inlaw. They have a history of fighting: Both dogs and my husband needed medical treatment after the last fight. We keep them separated, but would like to be able to put them and my mother-in-law’s two female dogs out at the same time. They are only aggressive with each other. We have been thinking of buying muzzles for the males and letting them get used to one another. What do you think? — J.S., via email DEAR J.S.: What’s going on here is aggression used
to gain dominance: Both dogs want to be the boss of the backyard. If the dogs only fight with one another, then this is a battle over territory. As long as they share the same space, even with muzzles on, they will fight. And if there are bitches in the area, they’ll fight even more. If neither dog will be used for breeding, seriously consider having them neutered; it will curb their aggression. If you choose not to have them neutered, or if they still show aggression after the procedure, you’ll have to keep them separated. When one male goes outside, the other must stay inside. Of course, the guy stuck inside will go nuts if he knows his archenemy is running around “his” territory, so draw the shades and close the doors. In the meantime, distract your dog’s attention
House Of Hope
centralia humane society 1. Meet Marco! He is a two-year-old, male DSH. This big guy loves to lie around and watch everything around him. He is very sweet and would love to have a Furever home! Marco is neutered, litter box trained, microchipped, and current on shots. 2. Bailey still needs a home! She is a oneyear-old, female DSH. Bailey loves to play and lie in the sun. Just look at the heart by her lip! Bailey is spayed, litter box trained, microchipped, and current on shots. 3. Meet Cougar! She is a seven-year-old, female tabby. She is so sweet! She loves her blankets and lounging around. Cougar is spayed, litter box trained, microchipped, and current on shots. 4. Meet Mallory! She is a one-year-old, female, tortoise shell calico. This beautiful girl is so sweet! She loves her belly rubbed and playing with her feather wand. Mallory is spayed, litter box trained, and current on shots. Please consider adopting any of these Centralia orphans; it really does save lives. Every time you adopt a pet, you help us save another! If you can give these or other cats or dogs a good home please contact the Centralia Humane Society House of Hope, 8190 Shattuc Road, Centralia.
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
by increasing the frequency of his training and play sessions. The truth is, you’re the boss, not him. He must learn to obey you and not leap forward into
a fight. Your in-laws must do the same with their dog. Aggression of any kind should not be permitted.
DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED Unexpired — Any Type — Any Brand Will Pay Up To $10 / Box Call Ron 217-556-3398 Leave Callback Number “Helping Diabetics Since 2009”
© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
Raise Your Paw If You Want Your Picture Taken! Send us a cute photo of your fuzzy child and we may print it in our next edition of Paws & Claws. Send photos to P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to Or drop your photo by our office at 301 E. Broadway, Centralia.
Centralia Animal Shelter’s
Pets Of The Week
1. This is an adult male Shepherd mix. He is very friendly but is a little shy at first. 2. This is a young black and white female kitten. She is friendly and litter box trained.. 3. This is a young female, Beagle/ Hound mix. She loves attention and needs some TLC. 4. This is an adult, older female Collie/Shepherd mix. She is very friendly and loves attention.
Residents of the City of Centralia who own a dog or cat are required to purchase a city tag for each animal. They can be purchased at City Hall. Failure to purchase this tag can result in a $150.00 fine. If you are interested in a Pet of the Week, or any animal, call 533-7647 or visit the Centralia Animal Shelter. Directions to the shelter are as follows: Turn south at the intersection of Hwy. 161 E. (McCord) and Airport Rd. Go 1-1/2 miles, then turn left on Copple Rd. Go 1/2 mile to Woods Lane, turn left to shelter on left. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
ADOPT AN ANIMAL, SAVE A LIFE! Visit Us On Petfinder: Visit Us On Facebook:
Washington County Animal Control’s
Pets In Need 1. Samson is a male, black lab. 2. Coco is a female, mixed breed.
3. Simone is a female, lab.
4. This is a nice female cat.
Washington County Animal Control
17990 Richview Road Nashville, IL 62263
618-327-9471 Hours: Mon-Sat. 8:00-1:00
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
LET'S KEEP 'EM CLEAN By Robert Deeds
ith hunting season upon us, a lot of you may pull your favorite guns from the safe and head afield. The last thing you need is to have your front bead on a pair of geese and have your favorite shotgun misfire, or miss a shot at the buck of a lifetime, and find your gun has jammed during your attempt to reload another round. Sound like a mechanical failure? Not this time. Remember last year after the annual Christmas Day hunt? It was cold and wet and you were tired. You decided to put the gun up and told yourself "I'll just clean it later." Well, later never came. Rust set in and gummed up the action. Been there, done that. Both my father and my drill instructors always told
me, "A clean weapon is a happy weapon." Proper firearm care means keeping it clean. After a day at the range or in the field, it never hurts to "field strip" your guns and clean the action and barrel. If you have a wood stock, it's a good idea to rub some "Tru-Oil" or other wood friendly cleaner on. Synthetic stocks just need a good wipe down with a clean rag. There are some great products to use for cleaning and maintaining your collection of firearms. The key is to use them. When it's time to pass those heirloom firearms down to the next generation, your children and grandchildren will thank you. Have a safe and successful hunting season!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
TEACHING YOUR CHILD GUN SAFETY upland hunting for last. It requires walking with a loaded gun for long periods as well as split-second shoot-or-don't-shoot decisions.
unting and shooting have low accident rates precisely because we rightly place so much emphasis on gun safety. Although hunting should be fun, teaching kids to be safe shooters doesn't call for much sense of humor. Treat the topic seriously, and children will respond to the gravity in your voice. Demystify Guns Young boys, especially, find guns fascinating. Keeping guns forbidden and mysterious only increases their allure. Let your kids handle your guns with your permission and under your supervision. Show them how to check whether the chamber and magazine are empty. Let them point the gun in a safe direction. Teach them now that the only time they are ever to touch a trigger is when they want the gun to go off. Take them to the gun club, where they will see targets smashed to bits. Show them the bloody holes your guns put into the animals you bring home. A friend likes to impress new shooters with the power of firearms by shooting a cantaloupe at 10 paces with a 12-gauge. The distinction between real and toy guns will be as clear as the difference between real and toy cars. Give Them A BB Gun Owning a BB gun can teach children good safety habits or bad ones. Kids of your generation might have roamed the woods with Red Ryders and no parental supervision, but there's a better way. Give a child a BB gun a year
or so before he or she is ready to start shooting .22s and 20-gauges. Store it with your guns and make a point of treating it like a real gun—which it is. Let your young hunter bring it along, unloaded, on short hunts with you. Insist that he carry it with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Pack a few BBs along for some safe target shooting at the end of the day.
will be scrupulously careful about muzzle control until they fire a shot. In the excitement of hearing the gun go off, they will turn to you, swinging the gun, or drop it down so it points at their toes. If the gun is empty, it's a teachable moment, not a potential tragedy. Insist on eye and ear protection, and emphasize its importance by always wearing it yourself.
Spend Time At The Range The more often you take your children shooting, the more practiced they'll become in handling guns safely. At the range, insist that muzzles point up, down, or downrange—always. Keep control of the ammunition yourself, and dole out shells one at a time. Kids
Pick First Hunts Carefully Your first real hunts should be for squirrels, waterfowl, deer, turkeys, or doves, sedentary hunts where the game comes to you. Leave your own gun at home. Sit right with your hunter, whispering advice and giving the go-ahead to take the safety off and shoot. Save
Lead By Example You're trying to instill lifelong safety habits, and nothing you say speaks as loudly as your own actions when you and your child hunt together. Handle your own guns with extra emphasis on safety. While we're at it, boats, ATVs, tree stands, and motor vehicles can be just as deadly as guns if used carelessly. Your young hunter will learn all about them by watching you.
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
men. Fiberglass extension poles 8 to 12 feet long, fly rods, and cane poles are the types of rods generally used. These are rigged with monofilament line, with a tensile strength of 8 to 15 pounds, so crappie can be pulled from the brush upon hooking or so the line is strong enough to pull free from snags by straightening out the wire hook. Tightlining is a very popular way of fishing for crappie. No bobber ers or a small spinner this manner, the bait (float) is used and one is placed on the line can be raised and lowor two split shot sink- above the hook. In ered or jigged (slightly moved up and down) more easily to locate the crappie. One of the best crappie fishermen Kubota RTV X-Series on the lake likes to add Do more with Kubota’s full line of powerful 4WD workhorses. a small, thin, rubber beetle-like white body on with the minnow. This frequently catches crappie on the second hit if the minnow is knocked off the hook. Once the depth and type of cover can be established, crappie fishermen will often use either a stationary or sliding-type bobber RTV-X900 RTV-X1100C and proceed to fill their • Kubota Diesel Engine – 21.6 HP* • Kubota Diesel Engine – 24.8 HP* • Front and Extra Duty Independent Rear Suspension (IRS) • Rugged Variable Hydro Transmission (VHT-X) fish basket. • Available in General Purpose or Worksite Models • Premium Temperature-Controlled Grand Cab with AC/Heat/Defogging When the water is clear, many fishermen prefer to work yellow, white, pink, or other colored jigs up and down in crappie cover with good results. These same baits are also highly effective when cast towards brush, steep banks, rock riprap or over flooded brushy ridges during the spawning season. RTV-X1120D RTV-X1140 During late spring or • Kubota Diesel Engine – 24.8 HP* • Kubota Diesel Engine – 24.8 HP* • Standard Hydraulic Bed Lift • Convertible Cargo Bed for More Seating or Additional Cargo Space early fall, crappie often • Available in Kubota Orange or Realtree AP Camouage** • 1,300 lbs. Towing Capacity frequent the open but deeper water of old bottomland lakes and creek channels. When US HIGHWAY 40 EAST these conditions exist, a jig, beetle spin, or VANDALIA, IL 62471 minnow-spinner combination fished in a jerky motion or the slow retrieve can produce some fine crappie action. Spin-casting, *For complete warranty, safety and product information, consult your local Kubota KLHSLY HUK [OL WYVK\J[ VWLYH[VYZ THU\HS 7V^LY /7 2> HUK V[OLY ZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ spinning, or ultralight are based on various standards or recommended practices. **Realtree is a registered trademark of Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. Optional equipment may be shown. tackle is generally used Š Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2016 for this type of fish-
oth white and black crappie are found throughout Carlyle Lake. However, it is the bays with stickups, river and creek channels, bottomland lakes, and rock rip-rap areas that generally produce the better catches as they like an abundance of cover that also offers shade. There are no striking differences in the habits of these two species; however, it appears black crappie seem to prefer stump or heavy brush areas more than the white crappie.
These species spawn in April and May. Fishing success deteriorates during the summer months as they move into deeper water. Anglers who can locate the crappie in their deeper haunts will find that these fish can be caught even during the summer. Minnows and jigs, or a combination of the two, are the most popular baits. Both can be fished in a variety of ways. Long shanked wire hooks, No. 6 to No. 2, are the most common sizes used by minnow fisher-
618-283-3277 ÂŽ
ing. Tailwater fishermen prefer to use small 1/16th or 1/32nd ounce jigs with light rods; retrieving the jigs slowly over the rock rip-rap. At other times, a long cane or fiberglass pole rigged with a minnow or jig and a small bobber is the best way to catch crappie. The bait or lure is allowed to drift with the current and jigged frequently to entice the fish into hitting. Crappie fishing is generally best in the lake from mid-March to mid-June and again from mid-September to mid-November. Since crappie are sight feeders, periods of good fishing are usually determined by water turbidity and temperature (50° to mid 70°). In the tailwater, crappie are caught every month of the year except for periods of bitter cold or sweltering heat. Occasionally, good ice fishing for crappie occurs in the bottomland lakes and creeks north of the B.N. railroad during the winters where there is a solid ice cover of six inches or more. During these chilly times, crappie will usually be found at depths of five feet or less in and around brush. Ice fishing is done with small minnows or larvae of insects (mousies, waxworm, goldenrod grub, corn borer, etc.) usually in combination with an artificial ice fly.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Are You Still Lookingg For
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Hoffman Seed Carries A Full Line Of High Yielding Varieties With Great Disease Resistance. Give Us A Call Today To Reserve Yours!
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hether it’s for salmon or trout, fishing can seem like a pointless, futile endeavor to an outsider. Why stand around for hours on end casting a pole into the water when you can just go to the store and buy some fish? Why take the time and energy to drive out to the lake or stream and get dirty in pursuit of something already at your supermarket? For many, fishing is their primary source of recreation, and there are many reasons why fishing is worth the time and effort it takes to be involved. Fishing is easy to get into. More and more, there are regulations surrounding the kind of bait and the quantity of fish you can catch, but if you’ve got a pole, some bait and a body of water with fish in it, you’ve got everything you need to go fishing. Most big box retailers have fishing sections that can outfit you within an hour, and there are lots of resources in print and online that can provide you with the basics you need to get started. Fishing is relaxing. By its nature, fishing requires patience and repeated activity. It requires you to sit in one place for a while. For many people who fish regularly, this is the best aspect of a fishing trip — spending time without the demands of traffic, family, phone calls or work. The primary obli-
gation when fishing is to sit down and wait, which gives many people an expanse of time difficult to find outside of the woods. Because you are outdoors for long periods of time, fishing can put you in better touch with nature. You’ll have time to notice things that you otherwise wouldn’t — the birds, the trees, the way the river flows. You’ll also be locked in a battle with Mother Nature, trying to sleuth out the best spot and learning about the ways that fish move in the lake or stream. When you catch fish, you can get an upclose look at them, even if you are releasing them. If you are taking them home, you’ll be as close as you can get to the source of your food supply, something that doesn’t happen often these days. Fishing gives you time to connect with people. You can talk with your family or friends about the best fishing spots, the right kinds of gear, the best times of day or any of the other intricacies of fishing without having to worry about the contentious issues or divisive topics within your circle. A fishing trip, whether for a morning, a day or a week, gives you the opportunity to share new experiences with a close knit group and can give you communal adventures that can strengthen friendships and family ties.
Fishing can also give you quiet time away. If you lead a hectic life, there’s no reason why you can’t pick up your pole and head out on a we eke nd mor n i ng , leaving the worries of the world behind as you step into a serene setting. Time disconnected from the always-on world is getting harder to come by. Fishing allows you a reason to turn off your cell phone and step away from the world for a little while. There are a lot of reasons why people choose to spend their recreational time fishing — and why you might start. It’s an easy hobby that forces you to sit down, relax and take a
look around you. If you’re interested, locate your nearest fishing hole and cast a line today.
618-495-2617 Rt. 161 West • Hoffman
BUY • SELL • TRADE GUNS • GOLD • SILVER JEWELRY • COINS 504 W. Gallatin St. Vandalia, IL 62471 Owner: JUSTIN ARNDT
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NEWS Resident Archery Deer Permits: Resident combination and antlerless-only archery deer permits are available over-the-counter (OTC) from DNR Direct license and permit vendors. Find a vendor link here: http:// Pages/LicensePermitVendors.aspx Non-Resident Archery Deer Permits: Illinois Non-Resident Archery Deer combination permits are available overthe-counter (OTC) from DNR Direct license and permit vendors. The Illinois Archery Deer Season continues through Jan. 15, 2017. Firearm Deer Permits: Illinois Firearm Deer permits and Muzzleloader-only Deer permits re-
maining after this year’s lottery drawings will be available over-the-counter (OTC) from DNR Direct license and permit vendors beginning Oct. 18. CWD Sampling: Deer hunters statewide in Illinois are encouraged to allow samples to be taken for chronic wasting disease (CWD) sampling from adult deer they harvest. For a list of locations that are serving as CWD sampling stations, taking samples from entire deer or deer heads from October 1, 2016 thru Jan. 20, 2017, visit: https:// CWDSamplingLocations. pdf Hunting and Trapping Digest: The Illinois Digest of
Hunting and Trapping Regulations 2016-2017 edition is available in PDF format on the IDNR website: http://www.dnr. Pages/HuntingTrappingDigests.aspx Illinois Waterfowl Digest: Review this season’s Illinois waterfowl regulations with the Digest of Waterfowl Hunting Regulations 2016-2017, available online on the IDNR website at this link: http:// hunting/Documents/DigestWaterfowlHuntingRegulations.pdf Controlled Pheasant Permits: Hunters can apply online now for 2016-17 Illinois controlled pheasant hunting opportunities
available at 18 IDNR sites. Fourteen of the sites are operated by the IDNR, while four other sites are managed by concessionaire T. Miller, Inc. For application information, check the IDNR website at or ICF 2017 Calendar: The Illinois Conservation Foundation’s annual Outdoors in Illinois 2017 wall calendar is available for order. Proceeds from the sale of the beautiful 2017 calendar support a variety of youth education programs at the Torstenson Youth Conservation Education Center, and the traveling Torstenson Education Station. The 9x12 calendar contains stunning photography of Illinois, and it can be purchased for $15 through the
ICF website at www.ilcf. org or by phone at 217785-2003. Public Areas Hunting Report: The latest edition of the IDNR Illinois Public Areas Hunting Report – with details on public lands hunting effort and harvest for the 2015-16 seasons – is available online on the IDNR website at this link: https://www.dnr.illinois. gov/hunting/Documents/ IllinoisPublicHuntingAreasReport.2015.2016.pdf Hike App: Visitors to Giant City, Illinois Beach, Pere Marquette, and Starved Rock State Parks can now take a guided hike on the parks’ most popular trails by downloading a new smartphone app. Download the Prairie State Hike App for
99 cents from iTunes or Google Play. Features of the app include a map, points of interest, audio for each stop, photographs and video. Hikes will be continually updated and new hikes added in the coming months will be available at no additional charge. The app was developed by the Prairie State Conservation Coalition, a non-profit organization created to assist conservation land trusts, land owners, and communities in their efforts to protect land and water resources in Illinois. Hikes from other conservation organizations statewide also are available through the app. To find state park trails, open the app and choose ‘Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ from among the conservation organizations listed.
Transmission Service Synthetic A.T.F. Extra
95 $ 95 $ 89
Includes 2 Gal. Antifreeze
RV & Boat Winterization Special
Rotate and Balance Tires
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AUTOBODY • MECHANIC • TOWING • RV REPAIR 1251 W. Whittaker Salem • 618-548-1314
24 Hour Towing • 1-888-TOWMEOUT •
When your insurance needs take you off the beaten path, I’ll be there for you.
Kert Martin Agency, Inc. Kert Martin, Agent
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
120 S. Delmar Ave., Salem • 618-548-2574 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®
ationally, one in three hunting injuries involves a tree stand. Falls from tree stands can be caused by a variety of factors, including a weakness in the stand’s structure and incorrect installation. Hunters also may fall asleep while on their stands. Tree stands can also be a factor in other hunting accidents, including injury from accidental firing of a loaded firearm while the hunter is climbing to the stand. To help prevent these accidents, follow these safety precautions: Never carry equipment with you while climbing. Use a haul line to raise or lower your gear. Make sure guns are unloaded and broadheads are covered prior to raising or lowering firearms or bows with a haul line. Since most accidents occur when hunters are climbing up or down a tree, always use a climbing belt. Always use a safety belt or harness when hunting from elevated tree stands. Study manufacturer’s recommendations before using any equipment. Never use a rope to replace a safety belt. Check permanent tree stands every year before hunting from them, and replace any worn or weak lumber. Read, understand and follow the factory recommended practices and procedures when installing commercial stands. Inspect portable stands for loose
nuts and bolts each time they are used. Choose only healthy, living trees when using climbing devices. Roughbarked trees such as oak are best. Do not use a tree that is rotten or has dead limbs. Never put all your weight on a single branch. Keep at least one hand and one foot on a secure place when reaching for the next hold. Climb higher than the stand and step down onto it. Climbing up onto it can dislodge it. Wear boots with nonskid soles, because steps or platforms can be slippery in rain, sleet or snow. Tell a dependable person where you’re hunting and when you plan on returning. Map your whereabouts and leave a note at camp, at home or in your car so that you can be found.
Don’t fall asleep. This is a common cause of accidents. If you get drowsy, move your arms rapidly until you feel alert. Never wear a ring in any climbing situation. Rings can catch on tree limbs and equipment. As a precautionary measure, remove all logs, upturned and cutoff saplings, rocks and other obstructions on the ground below the tree stand. Use updated equipment. When used properly, newer tree stand equipment is solid, safe and secure. Older models of safety belts offer some protection, but newer safety harnesses offer more protection. Carry a whistle to call for help and carry a first aid kit, flashlight and cellular telephone in a fanny pack.
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area cancer patients. It is important to the Buchheit family that they give back to the communities which Foundation again for 2016. for local organizations have and continue to The Foundation received a which provide services to support them. $1,896 donation in 2015. Customers can help raise funds at Buchheit of Centralia by participating in several ways. The special blue shirts worn by team members will be available for purchase by the public and a $5 donation will go to the local fight against cancer. $1 and $5 Donation Cards will be sold and displayed throughout the store. Finally, community members can donate online at https://www. All of these funds will be donated to St. M a r y ’s H o s p i t a l Foundation. The Buchheit family has witnessed many of its team members “fight the beast”, a phrase used by Buchheit, Inc. CEO, Tim Buchheit. In support of friends, family and fighters, Buchheit will raise funds
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
CENTRALIA BUCHHEIT “NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE” OCTOBER FUNDRAISER For Buchheit, the color changed but the mission stays the same. In 2015, Buchheit, Inc. donated a total of $17,948.27 to local organizat ions w hich provide services to cancer patients through their “Pink It Up” campaign. Because of the rising number of types of cancers affecting our communities it was decided that the campaign would be best represented by the “No One Fights Alone” message. “Cancer affects all of us. We want our customers and our communities to know that we are fighting with the patients,” said Doug Buchheit, VP of Marketing at Buchheit, Inc. “The families that are fighting everyday are not alone, we’re all here to support one another.” Buchheit has chosen to donate all proceeds raised at the Buchheit of Centralia to St. Mary’s Hospital
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Someone from your past could arrive with welcome news concerning your future. Meanwhile, avoid taking sides in a workplace confrontation until you have more facts to go on. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A decision about a relationship could have longer-lasting consequences than you might imagine, so be sure of your facts before you act. A trusted friend can help. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A strained relationship could be restored with more personal contact between the two of you. Letting others act as your go-between only adds to the ongoing estrangement. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) New facts could mean taking a new path toward a goal you’ve been hoping to reach. However, be sure all your questions are answered before you undertake to shift directions. LEO (July 23 to August 22) This is a good week for all you fine Felines to turn your attention to some important considerations, such as your health, your job situation and the status of important relationships. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Avoid making a quick decision about a matter that needs more study. Keep your mind open for possibilities, even if they don’t seem plausible — at least not yet. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You might welcome the emphasis on openness in relationships that mark
this period. But it’s a good idea to avoid sharing personal secrets with people you hardly know. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) There are still some questions that need to be asked and answered before you can feel confident enough to make a potentially life-changing decision. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Some lingering effects from a now largely resolved workplace confrontation could make things difficult for you. Act on this before it becomes serious. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) You feel you’re finally in control of your own life after months of making compromises and concessions you never felt comfortable with. Congratulations. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) No sooner do you decide to pass on one job offer than another suddenly turns up. This one might not have everything you’re looking for, but it’s worth checking out. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Congratulations. With Jupiter’s strong influence dominating this week, don’t be surprised to get some good news about a troubling financial matter. BORN THIS WEEK: You are usually kind and loving. But you can be highly critical of those who don’t measure up to your high standards. (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
Operation Stocking Stuffers — Now Collecting Stockings For Veterans
Stockings For
List of Recommended Items Shampoo Candy Canes Eye Drops Hard Candy (Jolly Ranchers, etc.) Sun Block Chewing Gum Batteries (AA & AAA) Mints Deck of Playing Cards Multi-Vitamins, Vitamins Tablets Crossword Puzzles or Drops Dominos Moisturizer CD’s & DVD’s Lip Balm Instructions
Place items in stocking. Fold over the top of the stocking and staple or secure closed so that the items inside do not fall out. Please call us ahead of time at one of the two phone numbers listed below. Before returning the stockings. Thank you for your help!
Locally Owned and Operated Old Hwy. 51 North • Centralia • 532-6122
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area INDEX
the shoppers
Legals Antiques Arts & Crafts Announcements Adoptions Auctions Business & Services Computers & Services Financial Services
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE On October 21, 2016 at 10:00 AM- MH Acceptance Inc., will sell, after payment of all outstanding liens, the following personal property: One 1992 Redman manufactured home, vin# 112B1914 located at 121 Juniper, Mt. Vernon IL 62864 where the sale will be conducted. Sale terms: Cashier’s check only, if manufactured home to be removed from sale site, security deposit required and removal to be within 5 days of sale. For information regarding sale and inspection terms contact TAMMY MUNOZ at 574-389-7298 ext. 348. 10-12
Handicap - $129.95 Regular - $89.95 Seats & all hardware in package included!
302 Auto & Trucks For Sale
503 Apartments For Rent
FOR SALE: Chevy Silverado 1500, 1/2 ton, 2WD, ext. cab, shortbed, 156K mi., runs and drives great, asking $5,500 o.b.o. Call 618-367-4975, ask for 10-19 David.
Construction Workers Needed
Construction & Home Improvement
LOGSDON CONSTRUCTION & HOME REPAIR Rehabs • Electrical Plumbing • Roofing Concrete • Flatwork Over 30 Years Experience
618-780-9551 618-432-5479
GEM Decorating, Inc. Owner: Alan Minor 301 W. Chestnut, Odin
Lawn & Garden
• Bulk Seeds • Grass Seeds • Bird Seeds & Feeders Come See Us For Your Lawn & Garden Needs
Maco Elevator
418 N. Oak • Centralia TFN 532-6779
You dig $2.50 ea., potted $4.50 ea. Many different varieties. From Mt. Vernon, take 142 south to Opdyke. Turn right on Lighthouse Ln. Follow signs. Closed Sundays. 10-19
Houses For Sale
2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. Call Candy
618-533-3171 We Accept HUD Vouchers *This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.* 11-2
FOR SALE: Firewood, stock up early, truck and trailer load $200, free delivery within 20 miles, Field Township. 618-214-7238, no Sunday calls please. 10-19
602 Furniture & Appliances FOR SALE: King size BR set, complete with new box springs, and headboard included, $500 o.b.o. 10-12 618-322-4431
Help Wanted Drivers:
Co & O/O's! Home Daily! Sign-on Bonus! Steady Freight, Insurace avail. NO Trailer Lease Fee. CDL-A, 1 year exp.
All For $5,000
Call Crime Stoppers! You may qualify for a cash reward and you never have to give your name.
Lusch Excavating & Sanitation Install • Pump Service Aerators & Septic Tanks
BUILT-MOR BUILDINGS 24x40-$8,835 30x50-$12,873 40x60-$19,472 50x70-$28,806
Erected, Choice Of Colors
732-8704 or 237-0792
30 Years In Area
FOR SALE: Owner selling 3B, 3.5BA, 3060 sq. ft. all brick custom built house with full walkout basement on 10 acres, at 816 Greenview road, Centralia. $276,000. Call 618-532-5515. 10-26
Find What You've Been Looking For!
starting pay
Situation Wanted
LPN/EMT - Full Time. Current license or EMT certification required. CNA. Full Time. Minimum high school diploma required. Prior experience in nurses aide training, first aid, CNA, and CPR desirable. Ability to relate well to people. Good writing and verbal skills. JOB COACH/PRN: High school diploma or equivalent with successful experience in working with the public. Ability to communicate effectively and positively with workers with a wide range of disabilities. Valid Illinois driver's license. Variable schedule with on-call. Generous benefits package. Competitive wages. EEOC. Send letter of intent and resume to Comprehensive Connections, 16338 N IL Hwy 37, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 or
WANTED: Roommate wanted, quiet home, west side of Centralia. Split reasonable expenses. No small children. Male or female. 618-335-2208 10-12 after 2:30 p.m.
Construction & Home Improvement Lawn & Garden Buildings for Sale/Rent Houses For Sale Houses For Rent Apartment For Rent Mobile Homes For Rent Mobile Homes For Sale Business Property Lots & Acreage
401 404 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507
Farming Firewood Furniture & Appliances Music Pets & Supplies Business Opportunities Help Wanted Situations Wanted Rummage Sales Wanted To Buy Wanted To Rent Miscellaneous
508 509 602 603 605 606 701 702 801 802 803 805
NEXT AUCTION: MONDAY, October 17 Cattle auctions are held 1st & 3rd Monday of each month. Sunday check-in hours are 1-6 p.m. Locally Owned & Operated! Mark Barnard Wayne City 618-895-2418
Ben Klebba Mt. Vernon 618-735-2503
Barkley Barnard Fairfield 618-842-7850
CATTLEMEN'S LIVESTOCK, INC. Phone: 618-895-3156 Highway 15 West • P.O. Box 486, Wayne City, IL 62895
Great Readership Great Response!
Floating floors installed, yard work & mowing, tree trimming, debris hauling, power washing, gutter cleaning, light home repair & general labor. 24 hr. emergency service. Call or text Jim 618-246-0867 Brandon 618-231-3581 11-23
CALL PEGGY 618-533-7283
$15.00 / 3 weeks 25 WORDS OR LESS
Rummage Sales
Thursday, Oct. 27
5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 28
9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 29
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (all items 1/2 price)
CAPITAL CLASSIC CARS Buying All European & Classic Cars. ANY Condition, ANY Location, Porsche, Mercedes, Jaguar & More! Top Dollar PAID. Steve Nicholas 1-571-282-5153, steve@ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Auto Donations
Sunday, Oct. 30
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ($2 brown bag sale)
Homemade baked goods and lunch available all 4 days. 10-26
204 205 206 207 208 301 302 303 304 305 306
FOR SALE: Cemetery lot in Memorial Gardens WORK WANTED: near Woodlawn, $300. Mowing; cleaning gutters, basements, garages; Call 618-316-6926 10-19 hauling junk, metal, wood, tree limbs; tear FOR SALE: Canoe, 16 down buildings; any ft., fiberglass, square odd jobs! No distance stern, good cond., no too far. Call leaks, paddles included, 618-547-7728 10-12 $100, Nashville. 618-327-3909 10-19
To Place Your Ad
Call Peggy 618-533-7283
1400 per hour Apply in person at: DCA Construction 1620 N. 4th St. Breese, IL 62230
-Westgate Apts. in Carlyle, IL! Accepting Applications for
Help Wanted
406 N. Main – Iuka 618-323-6625 618-323-6622 10-12
100 101 102 103 104 200 201 202 203
Gunsmithing Services Lost & Found Daycare Hunting & Fishing Travel Automotive Services Auto/Trucks For Sale RVs/Campers Boats/Watercrafts Motorcycles/ATVs Health & Fitness
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800245-0398
Autos Wanted
Wanted To Buy
We Pay Top Dollar!
Buying Scrap Gold! Top Dollar Pawn 215 E. Noleman • Centralia
NEED CASH? I buy estates, antiques, garage clean-outs, barns, household and more!
618-367-2469 TFN
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-416-2330.
AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING - Get FAA certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-734-6714 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Your Ad Could Be Here!
MEDICAL BILLING SPECIALISTS NEEDED! Begin training at home for a career working with Medical Billing & Insurance! Online training with the right College can get you ready! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/Internet needed. 1-888-734-6711 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Make $1,000 Weekly! Paid in Advance! Mailing Brochures at Home. Easy Pleasant work. Begin Immediately. Age Unimportant. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL: 1-888-223-8818 Hablamos Espanol.
Health / Medical
VIAGRA & CIALIS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-743-5419 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation's largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-217-3942 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nation’s Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Anywhere! Call Now: 1-800-864-5960.
CRUISE VACATIONS – 3, 4, 5 or 7+ day cruises to the Caribbean. Start planning now to save $$ on your fall or winter getaway vacation. Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Carnival, Princess and many more. Great deals for all budgets and departure ports. To search for your next cruise vacation visit
CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-776-7771. www. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
DISH Network -NEW FLEX PACK- Select the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. CALL 1-800-686-9986
HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
ALL INCLUSIVE RESORT packages at Sandals, Dreams, Secrets, Riu, Barcelo, Occidental and many more. Punta Cana, Mexico, Jamaica and many of the Caribbean islands. Search available options for 2017 and SAVE at ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Our Classifieds Get Results!
Please be advised we at The Shopper’s Weekly Publications do not know of any fraudulent advertisements. We make every attempt to protect our readers, however we do not have the ability to investigate and verify all advertisements. Therefore, we advise our readers to ask questions of the advertisers they reply to, but be especially careful of anyone who asks you to send large sums of money up front. If you suspect a fraudulent ad in our publications, please give us a call at 618-533-7283.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
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To place this ad: Mail to P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 Call 1-800-479-6323 or Email
ESTATE AUCTION SAT. Oct. 15, 2016 – 9:00 AM
Auction Site: Indoor Exhibition Hall, Wayne County Fairgrounds, 1317 West Main Street, Fairfield, IL 62837
Seller: Allen, Borah, Meyers, Taylor & Others Auctioneer ID # 2008 for color photos & details. Like us on facebook / Barnard Auctions TWO AUCTIONEERS! TWO AUCTION RINGS!
PO Box 613 — Fairfield, IL 62837 Ph. 618-842-7850 Toll Free 1-800-840-SOLD (7653) Mobile Phones: Barkley 618-599-6070, Denise 618-516-1000, Mark 618-599-6073
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(25¢ Extra Per Word Over 25. Businesses Not Included!)
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$500 DAILY! Mailing Simple Letters and Depositing checks. Exciting Free Details! Write: LISTS, Box 396, Dept. MFCP, Springhouse, PA 19477-0396 (MCN)
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN)
Employment/Help Wanted
PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 Weekly!! Mailing Brochures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. No Experience Required. Start Immediately! www.centralmailing. net (VOID IN SD, WI) (MCN)
McFarland Truck Lines drivers were averaging over $.50/mile and are now getting a new bonus for high miles! Drive the newest trucks, be home when needed. WWW.MCFGTL.COM Call now 507-437-9905 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Are you in BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 888-606-6673 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Call for Appointment 500 S. Locust Centralia, IL
135 E. Broadway Centralia
618-532-1558 WE BUY AND SELL COINS! 11-2
Sign up for 6 Weeks, Special pricing at $18.00 per week. Get the 7th week FREE! Call Peggy today 618-533-7283!
Employment/Help Wanted
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
CADNET –––––––––––––––––––––––––
Health / Medical
Autos Wanted
VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! Shipping! 100% guaranteed. All Makes/Models 2000-2016! CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061 Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! Hablamos Espanol ––––––––––––––––––––––––– We're Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-985-1806 Wanted to Buy –––––––––––––––––––––––––
Education ––––––––––––––––––––––––– AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING - Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204
CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136
Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
Great Readership Great Response! Health & Medical
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For Sale
Trailer Sale: 14,000 lb. skidloader trailers $3,649.00;6’X12’ V-nose ramp door cargo $2,750.00; 7’X16’ V-nose ramp door cargo $4,169.00; Scissor lift trailers, Over 150 trailers in-stock. New ST205/75D15 on White Mod wheel $69.00; Aluminum trailer wheels,100’s of trailer parts. Inventory & prices at:www. 515-972-4554(MCN) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
LIVING WITH KNEE OR BACK PAIN? Medicare recipients may qualify to receive a pain relieving brace at little or no cost. Call now! 844-668-4578 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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FAST Internet! HughesNet Satellite Internet. High-Speed. Avail Anywhere. Speeds to 15 mbps. Starting at $59.99/mo. Call for Limited Time Price - 1-800-715-1644 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Exede High Speed Internet. Plans from $39/mo. Blazing Fast Broadband in areas cable can’t reach. Great for business or home. We Install Fast. 1-888-800-8236 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Free Pills! Viagra!! Call today to find out how to get your free Pills! Price too low to Mention! Call today 1-877-560-0997 (MCN)
DISH Network -NEW FLEX PACK- Select the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. CALL 1-800-390-3140 (MCN)
CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888389-0695. (MCN)
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Homemade Soft Pretzels and Donuts
Made Fresh Every Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Angel Food Cakes, Cookies, Bread, Cinnamon Rolls. Baked Fresh Every Friday!
See Our Bulk Food Isles.
This Week’s Discounts PRICES GOOD OCT. 10 – OCT. 15
Prairie Farms 2% Milk ...............................$2.69 Gal. Prairie Farms Cottage Cheese - 24 Oz. ....................2/$5.00 Colby Cheese - 15 Lb. Roll Unsliced ....... $2.39/Lb. Fresh Ground Beef - 80/20 ....... $2.29/Lb. Pks. Fresh Ground Beef - 80/20, 10 lb. Rolls $ For Large Quantities Please Pre-Order ......... 1.99/Lb. Swai Fish Fillets - Raw Frozen ............ $2.99/Lb. Troyers Bacon - 1 Lb. Regular Sliced..........2/$6.00 Swaggerty Sausage Patties - 27 Oz. Frozen ................. $3.99 Our Farm Buffet Ham - 4 Lb.................... $9.99 Roll Butter - 8 Oz., Just Like Homemade .......2/$5.00 Assorted Small Snacks - Fill A Bag .... 10/$1.00 Yogurt - Case Price $2.99 Each or ..................2/$5.00 P3 Portable Protein Pack - 2.1 Oz. .......3/$1.00 Butternut Squash ..............................2/$3.00 Carrots - Whole, 1 Lb....................................... 50¢ Medium Mushrooms - 8 Oz. ........................ 99¢ Potatoes - Red or White, 50 Lb. ..................... 12.00 Reynolds Baking Cups - 36 Ct. ............2/$1.00
Furniture & Quilts Made Locally!
Colby Cheese
2 $ 99 2
$ 99 Lb.
Virginia Smoked Ham
Smoked Turkey Roll
2 $ 99 2 $ 99 Lb.
New In Deli
Pepper Jack Cheese
Best Seller
Fall Baking, Apple & Pumpkin Items, Dinner Rolls Cinnamon Rolls & More! Bulk Foods: Candy, Dried Fruits, Nuts, Pastas, Flours, Sugars, Baking ng Mixes & More! Fruit Fried Pies! Made With Fresh Fruit
Sub Sandwiches and Salads Made Fresh In The Deli... eli......
Daily Specials $450 Includes Chips (Or Order Your Own Way)
See Our Kitchen Room, Gift Items, Cook Books, Scrubbies, Kitchen Utensils! Local Made Loom Rugs! Poly Furnit u
10% OFreF!!!
In Stock O r Items. OrdSpecial Order Christmas er Now For And Save 10% Great Tim e To
Lawn wn Furniture, Furniture urnituree, Swings, Gliders, Portable Buildings, Picnic Tables and More! Local Hand Quilted Quilts
Located Behind Crossroads Family Medicine
Wayne City, IL • 618-895-2025 Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 8am - 6pm; Sat. 8am - 5pm Deli Closes 20 minutes early each day.; Closed Sundays