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301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, Illinois 62801
Vol. 27 No. 27
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
& Jefferson County Historical Society Receives Grant Page 4
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
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Update on the State of Illinois: On Sunday the House voted 72 – 45 on a 32% increase in the personal income tax rate. We live in a state where common sense does
He's a Republican Now Donald Trump, the erstwhile Democrat, independent and member of the Reform Party, finally has a fixed partisan identity. The president may be besieged, unpopular and prone to lashing out self-destructively, but all of this cements his bond to his party rather than erodes it. Commentators who ask wishfully and plaint i v e l y, " W h e n w i l l Republicans dump Trump and save themselves?" are missing the point: Trump's weakness makes him more Republican than ever before. It was possible to imagine Trump, with a head of steam after his upset victory in November, cowing swampdwelling Republicans and wooing infrastructure-loving, anti-trade Democrats into supporting a populist congressional agenda. But this scenario would have required a strong, focused president marshaling his popularity and driving Congress. We've seen close to the opposite. Whatever Trump's true ideological predilections, there's no place for him to
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
On to our friend, Editor of not prevail, but when you keep voting the same way the National Review and well you'll keep getting the same known talk show contributor thing! Rich Lowry. Next week: Who voted for this? go. Make deals with the Democrats? At this point, Democrats are more likely to cooperate with Sergey Kislyak on an infrastructure package than with Donald Trump. Dump or triangulate away from Republicans? Well, then who would do Russian investigation defense, besides a handful of White House aides and outside media loyalists? Imagine what the Comey or Sessions hearings would have looked like if Republicans had joined Democrats in the pile-on. The need for support on Capitol Hill could well get more urgent if things go badly the next year and a half. If Democrats take the House, Trump will rely on Republicans for an impeachment defense and, if it comes to that, for the votes in the Senate to block removal. In one sense, this suits Trump. He may have a questionable partisan pedigree, but he is a natural partisan — smash-mouth, heedless of process and norms, willing to make whatever argument suits him at any particular time. There have been many Republicans who have opposed Chuck Schumer before; it took Trump to call him a "clown." As for congressional Republicans, they, too, don't have much choice. Whatever their true feelings about Trump, his fate is their fate.
First, a president's approval rating heavily influences midterm elections, especially the campaign for the House. Republicans dumping Trump wouldn't make him any more popular. Second, such a distancing is not really politically practicable. If Republicans try to skitter away from Trump, their base will roast them. Third, Republicans want to get some things done legislatively. A poisonous split with the White House wouldn't help. Trump may be a mercurial and frustrating partner, but he is a partner all the same. Finally, most Republicans — quite legitimately — think the Russian controversy is a media-driven travesty. If there were a smoking gun, this posture would probably change (obviously, in that circumstance, it should change). But Democrats are in no position to lecture Republicans on cutting loose a president of their own party when they twisted themselves in knots to defend Bill Clinton after he lied under oath over an affair that violated every feminist principle the party professed to hold. If Trump and Republicans had their druthers, neither would be in quite this position. But this is the reality for everyone. For now, there's no way out, only through, and through it together. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
To comment on this or any column in The Shopper’s Weekly, please mail to: Editor, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia IL 62801, email to or drop it off at the office on 301 E. Broadway. In order for your letter to be considered for publication, you must provide your signature and an address and phone number where you can be reached. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Sorry, Cousin Mike, Jordan's Not Greatest So my cousin Mike comes up to me at a funeral and says to me, "Yo, cousin Mark ... am I right about this? Tell me Jordan wasn't the greatest of all-time? That the NBA is boring now." Now, he asked in a New Jersey dialect, you must understand. He wasn't asking me to tell him Michael Jordan wasn't the greatest. He was seeking vindication for an argument and telling me in a passive-aggressive way to confirm the fact that Jordan was the greatest. I chose to go the opposite route. "Jordan wasn't the greatest of all-time." I took him at his word. That player, to me, will always be Kareem AbdulJabbar. But it wasn't easy being Kareem; even he was swept out of the finals twice. The Jordan argument is always a valid one, and he is always on my first team, NBA Mount Rushmore. But this year's Golden State Warriors team made me rethink the NBA. The '80s and '90s era was a glorious time for the NBA. Every single team had a posterready superstar, and the NBC games of the week — punctuated by Marv Albert's
"Yes!" — were must-see TV. But the game was played differently. Basically, Jordan got the ball, wagged his tongue, broke somebody's ankles, jumped in the air, flew about 20 feet and simply put the ball in the basket because he was right there. Then came the Kobe and hack-a-Shaq era, and people started to tune out. The NCAA became king. Well, this season has had people talking about the Golden State Warriors. They're a superteam of superstars, and they play in a way that boggles the mind. I just don't understand why people are complaining. These guys don't do the Jordan thing ... they just sink the ball from anywhere on the court. It's truly amazing to see. Steph Curry isn't the greatest of all time ... but he's one of the greatest shooters of all time. Yeah, he pinned a clown suit on LeBron James and acted like a real villain lying on the side of the court, but there was no denying that he was fantastic, as was Kevin Durant. They went 16-1 in the playoffs — sparing LeBron the shame of sharing Kareem's sweep record — and established themselves as being one of the greatest teams to ever take the court. Oakland drops the ball with this team. I get that you have to call them Golden State to appease the San Francisco market, but to me you have a city desperate to
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area 3 improve its reputation, and probably half the kids in The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar America watching haven't a doctrine that age brings wisdom. clue where Golden State is. –HL Mencken Even the Kings admit to being from Sacramento. Then again, they might want to tamp down on the riots before making a name change. Custom Metal Rolling & Custom Trim On-Site! Can people in America WE ROLL-FORM YOUR PANELS stop rioting over sports? In & BEND YOUR TRIM! other countries, people riot • Fast turn-around • Custom cuts over things like not getting • Cut to length to the 1/2” • 29 gauge and 26 gauge enough food off the back of Offering Galvalume , galvanized and prepainted steel coils for metal roofing and siding application to the agricultural, commercial, industrial and residential markets a U.N. truck. Here, some guy sinks 39 points, holds up a Quality Metal Roofing trophy and people go berserk Sidings & Trim Screws all night. Why does a chamWHETHER IT’S A & Accessories Too! 40 Year Paint Warranty pionship mean you have to Post Frame / Agricultural Building, Steel Building, port, ort, Self-Storage, Workshop / Unattached Garage, Carport, destroy cars and light Truck or RV Storage... couches on fire? Enough WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED! with the couch fires, Keep Everything Under Your Roof Dry. America. So sorry, Mike ... Jordan may not be the best ever, but 20 Colors the lack of parity in the NBA To Choose From! DripStop Controls Condensation shouldn't overwhelm the 7 Crinkle Colors Available! on Uninsulated Metal Roofs. fact that there's great basketORDER TODAY! PICK ICK UP TOMORROW! TOMORRO ball being played. So enjoy. On Most Roofing and Supplies Just don't riot. Cut Out The Middle Man! BUY DIRECT AND SAVE! Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New ROLLING FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Jersey.
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© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Submitted Photo
On June 15, 2017 Jeff McKay presented a grant of $500 to the Jefferson County Historical Society (JCHS) from his employer, Pittsburgh Paints Industry. The grant was awarded in recognition of his volunteer efforts at the Historical Village during 2016. Pictured is Jeff McKay
presenting the donation from Pittsburg Paint to Nancy Sodders, JCHS President. Also attending were (L to R): B ob Pemberton, Joe Ashbrook, Linda Duncan, Larry Pe r i man , Kat h l e e n McMurrin, Kirby Dixon, Brian Bur well, John Warren, Carol Ritchey,
Lucy Baker, Jack White, Sharon Francois, Howard Christ, Lowell (Stoney) Williams. Pittsburg Paint has a program to reward their employees and the places they represent for volunteer work. Jeff McKay helps with the JCHS Heritage Festival and Ice Cream Social.
JCHS PRAIRIE CHILD PROGRAM The Jefferson County Historical Society (JCHS) is having “A Day in the Life of a Prairie Child” program on July 10. The program is from 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. and is designed for children seven years old and above. There is no fee for the program but preregistration is necessary. Space is limited to fifteen children so please register as soon as possible by calling our office at 618246-0033. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. Please give the name, age, and the contact phone number when calling. A Day in the Life of a Prairie Child offers a unique learning experience of what it was like in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Children will spend time in the one room schoolhouse experiencing penmanship with a quill pen and ink, singing songs of the period, learning about the school custom of the times, and more. Oldfashioned games, chores, activities, crafts and snacks
round out the history experience for the children. Children are asked to bring a sack lunch that does not require refrigeration. Participants are encouraged to wear period dress that day but it is not required. Many of the activities will be outside so children should wear comfortable shoes. Flipflops are discouraged. Children will be learning history in a fun hands-on way.
Shirley’s Shuttle Travel The Highways And Byways With Us! JULY 8, 2017 SATURDAY — SMOKEY JOEʼS CAFE — LITTLE THEATRE ON THE SQUARE — SULLIVAN, IL — The songs of legendary hit makers Mike Stoller and Jerry Leiber come to life in the Rock and Roll musical revue, Smokey Joeʼs Café. Packed with memorable tunes like “Hound Dog”, “Love Potion #9”, “On Broadway” and “Stand By Me”, it is the longest running revue in broadway history. Cost includes show, dinner and transportation. REGISTER NOW! COST: $105 Per Person JULY 9, 2017 — SUNDAY — GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA — MERAMEC MUSIC THEATRE — STEELEVILLE, MO — Come travel with us to the Meramec Music Theatre to see the Glenn Miller Orchestra in concert. Cost includes concert, dinner and transportation. REGISTER NOW! COST: $125 Per Person. JULY 15, 2017 — SATURDAY — MYSTERY TRIP — You do not want to miss this fantastic trip. - #1, we are going to a place that has just become available to us. It is probably one of the most famous ICONs in country music historyʼs home. Believe me when I say you do not want to miss this!! We will have a tour of his home, a tour of his museum, a lot of mystery and a wonderful lunch. Remember it is a secret! If you have never done one of our mystery trips, then you sure do not want to miss this one! REGISTER NOW! COST: $175.00 Per Person. JULY 22, 2017 — JOSEPHʼS AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT — LITTLE THEATRE ON THE SQUARE — SULLIVAN, IL — Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is the irresistable family muscial about the trials and triumphs of Joseph, Israelʼs favorite son. This show is a reminder of the biblical story of Joseph, his eleven brothers and the coat of many colors. Cost includes show, dinner, and transportation. REGISTER NOW! COST: $105 Per Person. JULY 29, 2017 — SATURDAY — KENTUCKY OPRY — JIMMY FORTUNEA — A former member of the famous Statler Brothers Quartet - You will not want to miss this concert. Cost is for dinner, concert and transportation. REGISTER NOW! COST: $95 Per Person.
We Now Accept Discover - Master Card - Visa • 4324 Sassafras Lane - Mt. Vernon - 242-1680
The Jefferson County Historical Society is coordinating plans for the upcoming 2019 Bicentennial of both Jefferson County and the city of Mt. Vernon. Jefferson County and the city of Mt. Vernon were formed in the spring of 1819. Mt. Vernon was briefly named Mt. Pleasant, but was soon changed to Mt. Vernon. Organizations which have been meeting regularly at The Jefferson County Historical Village include Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, Mt. Vernon Convention and Visitors Bure au, Mt. Ver non Downtown Development, Cedarhurst Center for the Arts. Other representatives
Submitted Photo
of the county, city and local governments are invited to celebrate and educate our community and attend the meeting of the coordination group. The celebration will begin in January of 2019 and continue through December of 2019. Anyone organization planning an event for the bicentennial is asked to send
the event information to the Jefferson County Historical Society so it can be included in the calendar of events. The next meeting of the Bicentennial Committee will be at the Historical Village on Tuesday, July 25 at 9 a.m. Anyone who is interested in the planning of t h e B i c e nt e n n i a l Celebration is encouraged to attend.
SINNETT RECOGNIZED AS TOP ROTARIAN Incoming Rotary Club of Mt. Vernon President Sandy Sinnett, right, was presented the Rotary Presidents Award at last week’s installation and awards meeting. Past President Mary Harvey, shown presenting the award, said she earned the recognition in appreciation for her outstanding and dedicated service to Rotary the previous year. Submitted Photo
CHRISTIAN FAMILY DAY SEEKS COMMUNITY CHOIR MEMBERS For the first year, Christian Family Day will be held separate from Fall Fest on August 26, 2017 at the Logan Street Baptist C hurch 42nd St re et Property and Pavilion. The event will begin at 11 a.m. with Jefferson County churches displaying vendor booths with activities for families and children. Craft and food vendors will also be present. Local Christian bands and artists will begin performing at 12 p.m. At 7 p.m., a joint evening worship service will be held combining area worship l e a d e rs an d s e ve r a l Christian music genres.
Christian Family Day is in need of choir members to participate in the evening worship service. The choir is open to anyone. Any interested persons should attend both choir rehearsals at Central Christian Church (301 N. 10th St.) on Monday, August 14 and 21 from 6- 8 p.m. Please enter through Door #2. Choir members will receive the music and other information needed for this event. Chris Gregg will act as choir director. A fulldress rehearsal with the choir, specially selected band, and soloists will be held on August 24.
Christian Family Day is also still seeking local Christian bands and artists to perform during the day between 12- 6 p.m. If interested, please contact Chris Donoho at wolbassman@ Church, craft, and food vendors are encouraged to complete an application to participate in the event. To obtain an application or for more information about Christian Family Day, please contact the Mt. Vernon Convention & Visitors Bureau at 618- 2423151 or grace.mcdowell@
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE ARE LASTING SOURCES OF INDEPENDENCE depending on the state where you live, private insurer, and whether you select a health maintenance organization or a preferred provider organization. • Part D (Medicare prescription drug coverage) helps cover the cost of prescription drugs. Many people pay a premium for Part D. However, people with low income and resources may qualify for Extra Help to pay the premium and deductible. If you don’t enroll in a Medicare drug plan when you’re first eligible, you may pay a late enrollment penalty if you join a plan later. You will have to pay this penalty for as long as you have Medicare prescription drug coverage. To see if you qualify for extra help visit Will you be age 65 soon? Even if you decide not to retire, you should apply for Medicare. You can apply in less than 10 minutes using our online Medicare application. Visit to learn more about applying for Medicare. ***
Question: I worked for the last 10 years and I now have my 40 credits. Does this mean that I get the maximum Social Security retirement benefit? Answer: Probably not. The 40 credits are the minimum number you need to qualify for retirement benefits. However, we do not base your benefit amount on those credits; it's based on your earnings over a lifetime of work. To learn more about how you earn Social Security credits and how they work, read or listen to our publication How You Earn Credits, available at pubs. Question: Is it illegal to laminate your Social Security card? Answer: No, it is not illegal, but we discourage it. It’s best not to laminate your card. Laminated cards make it difficult — sometimes even impossible — to detect important security features and an employer may refuse to accept them. The Social Security Act requires
Es Fr tim ee ate s!
In July, communities everywhere celebrate our nation’s independence with fireworks, family, and friends. A strong community also creates independence as we help each other recognize our full potential. Social Security has been helping people maintain a higher quality of life and a level of independence for over 80 years. And Medicare has been doing the same for over five decades. Most people first become eligible for Medicare at age 65. For many older Americans, this is their primary health insurance and without it, they might not enjoy an independent lifestyle. Medicare can be a little confusing to newcomers so we’ve broken it down into segments. The four parts of Medicare are as easy as A, B, C, and D. • Part A (Hospital Insurance) helps cover inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing care, hospice care, and home health care. Most people get Medicare Part A premium-free since it is earned by working and paying Social Security taxes. • Part B (Medical Insurance) helps cover services from doctors and other outpatient health care providers, outpatient care, home health care, durable medical equipment, and some preventive services. Most people pay a monthly premium for Part B. Some high-income individuals pay more than the standard premium. If you don’t enroll in Medicare Part B during your initial enrollment period and then decide to do so later, your coverage may be delayed and you may have to pay a higher monthly premium for as long as you have Part B. • Part C (Medicare Advantage) allows you to choose to receive all of your health care services through a provider organization. This plan includes all benefits and services covered under Part A and Part B, usually includes Medicare prescription drug coverage, and may include extra benefits and services at an extra cost. You must have Part A and Part B to enroll in Part C. Monthly premiums vary
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
the Commissioner of Social Security to issue cards that cannot be counterfeited. We incorporate many features that protect the card’s integrity. They include highly specialized paper and printing techniques, some of which are invisible to the naked eye. Keep your Social Security card in a safe place with your other important papers. Do not carry it with you. Learn more at Question: I want to estimate my retirement benefit at several different ages. Is there a way to do that? Answer: Use our Retirement Estimator at to get an instant, personalized retirement benefit estimate based on current law and your earnings record. The Retirement Estimator, which also is available in Spanish, lets you create additional "what if " retirement scenarios based on different income levels and “stop work” ages.
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
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CULTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY ABOUT NATURE WITH THE MASTER NATURALIST PROGRAM University of Illinois Extension is announcing a ten-week Master Naturalist training program beginning Friday, August 25. Class sites will be at various locations in B ond, C linton, Jef fers on, Marion, and Washington Counties. Classes offered cover a wide range of subjects that relate to local natural areas and will include: Ur b an Wi l d l i fe, Environmental Ethics, Wetlands, Soils, Climate, Fore st r y, G e ol o g y, Prairies, Mammals, Birds, General Ecology, Insects, and Aquatics. Instructors are specialists in their field and provide both classroom and hands on training. Any adult (18 years or older) who loves the outdoors, has a concern for the local environment and wants to provide education and service to help your local community will benefit from this program. You do not
need to have a college degree or years of experience. You need to have a sincere desire to learn and share information about nature to the community through Extension projects and programing. Register online at or by calling 618/526-4551. The Master Naturalist program is a great way to connect locally with others who enjoy nature an d n atu re s tu dy. Cultivate your curiosity about nature with the M a s t e r Na t u r a l i s t program. For reasonable accommodations to participate call 618/5264551. University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, contact the extension office at (618) 242-0780.
(Expires 7/31/17)
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Wednesday, July 5, 2017
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(Expires 7/31/17)
Just Ask R&J Tactical Lazer Tag, LLC 12701 N. Hall Lane Woodlawn • 618-204-0519 WE ACCEPT: EyeMed, Medicaid & CareCredit
Pictured is Roxy Walton, marketing consultant for The Shoppers Weekly Papers
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
IDNR NEWSBITS FOR JUNE 2017 Apply Now for NonResident Archery Deer Permits: The online lottery application period is open through June 30 for NonResident Illinois Archery Combination Deer permits for the 2017-18 deer season. A link for the online application is available on the IDNR website: https:// Pages/DeerPermitsFees. aspx Non-residents may apply for one combination archery permit per season. The upcoming Illinois Archery Deer season is Oct. 1, 2017 - Jan. 14, 2018 (except closed in firearm deer counties on Nov. 17-19 and Nov. 30-Dec.3, 2017). Online Dove Permits: Online applications will be accepted from resident Illinois hunters through June 30 for the first lottery for Illinois Free Dove Hunting Permits for hunting at select state sites. Applications may be submitted for the second lottery by resident hunters who were unsuccessful in the first lottery, residents who did not apply in the first lottery, and non-resident hunters for the second lottery drawing from July 7-21. After the second lottery permit application deadline on July 21, hunters may apply for remaining free dove permits on a firstcome, first-served basis beginning at 8 a.m. on July 28-Aug. 25. For more information on dove hunting permit areas and free dove permits, check the IDNR website at https://www.dnr. Pages/OnlinePermitApplication.aspx C h e c k You r B o at Registration: The IDNR reminds boat owners in Illinois to check their threeyear boat registration/decal and renew their registration if it expires on June 30, 2017. Renewing watercraft registration can be done online through the IDNR website at www.dnr.illinois. gov or by phone by calling 1-866-867-3542. To renew registration, have available the watercraft’s Illinois registration number, the first six characters of the watercraft’s hull ID number, the first three letters of the registered owner’s last name, and a credit card. For details on Illinois watercraft
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area registration requirements and three-year boat registration fees, check the IDNR website at https:// boating/Pages/default.aspx Non-motorized watercraft, including canoes, kayaks, paddle boats, or sail boards in Illinois, are no longer required to be titled/ registered in Illinois, unless the vessels have a motor or sail. Non-motorized watercraft owners are required to purchase an Illinois Water Usage Stamp for $6.00 per calendar year (for each of their first three vessels, and $3.00 each for any additional vessels). An agent fee of $0.50 is charged per vessel. The 2017 Illinois Water Usage Stamp is valid through December 31, 2017. Water Usage Stamps are available over-thecounter from IDNR license and permit vendors. Find a vendor through the IDNR website at https://www.dnr. LicensePermitVendors. aspx Illinois State Parks Guide: The 2017-18 Illinois State Parks guide is available in print and online. The booklet is a useful guide to an eventful day in a state park picnic area, a weekend at a state park lodge or campground, a hike in a state forest, a ride on a state trail, or hunting and fishing trips to a state fish and wildlife area. The Illinois State Parks guide is posted on the IDNR website in PDF format at this link: https:// Documents/ILPARKS2017. pdf Copies of the state parks guide can be ordered through the IDNR online publications page: https:// ordertype.asp Camping Reservations: Summer is a great time for camping in Illinois. Make campsite and shelter reservations for many IDNR sites online through the Reserve America website at using a credit card. Sportsmen Against Hunger: The Illinois Conservation Foundation thanks hunters for supporting the Illinois Sportsmen Against Hunger program with donations of 15,523 pounds of venison during
the 2016-17 deer seasons. Hunter-donated venison is prepared by participating local meat processors for donation to local food pantries. Thanks to the participating meat processors for their support, including Houser Meats, Rushville; Korte Meats, Highland; Mike’s Market, Louisville; Miller’s Meat, Red Bud; Freedom Sausage, Earlville; Golden Meat Locker, Golden; Raber Packing,
Peoria; and, Bob’s Red Fox, Pleasant Hill. Fall Tu r k e y Applications: Resident Illinois hunters can apply online for permits for the 2017 Illinois Fall Shotgun Turkey season (Oct. 21-29). The first lottery application deadline is July 3. For more turkey hunting information, check the IDNR website at https://www.dnr. TurkeyHunting.aspx
Willow Springs Apartments 4100 Willow Springs • Mt. Vernon
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1. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of flour primarily is used to make pumpernickel bread?
2. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase "bona fide" mean? 3. MATH: Which Arabic number doesn't have its own Roman numeral? 4. ART: What French Romantic artist painted "Liberty Leading the People"?
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area 5. FAMOUS QUOTA- planet in our solar system TIONS: What 19th-century has an average temperature naturalist once said, "The of 462 degrees Celsius? clearest way into the Uni8. GEOGRAPHY: In verse is through a forest what ancient city were The wilderness"? Hanging Gardens, one of 6. LAW: Which amend- the Seven Wonders of the ment to the U.S. Constitu- World, said to have been built? tion abolished slavery? 7. ASTRONOMY: Which 9. COMICS: What planet
is Superman from? 10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the dry wind that blows through Southern California and Baja California? Answers 1. Rye 2. In good faith 3. Zero
Wednesday, July 5, 2017 4. Eugene Delacroix 5. John Muir 6. Thirteenth Amendment 7. Venus 8. Babylon 9. Krypton 10. Santa Ana winds © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
BOROWIAK’S IG By Larry Cox Fiesta Vase Q: My mom had several pieces of Fiesta. One of the more unusual pieces is a 8-inch vase in turquoise. I have not been able to find it in the Fiesta price guide I have. Can you help me? — Sam, Fort Worth, Texas A: The 8-inch vase was produced for about a decade and was discontinued in 1948. Your vase is either marked "Fiesta HLC USA" or "Fiesta Made in USA." I found your vase referenced in "Fiesta," by Glen Victorey and published by Krause Books. According to Victorey, your vase is valued in the $600 to $650 range. *** Q: I have a hand-cranked Handel Webster pencil sharpener in working condition. I have been offered $75 for it by a dealer. Can you tell me what it is worth? — Walter, Haines City, Florida A: An antique dealer generally offers about half of what he or she thinks they can sell an item for full retail. That leads me to believe your pencil sharpener is probably worth more, perhaps as much as $150. Remember, this is just my educated guess, not an appraisal. A free appraisal is worth what you pay for it. *** Q: I have a World War I uniform in perfect condition. I have the campaign hat, gas mask and other ac-
cessory pieces. Whom do you suggest I contact to determine its value? — Norm, Jerseyville, Illinois A: Although there are dozens of excellent shops that specialize in military memorabilia, one of the better ones is "History by George" in Mesa, Arizona. George Notarpole is the owner and an expert in this field of collecting. He can help you determine the value of your uniform. Contact is 129 W. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85201; notarpole@historybygeorge. com. *** Q: I have a porcelain plate commemorating the 56th annual convention of the National Association of Postmasters held in Florida in 1960. How much is it worth? — Judy, Ronceverte, West Virginia A: I could not find your particular plate in any of my references, but I have seen similar ones selling in the $10 to $20 range. A postal collector might pay slightly more. *** Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, or send e-mail to Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
w w w. S P E R O F S . O R G / e v e n t s / g o l f 6 1 8 - 2 4 2 - 1 0 7 1 E x t. 2 3 6
MANAGER’S SPECIALS Good Thursday & Friday Only! July 6th & 7th!
Pepsi Products 6-Pack Multi-Pack 88 Plastic Bottles - Limit 5 ...................................... IGA Large Eggs ¢ Grade “A” Dozen - Limit 3 .......................... Borowiak’s Best Homemade 00 Porkburgers - 5 Lb. Box - Limit 2 ........... ¢ Hormel Pork Riblets.......................... /Lb. Whole In The Bag Bone-In ¢ /Lb. Fresh Picnics - Sliced Free!........ Bar S Corn Dogs - 2.67 Lb. Box, 16 Ct. 3/ 00
PRODUCE DEPT. Dole Chopped Salads
Red or Green Seedless Grapes
12-14.4 Oz. Pkg.
10 99
89 - Hot Price! ............................................ 10 99 Fresh California Cheeries................... 2 /Lb. California Tree Ripened Nectarines 88 /Lb. or Peaches .........................................
Save Every Day On 1,000’s Of Items Throughout The Store
299 39 Coffeemate Creamer - 32 Oz. .................................. 3 99 IGA Tea Bags - 100 Ct. ........................................... 1 19 Daisy Sour Cream - 16 Oz. ..................................... 2 3/ 00 IGA Jumbo Biscuits - 16 Oz................................ 5 99 IGA Granulated Sugar - 10 Lb. Bag. ........................... 4 2/ 00 Jell-O Dairy Gelatin - 4-Pack ................................ 4 29 Minute Maid Orange Juice - 59 Oz. ........................ 3 ¢ IGA Tomato Sauce - 16 Oz. Can ............................. 69 99 Blue Bunny Champ Cones - 6 Ct. ............................ 4 49 IGA Frozen Blueberries - 16 Oz. ............................ 3 ¢ Propel Water - 24 Oz. Bottle ................................... 99 Velveeta Cheese Singles - 12 Oz. ............................
599 99 Aqua Fina Water 24-Pk. 1/2 Liters .............................. 4 99 Lipton Tea - 12-Pks. or Pure Leaf Tea - 6-Pks............ 4
Mrs. Gerry’s Steakhouse Cole Slaw
2 3 2 2 5
Bagged Sweet Mini Peppers - 1 Lb. .............. 2/ 00 Green Giant Baby Supreme Carrots - 12 Oz. ....... 99 Willy’s Fresh Salsa - 16 Oz. ................................... 99 Portabella Mushrooms Whole or Sliced - 6 Oz. .......... 2/ 00 Fresh Apple Slices - 14 Oz. Pkg. ...............................
DAIRY / FROZEN DEPT. 99¢ 99 Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese ...........1 2/ 00 Prairie Farms Sherbet .................... 6 79 IGA Frozen Garlic Texas Toast ...........1 10/ Banquet Pot Pies ................ 1000 2/ 00 Culinary Circle 12” Pizzas.............................. 8 88 Essential Everyday Ice Cream .........4 ¢ IGA Frozen Vegetables or Steamers ..99 99 Kraft American Singles ....................1 2/ 00 IGA Cream Cheese ............................... 3 Kraft Cool Whip - 8 Oz. Bowl .................................
Kretschmar Tavern Ham, Garlic Herb Chicken Br Roasted Browned Tu
Borowiak’s Best Gold N P Baked Chicken ..........
Borowiak’s Best Gold N P Fried Chicken ...........
6-8 Oz.
- Half Gallon
11-16 Oz.
- 6-7 Oz. Box
- Gallon Buckets
- 12-16 Oz.
12 Oz. Package
Sandridge Baked Potato S
Sandridge Beef Barbacoa
Sandridge Pork Carnitas .
BAKER Bakery Fresh Cookies 24 Ct., 1.2 Oz.
8 Oz.
Pepsi Products - 24-Pk. Cans ...............................
Cheetos 8-9.5 Oz., Fritos - 9.75 Oz. or 2/ 00 Lay’s Potato Chips - 7-8 Oz. Bag ......................
5 99 Lay’s Multi-Pack Chips - 20 Ct. Bag ......................... 5 00 Coca-Cola Products 2-Liter Sodas........................... 1 4/ 00 Coca-Cola Products 12-Pk. Cans or 8-Pk. 12 Oz. Bottles ... 12 4/ 00 Coca-Cola Products 1/2 Liter 6-Pks. ................ 10
HEALTH & BEAUTY CARE Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner - 12-12.6 Oz. .... 3
Crest Toothpaste - 4.6 Oz. .................................. 1
4 79 Always Pads or Tampax Tampons ..................... 3 Suave Body Wash - 12 Oz. ..............................
2/ 00
Clydes Glazed Donu
Bakery Fresh Kaiser
Skinner Coffee Cake R
Bakery Fresh Mini-B
WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! - See our complete ad online at www.borowiak
Borowiak’s 22 nd charity golf classic friday, july 7
500 S. 10th St. • Mt. Vernon • 242-2375 We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct printing errors.
SENIOR CIT Every We Save
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
3. Fist Fight (R) Ice Cube 8. Before I Fall (PG 13) 4. The Shack (PG-13) Zoey Deutch Sam Worthington 9. Moana (PG) animated 5. The Great Wall 10. Hidden Figures (PG) (PG-13) Matt Damon Taraji P. Henson 6. A Dog's Purpose (PG) Top 10 DVD, Blu-ray Josh Gad Sales Top 10 Movies Jackman 7. Fifty Shades Darker 1. Logan (R) FOX 2. Get Out (R) Daniel (R) Dakota Johnson On Demand 2. The Shack (PG-13) 1. Logan (R) Hugh Kaluuya
Gatorade Thirst Quencher 32 Oz. Bottle • Limit 6
IGA Chunk Light Tuna In Water
IGA Pasta (Macaroni Shells, Long or Thin Spaghetti,
Vermicelli, Elbow Macaroni, Penne Rigate) - 16 Oz. .......................
Kretschmar Provolone Cheese or Cotto Salami
Kellogg’s Cereals (Frosted Flakes 10. 5 Oz., Rice Krispies 9 Oz.,
Baby Swiss Cheese, reast, or Oven urkey Breast.......
Plump 8-Piece
599 Plump 8-Piece 99 ............................ 6
249/Lb. 99 a, Fully Cooked... 7 /Lb. 99 ..................... 5 /Lb.
Salad ..............
3 Lawry’s Seasoned Salt - 16 Oz. Bottle ........................... 5 Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix - 32-35 Oz. Box ............ 2/500 100% Wheat Bread - 16 Oz., Italian Bread - 16 Oz. .......
Cocoa Krispies 11 Oz., Apple Jacks 8.7 Oz., Corn Pops 9.2 Oz., Froot 6/ Loops 8.7 Oz., Raisin Bran 13.7 Oz. Corn Flakes 12 Oz.) - Limit 6....
Bunny Soft Twist White Bread - 16 Oz.,
2/ 00 2/ 00
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack IGA TableRite Boneless or Butterfly Pork Chops
5 Lb Lb. / $10 $10.00 00
USDA 10 Lb. Tube Ground Beef 81% Lean
If animals could talk, which one do you think would be the most annoying?
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack IGA TableRite Boneless Beef Rib-Eye Steaks
Lb / $30.00 $ $30 00 5 Lb.
USDA 10 Lb. Chicken Leg Quarters
Peggy Johnson
General Mills Cereals (Multi-Gran Cheerios 18 Oz., Cheerios 18 Oz., Honey Nut Cheerios 21.6 Oz., Lucky Charms 20.5 Oz., Golden Grahams 23.5 Oz., Cinnamon 3/ Toast Crunch 20.25 Oz., Reese’s Puffs 22.9 Oz., Cocoa Puffs 20.9 Oz.) ........
900 Kellogg’s Poptarts - 8 Ct. Box ................................ 5/1000 IGA Taco Seasoning - 1.25 Oz. ............................. 2/88¢ Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams - 12-14.4 Oz. Box ........ 299 Nabisco Family Size Ritz Crackers - 20.6 Oz. Box .... 399 Nabisco Family Size Oreos or Chips Ahoy Cookies - 10-25.6 Oz. .......................... 399 Kraft Marshmallow - 8-10.5 Oz............................. 4/500
10 Lb 0 Lb. / $ $25.00
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack IGA TableRite Boneless Beef New York Strip Steaks
2 Bags / $10.00
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack Boneless Country Style Ribs
Birds. I listen to them every morning. They never shut up.
5 Lb 0 Lb. / $ $25.00
5 Lb Lb. / $10.00 $ $10 00
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack IGA TableRite Boneless Beef Sirloin Tip Roast
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack IGA TableRite Boneless Beef Sirloin Tip Steak
5 Lb Lb. / $15 $15.00 00
5 Lb. / $20.00
(Regular or Tenderized)
IGA Applesauce - 23-25 Oz. Jar ............................. 3/500 Smuckers Strawberry Jam - 30 Oz. Jar .................... 349 Jif Peanut Butter - 28 Oz. Jar .................................... 3
Gatorade Thirst Quencher - 8-Pack, 20 Oz. Bottle.... 4
IGA Paper Plates - 100 Ct. ......................................... 299
Cafe Valley Muffins 4 Ct. Pkg.
uts - Dozen...................... 3
Rolls - 6 Ct. Pkg. ........ 179
Rings - 16 Oz. ................ 399
5 Essential Everyday Refried Beans - 16 Oz. can ... 3 Essential Everyday Salsa - 16 Oz. Jar ................... 2/300 IGA Mayonnaise - 30 Oz. Jar......................................199 Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent - 92-100 Oz. Bottle..... 999 IGA Spring Water - 24-Pack 1/2 Liter ........................ 277 Aunt Jemima Syrup - 24 Oz. Bottle ....................... 2/500 Bush’s Best Baked or Grillin’ Beans - 21-28 Oz. Can ... 3/498 Hunt’s Manwich - 15 Oz. Can ................................... 69¢ Puffs Facial Tissue - 56-64 Ct. ...............................
4/ 00 4/ 00
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack IGA TableRite Pork Cutlets
79 Now Featuring
TIZENS DAY! / Exchange! ednesday! e 10%. Every Day Low Price
5 Lb. / $20.00
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack Raw Catfish Nuggets
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack USDA Chicken Wings
My rooster, because he’s mean as heck.
49 6 Dinn
5 Lb. Jumbo Pack Breaded Catfish Nuggets
5 Lb. Lb b / $10.00 $ $10 00 0
3 Lb. Bag Green Peak Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
2.5 Lb. Package Bar S Smoked Sausage or Polish Sausage
Cats, because they think they rule the world.
Hot H t Price! P i !
(Bacon N Swiss or Jalapeno N Cheddar)
Daily Lunc h Specials
5 Lb. / $15.00
5 Lb 00 Lb. / $10 $10.00
2.5 Lb. Package Bar S Smoked Sausage
Bagels - 16 Oz. ............ 2
© 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Downy Liquid Fabric Softener - 41-51 Oz. Bottle..... 499
8. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (R) Sony 9. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (PG-13) Disney 10. xXx: Return of Xander Cage (PG-13) Paramount Source: ComScore
5 Oz. Can
Lionsgate 3. Fist Fight (R) Warner Bros. 4. The Great Wall (PG-13) Universal 5. Get Out (R) Universal 6. Moana (PG) Disney 7. Fifty Shades Darker (R) Universal
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
1 Lb. Package Bar S Bologna (Regular or Thick)
Hot H t Price! P i !
1 Lb. Package Bar S Franks (Bun Length or Jumbo)
Bar S 5 Lb. Pre-Sliced American Cheese
ers Include 2 S ides And A Roll L Lb / $15.00 $15 00 5 Lb.
Giraffes, because they look stuck up.
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area July 5, 2017 - July 11, 2017 Volume 27, Number 27
the shoppers
A Weekly Publication of
The Shopper’s Weekly Inc.
Located at 301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223 Centralia Illinois 62801 Telephone (618)533-7283 Fax (618)533-7284 email: website: Copyright ©2017. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Publisher / Editor Cathy Stuehmeier General Manager John Stuehmeier Advertising John Stuehmeier Cathy Stuehmeier Peggy Johnson Rosanna Walton
Office Staff Linda Weible
Production Manager T. Scott Pinkowski Production/Web Staff Cindy Goodnight DeLorean Coleman
With Lizzie
Grilling and Chilling With Pork Last week we featured grilling and chilling with beef. This week it's more of the same except it's pork, the other white meat. First up is yummy pork chops grilled with herbs.
Pork Chops Grilled With Herbs 4 pork loin or rib, chops (1½ to 1¾ lbs. total), cut about 1" thick 1 clove garlic, cut in half Salt and pepper
Take The Shopper’s Weekly Wherever You Go.
8 large fresh bay leaves, fresh sage leaves, or fresh sage sprigs About 2 T. olive oil
Rub both sides of pork chops with cut sides of garlic; then sprinkle chops lightly with salt and pepper. Press one bay leaf on each side of each chop; brush chops lightly with oil on both sides. Place chops on lightly greased grill 4" to 6" above solid bed of medium coals. Cook, turning once, until meat is well browned on outside and no longer pink near bone in thickest part; cut to test (10 to 14 min.) Makes 4 servings.
Curried Pork Steak With Melon 1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) butter or margarine 2 tsp. curry powder 2 T. each lemon juice and finely chopped Major Grey's chutney
Find the Shopper’s Weekly online & on social media like Facebook & Twitter.
2½- to 3-lb pork leg steak, cut 1½" thick 1 large cantaloupe, peeled, cut crosswise into 1/2" thick rings, and seeded
Melt butter in small pan over medium heat; stir in curry powder, lemon juice, and chutney. Brush pork steak and cantaloupe with part of butter mixture. Place meat on lightly greased grill 4" to 6" above solid bed of medium coals. Cook, basting occasionally with butter mixture and turning several times, until meat is well browned on outside and no longer pink near bone; cut to test (15 to 20 min.). During last 5 min. of cooking, arrange cantaloupe rings on grill. Cook, brushing occasionally with butter mixture and turning once, until heated through (about 5 min.). To serve, cut steak into 1/2" thick slices; accompany with cantaloupe. Makes 4 to 6 servings.
Oriental-Style Pork Tenderloins 2 pork tenderloins(3/4 to 1 lb. each) 1/2 cup each soy sauce and regular-strength chicken broth 1/4 cup sake or dry sherry
6 T. sugar 1 tsp. minced garlic 1 tsp. red food coloring (optional)
With small, sharp knife, trim surface fat and thin, silvery membrane from tenderloins. Fold and tie thin end of each tenderloin under to give meat even thickness. In large bowl, stir together soy, broth, sake, sugar, garlic, and, if desired, food coloring. Add tenderloins and turn to coat. Cover and refrigerate at least 8 hours or until next day, turning tenderloins several times. Barbecue meat by indirect heat. Lift meat from marinade and drain briefly (discard marinade). Place meat on lightly greased grill directly above drip pan. Cover barbecue and adjust dampers as necessary to maintain even heat. Cook until meat is no longer pink in thickest part (cut to test) or until meat thermometer inserted in thickest part (not folded end) and set parallel to length registers 150° to 155°F. Cooking will take 18 to 22 min. To serve, let meat stand 10 min.; then cut across grain into thin slanting slices. Makes about 4 servings.
Venezuelan Pork Butt 4 lb. boneless pork butt roast 1 large onion, coarsely chopped 1 can (4 oz.) pimentos, drained and finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
the shoppers
1/3 cup chopped parsley 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar 1/4 cup salad oil 1/4 tsp. pepper
Untie pork butt if necessary; then butterfly (slit at center and spread out flat) to make 1½" thick steak. With knife, score meat in crisscross pattern, making cuts about 1/2" deep and 1½" apart. Place meat in large heavy-duty plastic bag. In bowl, stir together onion, pimentos, garlic, parsley, vinegar, oil, and pepper. Pour mixture over meat in bag. Seal bag securely; rotate to distribute marinade. Place in shallow baking pan; refrigerate at least 4 hours or until next day, turning bag over several times. Barbecue meat by indirect heat. Lift meat from marinade and drain briefly. Scrape off and discard vegetable bits clinging to meat; reserve remaining marinade. Place meat on lightly greased grill directly above drip pan. Cover barbecue and adjust dampers as necessary to maintain even heat. Cook, basting occasionally with marinade, until meat thermometer inserted in thickest part registers 150° to 155°F (about 40 minutes). To serve, cut meat across grain into thin slanting slices. Pour any remaining marinade into small pan and bring to boil; pass at the table to spoon over meat. Makes about 8 servings. *** If you have a favorite recipe and want to share it with us, just send it in c/o The Shopper's Weekly, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to:, (Subject - ATTN: Lizzie) Also, if you have a household problem, like a stubborn stain or a kitchen conundrum, drop us a line, our readers just might have your solution! I'm also interested in your general decorating or household tips. Send your message in a bottle and we might just publish it and enlighten our readers! Until next week, Au Revoir! —Elizabeth Fenton
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
HEALTH & FITNESS - Sp e c i a l
S e c t i o n -
TIPS FOR GOOD KIDNEY HEALTH Few people devote much thought to their kidneys unless their doctor advises them they are having kidney troubles. But kidneys perform essential functions in the human body, filtering water and waste out of blood and urine while also helping to control blood pressure. When operating correctly, kidneys can go a long way toward ensuring a healthy life. But when kidneys are compromised, the results can be very harmful to human health. Kidney disease is no small cause for concern, as the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases notes that more than 20 million Americans may have kidney disease, with millions more being at risk. Kidney disease may be even more problematic in Canada, where the Kidney Foundation of Canada reports that one in 10 Canadians has kidney disease. Though family history is one risk factor for kidney disease, it’s not just genetics that put people at risk. People with diabetes, high blood pressure and/or cardiovascular disease are also at risk of developing kidney disease, which develops gradually and does not often produce physical symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage. Because people may not detect symptoms of kidney disease until it reaches an advanced stage, the NIDDK recommends people schedule routine blood tests to check their glomerular
filtration rate, or GFR, which checks to see how well kidneys are filtering. The NIDDK also notes the importance of routine urine tests, which check for protein in urine. The presence of the protein albumin in urine indicates kidney damage. In addition to routine screenings, people can take the following steps to maintain healthy kidneys so they can live long, healthy and active lives. • Maintain a healthy blood pressure. A healthy blood pressure can delay or prevent the onset of kidney disease. The American Heart Association advises that a normal healthy blood pressure is a systolic number (the top number) less than 120 and a diastolic number (the bottom number) less than 80. The systolic number measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats, while the diastolic number measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats. Have your blood pressure measured by your physician on each visit (and no less than once per year), and speak with him or her about ways to lower your blood pressure if it is high or if your blood pressure falls in the prehypertension range (120-139 over 80-89), which means you are at risk of developing high blood pressure. • Reduce sodium consumption. One simple way to protect your kidneys is to consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day. Though sodium serves some essential functions in the
body, helping it to regulate blood pressure among other things, people with kidney disease cannot eliminate excess sodium and fluid from their bodies. The resulting buildup in the tissues and bloodstream can contribute to high blood pressure. • Limit alcohol intake. The NIDDK advises that limiting alcohol intake can help to keep kidneys healthy and operating at full strength. Alcohol impacts the body in various ways, and kidneys are not immune to the effects of alcohol. Alcohol can cause changes in the kidneys that compromise their ability to filter blood. Alcohol also can affect the ability of kidneys to maintain the right amount of water in the body. That’s because alcohol consumed in excess dehy-
drates the body, making it harder for cells and organs, including the kidneys, to function normally. Speak with your physician about your alcohol consumption and what is considered healthy for someone in your situation. • Consume a kidney-
friendly diet. The right diet also can help people maintain healthy kidneys. A diet that includes kidney-friendly foods can prevent the buildup of waste in the kidneys while also helping people maintain healthy blood pressures. The National Kidney Foundation notes
that foods such as apples, blueberries, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, and kale are just a few kidneyfriendly foods. Healthy kidneys can contribute to long, healthy lives. Learn more about the kidneys at www.
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The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
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YOU CAN REGISTER AT ANY AND ALL OF THESE PARTICIPATING BUSINESSES WEEKLY * Look For The Registration Boxes. Completely Fill Out A Registration Slip And Drop It In The Box.
after their dogs. — Disgusted in St. Pete DEAR DISGUSTED: I agree, a yard full of poop is both smelly and a cradle for harmful bacteria. Not to mention that the nitrogen-rich waste destroys the grass. Poop-Oop-a-Doop I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, DEAR P AW ’ S though. Some people CORNER: You were might simply be bothtotally off base in your ered by the sight of a answer to the person dog doing its business who says her neighbor is and assume the yard is complaining about the a mess. Whether the dog poop in her yard. neighbor has a legitiWhy did you go so easy mate beef isn't clear, on her? She needs to though, since I haven't clean up her dog's mess! actually seen the propNot only does it look and erty. smell disgusting, but a backyard full of dog DEAR P AW ’ S poop is a backyard full CORNER: You know, a of nasty bacteria and lot of that "neighbor diseases. That stuff can battle" could be taken be tracked from one yard care of if the person puts to another by other up a high fence. That's animals like squirrels, all I have to say about it. raccoons and birds. — Ed W. in Santa Fe If I were that person's neighbor, I'd call the city DEAR ED: There's to inspect her property truth in that. Robert right away. I've done so Frost wasn't off base myself on a few occa- when he said, "Good sions. There's nothing fences make good like the threat of daily neighbors." fines from the city to get a neighbor to clean up © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. Washington County Animal Control’s
Pets In Need
CENTRALIA Borowiak’s IGA 1422 East McCord • Centralia 618-532-1313 Sun Loan Company 330 E. McCord St. • Centralia 618-533-8983 Honey Pot Comfort Wash 119 N. Broadway • Central City 618-980-2954 Centralia Recreation Complex 115 E. 2nd St. • Centralia 618-532-3214 Bandy’s Pharmacy 724 E. Noleman • Centralia 618-533-3300 Superior Windows 1420 N. Elm • Centralia 618-533-6349 VFW Post 2055 Ladies Auxiliary 1826 S. Pine St. • Centralia 618-532-9551
Tequila Mexican Restaurant 103 E. Broadway • Centralia 618-532-2023 Tequila Mexican Restaurant 1053 W. Broadway • Centralia 618-532-2270 Centralia Home Center 1325 W. Broadway Centralia • 618-532-0429 Bell Tower Inn 200 E. Noleman St. 618-533-1300 Sears Hometown Store Fairview Park Plaza • Centralia 618-533-5900 MT. VERNON Borowiak’s IGA 500 South 10th St. • Mt. Vernon 618-242-3146 Nature Trail Health Care Center 1001 S. 34th St. • Mt. Vernon 618-242-5700 Heights Finance 2929 Broadway, Ste. 4 Mt. Vernon • 618-244-1156
Bean Insurance n 1310 Broadway • Mt. Vernon 618-242-6017 Sun Loan Company 4108 Broadway • Mt. Vernon 618-244-9901 Steffy Home Furnishings, Inc. 700 S. 42nd • Mt. Vernon 618-242-3146 Mt. Vernon Eye Care Times Square Mall Mt. Vernon 244-5522 or 1-888-800-EYES HOFFMAN Hoffman Seed House Rt. 161 West Hoffman • 618-495-2617
SALEM Bandy’s Pharmacy 1413 W. Whittaker • Salem 618-548-4000 Collision Specialists 1251 W. Whittaker • Salem 618-548-1314 Salem Township Hospital 1201 Ricker Drive • Salem 618-548-3194 IRVINGTON Bandy’s Pharmacy 207 E. Huron St. • Irvington 618-249-6905 NASHVILLE Meier Chevrolet - Buick 477 E. St. Louis Nashville • 618-327-0313
FARINA Engel Bros., Inc. KINMUNDY Off I-57, Turn East on Rt. 185 Lakeside Restaurant 1/2 mile • Farina 6848 Omega Rd. Kinmundy 618-245-6551 Forbes State Park • 618-547-9001
CONTEST RULES: Must be 18 years old or older to register. One winner per household. No purchase necessary. You can register each week at any participating merchant. Qualifying drawings held every two weeks.
1. This is a friendly, female cat. 2. Brownie is a spayed female Cattle Dog mix.
3. Temperest is a female Terrier. 4. Quin is Terrier.
Washington County Animal Control 17990 Richview Road Nashville, IL 62263
Hours: Mon-Sat. 8:00-1:00
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Ministries by: Cliff Sanders
The Spirit of Liberty In grade school, I remember singing to the top of our voices, “My country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty.” Thank God, we live in a land of liberty and justice for all. But even though we live in a land of liberty, multitudes are enslaved to a host of taskmasters. Israel languished under the harsh whip of Egyptian slavery. God heard their cry and sent them a deliverer in the person of Moses, one of their own. By God’s miraculous power, Moses led them out of bondage into freedom. On the top of Mount Sinai, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments to teach them the righteous requirements of a Holy God. When Moses came down from the mountain, his face so radiated the glory of God, he put a veil over it. The apostle Paul referred to the event and concluded, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (II Corinthians 3:12-18) The key to true liberty is the spirit of the Lord. Apply the elements of true liberty. THE FUEL OF LIBERT Y IS THE
1. Is the book of Acts in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. Who honored a man by letting him ride the royal steed through city streets? Silas, Hosea, Ahasuerus, Asa 3. From Job 4, who was
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
WORD OF GOD. Jesus revealed the Bread that came down from heaven and gives eternal life and nourishes the spirit, soul, and body. “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you, they are full of Spirit.” (John 6:63) The enemy spews forth propaganda and lies. Jesus declared, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32) The writer of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” wrote, “His truth is marching on.” The fire of the Spirit of God melts hearts, illuminates the Word of God, convicts, and sets the heart aflame. THE IGNITION OF LIBERTY IS FAITH. Only faith in God can ignite liberty in the hearts of men and nations. The enemy knows this and stirs up tyrants to try and stamp out faith in the gospel of Christ. Paul wrote, “O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that
you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you . . . Received you the Spirit by the works of the law or the hearing of faith? . . . He, therefore, that ministers to you, the Spirit, and works miracles among you, does he do it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?” (Galatians 3:1-5) Let faith ignite liberty in your life and circumstances. THE PROGRESSION OF L I BE RT Y I S WALKING IN THE SPIRIT. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, the glory on his face gradually began to fade, so he put a veil on. (II Corinthians 3:12-18) Believers in Christ have something better. “But we all, with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image form glory to glory, even by the Spirit of the Lord.” (II Corinthians 3:17-18) Liberty must be maintained. Neglect and compromise erodes liberty. In the Old Testament, Samson compromised his principles and was not even aware that the Spirit of God had departed from him.
(Judges 16:20) Liberty must progress or it will surely regress. “This I say, walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:13-18) THE ATMOSPHERE OF LIBERTY IS THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. I’ve driven through some localities and have been around some individuals that were so oppressive that the atmosphere was depressing and toxic. But there is an atmosphere that is so pristine, holy, and exhilarating that it is literally charged with intoxicating liberty. “Now . . . the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” (II Corinthians 3:17) To delight to live in the atmosphere of the Spirit of the Lord is to live in glorious liberty. Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and sup with him and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20) Open the door of your heart and let Christ in. Shalom, Cliff Sanders Eagle Life Ministries
This Sermon Is Brought To You By These Sponsors
so frightened by a dream that his hair stood on end? James, Eliphaz, Noah, Cain 4. Pharaoh gave what burnt city to his daughter for a gift? Cana, Gezer, Joppa, Bethel 5. From Acts 9, what dressmaker was restored to life by Peter's prayers? Dorcas, Leah, Jezebel, Miriam 6. Where did Gideon meet an angel? Prison, Field, Oak tree, Well
ANSWERS: 1) New; 2) Ahasuerus; 3) Eliphaz;
4) Gezer; 5) Dorcas; 6) Oak tree © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
1018 S. 10th St. • Mt. Vernon
The Shoppers Weekly Papers Mt. Vernon Area
by Samantha Weaver • It was 19th-century journalist and women's rights advocate Margaret Fuller who made the following sage observation: "A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body." • There is a patron saint for everything, it seems. You've probably never heard of Saint Drogo of Sebourg, but this 12th-centur y
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Be prepared to face some challenges stirred up by an envious colleague. Your best defense is the Arian’s innate honesty. Stick with the truth, and you’ll come out ahead. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your sensitivity to the needs of others is admirable. But be careful to avoid those who would take unfair advantage of your good nature, especially where money is involved. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Having an optimistic attitude is fine, as far as it goes. But don’t be lulled into a false sense of confidence. There still are problems to deal with before you can totally relax. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might feel somewhat “crabby,” as you fuss over plans that don’t seem to work out. Maybe you’re trying too hard. Ease up and let things happen without forcing them. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Heed that keen Leonine instinct. It’s trying to tell you to delay making a decision until you’re sure there are no hidden problems that could cause trouble later on. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) This is a good time to reach out to those who might be nursing hurt feelings over recent events. Best advice: Ignore any pettiness that could delay the healing process. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Your understanding helps a colleague get through a difficult period. Al-
though you didn’t do it for a reward, be assured that your actions will be repaid down the line. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You score some high marks in the workplace, which will count in your favor when you face the possibility of changing direction on your current career path. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your goal lies straight ahead. Stay focused on it and avoid distractions that could throw off your aim and cause potentially detrimental delays. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Keep that burst of exuberance in check and resist pushing through your new project before it’s ready. In your personal life, a family member again needs help. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Paying attention to your work is important this week. But so are your relationships with those special people in your life. Make time for them as well. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Good news. Someone is about to repay a long-standing debt. But be warned. That same someone could try to charm you into lending it back unless you say no and mean it. BORN THIS WEEK: You are sensitive to matters that involve your home and family. You would make a fine family-court judge or social worker. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Flemish noble became the patron saint of those whom others find unattractive. After he turned 18, he got rid of all his wealth, became a shepherd and made several pilgrimages to Rome. On one of these pilgrimages, he was "stricken with an unsightly bodily affliction" and became hideously deformed. In order to spare others the sight of his deformity, he
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
was confined to a small cell attached to his village church. Until the end of his life, 40 years later, he remained there, subsisting only on barley, water and the bread and wine of communion. • The longest beard ever recorded belonged to a man named Hans N. Langseth. Upon his death in 1927, it was 17.5 feet long. In 1967, the beard was donated to the Smithsonian Institution. • Those who study such things say that your ears secrete more wax when you're afraid. • A recent survey by Baskin-Robbins revealed some interesting trends
in parenting. It seems that when trying to get kids to do an unpleasant task, dads are 75 percent more likely to use ice cream as a bribe. Also, dads are twice as likely as moms to use ice cream to resolve an argument, and 90 percent of dads give ice cream to kids who need some cheering up. *** Thought for the Day: "The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him." — Niccolo Machiavelli © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
the shoppers
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WE BUY & SELL! 8-2
SHANE SELLS LAND, HE WON’T JUST LIST IT! SOLD •CLINTON COUNTY, IL - 63 acres. Nice home and guest house. lakes, S 2O L timber, D great deer hunting just outside of town. SOLD
SOLD •FAYETTE, IL - 29.82 acres. CRP, 6 Sacres OofLpasture D for food plots, great home or cabin building site. SOLD
SOLD •FAYETTE COUNTY, IL - 228 acres. 100 acres of tillable, mature S Otimber, L Dgiant rubs all over property, building sites. SOLD
SOLD •MONTGOMERY COUNTY, IL - 267 acres. Tillable, timber, 7 acre lake, locatedS onO a dead end rd. 50 min. from St. Louis. SOLD LD
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Courtesy Cleaners
SOLD MARION COUNTY, IL - 56 acres with log cabin. Illinois recreational tract with log cabin and 5 acre lake. Loaded with whitetails Ogreat LD and turkeys this is a nice hunting property and the lakeS offers fishing and swimming in the hot summer. SOLD
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Miscellaneous For Sale
Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
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Wednesday, July 5, 2017
SOLD •BOND COUNTY, IL - 57 acres. 15 tillable, great deer hunting, camping trailer, Stractor O Land Dall implements included SOLD
SOLD •MARION COUNTY, IL - 45 acres. All timber, established food plots, great home or cabin sites, nice lake sites and full of deer. Close to Kinmundy. SOLD
SOLD •JEFFERSON COUNTY, IL - 73 acres. All timber, deadL end private road. SOLD SO D
SOLD •JEFFERSON COUNTY, IL - 39 acres. Pasture, good building sites. SOLD S Otimber, LD
good SOLD JEFFERSON COUNTY, IL - 83 acres, 48 tillable. Timber, Screek, OL Droad frontage. SOLD SOLD •JEFFERSON COUNTY, IL - 45 acres w/nice SO Lhome. D 3 BR/2BA, pasture/timber. SOLD
SOLD JOHNSON COUNTY, IL - 120 acres. Timber, pole barn,S electric, pond, OL D road frontage. SOLD
SALE PENDING •MARION COUNTY, IL - 20 acres all Timber, creek, very secluded, great deer and turkey hunting. SALE PENDING IN UNDER 30 DAYS •JEFFERSON COUNTY, IL - 40 acres. All Timber, \ Dead End Road, great building sites, creek. JEFFERSON COUNTY, IL - 10 acres with 800 sq. ft. home, new plumbing, new hot water heater, new roof and more,
5 min. east of Mt. Vernon but in Webber Twp. so taxes still low, mostly timber and country living close to town, $120,000.
NEW FRANKLIN & JEFFERSON COUNTY, IL - 350 acres, 100 acres tillable. Very mature marketable timber, 9 acre lake, 2 acre lake, Cabin, dead end road, GIANT WHITETAILS, $3,975 an acre. NEW •CLINTON COUNTY, IL - 35 acres. Great home sites, dead end road, electric and water available, $160,000. NEW MARION COUNTY, IL - 10 acres with all brick, all newly remodeled home, 20x40 pole barn, $205,000. NEW HENDERSON COUNTY, IL ON IOWA BORDER - 1490 acre island. All timber. $1138.92 an acre NEW ALEXANDER COUNTY, IL - 60 acres. $2300 an acre. NEW MARION COUNTY, IL - 40 acres. All timber, pole barn, $3650 an acre
SHANE YEARIAN • Land Specialist - IL (618) 830-2825 •
Employment/Help Wanted
SWITCH TO DIRECTV. From $50/Month, includes FREE Genie HD/DVR # 3 months HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, STARZ. Get a $50 Gift Card. Call 877-894-5275 (MCN)
CLASS A CDL Driver. Good home time. Stay in the Midwest. Great pay and benefits. Matching 401k. Bonus’s and tax free money. Experience needed. Call Scott 507-437-9905. Apply on-line WWW.MCFGTL.COM (MCN)
Change the way you watch TV- Get rid of cable and get DIRECTV! You may also qualify to receive $100 VISA gift card when you sign up today Limited time Only. CALL NOW! 844-359-1203 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Stop paying too much for cable, and get DISH today. Call 855-589-1962 to learn more about our special offers! (MCN)
DISH NETWORK. TV for Less, Not Less TV! FREE DVR. FREE Install (up to 6 rooms.) $49.99/ mo. PLUS Hi-Speed Internet $14.95/mo (where vailable.) Call 1-855-434-0020 (MCN)
Lower that Cell Phone Bill. Get 2 lines of unlimited data for $100/mo. with AutoPay--taxes & fees included. Video Streaming & Mobile Hotspot included. Limited offer/Restrictions Apply. Call Today and Save. 855-549-9399 (MCN)
Employment/Help Wanted
HELP WANTED!! Make $1000 A Week Mailing Brochures From Home! No Experience Required. Helping home workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity. Start Immediately! www. (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
MAKE $1,000 WEEKLY! Paid in advance! Mailing Brochures at Home! Easy pleasant work. Begin Immediately! Age unimportant! WWW.HomeBucks.US ###### FREE GOVERNMENT MONEY! (MCN)
Are you in BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 888-606-6673 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
STUDENT LOAN PAYMENTS got you down? We can help reduce payments and get finances under control, call: 866-871-1626 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Reduce your total credit card payments by up to 30% to 50%! Call Consolidated Credit NOW! 844-764-1891 (MCN)
Buying a home and need a mortgage? Or, have a home and want to lower your monthly fees and refinance? Getting a mortgage is quicker and easier than ever. Call now! 855-715-4721 (MCN)
For Sale
TRAILER SALE! 2017 6'X12' V-nose, ramp, radials $2,775.00; 7'X12' single axle, V-nose, ramp, radials CAP. 3,280 lbs. two-bike or trike trailer;6'X10' 10k dump $4,899.00, 990 gallon fuel trailer; Scissor lift trailer; 82"X16'+2' car hauler 7k brakes $2,385.00; ST205/75D15 New trailer takeoffs $65.00 each. 515-972-4554 www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld. com (MCN)
Health & Medical
LIVING WITH KNEE OR BACK PAIN? Medicare recipients may qualify to receive a pain relieving brace at little or no cost. Call now! 844-668-4578 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 888-438-6461 Promo Code CDC201625 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
OXYGEN - Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! FREE info kit: 844-852-7448 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a painrelieving brace at little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1-800-604-2613 (MCN)
Health & Medical
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ATTENTION: VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE Shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-795-9687 (MCN) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OXYGEN - Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! FREE info kit: 855-995-5653 (MCN) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Asbestos Lung Cancer? If so, you and your family may be entitled to a substantial financial award. We can help you get cash quick! Call 24/7: 866-924-0504 (MCN) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GET HELP NOW! One Button Senior Medical Alert. Falls, Fires & Emergencies happen. 24/7 Protection. Only $14.99/mo. Call NOW!! 877-291-4724 (MCN) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Viagra!! 52 Pills for Only $99.00! Your #1 trusted provider for 10 years. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery. Call today 1-888-403-7751 (MCN) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Free Pills! Viagra!! Call today to find out how to get your free Pills! Price too low to Mention! Call today 1-877-560-0997 (MCN) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-389-0695. www. (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Health & Medical
Home Improvement
VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 60 tabs $99 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 (MCN)
SAVE THOUSANDS ON SURPRISE COSTLY HOME REPAIRS!! With Nations Home Warranty we pay 100% of covered Home repairs! CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE TODAY!! 888-925-8106 (MCN)
MALE ENLARGEMENT PUMP Get Stronger & Harder Erections Immediately. Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently & Safely. Guaranteed Results. FDA Licensed. Free Brochure: 1-800-354-3944 (MCN)
Home Improvement
ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-640-8195 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Save money with solar! Custom Designed Systems, Free Maintenance, Free Quote & Design. No Out of Pocket Costs. Call now! 866-944-4754 (MCN)
Water Damage in your Home? Call now for a free, fast quote. Insurance approved. Help restore your piece of mind! 866-865-1875 (MCN)
Leaky Faucet? Broken toilet? Call NOW and get the best deals with your local plumbers. No hassle appointment setup. Call NOW! 866-865-1875 (MCN)
Got Mold- or think you might have it? Mold can be hazardous to you and your family's health! Get rid of it now! Call our experts and get a quote today! 855-398-7133(MCN)
Get the perfect yard without lifting a finger! Everything you need from lawn care, soil analysis, weed control, pest control, and more! Call Now 855-675-5704 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-442-5148 (MCN)
Paying too much for car insurance? Not sure? Want better coverage? Call now for a free quote and learn more today! 855-417-7382 (MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Moving out of state? Best Interstate Moving and Storage offers a FREE Quote and A Price Plus Promise. Call 855-428-6241 Now! (MCN)
Wanted To Buy
Want to purchase minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: P.O. Box 13557, Denver CO 80201(MCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––