The Shoppers Weekly Papers - Centralia/Salem Area

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The Shoppers

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Centralia / Salem Area

Vol. 31 No. 09

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, Illinois 62801

Centralia FFA Students Enjoy Drive Your Tractor To School Day Logan Dailey, Devin Rowcliff, and Damion Mattmiller of the Centralia FFA Chapter braved the cold weather and rain Thursday morning, February 22 to drive their tractors to school for FFA Week. The National FFA Week ran from February 17 to 24 and the Centralia FFA Chapter participated in a variety of events and dress up days that were held at the school during the week.

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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

Marion County Soldiers’And Sailors’ Reunion Awarded $4,000 Grant

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Republic Services will start the leaf vacuuming service for City residents of Centralia as of Monday, March 5. The vacuuming service will last for a period of 4 weeks ending on Friday, March 30. The service will follow routes as established in August 2012 (for a detailed map see website at under: Departments, City Clerk, Utilities). The usual landscape waste and limbs will continue to be collected every week in approved paper bags. The following are simple rules that they ask each

Fee: $30.00 Resident of City of Centralia $40.00 Non-Resident *Note: In 2018, All players in Pinto, Mustang, Bronco and Pony will be chosen through a blind draft. For more information about the draft please visit All forms can be found at the Centralia Recreation Complex for your convenience. Registration Form, and Hold Harmless Release are needed. Anyone registering after March 25th will be charged a $5.00 late fee and will be placed on a team as needed, or in a player pool, until a player is needed. Volunteer coaches are needed and appreciated! Coaches must pass background check. - No refunds after teams have been formed. -

Registrations will be accepted at the Centralia Recreation Complex, 115 E. 2nd St., Centralia, IL 62801 Call 618-532-3214 or email

Recreation Department

A Public / Private Partnership

115 E. 2nd Street • Centralia • 532-3214



Reunion Chairman, Brian Deckard, is happy to announce that the Marion County Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Reunion has been awarded a $4,000 grant from the Salem Tourism Board to help with the cost to organize and publicize the 2018 Reunion this year. “This grant is key for us to hit the ground running to print stationery to send out invites to speakers and entertainers as well as produce promotional cards to go to rest area information displays along I-57, I-64, and I-70, and reserve billboards at key locations leading to Salem and Marion County,” said Brian Deckard, a U.S. Navy veteran who has taken on this project as the Reunion Chairman. The interest has been there for several years to try to bring this event back to Marion County. Many people have expressed fond memories of when they attended the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Reunion when they were kids growing up. Several groups were consulted to find out the level of interest in trying to reestablish this popular community event including the Salem American Legion, Marion County Board, Marion County

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Pictured is Brian Deckard speaking to the Salem Tourism Board on February 12, 2018.

Genealogical & Historical Society, Salem Chamber of Commerce, and Salem Historical Commission. With such a positive response, and thanks to the suggestion of the Little Egypt Festival organizer, the decision was made to re-organize the Reunion event as part of the Little Egypt Festival this year during the first weekend in October. Since the launch of the organizational meetings, other groups and community leaders from around Marion County have expressed interest in helping re-establish this event to honor our veterans. Some of those include the Centralia American Legion, the Isaac Hull Chapter of

resident to follow to make the process as smooth as possible: 1. Please rake your leaves to within four (4) feet of the curb but do not place leaves on the street or in the gutter as they will clog the storm drains. This is typically the area between the sidewalk and the curb. 2. Please do not place leaves behind or near obstacles such as mailboxes, trees, hedges, fences, etc. If there are any obstacles preventing your leaves from being picked up, they will not be picked up. 3. Please avoid parking vehicles in front of piles of

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at 6:00 a.m. and will end by 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Leaves must be ready for vacuum by 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled day. If your leaves are not picked up on the regularly scheduled day (due to severe weather, equipment malfunction or a holiday) they will be picked up the following day or as soon as possible. Republic Services and the City of Centralia are committed to making this process successful and ensuring that a quality service is provided. If you have any concerns, feel free to call Republic Services, Inc. refuse collection and hauling corporation at 800631-1156, or Public Works Dept.: 533-7640.

Centralia / Salem Area

February 28, 2018 March 6, 2018 Volume 31, Number 9 A Weekly Publication of

The Shopper’s Weekly Inc.

Located at 301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223 Centralia Illinois 62801 Telephone (618)533-7283 Fax (618)533-7284 email: website: Copyright ©2018 All Rights Reserved.

Publisher / Editor Cathy Stuehmeier

Production Manager T. Scott Pinkowski

General Manager John Stuehmeier

Production/Web Staff Cindy Goodnight DeLorean Coleman

Advertising John Stuehmeier Cathy Stuehmeier Peggy Johnson Bud Davis Jeanie Beal

Office Staff Linda Weible Bookkeeper Michelle Prosser

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leaves on the day that they are to be collected. The vacuum trucks require a minimum of forty five (45) feet of curb access to safely operate. If a vehicle blocks access to the leaves, they will not be picked up. 4. Please do not mix trash, yard waste such as limbs, weeds, grass or any other material with the leaves. Yard waste mixed with leaves causes safety concerns and equipment malfunction. These items should be placed in approved paper bags for weekly collection or bundled properly. Leaf collection will begin

Organizers are planning for a video booth to allow for veterans to introduce themselves and maybe tell a story or two about their service. Eventually, this collection of oral history from veterans and fami ly members who may wish to tell stories about their family members who are deceased or cannot attend the event, could be included in a Salem Museum as part of the G.I. Bill of Rights and American Legion history. People are encouraged to connect with the Reunion group on Facebook to share ideas, pictures and stories. The next meeting is Tuesday, February 27 at 7:00 p.m. for anyone wishing to join the effort.


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the Daughters of the American Revolution, and members of the Centralia Ve t e r a n s A f f a i r s Committee. Unlike years past when there were up to seven days of speakers, entertainment, carnival rides, and gambling tents, this year the focus is to start small and focus on a nice dinner/ program on Friday night, join the Little Egypt Parade on Saturday, and provide an ecumenical church service in Bryan Park on Sunday. Additionally, they are planning to have a “history and veterans fair” with photos and memorabilia, service groups for veterans, and informational booths from community groups.

The Shoppers

What We Do:

Loans To:


Submitted Photo

Republic Services To Commence With Leaf Vacuuming For Spring Of 2018

LEAGUE & PRICES AS FOLLOWS: GIRLS & BOYS T-Ball (age 4/5/6) Born between Jan. 2011 - Aug. 2014 Pinto Coach Pitch (age 6/7/8) If 6 years old, 2 years of T-Ball encouraged Mustang (age 9/10) Bronco (age 11/12) Pony (age 13/14)

Centralia Recreation Complex

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

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Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 –6:00 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. –12 p.m. Closed Sunday

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

politics &


I said last week I didn't have the solution to stop these horrific school shootings; no one person does. If you're waiting for the rocket scientists in Washington to offer a sane (the key word is sane) solution, that isn't going to happen. Last week after the horrible school shooting in Florida where 17 lost their lives and 20 were wounded in a gun free school zone, I heard what I've heard time and time again: "Guns are the problem." Guns, ladies and gentlemen, are not the problem. The problem is multifaceted, and not just one thing is creating this killing and wounding of our innocent children. The problems (the way I see it) are: • Social media where bullying and threats have been taken lightly, • A lack of good parenting skills, or should I say parents. • A cut in the amount of money being spent on the mental health system, leaving many falling through the cracks. • The moral state of our country as a whole. • Violent video games which are desensitizing children. • A breakdown in the complete American family. • The lack of Christianity being taught. • The lack of respect for others. • The inability of teachers and schools to discipline students for bad behavior at

school. • Gun store owners who don't do proper background checks. I'm sure I could make the list longer, but for those wondering where I stand on guns, I'm a huge supporter of the Second Amendment. However, I don't think a kid needs an AR-15. But I also think there are kids that don't need a pocket knife! It has everything to do with case by case. This recent case of violence in the Florida shooting is a prime example of this. Look at the track record of the Florida shooter, from the school to the parents and guardians, to the mental health care system, and unfortunately, from the local police department to the FBI, the ball was dropped many times over a ten year span. So with all that said, no wonder, in my opinion, the fact still remains that a gun free zone is a problem in itself as well. In some areas across the country it's apparent some agree with me. Take Texas, for instance. There are now 170 Texas schools with highly trained, qualified teachers carrying guns. These teachers have been specially trained for the purpose. The latest school to add such a system to protect their children and fellow teachers is in Callisburg, Texas. They instituted the "guardian" program that involves a number of highly trained teachers with guns.

Local State’s Attorneys Endorse Plummer Campaign Jason Plummer, Republican candidate for State Senate, has received two high profile endorsements from the State’s Attorneys of Effingham and Fayette Counties. Bryan Kibler, State’s Attorney for Effingham County, and Josh Morrison, who is serving as Fayette County State’s Attorney, are both throwing their support behind Jason Plummer, a businessman, who has made law and order a central theme of his campaign. “Jason's committed to protecting our community,” Kibler stated. “For example, Jason has reached out early and often seeking to help my office find solutions needed to combat the opioid epidemic. His beliefs and views

reflect our shared values here in Effingham County. As our State Senator, I know that Jason will work hard to make our community even better. I’m encouraging everyone to vote for Jason Plummer in the Republican Primary on March 20." Mor r is on b elie ves Plummer is the strongest and best prepared candidate in the race. “Jason Plummer knows Southern Illinois. He has proven knowledge of our workforce, the community, and what businesses need to be successful. His commitment to law enforcement and ending the opioid epidemic are enough for me to give him my endorsement,” Morrison said. “However, what really impresses me about him, and what I think

This is happening more and more, where schools are taking it upon themselves to be responsible in this rash of craziness. Do I think teachers should be forced to be armed? Absolutely not. There are some that wouldn't want to and some that wouldn't qualify, in my opinion. And no, this shouldn't be done in a manner with no thought. However, I personally know some teachers that would more than qualify and would gladly step up to save lives. Another thought: There are retired police officers as well as ex-military folks (veterans) who are well trained in handling guns that would probably be willing to volunteer to protect our school's children. I realize there are other ideas. There is a solution. We as a country have to come up with it. But more importantly, we have to institute it. That will take cooperating and agreeing to try. However, I realize if some one wants to kill, they will find a way. I've personally handled guns, starting at age seven or eight with a dad that was a hunter. It never crossed my mind to use a gun to kill or hurt another human being. So as this all comes closer and closer to home, we all need to get on the same page. Last week alone, in our area: • The Salem police investigated an alleged student will make him a great Senator, is his ability and willingness to listen to his constituents and to the needs of the community and passionately work for what is important to us.” Plummer, who is Vice President of R.P. Lumber Company and a veteran of the Navy Reserves, was honored by the support. “Effingham and Fayette Counties are very fortunate to have Josh Morrison and Bryan Kibler defending their communities. I’ve gotten to know them both and their dedication to public service is exemplary. My campaign is centered upon keeping our district safe and I look forward to working with local officials across the district to ensure that they have the resources and representation they need from Springfield,” Plummer said.


threat on social media. They took the threat seriously and took appropriate action. There was an arrest on Friday in this incident. • The Mt. Vernon Police Department on Friday continued an investigation into an alleged threat, and law enforcement members were present to ensure student safety. Again, this threat surfaced on social media and was taken seriously by all, from the Mt. Vernon Police Department to the Jefferson County Sheriff 's office. • The Centralia police arrested a Centralia High School student following an alleged threat against a staff member. • And last but certainly not least an incident happened last Friday causing the Centralia Police Department to take immediate action. There were gun shots fired around Maple and North Elm Streets in Centralia next to Lincoln School, with students present, leaving students and some teachers allegedly visibly shaken, and understandably so. Students were immediately pulled from their outdoor activities, and as an extra precaution, all city schools were put on lock down after the incident during the police investigation. Chief of Police Brian Atchison did say there was no evidence that any of the shots were directed toward the school in any way. So if the last seven to ten days doesn't say we need to get to the heart of the issue, nothing will. Let me close by saying again that I'm for the Second Amendment. But in conclusion, there are those that shouldn't be able to buy a gun. Again, the key word is shouldn't. But don't be fooled; if they want one bad enough, they'll find a way. So we can talk all we want, but until the problems listed earlier in this column are addressed, the violence

will not only continue, but will get worse. I personally thank God we have outstanding and dedicated law enforcement agencies in our entire area that jumped into each and every threat in Mt. Vernon, Salem and Centralia. Thank you!

Until next time. To comment on this or any column in The Shopper’s Weekly, please mail to: Editor, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia IL 62801, email to or drop it off at the office on 301 E. Broadway. In order for your letter to be considered for publication, you must provide your signature and an address and phone number where you can be reached. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published.

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The Centralia Regional Library presents a Special Storytime on Saturday, March 10, at 3 p.m., for children from birth to 6 years old.

Reservations are required.

Only the first 25 registrations will be able to join the fun. Sign up in the Children’s Dept. at the main library or call 532-5222 ext. 204. Attendees will receive a stuffed animal they will make themselves. All children must be accompanied by an adult. This program is part is part of the library’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program and is sponsored by a Matthews Foundation grant, received with the help of Macz Funeral Homes.

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Laura Myers Announces New Endorsements Laura Myers, Republican candidate for State Representative IL 107th, has announced two new endorsements, the Illinois Federation for Right to Life and SMART-Transportation Division (UTU). The Illinois Federation for Right to Life

is the golden standard in pro-life organizations, while SMART is the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation workers. “It is an honor to receive the endorsements of Illinois Federation for Right to Life

and SMART-Transportation Division (UTU). As your state representative, I will work hard to attract and maintain good jobs here and uphold pro-life, pro-family values, our Southern Illinois values.”


Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, in the County of Marion and State of Illinois, a General Primary Election will be held for the purpose of nominating candidates for Federal, State and County offices. Political parties entitled to participate: Republican, Democratic & Non-Partisan (local propositions).

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REPUBLICAN PARTY – YELLOW DEMOCRATIC PARTY – GREEN NON-PARTISAN – WHITE The polls of said GENERAL PRIMARY ELECTION will be open continuously from 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. Dated at Salem, Illinois this 26 day of February, 2018 Steven A. Fox Marion County Clerk

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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

a special type of smile. It was the smile of hope and pride and trepidation all mixed together in one facial expression at once. For a half-century, Frank had rooted for the Eagles. Week after week, he dissected the previous game and upcoming contest in ways the most practiced and studied football analyst from the NFL Network or ESPN could never do. Now they were on the cusp. "I think that the Eagles better not keep it close in the fourth quarter," I started to say. Then I caught the look in his eyes. It was the kind of look a kid gives you when he finds a stray puppy and asks if he can keep it, pleeeeease. Seeing this, I quickly added that I

thought the Eagles had the superior defensive line and better running game, two necessary ingredients in order to beat a pass-perfect offense featuring the likes of Tom Brady and the Patriots. One of the guys that works with Frank exclaimed to me that, get this, Frank was going down to Florida with another Eagles fan so he could watch the game on the beach. Not that there was anything wrong with that, it just seemed a little odd. Some Philadelphians behave like a bunch of crabs in a pot -- whenever one of them tries to leave, they get clawed back into the boil. Frank again smiled with wide eyes. "Do you think they'll have the parade on Tuesday, so I can get back in time to be there?" Yes, I surmised that the Eagles would need to wait at least one day and let the city call up a battalion or regiment of anti-riot police. "Aha! So you think we're gonna win!" A pause then a meek, "Right?" There was plenty the Eagles did right during

Super Bowl LII, but there was plenty to nitpick too. For example: Chris Collinsworth announced the game as if he was in a locked room with a bunch of Patriot terrorists that had guns trained on him. Did Dodge really think Martin Luther King's anti-consumerism speech was a great vehicle to sell vehicles? (Apparently so.) And did anyone ever stop to ask Bill Belichick why he felt it necessary to wear that ridiculous cut-sleeved sweatshirt, that he was a Super Bowl coach and not an itinerate hobo who just got fired off the line of a bad roadside diner? Does any of it matter anymore to the city of broken lamp posts and Crisco? No, it does not. For Philadelphia -- the Eagles in particular -- proved everyone wrong by doing what was right on game day. They never gave up, and now we'll never stop hearing about Nick Foles. Right, Frank? Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in New Jersey.

Chicago Cubs in 2016 to hit a home run in a playoff game. 3. In 2016, Derek Carr set an Oakland Raiders record for most passing yards in a game (513). Who had held the franchise mark? 4. When was the last time before 2017 that Rhode Island's men's basketball team won a game in the NCAA Tournament?

5. Name the Toronto Maple Leafs' only No. 1 overall NHL draft pick before Auston Matthews in 2016. 6. In 1985, Russian Garry Kasparov became the youngest winner in the history of the world chess championship. How old was he? 7. Who gave boxer Sugar Ray Robinson his first pro defeat, in 1943?

Answers 1. It was 1999-2000. 2. Rosy Ryan of the New York Giants in the 1924 World Series. 3. Cotton Davidson threw for 427 yards against Denver in 1964. 4. It was 1998, when the Rams reached the Elite Eight. 5. Wendel Clark, in 1985. 6. He was 22. 7. Jake LaMotta.

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Philly Fanatic One of the best parts of not being a Philadelphia sports fan is that you get to watch Philadelphia sports fans from a neutral vantage point ... something many Philly sports fans are trained at spotting and keying in on. Take Frank, for instance. I work with Frank. The Eagles had beaten Minnesota badly a few days before. When Frank saw me, he stood in front of me and said, "Sooo ... what do you think?" I had no earthly idea what he was talking about. His manner of dress? Did he get a new haircut or handbag? What? "The Iggles!" he said with

WOW! Check-Out Our Circulation!

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1. When was the last time before 2015-16 that the New York Mets made the playoffs in two consecutive years? 2. Name the last reliever before Travis Wood of the

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4. These are three-monthold, Corgi / Lab pups. There are four boys one girl. Call Animal Control for exact information.


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3. Oliver is a friendly, young, neutered male.




1. This is a young, female cat. She is a little timid and is litter box trained. 2. This is a young, female cat. She is super friendly and is litter box trained. 3. This is a young, female Lab mix. She is friendly and full of energy. 4. This is a young, male Lab mix pup. He is friendly but a little timid. Residents of the City of Centralia who own a dog or cat are required to purchase a city tag for each animal. They can be purchased at City Hall. Failure to purchase this tag can result in a $150.00 fine. If you are interested in a Pet of the Week, or any animal, call 533-7647 or visit the Centralia Animal Shelter. Directions to the shelter are as follows: Turn south at the intersection of Hwy. 161 E. (McCord) and Airport Rd. Go 1-1/2 miles, then turn left on Copple Rd. Go 1/2 mile to Woods Lane, turn left to shelter on left. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday.

2. Tommy is a very sweet, neutered and declawed, male senior.

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© 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

Pets Of The Week

1. Leroy is a sweet, neutered, red ticked Coonhound.

be a part of it!

© 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

Centralia Animal Shelter’s

Pets In Need

Centralia/Salem Paper

Peggy Johnson

Wednesday, February 28, 2018






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$70 Program Fee $64. Pass Fee Dates: April 2nd - May 24th Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Ages & Times: 7 & Older Silver & Bronze Swimmers

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Centralia Recreation Complex A Public / Private Partnership

Recreation Department

115 E. 2nd Street • Centralia • 532-3214

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area


Sandoval January Students Of The Month Recognized

Sandoval Jr./Sr. High School Students of the Month for January were recently recognized. These students were selected based on their outstanding ability to exhibit self discipline. Gifts were donated by Casey’s General Store of Sandoval. Students selected were as fo l l ow s . 1 2 t h : B e t h Pennington and Dawson Submitted Photo Rowcliff; 11th: Alyssa Ridings; 8th: Breanna Meredithl. Staff of the Deloris Phillips. Atchison; 10th: Julien Dailey ; 7th: Mariah month recognized was Mrs. Duncan; 9th: Summer

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South Central FFA Students Attend Section 19 Public Speaking Event South Central FFA Chapter was recently represented by Jami Tidwell, Cotter Hiestand, and Jacob Hanks at the Section 19 FFA Public Speaking Career Development Event. The event was hosted by the Cowden Herrick High School Agriculture program. Jami and Cotter competed in the Creed Speaking competition. This area of competition is designed to recognize outstanding FFA members for their ability to present the National FFA Creed in a competitive setting. Members deliver the creed from memory and respond to three questions. Creed and Extemporaneous Speaking is a great opportunity to get younger FFA

members excited about FFA and public speaking through a competitive event. The event gives FFA members the opportunity to develop their ability to communicate in a powerful, organized and professional manner. Jacob Hanks participated in the Varsity Extemporaneous Speech area. This area is structured where contestants are only allowed thirty minutes to research a major Agricultural topic using the internet and other resources. Students are first required to “draw” a topic by chance that they have no prior research done on. They then are allowed to develop a speech using only notecards on the topic that they selected by chance.

Board Certified in Family Medicine

Submitted Photo

Pictured (L to R) are Jami Tidwell, Jacob Hanks, and Cotter Hiestand.

Students are then judged according to how they spoke during their speech. They are also evaluated on how well they were able to organize their speech and the knowledge on the topic gained through their research. This event is one of many

educational activities in which FFA members practice the lessons learned in agricultural education classes. This competition helps to lay the groundwork for good public presentation skills that students will use for the rest of their lives.

Annie’s Project-Two Hands on The Wheel

Early Touchscreen Voting Starting The Marion County Clerk Steven Fox announced recently that early touchscreen voting in room 202 of the County Clerk’s Office would be open for voting starting February 21, 2018. This was also the first day for grace period registration and voting in the County Clerk’s Office for those that have not registered to vote. All voting is Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please contact the County Clerk’s Office with questions at 618-5483852.

cial and decision-making skills using Quickbooks and PcMars software focusing on balance sheet, cash flow and income statement information that comes from these programs. The program is called Two Hands on the Wheel, in reference to navigating records with a two-fisted approach, entry and interpretation to make decisions in declining revenue times. Participants will have plenty of interaction time with statewide presenters and local facilitators. Topics that will be covered are balance sheet construction,

handling cash flow, and generating accurate income statements from two different software packages popular among Illinois farmers, Quickbooks and PcMars. In addition to financial documents, the topic of reviewing cash rent and negotiating fair rental rates will also be discussed. The program is offered simultaneously in two Illinois locations: Decatur and Breese at the local U of I Extension offices. The dates for the program are March 6, 8, 13 & 15, all locations begin at 6:00 p.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. The

• Primary Care / Family Medicine • Weight Loss & Smoking Cessation • Heart Disease Management & Prevention • Work Related Injuries • Diabetes, Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Management • Anxiety, Depression & ADHD Management • Women’s Health & Management • Prenatal Care & New Born Pediatric Care • Physical Exams (Insurance, Pre-Employment, School, Sports) • Immunizations, Lab On Site • Geriatrics

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This Special Price Includes: • Monument & Base • All Lettering & Design on Front of Monument • Installation in Cemetery • 30” Deep Foundation* *Some cemeteries rules indicate foundation depths and may have additional fees.

Fiscal Program For Farm Women Offered In Breese As Illinois farmers are experiencing a period of lower revenues from the pre v ious f ive ye ars, University of Illinois Extension is offering a program to educate farm women about using financial records more effectively to navigate these times. A grant from the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center has made it possible for the University of Illinois and Annie’s Project— E ducat ion for Far m Women to design a program to improve finan-

Jagroop Singh, M.D.

registration fee is $50 and covers printed materials. To register for the session in Breese, call the Illinois Extension Office at 618526-4551 or register online at web.extension.illinois. edu/bcjmw. University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, contact the extension office at 618-2420780.

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GENERAL PRIMARY ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at the following regularly established polling places:




Alma 1, Alma 2 ............................Alma Village Hall .................................................... 106 Seventh Carrigan .......................................Fairman Town Hall ................................................. 657 Fairman Rd. Centralia 1, Centralia 2 ................Executive Apartments ............................................ 705 N Elm Centralia 3, Centralia 4 ................Eternity Baptist Church (Old Building).................... 305 North Beech Centralia 10 .................................Eternity Baptist Church (Old Building).................... 305 North Beech Centralia 5, Centralia 8 ................First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall ...... 413 E. Broadway Centralia 6, Centralia 7 ................First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall ...... 413 E. Broadway Centralia 9, Centralia 18 ..............Wamac City Hall ..................................................... 100 S. Wabash Ave. Centralia 11, Centralia 15 ............Central City Lions Club .......................................... 300 Morrison, Central City Centralia 12 .................................Walnut Hill Village Hall ........................................... 207 Main Centralia 13, Centralia 16 ............Junior High School Gym ........................................ 900 S Pine Centralia 14 .................................Lutheran School ..................................................... 203 S. Pleasant Centralia 17 .................................Free Methodist Church........................................... 1608 E. McCord Foster ..........................................Foster Township Hall .............................................. 8475 Jones Rd. Haines .........................................Kell Village Hall ...................................................... 401 5th Iuka ..............................................Iuka Grade School ................................................. 405 S. Main Kinmundy 1, Kinmundy 2.............Kinmundy Community Center ................................ 104 W. Third Meacham .....................................Meacham Town Hall ............................................... 8686 Kinlou Rd. Odin 1, Odin 2 .............................Odin Village Hall ..................................................... 108 E. Kirkwood Omega .........................................Omega Town Hall ................................................... 6212 Omega Rd. Patoka 1, Patoka 2 ......................Patoka Village Hall ................................................. 301 S. Oak Raccoon ......................................Raccoon School ..................................................... 3601 St. Rt. 161 Romine ........................................Romine Town Hall .................................................. 1371 Malachi Rd. Salem 1, Salem 3 ........................Marion County Courthouse .................................... 100 E. Main Salem 2, Salem 8 ........................Marion County Fair Grounds .................................. Exhibit Building Salem 4, Salem 7 ........................First Christian Church ............................................ 1200 West Boone Street Salem 5 .......................................Selmaville School (South) ...................................... 3185 Selmaville Rd. Salem 6, Salem 9 ........................Salem High School................................................. 1200 N. Broadway Sandoval 1, Sandoval 2...............Sandoval City Hall .................................................. 102 N. Cherry Sandoval 3...................................Junction City Village Hall ........................................ 12th & Adams Stevenson....................................Stevenson Town Hall .............................................. 4002 Bannister Rd. Tonti .............................................Tonti Town Hall ....................................................... 5328 Hopkins-Hunter Rd. In the county of Marion and State of Illinois, a General Primary Election will be held for the following purpose: TO BE NOMINATED: Governor & Lieutenant Governor; Attorney General; Secretary of State; Comptroller; Treasurer; Representatives in Congress - 15th District; State Senator – 54th District; Representatives in the General Assembly – 107th District; County Clerk; County Treasurer; County Sheriff; Regional Superintendent of Schools; County Board Members (Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5); Appellate Court Judge – 5th Judicial District, Vacancies to be filled TO BE ELECTED: State Central Committeemen – Democratic (one committeeman and one committeewoman per congressional district) + The Republican Party elects state central members at the county convention; Precinct Committeemen Ballot Color Code: Democratic – color is Green, Republican – color is Yellow, and Non-Partisan – color is White. ..................................................... The polls of said General Primary Election will be open continuously from 6 A.M. until 7 P.M. March 20, 2018. Voting will be conducted using Diebold Accuvote and TSX touch screen machines. STEVEN FOX, MARION COUNTY CLERK


The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Congratulations, Lamb. The end of the month brings good news in the workplace, thanks to all the efforts you’ve made to get your projects off the ground and running. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Don’t let yourself be cowed into thinking you’re not up to the challenge you’ve taken on. Keep reinforcing your selfconfidence, and no one and nothing can stop you. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Positive responses to a recent workplace move should give you added assurance that you’re on the right track. Celebrate the good news with family and/or friends. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) There’s still a little emotional fuzziness you have to work through before you can feel really certain about your recent decisions. But you’re on the right track. Stay with it. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You’re tempted by an offer that seems close to what you’ve been looking for. But before you pounce on it, see if you can coax out some added perks to sweeten the deal. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Your efforts to settle a volatile situation should prove successful. Now could be a good time to analyze what might have created the problem in the first place. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A once-close associate re-emerges with news that could cause you to

reconsider a recent decision. But don’t make a move before consulting a trusted adviser. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You might feel pressured to reveal a colleague’s secret. But you can rely on your strong Scorpion sense of rectitude to help you continue to do the right thing. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) That pesky situation is still creating problems. But you are moving ahead with it, and soon it should be successfully resolved in your favor. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A spate of indecision leaves you susceptible to doubt. But you’ll soon regain your emotional sure-footedness and be back leading the way, as usual. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Love rules the week with new romances favored for single Aquarians looking for partners. Cupid also targets renewed commitment for wedded Water Bearers. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A surge of creativity keeps you happily busy through the week. But leave some quiet time to share with loved ones. Some long-awaited news finally comes through. BORN THIS WEEK: People rely on you whenever they need someone they can trust to be caring, considerate and also discreet. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area


Become A Foster Parent Spero Family Services Foster Parents Receive:

Cooking With Lizzie

Taste-Tempting Mexican Dishes Who doesn't like Mexican food, and you don't have to be south of the border to enjoy sensational food. Below are some taste-tempting recipes to fix tonight.

Easy Taco Salad 1 lb. ground beef 1 cup bottled Catalina dressing 1 pkg. (1¼ oz.) taco seasoning 4 to 5 cups corn chips, crushed 1 medium head lettuce, shredded 2 cups (8 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese 2 medium tomatoes, seeded and chopped In skillet, brown ground beef; drain well. Stir in taco seasoning. Combine beef, lettuce, tomatoes, dressing, corn chips and cheese in large serving bowl; toss well to mix. Serve immediately. Yield: 6-8 servings.

Mexican Pie Rice Crust: 2 cups beef broth 1 cup uncooked long grain rice 1 T. butter or margarine

1 tsp. salt 2 eggs, beaten 2 T. chopped pimiento

Filling: 1 lb. ground beef 1 garlic clove, minced 1 tsp. ground cumin

1/2 cup bottled mild taco sauce 1 egg, beaten

Guacamole: 1 large avocado 1 T. chopped onion 1 T. bottled mild taco sauce

1/2 tsp. lemon juice 1 cup (8 oz.) sour cream

In medium saucepan, combine beef broth, rice, butter and salt. Cover and cook rice according to package directions. Remove from heat; cool slightly. Stir in eggs and pimiento. Press into bottom and up sides of greased 10" pie plate; set aside. For filling, brown ground beef in skillet; drain. Stir in garlic and cumin; cook 2 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in taco sauce and egg. Spoon filling into crust. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, for guacamole, mash avocado with fork in small bowl. Stir in onion, taco sauce and lemon juice; cover and set aside. Remove pie from oven; spread guacamole over meat. Top with sour cream. Return to oven for 5 minutes. Yield: 6 servings.

Beef, Rice & Chili Casserole 1/2 lb. ground beef 1 cup chopped celery 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 small green pepper, chopped 1 garlic clove, minced 2 cups cooked rice 1 can (15 oz.) chili con carne with beans

2/3 cup mayonnaise Few drops hot pepper sauce 1/2 tsp. salt 1 can (14½ oz.) Mexican-style stewed tomatoes 1 to 2 cups (4 to 8 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese 4 cups corn chips

In skillet, cook ground beef, celery, onion, green pepper and garlic until meat is browned and vegetables are tender; drain. Stir in rice, chili, mayonnaise, hot pepper sauce, salt and tomatoes. Pour mixture into 2½ qt. casserole. Bake at 350° for 35-45 minutes or until heated through. Top with cheese and corn chips. Return to oven for 3 to 4 minutes or until cheese is melted. Let stand a few minutes before serving. Yield: 6-8 servings. *** If you have a favorite recipe and want to share it with us, just send it in c/o The Shopper's Weekly, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to:, (Subject - ATTN: Lizzie) Also, if you have a household problem, like a stubborn stain or a kitchen conundrum, drop us a line, our readers just might have your solution! I'm also interested in your general decorating or household tips. Send your message in a bottle and we might just publish it and enlighten our readers! Until next week, Au Revoir! —Elizabeth Fenton

Centralia Cultural Society Announces:

Upcoming Events

• Monthly Training and Support • Regular Meeting with the Foster Care Team • Lead Foster Parent Peer Support • A Team with a Faith Based Mission

Contact us at or 618-242-5600 ext.243 for more information. We believe that ongoing trauma based therapeutic services, combined with longterm, consistent, and non-judgmental caretaking helps these teens prepare for a successful adulthood and self-sufficiency. Our program provides continuous training and support to foster parents, who are an integral part of the teens’ treatment team.


fi e t n e S B u p a per z z i P for Alvin & Malinda Mast

Location: Opdyke Ruritan Building Time: March 7 • 4:00 p.m.

Homemade Pizza Supreme Meat Lovers Cheese Homemade Ice Cream & Pie Bake Sale Pies, Breads, Donuts, etc... Malinda had a brain tumor in 2016 and is still struggling to pay hospital bills


m Chamber of Comm ter Sale erce

36th Annual


Garden, & Ag Expo

Elvis And Friends Musical Tributes

Salem Community Center 416 Oglesby

Saturday, March 10, 2018 Show Starts at 7:30

Saturday, March 3, 8:00am - 4:00pm Sunday, March 4, 12:00pm - 4:00pm

Elvis, Patsy Cline, Garth Brooks! Soups & Songs - Soup Tasting Starts at 6:30 p.m.

BYOB, Tickets $20.00.

The Best of Broadway Performances by “U Can Dance Performers” Salsa, Fox Trot, Waltz, Mamba.

March 24 • 7:00 p.m.

$15.00 Per Person, BYOB, Appetizers will be served in the Gallery. After show entertainment provided by The Presswoods. Pre-paid reservations may be made. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door.

Trivia Through Time - The Past Century

Saturday, April 7, 2018 • 7:00 p.m.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. $10.00 Per Person / 8 Maximum Per Table. Stragglers Welcome. $150 Prize for “Beat the Geeks.” A Chance to win $15 each round, otherwise the cash goes to the Geeks! $10 for Mulligans. The Geeks don’t get Mulligans. $250 for Best Themed Table - Sponsored by Lowell Jefferies. Come dressed in your favorite decade (wear) and decorate your table for a chance to win! BYOB, your own snacks and drinks. Call to reserve your table!

The Centralia Cultural Society Home of the Community Arts Center 1250 E. Rexford • Centralia • 532-2951

The Salem Chamber of Commerce Booth will be in the Bingo Room (hallway between gym and cafeteria) Stop In And Register Door Prizes & Free Popcorn

DEMONSTRATIONS FROM... Frito Lay & Coca Cola will be here all day Saturday & Sunday • Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. & Sunday, Noon-4 p.m. — Free Children Vision Screening for 6 months to middle school age, booth 41 • Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. — Free Hearing Screening, Lions Foundation Mobile Bus • Sunday, 1-3 p.m. — Free Bingo • Sunday, Noon-4 p.m. — Free Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Visit over 70 service, civic and business booths. See the new exhibits. Enjoy free samples. Win one of the hourly drawings. Visit with friends and neighbors.

Admission: $2.00; Family of 4 or More: $6.00; Children Under 5 Free

Call 618-548-3010 for more information.


The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area


Ministries by: Cliff Sanders

The Light of Hope It’s been said that a positive, hopeful person sees a light at the end of a tunnel. A pessimist looks at the end of a tunnel and sees a train coming. We cannot really live without hope. Before the turn of the 20th century, an asylum near Boston housed mentally challenged and disturbed individuals. One of the patients, called “Little Annie”, was totally unresponsive to others in the asylum. The staff tried to help her, but to no

avail. Finally, she was confined to a cell in the basement of the asylum and given up as being hopeless. A Christian lady who worked at the asylum believed that all of God’s creatures were special and needed love and care. She began spending her lunchtime in front of Little Annie’s cell reading to her and praying for her. Days went by, but Little Annie did not respond. She tried talking to her, but it was like talking to a stone wall.

Months went by. One day a brownie was missing from the plate that the caring woman had placed in Little Annie’s cell. Encouraged, she continued to read to her and pray for her. Eventually the little girl began to respond to the woman and talked to her through the cell door. The woman convinced the doctors to give Little Annie a second chance. They brought her up from the basement and continued to work with her. After two years, Little Annie was told she could leave the asylum and live a normal life. Little Annie chose not to leave because she was so grateful for the love and attention she was given by the dedicated Christian woman. Little Annie decided to stay and love others as she had been loved. She began working with other patients who were suffering as she had.

A half century later, the Queen of England had a ceremony to honor one of the most inspiring women in America, Helen Keller. When asked what she attributed her success to, Helen Keller replied, “If it had not been for Anne Sullivan, I would not be here today.” Anne Sullivan, who believed in an incorrigible, blind, and deaf little girl named Helen Keller, was “Little Annie”. Because a Christian woman brought the light of hope to a little forgotten girl in an asylum, the world was blessed with the gift of Helen Keller. The Apostle Paul and Silas were thrown in prison for preaching about Jesus Christ. They were beaten, bloodied, and bound in chains. But at midnight they began singing praises to God. God sent an earthquake

1. Is the Book of Darius in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. In biblical times, how long did the journey of Ezra ordinarily take from Babylon to Jerusalem? 3 days, 4 months, 2 years, 5 years

3. From Philippians 4, what does the Apostle Paul instruct us to do rather than worry? Cry, Pray, Love, Talk 4. What creature(s) did the prophet Joel have a vision of? Locust, Flies, Viper, Leeches 5. From John 18, who asked, "What is truth"? Moses, Paul, Pilate, David 6. In what were all of Job's children killed? Flo o d, Fire, Wind, Stampede

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AND ORGANIZATIONS: Have a recent event, upcoming event, or interesting story that your community should know about? Send it to us, including photos!


The Shoppers


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

that rocked the prison. Their chains fell off — the prison doors swung open. Fearing that all the prisoners had escaped, the jailer drew his sword to take his own life. Paul shouted for him not to do it. All the prisoners were accounted for. The jailer called for a light. In the darkest of circumstances there is a light of hope. A Christian woman shined it in the cell of Little Annie. The Philippian jailer found it in Paul and Silas’ cell. When the jailer saw Paul and Silas he cried, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and your household.” (Acts 16:25-33) Because Paul and Silas shined the light of hope in their midnight hour, multitudes found hope and lives were forever ANSWERS: 1) Neither; 2) 4 months; 3) Pray;

changed. Paul brought the light of hope to a suicidal jailer. Titus took that light to a depressed Paul. “But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus.” (II Corinthians 7:6) Little Anne took the light of hope she received while in a basement cell in an asylum to others such as Helen Keller. “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” (II Corinthians 1:4-5) Do you need the light of hope to shine into your darkness? There is light and hope — His name is Jesus. Come to the light! (Ephesians 5:14) Shalom, Cliff Sanders Eagle Life Ministries 4) Locust; 5) Pilate; 6) Wind © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

STION E U Q OF THE What has been your favorite thing about the Mt. Vernon Home Show? Peggy Johnson


(Coldwell Bank)

Meeting and talking to different people and seeing all the vendors from the surrounding areas.


Seeing every company in the area demonstrating their products.


Free prizes and giveaways and seeing what the community has to offer.


The bouncy house.


The dogs.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area



12 wedding tricks

add ease to planning and fun


Wedding tips can help keep stress minimal and reduce expenses.

rides and grooms understandably feel a little stress when planning their weddings. Adding to the pressure is the fact that, according to a report, the average couple in their 30s spends $32,000 on their wedding. That is a lot of money riding on one day. But planning a wedding can be even more fun than it is stressful, especially for those couples who employ a few tricks of the wedding planning trade. 1. Fake the cake. Save some money by asking the bakery cake artist to decorate a foam-tiered “mock” cake for pictures and display, and serve guests

from an inexpensive sheet cake in the kitchen. 2. Use labels. Once the guest list is finalized, create a database of guests’ addresses. Print out two sets of labels: One for addressing the invitations and the other to address the thank-you cards. 3. RSVP tricks. Number the back of RSVP cards and correspond the numbers to the guest list. If one or more responses is illegible, refer to the number to figure it out. 4. Embrace inexpensive decor. Dollar stores and craft stores are great places to find inexpensive decorative items. Empty wine bottles can be painted or glazed to serve as vases. Candle lanterns can be picked up at low

cost at many retailers. 5. Create an email address. To have all of the wedding-related details in one place, create a separate email address exclusively for wedding correspondence. 6. Use veil weights. These weights can be sewn into veils to prevent fly-aways during outdoor ceremonies or photoshoots. 7. Keep bugs at bay. Spray chair and reception table legs with insect repellent. Dryer sheets also can be tucked into inconspicuous spots to keep bugs away. 8. Save money on favors. Unless the favor is something to eat or something especially practical, you may consider skipping the favors altogether, as many guests tend to forget to take them home anyway. 9. Use page markers for seating. Use multicolored, selfsticking page markers

to create easy seating arrangements. Each color can represent a category: His, Hers, Friends, Work. 10. Make a photo clothesline. A clever and inexpensive idea is to pin photos of the couple to a string, cataloguing how they met and their time together leading up to the wedding. 11. Use loose flower centerpieces. Loose flowers in a vase are easier to sort and transport home for guests who want a memento. Make precut butcher’s paper or cellophane available to make bouquets. 12. Stock up on string lights. Lights can be wrapped around trees outdoors, strung indoors around windows or draped along buffet tables to create a romantic ambiance. Weddings can be expensive and stressful; therefore, couples can use all the tips they can to corral their expenses and tame their nerves.

How to handle seating wedding guests


eceptions may be big or small, lavish or casual. But regardless of their size or style, receptions all share a common element: They will require couples to set up seating arrangements for guests. Even though assigned seating isn’t mandatory, selecting seats for a sit-down dinner makes things simpler and reduces confusion. Some reception venues may even require assigned seating so that catering staff can service tables

accordingly. Seating guests can be tricky, but employing a few strategies can make the process go quickly and smoothly. Use a seating chart. A seating chart, whether it’s venue-specific or one couples make themselves, is essential. If you are using a self-made chart, inquire with the venue about the shape of tables, how many guests each table can seat, and the location of tables around the space.

Start with the wedding party table. Couples can ease themselves into the task of seating by doing the easy tables first. The primary one is the wedding party table. This traditionally can be a dais or a sweetheart table flanked by the wedding party. According to Martha Stewart Weddings, the table should be centrally located and the wedding couple should sit in the middle. A male-female pattern follows on

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either side of the couple, consisting of the ushers, bridesmaids, best man, and maid of honor. If much of the wedding party is already married, couples may opt to have the wedding party sit with their spouses instead of at the dais. Organize family tables. Tables for parents, grandparents and immediate family members of the bride and groom also are high priority. Both families can be combined at one

table, or they can be separated into two tables. These tables should be the closest to the bride and groom. Consider mobility issues. Next seat guests who have specific needs at tables. Elderly guests may want to be away from the band, deejay or speakers. Guests in wheelchairs may need an accessible seat near the exit. Get some help. Enlist the help of parents to seat their friends and extended family members. Parents

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may know best who gets along and who should be separated. Seat dancers near the dance floor. To encourage dancing, place guests who tend to be lively close to the dance floor so others can see them getting up to dance and join in. Couples can use apps, lists or self-made charts to plot their reception seating arrangements. Create place cards or a central chart so guests can find their seats promptly and easily.

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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wedding tools make planning easier


“A True Dining Experience” Phones, tablets and computers can give couples access to many different wedding planning resources.

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On Your Special Day!

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nsuring an event goes on with minimal hiccups takes patience and thorough planning. This is especially true for weddings, when many elements must merge together for a memorable day. Today’s couples have a bevy of new resources at their disposal to facilitate wedding planning. The internet makes vetting vendors and reading reviews that much easier, but wedding-related apps also can simplify wedding planning. The following are some top picks as culled by Wedding Shoppe, Inc., The Knot and Lifehacker. Wedding Spot: Couples can search for their ideal wedding venue based on location, budget, styles, and capacity. The website enables users to plan their ideal weddings and get cost estimates based on guest list and options. Users also can access discounts and exclusive deals. Wedding LookBook: This app enables couples to browse through thousands of dresses, accessories, jewelry, and much more. The app will help customers find products in their area. Shutterfly: This photo, invitation and image-sharing tool can be an inexpensive place to create save-the-date stationery, invitations, and photo memory books. Appy Couple: This app and website helps couples manage their budgets, timelines, wedding parties, and seating charts, while also allowing them to share photos. There is a free version and

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ince Ancient Roman times, June has been a popular month for couples to tie the knot. The month’s namesake, the goddess Juno, was said to be the protector of women in every aspect, but most notably in regard to marriage and childbearing. Therefore, it made sense to get married and take the first step toward creating a family in June. For practical reasons, June also has been a prime month for marriage because the month is neither especially hot nor especially cold in many areas of the world. While dressed in formalwear — whether having an outdoor wedding or an indoor



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basic packages that allow access to more features. iWedding Deluxe: In addition to managing timelines, to-do lists and vendors, this app offers inspiration ideas for gowns, manages and tracks gifts, and offers first dance suggestions from iTunes. However, it is only available to iPhone users. AllSeated: This tool can help couples figure out seating arrangements by creating 3D floor plans of the event, and couples can pull contacts from email and social networks to establish a guest list. If floor plans are unavailable in their database, they can be drawn. The Knot’s Marketplace: With the click of a button, couples can search for wedding vendors in all different categories, read reviews, and directly connect with those businesses. HitchSwitch: Brides or grooms who may be changing their names can do so in one convenient place. Three different packages cater to various name-changing needs. Vistaprint: These stationery specialists offer an array of services, from cards to invitations to personalized envelopes. Once a design is chosen, Vistaprint will offer add-on suggestions for coordinating items, helping to create a cohesive look for the festivities. Wedding websites, apps and more can streamline wedding planning.


one — no one wants to be overheated or uncomfortably cold.

While June is still a popular month to get married, the wedding

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resource The Knot indicates that autumn, in particular the months of September and October, has overtaken summer as the most popular wedding season. Warmer-than-average temperatures in autumn over the last few years as well as a dazzling display of natural color help make the fall a popular time for nuptials. Interestingly enough, perhaps due to a slightly cooler climate, a 2015 survey from Wedding Bells found August to be the most popular month to get married in Canada, and that 67 percent of weddings in Canada that year occurred between June and September.

Now! 115 E. 2nd Street • Centralia • 532-3214

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

Choosing wedding color palettes


ome brides may feel beholden to the color white on their wedding days, at least in regard to their gowns. Those who do often embrace the opportunity to showcase their personal styles and set the mood for their nuptials by embracing various colors throughout their ceremonies and receptions. Color can be a critical component when establishing the ambiance for a wedding. Color can evoke certain moods and set the tone for the day. Some colors work better together than others, so while choosing a color scheme may seem like an easy undertaking, some couples may find it requires more careful consideration than they first imagined. According to the bridal guide A Practical Wedding, wedding colors can give couples

a starting-off point for all of the other details of their weddings. This ensures the wedding ultimately has a cohesive look. Colors need not necessarily match, but borrowing on similar hues can make it easier to plan wedding party wardrobes, flowers, table linens, and much more. Colors can come from anywhere, but many couples try to coordinate their color schemes with the season in which the wedding takes place. In fact, couples who are finding it difficult to decide on a palette can look to seasonal colors for inspiration. For example, pastels and blooming flowers can set the scene for spring weddings, while jewel tones and rich reds and greens may be fitting for winter ceremonies. Some couples opt for more loosely defined color palettes, such as neutral and natural colors.

Country and garden weddings can borrow ideas from the landscape, with natural linens paired with wildflowers. Using whites, grays and beiges enables couples to add a pop of color without overwhelming the setting. B ri de s magazine suggests that couples avoid choosing too many colors. A maximum of three with one metallic can ensure that things look cohesive without being over-the-top. Also, brides and grooms needn’t feel pressured by the “hot” colors of the moment. As with clothing and hairstyles, trends change. It is better to select colors that will stand the test of time and look good for years to come. Couples may have to incorporate colors already at their wedding venues into their style. Fortunately many reception sites are outfitted in neutral tones to enable customization. The wedding resource The Knot also says having a basic knowledge of the color wheel can help. Typically, colors that pair well together are those that are opposites on the color wheel. Also, colors that share proximity on the color wheel will have similar tones and play well together. Examples of opposite colors include purples and yellows, reds and greens, and oranges and blues. Couples should not be afraid to take some chances with their color palettes, especially if they want to make a bold and modern statement.

Ultimate for the

in flowers for your


Rustic bouquets add natural flair to wedding celebrations


ouples opting to get back to basics, streamline their nuptials and create more intimate and less superficial affairs often gravitate toward rustic celebrations to showcase their ideals. Rustic weddings also may appeal to environmentalists and men and women who want their weddings to be as eco-friendly as possible. Rustic weddings may include those ceremonies and receptions that take place outdoors or in abodes, such as barns, wineries, castles, or converted silos or town factories. In fact, Bridal Guide says that barn weddings have never been more popular — among both urban and rural couples alike. Coordinating a rustic wedding may mean letting go of perceived notions of how everything from food to favors to flowers should be. In fact, one way to describe rustic weddings — and especially the floral arrangements that adorn them — is “purposely imperfect.” Rustic wedding bouquets may seem like they were plucked right out of the garden or grabbed through a stroll in a meadow. They’re rarely symmetrical or feature the customary flowers of more formal wedding celebrations. When designing rustic bouquets, florists may keep the stems of wildflowers or other blooms untethered for a relaxed feel. Long stemmed arrangements are quite popular, and trends point toward bouquets that are loosely tied with raffia, twine,

vines and other natural materials rather than more refined ribbon. Another way rustic bouquets set themselves apart is with the introduction

of other elements into the arrangements. Not merely blooms and greenery, rustic pieces may feature twigs, vines, berries, scabiosa pods, ivy, and feathery ferns. The heights of elements in the bouquet are varied, and the bouquets will not have an overly uniform shape. Rustic bouquets are far from pretentious, and brides shouldn’t feel that these bouquets are delicate or will fall apart when handled. When planning a rustic wedding, couples can work with their florists to create bouquets and arrangements that fit with their visions.

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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

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Wedding transportation trends


ouples planning their weddings routinely rely on professional transportation to bring them to and from the ceremony and reception. According to The Knot Real Weddings Study 2016, roughly half of all engaged couples will hire a transportation service such as a limousine or party bus for their weddings. Wedding transportation options abound, and some are more popular than others. The following are some of the ways couples are getting to the altar on time. wShuttles and buses: Investing in the guest experience means couples are seeking ways to provide comfort and convenience for their guests and wedding party members. Rather than asking guests to get themselves to and fro, couples may employ buses or shuttles stocked with amenities to transport a greater number of people. The Real Weddings Study indicates this type of transport has grown considerably more popular in the last six years. Exotic limousines: The chauffeurdriven limousine continues to be one of the most popular methods of transportation. However, to set their weddings apart, couples are trending away from traditional stretch limousines and renting something more trendy, such as limos built upon sports cars. SUV-based limos are still popular, with Hummers, Escalades and Navigators offering the wow factor. Vintage cars: For that A-list look right out of a classic movie, stepping out of a vintage vehicle creates redcarpet moments. Dream cars for this

type of glamorous arrival and departure include Rolls Royce, Bentley, Aston Martin and others. Many private companies rent classic vehicles. Couples also may contract with those who attend classic car shows. Water transport: Couples celebrating by the ocean, a lake or a river can make a grand entrance aboard a vessel. Water taxis, pontoon boats and even sleek speedboats may be the transportation of choice. The Knot says that couples spend around 6.5 months researching their wedding day transportation options and will make their decision and a reservation five months before their weddings. The more exotic the transportation option, the earlier couples should make their decisions to ensure they can book their first choice.


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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

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The undersigned person(s) does (do) hereby certify that my (our) business is or is to be conducted or transacted under the name of Whiteys Barber Shop, that its location is or will be at the address of 312 N. Main St., Sandoval, IL, 62882, in the County of Marion, State of Illinois, and that the true or real full name(s) of the person(s) owning, conducting or transacting the same, with the post office or address(es) of said person(s) is shown as below.

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I (we) further certify that the nature of my (our) aforementioned business is: Barbershop & Video Gaming. Dated this 8th day of Feb., 2018. Cynthia Hansen STATE OF ILLINOIS } } SS: COUNTY OF MARION } I, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Cynthia G. Hansen is/are the same person(s) who personally appeared before me this day and duly acknowledged that they executed the above certificate and that the statements contained therein are true. Dated this 9th day of February, 2018 Keirah Neudecker Notary Public STATE OF ILLINOIS } } SS: COUNTY OF MARION } I, Steven A. Fox, County Clerk of Marion County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the within is a true and correct copy of an Assumed Name Certificate on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at my office in Salem, Illinois, this 9th day of February, 2019. Steven A. Fox Marion County Clerk & Recorder

201 Business & Services

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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

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