The Shoppers Weekly Papers - Centralia/Salem Area

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The Shoppers

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Centralia / Salem Area

Vol. 31 No. 15

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, Illinois 62801

Centralia FFA Competes In Dairy Judging Competition Members of the Centralia FFA Chapter recently competed at the Section 21 Dairy Judging Contest held at the Greenville Fairgrounds. As a team they placed fourth out of nine teams and Robby Smith was the tenth place individual out of forty-five competitors. Cody Mays and Ali Ray just missed placing in the top ten by coming in eleventh and twelfth. Members had to judge seven classes of cows and heifers, and take a written test.

Pictured are Jessa Geibe, Ali Ray, Cody Mays, Reed Lampe, Robby Smith, and Logan Dailey Submitted Photo


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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

politics &



Wednesday, April 11, 2018




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Wow, what a week, starting with President Donald Trump addressing the caravan of at least 1,000 illegal immigrants traveling through Mexico at the present time, who are making it clear their goal — whether the U. S. likes it or not — is to cross the border into America. Well, not so fast. Trump took the bold step to order at least 4,000 armed National Guard troops to the border, and they will remain until the wall is built. However, keep in mind, Bush II as well as Obama sent the National Guard to the border. But, in my opinion, they weren't quite as committed as this President, and thousands and thousands slipped through. I'm not so certain that will happen this time, and at this point it's best those that have plans to cross over think twice. And to that I say good for the President. Enough is enough, when it's been reported that $64 billion of drugs have been smuggled across the border, killing many Americans yearly, as well as sucking our country dry through entitlements, which none of them deserve! And I'm not alone. I watched the mayor of Escondido, California emotionally state that he as well as his family came to our country legally 30 years ago, as most of our families did. The key word here is legally. The mayor said, "We are a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of legal immigrants. We are a nation of law and order." And trust, I realize — as many do — California is ground zero for Donald Trump on the issue of accepting illegals willingly, as their state goes deeper and deeper into debt and suffers from a high rate of crime committed by illegal im-

migrants, a broken welfare system, and one of the highest rates of homelessness, as well as crazy extremism. California Governor Jerry Brown, the first sanctuary governor, has filed as many as 27 lawsuits against the Trump Administration, but right now Brown is walking on thin ice as opposition is building against him and the left wing. They are facing a serious backlash from the right wing who are sick of the lawlessness. A prime example is the insanity of "catch and release." It's now reaching the point at least two California sheriffs are publishing the names of the illegals that they are being forced to release, to warn the legal citizens of their release. And so the insanity continues. Let's face facts. The law is the law is the law, or so I've been taught. And when we as a country cease to protect and secure our borders, we cease to be a republic. Where does that leave us? We have become the land of milk and honey for the illegals, but where does this leave those of us that are legal citizens picking up the burden for the illegals? Up next, the deadline to turn over documents from the Hillary Clinton email investigation came and went, with the DOJ and FBI ignoring the order. Keep in mind this is not a political issue; it's a legal matter. My question is what have the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation become? And it leads me to ask, what are they trying to sweep under the rug and who is behind it? Only time will tell. Moving on, as the swords rattle on the trade war between the U.S. and China, I again agree with

Trump when he's being accused of starting a trade war! He responded by saying, "We don't have a trade war. We've lost the trade war." And to that I agree. We lost the war on manufacturing and suffered the loss of jobs while George Bush and Barack Obama stood by. And last but certainly not least is Michelle Obama's latest comment about Trump, and no, not the one where she scolded and lashed out at female voters that voted for Donald Trump. I'm referring to the comment when she compared Trump to a neglectful parent who lets his children gorge on sweets all day and stay up late. The former first lady used the parent allegory to compare her husband's presidency to that of his successor. According to her, for the eight years Barack Obama was president it was like having the good parent at home. So my question, Michelle, is what's the candy? More jobs (1.7 million)? A tax cut bill? No ISIS attacks? Someone who stands up for our country? Someone who defends the Constitution? Eleven Obama legacy items repealed? Cutting unemployment to 4.1%? Dow Jones reaching a record high? A rebound in the economic confidence to a 17 year high? Not to mention rebirth of the coal industry? And I could go on and on. Michelle, I'll take Trump's candy over your husband's any day of the week. Until next week. To comment on this or any column in The Shopper’s Weekly, please mail to: Editor, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia IL 62801, email to or drop it off at the office on 301 E. Broadway. In order for your letter to be considered for publication, you must provide your signature and an address and phone number where you can be reached. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published.

Area Educator Receives Award The Regional Office of Education #13 is proud to announce that Kim Voss, Principal at the Alternative Learning Academy in C ent ra li a, has b e en awarded the Illinois Coalition for Educating At-Risk Youth (ICEARY) Region Four Excellence in Education Award! Mrs. Voss has 32 years’ experience in education and administration with a long list of endorsements in social/ emotional behavior and learning behaviors. The Alternative Learning Academy provides a highquality optional education

program for students who have been identified as truant, expelled or suspended, or students who are simply not successful in the traditional classroom setting. Principal Voss believes that social and emotional health comes first and when those needs are met, academic success follows. Kim Voss works tirelessly to build support systems for her students and their families. The award honors Mrs. Voss for her success in keeping students in school and helping them succeed in life. Â

Submitted Photo

Kim Voss

Openings Remain For Respiratory Therapy Program At KC Kaskaskia College has openings remaining for the Fall 2018 semester for its Respirator y Therapy Program, according to program coordinator Beth Urban.  Respiratory Therapists are members of the health care team that evaluate, treat, educate, and provide care for patients with heart and lung disorders. They are a vital part of the life-

saving response team that handle patient emergencies. Respiratory Therapists treat all types of patients, ranging from the premature infant to the elderly. In this rewarding career, you will become an important part in the patients “Breath of Life.�  A career as a Respiratory Therapist can provide a high tech and exciting career with the opportuni-

ties to make a difference in people’s lives. You will be the “Lung Health Expert.�  For further program information, contact: Beth Urban, Respiratory Therapy Program Coordinator at 618.545.3352 or by email at; or visit the program website at respiratory.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area


Sandoval March 2018 Students Of The Month


Sandoval Jr./Sr. High School Students of the month for March were recently recognized. These students were selected based on their outstanding ability to exhibit perseverance. Gifts were donated by Pisces Pools & Spas of Odin. Students honored were: 7th grade, Kailynn Kruep; 8th grade, Nevaeh Andrews; 9th grade, Megan Parson; 10th grade, Jasmin Tarlton; 11th grade, Summer Holt and Tina Wilkes; 12th grade, Bryce Bryan.

Unexpired — Any Type — Any Brand Will Pay Up To $10 / Box Call Ron 217-556-3398 Leave Callback Number “Helping Diabetics Since 2009”

Hudson-Gray Insurance 205 - 207 E. Third St. Centralia • 532-4724 Submitted Photo

Great insurance.

Felician Wellness Center Offering Spring "NExT" Classes Sign up now for the new NExT (Nutrition, Exercise Training) classes starting another spring session on Monday, Apr. 30, 2018, meeting twice a week for two hours, with morning, afternoon and evening classes offered for ages 14 and above Monday through Thursday for six weeks. The two hour wellness classes consist of an hour of class-

room with health care providers as instructors and an hour of workout to your tolerance. The remaining assessments for this new class will be held, Apr. 16, 17, 23, and 24 (assessments can be done the first week of class if necessary.) You may sign up for classes by calling the Felician Wellness Center at 618-532-6427 or going to

Jagroop Singh, M.D.

the center's location in Room 110 at the Centralia Recreation Complex at 115 E a s t S e c on d St re e t , Centralia, IL. Please call now to place your name on


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Upcoming Events A teen murder mystery! Thursday & Friday, April 12 & 13 at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 15 at 2:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday, April 20 & 21 at 7:00 p.m.

Bronze Expressions Handbell Ensemble

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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Shoppers


Apr. 11, 2018 - Apr. 17, 2018 Volume 31, Number 15

A Weekly Publication of

Centralia / Salem Area

The Shopper’s Weekly Inc.

Located at 301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223 Centralia Illinois 62801 Telephone (618)533-7283 Fax (618)533-7284 email: website:

Publisher / Editor Cathy Stuehmeier

Production Manager T. Scott Pinkowski

General Manager John Stuehmeier

Production/Web Staff Cindy Goodnight DeLorean Coleman

Advertising John Stuehmeier Cathy Stuehmeier Peggy Johnson Bud Davis Jeanie Beal

Copyright ©2018. All Rights Reserved.

Office Staff Linda Weible Bookkeeper Michelle Prosser

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Floral Platter Spring brings flowers, and lately designers are using more floral prints than usual for fabrics and designs. But a picture of a plant as a decoration on dinnerware is an old idea going back to at least the 1600s. In 1761, an Encyclopedia of Danish Flowers (Flora Danica) was commissioned by King Frederik V of Denmark. Thousands of hand-colored illustrations from engraved copper plates were made that accurately showed the wild flowers and plants. It was not completed until 1874, but some of the drawings were used to decorate a banquet service in 1790. The first Flora Danica dinner set of 1,802 pieces was made for King Christian VII to give as a gift to Empress Catherine II of Russia. It is said it was to make up for not helping the Russians in their war with Sweden. Catherine the Great died before the set was finished, so it stayed in Denmark. The remaining 1,530 pieces belong to Queen Margethe II, and some have been used for special occasions. You can still buy new dishes from the Royal Copenhagen factory or old ones at antiques shops and auctions. It is said to be the only 18th-century set that



is still being made. Each piece has a single plant pictured as the decoration. Dishes can be ordered with the preferred plant. A Flora Danica platter recently sold for almost $1,000. It was decorated with "Verbascum Thapsiforme Beuspidatum Shad." We call it a mullein or velvet plant. The tall yellow flowers are used in herbal medicine. Today there are more than 300 varieties of mullein, and more are being propagated to get more flowers, shorter flower stalks and other changes. If you own a Flora Danica piece, be very careful. Even a tiny chip in the notched edge can lower the price by half or more. *** Q: I bought a Belleek creamer and sugar bowl decorated with a yellow ribbon and bow back in the 1960s. The marks has a circle "R" over a harp and the words "Belleek, Ireland" and "Deanta in Eirinn, Reg. No. 0857." The sugar bowl has a green mark and the creamer a black mark. Why are the marks different colors? A: The black mark with the words Deanta in Eirinn was used from 1926 to 1946. The green mark that is the same, except for the color, was used from 1946 to 1955. A sugar and creamer pair usually have

This 20th-century Flora Danica porcelain platter is 18 1/2 inches by 14 1/4 inches. It features a tall, yellow mullein flower. The dish is fully marked on the bottom with factory marks and the impressed number 3520. It sold for $984 in a Skinner Inc. auction in Massachusetts.

the same marks since they were bought at the same time. Belleek made some patterns for many years, and you may have a replacement for a broken piece. *** TIP: Your cellphone's camera is a magnifying glass. Focus on the marking you want to read and go in for a close-up. It is great for ceramics or prints, but a little difficult for metal because of glare. No need for a ruler and a magnifier anymore. Now you can go to a show with a dollar bill (a 6-inch ruler) and a phone. For more collecting news, tips and resources, visit © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.

STION E U Q OF THE Whatʼs your favorite thing to play at the park? Peggy Johnson

AND ORGANIZATIONS: Have a recent event, upcoming event, or interesting story that your community should know about? Send it to us, including photos!


Giana Tag.


The swings and merrygo-round. Oh, and the slide! Ok, mostly everything.

The Shoppers



The swings.

Emma Swings.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

South Central FFA Members Participate In Dairy Career Development Event South Central FFA Members recently participated in the Section 19 Dairy Evaluation Contest. The event was held at Bond County Fairgrounds. FFA Members participated in the Dair y Evaluation Workshop that was presented before the actual contest began. Members were taught what character traits are favorable for dairy cattle to have that will allow for more production. T h e D a i r y C at t l e Evaluation and Man age me nt C are e r Development Event helps students develop skills in dairy cattle selection and h e r d m a n a g e m e n t . Participants evaluate the cattle’s physical characteristics explain their various classes and analyze a herd record as a team. Sandoval came in as the eighth place team in Section 19. Jacob

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Webber’s Wagon

Submitted Photo

Pictured (L to R) front row: Kaleb Lacey, Jacob Hanks, Trenton Geiler, Seth Shumate, Dylan Wagoner; back row: Mason Robb, Ryan Matheny, Andrew Lybarger, Brody Huddlestun, Cotter Hiestand, and Dawson Carter. Hanks of South Central FFA member did receive first place individual within Section 19; with a score of 355 and received a ribbon for his accomplishment. The top five scorers for South Central FFA were;


Jacob Hanks with 355 points, Andrew Lybarger with 332 points, Lexie Reid with 315 points, Kaleb Lacey with 299 points and Cotter Hiestand with 296 points. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives

of students by developing their potential for premier le adership, p ers ona l growth, and career success through agricultural education. South Central High School is in Farina, Illinois.

and claws

Dedicated To Our Four-Footed Fuzzy Children.

Should Shock Collars be Banned in U.S.? DEAR PAW'S CORNER: What do you think about England banning "shock collars," which give dogs a mild electric shock when they misbehave or try to cross an electric-fence boundary? — Jim H., via email DEAR JIM: I'm all for it. Shock collars are just plain cruel. Never mind that they give purely negative feedback, something that should be limited when training a dog. England's ban will take effect this year. Other parts of Britain already have banned or are considering a ban on the use of shock collars, including Wales


and Scotland. Here in t he U.S., however, there is no such legislation that I know of in any state that bans the sale or use of shock collars. A growing movement is taking shape, however: The Animal Rescue Site is circulating a petition and plans to deliver it to the House Committee on Agriculture, as well as the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal Care. Organizations including the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior and the Humane Society of the United States have issued statements against the use of these collars. "The least humane and most controversial use of the shock collar is as a training device," the HSUS says on its website. As AVSAB says in its position paper on the issue, "Training should focus on reinforcing desired behaviors, removing the reinforcer for inappropriate

Centralia Animal Shelter’s

Pets Of The Week

1. This is an older adult, male Lab mix. He is friendly. 2. This is a young, brindle, male mix pup. He is very friendly. 3. This is the brother to #2. He is also very friendly and full of energy. 4. This is a young, brindle Mastiff mix. He is a great looking dog. Residents of the City of Centralia who own a dog or cat are required to purchase a city tag for each animal. They can be purchased at City Hall. Failure to purchase this tag can result in a $150.00 fine. If you are interested in a Pet of the Week, or any animal, call 533-7647 or visit the Centralia Animal Shelter. Directions to the shelter are as follows: Turn south at the intersection of Hwy. 161 E. (McCord) and Airport Rd. Go 1-1/2 miles, then turn left on Copple Rd. Go 1/2 mile to Woods Lane, turn left to shelter on left. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday.

ADOPT AN ANIMAL, SAVE A LIFE! Visit Us On Petfinder: Visit Us On Facebook: centraliaillinoisanimalcontrolshelter




behaviors, and addressing the emotional state and environmental conditions driving the undesirable behavior." In short, owners who want to train their dogs correctly should focus on

positive reinforcement. If training a dog becomes difficult, consult a professional trainer rather than shift straight to a shock collar or choke collar. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Raise Your Paw If You Want Your Picture Taken! Send us a cute photo of your fuzzy child and we may print it in our next edition of Paws & Claws. Send photos to P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to Or drop your photo by our office at 301 E. Broadway, Centralia.

Williams Pond Rescue for Horses 618-339-1571 • Salem, IL

House Of Hope

centralia humane society 1. Gay is a seven-month-old, female long haired tortoise shell calico. She is a little shy but is slowly but surely coming out of her shell! She loves getting under things.


2. Queenie is a one-year-old, female short haired tortoise shell calico. She is so sweet and loves people! She loves to be petted and to sit in your lap.


3. Kiley is a five-year-old, female DLH. She is sweet and mild mannered. She’s a quiet girl and would love to be your companion! 4. Addy is a three-year-old, female tabby. She loves her cat tower and to lie in the sun. This sweet girl has beautiful green eyes and is so soft!

“Montana” is a 10 year old 14.1 hh Arabian cross mare. She is broke to ride for an intermediate rider. Would make a great gaming pony with a little more training. Leads, loads, picks up feet, easy to saddle. She has a negative coggins and teeth have been floated. Ready for a new home! Adoption Fee: $600

Washington County Animal Control’s


Pets In Need


If you have any questions, please call the Centralia Humane Society at 618532-0489.


This And That Shop


This is a male mixed breed.

Washington County Animal Control 17990 Richview Road, Nashville, IL • 618-327-9471 • Hours: Mon-Sat. 8:00-1:00


The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Rumors of a change in the workplace could make you a mite uneasy about going ahead with implementing your ideas. Best advice: Ignore the talk and proceed as planned. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Everyone has an opinion on how to handle a recent business suggestion. Thank them for their advice. Then go ahead and follow your own fine instincts. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) While home is your main focus this week, new issues in the workplace need your attention as well. Take things step by step. Pressures ease in time for weekend fun. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Be less rigid when handling a relationship problem. You might believe you’re in the right, but try to open your mind to the possibilities of facts you’re currently not aware of. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Leos and Leonas run at a hectic pace throughout much of the week. But by the weekend, the Lions’ Dens become a purrrfect place for you Fine Felines to relax in. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Change is favored early in the week. This should make it easier for you to reassess your plans for handling a troubling professional relationship. Good luck. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A suggestion from a colleague could give your professional project

that long-needed boost. Meanwhile, someone close to you still needs your emotional support. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Before complying with a colleague’s request, check to see that the action benefits all, not just one person’s agenda. Continue firming up those travel plans. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your social life is on the upswing, and the only problem is deciding which invitations to accept. Enjoy yourself before settling down for some serious work next week. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) With your creative aspects on high, you might want to restart your work on that novel or painting you put aside. Your efforts will bring a surge in your self-esteem. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) While you’re generous with others, be sure you’re not overlooking your own needs. Take time to assess your situation and make adjustments where necessary. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Being applauded for your achievement is great. But watch out that you don’t start acting like a star. It could lose you valuable support with your next project. BORN THIS WEEK: Your strong belief in justice, along with your leadership qualities, help you protect the rights of others. © 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

Marion County Housing Authority Women United Scholarship Garden Gathering Meetings Now Available

Submitted Photo

Marion County Housing Authority recently held Garden Gathering meetings at various locations. Residents gave input on what they would like to see planted as well as how they can help to support and

maintain the community gardens. Pictured, MCHA residents in Odin share their thoughts on the community garden wit h University of Illinois Extension Program Coordinator Chris Lueking.

KC Theatre Guild To Present Play The Kaskaskia College Theatre Guild will present “Tales of the Witch, the Wolf, and the Bridge Troll” in the KC Jane Knight Auditorium, Wednesday and Thursday, April 18 and

19 at 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, April 22 at 2:00 p.m. All performances are free, No reservations needed for the evening and Sunday performances.

United Way of South Central Illinois’ Women United (formerly the Women’s L e adership Council) announces that the application process for their $500 scholarship is now open. The WLC Scholarship is open to any Jefferson, Marion, Wabash, Washington or Wayne County high school senior entering college as a fulltime student in the fall. The scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from GenFed Financial Credit Union and will be awarded to a student who has shown exemplary volunteer and leadership roles in their school and/or community. “Our Women United group is so excited to continue our work in the community by offering this scholarship to a graduating senior, with the help of GenFed. Our diverse group of women continues to grow, and our core mission is to take action to strengthen women and families in

our community, and very grateful for all the support we’ve received since we began in 2016,” stated Sandy Sinnett, WU Chair. Applicants are asked to submit a 300-400 word essay answering the following two questions: (1) Why should you be the WLC Scholarship recipient? and (2) How are you making a difference in your school and/or community? The student should also include t heir name, address, email address, phone number, name of college/university attending in the fall and their major or field of study. Lastly, a letter of recommendation from a teacher, volunteer supervisor or other (non-family) adult is required. Completed applications are due by 4pm on April 13, 2018 and should be emailed to uwjc@ and will be presented to the winner at our 2018 Power of the Purse event in June.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012

tive speech, motor movements or use of objects; • Excessive adherence to routines; • Ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior; • Excessive resistance to change; • Highly restricted interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus; • Hyper or hypo reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment.

ASD represents two primary diagnostic criteria: 1. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction; 2. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.

A ut i s m Awareness Month April Is

April is Autism Awareness Month. So what it Autism? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. Children and adults with ASD may find it difficult to relate to other people, and may show restrictive and/or repetitive patterns of behavior or body movements. There is a wide range of ability among people with autism. Some are gifted and others need significant

levels of support to ensure their health and well-being. ASD Facts • As many as one in 68 children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). • ASD is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. • ASD is the fastest growing developmental disability, with recent prevalence studies indicating a 23% increase. • More people than ever are being diagnosed with ASD.

Social Communication/ Interaction • Difficulty establishing or maintaining back-andforth conversations and interactions; • Inability to initiate an interaction; • Problems with shared attention or sharing of emotions and interests with others; • Abnormal eye contact, posture, facial expressions, tone of voice and gestures, as well as an inability to understand these; • Lack of interest in other people; • Difficulties in pretend play; • Engaging in age appropriate social activities; • Problems adjusting to different social. Restrictive/Repetitive Behavior • Stereotyped or repeti-

There Is Hope ASD is a life-long disability. And while there is no cause or cure, nor a known singular effective treatment, it is treatable. People with autism—at any age—can make significant progress through therapy and treatments, growing to lead meaningful, productive lives. However, experts agree that early diagnosis and early intervention are critical — because the earlier people with autism get help, the better their outcomes will be in the future. Screening Is For Every Child All children should be screened for developmental

Autism Awareness Month


Excavating & Sanitation

5400 Tonti Rd. • Salem


Upcoming Area Blood Drives The American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to give blood during National Volunteer Month this April. Make an appointment by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). All those who come to donate from April 9 to May 13, 2018, will be entered to win one of three $1,000 gift cards to a national home improvement retailer, courtesy of Suburban Propane. (Restrictions apply. More details are available at Upcoming blood drives are listed below. Clinton County: April 16, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., Breese District No. 12, 777 Memorial Drive, Breese. April 19, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., St. John's United Church of Christ, 21 North Walnut, Trenton. April 21, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Dairy Queen, 910 12th Street, Carlyle. April 23, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., Damiansville Elementary School, 101 East Main Street, Damiansville. April 24, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m., American Legion Hall, 1105 Sycamore, Germantown.

disabilities, including autism. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that formal screening for autism be conducted at 18 months and 24 months and developmental screening should occur throughout childhood. Did you know? The annual estimated cost of providing services to children with ASD in the United States is estimated to be $11.5 billion. With early diagnosis and intervention, the overall cost of treatment can be greatly reduced over an individual's lifespan. Pediatrics, 2014 ASD Support Groups It is very important for families dealing with autism to have an opportunity to share experiences, get information and advice, and to find better services and provision for their children. ASD support groups can offer that type of support. Salem Support Group SPEAK (Suppor ting Parents and Encouraging Awesome Kids) Parent Support Group is a group for parents, grandparents,

April 24, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., St. Rose School, 18004 St. Rose Road, Breese. April 30, 2 p.m. - 7 p.m., American Legion Hall, 601 South Clinton Street, Aviston. Marion County: April 16, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Kaskaskia College, Shattuc Road, Centralia. April 17, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Kaskaskia College, Shattuc Road, Centralia. April 24, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., Kell Fire Department, 201 3rd St., Kell. April 25, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m., Community Building Salem, 416 Oglesby, Salem. April 25, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m., Odin Public School, 102 South Merritt Street, Odin. April 25, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School, 9545 Shattuc Road, Centralia. April 27, 8:15 a.m. - 2 p.m., Salem High School, Route 37 North, Salem. April 28, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Centralia Elks Lodge, 235 Nor th Locust Street, Centralia. Washington County: April 26, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., Oakdale Grade School, 280 E. Main St., Oakdale.

and caregivers of children with special needs such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorder, etc. Started by two early intervention therapists, SPEAK is a group where parents can meet, ask questions, request information, discuss challenges, and share accomplishments regarding their child(ren). Meetings are held once a month and may be informational, with a guest speaker, or may include an interactive craft/activity with parents and children. A KWI Early Intervention therapist offers child care and play with the children while parents attend meetings. They also hold small events such as a sensory friendly trick-or-treat, Easter egg hunt, and small sensoryfriendly outings as they are able. Come see them at Kaskaskia Workshop/CRC in Salem, IL at 315 Westgate Ave. on the third Monday of each month at 6 pm. Like them on Facebook (SPEAK Parent Support Group), email them at speak.kwi@, or call them at 618-548-1878 for more information.


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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

First United Church Of Christ Dedication Service By Cathy Stuehmeier

Cooking With Lizzie

Catch Of The Day

Submitted Photo

Saturday evening, April 7, I had the pleasure of being invited to a service of dedication to the renovation and addition by DAL Construction to Friedens United Church of Christ in Irvington where they welcome all people to worship and to serve in any and in all capacities. The service started at 7:00 p.m. and was conducted by Friedens' Pastor Stacy Tate, who has pastored the congregation for

• On April 15, 1783, the Contine–ntal Congress of the United States officially ratifies a preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain. Five months later, the Treaty of Paris was signed, bringing an end to the Revolutionary War. • On April 9, 1859, a 23-year-old Missouri youth named Samuel Clemens receives his steamboat pilot's license. Clemens is better known by the pseudonym "Mark Twain," a boatman's call noting that the river depth was two

14 years. Pastor Tate pointed out the renovation and addition plans started in 2010 with the congregation's desire to make more room as well as making it more accessible in order to serve God's plan under the Pastor's guidance, and on Saturday evening all joined together in this blessed celebration. The evening included a number of speakers, the orchestra of bells by the

Hallelujah Chorus, a special word by Mayor Gera Sims, and a blessing of the doors by Pastor Tate that will and welcome all! The ceremony was followed by refreshments as many gathered for faith filled singing by the members and tours of the new addition. Friedens United Church of Christ is located at 307 S. Third in Irvington, IL.

fathoms (12 feet) and safe for travel. • On April 14, 1912, the luxury liner RMS Titanic, on its maiden voyage, fails to divert its course from an iceberg, ruptures its hull and begins to sink. Of the estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard, some 1,500 were killed. • On April 12, 1945, while on a vacation, President Franklin Roosevelt suffers a stroke and dies. FDR had been elected president four times

All Rights Reserved



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Whole Boneless Beef Ribeyes


Sliced Free!

207 E. Huron St. Irvington, IL 249-6905

724 E. Noleman Centralia, IL 533-3300

Open: Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. –6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. –1 p.m. Closed Sunday

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Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 –6:00 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. –12 p.m. Closed Sunday

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$ 88 3 Lb. Bag


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Pepsi Products 6-Pack


Combine cabbage, carrots, green pepper, and pickle relish in a large bowl; toss gently to combine. Combine mayonnaise, sugar and salt; stir well. Pour mixture over cabbage, tossing gently to combine. Cover and refrigerate at least 30 minutes, or until serving time. Yields 10 servings. *** If you have a favorite recipe and want to share it with us, just send it in c/o The Shopper's Weekly, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, IL 62801 or email to: info@, (Subject - ATTN: Lizzie) Also, if you have a household problem, like a stubborn stain or a kitchen conundrum, drop us a line, our readers just might have your solution! I'm also interested in your general decorating or household tips. Send your message in a bottle and we might just publish it and enlighten our readers! Until next week, Au Revoir! —Elizabeth Fenton

Your Good Health Is Their

Sliced Free!

Whole Boston Butt Pork Roast


Delta Fried Catfish

Eric Bandy and his caring staff are waiting to help you and yours with all your prescription needs and are eager to answer any of your questions because

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1 cup cornmeal 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1½ tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. sugar 1/4 tsp. garlic powder 1/4 tsp. black pepper 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 egg beaten 2/3 cup milk 1/3 cup minced onion Vegetable oil for frying Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add egg, milk, and onion, stirring just until dry ingredients are moistened. Let batter stand 3 to 5 minutes. While batter is standing, start heating oil to 375° F. in a large, deep skillet. Drop batter by rounded tablespoonfuls into hot oil. Fry, turning once, for 3 to 5 minutes, or until hush puppies float to top of oil and are golden brown. Drain well on paper towels. Yields about 1½ dozen.

and had served for more than 12 years, the only president ever to serve more than two terms. • On April 11, 1951, President Harry Truman relieves the flamboyant and egotistical Gen. Douglas Baked Beans MacArthur of command of 2 (16 oz.) cans pork and beans 3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar U.S. forces in Korea. The 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup ketchup firing set off a brief uproar 1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper 2 tsp. prepared mustard among the American 4 slices bacon 1 green bell pepper, cut into thin rings public, and he returned Preheat oven to 350° F. Combine all ingredients, except bacon and pepper home to a hero's welcome. rings; stir well. Spoon into a lightly greased 2-quart baking dish. Arrange bacon • On April 10, 1963, the slices and pepper rings over top. Bake, uncovered, for 1 hour. Yields 6 servings. atomic submarine USS Thresher sinks in the North Country Coleslaw Atlantic during deep-divFried fish and hush puppies go hand in hand with this creamy coleslaw. A ing tests, killing the entire 129 man crew. An investi- small amount of shredded red cabbage can be stirred in for more color. gation found that a silver1 small cabbage, shredded 1½ cups shredded carrots brazed joint in the engine 1/2 cup diced green bell pepper 1/2 cup sweet pickle relish room had caused a short in 3/4 to 1 cup mayonnaise 1 T. sugar critical electrical systems. 1/2 tsp. salt © 2018 Hearst Communications, Inc.

— John

$ 48

Hush Puppies

Vegetable oil for frying 6 whole, cleaned catfish (4 to 5 lbs.) 3 cups cornmeal 1¼ tsp. salt 2½ cups buttermilk Start heating oil to 350° F. in large, deep skillet. Rinse fish under cold water; pat dry and set aside. Combine cornmeal and salt in a large bowl. Dip fish in buttermilk and dredge in cornmeal mixture. Fry fish, several at a time, until they float to top and are golden brown. Drain well. Serve immediately. Yields 6 servings.

“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.

Red Seedless Grapes

Spring has finally arrived, teasing us with warmer weather yet to come–the hot days of Summer. I love fried fish, hush puppies, slaw and baked beans. I always consider that menu a summer treat! Hush puppies always remind me of a story I heard as a kid. I was always told as a kid, hush puppies were created in the fishing camps along the coast. While camp cooks were frying fish, they would throw scraps of fried batter to the barking dogs and yell, "Hush puppies!"

We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct printing errors.


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5123 U. S. Hwy. 50, Salem Hours 7am-6pm mon.-fri.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area

The Shoppers

Legals .......................................... 100 Antiques ...................................... 101 Arts & Crafts ............................... 102 Announcements .......................... 103 Adoptions .................................... 104 Auctions ...................................... 200 Business & Services ................... 201 Computers & Services ................ 202 Financial Services ...................... 203 Gunsmithing Services ................ 204 Lost & Found ............................... 205 Daycare ....................................... 206 Hunting & Fishing ....................... 207 Travel........................................... 208


201 Business & Services

201 Business & Services



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Business Opportunities

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Health & Fitness

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Miscellaneous For Sale

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Help Wanted OUR701 AREA

Wanted To Buy


Mobile Homes For Sale ............... 505 Business Property....................... 506 Lots & Acreage............................ 507 Farming ....................................... 508 Firewood ..................................... 509 Furniture & Appliances ............... 602 Music........................................... 603 Pets & Supplies ........................... 605 Business Opportunities .............. 606 Help Wanted ............................... 701 Situations Wanted....................... 702 Rummage Sales .......................... 801 Wanted To Buy ............................ 802 Wanted To Rent ........................... 803 Miscellaneous ...............................805

Automotive Services................... 301 Auto/Trucks For Sale .................. 302 RVs/Campers .............................. 303 Boats/Watercrafts ...................... 304 Motorcycles/ATVs ....................... 305 Health & Fitness ......................... 306 Construction & Home Improvement ................. 401 Lawn & Garden ........................... 404 Buildings for Sale/Rent .............. 500 Houses For Sale .......................... 501 Houses For Rent.......................... 502 Apartment For Rent .................... 503 Mobile Homes For Rent .............. 504



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by: Cliff Sanders

Recovering From Failure Someone has said, “To err is human — to forgive is divine.” We all have times of failure in our life. When Jesus was arrested, put on trial, and crucified, most of his followers deserted him. Three times Peter denied even knowing Jesus before a little servant girl. He wept tears of repentance and God forgave him. But, like so many, Peter had a difficult time forgiving himself. After Jesus arose from the dead, he met Peter and the disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and the divine son of God reached out his arms of love and restoration. Let’s learn how Peter recovered from humbling failure as we observe his actions in John 21. REPENT of failure. Peter wept tears of repentance when he realized he had denied his Lord. Judas sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver, but he didn’t repent. God is always merciful to those who sincerely repent

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Wednesday, April 11, 2018


of sin and failure. “Repent therefore . . . that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” (Acts 3:19) RETREAT with fellow believers. Retreat means to withdraw. Jesus would periodically retreat with his disciples to a solitary place to be refreshed. Soon after the risen Lord had appeared to his followers, Peter said, “I’m going fishing.” (John 21:1-3) The other disciples replied, “We’ll go with you.” Jesus has ordained that his followers do life together. This is called church. We need one another for full recovery. Life’s experiences are more fun when you can share them with others. The body of Christ strengthens and supports one another as they worship the risen Lord. REACT in faith and obedience to the word of the Lord. The disciples had fished all night and came up empty. (John 21:5-6) Life doesn’t always come

2. From Song of Solomon 1:15, what kind of eyes does the b eloved say the Shulamite has? Kind, Red of the demon, Doves, Blue of the sea 3. Used as both a greeting and farewell, what's the Hebrew word for "peace"? 1. Is the book of Psalms Shass, Simcha, Shabbat, in t he Old or Ne w Shalom Testament or neither?

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out as we expect it to. Jesus shouted out to them from the shore. “Cast your nets on the right side of the boat.” When they obeyed, they had a miracle catch. What a surprise! I love the word serendipity. It means, “the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident.” I believe God delights in giving us serendipitous moments of delight, to help us in the recovery process as we learn to react in faith. RUN to Jesus — not away from him. Peter had been running from Jesus, living in condemnation. When he realized it was Jesus on the seashore, he jumped out of the boat and swam to Jesus. Our human tendency is to avoid Jesus in our failures. But recovery requires the very opposite. Run to Jesus! (James 4:6-8) In every battle, God is teaching you to run to the cross and cry out to him for deliverance. REFRESH yourself by feasting with Jesus. When the disciples got to the shore, they saw Jesus had a fire going and had bread and fish for them. Breakfast with Jesus is the breakfast of champions. An old hymn says, “’Come and dine,’ the Master calleth, ‘come and dine;’ You may feast at Jesus’ table all the time.” Jesus has his living word to give life and renewal to

4. In Matthew 6, what Haggai, Gershom, Mark, did Jesus say not to use Zebudah when we pray? Loud curses, ANSWERS: Impure thoughts, Vain rep1) Old; etitions, Wandering shifts 2) Doves; 5. As found in Esther 1, 3) Shalom; King Ahasuerus lived in 4) Vain repetitions; what city? Ur, Shushan, 5) Shushan; Antioch, Tarsus 6) Gershom 6. Who was the first son © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc. of Moses and Zipporah?

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those who will come to his table. REJOICE in the risen Lord. “They knew it was the Lord.” (John 21:10-14) When you know the living Savior, no one can dissuade you, nothing can defeat you. Ancient Job declared in his suffering, “I know my redeemer lives.” (Job 19:25) RECOMMISSIONED. Three times Jesus asked Peter, “Peter, do you love me? . . . Feed my sheep.” (John 21:12-14) Jesus was renewing, reinstating and recommissioning Peter. Rest assured, God is not done with you. God specializes in recovery and restoration. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9) REFOCUS on your mission. (John 21:19-22) Peter questioned Jesus about John’s assignment. Jesus told him to mind his own business. “You follow me,” Jesus said. We all have different callings and gifts. Don’t look at others — refocus on Jesus and your own mission. Recovery continues when we live as if Jesus is returning soon. He is! Follow Jesus. Shalom, Cliff Sanders Eagle Life Ministries

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*All payments with 10% cash down or trade plus tax, title, lic. & doc. fee with approved credit. Dealer will not honor pricing errors in this ad. Interest rates are 3.9% 63 Mo.; 4.9% 72-75 Mo.; 5.5% 84 Mo. on used. Chevy Employee Discount available only on 2017 models excluding select base trims and purchase of 2018 Equinox and Silverado 1500 Crew Cab. Not available with other offers. At participating dealers. All New GMCs are at the Sparta location.

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